Findings - CC - 2020 - DR-76-19 - Master Sign Plan For Multi-Tenant Bldg In Stillwater BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR ) A DESIGN REVIEW FOR A MASTER SIGN ) PLAN FOR A MULTI-TENANT Orr'ICE/RETAIL/) RESTAURANT BUILDING IN STILLWATER ) SUBDIVISION FOR RSI CONSTKUCTION ) IINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER DR-76-19 The above-entitled design review application came before the Eagle City Council for their action on January 28, 2020. The Eagle City Council having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter,makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; HNDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: RSI Construction,represented by Rodney Evans with RE+P, PLLC, is requesting design review approval for the master sign plan for a multi-tenant office/retail/restaurant building. The 1.06-acre site is located on the north side of West Copper Silo Street approximately 250-feet south of the intersection of State Highway 44 and South Urban Gate Drive at 2300 and 2340 West Copper Silo Street(Lots 4 and 5,Block 6, Stillwater Subdivision No. 1). B. APPLICAI'ION SUBMITTAL: The City of Eagle received the application for this item on November 7, 2019. C. COMPANION APPLICAi'IONS: DR-75-19(Multi-tenant office/retail/restaurant building). D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACi'iONS: On January 12, 2016, the City Council approved a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment and Map Amendment, a rezone with a development agreement, and preliminary plat for Stillwater Subdivision (CPA-04-15/RZ-07-15 and PP-04-15). On March 24,2016,the Design Review Board approved the common area landscaping within Stillwater Subdivision(DR-11-16). On January 10,2017,the City Council approved a preliminary plat extension of time for the preliminary plat of Stillwater Subdivision to be valid until January 12,2018(EXT-11-16). On April 13, 2017, the Design Review Board approved a master sign plan for Stillwater Subdivision (DR-12-16). On August 8, 2017,the City Council approved the final plat for Stillwater Subdivision No. 1 (FP-08- 17). On January 23, 2018, the City Council approved a modification to the final plat for Stillwater Subdivision No. 1 (FP-08-17 MOD). On February 15,2019,the City approved a modification to the common area landscaping and entrance to Stillwater Subdivision(DR-11-16 MOD). On August 9,2019,the City approved a modification to the master sign plan to change the background color of the tenant panels, the font color of the tenant signs, and to construct the tenant panels with Page 1 of 16 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\DA2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx punch through illumination on the monument sign(DR-12-16 MOD). E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNA'i'iON: Mixed Use. F. ZONING DESIGNATION: MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement). G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DIS'i'RICT:Not in the DDA, 'IDA, CEDA,or DSDA. H. URBAN RENEWAL DISIRICT:No. L SIGNAGE: Building Wall Sign Sign Data Proposed Required Wall Sign Dimensions Varies depending on tenant's font and logo Varies based on tenant lease space Area of Signage Varies depending on tenant's font and logo 10% of total area of building face (per lease space)or 20%of total area of building face (per lease space) if visible from a State Highway Illumination Non-illuminated, Exposed Neon, Punch Interior-illumination prohibited Through,Halo,and External Illumination Materials Varies depending on tenant's font and logo Suggested materials include: steel, aluminum,glass,plastic,and acrylic J. AGENCY RESPONSES:None K. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC:None received to date. THS CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED AND REVIEWED THE FOLLOWING STAi ' ANALYSIS PROVIUED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING 1 HIS PROPOSAL: • Protect and enhance the small town character of the City by requiring signage which is creative and distinctive,compatible with its surroundings,and an integral component of the style and character of the building to which it relates. B. ZONING CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING i'HIS PROPOSAL: • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-2(B) The general theme of the Design Review Overlay District is to specify desirable building and landscape architectural styles and materials to create a sustainable and pleasing environment for residents and visitors alike. The architectural designs,materials,and graphics set forth in this article are complied to create a theme unique to the area called"Eagle Architecture". • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6(A)(4) Signage for any project shall provide for business identification and minimize clutter and confusion on and off the site. a. The "overall sign concept" for multi-tenant business centers to assure that it addresses the continuity between tenant sign design and building design; Page 2 of 16 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf docx b. The reduction of hazards to motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians as may be caused by or partially attributable to the distraction and obstruction of improperly located and designed signs; c. The provision for effective and necessary business identification systems adapted to the building design; d. The continued maintenance of signs throughout their life;and e. The size, location,design,color,texture, lighting, landscaping,and hours of operations of all permanent signs and outdoor advertising structures or features to ensure that any such proposals do not detract from the function of,or design of,buildings, structures, surrounding properties,neighborhoods,or streets. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(B): Definitions: AREA OF'IHE BUILDING FACE: The general outer surface of an exterior wall of a building. The area of the building face shall be a total area of such surface, including the area of doors and windows which open into such face, if any. FACE OF SIGN: The surface of the sign area upon,against or through which the message is displayed or illustrated. MAS'I'ER SIGN PLAN: A plan designed to show the relationship of signs for any cluster of buildings intended for business occupancy,or any single building containing more than one business or any arrangement of business buildings or shops which constitute a visual entity as a whole. These include developments such as shopping centers,mini-malls,business parks, and multi-tenant commercial,office or industrial buildings housing four(4)or more businesses. Additionally, a master sign plan may be submitted for a single business if the owner chooses to submit an application for a master sign plan for said business. SIGN AREA: The entire area within a single,contiguous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of writing,representation, logo,emblem or any figure or similar character,together with any form or other material or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate such sign area from the background against which it is placed. The sign area shall not include the necessary supports or uprights on which the sign is placed, and superficial,nonilluminated column covers, ornamental trim and other such incidental objects attached thereto,or portions of the sign structure which are not designed to convey a message. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C): Provisions and Requirements: 1. Wall Signs(Flat and Perpendicular): b. Each business within a multi-tenant building shall be allowed a maximum of three(3)wall signs provided that each sign is placed on a different side of the building. d. For a multi-tenant building the total sign area of all wall signs shall not exceed ten percent (10%)of the area of the building face to which they are attached,except that the total sign area for wall signs that are visible from a state highway shall be a maximum of twenty percent(20%)of the area of the building face to which they are attached. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(15)Master Sign Plan: A "master sign plan",as defined by this article, shall be required to be submitted to the city for review and approval. The purpose of a master sign plan is to coordinate signs,and create a plan that establishes a building or site's overall sign design.The master sign plan shall show sign colors, styles and locations of buildings,maximum size, illumination,and materials to be used. Page 3 of 16 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx The master sign plan may be approved by the city with elements that require suspension or relaxation of the height, area,number of signs,or locations of signs specified within this article if the city council finds that extraordinary conditions exist which allow suspension or relaxation,but that any suspension or relaxation will still meet the intent of this article and: a. The development site contains unique or unusual physical conditions such as topography, proportion, size or relation to a public street that would limit or restrict normal sign visibility; or b. The proposed or existing development exhibits unique characteristics of land use, architectural style, site location,physical scale, historical interest or other distinguishing features that justify variation from conventional development; or c. The proposed signage incorporates special design features such as logos,emblems,murals, statuaries or similar architectural elements that are designed in a manner determined by the city to be architecturally compatible to the sign and area. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(13) Sign Illumination: a. The city must find that any illuminated sign permitted under the specific regulations within this article is designed such that brightness levels are controlled to assure a soft,subtle effective light in accordance with other city regulations intended to create and maintain the Eagle architecture theme,while encouraging energy efficient lighting. b. Illumination types, styles, and practices not listed herein shall be prohibited unless otherwise deemed by the design review board and city council to be consistent with the Eagle architecture theme. c. Floodlighting is permitted only through the use of incandescent,LED and high pressure sodium light sources. d. Exposed neon is permitted when used to create the sign letter(s) or as an architectural element as part of the sign design.A clear covering may be permitted for protection of the neon element. e. Halo illumination is permitted. f. Metal halide is not permitted as a light source for signage. g. All types of internal illumination is prohibited, except for automated signs and drive- through/drive-up service menu board signs as regulated in this article. C. DISCUSSION: • The applicant is requesting approval of a master sign plan for Stillwater Multi-tenant Building. Staff recommends the following changes to the document titled"Stillwater Multi-Tenant Building Wall Sign Plan"with text shown with underline to be added and text shown with strikethrough to be deleted. Stillwater Multi-tenant OfficelRetaillRestaurant Building Master Sign Plan This criterion has been established for the mutual benefit for all tenants. Conformance will be strictly enforced and any non-conforming or unapproved signs will be removed and brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. GENERAL APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Every tenant of any suite within Stillwater Multi-Tenant Commercial Building shall be required to submit signage plans to the Stillwater Architectural Control Committee(ACC), per the process designated by the Stillwater CPOA governing documents,for written Page 4 of 16 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx approval. A design review sign application,accompanied by the written approval of the managing entity and ACC, shall be submitted to the City for any proposed signs for City review and approval. All signs shall be in compliance with the criteria stated herein. 2. All permits for tenant's signs and their installation shall be obtained by tenant or his representative and shall conform to all local building and electrical codes as well as the criteria set forth hereafter. 3. Tenant or their representative must contact the managing entity for a list of approved sign vendors. All tenant signs shall be designed,constructed and installed at tenant's expense. Tenant shall be responsible for the operations of tenant sign vendor/contractor. Tenant and sign vendor/contractor will be liable for any damage committed during installation or service of signage. 4. Tenant shall be required to keep their sign in working order and all surfaces shall be maintained in good condition. Tenant or it's representative shall be responsible for cost of maintenance, service,repair or replacement of tenant's sign,time clock or electrical wiring. 5. Upon termination of their lease,the tenant or managing entity shall neatly seal all penetrations of the building structure or monument sign tenant panel in a watertight condition that matches texture,color,and material used in the construct of the building or monument sign tenant panel. 6. No exposed conduit,brackets, fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted.No raceways will be permitted. 7. Any other signage such as temporary grand opening,etc. Shall be approved by the ACC and Property Manager prior to installation and comply with Eagle City Code. 8. All signs shall meet Underwriters Laboratories and National Electrical code requirements. 9. Conformance will be strictly enforced, and any non-conforming or unapproved signs must be removed or brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. DESIGN GUIDELINES: 1. The purpose of establishing these design guidelines is to ensure that each tenant sign will contribute to the visual aesthetic with quality signage,which reflects the integrity of the architecture.Individual tenant signs should incorporate a diversity of sign styles, icons and materials while maintaining visual harmony with all other signage. 2. Materials may include,but are not limited to: steel,aluminum,glass, plastic,and acrylic. Tenant sign materials shall be subject to ACC and city approvals. ILLUMINATION: Tenant signage should incorporate the following acceptable lighting method submit to owner and City approval: a. Exposed Neon b. Punch Through Illumination c. Halo Illumination d. Externally Illuminated e. Non-Illuminated Page 5 of 16 K:U'lanning DeptTagle Applications\DA20190R-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx Exhibit A—Exposed Neon(with and without channel) - 1. L . . .,,,, , 1 , ., ,,, , , 4-4' CliK \\: _ , ,,,, , '''' jøillhJff s E i „... - . ... ,, i , ,, , , . . 4 a A Exhibit B—Punch Through y •,,,, *"''''.1 L 4, it .iik - ,..„,„ ,, "") ' , l' , , 4 si \% a. '''' V Ik‘, I '''\' ,,,,,,, , , ,,, , . 4,) ,.....„ (-- ) , ,ji ,, \ \ Exhibit C—Halo . L,,w, , Nit" x 'f c ill t - Mk ii, ( a7 „,\,4 Ai ,.4 ,, Nor Page 6 of 16 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx Exhibit D—External Illumination all"a !! milli IPlo, MYa'l N�4 oilNo h , r'''' , Qs. 9 • ' '::';:te^' :1,,„,,' ''''' ' '''''' 414 ' ,,.,,,,, "",•, ....,'''''f'..,... ..,., -. ,,„,_ '''''*.A •s:.-:''',1-- 't.''''3:-:,i0XX': ,-( V filr, . `"y`c�". *w��M'"'"„�w,,,,��"'�MM,rw.,M�",,,�,. � r\ m,.,,,�"`"'"+v 1M�.( �� `'` V ��*may .,� vR, , .,..,,,,,, _ .: Ap-------.:,---„jzz,--„,„ 1,,,,,_,,,, , ,,,,., , 401fr >A,,4,,,, *.* , ,.." Et.0s ___ 4.. . ....,,,,3..- ,„, ,......,_ , ., I" ' 3- ik.t,. , . , , , , 1, '1/4,............." uitaert.r ‘ ', ,, , Cpl+; ,. '''',4' "r" ,,I; e ti TYPES, STYLES & LOGOS: The use of logos and distinctive typestyles is encouraged for all tenant signs. Tenants may adopt established typestyles and logos. These imaged must be architecturally compatible and approved by managing entity/ACCdeveloper/landlord. SIGN COLORS & FINISHES: All tenant sign colors must be approved by the managing entity/ACC and City prior to fabrication to assist in achieving a harmonious blend of color throughout the center. The following guidelines are to be adhered to: Limited color palette in shades of white, grey, black, beige,taupe, espresso are acceptable. TENANT SIGN ALLOCATION: Sign quantities and areas set forth in this program are deemed fair and appropriate for the current tenant occupancies. In the event that tenant leasehold spaces are divided or combined in the future, sign locations, areas, and quantities may change provided that the overall sign area and other sign size limitations as set forth by this program and Eagle City Code are not exceeded. SIGN SIZE& QUANTITY: 1. ►i .. . - .. • ' • 1. Each sign must be on separate wall façade. 2. Each business within this multi-tenant building"Shop" shall be allowed two(2)building wall signs, except the "end cap"tenants,who shall be allowed to installme three(3) building wall signs, provided that each sign is located on a separate building elevation. 3. Area shall not exceed ten(10) percent of the area of the wall that the sign is being mounted upon(based on tenant's lease space). 1If the wall sign is visible from a faces State Highway,the area of the sign shall be limited to twenty(20)percent of the area of the wall that the sign is mounted upon(based on tenant's lease space). 4. Individual letters shall be dimensional with a minimum of 1A"thickness to a maximum of 8". Page 7 of 16 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx PROHIBITED SIGNS: The following signs are prohibited by owner: 1. No animated, flashing, audible, off premise, or vehicle signs are permitted . 2. No exposed raceways, cross-over conduits, neon tube conductors or exposed transformers are permitted . 3. No cabinet signs are permitted . MONUMENT SIGN: See DR-12-16 MOD or subsequent modifications for monument sign and monument sign tenant panel criteria. BUILDING WALL SIGN PLACEMENT: IIIk\tti ,----F ,R.,► t i L.:,...,...:ic� aMAar _ ._A 11Wt,um %w.W. \ „..a � +F ,' * r 1 .�A 1 ' ' x 1 � 1A .w . rQuw rt �"wr , , ? Im �� E-„bi-\l i --,WRS,sa r ill i 1 . lt& I , 1, ' , _ 1 , \jii m IIIL 1 ItIVILIZUM, III:IMI U.. .CI>IIIIC"L:. II 'I:IIin urarun".I4 S;r:uutt;I. numinar. >�CIIImuLt ;annum i f IIIIen Midi ■■ tea ar��� wa� �am Lag - d..,. � �� �� �aeaswww �saw4vmm�a aai�s�1 ` r1�6� fi a� �'e'��\�a�l� '""' 0�,"c\r�h� R��@ �5 � �81� I ��;. ,---,, — 7. s 3ilVY Liu; ...�:.u:::: 3 ` + X !!! ur .,„ma • The building elevations show potential sign locations; however, there are six storefront entrances shown on the south building elevation and only four potential sign locations shown. The master sign plan criteria discusses and permits building wall signs to be located on the east and west building elevations; however, building elevations showing potential building wall sign locations were not received.The applicant should be required to provide revised building elevations showing all potential sign locations on all four building elevations. The revised building elevations should be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE REPORT: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval with the site specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided within the staff report. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD: A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the Design Review Board on December 12,2019, at which time the Board made their decision. B. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the Design Review Board by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not including the applicant/representative). Page 8 of 16 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf docx BOARD DELIBERATION: (Granicus time 1:48:27) Upon completion of the applicant's and staff's presentations,the Board discussed during deliberation that: • The Board affirms the proposed sign criteria complies with Eagle City Code. BOARD DECISION: The Board voted 5 to 0(Grubb and Koci absent)to recommend approval of DR-76-19 for a design review application for a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office/retail/restaurant building for RSI Construction, with the following site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document,dated January 9,2020. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the City Council on January 28, 2020, at which time the Council made their decision. B. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the City Council by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the City Council by no one(not including the applicant/representative). COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 4 to 0 to approve DR-76-19 for a design review application for a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office/retail/restaurant building for RSI Construction,with the following Design Review Board recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The following shall be the master sign plan for Stillwater Multi-Tenant office/retail/restaurant building: Stillwater Multi-tenant Office/Retail/Restaurant Building Master Sign Plan This criterion has been established for the mutual benefit for all tenants. Conformance will be strictly enforced and any non-conforming or unapproved signs will be removed and brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. GENERAL APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Every tenant of any suite within Stillwater Multi-Tenant Commercial Building shall be required to submit signage plans to the Stillwater Architectural Control Committee(ACC), per the process designated by the Stillwater CPOA governing documents,for written approval.A design review sign application, accompanied by the written approval of the managing entity and ACC, shall be submitted to the City for any proposed signs for City review and approval.All signs shall be in compliance with the criteria stated herein. 2. All permits for tenant's signs and their installation shall be obtained by tenant or his representative and shall conform to all local building and electrical codes as well as the criteria set forth hereafter. 3. Tenant or their representative must contact the managing entity for a list of approved sign vendors.All tenant signs shall be designed,constructed and installed at tenant's expense. Tenant shall be responsible for the operations of tenant sign vendor/contractor. Tenant and sign vendor/contractor will be liable for any damage committed during installation or service of signage. 4. Tenant shall be required to keep their sign in working order and all surfaces shall be maintained in good condition. Tenant or it's representative shall be responsible for cost of Page 9 of 16 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater cc£docx maintenance, service, repair or replacement of tenant's sign,time clock or electrical wiring. 5. Upon termination of their lease,the tenant or managing entity shall neatly seal all penetrations of the building structure or monument sign tenant panel in a watertight condition that matches texture, color, and material used in the construct of the building or monument sign tenant panel. 6. No exposed conduit, brackets, fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted. No raceways will be permitted. 7. Any other signage such as temporary grand opening, etc. Shall be approved by the ACC and Property Manager prior to installation and comply with Eagle City Code. 8. All signs shall meet Underwriters Laboratories and National Electrical code requirements. 9. Conformance will be strictly enforced, and any non-conforming or unapproved signs must be removed or brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. DESIGN GUIDELINES: 1. The purpose of establishing these design guidelines is to ensure that each tenant sign will contribute to the visual aesthetic with quality signage,which reflects the integrity of the architecture. Individual tenant signs should incorporate a diversity of sign styles, icons and materials while maintaining visual harmony with all other signage. 2. Materials may include, but are not limited to: steel, aluminum, glass, plastic, and acrylic. Tenant sign materials shall be subject to ACC and city approvals. ILLUMINATION: Tenant signage should incorporate the following acceptable lighting method submit to owner and City approval: a. Exposed Neon b. Punch Through Illumination c. Halo Illumination d. Externally Illuminated e. Non-Illuminated Exhibit A—Exposed Neon(with and without channel) SLACK . 1 WHIT-0 , „„ , . , - ---STORE tt 4 ' ILa ` 2JJ1 Page 10 of 16 K.\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx Exhibit B— Punch Through ilk ili it,, \\' , ,,,',‘ ' "414) , , 1 ) ) 1 ?1) doi: ''' ' s, 11 :114:1 4 ) ‘--111\ Is\'' (4) '11444***4 .,— —j9- ' ' *'*"'""'Illihiaf, ''---\ 1,iiiiiii. Exhibit C—Halo : gilli '''' k , ;,',', 5 ' ' At ''' * ':.j. ' ' '.' \\'\' (11 .- s ,, ,,, „, 2k 5, ‘ \'',ik ', , , , oa \ ‘.- , ,. ‘ , .E...,,:,.x.... ..h......i....b....i, xhibit D—External Illumination , s\,,,,\,,,,, ,, ,.,,„,,,,,„,,,, ,,,,:,,,s,,,,*.,-,,4,';*,1, ,,,;,,,,,,,,,,:,,',,,'_,,.'s, -,:.,,',;,,','s,„'','\,„..--.,:-,,,-:,,„,:':.C.:.„.,:t:,s:Z,','',.','„.':',,4;'''','1\'‘1'"..1..,,,,,.4,',1„ t +xt 1 f \\\ *''\l' 1' \ ,.,�."`~`,- ,�.,-:—..•._.. -.. ^mob s \ w•;. i ' it \.. ` e'er rn-;:7-..:**' iii• \' r3 ' Ctrrrtlittnit �Ju juaeitta 0 S71- a ;I le Page l l of l6 K:\Planning Dept�Eagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for aMulti-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx I'YPES, SI'YLES &LOGOS: The use of logos and distinctive typestyles is encouraged for all tenant signs. Tenants may adopt established typestyles and logos. These imaged must be architecturally compatible and approved by managing entity/ACC. SIGN COLORS &FINISHES: All tenant sign colors must be approved by the managing entity/ACC and City prior to fabrication to assist in achieving a harmonious blend of color throughout the center. The following guidelines are to be adhered to: Limited color palette in shades of white, grey,black,beige,taupe,espresso are acceptable. TENANT SIGN ALLOCA'i'iON: Sign quantities and areas set forth in this program are deemed fair and appropriate for the current tenant occupancies. In the event that tenant leasehold spaces are divided or combined in the future, sign locations, areas, and quantities may change provided that the overall sign area and other sign size limitations as set forth by this program and Eagle City Code are not exceeded. SIGN SIZE&QUANTITY: 1. Each sign must be on separate wall facade. 2. Each business within this multi-tenant building shall be allowed two(2)building wall signs, except the"end cap"tenants,who shall be allowed to install three(3)building wall signs, provided that each sign is located on a separate building elevation. 3. Area shall not exceed ten(10)percent of the area of the wall that the sign is being mounted upon(based on tenant's lease space). If the wall sign is visible from a State Highway,the area of the sign shall be limited to twenty(20)percent of the area of the wall that the sign is mounted upon(based on tenant's lease space). 4. Individual letters shall be dimensional with a minimum of thickness to a maximum of 8". PROHIBITED SIGNS: The following signs are prohibited by owner: 1. No animated,flashing,audible,off premise, or vehicle signs are permitted. 2. No exposed raceways,cross-over conduits,neon tube conductors or exposed transformers are permitted. 3. No cabinet signs are permitted. MONUMENT SIGN: See DR-12-16 MOD or subsequent modifications for monument sign and monument sign tenant panel criteria. Page 12 of 16 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx BUILDING WALL SIGN PLACEMENT: "."'"777 777 7\7777" ra777 7 "777"77"7 7777"7 a Audi. s. vwn.a I I = ..w.m..a aaifnaaa mann= a:nu:nig cam= iMbit MPhiliiunna aii�i��i�ri+i anniiwan nuai uan �e �� a�`��\\\p\\'�;e\�e "�qc ,. .,,\D. �""w �c : ,gig. '��o\�\a� t�\�S a�A`�a�:+e\SA a�Na'��?ffi�a�.`Fak ... t 11` .10 ■ _ um we 111�:. ,, +1� +lY�dA114\ ■ �.u�`w1�+�tT:a�bal��l pg 3 2. Provide revised building elevations showing all potential sign locations on all four building elevations. The revised building elevations shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 3. A sign permit is required prior to the installation of any signs on this site. 4. Monument signs are not approved with this application. Refer to DR-12-16 MOD or subsequent modifications for monument sign and monument sign tenant panel criteria. NOTE: In the event a Standard Condition of Approval conflicts with a Site Specific Condition of Approval contained herein the Site Specific Condition of Approval shall control. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Ada County Highway District and/or the Idaho Transportation Department, including but not limited to approval of the drainage system, curbs, gutters, streets and sidewalks. A letter of approval from the highway district having jurisdiction shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a Zoning Certificate for this site. 2. Idaho Department of Health & Welfare approval of the sewer and water facilities is required prior issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 3. All permits from Central District Health, Eagle Sewer District& Eagle Fire District shall be secured prior to issuance of building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 4. Written approval of all well water for any shared or commercial well shall be obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. 5. Unless septic tanks are permitted, wet line sewers will be required and the applicant will be required to furnish the City Engineer with a letter from the sewer entity serving the property, accepting the project for service, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 6. The applicant shall submit a letter from the appropriate drainage entity approving the drainage system and/or accepting said drainage; or submit a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying that all drainage shall be retained on-site prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. A copy of the construction drawing(s) shall be submitted with the letter. Page 13 of 16 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx 7. The applicant shall submit plans and calculations prepared by a registered professional engineer to handle the satisfactory disposal of all storm drainage on the applicant's site. Drainage system plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. The plans shall show how swales,or drain piping,will be developed in the drainage easements. The approved drainage system shall be constructed, or a performance bond shall be submitted to the City Clerk,prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. The lot shall be so graded that all runoff runs either over the curb,or to the drainage easement and no runoff shall cross any lot line onto another lot except within a drainage easement. All design and calculations shall meet the requirements of Ada County Highway District. Construction of the storm drain disposal system shall be complete before an occupancy permit is issued. 8. No ditch,pipe or other structure or canal,for irrigation water or irrigation waste water owned by an organized irrigation district,canal company, ditch association, or other irrigation entity, shall be obstructed,routed,covered or changed in any way unless such obstruction,rerouting,covering or changing has first been approved in writing by the entity. A Registered Engineer shall certify that any ditch rerouting, piping,covering or otherwise changing the existing irrigation or waste ditch(1) has been made in such a manner that the flow of water will not be impeded or increased beyond carrying capacity of the downstream ditch; (2)will not otherwise injure any person or persons using or interested in such ditch or their property; and(3) satisfied the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction. A copy of such written approval and certification shall be filed with the construction drawing and submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 9. Encroachments including,but not limited to, landscaping, fencing, lighting,and/or pathways shall not be located within any easement or right-of-way for any ditch, pipe or other structure,or canal used for irrigation water or irrigation waste water without the express written approval of the organized irrigation district,canal company,ditch association,or other irrigation entity associated with such ditch, pipe or other structure,or canal. The applicant shall submit a copy of the written approval from the irrigation entity prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 10. Street light plans shall be submitted and approved as to the location,height and wattage to the City Engineer(if applicable)prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards. The applicant shall provide a recorded easement,acceptable to the City Engineer,for the purpose of installing and maintaining street light fixtures,conduit and wiring lying outside any dedicated public right-of-way, prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. The applicant shall pay applicable street light inspection fees prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. 11. Parking lot light plan shall be submitted and approved as to the location,height and wattage by the City Engineer. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards. Lighting is required in the parking area and shall be properly illuminated to avoid accidents. Any lights used to illuminate the parking lot shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining property. 12. The parking area shall be paved and shall be maintained in good condition without holes and free of all dust,trash, weeds and other debris. 13. One set of building plans,for any non single-family residential use, shall be submitted to the Eagle Page 14 of 16 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\DA2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx Fire Department for approval. An approval letter from the Eagle Fire Department shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. The letter shall include the following comments and minimum requirements,and any other items of concern as may be determined by the Eagle Fire Department officials: a. "The applicant has made arrangements to comply with all requirements of the Fire Department." b. The fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and be approved in writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. c. Minimum flow per hydrant shall be 1,000 gallons per minute for one and two family dwellings, 1,500 gallons per minute for dwellings having a fire area in excess of 3,600-square feet,and 1,500 gallons per minute for non-residential uses(i.e.;Commercial,Industrial, Schools,etc.). Flow rates shall be inspected in accordance with all agencies having jurisdiction, and shall be verified in writing by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of any building permits or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. d. The proposed fire protection system shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Fire Department prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 14. Any recreation area,greenbelt area or pathway area along the Boise River,Dry Creek or any other area designated by the City Council or Eagle City Park and Pathway Development Committee for a path or walkway shall be approved in writing by the Eagle City Park and Pathway Development Committee prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 15. Conservation,recreation and river access easements(if applicable)shall be approved by the Eagle City Park and Pathway Development Committee and shall be shown on the final plat prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 16. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Eagle City Code,pertaining to floodplain and river protection regulations(if applicable)prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 17. The applicant shall obtain written approval of the development relative to the effects of the Boise River Flood Plain(if applicable)from the Corps. of Engineers prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 18. The applicant shall obtain approval of the development relative to its effects on wetlands or other natural waterways(if applicable)from the Corps. of Engineers and the Idaho Department of Water Resources and/or any other agency having jurisdiction prior to issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy,whichever occurs first. 19. Basements in the flood plain are prohibited. 20. The Americans with Disabilities Act,Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the City Council. 21. New plans,which incorporate any required changes, shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and the City Council for review and approval. 22. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based,other than those required by the above conditions,will require submittal of an application for modification and approval of that application prior to commencing any change. 23. Any modification of the approved design review plans, including,but not limited to building design, location and details, landscaping,parking,and circulation,must be approved prior to construction/ installation of such changes. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the project to comply with the approved design review and/or result in the inability to issue a final approval for Page 15 of 16 KAPlanning DeptTagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater cc£docrz occupancy of this project. 24. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the City of Eagle of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. 25. Approval of any Design Review shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration of the Design Review if construction has not started prior to that date, as stipulated in Eagle City Code(one year from approval date). 26. All ground-mounted accent lighting fixtures and monument sign lighting fixtures shall be screened from view with the use of landscaping(top of the fixture shall be no higher than the surrounding landscaping). The light source itself shall otherwise be screened as provided for within Eagle City Code. 27. The City's actions on the application does not grant the applicant any appropriation of water or interference with existing water rights. The applicant indemnifies and holds the City harmless for any and all water rights, claims in any way associated with this application. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application (DR-76-19) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Article A, DR Design Review Overlay District, and based upon the information provided with the conditions required herein, concludes that the proposed design review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of the proposed design review in terms of Eagle City Code 8-2A-13(B)(2)(i), and has concluded: i. The building wall signs will be required to be harmonious with the architectural design of the building,and will not cover nor detract from desirable architectural features. DATED this 28th day of January 2020. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, I o 0i4 E,41( es as n Pierce, Mayor • p • p E * A _•4111111. * E ATTEST: 1, SEAL �(68 f,�1Ft -co)\.*s•O I n • TE OF ID e t.,, s -Sharon K. Bergmann, Eagle Ci ; Clerk Page 16 of 16 K.\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2019\DR-76-19 MSP for a Multi-tenant Bldg in Stillwater ccf.docx