Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 10/07/2008 - Regular
Special Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2008
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m.
SEMANKO. A quorum is present.
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Teri Bath leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. PUBLIC COMMENT: No one choose to speak.
A. Approval of Open Container Permit: Davinci' s in Eagle LLC is requesting an open
container permit to be used on October 11, 2008 from 1 :00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in conjunction with
a Porsche Club of America Car Show. The event will take place on 1 st Street north of State
Street to the alley. DaVinci's will be required to obtain the required approvals from Ada County
Highway District for the street closure approval. All other standard conditions of approval shall
apply. (SKB)
Mayor introduces the item.
Guerber moves to approve the open container permit for daVinci's for this Saturday.
Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
A. CPA-05-08/A-3-03/RZ-08-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map & Text Amendment
from Mixed Use and Professional Office to Commercial. Annexation and Rezone with
Pre-annexation/Development Al!reement - Eisenbere: Company: Eisenberg Company,
represented by Van Elg of The Land Group, Inc., is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map
and Text Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Future
Land Use Map from +/- 31.4 acres Mixed Use and +/- 4.4 acres Professional Office to
Commercial and amend the language in the Rim View Planning Area, an annexation and
rezone with Pre-Annexation/Development Agreement for +/- 38.34 acres with a zoning
designation ofC-3-DA (Highway Business District with a Development Agreement). The
+/- 38.34-acre site is located at the northeast corner of Linder Road and Chinden Boulevard
(US 20/26). (NBS)
Mayor introduces the item.
Council member Semanko arrives at 6:42 p.m.
Craig Eisenberg, President of the Eisenberg Company 2231 E. Camelback Pheonix, AZ. Mr.
Eisenberg gives a brief history of his company and his experience developing. Provides
information regarding why he feels this site has strong retail development potential. The
Eisenberg Company has been working with ITD, ACHD, Eagle Sewer District, Eagle City
Planning staff as well as neighbors in the area of the proposed development to bring forth a
high quality development.
Van Elg, with The Land Group, 462 E. Shore Dr. #100 Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Elg reviews the
site history and the proposed retail pad sites in the Eagle Island Marketplace.
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JoAnn Butler Legal Counsel for this development, 251 E. Front Street Boise, Idaho. Ms.
Butler reviews portions pages 2 and 3 of the staff report regarding the impact on the City of
Eagle of Meridian's annexation or planning of almost 1, I 00 acres that was designated in
Eagle's area of impact. Linder will now become the only north south river crossing in
Eagle's western area and so this is the appropriate location to relocate the 40 acre regional
commercial center from Highway 16 and Chinden to this comer. Butler states that certain
recommendations by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission are not legally possible and
reviews her suggested changes to the language. She distributes provides a handout and
reviews the same. Discusion. The reason that Eagle's Comprehensive Plan refers to
Chinden as a class 4 road, is because ITD representatives have asked the City to say this.
This puts the City in a precarious position, because ITD which does have jurisdiction over
the road has not made Chinden a type 4 road. ITD would like it to be, but it is not today.
The reasons being that ITD would like to preserve the Chinden corridor so that it functions
like a class 4 or limited access highway, but ITD has said it doesn't have the money to buy
the right of way and the access rights to do this. So ITD has asked the city to put highway
restrictions on landowners rather than have ITD actually pay for the right of way and access
points. Butler discusses access points to the sites. It is understood before development can
begin final approval from ITD is required. Butler comments on the letter submitted by
Foxtail regarding the Comprehensive Plan changes they would like included in this
application, her client does not feel that they are appropriate to be included in this
application. Butler states that Mr. Wilson with Foxtail has submitted a letter to the neighbors
letting them know his desire to be annexed into the City. Discussion. The development
agreement that goes along with the annexation and rezone that they are asking for is a pre-
annexation development, because the property is not in the city today. But it makes clear
that they are submitting to annexation when an annexation path can be found. It also
provides the City clear direction to the County as to what Eagle wants to see on that site
when annexation can actually occur.
Phil Hull with The Land Group 462 E. Shore Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hull reviews the site and
landscape design elements, pad sites and interior parking and traffic circulation on the site.
Jason Densmer with The Land Group 462 E. Shore Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Densmer addresses
the infrastructure for the site. The applicant has applied for and been granted annexation into
the Eagle Sewer District. They have also contacted United Water Company, Intermountain
Gas and Idaho Power Company. Traffic and access to the site has also been analyzed. There
are 4 proposed accesses to the site one off of Chinden Blvd and three off of Linder Road. A
traffic impact study has been done, and has identified that between 6-7 lanes are needed to
improve traffic at this intersection. The lane improvements and expansions will extend the
entire length of the project.
Pat Dobie, the traffic engineer who prepared the study for this development. States there is a
right turn lane for the west bound traffic because the volume of traffic in the afternoon during
rush hour is very heavy in the west direction. Moving this turning traffic out of the through
traffic stream will improve the flow of the intersection. Mr. Dobie states that by improving
the efficiency of the intersections along Chinden Boulevard you will improve the traffic
carrying capacity of the road. Further detail is reviewed regarding traffic and safety issues.
John Irvine with CSHQA 250 S. 5th Street Boise, Idaho. Mr. Irvine reviews the proposed
architectural design for this development.
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John Church Principal ofIdaho Economics P.O. Box 45694 Boise, Idaho. Mr. Church
reviews the projected economic impact to the City of Eagle. Discusses potential fiscal
impacts. It is a $57.8 million dollar project. At full build out this project would generate to
the City of Eagle about $45,000 in property taxes and $97,000 in total with property taxes,
revenue sharing and franchise fees - or about one million dollars every ten years. There will
be construction jobs created during the construction phase of the development and
approximately 158 jobs in the community due to the secondary impacts of the construction.,
and will add about $3.5 million dollars annually to payrolls in the community. Mr. Church
discusses other aspects of his economic assessment report.
Don Forrest, Site Acquisition Manager for Fred Meyers, 3800 SE 220d Ave. Portland Oregon.
After numerous site evaluations Fred Meyers selected this proposed site as it is an
underserved area that would be enhanced by the placement of a store at this location. Mr.
Forrest was surprised at the Planning and Zoning level at the number of people that came out
to support this development. This will be more of a local draw vs. a regional draw for the
area. Mr. Forrest discusses the commitment of Fred Meyers to this site.
Mr. Dobie states what the travel reduction would be as a result of the construction of this
store. Currently the average trip rate is 7.4 miles, with the construction of this center it will
be reduced to 6.65 miles this is a 10% reduction in average trip length. The total travel
reduction is 340,000 miles per year. This project in this location will serve a need and
significantly reduce the travel demand and traffic impacts on the system within about a three
mile radius of this site.
Discussion of buffering along the north side of the property.
City Planner III, Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the staff report and reviews the Planning and
Zoning Commission recommendations as well as the applicants recommended changes to
site specific conditions. Spencer reviews the proposed changes to the development
Question and answer between staff and Council.
City Attorney, Susan Buxton states that she has been in contact with the County Attorney
Ted Arguile with regard to this application. With regard to section 3.28 what the County is
looking for from the City Council is in the event that you approve this Comprehensive Plan
Amendment and the development agreement that you provide the County with the specific
detail as to what you would approve so that they could go forward with that, so that it is not
so questionable as to what your approval is. The City is first going to tell them what we want
as there are many things in the City code that are more stringent than theirs. Discussion
regarding withholding the issuance of occupancy and building permits until the property is
City Attorney, Buxton states that once ITD finishes its hearing process then they will make
our recommendation. ITD is conducting a hearing on the access request to Chinden and they
have a hearing officer who issued an interim order granting the intervention by the neighbors
and defining really what the role is and basically the role ofITD is to determine under the
application what the access will be. Once ITD goes through the hearing process they will
have a decision with regard to this particular properties request for an access. ITD will take
their jurisdiction and that is it. Discussion.
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Mayor calls a 5 minute break
Mayor Bandy opens the public hearing.
Lee Swider, 7176 N. Spring Crest Meridian. Ms. Swider lives north of the development, yet
has a Meridian mailing address. Ms. Swider is against the development, based on the shear
size of the development. Traffic, safety, noise are large areas of concern. She does not
believe that a 3' berm will mitigate the noise enough. While she is not against the
development of this site, she is does not feel this proposal is acceptable.
Larry Swider, 7176 N. Spring Crest Place Meridian. States that the developer has only
conducted one neighborhood development, as opposed to the numerous meetings the
developer referred to in their presentation. He does not feel this development is needed and
that the existing zoning laws are adequate. Would like the Council to vote against this
Mimi Plumb, 854 River Heights Drive. Would like Council to deny this application, and let
the current zoning remain. A project of this size should be placed in one of the current
commercially zoned property. A similar smaller project was rejected two years ago. Ms.
Plumb details problems with the proposed application including: the size is too large leaving
no room for transition zones, water run-off problems, increased noise and light pollution as
well as a negative traffic impact.
Judith Erdman, 7283 Windward Drive. Ms. Erdman is a 33 year resident. She does not feel
this will be a destination location. The people who would be served are from Meridian, not
the few Eagle residents in the area. Ms. Erdman has canvassed numerous neighborhoods and
none of the residents were in support or this development. She hopes that Eagle will stand
firm and not allow this development at this location. She is very much against this
Brian Schlader 6620 N. Fox Run Avenue. Mr. Shroder is weary of the numerous attempts to
amend the comprehensive plan, and would like the current comprehensive plan to be
complied with as opposed to what is being proposed by the developer. He discusses current
traffic difficulties and the potential for even more with this development. There may be a
negative impact to his property value if this commercial development is allowed. He is
against this application.
David Bensinger 7258 N. Spring Crest. A number of Mr. Bensinger's concerns have already
been addressed. An increase in traffic and light pollution are a concern. A grocery store in
this location does not meet their needs. The timing of this development is questionable
considering the current economy.
Montry Smith 7345 N. Linder Road. Mr. Smith has lived here for over 30 years and is
opposed to the plan. The previous speakers opposed to the development have addressed his
concerns. He moved to the area for the rural feel and would like it to remain.
Charles Wilson, 990 Chinden Blvd Meridian, Idaho. Mr. Smith owns and operates Fox Tail
Golf Course. He is in favor of this development. It is his intent to pursue annexation of the
golf course to make a path of annexation for the Fred Meyer development. Mr. Wilson has
submitted letters of support to the council which are included in the record, and has met with
City Planners about applying to annex his property.
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Robert K. Banks 1542 N. Parkforest Eagle, Idaho has lived in Eagle for 28 years. Mr. Banks
was the Executive Vice President for store development for Albertsons and retired in 2005
after 25 years of service. During his retirement he has done some real estate consulting and
been involved in a number of community activities. He served on the Eagle Urban Renewal
Agency and wanted to see that Eagle grow in a pleasing and planned fashion. He is
representing Fox Tail Golf Course and speaks in support of this development. The Council
has worked diligently in the past to create the great community we now live in and in hopes
they will do the same. Fox Tail is immediately adjacent to the Powell property which is
being proposed to be developed by Mr. Eisenberg. He feels that now is the appropriate time
to annex this property and that Fred Meyer will be a great anchor for this site. After study of
this area, specifically the northeast comer of Linder and Chinden, he believes this corner
should become a regional gateway for Eagle. The entire quadrant needs to be planned so
each parcel integrate with all other parcels. Mr. Banks is asking that the proposed language
change to the comprehensive plan be adopted.
Ivan Hoffman, 7220 N. Linder Road Meridian, Idaho. Has witnessed the traffic increases
over the last 18 years on Linder Road. Mr. Hoffman was a traffic engineer prior to
retirement. The advantages of the improved intersection at Linder and Chinden are lost
because of the stop light one half mile away. Any improvements made to Chinden would
have to exceed Yz mile, they would have to go % to 1 mile farther down to Ten Mile Road to
alleviate traffic problems at Chinden and Linder. People who live north and west of Eagle
would alter their traffic pattern, utilizing Linder Road to get to Chinden to the proposed Fred
Meyer, causing the right in - right out on Linder Road would be a big problem to traffic. As
a safety concern the big box business at this location should be denied.
Mark Montier 7175 N Spring Crest. Mr. Montier is against this development. He is tired of
coming before Council to defend the Comprehensive Plan. He has made an investment in his
home and wants to raise his children here. This development is not improving the quality of
life, feels it should be scaled back.
Carol Montier 7175 N. Spring Crest. Ms. Montier states that the developer only had one
neighborhood meeting. She would like the Comprehensive Plan to remain unchanged. Ms.
Montier does not believe the improvements to the intersection would be sufficient. Ms.
Montier displays a video of the traffic problems they shot a few years ago. The proposal is
too big, they are trusting Council to do the right thing.
Ken Fergusson 1542 W. Sandy Court. Mr. Fergusson is in support of maintaining the current
Comprehensive Plan. Strongly supports previous testimony in opposition.
Shawn Kurtman 6452 N. Fox Run. Mr. Kurtman is in opposition of this project. The
planning of the roads is bad, based on the photos displayed by Mr. Wilson. They show a
road through a residential area, dumping a road right into his house. If you lump the Wilson
proposal and this application it is totally wrong.
Andrew Lawrence 1685 W. Grant Lane Meridian, Id. This is a good idea, but with the
impact of traffic and access it will create chaos. The impact to Grant Lane with the proposed
location of the gas station would be very negative. Does not feel the 3' berm is sufficient.
The plan is not good and should be rethought.
Jim Goth 1458 W. Sandy Court. Mr. Goth is in opposed to the proposed change to the
Comprehensive Plan. The reasons for opposition have been listed in previous testimony
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including traffic and noise. He feels the only ones in favor of this are the ones that stand to
make money from the investment.
Scott Trosper, 7110 Spring Crest. Mr. Trosper testified two years ago against a similar
project. Feels the current Comprehensive Plan allows for a scaled down version of this
development and allows for transition that is very much needed. Mr. Trosper is in opposition
to this application.
Lynne Trosper 7110 Spring Crest. Ms. Trosper also feels this is a continuation of the process
from two years ago. There is a land grab between the City of Meridian and Eagle, which is
not really the problem of the citizens of Eagle. The people should not get caught between the
disagreements between ACHD, Ada County and Eagle Planners. It should be worked out
and then brought forward. She does not feel that the area is underserved due to a lack of
Fred Meyers in the area, there are other businesses that meet the needs of the neighboring
properties. Bigger is not better, the needs can be met with what we have.
Greg Barney, 6687 N. Barney Lane. Mr. Barney feels the people are getting hurt by the
political maneuvering of the cities and other affected jurisdictions. The increase in lanes will
result in the need for bridge replacement, the cost of which will be borne by the citizens. The
core citizens are who should remain who the Council is responsive to.
Ben Needler 3393 W. Fieno Dr. Eagle, Idaho states there are a couple people on the sign up
sheet after him that had to leave and they left letters for him to read to the Council.
e-mail received by Mr. Needler is read into the record: Ben: Sorry I cannot make the
meeting tonight, please print this e-mail and show my support for this project. I travel from
Eagle to Nampa on Chinden everyday for work, we desperately need some services on this
route. When I return home I have to drive past my home to Eagle to acquire groceries and
fuel when needed. This area of Eagle is a great location for this project. Cory Elitharp 1558
S Lake Crest Way Eagle, Idaho.
Mr. Needler submits letter from Carol and Jerry Evans 1431 N. Razza Way Eagle, Idaho and
reads it into the record. The letter is attached to minutes. Mr. & Mrs. Evans are in support
of this item, because it will provide much needed jobs, and improve traffic and safety at the
corner of Linder and Chinden. The proposed development would also add more convenient
services and additional funds for our city for future improvements.
Mr. Needler submits letter from Chuck Rosco 1400 N. Rosa Way Eagle and reads it into the
record. The letter is attached to the minutes. Mr. Rosco is in support of Eagle Island
Marketplace development. He feels it will be a great asset to the community for shopping
and help start development of the intersection. He understands that the developer will help
pay for the intersection improvement and that it will be a win-win for ACHD and the
Mr. Needler submits letter from Jeff Beagley and reads it into the record. No address is
given, but Mr. Needler states that Mr. Beagley's property is at the northern border of the
proposed development. The letter is attached to the minutes. Mr. Beagley's property has
been in the family since the early 1970's, and is in full support of the proposed development.
The proposal appears to be well planned, and will provide economic and environmental
advantages with shorter drive times and the new jobs created with this proposed
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Mr. Needler submits letter from Matt and Susan Eells 6910 N. Linder Rd. Meridian, Idaho
and reads it into the record. The letter is attached to the minutes. The Eells are 36 year
residents and 15 year owners of the property (he purchased the property from his father)
located adjacent to the north of the Eagle Marketplace. They believe the proposed
development will bring value to their property as well as ease a problem on Ada County in
regards to their business operations. When they opened their landscape business it was an
accepted use of their property, but as the area has grown the zoning has changed to
accommodate the new developments around them and left Ada County in a quandary as to
what to do with their zoning and 250 other people like them in similar situations. The
proposed development would be of benefit to the traffic situation at Linder and Chinden.
The Eisenberg Company has been forthcoming and a pleasure to work with. The hope
Council will approve this development.
Ben Needler 3393 W. Fieno Dr. Eagle, Idaho states he previously lived at the Garrity
interchange prior to the 115acre project that the developers are doing now. His subdivision
at the time had some of the same concerns, including that it would decrease his property
value. His property value actually went up. When he sold the new owner liked the
proximity to the freeway and loved having the services next door. While he can't testify as
to what will happen to the property values here, he can tell you what happened to him
personally with a similar project.
Roger Ottman 1100 River Heights Drive. Mr. Ottman does not feel this development fits
with the surrounding property. As he reflects, he sees that a developer had an idea and it was
in the process of being approved at a site 2.5 miles west ofthis current proposal. And it
seemed that it fit at that site, and then for whatever reason a change in plans came along.
The developer then took the exact same plan and has basically plunked it down in the middle
of a very high end residential development. It just doesn't fit. Mr. Ottoman states that he
pays very high taxes and that's what supports the Council and the County and therefore
expects representation. The negative traffic impact would be substantial, as well as the
increase in noise and light pollution. The traffic changes suggested will not address the far
reaching impacts of this development.
Reed Bowen 6621 N. Fox Run Avenue Meridian, Idaho. Mr. Bowen states that as Highway
16 is not going to develop and all of the traffic will continue to be funneled through Linder
Road. A State Street and Linder Road location would be more appropriate. Mr. Bowen feels
the City is hypocritical in some of the requests made by the City in the development
agreement, and its opposition of the ITD requests. This is the same development from two
years ago. The figures from the traffic analysis presented by Mr. Dobie do not make sense.
The Albertson's plan that was presented before is much more palatable that a huge Fred
Meyer store. He requests the current Comprehensive Plan remain unchanged.
Mayor Bandy informs those in attendance that the City must process any comprehensive plan
application that come through the door.
Brad Larson, 2305 Ribier Drive Meridian, Idaho. Traffic is of concern and safe accessibility.
The only entrance to his subdivision is just across the street from what will be the service
entrance to this project. It will make entering Linder dangerous and awkward to cross six
lanes of traffic. Their children's bus stop is also nearby, and would hope these two things
could be looked at to improve the situation. He would like the current comprehensive plan
to remain unchanged. The amount of light pollution is of concern. Who receives the tax
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money from the development should not be a factor in the decision making process, it should
be based on the quality of the development. Mr. Larson feels that there would be a negative
impact to the quality of life. He is not opposed to development, just not this one.
Laura Broadband 913 River Heights Dr. Meridian, Idaho. Ms. Broadband reads a letter in
opposition to the application. (letter not submitted to the Clerk) This application was
brought before Council over a year ago and was rejected at that time. The project is
unsuited for the location, as it is proposed in an area of low density housing, 1-5 acre lots that
have been there for a long time. The neighbors that would be most affected by the
development are generally adamantly opposed to it. There are some in support in the project,
but it should be emphasized that without exception that the people who are not adjacent to or
in close proximity to the development or are individuals who would arguable gain an
economic advantage because of their ownership of adjacent vacant land which they believe
would be more valuable as commercial property. The project is too large, and would
negatively impact her quality oflife. A project of this type would deteriorate the rural
residential nature of the area. Also opposed to the additional traffic this new development
would create. The negative impact of traffic would be debilitating.
Gwen Huckstep 2716 W. Sugar Berry Drive. Ms. Huckstep reads a letter of opposition into
the record. (letter not submitted to the Clerk) She is opposed to the rezoning of the corner of
Chinden and Linder, the current infrastructure of two lane country roads that have existed the
entire time she has lived her for 30+ years cannot support this overwhelming large big box
development. Life would cease to move, literally for those who live in the logistical
nightmare that we live each day. She understands that development will occur but it should
abide by the current zoning. It is far more cohesive with what is out there now. The quality
oflife will be greatly reduced for all residents within a 4-5 mile radius of this spot. Those
property owners who stand in support also stand to make a lot of money from this project,
but they won't be living there day in and day out. Those who live nearby will have to live in
the logistical nightmare. Ms. Huckstep was informed that Ben Neelder is a commercial real
estate agent. Turn lanes would be a logistical nightmare and dangerous.
Don Copple 199 N. Capital Blvd. Boise, Idaho. Mr. Copple is an attorney that has been
working with the applicant and has been assisting them with their access with lTD. Their
approach with ITD has been granted to the property. ITD has exclusive jurisdiction over
their highways, you have no land use input to them. ACHD has exclusive jurisdiction over
their roads as well. Corridor preservation is a problem, and that is why we keep having
problems with lTD. The applicant is willing to abide by what ITD and ACHD will require.
Merlyn Bodly 7075 N. Linder Road. Has lived in the area since the 1950's and stands before
Council somewhat conflicted. While you cannot go back to the 1950's, he does want a good
development on the Powell property.
Kay Perkins 7610 Amity Road Nampa, Idaho. Ms. Powel reads a statement into the record.
Letter attached to minutes. Ms. Perkins is a part owner of the Lazy P Ranch commonly
referred to as the Powell Property. Her parents bought this property 59 years ago. They
wanted to farm, in a peaceful open country setting. There was very little traffic on Chinden
and Linder 59 years ago as there were only 5 houses on Chinden between Linder and
Meridian Road. There has been a lot of growth in 59 years. They didn't complain when
people started building houses and brought more traffic, noise and pollution to the area.
They didn't complain when they lost their view and the open country feel. But because of all
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the growth they have lost wildlife coming through their property, irrigation water to the north
side of their property, the peace and quiet of living in a country setting. Because of growth
they had to give up some their property on both Chinden and Linder to widen the road to
help move the traffic. Her parents dream is to develop the corner and leave a legacy for their
children and grandchildren. They did not complain when people started to move to the
country to fulfill their dreams. These same people should not complain when Mom and Dad
are trying to fulfill their dreams. The same people who are complaining are the people who
moved to the area after we did, which caused more traffic and the need for a commercial
corner of our property to cut down that traffic. She is asking for Council's approval of the
application tonight.
Teri Bath with the Eagle Chamber of Commerce 597 E. State Street. The Council should be
in possession of a letter of support for the Chamber Economic development committee. The
addition of jobs would be a great benefit to the community. They are in support of the
Rebuttal by applicant.
Pat Dobie states that the video that was shown is an excellent example of what the traffic
problem is. Elaborates on the length of the improvements and the coordination of the signal
lights are designed to improve the traffic flow. The traffic study indicates that speed doubles
once they pass Linder. It is the goal to have the intersection completed before the store
Don Forrest with Fred Meyers. Mr. Forrest addresses the light and noise issue. The lights
will comply with the night sky guidelines. Discusses the economic impact of restricted
access to this development. Discussion.
JoAnn Butler there has had discussions with Ted Arguile with Ada County and the City
Attorney. It is their hope to make a decision for the good of all of Eagle and take a close
look at this application.
Pat Dobie discusses the location of the proposed fuel station.
Craig Eisenbarth states that traffic has always been a major factor for this location, and he
feels that a safe plan has been proposed to address those issues. Encourages the Council to
approve the proposal before them tonight.
An unidentified gentleman in the audience questions where the developers have constructed
a Fred Meyers and as a result the that property values increase where the surrounding homes
where on one acre plus size lots.
Mr. Forrest lists the location of Vancouver Washington and Ellensberg, Washington.
Scott Trosper 711 Springcrest Place. He submits for the record the size of the application
that was submitted a year ago.
Clarification provided by Planner III Baird Spencer.
Mayor closes the public hearing.
Huffaker notes the size of the proposed development is almost three times large that what is
currently allowed. Comments on the testimony given tonight, and is saddened to see an
application get to this point and have there be an apparent disconnect between the applicant
and neighboring properties. He expresses concern with the lack of transition. The proposed
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berm seems to be inadequate. If the development were brought back in a manner in
compliance with the current comprehensive plan. Quotes the findings of fact and
conclusions of law from the Planning and Zoning Commission where they refer to the
comprehensive plan. The buffering and transition issues have not been adequately
addressed. Guerber sometimes traffic can be addressed in phases and perhaps this is one step
in improving the overall problem. The size is of concern, but if buffering and transition can
be built into it - it may work. Without reassurance that there will be communication and
some kind of a concept with what will happen around this development he is not comfortable
with giving them the green light and waits and see what happens later on. As to the buffers
for the gas station across the street, in the past applicants were required to put buffers across
the road to mitigate noise and light impacts. If a 3' buffer on the east side of Linder does not
solve the problem maybe a buffer on the west side that buffers the house would be an option.
Shoushtarian is wondering why the gas station is on the west side vs the south side which is
how Fred Meyer is on the Fairview. The main issue is transition, there needs to be a proper
balance on commercial uses and also transition from commercial to residential to
complement one another. The Comprehensive Plan speaks to transition and it is lacking in
this application. The other major issue is accessibility and traffic and circulation is not
acceptable. It is up to City to look after the health, safety and well being of the community.
There is not sound infrastructure. He would rather the application go back and bring it
forward later when these issues have been addressed. Semanko does not want Eagle to base
a decision on what Meridian is or is not doing but is looking at it based on the merits of this
application and whether it is in the best interest of the residents and the City of Eagle. He
appreciates the testimony given tonight. The presentation by the applicant was very good it
is an attractive development. There is some additional attention need to the design process
and some other details. The testimony tonight regarding noise, light, entrance location and
different facility location are all things to be considered. He does not think it is greedy to
have another place to go shopping in the City of Eagle. If others before us had felt that way
we would not have a WinCo or Albertsons. WinCo is on a state highway, this proposal is on
a state highway. It is not a rural 2 lane road it is a state highway, and it is appropriate to have
commercial development along a state highway. The concerns about Linder are valid and
need to be addressed. The transportation issue is incredibly important. ITD and ACHD has
jurisdiction over the road and highway and we will not turn a blind eye to the issue but we
will provide additional input to them on the transportation issue as well. Mayor Bandy feels
this is an appropriate Southwest gateway to the City. The increase in job opportunities and
increase in potential revenue are all positive aspects of the proposal.
Semanko moves to continue this item to the September 21 meeting. Seconded by
Guerber. Discussion. THREE AYE...ONE NAY (Shoushtarian)...MOTION
B. RZ-24-06 MOD2 - Ea!!le Gatewav Development. LLC: Eagle Gateway Development,
LLC, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with the
Eagle Gateway South Subdivision. The 56.86-acre site is generally located on the southeast
corner of State Highway 44 and E. Riverside Drive at 1650 E. Riverside Drive. This item was
continuedfrom the September 23, 2008, meeting. (MJW)
B 1. DR-54-08 - Movie Theater for Riverwood Cinemas - O!!den Entertainment: Ogden
Entertainment, represented by JSA Architects, LLC, is requesting design review approval to
construct a 73,500-square foot (14-theater) movie theater for the Riverwood Cinemas. The
Page 10
KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\cc-IO-07-08spmin.doc
4. 179-acre site is located within Gateway South Development on the east side of South
Edgewood Way and south of State Highway 44. (MJW)
Mayor introduces the item.
Cord Christenson representing Eagle Gateway Development reviews the application. The theatre
company requested that the building be constructed taller than what is allowed in the City. The
main mass of the building is 38 feet tall, 3 feet above the maximum allowed by the City. The
additional height is to allow for stadium seating, and also with the water table being high
construction had to go upward rather than down. The modification to the development
agreement is to allow for the additional height of the building. In regards to the Design Review
Board, the theater was presented to the Board and it was approved with conditions of approval.
The only condition there is concern with may simply be a type-o. The main center piece of the
building is 58 feet per the application and the findings read 56 feet. They are asking it remain 58
feet. A cross access was discussed in the Design Review Board meeting, that would allow an
egress with the neighboring property. Discussion regarding the proposed delivery drive aisle,
and signage for the same. Shoushtarian questions what was done to the site in regard to building
in the floodplain. Christenson addresses the conditions of approval that were applied to, and
complied with, regard to building in the floodplain and having the LOMAR re-signed off on
taking the property out of the floodplain. Discussion regarding parking.
City Planner II, Mike Williams. Williams briefly reviews the staff report. The narratives
submitted by the applicant were conflicting and that is where the discrepancy between 56 and 58
feet occurred. Staff recommends that the condition in question read: "the height of the entry way
feature is at 58 feet...". Discussion regarding Design Review conditions of approval. Williams
directs Council's attention to the original development agreement condition of approval 3.10
addresses floodplains and meeting Title 1 0 of Eagle City Code.
Mayor opens the public hearing.
Mayor closes the public hearing.
Huffaker moves to approve item 6B RZ-24-06 MOD2 - Eagle Gateway Development. LLC:
with the changes recommended by staff and correcting the last word on the first line of
3.35 should be movie. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE.. .MOTION CARRIES.
Huffaker moves to approve item 6 B.t DR-54-08 - Movie Theater for Riverwood Cinemas -
Ogden Entertainment: Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.
Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION
. 0 BORN
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K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\cc-IO-07-08spmin.doc
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K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\cc-IO-07-08spmin.doc
October 7, 2008
SUBJECT: CPA-05-08/A-3-03/RZ-08-08 - Comprehensive Plan Man & Text Amendment from Mixed
Use and Professional Office to Commercial, Annexation and Rezone with Pre-annexation/Development
AEreement - Eisenberg Company:
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October 7, 2008
SUBJECT: CPA-05-08/A-3-03/RZ-08-08 - Comprehensive Plan Man & Text Amendment from Mixed
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October 7, 2008
SUBJECT: CPA-05-08/A-3-03/RZ-08-08 - Comprehensive Plan Man & Text Amendment from Mixed.
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October 7, 2008
SUBJECT: CPA-05-08/A-3-03/RZ-08-08 - Comprehensive Plan Man & Text Amendment from Mixed
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Agreement - Eisenbere Company:
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Fred Meyer Stores:
• 129 stores in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington employing
In Idaho:
• More than 2200 associates in 10 stores throughout Idaho and our
regional management office in Boise
• The Eagle Fred Meyer would employ an additional 230 people
• Health & Welfare benefits for associates and their families
• Employer -funded pension for associates
• Vacation and sick time and holiday pay
• Fred Meyer pays between $130,000 and $150,000 in Idaho state
income tax each month.
• Weekly payroll in a store of 230 people would be approximately
Corporate Responsibility:
• Fred Meyer Stores makes donations of cash and product in the
communities where we do business, and the Fred Meyer Fund
awards grants to non-profit organizations. We focus our giving on
organizations that work toward youth development or hunger
• In 2007, $91,500 was donated to youth development in Idaho and
$32,500 was donated to hunger reduction efforts. To date in 2008,
$84,475 has been donated to youth development and $47, 995 has
been donated to hunger reduction efforts.
• Additionally, Fred Meyer Stores donated more than 88,000 pounds
of food to the Idaho Food Bank in 2007. An additional 50,039
pounds were donated between February and July 2008.
• Fred Meyer also supports non -profits through event sponsorship.
In Idaho in 2008, Fred Meyer sponsored nearly $190,000 in events
including Fred Meyer Broadway in Boise, Idaho State Youth
Soccer Association, Idaho Falls Arts Council, Habitat for
Humanity Boise and the Boise Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
• In 2007, throughout our four states:
• Fred Meyer Stores donated more than $2.3 million to youth
development and hunger reduction
• Fred Meyer Stores donated more than 3.6 million pounds of
• The Fred Meyer Fund made more than $1.5 million in grants
el -7
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C. Vv Moore Pla:•a
250 5 511, Street
B..i:,c ID 83702
Fax. 20C-, 343 1858
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Dear Property Owner,
Our client, Wilson Properties, L.P., an Idaho limited partnership and fee simple owner of the Foxtail Golf Course
is applying for annexation and rezoning of said property into the City of Eagle, Idaho. This mailing is intended to
both notify you of and invite you to a NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING to discuss the requested land use
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at the Foxtail Golfs Maintenance Barn at 6479 N. Fox
Run Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83646. The meeting will be held between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) P.M.
and eight o'clock (8:00) P.M. A presentation of the application request will occur at six -thirty (6:30) PM with
questions and answers to follow.
if you cannot attend and would like to contribute written input, in support of or in objection to, please mail said
correspondence to CSHQA, 250 South 54 Street, Boise, Idaho, 83702. Your letter regarding this application will
be attached with the Written Verification and List of Attendees and submitted to the office of Eagle Planning and
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call (208) 429-4012.
Wilson Properties, LP. is applying for annexation and rezoning of the Foxtail Golf Course
property into the City of Eagle, Idaho. This land use action is being sought in cooperation with the
City to effect a path of annexation for the proposed Eagle Island Marketplace, which is being
separately developed on the SW Corner of Linder Road and Chinden Highway 20/26. Foxtail
Golf's present intention is to continue its commercial operation as a recreational use property while
changing the zoning to the city's Mixed Use zone concurrently with annexation into the City of
Eagle. The Mixed Use zoning will have three (3) overlays, which include Residential (abutting
existing residential), Neighborhood Business and Highway Commercial zones. The current County
zoning for the property is RUT Rural -Urban Transition Zone (80 acres) and R1 Estate Residential
Zone (4 acres).
Whereas the present land use is transitory due to the change by annexation into Eagle, and the local
planning area is deemed as the last southwest corner and regional commercial gateway into the City
of Eagle, the requested land use of Mixed Use is being sought to allow a cohesive integration of
permitted commercial uses while maintaining sensitivity to and buffering of existing residential
properties with complimentary development.
This land use action is joining with the goals and intentions of the City of Eagle to accomplish an
integrated mixed use transition zone, which incorporates residential with commercial uses.
Wilson's ultimate goal is to enhance the property values and aesthetics of the neighborhood through
cooperative planning that reflects the long- range plans desired by the City of Eagle. More
importantly, Wilson Properties will strive with all respondent neighbors to protect their present
people who listen - design that speaks
EEO/AA Empbyer
Written Notice
Property Owners
September 30, 2008
Page 2 of 3
ambiance and existing uses with buffering and screening through cooperative planning of view
corridors, massings and appropriate separation.
We anticipate this planning process will further establish a sense of place, incorporate connectivity
for neighborhood pathways and vehicular roadways, and comply with the goals of COMPASS,
ACHD, 1TD, and the cities of Eagle and Meridian. The Wilson Team has had extensive
communication with these agencies and representatives of the larger properties in the
Since we have no plans for immediate development, we will be charged to submit future
applications for final development planning, including review of land uses to be proposed, site
planning and building designs.
This action is otir first step of many, which provides you, our neighbor, the opportunity to
participate in the direction, growth and development that affects your neighborhood.
This is your notice and invitation to attend and participate at our neighborhood meeting. In
accordance with Eagle City Code, section 8.7.8:
1 Meeting Requirements:
a. It shall be the sole duty of the applicant to provide mailed written notice, in a form deemed
appropriate by the zoning administrator, to all property owners or purchasers of record owning
property within a three hundred foot (300') radius of the exterior boundary of the application
property, and to contiguous homeowners' associations and any neighborhood associations
deemed appropriate by the zoning administrator. Notice of a neighborhood meeting shall be in
addition to, and not in lieu of, mailed radius notices already required by this title, except when
notice of a neighborhood meeting is required of two hundred (200) or more property owners or
purchasers of record, alternate forms of notice may be provided as deemed appropriate by the
zoning administrator. The neighborhood meeting written notice shall be provided by mail a
minimum of fifteen (15) business days prior to the scheduled neighborhood meeting.
b. The purpose of the neighborhood meeting shall be to review the proposed project.
(1) Meetings shall be on a Saturday between ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and seven o'clock
(7:00) P.M., or on a weekday between six o'clock (6:00) P.M. and eight o'clock (8:00) P.M.
The meeting shall not be on a holiday, a holiday weekend or the day before or after a
holiday or holiday weekend.
(2) The meeting shall be held either on the application property, at the nearest public
meeting place, or at an office space with suitable meeting facilities if such facilities are
within the city of Eagle area of impact boundary.
c. The neighborhood meeting shall be conducted prior to the submittal of the application and
not more than six (6) months prior to the public hearing.
Written Notice
Property Owners
September 30, 2008
Page 3 of 3
d. Application materials shall include a written verification of the neighborhood meeting and a
dated copy of notice provided to affected property owners.
You are listed in the Ada County Assessor records as an owner of property within or touching the
specified 300' (radius) boundary and therefore included in our mailing list. Due to the community
influence caused by the land use action, several property owners outside the radius parameter, but within
the "neighborhood" were included as a courtesy of inclusion.
An area parcel map is attached, which shows all properties included in the notices.
Gene Shaffer, AIA
CSHQA Emeritus (Retired)
You may be interested in attending a related Special Hearing by City Council to hear a request by
Eisenberg for a Comprehensive Pian Map and Text Amendment and amend the language for the Rim
View PIanning Area. The applicant is also requesting an annexation (when contiguous) and a rezone
with development agreement for Eagle Island Marketplace and the Fred Meyer development.
October 7. 2008 Time: 6:30 PM
LOCATION: Eagle City Hall - 660 E. Civic Lane
cc �olllox
October 1, 2008
Dear Property Owner,
250_ Sueei
8o,se, 11. 83702
Eax 208 343 1858
You were notified by letter, dated September 30, 2008 that our client, Wilson Properties, L.P., an Idaho limited
partnership and fee simple owner of the Foxtail Golf Course is applying for annexation and rezoning of said
property into the City of Eagle, Idaho. This mailintkis intended to both notify you of additional land use action
being requested and again invite you to a NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING to discuss the requested land use
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at the Foxtail Golfs Maintenance Barn at 6479 N. Fox
Run Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83646. The meeting will be held between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) P.M.
and eight o'clock (8:00) P.M. A presentation of the application request will occur at six -thirty o'clock (6:30)
PM with questions and answers to follow.
Whereas Eagle's current Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Public/Semi-
Public, our client shall be requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment that
reflects changes, which permit the desired zoning_
An area parcel map is attached, which shows all properties included in the notices. (This map is the
map referenced in the September 30, 2008 notice.)
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call (208) 429-4012.
Gene Shaffer, AIA
CSHQA Emeritus (Retired)
people who listen - design that speaks
E O, -A EMPD•icr
Ben Kneadler
From: Carol Evans [carol.evans5@gmail.com]
To: Ben Kneadler
Subject: Re: Eagle City Council hearing, Eagle Island Marketplace and River District theater
Dear Ben,
Cc, /^p
ci /c/7/4
Sent: Tue 10/7/2008 9:40 AM
Jerry and I would like to extend our support for both items on tonight's Eagle City Council agenda, (Fred Meyer
and River District theater), because we agree that it will provide much needed jobs for the community, improve
the traffic flow and safety on the corner of Linder and Chinden and provide some of the more convenient_ services
to our city which inturn will provide more funds for our city for further improvements.
Unfortuantely we will not be able to attend tonights meeting due to conflicting schedules but would appreciate
you representing out views to the council.
Best Regards,
Carol and Jerry Evans
1431 N Razza Way
Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 3501 (20081007)
The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
To the Mayor of Eagle and City Council Members:
My name is Jeff Beagley. My wife Karen and I own the 2"d parcel north of the proposed
development at the NE corner of Chinden and Linder. This ground and some of the othe
ground to the north of this proposed development has been in my family since the early
1970's. I purchased the parcel that I own from my grandmother and have lived here sinc
October of 1992. My immediate family moved to an adjacent parcel of land, currently
owned by Bodily and Bunderson, in 1976. So, you can see that I have spent a majority o
my life in this area.
I am in full support of the proposed development. I believe it is well planned and the
owners have been in contact and answered any questions we have had. I believe this wil
be a beneficial development for the area, and from what I have seen of the traffic plans,
appears that traffic will be better than it is currently.
In our current economic state, I can only see the benefit of allowing an established
business like Fred Meyer Co. to build a new store. This is a company that will be able to
stay strong in times like these. Also, with gas prices like they are, I look forward to bein,
able to walk or take a very short drive to do some of my shopping. We are currently foul
(4) mile from the nearest grocery store. This 4 mile drive sometimes takes as long a 20
mile drive with the current traffic in the valley.
There seems to be economic and environmental advantages, with shorter drive times ane
new jobs created, with this proposed development.
I hope you, Mr. Mayor and the City Council see fit to approve this development. Thank
you for your time.
Jeff Beagley
To the Mayor of Eagle and City Council Members, 10/07/2008
As a thirty six year resident and fifteen year owner of the property located adjacent and to
the North of the proposed Eagle Market Place, I have seen many changes in the area. I
believe the development would bring more value to my property as well as ease a
problem on Ada County in regards to my business operations.
When I opened my Nursery and Landscape operation in 1985 it was an accepted use of
my property. However as the area has grown so have we and the zoning being changed to
accommodate the new developments around us has left Ada County in a quandary as to
what to do with my zoning and 250 other people like me in the same situation. It would
be beneficial to my business to have a commercial location where my 363 Eagle resident
clients can purchase my goods and services. We have been servicing the Eagle area for
22 years and have raised three boys through the schools here.
It would be of great benefit to the traffic situation to have the proposed improvements to
the intersection at Linder and Chinden.
I believe that Fred Meyer is a good fit for that corner and an asset to the City of Eagle
and its residents. I feel with the economy in such disarray that the fact they even want to
proceed is a blessing.
I have found The Eisenberg Company to be forth coming and a pleasure to work with. I
don't for see any problems having them develop this property it appears they a very
suited for getting this project completed. However time is of the essence and this project
should not be delayed any further. I am for this project. I hope you will approve this
development without delay.
77) r?C, 'L022/ jt/J
Matt and Susan Eells
6910 N. Linder Rd.
Meridian Idaho 83646
10/07/2008 05:56 208-938-2706 C ROSCO K NAF{AS
October 6, 2008
PApE 01
Cc l0 10
/14 /6'&
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Mayor and Councilmen.
My name is Kay Perkins. My address is 7610 Amity Road; Nampa, ID.
I am part owner of the Lazy P Limited Partnership, (referred to as the Powell
Property) which is the 40 acres on the NE corner of Chinden and Linder.
My parents, Hyrum & Clover Powell, bought the 40 acres in 1949, which is 59 years
ago. They moved to the Lazy P Ranch (name of farm) with their family because Dad
wanted to be a farmer. They wanted to enjoy the peace and serenity of living in an
open country setting. 59 years ago, there was little traffic on Chinden and Linder.
When they bought the Lazy P Ranch, there were 5 houses on Chinden from Linder to
Meridian Road. We are the only people living in the surrounding area now who were
living there 59 years ago. We were here first.
We have seen a lot of growth in the last 59 years. We did not complain when people
started to build houses in the surrounding area which brought more traffic, noise, and
pollution to the area. We also did not complain when we lost our view and the feel of
the open country in our quiet neighborhood of 5 houses in our mile. In fact, the Sandy
Springs Subdivision would not be what it is today if it wasn't for us.
Because of all the growth when the people protesting moved here, we have lost:
• The ability to ride our horses over the hill and swim in the river by the Sandy
Bodily Subdivision.
• We no longer have the option to site in our rifles in our back pasture or hunt
birds in our fields.
• We no longer have as many deer and other wild life coming through our
• We have lost our irrigation water on the north side of our property.
• We have lost the peace and quiet of living in a country setting.
• Because of the growth, we had to give up some of our valuable property on both
Chinden and Linder to widen the road to help move the traffic.
• Now, we will also be giving up more of our valuable property on both Chinden
and Linder to widen the roads again because there is more traffic because of the
growth. People all want roads but they don't want to pay for them. They want
us to sacrifice more land again that we have had for 59 years.
• With the growth, we have had to quit milking cows because the wet beet pulp we
fed the cows had a smell and the neighbors complained. We also had to give up
raising pigs for the same reason.
• They don't want us to farm our property and they don't want us to develop our
property. It is hard to understand what they want us to do with our property!!!!
• We don't understand the difference between living in a subdivision here or living
in a subdivision in the city.
• They want us to leave our 40 acres as open spaces to provide them with open
spaces so they can enjoy the peace and serenity of living in a country setting. We
can no longer afford to do that. We don't even make enough money off the farm
to pay the taxes and water on the farm. We have sacrificed enough.
• If they want open spaces, they may want to buy 1,000 acres and build their house
in the middle of their property. That way they can control and pay for their own
open spaces.
Mom & Dad's dream is to develop the corner and leave a legacy for their children and
grandchildren. They did not complain when people started to move to the country to
fulfill their dreams. These same people should not complain when Mom & Dad are
trying to fulfill their dreams.
The same people who are complaining are the people who moved to the area after we
did which caused more traffic and the need for a commercial corner on our property to
cut down that traffic. They can shop on our corner instead of traveling 5 miles or more
to a store. This will take traffic off of Eagle and Fairview. With all the growth in this
area, you cannot stop development to accommodate that growth.
We ask that you approve our request for our applications tonight. As you know, the
reason for your Comp Plan is for future development. Your approval will allow us the
ability to work with our neighbors and developers for future development.
We have gone over and above what is required to develop a first class development.
We are asking you to help us help you by providing a first class gateway to the City of
Eagle, which would be a lasting value and a good fit for the City of Eagle.
Thank you for your time and consideration to our request.
Comprehensive Plan 6.8.8.b:
Original Comp Plan:
Though ITD allows for access at 1/2 mile intervals along Chinden Boulevard, these access points
should only be granted if the internal roadway allows traffic to flow through the area. Connecting
Meridian Road to Linder Road provides the opportunity of internal linkage to the Community
Commercial area at the intersection of Linder Road and Chinden Boulevard
Access points should be granted directly on Linder Road and Chinden Boulevard to allow traffic to
flow efficiently through the area and to allow direct access points between the commercial area and
Linder Road and Chinden Boulevard. Connecting Meridian Road to Linder Road may provide the
opportunity of future internal linkage within the planning area and a complimentary parallel flow to
Chinden Boulevard.
Primary access should be on Linder Road with limited access onto Chinden Boulevard only in
accordance with ITD's access manaoement policies. All accesses should be designed to allow traffic
to flow efficiently through the area. Connecting Meridian Road to Linder Road may provide the
opportunity of future east/west residential collector linkage within the planning area Cross -access and
local stub streets should be used to allow the planning area to be interconnected without the need to
access the arterial and state highway network.
Condition of Approval 3.27:
All land use approvals are predicated on the applicant utilizing only one access point on to US
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