Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 245 N Dawn Street - Twilight Strip Sub - 9/6/2005 r FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 J Expires December 31, 2005 ., ~ ~ .. ~ Important: ea the Instructions on pages . , SECTION A. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insurance Company Use: BUILD,ING OWNER'S NAME Policy Number Vauahn and Melinda Carlson BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (lnduding Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAIC Number 245 N. Dawn Street R d 1 7 CITY STATE ZIP CODE Eagle 10 83616 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) Lot 6. Blk. 2, Twilight Strip Sub. and the north 20' of vacated row adjacent to the north boundary, BUILDING USE (e.g.. Residential, Non-residential. Addition, Accessory, etc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) Residential LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ ( #if' - t#f - ##.##" or ##.###t#f) 0 NAD 1927 0 NAD 1983 0 USGS Quad Map o Other: SECTION B. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 81. NFIP COMMUNITY NAME & CO'v1MUNITY NUMBER i Eagle. City of 16OC1J3 I 82. COUNTY NAME Ada 83 STATE Idaho , 84. MAP AND PANEL I 87. FIRM PANEL 89. BASE FLOOD ELEVA TION(S) i NUM8ER 85. SUFFIX 86. FIRM INDEX DATE EFFECTIVEiREVISED DATE 88. FLOOD ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use deplt1 of fro:jlrg) I 16001C0153 H 211'31\)3 AE 2::;'37 I 810. Indicate the source of the 8ase Flocx:l Elevation (8FE) data or base ftocx:l depth entered in 89. , o FIS Profile 0 FIRM 0 Community Determined 0 Other (Describe): _ 811. Indicate the elevation datum used forthe BFE in B9: 0 NGVD 1929 0 NAVD 1988 0 Other (Describe):_ 812 Is the building located in a Coastal Bamer Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? 0 Yes [8J No Designation Date . SECTION C. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: 0 Construction DraNings' 0 Building Under Construction' 0 Finished Construction 'A new Elevation Certificate will be required when coostruction of the building is complete, C2 Building Diagram Number f (Select the building diagram frost similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. 1\ no diagram a::curatety represents the bUilding, provide a sketct1 or photograph.) C3 Elevations - Zones A 1-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1-V2fJ, V (with BFE), AR, ARJA, ARJAE, ARJA1-A2fJ, ARJAH, ARJAO Complete Items C3-a-i oolow according to the building diagram specified in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE m Section B. convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum oonversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum cooversion. Datum Conversion/Comments Elevation reference mark used AH7373 Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? 0 Yes 0 No II a) Top of bottom floor (induding basement or endosure) 2559 Z,ft.(m) o b) Top of next higher floor 2565.Z,ft.(m) o c) Bottom of lowest horizontal strudural member (V zones only) NlA . _ft.(m) o d) Attached garage (top of slab) 2564. Q.ft.(m) o e) Lowesl elevation of machinery and/or equipment servlong the bUilding (Describe in a Comments area) o 0 Lowest adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) o g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) () h) No. of permanent openings (flocx:l vents) within 1 ft. above adjacent grade Q ,) i) Total area of all permanent openings (flood vents) in C3.h NA sq. in. (sq. em) Cii Ol C/) '0 Ol Ol "'- '" ro 00 .0'0 E c: w ro 2559. Z,ft.(m) 2563 . ~ft.(m) 2564. lft.(m) ,..: oj Ol ~ .o=> Ero => c: 2.2' Ol!,/) '" c: ~ ~ SECTION D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is 10 be Signed and sealed by a land surve~r, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certdy that the information in Sections A, e, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 US. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME Colleen Marks LICENSE NUMBER 7045 TITLE Land Surveyor COMPANY NAME Marks Land Surveying, Inc. ADDRESS 6405 Ustic:k Road SIGNA TURE CITY Boise DATE 9-00-2005 STATE 10 TELEPHONE 208-378-7703 ZIP CODE 83704 FEMA Form 81-31. January 2003 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions / 1.1\1 Q;i:: ---..., ~/ ------- FEDERAL EMcr(GENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY APPLlCA TION FORM FOR SINGLE RESIDENTIAL lOT OR STRUCTURE AMENDMENTS TO NA T10NAl FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM MAPS O,M,8, NO, 3067-0257 Expires May 31,2005 PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT Public reporting burden for this form Is estimated to average 2.4 hours per response. The burden estimate Includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of Information unless a valid OMB control number Is displayed In the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Intormation Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, S,W" Washington DC 20472, Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-0257). Submission of this form Is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. This form should be used to request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) remove a single structure or legally recorded parcel of land or portions thereof, described by metes and bounds, certified by a registered professional engineer or licensed land surveyor, from a designated Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an area that would be Inundated by the flood having a 1 'I.-chance of being equaled or exceeded In any given year (base flood), via Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA), It shall not be used for req uests submitted by developers, for requests Involving multiple structures or lots, for property In alluvial fan areas or coastal high hazard areas (V zones), or requests Involving the placement of fill. (NOTE: Use MT-1 forms for such requests), Fill Is defined as material placed to raise the grade to or above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), The common construction practice of removing unsuitable existing material (topsoil) and backfilling with select structural material Is not considered the placement of fill If the practice does not alter the existing (natural grade) elevation, which Is at or above the BFE, Also, fill that Is placed before the date of the first National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map showing the area In an SFHA Is considered natural grade, LOMA: I A letter from FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land that has not been elevated bv fill would not be Inundated bv the base flood. A - This section may be completed by the property owner or by the property owner's agent, 1. Has fill boon placed on your property? ~ No 0 Yes -If Yes, STOP!! - You must complete the MT-1 application forms; visit hltp :/Iwww. tema.90v/miUtsd/dl_mt-1.htm or call the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free: (877-FEMA MAP) (877-336-2627) 2. Legal description of Property (Lot, Block, Subdivision) and street address o~he Property LOI to I 6.UL..2.. ~I U L1lfi (If different from mailing address):STf?-.1 P tSLl6 -A t-J b ~ . 'z.o I () f VA-cATEb . vi .A bJ kLBNf '1V LDI~i 6.WL 7- 3. Are you requesting that the flood zone designation be removed from (check one): 0 Your entire legally recorded property? 0 A portion of your legally recorded property? (a metes and bounds description and map of the area to be removed, certified by a registered profeaslonal engineer or licensed land surveyor are required) ~ structure on your property? What Is the date of construction? UtJ ~')l-010 All documents submitted In support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or Imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001, APPllcant';.tame: Pr1'Jt> I bA t..M-Lf::/J tJ Company: . JAI)b1N . MlltN Mailing Address: Daytime Telephone No.: 2A- t;" ~. b'AN~ ~. ~~LE Ie QZ/1- 23 "384- . r E-mail address: C63(Q\LP Fax No,: Signature of Applicant (required) Date I ~/:: ",' --',:,,""".:, ';':,:";',;:,;"~;:;,:'i '{;.,c" :1;,:..:'':;:.''( ">, Enci~f~ctl~ri'A." . .". ..",!r.L,:{1,:-(:-:<;?:.;i;!:;\\~~HM1~~!~:!fl;i.;5;;:,,;~;{rt,l>,\~n;m~)~"; FEMA Form 81-92, MAY 02 MT-EZ Form Page 1 of 3 -- .--------' ~< ~ - This ..ctlon must be completed by a registered profe..lona' engineer or licensed land surveyor. NOTE: If an NFIP Elevation Certificate has already been completed for this property, It may be submitted In addition to this form. Applicable Regulations The regulations pertaining to LOMAs are presented in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations under Tltie.... Chapter I. Parts 70 and 72, Code of Federal Regulations, The purpose of Part 70 Is to provide an administrative procedure whereby FEMA will review Information submitted by an ov.ner or lessee of property who believes that his or her property has been Inadvertently Included In a designated SFHA. The necessity of Part 70 Is due In part to the technical difficulty of accurately delineating the SFHA boundary on an NFIP map, Part 70 procedures shall not apply If the topography has been altered since the effective date of the first NFIP map [e,g.. a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM)) showing the property to be within the SFHA. Baall of Determination FEMA's determination as to wI1ether a structure or legally recorded parcel of land. or portions thereof. described by metes and bounds. may be removed from the SFHA will be based upon a comparison of the Base (1 %-annual-chance) Flood Elevation (BFE) with certain elevation Information. For Zone A. with no BFE determined, refer to Managing Floodplain Development In Approximate Zone A Areas, A Guide for Obtaining and Developing Base (100- Year) Flood Elevations. The elevation Information required Is dependent on whether a structure, or a legally recorded parcel of land. Is to be removed from the SFHA Item to be Removed from the SFHA: Structure located on natural grade (LOMA) , o Undeveloped legally recorded parcel of land (LOMA) 1. 'Nhat Is the type of construction? (check one) o other (explain) Elevation of the lowest ground on the parcel or within the portion of land to be removed from the SFHA (skip to Item 2) crawl space 0 slab on grade 0 basemenUenclosure 2. BUILDING INFORMATION Building Street Address (Including Apt. Unit. Suite. andlor Bldg, No,): U~ N. b , Property DeScription (Lot and Block Number, Tax Parcel Number. Legal Description, ete,): LDf W 6Lt.;Z TV\I i l..{bT -sr~l p StJ , Zl/ of \f; L Ro\tJAbJ, \D ~\ 1.0 3. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Base Flood El9.vati ' Z.~b3 ' 4, Lowest Adjacent Grade (LAG) to the structure '2- lP 3 '<? ' ft, m) Elevation of the lowest grade on the property; or. metes and bounds area ,tt, (m) Indicate the datum (and datum conversion If different from NGVO 29 ~ Has FEMA Identified this area as SUbject to land subsidence or uplift? - U Yes"o( No If Yes, ....nat is the date of the current relevellng? !'\ This certification Is to be signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor, registered professional engineer. or architect authorized by law to certify elevation Information, All documents submitted In support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge, I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or Imprisonment under TItle 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001, ~~:~ Company Name: License No,; U; lo4'~ Telephone No,: F~~9<: T7 ZO~-31f-l~' q-37f- S DtJt-lo -0 S .... (See attached address listing for LOMAs) FEMA Fonn 81.92, MAY 02 MT-EZ Fonn Plge 2 of 3 i \ I i I In addition to this form (MT-EZ), ALL requests must include the following: / Copy of the Subdivision Plat Map (with recordation data and stamp of the Recorder's Office) V . OR Copy of the Property Deed (with recordation data and stamp of the Recorder's Office), accompanied by a tax assessor's map or other cendied map showing the surveyed location of the property relative to local streets and watercourses /. Copy of the effective FIRM panel and/or Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM) (if applicable) on which the property location has been accurately plotted v. Please include a map scale on all maps submitted All requests should be submitted to the address shown on the last page of the instructions. FEMA Form 81-92, MAY 02 MT -EZ Form 3 of 3