Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 10/21/2008 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes October 21,2008 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. I. Request by Country Christmas Coordinator for donation of funds. - Brian Doke, distributes presentation materials, and discusses the same. Requesting sponsorship from the City. The City has previously contributed about $1,000.00. General discussion. Council concurs to add this to the agenda on October 28, 2008. 2. Northwest Foothills Transport Plan Model Selection: (NBS) Planner Baird Spencer discusses the Northwest Foothills Transport Plan Model Section in regards to the ranking considerations used in the selection of the preferred alternatives. General discussion. Craig Hernden, ACHD, expresses an apology for the pressure put on the Council at the last meeting with ACHD. Discusses the emergency response time. Karen Dorty, discusses the Woods connection and the constraints. Further discussion. Council concurs on #4. 3. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 4. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 5. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 6. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 7. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda 8. Public Works Director' Report: Moved to end of Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GUERBER, HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Boy Scout Troop #31 I leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: + Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. + Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. Page I K:ICOUNCILIMlNUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-1O-21-08min.doc A. Findinl!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CPA-03-08 & RZ-07-08- Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Four to Central Business District and Rezone from R-4 to CBD - Larry Coelho: Larry Coelho is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, consisting of eleven parcels, from Residential Four (up to four units per acre) to Central Business District, and a rezone from R-4 (Residential- up to four units per acre) to CBD (Central Business District) for four of the eleven parcels that are located on both sides of North 1 sl Street. The 4.01-acre site is generally located on North 1st Street and North Eagle Road, north of Idaho Street, south of Mission Street, and east of North Eagle Road. (JTL) B. EXT-17-08 - Final Plat Extension of Time for Bottlecreek Subdivision (formerlv Park Lane Estates) - Chad Moffat: Chad Moffat, represented by Eric Cronin with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting a one-year extension of time for the final plat approval for Bottlecreek Subdivision (formerly Park Lane Estates), a 12 lot (7 residential,S common) residential subdivision. The 5.14-acre site is located approximately 2,000 feet north ofW. Floating Feather Road on the west side ofN. Park Lane at 1835 N. Park Lane. (WEV) C. A Proclamation declarinl! November National Hospice Month in the City of Eal!le. (PB) Guerber removes Item #B from the Consent Agenda. Guerber moves to approve Items #A and C on the Amended Consent Agenda. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 5B. EXT-17-08 - Final Plat Extension of Time for Bottlecreek Subdivision (formerly Park Lane Estates) - Chad Moffat. Guerber: I pulled this item because we have the same problem with this request for an extension as we did at the last meeting and that is a piece of property that has been neglected to the point that there are weed problems existing on the site and I'm going to make the same motion. Guerber moves to grant a two month extension on EXT-17-08 - Final Plat Extension of Time for Bottlecreek Subdivision with the stipulation that the site be cleaned up with the elimination of the weed problem and that it come into compliance with the City guidelines and should staff find that to be adequately taken care of in next two month period then allow staff to grant the full one year extension that has been requested. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. CP A-05-08/ A-3-03/RZ-08-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map & Text Amendment from Mixed Use and Professional Office to Commercial. Annexation and Rezone with Pre- annexation/Development Al!reement - Eisenberl! Company: Eisenberg Company, represented by Van Elg of The Land Group, Inc., is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from +/- 31.4 acres Mixed Use and +/- 4.4 acres Professional Office to Commercial and amend the language in the Rim View Planning Area, an annexation and rezone with Pre- Annexation/Development Agreement for +/- 38.34 acres with a zoning designation ofC-3-DA (Highway Business District with a Development Agreement). The +/- 38.34-acre site is located at the northeast corner of Linder Road and Chinden Boulevard (US 20/26). This item was continuedfrom the October 7, 2008 meeting. The public hearing has been closed. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 2 K:ICOUNCILIMrNUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-IO-21-08min.doc City Attorney: At the last meeting the public hearing portion of this was closed and there was some additional information submitted by the public and at this time that information was not made a part of the record and if any of the Council Members had any discussion or received any additional information then we would have to have that disclosed as part of ex parte contact. Specifically the Council gave specific direction to the Eisenberg Company concerning some very limited matters, specifically with some transition and buffering and cross access with the neighbors, there was a response from that received and that was not new additional information so the Council can certainly address either deliberations on the conditions or the response received, however, if the Council does choose to receive additional information or ask for additional evidence then we will need to schedule a subsequent public hearing in which we can meet the notice requirements. General discussion. Planner Baird Spencer: Provides Council an overview ofthe request for a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment. General Council discussion. Shoushtarian moves to remand CPA-05-08/A-3-03/RZ-08-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map & Text Amendment from Mixed Use and Professional Office to Commercial, Annexation and Rezone with Pre-annexation/Development Agreement back to staff to work on two issues particular, the transitioning, density and ifthere is some other idea as far as traffic and transportation. To work with the staff and applicant and come back with some kind of concept that will fit the area and it will be transition to the neighboring residential. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Semanko moves to continue CPA-05-08/A-3-03/RZ-08-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map & Text Amendment from Mixed Use and Professional Office to Commercial, Annexation and Rezone with Pre-annexation/Development Agreement to the November 12, 2008 City Council Meeting. Seconded by Huffaker. Discussion. Semanko amends his motion that there be an additional Public Hearing to address the issues raised in the Eisenberg Company letter dated 10/16/08 including the 3 proposed conditions, and any meetings held after this meeting until the November 12, 2008 City Council meeting. Second concurs. (Clarification: The Development Agreement needs to come back at the November 12th meeting.) Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................ B. Ordinance No. 612: An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein From R-4 (Residential) Classification To CBD (Central Business District); Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An Effective Date. This item was continuedfrom the October 14, 2008 meeting. (JTL) Mayor introduces the issue. Huffaker moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #612 be considered after being read once by title only. Huffaker reads Ordinance #612 by title only. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Huffaker moves that Ordinance #612 be adopted. Seconded by Guerber. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................................ ... 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None Page 3 K:ICOUNCILIMrNUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-1O-21-08min.doc 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Resolution No. 08-29: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, To Vacate The Public Utility, Irrigation, And Drainage Easements Located On Lots 3, 5, 6, And 8, Block 2 Within Amended Flint Estates Subdivision As Shown On The Attachments Hereto, And Providing An Effective Date. (MJW) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Semanko moves to approve Resolution No. 08-29. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............................. . B. Resolution No. 08-30: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, To Extend The Boundary Of The Transitional Development Area (Tda) As Described In Eagle City Code Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 2 "Zoning Districts And Map", Article A "Design Review Overlay District", Section 5 "Design Review Overlay Districts", Item D "Area Boundaries" And As Delineated On The Map Identified In Eagle City Code As Exhibit A-I; Providing A Severability Clause; And Providing For An Effective Date. (JTL) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Guerber moves to approve Resolution No. 08-30. Seconded by Huffaker. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............................. . PRE-COUNCIL REPORTS: NONE Mayor and Council's Report: City Engineer Report: City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Zoning Administrator's Report: City Attorney Report: Public Works Director' Report: 9. ADJOURNMENT: Semanko moyes to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ~.+. -k;, 0-"t1~ SHA ON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: ,""........", ", c::: A. GL ### ...' G pI' l: #, ...' O~ ........ '" ,f.\" .. "-:, ... L-l' O\\ATl!.. 1>< .. ...~.~ .~.. :......~ \-: : CJ: 0 , -: : : : C,) ,. 1..~. 0 : ... "'"y_..... .. 'So ...... c..~r $.:..... ~ ~ . / ";J t-...... ~ ~ ~ ...J\fCORPO~.. ....<:J .... '" ....... \" "'" ...... '### S" ATE (' ,......... """"111.,\1I~' Page 4 KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-IO-21-08min.doc PHILLIP J. BANDY MAYOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 5 KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-IO-21-08min.doc INTER OFFICE To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment(s): CC: City of Eagle Zoning Administration Mayor Bandy & Council Members Nichoel Baird Spencer, AICP, Planner Ill 30kti Northwest f=oothills Transportation Plan October 16, 2008 Copy of the Criteria Matrix for Model Review City Attorney, Zoning Administrator, ACHD During the October 15, 2008, Joint ACRD, Ada County, and City of Eagle Northwest Foothills Transportation Meeting the Council requested staff provide additional information about the criteria used for ranking and selecting the preferred alternatives. Staff has attached a copy of the Criteria Matrix that was used prior to establishing the points raking process for the council's consideration and discussion. This matrix reviews all ten models without priority or raking. City staff and Craig Herndon of ACRD will be available during the pre -council session on October 21, 2008, to discuss the raking and considerations used in the selection of the preferred alternatives. Please remember the requested action is only a recommendation not a public hearing or final decision. The City's recommendation will be further analyzed and amended as deemed necessary due to community input, safety concerns and, cost/benefit analysis to be completed in late October/early November of this year. ACRD has requested that the City forward their preference to them as soon as possible. If you have questions please contact staff at 939-0227. Page 1 of 1 K \Planning Dep( Muse Other 2008NNW foothills transport study\City Council Ranking memo doc Cc /d -4,2 ).-0 e Stutrrm- Idaho Statesman Edition Date: 10/21/08 Eagle gears up for old -fashion Christmas celebration Organizers of the Eagle Country Christmas expect up to 4,000 visitors during the event from noon to 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6, throughout Eagle. Performances will include Eagle High School Choir and Band; elementary school choirs from Seven Oaks, Rolling Hills and Eagle Hills; North Star Charter School choir; Eagle School of the Arts Choir; Galileo Science and Math School Choir; Eagle Middle School; Hope House Children's Choir; God's Kids Choir; Irish Dance Idaho; and Eagle High School Dance Team. Activities include a live nativity scene; hayrides by Wagner's Farm; "The Polar Express" movie and reading; trolley rides; a caroling contest; a snowman contest; storefront decorating and pro ice carving contests; Santa and Mrs. Santa; live reindeer; Eagle Christmas Market; a lighted parade and tree lighting; ice fishing; ice golf and more. Contact Gretchen at the Eagle Chamber 939-4222 or Brian Doke at 570-3836 for more information. Read "The History of Eagle Country Christmas" Eagle Country Christmas has been a cherished Christmas time event in Eagle for more than 10 years. Originally, the event centered around the Nativity scene at the Eagle Seventh Day Adventist Church, followed by a lighted parade, and the lighting of the Christmas Tree in Downtown Eagle. In the fall of 2003, a group of merchants from the North Channel business park decided to extend the festivities of Eagle Country Christmas to the North Channel. On the first Friday evening of December, the North Channel was transformed into an old time Christmas Village with hayrides, Santa's elves, live reindeer, children's choirs singing Christmas songs, ice sculptures, ornament making, Santa coloring contest, cookie making and trolley rides to name just a few of the activities. Eagle Country Christmas at the North Channel was a huge hit. Since then thousands of people have enjoyed Eagle Country Christmas. The event has expanded from Downtown to the North Channel to Eagle River to Eagle Plaza with additional activities Downtown. In 2007, a record number of businesses donated funds for the event or purchased advertising or sign space associated with Eagle Country Christmas. Event coordinators from the North Channel and the Eagle Chamber realized after the 2007 event, that Eagle Country Christmas was taking on a bigger role in ringing in the Christmas season than ever before. In fact, it was beginning to become a true Christmas tradition. The two groups decided to combine forces under the auspices of the Eagle Chamber. With the chamber's influence, and the North Channel Business Association's experience, the 2008 Eagle Country Christmas will be one of the largest, most fun -filled Christmas event in the Boise area. •• • • • • • • • • l• III • 4 *1A •• •• • ?;' • .• :• ::: • .'� ♦ • ••• • • • 3 • • gt i 4.•.: S :•:. i S • • ••• • • • • I• •s 1` '.?'11:•;. I • • • w• •, 1'; • .„611/1114, i CHILDREN S CHtHR & HOLIDAY BAPJ0 WIMP OOP �LIIll41�-�ir�Iu� ur,W�7NEMO tr* 1 '47.7tt4 ii!!111:14;1 !Weise', • cevk cOviet4tinarso 2008 E POLAR EXPR ISS 9 9 SATURDAY, D ECEMBER 6TH FROM 12P M TO 7PM PRESENTED B Y die EAGLE C HAMBER ®F COMMERCE jamparirr7r!-60=0."------.‘manamewW!'7.T17.- 7.w IS .,_-.. .... EAGLE COUNTRY CH I'ISTNSAS 2008 Committed and Expected Performances Eagle High School Choir Eagle High School Band Seven Oaks Elementary Choir Rolling Hills Elementary Choir North Star Charter School Choir Eagle Hills Elementary Choir Eagle School of the Arts Choir Galileo Science and Math School Choir Eagle Middle School Hope House Children's Choir God's Kids Choir Irish Dance Idaho Eagle High School Dance Team Activities Live Nativity Scene Hayrides by Wagner's Farm "The Polar Express" movie and reading Trolley Rides Caroling Contest Snowman Contest Storefront Decorating Contest 3rd Annual Pro Ice Carving Contest Santa and Mrs. Santa Live Reindeer Eagle Christmas Market Danny Spangler Champion Ice Carver Lighted Parade Eagle Mayor Phil Bandy Reading Tree Lighting Ice Fishing Ice Golf Performances and Activities continue to be added. What activity, or performance will you be involved in? �pa�le (ao{tii,�9/v�i66inaa 2008 EVENT LOCATIONS & ACTIVITI ES DOWNTOWN *School Choirs at the Gazebo *Eagle Christmas Market 2nd St. *Merchant Booths near Gazebo *Non -Profit Booths at Eagle & State St. *Caroling Contest *Trolleys *Lighted Parade *Tree Lighting NORTH CHANNEL *School Choirs *Reindeer *Caroling Contest *Merchant Booths *Hayrides EAGLE PLAZA *School Choirs *Dance Teams *Santa Claus *Caroling Contest *Merchant Booths EAGLE RIVER *3rd Annual Professional Ice Carving Championship *Caroling Contest *Hayrides *Trolley Rides *Mrs. Santa Claus *Merchant Booths SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH W. STATE ST. Live Nativity Scene Featuring Characters and Animals of the Christmas Story Trolley Rides Parade Start .....M., "Mak AVON, Eagle Country Christrnas/S411flr(/cty i necoirilwi 1, 007 I /2:00 ):H() l)in NORTH CHANNEL -NNIS BAKER ASSOC. Chevron 10k e,,,C afoul u„ IWO 111110 <kb_ 0 Qu1Znos 5ui3 Aspe r D4I Care ConAgra Foods• t64facsroft amp ortechouse Mui - ScAlood . Wim I�POULSEN ORTHODONTICS ,bD STONE C _11 l .. S E 1 i SDfl R DItt, q Washington Mutual Atir cores OPiolleerIitit.Co, ERIC WARKENTINE INSURANCE WHATARERATES.cml leroM 4� W��v:d rd CaMr.. Coner jE3ank ren, • FRAME woRxs ii::I1.1.J5Z1 117iJ6ilti:91d6 Time: 12:00 - 6:OOpm 1:00 - 5:OOpni 1:00 - 5:OOpm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 3:OOpm 3:45pm 12:00 - 6:OOpm 12:00- 7:45pm 12:00pm 1:45pm 2:40pm 3:OOpm 5:15pm 6:45pm 6:OOpm 7:15 - 7:30pm 12:00 - 8:OOpm 2:00 - 7:OOpm 5:00 - 9:OOpm 6:30 - 7:15pm Events/Locations: NORTH CHANNEL BSU Culinary Students Ice Art Show Chevron - LIVE Reindeer & Cookie Decorating / Passport Wagner Farms Hayrides - North Channel to Eagle River booths Sponsored by: St Al's, Wagner Farms, First Amer. Title, Clearly Lasik Chili -Rama - Eagle High School Softball Chili Fundraiser Thunder Mountain Kettle Korn Quizno's - Coloring contest Cupcakes - Frosting Shooters game Frameworks - Face painting Porterhouse - Wine/cheese tasting Whatarerates.com booth - Ice fishing & iPOD drawing Kids activity booths in Food Court Renu Activity - skin care gift baskets Group One - foam pictures Poulson Orthodontics- ornament decoration Aspen Dental - smore melts Coldstone- tree ornament, cake & ice cream samplers Live Christmas Music - Performed by area Elementary schools: Sponsored by Dennis Baker, Two Rivers Salon & Spa, Pioneer Title Hope House Children's Home Eagle Montessori Seven Oaks Elementary North Star Charter Rolling Hills Elementary EAGLE RIVER MERCHANTS Warkentine Insur/Title One - Ice Putt golf Key Bank - Mrs. Claus & Elves, Wish list / Passport Stamp Home Federal - Astro Jump & Pam Jacobs art review St Al's - bird house ornament decoration Tully's - hot beverages and kid activity Bank of the West - Teddy Bear Toss Clearly Lasik - ornament marker decoration Synergy and First American Title - kid booths Ice Carving Contest - 3x McCall Winter Champion, Danny Spangler & Ice is Nice Hosts, amateur and professional carvers from around Idaho in a Holiday Carving competion. EAGLE RIv aSaint Alphonst Eagle Health Pia WESTaRK� (RFDR L7OO MIER Home redera VJ rill:(Int. Bank CaP11a1 Men[gaw•nLln ENDECOfa ;HistAmerica Title Compare Lam•• Tet Sue c igiE is NICL 286-9955 SYNERGY 1 FITNESS GROUP NG%i I> - companies Sprint Treasure Valley 11.51111554aOY• HERITAGE PARK GAZEBO Live Christmas Music - Performed by area schools and music groups: Eagle Middle School Jazz Band Eagle High School Jazz Band Seven Oaks Elementary Stomp Kayleigh pastk & The Stonefly Stout Bluegrass Band Spotlight Singers Gods Kids Hand in your completed Passport for a Free prize! Christmas Tree Lighting, Eagle Mayor speech & poen reading BSU Art show & Ice Carving competition winner to be announced OTHER EVENTS/LOCATIONS Trolley Rides - Free to all event locations Kiwanis Teddy Bear & Toy Drive - Drop off at Albertsons in Eagle Seventh Day Adventist Church - Live Nativity Scene Community Holiday Light Parade - Start: Seventh Day Adventist Church - End: Heritage Park Gazebo i-iydrat4. • SIIUGI L. I(LIPP ASSOCIATES, P. A. L1 CLEARLY LASII< Hilton Garden Inn- Boise/Eadie 24 r C I N A N G 1 A L J v _ ARTHUR BERRY --- & COMPANY BRAND(g° 1:corn wOVIATISING • NAI[ITINC - O151CN ?Jaijfe tou.nir� t�cristmas 2oo8 Caroling Contest The Top Caroling Group Will Receive: THE EAGLE COUNTRY CHRISTMAS BEST OVERALL PERFORMANCE AWARD Make Christmas come alive, and fill the streets of Eagle with Song, in: The First Annual Eagle Country Christmas Caroling contest, Saturday, December 6th at Eagle River, Downtown Eagle, and the North Channel Caroling groups can be anywhere from 3 people to 8 people. Carolers will be asked to carol in one of the three designated areas above prior to performing their best song in front of a panel of judges. Special consideration will be given to costume and spirit in addition to performance. The top group from each area will perform downtown for: The Best Overall Performance Award 2008 Space is limited to no more than 21 Caroling Groups, so please sign up now. Registration is only $25 to cover costs. Please make checks payable to the Eagle Chamber: Eagle Country Christmas Contest To register: Call Brian Doke at 570-3836 or 323-7240 or Gretchen at the Eagle Chamber 939-4222 1 1 The History of Eagle Country Christmas Eagle Country Christmas has been a cherished Christmas time event in Eagle for more than ten years. Originally, the event centered around the Nativity scene at the Eagle Seventh Day Adventist Church, followed by a lighted parade, and the lighting of the Christmas Tree in Downtown Eagle. In the Fall of 2003, a group of merchants from the North Channel business park decided to extend the festivities of Eagle Country Christmas to the North Channel. On the first Friday evening of December, the North Channel was transformed into an old time Christmas Village; with hayrides, Santa's elves, a live reindeer, children's choirs singing Christmas songs, ice sculptures, ornament making, Santa coloring contest, cookie making and trolley rides to name just a few of the activities. Eagle Country Christmas at the North Channel was a huge hit. Since that day, thousands of people have enjoyed Eagle Country Christmas. The event has expanded from Downtown to the North Channel to Eagle River to Eagle Plaza with additional activities Downtown. In 2007, a record number of businesses donated funds for the event or purchased advertising or sign space associated with Eagle Country Christmas; over 50 Eagle businesses helped fund the best Eagle Country Christmas ever. The event coordinators from the North Channel and the Eagle Chamber realized after the 2007 event, that Eagle Country Christmas was taking on a bigger role in ringing in the Christmas season than ever before, in fact, it was beginning to become a true Christmas tradition. The two groups decided to combine forces under the auspices of the Eagle Chamber. With the Chamber's influence, and the North Channel Business Association's experience, we believe that Eagle Country Christmas in 2008 will become the largest, best and most fun filled Christmas event in the Boise area. Please join us in 2008 as we bring smiles, fun and the Christmas Spirit to families in Eagle, and all over the Treasure Valley. The Purpose of Eagle Country Christmas The purpose of Eagle Country Christmas has always been, and always will be, to bring the spirit of an old fashioned, small town Christmas celebration to the families of Eagle and the Treasure Valley. Many people have wonderful memories of Christmas celebrations past that include music and caroling, parades, hot cocoa, Santa Claus and the lighting of Christmas trees. We hope to recreate that spirit and warm feeling annually. Each year, Eagle businesses donate funds to support the Eagle Country Christmas event. In 2007, over 50 Eagle businesses made donations. In return for donations, the coordinators have included the business names in all promotional material for the event, and allowed for sponsorship of the many activities. The generosity of Eagle businesses and merchants make possible, and have made possible, the following performances and activities: Performances: Activities Eagle High School Choir Eagle High School Band Seven Oaks Elementary Choir North Star Charter School Choir Rolling Hills Elementary Choir Hope House Children's Home Choir Eagle Montessori Children's Choir Eagle Middle School Jazz Band Eagle High School Jazz Band Seven Oaks Elementary Stomp Spotlight Singers Bluegrass Band Eagle High Dance Team God's Kids Choir Galileo Math & Science Choir Eagle Hills Elementary Choir Eagle Arts Academy Live Nativity Scene Christmas Market and Bazaar BSU Culinary Ice show Live Reindeer Hayrides by Wagner's Farm Trolley Rides Santa Claus Mrs. Santa Claus BSU Culinary Ice Carving Danny Spangler Ice Carving Astrojump Parade and Tree Lighting Pro Ice Carving Championship Ice Golf Ice Fishing Additional Activities include: Mayor's Speech, coloring contest, ornament making, cookie making, wine and cheese tasting, face painting, making smores, chili fundraiser, cupcake game, bear toss, etc. 2008 Eagle Country Christmas Our 2007 Eagle Country Christmas was without question our best celebration to date. We received more Thank You's and smiles than ever before. The fun, spirit and excitement generated by last year's event is still with us today and it is growing. More people, businesses and organizations are ready to be involved in what has become the Treasure Valley's biggest Christmas time celebration. In addition to the performances and events listed earlier, we have planned several more for 2008. The First Gift of Christmas If you've ever read the children's book, "The Polar Express," or seen the movie, you'll remember The First Gift of Christmas. Santa gives a boy a sleigh bell from the harness of one of his reindeer. Santa rewards the boy's faith, by giving him the gift of belief. The story is not only heartwarming, but few can read it without a tear in their eye. In 2008, we plan to hand out 1,000 Santa sleigh bells on lanyards to children and families. We would like the sleigh bell to be an ongoing keepsake of Eagle Country Christmas events. Maybe people will hang them on their trees, and pack them away with their other special ornaments; each December on the first Saturday of the month, they'll collect a new Eagle Country Christmas bell. First Annual Caroling Contest: We believe this contest may become the cornerstone of Eagle Country Christmas. We are recruiting up to 21 caroling groups of 3 to 8 people to perform on Saturday the 6th of December. Each group will be asked to dress the part, and carol for businesses and event attendees before singing their best carol before judges. The carolers will perform and be judged Downtown, at the North Channel and at Eagle River. The top group from each location will perform at the Gazebo prior to the tree lighting. We expect the Eagle air to be filled with music! Store Front Decorating Contest To help accentuate the Spirit of Christmas, we are promoting a store front decorating contest. The theme is "Polar Express." We hope that all participants will light their storefronts and decorate them with an antique expression as seen in The Polar Express book and movie. We hope the contest motivates businesses and merchants to create their own Christmas village. The First Gift of Christmas Sponsorship As Eagle Country Christmas has grown, so too have our expenses. Our largest expense each year involves the promotion of the event. Each year, we make use of radio, newspaper and magazine advertising. We also produce between 3,000 and 5,000 color flyers to promote the event. Our estimated budget for promotion in 2008 is $2,000. We are hoping to find a sponsor that is willing to cover our promotional expenses. In return for such help, we have created: The First Gift of Christmas Sponsorship In "The Polar Express", the First Gift of Christmas was a sleigh bell. We have created two examples of sleigh bells for your examination. Each bell is attached to a lanyard that will be printed with "Eagle Country Christmas 2008" and any additional promotional names, phrases or words. You may use the lanyard as your canvas for anything you would like to promote. We will hand out the sleigh bells to children and Moms and Dads on Saturday, December 6th. Santa himself will hand out the bells between 3pm and 7pm. Again, we expect the bells to become keepsakes, so your message will continue to be heard for years to come. Our preferred bell is the 1 1/2 inch bell. Our expenses to produce this bell are estimated at $1,833 including tax and shipping. In this case, we would ask $3,833 as the price for sponsorship. We also have the 1 1/ inch bell. Our expenses in producing this bell would be $1,588 including shipping and taxes, so we would ask $3,588 for the sponsorship. Both options would pay for the production of the bells and lanyards, and also cover our budgeted $2,000 expense for promoting Eagle Country Christmas. Your message, name or phrase would be included in all of our marketing as '"'` the Platinum and primary sponsor for Eagle Country Christmas. See flyer. Additional Thoughts about Eagle Country Christmas Eagle Country Christmas has grown into a traditional and much anticipated event for all of Eagle and many people in the valley. Each year the coordinators meet earlier and earlier, always trying to somehow make the event even more special than the year before. We are very comfortable with our progression, and very comfortable with our volunteerism. None of the coordinators have ever received a paycheck for their many hours of work, but that has never been the point. The point is to create something wonderful for the people of Eagle and the Treasure Valley; something that will inspire lifelong memories . Despite our ideals, there are many realities involved in putting on such a well attended and well liked event. One such reality is liability. It never occurred to the coordinators several years ago that insurance would be a necessity. Due to insurance needs and the far reaching influence and experience of the Eagle Chamber, we have made Eagle Country Christmas an Eagle Chamber event. This collaboration helps Eagle Country Christmas grow, lends additional volunteers and experience and allows us to reach performers and merchants and create activities that we would otherwise not have. As a Chamber event, we fall under the Chamber's insurance umbrella, protecting us from liability. Also, as a Chamber event, we are considered a 50106 entity. I am told this means that any donation or expense by a business or merchant can be written off as a business expense. Please be certain to verify with you tax advisor. Eagle Country Christmas Coordinators Brian Doke General Mgr Alliance Title & Escrow Corp. 208-570-3836 © 208-846-8558 (ofc) bgdoke�a&mail.com Sandy Smith Owner Eagle Chevron 208-841-9757 © 208-939-3900 (ofc) Nccstores@gmail.com Harry Young Owner Frameworks 208-249-1549 © Frameworks@cableone.net Jane Kramer Group One Real Estate 208-371-9971 jIcramer@group-one.com Terry Bath Eagle Chamber President 939-4222 Teri @eaglechamber. com Gretchen Gilbert Eagle Chamber 939-4222 Gretchen@eaglechamber.com Evaluation Measures Alt 1 No Palmer Rd Connection Alt 2 No Palmer Rd, No Linder Alt 3 No Woods Gulch Rd Connections Connection, No Overpass Of. s. c .. Alt 4 No Woods Gulch Connections Alt 5 IDL Stub Rd w/ southem N -S Connection and eastem N- S Overpass Connection Compatibility with Eagle Comp Plan Emergency Response Times (1 is beset 18: is womt) .tank North Eagle Rd Imppciis General Traffic Performance Average Volume to Capacity Ratio Cultural/Historic Impacts Environmental Impacts" Total Connections to Existing Road Retwork Anticipated Size of Local Road System General Constructability City of Eagle Number of Neighborhood Centers Impacts to Eagle Road between Plaza & Old State Street Road/Trails Conflicts (6 identified in Plan) Roads within Visually sensitive areas (6 identified in Plan) FINAL Ranking inniminimur Tier ivieasia - If alternatives receive a red ranking on Tier 1 Measures they are removed from further analysis. Tier 1 Measures were• identified as fatal flaws by regional agencies, service providers, and the public. l9 Nee» P 6,A A plHa 90' .I ... . ai connectivity Reasonable access and anticipated response times 3 Some N Eagle Rd Impacts due to less connectivity. N BL: 13,600 / S BL: 8,300 Significant amount of traffic shifting to Linder Road. The Linder Road / Beacon Light Road intersection would be of concem. 4p/ 4/4t1� 9410 9 to .16 Hai, o BO 14,9 /s BL: of traffic to d 6 T TM% I� �iirhEMv4Vfi� Increase sign flcantly. Meets basic provisions in Eagle Comp Plan with limited functional and regional connectivity ..Rat arenay 10 1111, .6.4101 40#4t* Less access and anticipated response times 8 t tV i 'WROPI 11i bks AVE/Ogit r* Iow��ly LdiQHsta and dr.ir eyEt, r- calmitY, r4)t i _ + tow o wit1li" �. Tier 2 iftaSures Limited east to west traffic distribution. Traffic shifts to the Aerie lane Interchange and to the overpass. Slightly more traffic on the Brookside Lane intersections and interchange with SH 55 Traffic reduction on the west side of Brookside lane and on Meets provisions in Eagle Comp Plan for functional and regional connectivity Less access and anticipated response times 5 Some N Eagle Rd Impacts due to less connectivity. N BL 13,700 / S BL: 8,900 Almost no change to the traffic flow pattems in the area. Increase in travel time for local residents in that immediate area Tier 2 measures were evaluated by assigning a value of 1 for red, 2 for yellow and 3 for green. Values were calculated from both Tier 1 and Tier 2 evaluation measures. The top 3 ranking alternatives are considered for further evaluation. othimaliositaikaito.. 3 co co m 3 0 0< < co o la o. 3 3 3 3 CD -s -i 0 7 0 CD CD 0 A. CD O O 0 3 0 O c 3 — -• 13 gi tat• , p1 CD 0 0. t9 a 0 3 c 3 —.w fa t3' o C1 '� 0 a1 tQ 0D 0 0. O o 0 3 0 O c 3 • -C 4 Et pt 2• . CO CD O CO C 0 0 0 � to 0 ----------------------------0--------- ------------------- sy <D CO 0 p1 CD m t'R Dt 0 at CO C2 0 0 0 CD O 0 0 HighSt) urtGV2Tt V/C Rao of 1.2 Average intersection V/C Ratio of 1.16 All alternatives have potential Canal Wood Headgate Impacts near Linder Rd; Potential Palmer Rd home displacement on Beacon Light All alignments have similar potential impacts to linear cultural resources. Similar ipmacts are antiicpated for Goodales Cutoff near Palmer Road and M3 artenal alignment, the Farmers Union Canal in south project area, and SH 16 AlL atternatrves pose the defragmentation of some BLM land in west project area . All altematrves may have potential for threatened and endangered species impacts Impacts to slickspot peppergrass can potentially be mitigated with conservation easements 7 connections 2s n tra� ing tfktttc l proj8 O a. High Impacts Medium: Collector cutting through very steep terrain, crossing SH -55 with an overpass. Collector running North/South through steep terrain connecting Idaho State lands through Connolly property to future alignment study area. Arterial running East/West th 7 connections 144140444689DRODi4 Wig Medium: Collector cutting through very steep terrain, crossing SH -55 with an overpass Collector running North/South through steep terrain connecting Connolly property to future alignment study area Arterial running East/west through steep terrain in Sun Creates and equal number to the Potantlal for 3 more than planned plan equaling 1,000-$008 store households 1': TO: irm6R69.fmn f 1;w(a l!' lf1Lt trwfaaea fl'amicot 6 30 4% increase from City model, 25% increase from CIM 6 27 * Potential identified cultural, historic, or even environmental impacts may be avoided by shifting road alignments to bypass sensitive locations ** Threatened and endangered species impacts (ie Slickspot Peppergrass) can potentially be mitigated through conservation easements if required by regulatory agency Additional measures will be analyzed in the next stages of the project Evaluation Measures Compatibility with Eagle Romp Plan Emergency Response Times (1 is best 10 Is worst) Rank Korth Eagle Rd Impacts Alt 6 No Overpass with Minor Collectors Alt 7 All Connections Alt 8 No Woods Gulch Rd Connection to Northem Interchange Alt 9 All Connections with Alt 10 All Connections with Constrained Willow Creek Frontage Road West of SH 55 o' ".'tier 1 Measures. If alternatives receive a red ranking on Tier 1 Measures they are removed from further analysis. Tier 1 Measures were identified as fatal flaws by regional agencies servicer providers, and the public. Meets basic provisions in Eagle Comp Plan with landed functional and regional connectivity Less access and anticipated response times 7 Some N Eagle Rd Impacts due to less connectivity. N BL: 13,300 / S BL: 8,900 • Meets provisions in Eagle Comp Plan Meets provisions in Eagle Comp Plan for functional and regional for functional and regional connectivity connectivity Ustaurys and a ijp414 Average Volume to Capacity Ratio Cultural/Historic Invpaets Environmental Impacts' Some N Eagle Rd Impacts due to less connectivity. N BL: 13,600 / S BL: 8,800 Good relative distnbution from north to south in general project area. Used as base case Less access and anticipated response times 6 Some N Eagle Rd Impacts due to Tess connectivity. N BL: 13,600 / S BL: 8,900 Good relative distnbution from north to south in general project area. Increased usage of SH 55 and Aerie Lane Connections potentially provide shorter travel time to local residents, but no other significant impacts are expected. Tial 2 Mea;ggres Tier 2 measures were evaluated by assigning a value of 1 for red, 2 for yellow and 3 for green. Values were calculated from both Tier 1 and Tier 2 evaluation measures. The top 3 ranking alternatives are considered for further evaluation. Meets basic provisions in Eagle DeesWee; Prot�g Pyri lliiiillIttli4) Comp Plan with limited functional In Elms C mp P1r3n flOr land: t. and regional connectivity along SHt�Nfeuslilii Reasonable access and anticipated response times Some N Eagle Rd Impacts due to less connectivity, N BL: 13,600 / S BL: 8,300 Average intersection V/C Ratio of 1.19 Avzraye rs-f ct nn V/ RR,utitj of 115 High intuc,P K(c Rano b,f Av #4i0la vtl ull, of 1.15, All alternatives have potential Canal Wood Headgate Impacts near Linder Rd; Potential Palmer Rd home displacement on Beacon Light All alignments have similar potential impacts to linear cultural resources. Similar ipmacts are antiicpated for Goodales Cutoff near Palmer Road and M3 arterial alignment, the Farmer's Union Canal in south project area, and SH 16. All alternatives pose the defragmentation of some BLM land in west project area ; AU alternatives may have potential for threatened and endangered species impacts. Impacts to slickspot peppergrass can potentially be mitigated with conservation easements . Total Connections to • 6 aannecUona Existing Road Retwori; Anticipated Size of Local Road System General Constructability • Anticipated greater local road system 1 in east project area to accommodate lack of overpass. Greatest connectivity in north project area. Medium Impacts Medium: Collector running North/South through steep terrain connecting Idaho State lands through Connolly property to future alignment study area. Arterial running East/West through steep terrain in Suncor property to eastem interchange on SH -55. Collect 7 connections Low: Gni itstet 9ryWog through very steep d, E essing SH -55 with an ov Cot @ ,g r running No �Sr Clop, steep terrain conn 4c�ig Illah State lands through Connolly property to future alignment study area. Arterial running t34,j/YVe7ftthrp, City of Eagle Number Potential for 6 more than planned iPotential for yporgp planned of Neighborhood equaling 2,0004,000 more equaling i,000 2,880 more Centers households households Impacts to Eagle Road between Plaza & Old �, State Street Road/Trails Conflicts (6 identified in Plan) Roads within Visually sensitive areas (6 identified in Plan) FINAL Ranking I' ui�r+a5^ I i .i14.mLu_13I, 23tt4. 6 6 2f7 a \ 4 si" 2.6% increase from City model, 24 4% increase from CIM 7 connections 7 connections Additional local road connections between Woods Gulch & Aerie Lane in east project area. Medium impacts Medium Collector cutting through very steep terrain, crossing SH -55 with an overpass Collector running North/South through steep terrain connecting Idaho State lands through Connolly property to future alignment study area. Arterial running East/West th Creates and equal number to the plan t esn 4 a01,401 ;52i4it rOar3S:ciila rri ' grahiest ablieWirr ai •aitei)al .network Law tnvrac;s. Low: Collector cutting through very steep terrain, crossing SH -55 with an overpass. Collector running North/South through steep terrain connecting Idaho State lands through Connolly property to future alignment study area. Arterial running EasJANest throe Potential for 3 more than planned equaling 1,000-2,000 more households 7.2 f(� $ ��YY model, . 6 4iy',dh+resR'renra F°�1�*rilradiy: 1{'ri lffGflf �d lFd� CIM $2ip..2.;1I} 3 frr twri{fJi_ 8 7 7 7 8 7 28 24 29 t9 3 O co o. 3 1 si, regional safe i i fO 0 0 * Potential identified cultural, historic, or even environmental impacts may be avoided by shifting road alignments to bypass sensitive locations **Threatened and endangered species impacts (ie Slickspot Peppergrass) can potentially be mitigated through conservation easements if required by regulatory agency Additional measures will be analyzed in the next stages of the project