Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 06/10/2008 - Regular V EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes June 10,2008 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. I. Communication Task Force Progress Update: Susan Christenson, Chair and Facilitator of the Communication Task Force, presents a Power Point presentation and discusses the same. We are I I members strong and I have provided you a list. I wanted to give you a progress report. We are interested in assessing the communication between the community and the City. We need to define just what the situation is before we go forward. It is likely that we will need to measure communications. One of our tasks is also to evaluate the need for a Communication Committee. We are looking at this as a three step process. General discussion. 2. Zoning Administrator's Rep0l1: I would like the Council to discuss our Tree Voucher Program. Provides a history of the program. We have had a request to expand the program to include commercial business. General discussion. 3. City Attorney Report: No report 4. Mayor and Council's Report: Huffaker: No report Shoushtarian: No report Semanko: Reports on the Library Board meeting. They are interested in a change to the Personnel Manual in regards to halftime employees. They are interested in providing halftime employees with halftime benefits so we look for that to come forward. General discussion. Guerber: No report 5. City Engineer Report: No report 6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report 7. Public Works Director: No report REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. Council President Guerber: I. CALL TO ORDER: Council President Guerber calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GUERBER, HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO. All present. A quorum is present. The Mayor is on vacation and that is why I am here tonight conducting the meeting as the Council President 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chase Cook, Troop #308, leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Nancy Merrill, 1246 S. Watermark Place, I have been working on the Healing Fields of Honor with the Kiwanis. I'm here to give you an update and then ask for your help. The problem that we are having is that the Kiwanis is a small club with 10 active members. We do not have the money to compete this program. We are hoping that we can get $7,500 from the City to finish the program for this year. $15,000.00 was budgeted for this program this fiscal year. General discussion. Council concurs that since this a line item on the budget a request from the Kiwanis should be made for the funds. Page I K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-IO-08min.doc Council would like some suggestions from the Kiwanis for funding of the program in the FY08/09 Budget. C.J. Thompson, 4831 Willow Creek Road, discussion on the Avimor tour that the Council attended on Tuesday. I think the wildlife mitigation that they are doing is exceptional. There are two items on the County Commissioners Agenda for next week, the first is the Trailhead applications and I want to thank you for the letter opposing using Triple Ridge as a gateway to this Development. I think it would be powerful if the City of Eagle would suggest that it would be appropriate if the construction status would allow for the developer to revise the transportation system based on the ACHD Study which will be final in January. General discussion. Discussion on the Council doing the North Ada County Foothills tour. The County has a provision that is called The Non-Farm Subdivision. Provides an overview of the definition of the Non-Farm Subdivision. One of the items on the Agenda next week is some changes to the Ordinance. This has not come before you before but I think it would be powerful if the City expressed support the Ordinance that would elimination this provision. General discussion. C.J. distributes a copy of a letter to the Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission from John Petrovsky, Chairman of the North Ada County Foothills Association. Council President Guerber will talk to the Mayor about someone testifying on these two issues. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as paJ1 of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Aeainst the City. B. Minutes ofMav 20. 2008. e. Minutes ofMav 27. 2008. D. Open Container Permit: Bill Mahoney with Hammer Dog Inc. is requesting an open container permit to be used at Guerber Park on July 12, 2008 from noon until 4:00 p.m. The standard conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB) E. Noise Waiver: As allowed by Eagle City Code 4-9-6(0), Sarah Rensch with Smoky Mountain Pizza and Pasta is requesting a noise waiver to accommodate Eagle Fun Days musical events being held on June 13 - 14,2008 at 34 E. State Street (in their parking lot). Ms. Rensch is requesting that the waiver be extended to II :00 p.m. on each date listed above. (SKB) F. Open Container Permit: Sara Rensch with Smoky Mountain Pizza & Pasta is requesting an open container permit to be used at 34 E. State St. (in their parking lot) on June 13 -14, 2008 from II :00 a.m. to II :00 p.m. The standard conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB) G. Open Container Permit: Chad Thomason with daVinci's Eagle is requesting an open container permit to be used on 15t Street between State Street and Idaho Page 2 K:\COUNCfL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-IO-08min.doc on Junel4, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They have obtained a citizens use permit from ACHD. The standard conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB) H. DR-19-08 - Multi-tenant Office/Retail and Apartment Buildin!! - Yesterdav Properties. LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel, is requesting design review approval to construct a 2,S03-square foot multi-tenant office/retail and apartment building (I ,OS7-square feet first floor and 1,446- square feet second floor). The 0.168-acre site is located on the east side ofNol1h 2nd Street approximately ISO-feet north of East State Street. (WEV) I. DR-21-08 - Multi-tenant Office/Personal Improvement Buildin!! _ Gordon and Meredith St. Clair: Gordon and Meredith St. Clair, represented by Scott Clark with ABC Drafting and Design Services, are requesting design review approval to construct a 2, 113-square foot multi-tenant office/personal improvement building. The 0.2 I-acre site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 200-feet east of Academy A venue at 1334 East State Street. (WEV) J. Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Ea!!lefield Estates II Planned Unit Development - Ea!!lefield. LLC: Eaglefield, LLC, represented by Clint Boyle, with Landmark Engineering and Planning, is requesting a one (I) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Eaglefield Estates II Subdivision, a residential subdivision consisting of 34-lots (19-single family, S-four-plex, and 10-common). The II.S-acre site is located on the west side ofN0I1h Linder Road approximately 400-feet north of State Highway 44 at 341 and 499 North Linder Road. (WEV) K. Final Plat Extension of Time for The Shores Subdivision (Phase No.2) _ Rockv Rid!!e Construction dba South Channel. LLC: Rocky Mountain Construction dba South Channel, LLC, represented by Steve Holt, P.E., with Toothman-Ol10n Engineering Co., is requesting a two (2) year extension of time for final plat approval for The Shores Subdivision (Phase No.2), a residential subdivision consisting of 41-lots (30-buildable, II-common). The Shores Subdivision (Phase No.2) consists of 41.90-acres and is located on the west side of Eagle Road, south of Two Rivers Subdivision No.3 and Two Rivers Subdivision No.8. (WEV) G. Open Container Permit: Chad Thomason with daVinci's Eagle is requesting an open container permit to be used on 151 Street between State Street and Idaho on Junel4, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They have obtained a citizens use permit from ACHD. The standard conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB) H. DR-19-08 - Multi-tenant Office/Retail and Apartment Buildin!! _ Yesterdav Properties. LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel, is requesting design review approval to construct a 2,S03-square foot multi-tenant office/retail and apartment building (1 ,OS7-square feet first floor and 1,446- square feet second floor). The 0.168-acre site is located on the east side ofN0I1h 2nd Street approximately ISO-feet north of East State Street. (WEV) 1. DR-21-08 - Multi-tenant Office/Personal Improvement Buildin!! - Gordon and Meredith St. Clair: Gordon and Meredith St. Clair, represented by Scott Clark with ABC Drafting and Design Services, are requesting design review approval to construct a 2, 113-square foot multi-tenant office/personal improvement building. The 0.2 I-acre site is located on the north side of East Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-IO-08min.doc State Street approximately 200-feet east of Academy A venue at 1334 East State Street. (WEV) J. Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Eaelefield Estates II Planned Unit Development - Eaelefield. LLC: Eaglefield, LLC, represented by Clint Boyle, with Landmark Engineering and Planning, is requesting a one (I) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Eaglefield Estates II Subdivision, a residential subdivision consisting of 34-lots (19-single family, 5-four-plex, and 10-common). The 11.5-acre site is located on the west side of North Linder Road approximately 400-feet north of State Highway 44 at 341 and 499 North Linder Road. (WEV) K. Final Plat Extension of Time for The Shores Subdivision (Phase No.2)- Rockv Ridee Construction dba South Channel. LLC: Rocky Mountain Construction dba South Channel, LLC, represented by Steve Holt, P.E., with Toothman-Orton Engineering Co., is requesting a two (2) year extension of time for final plat approval for The Shores Subdivision (Phase No.2), a residential subdivision consisting of 41-lots (30-buildable, II-common). The Shores Subdivision (Phase No.2) consists of 41.90-acres and is located on the west side of Eagle Road, south of Two Rivers Subdivision No.3 and Two Rivers Subdivision No.8. (WEV) Shoushtarian removes Items #5H and #5K from the Consent Agenda to be added to New Business. Huffaker removes Item #5G. from the Consent Agenda. Shoushtarian moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda. Seconded by Semanko. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 5G. Open Container Permit: Chad Thomason with daVinci's Eagle is requesting an open container permit to be used on 151 Street between State Street and Idaho on June 14, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They have obtained a citizens use permit from ACHD. The standard conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB) Huffaker: My question is the time of the request, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Is it normal that we allow alcohol to be served at 9:00 a.m.? The other permits stal11ater in the day. I'm just wondering if we want to modity this. General discussion. Semanko moves to approve Open Container Permit. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Council President Guerber gives an overview of the conduct of the public testimony. Testimony will be limited to three minutes for the initial testimony. At the end of the initial testimony additional testimony will be taken. A. RZ-24-06 MOD - Modification to Development Aereement - Eaele Gatewav Development. LLC: Eagle Gateway Development, LLC, represented by Walter Lindgren, with Johnson Architects is requesting a modification to the development agreement of Conditions of Development # 3.6 to change a "Hotel" use which is shown as "C" conditional use under the MU zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations," to a permitted use on the property. (WEV) Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-06-IO-08mindoc - Council President Guerber introduces the issue. Walter Lindgren, Johnson Architects, representing the applicants, displays overheads and provides the Council with an overview of the project. General discussion. Planner Williams, provides Council an overview of the project. Council President Guerber Opens the Public Hearing Mark Butler, 839 E. Winding Creek Drive, a previous Council several years ago actually required Winding Creek to construct a hotel. I am in support of the hotel. Monty Jackson, 590 N. Senora Way, I am in favor, this would be an excellent addition. Council President closes the Public Hearing Semanko moves to approve RZ-24-06 MOD - Modification to Development Agreement _ Eagle Gateway Development, LLC. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.......................... ... B. RZ-OS-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD-DA - Jason and Melissa Brodt: Jason and Melissa Brodt are requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential - up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD-DA (Central Business District with a development agreement) to facilitate the development of a commercial use on the site. The .15-acre site is located on the west side of Eagle Road approximately 550-feet south of State Street at 179 South Eagle Road. (WEV) B I. DR-23-08 - Chanl!e of Use from Residential Dwellinl! Unit to an Art Studio- Jason and Melissa Brodt: Jason and Melissa Brodt are requesting design review approval to change the use from a residential dwelling unit to an art studio. The 0.16-acre site is located on the west side of Eagle Road approximately 550-feet south of State Street at 179 South Eagle Road. (WEV) B2. DR-24-08 - One Buildinl! Wall Sil!n for The Art of Framinl! - Jason and Melissa Brodt: Jason and Melissa Brodt are requesting design review approval for one building wall sign for "The Art of Framing". The 0.16-acre site is located on the west side of Eagle Road approximately 550-feet south of State Street at 179 South Eagle Road.(WEV) Council President Guerber introduces the issue. We actually have three aspects to this item and we will be hearing testimony on each item. The Council will make a motion on each individual item. Jason and Melissa Brodt, applicants, provide Council an overview of the projects. Staff displays overheads. Planner Vanegas, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the applications. Discussion on the Cross Access Agreement and the Development Agreement. General discussion. Council President Guerber Opens the Public Hearing Mark Butler, 839 E. Winding Creek Drive, I was the one who made the recommendation on the parking. Displays an overhead and provides Council an overview of the parking. Nancy Merrill, 1246 S. Watermark Place, when we did the comprehensive plan we were hoping that these homes would provide exactly what they are doing. I am in sUPP0l1 of the project. Council President closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Page 5 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-06-1O-08min.doc Huffaker moves to approve RZ-05-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD-DA - Jason and Melissa Brodt. Seconded by Semanko. Discussion on the modification to 2.3 on the Development Agreement to allow the applicant not to wait for the property to the North. Huffaker amends the motion as to the statement by staff on 2.3 of the Development Agreement. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Shoushtarian moves to approve DR-23-08 - Change of Use from Residential Dwelling Unit to an Art Studio with the Staff Report recommendations and also with the 5 parking if there is any problem in the future we would revisit this. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Shoushtarian moves to approve DR-24-08 - One Building Wall Sign for The Art of Framing. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Council President calls a recess at 9:00 p.m. Council President reconvenes 9: 10 p.m. C. RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD-DA - Olde Park Properties. LLC: aide Park Properties, LLC, represented by Justin Woolston, is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD-DA (Central Business District with a development agreement). The .63-acre site is located on aide Park Place approximately ISO-feet south of West State Street at 67 and 87 aide Park Place. (WEV) Council President Guerber introduces the issue. We will take testimony on these two items and separate motions will be made Council. Justin Woolston, representing the applicant, provides Council a personal resume, and provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Planner Vanegas, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the project. Council President Guerber Opens the Public Hearing. We are going to run the 3 minute clock and we will go through the sign up sheet and then ask for additional testimony. Monte Jackson, 590 N. Senora Way, I am in favor of approving both requests. I have had the benefit of being acquainted with the Developer this past week and I have had the occasion to talk to some consumers in favor of this project. I do have a few signatures that are in favor of this project. The detail is extension and they were good to respond to complaints on the design. General discussion. Randy Hetrick, 14168 Plum Road, Caldwell, I am in favor of this project. I am an adjacent property owner, Tri-City Meats. This project will really help the community and enhance our property. Ron Marshall, 740 Palmento, I do not have any problem with rezone it is close enough to the COB and it should be part of it. I do have objection to the height exception. I think at this point in time when the Chamber and City are in the process of gathering information I don't think the height exception should be approved until their recommendations are made. Discusses the height exceptions that have been given in the City. I would urge you to deny this application and get it back down to the 40' level and wait until the Chamber and City recommendations are made. General discussion. Tyler Archer, 894 E. Shadow Creek Lane, I walk all of the time downtown and I think this is what the people want. This will make something happen downtown. I strongly urge you to support this. Page 6 K:ICQUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-06-IO-08mindoc -- Jack Stewart, 246 S. Meskowin Way, this is 2 houses South of this proposed project. I have a letter to the Council I would like to read. Reads the letter into the record. These citizens recognize that the City is growing but there is smart growth. Our view would change considerably with the removal of trees. We strongly urge you to deny this. General discussion. Todd Charlton, Cole Architects, 401 West Idaho, we are in favor of this project. Over all Mr. Wooltson did a fantastic job presenting the project. He is a structural engineer and the design is well thought out. It is a good project for the City of Eagle. This town is staliing to become more of a city based area. I am in favor of this project. Teri Bath, 597 E. State Street, I am here for the Chamber, distributes a letter from the Chamber and reads the letter into the record. Esther Woolston, 2140 W. Ram Avenue, I highly support this project. It is good for the City and supports the work, live situation. I live in Big Horn Subdivision. General discussion. Tim Reid, Grub and Ellis Group, we have located our office here because of what is happening here. My wife and family moved here 10 years ago. I have embraced the changes. It is still a great place to raise a family. Mr. Woolston has gone above and beyond in this design and it will enhance downtown. This is a very worthwhile project. I highly support this project and I am the listing broker on the project but I'm also suppOliing the project as a resident of Eagle. Dustin Williams, 29 I E. Shore Drive, we moved our office here from Downtown Boise because we liked where the City was going. I was at the Planning and Zoning meeting and listen to the testimony. It seemed the residents objections were based only on that is what is allowed. Mark Butler, 839 E. Winding Creek Drive, I don't think we should rubber stamp anything just because it is a downtown development. I have been a planner for 20 years and he has done an excellent job. I hope you can support this. Jason Brodt, it seems to me that the greater good is going to be a benefit to the City of Eagle. It seems like it will help spark the growth in downtown Eagle instead of having it go to Boise. Carl Swigg 393 IN. Triple Ridge Place, as a new business owner and I look at this and it is outstanding. It will do wonders for the business community. I am in favor of this. Ron Marshall, 740 Palmento, I have not heard a word about ACHD's concerns. Being able to walk to McDonalds would not be possible without walking on Eagle Road. There is other projects downtown and I can see a tunnel in downtown Eagle. 35' to 40' is a good limit for Downtown. Monte Jackson, 590 N. Senora Way, just to add to my earlier comments. I spend a great deal of time in downtown Eagle and I have done a lot of travel. You don't see the kinds of consideration that Mr. Woolston has given his project in other areas of the country. Shawn Nickle, 148 N. 2nd Street, as a resident and downtown business owner I want to give my support to this project. It will be a great addition to downtown. Melisa Brodt, As a new property owner establishing a business in Eagle, I agree that this is very well thought and in order for businesses to survive we need other businesses around us. Todd Charlton, I don't have any financial gain in this project. I was working in Eagle when the by-pass went and some business left. It is nice to see the growth. This project is a perfect example of what is needed in Eagle and it was needed 10 years ago. This project is necessary for Eagle. Council President closes the Public Hearing Page 7 K:\CQUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-06-IO-08min.doc Justin Woolston, I want to thank everyone who has supported this project. Discusses the fact of developers wanting to double their money. I am not doubling my money, I am taking a financial risk. I think this design is what Eagle needs. This design does not work without the height exception. It is a hard challenge and I hope you don't make it any harder. I would like to read a letter support that I have. Reads the letter into the record. General discussion. Planner Vanegas: ACHD has sent in a letter that is in your packet with some site conditions of approval. Discusses the site conditions of approval. General discussion. Semanko moves to approve RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD-DA - Olde Park Properties. LLC. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... D. CU-02-08 - Conditional Use Permit for a Hei!!ht Exception - Olde Park Properties. LLC: Olde Park Properties, LLC, represented by Justin Woolston, is requesting conditional use approval for a height exception of 57-feet for a three story multi-tenant residential/retail building. The .63-acre site is located on west side of Olde Park Place approximately I 50-feet south of West State Street at 67 and 87 Olde Park Place. (WEV) Shoushtarian moves to deny CU-02-08 - Conditional Use Permit for a Height Exception -_Olde Park Propel1ies, LLC before we get the final rep0l1 and ask ACHD to review that. Semanko, not seeing a second to the Motion, I move to approve CU-02-08 - Conditional Use Permit for a Height Exception - Olde Park Properties, LLC. Seconded by Huffaker. Discussion. THREE AYES: SHOUSHTARIAN NAY, (I AM OPPOSED BECAUSE THE PLANNING PROCESS IS NOT IN PLACE, ESPECIALLY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING, THE LEFT TURN IS GOING TO CREATE SOME PROBLEM BOTH FROM AIKENS AND OLDE PARK PLACE AND IS GOING TO CREATE SOME PROBLEMS FOR EAGLE ROAD AND THE DISTRICT): MOTION CARRIES......... Council President calls a recess at I I: I 0 p.m. Council President reconvenes at II :20 p.m. Council President: We are going to be continuing several items. We are going to do the conditional use on the Swig property and the Customer Service Agreement that we need to do for the billing in the Water Company. We are going to continue #C -Ordinance #602; #D-Ordinance #580 which is Symphony Square; Ordinance #597 which is Gateway South; Ordinance #604 which is Nyborg; and Ordinance #605 which is Pedersen #H, and then the two items that were brought over from the Consent Agenda DR #21-08 which is Multi-tenant Office/Personal Improvement Building and Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Eaglefield Estates, all will be continued to the next Council session. We also must go into Executive Session tonight. So you can leave early or spend the rest of the night with us. Semanko: I ask for unanimous consent to continue the items you just stated to the next Council meeting. No objection, Council gives unanimous consent. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. 200800078-CU (Ada Countv Application) - Conditional Use Permit for a Ridin!! Academv and Stables Includin!! an Indoor Ridin!! Arena - Carol Swi!!: Carol Swig, represented by Shawn Nickel, is requesting the approval of a conditional use permit to construct a 21 ,OOO-square foot indoor riding arena and an 8, 112-square foot barn and stables for the establishment of a commercial riding academy and stables. The I 0.93-acre site (consisting of 2- parcels: 5.93-acres and 5-acres) is located approximately 986-feet north Beacon Light Road on Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-IO-08min doc the east side of North Linder Road at 3500 and 3530 N0/1h Linder Road. This site is located in the Eagle Area of Impact. (WEV) Council President Guerber introduces the issue. This is not a public hearing it is an open session that basically allows the public to hear what goes on unless Council would like to hear testimony from the people that are here. General discussion. Council concurs to hear testimony from the public. Shawn Nickel, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Planner Vanegas, we did see a similar application approximately a year ago, displays overheads from previous application that was denied by the City Council. Provides Council an overview of the current application. General discussion. Council President opens the Public Comments Julia Dupree, 4522 W. Beacon Light, I support the riding arena. Discusses the kind of person that Carol Swig is and list the types of donations that she has made to the schools, the Eagle Community Landing and the community. This will be her last effort to build this riding arena. She will provide this indoor arena for various riding groups at no charge. Please make this final decision not only with your mind but with your heart as well. Sara Johnston, 517 E. Sherman, I have worked for Carol for three years now and I have never met anyone that has done so much for people. I hope this goes through so someone has a place to ride. With development we are going to lose the opportunity to ride. I hope you make the decision to have this riding arena in Eagle. Jennifer Goldman, N. Park Lane, I am a horse girl and I think having something like this in our community is just priceless. With houses being built in the foothills be are being limited on where we can ride. This is a great asset to our community. I live in the community and it is not an eyesore. I am here to supp0/1 her. James Desmond, 2773 Haven Drive, which is a little more than a mile from this property. There are a number offacilities being created in Eagle by the municipality. There are no such facilities that are adequate to equestrians. This facility will be the only one in this area to meet the standards for jumpers. I urge you to approve this. Sophia Topie, 4185 W. Castlefort, I agree with what has been said before me. I live just east of this facility and I am in full support of this riding arena in my backyard and I can see it from my window. Eric Jackey, Rockingham Drive, I am actually allergic to horses and I was out with my son and he got the opportunity to see his first horse. I have known Carol for several years. I have no stake in this facility. I think this a fabulous opportunity for the City of Eagle. People come here for a style of life. Terri Manning 36595 W. Houseman Court, I am one street over and I fully suppor1 this and I am looking forward Allen Dupree, Beacon Light Road, I support Carol's arena. The propel1y will have pastures and riding trails and I think the location is appropriate. Lindsey Sedlack, we support our Mom and everything that she is doing. Linda Christen, I am in charge of the local pony club. I cannot tell you how hard it is for us to ride. We are currently in Nampa and next year it be an hour drive for us. We need to have a Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\!\IINUTES\Temporary !\Iinutes Work AreaICC-06-IQ-08min.doc place to ride indoors. I hope you approve this. Paul Beckman 2535 W. State Street, I applaud her effort to put in this arena, not only for the community but I believe she has the right to pursue her dreams on her property. I support this project. Shirley Hendrick, 4599 W. Homer Road, I live two miles from the project and I am a past head of the pony club. The youth has needs for a riding arena. We need this facility and I applaud this effort. Nancy Merrill, 1246 S. Watermark Place, discusses the difference between the first application that came through and this application. We have an opportunity now to have a really great riding arena that is not commercial. This is an opportunity for a great recreation opportunity. You have compatibility with the other two arenas. I want to remind you of our equestrian roots. I applaud them for removing the barn away from residents. I am in suppOli of this. Mark Butler, 1640 Washam Road, I got a call several months ago from someone that wanted me to help a lady that got an application denied. This meets the Comprehensive Plan. I think you have seen some great changes that have been made. This application going through the County is similar with what they would go through here. Discusses Eagle City Code in reference to stables and arenas. Becky Desland, 2773 Homer Road, this is a letter in support that I have given to Shawn. Reads pali of the letter into the record. Rich Felix, 10028 W. Palouse Lane, my family owns the propeliy next to the propeliy. Our problem with this facility has not been the use it has been the size and magnitude next to our home. The size of these structures have a dominating feeling. They did move the arena and it is now 60' from our house. Most of the stables in Eagle are about 8,000 to 10,000 square feet. We are horse people too. We ask that you add back that the arena and the stable be 300' from a resident. The applicant can move this another 100' feet from our home. General discussion. Carol Swig, 3931 N. Triple Ridge Place, applicant, we were denied a recommendation from the City, and we were approved by Ada County and then we were appealed. I have worked very hard to work with my neighbors. Rich and Karen are the only people who are against my facility. I was instructed by Ada County to mitigate with Rick and Karen. I have given and given and they say I have not given enough. I have changed 95% and they have changed nothing. I have been done everything I have been told to do and I am still told it is not enough. I am really trying to do everything I can do for the community. I moved here 5 years ago and now I see no trespassing signs. I could easily put houses up there but I want to save the green. If we don't take a stand now there will be no place to put us. It is compatible with the other stables in the area. The Felix's don't live in the house; they live over by Horseshoe Bend. I hope you will approve us and send us on to Ada County. General discussion. General Council discussion. Huffaker moves to approve 200800078-CU (Ada County Application) - Conditional Use Permit for a Riding Academy and Stables Including an Indoor Riding Arena - Carol Swig and for the site plan as is. Seconded by Semanko. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES....... ............ B. Customer Service Ae:reement between Billine: Document Specialists (BDS) and City of Eae:le. (SKB) Council President Guerber introduces the issue. Page 10 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-06-10-08min.doc Genera[ discussion. Semanko moves to approve the Customer Service Agreement between Billing Document Specialists (BDS) and City of Eagle. Seconded by Huffaker. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. C. Ordinance No. 602 - Prohibitinf! uncovered loads: An Ordinance For The City Of Eag[e, Idaho Chapter 5, Police Regu[ations, Adding Chapter [ [, Prohibition Of Uncovered Loads, Exceptions, Estab[ishing A Penalty And Providing An Effective Date. (PB) Continued by Motion to the June 17,2008 City Council meeting. D. Ordinance No. 580 (Svmphonv SQuare): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eag[e, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Rea[ Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Fi[ed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Continued by Motion to the June 17, 2008 City Council meeting. E. Ordinance No. 597 (Eaf!le Gatewav South): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Propel1y Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Changing The Zoning Classification Of Said Rea[ Property Described Herein From RUT (Rural Urban Transition) And MU (Mixed Use) To MU-DA (Mixed Use With A Deve[opment Agreement); Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Continued by Motion to the June 17, 2008 City Council meeting. F. Ordinance No. 604 (Nvborf!): An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein From A-R (Agricultura[ - Residential) Classification To R-E- DA (Residential - Estates With A Deve[opment Agreement) Zoning Classification; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Continued by Motion to the June 17,2008 City Council meeting. G. Ordinance No. 605 (Pedersen): An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein From A-R (Agricultural-Residentia[) Classification To Bp-Da (Business Park With Development Agreement) Classification; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Continued by Motion to the June 17,2008 City Council meeting. H. Enterprise Fund Analvsis: (VB &ME) Continued by Motion to the June 17,2008 City Council meeting. [0. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Personnel Matters - I.C. S67-2345 9 (a) and/or (b) and (t) pending litigation regarding the Charney Lawsuit. Semanko moves to go into Executive Session in accordance with I.C. ~67-2345 9 (a) and/or (b) to discuss personnel matters and (t) pending litigation in regards to the Charney Lawsuit. Seconded by Huffaker. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Page II K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-06-IO-08mindoc Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Council goes into Executive Session at 12:45 a.m. Council discusses personnel matters and the Charney Lawsuit. Council leaves Executive Session at 12:55 a.m. Semanko moves to grant Michael Mongelli's request to use more than two weeks of annual leave at one time under the Personnel Policy Manual that such request be approved by Council and we allow for a month if he needs more we will consider it again and if we need to approve the request for unpaid leave we would approve that as well. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....... Huffaker moves to send the letter as drafted plus the additional paragraph regarding the additional fees and costs that could be incurred otherwise the letter be sent out as drafted. Seconded by Semanko. THREE AYES: SHOUST ARIAN: NAY (THE REASON IS THAT WE SHOULD START MEDIATING AND TRY TO SEE WHAT WE COULD TO BENEFIT BOTH PARTIES AND PUT THIS BEHIND US): MOTION CARRIES......... II. ADJOURNMENT: Semanko moves to adjourn. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1 :00 a.m. Respectfully submitted: .'",............. ~~~~~~ ......' \..E II ..." (; '" !to..' ~~ ........ * '.... !Ii .. 1E.. .. ~~...t- ..0:. ~Ol ~ .....00:. SHAR N K. BERGMANN .. ,oco.. o;r. · CITY CLERK/TREASURER ! >0.: l "'V'Q: < E I i;. \ 0 ,~~~: Q : ~ v v '". ..... .. " . c:, "..... ~ ~ .... t-~ · .. '\ .... INC~." ~ 0 l .., * ..... ~ .... """ S'T ~ ,........." '""......',,' PHILLIP J. BANDY MAYOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 12 K'lCOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-06-IO-08min.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CU -02-08 - Conditional Use Permit for a Height Exception - Olde Park Properties June 10, 2008, 7:30 P.M. NAME `D .V.A, Cc ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL `1 3 -`ins- '; I- --/-t-'--/-7i6/ �� � L Wax �s-rL►� SL_p I - '60-3 i j--1.)-Av co' .--41-16c,E)----; ve/66,2 14 A74, V �5 = � ST6,44 { vavQ Cz-4 t -Rv9b I./ler A (-cif r 253 X371 A/ ,//I ir,57x// 939- //'a i TESTIFY _��� YES/NOr PRO/CON C.� Ccs Y epv EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD -DA - Olde Park Properties, LLC NAME / faeg--5-6,,-, June 10, 2008, 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL 9 4/ C%L \>V (rrM F F Dc6,„ L/o 7 6 37 '79 /-/ h/ No1-0,61-41 577 - 84 -ay y 1 e r-cle r- - )---3 7 ( /I) /49k 9// 75:/— 6/Q6 TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Y N *t\t„, 4a. -to Givt. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP RZ-05-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD -DA - Jason and Melissa Brodt NAME June 10, 2008, 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP RZ-24-06 MOD - Modification to Development Agreement - Eagle Gateway Development, NAME June 10, 2008, 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON March 12, 2008 •. ev: I- i;:•.+!"'.sf'7:4z. .t.^c-�,•`4i�..c}..: :� �a.:r.::y,:�•�'�: �:�iit.�S.i•�.r,.`�.'�� 3�� :ri.': ;:: Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission (Of via email c/o Carla Olson) 200 W. Front St. Boise, ID 83702-7300 Re: 2007001118 ZOA Ada County Dear Commissioners: For the record (and recognizing the extremely late nature of this submittal), The North Ada County Foothills Association wishes to express support for the referenced ordinance amendments, as detailed in the County's "112007 doc SRV200702087". Of particular concern to our Association for some time has been the outdated non-farm subdivision provisions in the County's code. While once a valid and useful tool for agricultural landowners (i.e., landowners who are actually involved in agriculture), the past few years have shown that the non -farm -subdivision provision has become a potential vehicle for furthering incompatible developments in rural residential areas and essentially circumventing the intent of broad -scale land use and resource management planning programs. Thus, we fully support elimination of this provision. Beyond this, our only other comment is a reiteration of support for the County's commitment to abide by City Comprehensive Plans in RUT areas within City Areas Of Impact. We see this amendment as a re -affirmation of that commitment, and thus a further (significant) reduction in potential City v. County conflicts. Yours truly, John Petrovsky Chairman ('c - Driving Driving north, the main intersection of Eagle/little State streets is notable mostly because you don't want to look at it. America's mighty bird symbol soars across an arch spanning Eagle Road to an intersection gloomily out of the great depression. A friend brought me a brouchure about 'plaza at olde park'. He requested my opinion in writing. I do not know anyone involved in the undertaking, nor have I been coached as to what to say. Idaho is worthy, and Eagle is my home. Glitz and glitter, heralded in tabloids, have no substance here at all. It's just a great place to live, if not to drive through. I hopefully anticipate that on some tomorrow, catching the stop light at Eagle and little State street will cease to draw my sigh of regret. Why are useless tear down buildings and jutted asphalt still there to haunt us? The word 'haunt' is critical. I'm old now, but any reminiscences of '29 (I was 4) are painful still. Some guys want to do something - let's hear them out. Dreams are what make us anticipate tomorrow with hope. The 'plaza at olde park' concept is imaginative and devoid of tinsel. For all our sake, I think these guys deserve a listen. Plaza At Olde Park: Letter of Sunnort This letter is intended to show support tir the project described below We as residents, land -owners. business owners, and/or \-\orkers in the Cit\ ofLaule support this project as it is currently proposed, in its entirety, including, the increased height of 57', knowing that the current height limit for structure; in the Central Business District is currently limited to 40' We feel that this project will be a welcome and needed addition to downtown Eagle. as well as the ('itv of Eagle. as a whole We strongly recommend that the Eagle C'it\ Council appro\ e this project Olde Park Properties. LLC. represented b\ Justin \1oolston_ is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four (IN\elling units per acre) to CBD -DA (Central Business District 1\ith a de\clopmcnt a<greement)_ and conditional use approNal for a height c\ception of 57 -feet for a three -stop multi -tenant residential/retail building The 63 -acre site is located on Oldc Park Place appro\imatel\ 150 -feet south of West State Street at 67 and .S7 Oldc Park Place RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD CU -02-08 - Conditional Pse Permit for a Ileiaht Exception Name (Print) Signature Address . ,,,.,.. p.,.•t •tetter of Supp4M This letter is intended to show support for the project described below. We as residents, workers in the City of Eagle support this project as it is currently proposed, in it's entirety, inducting we - current height limit for structures in the Central Business District is currently limited to 40'. We ,.,, , ^Ori needed addition to downtown Eagle, as well as the City of Eagle, as a whole. We strongly recommenu that Luc ��►bl...., project. } L•. 1..0;n Vur...tctnn is renucstintt approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD -DA (t-entrat r usuuuab ,.,��... •• -.•- development agreement), and conditional use approval for a height exception of 57 -feet for a three-story _ -•- c;+o, I..rnted on Olde Park Place approximately 150 -feet south of West State Street at 67 and E7 Olde Park Place R`L-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD C1J-O2-OS - Conditionni Use Permit for a Height E Nception Name Print mss- � • 4 . 6.--; ( Address J�GU�/Y� l.�✓L�C�aui�°'��! gGsle 2,? -,'6,(6 ZyZ 0'. Z L I -r-�-y--- l y �i Y11• `f`�` (1 Ct!' !vw Fr•l&J< ko_a_ 1-4r 471,4,4 1530 fN.OotiaY l b1 - 2.517 ic ! 5 t s._SH'�► Q W -e .w_ c Plaza At Olde Park: Letter of Support land -owners, business owners, and/or workers in the City of Eagle support this project as it is currently proposed, in it's entirety. including the increased height of 57-, knowtnt. limited to 40' We feel that this project will be a welcome and needed addition to downtown Eagle, as well as the City of Eagle. as a whole We strongly recommend that Olde Park Properties. LLC. represented bx Justin Woolston. is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD -DA approval for a height exception of 57 -feet for a three-story multi -tenant residentiallretail building.. The .63 -acre site is located on Olde Park Place RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD rt, A 1 nn r Name (Print) L J (. ' L� "- >��_j 1 ) IL , -\t_N,..:k_4- ' \,_-------:_. �'ftllt� V3 -'`tri SiRnaturc Addre-s� • r , f 'J � , Lel,- is0( ec,V,Lc G �7( G' l- 1 : '� 7-/ 7 z, jam. ,c i < ccf (W -so ia9c/W/ 1c ►t° "Yuri ��� 1LJ �. n'rec,EL-1 -T / 19 3 t -://c,,/ )) 94C, }) L4•-!,cf Plaza At Olde Park: Letter of Support land -owners, business owners, and/or workers in the City of Eagle support this project as it is currently proposed, in it's entirety, including the increased height of 57', knowing limited to 40'. We feel that this project will be a welcome and needed addition to downtown Eagle, as well as the City of Eagle, as a whole. We strongly recommend that Olde Park Properties, LLC, represented by Justin Woolston, is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD -DA approval for a height exception of 57 -feet for a three-story multi -tenant residential/retail building. The .63 -acre site is Located on Olde Park Place RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD Name (Print) c Signature 9i Address t\/ I -h 1 ( `J.;] 6t F She ) •/„ 5 !`/ X4, s- — /,‘„,//,p- �,l r cam'{, 9/ C Amok Plaza At Olde Park: Letter of Support land -owners, business owners, and/or workers in the City of Eagle support this projet_ t as it is currently proposed, in it's entirety, including the increased height of 57', knowing limited to 40'. We feel that this project will be a welcome and needed addition to downtown Eagle, as well as the City of Eagle, as a whole. We strongly recommend that• Olde Park Properties, LLC, represented by Justin Woolston, is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD -DA approval for a height exception of 57 -feet for a three-story multi -tenant residential/retail building. The .63 -acre site is located on Olde Park Place RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD Name (Print) Signature Address r fiiei f as_e, \ /"i In,,/ 'rid/ irL7 S4 .....‘(..)," • 1 ( _261 roar; la% / .r..) iv �Z-.i / V� (\y\[41ELkt414)c�. `2,7 Com. -� 1:iI v Cm P- Q GA44/ Q.A)0,-, ‘',_)(:,\L Art" R" 4 0 a. IA 1' . t I 1:5-1 `-t OQ/1. r'/ Plaza At.Qide ?Ark: Letter of Sunott This letter is intended to show support for the projet.., "fc' s residents, - nwncrs, and/or workers in the City of Eagle support Ems currently proposed, In n. — ;nereased height of 57', knowing to il ingthatthe o,. We current height limit for structures in the Central tiusiguei c ' • - will be a welcome and needed addition to downtown Eagle, as City of Eagle, as a wnoie. ihRt the Eagle City Council approve this project • 11 . represented by Justin Woolston, is requesting approval of a rezone Ll UU.1 (Residential up to tbur awetuus • n4 (Central Business District with a development agreement), and conditional use approval for a neiguL „ three-story thlitretRi1 building. The .63 -acre site is located on Olde Park Place approximately 150 -feet south of West mate • • -mare RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD —.7 ail enttdititt081 Use PeDlIktforABOW&Mfita T fOrint) fr-cirry. , /siotly. ) 41 /Age, - 1 1 Address . ALeket 1jr44..ct4," .,t L17 ,• u- Plaza At Olde Park: Letter of Support land -owners, business owners, and/or workers in the City of Eagle support this project as it is currently proposed, in it's entirety, including the increased height of 57', knowing limited to 40'. We feel that this project will be a welcome and needed addition to downtown Eagle, as well as the City of Eagle, as a whole. We strongly recommend that Olde Park Properties. LLC, represented by Justin Woolston_ is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD -DA approval for a height exception of 57 -feet for a three-story multi -tenant residential/retail building. The .63 -acre site is located on Olde Park Place RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to C B D Name (Print) Signature Address 1/4-,1AYV VVQt) `3 • )M 1 l h �� i�/�f� j t ///beet//nZM) (tel 7 - rah/ - WIR ���u,�/��i/i�%L/�1 �// breiso_elc s ntt (j/. °. Lbg- djicifWAL_..a.caA - 115 1 VW, t11 ( sqUYWui l7 [/Ugiit11(42 Plaza At Olde Park: Letter of Support :::-6-owners. business owners, and/or workers in the City of Eagle support this project as ,1urrently proposed, in it's entirety, including the increased height of 57', knowing LI to 40'. We feel that this project will be a welcome and needed addition to ,:;,wn Eagle, as well as the City of Eagle, as a whole. We strongly recommend that Olde Park Properties, LLC, represented by Justin Woolston, is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD -DA approval for a height exception of 57 -feet for a three-story multi -tenant residential/retail building. The .63 -acre site is located on Olde Park Place ,2Z-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD Name i Print) /1,f y A/i/.k- 7.ov►n r/ri'rl•, //#72-t—fi-fel Signature Address A r /3'7r fGI"7"4/ r (*LA/ CJ\ 1 C AlmiN Plaza At Olde Park: Letter of Support land -owners, business owners, and/or workers in the City of Eagle support this project as it is currently proposed, in it's entirety. including the increased height of 57', knowing limited to 40'. We feel that this project will be a welcome and needed addition to downtown Eagle, as well as the City of Eagle, as a whole. We strongly recommend that Olde Park Properties. LLC, represented by Justin Woolston, is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD -DA approval for a height exception of 57 -feet for a three -storm multi -tenant residential/retail building. The .63 -acre site is located on Oldc Park Place RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD Name (Print) ./l /LX— 1,f1vi7 1/110.e P.e P!'/.t.- eami//e.' ldrd- /t' Signature Address I 444.4/7--'- / t1 w• ."/. -o/c, /e....› (/ (1} t) 1'2 $- c r. cr- 1, c 044;44tkkoril-- /ow Zepow-k. b ///4' (7/ 1 CG Co ,/o -o e Plaza Al Olde Park: Letter of Su000rt This letter is intended to show support for the project described below We as residents. land -owners, business owners. and'or workers in the City of Eagle support this project as it is currently proposed, in it -s entiret\. including the increased height of 57', knowing. that the current height limit for structures in the Central Business District is currently limited to 40'. We feel that this project will be a welcome and needed addition to downtown Eagle. as well as the Cin of Eagle. as a whole We strongly recommend that the Eagle City Council approN e this project Oldc Park Properties. LLC_ represented bx Justin Woolston. is requesting approval of a rezone from R-4 (Residential up to four (IN\ellin« units per acre) to CBD -DA (Central Business District \\ all a development a`rccment)_ and conditional use approval for a height c\ccpt+on of 57 -feet for a three-story multi -tenant residential/retail buildinu The 6.7 -acre site is located on Olde Park Place appro\imatcly 150-tcct south of West State Street at 67 and g7 Oldc Park Place RZ-03-08 - Rezone from R-4 to CBD CU -02-08 - Conditional Use Permit for a Heibht Excention Name (Print) /2,67 z - Signature Address CieselL / a .T TS-// a • /7 5 .ft i, . ert.w- wvr-s /01i - DT(bI e K4,2 (. 0 .e_ es 6) l09, i57 57 i - (8'60 5 • ,,J/0, ER 1-e_ 2' -q-qo - o\r-a-7 JACK H. STUART & MIRIAM R. FLANAGAN-STUART 246 So. Neskowin Way, Eagle, ID 83616 Tel (208)938-9296 Fax (208)938-6357 Jack's Cell (208)850-7407 Miriam's Cell (208)602-9296 .1I IStu 1 1726 a msn.com City Council City of Eagle, Idaho 600 E. civic Lane Eagle, Idaho 83616 RE: Olde Park Plaza Gentlemen, June 9, 2008 On May 5, 2008 the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission approved rezoning the above project from residential to commercial, but they denied the approval of 57 feet height exception by a vote of 3 to 2. Knowing this project would come before the Council, I submitted a petition to the Council signed by 8 residents that reside within 300 feet of the project opposing the height exception of 57 feet. When I discovered the height exception was to be submitted to the Council on Tuesday, June 10, 2008, I obtained 4 more signatures of residents within 300 feet of the project, and 5 signatures of residents who reside beyond 300 feet from the project, but would be in full view of it as it towers above all surrounding buildings. This totals 17 residents who would be affected by this project and who oppose the height exception. These citizens are willing to accept commercial zoning, the destruction of some large beautiful trees, and the City height limit of 40 feet, but they cannot accept 57 feet height. They would consider approval of the requested height exception a betrayal of the rules they thought were protecting their privacy and small town atmosphere. I respectfully request that the above height exception be denied. Sincerely, aa -We ,,?&./1./li d/ Jack H. Stuart re - RESOLUTION TO THE CITY OF EAGLE April 30, 2008 WHEREAS signers of this resolution are citizens of Eagle , ID residing within 300 feet of the proposed Olde Park Plaza building, and WHEREAS said residents occupied their residences with the understanding that the City of Eagle had a height limit of 40 feet for all new buildings, and WHEREAS if the City of Eagle approved any height above 40 feet for the Olde Park Plaza building, or any building in our neighborhood, said residents would consider such approval a violation of their privacy, and a violation of their previous understanding of the rules, and would damage the small town atmosphere of Eagle, and NOW THEREFORE the undersigned respectfully request the City of Eagle to honor their height limit of 40 feet on the Olde Park Plaza building. do_c_x_ .1-- ,:,,,,,:r.,,,i,,,er,..4-, 1444. ludlo-t,--,-;, Gti? y ) e),/e_7. TO S-3676 /J Anda. gAl ecutr'itba c. 1 c:.?a 9 itlt.kvr mac,_ , to yi.R , a 3'&16, (,--oer- r Stacy c/%,- . Z -sir $ /Va/fvv/' Gey, qiii- , 2 r .1t. , _ . ,�, \li ck,ib,,•I 238s.�tJEckt,e ; i) (.1s�- /P,. _7,0,F:)./;� RQ,,,-vc-(3 it -----.)v►n .A. 2Y2 ..) e-5 K -b w . W cil Ec,- _l- �P A• 83� l k cF3Cc6 J Z 1 kUlli:i 141kOrk Lk -1 51.,gerei 11/1 5 (3Q) idiR361G vOC ; CUA, t iii, S' IG', -0 I' C-- E; C4:0 (3.36e , ., 22 z S //1 es -4,604- /e,(46764 e,1 , �64 „,)2 ,e S ilc,s4 6 u;it 'qi._e--e ddei-'64 (,et (/ .7-2J kT,,LC6q t37 3 1'e ,frf 1 `-PSI -46 j.1)-3164 ��� � 2-''S Cc &_ `21&- RESOLUTION ff RESOLUTION TO THE CITY OF EAGLE June 6, 2008 WHEREAS signers of this resolution are citizens of Eagle , ID residing beyond 300 feet of the proposed Olde Park Plaza building, but in the same neighborhood, and WHEREAS said residents occupied their residences with the understanding that the City of Eagle had a height limit of 40 feet for all new buildings, and WHEREAS if the City of Eagle approved any height above 40 feet for the Olde Park Plaza building, or any building in our neighborhood, said residents would consider such approval a violation of their privacy, and a violation of their previous understanding of the rules, and would damage the small town atmosphere of Eagle, and NOW THEREFORE the undersigned respectfully request the City of Eagle to honor their height limit of 40 feet on the Olde Park Plaza building. 61(/,-5 d -/e744,?-,„/ 56 v s 1‘• &NI 7,V (4 74\ Gy 74-k 11.,A,k;-s 6)771s„-9/) ) 7s 5, / 1.1. Com) /_.1.)/ l'i i/V 6?&/ 76, Eagle Chamber of Commerce June 10, 2008 Eagle City Council Re: The Plaza at Olde Park Eagle City Council, cc & e Jfte City with more ri9{t.t oubicte your door. The Eagle Chamber of Commerce board of Directors and the Economic Development Committee are in favor and full support of The Plaza at Olde Park project. The added residential and business component will encourage new business in the downtown. In partnership, the chamber and the city of Eagle have been diligently working together for the past 10 years on synchronizing the downtown. This project will help kick start and encourage new development in our city. As the national media reports no end in sight for the price of gas, forecasters are implying $6.00 per gallon by Labor Day. As the current economic situations unfold, a call to action is needed to sustain and support a local economy for businesses to thrive. It is impetrative to afford every opportunity to do business in Eagle rather than traveling long distances to purchase goods and services for the residents of Eagle. Thank you for you time in considering this recommendation. Sincerely, Teri Bath President Eagle Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 1300 • 597 E. State Street 208.939.4222 www.eaglechamber.com Eagle, Idaho 83616 fax 208.939.4234 eaglechamber@eaglechamber.com City of Eagle Communications Task Force Progress Update Susan Christenson June 10, 2008 CTF Members • Jan Allman • Dave Berent • Kevin Blankmeyer • Craig Boobar • Susan Christenson • Jane Kramer • Pat Minkiewicz • Roy Montague • Greg Smith • Jack Stuart • Russell VanL.iew • Al Shoushtarian — Council Liaison • Steve Guerber — Council Co -Liaison 1 Objectives • Assess the effectiveness of communications between the City and the Community O Define the current and desired state of communications o Identify opportunities and recommended actions for improvement • Recommend a standard method to measure ongoing progress and effectiveness • Assess the viability/value of establishing a Communications Committee Step Gap Analysis Process Define Current Define the GAP and State Recommend Actions (Where are We?) (How Do We Get There?) Mg) NI Step CA Define Desired State (Where do We Want to Be?) Steps 1 and 2 = Collect information, "data" from the Community and the City to understand the scope of our project and define current and desired state. Methods may include research, interviews, surveys, small group forums. Step 3 = Analyze the gaps, identify opportunities and recommended actions for improvement 2 ri Break Out Teams Three basic teams o Community o City ❑ Resources Action ❑ Scope of work • Who should we seek out to gather information? • What topics, resources or tools do we need to seek to understand? • How should we gather, measure and summarize the information? ❑ Develop work plan, assignments and estimated timeline Community Residents, Business Owners, Other Groups o Develop interview/survey questions (draft) • How would you characterize current communications between the City and the Community? • What topics, issues, potential changes matter most to you? • How do you typically find out what is going on in Eagle? o Method Proposed • Random yet valid sampling — qualitative vs. quantitative • Focus Groups — 2-3 sessions of 8-10 people o Solicited at random from precinct listings o Incentive as appreciation for participating o Facilitator — Greg Smith at reduced cost o 1-1 '/2 hour sessions — to be scheduled as soon as wk of 6-23 o Outcome — video of sessions - a basis for analysis and recommendation 3 U City Mayor, Council, Departments, Committees ❑ Questions • Communications within the city and between the city and community • Issues, strengths, weaknesses and getting information • Getting needed/wanted information out to the community o Method — 3 phase process • 1 x1's with mayor, council, dept heads and committee chairs • As appropriate, invite participants as speakers to talk w/ City team and/or CTF • Focus group with random selection of city department employees Resources Publications, Website, City Correspondence o Create Resource Inventory • Publication frequency • Circulation/Distribution • Content o Website • Content • Capability • Usage o City Correspondence • E-mail, letters, calls response process 4 Questions or Comments CTF Feedback - Eagle Informer ED A • Size and quality of publication • Detail — especially the calendar • A lot of content • Helicopter issue is a good example of the types of issues to include • Spotlight on police report and Police Chief was good • Writing is generally good • Breadth of information • Readable • Distribution - into everyone's hands • Same news as Eagle Independent and same ads as Eagle Magazine • More frequent • Cover needs to convey more about the content as "news" • Doesn't include all businesses and restaurants — only those in Chamber • Not enough coverage from the Mayor and Council • Not enough on issues • Needs to be brief — more condensed • Question financial — not enough benefit for the cost • Need forward looking information Summary Recommendation (and CTF vote): • Discontinue the financial support yet continue to create and offer more City information for publication in the Eagle Informer and other publications (9) • Continue the financial support for 2 more issues and continue to create and offer more Information for publication (2) 5 4/4 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Sarply pytadtplIvo vanagamot Is 'Imo.% by dal' •evogn ...Do .don. cut pulGe toppYrt amd pola ova. Pro/racralo 62 44...4or. • ma. .M Pod•Poi nal b.c.nw.cttdta I* PUsYslo posoblo cyleanas Ove Arch of ow •EsNa /go o..tovnEycnoraomi ev.44ed llocvsh thP ....lams and ov•Imn./. gel./ and maidens duoyrN noedod Ino,for To tobch gods FIA//641, Y key P/IdAptvo inanagemord 'maw& on/ oil. nalPhod ado to adioro Pa bed dArforptli poubIo.o. to account lor ononIncipPed toTollynt. ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SOCIETY PROGRAM ELEMENTS ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT 11.dolvel SturlIes Polwornold awl Tla..D4P, peGaI %be, Ploomg P•vores hoe, SbiEsCoAcepttAl rei OfpicTsy ConTecd PODGY.* Maid.% Plomtv., Porfixmont•T.GuA,nt PDS:Pm/not Evakodlons SoPINVI ST,/..Gun 1/10,1sulYn ,R41 11101.4iit ; Ifrkidult AVIMO - UPLANDS RESTORATION 1ln untonl. nr AL•frrne nnernrn onnalari ernd ntantrn, NINO% OM Lorwrl In On. wry 1:•433..3 0. cnatr.rbirtr nnasen rod nrow/ort Fab.. lor rutrorr rpecres. Extensive efforts began in 2006 and to date, have included: • ,....,,,,snerSes 3363333: In ark•33 nr4 nalree.r..oet tAr r“t • Km pion. mnr.h rr • A ire.. Vs...p.p.:1,0.0r • n!...3 onornrarnsplais 041.1.4 *Hon, than eiv *a nanor urednus &tram ni • ..nn”,irrely nOr kn. n, seed • Montano 01 non! to isnL pr....Kt .,•• •11/.41.4 warn hedr.Lng mai frnafinnni wan r • 21, trend pktr. milt, Ar., *la fro..;d0. fe..1,14./.011......: 0 klentrflo current "...Anne, end Itenth ann AVIMOR UPLANDS RESTORATION A AVIMOR • RIPARIAN RESTORATION . -.1,44 -r. dep.drd. 1tc 6d e. w d,..rx.a, <+..q. �x.� .e . Cwnd hu,., to the Intro. .COIopr.1 end Olt., hendh ..tMnti.. •to .rn a....:1... p'�•/.. n,l..r. Efforts at vimor include creating wetlands, and protecting and enhancing existing riparian areas: OfS-bn ,t:,4lcl nom.. \FGF 1A. div INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN en .r.o And w.aw..ed:w. thel.n..1 ned.0 frr<....m.t.`aad.ar.114, 15.1...AI to...lserduty Int.... ax sto $.n W. erd4.a.0.. i, ..a.+. IMI r.n wr. 1N antion .M.rrr porJin,r o. w.ge1M ly^ in -..d.: lwr .lrw,.p.. and for rr,d.u:..11.d.. n .w M..46boat.d BLM anllH dd.0 '.dy Ct1'IaA (G»MrY..e YAvdt/augemr.ne4w)tc :mp4,xnl NM. H. Prevention 0. 71.J Detection 14.100 »r.....dm..in rho r+drr ..w • Control '..H. lowrnrr& nueloMw.Wn Awn, o 1...r Restoration 7TrT Biological 1.e nebr.ry awr...M.Wwdl ..J.w ametts and v., • pais m.ad..*werrh Mechanical paR mo.c L'I a.,d down weed u»rw.. Cultural rd a1. IM pd.: un,.d.mg do PON+tiro. ntkon,.yr. rn+d„'R. rod Ir...M.lion. herbicide APO,' I...b.- a. A AVIMOR 1 • IHNIM T WEEDPLAN se *10 • BIG GAME OBSERVATIONS • AVIMOR DEVELOPMENT ° • WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT .0.rrirk.f.... •••• ▪ io .. • . • • •IF. • • • • ••.e• • .. 0 0 elf • .: '• • . • ,,...." • • . 0 • • 0 ' ,, • • • LGE_ Trat IN•aa. La& lit. a ••••••Nr L -J la • Gaedon Carr 114.. CIv RECREATION PLAN •• al•••••• NAL aNharn al /Gunn •rroa Amiga...N-1 • oirraNa•41•Nhakal a•all., pap, Nari r CO••••••,(trairlIk.11,-1,10P,,r1141,•••••. &Mod, G•aaal. grand ra, maw.. Nar• rni,•• b.of a AEN trAA V••••111 b• m•yrd.o••••1 cy, he•Iptkenl, RECREATION PLAN ••••••• •••• ••••• •• • •••••• • • :•1 Aumrram, ..„ 1.4 •44:4.A.44."' • A AVI MOO A AV 11.100 A AVIMOR Firewise measures include: IjjkniJSy Clain A ar.,.W Qatruirni. ugh on,*yl.H. 03 Wfbanla .pr,ng of On, It In orf enureya lael M.l,1 up QILntnnng a S fool cbr one wand.wh honor •Inu••nlny, .fr.ymgnand rad •it,onse.u.Ffwul tF.,.,da,a Mon •Fnnionv +qrl.••err WA* rr rw...gp.«em •Sporne,mg. bed rw..efif Fmto to mantaln Ue snot.. and Ir.Aa. pcyrw • Innentrgs mmvinnoni of Si pr crrw.n lordrn.wnw prop,.. • SAmEear: am.tl Mier, In IM n.«r. Cam,:m0.w nw+...i nF.:ral•.n CONSERVING RESOURCES From land preparation to building completion tho Arimor community is designed to conserve resources and be seIFsustaining Traffic on Highway 55 is reduced and resource: are conserved by. Using onroite soil for trading Using omits sands for road bases Producing concrete on site Planning to use on-site rock The Resulb Increased safety. improved air quit ry and reduced fuel run. A AVIMOR A WATER PLAN FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS• Alnnudtr al w f aaAcwL e - c.142" -watt _Cp l4jaf r In Ada County the average porton utes 205 gallons of water per day. 002 of the h,ghest overages in the aoarrtry At Awmor, ns rvahon efforts torn reduce the par. per son rewrage to lust 100 gallons per day. SUSTAINABLE AQtIIFEf TIifMICfl RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Irrrgatlon demands account ler 80% of a cornenundy't water usage By collecting neturol water, treating wastewater and atorerg It on sale m an aquifer during the winter months.eregal,ondemandsonoutsdn water sources drop by more than 50% a if 1,1 e'M'— t f r Uudng tho winter months when Irrigation demands are low. rec4imod water well be stored en equders alto known es rood enWheaton ponds when demands roe during the aumrrrar, OW water will be pumped out and used to 'rigale common areas. HOW WATER IS RECLAIMED AT AVIMOR M11c rt1 <o.n.04. Nw 1,2,10,1 V4c44v 112rrr V 0..00 n 1,2 .1 AV MOR ENERGY lO RI.w:.RMrS4w L.dW.. WATER CONSTRUCTION Nan.r..awW4.r•► (I LArrr.i ...1..w. W /-... ©''.._-rY.iY�R.4.w •.wWrr.M Myq w'�r ... tr. (n` se.w....l tin Ij(1 Aywf...r M�Y� enbiAN6..1 AMA.. A AVIMOR ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION N sidatiob p ,4J hcm.awna. wdI • ,nmwnh...w..td'.k m.d.. la. <d.w.,l,.n d..nm .I x......0 ...r .d...�q..l wow.. for d.Na T.pu..Ri.rWdw Sustainable gardening Medicinal plants Herbal soap making Papermaking Wildlife Nature walks Audubon birding events Landscaping for wildlife Energy efficiency and sustainable living Recycling Wildland fire safety and ecology And more... A AVIMOR