Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 292 Connemara Lane - Paddy Row Sub - 6/23/2005 11/03/2005 02:13 323220'3 t'<U I H HUMt.::> ~CUCKAL~M~~~YMANA~~M~IA~N~Y NA TlONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE rHUl:.. CJU a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 3}y Expires December 31.2005 I Read the instnlctions on pages 1 .7. SECTION A. PROPl!RTY OWNER INFORMATION Fa In!mnca CallWlY Use; BUILDING OWNER'S NAME poncy Number ROTH HOMES BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including A~, UnR, SUile. and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAlC NUmber 292 CONNEMARA lANE CITY STATE ZI~ CODE EAGLE 10 83816 PfiIDpERTY OESCRlPTION (L~ 8I'Id BItQ Numbers, Tax Parr:eI NlBnber, Legal ~, etc.) LOT 21. PADOY ROIIV SUBDMsION BUILDING USE (e.g., ResId8nIfaI, Non~UeI. Adcliion, ~,etc. Use a CcmrnenIs area, if necessary.) RESIDENTlAl LATrTUDEIL.ONGI1'tIOE (OPTIONAl..) HORIZONTAL DAn.JM: SOURCE: C) GPS (Type):_ ( #If. ## . fi.:I#" or ##.1III#ttfP) 0 NAO 1927 0 NAO 1983 0 USGS Oulld MaD o Oth"'f' ,.. SECTION B. R..OOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMAOON I ~.~~NAM!&CQf.t.Uny~ I ~rnMYNAME I ~~TE 64. /IMP AND PANEL 87. ~ PAl'EL 89. BASE FlOCO ELEVATION(S) NlMlER 85. SUFFIX B6. FIRM INDEX DATE EFFEC~DATE B6. FLOOO ZOOI:($) (Zale MJ. U9B daptl of txxlf~) 16l101C0153 H 2.19-03 2-19-03 AH 2562 B10.lndIcalelhesoorooofltleSage Flood ~ (BFE) dataa'baseAooddeplhen!eted In 89. o F1S Profile 121 FIRM 0 Coommity Determined 0 0Iher (Describe): _ 811.lndlcatelhe elevalim datum USGd fortheBFEin 89: D!lGVD 1929 181 NAVD 1988 0 0Iher(De9cr1be):_ 812.ls the ~ 10C<ied In a Coastal Banier ResouIO!8 System (CBAS) area or OtherwIse PIolecled Area (OPA)? 0 Yes 0 No DesmalJon Dale sarrJON C.. BULDN3 ELEVATION 1N=ORMA11ON (SURVEYREQIJRED) el. BuOclIngelevalbns we based crI: 0 CCI1structJon /Jra,Wlgs- 0 Eltti1g lI1lierConslruclkJf 181 Flmhed CaI9lJucflon "A new Elevalion CEl'tibtewl be ~ when ~ dthebu~ is~ C2. Bulkllng DIagmm Number ~ (Seled1he buIIdI1g ~ m:lSl silriarto lhebutirg1or~ 1hlsoer1lflaie is being ~sted . see pages 6 ind 7. /fno diagr!rn tmJrnleIy mpresenIs #1e bUlding, proykfe a sketch 0/' p/1c:t'ogr.Ipl.) C3. Elevations - Zales A 1-A30, AE. AH, A (\\1th BFE), VE, V1-\f.Xl, V (wiIh BFE). AR, ARIA, ARIAE, ARIA 1~, ARtAH. AAJAO Ccmplete Ilems C3.~ bebv aooorcIng to the botingdlv<m spedlIed In Itsn C2. _1hedaltrn used.lff1edalumls rifferenHl'Omthedalum usedb-lhe BFE in Soc:liol B. oorrvertthedalum to thal used fortI'IJ BFE. ShcMfleId measurements snddmCO'Mll'Sia1 caIaJIalioo. Use the 9p3C9 plOI.Iided or the Comrrents area of Section 0 or Section G, as appropIf*, to doct.menIlhe daI1rn cotl\ll!r'Sk)n, D3lum ~ ConverslonIComments_ Elevallon rererenoe mark used _Does lhe elevBlOl1 refeIence mark US9'J appeiJ' on the ARM? 0 Yes 181 No o a) Top of boltomfloot rlfldudng basemenlor endOStll'8) 2569. l11.(m) o b)TopofnexthlgherflOOl' ~.ilt.(m) o c) Bottom r:A lowest horizootal structural member (V zonee only) NJA . _ft.(m) o d)Attached~(topofslab) 2561. ~f\.(m) o e) laNest elevation Ii madllnery and/or equipment setVidng the bUlldng (De!lcribe in a Comments 8100) ~.lfl.(m) o ij Lowest~acent(flnished)gta:Je (LAG) 255B .1ft.(m) o g) HJghesl adJa::ent (~nished) grade (HAG) 2560. i.f\.(rn) o h) No. d pemment openings (flood vents) wtthin 1 ft. abow cQamt gr<de:a> o I) Total aread aU pemmentcpenlng!l (IIood~) n Clh1QOO..sq.1n. (sq.cm) SECTION 0" SURVEYOR, ENGINEE~ OR ARCHITECT CERTFICATION This certiflcatlon Is to be Signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect autho~ by law to certify elevation infomlation. I csrtify thBt the Information in S6dions A. B, end C on this ~ represerdB my best tlffbrJ$ to inferpr&t the date avs/1sb1e. I understand th8t any fe/S9 statement may b6 punfsh9bfe by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Sacfion 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME DARREN R LEA VITr, P.LS. UCENSE NUMBER 7323 TITIE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR COMPANY NAME ARROW LAND SURVE.YlNG. INC. CITY EAGlE ~TE 6-23-00 STATE 10 TELEPI-ONE 2Jl3..S3S.7373 ZIP CODE 83816 FEMA Form 81-31. January 2003 See revel'ge aide for contInuation. Replaces all prevloua edltion$