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Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 07/29/2008 - Special
v EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes July 29, 2008 I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 4: 15 p.m. Norm is not in town and will be reached by phone. Mayor: We have had a request that we amend the agenda to include an Executive Session for pending and threatened litigation which has to do with water rights status in the Eaglefield- Legacy area. It won't take very long so if we could amend the agenda to have this first. 2. ROLL CALL: GUERBER, HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO. Semanko is absent. A quorum is present. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Idaho Code, Section 67-2345(f) Pending or Threatened Litigation. Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to go into Executive Session in accordance with Idaho Code, Section 67- 2345(1) Pending or Threatened Litigation in regards to Legacy and Eaglefield water rights. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Council goes into Executive Session at 4: 15 p.m. Council discusses pending or threatened litigation in regards to Legacy and Eaglefield water rights. Council leaves Executive Session at 4:45 p.m. Huffaker moyes to direct Counsel for the City to appeal the waters rights decision that was recently made by Department of Water Resources. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES; MOTION CARRIS............ 3. BUDGET DISCUSSION: Mayor introduces the issue. The Mercer Group provided a spreadsheet on the 50% comparable to market which would save $1,958.41. Discussion on the Mercer Groups 50% comparable to market. Discussion on Council Member Shoushtarian recommended reductions to staff and the general budget. General discussion. Guerber moves to have the City Clerk print the Notice of Public Hearing that has been presented to us with a budget of $10,598,693.00 in expenditure and the same figure in the revenue, that goes to the press and that allows the public to look at our proposals for spending and we can hear from the public on the 19th. I think we need to use the budget that all of the Council Members including Norm were here to discuss and it giyes us a starting point and we continue with further discussion if necessary and consideration for the public. This at least gets us to the point of fulfilling our legal obligation to get our budget printed and before the people. Seconded by Huffaker. Discussion. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-29-08spmtngdoc Shoushtarian moves that we have until tomorrow afternoon to do these, let's go ahead and review these two proposal and see if Council can up with an alternative situation cutting from there and there from some part and see is we can negotiate in some numbers that some numbers that can work out for everybody and at least we have some figure in the roll over numbers that we can really fiscally responsible and strong for this coming year. Mayor: Motion dies for a lack of a Second. Mayor: Let's take a vote on the first Motion. TWO AYES; SHOUSHTARIAN NAY: MOTION CARRIES................ Further discussion on the budget and Council Shoushtarian recommendations. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moyes to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... .. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 6: 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURE .'"......,.... .." OL ...." ,,,~,, E .## 1'."..O<(,.....~~ ##~ I ~, o"~ e '\ ii-ol.s , .. 0= = -I .... .... i u 8 ,. ~v~ :1: J \ \- ~~ ~~: ~ l" '";J ~"tI'. - : ~.. -. 'o\'coa'q,.. Lio.... : "-'", ........ 0.... ,.... "'" Sr A 1'~ "~"~I .""......,." PHI LIP J. BANDY MA YOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 2 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-29-08spmtngdoc :I (occ,-c;) rnbe-- Sh o a Sl-► fQr"Qii 08/09 Staff Suggested City Expenses Projected Reduction % P&Z Personnel $ 828,209 40% $ Admin $ 177,900 0% $ Public affairs $ 500 0% $ Grants $ 175 0% $ Contracts $ 7,000 50% $ Capital Expend $ 78,629 50% $ Total P&Z $ 1,092,413 $ Budding Dept Personnel Administration Public affairs Contracts Vehicles Capital outlay Total Building dept Library Personnel Ops & Maint Capital outlay Library Reserve Total Library Water Fund Personnel Ops & Maint Contracts Vehicles Restricted Funds Capital Exp. Total Water Fund Executive Personnel Admin Public affairs Contracts Capital Outlay Total Executive cc7-,2 Projected Cut/Savings 331,284 3,500 39,315 374,099 08/09 Projected Total $ 496,952 $ 177,900 $ 500 $ 175 $ 3,500 $ 39,315 $ 718,342 472,296 30% $ 141,689 $ 30,100 0% $ - $ 300 0% $ - $ 163,200 50% $ 81,600 $ 8,000 50% $ 4,000 $ - 0% $ - $ 673,896 $ 227,289 $ $ 838,829 $ 285,981 $ 26,578 $ 160,000 $ 1,311,388 330,607 30,100 300 81,600 4,000 446,607 10% $ 83,883 $ 754,946 10% $ 28,598 $ 257,383 10% $ 2,658 $ 23,920 0% $ - $ 160,000 $ 115,139 $ 1,196,249 $ 264,653 80% $ 211,722 $ $ 133,547 50% $ 66,774 $ $ 247,700 0% $ - $ $ 13,000 75% $ 9,750 $ $ 457,500 50% $ 228,750 $ $ 250,000 75% $ 187,500 $ $ 1,366,400 $ 704,496 $ $ 204,854 $ 9,000 $ 2,000 $ 21,500 $ 2,000 $ 239,354 30% $ 50% $ 50% $ 80% $ 30% $ 61,456 $ 4,500 $ 1,000 $ 17,200 $ 600 $ 84,756 $ 52,931 66,774 247,700 3,250 228,750 62,500 661,904 143,398 4,500 1,000 4,300 1,400 154,598 Clerks Dept Personnel $ 274,611 20% $ 54,922 $ 269,119 Admin $ 10,400 50% $ 5,200 $ 5,200 Public Affairs $ 250 50% $ 125 $ 125 Contracts $ 1,500 25% $ 375 $ 1,125 Capital outlay $ - 0% $ - $ _ Total Clerks $ 286,761 $ 60,622 $ 275,569 General Admin Reserve Funds $ 350,000 0% $ $ 350,000 Personnel $ 86,835 0% $ $ 86,835 Contracts $ 2,374,784 25% $ 593,696 $ 1,781,088 Admin $ 211,088 25% $ 52,772 $ 158,316 Grants $ 250,000 0% $ $ 250,000 Public Affairs $ 37,000 10% $ 3,700 $ 33,300 Community projects $ 178,307 0% $ $ 178,307 Capital outlay $ 20,000 30% $ 6,000 $ 14,000 Parks $ 241,000 0% $ $ 241,000 Community Planning $ 194,603 75% $ 145,952 $ 48,651 Total General Admin $ 3,943,617 $ 802,120 $ 3,141,497 Arts Personnel $ 50,518 0% $ - $ 50,518 Activities $ 55,000 50% $ 27,500 $ 27,500 Misc. $ 9,000 30% $ 2,700 $ 6,300 Education $ 16,000 10% $ 15,250 Capital Expense $ 1,500 50% $ 750 $ 1,500 Total Arts $ 132,018 $ 30,950 $ 1,500 Historical Personnel $ 54,389 0% $ - $ 54,389 Education $ 4,100 20% $ 820 $ 3,280 Admin $ 11,682 25% $ 2,921 $ 8,762 Exhibits $ 4,400 0% $ - $ 4,400 Programs $ 700 0% $ - $ 700 Personnel Grants $ 1,000 0% $ - $ 1,000 Capital Outlay $ 11,400 30% $ 3,420 $ 7,980 Total Historical $ 87,671 $ 7,161 $ 80,511 Totals $ 9,133,518 $ 2,406,631 $ 6,676,776 07/08 Actual as % Inc from of June 2008 07/08 $ 561,495 3% $ 290,737 -39% $ 273 83% $ 175 0% $ 0 100% $ 15,097 160% $ 867,777 -17% $ 352,057 -6% $ 41,726 -28% $ 295 2% $ 33,910 141% $ 4,542 -12% $ - 0% $ 432,530 3% $ 529,884 19% $ 187,427 37% $ 12,306 94% $ 160,000 0% $ 889,617 34% $ 20,706 156% $ 75,298 -11% $ 305,494 -19% $ 129 2419% $ 1,929,180 -88% $ 71,990 -13% $ 2,402,797 -72% $ 105,205 -3% $ 3,316 36% $ 592 69% $ 100% $ 1,383 1% $ 110,496 40% $ 192,042 -4% $ 4,589 13% $ 109 15% $ 100% $ - 100% $ 196,740 40% $ 100% $ 63,159 37% $ 1,721,630 3% $ 170,803 -7% $ 250,000 0% $ 31,283 6% $ 221,998 -20% $ 14,984 -7% $ 263,382 -8% $ 14,603 233% $ 2,751,842 14% $ 37,576 34% $ 37,396 -26% $ 5,485 15% $ 14,409 6% $ 1,605 -7% $ 1,605 -7% $ 34,318 58% $ 661 396% $ 6,468 35% $ 3,236 36% $ 561 25% $ 100% $ 3,621 120% $ 48,865 65% $ 7,702,269 -13% City Personnel Costs P&Z Building Dept Library Water Fund Executive Clerks Dept General Admin Arts Historical Totals (cek;' A h -,s Shp u shy -,���. 08/09 Staff Projected $ 828,209 $ 472,296 $ 838,829 $ 264,653 $ 204,854 $ 274,611 $ 86,835 $ 50,518 $ 54,389 $ 3,075,194 Suggested Reduction % 30% 30% 25% 80% 50% 33% Projected Cut/Savings cc .7 fr 08/09 Projected Total $ 248,463 $ $ 141,689 $ $ 209,707 $ $ 211,722 $ $ 102,427 $ $ 90,622 $ 0% $ - $ 0% $ - $ 0% $ - $ $ 1,004,630 $ Personnel 579,746 330,607 629,122 52,931 102,427 183,989 86,835 50,518 54,389 2,070,564 07/08 Actual % Inc as of June from 2008 07108 $ 561,495 3% $ 352,057 -6% $ 529,884 19% $ 20,706 156% $ 105,205 -3% $ 192,042 -4% $ 63,159 37% $ 37,576 34% $ 34,318 58% $ 1,896,442 9% NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUDGET FOR FISCALYEAR 2009 CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO cc 7--,1 F -D r Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho, will hold a public hearing for consideration of the proposed budget including general revenue sharing for the fiscal period October 1, 2008, to September 30, 2009, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-1002, Idaho Code. Said hearing to be held at Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, Idaho, at 6:30 p.m. on August 19, 2008. At said hearing, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any they have why said proposed budget should not be adopted. PROPOSED EXPENDITURES The following is an estimate set forth in said proposed budget of the total proposed expenditures and accruing indebtedness of the City of Eagle, Idaho, for the fiscal period October 1, 2008, to September 30, 2009. FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FUND/OBJECT ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT RESERVE FUND - 1ST QUARTER EXPENDITURES $0 $413,200 $466,967 ID STATE TREASURER - DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND 250,000 250,000 0 YEAR END TRANSFERS TO DEPARTMENTS 2,834,830 0 0 PERSONNEL 574,423 89,255 79,718 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT 227,587 192,335 211,088 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: 2,023,382 2,290,502 2,435,619 STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS 730 17,250 0 GRANTS 0 250,000 250,000 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 61,108 52,000 37,000 COMMUNITY PROJECTS 104,500 234,873 182,456 CAPITAL OUTLAY 109,667 116,650 214,603 PARKS & PATHWAYS 258,923 269,500 241,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $6,445,150 $4,175,565 $4,118,451 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL $99,270 $162,782 $195,701 ADMINISTRATION 7,204 14,250 9,000 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 1,091 1,253 21,500 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 3,517 8,438 2,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 410 500 2,000 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT TOTAL $111,492 $187,223 $230,201 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL $180,470 $255,673 $276,540 ADMINISTRATION 3,856 9,950 10,400 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 274 2,800 1,500 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 67 500 250 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 4,075 3,500 0 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT TOTAL $188,742 $272,423 $288,690 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL $366,711 $468,777 $485,677 ADMINISTRATION 31,253 31,800 30,100 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 63,725 139,200 51,200 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 278 500 300 VEHICLE OPERATIONS 5,205 8,500 8,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 47,541 25,000 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOTAL $514,713 $673,777 $575,277 K:1Clerks\BUDGET120091PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Page 1 e. PROPOSED REVENUES The estimated revenue for the City of Eagle, Idaho, for the fiscal period October 1, 2008, to September 30, 2009, is: FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FUND/OBJECT ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED GENERAL FUND CARRY FORWARD (PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS) $1,296,999 $1,437,643 $377,118 RESERVE FUND 1ST QUARTER EXPENDITURES 575,000 411,229 350,000 DIVERSIVIED BOND FUND 255,778 513,500 265,000 PROPERTY TAX 1,012,181 1,160,135 1,222,687 OTHER TAX REVENUES 2,875 2,500 2,500 FRANCHISE FEES 712,755 644,250 877,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,505,407 1,676,475 1,710,173 LICENSES AND PERMITS 43,209 44,000 36,500 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES 1,316,064 1,650,000 1,584,000 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES 359,507 332,875 $334,875 COURT FINES AND FEES 91,439 75,500 80,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 23,638 6,200 6,200 DONATIONS 100 1,100 1,100 INVESTMENTS 119,363 90,000 70,000 LEASE PAYMENTS 2,472 2,550 3,100 MISCELLANEOUS 112,930 2,120 16,045 GRANTS 0 250,000 250,000 PROGRAMS & RECREATION 51,774 57,600 45,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $7,481,491 $8,357,677 $7,231,298 WATER FUND CARRY FORWARD (PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS) -$99,851 $193,221 $0 DEQ LOAN FUNDS 246,392 1,590,000 250,000 STL FEES 74,250 564,000 157,500 METER SETS 850 170,000 127,500 OTHER REVENUE 382,578 3,699,000 831,400 WATER FUND TOTAL $604,219 $6,216,221 $1,366,400 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND CARRY FORWARD (PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS) -$61,379 $0 $0 OTHER REVENUE 145,121 322,112 188,552 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND TOTAL $83,742 $322,112 $188,552 LIBRARY FUND RESERVE FUND $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 CARRY FORWARD (PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS) 75,605 0 5,750 BOISE LIBRARY REIMBURSEMENT 60,000 82,120 89,750 ADA COUNTY LIBRARY REIMBURSEMENT 0 9,560 13,700 DONATIONS 665 2,000 2,000 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 813,731 893,261 1,011,401 OTHER REVENUE 57,032 53,400 52,000 LIBRARY FUND TOTAL $1,167,033 $1,200,341 $1,334,601 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND CARRY FORWARD (PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS) $13,161 $0 $5,000 OTHER REVENUE 114,605 131,464 135,600 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION TOTAL $127,766 $131,464 $140,600 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND CARRY FORWARD (PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS) $9,441 $6,075 $6,000 OTHER REVENUE 53,760 74,712 85,656 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND TOTAL $63,201 $80,787 $91,656 LIBRARY GEN OBLIGATION BOND FUND CARRY FORWARD (PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS) $38,937 $38,690 $19,171 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 231,820 206,155 224,415 STATE TREASURER INTEREST 2,000 2,000 BOND FUND TOTAL $270,757 $246,845 $245,586 K:ICIerksIBUDGET120091PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Page 4 PROPOSED REVENUES Con't FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FUND/OBJECT ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION LINE FUND $130,799 $337,662 $0 LID FUND $0 $7,200,000 0 TOTAL REVENUE ALL FUNDS $10,184,786 $24,606,609 $10,598,693 I, Sharon K. Bergmann, City Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Eagle, Idaho, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the proposed expenditures and revenues for fiscal year 2009, all of which have been tentatively approved and entered at length in the Joumal of Proceedings. A copy of the proposed City Budget in detail is available at City Hall for inspection during regular office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Dated this day of August, 2008. Sharon K. Bergmann City ClerklTreasurer Publication Dates: August 5, 2008 and August 12, 2008 K:1Clerks\BUDGET120091PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Page 5 MERCER GROUP DEPARTMENT TOTALS Art Commission Total Building Department Total City Clerk Department Total Library Total Museum Total Planning & Zoning Dept. Total Public Works Total GRAND TOTAL SUMMARY SIDE BY SIDE ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION 3.7% COL -ADJUSTMENT TO MINIMUM & COMPRESSION $7,190.75 $16,044.09 $6,574.77 $80,860.29 $9,488.77 $21,661.09 $17,753.24 $159,573.00 7/29/2008 50% PERCENT 3.7% COL -ADJUSTMENT TO MINIMUM & COMPRESSION $7,101.41 $15,861.23 $6,468.15 $79,836.43 $9,394.26 $21,428.90 $17,524.21 7-az9--of DIFFERENCE $89.34 $182.86 $106.62 $1,023.86 $94.51 $232.19 $229.03 $157,614.59 $1,958.41 MERCER GROUP SUMMARY SIDE BY SIDE 7/29/2008 ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION 50% PERCENT DEPARTMENT 3.7% COL -ADJUSTMENT 3.7% COL -ADJUSTMENT DIFFERENCE TOTALS TO MINIMUM & COMPRESSION TO MINIMUM & COMPRESSION Art Commission Total $7,190.75 $7,101.41 $89.34 Building Department Total $16,044.09 $15,861.23 $182.86 City Clerk Department Total $6,574.77 $6,468.15 $106.62 Library Total $80,860.29 $79,836.43 $1,023.86 Museum Total $9,488.77 $9,394.26 $94.51 Planning & Zoning Dept. Total $21,661.09 $21,428.90 $232.19 Public Works Total $17,753.24 $17,524.21 $229.03 GRAND TOTAL $159,573.00 $157,614.59 $1,958.41 REVENUE FY 08/09 REVISION 7/28/08 CITY GENERAL REVENUE: $7,231,298 CITY GENERAL EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT $4,118,451 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT $230,201 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT $288,690 BUILDING DEPARTMENT $575,277 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT $1,057,840 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT $960.839 $7,231,298 TOTAL: $7,231,298 LIBRARY FUND REVENUE $1,334,601 LIBRARY FUND EXPENDITURES $1,334,601 ARTS COMMISSION REVENUE $140,600 ARTS COMMISSION EXPENDITURES $140,600 HISTORIC COMMISSION REVENUE $91,656 HISTORIC COMMISSION EXPENDITURES $91,656 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND $188,552 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND REVENUE $188,552 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE $1,366,400 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND EXPENDITURES $1,366,400 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND REVENUE $245,586 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND EXPENDITURES $245,586 TOTAL ALL REVENUES: $10,598,693 TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES: $10,598,693 CITY OF EAGLE REVENUE PROJECTIONS FY 08/09 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects CARRY OVER (01-0308-00-00)1 RESERVE FUND - 1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0309-01-00) DIVERSIVIED BOND FUND PROPERTY TAX REVENUE (01-0311-00-00) OTHER TAX REVENUE: Penalty and Interest on Property Taxes (01-0311-01-00) Franchise Fees: Franchise/Eagle Water Co. - 1% (01-0316-10-00) Franchise/United Water Company - 1% (01-0316-10-02) Franchise/Int. Gas 3% (Yearly) (01-0316-11-00) Franchise/Trash 8% (Quarterly) (01-0316-13-00) Franchise/Idaho Power 1% (Quarterly) (01-0316-14-00) Franchise/Idaho Power 2% -Dist Lines (Quarterly)(01-0316-14-01) Franchise/Cable 5% (01-0316-12-00) TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES: INTERGOVERNMENTAL: Urban Renewal District - Loan Payment State Revenue Sharing (Quarterly) (01-0335-60-00) State Sales Tax (Quarterly) (01-335-50-00) State Liquor (Quarterly) (01-0335-10-00) TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL: LICENSES AND PERMITS: Alcoholic Beverage License (01-0321-10-00) Business License (01-0321-30-00) TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS: FY 07/08 Budgeted $1,437,643 $411,229 $254,500 $1,160,135 $2,500 7/28/2008 REVISED Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized so $1,437,643 $0 $411,229 $0 $254,500 $694,221 $465,914 $1,222,687 Projected FY 08/09 %O $377,118 -74% $350,000 -15% $265,000 $1,501 4% 5% $999 $2,500 0% 1,750 5,693 -3,943 5,500 4,592 908 300,000 255,267 44,733 130,000 94,702 35,298 100,000 77,877 22,123 0 0 0 107,000 54,542 52,458 $644,250 $492,673 $151,577 0 1,151,260 175,215 350,000 $1,676,475 20,000 16,500 $36,500 7,000 10,000 260,000 160,000 150,000 180,000 110,000 $877,000 300% 82% -13% 23% 50% 100% 3% 36% 0 0 70,243 100% 471,451 679,809 1,188,514 3% 140,190 35,025 201,416 15% 273,623 76,377 250,000 -29% $885,264 $791,211 $1,710,173 2% 19,257 13,875 $33,132 743 2,625 $3,368 $36,500 0% 20,000 16,500 0% 0% REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Building Permits (01-0322-10-00) Building Permits Appeals (01-0322-10-01) Plan Review Fee -Bldg Dept (01-0322-12-00) Garden City Pian Review Fees (01-0322-12-01) Energy Standards (01-0322-13-00) Grading -Drainage Permit Fees (01-0322-21-00) Electrical Inspection Fees w/City Inspector (01-0322-14-00) Plumbing Inspection Fees w/City Inspector (01-0322-15-00) Mechanical Inspection Fees (01-0322-16-00) Bldg Inspector Fees - Garden City (01-0322-20-00) Drainage Fees (01-0341-13-01) ACHD Impact Processing Fees (01-0322-19-00) TOTAL BUILDING DEAPARTMENT PERMITS & FEES: PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Annex/Zoning Permits (01-0322-11-00) PZ Inspection Fees (01-0322-11-01) PZ Plan Review Fees (01-0322-11-02) Street Light Inspection Fees (01-0322-17-00) Surety/Letter of Credit Fees (01-0322-18-00) Tree Fund (01-0369-30-00) Tree City USA Grant (01-0331-60-00) Engineering Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-13-00) Attorney Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-14-00) TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING PERMITS & FEES: MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS AND FEES: Miscellaneous Permits/Fees/Licenses (01-0341-11-00) Animal License Fees (01-0341-12-00) TOTAL MISCELLANDEOUS PERMITS & FEES: FY 07/08 Budgeted 935,500 500 325,500 0 17,500 50,000 90,000 90,000 48,000 90,000 0 3,000 $1,650,000 Actual Jun -08 323,334 0 150,820 375 10,100 0 52,692 45,573 60,365 67,500 2,400 1,240 $714,399 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 612,166 500 174,680 -375 7,400 50,000 37,308 44,427 -12,365 22,500 -2,400 1,760 $935,601 845,000 500 294,000 500 15.800 45,000 81,000 81,000 96,000 120,000 2,500 2,700 $1,584,000 200,000 100,434 99,566 200,000 0% 6,000 8,910 -2,910 8,000 100% 1,200 1,350 -150 1,200 100% 1,500 1,290 210 1,500 0% 3,000 2,255 745 3,000 0% 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0% 175 180 -5 175 0% 60,000 282,346 -222,346 60,000 0% 60,000 53,097 6,903 60,000 0% $332,875 $449,862 -$116,987 $334,875 1% 1,500 6,000 $7.500 3,130 6,624 $9,754 -1,630 -624 -$2,254 3,000 100% 7,000 17% $10,000 33% REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects City Court Fines & Fees (01-0338-40-00) Citation Fees/Code Enforcement (01-0338-41-00) TOTAL COURT FINES & FEES: CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Printing, Duplication and Publishing (01-0379-01-00) Miscellaneous (01-0379-00-00) TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES: DONATIONS: Park Donation (01-0376-04-00) Arbor Day Donations (01-0376-06-00) Contributions/Donation/Private (Pathway Projects)(o1-0376-00-oo) TOTAL DONATIONS: INVESTMENTS: State Treasurer Investments -Interest 01-0371-10-00) Total Investments: MISCELLANEOUS: Lease Payments -Parks (01-0383-04-00) Lease Payments -City Hall Property (01-0383-06-00) Idaho Power Substation/Water usage (01-0383-01-00) Room Reservations (01-0383-09-00) CH Staff Time Reimbursement -Urban Renewal District ITD Eagle Road Underpass Reimbursement (01-383-11-00) ITD Merrill Park Bridge Reimbursement (01-0383-12-00) Dry Creek Drainage -Matching Funds (01-0383-13-00) Miscellaneous Reimburseables (01-0383-05-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS FY 07/08 Budgeted 75,000 500 $75,500 1,200 5,000 $6,200 1,000 100 0 $1,100 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % 62,387 12,613 80,000 7% 30 470 0 -100% $62,417 $13,083 $80,000 6% 692 4,204 $4,896 0 0 0 $0 508 796 $1,304 1,000 100 0 $1,100 1,200 0% 5,000 0% $6,200 0% taA 1,000 0% 100 100% 0 0% $1,100 0% 90,000 41,993 48,007 70,000 -22% $90,000 $41,993 $48,007 $70,000 -22% 1,000 214 786 1,550 1,000 550 120 120 0 1,000 304 696 0 0 0 0 19,189 -19,189 0 27,718 -27,718 0 10,000 -10,000 1,000 2,659 -1,659 $4,670 $61,204 456,534 2,100 110% 1,000 -35% 120 0% 500 100% 4,425 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1,000 0% $9,145 96% REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects GRANTS Grants/Matching Funds (Sr Center Parking Lot) (01-0331-63-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding (01-0331-64-00) Future Grant (01-0331-61-00) TOTAL GRANTS: PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Awin Mgmnt (BFI) Education -Add Srvs (01-0350-03-00) Healing Fields Contribution (01-0350-05-00) Reservation Fees (01-0350-20-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament 01-0350-01-00) Rec Programs/Rocky Mtn Fitness Center (01-0350-42-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: TOTAL REVENUE: FY 07/08 Budgeted 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 24,000 20,000 9,500 3,500 600 $57,600 $7,844,177 Actual Jun -08 0 0 0 $0 22,088 0 8,579 2,238 90 $32,995 $3,484,311 FY 07/08 Unrealized 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 1,912 20,000 921 1,262 510 $24,605 $4,359,866 Projected FY 08/09 % 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 0% 100% 0% 0% 29,500 23% 0 100% 12,000 26% 3,500 0% 0 -100% $45,000 -22% $7,231,298 -8% EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT FY08/09 BUDGET FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 07/08 Salaries (11-0415-10-00) 114,000 Overtime (11-0415-11-00) 0 Employee Bonus (11-0415-16-00) 0 Merit Increase Reserve (11-0415-17-00) 400 Backgound Check/Drug Testing (11-0415-20-00) 0 FICA (11-0415-21-00) 8,752 PERS! (11-0415-22-00) 11,886 Worker's Compensation (11-415-24-00) 480 Insurance (Employer) (11-0217-07-00) 27,264 Unemployment Benefits (11-0415-28-00) 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $162,782 ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (11-0413-23-00) Mayor - Administrative Expenses (11-0413-03-00) Miscellaneous (11-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (11-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (11-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (11-0413-14-00) Resource Materials (01-0413-28-00) Telecommunications (01-0413-19-00) Vehicle Expenses (11-0413-24-00) Training (11-0413-12-00) Travel & Per Diem (11-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 07/08 1,700 5,000 50 2,000 500 500 200 2,100 0 500 1,700 $14,250 Actual Jun -08 73,736 7 0 0 0 5,052 7,277 691 18,442 0 $105,205 Actual Jun -08 0 61 0 781 16 75 0 902 184 946 351 $3,316 REVISED 7/28/2008 FY 07/08 Unrealized 40,264 -7 0 0 0 3,700 4,609 -211 8,822 0 $57,577 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,700 4,939 50 1,219 484 425 200 1,198 -184 -446 1,349 $10,934 Projected FY 08/09 % 132,475 16% 0 0% 0 0% 0 -100% 100 100% 10,134 16% 13,764 16% 556 16% 38,672 42% 0 o% $195,701 20% Projected FY 08/09 % 200 -88% 2,500 -50% 100 100% t200 -40% 100 -80% 100 -80% 200 0% 2,100 0% t000 100% 1,000 100% 500 -71% $9,000 -37% K:\Clerks\BUDGET\20091Executive Department -11 \Budget - Exec Pagel PUBLIC AFFAIRS & COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Youth Action Council Public Relations (11-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS:1 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations/Information Services Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (11-0416-24-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 0 8,438 $8,438 BUDGETED FY 07/08 0 1,253 $1,253 BUDGETED FY 07/08 162,782 14,250 8,438 1,253 $186,723 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized 151 -151 441 7,997 $592 $7,846 Actual Jun -08 0 0 $0 Projected FY 08/09 0/0 1000 1000 $2,000 100% 100% -76% FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 0 20,000 l00% 1,253 1,500 20% $1,253 $21,500 1616% Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized 105,205 57,577 3,316 10,934 592 7,846 0 1,253 $109,113 $77,610 Projected FY 08/09 % 195,701 9,000 2,000 21,500 $228,201 20% -37% 100% 1616% 22% K:1Clerks\BUDGET120091Executive Department-111Budget - Exec Page2 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected Major Objects and Subobjects FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized p j 08/09 pip City Hall Equipment (11-0465-03-00) 500 1,383 -883 X2,000 300% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $500 $1,383 -$883 $2,000 300% BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % Capital Outlay 500 1,383 -883 2,000 300% TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $500 $1,383 -$883 $2,000 300% BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $186,723 $109,113 77,610 $228,201 22% TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $500 $1,383 -883 $2,000 300% TOTAL BUDGET: $187,223 $110,496 $76,727 $230,201 23% K:1Clerks\BUDGET120091Executive Department-111Budget - Exec Page3 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET EXPENDITURES RESERVE FUNDS: RESERVE FUND -1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0410-01-00) ID ST TREASURER -DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND (01-0411-01) FY 08/09 PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects City Council (01-0415-11-00) FICA (01-0415-21-00) PERSI (01-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (01-415-24-00) Unemployment Benefits (01-0415-28-00) Insurance (Employer) (01-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Attorney's Fees - City Hall Legal (01-0416-02-00) Legal Miscellaneous (01-0416-04-00) Ada County Joint Prosecution (01-416-05-00) Idaho Humane Society (01-0416-06-00) Engineer (01-0416-07-00) Auditor (01-0416-08-00) Law Enforcement (01-0416-09-00) Senior Center Community Van (01-0416-10-00) Database & Web Page Management (01-0416-16-00) Contract Other (01-0416-18-00) City Hall - Lease Payments - Hawkins Smith (01-0416-21-00) City Hall - Operating Expenses - Hawkins Smith (01-0416-22-00) Grant Writer (01-0416-23-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (01-0416-24-00) Computer LAN Maintenance (Block Time) (01-0416-26-00) Allred Solutions - Foothills (01-0416-27-00) BRS Architects -CH Expansion (01-0416-28-00) Library Expansion:Engineer & Architect Services (01-0416-30-00) Manley Services (Premium Only Plan) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted $413,200 $250,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 47,684 3,648 2,332 200 0 35,391 $89,255 FY 07/08 • Budgeted 0 135,000 0 24,671 49,575 35,000 7,720 1,614,933 11,660 10,000 40,000 240,593 30,000 15,000 12,000 15,600 0 40,000 8,750 0 $2,290,502 Actual Jun -08 REVISED FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 $413,200 0 $250,000 Actual Jun -08 38,556 2,662 2,973 939 1,273 16,756 $63,159 Actual Jun -08 10,717 105,614 0 18,503 37,179 19,192 7,000 1,209,450 8,745 816 4,694 180,444 17,512 4,609 13,712 13,200 8,625 61,618 0 0 $1,721,630 FY 07/08 Unrealized 9,128 986 -641 -739 -1,273 18,635 $26,096 FY 07/08 Unrealized -10,717 29,386 0 6,168 12,396 15,808 720 405,483 2,915 9,184 35,306 60,149 12,488 10,391 -1,712 2,400 -8,625 -21,618 8,750 0 $568,872 7/2812OO Projected FY 08/09 $466,967 13% $0 -100% Projected Fy 0/09 ok 47,684 0% 3,648 0% 3,497 50% 200 0% 0 0% 24.89 -30% 79.718 -11% Projected FY 08/09 0 135,000 0 33,195 66.366 25.000 9.647 1,828,508 14,660 5,000 10,000 240,593 20.000 5,000 12,000 16,500 0 0 14,000 150 $2,435,619 0% 0% 0% 35% 34% -29% 25% 13% 26% -50% -75% 0% -33% -67% 0% 6% 0% -100% 60% 100% 6% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't CAPITAL PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects VRT - Sry Enhancement -Hwy 44 Express (14-0468-10-00) Id Power 2% Franchise Fee -Bury Distribution Lines (01-0468-11-00) Hill Rd Improvements - ACHD (Collection Account) (14-0468-09-00) City Wide Enhancements (01-0468-12-00) TOTAL COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 15,650 0 0 50,000 $65,650 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: $4,175,565 Actual Jun -08 14,603 0 0 0 $14,603 $2,503,696 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,047 0 0 50,000 $51,047 0 $1,671,869 Page 4 Projected FY 08/09 OA 14,603 180,000 0 0 $194,603 -7% 100% 0% -100% 196% $4,118,451 -1% Library Department Budget FY 08/09 REVENUE Maior Obiects RESERVE FUND: (06-0390-01-00) OPERATING REVENUES: Maior Obiects Carry Forward (06-0390-00-00) Property Tax Funds (06-0356-00-00) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES: OTHER REVENUES Major Obiects Penalty & Interest Property Taxes (06-0356-01-00) Boise Library Reimbursement (06-0357-00-00) Ada Community Library Reimbursement (06-0357-01-00) Fines, Fees (06-0361-20-00) Copy Machine Revenue (06-0361-21-00) Donations -Grants -Gifts (06-0361-41-00) State Treasurer Interest (06-0371-10-00) Gifts, Grants & Memorials (06-0376-00-00) Miscellaneous (06-0379-00-00) REVENUE SUMMARY RESERVE FUND OPERATING REVENUE OTHER REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL LIBRARY FUND FY 07/08 Budgeted $160,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 0 893,261 893,261 FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,500 82,120 9,560 45,500 900 0 5,000 2,000 500 $147,080 FY 07/08 Budgeted $160,000 $893,261 $147,080 $1,200,341 Actual Jun -08 so 7/28/08 REVISED FY 07/08 Unrealized $160,000 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized 75,605 -75,605 535,144 358,117 610,749 282,512 Actual Jun -08 1,235 82,000 9,500 28,141 622 0 6,289 1,246 1,501 $130,534 Actual Jun -08 $o $610,749 $130,534 $741,283 FY 07/08 Unrealized 265 120 60 17,359 278 0 -1,289 754 -1,001 $16,546 FY 07/08 Unrealized -100% -32% -11% -38% Page 1 Projected FY 08/09 $160,000 0% Projected FY 08/09 % 5,750 100% 1,009,901 13% 1,015,651 14% Projected FY 08/09 0/0 1,500 0% 89,750 100% 13,700 100% 44,600 -2% 900 0% 0 0% 6,000 20% 2,000 0% 500 0% $158,950 8% Projected FY 08/09 % $160,000 0% $1,015,651 14% $158,950 8% $1,334,601 11% LIBRARY DEPARTMENT FUND FY 07/08 FIXED OPERATING COSTS Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries (Full -Time) (06-0461-10-00) Overtime Pay (06-0461-11-00) Salaries (Part -Time) (06-461-15-00) Relief (Part -Time) (06-0461-20-00) FICA (06-0461-21-00) PERSI (06-0461-22-00) Bonus Fund (06-0461-16-00) Merit Increase (06-0461-17-00) Unemployment Benefits (06-0461-28-00) Worker's Compensation (06-461-24-00) Health and Dental Insurance (06-0461-25-00) Background check/testing (06-0461-29-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Programs, Audiovisual (06-0461-30-00) Children's Programing (06-0461-30-01) Adult Programming (06-0461-30-02) Office Supplies (06-0461-31-00) Special Dept. Supp. (06-0461-32-00) Administrative Expenses (06-0461-33-00) Postage (06-0461-37-00) Grants/Gifts/Memorials (06-0461-41-00) Advertising (06-0461-44-00) Printing and Signage (06-0461-45-00) Binding (06-0461-46-00) Travel and Meetings (06-0461-47-00) Subscriptions/Memberships (06-0461-48-00) Periodicals (06-0461-48-01) OCLC/WorldCat/Cat Express) (06-0461-48-02) Subtotal Operations and Maintenance: FY 07/08 Budgeted 376,561 0 156,292 12,010 39,410 39,125 0 0 0 2,288 103,592 500 $729,778 Actual Jun -08 247,078 0 142,056 17,860 29,406 29,313 0 0 49 2,887 91,621 1,225 $561,495 FY 07/08 Unrealized 129,483 0 14,236 -5,850 10,004 9,812 0 0 -49 -599 11,971. -725 $168,283 15,700 8,898 6,802 4,000 2,936 1,064. 2,000 154 0 3,350 3,669 -319 11,551 12,750 -1,199 1,500 1,120 380 3,290 2,227 1,063 2,000 367 1,633 450 231 219 300 411 -111 700 0 700 4,700 2,004 2,696 1,180 800 380 7,803 7,849 -46 3,400 5 3,395 $61,924 $43,421 $18,503 Page 2 Projected FY 08/09 440,465 17% 0 0% 199,965 ` 28% 13,090 9% 49,994 x:27%' 45,764 17% 0 100% 0 0% 0 ! 0% 3,078 35% 140,839 36% 500 0% $893,695 ` 22% 15,700 0% 4,500 13% 1,000 "' 100% 3,700 1O% 13,151 ' 14% 1,500 100% 3,425 4% 2,000 0% 450`0% 1,800 500% 700 0%' 2,700 -43% 1,180 0% 8,243 6°/% 3,400 0%'' $63,449. 2% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CON'T: Maior Objects and Subobiects Electronic Databases (06-0461-48-03) Personnel Training (06-0461-49-00) Continuing Education (06-0461-49-01) Custodial Cleaning Service/Supplies (06-0461-50-00) Supplies -Building (06-0461-50-02) Telephone/Communications (06-0461-51-00) Lan Network Maintenance (06-0461-51-01) Internet Service (06-0461-51-02) Website Design/Mtnc (06-0461-51-03) Utilities (06-0461-52-00) Internet Filtering (06-0461-53-00) Hardware Recycling (06-0461-56-00) Small Furniture Repair (06-0461-57-00) M&O Office Equipment (06-0461-58-00) Lynx System Maintenance (06-0461-58-01) Computer, equipment repair materials (06-0461-58-02) Debt -Collect (06-0461-58-03) Repair/Maintenance/Building and Grounds (06-0461-59-00) Storage Fees (06-0461-60-00) Open Access (06-0461-62-00) Security System Monitoring (06-0461-62-01) Books, Adult and Child (06-0461-65-00) Miscellaneous (06-0461-69-00) Courier (06-0461-69-01) Comp & Class Study (06-0461-34-00) Software Automation (06-0461-74-01) Subtotal Operations and Maintenance: TOTAL OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Operations & Maintenance TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 2,685 2,056 7,645 14,408 1,925 5,332 5,350 3,000 4,292 35,213 800 300 250 24,645 16,000 1,000 2,500 8,088 0 100 1,000 78,580 500 5,636 10,000 1,350 $232,655 $294,579 FY 07/08 Budgeted 729,778 294,579 $1,024,357 Actual Jun -08 2,477 0 7,150 10,059 1,403 4,255 5,193 1,908 263 20,916 0 0 136 22,430 3,317 55 1,074 4,559 0 0 800 53,487 240 2,430 1,854 0 $144,006 $187,427 FY 07/08 Unrealized 208 2,056 495 4,349 522 1,077 157 1,092 4,029 14,297 800 0 114 2,215 12,683 945 1,426 3,529 0 100 200 25,093 260 3,206 8,146 1,3501 $88,649 $107,1521 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized 561,495 168,283 187,427 107,152 $748,922 $275,4351 Projected FY 08/09 % 4,570 100% 1,000 -51% 0 100% 0 -100% 800 -58% 5,332 0% 6,550 22% 2,550 0% 2,500 100% 35,213 o% 800 0% 300 100% 250 100% 28,701 16% 16,000 0% 1,400 0% 2,500 100% 0 -100% 996 100% 100 0% 1,000 100% 82,337 5% 500 0% 6,136 9% 0 100% 1,350 0% $200,885 -14% $264,334 -10% Projected FY 08/09 % 893,695 22% 264,334 -10% $1,158,029 13% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobiects Capital, Building (06-0461-72-00) Capital, Equipment (06-0461-74-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL LIBRARY RESERVE FUND: TOTAL BUDGET: FY 07/08 Budgeted 631 15,353 $15,984 FY 07/08 Budgeted 15,984 $15,984 FY 07/08 Budgeted $1,024,357 $15,984 $160,000 $1,200,341 Actual Jun -08 22 12,284 $12,306 Actual Jun -08 12,306 $12,306 FY 07/08 Unrealized 609 3,069 $3,678 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,678 $3,678 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized $748,922 275,435 $12,306 3,678 $0 160,000 $761,228 $439,113 Page 4 Projected FY 08/09 aio 0 -100% 16,572 8% $16,572 4% Projected FY 08/09 Bio 16,572 4% $16,572 4% Projected FY 08/09 % $1,158,029 13% $16,572 4% $160,000 0% $1,334,601 11% CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND FY08/09 7/28/08 Revised Page 1 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT FY 07/08 Major Objects Budgeted Carry Over (09-0390-00-00) $0 REVENUE: Saturday Market (09-0347-08-00) 21,528 Last Thursday (09-0347-07-00) 2,000 Funding from General Fund (09-0347-09-00) 99,136 State Treasurer Interest (09-0371-10-00) 1,300 OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: $123,964 GRANTS: Grant Funds (09-0376-06-00) 5,000 TOTAL GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ART: $5,000 OTHER REVENUE: Donations/Sponsorships (09-0376-07-00) 2,500 Miscellaneous (09-0376-01-00) 0 Poster Sales (09-0376-08-00) 0 Activity Revenue (09-0376-05-00) 0 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: $2,500 TOTAL REVENUE: $131,464 Actual Jun -08 $13,161 13,043 402 99,136 986 $113,567 882 $882 1,000 2 1,227 225 $2,454 $130,064 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % -$13,161 $5,000 100% 8,485 25,000 16% 0 4,000 100% 0 99,300 o% 314 1,300 0% $10,397 $129,600 5% 4,118 $4,118 0 -100% $0 -100% 1,500 5,000 100% -2 0 -1,227 1,000 100% -225 0 0% $46 $6,000 140% $1,400 $140,600 7% EXPENDITURES BY FUND, OBJECT AND lUBOBJEC- FY 07/08 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted PERSONNEL: Salaries - Full Time (09-0420-10-00) Overtime (09-0420-11-00) Merit Increase Reserve (09-0420-17-00) Employment Testing (09-0420-20-00) FICA (09-0420-21-00) PERSI (09-0420-22-00) Insurance (09-0217-07-00) Work Comp (09-0420-24-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ACTIVITIES: Eagle Fun Days (09-0463-07-00) Eagle Saturday Market (09-0463-02-00) Eagle Saturday Market Manager Fees (09-0463-0 Last Thursday (09-0463-06-00) Public Art Project (09-0463-05-00) Public Performances (09-0463-01-00) TOTAL ACTIVITIES: MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous (09-0463-09-00) Office Supplies (09-0463-11-00) Community Outreach (09-0463-12-00) Organizational Development (09-0463-13-00) Eagle Center for the Performing Arts (09-0463-14 Feasibility Study -Arts Center (09-0463-10-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS: ARTS EDUCATION - GRANTS: Arts Education (09-00464-03-00) Grant Programs (09-0464-02-00) TOTAL ARTS EDUCATION: 27,716 0 277 0 2,141 2,908 13,254 118 $46,414 19,250 20,240 0 5,750 2,000 7,000 $54,240 1,000 1,000 8,400 400 10,000 0 $20,800 0 16,000 $16,000 Actual Jun -08 20,387 3,013 0 0 1,671 2,431 9,934 140 $37,576 20,063 4,963 5,120 3,320 0 3,930 $37,396 1,176 835 3,024 450 0 0 $5,485 0 14,409 $14,409 FY 07/08 Unrealized 7,329 -3,013 277 0 470 477 3,320 -22 8,838 Revised Projected FY 08/09 31,801 0 0 0 2,433 3,304 14,757 134 $52,429 - 813 12,000 15,277 20,000 -5,120 0 2,430 4,000 2,000 10,000 3,070 0 $16,844 $46,000 - 176 471 165 700 5,376 4,000 -50 1,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 $15,315 $16,171 0 10,000 1,591 16,000 $1,591 $26,000 Page 2 Bio 15% 0% -100% 0% 14% 14% 11% 14% 13% -38% -1% - 30% 400% -100% - 15% - 53% - 30% -52% 150% 0% 0°io - 22% 100% 0°io 63% FY 07/08 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Office Equipment (computer & etc.) (09-0419-01- 1,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $1,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $138,454 Page 3 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 °io 1,605 $1,605 $96,471 -605 -$605 $41,983 0 -100% $0 -100% $140,600 2% P&Z DEPARTMENT FY 08/09 OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (14-0415-10-00) Overtime Hours (14-0415-11-00) Employee Bonus (14-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve (14-0415-17-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (14-0415-20-00) FICA (14-0415-21-00) PERSI (14-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (14-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (14-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (14-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (14-0413-06-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (14-0413-08-00) Training (14-0413-12-00) Training (Forestry) (14-0413-12-01) Travel and Per Diem (14-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (14-0413-14-00) Telecommunications (14-0413-19-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip (14-0413-23-00) Software Purchase -Maintenance (14-0413-23-01) Maintenance (GIS) (14-0413-23-01) Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (3 Vehicles) (14-0413-24-00) Miscellaneous (14-0413-25-00) Reimburse-Annex/Zoning/Dr Fees (14-0413-26-00) Resource Materials (14-0413-28-00) Engineering Fees/Charge to Developers (14-0413-31-00) Attorney Fees/Charge to Developers (14-0413-33-00) Ortho Photography (14-0413-35-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 07/08 510,331 25,000 2,500 5,103 125 41,534 56,411 6,301 125,920 $773,225 BUDGETED FY 07/08 3,000 3,000 15,000 7,000 2,000 6,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,600 0 3,000 500 2,000 1,500 60,000 60,000 2,900 $175,000 7/28/2008 REVISIED Actual Jun -08 363,916 12,295 0 0 90 26,846 38,775 5,955 82,007 $529,884 Actual Jun -08 1,912 33 9,895 3,866 1,549 4,614 788 1,408 34 1,600 0 804 481 200 267 146,691 115,395 1,200 $290,737 FY 07/08 Unrealized 146,415 12,705 2,500 0 200 14,688 17,636 346 43,913 $243,341 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,088 2,967 5,105 3,134 451 1,386 1,712 1,092 2,466 0 0 2,196 19 1,800 1,233 -86,691 -55,395 1,700 -$115,737 Page 1 Projected FY 08/09 533,864 25,000 ' 0% 2,500 0% 0 .100% 100 „�_.... 42,944 58,326 3% 6,513 124,389 $793,636 Projected FY 08/09 3,000 1,000 -67% 15,000 0% 7,000 0% 2,000 0% 6,000 2,500 0% 2,500 0% 800 6$%% 0 -100% 1,600 100% 3,000 0% 500 0% 2,000 0% 1,000 -33% 60,000 0% 60,000 0% 10,000 245% $177,900 2% 3% 3% PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (14-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 3000 $3,000 GRANTS: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 07/08 Tree City USA Grant (14-0421-02-00) 175 TOTAL GRANTS: $175 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Arborist (Tree Inventory) (14-0416-13-00) Contract Tree Growing - Hill Road (14-0416-13-01) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (14-0416-24-00) Other (Temporary Services, misc.) (14-0416-18-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Grants Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 5,000 15,000 2,000 5,500 $27,500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 773,225 175,000 3,000 175 27,500 $978,900 Actual Jun -08 273 $273 Actual Jun -08 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 0 0 0 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 529,884 290,737 273 0 0 $820,894 FY 07/08 Unrealized 2,727 $2,727 FY 07/08 Unrealized 175 $175 Page 2 Projected FY 08/09 500 $500 -83% -83% Projected FY 08/09 % 175 0% $175 0% FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 5,000 5,000 0% 0 0 -100% 2,000 2,000 0% 5,500 0 -100% $27,500 $7,000 -75% OA FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 243,341 793,636 3% -115,737 177,900 2% 2,727 500 -83% 175 175 0% 27,500 7,000 -75% $158,006 $979,211 o% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: PATHWAYS: Major Objects and Subobjects PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT: Streamside Subdivision Pathway (14-0471-02-00) PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY: Makor Objects and Subobjects Equipment (14-0465-03-00) Other (14-0465-02-00) Tree Fund (14-0465-05-00) BUDGETED FY 07/08 5,000 $5,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 10,000 5,000 11,831 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $26,831 COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects Foothills Planning (14-0468-03-00) Grants/Matching Funds (14-0468-07-00) Land Use & Transportation Plan -ACHD (14-0468-06-00) MOU ACHD Improvements to Hill Road (14-0468-09-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -COMM PROJECTS: STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS: Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Partner Chamber -Downtown Revitalization (14-0418-01-00) SAG -2 Mass Transit Bus Service Study SAG -3 Tree Voucher - Plant a Tree Project (14-0418-03-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 06/07: BUDGETED FY 07/08 25,000 10,000 0 0 $35,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 29,981 0 5,000 $34,981 Actual Jun -08 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 9,061 0 334 $9,395 Actual Jun -08 0 0 960 $960 Actual Jun -08 2,898 0 1,844 $4,742 FY 06/07 Unrealized 5,000 $5,000 FY 06/07 Unrealized 939 5,000 11,497 $17,436 FY 06/07 Unrealized 25,000 10,000 -960 0 $34,040 FY 06/07 Unrealized 27,083 0 3,156 $30,239 Page 3 Projected FY 08109 5,000 0% $5,000 0% Projected FY 08/09 % 0 -100% 0 -100% 11,497 -3% $11,497 -57% Projected FY 08/09 % 25,000 0% 0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% $25,000 -29% Projected FY 08/09 27,132 -10% 5,000 100% 5,000 0% $37,132 6% BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FY 07/08 Pathways 5,000 Capital Outlay 26,831 Community Planning Projects 35,000 Strategic Annual Goals 34,981 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $101,812 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL BUDGET: BUDGETED FY 07/08 $978,900 $101,812 $1,080,712 Actual Jun -08 0 9,395 960 4,742 $15,097 Actual Jun -08 $820,894 $15,097 $835,991 FY 06/07 Unrealized 5,000 17,436 34,040 30,239 $86,715 FY 06/07 Unrealized $158,006 $86,715 $244,721 Page 4 Projected FY 08/09 5,000 11,497 25,000 37,132 $78,629 Projected FY 08/09 $979,211 0% $78,629 -23% $1,057,840 -2% OA CITY CLERK BUDGET FY 08/09 7/28/2008 REVISE EXPENDITURES BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT PERSONNEL: FY 07/08 Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (12-0415-10-00) 3.7% COL Overtime (12-0415-11-00) Merit Increase Reserve (12-0415-17-00) Employee Bonus (12-0415-16-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (12-0415-20-00) FICA (12-0415-21-00) PERSI (12-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (12-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (12-0217-07-00) Unemployment Benefits (12-0415-28-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Elections (12-0413-04-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (12-0413-08-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (12-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (12-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (12-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (12-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (12-0413-14-00) Resource Materials (12-0413-28-00) Training (12-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (12-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (12-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Budgeted 176,081 2,000 1,761 750 100 13,662 18,556 750 42,013 0 $255,673 FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,500 250 250 100 1,000 250 350 250 3,000 3,000 $9,950 FY 07/08 Budgeted 500 $500 Actual Jun -08 129,486 7,077 0 232 0 10,086 14,213 867 30,081 0 $192,042 FY 07/08 Unrealized 46,595 -5,077 0 518 100 3,576 4,343 -117 11,932 0 $63,631 Actual Jun -08 0 0 350 0 1,399 0 475 0 2,034 331 $4,589 Actual Jun -08 109 $109 Projected FY 08/09 185,395 5% 7,000 250% 0 -100% 1,000 33% 100 o% 14,795 8% 20,094 8% 812 8% 47,344 13% 0 o% $276,540 8% 0/0 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 1,500 250 -100 100 -399 250 -125 250 966 2,669 $5,361 FY 07/08 Unrealized 391 $391 0/0 1,500 o% 150 -40% 350 40% 100 0% 1,600 60% 100 -60% 500 43% 100 -60% 3,000 o% 3,000 0% $10,400 5% Projected FY 08/09 250 -50% $250 -5o% CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects _ Contract Other (12-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (12-0416-24-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,500 1,300 $2,800 - FY 07/08 Budgeted 255,673 9,950 Public Affairs and Community Relations 500 Contracts and Agreements 2,800 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $268,923 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects Equipment (12-0465-03-00) Other (12-0465-02-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL BUDGET: FY 07/08 Budgeted 2,500 1,000 $3,500 FY 07/08 Budgeted 3,500 $3,500 FY 07/08 Budgeted $268,923 $3,500 $272,423 Actual Jun -08 0 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 192,042 4,589 109 0 $196,740 Actual Jun -08 0 0 $n Actual Jun -08 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 $196,740 $0 $196,740 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,500 1,300 $2,800 FY 07/08 Unrealized 63,631 5,361 391 2,800 $72,183 Projected FY 08/09 °r° 0 -100% 1,500 15% $1,500 -46% Projected FY 08/09 276,540 10,400 250 1,500 $288,690 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 2,500 0 1,000 0 $3,500 $0 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,500 $3,500 Projected FY 08/09 0 $0 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 72,183 $288,690 7% 3,500 $0 -100% $75,683 $288,690 6% 8% 5% -50% -46% 7%1 % -100% -100% -100%I -100% -100%J % FY 08/09 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND REVENUE Maior Objects Carry Over (07-0390-00-00) OTHER REVENUE: Funding fFom General Fund (07-0316-12-00) Grants (07-0331-61-00) State Treasurer Interest (07-0371-10-00) Rent/Lease Payments (07-0372-00-00) Contributions/Donations (07-0376-00-00) Miscellaneous Revenue (07-0379-00-00) Fund Raising (07-0379-01-00) OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: TOTAL REVENUE: 7/28/08 REVISED FY 07/08 Actual Budgeted Jun -08 $6,075 $9,441 67,912 3,000 800 3,000 0 0 0 $74,712 $80,787 67,912 0 893 1,500 7,457 0 1,214 $78,976 $88,417 Page 1 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 -$3,366 0 3,000 -93 1,500 -7,457 0 -1,214 -$4,264 47,630 $6,000 -1% 83,156 22% 1,500 -50% 1,000 25% 0 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% $85,656 15% $91,656 13% EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries - Full Time (07-0420-10-00) Employment Testing (07-0420-20-00) Merit Increase Reserve (07-0420-17-00) FICA (07-0420-21-00) PERSI (07-0420-22-00) Work Comp (07-0420-24-00) Health Insurance (07-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: EDUCATION: Museum Association Memberships (07-0461-02-00) Reference Materials (07-0461-01-00) Conferences & Seminars (07-0461-03-00) TOTAL EDUCATION: ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (07-0462-31-00) Archival Supplies (07-0462-32-00) Publicity -Printing (07-0462-33-00) Software & Support (07-0462-10-00) Utilities (07-0462-52-00) Mtnc/Repair (07-0462-70-00) Storage Unit Rent (07-0462-15-00) Moving Expenses (07-462-16-00) Rent - New Facility (07-0462-05-00) Museum Programs (07-0462-68-00) Research Materials (07-0462-34-00) Miscellaneous (07-0462-69-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: FY 06/07 Budgeted 27,716 0 277 2,141 2,908 118 12,927 $46,087 640 500 3,000 $4,140 1,150 2,000 1,500 500 3,200 0 1,020 500 0 0 0 500 $10,370 Actual FY 06/07 Jun -08 Unrealized 20,759 0 0 1,588 2,157 119 9,695 $34,318 200 50 411 $661 1,404 573 631 60 2,740 0 567 0 0 248 0 245 $6,468 Page 2 Projected FY 07/08 0 37,110 0 0 0 0 553 2,839 751 3,856 -1 156 0 14,413 11,769 $58,374 440 450 0 3,479 -254 0 0 440 460 0 453 500 0 -248 0 255 $3,902 %/o 34% 0% -100% 33% 33% 32% 11% 27% 600 -6% 500 0% 3,000 0% $4,100 -1% 1,852 61% 1,500 -25% 900 -40% 1,400 180% 3,200 0% 0 0% 1,080 6% 500 0% 0% 500 100% 400 100% 350 -30% $11,682 13% HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND Con't EXPENDITURES Page 3 FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projected Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted Jun -08 Unrealized FY 07/08 % EXHIBITS: Exhibit Items (07-0463-02-00) 500 0 500 300 -40% Display Supplies (07-0463-01-00) 1,000 386 614 1,600 60% Exhibit Construction (07-0463-03-00) 4,000 2,850 0 2,500 -38% TOTAL EXHIBITS: $5,500 $3,236 $1,114 $4,400 -20% PROGRAMS: Scavenger Hunt for Kids (07-0464-03-00) 200 0 200 200 0% Walking Tour of Historic Sites (07-0464-01-00) 750 0 750 500 -33% Living History (07-0464-02-00) 0 0 0 0% Eagle BooksNideos (07-0464-05-00) 0 561 -561 0 0% National Register Nomination (07-0464-06-00) 3,500 0 3,500 0 -100% TOTAL PROGRAMS: $4,450 $561 $3,889 $700 -84% PERSONNEL GRANTS: Matching Funds & Etc. (07-0465-00-00) Education & Seminars funded by Grants (07-0465-01-00) Travel Expense funded by Grants (07-0465-02-00) TOTAL GRANTS: 1,500 0 1,500 0 0 0 1,000 0 1,000 $2,500 $0 $2,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Capital Expenditures -Equipment (07-0466-74-00) 1,270 910 Capital Expenditures -Furniture (Office) (07-0466.74-01) 3,700 2,006 Capital Expenditures -Other (Museum Furniture) (07-0466-76-00) 2,770 705 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $7,740 $3,621 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $80,787 $48,865 360 1,694 2,065 $4,119 $31,922 1,000 -33% 0 0% 0 -100% $1,000 -60% 3,450 172% 4,000 8% 3,950 43% $11,400 47% $91,656 13% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FY 08/09 7/28/2008 REVISED PW OPERATING COSTS - OBJECTS AND SUBOBJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL Salaries - Full Time (15-0433-10-00) Overtime (15-0433-11-00) Salaries - Part Time (15-0433-15-00) Employee Bonus (15-0433-16-00) Merit Reserve Fund (15-0433-17-00) Employment Testing (15-0433-20-00) FICA (15-0433-21-00) PERSI (15-0433-22-00) Insurance (15-0217-07-00) Work Comp (15-0433-24-00) SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (15-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (15-0413-06-00) Legal Advertising and Publication (15-0413-08-00) Training (15-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (15-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (15-0413-14-00) Telephone and Communications (15-0413-19-00) Maintenance and Repair - Office Equip, Software (15-0413-23-00) Maintenance and Repair - City Vehicle (15-0413-24-00) Gas and Oil ..continued next page BUDGETED FY 07/08 78,161 0 0 0 782 100 4,656 6,324 34,093 630 $124,746 500 300 1,000 500 1,000 200 1,000 500 1,500 Actual Jun -08 30,648 1,246 563 0 0 65 2,471 3,372 7,610 990 $46,966 716 0 289 0 402 0 363 0 1,354 FY 07/08 Unrealized 47,513 -1,246 -563 0 782 35 2,185 2,952 26,483 -360 $77,780 -216 300 711 500 598 200 637 500 146 Projected FY 08/09 % 84,986 9% 3,000 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 -100% 0 -100% 6,501 8,830 26,247 915 $130,479 40% 40% -23% 45% 5% 1,000 100% 3,000 900% 500 -50% 1,000 100% 2,000 100% 200 0% 1,000 0% 500 0% 2,000 33% 2,000 0% 1 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % Miscellaneous (15-0413-25-00) 200 10 190 200 0% Refunds Park Reservations (15-0413-27-00) 500 160 340 500 0% Resource Materials (15-0413-28-00) 500 125 375 500 0% Public Relations (15-0422-01-00) 500 0 500 500 0% SUBTOTAL ADMINISTRATION $8,200 $3,419 $4,781 $14,900 82% CITY HALL Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-03-00) 10,000 24,540 -14,540 10,000 0% Paper Products (15-0440-06-00) 2,500 3,229 -729 3,000 20% Custodial Services 0 0 0 28,000 0% OLD - Maintenance and Repair - Buildings (15-0441-01-00) 12,000 16,727 -4,727 Changed 0% OLD - Maintenance and Repair - HVAC (15-0441-04-00) 2,000 598 1,402 Changed 0% SUBTOTAL CITY HALL $26,500 $45,094 -$18,594 $41,000 55% SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-02-00) 10,000 9,356 644 10,000 0% Paper Products 0 0 0 2,000 0% Custodial Services 0 0 0 12,400 0% SUBTOTAL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER $10,000 $9,356 $644 $24,400 144% LIBRARY Maintenance and Repair 0 0 0 20,000 0% Paper Products 0 0 0 2,000 0% Custodial Services 0 0 0 28,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% SUBTOTAL LIBRARY $0 $0 $0 $50,600 o%l 2 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07108 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 0/0 MUSEUM Maintenance and Repair 0 0 0 15,000 0% Paper Products 0 0 0 1,000 0% Custodial Services 0 0 0 5,000 0% SUBTOTAL MUSEUM $0 $0 $0 $21,000 0% ARBORETUM PARK Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 200 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 800 0% SUBTOTAL ARBORETUM PARK $0 $0 $0 $3,600 0% FLAG PARK Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 200 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 800 0% SUBTOTAL FLAG PARK $0 $0 $0 $3,600 0% FRIENDSHIP PARK Utilities 0 0 0 3,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 2,000 0% SUBTOTAL FRIENDSHIP PARK $0 0 $0 6,600 0% 3 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects GUERBER PARK Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures OLD - Utilities - Comp Irrigation (Maxi -Com) (15-0439-01-00) OLD - Park Utilities (15-0439-04-00) OLD - Maintenance of landscaping/compost (15-0440-02-00) OLD - General Park Repairs and Reimbursable (15-0440-04-00) SUBTOTAL GUERBER PARK HERITAGE PARK Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures SUBTOTAL HERITAGE PARK McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures SUBTOTAL McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY BUDGETED FY 07/08 0 0 0 0 6,000 20,000 500 25,000 $51,500 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 0 0 0 0 5,199 14,827 0 14,338 $34,364 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 0 0 0 801 5,173 500 10,662 $17,136 Projected FY 08/09 7,000 600 1,000 4,000 Changed Changed Changed Changed $12,600 % 0% 0°i° % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0°I° -76% 0 5,000 0% 0 600 0% 0 2,000 0% 0 2,000 0% $0 9,600 0% 0 2,000 0% 0 600 o% 0 200 0% 0 800 0% $0 3,600 0% 4 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % MERRILL PARK Utilities (15-0439-02-00) 6,000 5,051 949 7,000 17% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 4,000 0% SUBTOTAL MERRILL PARK $6,000 $5,051 $949 $12,600 110% ORVAL KRASEN PARK Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 500 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 1,000 0% SUBTOTAL ORVAL KRASEN PARK $0 0 $0 4,100 0% SPORTS COMPLEX Utilities (15-0439-03-00) 5,000 3,665 1,335 5,500 10% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 3,000 0% SUBTOTAL SPORTS COMPLEX$5,000 3,665 $1,335 10,100 102% 5 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures SUBTOTAL TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Greenbelt - Pathway Maintenance and Repair (15-0440-01-00) Drainage Ditch Repairs (15-0440-05-00) O&M/Rain/Stream Gauge at Dry Creek (15-0440-10-00) SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PARKS. PATHWAYS. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT General Maint Parks & Pathways Contract (15-0437-20-00) General Maint Full Time Staff Contract (15-0437-21-00) Paper Products Materials and Supplies Snow Removal (15-0438-20-13) Holiday Lighting Miscellaneous (15-0437-23-00) SUBTOTAL PARKS, PATHWAYS, GROUNDS MAINT CONTRACT BUDGETED FY 07/08 0 0 0 0 $0 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 $0 3,000 600 500 2,000 $6,100 % 0% O% 0% 0% 0% 3,000 0 3,000 10,000 233% 1,000 01,000 1,000 0% 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0% $5,000 $0 $5,000 $12,000 140% 183,715 118,201 65,514 199,000 136,000 87,409 48,591 155,000 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 5,000 10,000 35,594 -25,594 15,000 0 0 0 3,000 30,000 3,722 26,278 30,000 $359,715 $244,926 $114,789 $417,000 8% 14% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 16% 6 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects STREET LIGHTS Utilities (15-0441-06-00) Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-05-00) SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTS CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS Contract Other (15-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (15-0416-24-00) GIS (15-0416-25-00) Hwy 55 Utilities Agreement (15-0442-01-00) Scenic By -Way Utilities Agreement (15-0442-02-00) Water Shares - Assessment/Fees (15-0442-03-00) East Entry Sign/Water Agreement (15-0442-04-00) SUBTOTAL CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS BUDGETED FY 07/08 10,000 10,000 $20,000 5,500 1,000 300 1,500 1,500 160 600 $10,560 Actual Jun -08 14,083 5,104 $19,187 1 0 0 1,120 1,120 75 580 $2,896 FY 07/08 Unrealized 4,083 4,896 $813 5,499 1,000 0 380 380 85 20 $7,664 Projected FY 08/09 % 15,000 50% 10,000 0% $25,000 25% 0 -100% 1,000 0% 300 0% 2,500 67% 2,500 67% 160 0% 1,000 67% $7,460 -29% 7 Public Works Budget PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Major Objects PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER LIBRARY MUSEUM ARBORETUM PARK FLAG PARK FRIENDSHIP PARK GUERBER PARK HERITAGE PARK McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY MERRILL PARK ORVAL KRASEN PARK SPORTS COMPLEX TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PARKS, PATHWAYS, GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT STREET LIGHTS CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 124,746 8,200 26,500 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 51,500 0 0 6,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 359,715 20,000 10,560 $627,221 Actual Jun -08 46,966 3,419 45,094 9,356 0 0 0 0 0 34,364 0 0 5,051 0 3,665 0 0 244,926 19,187 2,896 $414,923 FY 07/08 Unrealized 77,780 4,781 -18,594 644 0 0 0 0 0 17,136 0 0 949 0 1,335 0 5,000 114,789 813 7,664 $212,298 Projected FY 08/09 130,479 5% 14,900 82% 41,000 55% 24,400 144% 50,600 0% 21,000 0% 3,600 0% 3,600 0% 6,600 0% 12,600 -76% 9,600 0% 3,600 0% 12,600 110% 4,100 0% 10,100 102% 6,100 0% 12,000 140% 417,000 16% 25,000 25% 7,460 -29% $816,339 30% 8 Public VVorks Budget PW CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - MAJOR OBJECTS AND SUBOBJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment (15-0465-03-00) Other (15-0465-02-00) Vehicle (15-0465-08-00) SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY PARK DEVELOPMENT Park Development Projects (15-0470-01-00) Velodrome (15-0470-02-00) Guerber Park - Rubber Pad Merrill Park - Rubber Pad SUBTOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT Pathway Development (15-0472-01-00) Dry Creek Pathway (15-0472-03-00) Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Matching Funds (15-0472-07-00) Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Additional Funds (15-0472-07-01) Merrill Pathway Bridge- ITD-Matching Funds (15-0472-08-00) SUBTOTAL PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT Master Plan for Parks & Pathways (15-0472-02-00) Eagle Sports Complex -Skateboard Park Repairs (15-0472-04-00) General Parks & Pathways (15-0472-03-00) SUBTOTAL PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT BUDGETED FY 07/08 10,000 5,000 20,000 $35,000 0 547,015 0 0 $547,015 0 0 65,000 6,636 20,000 $91,636 50,000 0 0 $50,000 Actual Jun -08 290 8,799 20,000 $29,089 6,168 69,736 0 0 $75,904 4,880 1,257 14,690 300 41,047 $62,175 6,681 0 0 $6,681 FY 07/08 Unrealized 9,710 -3,799 0' $5,911 -6,168 477,279 0 0 $471,111 -4,880 -1,257 50,310 6,336 -21,047 $29,461 43,319 0 0 $43,319 Projected FY 08/09 2,500 -75% -100% 50,000 150% $52,500 50% 0 0% 0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% $0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 -100% 0 -100% 0 -100% $0 -100% 0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% $0 -100% 9 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects STREET LIGHTS Capital Improvements (15-0467-01-00) SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Recr Programs (15-0414-01-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament (15-0414-02-00) Neighborhood Reinvestment Program (15-0414-05-00) Awin Management(BFI) Education -Add Srvs (15-0414-04-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Major Objects CAPITAL OUTLAY PARK DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT STREET LIGHTS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET: BUDGETED FY 07/08 25,000 $25,000 3,500 3,500 0 71,605 $78,605 BUDGETED FY 07/08 35,000 547,015 91,636 50,000 25,000 78,605 $827,256 $627,221 $827,256 $1,454,477 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 25,000 $0 $25,000 2,572 3,084 7,500 11,459 $24,614 Actual Jun -08 29,089 75,904 62,175 6,681 0 24,614 $198,463 $414,923 $198,463 $613,386 928 416 -7,500 60,146 $53,991 FY 07/08 Unrealized 5,911 471,111 29,461 43,319 25,000 53,991 $628,793 $212,298 $628,793 $841,091 Projected FY 08/09 % $25,000 0% $25,000 0% 3,500 0% 3,500 0% 0 0% 60,000 -16% $67,000 -15% Projected FY 08/09 % 52,500 50% 0 -100% 0 -100% 0 -100% 25,000 0% 67,000 -15% $144,500 -83% $816,339 $144,500 $960,839 30% -83% -34% 10 Public Works Budget BUILDING DEPARTMENT FY 08/09 FIXED OPERATING COSTS 'PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (13-0415-10-00) Overtime (13-0415-11-00) Employee Bonus (13-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve (13-0415-17-00) .Backgound Check/Drug Testing (13-0415-20-00) 'FICA (13-0415-21-00) IPERSI (13-0415-22-00) 'Worker's Compensation (13-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (13-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 323,143 0 1,785 3,231 250 25,104 34,096 3,254 77,914 $468,777 'ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (13-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication and Publishing (13-0413-06-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (13-0413-08-00) Plan Review Expenses (13-0413-09-00) Training (13-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (13-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (13-0413-14-00) Telecommunications (13-0413-19-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (13-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (13-0413-25-00) Resource Materials (13-0413-28-00) Building Permit Refunds (13-0413-29-00) Plan Review Refund (13-0413-29-01) Energy Code Refund (13-0413-29-02) Mechanical Fee Refund (13-0413-29-03) Plumbing Fee Refund (13-0413-29-04) Electrical Fee Refund (13-0413-29-05) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION:, 237,585 992 0 0 65 17,213 24,788 3,635 67,779 $352,057 7/28/2008 REVISED 1 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 85,558 325,995 1% - 992 0 0% 1,785 1,785 0% 0 0 0% 185 250 0% 7,891 25,075 0% 9,308 34,056 o% - 381 3,297 1% 10,135 95,219 22% $116,720 $485,677 4% BUDGETED FY 07/08 4,000 300 1,000 11,500 3,500 2,000 800 4,000 1,500 200 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $31,800„ Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 997 2,058 951 8,331 2,148 378 1,154 3,958 732 540 2,876 10,802 5,976 50 102 314 359 $41,726 3,003 -1,758 49 3,169 1,352 1,622 -354 42 768 -340 124 -10,802 -5,976 -50 - 102 -314 - 359 -$9,926 % 1,500 -63% 1,000 233% 1,000 0% 11,850 3,500 0% 2,000 0% 850 6% 5,000 25% 100 -93% 300 50% 3,000 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% $30,100 -5% 3% 0% PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (13-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 500 $500 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobiects FY 07/08 Contract Other (13-0416-18-00) 3,000 Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (13-0416-24-00) 3,200 Garden City Inspection Costs (13-0416-12-00) 90,000 Mechanical Inspector (13-0416-11-00) 43,000 TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: $139,200 VEHICLE OPERATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (13-0417-01-00) Fuel Costs (13-0417-02-00) TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operation TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 2,000 6,500 $8,500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 468,777 31,800 500 139,200 8,500 $648,777 Actual Jun -08 295 $295 Actual Jun -08 5,593 1,963 0 26,354 $33,910 Actual Jun -08 131 4,411 $4,542 Actual Jun -08 352,057 41,726 295 33,910 4,542 $432,530 Page 2 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 205 300 $205 $300 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized -2,593 1,237 90,000 16,646 $105,290 -40% -40% FY 08/09 % 0 -100% 3,200 0% 0 -100% 48,000 12% $51,200 -63% FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 1,869 1,000 -50% 2,089 7,000 8% $3,958 $8,000 -6% FY 07/08 Unrealized -25% 31% 100% -76% -47% Projected FY 08/09 % 485,677 4% 30,100 -5% 300 -40% 51,200 -63% 8,000 -6% -33% $575,277 -11% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobiects FY 07/08 Office Equipment (13-0465-03-00) 2,500 Other (13-0465-02-00) 2,500 Vehicle (13-0465-08-00) 20,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $25,000 BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FY 07/08 Capital Outlay 25,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY:1 $25,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $648,777 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $25,000 TOTAL BUDGET: $673,777 Actual Jun -08 0 62 0 $62 Actual Jun -08 62 $62 Actual Jun -08 $432,530 $62 $432,592 Page 3 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 2,500 0 2,438 0 20,000 0 $24,938 ``$0 -100% -100% -100% -100% FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 24,938 0 -100% $24,938 $0 -100% FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 216,247 $575,277 -11% 24,938 $0 -100% $241,185 $575,277 -15% ft Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Sr. Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer To: Mayor & Council CC: City Clerk From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: July 25, 2008 Re: Addition to agenda Please add Resolution No. 08-26 to the agenda for action. Thank you. A. RESOLUTION NO. 08-26 AUTHORIZING DESTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY PUBLIC RECORDS WHEREAS, Idaho Code Section 50-907 and 50-908 provides that the City Council may authorize the destruction of public records no longer required by law or for city business; and WHEREAS, On the 12t day of February, 2002, the City Council did approve Resolution No. 02-04 which sets forth a policy on keeping, storing and destroying of City records, proceedings and documents; and WHEREAS, The City Clerk of the City of Eagle, Idaho has requested that certain public records be authorized for destruction in order to dispose of them, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho, as follows: 1. That the following temporary public records shall be destroyed by shredding under the supervision of the City Clerk in accordance with Resolution No. 02-04 and Idaho Code 50-907 and 50-908: Job announcements, employment applications and resumes submitted from 2003 through July 2006. 2. The administrative staff of the City, under the supervision of the City Clerk, is authorized to take all necessary steps to carry out the authorization provided by this Resolution. Dated this day of , 2008. CITY OF EAGLE PHIL BANDY MAYOR ATTEST: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERIC/TREASURER ATTORNEY CERTIFICATION As city attorney for and legal advisor to the City of Eagle, Idaho, I hereby certify that I have reviewed the foregoing Resolution No. 08-26 of the City of Eagle and that the same is in accordance with Section 50-907 and 50-908, Idaho Code. Dated this day of , 2008. City Attorney K:ICOUNCIL1Resolutions\draft resolutions\Resolution 08-26 destruction of temp records.doc Idaho Cities/Counties Eagle Planning 8 Planning Staff by Department' Parks/Rec Engineering3 Information Tech.3 Urban Renewal Code Compliance Sustainability Total Planners2 Functions not provided by this jurisdiction 2006 population 8 20,951 Planner Ratio (Planners: population) 1:2,619 cc 7-aZ9'or Rank (most planners by population ) 4 Ada County (includes Parks & Assessor 3 ) Boise (includes CCDC, Engineering 3, & Parks) Canyon County Coeur d'Alene (includes Parks) Nampa Parks) (includes 13 2 4 31 22 3 12 2 4 4 3 3 Kuna 3 Meridian (includes URA & Parks) 9 2 Garden City 3 Ketchum 4 1 Other Areas2 Planning Park City, UT 4 Parks/Rec 1 Castle Rock, CO 10 2 Parker, CO 10 3 5 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 Planning Staff by Department' Engineering Information Tech. Urban Renewal Code Compliance 1 2 1 Footnotes: 1: Staff does not include administrators and clerks- purely professionals filling a planning function. 2: Complete staff directories were not available. Planning functions may be completed by other portions of these agencies 3: Information Technology, Engineering and Assessors house these agencies GIS and Mapping Compoenents Sustainability 4 Design Review, Forestry, & 21 Urban Renewal 67 Design Review, Forestry, & 16 Urban Renewal 10 10 Design Review Design Review, Forestry, & 4 Urban Renewal Design Review (limited to 14 DT) Design Review, Forestry, & 4 Urban Renewal 6 Urban Renewal Total Planners 12 1 13 1 15 Functions not provided by this iurisdiction Urban Renewal Urban Renewal, Design Review (limited to DT), Forestry Design Review Methodoloev: 1: All Jurisdictions were contacted and asked about the following functions: GIS, Subdivision Review, Comprehensive Planning, Forestry, Code Compliance, Design Review, Urban Renewal & Parks and asked how many professional were directly in charge of review and or planning for these functions. Administrator and clerks were not counted unless that organization self described those positions as fulfilling a specific planning task. 2: www.comoassidaho.org was used for local demographic information and www.citvdata.com for outside of the region (2006 was the most recent year all jurisdiction had population numbers) 3: Communities outside of Idaho were chosen by their size and similar growth rate to the City of Eagle over the past 5 years 4: Staff has a full list of contacts and where possible organizational structure and staff lists. 55,830 211,473 51,208 122,350 76,436 7,773 66,565 12,074 3,226 2006 population 7,371 39,682 41,406 1:2,658 1:3,156 1:3,200 1:12,235 1:7,643 1:1,943 1:4,754 1:3,018 1:537 Planner Ratio (Planners: population) 1:614 1:3,052 1:2,760 5 9 10 13 12 3 11 7 1 Rank (most planners by population ) 2 8 6