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Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 04/22/2008 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes April 22, 2008 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. I. Eagle Police Department: Chief of Police Hippie presents the Monthly Report for March and discusses the same. General discussion. 2. Rebecca Minnette distributes a flyer of information on the Landing Community Center and discusses the programs that are offered. We provide programs and services in four different areas. We have a community arts program and a community outreach program that sponsors the Eagle Food Bank. We also spend a lot of time on the youth. Our after school program opened up in October and it costs $50 a month per kid and some kids are on a scholarship. Next week we are kicking off a fund raising campaign. I have an invitation for you to attend. Our goal is to raise $295,000 in 90 days. General discussion. Tim Tower: Robert is passing out a one page overview of what we are doing. Frank Thomas, Robert Wyatt and I have joined together to form My Town Informer which is a new organization the purpose of which is to be a community partner in communication. Provides Council an overview ofthe magazine. We will provide the missing link of information that everyone is looking for. We will provide information on City meetings, hearings, and etc, Homeowner's Association Meetings, Chamber Events, Commuter Ride and Valley Transit, Landing Community Center, police and fire department, the library, education pieces and etc. The magazine will have 64 pages so we can have a daily calendar listing all of the events in the City. We want this to be a monthly resource. We will do 12,000 copies per month. Robert distributes copies of the magazine and discusses the magazine content. General discussion. We are asking the City to cover the direct cost of the mailing which would be approximately $3,000.00 a month. General discussion. Mayor: We will need to add this to a future agenda for Council discussion. 3. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 4. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 5. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 6. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 7. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GUERBER, HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pending or Threatened Litigation: 67-2345 (1) B. Acquisition of private property. 67-2345 (c) Page I K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-4-22-08mindoc Guerber moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345 (c) Acquisition of Private Property. Seconded by Huffaker. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Council goes into Executive Session at 7:35 p.m. Council discusses acquisition of private property. Council leaves Executive Session at 7:50 p.m. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: C.J. Thompson, 4831 Willow Creek Road, discussion on the Foothills Comp Plan. Discussion on the County adopting our western area extension plan. Further discussion on the AOI information that was provided to the County. General discussion. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims A2ainst the City. B. Municipal Clerk's Week Proclamation: A proclamation of the City of Eagle recognizing May 4th through May 10lh as Municipal Clerk's Week. C. Contract with Fireworks & Sta2e FX America for Independence Dav fireworks display. (SKB) D. Approval of alcohol license renewals: This approval is intended to encompass all license holders who present the appropriate documentation and fees to the Clerk's Office by April 30, 2008. The renewed license is to be in effect from May 1,2008 through April 30, 2009. The following license holders have submitted the appropriate documentation and fees to the Clerk's Office at time of agenda preparation: OM Corp, dba: Justo's; Traditions Golf Management, dba: Banbury Golf Club; Eagle River Restaurants,LLC., dba Hilton Garden Inn; Jackson's Food Stores Inc, dba: Jackson's Food Stores #57; Janice Darelli and Wm Carter, dba: The Stuffed Olive; Kwei Wing Ma, dba: China Palace; Winco Foods LLC., dba: WinCo Foods #27; LGJ, Inc., dba: Busters; Smith's Eagle Inc., dba: North Channel Chevron; Yin Kwong Corporation, dba: Sakura Sushi; Treasure Valley Chevron Inc., dba: Beacon Light Chevron; Settles Krick Inc., dba: Bardenay; Chicago Connection LLC., dba: The Chicago Connection; Round Table Development Company, dba: Round Table Pizza; Pizza Hut #2156, dba: Pizza Hut; Triple T Enterprises Inc., dba: Smoky Mountain Pizza & Pasta. (SKB) E. Minutes of April 15. 2008 Huffaker removes Item #C from the Consent Agenda. Semanko moves to approve the Consent Agenda except for Item #6C. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Page 2 K:\COUNCJL\MINUTES\Ternporary Minutes Work Area\CC-4-22-08min.doc 6C. Contract with Fireworks & Sta2e FX America for Independence Day fireworks display. (SKB) Huffaker: Questions on holding the event at Eagle Island State Park and the City's agreement with the State. General discussion. Huffaker moves to approve the Contract with Fireworks & Stage FX America for Independence Day fireworks display. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES. ............. Mayor I would consider a motion to move Items #7B and C to be heard before Item #7 A. So moved by Semanko. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: B. Ordinance No. 602: An Ordinance ordering a Special Bond Election be held on May 27, 2008, to issue Water Revenue Bonds for the acquisition of Eagle Water Company. This item was continuedfrom the April 15, 2008 meeting. (SB) Semanko moves to remand Ordinance No. 602 to staff. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Semanko: Eagle Water has made the decision not to extend the current Purchase and Sale Agreement with the City thereby denying the citizens of the City of Eagle the opportunity to vote on the water company purchase on May 27th. Therefore, we will not be having an election on May 27, 2008. What occurs after this none of us know? Further discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... C. Resolution 08-09: A Resolution of the Eagle City Council approving an agreement for bond counsel services with Moore, Smith, Buxton & Turcke for the Revenue Bond Election. This item was continued from the Apri/15, 2008 meeting. (SB) Mayor introduces the issue. Semanko moves to remand Resolution 08-09 to staff. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... A. Award of Velodrome Bids for: This item was continued from the Apri/15. 2008 meeting (ME) VBP-I Surveying VBP-2 Soil Erosion & Sediment Control/SWPPP VBP-3 Sitework VBP-4 Site Utilities VBP-5 Asphalt Paving and Base VBP-6 Landscape & Irrigation VBP-7 Landscape Irrigation Materials VBP-8 Site Furnishings VBP-9 Cast-In-Place Concrete VBP-IO Site Concrete VBP-II Concrete Material VBP-12 Site Electrical VBP-13 Masonry VBP-14 Metal Fabrications VBP-15 Rough Carpentry VBP-16 Overhead Coiling Doors Page 3 K.\COUNCIL\1\..lINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC -4-22-08min,doc VBP-17 Testing and Inspections Mayor introduces the issue. Robert Grubb, provides Council an overview of where we are in the process and an overview of the bids. We are asking for the award of the bids on #'s 1,2,3,5, and 17. On bid #'s 9 and 10 we are doing some value engineering. The remainder of the bids packages #'s 6, 7, 8, II, 12, 13,14,15, and 16 and Bid Alternate # I and 2 we are recommending Council reject all of these bids as we are doing the project in phases. We have also established some budget numbers for the project. General discussion. Guerber moves that Council approve the Notice of Award for VBP #'s 1,2,3,5, and 17 and authorize the Mayor to sign the Notice of Award in the amount of $740,536.93. Seconded by Huffaker. Guerber: AYE; Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Guerber moves to have staff hold VBP's 9 and 10 and notify the Council in regard to actions that would be appropriate in conjunction with the allowable extension period. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... Guerber moves to reject bids VBP #'s 6, 7, 8,11,12,13,14,15, and 16 and all bids in regards to Alternates #1 and #2 for the Eagle Velodrome. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. RZ-I-08 & PP/FP-I-08 - Rezone from A-R to R-E-DA & Combined PreliminarvlFinal Plat for Drv Creek Estates Subdivision - Mark A. and Deborah L. Wald: Mark A. and Deborah L. Wald, represented by Larry Koerner with ALS Land Surveying & Civil Engineering, are requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to R-E-DA (Residential-Estates with a development agreement) and a combined preliminary plat and final plat approval for Dry Creek Estates Subdivision a two (2) lot residential subdivision. The 4.77-acre site is located on the west side of North Edgewood Road approximately 500' south of Beacon Light Road, on Lot 2, Block 3, of Rocket Bar Subdivision, at 2641 North Edgewood Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mark Wald, applicant, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Planner Williams, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Semanko moves to approve RZ-I-08 & PP/FP-I-08 - Rezone from A-R to R-E-DA & Combined PreliminarylFinal Plat for Dry Creek Estates Subdivision - Mark A. and Deborah L. Wald Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... B. CU-0l-08 - Conditional Use Permit for a Research and Development Facilitv for U2obe. Inc.: Ugobe, Inc. is requesting conditional use approval to operate a 9,380-square foot research and development facility within Building No.2 of Rooster Condominiums. The .16-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East State Street and East Plaza Drive in Merrill Subdivision No.2, at 1125 East State Street. (WEV) Page 4 K:\COUNC[L\~lINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC.4-22-08min.doc Mayor introduces the issue. Debbie Demary, Executive Lab Manager for Ugobe, Inc., provides Council an overview of the request for a Conditional Use Permit and introduces Cleo to the Council. Planner Williams, provides Council an overview of the request for a Conditional Use Permit. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Rose Regner, 346 E. Stonewater Ct., I am here representing the Eagle Tec Committee as the Chairman, and to offer support as this is a very important part of the Tec Community here in Eagle. Teri Bath, 179 Wigby Lane, representing the Chamber. We are in support ofUgobe. We started a technology industry for Eagle and we consider Egobe as our cornerstone company. In the future you are going to see some tec parks coming before you. Demonstration of Cleo. Guerber moves to approve CU-OI-08 - Conditional Use Permit for a Research and Development Facility for Ugobe, Inc. with the specifications as outlined in the report from Staff. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. 200700206-S-V-HD-FP (Ada County Application) - Preliminarv Plat for Trailhead at Prosoect Peak Subdivision - Kastera Development. LLC: Kastera Development, LLC, represented by Ben Haught, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Trailhead at Prospect Peak Subdivision, a 119.5-acre, twenty (20) lot subdivision located .25-miles (approximately) west of Brookside Lane and .5-miles (approximately) north of Beacon Light Road. This site is located in the Eagle Area of Impact. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Ben Haught, applicant, project manager for Kastera Development, provides Council an overview of the application. Distributes a handout to the Council. Discussion on conditions in the Staff Report. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides Council an overview of staffs recommendation. General discussion. Richard Garard, ACHD, as of mid-afternoon today the staff recommendations have not been completed. General discussion. Mayor we will take public input on this issue. C.l. Thompson, 4831 Willow Creek Road, discussion on the emergency access. We asked ACHD for a hearing. Discussion on access and easements. We have some drainage issues. There are a lot of reasons to wait for ACHD. Darrel Sertasack, Vice President of Triple Ridge Homeowners Association, we have immediate concerns and long range concerns. Discussion on the roadways. General discussion. Erik Bolinder, I represent the Connolly's, I think the issues have been discussed on why this should be delayed. The Connolly's are concerned about connectivity. Provides a letter to the Council. Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-4-22-08min doc Guerber moves that the City write Ada County Planning and Zoning and indicate to them that our agreements indicate an opportunity for the City of Eagle to respond to filings that take place within the County in our Area of Impact but in this particular case it is obvious that we have not been provided adequate information to make any kind of an appropriate decision as to a recommendation to the County, therefore, we cannot provide them with a recommendation and indicate to them the extreme concern we have that a decision is apparently moving forward despite what we deem to be considerable lack of information particularly as it pertains to transportation within this area. Seconded by Semanko. Discussion. Ben Haught, applicant, I am a little baffled at the comments and the opposition. We have thought through every single issue. We are offering an incredible design. Discussion on the cul- de-sac length. General discussion. Wayne Forrey, Kastera Development, what we would like to do is ask your help with ACHD. This has been almost a year. We need your help to get some action from ACHD. I wrote a check and submitted an application with the City to be annexed. We were not annexed and I made a request to have my check returned. I looked at the City of Eagle for water and United Water. It was ultimately decided that it had to go before the PUc. This is not in United Water's certificated area. If the City could provide water then that would be great. General discussion. Guerber amends his motion to include a sentence that indicates to Ada County that we are sending a copy of this letter to ACHD as an expression of our desire that they respond quickly with additional information as needed. Seconded concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION <:ARRIES............... City Engineer Report: No report City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report Zoning Administrator's Report: No report City Attorney Report: No report Mayor and Council's Report: Semanko, I appreciate the work that the attorney's have done in regards to the Eagle Water situation. Guerber: Eagle Fire District is hosting a meeting of Wild Fire Incident Command Training over a three day period. I went to the one this afternoon. It was interesting as to the cooperation that comes about when there are wild fires. This was actually instituted by the Eagle Fire District. Council Member Huffaker and I sat in on another meeting of the Arts Facilities Study Group that is looking in to build arts facility in Eagle at some time. There are discussions on land swamps. Shoushtarian: I wanted to ask where we are with the Communication Task Force. Mayor: if Council is comfortable with all of the applicants, I I in total, we can move forward with all of the applicants. General discussion. I will draft letters to the applicants and move forward. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moyes to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.. . Page 6 K:\COUNCIL'MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-4-22-08min.doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: -'~H~'fo~~ CITY CLERK/TREASURER PH LLIP J. BANDY MAYOR "........... ..... .. .... .:: AGLb ". " G. ~ ~_. ..... 0"- ........ -. :' .J... ~.. e... ~ L .r O\lA TIf .. ... ':. .. ~. ~ .-yo . : ....: ~ ,,~ : c.;: 0 , _: : . . c.; ,. ~. ;. 0 . :. 1''''"''--: ~." c..~ $::::: ";. ..,";} to....... ~ ! ";... ...t\'CORPO".. ...<:) .... .... S ........ ~ ~ .... "" 7' ATE 0 ........ 11"""""""" A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS A V AILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-4-22-08min.doc LG y-,7, Yum Recommendations Regarding Construction Phases for the IDAHO VELODROME Wright Brothers The Building Company, as Certified Construction Managers, would like to submit the following recommendations to the City of Eagle, Idaho regarding elements to incorporate into the current construction at the Idaho Velodrome. 1. Clear and develop subgrade on the entire project as currently designed (approx. 20 acres). 2. Install new Septic Sewer Service of approximately 2,000 linear feet with 7 manholes. 3. Install new Domestic Water Service totaling approximately 1,600 linear feet. 4. Install Storm Drain totaling approximately 965 linear feet with 14 Drain Windows. 5. Construct Curb and Gutter totaling approximately 4700 linear feet. 6. Construct Sidewalks totaling approximately 5800 square feet. 7. Reduce planned paving and pave only the 2 Parking Lots located at the North and South ends of the complex as shown in the accompanying plan illustrations. Three new approaches will access these lots from existing pavement. Paved lots would total approximately 2.8 acres combined. Pit run would be deleted from pavement cross-section and a 3" asphalt mat would be placed over 9" of " base gravel per the attached detail illustration. 8. Install 3/4" gravel in remaining parking lots for immediate use and left suitable for future paving. Gravel lots would total approximately 1.6 acres. 9. Install approximately 2000 linear feet of pathway along ACHD R.O.W. to serve foot and bike traffic on Old Horseshoe Bend Road. 10. Provide Electrical Service to the site to preface future development of the facility. 11. Install sleeves prior to installing hardscape to carry future utilities. 12. Install approximately 15 acres of hydro -seed to protect all soil surfaces. The North Lot will provide parking for the existing downhill bike tracks and the South Lot will serve the planned BMX course to the east and soccer fields to the south. Hydroseeding would be expanded to include all landscaped areas from the original plans. Wright Brothers recommends that the following scopes be deleted from the current work and that the remaining work be conducted so as to preface these items at a future date. 1. Landscaping and Irrigation 2. Power and Site Lighting 3. Track / Tunnel installations and appurtenances 4. Site furnishings 5. Masonry 6. Metal fabrications 7. Rough Carpentry 8. Overhead Coiling doors 9. Portions of the Paving, Sidewalks, and Curb & Gutter as outlined above Recommendations to Award Contracts for the IDAHO VELODROME Wright Brothers The Building Company, as Certified Construction Managers, would like to submit the following recommendations to the City of Eagle, Idaho regarding awards for Contracts for Construction. BID PACKAGE COMPANY AMOUNT VBP - 1 Survey Land Group $ 24,000.00 VBP - 2 SWIPP JBBJ $ 20,000.00 VBP - 3 Sitework Idaho Sand $ 242,815.35 VBP - 4 Utilities Cascade Pipe $ 130,550.00 VBP - 5 Pave Idaho Sand $ 316,635.58 VBP -17 Test GeoTech $ 6,536.00 Wright Brothers intends to submit recommendations next week for the following Bid Packages. VBP - 9 Cast -In -Place Concrete VBP -10 Site Concrete In addition we are submitting a recommendation to reject all bids for the following Bid Packages. VBP - 6 Landscape and Irrigation VBP - 7 Package deleted prior to Bidding VBP - 8 Site Furnishings VBP - 11 Package deleted prior to Bidding VBP - 12 Electrical VBP - 13 Masonry VBP - 14 Metal Fabrications VBP - 15 Rough Carpentry VBP - 16 Overhead Doors All bids related to ALTERNATE #1 All bids related to ALTERNATE #2 Veledrome Budget Div -1 General Conditions Project Coordination CM CM Fee Field Office Design Preliminary trails Site Engineering Sleeving VBP - 1 Survey VBP - 2 SWIPP VBP - 3 Sitework VBP - 4 Utilities VBP - 5 Pave VBP - 9 Cast -In -Place Concrete VBP - 10 Site Concrete VBP - 17 Test Landscaping/Hydro Contigency 4/22/08 WBTBC WBTBC WBTBC Land Group Velodrome Land Group WBTBC Land Group JBBJ Idaho Sand Cascade Pipe Idaho Sand CB Marcon Idaho Power GeoTech $ 70,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 242,815.35 $ 130,550.00 $ 211,987.85 $ 40,073.00 $ 64,280.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 6,536.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 36,757.80 Budget $ 1,000,000.00 4 3 :11 f. \ • • `14-1 fi / I/ 2q‘` 1" / ' '11/// •'// I , I ',./ / ////'( I /1•1\\ \\\11111\11111 1 /.--,k AO n *' ,,,,,Aq\\11111i1111111111111 / / / / ( \ Hi \ 1,, \ 20 . - 1 1\ 1 / I i f /I .2) / ! . 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OI.P . �s�,\ _ PRESERTL AND PROTECT I„ - QIOEROtQIAO lOEPRaE FPC —w_ _ .A?`-�_YY.N. \S1 - PRE3AK MO FRO _TELT COSTING IB' CULVDTT J . PROPERTY RgMDMY/MCNI-OF-WAY Lek— _�✓ �1- VE PRESERANO PROTECT PRESERVE ANO PROTECT — NDERDRQIND 115' -Non HORSESHOE BEND ROAD — PRF`�DPROTECT WATER YAW/NANNQE PRESERVE M!D PROTECT IA.xHVESNE1ER U1UTY POLEy MID PROTECT 4 >!r..lL lie Li KN PROPERTY BOUNDARY Notice to Bidders: REFER 70 SHEETS 01.04 0201 AAD C2.02 FOR UMITS OF ADD ALIENATES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK. STREET SIGN TO BE RELOCATED (SEE SIEET CA.W). CATER BASIN PRESERVE AND PROTECT STREET 1440 -PRE aLE AND PROTECT 'A1ER MAN PRESERVE AND PROTECT CAS UNE PRESERVE AW PROTECT FLOATING FEATHER ROAD 'may POLE AND 10.544OVE RISER 4511550 AND PROTECT WRIER TRAP PRESERVE I110 PROTECT / SEWER NANIKQE/NAW PRESERVE ISO PROTECT / //1 Sheet Notes: I. PROPOSED ORROVEUENTS ARE 51004E 5457EIPBEC( ON ono 51RER ORLY 2. CONTOURS ARE 90041 A7 OE -FOOT MFA0ALS MAJOR CCNTO505 ARE Nom AT ERE -FOOT !CEREALS. 3. 0051110 CWODONS AS DUCTED CN NS SHEET IPE BASED UPON KO UA710N PRONGED BY OTTERS WEE THE LAW COIF maws N5 WFO NATIOI TO BE ROAM 11E LAND CROUP CANNOT ARAM RS ACCURACY. NO IS THEREFORE NOT RESP0593LE A. THE C9N1RAC70R 904E TAKE ALL RECESSARY 445545115005 TO PR07CR 0051040 UII1IES AND MPRO1fl5NS ANY OARACE TO 01751040 FACTURES pl 11m4544 115 ffi1ATNIG RCN TEE COKYIRAC10R5 O'ER #1106. SHOAL BE WARRED CR REPLACED AT MD/ACTORS L7DFNSE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY/DEMOLITION PLAN NIIPP SCALE. r - 50'-0' 9 Aa' lag' Ff!enemn Path: g: \2007\07100\cad\_07100—cr Joddendume.dwg Lost Plotted By gobe welz Dote Plotted: Fridoy, April 18 2008 of 08:36 AU F Q1 lj CD 3 CD �r CO CD 0 0 f s 1,3 x 0_ 1 a Ini sAgg N Y i- E 1VIb31VW 3AIlVN 13dd1/OO 1901 ppez Irou Shed POE Idaho Velodrome Civil Addendum Eagle, Idaho Cc .CL- --' Intori�ier April 22, 2008 What We are Providing My Town Informer, Inc. PO Box 2284 Eagle, ID 83616 Office (208) 938-1516 Fax (877) 468-7557 "Eagle Informer" Monthly News Magazine: • Monthly Print Publication • Approximately 64 pages in a full-color magazine style of good quality • 12,000 copies each month includes 10,170 for direct saturation mailing to every address in Eagle and almost 2,000 extra copies for distribution via local outlets. • Full Web site and additional Mobile Web format for those on the go. Contents: • Eagle news and information with a variety to keep citizens reading the publication. • Eagle articles and meeting coverage by Frank Thomason • Community Calendar including free listings by City, Chamber, Eagle Clubs, HOA's, and other non-profit events. City events given priority within listings. • Shopping Guide, Dining Guide, and other local interests • Sponsored Advertorials to help with interesting content for residents. Web Site and Mobile Web: • Searchable calendar of events by: category, date and event name. • Top articles and city announcements Eagle Chamber Relocation Guide: • Similar to the current issue. This is an annual publication that helps promote Eagle as a place to live, work and play. Publication Costs: • We will sell advertising at a low, competitive price to keep the publication viable, as well as to gain vested interest by the business community. • All calendar listings are a free service for non-profit organizations in Eagle. What We are Asking of the City We are providing this monthly publication as a community partnership with the City of Eagle, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, and the Eagle community. Our goal is to fill the void in communication by providing an information source via print, Web and Mobile Web filled with useful and timely information for all residents. The City of Eagle is a significant cornerstone of the whole purpose of this publication. We will give priority to all City content: calendar events, news articles and other needs. This includes related City services such as library, fire, and police. Respective City personnel will have the opportunity to review their related content prior to publication. For this commitment in space, communication and collaboration with the City of Eagle, we are asking for a monthly fee of $3,000. My Town Informer, Inc. will manage all production, delivery and service. Our first issue will be delivered approximately May 29, 2008 for June. Thank you for your consideration and support. Regards, My Town Informer, Inc. lkiiiiiiit0 ADA COUNTY GARY RANFY, SHERIFF ccs z City of Eagle Police Monthly Report March 2008 Group A NIBRS Crime* Person Crime* Property Crime* Society Crime* Total Felony Misdemeanor # of Reported Crimes 80 60 40 20 0 YTD 2007 2008 32 77 21 130 25 57 21 103 Clearance Rate 2008 64.0% 12.3% 90.5% 40.8% 2008 January February March 8 8 9 19 17 21 9 7 5 36 32 35 48 41 17.1% 15 13 13 82 62 56.5% 21 19 22 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec MIN Person Property ..:4111. Society -2007 Monthly Average City of Eagle Population COMPASS 2007: 20,951 Projection 2008: 23,025 % Change 9.9% Group A N1BRS Crime Rate YTD (per 1,000) 2007: 6.2 2008: 4.5 % Change -27.9% 2007 Clearance Rates Person: 70.3% Property: 25.2% Society: 92.0% Total: 44.5% Felony: 31.8% Misdemeanor: 53.0% iron!) NIRR' (mote rntludc the Person pi,,pott. and `tUrN (.t1c1t',1 aonc, listed holy, Pcr on (_'nnrc, :\:,mtlt 11,01m.Ide 1,tdnappnco •\hint tt,m, 1 olelhlc and `ion-I),rrlblc ti; • OIren;e, 'Properlt Clone .Arson. Rniti. - Itur lar,•, 1 annlcrl:rlmg- I nr n L)elr[ uoni 1)a ti .io: Vandalism n1 -Properly. hnnce,flemenl. I Vouton' Rl:u'I.niarL Fraud 1)Il:m:., I arccn}' Merl 1)Ilence., Moroi Vehicle Ihen, Rohhnt Stolen Propcu•. (thenar, nci0t Crones f)ru \,usnul r t'Icn>c>. t ,unbhne Porno:0aph0. ObaLcnt `.Lnenal, Pu •.11I lr rt. `..,:capon 1 a s \ IolaU,nc• Police Activity Calls For Service{ Total Response Time Code 3$ Response Time Officer- In itia ted t Proactive$ Reports (DR's) Citations 1600 1200 # of Incidents 800 1115iLE YTD 2008 2007 2008 January February March 936 961 336 283 342 6:32 6:29 6:21 6:58 6:12 2:59 2:51 2:48 2:26 3:21 1,548 2,065 753 639 673 457 1,074 394 334 346 408 423 148 119 156 429 420 163 124 133 400 0 RA. • Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Calls For Service Pro, riled B, ACSO/CAU/th Officer -Initiated waw Proactive - 2007 Monthly Average Data ob[amed from Nes World, CAD, Legacs AS400, and ITU WebCars databases Page I of2 March 2008 Top Calls For Service Burglary Alarm Auto Accident Non -injury Suspicious Vehicle Check For Reckless Driver Attempt To Locate Drunk Driver For Sergi ice 0 Mien tieueralyd t:dl• 191 1. nun -emergent} number and roll phnnci uhliealcd 11010 '011icer-Imttated 'f r.tllr. ants<. field mtenu•,v flag do,vn. & car r•r lolari' 11.,1 i,bhr.alcd lime >I'rn:r her Direticd palrnls, s letdtc nr flit erilolu•nlcnl R- pi l lem:olrrne. nal 0111aalcd time ':c',,,1e 3 C all requmnc an F.n erocne:. I1cy;oroe ahtn Linc or more alb,: lu[lay.mp conrhtlom. 1> Relieved to c>.t,t •:Wootton invokes imminent poknnal Inr Ser i,nr, tuplr nr deall1 to ;my inn ,nn.. in order 10 ptet0111 nl hall a nine 111 violence. o.11en lcnous puhtit_ bazar 1 c,i:.t'. 01 cm01U0nt\ {C3171011,7 V,111 enhance 11n_ hkelrhood 01 horn ehendtn,_ a Iclnlly suspect Data gunned 4(14/08 Property Crime Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Burglary Vandalism Other** Total Construction Site Check" Property/Security Check YTD 2007 2 11 7 24 32 77 71 2008 5 6 0 5 14 27 57 450 317 507 2008 M11arch 1 0 0 6 12 21 144 172 20 15 T,10 a 5 a, c a 0 CO A a) `( a ccoo u_ 2 a g c 00 0. 0) Ul d 0 z 0) 400 300 200 100 0 Burglaries & Vandalisms --e— Construction Site/Property/Security Checks I '')Iter I'roperh ('l in)e% include: r\rnn. l3nh�it�. ('nuntcriciti g 1 ni;z;_n 1 nil' ,.,Iiment. I-doninn/ 111,1Lkmail_ I- rand. 1.wten•.1 1 hcIt. �14n1.r \''I le !hen. loth; i' and `Iul,:n Pr(tl,, i I. (ff: nva # of Checks 1 # tract n. r,f(on>trut.UnnSiteC'hiri<,h•'u in March 2n07, Traffic Crashes Property Damage Personal Injury Fatal Total Alcohol -Related ('rashes Traffic Stops DUI Arrests DWP Citations Moving Citations # of Crashes 25 20 15 10 5 0 YTD 2008 2007 2008 January February February 29 31 8 10 13 18 19 8 4 7 1 0 0 0 0 48 50 16 14 20 5 0 0 0 0 1,154 1,537 579 472 486 19 14 3 5 6 28 16 5 3 8 244 195 82 50 63 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Property Damage Personal Injury October - December 2007 Top Crash Intersections Highway 44 & Eagle Rd Highway 44 & Riverside Dr/ Edgewood State St & Highway 55 State St & Horseshoe Bend Rd Highway 44 & W State St Eagle Rd & State St Eagle Rd & Riverside Dr/Rivershore Ln Eagle Rd & Chinden Blvd Eagle Rd & Island Wood Dr Prodded Bs ACSO/CAU/th Fatal 2007 Monthly Average March 2008 Crashes by Time of Day 0000-0600 hrs 5 0600-0900 hrs 3 0900-1200 hrs 2 1200-1500 hrs 3 1500-1800 hrs 5 1800-2100 hrs 2100-2400 hrs 1 March 2008 Crashes by Day of Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 3 3 7 1 March 2008 Top Crash Contributing Circumstances Inattention Following Too Close Speed Too Fast For Conditions Failed to Yield Asleep or Drowsy Data obtained from Nee World CAD. Legacy AS400, and ITD WebCars databases Page 2 or 2 Data quened 4/14/08 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGNUP SHEET CU -01-08 - Conditional Use Permit for a Research and Development Facility for Ugobe April 22, 2008, 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE/E-MAIL at -R9 e SfvA-e WA ter cT PuSt (13q2532. l_l I v6)/1 \si-01Ard c6G66/4 e °7 TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET RZ-1-08 & PP/FP-1-08 - Rezone from A -R to R -E -DA & Combined Preliminarv/Final Plat for Dry Creek Estates Subdivision - Mark A. and Deborah L. Wald April 22, 2008, 7:30 P.M. NAME /1/1111< /U Ado> ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL AAn r*fr(706 hAtfilL6 • TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Recommendations Regarding Construction Phases for the IDAHO VELODROME Wright Brothers The Building Company, as Certified Construction Managers, would like to submit the following recommendations to the City of Eagle, Idaho regarding elements to incorporate into the current construction at the Idaho Velodrome. 1. Clear and develop subgrade on the entire project as currently designed (approx. 20 acres). 2. Install new Septic Sewer Service of approximately 2,000 linear feet with 7 manholes. 3. Install new Domestic Water Service totaling approximately 1,600 linear feet. 4. Install Storm Drain totaling approximately 965 linear feet with 14 Drain Windows. 5. Construct Curb and Gutter totaling approximately 4700 linear feet. 6. Construct Sidewalks totaling approximately 5800 square feet. 7. Reduce planned paving and pave only the 2 Parking Lots located at the North and South ends of the complex as shown in the accompanying plan illustrations. Three new approaches will access these lots from existing pavement. Paved lots would total approximately 2.8 acres combined. Pit run would be deleted from pavement cross-section and a 3" asphalt mat would be placed over 9" of 3/4" base gravel per the attached detail illustration. 8. Install 3/4" gravel in remaining parking lots for immediate use and left suitable for future paving. Gravel lots would total approximately 1.6 acres. 9. Install approximately 2000 linear feet of pathway along ACHD R.O.W. to serve foot and bike traffic on Old Horseshoe Bend Road. 10. Provide Electrical Service to the site to preface future development of the facility. 11. Install sleeves prior to installing hardscape to carry future utilities. 12. Install approximately 15 acres of hydro -seed to protect all soil surfaces. The North Lot will provide parking for the existing downhill bike tracks and the South Lot will serve the planned BMX course to the east and soccer fields to the south. Hydroseeding would be expanded to include all landscaped areas from the original plans. Wright Brothers recommends that the following scopes be deleted from the current work and that the remaining work be conducted so as to preface these items at a future date. 1. Landscaping and Irrigation 2. Power and Site Lighting 3. Track / Tunnel installations and appurtenances 4. Site furnishings 5. Masonry 6. Metal fabrications 7. Rough Carpentry 8. Overhead Coiling doors 9. Portions of the Paving, Sidewalks, and Curb & Gutter as outlined above Recommendations to Award Contracts for the IDAHO VELODROME Wright Brothers The Building Company, as Certified Construction Managers, would like to submit the following recommendations to the City of Eagle, Idaho regarding awards for Contracts for Construction. BID PACKAGE COMPANY AMOUNT VBP -1 Survey Land Group $ 24,000.00 VBP - 2 SWIPP JBBJ $ 20,000.00 VBP - 3 Sitework Idaho Sand $ 242,815.35 VBP - 4 Utilities Cascade Pipe $ 130,550.00 VBP - 5 Pave Idaho Sand $ 316,635.58 VBP -17 Test GeoTech $ 6,536.00 Wright Brothers intends to submit recommendations next week for the following Bid Packages. VBP - 9 Cast -In -Place Concrete VBP -10 Site Concrete In addition we are submitting a recommendation to reject all bids for the following Bid Packages. VBP - 6 Landscape and Irrigation VBP - 7 Package deleted prior to Bidding VBP - 8 Site Furnishings VBP - 11 Package deleted prior to Bidding VBP - 12 Electrical VBP - 13 Masonry VBP - 14 Metal Fabrications VBP - 15 Rough Carpentry VBP - 16 Overhead Doors All bids related to ALTERNATE #1 All bids related to ALTERNATE #2 Veledrome Budget Div -1 General Conditions Project Coordination CM CM Fee Field Office Design Preliminary trails Site Engineering Sleeving VBP - 1 Survey VBP - 2 SWIPP VBP - 3 Sitework VBP - 4 Utilities VBP - 5 Pave VBP - 9 Cast -In -Place Concrete VBP - 10 Site Concrete VBP - 17 Test Landscaping/Hydro Contigency 4/22/08 WBTBC WBTBC WBTBC Land Group Velodrome Land Group WBTBC Land Group JBBJ Idaho Sand Cascade Pipe Idaho Sand CB Marcon Idaho Power GeoTech $ 70,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 242,815.35 $ 130,550.00 $ 211,987.85 $ 40,073.00 $ 64,280.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 6,536.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 36,757.80 Budget $ 1,000,000.00 • rn _.a Notice to Bidders REFER i0 WET C1' 00. .201 ANi. UM:i$ US ADD AL 1{.RNAIL'� ENC DL$c.NN"1(15 Y 11.00 /0• NATE? NAN 0* CT:ERS (11011/ 000 ,--0(000800 PURPOSES 0N1.* NAIN YAS N0' 1*00140 0T TWE 00 '(P00RAPNN: SURl[Y PEvyrw1ER 'A 0.3 PR0I(CI • t •a>11 1 jCADYU-n M M owso CANER. r 0R T1T11 I n'N 1 (NCTS VAN OYIIA'OijD POND) •- .. I E § I UTILITY PUL _ gp ,`wfv-PH Ab 0001001 1 E S E I (0.5{h.'. NFR0Y4EN1S _ ; :;; (FETED-BAERal GMTI B:N:A{S NA.ANILLINS O NS AS DEPICTED CR nlrs 0018 WE BASED WON 17A100 0- un0RS 88100 INC ENO UiWP tiCRI A10N 70 BE MAW_ 00 000 CAMP 'S 1000)0 .:T ARO 0 D[)UORL 101 BMOC */ yl 14S30.1 INCORPORATED 810 ,1 As A REA(' i 51411 '0AE 010 NECESSARY PRECAU11M5 TO C UNEIIES AND INPROv0/ENTS. ANY DN0A1i TO n6 IN 888000(10815 p001E101C 08011 MI CRATON5, ' Au BE 0000/001 JR RF0l*CG. AI POISE RRIVERTI dOCADA41 -NE• UAE i RSLSHOE BEND ROAD on -mho 0010 10 BE REMOVED **rEr 84DERCR0NIO 8008 IE PRESFRW AMO PROTECT TOPOGRAPHIC SURV EY/DEMOLITION PLAN Nip SCALE. 1 • 50'-0- 1.)1L.1IAC 18• NENNI —^ ?80>NYf NO PR01EC' s0 +CO \ A - C PIKSERVE MD PROTECT p , PRE' s swict —ATER WAN X ' MENG ter OULART _ PRESEAvt. AND PROTECT rsrcrot tot .*SNC FENCE TO , „weak...0' ILEIRa_/ p ;RESEW& ANO pRORCT ;TKO O two SEW& odo owEct totocsimumo tuso+4cott oossff,:s AND PROTECT P AO -*r 5sift,74.1-0f- WA, 11111 HORSESHOE BEND ROAD u TW. PRESERVE ARC • .-... NATO TwAN4LAW0.00 _ PRESERVE MD PROTECT WATER .1 AS/NETER C:-.) Notice to Bidders: REFER TO SHEETS C1.00, C2.01 AND C2.02 FOR man OF ADO ALTERNATES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK. BOANOA.Rw MTV POLL ANO PROTECT STREET SION TO BE RELOCATED (SEE 9(111 C404) CA104 ELAON PRESERVE ANO PROTECT STREET 1191 .RESEW& AND PROTECT WATER HAN PRESERVE AND PROTECT CAS URI PRESERVE ANO motto FLOATING FEATHER ROAD------ unurt POLE MD TELEPtiCriE OISCR PRESUME MD PROTECT ............. RATER IA. PRESERVE ANO PROTECT %M.11 INVOCLEATAN PRESER& AND PROTECT // Sheet Notes: PROPOSED OPROVEVENTS ARE WM OREKEPRAOC CN DTTS SKET ONLY. CONTOURS ARE SHORN Al ONE -POST NTERyALSawl comps All SHOWN AT IIVE-ROT KTENfits 3 COSTING CCNOTTIONS AS OEPIC111E8 ON niss SWOT ARE BA9D LPOWT occauAtics PROVDED es OILERS *RI DC VW CRY" MEWS DRS OfEfOlAISTN TO BC MARL Be LAND GROUP CANNOT ASSURE 813 ACCURACY. MD IS NORICUM NOT RESPCNSOLE ATA RINKE- • DIE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE NE. NumsARY mamma 80 PROTECT MONO 1111113115 AIM oessovasons. ANY MANI 10 916T110 FACTURES OR DEPROWEDITS Td38./13DIG TROY STE CONTRACTORS OPERA11013 SHALL BE Posse CR REPLACED AT coNTRAcToRs Om& TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY/DEMOLITION PLAN mop SCALE 1 50.-0T tea 3" ASPHALT PAVEMENT it r r// __,••,111•,.,•40r"�.VINr,• =r,•40 r.'�•�r��•�rk0. I�4i1t4z •�,:±y�tai7:i �sYr;`Se.r: f1741:7:: • r __;..614.0. �j� ."1�'a�:,. iA �'f "�M ��■��`yM. w % is r i c,• it. ■ �r�� • .�.�•f • �'� f'�' ••10104010• +rt'a•...ri'+•i at.�V-i�•.1►,�1'a.=r1�.:►ri..!�it.•� i1w•�,-ria+ H■a: •-_ rlr� jr .,r: �'7yr::�1a""�.: a'r:' .3ar; •��.: •� .jr"! .. ni: "� .•r: r a r —� 11 11 _:�l 1 11 • ■ • f kM ■ j/ ■ 1M ■ of 10=6 •,.4 =6 jr'f'■ j1 a• fr 1t!r'f r �•f -t' L':•rrr�.r.r �/ �r�r/�r� r�r+r�.l� �r�t/'��/���f/,:Ir. •ay /al's r+�il�• =1040 •i►1�i�• mow,..,•irL .��1!••�i�• 40,101!.• ±,a rri1..• :kik, r!il r1i� a ai; .. arr a_ alr �atr_ �.r r._ .t�•r ' a �� '� r .r_ a:.�► ...1' i....:1_. 1_ �. i��. 1, %..�.. ..l• +�. -. ?I.�_.al.- 1=. 1 L_ 1_ L �_ 9" OF 3/4" MINUS GRAVEL BASE COURSE ` \ COMPACT NATIVE MATERIAL Asphalt Pavement Section IIQ9ZrM IL SOIL 1" a P 1• Us dor .wl M M nnkrnrti, awlw.I hails wy MIM — s 1pM1aY rem. 111.111.0 .rit ■� of Dm Liol1YatlrW Odeonby w►1RailnatIon glm t W r.. ay prabReb THE UND GROUP -1anaecape a. stere .Corr !anew irrigation inginearing4=1d Surveying 462 East Shore Drive. Sults 100 Eagle Idaho 83616 Phone 208.939.4041 Fax 208.939.4445 www.thelandgroupinc.com Project No.: 0710, Date of Issuance 03-26-2008 Designed by: GR9 Drown by: ORM Checked bo GRW Sheet Ho.: Add 2 VELODROME BID RESULT$ 4/9/Q$ VBP # CONTRACTOR Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 DED DED DED TOTAL VBP-1 SURVEYING VBP-2 SWPPP Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 DED DED DED TOTAL JBBJ $ 18,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 23,000.00 Tufty $ 22,216.50 $ 2,272.40 $ 155.20 $ 500.00 $ 25,144.10 Gingrich $ 25,895.00 $ 185.00 $ 290.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 27,970.00 Ground -FX $ 26,870.00 $ 15,826.00 $ 5,750.00 $ 16,263.00 Specialty $ 202,943.00 $ 56,981.00 $ 78,421.00 $ 67,541.00 $ 405,886.00 VBP-3 SITEWORK Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 DED (stockpile) DED DED TOTAL JBBJ $ 364,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ (31,000.00) $ 362,500.00 IDAHO SAND $ 352,791.85 $ 6,228.95 $ 31,460.00 $ 2,800.00 $ (13,961.40) $ 379,319.40 THUESON $ 640,648.00 $ 59,650.00 $ 26,240.00 $ 1,070.00 $ (225,781.00) $ 501,827.00 TUFFY $ 443,669.46 $ 62,406.27 $ 62,686.70 $ 2,676.70 $ (33,572.00) $ 537,867.13 TRICO $ 511,020.00 $ 64,985.00 $ 18,778.00 $ 7,793.00 $ (57,883.00) $ 544,693.00 LURRE $ 490,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ (45,000.00) $ 590,000.00 WARNER $ 645,200.00 $ 144,500.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 14,600.00 $ (158,000.00) $ 686,300.00 MJ's $ 1,091,136.00 $ 27,208.00 $ 25,951.00 $ 2,100.00 $ (365,000.00) $ 781,395.00 VBP-4 UTILITIES Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 DED DED DED TOTAL CASCADE PIPE $ 130,000.00 $ 42,000.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 550.00 I $ 176,050.00 KNIFE RIVER $ 140,615.00 $ 40,673.00 $ 5,919.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 192,607.00 MCKAY $ 154,403.00 $ 43,970.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 9,470.00 $ 215,843.00 JBBJ :$-::= 196,500.00 $ ' `.16,400:00 $ 6,000.00 IRREGULAR BID.- $:x.:.218,900.00. HIGRADE $ 203,500.00 $ 13,937.00 $ 10,010.00 $ 8,736.60 $ 236,183.60 MR MILLER $ 190,000.00 $ 49,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 255,000.00 OWYHEE $ 221,397.00 $ 27,694.00 $ 7,100.00 $ 8,750.00 $ 264,941.00 PAUL CONST. $ 188,000.00 $ 68,000.00 $ 9,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 270,000.00 H2 $ 222,070.00 $ 35,096.00 $ 18,908.00 $ 4,099.00 $ 280,173.00 MJ'S $ 221,992.00 $ 60,534.00 $ 3,605.00 $ 4,120.00 $ 290,251.00 LURRE $ 197,327.20 $ 81,154.20 $ 9,359.60 $ 4,650.00 $ 292,491.00 SOMMER $ 196,404.00 $ 45,226.00 $ 94,000.00 $ 4,920.00 $ 340,550.00 PIPE INC. $ 225,199.00 $ 215,399.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 450,398.00 VBP-5 ASPHALT B&P Base Bid AMERICAN $ 295,300.00 IDAHO SAND $ 301,635.00 NAMPA PAVING $ 323,888.00 THUESON $ 348,243.00 KNIFE RIVER $ 369,762.00 ALT #1 $ 21,060.00 $ $ 55,807.72 $ $ 27,820.00 $ $ 24,970.00 $ $ 27,578.00 $ VBP-6 LANDSCAPE Base Bid ALT #1 HILLSIDE $ 625,000.00 $ 42,500.00 VBP-8 SITE FURNG'S Base Bid ALT #1 HILLSIDE GINGERICH IDAHOPARI VBP-9 C.I.P. CONCRET E -M CB $ 28,500.00 $ 7,500.00 46,535.00 $ 4,200.00 VELODROME BID 4/91 ALT #2 ALT #3 1,959.00 800.00 ALT #2 ALT #2 Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 84,894.00 $ 584,493.00 $ 224,940.00 61,800.00 $ 675,450.00 $189,450.00 VBP-10ISITE CONCRETE Base Bid MARCON $ 95,390.00 VBP-12ISITE ELEC. MCLEAN ALT #1 RESULTS ALT #4 24,880.00 15,000.00 15,533.00 14,166.00 17,665.00 ALT #3 ALT #4 $ 13,000.00 $ 3,500.00 ALT #3 • . . ALT #3 ALT #2 ALT #3 Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 $ 82,396.70 $ 5,492.00 $ 4,437.60 ALT #3 ALT #4 I SQUARED 75;298:00f. •$ 18,918.00 $ 5,155.00--- BUDGET:ELEC.. .1.11;930.00: ;$1 ANDERSON -WO $ POWER PLUS $ QUALITY LOTT: •"' 129,00000s •$ 82,625.00 94,860.00 94,463.00 $ 26,334.00 $ $ 31,981.00 $ $ 46,474.00 $ VBP-11MASONRY DICE Base Bid $ 6,488.00 ALT #1 4,370.00 5,396.00 6,288.00 ALT #2 ALT #3 DED DED DED • • `• • •• • ALT #4 525.00 $ 3,200.00 DED ALT #4 DED ALT #4 ALT #4 DED $ (23,255.00) $ (25,584.00) $ (21,689.00) $ (31,385.00) $ (31,000.00) DED DED E DED DED DED DED DED DED TOTAL $ 317,985.00 $ 348,817.72 $ 345,552.00 $ 356,794.00 $ 384,005.00 TOTAL $ 684,000.00 TOTAL $ 36,000.00 $ 50,735.00 7'0740:i; TOTAL $ 894,852.00 $ 929,900.00 DED TOTAL $ 95,390.00 DED DED DED TOTAL $ 92,326.30 9071.00: iRitigaUtAlfBID t-.FA11i03001 DED IRREGULAR DED $ 113,329.00 $ 132,237.00 $ 147,225.00 • $ 166,00000 DED TOTAL $ 6,488.00 ITMC I $ 7,961.00 VELODROME BID RESULTS 4/9/0¢ 1 I$ 7,961.00 VBP-14 METAL FAB Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 ADD ADD ADD TOTAL RIVERSIDE $ 3,775.00 $ 5,125.00 $ 15,450.00 $ 500.00 $ 700.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 27,550.00 MTN STEEL $ 2,222.00 $ 7,450.00 $ 13,906.00 $ 520.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 2,312.00 $ 30,010.00 KB WELDING $ 57,485.00 $ 47,335.00 $ 10,150.00 $ 2,285.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 285.00 VBP-151ROUGH CARP Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 DED DED DED TOTAL R&L $ 10,620.00 $ 9,155.00 $ 910.00 PHOENIX $ 21,620.00 VBP-161O'HEAD DOORS Base Bid CRAWFORD $ 4,790.00 ALT #1 ALT #2 1 ALT #3 ALT #4 DED DED VBP-1 TEST/ INSPECT I Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 GEOTEK $ 7,225.00 I $ 6,061.00 1 $ 1,790.00 $ 3,513.00 I $ 946.00 MTI $ 14,442.00 $ 1,127.20 $ 4,063.80 $ - $ DED DED TOTAL 4,790.00 DED IRREGULAR`.. DED TOTAL $ 19,535.00 $ 19,633.00 Propect Peak Requested Clarifications to the Site Specific Conditions of Approval Kastera Development LLC. Trailhead at Prospect Peak File Number 2007 00206 -S -V -HD -FP Kastera Development, LLC. accepts each of the Site Specific Conditions of Approval for Trailhead at Prospect Peak subdivision with the following modifications for clarity: 1. On page 10 of 11 — Staff Report, Condition #4: Add the words "may or may not be" after the word "and"...to read as follows: "All sidewalks proposed within the subdivision shall be five feet (5") wide (minimum) and may or may not be detached from the edge of the abutting roadway by an eight foot (8") wide (minimum) landscape strip. 2. On page 10 of 11 — Staff Report Condition #5: Add the words "or the RUT zone of Ada County." at the end of this sentence to read as follows: "All buildings shall meet the setback requirements for the A -R (Aaricultural-Residential) zone of the City of Eagle or the RUT zone of Ada County." Kastera Development, LLC accepts all of the Site Specific Conditions of Approval in File Number 2007 00206 -S -V -HD -FP if these clarifications are incorporated into the recommendations from the City of Eagle to Ada County. April 22, 2008 END Page 1 of 1 Ben Haught To... Cc... Bcc... Subject: FW: Trailhead Subdivision Attachments: From: Lori Den Hartog[mailto:Idenhartog©achd.ada.id.us] Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 12:03 PM To: smalone©adaweb.net Cc: Jesse Herndon Subject: Trailhead Subdivision Steve, I spoke with Jesse at JUB Engineers earlier today regarding Trailhead Subdivision, and I wanted to clarify that the Highway District does not have a maximum cul-de-sac length. We defer to the Fire Departments on such issues. Let me know if you have questions. Lori Den Jiartog Planning Review Supervisor Ada County Highway District Ph. 208.387.6171 Fx. 208.387.6393 haps://mail.kastera.cunt/exchange/hcn_hau,_ht/Drafts/FW:(720"hrai1headr/o20Suhdivision.... 11/21/2007 GIVE, SLEY LLP LAW OFFICES 601 W. Bannock Street PO Box 2720. Boise. Idaho 83701 TELEPHONE: 208 388-1200 FACSIMILE: 208 388-1300 WEBSITE: www.givenspursley.com Eagle City Council 660 E. Civic Lane P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Gary G. Allen Peter G. Barton Christopher J. Beeson Clint R. Bolinder Erik J. Bolinder Jeremy C. Chou William C. Cole Michael C. Creamer Amber N. Dina Kristin Bjorkman Dunn Thomas E. Dvorak Jeffrey C. Fereday Justin C. Fredin Martin C. Hendrickson Steven J. Rippler April 22, 2008 Debora K. Knstensen Anne C. Kunkel Jeremy G. Ladle Michael P. Lawrence Franklin G. Lee David R. Lombardi John M. Marshall Kenneth R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Cynthia A. Melillo Christopher H. Meyer L. Edward Miller Patrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Deborah E. Nelson Re: Preliminary Plat for Trailhead at Prospect Peak Subdivision File No. 200700206 -S -V -HD -FP Our File No. 8817-12 Dear Council Members: Kelsey J. Nunez W. Hugh O'Riordan, LL.M. G. Andrew Page Angela M. Reed Scott A. Tschirgi, LL.M. J. Will Vann Conley E. Ward Robert B. White Tem R. Yost RETIRED Kenneth L. Pursley Raymond D. Givens James A. McClure This firm represents Cullen and Simone Connolly, owners of the property directly north of the proposed Trailhead at Prospect Peak Subdivision. The purpose of this letter is to request on behalf of our clients that you adopt the Staff recommendation in this matter and recommend that Ada County defer decision on this application until comment can be received from the Ada County Highway District. Please place this letter in the public record for consideration on this matter. Staff appropriately highlights the fact that, even though the Area of Impact Agreement between the City of Eagle and Ada County is for the 2004 Comprehensive Plan, it is important to note and consider the larger planning implications that acting outside of a recommendation from ACHD may create. Indeed, a standard condition of approval for all subdivisions is compliance with applicable ACHD and/or ITD requirements. My clients agree that, by acting on this application without comment from ACHD, the transportation planning process in place for the foothills area may be undermined. As stated in the Staff Report, additional transportation needs and future plans must be considered in the context of the City of Eagle's adoption of the 2007 Comprehensive Plan and Eagle City April 22, 2008 Page 2 the draft Ada County Foothills Plan. We also understand that ACHD will be moving forward with Phase II of the Northwest Foothills Transportation Study this summer which should more clearly identify connections and traffic sheds that will best serve development north of Beacon Light Road. Our clients agree with Staff that "the applicant should provide a revised preliminary plat that details the location of the roadway extension to the north...." (Emphasis added)'. Indeed, the Connolly's own the property that is located due north of the proposed Trailhead Place cul de sac. Trailhead Place follows the natural terrain and land contours, but is cut off short of the northern property boundary. The natural topography for the most logical future connection to the Connolly property continues beyond the cul de sac to the northern boundary of the proposed subdivision and beyond. Consequently, should the Commission recommend approval of the application, we respectfully request that, as a condition of approval, the applicant be required to provide a revised preliminary plat extending Trailhead Place to the northern property boundary, following the existing natural terrain and contours of the property. This requested condition of approval can be accomplished with minimal disruption of the current proposed plat because a proposed subdivision lot line already generally follows this natural topography. Further, this requested condition of approval, along with the general recommendation of Staff that Ada County defer its decision until comment can be received from ACHD, furthers the goals of the 2007 Eagle Comprehensive Plan to provide connectivity and to integrate a reasoned transportation strategy. More specifically, the following goals are clearly implicated: Develop a transportation system to serve the planned land uses of the City of Eagle and its Area of Impact. The transportation system should provide regional connectivity to neighboring cities and regions. Maintain the functional and connectivity of the street system for current users, emergency response efforts, and for use by future generations. Develop transportation strategies for the North Foothills area. The plan should be consistent with the balanced long-term goals of the existing street system within the City of Eagle. ' The Staff report further recommends that the applicants revise the preliminary plat to show how connectivity will be created from the proposed subdivision to the future Brookside Lane alignment. Though extension of Trailhead Place could provide a future connection, it is premature to determine whether this connection is possible so long as the exact location of the Brookside Lane alignment and its impact on neighboring property is not yet determined. Eagle City April 22, 2008 Page 3 To the extent possible, roadway and pathway designs shall conform to the natural terrain and contours of the land. 2007 Eagle Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 8 — Transportation, 8.4 Roadway System Goals, pp. 93-94. Staff's recommendation that Ada County defer decision aligns with these stated goals and a more reasoned approach to consider the larger picture instead of "planning in a vacuum." More specifically for our clients, we request that future connectivity not be forgotten in the planning process. Accordingly, the Connolly's request that the Commission adopt the Staff recommendation and recommend that Ada County defer decision on this application until comment can be received from the Ada County Highway District. Thank you for considering these comments. Sincerely, EJB/ejb cc: Cullen & Simone Connolly S:1CLIEN CS188171121EJH to Eagle City Council doc