Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 500 E Shoreline Drive - Mixed Use Sub No 03 - 10/14/2005 10-17-'05 17:29 FROM- T-208 P002!003 F-572 ':u \i~g ~t;lEO ~ OC TEALEY'S LAND SURVEYING 2083850696 p.2 ,,:f~~" OF EAGLE FEDERAl EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENC'{ O.M.B. No. 3067rOO77 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE ~ROGRAM Expires December 31, 2005 Dei 1 8 2005 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE File: Important: Read the instructions on 08QQS 1 - 7. Route to: SECTION A" PRoPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For 11'&iTil(l(l! ~Um: BUI ' .. I>WJ1E Policy NLl11ber EAGLE RIVER, LLC BUILDING STREET AODRESS (Including~, Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROlJIl: AND BOX NO. Company NAle Number 500 &.ST SHORELINE ORJIVE CflY STATE ZIP CODE EAGLE 10 63616 PROPERTY DESCRJPllON (Lot and 8lod<; NUlhbel$. Tax Pa!l:21 Number. Legal Description, etc.) LOT 8, EllOCl< 2, MIXED USE SUBDMSION NO.3 BUILDING USE (e.!!.. Residendal, NOflo4esklenliaJ, Addition, Aa:essory. etc. U!:e a Commenl$ atea, if necessary.) COMMERCIAL LATTTUOEA..ONGmJDE (OPllONAL) HORIZONTAl. DAT\lM: SOURCE; t81 GPS (Type)~ ( #If~#(#I-##.#If' or 11#.1##1##") 0 NAO 1927 I8l NAO 1963 0 USGS Quad Map o 0Itler:_ SECTION B. flOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION I B1.NF1PC~ITYNMf:&COM\flUNITY~ I B2.COONTY~ ClTYCFEAGlf.1&:xm ADA I. ~.STAlE 64. MAP ANO PANEL 67. mM PANEL. 89. BASE Fl.OOO ELEVATlON(S) NUPitlER 55. SUfFIX BG.FRMINDEXDAlC EFFECT1VEIREVI5ED DAle 88. F1.000 ZONE{S) (ZDre AO. ~ deplh affJotxfJV) 16001C0153 H :w4.faO 211904>3 N:. 'lfI02..7 B10.100cate!he source o1t11e Base Flaxl ~cmoo (BFE) dmJa base fkxxj dep1h enlelOO in 89. o FIS Profile t3J FlRM 0 Comrrurdty DeletmnOO 0 Olhef (Desaibe):_ B11.1nd'IC2teIhee/evaOondatumu~lonheBFEinB9; 0 NGVD1lr.9 12I NAVD1988 0 0Iha-~):_ B121s \he buadilg kx:aIed In a CoaitaJ Baniet' Rssou~ Sr.;1em (CaRS) area IX' OIfmJise ProtecIed Area (cPA)? 0 Yes I8J No ~ Date SECTION C. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Eluking elMlions ~ based (1\: 0 CoosWcOCn DraNngs' 0 Suiking Undllt Constludionw l8J Finished COl'lS1nJdion "AreN 8evalJon Ceniftcale \'<11\ be requ~wh~ ~ctJon r:1 thebuild"ll9is o:mplete. C2. Buldng Di<gl<fll Nurrber 1 (Seledthe 00iI0ing diaga'n mos1 sirrJlar to !he I:1.JiIding fa" whid1lhis cenificale is beirQ completed - see ~ 6 8'ld 7. If no lfiagram 3Ctllrillf:Iy represeIIls the building, provide a sI<EttiI or~.) C3. Elevations - Zones A 1-AJO. AE, AH. A (wilh BFE), VE, V1-v.3Q, V (v.ith BFE). AR. APJA. APJAE, ARIA 1-KJO, AR/AH, ARlAO Can~e ftems C3.-&i belcw <DDding to the txJj1(jng diagt7lnspedfied in Item C2. S1~ ltleda1vm used. If lhe daLro iscilfem1tfrom1he dalum used for the BFEin Section e, c:oovert lhedallJm 10 that used fOR !HE BFE. SOONfleld meaS1.oemenls alld datum cxrrversioil cawlalioo. Use It1e spocepovided(1lhe Comments area 01 Sedion D or SectiOf'l G, as appropliate. to documEnllM datum lx;JlvelSion. Daum _ CawelSionlCaTlmenls ffigJECT BENCHMARK ..sET BY OTl-tERS Elevalion referencs marlt. used _ekes \he elelralial re(erence mall< used appe;l' crl the FIRM? 0 y es ~ No c> a) Top afbolkm floor [lOdudng basEmeo\ or e,u:bsuJe) ~. ll..ft.{m) o b)Topolnexlh~l1Ef'tIoor 2:l&.~f\..(m) o c) Bottom ol'la.ves\ horizcolal slrudura! ITlefl'W r.J zones ooly) _' _ft.(m) o d)AIlacttoogarage(lOpdslab) _' _Il(ml (;) e) Lowest ~on of m~J1EY)' ifflJor equipment seNiong lhe bu~ng (Desai~ In a CarnmenlS creal _" _fl(m) 8 ~ loNest adjao;fll (llIished) grale (LAG) 2S62, Lft.(m) E:> g) Hghest. adja::ent (finished) ga:le (HAG) ~ lft.(m) €OJ Il) No. ct ~eo\ ~ (flcxxj vents) wilhin 1 ft. above adjocen\ !1<J.1e_ o ~ T c:ta/ area of ai permanent openings (ftood vents) in C3.h _sq. in. (sq. em) .. SECTION D. SURVl:YOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer. or architect authorized by law to certify elevaUOI1lnlorrnalion. I certify that the information in Sedions A, S, and C on this cetfificale represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I unt1ersrand fhat any f~/se statement may be punishable by fino or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code. Section 1001. CERTIRER'S NAME: PATRlCK A. TEALEY UCEN$E NUMBER: PlS 4347 ... "8 i~ Ill'" li~ ~;;; " c %9' Ill(/) ~ ::i : .~:: 1 TITlE: lAND SURVEYOR/OWNER COMPANY NAME : TEALEY'S LAND SURVEYING ADDRESS 2501 BOGUS BASIN ROAD SIGNAWRE ~.A,.~ CITY BOISE DATE ~ '" ,'I ~ STATE ID TELEPHONE 2'l8-385-O636 ZIP CODE 83702 FEMA Form 81.31, .lilnuary 2003 See reve~e side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions