Findings - CC - 2008 - RZ-08-03 MOD - Mod To Da #105007541/Add Drive Thru Restaurant BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) FOR A MODIFICATION TO THE REZONE ) DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ASSOCIATED ) WITH ARTS WEST SUBDIVISION (AKA ) SYMPHONY SUBDIVISION) FOR EAGLE ) ISLAND CROSSING, LLC ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER RZ-08-03 MOD The above-entitled rezone with development agreement modification application came before the Eagle City Council for their decision on July 8, 2008. The Council continued the item to the July 22, 2008, meeting at which time the application was remanded to staff. The application was re-noticed and came before the City Council on September 23, 2008, at which time public testimony was taken. The Council left the public hearing open and continued the public hearing to October 28, 2008, at which time they made their decision. The Council, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Eagle Island Crossing, LLC, represented by Kammie Oates with Horrocks Engineers, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement (Instrument No. 105007541) to add a drive-thru restaurant (specifically one of the following: coffee, yogurt/ice cream, or sandwich shop) as a permitted use within Arts West Subdivision (aka Symphony Subdivision), a 21-10t (17-commercial, I-access, 3-common) mixed use subdivision. The 16.05-acre site is generally located 1,320 feet east ofN. Park Lane on the north side of State Highway 44 at 3300 & 3450 W. State Street and 3415 W. Flint Drive. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on May 22, 2008. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on June 23, 2008. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on June 30, 2008. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on September 9, 2008, and September 12, 2008. Due to the application having been remanded, a second Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on September 8, 2008. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on September 5, 2008. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on September 9,2008, and September 12,2008. Page 1 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On September 7, 2004, the City Council approved a comprehensive plan amendment (CP A-03-03) to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One (up to one dwelling unit per acre) to Mixed Use and a rezone (RZ-08-03) from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with development agreement) for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9, Block 2, of Flint Estates Subdivision. On April 12, 2005, the City Council approved a preliminary plat (PP-07-04) for Symphony Subdivision for Park Hampton, LLC. On November 13, 2007, the City Council approved a design review (DR-67-07) for the common area landscaping and music academy building within Eagle Island Crossing Subdivision (aka Arts West Subdivision). On December 18, 2007, the City Council approved a final plat (FP-12-07) for Arts West Subdivision for Eagle Island Crossing, LLC. E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: COMPPLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Mixed Use, Transitional MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Mixed use development Residential, and Scenic development agreement) including commercial, Corridor overlay retail, multi-family residential, and a private school Proposed No Change No Change Allow a restaurant with drive-thru North of site Transitional Residential A-R (Agricultural- Single-family residential Residential) and R-3-DA (Flint Estates Subdivision) (Residential-up to three and the proposed dwelling units per acre with a Symphony Square development agreement) Subdivision South of site Mixed Use, Public/Semi- PS (Public/Semi-Public) and State Highway 44 and the Public, and Residential RUT (Residential- Ada proposed entrance to Eagle One County designation) Island State Park East of site Residential One and R-l (Residential-up to one The Colony Subdivision Transitional Residential unit per acre) and R-3-DA and the proposed (Residential-up to three Symphony Square dwelling units per acre with a Subdivision development agreement) West of site Mixed Use MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Bellemeade Subdivision development agreement) and and proposed Millpark A-R (Agricultural- Village Subdivision Residential) Page 2 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc F. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: Not in the DDA, TDA, CEDA, or DSDA. G. TOTAL ACREAGE OF SITE: 16.05-acres H. APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REZONE MODIFICATION: See applicant's justification letter date stamped by the City on September 10, 2008, attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. 1. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP: No map currently exists. J. NON-CONFORMING USES: None are apparent on the site. K. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded and their correspondence is attached to a Zoning Administration memo to the Mayor and Council dated September 12, 2008, and incorporated herein by reference: Ada County Highway District - Providing number of vehicle trips/day for a restaurant with a drive-thru and the vehicle trip per day threshold for a residential collector. Idaho Department of Transportation - No comment or concerns relative to a drive-thru restaurant at the site. L. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: Gary and Karen Brandecker submitted correspondence date stamped by the City on September 10, 2008, opposed to the drive-thru food establishment. They also indicated that drives thru establishments were denied when the application was originally approved September 4, 2008. They are also indicated they have traffic and safety concerns that will be created the number of businesses within the development. Walter H. and Rosemarie Hess submitted correspondence date stamped by the City on July 3, 2008, requesting that the developer not be permitted to divide a single parcel into four (4) separate parcels, allow a drive-thru in proximity to The Colony Subdivision, and request that the developer submit a final plan so the affected residents will have a clear picture as to what is being developed in Eagle Island Crossing. Ernie and Reva Clarke submitted correspondence date stamped by the City on July 7, 2008, requesting no fast food restaurants or drive-thrus be permitted within Eagle Island Crossing to preserve adequate "insulation" between existing Colony residences and new development. Penny Ivancic submitted correspondence date stamped by the City on July 11, 2008, supporting the City Council's decision in September 2004 denying drive-thru restaurants in this area. Penny Ivancic sent an email on September 24, 2008, expressing her concerns with the additional traffic and requesting a clarification on what uses are permitted within a Mixed Use zone. Ken Croff sent an email dated September 19, 2008, addressing his concern regarding the additional traffic on Flint Drive and Fisher Park Way coming from Eagle High School. Page 3 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc Becky Callister sent an email on September 22, 2008, opposing any proposed drive-thru restaurants within Arts West Subdivision. She is opposed to a restaurant with drive-thru because the previous Council promised there would be no businesses with drive-thru service in this development. The proposal is not compatible with the neighborhood. She is concerned with the additional traffic from the high school. Due to the additional traffic the proposed use will be dangerous to the students attending Arts West School. This proposal will spur more applications for drive-thru establishments along the State Highway 44 corridor. STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: Mixed Use Suitable primarily for a variety of uses such as limited office, limited commercial, and residential developments. Uses should complement uses within the Central Business District (CBD). Development within this land use designation should be required to proceed through the PUD and/or Development Agreement process, see specific planning area text for a complete description. Scenic Corridor An Overlay designation that is intended to provide significant setbacks from major corridors and natural features through the city. These areas may require berming, enhanced landscaping, detached meandering pathways and appropriate signage controls. 6.8 Land Use Sub Areas 6.8.2 Park Lane Planning Area The Park Lane Planning Area is designated as mixed use combining community commercial, professional office, and a variety of residential densities. The vision for the area is to recognize the activity center created by Eagle High School and existing development approved by Ada County and to provide compatible land uses at densities that accommodate pedestrian scale design and future mass transit. a. Use The land use and development policies specific to the Park Lane Planning Area include the following: 3. Flint Drive shall be preserved primarily as a residential street while properties abutting State Street should include a mix of residential uses, limited retail and office uses that promote trip capturing. b. Design 2. Flint Estates Area: The Flint Estates area adjacent to State Highway 44 should be designed to provide limited retail uses that encourage pedestrian circulation from the residential and high school areas, and to compliment the existing mixed use areas at State Street and Park Lane (Camille Beckman). Street trees, benches and sidewalks are encouraged within the Park Lane Planning Area. Page 4 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc Common parking areas at the sides of buildings and joint parking agreements should be encouraged so walking distances between buildings are minimized and provide a pedestrian scale to the area. Activity and building orientation should focus on internal circulation roads rather than the regional transportation network. Flint Drive is to remain primarily a residential roadway. On-street parking should be encouraged where sufficient right of way is available. Appendix 1 - Glossary Trip Capturing The design of transit, commercial, retail and office areas so that patrons are able to accomplish multiple daily tasks with one vehicle trip as opposed to having to use multiple vehicle trips to go to several single use areas. This is opposite of trip generation which is a use that creates a new independent vehicle trip for a specific use or a use that is a single destination site. B. ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: . Eagle City Code, Section 8-3-5 Unique Land Uses: Certain unique land uses pose special problems that may have detrimental influences on surrounding land uses. The following performance standards for such unique land uses shall be adhered to in addition to all other provisions of this title. Drive In Restaurant: 1. Will be enclosed on the property line with landscaping and fencing, except for ingress and egress, to prevent trash from moving onto other properties; 2. Will have at least a six foot (6') high sight obscuring fence along the property lines that adjoin a residence; 3. Will provide for adequate trash receptacles; and 4. Will avoid the direction of night lighting toward any residence. C. DISCUSSION: . The applicant is requesting a modification to the "Conditions of Development" for the development agreement (Instrument No. 105007541) for RZ-08-03 associated with Arts West Subdivision (aka Symphony Subdivision) to allow for one drive-thru restaurant limited to the operation of a coffee, ice cream/yogurt, baked goods, or deli sandwich shop only. If approved, the restaurant with drive-thru is proposed to be located in Building "L" (as shown on the Eagle Island Crossing Site Plan date stamped by the City on May 22, 2008) and will include one (1) drive-thru service lane located adjacent to the western and southern elevations of the building. Building "L" will be located adjacent to Fisher Park Way to the west and the proposed Symphony Square Subdivision to the north. In the original application, the applicant had requested the approval of one (1) restaurant with drive-thru and that additional drive-thru restaurants be permitted with the approval of a conditional use permit. The applicant's proposed condition of development did not restrict the type of restaurant with drive-thru that would be permitted. Because there was no restriction Page 5 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc staff was concerned with the potential intensity and impacts a restaurant with drive-thru would have on adjacent developments and therefore made the recommendation of denial of the original request. . Restaurants with a drive-thru are a prohibited use within the MU (Mixed Use) zone. The development agreement for this development was used in lieu of a planned unit development (PUD). Development Agreements are a discretionary tool used by the Council as a condition of rezoning and allow a specific product with a specific use to be developed on property in an area that is not appropriate for all uses allowed or conditional in the requested zone. Within a PUD, up to ten percent (10%) of the gross land area may be directed to other commercial, office, public and quasi-public uses that are not allowed within the land use district, provided that there is a favorable finding by the council. The total area of the site is 16.05 acres, and the proposed lot where Building "L" is to be located consists of .74 acres which is less than the ten percent (10%) of the gross land area (1.60 acres) permitted with the PUD.. See condition of development no. 2.7 addressing this item. . The Eagle Island Crossing Site Plan date stamped by the City on May 22, 2008, shows Building "L" located on a lot adjacent to the northern boundary of the subdivision where the proposed Symphony Square Subdivision is to be located. The site plan shows the proposed drive-thru lane located on the opposite side of Building "L" from the proposed Symphony Square Subdivision. The developer of Arts West Subdivision is required to construct a twenty- foot (20') wide landscaped buffer area adjacent to Symphony Square Subdivision. Staff believes the required buffer area, the drive aisle serving the lots within Arts West Subdivision west of Fisher Park Way located adjacent to the buffer area, and the location of the proposed drive-thru, will sufficiently shield the lights and diminish the noise of vehicles using the drive-thru lane from the adjacent residential uses and roadways. It should be noted that during the design review process the building and site design will be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board pursuant to all of the requirements of Eagle City Code prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT MEMORANDUM: Staff recommends approval of the modification to the development agreement with an addition to Conditions of Development 2.7 (underline text to be added) and one (1) new Conditions of Development 2.14 to read as follows: 2.7 In accordance with ECC Section 8-2-1, this development agreement is considered in-lieu of the PUD (except as conditioned in 2.12 below). Except for the limitations and allowances expressly set forth above and the other terms of this Agreement, the uses which are shown as permitted (P) or conditional (C) uses under the Mixed Use zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations" shall be considered permitted uses on Lots 5 and 8, Block 2, except that the following uses shall be prohibited: Mobile home (single unit primary residence) Mobile home (single unit temporary living quarters) Mobile home park Animal shows or sales Automotive washing facility Bar Cabinet shop Cemetery Circuses and carnivals Page 6 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc Christmas tree sales Commercial entertainment facilities (indoors) - Note: see item 2.8 below Commercial entertainment facilities (outdoors) - Note: see item 2.8 below Drive-in theater Electronic sales, service, or repair shop Equipment rental and sales yard Farmer's markets (outdoor) Hardware store Horticulture (general) Hospital Hotel Industry Kennel Laboratories Laundromat Laundry (with drive up service) Live entertainment events - Note: see item 2.8 below Massage Spa Mobile office Mortuary Motel Parking lot, parking garage commercial Personal wireless facilities (height-over 35 feet) Research Activities Retail sales (general) Riding academies/stables Roadside stand (temporary structure) Sign shop, including painting Small engine repair (mower, chainsaws, etc) Storage (enclosed building) Storage (fenced area) Street fair Trade fair Travel services Upholstery shop Woodworking shop The restaurant with drive-thru (limited to one of the following: coffee, yogurt/ice cream, or deli sandwich shop), shown on the Eagle Island Crossing: Site Plan (Exhibit "D") as Building "L", which is a prohibited use within said section of Ea~le City Code and on the entire Property as noted above, shall be permitted with this development agreement. 2.14 Any building with a proposed drive-thru shall be designed in such a way as to compliment the overall character of the development. and design styles exceeding the standard utilitarian look of a building with a drive-thru shall be required. The applicant shall also shall provide a minimum forty-eight inch (48") high berm, decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall, landscaping, or combination thereof within the buffer area adjacent to the drive-thru lane to reduce the impact of the vehicles utilizing the drive-thru lane (i.e. vehicle headlights and vehicle cueing). Page 7 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A Public hearing on the application was held before the City Council July 8, 2008. The Council continued the item to the July 22, 2008, meeting at which time the application was remanded to staff. The application was re-noticed and came before the City Council on September 23, 2008, at which time public testimony was taken. The Council requested additional information be provided from the Idaho Transportation Department and Ada County Highway District, left the public hearing open and continued the public hearing to October 28, 2008 at which time public testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Council made their decision at that time. B. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the City Council by no one (not including the applicant/representative). C. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the City Council by two (2) individuals representing residents who reside within Colony Subdivision who have the following concerns: . Previous Council prohibited banks with drive-thru service and it was the residents understanding that all drive-thru uses were prohibited on the site. . The proposed restaurant with drive-thru is located too close to Arts West school. . Drive-thru service is not an economic necessity for a coffee shop. . The developer is the only one who benefits financially. . If the proposed Symphony Square Subdivision were constructed and built out those residents would also be complaining about the proposed restaurant with drive-thru. . The residents are upset the contract (development agreement) is being changed. . The drivers leaving the restaurant with drive-thru will be distracted by whatever product they have purchased. This will be dangerous since there is a round-about and school in proximity to the drive-thru. . The proposed restaurant with drive-thru is not compatible with existing uses in proximity to the site due to lights and additional traffic. . At this time Fisher Park Way does not connect State Highway 44 to Flint Drive and cars entering the site from Flint Drive will be cutting through the parking lot located north of Arts West School. This will create a dangerous situation for students attending the school and patrons of the businesses north of the school and south of Flint Drive. . Fisher Park Way is not designed to address vehicle stacking at the signal at State Highway 44. . The restaurant with drive-thru should be located closer to the western boundary of the project (adjacent to the proposed Millpark Village Subdivision). COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 3 to 1 (Shoustarian against) to approve RZ-08-03 MOD for a modification to the Conditions of Development and associated exhibits within the development agreement (Instrument #105007541) associated with the site for Eagle Island Crossing for Eagle Island Crossing, LLC, with underline text to be added by the Council to the previously approved development agreement: 2.7 In accordance with ECC Section 8-2-1, this development agreement is considered in-lieu of the PUD (except as conditioned in 2.12 below). Except for the limitations and allowances expressly set forth above and the other terms of this Agreement, the uses which are shown as permitted (P) or conditional (C) uses under the Mixed Use zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations" shall be considered permitted uses on Lots 5 and 8, Block 2, except that the following uses shall be prohibited: Page 8 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc Mobile home (single unit primary residence) Mobile home (single unit temporary living quarters) Mobile home park Animal shows or sales Automotive washing facility Bar Cabinet shop Cemetery Circuses and carnivals Christmas tree sales Commercial entertainment facilities (indoors) - Note: see item 2.8 below Commercial entertainment facilities (outdoors) - Note: see item 2.8 below Drive-in theater Electronic sales, service, or repair shop Equipment rental and sales yard Farmer's markets (outdoor) Hardware store Horticulture (general) Hospital Hotel Industry Kennel Laboratories Laundromat Laundry {with drive up service) Live entertainment events - Note: see item 2.8 below Massage Spa Mobile office Mortuary Motel Parking lot, parking garage commercial Personal wireless facilities (height-over 35 feet) Research Activities Retail sales (general) Riding academies/stables Roadside stand (temporary structure) Sign shop, including painting Small engine repair (mower, chainsaws, etc) Storage (enclosed building) Storage (fenced area) Street fair Trade fair Travel services Upholstery shop Woodworking shop The restaurant with drive-thru (limited to one of the following: coffee. yogurt/ice cream. or deli sandwich shop). shown on the Eagle Island Crossing Site Plan (Exhibit "D") as Building "L". which is a prohibited use within said section of Eagle City Code and on the Page 9 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc entire Property as noted above, shall be permitted with this development agreement. Fisher Park Way shall be connected to Flint Drive from State Highway 44 prior to the issuance of a building permit for the restaurant with drive-thru. 2.14 Any building with a proposed drive-thru shall be designed in such a way as to compliment the overall character of the development. and design styles exceeding the standard utilitarian look of a building: with a drive-thru shall be required. The applicant shall also shall provide a minimum forty-eight inch (48") high berm, decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall, landscaping, or combination thereof within the buffer area adiacent to the drive-thru lane to reduce the impact of the vehicles utilizing the drive-thru lane (i.e. vehicle headlights and vehicle cueing). 2.15 The applicant shall work with the Ada County Highway District regarding the possibility that additional sidewalks should be required in proximity to Arts West School. 2.16 The applicant shall work with the Arts West School administration to address any student safety concerns in regard to the location of the restaurant with drive-thru (limited to one of the following: coffee, yogurt/ice cream, or deli sandwich shop). CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on May 22, 2008. 2. Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on June 23, 2008. Notice ofthis public hearing was mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on June 30, 2008. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on September 9,2008, and September 12, 2008. Due to the application having been remanded, a second Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on September 8, 2008. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on September 5,2008. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on September 9,2008, and September 12,2008. 3. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone modification (RZ- 08-03 MOD) with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed rezone is in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and established goals and objectives because: a. The MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) zoning designation is consistent with the Mixed Use land use designation shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; and b. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over the public facilities needed for this site indicated at the time of the original application and the additional information provided by the Idaho Transportation Department and Ada County Highway District indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve any and all uses allowed on this property under the proposed zone; and c. The proposed MU-DA (Mixed Use with Development Agreement) is compatible with the R-l zone (Residential-one dwelling unit per acre) and R-3-DA (Residential-three dwelling units per acre with a development agreement) to the east since any commercial development of the site will be required to be designed, pursuant to Eagle City Code and as conditioned in the Page 10 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc development agreement, with adequate buffers between any proposed commercial developments and the existing or proposed residential uses; and d. The MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) zone and A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone and land use to the west since a commercial/residential development (Millpark Village Subdivision) use similar to this site is proposed adjacent to the southern portion of the western boundary ofthe property and the area adjacent to the northern portion of the western boundary may be developed with a residential use similar to what is currently being developed within this site; and e. The MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the R-3-DA (Residential-three dwelling units per acre with a development agreement) zone and A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone land uses to the north since any commercial development of the site will be required to be designed, pursuant to Eagle City Code and as conditioned in the development agreement, with adequate buffers between any proposed commercial developments and the existing or proposed residential uses adjacent to the property currently zoned R-3-DA (Residential-three dwelling units per acre with a development agreement) zoned area and the remaining area may be developed with a residential subdivision and those developments will be required to provide a buffer area adjacent to Flint Drive; and f. The proposed MU-DA (Mixed Use with Development Agreement) is compatible with State Highway 44 and the MU-DA (Mixed Use with development agreement) and PS (Public/Semipublic) zones to the south since this site will be designed to have shared access among the uses, and will be limited to one (1) access point (in alignment with a future Eagle Island State Park entrance) onto State Highway 44 to mitigate potential conflict due to multiple access points in close proximity to one another. The development of the site is conditioned through a development agreement which places limitations on the type of uses on the property and requires architectural features that may be considered compatible with the Camille Beckman facility on the south side of State Highway 44; and g. The land proposed for rezone is not located within a "Hazard Area" or "Special Area" as described within the Comprehensive Plan; and h. No non-conforming uses are expected to be created with this rezone. DATED this 12th day of November 2008. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada Coun Idaho ,.........", ......'" ~ BAG/'.... ~.... ..j 0.........1...1.:..... -t'. , .c.~ .e --.. ~ I:..:~ .. 0 R A".. '. : a.. ~~ ."..0.0:. : :0 ~.: : : u .,,,,,, _: : .. \.. ..... . . ~ . ,~OIe ..""'\ . . '?' . . ~ .... i".1 - ':. ,~..~..'lo.. .~ .", . ,f,.""'.fT~. ... ~ .ORPO"'...... "" $ ....... \<) .... "F O~ ",,, ~ j ."", ATTEST: Page 11 of 11 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2003\RZ-08-03 MOD ccf.doc