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Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 07/15/2008 - Regular
: EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes July 15, 2008 I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at I :50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GUERBER, HUFFAKER, .SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO. Semanko is absent. A quorum is present. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Findin!!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-24-06 MOD - Modification to Development A!!reement - Ea!!le Gatewav Development. LLC: Eagle Gateway Development, LLC, represented by Walter Lindgren, with Johnson Architects is requesting a modification to the development agreement of Conditions of Development # 3.6 to change a "Hotel" use which is shown as "C" conditional use under the MU zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations," to a permitted use on the property. (WEV) B. Findin!!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-17-04 MOD - Modification to Development A!!reement - Ea!!lefield Estates LLC: Eaglefield, LLC, represented by Peter Harris, is requesting modifications to the development agreement (Instrument # I 06057136) associated with the R-2-DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre with a development agreement - PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential up to four units per acre with a development agreement - PUD), and MU-DA-P (Mixed Use with a development agreement - PUD) zoning classifications for the Eaglefield Estates Subdivision. The I 42.4-acre site is generally located 650-feet west of Linder Road and north of State Highway 44. (WEV) C. EXT-12-08 - Preliminarv Plat Extension of Time for Adonai Subdivision _ Dwavne Lin!!el: Dwayne Lingel, represented by Van Elg with the Land Group, Inc., is requesting a one (I) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Adonai Subdivision, a 12 lot (8 - buildable, 4 - common) residential subdivision. The 5. 70-acre site is located on the east side of Park Lane Road approximately 1,200-feet south of Beacon Light Road at 2440 North Park Lane. (WEV) D. EXT-13-08 - Preliminarv Plat Extension of Time for Brutsman Subdivision (PP-02-06) - Litton Loan Servicin!!: Litton Loan Servicing, represented by Russell Stanley, is requesting a one (I) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Brutsman Subdivision, a 17 lot (12-buildable, I-existing, 4- common) residential subdivision. The 4.86-acre site is located approximately I ,200-feet south of Floating Feather Road and on the west side of Horseshoe Page I K:ICOUNCILIMlNUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-07-15-08mindoc Bend Road at 10895 Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) E. July 10,2008 minutes. Guerber moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.......... 4. BUDGET DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Sheriff's Office Contract. Council Member Semanko is present at 1 :53 p.m. Chief Brian Hippie: Distributes copies of the budget presentation given to the Council in June. The figures remain the same. Provides an overview of the budget for the Council. General discussion. B. Senior Center Budget requests. City Clerk presents the $5,000.00 budget request from the Senior Citizens. The $5,000.00 is incorporated into the General Administration budget, increasing the Senior Center Community Van from $11,660 to $14,660 and $2,000 for a One Time Donation to the Senior Citizen Center. C. Library Budget. Ron Baker, Library Director, presents the Librmy Budget to the Council. General discussion. City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: Discusses the Urban Renewal payment schedule and requests the Council to review this item for a decision. City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: Discusses the transfers from the General Fund Revenue Sharing to the Water Fund to cover expenses this fiscal year. Does the Council want to require the Water Fund to repay these funds back to the City. The Water Fund would not be able to stmi repayment to the City until FY091l O. Council to review this item for a decision. D. Water Fund. Interim Public Works Director Echeita provides an overview of the Water Fund Budget. I cut one operator out of the budget for an amount of $68,000 and cut the budget by about $100,000 for tools and equipment in order to balance the budget. General discussion. Echeita presents the Capital Projects Park Fund. General discussion. E. General budget review Mayor calls a recess at 4:30 p.m. Mayor resumes at 4:40 p.m. General discussion on Revenue. General discussion on General Administration Budget. General discussion on Executive Department Budget. Guerber moves to adjourn the meeting and reconvene at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 16, 2008. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Page 2 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-07-15-08mindoc Council adjourned at 5:45 p.m. July 16,2009 Mayor Bandy reconvenes the meeting at 9: 10 a.m. ROLL CALL: GUERBER, HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO. A quorum is present. General discussion legal fees and miscellaneous legal fees. General discussion on the Planning and Zoning Budget. Laurie Baker, Curator of the Museum, provides Council an overview of the Historical Commission Budget. General discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 10:30 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 10:45 p.m. Barbara Burton, Administration Clerk for the AI1s Commission, present an overview of the AI1s Commission Budget. General discussion. General discussion on proposed budget and budget process. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Semanko. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1: 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: .-J0.~. -K~ ",........., ..' I, .. G \..E '" .. ~ . " ". <(, ......... #, ~ ~ ... ",'tE ... ~ SHARON K. BERGMANN : 0.. ~ ..... 0 -:. CITY CLERK/TREASURER .. I () ..... .. >- 4; , "'. ':t:. .. : I ,,~:: -E-,~ ,. ~ ",.<1:. ~ h/], -..... ~,.... ""'" .. ~ u\v " ~T':::"'-: to. ~o.. ~ ~ ~# ... INCO.... 0 ... #,# *' ........~~ ......' " Il T f>.. " I, 11' PHILLIP J. BANDY / '1,.. 'iI"~'"~ MAYOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS A V AILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 3 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-07-15-08mindoc CITY OF EAGLE REVENUE PROJECTIONS FY 08/09 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT FY 07108 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted CARRY OVER (01-0308-00-00)1 $1,437,643 RESERVE FUND - 1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0309-01-00) $411,229 DIVERSIVIED BOND FUND $254,500 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE (01-0311-00-00) $1,160,135 OTHER TAX REVENUE: Penalty and Interest on Property Taxes (01-0311-01-00) $2,500 Franchise Fees: Franchise/Eagle Water Co. - 1% (01-0316-10-00) 1,750 Franchise/United Water Company - 1% (01-0316-10-02) 5,500 Franchise/Int. Gas 3% (Yearly) (01-0316-11-00) 300,000 Franchise/Trash 8% (Quarterly) (01-0316-13-00) 130,000 Franchise/Idaho Power 1% (Quarterly) (01-0316-14-00) 100,000 Franchise/Cable 5% (01-0316-12-00) 107,000 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES: $644,250 INTERGOVERNMENTAL: Urban Renewal District - Loan Payment 0 State Revenue Sharing (Quarterly) (01-0335-60-00) 1,151,260 State Sales Tax (Quarterly) (01-335-50-00) 175,215 State Liquor (Quarterly) (01-0335-10-00) 350,000 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL: $1,676,475 7/14/2008 CZ -7l111°? Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % so $1,437,643 $377,118 -74°i0 $0 $411,229 $350,000 -15% $0 $254,500 $265,000 4% $694,221 $465,914 $1,198,650 $1,501 3% $999 $2,500 0% 5,693 -3,943 4,592 908 255,267 44,733 94,702 35,298 77,877 22,123 54,542 52,458 $492,673 $151,577 0 0 471,451 679,809 140,190 35,025 273,623 76,377 $885,264 $791,211 LICENSES AND PERMITS: Alcoholic Beverage License (01-0321-10-00) 20,000 . 19,257 Business License (01-0321-30-00) 16,500 13,875 TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS: $36,500 $33,132 743 2,625 $3,368 7.000 300% 10,000 82% 260,000 -13% 160,000 23% 150,000 50% 110, 000 3% $697,000 8% 70,243 1,188,514 201,416 250,000 $1,710,173 20,000 16,500 $36,500 100% 3% 15% -29% 2% 0% 0% 0% REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Building Permits (01-0322-10-00) Building Permits Appeals (01-0322-10-01) Plan Review Fee -Bldg Dept (01-0322-12-00) Garden City Plan Review Fees (01-0322-12-01) Energy Standards (01-0322-13-00) Grading -Drainage Permit Fees (01-0322-21-00) Electrical Inspection Fees w/City Inspector (01-0322-14-00) Plumbing Inspection Fees wlCity Inspector (01-0322-15-00) Mechanical Inspection Fees (01-0322-16-00) Bldg Inspector Fees - Garden City (01-0322-20-00) Drainage Fees (01-0341-13-01) ACHD Impact Processing Fees (01-0322-19-00) TOTAL BUILDING DEAPARTMENT PERMITS & FEES: PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Annex/Zoning Permits (01-0322-11-00) PZ Inspection Fees (01-0322-11-01) PZ Plan Review Fees (01-0322-11-02) Street Light Inspection Fees (01-0322-17-00) Surety/Letter of Credit Fees (01-0322-18-00) Tree Fund (01-0369-30-00) Tree City USA Grant (01-0331-60-00) Engineering Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-13-00) Attorney Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-14-00) TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING PERMITS & FEES: MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS AND FEES: Miscellaneous Permits/Fees/Licenses (01-0341-11-00) Animal License Fees (01-0341-12-00) TOTAL MISCELLANDEOUS PERMITS & FEES: FY 07/08 Budgeted 935,500 500 325,500 0 17,500 50,000 90,000 90,000 48,000 90,000 0 3,000 $1,650,000 Actual Jun -08 323,334 0 150,820 375 10,100 0 52,692 45,573 60,365 67,500 2,400 1,240 $714,399 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 612,166 500 174,680 -375 7,400 50,000 37,308 44,427 -12,365 22,500 -2,400 1,760 $935,601 845,000 500 294,000 500 15,800 45,000 81,000 81,000 80,000 120,000 2,500 2,700 $1,568,000 -10% 0% - 10% 100% - 10% -10% - 10% -10% 67% 100% 100% -10% -5% 200,000 100,434 99,566 200,000 0% 6,000 8,910 -2,910 8,000 100% 1,200 1,350 -150 1,200 100% 1,500 1,290 210 1,500 0% 3,000 2,255 745 3,000 0% 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 o% 175 180 -5 175 0% 60,000 282,346 -222,346 60.000 0% 60,000 53,097 6,903 60,000 0% $332,875 $449,862 -$116,987 $334,875 1% 1,500 6,000 $7,500 3,130 6,624 $9.754 -1,630 -624 42,254 3,000 100% 7,000 17% $10,000° 33% REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects City Court Fines & Fees (01-0338-40-00) Citation Fees/Code Enforcement (01-0338-41-00) TOTAL COURT FINES & FEES: CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Printing, Duplication and Publishing (01-0379-01-00) Miscellaneous (01-0379-00-00) TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES: DONATIONS: Park Donation (01-0376-04-00) Arbor Day Donations (01-0376-06-00) Contributions/Donation/Private (Pathway Projects)(o1-0376-00-00) TOTAL DONATIONS: INVESTMENTS: State Treasurer Investments -Interest 01-0371-10-00) Total Investments: MISCELLANEOUS: Lease Payments -Parks (01-0383-04-00) Lease Payments -City Hall Property (01-0383-06-00) Idaho Power Substation/Water usage (01-0383-01-00) Room Reservations (01-0383-09-00) CH Staff Time Reimbursement -Urban Renewal District ITD Eagle Road Underpass Reimbursement (01-383-11-00) ITD Merrill Park Bridge Reimbursement (01-0383-12-00) Dry Creek Drainage -Matching Funds (01-0383-13-00) Miscellaneous Reimburseables (01-0383-05-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS FY 07/08 Budgeted 75,000 500 $75,500 1,200 5,000 $6,200 1,000 100 0 $1,100 90,000 $90,000 1,000 1,550 120 1,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 $4,670 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 62,387 12,613 80,000 30 470 200 $62,417 $13,083 „ mo ,n + 2 0 692 4,204 $4,896 0 0 0 $0 508 796 $1,304 1,000 100 0_ $1,100 1,200 5,000 $6,200 0% 0% 0% 1,000 0% 100 100% 0 0% $1,100 0% 41,993 48,007. 70,000 -22% $41,993 $48,007 $70,000 -22% 214 786 2,100 110% 1,000 550 1,000 -35% 120 0 120 0% 304 696 500 100% 0 0 4,425 100% 19,189 -19,189 0 0% 27,718 -27,718 0 0% 10,000 -10,000 0 0% 2,659 -1,659 1,000 0% $61.204 -$56,534 $9,145 96% REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects GRANTS Grants/Matching Funds (Sr Center Parking Lot) (01-0331-63-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding (01-0331-64-00) Future Grant (01-0331-61-00) TOTAL GRANTS: PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Awin Mgmnt (BFI) Education -Add Srvs (01-0350-03-00) Healing Fields Contribution (01-0350-05-00) Reservation Fees (01-0350-20-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament 01-0350-01-00) Rec Programs/Rocky Mtn Fitness Center (01-0350-42-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: TOTAL REVENUE: FY 07/08 Budgeted 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 24,000 20,000 9,500 3,500 600 $57,600 $7,844,177 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 50,000 $0 $250,000 22,088 0 8,579 2,238 90 $32,995 $3,484,311 1,912 20,000 921 1,262 510 $24,605 $4,359,866 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 29,500 0 12,000 3,500 0 $45,000 0% 100% 0% 0% 23% 100% 26% 0% -100% -22% $7,011,461 -11% PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 08/09 General Administration FY 03/04 Mayor and Council took a 5% increase for two years -beginning January 1, 2004 FY05/06 Council took a 5% increase for two years -beginning January 1, 2006 FY05106 The Mayor's postion was made a full time position with an annual salary of $42,000.00 beginning January 1, 2006 7/11/2008 FY06/07 The Mayor's annual salary was increased to $74,000.00 beginning January 1, 2008. The Council President's salary was increased to $14,024.00 beginning January 1, 2008 Council Members salary was increased to $11,220.00 FY 08/09 Name Steve Guerber Mike Huffaker Al Shoushtarian Norm Semanko Title Council President Council Council Council 7/9/2008 5% Increase Annual 7.65% 10.39% WORK Wage FICA PERSI COMP 14,024 1,073 0 59 11,220 858 1,166 47 11,220 858 0 47 11,220 858 1,166 47 $47,684 3,648 $2,332 $200 TOTAL: $86,834 INSURANCE 0 22,735 10,236 0 $32,971 ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Design Review Board Compensation (01-0413-02-00) P&Z Commissioners Compensation (01-0413-01-00) Election (01-0413-04-00) Office Supplies (01-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (01-0413-06-00) Postage (01-0413-07-00) Legal Advertising/Publication (01-0413-08-00) Insurance Property (01-0413-10-00) Insurance Reserve Fund (01-0413-11-00) Training (01-0413-12-00) Travel & Per Diem (01-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (01-0413-14-00) Utilities 660 E. Civic Lane (01-0413-16-00) Telecommunications (01-0413-19-00) Internet/Web Page Services (01-0413-21-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (01-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (01-0413-25-00) Resource Materials (01-0413-28-00) Real Property Taxes (01-0413-29-00) Monitoring Alarm Systems (01-0413-34-00) Storage Shed Rental (01-0413-36-00) Background Check - Permits/Licenses (01-0413-37-00) Floodplain Management (01-0413-38-00) Library - Merit Increase Reserve including taxes (01-0410-02-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Mktng Promo Develop-(Frm Business Lic) (01-0418-02-00) SAG -2 Broadcasting City Meetings SAG -3 Comp & Class Study (Cost share) (01-0418-03-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 07/08: FY 07/08 Budgeted 4,850 4,850 0 18,000 500 8,000 0 32,299 10,000 1,000 3,000 42,075 23,000 12,000 1,000 16,000 500 2,000 50 2,000 1,200 0 5,000 5,011 $192.335 FY 07/08 Budgeted 7,250 0 10,000 $17,250 Actual Jun -08 3,774 2,800 9,999 21,278 1,685 6,661 1,045 32,299 0 2,505 0 34,911 16,226 8,332 580 19,918 787 5,187 140 905 846 925 0 0 $170,803 Actual Jun -08 0 0 1,854 $1,854 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,076 2,050 -9,999 -3,278 -1,185 1,339 -1,045 0 10,000 -1,505 3,000 7,164 6,774 3,668 420 -3,918 -287 -3,187 -90 1.095 354 -925 5,000 5,011 $21,532 FY 07/08 Unrealized 7,250 0 8,146 $15,396 Projected FY 08/09 4,850 0% 4,850 0% 0 100% 20,000 11% 1,500 200% 8,500 6% 1,500 0% 36,175 12% 10,000 0% 1,000 0% 3,000 0% 58.400 39% 23,000 0% 12,000 0% 1,000 0% 16,000 0% 500 0% 5,000 150% 150 200% 1.300 -35% 1,200 100% 1,163 100% 0 100% 0 100% $211,088 10% OA Projected FY 08/09 OA 0 -100% 0 100% 0 100% $0 -100% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't GRANTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Future Grants (01-0421-03-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding (01-0421-04-00) Grants/Matching Funds (Sr Center Parking Lot) (01-0421-01-00) TOTAL GRANTS: PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS Major Objects and Subobjects Community Promotion and Special Events (01-0422-03-00) Eagle Senior Citizen Center -One Time Donation (01-0422-07) Mayor's Youth Action Council (01-0422-05-00) Healing Field Flag Display (01-0422-06-00) Old Time 4th of July Celebration (01-0422-02-00) Public Relations (01-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATION: COMMUNITY PROJECTS Arts Commission (01-0463-00-00) Historical Commission (01-0463-01-00) Urban Renewal Transfer -Start Up Funds (01-0463-03-00) TOTAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS: CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects Acquiring Water Rights (01-0465-07-00) Dangerous Bldgs -Property Abatement (01-0465-10-00) Disaster Mitigation (emergency fund) (01-0465-15-00) Land Acquisition (01-0465-09-00) Equipment (color scanner, computer, update LaserFiche) (01-0465-03-00) Furniture (Mayor's Office) (01-0465-03-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: PARKS Major Objects and Subobjects Ada County Lease - Guerber Park Land (01-0471-06-00) Eagle Sports Complex Development -Velodrome (01-0470-07-00) Park Development (Impact Fees) (01-0470-07-00) TOTAL PARKS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 5,000 2,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 $52,000 99,136 80,787 54,950 $234,873 FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 0 40,000 0 7,000 4,000 $51.000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 28,500 241,000 0 $269.500 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 50,000 $0 $250,000 Actual Jun -08 4,599 2,000 0 2,715 12,017 9.952 $31,283 99,136 67,912 54,950 $221,998 Actual Jun -08 0 0 0 0 10,484 4,500 $14,984 Actual Jun -08 28.500 234,882 0 $263,382 FY 07/08 Unrealized 401 0 5,000 12,285 2,983 48 $20,717 0 12,875 0 $12,875 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 0 40,000 0 -3,484 -500 $36,016 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 6,118 0 $6,118 Page 3 Projected FY 08/09 50,00 -50% 100,000 100% 100,000 100% $250,000 0% Projected FY 08/09 5,000 0% 2,000 0% 1,000 100% 5,000 -67% 15,000 0% 10.000 0% $38,000 -27% 0/0 90,718 -8% 79,171 -2% 0 100% $169,889 -28% Projected FY 07/08 0 20,000 0 0 0 $20,000 0% 0% -50% 0% 100% 100% -61% Projected FY 08/09 0 0% 0 100% 241,000- 100% $241,000 0% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't CAPITAL PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects VRT - Sry Enhancement -Hwy 44 Express (14-0468-10-00) Hill Rd Improvements - ACHD (Collection Account) (14-0468-09-00) City Wide Enhancements (01-0468-12-00) TOTAL COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 15,650 0 50,000 $65,650 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: $4,175,565 Actual Jun -08 14,603 0 0 $14,603 $2,503,696 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,047 0 50.000 $51,047 0 $1,671,869 Page 4 Projected FY 08/09 14,603 0 0 $14,603 $3,756,199 -7% 0% 100% 0% -10% FY 08/09 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND - LIBRARY 7/11/08 REVENUE FY 07/08 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Maior Obiects Budgeted Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % Carry Over (04-0390-00-00) $38,690 $38,937 -$247 $19,171 -50% OTHER REVENUE: Property Taxes (04-0311-10-00) 205,455 123,538 81,917 223,915 9% Penalty/Interest Property Taxes (04-0319.00) 700 325 375 500 -29% State Treasurer Interest (04-0371-10-00) 2,000 1,793 207 2,000 100% TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: 208,155 125,656 82,499 226,415 9% TOTAL REVENUE: $246,845 $164,593 $82,252 $245,586 -1% EXPENDITURES FY 07/08 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % Principal Bond Payment (04-0480-81-00) 145,000 0 145,000 150,000 3% Interest Payment on Bond (04-0480-82-00) 82,082 40,991 0 75,919 100% Reserve Fund (04-0480-83-00) 18,923 0 18,923 18,827 0% US Bank -Paying Agent Fees (04-0480-84-00) 840 0 840 840 0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $246,845 1 $40,9911 $205,854 $245,586 -1% FY 08/09 Clerk's Department Title City Clerk/Treasurer Deputy City Clerk Senior Deputy City Clerk Admin Clerk II - 25% Job Share w/Mayor-PW-Water - $33,899 BONUS Total Salaries Bonus Total FICA Total PERS! Total Work Comp Total Insurance PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 08109 Current Proposed Annual Annual Wage Wage $72,646 $40,0001 $53,815 $0 $8,475 $185, 395 $1,000 14,259 19, 366 783 46,708 $267,512 $1,000! Proposed Adjust to Total wI Wage With Min & Min & 7.65% 10.39% 3.7% COL Compress Compress FICA PERSI 75,334 0 0 5,763 7,827 41,480 55,806 0 1 7/14/2008 WORK COMP INSURANCE 316 10,428 4,3001 45,7801 3,5021 4,757 192 01 01 4,269 5,798 234 0 0 648 881 36 1 I 771 1041 41 TOTAL $99,669 10,4281 $64,6591 21,613 $87,721 $4,239 $14,278 $1,1851 CITY CLERK BUDGET FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (12-0415-10-00) 3.7% COL Overtime (12-0415-11-00) Merit Increase Reserve (12-0415-17-00) Employee Bonus (12-0415-16-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (12-0415-20-00) FICA (12-0415-21-00) PERSI (12-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (12-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (12-0217-07-00) Unemployment Benefits (12-0415-28-00) FY 07/08 Budgeted 176,081 2,000 1,761 750 100 13,662 18,556 750 42,013 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $255,673 ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Elections (12-0413-04-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (12-0413-08-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (12-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (12-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (12-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (12-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (12-0413-14-00) Resource Materials (12-0413-28-00) Training (12-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (12-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobiects Public Relations (12-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,500 250 250 100 1,000 250 350 250 3,000 3,000 $9,950 FY 07/08 Budgeted 500 $500 Revised Actual Jun -08 129,486 7,077 0 232 0 10,086 14,213 867 30,081 0 $192,042 Actual Jun -08 0 0 350 0 1,399 0 475 0 2,034 331 $4,589 Actual Jun -08 109 $109 Page 1 7/14/2009 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY Q8/09 46,595 185,395 5% -5,077 7,000 100 0 0 100% 518 1,000 33% 100 100- 0% 3,576 14,259 4% 4,343 19,366 4% -117 783 4% 11,932 46,708 11% 0 0 0% $63,631 $274,611 7% %0 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 1,500 1,500^ 0% 250 150' -40% -100 350 40% 100 100 0% -399 1,600 60% 250 100 -60% -125 500 43% 250 100 -60% 966 3,000 0% 2,669 3,000 0% $5,361 $10,400 5% FY 07/08 Projeced" Unrealized FY 08/09 % 391 250 100% $391 $260 100% CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Contract Other (12-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (12-0416-24-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration FY 07/08 Budgeted 1,500 1,300 $2,800 FY 07/08 Budgeted 255,673 9,950 Public Affairs and Community Relations 500 Contracts and Agreements 2,800 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $268,923 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: FY 07/08 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted Equipment (12-0465-03-00) 2,500 Other (12-0465-02-00) 1,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $3,500 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: FY 07/08 Budgeted 3,500 $3,500 FY 07/08 Budgeted $268,923 $3,500 TOTAL BUDGET: $272.423 Actual Jun -08 0 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 192,042 4,589 109 0 $196,740 Actual Jun -08 0 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 $196,740 $0 $196,740 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 1,500 0 -100% 1,300 1,500 15% $2,800 $1,500 -46% FY 07/08 Unrealized 63,631 5,361 391 2,800 $72,183 FY 07/08 Unrealized 2,500 1,000 $3,500 Projected FY 08/09 0/0 274.611 7% 10.400 5% 250 100% 1,500 -46% $286,761 7% Projected FY 08/09 0 0 $0 % -100% - 100% - 100% FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 3,500 0 0% $3,500 $0 0% FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 72,183 $286,761 3.500 $0 $75,683 $286,761 7% - 100% 5% FY 08/09 Building Department 7114/2008 PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 08/09 Title Building Official Building Inspector Building Inspector Administration Clerk Administration Clerk Plumbing Inspector Electrical Inspector Total Salaries Bonus Total FICA Total PERSI Total Work Comp Total Insurance Current Proposed Adjust to Annual Annual Min & Wage Wage a 3.7% Compress $72,500 75,183 0 $48,451 50,244 0 $37,209 38,586 1,327 $27,793 28,821 1,070 $33,571 34,813 0 $46,904 48,639 0 $46,904 48,639 0 $313,332 $325,995 $1,785 $25,075 $34,056 $3,297 $81,838 $472,047 1 $1,7851 Total Adjust to 7.65% 10.39% WORK Min -Compress FICA PERSI COMP 0 5,751 7,811 865 0 3,844 5,220 578 38,586 2,952 4,009 444 29,891 2,287 3,106 126 0 2,663 3,617 146 0 3,721 5,054 559 0 3,721 5,054 559 $24,939 $33,871 $3,277 I 1371 1851 211 INS TOTAL $15,775 $105,385 15,775 $75,660 15,336 $61,326 11,801 $47,210 900 $42,140 10,626 $68,599 11,625 $69,598 $81,838 $469,919 1 $2,128 Notes: Administration Clerks must obtain their Certification within a 12 month period after October 1, 2008. Upon completion of Shirley Kemp's Certification her job performance will be reviewed and upon performance satisfaction she will receive an increase of $1,914.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT FY 08/09 7/14/2008 FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (13-0415-10-00) Overtime (13-0415-11-00) Employee Bonus (13-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve (13-0415-17-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (13-0415-20-00) FICA (13-0415-21-00) PERSI (13-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (13-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (13-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (13-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication and Publishing (13-0413-06-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (13-0413-08-00) Plan Review Expenses (13-0413-09-00) Training (13-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (13-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (13-0413-14-00) Telecommunications (13-0413-19-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (13-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (13-0413-25-00) Resource Materials (13-0413-28-00) Building Permit Refunds (13-0413-29-00) Plan Review Refund (13-0413-29-01) Energy Code Refund (13-0413-29-02) Mechanical Fee Refund (13-0413-29-03) Plumbing Fee Refund (13-0413-29-04) Electrical Fee Refund (13-0413-29-05) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 07/08 323,143 0 1,785 3,231 250 25,104 34,096 3,254 77,914 $468,777 BUDGETED FY 07/08 4,000 300 1,000 11,500 3,500 2,000 800 4,000 1,500 200 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $31,800 Actual Jun -08 237,585 992 0 0 65 17,213 24,788 3,635 67,779 $352,057 Actual Jun -08 997 2,058 951 8,331 2,148 378 1,154 3,958 732 540 2,876 10,802 5,976 50 102 314 359 $41,726 FY 07/08 Unrealized 85,558 -992 1,785 0 185 7,891 9,308 -381 10,135 $116,720 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,003 -1,758 49 3,169 1,352 1,622 -354 42 768 -340 124 -10,802 -5,976 -50 -102 -314 -359 -$9,926 Page 1 Projected FY 08/09 325,995 0 1,785 0 250 25,075 34,056 3,297 81,838 $472,296 Projected FY 08/09 1,500 1,000 1,000 11,850 3,500 2,000 850 5,000 100 300 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $30,100 OA -63% 233% 0% 3% 0% 25% -93% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -5% PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (13-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 500 $500 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 07/08 Contract Other (13-0416-18-00) 3,000 Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (13-0416-24-00) 3,200 Garden City Inspection Costs (13-0416-12-00) 90,000 Mechanical Inspector (13-0416-11-00) 43,000 TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: $139,200 VEHICLE OPERATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (13-0417-01-00) Fuel Costs (13-0417-02-00) TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operation TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 2,000 6,500 $8,500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 468,777 31,800 500 139,200 8,500 $648,777 Actual Jun -08 295 $295 Actual Jun -08 5,593 1,963 0 26,354 $33,910 Actual Jun -08 131 4,411 $4,542 Actual Jun -08 352,057 41,726 295 33,910 4,542 $432,530 Page 2 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 205 300 $205 $300 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 -2,593 0 -100% 1,237 3,200 0% 90,000 120,000 100% 16,646 40,000 -7% $105,290 $163,200. 0/0 100% 100% OA FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 1,869 1,000 2,089 7,000 $3,958 $8,000 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 -25% 472,296 31% 30,100 100% 300 100% -76% 163,200 17% -47% 8,000 -6% -33% $673,896 17% -6% 4% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Objects and Subobjects Office Equipment (13-0465-03-00) Other (13-0465-02-00) Vehicle (13-0465-08-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: BUDGETED FY 07/08 2,500 2,500 20,000 $25,000 BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FY 07/08 Capital Outlay 25,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $25,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $648,777 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $25,000 TOTAL BUDGET: $673,777 Actual Jun -08 0 62 0 $62 Actual Jun -08 62 $62 Actual Jun -08 $432,530 $62 $432,592 Page 3 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 2,500 0 2,438 0 20,000 0 $24,938 $0 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 24,938 0 $24,938 $0 FY 07/08 Unrealized 216,247 24,938 $241,185 % -100% -100% -100% -100% Projected FY 08/09 % $673,896 $o -100% $673,896 O% FY 08/09 Executive Department 7/14/2008 PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 08109 Current Proposed Annual Annual 7.65% 10.39% WORK Title Wage Wage FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTAL Mayor $74,000 $74,000 5.661 7,689 311 21,793 $109,453 Admin Clerk 11 1 1 $8,4751 6481 8811 361 4,2391 $14,278 Job Share with City Clerk and Water Department Assistant to Mayor 1 1 $50,0001 3,8251 5,1951 2101 21,7931 $81,023 Total Salaries $132,475 Total FICA 10,134 Total PERSI 13,764 Total Work Comp 556 Total Insurance 47,825 $204,755 PUBLIC AFFAIRS & COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Youth Action Council Public Relations (11-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 0 8,438 $8,438 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 07/08 Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (11-0416-24-00) 1,253 TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: $1,253 FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 162,782 14,250 8,438 1,253 $186,723 Actual Jun -08 151 441 $592 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08109 -151 200 7,997 1000 $7,846 $1,200 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 1,253 $0 $1.253 Actual Jun -08 105,205 3,316 592 0 $109,113 100% 100% -86% Projected FY 08/09 1.500 $1,500 20% 20% FY 07108 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 % 57,577 204,854 26% 10,934 27,900 96% 7,846 1,200 100% 1,253 1,500 20% $77.610 $235,454 26% K:1Clerks\BUDGET120091Executive Department -11 \Budget Page2 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects City Hall Equipment (11-0465-03-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: BUDGETED FY 07/08 500 $500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 500 $500 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY.08/09 1,383 -883 Ilar2,000 $1,383 -$883 $2,000 aio 300% 300% Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 1,383 -883 2,00 $1,383 -$883 $2,000 BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $186,723 $109,113 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $500 $1,383 TOTAL BUDGET: $187,223 $110,496 77,610 -883 $76,727 Projected FY 08/09 % 300°/a 300% $235,454 26% $2,000 300% $237,454 27% K:\Clerks\BUDGET120091Executive Department-11IBudget Page3 PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 08/09 Public Works Department Name Title *Mike Echeita Interim PW 40% PW - 60% Water Director *Current Annual Wage $44,772 - Proposed Annual Wage $60,000.00 Current Proposed Annual Annual Wage Wage $22,386 24,000 David Rioux Facilities $27,040 Admin Clerk II - 25% Admin Clerk II Job Share w/Clerk, Water, Mayor - 25% each - $33,899.00 Code Enforcement -50% Code Enforce Job Share w/PZ - 50% each - Total Salaries FICA PERSI Work Comp Insurance Total 8,475 18, 051 1 $84,986 6,501 8,830 915 30,146 $131,380 7/14/2008 Proposed Proposed Total Wage Wage With Wage Adjust With COL 3.7% COL Min - Compress Min - Compress 0 0 0 28,040 7.65% 10.39% WORK FICA PERSI COMP INS TOTAL 1,836 2,494 276 4,171 $32,777 6,420 34,460 2,636 3,580 396 10,428 $51,501 0 0 0 648 881 36 4,239 $14,278 OI 1,3811 1,8751 208111,3081 $32,823 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FY 08/09 PW OPERATING COSTS - OBJECTS AND SUBOBJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL Salaries - Full Time (15-0433-10-00) Overtime (15-0433-11-00) Salaries - Part Time (15-0433-15-00) Employee Bonus (15-0433-16-00) Merit Reserve Fund (15-0433-17-00) Employment Testing (15-0433-20-00) FICA (15-0433-21-00) PERSI (15-0433-22-00) Insurance (15-0217-07-00) Work Comp (15-0433-24-00) SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (15-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (15-0413-06-00) Legal Advertising and Publication (15-0413-08-00) Training (15-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (15-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (15-0413-14-00) Telephone and Communications (15-0413-19-00) Maintenance and Repair - Office Equip, Software (15-0413-23-00) Maintenance and Repair - City Vehicle (15-0413-24-00) Gas and Oil continued next page BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 78,161 0 0 0 782 100 4,656 6,324 34,093 630 $124,746 500 300 1,000 500 1,000 200 1,000 500 1,500 30,648 1,246 563 0 0 65 2,471 3,372 7,610 990 $46,966 716 0 289 0 402 0 363 0 1,354 7/14/2008 FY 07/08 Unrealized 47,513 -1,246 -563 0 782 35 2,185 2,952 26,483 -360 $77,780 -216 300 711 500 598 200 637 500 146 Projected FY 08/09 % 84,986 3,000 0 0 0 0 6,501 8,830 30,146 915 $134,378 90/0 0% 0% 0°ie -100% -100% 40% 40% -12% 45% 8% 1,000 100% 3,000 900% 500 -50% 1,000 100% 2,000 100% 200 0% 1,000 0% 500 0% 2,000 33% 2,000 0% 1 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Jun -08 Miscellaneous (15-0413-25-00) 200 10 Refunds Park Reservations (15-0413-27-00) 500 160 Resource Materials (15-0413-28-00) 500 125 Public Relations (15-0422-01-00) 500 0 SUBTOTAL ADMINISTRATION $8,200 $3,419 FY 07108 Projected Unrealized FY 08109 % 190 200 0% 340 500 0% 375 500 0% 500 500 0% $4,781 $14,900 82% CITY HALL Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-03-00) 10,000 24,540 -14,540 10,000 0% Paper Products (15-0440-06-00) 2,500 3,229 -729 3,000 20% Custodial Services 0 0 0 28,000 0% OLD - Maintenance and Repair - Buildings (15-0441-01-00) 12,000 16,727 -4,727 Changed 0% OLD - Maintenance and Repair - HVAC (15-0441-04-00) 2,000 598 1,402 Changed o% SUBTOTAL CITY HALL $26,500 $45,094 -$18,594 $41,000 55% SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-02-00) 10,000 9,356 644 10,000 0% Paper Products 0 0 0 2,000 0% Custodial Services 0 0 0 12,400 0% SUBTOTAL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER $10,000 $9,356 ,„.,, :V.,, $644 $24,400 144% LIBRARY Maintenance and Repair 0 0 0 20,000 0% Paper Products 0 0 0 2,000 0% Custodial Services 0 0 0 28,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% SUBTOTAL LIBRARY $0 $0 $0 $50,600 0% 2 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % MUSEUM Maintenance and Repair 0 0 0 15,000 0% Paper Products 0 0 0 1,000 0% Custodial Services 0 0 0 5,000 0% SUBTOTAL MUSEUM $0 $0 $0 $21,000 0% ARBORETUM PARK Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 200 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 800 0% SUBTOTAL ARBORETUM PARK $0 $0 $0 $3,600 0% FLAG PARK Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 200 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 800 0% SUBTOTAL FLAG PARK $0 $0 $0 $3,600 0% FRIENDSHIP PARK Utilities 0 0 0 3,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 2,000 0% SUBTOTAL FRIENDSHIP PARK $0 0 $0 6,600 0% 3 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects GUERBER PARK Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures OLD - Utilities - Comp Irrigation (Maxi -Com) (15-0439-01-00) OLD - Park Utilities (15-0439-04-00) OLD - Maintenance of landscaping/compost (15-0440-02-00) OLD - General Park Repairs and Reimbursable (15-0440-04-00) SUBTOTAL GUERBER PARK HERITAGE PARK Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures SUBTOTAL HERITAGE PARK McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures SUBTOTAL McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY BUDGETED FY 07/08 0 0 0 0 6,000 20,000 500 25,000 $51,500 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 0 0 0 0 5,199 14,827 0 14,338 $34,364 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 0 0 0 801 5,173 500 10,662 $17,136 Projected FY 08/09 7,000 600 1,000 4,000 Changed Changed Changed Changed $12,600 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0°/0 Q% -76% 0 5,000 0% 0 600 0% 0 2,000 0% 0 2,000 0% $0 9,600 0% 0 2,000 0% 0 600 0% 0 200 0% 0 800 0% $0 3,600 0% 4 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 %a, MERRILL PARK Utilities (15-0439-02-00) 6,000 5,051 949 7,000 17% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 4,000 0% SUBTOTAL MERRILL PARK $6,000 $5,051 $949 $12,600 110% ORVAL KRASEN PARK Utilities 0 0 0 2,000 0% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 500 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 1,000 0% SUBTOTAL ORVAL KRASEN PARK $0 0 $0 4,100 0% SPORTS COMPLEX Utilities (15-0439-03-00) 5,000 3,665 1,335 5,500 10% Maxi -Com 0 0 0 600 0% Maintenance and Repair - Grounds 0 0 0 1,000 0% Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures 0 0 0 3,000 0% SUBTOTAL SPORTS COMPLEX $5,000 3,665 $1,335 10,100 102%1 5 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance and Repair - Equipment and Structures SUBTOTAL TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Greenbelt - Pathway Maintenance and Repair (15-0440-01-00) Drainage Ditch Repairs (15-0440-05-00) O&M/Rain/Stream Gauge at Dry Creek (15-0440-10-00) SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PARKS. PATHWAYS. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT General Maint Parks & Pathways Contract (15-0437-20-00) General Maint Full Time Staff Contract (15-0437-21-00) Paper Products Materials and Supplies Snow Removal (15-0438-20-13) Holiday Lighting Miscellaneous (15-0437-23-00) SUBTOTAL PARKS, PATHWAYS, GROUNDS MAINT CONTRACT BUDGETED FY 07/08 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 0 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 2,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,100 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%1 3,000 0 3,000 10,000 233% 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0% 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0% $5,000 $0 $5,000 $12,000 140% 183,715 118,201 65,514 199,000 8% 136,000 87,409 48,591 155,000 14% 0 0 0 10,000 0% 0 0 0 5,000 0% 10,000 35,594 -25,594 15,000 50% 0 0 0 3,000 0% 30,000 3,722 26,278 30,000 0% $359,715 $244,926 $114,789 $417,000 16% 6 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects STREET LIGHTS Utilities (15-0441-06-00) Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-05-00) SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTS CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS Contract Other (15-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (15-0416-24-00) GIS (15-0416-25-00) Hwy 55 Utilities Agreement (15-0442-01-00) Scenic By -Way Utilities Agreement (15-0442-02-00) Water Shares - Assessment/Fees (15-0442-03-00) East Entry Sign/Water Agreement (15-0442-04-00) SUBTOTAL CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS BUDGETED FY 07/08 10,000 10,000 $20,000 5,500 1,000 300 1,500 1,500 160 600 $10,560 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % 14,083 .4,083 15,000 50% 5,104 4,896 10,000 0% $19,187 $813 $25,000 25% 1 5,499 1,000 0 380 380 85 20 $7,664 0 0 1,120 1,120 75 580 $2,896 0 -100% 1,000 0% 300 0% 2,500 67% 2,500 67% 160 0% 1,000 67% $7,460 -29% 7 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Major Objects PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER LIBRARY MUSEUM ARBORETUM PARK FLAG PARK FRIENDSHIP PARK GUERBER PARK HERITAGE PARK McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY MERRILL PARK ORVAL KRASEN PARK SPORTS COMPLEX TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PARKS, PATHWAYS, GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT STREET LIGHTS CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 124,746 8,200 26,500 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 51,500 0 0 6,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 359,715 20,000 10,560 $627,221 Actual Jun -08 46,966 3,419 45,094 9,356 0 0 0 0 0 34,364 0 0 5,051 0 3,665 0 0 244,926 19,187 2,896 $414,923 FY 07/08 Unrealized 77,780 4,781 -18,594 644 0 0 0 0 0 17,136 0 0 949 0 1,335 0 5,000 114,789 813 7,664 $212,298 Projected FY 08/09 % 134,378 8% 14,900 82% 41,000 55% 24,400 144% 50,600 0% 21,000 0% 3,600 0% 3,600 0% 6,600 0% 12,600 -76% 9,600 0% 3,600 0% 12,600 110% 4,100 Od/o 10,100 102% 6,100 0% 12,000 140% 417,000 16% 25,000 25% 7,460 -29% $820,238 31% 8 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget PW CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - MAJOR OBJECTS AND SUBOBJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Actual FY 07/08 Projected FY 07108 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment (15-0465-03-00) 10,000 290 9,710 2,500 -75% Other (15-0465-02-00) 5,000 8,799 -3,799 -100% Vehicle (15-0465-08-00) 20,000 20,000 0 50,000 150% SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $35,000 $29,089 $5,911 $52,500 50%1 PARK DEVELOPMENT Park Development Projects (15-0470-01-00) 0 6,168 -6,168 0 0% Velodrome (15-0470-02-00) 547,015 69,736 477,279 0 -100% Guerber Park - Rubber Pad 0 0 0 0 0% Merrill Park - Rubber Pad 0 0 0 0 0% SUBTOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT $547,015 $75,904 $471,111 $0 -100% PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT Pathway Development (15-0472-01-00) 0 4,880 -4,880 0 0% Dry Creek Pathway (15-0472-03-00) 0 1,257 -1,257 0 0% Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Matching Funds (15-0472-07-00) 65,000 14,690 50,310 0 -100% Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Additional Funds (15-0472-07-01) 6,636 300 6,336 0 -100% Merrill Pathway Bridge- ITD-Matching Funds (15-0472-08-00) 20,000 41,047 -21,047 0 -100% SUBTOTAL PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT $91,636 $62,175 $29,461 $0 -100% PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT Master Plan for Parks & Pathways (15-0472-02-00) 50,000 6,681 43,319 0 -100% Eagle Sports Complex -Skateboard Park Repairs (15-0472-04-00) 0 0 0 0 0% General Parks & Pathways (15-0472-03-00) 0 0 0 0 0% SUBTOTAL PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT $50,000 $6,681 $43,319 $0 -100% 9 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget Major Objects and Subobjects STREET LIGHTS Capital Improvements (15-0467-01-00) SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Recr Programs (15-0414-01-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament (15-0414-02-00) Neighborhood Reinvestment Program (15-0414-05-00) Awin Management(BFI) Education -Add Srvs (15-0414-04-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Major Objects CAPITAL OUTLAY PARK DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT STREET LIGHTS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: BUDGETED FY 07/08 25,000 $25,000 3,500 3,500 0 71,605 $78,605 BUDGETED FY 07/08 35,000 547,015 91,636 50,000 25,000 78,605 $827,256 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $627,221 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $827,256 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET: $1,454,477 Actual Jun -08 FY 07/08 Unrealized 0 25,000 $0 $25,000 2,572 3,084 7,500 11,459 $24,614 Actual Jun -08 29,089 75,904 62,175 6,681 0 24,614 $198,463 $414,923 $198,463 $613,386 928 416 -7,500 60,146 $53,991 FY 07/08 Unrealized 5,911 471,111 29,461 43,319 25,000 53,991 $628,793 $212,298 $628,793 $841,091 Projected FY 08/09 % $25,000 o% $25,000 0% 3,500 3,500 0 60,000 $67,000 Projected FY 08/09 % 52,500 50% 0 -100% 0 -100% 0 -100% 25,000 0% 67,000 -15% $144,500 -83% $820,238 $144,500 $964,738 31% -83% -34% 10 FY 08-09 Public Works Budget WATER FUND FY 08109 7114/2008 Name Title *Mike Echeita Interim PW 40% PW - 60% Water Director *Current Annual Wage $44,772 - Proposed Utility Billing Kellie McCombs Supervisor Admin Clerk II Admin Clerk II Job Share w/Clerk, Mayor & PW - $33,899 Class II Operator Operator Class II Operator Operator Total Salaries FICA PERSI Work Comp Insurance $196,427 9,846 13,372 1,084 43,424 Total $264,152 Current Proposed Proposed Annual Annual Wage With Wage Wage 3.7% COL $22,386 36,000 0 Annual Wage $60,000 $40,000 8475 38,448 Adjust to Total w/ Min & Min & Compress Compress 0 0 41,478 4,300 45,778 0 0 0 7.65% 10.39% WORK FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTAL 2,754 3,740 414 6,142 $49,050 3,502 4,756 192 648 881 36 2,941 3,995 442 0 0 0 10,428 $64,657 4239 14,278 22,615 68,441 0 WATER FUND REVENUE Major Objects CARRY OVER (60-0390-00-00) FY 08/09 REVENUE: Customer Revenue (based on 1400 customers) (60-0346-10-00) Misc Revenue - Water Sys Insp, Reimburseables (60-0383-01-00) Misc Revenue - Eng Plan Rev, Reimburseables (60-0383-01-00) Water Construction Equivalency (WCE) Fees (60-0355-01-00) ($400 per lot)(150 Customers) Late Comer's Fee (Development Agreement) (60-0346-62-00) Contributed Capital Improvements (60-0350-01-00) State Treasurer Interest (60-0371-10-00) FY 07/08 Budgeted $193,221 1,230,000 30,000 0 90,000 40,000 2,300,000 9,000 TOTAL REVENUES: $3,699,000 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS: Transfer from General Fund Revenue Sharing (60-0380-00-00) TOTAL REVENUES: EAGLE WATER COMPANY - INTERTIE AGREEMENT: Eagle Water Company Payment TOTAL EAGLE WATER COMPANY: $0 $0 Actual Jun -08 $0 262,910 0 0 2,231 $265,141 406,896 406,896 7/14/2008 FY 07/08 Unrealized $193,221 967,090 30,000 90,000 40,000 2,300,000 6,769 $3,433,859 -406,896 -$406,896 Pagel Projected FY 08/09 $0 -100% 542,400 -56% 30,000 100% 30,000 60,000 100% 40,000 100% 0 -100% 9.000 0% $711,400 -81% $0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $120,000 100% $0 $0 $0 $120,000 100% RESTRICTED FUNDS REVENUE: METER SETS: *Hook -Up Fees -City ($850 each)(Based on 150 Connections) (60-0346-60-00) 170,000 TOTAL METER SETS: $170,000 STL FEES (SUPPLY TRUNK LINE): Carry Forward from previous fiscal years (60-0346-59-01) 264.000 Supply Trunk Line fee (STL)(75 Customers @ $2,100.00) (60-0346-59-00) 300,000 TOTAL STL FEES: $564,000 DEQ LOAN FUNDS: DEQ Loan (60-0370-01-00) 1,590,000 TOTAL DEQ LOAN FUNDS: $1,590,000 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS REVENUE $2,324,000 TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUE $6,216,221 20,400 149,600 $20,400 $149,600 0 264,000 0 300,000 $0 $564,000 1,870,228 $1,870,228 $1,890,628 $2,562,665 127,500 -25% $127,500 -25% 0 -100% 157,500 100% $157,500 -72% -280,228 250,000 -84% -$280,228 $250,000 -84% $433,372 $535,000 $3,653,556 $1,366,400 -78% Water Fund Budget EXPENDITURES FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries - Full Time (60-0433-10-00) Overtime (60-0433-11-00) Employment Testing (60-0433-20-00) Annual Physical (60-0433-19-00) FICA (60-0433-21-00) PERSI (60-0433-22-00) Insurance (60-00217-07-00) Work Comp (60-0433-24-00-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (60-0434-15-00) Travel & Per Diem (60-0413-13-00) Caselle Utility Software and Support (60-0434-55-00) Utilities (60-0434-12-00) Utilities - Security Systems (60-0434-52-02) United Water/Fire Flow (60-0434-52-01) Telecommunications / SCADA (60-0434-19-00) Public Drinking Water Fees (60-0434-53-01) Enterprise Fund Fee (60-0434-53-02) Utility Billing Software (60-0434-54-00) Uniforms/Laundry (60-0434-68-00) Advertising and Publications (60-0434-20-00) Permits and Fees (60-0434-53-03) Liability Insurance (60-0434-41-00) Travel and Meetings (60-0434-21-00) Dues and Subscriptions (60-0434-23-00) Training and Certification (60-0434-22-00) Power (60-0434-60-00) Computer Software and Copier Maintenance (60-0434-25-00) Chemicals and Equipment (60-0434-59-00) Tools & Equipment (60-0434-26-00) Postage (60-0434-27-00) Equipment Repair and Maintenance (60-0434-58-00) Comp & Class Study (60-0434-48-00) FY 07/08 Budgeted 263,000 0 500 11,000 20,120 27,326 81,250 3,025 $406,221 FY 07/08 Budgeted 5,500 0 17,000 1,500 300 3,500 6,000 5,000 60,000 24,000 800 2,000 8,000 9,600 2,000 2,500 3,500 46,000 4,000 15,000 1,000 3,000 6,000 0 Actual Jun -08 14,714 260 0 0 1,144 1,556 2,994 38 $20,706 Actual Jun -08 397 452 0 1,637 0 2,353 291 5,304 0 15,500 0 156 480 0 0 182 882 0 0 0 0 0 5,408 1,854 FY 07/08 Unrealized 248,286 -260 500 11,000 18,976 25,770 78,256 2,987 $385,515 FY 07/08 Unrealized 5,103 -452 17,000 -137 300 1,147 5,709 -304 60,000 8,500 0 1,844 7,520 9,600 2,000 2,318 2,618 46,000 4,000 15,000 1,000 3,000 592 -1,854 Page2 Projected FY 08/09 196,427 -25% 0 0% 500 0% 0 -100% 9,846 -51% 13,372 -51% 43,424 -47% 1,084 -64% $264,653 -35% Projected FY 08/09 2,000 -64% 500 100% 5,500 -68% 2,000 33% 0 -100% 0 -100% 2,000 -67% 6,000 20% 0 -100% 0 -100% 0 -100% 2,000 0% 500 -94% 4,100 -57% 2,000 0% 1,000 -60% 3,500 0% 15,000 -67% 2,000 -50% 5,000 -67% 57,047 5605% 400 -87% 6,000 0% 0 0% Water Fund Budget OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE Con't: Major Objects and Subobjects Water / Miscellaneous (60-0434-69-00) Testing - weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual Total Operations & Maintenance CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS Major Objects and Subobjects Operating Fees -Paid to United Water (60-0434-11-00) System Operation - COI (60-0450-01-00) State Revolving Loan Payment (60-0436-01-00) Engineering Services (60-0434-42-00) Legal Services (60-0434-42-01) Misc Legal Services (60-0434-42-02) Billing Services (60-0434-47-00) Contract Services (Repair) (60-0434-43-01) Contract Services (Inspections) (60-0434-44-00) Auditor Services (60-0434-45-00) Administrative Services (Ovhd of City Hall Admin) (60-0434-46-00) TOTAL CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS: VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES Major Objects and Subobjects Fuel and Lubricants (60-0420-01-00) Equipment Rental - Lease Vehicles (60-0420-02-00) Vehicles Repair and Maintenance (60-0420-03-00) (60-0434-24-00) TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Operations and Maintenance Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operations - Leases TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 0 0 $226,200 FY 07108 Budgeted 150,000 0 134,400 30,000 60,000 0 9,400 12,000 30,000 2,500 60,000 $488,300 FY 07/08 Budgeted 10,000 10,000 10,000 $30,000 FY 07/08 Budgeted 406,221 226,200 488,300 30,000 $1,150,721 Actual Jun -08 796 0 $75,298 Actual Jun -08 222,765 12,315 0 10,969 34,729 24,716 0 0 0 0 0 $305,494 Actual Jun -08 0 0 129 $129 Actual Jun -08 20,706 75,298 305,494 129 $401,626 FY 07/08 Unrealized -796 0 $150,902 FY 07/08 Unrealized -72,765 -12,315 134,400 19,031 25,271 -24,716 9,400 12,000 30,000 2,500 60,000 $182,806 FY 07/08 Unrealized 10,000 10,000 9,871 $29,871 FY 07/08 Unrealized -95% -67% -37% 0% -65% Projected FY 08/09 1,000 100% 16,000 100% $133,547 -411 Projected FY 08/09 0 -100% 0 0% 178,200 33% 20,000 10,000 -83% 0 0% 5,000 -47% 5,000 -58% 27,000 -10% 2,500 0% 0 -100% $247,700 -49% 1 Projected FY 08/09 % 10,000 0% 2,000 -80% 1,000 -90% $13,000 100% -33% Projected FY 08/09 264,653 133,547 -41%' 247,700 -49% 13,000 100% $658,900 100%l -35% Water Fund Budget RESTRICTED FUNDS EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects METER SETS: Meter Sets (60-0438-08-00) TOTAL METER SETS: STL FEES (SUPPLY TRUNK LINE): Water System Expansion - STL Fees (60-0437-01-00) Capital Expenditures (60-0437-02-00) Refund of STL Fees (60-0437-03-00) DEQ LOAN FUNDS: Administrative (60-0435-01-00) Engineering Fees (60-0435-02-00) Land Acquisition (60-0435-03-00) Construction (60-0435-04-00) TOTAL STL FEES: TOTAL DEQ LOAN FUNDS: FY 07/08 Budgeted 170,000 $170,000 300,000 264,000 0 $564,000 85,500 43,000 0 1,461,500 $1,590,000 Actual Jun -08 120 $120 0 0 71,107 $71,107 0 156,745 0 1,701,207 $1,857,952 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND EXPENDITURES: $2,324,000 $1,929,180 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Equipment - Computers & etc. (60-0438-01-00) Reserve for Water System R&M (60-0438-02-00) Reserve for Equipment & Building Replacement (60-0438-03-00) Vehicle (60-0434-77-00) 2 new trucks, 1 utility vehicle Capital Construction Projects (60-0438-11-00) Trunk Line frm Well No. 6 to Linder Trunk Line, DA (60-0438-04-00) Trunk Line frm Resv to Beacon Lt Hwy Extend Water Lines (60-0438-05-00) Late Comer's Cost Reimbursement, DA (60-0438-06-00) WCE Reimbursement, Development Agreement (60-0439-01-00) Well House Construction (60-0434-80-00) Update Water Master Plan (60-0438-10-00) Operation/Compliance Plan Update FY 07/08 Budgeted 10,000 120,000 20,000 0 86,500 2,200,000 0 100,000 40,000 85,000 0 80,000 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $2,741,500 Actual Jun -08 6,933 0 0 0 17,331 0 FY 07/08 Unrealized 169,880 $169,880 300,000 264,000 -71,107 $492,893 85,500 -113,745 0 -239,707 -$267,952 $394,821 FY 07/08 Unrealized 3,067 120,000 20,000 0 69,169 2,200,000 0 0 100,000 0 40,000 0 85,000 0 0 47,726 32,274 0 $71,990 $2,669,510 Projected FY 08/09 50,000 -71% $50,000 100% 157,500 -48% 0 -100% 0 0% $157,500 -72% 5,000 20,000 0 225,000 $250,000 -94% -53%. 0% -85% -84% $457,500. -80% Projected FY 08/09 5,000 25,000 20,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 60,000 0 0 40,000 $250,000 -50% -79% 0% 100% -100% -100% 100% -100% 0% -29% 0% -100% 100% -91% ge4 Water Fund Budget TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL BUDGET: **I changed the CaseIle and DEQ fee amounts and added the extra $2100 to Capital Outlay. We have no allowance for any other fees/permits in this budget. I added lines here and there. Projected FY 08/09 FY 07/08 Budgeted $1,150,721 $2,324,000 $2,741,500 $6,216,221 Actual Jun -08 $401,626 $1,929,180 $71,990 $2,402,796 FY 07/08 Unrealized -65% -17% -97% -61% Projected FY 08/09 $658,900 -43% $457,500 -80% $250,000 -91% $1,366,400 -78°%n ge5 Water Fund Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND REVENUE Major Objects Carry Over (08-0390-00-00) REVENUE: *Development Impact Fees (08-0322-19-00) Miscellaneous Revenue (08-0379-00-00) State Treasurer Interest (08-0371-10-00) FY 08/09 TOTAL REVENUE: BUDGETED FY 07/08 $0 308,112 0 14,000 $322,112 *Based on 120 new homes ($1,571.27) TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND: $322,112 EXPENDITURES BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 07/08 Guerber Park Development (08-0471-01-00) 109,177 Eagle Sports Complex Development - Velodrome (08-0472-01-00) 212,935 Park Playground Improvements (08-0438-33-00) 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $322,112 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND: $322,112 Actual Jun -08 -$61,502 108,564 0 3 $108,567 $47,065 Actual Jun -08 47,306 0 0 $47,306 Page 1 7/11/08 FY 07/08 Projected Unrealized FY 08/09 $61,502 199,548 0 13,997 $213,545 $275,047 FY O7/08 Unrealized 61,871 0 0 $274,806 $47,306 $274,806 $0 0% 188,552 -39% 0 0% 0 -100% $188,552 -41% $188,552 -41% Projected FY 08/09 % 0 -100% 0 100% 188,552 $188,552 -41% $188,552 -41% PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 08/09 7114/2008 Planning & Zoning Department CURRENT WAGE ; ADJUST TO TOTAL ADJUST 7.65% 10.39% WORK Title ANNUAL WAGE WITH 3.7% COL MIN -COMPRESS MIN -COMPRESS FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTALS Zoning Administrator 82,500 85,553 0 0 6,545 8,889 984 21,793 $123,763 Planner II 50,000 51,850 0 0 3,967 5,387 596 15,518 $77,318 Barb Planner II 55,000 57,035 0 0 4,363 5,926 656 15,775 $83,755 Mike W. Planner III 72,500 75,183 0 0 5,751 7,811 865 21,793 $111,403 Nichole New Planner II 50000 51,850 0 0 3,967 5,387 596 10,428 $72,228 Jeff Planner II 45,000 46,665 0 0 3,570 4,848 537 10,428 $66,048 Chris Planner 11 40,000 41,480 0 0 3,173 4,310 477 15,288 $64,728 Ted Code Enforcement Officer 18,051 0 0 0 1,381 1,875 208 11,308 $32,823 Share 1/2 w PW - $36,102 Admin Clerk II 30,935 32,080 4,323 36,403 2,785 3,782 419 10,428 $49,493 Heather _ City Forester 38,376 39,796 0 0 3,044 4,135 458 10,428 $57,861 Julie Admin Clerk 1 25,584 26,531 3,469 30,000 2,295 3,117 345 15,775 $48,063 Crystal SUBTOTAL: $507,946 $533,864 $40,841 $55,468 $6,139 $158,962 $787,483 OVERTIME I 25,000 1,913 2,598 288 $29,798 BONUS I 2,500191 260 29 0 $2,980 CONTRACT LABOR - WO 5,000 I 0 0 58 0 $58 $820,317 TOTAL SALARIES $533,864 OVERTIME $25,000 BONUS $2,500 CONTRACT LABOR $5,000 TOTAL FICA $42,944 TOTAL PERSI $58,326 TOTAL WORK COMP $6,513 TOTAL INSURANCE $158,962 $833,109 P&Z DEPARTMENT FY 08/09 7/14/2008 OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (14-0415-10-00) Overtime Hours (14-0415-11-00) Contract Labor Work Employee Bonus (14-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve (14-0415-17-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (14-0415-20-00) FICA (14-0415-21-00) PERSI (14-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (14-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (14-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (14-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (14-0413-06-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (14-0413-08-00) Training (14-0413-12-00) Training (Forestry) (14-0413-12-01) Travel and Per Diem (14-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (14-0413-14-00) Telecommunications (14-0413-19-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip (14-0413-23-00) Software Purchase -Maintenance (14-0413-23-01) Maintenance (GIS) (14-0413-23-01) Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (3 Vehicles) (14-0413-24-00) Miscellaneous (14-0413-25-00) Reimburse-Annex/Zoning/Dr Fees (14-0413-26-00) Resource Materials (14-0413-28-00) Engineering Fees/Charge to Developers (14-0413-31-00) Attorney Fees/Charge to Developers (14-0413-33-00) Ortho Photography (14-0413-35-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 07/08 510,331 25,000 0 2,500 5,103 125 41,534 56,411 6,301 125,920 $773,225 BUDGETED FY 07/08 3,000 3,000 15,000 7,000 2,000 6,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,600 0 3,000 500 2,000 1,500 60,000 60,000 2,900 $175,000 Actual Jun -08 363,916 12,295 0 0 0 90 26,846 38.775 5,955 82,007 $529,884 Actual Jun -08 1,912 33 9,895 3,866 1,549 4,614 788 1,408 34 1,600 0 804 481 200 267 146,691 115,395 1,200 $290,737 FY 07/08 Unrealized 146,415 12,705 0 2,500 0 200 14,688 17,636 346 43,913 $243,341 FY 07/08 Unrealized 1,088 2,967 5,105 3,134 451 1,386 1,712 1,092 2,466 0 0 2,196 19 1,800 1,233 -86,691 -55,395 1,700 -$115,737 Page 1 Projected FY 08/09 533,864 5% 25,000 0% 5,000 100% 2,500 0% 0 0% 100 -20% 42,944 3% 58,326 3% 6,513 3% 158,962 26% $833,209 8% Projected FY 08/09 % 3,000 o% 1,000 -67% 15,000 0% 7,000 0% 2,000 0% 6,000 0% 2,500 0% 2,500 0% 800 -68% 0 -100% 1,600 100% 3,000 0% 500 0% 2,000 0% 1,000 -33% 60,000 0% 60,000 o% 10,000 245% $177,900 2% PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (14-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: GRANTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Tree City USA Grant (14-0421-02-00) BUDGETED FY 07/08 3000 $3,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 175 TOTAL GRANTS: $1751 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Arborist (Tree Inventory) (14-0416-13-00) Contract Tree Growing - Hill Road (14-0416-13-01) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (14-0416-24-00) Other (Temporary Services, misc.) (14-0416-18-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Grants Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 07/08 5,000 15,000 2,000 5,500 $27,500 BUDGETED FY 07/08 773,225 175,000 3,000 175 27,500 $978,900 Actual Jun -08 273 $273 Actual Jun -08 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 0 0 0 0 $0 Actual Jun -08 529,884 290,737 273 0 0 $820,894 FY 07/08 Unrealized 2,727 $2,727 FY 07/08 Unrealized 175 $175 FY 07/08 Unrealized 5,000 0 2,000 5,500 $27,500 FY 07/08 Unrealized 243,341 -115,737 2,727 175 27,500 $158,006 Page 2 Projected FY 08/09 500 100% $500 100% Projected FY 08/09 % 175 0% $175 o% Projected FY 08/09 5,000 0% 0 100% 2,000 o% 0 -100% $7,000 -75% Projected FY 08/09 833,209 8% 177,900 2% 500 100% 175 o% 7,000 -75% $1,018,784 4%1 010 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: PATHWAYS: Major Objects and Subobjects PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT: Streamside Subdivision Pathway (14-0471-02-00) PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY: Mayor Objects and Subobjects Equipment (14-0465-03-00) Other (14-0465-02-00) Tree Fund (14-0465-05-00) Page 3 BUDGETED Actual FY 06/07 Projected FY 07/08 Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 5,000 $5,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 10,000 5,000 11,831 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $26,831 COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects Foothills Planning (14-0468-03-00) Grants/Matching Funds (14-0468-07-00) Land Use & Transportation Plan - ACHD (14-0468-06-00) MOU ACHD Improvements to Hill Road (14-0468-09-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -COMM PROJECTS: STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS: Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Partner Chamber -Downtown Revitalization (14-0418-01-00) SAG -3 Tree Voucher - Plant a Tree Project (14-0418-03-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 06/07: BUDGETED FY 07/08 25,000 10,000 0 0 $35,000 BUDGETED FY 07/08 29,981 5,000 $34,981 0 5,000 $0 $5,000 Actual Jun -08 9,061 0 334 $9,395 Actual Jun -08 0 0 960 FY 06/07 Unrealized 939 5,000 11,497 $17,436 FY 06/07 Unrealized 25,000 10,000 -960 0 $960 $34,040 Actual FY 06107 Jun -08 Unrealized 2,898 27,083 1,844 3,156 $4,742 $30,239 5,000 0% $5,000 o% Projected FY 08/09 0/0 0 -100% 0 -100% 11,497 -3% $11,497 -57% Projected FY 08/09 ole 25,000 0% 0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% $25,000 -29% Projected FY 08/09 27,132 5,000 $32,132 °IO -10% 0% -8% BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FY 07/08 Pathways 5,000 Capital Outlay 26,831 Community Planning Projects 35,000 Strategic Annual Goals 34,981 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $101,812 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL BUDGET: BUDGETED FY 07/08 $978,900 $101,812 $1,080,712 Actual Jun -08 0 9,395 960 4,742 $15,097 Actual Jun -08 $820,894 $15,097 $835,991 FY 06/07 Unrealized 5,000 17,436 34,040 30,239 $86,715 FY 06/07 Unrealized $158,006 $86,715 $244,721 Page 4 Projected FY 08/09 % 5,000 o% 11,497 -57% 25,000 -29% 32,132 100% $73,629 -28% Projected FY 08/09 $1,018,784 4% $73,629 -28% $1,092,413 1% FY 08/09 Historical Commission 7/14/2008 PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 08/09 Title Curator Total Salaries Total FICA Total PERSI Total Work Comp Total Insurance Total Current Wage Adjust Annual With 3.7% to Min Wage COL & Compress $27,716 $28,741 $8,369 $37,110 2,839 3,856 156 10,428 $54,389 Total Adjust to Min & Compress $37,110 7.65% 10.39% WORK FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE 2,839 3,856 156 10,428 TOTAL $54,389 FY 08/09 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND REVENUE Maior Obiects Carry Over (07-0390-00-00) OTHER REVENUE: Funding fFom General Fund (07-0316-12-00) Grants (07-0331-61-00) State Treasurer Interest (07-0371-10-00) Rent/Lease Payments (07-0372-00-00) Contributions/Donations (07-0376-00-00) Miscellaneous Revenue (07-0379-00-00) Fund Raising (07-0379-01-00) OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: TOTAL REVENUE: FY 07/08 Actual Budgeted Jun -08 $6,075 67,912 3,000 800 3,000 0 0 0 $74,712 $80,787 $9,441 67,912 0 893 1,500 7,457 0 1,214 $78,976 $88,417 7/14/08 FY 07/08 Unrealized -$3,366 0 3,000 -93 1,500 - 7,457 0 - 1,214 -$4,264 -$7,630 Page 1 Projected FY 08/09 Bio $6,000 100% 79,171 17% 1,500 -50% 1,000 100% 0 -100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 100% $81,671 9% $87,671 9% EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries - Full Time (07-0420-10-00) Employment Testing (07-0420-20-00) Merit Increase Reserve (07-0420-17-00) FICA (07-0420-21-00) PERSI (07-0420-22-00) Work Comp (07-0420-24-00) Health Insurance (07-0217-07-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: EDUCATION: Museum Association Memberships (07-0461-02-00) Reference Materials (07-0461-01-00) Conferences & Seminars (07-0461-03-00) TOTAL EDUCATION: ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (07-0462-31-00) Archival Supplies (07-0462-32-00) Publicity -Printing (07-0462-33-00) Software & Support (07-0462-10-00) Utilities (07-0462-52-00) Mtnc/Repair (07-0462-70-00) Storage Unit Rent (07-0462-15-00) Moving Expenses (07-462-16-00) Rent - New Facility (07-0462-05-00) Museum Programs (07-0462-68-00) Research Materials (07-0462-34-00) Miscellaneous (07-0462-69-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: FY 06/07 Budgeted 27,716 0 277 2,141 2,908 118 12,927 $46,087 640 500 3,000 $4,140 1,150 2,000 1,500 500 3,200 0 1,020 500 0 0 0 500 $10,370 Actual FY 06/07 Jun -08 Unrealized 20,759 0 0 1,588 2,157 119 9,695 $34,318 200 50 411 $661 1,404 573 631 60 2,740 0 567 0 0 248 0 245 $6,468 Page 2 Projected FY 07/08 :ye 0 37,110 0 0 0 0 553 2,839 751 3,856 -1 156 0 10,428 11,769 $54,389 440 450 0 3,479 -254 0 0 440 460 0 453 500 0 -248 0 255 $3,902 100% 0% 100% 33% 100% 32% 100% 18% 600 -6% 500 0% 3,000 100% $4,100 -1% 1,852 61% 1,500 100% 900 100% 1,400 180% 3,200 0% 0 0% 1,080 6% 500 100% 100% 500 100% 400 100% 350 -30% $11,682 13% HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND Con't EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects EXHIBITS: Exhibit Items (07-0463-02-00) Display Supplies (07-0463-01-00) Exhibit Construction (07-0463-03-00) TOTAL EXHIBITS: PROGRAMS: Scavenger Hunt for Kids (07-0464-03-00) Walking Tour of Historic Sites (07-0464-01-00) Living History (07-0464-02-00) Eagle BooksNideos (07-0464-05-00) National Register Nomination (07-0464-06-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS: PERSONNEL GRANTS: Matching Funds & Etc. (07-0465-00-00) Education & Seminars funded by Grants (07-0465-01-00) Travel Expense funded by Grants (07-0465-02-00) TOTAL GRANTS: CAPITAL OUTLAY: Capital Expenditures -Equipment (07-0466-74-00) Capital Expenditures -Furniture (Office) (07-0466.74-01) Capital Expenditures -Other (Museum Furniture) (07-0466-76-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: TOTAL EXPENDITURES: Page 3 FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projected Budgeted Jun -08 Unrealized FY 07/08 500 1,000 4,000 $5,500 200 750 0 0 3,500 $4,450 1,500 0 1,000 $2,500 1,270 3,700 2,770 $7,740 $80,787 0 386 2,850 $3,236 0 0 561 0 $561 0 0 0 $0 910 2,006 705 $3,621 $48,865 500 614 0 $1,114 200 750 0 -561 3,500 $3,889 1,500 0 1,000 $2,500 360 1,694 2,065 $4,119 300 1,600 2,500 $4,400 -40% 60% 100% -20% 200 0% 500 -33% 0 0% 0 100% 0 100% $700 -84% 1,000 -33% 0 100% 0 100% $1,000 -60% 3,450 172% 4,000 8% 3,950 43% $11,400 47% $31,922 $87,671 9% FY 08/09 Arts Commission 7/14/2008 PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 07108 Title Administration Clerk Current Wage Adjust to Total Annual With 3.7% Min & Adjust to 7.65% 10.39% WORK Wage COL Compress Min -Compress FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTAL $27,986 $29,021 2,780 31,801 2,433 3,304 134 12,846 $50,518 Total Salaries $31,801 Total FICA 2,433 Total PERSI 3,304 Total Work Comp 134 Total Insurance 12,846 Total $50,518 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND FY08/09 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Maior Obiects Carry Over (09-0390-00-00) Page 1 7/14/08 FY 07/08 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Budgeted Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 % $0 $13,161 -$13,161 $5,000 0% REVENUE: Saturday Market (09-0347-08-00) 21,528 13,043 8,485 25,000 16% Last Thursday (09-0347-07-00) 2,000 402 0 4,000 100% Funding from General Fund (09-0347-09-00) 99,136 99,136 0 90,718 -8% State Treasurer Interest (09-0371-10-00) 1,300 986 314 1,300 0% OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: $123,964 $113,567 $10,397 $121,018 -2% GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ART: Grant Funds (09-0376-06-00) 5,000 882 4,118 0 -100% TOTAL GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ART: $5,000 $882 $4,118 $0 -100% OTHER REVENUE: Donations (09-0376-07-00) 2,500 1,000 1,500 5,000 100% Miscellaneous (09-0376-01-00) 0 2 -2 0 0% Poster Sales (09-0376-08-00) 0 1,227 -1,227 1,000 0% Activity Revenue (09-0376-05-00) 0 225 -225 0 0% TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: $2,500 $2,454 $46 $6,000 140% TOTAL REVENUE: $131,464 $130,064 $1,400 $132,018 0% EXPENDITURES BY FUND, OBJECT AND SUBOBJECT FY 07/08 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted PERSONNEL: Salaries - Full Time (09-0420-10-00) Overtime (09-0420-11-00) Merit Increase Reserve (09-0420-17-00) Employment Testing (09-0420-20-00) FICA (09-0420-21-00) PERSI (09-0420-22-00) Insurance (09-0217-07-00) Work Comp (09-0420-24-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ACTIVITIES: Eagle Fun Days (09-0463-07-00) Eagle Saturday Market (09-0463-02-00) Eagle Saturday Market Manager Fees (09-0463-02-01) Last Thursday (09-0463-06-00) Public Art Project (09-0463-05-00) Public Performances (09-0463-01-00) TOTAL ACTIVITIES: MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous (09-0463-09-00) Office Supplies (09-0463-11-00) Community Outreach (09-0463-12-00) Organizational Development (09-0463-13-00) Eagle Center for the Performing Arts (09-0463-14-00) Feasibility Study -Arts Center (09-0463-10-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS: GRANTS - ARTS EDUCATION: Arts Education (09-00464-03-00) Grant Programs (09-0464-02-00) TOTAL ARTS EDUCATION: 27,716 0 277 0 2,141 2,908 13,254 118 $46,414 16,000 15,000 0 4,000 7,000 10,000 $52,000 400 650 5,000 0 10,000 0 $16,050 0 16,000 $16,000 Actual Jun -08 20,387 3,013 0 0 1,671 2,431 9,934 140 $37,576 20,063 4,963 5,120 3,320 0 3,930 $37,396 1,176 835 3,024 450 0 0 $5,485 0 14,409 $14,409 FY 07/08 Unrealized 7,329 -3,013 277 0 470 477 3,320 -22 8,838 Page 2 Projected FY 08/09 OA 31,801 15% 0 0% 0 100% 0 0% 2,433 14% 3,304 100% 12,846 100% 134 14% $50,518 -4,063 16,000 10,037 25,000 -5,120 0 680 4,000 7,000 0 6,070 10,000 $14,604 $55,000 -776 1,500 -185 1,500 1,976 5,000 -450 1,000 10,000 0 0 0 $10,565 $9,000 0 0 1,591 16,000 $1,591 $16,000 9% 0% 67% 0% 0% -100% 0% 6% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% -44% Major Objects and Subobjects CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Office Equipment (computer & etc.) (09-0419-01-00) TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Page 3 FY 07/08 Actual FY 07/08 Projected Budgeted Jun -08 Unrealized FY 08/09 1,000 $1,000 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND: $131,464 1,605 $1,605 $96,471 -605 -$605 $34,993 1,500 $1,500 50% 50% $132,018 0%