Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 09/02/2008 - Joint EAGLE CITY COUNCIL & ACHD COMMISSIONERS Special Joint Meeting Minutes September 2, 2008 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 12:08 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: CITY COUNCIL: GUERBER, SHOUSHTARIAN, HUFFAKER. Semanko absent. A quorum is present. ACHD COMMISSIONERS: All Present. No roll call. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Update on Northwest Foothills Study (ACHD - Goodell) Mayor Bandy introduces the issue. Sally Goodell, of ACHD, gives an update on the Northwest Foothills Study. B. Update on Community Proe:rams (ACHD - O'Connor) Mayor Bandy introduces the issues. Andrew 0' Connor, of ACHD, shares copies of a Power Point Presentation and discusses the same. General discussion regarding the draft "Bike Master Plan" and the impacts the Velodrome may have. Discussion regarding Velodrome traffic changes and pedestrian accessibility. General discussion regarding high priority projects such as the Sevens Oaks/ Eagle Road intersection and the intersection of Eagle Road and Floating Feather Road. C. Intera~ency Cost Share Policv (ACHD - Goodell) Mayor Bandy introduces the issues. Sally Goodell, of ACHD, discusses the Interagency Cost Share Policy and how it relates to the City of Eagle. She gives an example of the "Hill Road Extension" project. D. Update on Renewal of Vehicle Reeistration Fee (Commissioner McKee) Commissioner McKee reviews the proposed changes to the Registration Fees. She reviews the benefits of the Registration Fee increase and the effects it could have if it does not pass. The date to vote for this is November 4, 2008. General discussion regarding lack of infrastructure throughout neighborhoods. E. Status of ACHD/COMPASS transportation models (Eagle - Bandv) Mayor Bandy asks of the differences brought to his attention by the public, between the ACHD and COMPASS transportation models. K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-02-08achdmin.doc Page I of2 Sally Goodell, of ACHD, reviews ACHD's transportation model and explains when it is applied. Charles Trainor, of COMPASS, reviews the process COMPASS uses when reviewing new projects. Discussion regarding the "Communities in Motion" project. F. Bike and Pathways discussion (Eagle - Shoushtarian) Councilman Shoushtarian asks of a master plan for bike paths. Sally Goodell, of ACHD, reviews plans that are in draft form. G. Sie:nallieht installations (Eagle - Shoushtarian) Mayor Bandy introduces the issue. General discussion on a possible traffic light at the intersection of Eagle Road and Plaza Drive, along with the area of Ballantyne and Hwy 44. H. Pavine: schedule for west side of old State from Eae:le Road to Hie:hway 44 (Eagle- Shoushtarian) General discussion regarding areas needing road overlay by ACHD and lTD. I. Other (time permittine:): None J. ADJOURNMENT: Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1 :43 p.m. CITY CLERK/TREASURER ,." .......,'.. ....." OF roo '. ......... ~ ~ c<"t .... ...... ~ '\0 ........ 0/ '. ~ v~.. .. ~...JA . ; ...ov.l'OR<1 .:.. V. \ : : v '~ .. ~ =*. ~ : : : ....4a ..= . . . . ': ..~ SEAL "...: : '; tP .. ('\0 '0.... ~ ~ /> ...'lfpoR .'t~~..~o .:' , -<I .. n.. ... " - I r ..... ~ ..' "'" S OF \~ "..... "'" ".. """" Respectfully submitted: lR(~P JI,~~ .../ '- SHARON K. BERGMANN PHILLIP J. BANDY MAYOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS A V AILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-02-08achdmin.doc Page 2 of2