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Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 08/26/2008 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes August 26, 2008 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. City of Eagle Police: Monthly report. Chief Hippie introduces Deputy Schnider who is the latest member of the Sheriff s Office. He has extensive training and comes to us from the jail. Chief Hippie distributes the Monthly Report for July, 2008 and discusses the same. General discussion. Public Works Director' Report: Reports on the Rib Cook-Off this week end at Guerber Park. The City's portion of the construction of the Velodrome should be completed by September. General discussion. Next Tuesday all of the water parks will be closed for the season. City Engineer Report: No report City Clerk/Treasurer Report: I have been working on the budget and the Library fixed assets. Tracy and Sheri have been doing routine functions of the office, payroll, accounts payable, responding to Public Records Requests, issuing city licenses, park reservations, records retentions, preparing agendas and packets for distribution and etc. Jean Walker, former admin clerk in the Building Department is working part time helping organize the general files and making the new files that will go in our new filing system in the main file room. Mayor and Council's Report: Semanko: No report Guerber: Eagle Fire Department concluded their budget which went down by 10% primarily because they occupy the new fire station. They are expecting the delivery of a new ladder truck in December which will give them access to tall buildings. Shoushtarian: No report Huffaker: Reports on the Park and Pathways Committee meeting. I think there was general frustration with the Committee because there are several pathways that they would like to connect. We eXplained to them that the City for the last several years has committed funds to parks. I tried to explain to them that they have received most of the discretionary funds that the City has had for several years. Mayor: I hope everyone has seen the TV reports and the article in the Statesman on the River District. They signed a 14 screen theater and have tenants for their office space. I have had discussions with two members of the Eagle YMCA Committee and there is a potential opportunity for the YMCA to acquire property here in the City of Eagle and potentially remodel that property to provide YMCA services. At this time there are not enough rooftops to support a regional one. They are looking at doing a smaller development with potential of expanding in the future. Reports on the Food and Wine Festival and what a success it was. Teri Bath, Chamber of Commerce, the Gala was huge success. I don't have all of the numbers yet. We had a lot of people. The Festival was a huge success and all of the vendor's want to Page I K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08min.doc come back next year. The Treasure Valley Wine Society wants to team up with us next year. We had 300 tickets for the Chefs Tent and we sold all of the tickets and resold some no show tickets. We are thinking about the week end before Labor Day next year. General discussion. I sent an e-mail out today and this morning we had a Downtown Feasibility Committee and we had further discussion about the Regional Urban Design Assistance Team Efforts in association with the American Institute of Architects. There was discussion about utilitizing some funding either this year or next and try to move forward with some professional third party objective support to the City and the Chamber. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report City Attorney Report: No report REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GUERBER, HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Jan Allman leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence detennined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. Guerber moves to approve the Claims Against the City. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Appointment of a new Ea!!le Urban Renewal A!!ency member. This item was continued from the August 12, 2008 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. The individual that has been recommended to me is Bob Bruce. Semanko moves to approve the appointment of Bob Bruce to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency. Seconded by Huffaker. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. B. Approval of renewal of short term lease a!!reement with the Idaho Transportation Department for east entry si!!na!!e area. (MJE) This item was continuedfrom the August 12, 2008 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Public Works Director Echeita: Provides Council a history and overview of the short term lease Page 2 K\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08mindoc agreement with the Idaho Transportation Department for the east entry sign. Guerber moves to approve the renewal of short term lease agreement with the Idaho Transportation Department for east entry signage area. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mayor: There have been a number of request to continue some Public Hearing items to the September 8, 2008 City Council Meeting. These are Items #7B, Guerber moves to continue Items #7B. Proposed fee increase for a fuel surcharge in the amount of $0.95 a month be added to the current amount billed per Allied Waste Customer, #7E. CP A-03-08 & RZ-07-08 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Four to Central Business District and Rezone from R-4 to CBD , and #7F. CP A-04-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment from Residential One to Mixed Use to the Council meeting of September 9, 2008. Seconded by (see tape) ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... A. Public Hearin!! for Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Proposed Bud!!et: A public hearing for consideration of the proposed budget including general revenue sharing for the fiscal period October 1, 2008, to September 30, 2009, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-1002, Idaho Code. This item was continuedfrom the August 19, 2008 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. We did leave the Public Hearing open for written and verbal testimony. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Heidi Patterson, Boise, Idaho, There is a lot of thought you have put into preparing this budget and Eagle has put a lot of planning and thought into the community. I want you to maintain the staff. Eagle has some extremely qualified people in their Planning Department and I want to see you fund them adequately. Mayor: We have received written testimony from Richard Allman. Mayor reads the written testimony into the record. Semanko: I would like to read some written comments into the record that three of the Council Members have received. The first one is from Gayle Poole. The other e-mail addressed to three Council Members is from John Grasser. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General discussion on property taxes and 3% increase. Semanko moves to forego the 3% property tax increase and adopt Option #1. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Discussion. Semanko moves to table the motion until the budget discussion is concluded. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... Discussion on Franchise Fees and what the revenue is used for. Shoushtarian: I think the projections on Franchise Fees and Buildings fees are very optimistic. The ratio is not there for us. One concern I have mentioned before is we are leasing the City Hall and we should put some money aside to buy the City Hall or move some place else. We have a Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08min.doc BUILDING DEPARTMENT FY 08/09 FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (13-0415-10-00) Overtime (13-0415-11-00) Employee Bonus (13-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve (13-0415-17-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (13-0415-20-00) FICA (13-0415-21-00) PERSI (13-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (13-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (13-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (13-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication and Publishing (13-0413-06-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (13-0413-08-00) Plan Review Expenses (13-0413-09-00) Training (13-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (13-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (13-0413-14-00) Telecommunications (13-0413-19-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (13-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (13-0413-25-00) Resource Materials (13-0413-28-00) Building Permit Refunds (13-0413-29-00) Plan Review Refund (13-0413-29-01) Energy Code Refund (13-0413-29-02) Mechanical Fee Refund (13-0413-29-03) Plumbing Fee Refund (13-0413-29-04) Electrical Fee Refund (13-0413-29-05) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 07/08 323,143 0 1,785 3,231 250 25,104 34,096 3,254 77,914 $468,777 BUDGETED FY 07/08 4,000 300 1,000 11,500 3,500 2,000 800 4,000 1,500 200 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $31,800 Actual Jun -08 237,585 992 0 0 65 17,213 24,788 3,635 67,779 $352,057 Actual Jun -08 997 2,058 951 8,331 2,148 378 1,154 3,958 732 540 2,876 10,802 5,976 50 102 314 359 $41,726 8/18/2008 FY 07/08 Unrealized 85,558 - 992 1,785 0 185 7,891 9,308 - 381 10,135 $116,720 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,003 -1,758 49 3,169 1,352 1,622 - 354 42 768 -340 124 -10,802 -5,976 -50 - 102 -314 -359 -$9,926 Page 13 Projected FY 08/09 325,995 1% 0 0% 1,785 0% 0 0% 250 0% 25,075 0% 34,056 0% 3,297 1% 95,219 22% $485,677 4% Projected FY 08109 % 1,500 -63% 1,000 233% 1,000 0% 11,850 3% 3,500 0% 2,000 0% 850 6% 5,000 25% 100 -93% 300 50% 3,000 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% $30,100 -5% BUILDING DEPARTMENT Page 14 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (13-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Contract Other (13-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (13-0416-24-00) Garden City Inspection Costs (13-0416-12-00) Mechanical Inspector (13-0416-11-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: VEHICLE OPERATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (13-0417-01-00) Fuel Costs (13-0417-02-00) TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operation TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Objects and Subobjects Office Equipment (13-0465-03-00) Other (13-0465-02-00) Vehicle (13-0465-08-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: BUDGETED FY 07/08 500 $500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 3,000 3,200 90,000 43,000 $139,200 BUDGETED FY 07/08 2,000 6,500 $8,500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 468,777 31,800 500 139,200 8,500 $648,777 BUDGETED FY 07/08 2,500 2,500 20,000 $25,000 Actual Jun -08 295 $295 Actual Jun -08 5,593 1,963 0 26,354 $33,910 Actual Jun -08 131 4,411 $4,542 Actual Jun -08 352,057 41,726 295 33,910 4,542 $432,530 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 205 $205 FY 07/08 Unrealized -2,593 1,237 90,000 16,646 $105,290 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,869 2,089 $3,958 FY 07/08 Unrealized -25% 31% 100% -76% -47% -33% FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 2,500 62 2,438 0 20,000 $62 $24,938 Projected FY 08/09 °la 300 -40% $300 -40% Projected FY 08/09 0 -100% 3,200 0% 0 -100% 48,000 12% $51,200 -63% Projected FY 08/09 1,000 -50% 7,000 8% $8,000 -6% Projected FY 08/09 % 485,677 4% 30,100 -5% 300 -40% 51,200 -63% 8,000 -6% $575,277 -11% Projected FY 08/09 % 0 0 0 $0 -100% -100% -100% 100% BUILDING DEPARTMENT CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay BUDGETED FY 07/08 25,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $25,000 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: BUDGETED FY 07/08 $648,777 $25,000 Actual Jun -08 62 $62 Actual Jun -08 $432,530 $62 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $673,777 $432,592 FY 07/08 Unrealized 24,938 $24,938 FY 07/08 Unrealized 216,247 24,938 $241,185 Page 15 Projected FY 08/09 0 $0 Projected FY 08/09 $575,277 -11% $0 -100% OA $575,277 -15% P&Z DEPARTMENT FY 08/09 FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (14-0415-10-00) Overtime Hours (14-0415-11-00) Employee Bonus (14-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve (14-0415-17-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (14-0415-20-00) FICA (14-0415-21-00) PERS! (14-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (14-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (14-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (14-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (14-0413-06-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (14-0413-08-00) Training (14-0413-12-00) Training (Forestry) (14-0413-12-01) Travel and Per Diem (14-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (14-0413-14-00) Telecommunications (14-0413-19-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip (14-0413-23-00) Software Purchase -Maintenance (14-0413-23-01) Maintenance (GIS) (14-0413-23-01) Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (3 Vehicles) (14-0413-24-00) Miscellaneous (14-0413-25-00) Reimburse-Annex/Zoning/Dr Fees (14-0413-26-00) Resource Materials (14-0413-28-00) Engineering Fees/Charge to Developers (14-0413-31-00) Attorney Fees/Charge to Developers (14-0413-33-00) Ortho Photography (14-0413-35-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 07/08 510,331 25,000 2,500 5,103 125 41,534 56,411 6,301 125,920 $773,225 BUDGETED FY 07/08 3,000 3,000 15,000 7,000 2,000 6,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,600 0 3,000 500 2,000 1,500 60,000 60,000 2,900 $175,000 8/18/2008 Actual Jun -08 363,916 12,295 0 0 90 26,846 38,775 5,955 82,007 • $529,884 Actual Jun -08 1,912 33 9,895 3,866 1,549 4,614 788 1,408 34 1,600 0 804 481 200 267 146,691 115,395 1,200 $290,737 FY 07/08 Unrealized 146,415 12,705 2,500 0 200 14,688 17,636 346 43,913 $243,341 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,088 2,967 5,105 3,134 451 1,386 1,712 1,092 2,466 0 0 2,196 19 1,800 1,233 -86,691 -55,395 1,700 -$115,737 Page 16 Projected FY 08109 % 533,864 25,000 0% 2,500 0% 0 -100% 100 . -20% 42,944 3% 58,326 3% 6,513 3% 124,389 -1% $793,636 5% Projected FY 08/09 3,000 0% 1,000 -67% 15,000 0% 7,000 0% 2,000 0% 6,000 0% 2,500 0% 2,500 0% 800 -68% 0 -100% 1,600 100% 3,000 0% 500 0% 2,000 0% 1,000 -33% 60,000 0% 60,000 0% 10,000 245% $177,900 2% 3% P&Z DEPARTMENT PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (14-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: GRANTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Tree City USA Grant (14-0421-02-00) TOTAL GRANTS: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Arborist (Tree Inventory) (14-0416-13-00) Contract Tree Growing - Hill Road (14-0416-13-01) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (14-0416-24-00) Other (Temporary Services, misc.) (14-0416-18-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Grants Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: PATHWAYS: Major Objects and Subobjects PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT: Streamside Subdivision Pathway (14-0471-02-00) PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT BUDGETED FY 07108 3000 $3,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 175 $175 BUDGETED FY 07/08 5,000 15,000 2,000 5,500 $27,500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 773,225 175,000 3,000 175 27,500 $978,900 BUDGETED FY 07/08 5,000 $5,000 Actual Jun -08 273 $273 Actual Jun -08 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 2,727 $2,727 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 175 $0 $175 FY 07I08 Unrealized 0 5,000 0 0 0 2,000 0 5,500 $0 $27,500 Actual Jun -08 529,884 290,737 273 0 0 $820,894 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized Page 17 Projected FY 08/09 500 -83% $500 -83% Projected FY 08/09 175 0% $175 0% Projected FY 08/09 5,000 0% 0 -100% 2,000 0% 0 -100% $7,000 -75% Projected FY 08/09 010 243,341 -115,737 2,727 175 27,500 $158,006 793,636 177,900 500 175 7,000 $979,211 3% 2% -83% 0% -75% 0% FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 5,000 $0 $5,000 Projected FY 08/09 5,000 0% $5,000 0% P&Z DEPARTMENT Page 18 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects Equipment (14-0465-03-00) Other (14-0465-02-00) Tree Fund (14-0465-05-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects Foothills Planning (14-0468-03-00) Grants/Matching Funds (14-0468-07-00) Land Use & Transportation Plan - ACHD (14-0468-06-00) MOU ACHD Improvements to Hill Road (14-0468-09-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -COMM PROJECTS: STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS: Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Partner Chamber -Downtown Revitalization (14-0418-01-00) SAG -2 Mass Transit Bus Service Study SAG -3 Tree Voucher - Plant a Tree Project (14-0418-03-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 06/07: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Pathways Capital Outlay Community Planning Projects Strategic Annual Goals TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL P&Z DEPARTMENT BUDGET: BUDGETED FY 07/08 10,000 5,000 11,831 $26,831 BUDGETED FY 07/08 25,000 10,000 0 0 $35,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 29,981 0 5,000 $34,981 BUDGETED FY 07/08 5,000 26,831 35,000 34,981 $101,812 BUDGETED FY 07/08 $978,900 $101,812 $1,080,712 Actual Jun -08 9,061 0 334 $9,395 Actual Jun -08 0 0 960 $960 Actual Jun -08 2,898 0 1,844 $4,742 Actual Jun -08 0 9,395 960 4,742 $15,097 Actual Jun -08 $820,894 $15,097 $835,991 FY 06/07 1 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 939 0 -100% 5,000 0 -100% 11,497 11,497 -3% $17,436 $11,497 -57% FY 06/07 '1.41 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 25,000 25,000 0% 10,000 0 -100% -960 0 0% 01 0 0% $34,040 $25,000 -29% FY 06/07 Unrealized 27,083 0 3,156 $30,239 FY 06/07 Unrealized 5,000 17,436 34,040 30,239 $86,715 FY 06/07 Unrealized $158,006 $86,715 $244,721 Projected FY 08/09 % 27,132 -10% 5,000 100% 5,000 0% $37,132 6% Projected FY 08/09 5,000 11,497 25,000 37,132 $78,629 0/0 0% -57% -29% 6% -23%I Projected FY 08/09 % $979,211 0% $78,629 -23% $1,057,840 -2% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FIXED OPERATING COSTS Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL Salaries - Full Time (15-0433-10-00) Overtime (15-0433-11-00) Salaries - Part Time (15-0433-15-00) Employee Bonus (15-0433-16-00) Merit Reserve Fund (15-0433-17-00) Employment Testing (15-0433-20-00) FICA (15-0433-21-00) PERS! (15-0433-22-00) Insurance (15-0217-07-00) Work Comp (15-0433-24-00) FY 08/09 TOTAL PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (15-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (15-0413-06-00) Legal Advertising and Publication (15-0413-08-00) Training (15-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (15-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (15-0413-14-00) Telephone and Communications (15-0413-19-00) Maintenance and Repair - Office Equip, Software (15-0413-23-00) Maintenance and Repair - City Vehicle (15-0413-24-00) Gas and Oil Miscellaneous (15-0413-25-00) Refunds Park Reservations (15-0413-27-00) Resource Materials (15-0413-28-00) Public Relations (15-0422-01-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGETED FY 07/08 78,161 0 0 0 782 100 4,656 6,324 34,093 630 $124,746 500 300 1,000 500 1,000 200 1,000 500 1,500 200 500 500 500 $8,200 8/18/2008 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized 30,648 1,246 563 0 0 65 2,471 3,372 7,610 990 $46,966 716 0 289 0 402 0 363 0 1,354 10 160 125 0 $3,419 47,513 -1,246 -563 0 782 35 2,185 2,952 26,483 -360 $77,780 -216 300 711 500 598 200 637 500 146 190 340 375 500 $4,781 Page 19 Projected FY 08/09 84,986 3,000 0 0 0 0 6,501 8,830 26,247 915 $130,479 1,000 3,000 500 1,000 2,000 200 1,000 500 2,000 2,000 200 500 500 500 $14,900 °/ 9% 0% 0% 0% -100% -100% 40% 40% -23% 45% 5% 100% 900% -50% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 82% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Page 20 Major Objects and Subobjects CITY HALL Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-03-00) Paper Products (15-0440-06-00) Custodial Services OLD - Maintenance and Repair - Buildings (15-0441-01-00) OLD - Maintenance and Repair - HVAC (15-0441-04-00) TOTAL CITY HALL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-02-00) Paper Products Custodial Services LIBRARY Maintenance and Repair Paper Products Custodial Services Maxi -Com MUSEUM Maintenance and Repair Paper Products Custodial Services TOTAL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER TOTAL LIBRARY TOTAL MUSEUM ARBORETUM PARK Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures TOTAL ARBORETUM PARK BUDGETED FY 07/08 10,000 2,500 0 12,000 2,000 $26,500 10,000 0 0 $10,000 Actual Jun -08 24,540 3,229 0 16,727 598 $45,094 9,356 0 0 $9,356 FY 07/08 Unrealized -14,540 -729 0 -4,727 1,402 -$18,594 644 0 0 $644 Projected FY 08/09 10,000 3,000 28,000 Changed Changed $41,000 % 0% 20% 0% 0% 0% 55% 10,000 0% 2,000 0% 12,400 0% $24,400 144% 0 0 0 20,000 0% 0 0 0 2,000 0% 0 0 0 28,000 0% 0 0 0 600 0% $0 $0 $0 $50,600 0% 0 0 0 15,000 0% 0 0 0 1,000 0% 0 0 0 5,000 0% $0 $0 $0 $21,000 0% 0 0 0 2,000 0% 0 0 0 600 0% 0 0 0 200 ` 0% 0 0 0 800 ` 0% $0 $0 $0 $3,600 0% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Page 21 Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 FLAG PARK Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 200 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 800 0% TOTAL FLAG PARK $0 $0 $0 $3,600 0% FRIENDSHIP PARK Utilities 0 0 0 3,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 2,000 0% TOTAL FRIENDSHIP PARK $0 0 $0 6,600 0% GUERBER PARK Utilities 0 0 0 7,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 4,000 0% OLD - Utilities - Comp Irrigation (Maxi -Com) (15-0439-01-00) 6,000 5,199 801 Changed 0% OLD - Park Utilities (15-0439-04-00) 20,000 14,827 5,173 Changed 0% OLD - Maintenance of landscaping/compost (15-0440-02-00) 500 0 500 Changed 0% OLD - General Park Repairs and Reimbursable (15-0440-04-00) 25,000 14,338 10,662 Changed 0% TOTAL GUERBER PARK $51,500 $34,364 $17,136 $12,600 -76% HERITAGE PARK Utilities 0 0 0 5,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 2,000 0% TOTAL HERITAGE PARK $0 0 $0 9,600 0% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Page 22 Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08109 % McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 200 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 800 0% TOTAL McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY $0 0 $0 3,600 0% MERRILL PARK Utilities (15-0439-02-00) 6,000 5,051 949 7,000 17% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 4,000 0% TOTAL MERRILL PARK $6,000 $5,051 $949 $12,600 110% ORVAL KRASEN PARK Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 500 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 1,000 0% TOTAL ORVAL KRASEN PARK $0 0 $0 4,100 0% SPORTS COMPLEX Utilities (15-0439-03-00) 5,000 3,665 1,335 5,500 10% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 3,000 0% TOTAL SPORTS COMPLEX $5,000 3,665 $1,335 10,100 102% TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS Utilities 0 0 0 3,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 500 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 2,000 0% TOTAL TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS $0 $0 $0 $6,100 0% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Major Objects and Subobjects MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Greenbelt - Pathway Maintenance and Repair (15-0440-01-00) Drainage Ditch Repairs (15-0440-05-00) O&M/Rain/Stream Gauge at Dry Creek (15-0440-10-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PARKS. PATHWAYS. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT General Maint Parks & Pathways Contract (15-0437-20-00) General Maint Full Time Staff Contract (15-0437-21-00) Paper Products Materials and Supplies Snow Removal (15-0438-20-13) Holiday Lighting Miscellaneous (15-0437-23-00) TOTAL PARKS, PATHWAYS, GROUNDS MAINT CONTRACT STREET LIGHTS Utilities (15-0441-06-00) Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-05-00) TOTAL STREET LIGHTS CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS Contract Other (15-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (15-0416-24-00) GIS (15-0416-25-00) Hwy 55 Utilities Agreement (15-0442-01-00) Scenic By -Way Utilities Agreement (15-0442-02-00) Water Shares - Assessment/Fees (15-0442-03-00) East Entry Sign/Water Agreement (15-0442-04-00) TOTAL CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS BUDGETED FY 07/08 3,000 1,000 1,000 $5,000 Actual Jun -08 0 0 0 $0 183,715 118,201 136,000 87,409 0 0 0 0 10,000 35,594 0 0 30,000 3,722 $359,715 $244,926 10,000 14,083 10,000 5,104 $20,000 $19,187 5,500 1 1,000 0 300 0 1,500 1,120 1,500 1,120 160 75 600 580 $10,560 $2,896 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,000 1,000 1,000 $5,000 Page 23 Projected FY 08/09 °/U 10,000 233% 1,000 0% 1,000 0% $12,000 140% 65,514 199,000 8% 48,591 155,000 14% 0 10,000 0% 0 5,000 0% -25,594 15,000 50% 0 3,000 0% 26,278 30,000 0% $114,789 $417,000 16% -4,083 15,000 50% 4,896 10,000 0% $813 $25,000 25% 5,499 1,000 0 380 380 85 20 $7,664 0 -100% 1,000 0% 300 0% 2,500 67% 2,500 67% 160 0% 1,000 67% $7,460 -29% PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING SUMMARY Major Objects PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER LIBRARY MUSEUM ARBORETUM PARK FLAG PARK FRIENDSHIP PARK GUERBER PARK HERITAGE PARK 1McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY MERRILL PARK 'ORVAL KRASEN PARK SPORTS COMPLEX TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PARKS, PATHWAYS, GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT STREET LIGHTS CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment (15-0465-03-00) Other (15-0465-02-00) Vehicle (15-0465-08-00) SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGETED FY 07/08 124,746 8,200 26,500 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 51,500 0 0 6,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 359,715 20,000 10,560 $627,221 BUDGETED FY 07/08 10,000 5,000 20,000 $35,000 Actual Jun -08 46,966 3,419 45,094 9,356 0 0 0 0 0 34,364 0 0 5,051 0 3,665 0 0 244,926 19,187 2,896 $414,923 Actual Jun -08 290 8,799 20,000 $29,089 FY 07/08 Unrealized 77,780 4,781 -18,594 644 0 0 0 0 0 17,136 0 0 949 0 1,335 0 5,000 114,789 813 7,664 $212,298 FY 07/08 Unrealized 9,710 -3,799 0 $5,911 Page 24 Projected FY 08/09/o 130,479 - 5% 14,900 82% 41,000 55% 24,400 144% 50,600 0% 21,000 0% 3,600 0% 3,600 0% 6,600 0% 12,600 -76% 9,600 0% 3,600 0% 12,600 110% 4,100 0% 10,100 102% 6,100 0% 12,000 140% 417,000 16% 25,000 25% 7,460 -29% $816,339 30% Projected FY 08/09 0/0 2,500 -75% 0 -100% 50,000 150% $52,500 50% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Page 25 Major Objects and Subobjects PARK DEVELOPMENT Park Development Projects (15-0470-01-00) Velodrome (15-0470-02-00) Guerber Park - Rubber Pad Merrill Park - Rubber Pad SUBTOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT Pathway Development (15-0472-01-00) Dry Creek Pathway (15-0472-03-00) Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Matching Funds (15-0472-07-00) Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Additional Funds (15-0472-07-01) Merrill Pathway Bridge- ITD-Matching Funds (15-0472-08-00) SUBTOTAL PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT Master Plan for Parks & Pathways (15-0472-02-00) Eagle Sports Complex -Skateboard Park Repairs (15-0472-04-00) General Parks & Pathways (15-0472-03-00) SUBTOTAL PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT STREET LIGHTS Capital Improvements (15-0467-01-00) SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Recr Programs (15-0414-01-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament (15-0414-02-00) Neighborhood Reinvestment Program (15-0414-05-00) Awin Management(BFI) Education -Add Srvs (15-0414-04-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: BUDGETED FY 07/08 0 547,015 0 0 $547,015 0 0 65,000 6,636 20,000 $91,636 50,000 0 0 $50,000 25,000 $25,000 3,500 3,500 0 71,605 $78,605 Actual Jun -08 6,168 69,736 0 0 $75,904 4,880 1,257 14,690 300 41,047 $62,175 6,681 0 0 $6,681 0 $0 2,572 3,084 7,500 11,459 $24,614 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 -6,168 477,279 0 0 $471,111 -4,880 -1,257 50,310 6,336 -21,047 $29,461 43,319 0 0 $43,319 25,000 $25,000 928 416 -7,500 60,146 $53,991 0 0% 0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% $0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 -100% 0 -100% 0 -100% $0 -100% 0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% $0 -100% 25,000 $25,000 0% 0% 3,500 0% 3,500 0% 0 0% 60,000 -16% $67,000 -15% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Page 26 PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Major Objects CAPITAL OUTLAY PARK DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT STREET LIGHTS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET: GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES CITY GENERAL REVENUE: CITY GENERAL EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL: BUDGETED FY 07/08 35,000 547,015 91,636 50,000 25,000 78,605 $827,256 $627,221 $827,256 $1,454,477 $7,223,971 $4,111,124 $230,201 $288,690 $575,277 $1,057,840 $960,839 $7,223,971 $7,223,971 Actual Jun -08 29,089 75,904 62,175 6,681 0 24,614 $198,463 $414,923 $198,463 $613,386 FY 07/08 Unrealized 5,911 471,111 29,461 43,319 25,000 53,991 $628,793 $212,298 $628,793 $841,091 Projected FY 08/09 52,500 50% 0 -100% 0 -100% 0 -100% 25,000 0% 67,000 -15% $144,500 OA $816,339 $144,500 $960,839 -83% 30% -83% -34% CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND FY 08/09 REVENUE Maior Obiects Carry Over (08-0390-00-00) REVENUE: *Development Impact Fees (08-0322-19-00) Miscellaneous Revenue (08-0379-00-00) State Treasurer Interest (08-0371-10-00) TOTAL REVENUE: *Based on 120 new homes ($1,571.27) TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND: EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects Guerber Park Development (08-0471-01-00) Eagle Sports Complex Development - Velodrome (08-0472-01-00) Park Playground Improvements (08-0438-33-00) TOTAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND: BUDGETED FY 07/08 $0 308,112 0 14,000 $322,112 $322,112 BUDGETED FY 07/08 109,177 212,935 0 $322,112 $322,112 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND REVENUE $193,552 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND EXPENDITURES $193,552 Actual Jun -08 -$61,502 108,564 0 3 $108,567 $47,065 Actual Jun -08 47,306 0 0 $47,306 $47,306 8/18/08 FY 07/08 Unrealized $61,502 199,548 0 13,997 $213,545 $275,047 FY 07/08 Unrealized 61,871 0 0 $274,806 $274,806 Page 27 Projected FY 08/09 $ 188,552 0 5,000 $193,552 39% 0% =64% -40% $193,552 -40% Projected FY 08/09 % 0 -100% 0 100% 193,552 $193,552 -40% $193,552 -40% WATER FUND REVENUE FY 08/09 Maior Obiects CARRY OVER (60-0390-00-00) REVENUE: Customer Revenue (based on 1400 customers) (60-0346-10-00) Misc Revenue - Water Sys Insp, Reimburseables (60-0383-01-00) Misc Revenue - Eng Plan Rev, Reimburseables (60-0383-01-00) Water Construction Equivalency (WCE) Fees (60-0355-01-00) ($400 per lot)(150 Customers) Late Comer's Fee (Development Agreement) (60-0346-62-00) Contributed Capital Improvements (60-0350-01-00) State Treasurer Interest (60-0371-10-00) TOTAL REVENUES: TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS: Transfer from General Fund Revenue Sharing (60-0380-00-00) TOTAL REVENUES: EAGLE WATER COMPANY - INTERTIE AGREEMENT: Eagle Water Company Payment TOTAL EAGLE WATER COMPANY: RESTRICTED FUNDS REVENUE: METER SETS: *Hook -Up Fees -City ($850 each)(Based on 150 Connections) (60 -0346 - TOTAL METER SETS: STL FEES (SUPPLY TRUNK LINE): Carry Forward from previous fiscal years (60-0346-59-01) Supply Trunk Line fee (STL)(75 Customers @ $2,100.00) (60-0346-59 TOTAL STL FEES: DEQ LOAN FUNDS: DEQ Loan (60-0370-01-00) TOTAL DEQ LOAN FUNDS: TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS REVENUE TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUE FY 07/08 Budgeted $193,221 1,230,000 30,000 0 90,000 8/18/2008 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized $0 $193,221 262,910 0 0 40,000 2,300,000 9,000 2,231 $3,699,000 $265,141 $0 406,896 $0 406,896 $0 $0 170,000 $170,000 264,000 300,000 $564,000 $0 $0 20,400 $20,400 0 0 $0 1,590,000 1,870,228 $1,590,000 $1,870,228 $2,324,000 $1,890,628 $6,216,221 $2,562,665 967,090 30,000 90,000 40,000 2,300,000 6,769 $3,433,859 -406,896 -$406,896 $0 $0 149,600 $149,600 264,000 300,000 $564,000 -280,228 -$280,228 $433,372 $3,653,556 Page 28 Projected FY 08/09 % $0 -100% 542,400 -56%1 30,000 100% 30,000 60,000 100% 40,000 100% 0 -100% 9,000 0% $711,400 -81% $0 0% $0 0% $120,000 100% $120,000 100% 127,500 -25% $127,500 -25% 0 -100% 157,500 X100% $157,500 f 72% 250,000 84% $250,000 84% $535,000 $1,366,400 -78% WATER FUND EXPENDITURES FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries - Full Time (60-0433-10-00) Overtime (60-0433-11-00) Employment Testing (60-0433-20-00) Annual Physical (60-0433-19-00) FICA (60-0433-21-00) PERSI (60-0433-22-00) Insurance (60-00217-07-00) Work Comp (60-0433-24-00-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (60-0434-15-00) Travel & Per Diem (60-0413-13-00) Caselle Utility Software and Support (60-0434-55-00) Utilities (60-0434-12-00) Utilities - Security Systems (60-0434-52-02) United Water/Fire Flow (60-0434-52-01) Telecommunications / SCADA (60-0434-19-00) Public Drinking Water Fees (60-0434-53-01) Enterprise Fund Fee (60-0434-53-02) Utility Billing Software (60-0434-54-00) Uniforms/Laundry (60-0434-68-00) Advertising and Publications (60-0434-20-00) Permits and Fees (60-0434-53-03) Liability Insurance (60-0434-41-00) Travel and Meetings (60-0434-21-00) Dues and Subscriptions (60-0434-23-00) Training and Certification (60-0434-22-00) Power (60-0434-60-00) Computer Software and Copier Maintenance (60-0434-25-00) Chemicals and Equipment (60-0434-59-00) Tools & Equipment (60-0434-26-00) FY 07/08 Budgeted 263,000 0 500 11,000 20,120 27,326 81,250 3,025 $406,221 FY 07/08 Budgeted 5,500 0 17,000 1,500 300 3,500 6,000 5,000 60,000 24,000 800 2,000 8,000 9,600 2,000 2,500 3,500 46,000 4,000 15,000 1,000 Actual Jun -08 14,714 260 0 0 1,144 1,556 2,994 38 $20,706 Actual Jun -08 397 452 0 1,637 0 2,353 291 5,304 0 15,500 0 156 480 0 0 182 882 0 0 0 0 FY 07/08 Unrealized 248,286 -260 500 11,000 18,976 25,770 78,256 2,987 $385,515 FY 07/08 Unrealized 5,103 -452 17,000 -137 300 1,147 5,709 -304 60,000 8,500 0 1,844 7,520 9,600 2,000 2,318 2,618 46,000 4,000 15,000 1,000 Page 29 Projected FY 08/09 167,149 -36% 0 0% 500 0% 0 -100% 12,787 -36% 17,367 -36% 57,771 -29% 1,526 -50% $257,100 -37% OA Projected FY 08109 2,000 -64% 500 100% 5,500 -68% 2,000 33% 0 -100% 0 -100% 2,000 -67% 6,000 20% 0 -100% 0 -100% 0 -100% 2,000 0% 500 -94% 4,100 -57% 2,000 0% 1,000 -60% 3,500 0% 15,000 -67% 2,000 -50% 5,000 -67% 64,600 6360% WATER FUND OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE Con't: Major Objects and Subobjects Postage (60-0434-27-00) Equipment Repair and Maintenance (60-0434-58-00) Comp & Class Study (60-0434-48-00) Water / Miscellaneous (60-0434-69-00) Testing - weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual Total Operations & Maintenance CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS Major Objects and Subobjects Operating Fees -Paid to United Water (60-0434-11-00) System Operation - COI (60-0450-01-00) State Revolving Loan Payment (60-0436-01-00) Engineering Services (60-0434-42-00) Legal Services (60-0434-42-01) Misc Legal Services (60-0434-42-02) Billing Services (60-0434-47-00) Contract Services (Repair) (60-0434-43-01) Contract Services (Inspections) (60-0434-44-00) Auditor Services (60-0434-45-00) Administrative Services (Ovhd of City Hall Admin) (60-0434-46-00) TOTAL CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS: VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES Major Objects and Subobjects Fuel and Lubricants (60-0420-01-00) Equipment Rental - Lease Vehicles (60-0420-02-00) Vehicles Repair and Maintenance (60-0420-03-00) (60-0434-24-00) TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Operations and Maintenance Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operations - Leases TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 3,000 6,000 0 0 0 $226,200 FY 07/08 Budgeted 150,000 0 134,400 30,000 60,000 0 9,400 12,000 30,000 2,500 60,000 $488,300 FY 07/08 Budgeted 10,000 10,000 10,000 $30,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 406,221 226,200 488,300 30,000 $1,150,721 Actual Jun -08 0 5,408 1,854 796 0 $75,298 Actual Jun -08 222,765 12,315 0 10,969 34,729 24,716 0 0 0 0 0 $305,494 Actual Jun -08 0 0 129 $129 Actual Jun -08 20,706 75,298 305,494 129 $401,626 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,000 592 -1,854 -796 0 $150,902 FY 07/08 Unrealized -72,765 -12,315 134,400 19,031 25,271 -24,716 9,400 12,000 30,000 2,500 60,000 $182,806 FY 07/08 Unrealized 10,000 10,000 9,871 $29,871 FY 07/08 Unrealized -95% -67 % -37% 0%0 -65% Page 30 Projected FY 08/09 400 -87% 6,000 0% 0 0% 1,000 100% 16,000 100% $141,100 -38% Projected FY 08/09 0 OA -100% 0 0% 178,200 33% 20,000 -33% 10,000 -83% 0 0% 5,000 -47% 5,000 -58% 27,000 -10% 2,500 0% 0 -100% $247,700 -49% Projected FY 08/09 OA 10,000 0% 2,000 -80% 1,000 -90% $13,000 :1;00% Projected FY 08/09 257,100 -37% 141,100 -38% 247,700 -49% 13,000 100% $658,900 100% WATER FUND RESTRICTED FUNDS EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects METER SETS: Meter Sets (60-0438-08-00) TOTAL METER SETS: STL FEES (SUPPLY TRUNK LINE): Water System Expansion - STL Fees (60-0437-01-00) Capital Expenditures (60-0437-02-00) Refund of STL Fees (60-0437-03-00) DEQ LOAN FUNDS: Administrative (60-0435-01-00) Engineering Fees (60-0435-02-00) Land Acquisition (60-0435-03-00) Construction (60-0435-04-00) TOTAL STL FEES: TOTAL DEQ LOAN FUNDS: TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND EXPENDITURES: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Equipment - Computers & etc. (60-0438-01-00) Reserve for Water System R&M (60-0438-02-00) Reserve for Equipment & Building Replacement (60-0438-03-00) Vehicle (60-0434-77-00) 2 new trucks, 1 utility vehicle Capital Construction Projects (60-0438-11-00) Trunk Line frm Well No. 6 to Linder Trunk Line, DA (60-0438-04-00) Trunk Line frm Resv to Beacon Lt Hwy Extend Water Lines (60-0438-05-00) Late Comer's Cost Reimbursement, DA (60-0438-06-00) WCE Reimbursement, Development Agreement (60-0439-01-00) Well House Construction (60-0434-80-00) Update Water Master Plan (60-0438-10-00) Operation/Compliance Plan Update TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: FY 07/08 Budgeted 170,000 $170,000 300,000 264,000 0 $564,000 85,500 43,000 0 1,461,500 $1,590,000 $2,324,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 10,000 120,000 20,000 0 86,500 2,200,000 0 100,000 40,000 85,000 0 80,000 0 $2,741,500 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized 120 $120 0 0 71,107 $71,107 0 156,745 0 1,701,207 $1,857,952 169,880 $169,880 300,000 264,000 -71,107 $492,893 85,500 -113,745 0 -239,707 -$267,952 $1,929,180 $394,821 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized 6,933 0 0 0 17,331 0 0 0 0 0 47,726 $71,990 3,067 120,000 20,000 0 69,169 2,200,000 0 100,000 40,000 85,000 0 32,274 0 $2,669,510 Page 31 Projected FY 08/09 50,000 $50,000 -71% 100% 157,500 -48% 0 -100% 0 0% $157,500 -72% 5,000 -94% 20,000-53% 0 0% 225,000 -85% $250,000 -84% $457,500 Projected FY 08/09 5,000 25,000 20,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 60,000 0 0 40,000 $250,000 -50% -79% 0 100% -100% -100% 100% -100% 0% -29% 0% -100% 100% -91% WATER FUND TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL WATER FUND BUDGET: FY 07/08 Actual Budgeted Jun -08 $1,150,721 $401,626 $2,324,000 $1,929,180 $2,741,500 $71,990 $6,216,221 $2,402,796 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES WATER ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE $1,366,400 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND EXPENDITURES $1,366,400 FY 07/08 Unrealized -65% -17% -97% -61% Page 32 Projected FY 08/09 $658,900 $457,500 $250,000 $1,366,400 -43% -80% -91% -78% Library Department Budget FY 08/09 8/18/08 REVENUE Major Objects RESERVE FUND: (06-0390-01-00) OPERATING REVENUES: Maior Obiects Carry Forward (06-0390-00-00) Property Tax Funds (06-0356-00-00) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES: OTHER REVENUES Major Obiects Penalty & Interest Property Taxes (06-0356-01-00) Boise Library Reimbursement (06-0357-00-00) Ada Community Library Reimbursement (06-0357-01-00) Fines, Fees (06-0361-20-00) Copy Machine Revenue (06-0361-21-00) Donations -Grants -Gifts (06-0361-41-00) State Treasurer Interest (06-0371-10-00) Gifts, Grants & Memorials (06-0376-00-00) Miscellaneous (06-0379-00-00) REVENUE SUMMARY RESERVE FUND OPERATING REVENUE OTHER REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL LIBRARY FUND REVENUE FY 07/08 Budgeted $160,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 0 893,261 893,261 FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,500 82,120 9,560 45,500 900 0 5,000 2,000 500 $147,080 FY 07/08 Budgeted $160,000 $893,261 $147,080 $1,200,341 Actual Jun -08 $0 Actual Jun -08 75,605 535,144 610,749 Actual Jun -08 1,235 82,000 9,500 28,141 622 0 6,289 1,246 1,501 $130,534 Actual Jun -08 $0 $610,749 $130,534 $741,283 FY 07/08 Unrealized $160,000 FY 07/08 Unrealized -75605 358,117 282,512 FY 07/08 Unrealized 265 120 60 17,359 278 0 - 1,289 754 - 1,001 $16,546 FY 07/08 Unrealized -100% -32% -11% -38% Page 33 Projected FY 08/09 $160,000 Projected FY 08/09 5,750 1,009,901 1,015,651 OA 0% Projected FY 08/09 1,500 0% 89,750 100% 13,700 100% 44,600 -2% 900 0% 0 0% 6,000 20% 2,000 0% 500 0% $158,950 8% Projected FY 08/09 $160,000 0% $1,015,651 14% $158,950 $1,334,601 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT FUND FIXED OPERATING COSTS Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries (Full -Time) (06-0461-10-00) Overtime Pay (06-0461-11-00) Salaries (Part -Time) (06-461-15-00) Relief (Part -Time) (06-0461-20-00) FICA (06-0461-21-00) PERS! (06-0461-22-00) Bonus Fund (06-0461-16-00) Merit Increase (06-0461-17-00) Unemployment Benefits (06-0461-28-00) Worker's Compensation (06-461-24-00) Health and Dental Insurance (06-0461-25-00) Background check/testing (06-0461-29-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Programs, Audiovisual (06-0461-30-00) Children's Programing (06-0461-30-01) Adult Programming (06-0461-30-02) Office Supplies (06-0461-31-00) Special Dept. Supp. (06-0461-32-00) Administrative Expenses (06-0461-33-00) Postage (06-0461-37-00) Grants/Gifts/Memorials (06-0461-41-00) Advertising (06-0461-44-00) Printing and Signage (06-0461-45-00) Binding (06-0461-46-00) Travel and Meetings (06-0461-47-00) Subscriptions/Memberships (06-0461-48-00) Periodicals (06-0461-48-01) OCLC/WorldCatlCat Express) (06-0461-48-02) Subtotal Operations and Maintenance: FY 07/08 Budgeted 376,561 0 156,292 12,010 39,410 39,125 0 0 0 2,288 103,592 500 $729,778 15,700 4,000 2,000 3,350 11,551 1,500 3,290 2,000 450 300 700 4,700 1,180 7,803 3,400 $61,924 Page 34 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % 247,078 0 142,056 17,860 29,406 29,313 0 0 49 2,887 91,621 1,225 $561,495 8,898 2,936 154 3,669 12,750 1,120 2,227 367 231 411 0 2,004 800 7,849 5 $43,421 129,483 0 14,236 -5,850 10,004 9,812 0 0 -49 -599 11,971 -725 $168,283 6,802 1,064 0 -319 -1,199 380 1,063 1,633 219 -111 700 2,696 380 -46 3,395 $18,503 440,465 0 199,965 13,090 49,994 45,764 0 0 0 3,078 140,839 500 $893,695 15,700 4,500 1,000 3,700 13,151 1,500 3,425 2,000 450 1,800 700 2,700 1,180 8,243 3,400 $63,449 17% 0% 28% 9% 27% 17% 100% 0% 0% 35% 36% 0% 22% 0% 13% 100% 10% 14% 100% 4% 0% 0% 500% 0% -43% 0% 6% 0% 2% LIBRARY DEPARTMENT FUND OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CON'T: Maior Obiects and Subobiects Electronic Databases (06-0461-48-03) Personnel Training (06-0461-49-00) Continuing Education (06-0461-49-01) Custodial Cleaning Service/Supplies (06-0461-50-00) Supplies -Building (06-0461-50-02) Telephone/Communications (06-0461-51-00) Lan Network Maintenance (06-0461-51-01) Internet Service (06-0461-51-02) Website Design/Mtnc (06-0461-51-03) Utilities (06-0461-52-00) Internet Filtering (06-0461-53-00) Hardware Recycling (06-0461-56-00) Small Furniture Repair (06-0461-57-00) M&O Office Equipment (06-0461-58-00) Lynx System Maintenance (06-0461-58-01) Computer, equipment repair materials (06-0461-58-02) Debt -Collect (06-0461-58-03) Repair/Maintenance/Building and Grounds (06-0461-59-00) Storage Fees (06-0461-60-00) Open Access (06-0461-62-00) Security System Monitoring (06-0461-62-01) Books, Adult and Child (06-0461-65-00) Miscellaneous (06-0461-69-00) Courier (06-0461-69-01) Comp & Class Study (06-0461-34-00) Software Automation (06-0461-74-01) Subtotal Operations and Maintenance: TOTAL OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Operations & Maintenance TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 2,685 2,056 7,645 14,408 1,925 5,332 5,350 3,000 4,292 35,213 800 300 250 24,645 16,000 1,000 2,500 8,088 0 100 1,000 78,580 500 5,636 10,000 1,350 $232,655 $294,579 FY 07/08 Budgeted 729,778 294,579 $1,024,357 Actual Jun -08 2,477 0 7,150 10,059 1,403 4,255 5,193 1,908 263 20,916 0 0 136 22,430 3,317 55 1,074 4,559 0 0 800 53,487 240 2,430 1,854 0 $144,006 $187,427 Actual Jun -08 561,495 187,427 $748,922 FY 07/08 Unrealized 208 2,056 495 4,349 522 1,077 157 1,092 4,029 14,297 800 0 114 2,215 12,683 945 1,426 3,529 0 100 200 25,093 260 3,206 8,146 1,3501 $88,649 $107,1521 Page 35 Projected FY 08/09 4, 570 100% 1,000 -51% 0 100% 0-100% 800 ''-58% 5,332 0% 6,550 22% 2,550 0% 2,500 100% 35,213 0% 800 0% 300 100% 250 100% 28,701 16% 16,000 0% 1,400 0% 2,500 100% 0-100% 996 100% 100 1,000 82,337 500 6,136 0 1,350 0% 100% 5% 0%a 9% 100% 0% $200,885 "-14% $264,334-10% FY 07108 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 168,283 893,695 :. X22%; 107,152 264,334 -10% $275,4351 $1,158,029,.,:13% LIBRARY DEPARTMENT FUND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Obiects and Subobiects Capital, Building (06-0461-72-00) Capital, Equipment (06-0461-74-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL LIBRARY RESERVE FUND: TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET: LIBRARY FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES LIBRARY FUND REVENUE LIBRARY FUND EXPENDITURES FY 07/08 Budgeted 631 15,353 $15,984 FY 07/08 Budgeted 15,984 $15,984 FY 07/08 Budgeted $1,024,357 $15,984 $160,000 $1,200,341 $1,334,601 $1,334,601 Actual Jun -08 22 12,284 $12,306 Actual Jun -08 12,306 $12,306 Actual Jun -08 $748,922 $12,306 $0 $761,228 FY 07/08 Unrealized 609 3,069 $3,678 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,678 $3,678 FY 07/08 Unrealized 275,435 3,678 160,000 $439,113 Page 36 Projected FY 08/09 % 0 -100% 16,572 8% $16,572 4% Projected FY 08/09 16,572 4% $16,572 4% Projected FY 08/09 % $1,158,029 13% $16,572 4% $160,000 0% $1,334,601 11% CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND FY08/09 8/18/08 REVENUE FY 07/08 Maior Obiects Budgeted Carry Over (09-0390-00-00) $0 REVENUE: Saturday Market (09-0347-08-00) 21,528 Last Thursday (09-0347-07-00) 2,000 Funding from General Fund (09-0347-09-00) 99,136 State Treasurer Interest (09-0371-10-00) 1,300 OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: $123,964 Page 37 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % $13,161 413,161 $5,000 100% 13,043 8,485 25,000 16% 402 0 4,000 100% 99,136 0 99,300 0% 986 314 1,300 0% $113,567 $10,397 $129,600 5% GRANTS: Grant Funds (09-0376-06-00) 5,000 882 4,118 0 -100% TOTAL GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ART: $5,000 $882 $4,118 $0 -100% OTHER REVENUE: Donations/Sponsorships (09-0376-07-00) 2,500 1,000 1,500 5,000 100% Miscellaneous (09-0376-01-00) 0 2 -2 0 Poster Sales (09-0376-08-00) 0 1,227 -1,227 1,000 100% Activity Revenue (09-0376-05-00) 0 225 -225 0 0% TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: $2,500 $2,454 $46 $6,000 140% TOTAL ARTS COMMISSION REVENUE: $131,464 $130,064 $1,400 $140,600 7% CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND FY08/09 EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries - Full Time (09-0420-10-00) Overtime (09-0420-11-00) Merit Increase Reserve (09-0420-17-00) Employment Testing (09-0420-20-00) FICA (09-0420-21-00) PERSI (09-0420-22-00) Insurance (09-0217-07-00) Work Comp (09-0420-24-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ACTIVITIES: Eagle Fun Days (09-0463-07-00) Eagle Saturday Market (09-0463-02-00) Eagle Saturday Market Manager Fees (09-0463-02-01) Last Thursday (09-0463-06-00) Public Art Project (09-0463-05-00) Public Performances (09-0463-01-00) TOTAL ACTIVITIES: MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous (09-0463-09-00) Office Supplies (09-0463-11-00) Community Outreach (09-0463-12-00) Organizational Development (09-0463-13-00) Eagle Center for the Performing Arts (09-0463-14-00) Feasibility Study -Arts Center (09-0463-10-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS: ARTS EDUCATION - GRANTS: Arts Education (09-00464-03-00) Grant Programs (09-0464-02-00) TOTAL ARTS EDUCATION: FY 07/08 Budgeted 27,716 0 277 0 2,141 2,908 13,254 118 $46,414 19,250 20,240 0 5,750 2,000 7,000 $54,240 1,000 1,000 8,400 400 10,000 0 $20,800 0 16,000 $16,000 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 20,387 3,013 0 0 1,671 2,431 9,934 140 $37,576 20,063 4,963 5,120 3,320. ........... 0 3,930 $37,396 1,176 835 3,024 450 0 0 $5,485 7,329 -3,013 277 0 470 477 3,320 -22 8,838 -813 15,277 -5,120 2,430 2,000 3,070 $16,844 -176 165 5,376 -50 10,000 0 $15,315 0 1,591 $1,591 Page 38 Projected FY 08/09 31,801 0 0 0 2,433 3,304 14,757 134 $52,429 15% -100% 0% 14% 14% 11% 14% 13% 12,000 -38% 20,000 -1% 0 4,000 -30% 10,000 400% 0 -100% $46,000 -15% 471 700 4,000 1,000 10,000 0 $16,171 -53% -30% -52% 150% 0% -22% 10,000 100% 16,000 0% $26,000 63% CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND Major Objects and Subobjects CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Office Equipment (computer & etc.) (09-0419-01-00) TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL ARTS COMMISSION EXPENDITURES: FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,000 $1,000 Page 39 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 1,605 $1,605 -605 -$605 0/0 0 -100% $0 -100% $138,454 $96,471 $41,983 $140,600 2% ARTS COMMISSION SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES ARTS COMMISSION REVENUE $140,600 ARTS COMMISSION EXPENDITURES $140,600 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND FY 08/09 REVENUE Maior Obiects Carry Over (07-0390-00-00) OTHER REVENUE: Funding fFom General Fund (07-0316-12-00) Grants (07-0331-61-00) State Treasurer Interest (07-0371-10-00) Rent/Lease Payments (07-0372-00-00) Contributions/Donations (07-0376-00-00) Miscellaneous Revenue (07-0379-00-00) Fund Raising (07-0379-01-00) OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: TOTAL HISTORICAL COMMISSION REVENUE: EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries - Full Time (07-0420-10-00) Employment Testing (07-0420-20-00) Merit Increase Reserve (07-0420-17-00) FICA (07-0420-21-00) PERSI (07-0420-22-00) Work Comp (07-0420-24-00) Health Insurance (07-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: EDUCATION: Museum Association Memberships (07-0461-02-00) Reference Materials (07-0461-01-00) Conferences & Seminars (07-0461-03-00) TOTAL EDUCATION: FY 07/08 Budgeted $6,075 67,912 3,000 800 3,000 0 0 0 $74,712 $80,787 FY 06/07 Budgeted 27,716 0 277 2,141 2,908 118 12,927 $46,087 640 500 3,000 $4,140 8/18/08 Actual FY O7/08 Jun -08 Unrealized $9,441 67,912 0 893 1,500 7,457 0 1,214 $78,976 $88,417 -$3,366 0 3,000 -93 1,500 -7,457 0 -1,214 -$4,264 -$7,630 Page 40 Projected FY 08/09 % $6,000 -1% 83,156 22% 1,500 -50% 1,000 25% 0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% $85,656 15% $91,656 13% Actual FY 06/07 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 07/08 % 20,759 0 0 1,588 2,157 119 9,695 $34,318 200 50 411 $661 0 37,110 34% 0 0 0% 0 0 -100% 553 2,839 33% 751 3,856 33% -1 156 32% 0 14,413 11% 11,769 $58,374 27% 440 450 0 3,479 600 -6% 500 0% 3,000 0% $4,100 -1% HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND Major Objects and Subobjects ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (07-0462-31-00) Archival Supplies (07-0462-32-00) Publicity -Printing (07-0462-33-00) Software & Support (07-0462-10-00) Utilities (07-0462-52-00) Mtnc/Repair (07-0462-70-00) Storage Unit Rent (07-0462-15-00) Moving Expenses (07-462-16-00) Rent - New Facility (07-0462-05-00) Museum Programs (07-0462-68-00) Research Materials (07-0462-34-00) Miscellaneous (07-0462-69-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: Major Objects and Subobjects EXHIBITS: Exhibit Items (07-0463-02-00) Display Supplies (07-0463-01-00) Exhibit Construction (07-0463-03-00) PROGRAMS: Scavenger Hunt for Kids (07-0464-03-00) Walking Tour of Historic Sites (07-0464-01-00) Living History (07-0464-02-00) Eagle BooksNideos (07-0464-05-00) National Register Nomination (07-0464-06-00) TOTAL EXHIBITS: TOTAL PROGRAMS: PERSONNEL GRANTS: Matching Funds & Etc. (07-0465-00-00) Education & Seminars funded by Grants (07-0465-01-00) Travel Expense funded by Grants (07-0465-02-00) TOTAL GRANTS: FY 06/07 Budgeted 1,150 2,000 1,500 500 3,200 0 1,020 500 0 0 0 500 $10,370 FY 06/07 Budgeted 500 1,000 4,000 $5,500 200 750 0 0 3,500 $4,450 1,500 0 1,000 $2,500 Actual FY 06/07 Jun -08 Unrealized 1,404 573 631 60 2,740 0 567 0 0 248 0 245 $6,468 -254 0 0 440 460 0 453 500 0 -248 0 255 $3,902 Page 41 Projected FY 07/08 1,852 61% 1,500 -25% 900 -40% 1,400 180% 3,200 0% 0 0% 1,080 6% 500 0% 0% 500 100% 400 100% 350 -30% $11,682 13% Actual FY 06/07 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 07/08 0 386 2,850 $3,236 0 0 561 0 $561 0 0 0 $0 500 614 I 0 $1,114 200 750 0 -561 3,500 $3,889 1,500 0 1,000 $2,500 300 -40% 1,600 60% 2,500 -38% $4,400 -20% 200 0% 500 -33% 0 0% 0 0% 0 -100% $700 -84% 1,000 -33% 0 0% 0 -100% $1,000 -60% HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND Page 42 Major Objects and Subobjects CAPITAL OUTLAY: Capital Expenditures -Equipment (07-0466-74-00) Capital Expenditures -Furniture (Office) (07-0466.74-01) Capital Expenditures -Other (Museum Furniture) (07-0466-76-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: TOTAL HISTORICAL COMMISSION EXPENDITURES: FY 06/07 Budgeted 1,270 3,700 2,770 $7,740 $80,787 HISTORIC COMMISSION SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES HISTORIC COMMISSION REVENUE $91,656 HISTORIC COMMISSION EXPENDITURES $91,656 Actual Jun -08 910 2,006 705 $3,621 $48,865 FY 06/07 Unrealized 360 1,694 2,065 $4,119 $31,922 Projected FY 07/08 OA 3,450 172% 4,000 8% 3,950 43% $11,400 47% $91,656 13% GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND - LIBRARY FY 08/09 REVENUE FY 07/08 Major Obiects Budgeted Carry Over (04-0390-00-00) OTHER REVENUE: Property Taxes (04-0311-10-00) Penalty/Interest Property Taxes (04-0319.00) State Treasurer Interest (04-0371-10-00) TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: TOTAL REVENUE: EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects Principal Bond Payment (04-0480-81-00) Interest Payment on Bond (04-0480-82-00) Reserve Fund (04-0480-83-00) US Bank -Paying Agent Fees (04-0480-84-00) TOTAL EXPENDITURES: Actual Jun -08 $38,690 $38,937 205,455 700 2,000 208,155 $246,845 FY 07/08 Budgeted 145,000 82,082 18,923 840 $246,845 123,538 325 1,793 125,656 $164,593 Actual Jun -08 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND REVENUE $245,586 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND EXPENDITURES $245,586 0 40,991 0 0 $40,991 8/18/2008 FY 07/08 Unrealized -$247 81,917 375 207 82,499 $82,252 FY 07/08 Unrealized 145,000 0 18,923 840 $205,854 Page 43 Projected FY 08/09 0/0 $19,171 -50% 223,915 9% 500 -29% 2,000 0% 226,415 9%1 $245,586 -1%1 Projected FY 08/09 150,000 3% 75,919 -8% 18,827 • -1% 840 0% $245,586 -1%I FY 08.09 SUMMARY OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES ALL DEPARTMENTS 8/18/2008 CITY GENERAL REVENUE: $7,223,971 CITY GENERAL EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL: LIBRARY FUND REVENUE LIBRARY FUND EXPENDITURES ARTS COMMISSION REVENUE ARTS COMMISSION EXPENDITURES HISTORIC COMMISSION REVENUE HISTORIC COMMISSION EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND REVENUE CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND EXPENDITURES WATER ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE WATER ENTERPRISE FUND EXPENDITURES GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND REVENUE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND EXPENDITURES TOTAL ALL REVENUES: TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES: $4,111,124 $230,201 $288,690 $575,277 $1,057,840 $960,839 $7,223,971 $7,223,971 $1,334,601 $1,334,601 $140,600 $140,600 $91,656 $91,656 $193,552 $193,552 $1,366,400 $1,366,400 $245,586 $245,586 $10,596,366 $10,596,366 Page 44 I, Alk ALTA COUNTY GARY RANDY. 511ERI IF City of Eagle Police Monthly Report duly 2008 Group A NIBRS Crime* Person Crime* Property Crime* Society Crime* Total Felony Misdemeanor # of Reported Crimes 80 60 - 40 20 2007 YTD 2008 Clearance Rate 2008 75 63 66.7% 10 12 7 225 193 18.7% 28 35 42 65 41 100.0% 3 3 12 365 297 40.1% 41 50 61 Group A NIBRS Crime Rate YTD (per 1,000) 144 126 20.6% 20 19 28 2007: 17.4 221 171 54.4% 21 31 33 2008: 12.9 "/o Change -26.0% May 2008 June July City of Eagle Population COMPASS 2007: 20,951 COMPASS 2008: 21,090 % Change 0.7% Mg am 0T - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec mM Person Property Society —2007 Monthly Average 2007 Clearance Rates Person: 70.3% Property: 25.2% Society: 92.0% Total: 44.5% Felony: 31.8% Misdemeanor: 53.0% 't t„np .\ 1Il3I S (Hutt• In, hulo Ihr I'c•nun I'rn1,1•I h', .Hid 5,,: r_t1 ul lcl:,r <aln;unr, ita,':i ['111,11. 'I'rnou ( 11111t., ,tuh. 110111rulc. Kidnappmc .\bduc !11'11., Pulrlhle .11111 Mtn-lutr 11111 'I'n'I•rr11l rme, \iar 1 utinlit 1tltng Fr'1!_:iti.1 litic1:n11 11.In:a:'.' latttiafl,rn1' I rr.^: r''rlr;la I ,1",11,•11 li1., kii .c'. Ftaut! 1 I ,n:_.r... I1....a 1 r.tit;.:. \' t r \ c... ; Iltrtl 1'•.,.' •�'ctil', t1uu•_, 1)1111: Nat,t,lIe I)IFense.,,tmu'IIlii: Pt•n:oonq,l", 1)!,,,err\I:rtcnal.Ptv:hlUueut \\'e.l;'•rI..•. st I'1' r••'In Police Activity Calls For Service+ Total Response 'Time Code 3$ Response Time Officer -Initiated+ I'roa ct ive +• Reports (DR's) Arrests§ Citations it of Incidents 1600 1200 800 60111 2007 2,741 6:25 3:07 3,806 1,402 1,058 346 1,140 Y'I'D 2008 2,327 6:48 3:03 4,779 2,092 1,044 300 1,130 Mav 347 7:12 2:44 777 266 154 37 244 2008 June 341 6:59 2:40 652 249 143 32 183 July 370 7:00 3:24 686 270 167 56 194 400 II III Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Calls For Service Officer-Initiated.Proactive - 2007 Monthly Average 1 Provided Ily ACSO/CAU/th Data obtained from New World, CAD, Legacy AS400, [STARS, and I t Web(ars databases Page I ort July 2008 Top Calls For Service Burglary Alarm Attempt To Locate Drunk Driver Traffic Hazard .r:1< F,1 �_ r, 1 I ,.1, t:, r,. L,a,l ,111, ri I I u. n••: I11i rSClh 11111,0• ami 11'1; phnnr' I1 Il li: a-111111,11 I l I LI' 10.' ,a •r ... I, I rnh'1•..�• d,'II:..l 1'11';1 1 '1.r.,.l.. rr,.h:l' ,t',.,! .• , 1'r. a, n1� 11.r;,,,'�''11 •i. .,•''"1' _• 11a[;,.. r'11. ..•'n '.u'1' Ln•r•i, _,tr.. Ilu lr r. '11:1'11 IV:l_ CI 10,11,1 ,1 L' 'u Data queried 8/12/01 Property Crime Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Burglar). Vandalism Other** Total Construction Site Check" Property/Security Check YTD 2007 32 24 6 10 67 86 225 2008 34 20 4 6 53 76 193 2008 July 12 6 0 10 12 42 526 690 74 703 1,089 138 '*Olher Properly ('rime% include. E 30 -0 20 CU t= a 10 Iv CC IS 0 xc c '- a c- m 0. 1 RI LL 2 a 2 __. a' n o LA Burglaries & Vandalisms —U—Construction Site/Property/Security Checks 0 z v F 400 r 300 200 0 \+,or• li:d•.••,.tnurtcltcrlu,c 1orgcr.i-mkr//1,:mnt iVortion lila,;!n.ul.1rand Le:cen 1ixil I\Inblt \'ohi_I 111,:11. Rol,kcr\ :Ind Stolcn I'T I,CI1\ (0, icr't% J = Iradongof ( omt:I.cii r Sit, r'1::, -.I•, r 111 N611,1, 'nn - Traffic Crashes Property Damage Personal Injury Fatal Total Alcohol -Related Crashes Traffic Stops DUI Arrests 1)W P Citations Moving Citations # of Crashes 25 20 15 10 5 0 YTD 2008 2007 2008 May June July 83 80 11 9 12 44 57 10 9 5 1 0 0 0 0 128 137 21 18 17 9 8 2 2 0 2,791 3,369 556 433 453 35 41 6 2 10 54 40 9 8 5 715 563 126 83 106 t� Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11=1 Property Damage Personal Injury -- : Fatal - --2007 Monthly Average April - June 2008 Top Crash Intersections Eagle Rd & Chinden Blvd State St & Park Ln State St & Highway 55 Chinden Blvd & Locust Grove Rd Eagle Rd & Highway 44 State St & Horseshoe Bend Rd Highway 44 & Riverside Dr Highway 55 & Hill Rd July 2008 Crashes by Time of Day 0000-0600 hrs 0 0600-0900 hrs 2 0900-1200 hrs 2 1200-1500 hrs 2 1500-1800 hrs 4 1800-2100 hrs 4 2100-2400 hrs 3 July 2008 Crashes by Day of Week Sunday 0 Monday 2 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 4 Thursday 1 Friday 5 Saturday 1 July 2008 Top Crash Contributing Circumstances Following Too Close Inattention Failed to Yield Prov ideal By ACSO/CAU11h Dem obtained from New World, CAD, Legacy A8400, 'STARS, and ITD Webpn dalabaaes Paget of Data Queried 8/12/08 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP Resolution No. 08-25: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Amending Resolution No. 07-19A, Providing Criteria To Eagle City Code Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 4 "Off Street Parking And Loading" August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CPA -02-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment from Residential One and Residential Two to Business Park - Ed Priddy August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. kJ) 5t(JL („2-3' • /</ Z7 ,C 4'/,Lf= (,-z 'K)c: 7TY1).� Fi!s: /64--/k),04 7v) • 8 L /7//W24,rlj5 ll 61-1 /_ ) C C)/9 -3/<Z- /L//' /t/F- %Z A/(-%< (C. iv / D L'aL ,/)-2:77/4-1s- z, XZ' --t (/2_, C.(=-/72-"; 7/1' C /71, r 72)2 / CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 26, 2008 7:30 P.M. West State Street. (WEV) 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No: 608: Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2008/2009:An Ordinance Entitled The Annual Appropriation Ordinance For The City Of Eagle, Idaho, For The Fiscal Year 2009 Commencing October 1, 2008, And Ending September 30, 2009. [This item will only be acted on if the public hearing for item 7A is closed, and approving action is taken via a motion of the Council.] Cc -2 9. ADJOURNMENT: c:Aitirmoin 444 74- Zd"dittiz___ fid .."'tie. c ei C�'�7 "C•e-vidAadV, Cl `� �� him - 717 % -te /eift74144/ C41--Z,Zizntioi Cr -4 Cp, 1,1 r 7--4 r" e/te 1c.,ue ,-7 z2 /( 4:544- J' - - I el -a44/ Q2/L4.. cL M Ate, - ct,c ‘7,- jia4,4 e,t42 Povv-f- Com` • /i'4444 1,1; ~- OL41 o- ct, J4.3iiitaltee -"Itcr /CAX-6( A1--esz"-Sr 1Olt .1-k_ tri."1/14--ci 14,446- Le,i4e#21 -6eLsY—etp,4411/4 rj lier6(4114 1434-1 dcit( /-4411(21 -) -e-et amAinc/ ntwe---4 flt U idAto iite4,441 6/441 re arc( ( e4te_ /44/Le____ ajoy Gr e-e-tit /1Zto °tom CC.:r✓4-t A")04 -i red C? 002 -ft, ge'ce /ed p P -1 -4;;r -e- (-6-7; .01.4-c, - ,k(2 �z�" L f freperna41 4. Q.f c 4,v/-z-i-.--�Ca-YI EiTe'"(-1"--A 447-144 NOTE: The City will make reasonable accommodations for anyone attending this meeting who require special assistance for hearing, physical or other impairments. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (208) 939-6813 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date and time. Page 3 of 3 KACOUNCIL1AGENDA1Ternporary Agenda Work Area CC-08-26-08ag.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP A-01-08/RZ-01-08 & PP -01-08 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU -DA and Preliminary Plat for Old Valley Plaza Subdivision - 4149 State Street, LLC August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Proposed Budget August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. NAME --d(11/1-4/ tT--1 Ne1d:\`aA\ess/3h ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL f) 4 -- wQ)t, 4,4 ) ws 'b .‘°1 Chi? 9\11_cyeevcAN— TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Tt-) SCD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGNUP Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Pronosed Budget August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. �y EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Proposed Budget August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. 15 ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP ii4 Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Proaosed Budget August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. rc.:. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CPA -04-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment from Residential One to Mixed Use - Linder Land Partners, LLC August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON r\V, \.\\-2 C\' /4; EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CPA -03-08 & RZ-07-08 - Comprehensive Ilan Amendment from Residential Four to Central Business District and Rezone from R-4 to CBD - Larry Coelho August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. r237 N 1c-1" 5'7 011-1/ ,Z/) 3'36/6 939- /F3 ,/1/o EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP Proposed fee increase for a fuel surcharge in the amount of $0.95 a month be added to the current amount billed per Allied Waste Customer August 26, 2008, 7:30 P.M. INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration 7F To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment(s): Copy To: Mayor Bandy and City Council Members Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP, Planner III CPA -04 -08 -Linder Land Partners, LLC August 26, 2008 Letter from the applicant dated August 26, 2008 Shawn Nickel Rose Law Group 6223 N. Discovery Way, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83713 The applicant has requested that this application be tabled until September 9, 2008. See attached letter. Page 1 of 1 K:1Planning Dcpt\Eagle AppticationslCPA120081CPA-4-08 me2 doc 08/26/2008 04:58 2083759822 ele Klein - continuation of AW From: Rachele Klein To: tosbom©cityofeagle.org Date: 8/26/2008 4:47:04 PM Subject: continuation of AW Tracy - ALLIED WASTE IDAHO • PAGE 01/01 AUG 2 6 2008 File; Route to. Due to unforseen circumstances, Allied Waste will not be present at tonight's clty council meeting. We are currently on the September 9, 2008 agenda to discuss recycling; would it be possible to continue our public hearing until then? Thanks, Rachele Klein Manager of Business Development Allied Waste Service work 208.685.7739 or cell 208.283.0624 rachele.klein@awin.com 1 r .* Public Hearing Testimony Allied Waste Surcharge August 12, 2008 RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF AU6 2 6 2008 (1) Morningstar Analysis. File: Route tc (2) According to our records, Allied Waste's annualized charge fug our trawl pick- up increased 11.4% from 2007 to 2008. If, in fact, the Morning Star report of "...6.9% increase in average price (including... fuel recovery fees)" means average price increase per household/customer, then we now are paying an increase significantly above the average. This is without the proposed $0.95 cents per month surcharge. Since 2003, our trash pick-up charge has increased 76.6%. Our records show that the charge for trash pick-up has increased an average of 10.4% per year from 2003 through 2008. This includes the 32.5 % increase from 2003 to 2004. I would think that AW's increased sales volume as Eagle has grown over the past six years, and the increased density of households/customers, would have offset increases in operating expenses. (3) These "little fees", e.g. $0.95, that companies assess are, often times, below the radar and are not objected to because their amount seems not be worth objecting to, perhaps even embarrassing to object to. In the aggregate, however, and over time, they add up; and, for companies that assess them, they amount to significant revenue. I believe the money is as good in our pockets as it is in theirs. (4) How was the figure of $0.95 cents arrived at? Has AW shared financial data pertaining to fuel costs with the city to determine if $0.95 cents is justified? Is it because $0.95 cents is nearly a dollar; but, as in retailing, retailers resist crossing the dollar increment threshold, so that a price is more "attractive"? It'll sell at $0.95, but buyers will object to a dollar. How do you know that $0.95 cents is reasonable? Perhaps 67 cents is, or 35 cents, or 12 cents--- or no surcharge. The figure $0.95 cents seems too "neat and tidy." (5) According to an AW employee, AW services 8500-8600 households in Eagle. An AW reply to a city inquiry gave the number as 6085. So, depending on which number is affected by the $0.95 surcharge, the increase in AW revenue would be $69369 to $98040 per year. Does the city know what portion of AW's fuel costs go to serving Eagle customers? If not, then how do you know that $0.95 cents is a justifiable fuel surcharge? (6) Increased charges, typically, do not go away. What happens if fuel costs go down? Will there be a proportionate decrease in the surcharge? Or, is it, in effect, a permanent add-on to services the charge for which has already been contracted by the city? (7) Each year, Allied Waste's rates are adjusted based on the Consumer Price Index. Would not the Consumer Price Index reflect the increase in energy costs? Therefore, would not fuel costs be factored into our trash pick-up charge for 2009? So why allow a fuel surcharge? Would this not be a "double whammy", so to speak? 5- ei0_,677- 7 Or 1(6, -.c90+ ORA) Ae,u,st4 73? — e-74 Altk,d Waste Posts Strong 2Q - Morningstar Stock Analyst Notes http://quicktake.morningstar.com/stocknet/san.aspx?id=247406 Stock Analyst Notes Allied Waste Posts Strong 2Q by Brian Nelson, CFA 1 07-31-08 1 8:57AM 1 E-mail Article I Fit ilic e Browse Analyst Notes byCompany :ABCQ1:E 1111K1.MNQPQRSIIIYWXYZAD Allied Waste Industries AW reported better-than-expected second-quarter results Wednesday that revealed continued pricing strength and solid operating income Improvement. Total revenue advanced 2.2% In the quarter, thanks to a 6.9% increase in average price (including 280 basis points in fuel recovery fees), which more than offset a roughly 4.8% decline in waste volume. The trash taker's adjusted operating income expanded 14%, and its adjusted operating margin grew an impressive 210 basis points, to 20.1%. Allied now expects to achieve the high end of its range for full -year operating income and to surpass its previous $400 million annual free cash flow target, both of which we think are achievable goals. Despite the upward revisions, our modeling assumptions remain in the ballpark, and we see no reason to alter our fair value estimate at this time. Cj- ov GSC i/ ,9 L/,E:, 4(4s/ CTOcjL Next Stock Analyst Notes ►► (tick Gn! A ; /LLJEj 4/, & T E /iv efts r/2/5' Sracic ZEA2-7— 1 NtOT,E N Ewi /Jo wit) m "AJ S % IE4TS bpiN/cWj is CL/c.i oiiiJ 7-31--0 ,9LL/F..4 14/4 -17._ /"dST S S%ko,)G 2 ,c3g a9A) 111RA)54 1 of 1 8/25/2008 12:49 PM • r: • • .1 - • • (c RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF' EAGLE Richard L. Allman 1995 N. Parkforest Way Eagle, ID 83616 The Honorable Phil Bandy, Mayor and City Council Eagle City Hall AUG 2 6 2003 File: M I C.o Route to• cJei t - t, August 24, 2008 Re: Written testimony submitted for consideration at continued Budget Hearing August 26 Dear Sirs, I want to recommend, as strongly as I can, your retention of your original proposed budget (FY 08- 09). It obviously was arrived at through thoroughly professional consideration and connection to reality. I do not consider myself an expert on budgetary matters; however, I have studied, understood, and applied mathematics for over 70 years, and I do not find anything to fear (or hate) in the FY 08-09 proposed budget. In fact, even removing the exceptional $8M for water system improvements in FY 07-08, this year's proposed budget represents about a one-third reduction over last year, and 10% less than was actually spent in FY 06-07. Adjusted for inflation, the savings are even greater. Therefore I find it surprising that a certain political faction staged an eleventh -hour attempt to hack off nearly a quarter of it, seemingly without rational or realistic motives. Most of you know that Eagle is a special place that is not readily compared to other --more ordinary—cities, even ones that have experienced comparable growth. There is special quality here, and that will continue into the future. But we need to care for our future. For example, making a drastic cut in P&Z now, just because there is less building, is exactly the wrong thing to do. This is precisely the time to do our planning for the future, while development has slowed, and we have the resources and time to accomplish forward-looking planning expeditiously. I am deeply concerned about what would be the results of the most recently proposed slashes to the proposed FY 08-09 budget. Operating the City like a temporary job shop is counterproductive—and not very smart. If you have employees who do their job well and are already trained, you don't just dump them and expect to hire equally strong people when things pick up. The long term effects of that would be to incur the added costs of training and its resultant delays. The result is that you will have destroyed employee morale, and probably will have saved nothing when all the costs are reckoned. I have always found City employees to be very courteous, helpful, and hard-working. It made me angry to hear from two separate City employees that they were afraid of losing their jobs because of this nonsense. I can tell you from my years of work as a civilian scientist for the U.S. Navy (who often led technical teams) that if you don't have employee morale, you don't have much! Please consider all the costs, not just wage "savings" before reducing City departments' workforces. \*":;•1,i • ...../.:•t;f7.H,:lf;“:1, "1; 1:I.!' : !1;t4J .•'. ... ........ :;f:1 c; • • •:c.• • • yCi 4"; ;•-.1 • • ;;H.R I do favor the eventual purchase of the City Hall building, but it is certainly not an emergency in any sense, and does not justify draconian measures to accomplish an immediate purchase. It would make more sense to set up some kind of savings fund for that purpose. Finally, I thank you for your dedication to the welfare of the City of Eagle, and for your willingness to listen to citizen input, as misguided as it may be at times. My wife, Janet Myers Allman, joins me in my concerns and hopes for the future of the City. Sincerely, olieZ,..__. Richard L. Allman CG g -- ,26-°g. Phil Bandy From: Michael Huffaker [huffakerpc6@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3:45 PM To: Phil Bandy; Steve Guerber Subject: Fw: City of Eagle Budget Reality Adjustments Importance: High Additional food for thought. Original Message From: JJG Eagle To: Norm Semanko ; Michael Huffaker ; AI S Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3:36 PM Subject: Re: City of Eagle Budget Reality Adjustments Dear Eagle City Council Members, I wish to cast my vote in Full agreement with ALL the points made by Mr. Pooley. In addition, I wish to add one final point to the list. That is to Reduce the mayor's base pay by at least 25% and allow Mayor Bandy to conduct the responsibilities of his office on a part-time basis as it has been prior to 2008. As council members, you have found ways to conduct your duties on a part-time basis, with far less compensation and with arguably more responsibility, and therefore I see no reason the mayor's duties can not be executed in the same manner. The City of Eagle is just too small to justify a full time mayor. hope you consider and act on all points made at tonight's council meeting. Respectfully, John Grasser Eagle resident Repeal the Bandy Tax - Is now the time to increase property taxes? Given the current difficult economic conditions, this is not the best time to increase property taxes. Don't Invade the Reserves - Should we deplete our carry-over reserve account? The proposed budget reduces carry-over reserves from $1,437,643 to $377,118. It is fiscally irresponsible to spend $1,060,525 in excess of revenues. Revise the budget to protect our savings account. Freeze Salaries - Are city employees really being underpaid? Given the defects in the Mercer Salary Study, don't make changes to salaries until additional analysis justifies action. Hold Off New Projects and Spending - Do we really have the money to spend on new projects today? Unless a project is essential to protect property and safety, all new spending should be put on hold until funding is more secure. Create a City Hall Building Savings Account - Should we continue to spend $740 a day to rent the City Hall Building for the next 48 years? We need to establish a specific savings account and timetable to buy this building. Downsize and Outsource - Given the dramatic decline in new construction and limited new development in the future, should we consider downsizing and outsourcing functions of the Planning and Building Departments? These two departments have a combined budget of $1,766,300. While planning and building inspections are important, we don't need to overspend. Pass the Transparency Ordinance - Should taxpayers know where their money is being spent? To 1 ,, restore trust and credibility in City government, pass a transparency ordinance that puts details of spending online so we can see where our money is going. 2 Phil Bandy From: Michael Huffaker [huffakerpc6@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 1:53 PM To: Phil Bandy; Steve Guerber Subject: Fw: City of Eagle Budget Reality Adjustments Latest FYI Original Message From: GALE POOLEY To: Al S ; Michael Huffaker ; Norm Semanko Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 10:45 AM Subject: City of Eagle Budget Reality Adjustments Gentlemen, Hope all is well. A few ideas for tonight's budget hearing: Repeal the Bandy Tax - Is now the time to increase property taxes? Given the current difficult economic conditions, this is not the best time to increase property taxes. Don't Invade the Reserves - Should we deplete our carry-over reserve account? The proposed budget reduces carry-over reserves from $1,437,643 to $377,118. It is fiscally irresponsible to spend $1,060,525 in excess of revenues. Revise the budget to protect our savings account. Freeze Salaries - Are city employees really being underpaid? Given the defects in the Mercer Salary Study, don't make changes to salaries until additional analysis justifies action. Hold Off New Projects and Spending - Do we really have the money to spend on new projects today? Unless a project is essential to protect property and safety, all new spending should be put on hold until funding is more secure. Create a City Hall Building Savings Account - Should we continue to spend $740 a day to rent the City Hall Building for the next 48 years? We need to establish a specific savings account and timetable to buy this building. Downsize and Outsource - Given the dramatic decline in new construction and limited new development in the future, should we consider downsizing and outsourcing functions of the Planning and Building Departments? These two departments have a combined budget of $1,766,300. While planning and building inspections are important, we don't need to overspend. Pass the Transparency Ordinance - Should taxpayers know where their money is being spent? To restore trust and credibility in City government, pass a transparency ordinance that puts details of spending online so we can see where our money is going. Best, Gale 1 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE FY 08/09 8/26/08 PROPOSED Preliminary Budget Figures from the County Computation of 3% budget increase: Highest of the last 3 years approved non-exempt budget (1) $2,053,423 Multiply line 1 by 3% (2) $61,603 New Construction & Annexation budget increases: 2007 value of new constructior (3) (3) $140,774,657 2007 value of annexation that i (4) (4) $16,167,848 Total 2006 approved non-exen (5) (5) .000712468 New Construction Roll budget increase (multiply line 3 by line 5) (6) $100,297 Annexation budget increase (multiply line 4 by line 5) (7) $11,519 Foregone Amount Maximum Allowable Non-exempt Property Tax Budget: Add lines 1+2+6+7+8 (8) $261 (9) $2,227,103 Property Tax Replacement Enter the yearly amount of the agriculturE (10) $19 Enter recovered Homeowner's Exemption (11) $575 Enter recaptured property tax execption i (12) $0 Enter the total of lines 10, 11, and 12: (Must match col. 5 of L-2) (13) $594 Maximum Allowable Non-exempt Property Tax to be Levied: Subtract line 13 from line 9 (14) $2,226,509 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE $2,053,396.00 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE PAID TO LIBRARY $893,261.00 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE PAID TO CITY HALL $1,160,135.00 New Construction Tax Roll $240,843,22.00 -.25% over FY 06/07 $240,231,999 Annexation Value - $43,950,275.00 - Annexation Value FY06/07 $26,851,500.00 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 - $2,053,396.00 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 08/09 - $2,226,509.00 - 8.5% Increase Distribution of Property Tax Revenue I: Library: City Hall: Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 13% Increase in property tax to Fund FY08/09 Budc Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07108 Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 4.7% Increase in property tax for FY 08/09 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 Total Property Tax Revenue FY07108 $893,261 $116,640 $1,009,901 $1,160,135 $56,473 $1,216,608 $2,226,509 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE FY 08/09 8/26/08 OPTION #1 Preliminary Budget Figures from the County Computation of 3% budget increase: Highest of the last 3 years approved non-exempt budget (1) $2,053,423 Multiply line 1 by 3% (2) $0 New Construction & Annexation budget increases: 2007 value of new constructior (3) (3) $140,774,657 2007 value of annexation that i (4) (4) $16,167,848 Total 2006 approved non-exen (5) (5) .000712468 New Construction Roll budget increase (multiply line 3 by line 5) (6) $100,297 Annexation budget increase (multiply line 4 by line 5) (7) $11,519 Foregone Amount Maximum Allowable Non-exempt Property Tax Budget: Add lines 1+2+6+7+8 (8) $261 (9) $2,165,501 Property Tax Replacement Enter the yearly amount of the agriculturE (10) $19 Enter recovered Homeowner's Exemption (11) $575 Enter recaptured property tax execption i (12) $0 Enter the total of lines 10, 11, and 12: (Must match col. 5 of L-2) (13) $594 Maximum Allowable Non-exempt Property Tax to be Levied: Subtract line 13 from line 9 (14) $2,164,907 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE $2,053,396.00 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE PAID TO LIBRARY $893,261.00 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE PAID TO CITY $1,160,135.00 New Construction Tax Roll $240,843,22.00 -.25% over FY 06/07 $240,231,999 Annexation Value - $43,950,275.00 - Annexation Value FY06/07 $26,851,500.00 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 - $2,053,396.00 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 08/09 - $2,226,509.00 - 8.5% Increase Distribution of Property Tax Revenue I: Library: City: Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 $893,261 13% Increase in property tax to Fund FY08/09 Budc $118,388 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 $1,011,649 Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 $1,160,135 Reduce FY 07/08 Property Tax Revenue -$6,877 0 Increase in property tax for FY 08/09 $0 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 $1,153,258 Total Property Tax Revenue FY07/08 $2,164,907, Library - this option fully funds the Library budget. City - this option the City would receive no increase in property taxes and would actually decrease the amount of property taxes the City received in FY 07/08 by $6,877.00. PROPERTY TAX REVENUE FY 08/09 8/26/08 OPTION #2 Preliminary Budget Figures from the County Computation of 3% budget increase: Highest of the last 3 years approved non-exempt budget (1) $2,053,423 Multiply line 1 by 3% (2) $0 New Construction & Annexation budget increases: 2007 value of new construction t (3) (3) $140,774,657 2007 value of annexation that occ (4) (4) $16,167,848 Total 2006 approved non-exempt (5) (5) .000712468 New Construction Roll budget increase (multiply line 3 by line 5) (6) $100,297 Annexation budget increase (multiply line 4 by line 5) (7) $11,519 Foregone Amount Maximum Allowable Non-exempt Property Tax Budget: Add lines 1+2+6+7+8 (8) $261 (9) $2,165,501 Property Tax Replacement Enter the yearly amount of the agricultural rept (10) $19 Enter recovered Homeowner's Exemption prof (11) $575 Enter recaptured property tax execption inlieu (12) $0 Enter the total of lines 10, 11, and 12: (Must match col. 5 of L-2) (13) Maximum Allowable Non-exempt Property Tax to be Levied: Subtract line 13 from line 9 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE $2,053,396.00 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE PAID TO LIBRARY $893,261.00 FY 07/08 TOTAL TAX REVENUE PAID TO CITY $1,160,135.00 New Construction Tax Roll $240,843,22.00 -.25% over FY 06/07 $240,231,999 Annexation Value - $43,950,275.00 - Annexation Value FY06/07 $26,851,500.00 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 - $2,053,396.00 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 08/09 - $2,226,509.00 - 8.5% Increase $594 (14) $2,164,907 Distribution of Property Tax Revenue I: Library: City: Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 $893,261 Increase in property tax to Fund FY08/09 Budget $55,755 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 $949,016 Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 $1,160,135 Increase in property tax for FY 08/09 $55,756 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 $1,215,891 Total Property Tax Revenue FY07/08 $2,164,907 Library - this option would reduce the property taxes for the Library by $62,633.00. City - this option would increase the property taxes for the City by $1,031.00. CITY OF EAGLE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FY 08/09 CITY OF EAGLE GENERAL FUND REVENUE PROJECTIONS FY 08/09 REVENUE Major Objects and Subobjects CARRY OVER (01-0308-00-00)1 RESERVE FUND - 1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0309-01-00) DIVERSIVIED BOND FUND PROPERTY TAX REVENUE (01-0311-00-00) OTHER TAX REVENUE: Penalty and Interest on Property Taxes (01-0311-01-00) Franchise Fees: Franchise/Eagle Water Co. - 1% (01-0316-10-00) Franchise/United Water Company - 1% (01-0316-10-02) Franchise/Int. Gas 3% (Yearly) (01-0316-11-00) Franchise/Trash 8% (Quarterly) (01-0316-13-00) Franchise/Idaho Power 1% (Quarterly) (01-0316-14-00) Franchise/Idaho Power 2% -Dist Lines (Quarterly)(01-0316-14-01) Franchise/Cable 5% (01-0316-12-00) TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES: INTERGOVERNMENTAL: Urban Renewal District - Loan Payment State Revenue Sharing (Quarterly) (01-0335-60-00) State Sales Tax (Quarterly) (01-335-50-00) State Liquor (Quarterly) (01-0335-10-00) TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL: LICENSES AND PERMITS: Alcoholic Beverage License (01-0321-10-00) Business License (01-0321-30-00) TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS: FY 07/08 Budgeted $1,437,643 $411,229 $254,500 $1,160,135 $2,500 1,750 5,500 300,000 130,000 100,000 0 107,000 $644,250 0 1,151,260 175,215 350,000 $1,676,475 20,000 16,500 $36,500 Actual Jun -08 8/18/2008 FY 07/08 Unrealized $0 $1,437,643 $0 $411,229 $0 $254,500 $694,221 $465,914 $1,501 5,693 4,592 255,267 94,702 77,877 0 54,542 $492,673 0 471,451 140,190 273,623 $885,264 19,257 13,875 $33,132 $999 Page 1 Projected FY 08/09 % $377,118 -74% $350,000 -15% $265,000 4% $1,214,860 5% $2,500 0% -3,943 7,000 300% 908 10,000 82% 44,733 260,000 -13% 35,298 160,000 23% 22,123 150,000 50% 0 180,000 100% 52,458 110,000 3% $151,577 a $877,000 36% 0 70,243 100% 679,809 "' 1,188,514 3% 35,025 201,416 15% 76,377 250.000 -29% $791,211 $1,716,173 2% 743 2,625 $3,368 20,000 0% 16,500 0% $36,500 0% REVENUE con't Major Objects and Subobjects BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Building Permits (01-0322-10-00) Building Permits Appeals (01-0322-10-01) Plan Review Fee -Bldg Dept (01-0322-12-00) Garden City Plan Review Fees (01-0322-12-01) Energy Standards (01-0322-13-00) Grading -Drainage Permit Fees (01-0322-21-00) Electrical Inspection Fees w/City Inspector (01-0322-14-00) Plumbing Inspection Fees w/City Inspector (01-0322-15-00) Mechanical Inspection Fees (01-0322-16-00) Bldg Inspector Fees - Garden City (01-0322-20-00) Drainage Fees (01-0341-13-01) ACHD Impact Processing Fees (01-0322-19-00) TOTAL BUILDING DEAPARTMENT PERMITS & FEES: PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Annex/Zoning Permits (01-0322-11-00) PZ Inspection Fees (01-0322-11-01) PZ Plan Review Fees (01-0322-11-02) Street Light Inspection Fees (01-0322-17-00) Surety/Letter of Credit Fees (01-0322-18-00) Tree Fund (01-0369-30-00) Tree City USA Grant (01-0331-60-00) Engineering Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-13-00) Attorney Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-14-00) TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING PERMITS & FEES: MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS AND FEES: Miscellaneous Permits/Fees/Licenses (01-0341-11-00) Animal License Fees (01-0341-12-00) TOTAL MISCELLANDEOUS PERMITS & FEES: FY 07/08 Budgeted 935,500 500 325,500 0 17,500 50,000 90,000 90,000 48,000 90,000 0 3,000 $1,650,000 200,000 6,000 1,200 1,500 3,000 1,000 175 60,000 60,000 $332,875 1,500 6,000 $7,500 Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized 323,334 0 150,820 375 10,100 0 52,692 45,573 60,365 67,500 2,400 1,240 $714,399 100,434 8,910 1,350 1,290 2,255 0 180 282,346 53,097 $449,862 3,130 6,624 $9,754 612,166 500 174,680 -375 7,400 50,000 37,308 44,427 -12,365 22,500 -2,400 1,760 $935,601 99,566 -2,910 -150 210 745 1,000 -5 -222,346 6,903 -$116,987 -1,630 -624 -$2,254 Page 2 Projected >' FY 08/09 845,000 500 294,000 500 15,800 45,000 81,000 81,000 96,000 120,000 2,500 2,700 $1,584,000 200.000 8,000 1,200 1,500 3,000 1,000 175 60,000 60,000 $334,875 -10% 0% -10% 100% -10% -10% -10% -10% 100% 100% 100% -10% -4% 0% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 3,000 100% 7,000 17% $10,000 33% REVENUE con't Major Objects and Subobjects City Court Fines & Fees (01-0338-40-00) Citation Fees/Code Enforcement (01-0338-41-00) TOTAL COURT FINES & FEES: CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Printing, Duplication and Publishing (01-0379-01-00) Miscellaneous (01-0379-00-00) TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES: DONATIONS: Park Donation (01-0376-04-00) Arbor Day Donations (01-0376-06-00) Contributions/Donation/Private (Pathway Projects)(01-0376-00-00) TOTAL DONATIONS: INVESTMENTS: State Treasurer Investments -Interest 01-0371-10-00) Total Investments: MISCELLANEOUS: Lease Payments -Parks (01-0383-04-00) Lease Payments -City Hall Property (01-0383-06-00) Idaho Power Substation/Water usage (01-0383-01-00) Room Reservations (01-0383-09-00) CH Staff Time Reimbursement -Urban Renewal District ITD Eagle Road Underpass Reimbursement (01-383-11-00) ITD Merrill Park Bridge Reimbursement (01-0383-12-00) Dry Creek Drainage -Matching Funds (01-0383-13-00) Miscellaneous Reimburseables (01-0383-05-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS FY 07/08 Budgeted 75,000 500 $75,500 1,200 5,000 $6,200 1,000 100 0 $1,100 90,000 $90,000 1,000 1,550 120 1,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 $4,670 Actual Jun -08 62,387 30 $62,417 692 4,204 $4,896 0 0 0 $o 41,993 $41,993 214 1,000 120 304 0 19,189 27,718 10,000 2,659 $61,204 Page 3 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08109 12,613 80;000 7% 470 500 0% $13,083 $80,500 7% 010 508 796 $1,304 1,000 100 0 $1,100 1,200 5,000 $6,200 0% 0% 0% 1,000 0% 100 100% 0 0% $1,100 0% 48,007 $48,007 786 550 0 696 0 -19,189 -27,718 -10,000 -1,659 -$56,534 70,000 -22% $70,000 -22% 2,100 1,000 120 500 4,425 0 0 0 1,000 $9,145 110% -35% 0% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 96% REVENUE con't Major Objects and Subobjects GRANTS Grants/Matching Funds (Sr Center Parking Lot) (01-0331-63-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding (01-0331-64-00) Future Grant (01-0331-61-00) TOTAL GRANTS: PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Awin Mgmnt (BFI) Education -Add Srvs (01-0350-03-00) Healing Fields Contribution (01-0350-05-00) Reservation Fees (01-0350-20-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament 01-0350-01-00) Rec Programs/Rocky Mtn Fitness Center (01-0350-42-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE: FY 07/08 Budgeted 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 24,000 20,000 9,500 3,500 600 $57,600 $7,844,177 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized Page 4 Projected FY 08109 0 100,000 100,000 0% 0 100,000 100,000 100% 0 50,000 _ 50,000 0% $0 $250,000 $250,000 0% 22,088 0 8,579 2,238 90 $32,995 $3,484,311 1,912 20,000 921 1,262 510 $24,605 $4,359,866 29,500 23% 0 100% 12,000 26% 3,500 0% 0 -100% '$45,000 -22% -8% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENTS: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES RESERVE FUNDS: RESERVE FUND -1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0410-01-00) ID ST TREASURER -DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND (01-0411-01) PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects City Council (01-0415-11-00) FICA (01-0415-21-00) PERSI (01-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (01-415-24-00) Unemployment Benefits (01-0415-28-00) Insurance (Employer) (01-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Attorney's Fees - City Hall Legal (01-0416-02-00) Legal Miscellaneous (01-0416-04-00) Ada County Joint Prosecution (01-416-05-00) Idaho Humane Society (01-0416-06-00) Engineer (01-0416-07-00) Auditor (01-0416-08-00) Law Enforcement (01-0416-09-00) Senior Center Community Van (01-0416-10-00) Database & Web Page Management (01-0416-16-00) Contract Other (01-0416-18-00) City Hall - Lease Payments - Hawkins Smith (01-0416-21-00) City Hall - Operating Expenses - Hawkins Smith (01-0416-22-00) Grant Writer (01-0416-23-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (01-0416-24-00) Computer LAN Maintenance (Block Time) (01-0416-26-00) Allred Solutions - Foothills (01-0416-27-00) FY 07/08 Budgeted $413,200 $250,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 47,684 3,648 2,332 200 0 35,391 $89,255 FY 07/08 Budgeted 0 135,000 0 24,671 49,575 35,000 7,720 1,614,933 11,660 10,000 40,000 240,593 30,000 15,000 12,000 15,600 0 Actual Jun -08 8/18/2008 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 $413,200 0 $250,000 Actual Jun -08 38,556 2,662 2,973 939 1,273 16,756 $63,159 Actual Jun -08 10,717 105,614 0 18,503 37,179 19,192 7,000 1,209,450 8,745 816 4,694 180,444 17,512 4,609 13,712 13,200 8,625 FY 07/08 Unrealized 9,128 986 -641 -739 -1,273 18,635 $26,096 FY 07/08 Unrealized -10,717 29,386 0 6,168 12,396 15,808 720 405,483 2,915 9,184 35,306 60,149 12,488 10,391 -1,712 2,400 -8,625 Page 5 Projected FY 08/09 % $459,640 11% $0 -100% Projected FY 08/09 47,684 0% 3,648 0% 3,497 50% 200 0% 0 0% 24,689, -30% $79,718 -11% Projected F ..98/09 0 0% 135,000 0% 0- 0% 33,195 35% 66,366, 34% 25,000 -29% 9,647 25% 1,828,508 13% 14,660 26% 5.000 -50% 10,000 -75% 240,593 0% 20,000 -33% 5,000 -67% 12,000 0% 16,500 6% 0 0% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS CON'T: Major Objects and Subobjects BRS Architects -CH Expansion (01-0416-28-00) Library Expansion:Engineer & Architect Services (01-0416-30-00) Manley Services (Premium Only Plan) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Design Review Board Compensation (01-0413-02-00) P&Z Commissioners Compensation (01-0413-01-00) Election (01-0413-04-00) Office Supplies (01-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (01-0413-06-00) Postage (01-0413-07-00) Legal Advertising/Publication (01-0413-08-00) Insurance Property (01-0413-10-00) Insurance Reserve Fund (01-0413-11-00) Training (01-0413-12-00) Travel & Per Diem (01-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (01-0413-14-00) Utilities 660 E. Civic Lane (01-0413-16-00) Telecommunications (01-0413-19-00) Internet/Web Page Services (01-0413-21-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (01-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (01-0413-25-00) Resource Materials (01-0413-28-00) Real Property Taxes (01-0413-29-00) Monitoring Alarm Systems (01-0413-34-00) Storage Shed Rental (01-0413-36-00) Background Check - Permits/Licenses (01-0413-37-00) Floodplain Management (01-0413-38-00) Library - Merit Increase Reserve including taxes (01-0410-02-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: FY 07/08 Budgeted 40,000 8,750 0 $2,290,502 FY 07/08 Budgeted 4,850 4,850 0 18,000 500 8,000 0 32,299 10,000 1,000 3,000 42,075 23,000 12,000 1,000 16,000 500 2,000 50 2,000 1,200 0 5,000 5,011 $192,335 Actual Jun -08 61,618 0 0 $1,761,235 Actual Jun -08 3,774 2,800 9,999 21,278 1,685 6,661 1,045 32,299 0 2,505 0 34,911 16,226 8,332 580 19,918 787 5,187 140 905 846 925 0 0 $170,803 FY 07/08 Unrealized -21,618 8,750 0 $529,267 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,076 2,050 -9,999 -3,278 -1,185 1,339 -1,045 0 10,000 -1,505 3,000 7,164 6,774 3,668 420 -3,918 -287 -3,187 -90 1,095 354 -925 5,000 5,011 $21,532 Page 6 Projected FY 08/09 % 0 -100% 14,000 60% 150 100% $2,435,619 6% Projected FY 08/09 0/0 4,850 4,850 0 20,000 1,500 8;500 1,500 36,175 10,000 1,000 3,000 58.400 23.000 12.000 1,000 16,000 500 5,000 150 1,300 1.200 1,163 0 0 $211,088 0% 0% 100% 11% 200% 6% 100% 12% 0% 0% 0% 39% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 150% 200% -35% 0% 100% -100% -100% 10% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Mktng Promo Develop-(Frm Business Lic) (01-0418-02-00) SAG -2 Broadcasting City Meetings SAG -3 Comp & Class Study (Cost share) (01-0418-03-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 07/08: GRANTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Future Grants (01-0421-03-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding (01-0421-04-00) Grants/Matching Funds (Sr Center Parking Lot) (01-0421-01-00) TOTAL GRANTS: PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS Major Objects and Subobjects Community Promotion and Special Events (01-0422-03-00) Eagle Senior Citizen Center -One Time Donation (01-0422-07) Mayor's Youth Action Council (01-0422-05-00) Healing Field Flag Display (01-0422-06-00) Old Time 4th of July Celebration (01-0422-02-00) Public Relations (01-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATION: COMMUNITY PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects Arts Commission (01-0463-00-00) Historical Commission (01-0463-01-00) Urban Renewal Transfer -Start Up Funds (01-0463-03-00) TOTAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 7,250 0 10,000 $17,250 FY 07/08 Budgeted 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 5,000 2,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 $52,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 99,136 80,787 54,950 $234,873 Actual Jun -08 0 0 1,854 $1,854 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 7,250 0 8,146 _ $15,396 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 50,000 $0 $250,000 Actual Jun -08 4,599 2,000 0 2,715 12,017 9,952 $31,283 Actual Jun -08 99,136 67,912 54,950 $221,998 FY 07/08 Unrealized 401 0 5,000 12,285 2,983 48 Page 7 Projected FY 08/09 % 0 -100% 0 0% Q -100% -100% Projected FY 08/09 50.000 -50% 100,000 0% 100,000 100% $250,000 0% 0/0 Projected 8/09 % 5,000 0% 2,000 0% 0 5.000 15.000 10.000 $20,717 Mb $37,000 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 12,875 0 $12,875 Projected FY 08/09 99,300 0% 83,156 3% 0 -100% $182,456 -22% -100% -67% 0% 0% -29% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects Acquiring Water Rights (01-0465-07-00) Dangerous Bldgs -Property Abatement (01-0465-10-00) Disaster Mitigation (emergency fund) (01-0465-15-00) Land Acquisition (01-0465-09-00) Equipment (color scanner, computer, update LaserFiche) (01 -0465 -03 - Furniture (Mayor's Office) (01-0465-03-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: PARKS Major Objects and Subobjects Ada County Lease - Guerber Park Land (01-0471-06-00) Eagle Sports Complex Development -Velodrome (01-0470-07-00) Park Development (Impact Fees) (01-0470-07-00) TOTAL PARKS: CAPITAL PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects VRT - Sry Enhancement -Hwy 44 Express (14-0468-10-00) Id Power 2% Franchise Fee -Bury Distribution Lines (01-0468-11-00) Hill Rd Improvements - ACHD (Collection Account) (14-0468-09-00) City Wide Enhancements (01-0468-12-00) TOTAL COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS: TOTAL GENERAL ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 0 40,000 0 7,000 4,000 $51,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 28,500 241,000 0 $269,500 FY 07/08 Budgeted 15,650 0 0 50,000 $65,650 $4,175,565 Actual Jun -08 0 0 0 0 10,484 4,500 $14,984 Actual Jun -08 28,500 234,882 0 $263,382 Actual Jun -08 14,603 0 0 0 $14,603 $2,543,301 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 0 40,000 0 -3,484 -500 $36,016 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 6,118 0 $6,118 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,047 0 0 50,000 $51,047 0 $1,632,264 Page 8 Projected FY 07/08 0 0% 0 0% 20,000. -50% 0 0% 0 -100% 0, -100% $20,000- -61% Projected FY 08/09 % 0 0 241,000 $241,000 Projected FY 08/09 -100% -100% 100% -11% 14,603 180,000 0 0 $194,603 0/0 -7% 100% 0% -100% 196%1 $4,111,124 -2% EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT BUDGET FY08/09 FIXED OPERATING COST PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (11-0415-10-00) Overtime (11-0415-11-00) Employee Bonus (11-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve (11-0415-17-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (11-0415-20-00) FICA (11-0415-21-00) PERS! (11-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (11-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (11-0217-07-00) Unemployment Benefits (11-0415-28-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (11-0413-23-00) Mayor - Administrative Expenses (11-0413-03-00) Miscellaneous (11-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (11-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (11-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (11-0413-14-00) Resource Materials (01-0413-28-00) Telecommunications (01-0413-19-00) Vehicle Expenses (11-0413-24-00) Training (11-0413-12-00) Travel & Per Diem (11-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 07/08 114,000 0 0 400 0 8,752 11,886 480 27,264 0 $162,782 BUDGETED FY 07108 1,700 5,000 50 2,000 500 500 200 2,100 0 500 1,700 $14,250 PUBLIC AFFAIRS & COMMUNITY RELATIONS: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 07/08 Youth Action Council Public Relations (11-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: 0 8,438 $8,438 8/18/2008 Actual Jun -08 73,736 7 0 0 0 5,052 7,277 691 18,442 0 $105,205 Actual Jun -08 0 61 0 781 16 75 0 902 184 946 351 $3,316 Actual Jun -08 151 441 $592 FY 07/08 Unrealized 40,264 -7 0 0 0 3,700 4,609 -211 8,822 0 $57,577 Page 9 Projected FY 08/09 132,475 16% 0 0% 0 0% 0 -100% 100 100% 10.134 16% 13,764 16% 556 16% 38.672 42% 0 0% $195,701 20% OA FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,700 4,939 50 1,219 484 425 200 1,198 -184 -446 1,349 $10,934 FY 07/08 Unrealized -151 7,997 $7,846 Projected FY 08/09 200 -88% 2,500 -50% 100 100% 1,200 -40% 100 -80% 100 -80% 200 0% 2100 0% 1;000 100% 1000 100% 500 -71% $9,000 -37% Projected FY 08/09 1000 100% 1000 100% $2,000 -76% EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT BUDGET CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 07108 Public Relations/Information Services 0 Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (11-0416-24-00) 1,253 TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: $1,253 FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subob1ects City Hall Equipment (11-0465-03-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: BUDGETED FY 07/08 162,782 14,250 8,438 1,253 $186,723 BUDGETED FY 07/08 500 $500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 500 $500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $186,723 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $500 TOTAL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $187.223 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 0 0 1,253 $0 $1,253 Actual Jun -08 105,205 3,316 592 0 $109,113 Actual Jun -08 1,383 $1,383 Actual Jun -08 1,383 $1,383 Actual Jun -08 $109,113 $1,383 $110,496 FY 07/08 Unrealized 57,577 10,934 7,846 1,253 $77,610 FY 07/08 Unrealized -883 -$883 FY 07/08 Unrealized -883 -$883 FY 07/08 Unrealized 77,610 -883 $76,727 Page 10 Projected FY 08/09 20,000 100% 1,500 20% $21,500 1616% Projected FY 08/09 195,701 20% 9,000 -37% 2,000 100% 21,500 1616% $228,201 22% Projected FY 08/09 _ 2,000 300% $2,000 300% % Projected FY 08/09 2,000 300% $2,000 300% Projected FY 08/09 $228,201 22% $2,000 300% $230,201 23% CITY CLERK BUDGET FY 08/09 FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (12-0415-10-00) Overtime (12-0415-11-00) Merit Increase Reserve (12-0415-17-00) Employee Bonus (12-0415-16-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (12-0415-20-00) FICA (12-0415-21-00) PERSI (12-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (12-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (12-0217-07-00) Unemployment Benefits (12-0415-28-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Elections (12-0413-04-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (12-0413-08-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (12-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (12-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (12-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (12-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (12-0413-14-00) Resource Materials (12-0413-28-00) Training (12-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (12-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (12-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Contract Other (12-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (12-0416-24-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 176,081 2,000 1,761 750 100 13,662 18,556 750 42,013 0 $255,673 FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,500 250 250 100 1,000 250 350 250 3,000 3,000 $9,950 FY 07/08 Budgeted 500 $500 FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,500 1,300 $2,800 Actual Jun -08 129,486 7,077 0 232 0 10,086 14,213 867 30,081 0 $192,042 Actual Jun -08 0 0 350 0 1,399 0 475 0 2,034 331 $4,589 Actual Jun -08 109 $109 Actual Jun -08 8/18/2008 FY 07/08 Unrealized 46,595 -5,077 0 518 100 3,576 4,343 -117 11,932 0 $63,631 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,500 250 -100 100 -399 250 -125 250 966 2,669 $5,361 FY 07/08 Unrealized 391 $391 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 1,500 0 1,300 SO $2,800 Page 11 Projected FY 08/09 % 185,395 5% 7,000 250% 0 -100% 1,000 33% 100 14,795 8% 20,094 8% 812 47.344 0 $276,540 0% Projected FY 08/09 1,500 0% 150 -40% 350 40% 100 0% 1,600 60% 100 -60% 500 43% 100 -60% 3,000 0% 3,000 0% $10,400 8% % 5% Projected FY 08/09 % 250 -50% $250 -50% Projected FY 08109 0 -100% 1,500 15%_ $1,500 -46% CITY CLERK BUDGET FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: 1 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Maior Objects and Subobjects Equipment (12-0465-03-00) Other (12-0465-02-00) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT BUDGET: 1 FY 07/08 Budgeted 255,673 9,950 500 2,800 $268.923 FY 07/08 Budgeted 2,500 1,000 $3,500 FY 07/08 Budgeted 3,500 $3,500 FY 07/08 Budgeted $268,923 $3,500 Actual Jun -08 192,042 4,589 109 0 $196,740 Actual Jun -08 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 63,631 5,361 391 2,800 $72,183 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 2,500 0 1,000 $0 $3,500 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 $196,740 $0 $272.423 $196,740 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,500 $3,500 FY 07/08 Unrealized 72,183 3,500 $75,683 Page 12 Projected FY 08/09 % 276,540 8% 10,400 5% 250 -50% 1,500 -46% $288,690 7% Projected FY 08/09 0 -100% 0 -100% $0 -100%I 1 Projected FY 08/09 0 $0 OA -100% -100% Projected FY 08/09 $288,690 7% $0 -100% $288,690 6%1 very good tax income so we should be able to put some aside for the City Hall. Discussion on the economy. My estimation is that we need to put aside 10%. General discussion. Semanko: Discussion on Public Relations and Communications categories in each department's budget and consolidating these under one item. Another item is the comp and class study. This is another discussion. Cutting staff is a much different question than whether you increase people's salaries and by how much. I would much prefer to have the latter discussion. I have not heard or read any communications that satisfY a very high burden to cut Staff. Another one raised is looking at the budgeted versus the actual. The Mayor's salary was mentioned last week. The previous Council decided the Mayor's salary and the Mayor being full time. Those decisions have already been made and I am not in favor of this. Where do you get the amount to put in the Diversified Bond Fund. Huffaker: The first question raised was reduction of staff, particularly in the Planning Department. What we are trying to measure is the need for staff. One way is to measure staff on population. Another factor raised is the current state of the economy and adjust the staff according to the down turn in the economy. Another factor to consider is the opinion of the Department Heads. As I reviewed all of these things I had to come to the conclusion that as Councilmen we are not full time and we are not familiar with the daily working of the Departments as the Mayor is. I think reliance on the people who have been here for years is the most reliable indicator. I have no reason not to trust their opinion. I found them to be hard working, dedicated and loyal to the City and honest in the way they dealt with the Council. I think it would be disloyal to our employees and impractical to the City to beefup and then pair down according to economy change. The standard for laying off people is very high. The next issue I want to discussion was salary and benefits. I think it is a legitimate discussion to talk about the Mercer Study. Discussion on the Mercer Study bringing staff to minimum and compression and the recommendation of a 3.7% COL increase. I believe that everyone should be brought up to minimum and compression. For the Cost of Living adjustment I think we should discuss the 3.7%. On the issue of the Mayor being part time or full time, I would like to add to that, that different cities are organized different ways. Discussion on the duties of the Mayor. I am absolutely sure that he is needed full time and probably works more than what most of us consider a full time job. Discussion on the carry over. I don't think that we have to increase the carry over in one year. I think that we should build this up over a number of years as we have in the past. I appreciate all of the oral and written testimony at the Public Hearing. Shoushtarian: In final analysis it come to two point. We have to see if we can cut this budget that we can put it on the other side for the services of the community. To do something for our downtown, for park and pathways and for the City Hall. General discussion. Shoushtarian: Mayor since you mentioned it. I am in a bad situation to talk about the staff. Discussion on cutting staff. As far as the staff I am by no means cutting all the way through staff. We are in a down economy and we are not getting as much building fees. Staffis not as busy. We got to try to do something to cut some part if we can to save some money so we can put in those services. Huffaker: I wanted to layout a possibility for a motion but it will need further discussion. What I would be proposing as a motion would be that we approve the City Budget as proposed with these exceptions: We talk about salaries for City Hall staff, that those be bumped up to 50% percentile and the compression be included and the discussion be centered around the cost of living adjustment. Also on the property tax issue, if feel as a reasonable compromise, I would be willing to forego it for this year if we considered a specific project that we would put it towards in next year's Page 4 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08mindoc budget. We could consider next year's 3% and the foregone amount and present that to the public as part of a proposed budget and let the comment on whether they would want to money to go to that project. As far as specific small line items, I don't have any changes. Discussion on a Public Relations Officer. Discussion of the Mercer Group Study. Semanko: I am going to go ahead and withdraw my original motion. Seconded concurs. Semanko: I move that we adopt the proposed budget for fiscal year 09 with the following changes: #1. That we forgo the 3% property tax increase and utilizing Option #1 presented by the Clerk which provides no impact on the Library's revenue; #2. That we utilize the recommendations of the Mercer report up to the 50% percentile for the staff salaries and include the compression factor for those that have longer service and #3. That we add a cost of living adjustment but that cost of living adjustment be reduced to 3% from 3.7% for across the board for all of the staff. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Discussion. Semanko amends the motion to put the carry over funds and the savings from the salary adjustments be put into the Diversified Bond Fund. Second concurs. Discussion. Shoushtarian: My motion would be that if we could go ahead as I mentioned earlier as far as salary we stick with what the Mercer Group has recommended for those below the norm, there would not be an increase on those that are above the norm. Discussion. Shoushtarian: Maybe we should just forget about the COL. I think the compression should be applied to those below the norm. Discussion. As a compromise I am willing to put the COL in there and just not any more, the compression and the 3.7% increase out of those that are above the norm. I don't have the number with me on how much that would save. General discussion. Motion dies for lack of a second. Shoushtarian restates his motion: We give the staff whose salary is below the norm what the Mercer Group recommended and those above the norm we just not going to increase the 3.7% compression. General discussion. Motion dies for lack of a second. Vote on Semanko's original motion: Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: NAY; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ General Council discussion on the Budget. Mayor calls a recess at 10:30 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 10:45 p.m. Mayor: I would like Council to consider continuing Item #7D. Resolution No. 08-25 to the September 9, 2008 City Council meeting. So moved by Semanko. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... B. Proposed fee increase for a fuel surchar!!e in the amount of $0.95 a month be added to the current amount billed per Allied Waste Customer. This item was continuedfrom the August 12, 2008 meeting. 8.1 :Resolution No. 08-19: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Allied Waste Services Fee Schedule Pursuant To The Solid Waste Contract Recycling Collection Services As Stated In Section 4.2 A. "Customer Rates- Establishment" And Providing For Effective Date. This item was continuedfrom the August 12, 2008 meeting. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08min.doc Continued to the September 9,2008 City Council meeting. C. CP A-02-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment from Residential One and Residential Two to Business Park - Ed Priddy: Ed Priddy, represented by Ron Bath of Salmon Pointe Development, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One (up to 1 unit per acre) and Residential Two (up to 2 units per acre) to Business Park, and to establish a new planning sub-area within the Land Use Chapter of the plan. The +/- 129 acre site is located south of State Highway 44, bounded on the west by Eagle Island State Park and to the east generally by the alignment ofN. Ballantyne Road, specifically described in the application on file with the City of Eagle. (WEV) This item was continued from the August 12, 2008 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Ron Bath, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides an overview of the Comp Plan Map Amendment. Provides a power point presentation and discusses the same. General discussion. Planner Baird-Spencer: Provides Council an overview of the Comp Plan Map Amendment. Provides Council a history of policies of changes of land uses within the City. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Ron Bath discusses the contacts with people. We have had three neighborhood meetings. A vast part of this area is the Eagle Sewer District. Ron Bath reads a letter from Ed Channey into the record. General discussion. Andrew Petrehn, 1297 N. Chelser, I've been confused as to this area. I did not know that RV was coming. Discussion on the traffic in the area. Discussion on the definition of the business park designation. Discussion on the definition of temporary. I don't think we need another RV park in the City. I don't think you need a business park designation. I think you could do a development agreement. General discussion. Further general discussion. Mayor: Is there anyone else here to testifY on this matter? Saundra McDavid, 1297 N. Chaucer Way, I was relocated here for a tech job and no place was there mention of an RV park. I am opposed to having an RV park next to the river. I don't think this an appropriate use for this area. The concept of Business Park goes against the development of our City. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Discussion on no net loss. General Council discussion. Guerber moves to approve CP A-02-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment from Residential One and Residential Two to Business Park with the stipulations as set down by the Planning and Zoning. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. .. D. Resolution No. 08-25: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Amending Resolution No. 07-19A, Providing Criteria To Eagle City Code Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 4 "Off Page 6 K\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08mindoc Street Parking And Loading", Section 4 "Additional Parking Regulations And Requirements", Subsection 3 "Joint/ Collective Parking Facilities" To ModifY The Maximum Reduction In Number Of Parking Spaces For A Portion Of The Downtown Development Area; Providing Criteria To Eagle City Code Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 2 "Zoning Districts And Maps, Article A "Design Review Overlay District", Section 7 "Landscape And Buffer Area Requirements", Subsection 0 "Alternative Methods Of Compliance", Paragraph 3 For Tree Retention, Tree Replacement Costs, And Waiver Provisions For Such Retention And Costs In A Portion Of The Downtown Development Area; Providing A Severability Clause; Providing For Duration; And Providing For An Effective Date. (JTL) This item was continuedfrom the August 12, 2008 meeting. Continued to the September 9, 2008 City Council meeting. E. CP A-03-08 & RZ-07-08 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Four to Central Business District and Rezone from R-4 to CBD - Larrv Coelho: Larry Coelho is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, consisting of eleven parcels, from Residential Four (up to four units per acre) to Central Business District, and a rezone from R-4 (Residential- up to four units per acre) to CBD (Central Business District) for four of the eleven parcels that are located on both sides of North 1 st Street. The 4.0 I-acre site is generally located on North 151 Street and North Eagle Road, north of Idaho Street, south of Mission Street, and east of North Eagle Road. (WEV) Continued to the September 9,2008 City Council meeting. F. CP A-04-08 - Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment from Residential One to Mixed Use - Linder Land Partners. LLC: Linder Land Partners, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel of Rose Law Group, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for the southern +/- 1O.03-acres of a +/-13.63 acre site from Residential One (up to 1 unit per acre) to Mixed Use (resulting in the entire +/- 13.63 acre site being designated as Mixed Use), and a Text Amendment to the Park Lane Planning Area. The +/- 10 acre site is located on the corner of Old Valley Road and Linder Road, specifically described in the application on file with the City of Eagle. (WEV) Continued to the September 9, 2008 City Council meeting. G. A-01-08/RZ-01-08 & PP-01-08 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA and Preliminarv Plat for Old Valley Plaza Subdivision - 4149 State Street. LLC: 4149 State Street, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel with Rose Law Group, is requesting an annexation and rezone of two (2) parcels (totaI2.05-acres), from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to MU- DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Old Valley Plaza Subdivision, a 1.88-acres, 8-lot (7-buildable, 1 common) commercial subdivision. The site is generally located on the southwest corner of State Highway 44 and Old Valley Road at 4149 West State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Semanko: Pursuant to Idaho Code, 59-704, I need to declare a conflict of interest as I work part time with Rose Law Group on water right matters for some of their clients and would ask permission to recues myself for participation in this agenda item. General discussion. Shawn Nickel, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the request for annexation and rezone. General discussion. Page 7 K:\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08mindoc Planner Williams: Displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Andrew Petrehn, 1297 N. Chaucer, I am familiar with this lot and squeezing a restaurant on this site just creates a traffic jam. Discussion on the traffic in the area. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Shawn Nickel, clarification on the square footage, it is 22,000. Discussion on the drive-thru. We went through several meetings with ACHD to deal with the corner and you have their report. General discussion. General Council discussion. Huffaker moves to approve A-01-08/RZ-01-08 & PP-01-08 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA and Preliminary Plat for Old Valley Plaza Subdivision. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Huffaker amends the motion to add that Design Review has the right, if there is insufficient visibility; they have the right to change their recommendation to right turn only. Discussion. Second concurs. TWO AYES: SHOUSTARIAN: NAY: MOTION CARRIES.......... 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No: 608: Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2008/2009: An Ordinance Entitled The Annual Appropriation Ordinance For The City Of Eagle, Idaho, For The Fiscal Year 2009 Commencing October 1,2008, And Ending September 30, 2009. [This item will only be acted on if the public hearingfor item 7A is closed, and approving action is taken via a motion of the Council.} Mayor introduces the issues. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: I would ask that you move to approve Ordinance No. 608, to be amended consistent with your approval of the budget earlier in the evening. So moved by Huffaker. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....................... Guerber moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #608 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber reads Ordinance # 608 by title only. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. ... Guerber moves that Ordinance #608 as amended be adopted. Seconded by Huffaker. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES. ... ...... ... ... .... ... ..... ....... 9. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CA~ES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1: 1 0 a.m. Respectfully submitted: Page 8 K\COUNClL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08mindoc PH LLIP J. BANDY MAYOR . . ~ ' - . '> . . .. . .. '>,..... f BAa ....... ," ..I 0 ........l.~ ... ~ ^'-~ .. ... ! ,."':r .... ~ORA l'fi'... .... : "':o<+- ~.;. : : C; .tIfII' : : : , till' ,;::: : :.. S'C~'""~:o: ~ .. "A. P ,,<:).......:: .. . ...~ ~v. "".. '.0 ..;-O/lPOl\"... ~..~ ...... J'r ....... \"V .... "," <11'E 0 ~ ........ I"".... II' ",.... ~ ~ 0+<>-1< ~~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-26-08mindoc