Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 253 Wexford Lane - Paddy Row Sub - 3/6/2006 07/21/2005 15:18 3232209 ROTH HOMES FEDERAL. EMERGENCY MANAGEMeNT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE PAGE 01 ~ O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31. 2005 Reed the Instructions CX'l pages 1 ~ 7. SECTION A. P'ROPERl f OWNER INFORMATION For II'lsl.m1m ConllanY U!le: BUIlJ:)ING OWNER'S NAME Policy Number ROTH HOMES BUILDING STReET ADDRESS (Indul:lIng Afft.. U~ SuiIe, and/or BkJg. No.) OR P.O. ROlIiE AND BOX NO. CaT1par\y NAte Number 253 WEXFORD LANE CITY STATE ZIP CODE EAGlE. 10 83816 PROPERTY DESCRlP110N (Latand BIodc Nurnbem, Tax Pan:el Nlmber. L..egaI De9aiptio./, 8lc.) LOT 12, PADDY RON SUBOMSION . BUILDING USE (e.g., Reslclentiar, Non--resid8nllal, Addi6on, Acc9ssory, etc. Use a Commen19 area, if neces98Iy.) RESIOENllAL IATlTUOEJI.ONGmJDE (OFTIONAL) HORIZONTAL 0A'TlJM: SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ ( t#f ~ tIIf - M.. or ##.#tf#If#") 0 NAO 1927 0 NAO 1983 0 USGS Quad Map o Other._ SEC110N B. FLOOD ~E RATEMAP~INFORMATION I :~~CTY/'WJC&CCM1UNllYNlM9 I ~NTYNME I ~A~ B4. WAND PANEL f17. FIRM PAtE. 89. BASE FLOOO ELEVA1ION(S) NlMlER 85. SUFFIX 86. FIRM NDEX DAlE EFFEC'IlIIEiREVISED DAlE BIl. FLoo) ZCtlE{S) (Zanll AO. lIlIe dt~ oIlbcIcIk9) 16001C0153 H 2-1lW3 2- 'f9.03 AH 2562 B10.1ndlC8\e the soon:e cd'!he Base Axd EIevafion (BFE) daa or base bxldeph enIEnldin as. o AS Profile ~ ARM 0 Cornrn\JlIIy Determined 0 C>>ler (Desalbe):_ B11.lncfcaletr1e elevallon dalum usedforlhe BFE In B9: 0 NGVO 1929 18I NAVD 1988 0 0lh&r(Descrtbe):_ 812. Is the building b:ated In a Coastal Barrler Resourte9 System (CaRS) area Of 0It1erMse Proliided AIea (OPAl? 0 Yes 0 No Designallal Dale SECTION C ~ BUlLDltG FU.VATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Bulldlng el6vli6:Jns lie b9sed on: 0 CooslnJdIm ~. 0 BuIdIng Un:ter CoosInJdlon" 181 Anlshed ConsIruclion "A new 8evalon certificale will be I9Qlired Yotlen COOSlruCllon d hi buIdng Is 0JmpIefe. C2. Buad'll1g Oi~ Number ~ (SeIed the bullding diaQrlrn rros\ similar to 1M b.RIding forwhleh 1l1ls amlftcate b betng ampIe\ed - see pages e and 7. If no diagr.JTl axurately represents the building, provlde a sketch or photograph.) C3. SevaIloos - Zones A 1-A30, AE. AH, A (wilh BFE), VE, Y1-V3>, V (with BFE), AA, ARiA, APJAE, AAJA1-MJ, ARlAH. AAlAO Canplete Items C3.+i bek1N acmrrJng kllle biting d~ speci8ed In Item C2. Stale the datum used. If the daMn Is dffQ'lt from the datUm used for the BFE In Secfion B, OOlWert the cIaIum to that used for the BFE. Show tIaId maallMMlts and datum cnwenlioo calculaIior1. Use the Spa;'e provIdecl or the CommenIS alOO a Sedioo 0 01' Section G. as appopiale, to dcaJmMlt the daIum o:ttvelSIoo. Datum _ ConvefllionlCcmments_ EIevaIion rel"ersna:l rmrk used _Does the e1evallan referenoo mark used apJear on the FIRM? 0 Yes f8:I No o a} Topct~fuorfmdudlng basement or encIt"ISl.n) ~. In.(m} o b)Topofneldhlgherfloor ~,~Jt.(m) o c) Bollom cllowesl hori200laI stnJcttJraI member (V zones my) tili.. _ft.(m) o d} Attached garcIQe (lop cd' slab) ~. Lft.(m) o e} lcMesl eleYa60n of rned1nety anQIor eQUfpmeot servldng the buHIing (0esa1be in a Corrmerts area) m.lft.(m) o ~ l.oNeBt adjalO (lInIshed) graje (LAG) ..1ft.(m) o g) Highest adjeomt (finist'ed) grS'Je (HAG) 2500. ~Jl(m) oh) No. of petTTlanent qJen\ngs (flood vents) -MthIn 1 It above aqaren\ grOOe 18 o Q Total area of 81 pennanent openings (flood vents) in C3.h ~sq. in. (SQ. ern) SECTION D. SURVEYOR. ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTflCATlON ThiS certlflcsUon is to be signed and sealed by a IaJd surveyor, engineer, or architect authortzed by law to certify elevation Infonnation. I C6I'tffy that the informstion in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate "pressnts my best effotts to intelpf8f the date sll8il8b/9. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or Impl1sonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1ooT. CERllFIER'SNAME DARREN R LEAVITT, PolS. LJCENSENUMBER 7323 1 lIJ j Jj Be!" !~ Z.2' sllJ ~ TITLE FROFESSIONAL LAND stJRVEYOR COMPANY NAME ARROW LAND SURVEYING, INC. ADDRESS n;:~ SUTE1(5 ~ ~~ f)., a FEMA FOflT1 81-31, January 2003 CITY EAGLE DATE ~ STATE 10 TB..EPHONE 3)8.939.7373 ZIP CODE 83616 See reVQl'9.e lllda for continuation. Replaces all pfevlous edltlona