Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 100 S 2nd Street - Paddy Row Sub - 7/8/2005 11/03/2005 02:13 323220g ROTH HOMES FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE nt: R.98d the InstnJctlons on es 1 . 1, SECTION A. PROPmtY OWNER INfORMATION BUILDING OIII/NER'S NAME ROTH HOMES .6UILDING STREET ADDRESS (Indueling Apt, Uti, Suile, 9l1dIor Bldg. No.) OR P. O. ROUTE AND eox NO. 100 S. ~ STREET CITY STATE EAGLE 10 PROPERlY 0ESCRIPT10H (lot and B/odc Nurmem, Tmc PDroeI Nun)er, Leg" OeSQ'ipIion, etc.) L.OT 2. PADDY RON SUBDMSION BUILDING USE (e.g., ~ Non-le9idenlla~ Addition. AccesSory, elc. Use a Cam18nls ;lrea, I neoesssry.) RESIDENTIAL LATlTUOEILONGITUOE (OPTIONAl) ( #If. #If . ##.ttIf' or 11#.##11##") PAGE 11 O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31 . 2005 'J ':j I J..' For InsuIance C~ny lk-8: Poley Number Company NAIC NlMYlb<< ZIP CODE 8361B HORIZONTAl DATUM: o NAD 1927 0 NAD 1983 SOURCE: 0 GPS (T)'pe):_ o USGS Quad Map o Other:_ SECTION B . FlOCD t$JRANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) N=ORMA11ON I ~~NAME&CCUtJNI1YNlMlER I ~ClMYNMt: I ::;ATE 84. W>l' AND PANEL fJ7. FIRM PNR 00. BASE F1.000 El.EVATJa>I(S) WM6ER 85. SUFFIX 86. FIRM NtB( OA-re ER'ECT~DATE Be. FLOOO ZONE(S) (Zore NJ, use _ d bIdhJ) 16001 GOl 53 H 2.19-m 2-1~ AH 2562 B10. k'Kic3e the swn;e cllhe Base Rood ESvalioo (8FE) data or b8 fto<:ld daPh en1ered k1 00. o FIS Profile ~ RRM 0 CcmronIty DeterTrined 0 0Iher (Descrlbe): _ B11. k'd:ate the eIev<tKxl ~um used fa' the 8FE in B9: 0 NGVO 1929 181 NA VD 1!l88 0 Olhor (Oesc/i:Je): ~ 812. Is the ~ kx:81a:Iil a Coastal BanerR.enJrces System (CBRS)areaor 0IherMse PldededArea (OPAr? CJ Yes 0 No t:lesIgncfuJ Dale!>. E1lON C. EU.DlNG B.EVATION NFORMATlON ~ 1EQURED) C1. 8u1ding e1eva11oo9 are tMd on; 0 Coostndia1 0r.Mt1gs* 0 Biting UrdEr~ 181 FIri9hed ~ ~A new 8evSion CeI1ilicale wil be required Yttlen ClJI'l9InJCIon d the tltirg is o:mpIete. C2. BuIdng Dlarram ttJrnl:Jg- ~ (Select1he tmlng dlaglm ImSl sirnlarto the bulldog bwhtch lhl9 oerlIflcsIeis being~ -see pages 6 GIld 7. If no ~ axuraeIy represenl$1he Wking, prcvkfe a sketch 01' p/1oIl:g~.) G3. I3evalIoos - Zones A 1-A30, AE, AH. A (. BFE), 'v'E, V1-v:Il, V (wtl BFE), AR, MIA. ARJAE, MIA 1-A.'1l, ARlAH, MJAO COmpIele Items C3.-;H beIoN aoxd'lg i> the I:iJting ciarpnspedlled illtem C2. stale Itle ~ rJSeCL 1f1he datum Is different fmm the dmm used fOrfhe BFE in Section S, coovert!he d&ul'l1 to !Nit used for1he BA:, SI10N field measurements a1d datIn ~ caIrolallon. l.Ige the spaoo ptWided ~1he Coourents aea rJ SectIon OorSedfoo G, as ~ lo ~ lhe~m C01..non. ' Datum ConveIOO1JCommenlB Elevation refen3nw mcr1<'uged ~Doeslhe ~ ~mar1< usedappea-oolhB FIRM? 0 Yes I8J f'.kl o a) Top of bcttom floor ondudli'1g basement or enck:we) ~. Q.ft.(m) o b,l Top of next higledocr ~. QJ!.(m) o c) B~ ofloNest taizl:rIIaI stnJcIural rnerroer(V zooes ooly) t:!l8.. _ft(m) o d)Alt,;chsdg:nge(topofsl<tl) 2561. ?J.(m) o e) lDNest elevalion ci rm:hlneIy and/or llqUipnalt serviOO;llt1e OOlIcI~ (De9cIi:le in a Corm1enIs area) 2562 . Q..fl.(m) (I ~ Lowest ~ (IlMhed) gra:!e (LAG) m. !ft.(m) (I g) Highest ~ocenl (finished) !1ade (HAG) ~. ~fl(m) o h) No. d pem13lEri ~ngs (flood vents) wttI'in 11 above $m. gra:fe 25 o i) Total area fi all permmenI qJenlngs (fbxl vents) in C3.h .1m..sq. In. (sq. em) , SECTION D. SURVEYOR. ENGINEER, ORARCHrrECT CERTlFlCAnoN This certlflcallon is to be $igned and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architacl8lJthorized by law to ceriIfy elevation information. , certify thst the inform8tfon in S8diooo ^ 8, end C on this C8f1ific8t& represent8 my best effOIts to lnf9qnt the dtlls 8VBIIable. , understand that &ny false statement may be punishable by fine or fmprlsonlmnf under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME MRREN R lEAVITT, P.Ls' UCENSE NUMBER 7323 l I~ .w~ .11:a L.... di it zg 1(1) ~ TITlE PROFESSiONAl LAND S~OR COMPANY NAME ARROW LAND SURVEYING, INC. CITY EAGLE DATE 7 -a-os FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 Set!l I'9versa side for c>>ntinuatJon. STATE ID TELEPHONE 208-939-7373 ZIP CODE 63616 Replace!! ell previous editions