Minutes - 2009 - City Council - 05/12/2009 - Regular
May 12, 2009
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Mayor: Council Member Semanko is at a dedication at Grand Coulee Dam for from BLM
director John Keyes.
I. Eagle Chamber of Commerce. Teri Bath, Eagle Chamber of Commerce, we are here because
most ofthe Council is new. The chamber has had a relationship with the City for IS years and
we have worked together on the downtown issue for IS years. I'm distributing a list of some of
the things that we have worked on together. General discussion.
Pete Dover, Chairman of the Board: When entities work together they can accomplish more. I
find it unfortunate that an e-mail was sent out about a week ago that indicated that the chamber
was involved in things that they shouldn't be. General discussion.
Teri Bath discusses the Eagle Stimulus Group that has just been formed. On June 2ih we are
going to invite all of the houses for sale in Eagle and all ofthe businesses to be "Open For
Business". We are concerned about Eagle being prosperous. General discussion.
2. Mayor and Council Reports:
Huffaker: Every year there is an event called the Mayor's Awards to Youth Ceremony that is
conducted at the Boise City Hall. This involves the cities of Boise, Meridian, Eagle, Star and
Garden City. These cities send out to all of the schools in their boundaries a request for them to
pick out two students in their school for outstanding achievement. This is not necessarily the
best student or the best athlete. These kids stand out for being the type that is just extraordinary.
Mayor Bandy couldn't attend so I attended. They honored about 60 students from these cities.
We had 7-8 from Eagle. I was so impressed with their stories. General discussion.
Mayor: I didn't attend because I was at Eagle Middle School for the Junior National Honor
Society. There were probably 40 7th graders that are moving into the National Honor Society.
We do have a wonderful community and wonderful kids.
We had a ribbon cutting at the Eagle Saturday Market. I've been participating in the Eagle
Chamber Feasibility Stimulus Group and the Estech meetings. I participated in the Idaho Food
Bank and US Postal Service which was highlighting the Letter Carrier Food Collection. The
North Channel Bridge is finally done. The Governor has approved our Rural Community Block
Grant for $300,000.00.
Shoushtarian: Senior Center is doing well. They finally got the TV for their exercise group.
General discussion. Reports on the Urban Renewal Agency.
Jackson-Heim: No Report
3. Public Works Director Report: Underpass under Eagle Road is completed and open.
The Bridge did make it across and it fit. It will 2-3 weeks before it will be able to use.
There will be ribbon cutting ceremonies for each project. General discussion.
Discussion on taking care of graffiti.
4. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report
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S. City Attorney Report: Buxton provides some history of when the City began working on the
two ITD projects.
6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report
I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 6:3S p.m.
Semanko is absent. A quorum is present.
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mary May leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Patricia Minkiewicz: I was very glad to see that the Council and
the Chamber have validated their agreement and cooperative efforts. I have learned a lot of
things tonight.
. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council.
. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Claims A2ainst the City.
B. Minutes of April 28. 2009.
C. Open Container Permit: Kara Hill is requesting an open container permit to be
used at Merrill Park on May 30, 2009 from II :00 to dusk. All standard
conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB)
D. Open Container Permit: Tammy Johnson is requesting an open container
permit to be used on June 27, 2009 from S:OO p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Guerber Park.
All standard conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB)
E. Appointment to the Desi2n Review Board: Mayor Bandy is requesting
Council confirmation of the appointment of John Rimbey to fill a vacated term
on the Board. Mr. Rimbey's term will expire in November 2009. (PB)
F. Appointment to the Historical Preservation Commission: Mayor Bandy is
requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Frank Thomason to the
Commission: Mr. Thomason's term will expire in May 2014. (PB)
G. Appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission: Mayor Bandy is
requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Karianne Fallow to the
Commission. Ms. Fallow's term will expire in May 2012. (PB)
H. Approval of alcohol license: Tony Jay LLC, dba: daVinci's 2, is requesting an
alcohol license for the sale of liquor, beer and wine. (SKB)
Huffaker moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Huffaker:
AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Jackson-Heim: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION
CARRIES. .............
Mayor: The applicants on Item #8B have requested that the item be continued so if anyone is
here for this item it may not be heard tonight. General discussion.
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Huffaker moves to amend the Agenda to remove Item #8B and move it to the June 9, 2009
City Council meeting. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. ALL AYES: MOTION
A. Review of public comments received re2ardin2 the BLM Recreation and Public
Purposes Act application for the Ea21e Re2ional Park. This item was continued from the
April 28, 2009 meeting. (NBS)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Planner Baird-Spencer: Provides Council an overview of the process. General discussion.
Mike Trudden, BLM, once we receive the application we review to make sure it meets all of the
criteria. Then we do our review on the parcel and then we go out to the public. The public is
asked two questions: I. Should this property be classified for recreation of public purposes and
2. Is this an acceptable public use? The public review period is 60-90 days. General discussion.
Public Works Director Echeita: Discusses the maintenance of the proposed park. General
Huffaker moves to direct the Staff to go ahead and finalize the application and also give the
Mayor the direction to go ahead and submit it with the provision that each member of City
Council has a chance to look at once and if there are major changes we bring it back and if
there aren't then it is to be submitted. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. Discussion. TWO
A. A-I-09/RZ-I-09 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to A-R-DA - Chad Moffat/Cabin
Creek Development Company and Jeff Frazier: Chad Moffat/Cabin Creek Development
Company and Jeff Frazier are requesting approval of an annexation and rezone from RUT
(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Designation) to A-R-DA (Agricultural-Residential one unit
per five acres with a development agreement). The 38.9-acre site consisting of Pembrook
Subdivision and the adjacent property to the south is generally located on the north side of W.
Beacon Light Road approximately 1,970 feet west ofN. Eagle Road at 702 W. Beacon Light
Road. (MJW)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Chad Moffat, applicant, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application.
General discussion.
Planner Williams: Displays overheads and provides Council an overview ofthe application.
General discussion.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing
Wendy Fraizer, 3S9 N. Timber Lane: Answers questions from the Council.
Andrew Pendley, 722 Valley Hi Road, I am opposed to this application; the Frazier's are great
neighbors. We are content to live in the County. It is unfortunate that the Frazier's think that
they have to annex into the City to solve their business problems. General discussion.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing
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Chad Moffat: provides Council a history of the subdivision. The business is not visible, it is
quiet. The area is not changing just because it will be annexed into the City of Eagle. The
subdivision will be a beautiful subdivision. General discussion.
General Council discussion.
Huffaker moves to approve A-I-09/RZ-I-09 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to A-R-
DA - Chad Moffat/Cabin Creek Development Company. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL
AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................
City Attorney Buxton: I need to be excused to attend the Kuna Council meeting.
A. Request from Baker Yeomans Foundation for the Arts to utilize City owned historic
1i2ht poles for event advertizin2. (ME)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Jane Baker, 4409 Hillcrest Drive, Boise, provides the Council an overview of the Baker
Yeomans Foundation for the Arts. The first project for this foundation is Jazz at the River.
There will be a free jazz concert at the Gazebo in Heritage Park. Discussion on the events. The
final event will be 8 hours of jazz at the Camille Beckman property.
General Council discussion.
Public Works Director Echeita: The hardware we have is just what we have. The Saturday
Market and Eagle Fun Days use the poles for their advertising so we would have to remove their
banners to place your banners. I would prefer to have City staff to put the banners up.
General discussion.
Mr. Baker: we feel that Eagle can become the cultural center of the Valley and this is one of the
reasons that we would like to see this Jazz Festival here in Eagle.
B. AA-I-09 - Appeal of Zonin2 Administrator's decision - Sparrow Salon and Retreat
(beauty shop) - Anna M. Kindelber2er and Rachelle D. Berman: Anna D. Kindelberger and
Rachelle D. Berman (property owner) are appealing the Zoning Administrator's decision
regarding the requirement to stop the operation of Sparrow Salon and Retreat (beauty shop) at
220S Mace Road. The S . I-acre site is located on the south side of Mace Road, approximately
I.S-miles west of South Eagle Road at 220S Mace Road. (WEV)
Continued to the June 9, 2009 City Council by previous motion.
Shoushtarian: I have a couple of questions/concerns that I have written down to talk about
before we adjourn.
I have a question about a couple of expenses for Attorney's fees.
Mayor: We have already approved the vouchers.
Shoushtarian: In regards to the Chamber of Commerce comments, it would be nice to have some
kind of communication with Council in regards to what kind of direction we are going to take.
What do we think about the Chamber versus NACF A. A workshop would be nice to have and
Council can decide what the priorities are. I feel that we are upgrading one organization over the
other ones. I want to be on the same page as the rest of the Council.
Discussion on NACF A
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Mayor: It would have been appropriate for you to have brought your concerns up when the
Chamber representatives were here. That was the point of having the Chamber here tonight.
General discussion.
Huffaker moyes to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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A-1-09/RZ-1-09 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to A -R -DA - Chad Moffat/Cabin
Creek Development Company and Jeff Frazier
May 12, 2009
c—_w,) ?au \T)--1 \i [1: f-\.') iesi` o
1-Q5 coJJ
June 27, 2009
roam to 5pm
Please join us for an OPEN HOUSE on June 27, 2009. This event is a citywide open house
during which retail, commercial, and professional representatives will be presenting their
businesses. Additionally builders, commercial and residential real estate agents will be
holding open houses. This is a community grassroots effort to help stimulate Eagle's
economy by showcasing everything the City of Eagle has to offer. NOW IS THE TIME
Visit www.eaglechamber.com for more information!
Look for
the Green
Thank You tali our Sponsors!
Eagl., the City with MOR , right o
Eagle Chamber & City council Accomplishments:
Last Six and 1/2 years:
The Eagle Arch Sign
The Scenic Byway Measure
Business issues for various business
The Downtown Feasibility Study
Eagle Fun Days
Eagle Country Christmas
Traffic Committee
Economic Development
Recruitment of new business to.Eagie
Retention of Eagle Businesses'
Expansion of Businesses
Legislative issues/Government Relations
S>W>0>T Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
. •
Election Forums
State the City Address
Comprehensive Plans
Foothills Study
Western Area of Impact
ESTech Initiative
Industry Opportunities for Employment:
ESTech Initiative
IVRC Grant with CWI & BSU for Viticulture
Eagle is Open for Business initiative
BVEP members (Site selection opportunities)