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Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 07/22/2008 - Regular
v EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes July 22, 2008 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. Eagle Arts Commission: Linda Butler, Chairman of the Eagle Arts Commission, distributes copies of the Survey and the Revised Budget, I understood that there was a meeting last week but I didn't know about the meeting. I listen to the tape and I understand that you were upset about our budget. We need to have direction from the Council in order to meet your expectations. The budget we presented was based on the survey and we put together our wish list. General discussion. Linda Butler provides the Council an overview of the Arts Commission Survey. General discussion. General discussion on the definition of cultural arts. 2. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 3. City Engineer Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 4. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 5. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 6. City Attorney Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 7. Public Works Director Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GUERBER, HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO. Huffaker is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Robert Grubb leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Frank Thomason, Valley Times, I would like to go on the record that the Valley Times is now on line at Valley times. com. I would also like to request that the City put a link on their web site. General discussion. Guerber Moves to amend the agenda and add Resolution No. 08-24 to Archive Records to the Consent Agenda as Item #E. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. .. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-22-08min.doc A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes ofJuly 15,2008. C. Resolution No. 08-23: Authorizing the destruction of temporary records. (SKB) D. Minutes of July 8, 2008. E. Resolution No. 08-24: Authorizing the Archiving of Records. (SKB) Guerber moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Guerber: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... ... 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No. 599: Prohibition of the landing of helicopters within corporate city limits, providing exemptions and penalties. (ME) This item was continued/rom the July 8, 2008 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Public Works Director Echeita: I have provided you a new revised Ordinance for your review tonight. Provides Council an overview of the revised Ordinance. General discussion. Semanko moves to continue this to the next regular meeting. I think we need to see the other Ordinances. I would like to see Ordinance No. 599 with a notation of the last time it was revised. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Semanko amends the motion to remand until such time that we have a revision to the Nuisance, Health and Sanitation Ordinances. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. RZ-08-03 MOD - Ea!!le Island Crossin2. LLC: Eagle Island Crossing. LLC, represented by Kammie Oates with Horrocks Engineers, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement (instrument No.1 05007541) to add a drive-thru restaurant (coffee shop) as a permitted use within Arts West Subdivision (aka Symphony Subdivision) a 21-lot (17- commercial, I-access and 3-common) mixed use subdivision. (WEV) This item was continued from the July 8, 2008 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Williams: The applicant made a request to continue this to September 23rd. Staff is requesting that this should be remanded to Staff. Guerber moves to remand RZ-08-03 MOD - Eagle Island Crossing. LLC to Staff and have them work with the applicant and identify an appropriate time to come back to Council and include re-notification to the neighborhood. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Resolution 08-21: Authorizing the Mayor to sign the State/Local agreement (construction) Project No. A009 (757) Merrill Park Boise River Bridge. Eagle Ada County Key No. 09757. (ME) Mayor introduces the issue. Public Works Director Echeita: Provides Council an overview ofthe agreement and the construction of the bridge. General discussion. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-22-08min.doc Guerber moves to authorize the Mayor to sign the State/Local agreement (construction) Project No. A009 (757) Merrill Park Boise River Bridge. Eagle Ada County Key No. 09757. Seconded by Semanko. Guerber: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ B. Resolution 08-22: Authorizing the Mayor to sign the State/Local agreement (construction) Project No. A009 (758) Eagle Road U'pass pathway Ada County Key No. 09758. (ME) Mayor introduces the issue. Public Works Director Echeita: Provides Council an overview of the agreement and the construction of the underpass. General discussion. Shoushtarian moves to approve Resolution 08-22. Seconded by Semanko. Guerber: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ C. Velodrome Proiect Chan!!e Orders: (ME) Mayor introduces the issue. Robert Grubb, Wright Brothers Construction, I am here to update you on the Velodrome Project and I have been listening to the budget discussion and understand that money is very tight. We anticipate having the asphalt completed the middle of August. I have a couple of Change Orders. Provides Council an overview of the requested Change Orders. Discussion on hydro-seeding, power and irrigation. This will be an additional $30,000.00 needed to complete this phase. When I get the final Change Order numbers I can bring those in to you. General discussion. Shoushtarian moves to approve the project Change Orders for this Budget. Seconded by Guerber. Guerber: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION (:JlRRIES............ 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pending & Threatened litigation: I.c. S67-2345 (f) Mayor we do not need an Executive Session this evening. 10. BUDGET DISCUSSION: Semanko: Discusses the 3% increase in property taxes. General discussion. Discussion on the Comp and Class Study. Discussion on the Library Budget. Discussion on P&Z and Building Department Staff. Discussion on Attorney's Fees budget request. Discussion on the $3,000.00 given to the Eagle Informer. Semanko: I would like to know if this was legal. General discussion. Discussion on financial statements and tracking the actuals each month. Further discussion on the City financing the Eagle Informer and being part of the magazine. PRE-COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor: As of the 16th Mike is our new Public Works Director and we have hired a new Code Enforcement Officer. Public Works Director Echeita: Discusses the duties and qualifications of the new Code Enforcement Officer. Discussion on how many employees are in the Public Works Department. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-22-08min.doc Provides an update on the intertie connection. We will be running some additional tests in the morning. By Thursday evening we are hoping to be able to open the valve. Attorney's Report: No report City Clerk: No report Guerber: No report Shoushtarian: I would like to discuss the e-mail that we got from Carolyn Summers. Public Works Director Echeita: The pathway that these people were walking on belongs to the Homeowner's Association. Their CC&R's says that the maintenance of the pathway belongs to them. Mayor: Last week I went to the Governor's Transportation meeting in Caldwell. Provides Council an overview of the meeting. I met with Steve Stutener, who works for a public relations firm; he is helping Valley Regional Transit with an event that is coming up in September. They will be talking about the new routes that are coming up and they would like to have the Council and I am a part of that. They would like to send a transit van to pick us up and take us downtown. Bill Vaughan and I went with Lloyd Mahaffey last week to look at the road sections in the Wine District. I have also had some discussions with ACHD about what we may want to look at in maintaining some type of rural road section in that area. I am participating on a Citizens For Better Transportation Task Force that has been put together by ACHD and has a number of representatives. Former Senator Bunderson is the Chairman of the group. The group is putting together a Ballot Initiative to request a $40.00 fee to registrations in Ada County. The $20.00 fee that we have been paying will expire in 2010. General discussion. Discussion on the NAFT A tour and assigning a Liaison to them. Discussion on the development already in the area. I met with Mayor DeWeerd after the Compass meeting yesterday and she indicated that Rexburg has a Court case on Urban Renewal and it sounds like the City of Meridian is going to file a court brief on that and she is wonder if we are going to do anything. When Susan gets back we need to take a look at that. She and her Council are wondering what the letter that I sent to them means about requesting that they come to the City of Eagle and request a Comp Plan change to remove the River Plain area out of our Comp Plan, they did not fully understand what that meant. General discussion. There is going to be a Vehicle Emission Testing Legislation primer at DEQ on Thursday at 1 :00 p.m. at DEQ. Guerber: I sent an e-mail on our little league won the State Championship. Discussion on doing a parade or something to recognize them. It is short notice because they are leaving this week- end. I would like to do something for them. General discussion. II. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moyes to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CA~ES... Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-22-08min.doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Jll. Q.d". -lL G .~ ......SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER ,........", ,." G L I::' "" ,.,~ G.p. C 1### ~ ,6 v.......... .. " I O"t/. ,..T8... " : ,,' 0"" .. ':0 · "'" ~ ... 0 · ! _t-.: 4: , ~d~'''' : · · 0 .. v -: .... : : u, u '.G.~ 2. ~ : , \ _v /1.;._ Jl'l\ : \ .. c:, ~~. .::: ~ ~ .. ... I^,CO"'l~.. ~ ,~ .,., ....... o..~ "'III ST A -r~"..." '""........' A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-22-08min.doc Sharon Bergmann From: Sent: To: Subject: Carolyn SUMMERS [cbsumm@msn.com] Tuesday, July 22, 2008 4:10 PM eaglecity URGENT RECOMMENDATION (PLEASE DISTRIBUTE A COPY TO THE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND TO Mr. Ferguson, Chairman of the Parks&Pathways Committee) The public access path to the South Channel of the Boise River along Westover Lakes was damaged due to the high water this spring. The ground -up volcanic rock which was used to cover the ground cloth has been washed away in areas leaving the slippery cloth with deep ruts and dips. On Thursday, July 17th, we took our guests for a walk to the river via this path and I slipped down a rut on exposed ground cloth and ended in a pile of volcanic rock causing extreme injury to my leg -- puncturing a vein with additional cuts and bruises. Because of the spurting blood, I had to be carried out to a waiting vehicle for transport to St Als Emergency for treatment. May I recommend that this path either be repaired or a barricade put in place to warn others that the path was damaged and extreme caution is necessary if using it. Without a barricade or sign, the City of Eagle is inviting other accidents that could be prevented. We don't need additional expenses and liability exposure. Also, there should be another alternative to the volcanic rock which is sharp, like glass, and very hard to walk on. Please consider this recommendation. Carolyn Summers 507 W Bogus View Drive Eagle 939-3381 1 Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 To: Mayor & Council CC: City Clerk, City Attorney From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: July 21, 2008 Re: Consent Agenda items fi' A memo from the Sr. Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer Please add Resolution 08-24 to the consent agenda. Thank you ever so much... EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP RZ-08-03 MOD - Eagle Island Crossing. LLC July 22, 2008, 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON cc -7_-.2 .2_0e Sharon Bergmann From: DONNA K GUERBER [dsguerber@msn.com] Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 9:57 AM To: Al Shoushtarian; Mike Huffaker; Norm Semanko; Phillip Bandy; Sharon Bergmann; Sheri Horton; Tracy Osborn Subject: A Big Deal For Little League All -- It has come to my attention -- so I thought you ought to know also -- that the West Valley Little League team of 13-14 year-old All Stars from the Eagle area won the State Championship game in Hayden Lake this weekend. The final score was 11-1. They will next represent Eagle and the State of Idaho in the Regional playoffs starting July 29th in Laguna Hills, California. Their first game will be against Hawaii, which won the Little League World Series last year. As I recall, when the West Valley team went to California a couple of years ago to represent Idaho, something special took place with the firemen and our police offers leading them in a parade down Eagle Road with horns a blaring. It ended in Merrill Park where the Mayor at the time gave them a little city recognition and got some media visibility out of it. I'm wondering if the Mayor and Council ought to do something at Council this week and see about another opportunity for some well wishing and congratulations. (It would be a nice way to bring some good publicity to the City and a chance for the community and parents to recognize our youth). The parade was quickly prepared and publicized and there were probably a couple of hundred of us folks along the route to wave -- a nice "small town" kind of thing. And by the way, the West Valley 11-12 year olds have won the District playoffs and will play for the State Championship this next weekend at Simplot Stadium in Caldwell, so there might be an opportunity for two such celebrations. STEVE GUERBER Time for vacation? WIN what you need. Enter Now! CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND FY08/09 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Maior Obiects Carry Over (09-0390-00-00) REVENUE: Saturday Market (09-0347-08-00) Last Thursday (09-0347-07-00) Funding from General Fund (09-0347-09-00) State Treasurer Interest (09-0371-10-00) OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: GRANTS: Grant Funds (09-0376-06-00) TOTAL GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ART: OTHER REVENUE: Donations/Sponsorships (09-0376-07-00) Miscellaneous (09-0376-01-00) Poster Sales (09-0376-08-00) Activity Revenue (09-0376-05-00) TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: TOTAL REVENUE: FY 07/08 Budgeted Actual Jun -08 $0 $13,161 21,528 13,043 2,000 402 99,136 99,136 1,300 986 $123,964 $113,567 5,000 882 $5,000 $882 2,500 1,000 0 2 0 1,227 0 225 $2,500 $2,454 $131,464 $130,064 FY 07/08 Unrealized -$13,161 8,485 0 0 314 $10,397 4,118 $4,118 1,500 -2 -1,227 -225 $46 $1,400 Page 1 7/21/08 Revised Projected Projected FY 08/09 FY 08/09 $5,000 $5,000 25,000 25,000 4,000 4,000 154,089 99,136 _ 1,300 1,300 $184,389 $129,436 0 $0 0 $0 5,000 5,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 0 0 $6,000 $6,000 $195,389 $140,436 % 0% 0% 0% - 36% 0% - 30% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% - 39% Major Objects and Subobjects CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Office Equipment (computer & etc.) (09 -0419 -01 - TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL EXPENDITURES: FY 07/08 Actual Budgeted Jun -OB 1,000 1,605 $1,000 pie $1,605 $138,454 $96,471 FY 07/08 Unrealized -605 -$605 $41,983 Page 3 Projected Projected FY 08/09 FY 08/09 1,500 $1,500 0 $0 $196,518 $140,436 0/0 - 100% - 100% -39% cc 7.-,2-2,'°R/ Eagle Arts Commission Survey Results Conducted Jan -March 2008 Survey Demographics: Community, Businesses, Teachers/Administration, City Council & Mayor, City of Eagle Employees 1. Are you familiar with the Eagle Arts Commission? Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Yes 203 48% No 221 52% No Responses 0 0% Total 424 100% 2f22022f - 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 Yes No 2. How important do you believe arts and culture are to the growth and development of Eagle? Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Very Important 245 58% Somewhat Important 164 39% Not Very Important 15 4% Total 424 100% 300 250 200 150 100 — 50 - 245 164 120% 100%- 80% 60% - 40% 20% - 15 0% - Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important 96% 4% Very to Somewhat Important Not Very Important Eagle Arts Commission Growing and celebrating the arts to strengthen community "...all about the arts." Page 1 of 6 3. How important are arts and culture to a child's education in Eagle? Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Very Important _ 293 70% Somewhat Important 109 26% Not Very Important 16 4% Total 418 100% 350 300 250 200 150 109 100- - 50 16 0 ' 1 293 Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important 1000/ 80% - 60% - 40% 20% - 0% Very to Somewhat Important 4% Not Very Important 4. How important is public art to making Eagle a great place to live, work, and visit (public art examples: art benches, public murals, sculptures in public areas, etc.)? Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Total 250 200 150 100 50 0 186 - 30- Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important 00% 80% - 60% - 40% 20% - Number of Response(s) Response Ratio 233 52% 186 41% 30 7% 449 100% TrX 0% 7% Very to Somewhat Important Not Very Important Eagle Arts Commission Growing and celebrating the arts to strengthen community " ..all about the arts." Page 2 of 6 5. Please indicate which of these arts events/programs you have attended within the last 12 months. Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Eagle Saturday Market 287 39% Last Thursday 97 13% Eagle Fun Days 231 31% Missoula Children's Theatre (Eagle) 20 3% Summer Solstice Event 16 2% Eagle City Hall Art Gallery Display 92 12% Total 743 100% 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Eagle Saturday Last Thursday Eagle Fun Days Missoula Summer Solstice Eagle City Hall Art Market Children's Theatre Event Gallery Display (Eagle) 6. What do you value most about living in Eagle? 7. What would you like to see (envision) in the future for the Eagle community? Eagle Arts Commission Growing and celebrating the arts to strengthen community " ..all about the arts." Page 3 of 6 8. Currently the City of Eagle spends $6.00 per resident annually for arts in the community. Would you support an increase up to $9.00 per resident? Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Yes 252 66% No 125 33% No Responses 5 1%. Total 382 100% 300 250 - 200 150 100 50 0 252 15 Yes No 9. Within the last 12 months, have you contributed financially to a non-profit arts organization? Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Yes 213 56% No 157 41% No Responses 12 3% Total 382 100% 250 213 200 1157 150 - - 100 - - 50 12 Yes No No Responses Eagle Arts Commission Growing and celebrating the arts to strengthen community " all about the arts." Page 4 of 6 10. What types of arts would you like to see more of in Eagle? Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Music Concerts 281 27% Dance Concerts 88 8% Theater Performances 4 0% Art Exhibits 171 17% Art Classes for Adults 129 12% Arts Education for Youth 180 17% Public Art 161 16% Other 22 2% Total 1036 100% 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 281 88 171 180 179 4 161 e 0<s-c'Goy r�\5 Z:,` --k° ,oJr \\GPS O�roc CP ZP P - RC2 ac°o Qo acv �`o O o�,`o' G>'0 glias' ,-- 11. 11. What are your three favorite arts events/programs/public art works in Eagle? 12. Do you consider yourself to be an artist? 22 11 Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Yes 92 71% No 37 29% If yes, what type of art? 0% Total 129 100% 13. Please let us know your contact information so we may keep you updated on Eagle arts. We would like your name, address, city, zipcode, email address, and phone number. All information is confidential and voluntary. Eagle Arts Commission Growing and celebrating the arts to strengthen community "...all about the arts." Page 5 of 6 14. Years Living in Eagle 15. No. in Household 16. Your Age Number of Response(s) Response Ratio 18 or Under 0 0% 19-29 5 2% 30-50 125 44% 51-65 95 33% 66+ 61 21% Total 286 100% 17. Household Income Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Less than $20K 9 4% $20K -40K 18 8% $41K -65K 47 20% $66K -100K 63 27% $101K+ 96 41 Total 233 100% 18. Would you like to receive information on upcoming arts programs? Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Yes 257 69% No 81 22% No Responses 36 10% Total 374 100% 19. Would you like to volunteer and be part of arts programs in Eagle? Number of Response(s) Response Ratio Yes 107 29% No 224 60% No Responses 43 11% Total 374 100% Eagle Arts Commission Growing and celebrating the arts to strengthen community "..all about the arts " Page 6 of 6 6. What do you value most about living in Eagle? slow development, low population, very small govemment Small town, foothills, river trail, downtown, Rembrandts. I love the small town feel — we live, work, and play within 2 miles! It was a small, friendly town when I moved here. That has been lost as we've experienced an influx of growth from other areas that seem to be trying to tum Eagle into another Ketchum. The small town feel, the people, the landscape/open space Good neighbors, low crime, orderly and clean town small town feel, no tall buildings, views of the mountains, access to quality lifestyle e.g. food, restaurants, Small community. small community with class located against the foothills, close to most everything. Quiet community that is not over commercialized. clean safe community We haven't Lived here for very long, but we were very drawn to the small town feel. The small community feel. The nice local restaurants and shops. I like that Eagle has a distinct feel as a small town within a big town. Close to the foothills. Great people. Increasing shopping and restaurant options. Natural atmosphere, wildlife, river/ponds, mountain views, Proximity to capital/university city, Small size, rural/farm land beauty and peace — excepting eagle rd Sorry, but to me it's just another subdivision outside of Boise, and that's fine with me. I don't see the need to try to duplicate what we already have available to us in a much bigger city. Small, uncrowded, pleasant Quiet neighborhoods. Safety. Community spirit. easy access to a variety of venues in both Boise and Eagle The beauty of the natural surroundings and the genuine friendless of the local people. Effort made to make Eagle accessible for pedestrians and cyclists - with crosswalks, paths, bike lanes, and Trolleys. environment, size and contrast with busy Boise Great Place to live. Events downtown. Unique eating and shopping experiences. The small town feel, the river, the scenery open space; rural feel I value the environment We have big lots and an upscale feel. Character is our biggest component.. The good people. Close proximity to culture often associated with a capital city with a university like Boise or Madison. I don't mind going to Boise for much art. 0 Outdoor recreation like riding, particularly through spectacular scenery (photography) The people are so considerate and the community has great values. great place to raise a family. commute The Eagle Pathways and the small town atmosphere. PROXIMITY TO SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES It's safe. It's NOT Boise. It's small. I believe the people who live here really do care about our city and our community. The country plan that keeps our town looking down-home classy, personable and free of trashy commercialism. The quality of life. The friendly people and the convenience of everything offered here. It's living in a small town with the small town way of life, such as our own parades, customer appreciation day and all the things that go with living here. Everyone knows and cares about others. It seems close knit. Very comfortable here. I would The small community feel but with bigger -city amenities, such as restaurants, fine arts training, recreation opportunities, etc. The fact that it seems like its own small community. I LOVE the business owned by regular families trying to raise their kids and not a place that has 500 other places in Idaho. I like seeing people and having them smile and say, "Hello". A slower pace of life. Open spaces. A feeling of "community" or a small town feeling. Eagle is a wonderful place to raise a family. Events like the Missoula Children's Theater allow our children to be part of a broader community and to get "hands on" experience. I love the small town feel. The proximity of the foot hills and access to the river and greenbelt. The variety of shops and dining and that Art is becoming a big part of our community. Small town charm and atmosphere but still very close to our big city of Boise. I like the size of Eagle and the feeling of being connected to people living in Eagle. I like the good restaurants, accessibility to shopping. Peace of mind, slower pace, security. The feeling of community. The ability to get most all things done locally, without having to leave town. Big City amenities in a small community. Quality of life, safety, and great environment for kids. It's very unique within the Treasure Valley - quaint downtown, big home lots, rustic feel, etc., versus giant traffic grids with box stores on every corner. Eagle still has a small community "feel" and it appears to me that the people in the leadership positions are forward looking and providing for quality in the changes that will happen. Open space. Great people. Safety, pleasant surroundings, lots to do, trees & greenery, culture, restaurants, interesting shops, Sat. market. Caring community. school & children friendly. the friendly people and the opportunities to participate in the many events. The rural lifestyle - the ability to own a home with acreage to have horses etc; the small town feel with friendly small businesses where you can get to know the proprietors; the emphasis on a family community The rural lifestyle with fabulous amenities close by. Growth seems to be going in the right direction now... small, homey community with a lot to do very close. Great places to eat. Beautiful. The people and the potential for a cool downtown area the quality of life and the education our boys received in the Eagle Schools Small town, easy to get around, my neighborhood My great neighbors and the ease of getting to work and businesses that I frequent. Quality of life I value the fact that we live just outside of Boise which is a very art involved city. I also value all the old and new people here in Eagle that have so much Art Knowledge and Abilities. . Working together as a group in the ARTS will allow us to teach our children the importance of art in their lives.. Without art kids lose their creativity . Small town feel, waikability, I used to enjoy the rural feel of the town as opposed to the "city life", however all of the small farms, cows and many of the horses have disappeared. This "living art" was the reason I moved here instead of Boise. The small farms that gave Eagle its small town charm has been lost to "improvements" to the city. Eagle is no longer beautiful. Sad We love the community feel and the wonderful people. Great neighborhood and sense of community Sophisticated rural lifestyle Increasingly good mix of parks, retail, restaurant and businesses A small town atmosphere with all the conveniences of a big town (e.g., medical) The home town feel Small town look, architectures, atmosphere, feeling Beautiful natural surroundings, great parks and good schools Quiet Eagle Hills Golf Course Rural atmosphere (mostly in the past) The atmosphere is great; people "care" about their community Safety, cleanliness, sense of community Currier -Ives approach in winter beautiful landscaping in summer (please control weed growth) Small town friendly atmosphere Security and excellent neighbors I valued smaller town, rural areas, safe streets. That has changed a lot Small town feel Clean, small fun downtown, fun family events Quiet, low crime, WAS a country setting Quiet, friendly neighborhood Quality of life, clean, safe, friendly Small town feel, family values Socio-economic levels The ability to walk to everything and the small town feel with all the extras Community feel The wonderful people Sense of community, proximity to the foothills and the Boise River and being close to the wildlife there At one time, I valued its small size and undeveloped hills Small town atmosphere Small community "Small" community versus metro but close to larger Culture, growth A quiet stow place away from hustle and bustle - wide open spaces; used to have it here Close knit community atmosphere - family oriented Community Charm of the township, ease, bike riding, safety The family values and mix of urban/rural feel Simplicity, cleanliness Small town, friendly feeling and western feel Tranquil setting Quality of life in Eagle, now quickly depreciating Small town feel Small town feeling Size Family oriented, good controls/process for building Small town atmosphere and concem of citizens to maintain quality of life It used to be quiet - now to much traffic and noise The quiet westem flavor Small town feel Small village appeal of "downtown" Eagle, library staff Feeling safe, accessibility to all daily functions, schools, shops, dance and music lessons Community life and rural Small community Openness, although that is disappearing Downtown - small businesses Rural setting Rural space Small community Small town lifestyle Small town with big city offerings Small town feel, unique downtown area Rural atmosphere Still individual choices in living and recreation areas Small town (used to be) Lack of hustle and bustle Used to be small town Quaintness Used to be - living in a quiet country area More rural than Boise, hence quieter, more peaceful atmosphere Friendly people Friendly people Less traffic The bedroom community feel, ruralish - large lots Location - scenic views Ambience - small town atmosphere, restaurants Clean air, small town feel (just moved here!) I love the strong community in Eagle and the parks are great Close to work, great place to raise kids Walking community Small town atmosphere with small independent businesses Good people, low crime, relative small town feel (plus it's where I grew up!) The quaintness of the "old downtown" Family oriented Being a little distance from Boise Area lived in and proximity to Highway 55 to go north Slower pace It's a small community with open spaces Used to be wonderful before all the growth ruined it The small town rural atmosphere Small town atmosphere Small town, upscale feel Small town feel - yet quality people with big town attitude It's small size, clean and friendly atmosphere Walking along the river Green space, parks, river, home values, safety, landscaping (even around shops and gas stations!) Clean, safe, beautiful environment Safe environment, the culture Distance from downtown Boise Small town feel Visually appealing A rural atmosphere Access to outdoors and mountain scenery, quality public art Small town atmosphere Small town friendly atmosphere SmaII town atmosphere, compact services availability Proximity to Hwy 55 and places beyond Laid back Open space Quiet, low crime, building standards Small town atmosphere I can walk to almost everything Small town feel, friendliness Open spaces, careful community planning Small town feel and space with services (restaurants, library, etc.) close by Small town feeling The small town feel and open spaces Pedestrian friendly downtown; accessible open space in the foothills for walking and biking Building architecture, landscaping, cleanness The small town feel - schools, knowing neighbors, etc. Small community Small town atmosphere, downtown/beautiful landscaping, open areas, art Open spaces, the river Nice restaurants, shopping (could be better), parks am close to my family and I love the foothills and the people that care about this town Small town feel but close to downtown Small town atmosphere- sense of community Small town feel - upscale community Small town feel We're moving here the end of January The quality of life - the small town feel downtown - wish there was more here New resident Good city govemment :) Atmosphere - small town The small town "feel" Aesthetics = walkways, trees, cleanliness, small "town" feel Govemment stop doing things we do not want Sense of community Small town atmosphere, no tall buildings or signs The feeling of being safe Small town It's visually attractive and has opportunities for outdoor rec activity, Merrill Park, attractive trails, bike track, skateboard park, etc. Family and farmlands The people and the aesthetics It used to be the small town atmosphere It is away from the hustle and bustle Parks and buildings built with style and character Location - parks and water features It is small and semi rural Quality of neighborhood Small town atmosphere Small town feel SmaII town - rural feeling and stricter covenants, clean Friendships, community Natural beauty and small size Everything When the wind blows just right, you can smell the cows! Family life style Small suburban - rural, quality of life, active involved caring community Conservative family values Nice community, everything feels unified Small town community feeling Enjoyable, quiet living once you get here How peaceful quiet it is Community events, neighborhood feel The people, peace and quiet, scenery Upscale neighborhoods, small town feel Small village feel Lifestyle Quality of life, not too crowded Small town feel, restaurants, friendly people, shops love that it feels like an upper-end Mayberry! Small town feeling Small size, rural feel Quality Planning the building of businesses to make them attractive The quietness and the closeness to the foothills The vision for managed growth Structure of new building, variety of events and parks My neighbors Room to live -1 acre lots Rural area - openness Used to enjoy small, close knit community - now nearly destroyed Community - I don't know much about the arts and when they are The people and values of the community Small town, river, wee buildings, the burms along Eagle and Floating Feather Roads People, architecture, foothills, rural location, proximity to Boise Small, friendly community, Eagle water Quality of life and people Small town feel -being able to walk downtown - knowing community folks Small town living Quality of life, friendliness of residents SmaWrural community feel, ability to walk to downtown, Eagle Saturday Market Close associates here, architectural guidelines Small town feel, sense of community and safe Location and small town! Small town, yet quality feel My children are here and 2 of my grandchildren Small town atmosphere It is an attractive community Community Downtown Small town environment It's not over crowded, its small, it's the BEST Neighborliness, nice downtown, easy access to foothills Smaller community, location Independence and "old world" feeling Small town feel Small town atmosphere Safe place to live, friendly people, attractive buildings (strong architectural controls), community parades/events The people Small community Small town atmosphere, wide open spaces between homes Community - small Nice small-town atmosphere Small town atmosphere Small but upscale community with various amenities here Small town atmosphere, pedestrian friendly downtown SmaII town atmosphere Quality town, good people Quaintness Rural feel We love the whole town - the atmosphere, the people, church, etc. People/semi-rural setting Congenial neighbors, open spaces, quality of life Peace and quiet A fiscally responsible govemment Small community Open spaces, small feel, not the big city feel, unique stores, Rembrandts SmaII town atmosphere and quiet living Safety, tranquility Quiet - pretty - now ( a sort of greenbelt) Quiet surroundings High quality community Small town atmosphere, friendly people, quiet, library, Rembrandts, Eagle farmers market, the abundance of hometown stores rather than the big chains Small town feel, big city convenience Small town feel Small town feel with a large town convenience Small town feel, location Small community atmosphere, downtown allows me to walk to shopping and activities What is fast disappearing - urban feel, open spaces, small town friendliness and lack of the stress levels of larger cities. I think what the Arts Commission is doing is wonderful! Small town, walking, people/low crime, good location for skiing, safety Peace and quiet Small town feel - clean - safe My next door neighbor Small upscale rural setting What I valued most is gone now! The uniqueness of the community and activities Sense of community, knowing my neighbors and vendors Very aesthetically pleasing and we feel safe; lots of community programs we like Village environment and being somewhat pedestrian friendly Beautiful city Small town feel and variety of eating establishments Outdoor spaces for kids Convenient shopping Small town atmosphere 1 did value the small-town setting when we came here in 1974, but the city of Eagle has killed that with their uncontrolled growth policy Downtown Small town atmosphere Small town feel, next to foothills 7. What would you like to see (envision) in the future for the Eagle community? Downtown Community Center with recreation, swimming, dances, music, art, etc More well managed growth - bringing more higher end stores and restaurants to the community, more arts, continued downtown development (manage the comer of Eagle & Old State St, make downtown more of a walking community, beautify with lights in trees, arts, etc). Work to get river trail tied into Garden City. I hope that we are able to keep our small town feel amidst the rapid growth. The events like Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Country Christmas, etc. help make our community fun. Eagle is a bedroom community for Boise. I would like to see a clean, tidy town with efficient use of space - not the sprawl that is now occurring. Limited /planned growth, preserving open space, recreation trails, a usable downtown. Clean up the eyesore that is the intersection of Eagle and State Street. a writing guild or writing community None Keeping the culture in focus with new growth More open spaces, the traffic to be slowed down and all new building needs to be a good fit, both from a social as well as physical standpoint. continued improvement to our downtown area. limited growth of the foothills. more outdoor areas developed for hiking and biking I would like to see the small town feel preserved. I would hate to see big businesses take it over. Smart growth. Less reliance on cars & more focus on bikes (bike lanes), walking & public transport. Let's not be part of the traffic/pollution problem like Meridian, let's be part of the solution. 0 Also, would like to continue to see small local restaurants & shops like Franco Latino, 616, Beau Monde, Lily. Perhaps some more moderately priced? Better downtown - currently uncoordinated downtown growth and abandoned buildings. More parks (Eagle island) and better biking/hiking trails in foothills. Purposeful and art -filled gentrification of the downtown crossroads (old State & Eagle)0 Less salons/spas and more sports/recreation stores° 0 Good, healthy, reasonably price restaurants 0 0 A natural food store, Whole Foods, Trader Joes0 0 Full connection/development of the Greenbelt/Bike Path system from Boise through Eagle and west. lower costs better communication regarding programs more recruitment/promotion of new artists I'm pretty OK with things the way they are. The thing I would like the most is development of more trails and an extension of the greenbelt. I don't think the City of Eagle should provide even $6.00 per resident for arts in the community. That is not the job of the city govemment or my tax dollars. Limited growth, walkable community More cottage industries. more city events would like to see it retain its smaller town atmosphere. It is growing but it doesn't need to bursting at the seams. A quaint art village atmosphere would be wonderful. Improved sidewalks on Main Street control of size; more arts Growth in the downtown area with more shops, etc. Lots of eyesores at the moment. We don't want all the growth to go out by the River and the bypass etc. More bicycle accessibility to the downtown area, little residential growth Outdoor Theater An outdoor mall feeling. An aspen feel or a sun valley type downtown. Events that help bring the community together. We need to transform the comer of State/Eagle into something nice—a performing arts hall or something. Art the compliments rather than competes with that available in Boise. Perhaps arranging locations for productions of Ballet Idaho, Boise Philharmonic, even Shakespeare in this neighborhood. Outdoors? 0 Borrowing from BAM permanent collection. Arranging group transportation to Boise Culture. 0 Bringing Boise Residents to culture in the Eagle area. would like to see more musicals on a city level. more activities (whether it be art/culture or sports, etc.) for young children and youths to either participate in or attend. more classes/ art education Continued growth in the arts opportunities—public art, performances, classes/schools, galleries, etc. LESS GOVERNMENT, LESS TAXES, AND CONTINUE THE POSITIVE PRO BUSINESS ATTITUDE THAT ATTRACTS RESIDENTS. Not from an "arts" perspective...but I want more managed growth. Music Academy More music venues, more vendors at farmer's market. We would love to have the whole town Easter Egg hunt again. It was more of the small town feel we loved. Everyone we have talked to about it said they missed it also. Eagle needs to stay with the small town feel with the classiness it has.D Its a great place to live. More of the same. The Velodrome will be a fun and unique addition. ❑ An ice-skating rink out here would be a bonus too. would love to see a "Hailey" type feel to our town and I am one of the ones that is cringing at the fact that a TALL building will soon be built We do have an opportunity to actually PLAN what we envision for Eagle and not just throw things up because someone thinks ifs what we need. We definitely need a GOOD PLAN and soon b4 it's too late. would not like any of the above to be destroyed. D Bigger is not better and destroying the foothills would definitely destroy the Eagle "advantage". We hope that sometime in the near future Eagle takes on a commitment to both managed growth and diversity. While it is a great place to raise a family, our community also limits our children's access to range of people and ideas. would like to see our city more bike friendly. It is very difficult to ride from my home near Eagle Hills Elem. to the green belt or any of our great parks. A public outdoor pool, a theater like the Flicks. I would like to see Art teachers as staff in our grade schools and get more than 1 hr/mo.to teach our kids art skills & appreciation. I'd like to see more performing art similar but on a smaller scale to the Morrison Center. would love to see a Performing Arts Center with a theatre that would seat 600. Growth Artistically speaking, I would love to see a local quality art show, or an artist studio and winery tour. Something all our own. More outdoor cafe's. Progressive grocery store like a Trader Joes. Adding more of what makes Eagle unique - like I describe above. Becoming a self-contained community with services needed for people to live within the community boundaries. Medical services and social services will probably remain satellite with backup from a larger city.. but available at the first level. The arts may well go beyond being smaller.. and could expand with our own community performance center. would love to see a performance facility built, maybe in connection with the High School. CAREFUL GROWTH, so living is pleasant, not lost in a maze of traffic jams, noise & difficulty. 0 0 Continued support for art, culture, & education. Add to activities on landscaping, gardening & plants (tours, classes, demonstrations, etc.) Increased emphasis on open space, small and large parks, & safe outdoor areas, including walking paths. A movie theatre a more active and vital old downtown. a place that is unique and quaint and charming with fun restaurants and shopping places. More art work and events with music. Would love to see an outdoor community swimming pool (in the downtown area); better path connectivity so my teens can bike from Beacon Light to downtown safely; equestrian paths throughout community and into foothills; more casual restaurants (not fast food!!!); an amphitheater or some type of venue for theater, dance etc. An incredible, livable, walkable, downtown. Public access to parks in the hills. Larger and more affordable facilities for public events like dancing. Keep it's small town feel. A destination/gathering point for downtown, lots of shops, restaurants and enough people to sit a watch on any given day. People to stay when the Eagle Market has closed. The comers of Eagle and State to get developed! A STOP sign © 2nd on State and another @ Edgewood on State. slow the growth, if possible, and continue to offer the community activities. More shops and restaurants so that we can shop and live in this area without having to go across town for some things. Make the Eagle Saturday Market larger with more exhibitors in Arts and Crafts Keep businesses and homes segregated. Large parks not located on busy streets. I like Eagle city gatherings (such a Fun Days) when you expect to run into people you know. Clean, ecofriendly, people around ART FOR ALL.. Less traffic, more walkable routes/bike paths, more community concerts at the gazebo and in other parks, parks & rec classes Stop trying to make Eagle a Sun Valley or other such "destination" towns. There is no lasting value in losing your identity with mother nature to seek after the rich and "desirable" people. I am disappointed in how much this town has lost in its lust for change. Unfortunately, Eagle will never be the same again. You can't hide this with art! More emphasis on preserving and developing downtown versus development of big box stores. As we grow, we need some type of communal events or place to keep everyone connected. I would like to see less emphasis on large development that dilute the community. Limit/control growth to maintain livability More mixed use development, pedestrian, friendly community with art and other beautifying elements A high end entertainment scene with blues/jazz/also breaks i.e., iHop or Elmers type Bonita Hills Subdivision is in the Boise area of impact. Please annex us, Eagle, Springs, Sage Acres and Dry Creek Cemetery into the City of Eagle! Stay on track and force developers to pay ?? Keep the small town look and atmosphere. Don't become over run with subdivisions Outdoor and indoor music and theater offerings 100% ban on wood burning Eagle Hills municipal golf NO growth - none! Easier commuter drive to freeway - i.e., Maple Grove and Five Mile like Eagle Road More parks - baseball fields, continued greenbelts Better maintenance in ditch banks -road easements (weeds!) Vibrant/healthy, central district More traffic control, Tights, etc. Safe travel for children, bikes, pedestrians throughout Eagle, it's not so now Community gatherings downtown with tables along the streets for hot/cold drinks, like the old small German towns Clean fun shopping variety, fun family events Low crime, family oriented Less growth, more honesty in govemment More of same (quality of life, clean, safe, friendly) Music events, gallery, small art shops Support for ArtsWest district Would like the return of the Pumpkin Patch (off Mace Road) Stop unchecked growth More of the same attention to keeping Eagle a quality city A better understanding of and commitment to wildlife issues and land stewardship Listen to those cautioning ambitious development Less growth Planned growth, more opportunities for various activities Less saturation in housing development Winter Saturday Market Strict architectural guidelines make it biker/walking friendly Keep some rural feel while the city grows/arts/craft fairs No dollars spent for murals, sculptures, etc. in public areas! Heavily controlled growth with NO negative impact on our foothills Continue growth with emphasis on a community retaining a small town atmosphere No more box stores! Limit the height of building. Smaller unique business Less development, Tess overcrowding, low taxes Less road congestion Downtown development - I am not opposed to 3 -story buildings Art class for all ages groups Additional parks and opportunities for children's education and experiences More vibrant downtown area Stop growth Some family restaurants e.g., Perkins, Sheris, Little America - I hate noisy grills Stay small but be High Quality A performing arts theater with dance studios for Eagle Performing Arts Center Theater Less growth Bike lanes - bike lanes that connect to Boise along the Greenbelt Redirect traffic on Saturdays and special events from main street, a theater "No big city buildings," small and friendly settings Maintain small town feel, single story, not over 2 story Less growth Maintain small town lifestyle -fight gangs and graffiti markings - keep parks available/away from gangs Modernizing parts of downtown, galleries, etc. More "gathering places" in downtown. More restaurants within the core of downtown Better greenbelt Stop growing and massive building, add community pool Outdoor concerts, growth - but keeping everything nice and small feeling More compatible shopping - not specialty stores - rural settings Central in planning Keep it from growing any bigger Better planning, no more ugly "houses" along the bypass that pretend to be offices!! Large lots developments, minimum commercial Continued growth but not out of control growth, not overtaking the foothills Community theater Lots of shopping, restaurants I would like to see more employment opportunities in Eagle Better road management for traffic in downtown Eagle, more parking More concerts, public art Dog play park Improve downtown, commercial core More attractive "downtown" core, congestion Old State Street and Eagle Road will be a big problem Maintain open space Move farmers market to City Hall parking lot and out of my back yard Keep control of the growth; we are ruining Eagle Keep it with the same small town feeling More family friendly restaurants - yet nice places, tired of franchises like Meridian has Performing arts center Connect green belt completely, more restaurants and culture A recital hall More of same with controlled growth Can't envision it "Alive After Five" in Eagle! Fountains that rival 'The Plaza" in Kansas City, MO Continuation of rural atmosphere Controlled equitable growth; continued arts support Keep it "small town" feel An emphasis on sustainability - the arts commission should promote this Controlled growth with good pre -planning Continue to grow in a positive direction; accounting for limited infrastructure, listen to the voters A 8m movie place like the Flicks in our Eagle downtown area, more good places to eat - no pizza or fast food Outdoor movies for community City square or commons Growth in the right direction - attracting restaurants, services, arts, activities that preserve the Eagle feel Town feeling preserved/feature local artists, musicians Maintaining open space - foothills view form town free of homes Less cars, more public transportation Forward planning for transportation/roads; a well thought out downtown core More community "get together" events (like those at Rembrandts) on a continuous or regular basis Retain small town atmosphere, downtown/beautiful landscaping, open areas, art Keep city spending at same level and base remaining arts funding on private donations/support of arts groups More upper scale shopping, do something about rural areas - make them look more appealing Improved downtown, more business and industry for jobs More community events Public spaces (parks) integrated in development, shops and business development that doesn't look like strip malls Maintain small town feel, increase shopping amenities A thriving downtown where you could shop locally - more eateries Community art events for youth ages 13-18 Performing arts center No growth Slower growth Less "upper class" and more "middle class" Classes, outdoor painting, public art/murals Keep us small, stay out of my pocket Well managed growth, continue small town feeling Arts for children reasonably priced Slow growth Less congestion Maintain slow, controlled growth to keep quality of life and outdoor character We strongly support free concerts in summer/weekends Continued car in how our buildings look Very limited growth Limited growth Continued parks and building with character, no tall buildings, not to exceed heights of current buildings Continue on present path - pedestrian friendly Limited to maintain growth - well managed Less traffic Retain (S.T.A.) No tall buildings - nothing over 2-3 stories, continue strict covenants on buildings, signage, etc. Music events, support for EMS & EHS Keep our open spaces, better roads or altemate transportation options Slower traffic on Eagle Road Controlled growth - impact fees paid by BUILDERS! Pedestrian friendly downtown, parking garage Children's music academy, community band/chorus, recorded performances for those unable to attend/Senior Center Performing arts center Better traffic control, less property taxes Nice, attractive, destination type downtown area Interactive children's museum, equestrian park or children/adults More kids programs Cute stores lining Old State - good walking town Performing arts center Good planned development of infrastructure community Clean up comer of Eagle/State, improve downtown area hope that the beautiful, well-kept ambience of Eagle is maintained More open areas Low population density Patriotic themes Do not want to see more housing in the foothills The same feeling of a small town that it has now More green spaces preserved near the community's center To continue with the plans underway and move to come Controlled growth, maintain small town feel Better roads and less people Controlled (closely) growth Not so crowded A variety of art displays, concerts, performances throughout the year, also public art works Paved greenbelt - river beach, place to walk inside in winter Blue grass festival A nice and friendly community and a place for performing art New roads Much more controlled growth (few people) in the foothills; a downtown that's revitalized - mixed retail, office and residents (3 stories fine) Continued small town with culture for adults and children More recognition and promotion of local artists, open studio tours Keep business development with unique shops (not chain stores) and activities, limit traffic through downtown Slow, well-planned growth, mass transit to Boise Stop growth of condos, high rise building Less growth More walking/biking accessibility to downtown Eagle to enjoy arts/culture there No drugs in schools Eagle High is very bad Better publicity of community events - a weekly Eagle newspaper Pedestrian friendly walking that avoids the danger of crossing Eagle Road/State Street Keep it small and practical More children's programs that are inexpensive Not too large Very strict adherence to plans so we don't kill what we love with topsy turvy growth More retail stores, restaurants A pretty pedestrian bridge (or two) across Boise River Less commercial development, more environmental impact Stay on a high plain A community theater or performance space for cultural events Waterpark, movie theater, auditorium No crowding - space is very important Less growth and commercialism, preserving foothills for use - not building! Free outdoor concerts on the river at the park (Merrill Park) Keep it small Walking mall downtown with traffic diverted around Stay small Kids and art Highway improvements, move traffic around not through More concerts, bigger Saturday Market Less government restriction on property rights Moderate but continuous growth tempered with clean responsible and transparent govemment with an any towards responsible infrastructure development Controlled growth More bike paths, more family restaurants Intelligent, insightful allocation of vacant land Paved greenbelt Improved parks! Especially for skateboards Continue present course Keep the small town feel i More evening events in downtown core during summer 'Walkable" downtown core with shops, restaurants More downtown shops and residences, increase in art exhibits and theater Better managed and much slower growth than Mayor Bandy's record has demonstrated! Waling connections between downtown and shopping/eating places across bypass, parking downtown A community arts center - classes available in painting, drawing, pottery, texture arts, woodworking, murals, for adults/children Small upscale rural setting but more local shopping, eating establishments, etc. Community - sustaining retail and transit between subdivisions and Eagle city area Community activities Opportunity for citizen involvement, fostering sense of community More of the same plus an event center/ bigger place to have arts supported Continued development, keeping with the style of Eagle, more free children's programs More pedestrian friendly, replace building eyesores with height/limit structures Cleanliness/culture Controlled growth , art ed opportunities Less growth Traffic, transportation systems are 20 years behind the housing growth situation - stop building until roads catch up A more active downtown G4reater support to the small business art community 11. What are your three favorite arts events/programs/public art works in Eagle? have not attended or I am not aware of any Art events/ art works Fun Days, Saturday Market, Country Christmas Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market, and I enjoy the pieces that have been added around town (the bronze figure in front of the library, etc.) don't have any favorite arts events in Eagle. I attend events in Boise Saturday market, fish bench on 2nd, Eagle banner sign over Eagle Rd Bronze statue across from Eagle Hotel Rembrandts attempts to include public art None Saturday market Bench Project° Saturday Market: Public Murals the city entrances❑ Saturday market) eagle fun days am planning on attending Eagle fun days this summer and the Eagle Saturday market. Eagle Saturday market, the archway coming into Eagle and Eagle at Hwy 44 and Eagle rd. and the fountain at the park. Not sure. Eagle Fun Days) Benches° Rembrandts gallery loved the free concert at the shores Couldn't possibly care less. No answer Eagle City Market benches, activities at the Gazebo, Saturday market The public art on display such as the benches and the bronze work. The benches, Last Thursday, the Eagle entrance arches Saturday market Eagle Fun Days) Saturday Moming Market❑ Wine Tasting Event. Didn't taste any, but fun to go to anyway.... Saturday market, Last Thursday, the new benches City Hall° New sculpture outside library) Downtown Park don't know The seagoer statue, Eagle Fun Days, Rembrandt's events Art at Rembrandts. Downtown fountain and statues. For other fine arts we go to Boise. Boise has a fine arts programs associated with the city, BSU, etc. that will be difficult to compete with but could easily be wonderful complimentary programs. Certainly there is room for public art. 1. Eagle fun DaysD 2. Eagle appreciation° 3. Fireman appreciation day. eagle fun days, Saturday market, last Thursday 1 don't know Any of the events that include music in the gazebo downtown. LIBRARY❑ FIRST THURSDAY.D THE MURAL ON THIRD AND MAIN ST We enjoy Heritage, Guerber and Merrill parks. We love the Boise River running through Eagle! We'd like to see concerts return to Merrill Park (like Lyle Lovett). The visual art at Rembrandt's rocks! City Market / Eagle Fun Days 1 any music under the gazebo or in restaurants, coffee shops, pubs, etc. The benches, fun days, and holiday events. At Rembrandts. 1) Eagle Fun Days (the parade and crafts, not the carnival. It was to expensive and in a horrible location last year). ❑ 2) Saturday Market] 3) Eagle Country Christmas Public Art: The Eagle at the intersection of HWY 44 and Eagle (hope that's what you meant by "Public Ari"... ❑ 0 Events: Does the movie night at Rembrandt's qualify for this one? I LOVE the idea of an outside venue to watch movies. Could we do that in Merrill Park?D Events: First Thursday The Saturday market, Rembrandt s Jazz nights, the over-all architecture in the city. We enjoy all of them and try to take advantage of all opportunities. love the benches. D really enjoy the exhibits at RembrandtsD Love Eagle Fun Days. 1) The winter outdoor program in early December, sorry don't remember the name. ❑ 2) Town center amphitheater and all the little performances❑ 3) Historical exhibits at the Chamber museum. summer solstice❑ jazz night at Rembrandts Bardenays bench, fountains, pioneer / settler on Main St. Love the benches! Really enjoy Saturday market. Miss Last Thursdays with the music in the park that was there before. Saturday Market, Eagle Saturday Market, Food & Wine Festival, Eagle Fun Days (does that count?) First Thursday was fun. The Saturday Market we enjoy. Haven't been to any theater, yet. Eagle fun days The gallery at City Hall, Saturday Market, Fountain/Gazebo. Eagle fun days, eagle Saturday market, & last Thursday concert for fun days, Saturday market, Missoula children's theater the benches; Saturday market; live music at Rembrandts (open mic night etc) Love the benches and statues, last Thursday, Farmers market. Eagle fun days, Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Market and Lighting of the Christmas tree Saturday market❑ Eagle Bazaar° Last Thursday Eagle Saturday Market, Last Thursday, The sculptures in downtown that have descriptive name plates... historical "stuff." don't know LAST THURSDAY, EAGLE SATURDAY, AND MISSOULA CHILDREN'S THEATER Summer family concerts whether at Eagle Fun days or at other times, Eagle Historical Society open houses of local historic homes, any event that is intergenerational None come to mind Eagle Funs DaysE Water Fountain and GazeboD Public parks and Playgrounds Too new to the area - have only lived here for 1 year Downtown displays, concerts at gazebo, Fun Days City Market, Fun Days Outdoor concerts, the bronze sculpture of Thomas Aikens, city "farmers' market, Guerber Park & Merrill Park Parade, Christmas lights, park facilities Eagle Fun Days, outdoor concerts Art class offerings, Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market Sat Market, art on display here and there New to Eagle Public art works - love the statues, dance Benches Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market, Last Thursday Eagle Fun Days, art in the library Christmas bazaar, Eagle Fun Days, movie days at Rembrandts Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market Saturday farmers market, Eagle Fun Days Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market Rembrandts coffee house jazz Last Thursday could be such a fun, entertaining event - needs more support and efforts for cohesiveness Eagle Fun Days The bench outside Again Consignment, Saturday Market, Merrill Park Child education activities, public library activities need more awareness of what is out there. I like the welcome to Eagle sign as you pass Albertsons Don't have three favorites but enjoy the art on display at Rembrandts Saturday Market (new to town - haven't seen everything yet!) City statues, Saturday Market, Eagle Fun Days Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Market, music at Rembrandts Saturday Market, Fun Days Only lived here three months and only in the summer months Saturday Market, art/wine auction, Country Christmas Benches -public, Saturday Market -art displays Sculptures, art and dance at The Landing, Christmas lighting Summer Solstice event, Eagle Saturday Market, Eagle City Hall Art Gallery Gazebo -park, benches, Saturday Market/music Benches, Saturday Market Enjoy art at Rembrandts, artists at Last Thursday Kid's fountain, Eagle Fun Days Saturday Market Eagle sculpture at Eagle Road and State, man with grandchild statue (Aikens) Eagle Fun Days, Christmas tree lighting, Saturday Market Eagle Saturday Market, Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Food & Wine Festival Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market Love the parks Eagle Fun Days, roping, farmers market Saturday Market Statue by Ponderosa Paint (Aikens), benches Eagle Market, Eagle Fun Days, events at library Theater, concerts Last Thursday, Eagle Fun Days Last Thursday, Eagle Fun Days, summer concert series at library Holiday decor of downtown, Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Saturday Market Last Thursday, Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market While the arts are important to some people, our interests are in other areas There is not any that we would attend Eagle Fun Days, Last Thursday, Eagle Saturday Market Egg carton bench at Albertsons, Eagle sculpture at bypass, sculpture at Rembrandts Eagle Fun Days, car shows Eagle archways, Eagle waterfalls, town square lite up at Christmas Benches The entry "Eagle" sculpture at East State Street and overhead bridge on Eagle Road Saturday Market, Eagle Fun Days, Last Thursday Three dimensional eagles at gateway, Saturday Market, Hill Road park playground equipment, so well used as well as interesting display Saturday Market - need more vendors, the "Beatles" concert at the library Last Thursday, Eagle Saturday Market, benches Fountain/gazebo, statue on State, Eagle sculptures Fun Days, Saturday Market, Eagle Country Christmas High school concerts and theater, Saturday Market, the "Eagle" benches around town Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Saturday Market The eagle statue at State St/Eagle, the benches, the art work displays Love the benches, Summer Solstice The library's children on the bench, events with music at the park, chalk art festival Rembrandts, library sculpture (bench) Rembrandts gallery in the restaurant, Eagle bronze statue (Aikens), Eagle Saturday Market Eagle Saturday Market City Hall public art displays, bench project, sculptures (Aikens, Eagle) Statues on State Street, Saturday Market, poster by Ward Hooper Saturday Market, Last Thursday Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Saturday Market I would love painting/sculpting classes in Eagle, outdoor art exhibits, music, craft/art displays Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market, wine festival (end of Sept) Eagle Saturday Market Concerts at Merrill Park, outdoor sculptures, Saturday Market We are new High school concerts, middle school concerts Enjoy music, art exhibits, public art Eagle Saturday Market Barbed wire eagles, welcoming to city arches, statue of man on State Street Ponderosa Paint statue (Aikens), library statue Saturday Market Saturday Market Too many (anything with students) I love our gazebo at Christmas. Maybe not anyone else's idea of art! The benches, Last Thursday, Eagle City Hall if Music concerts, art exhibits, art classes for adults New park on Hill Road, Eagle Fun Days Last Thursday, Eagle Saturday Market, Eagle Fun Days Missoula Children's Theater Christmas tree gazebo, farmers market Downtown statue art is nice. I like the weekend events The eagle arches, we are new to Eagle and haven't seen much Eagle Fun Days Rocky Mtn. oyster feed, Eagle Fun Days events (day) Eagle Saturday Market, Eagle Fun Days, Eagle sculptures Downtown benches, sculptures, water features, Fun Days Summer Solstice, Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market Concerts, art exhibits Eagle pioneer bronze The eagle in the middle of town, the arched sign over Eagle Road, the way the grounds are laid out at public buildings Saturday Market, art benches, availability of park for concerts Eagle signs - entrance Eagle Fun Days, art in the park Eagle Saturday Market Eagle Fun Days, would like to see more at the Eagle Knoll Winery, but 1 like what they have, public art, i.e., Eagle sculpture Displays at City Hall, Eagle Point sign, Eagle City entrance sign Theater, concerts, market Last Thursday, Stonehenge at Merrill Park, Rembrandts programs, note least favorite is the pioneer man with scared looking little girl Saturday Market, Last Thursday Eagle Saturday Market, summer concert series None, I'm not aware of really quality production in Eagle Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Saturday Market Eagle Saturday Market, Last Thursday, concerts in gazebo Eagle Country Christmas, Saturday Market Haven't lived here long enough to attend any Concert band and orchestra Saturday Market, art benches, Fun Days Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market All Honestly we usually go into Boise. If more ware of Eagle Arts events, we would go. Not sure. Galleries including Rembrandts, art at city hall, bench project Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market, Christmas performance at the town gazebo or other holiday (4th of July) events Don't know any The bench contest, Saturday Market Downtown fountain/gazebo, Eagle at Jackson Foods, streetlamps downtown Last Thursday with tram, Eagle Fun Days Rembrandts art The "Eagles" on State and Eagle Road and Highway 44, Eagle Fun Days, Kids on bench at library, Country Christmas, Saturday Market Saturday Market, Spring Harvest Eagle sculpture on State and Eagle, water fountain at park on Old State Street, welcome/entry iron works on Eagle near Albertsons 1 Eagle Fun Days, Saturday Market, Missoula Children's Theater Missoula Children's Theater - wonderful Sculpture of the founder of Eagle, Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Country Christmas and live nativity Eagle Fun Days, park concerts Eagle farmers market, Last Thursday, various concerts in gazebo Benches, Last Thursday Eagle Fun Days, Christmas parade; event, outdoor concerts at Blue Moose Merrill Park, Heritage Park and fountain, the 'eagle' signs Sculpture of man and child in downtown, Eagle sculpture at State and Eagle Roads Eagle Fun Days - except parade feels like advertisement, carnival dirty and gross Eagle Market, benches Eagle Saturday Market, Eagle Fun Days, Christmas lighting Saturday Market, Last Thursday Last Thursday, music at Eagle Fun Days, benches, gate to city Benches on State Street, Heritage Park fountains, school musicals in summer at Heritage Park Benches, city signs upon entering Eagle, Saturday Market Fun Days, Rembrandts events, concerts at Merrill Park Downtown city park events, sculpture exhibits, Saturday Market Saturday Market, Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Country Christmas, 4th of July celebration