Minutes - 2008 - City Council - 03/31/2008 - Special (2) EAGLE CITY COUNCIL City Council and Planning & Zoning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes March 31,2008 I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 6:05 p,m. 2. ROLL CALL: City Council: GUERBER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, HUFFAKER, SEMANKO, All present. A quorum is present. Planning & Zoning Commission: FELIX, AIZPIT AR TE, McCARREL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Vision for Eagle: (AS) Mayor introduces the issue. Shoushtarian: I would like to talk about the vision for Eagle before we get to the planning stage. Mayor: Discusses the Chamber of Commerce Visioning Group and the work the City has done with the Chamber of Commerce the last few years. We have documented the vision of Eagle through the comp plan. Shoushtarian: I would like to set some goals and objectives. Discusses options for downtown and the style of the downtown buildings. General discussion. Planner Baird-Spencer: Discusses the vision statements in the comp plan. Displays overheads and discusses the same. General discussion. B. Urban Renewal proposal: (SG) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber: I put this on the Agenda because I would like to have an update on Urban Renewal. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides an overview of the creation and where the Urban Renewal is today. The intent right now is to sit down and start looking at projects. The main topic of discussion has been the lawsuit. General discussion. C. Sign ordinance reviews: (SG) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber: I would ask staff if they anything to discuss, Are we at a point where we need to look at the sign ordinances? Have we had any requests for changes? General discussion, D, International Building codes: (AS) Mayor introduces the issue, Building Official Mongelli: Distributes a handout and discusses the delay in adopting the International Building code. E. Locations where light industry/manufacturing facilities might be located: (SG) Mayor introduces the issue. Page I K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-31-08jlmtngmin doc Guerber: I would like to know if we have identified these areas. Planner Baird-Spencer: When industry is looking for locations in the valley they have been in contact with the Chamber of Commerce. We are hearing more about technical parks and light industrial. Distributes handouts and discusses the same. General discussion. F. Agenda and Staff Reports: (AS) Mayor introduces the issue. Shoushtarian: I have raised some concern on the Staff Reports. I would like to see the Staff Reports as I have seen other cities do and as I am used to. As a planner I have prepared Staff Reports in the past. The Mayor has responded that it is not possible to get the Agenda packet on Thursday so Friday is alright, I understand that. Distributes a handout in regards to what needs to be on the Staff Report and discusses the same. General discussion. Mayor: I would recommend that Staff look at this list and report back to us and let us know how much time it will take. General discussion. G. Forecast for the budget: (AS) Not discussed H. Other - as time allows: 4. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the joint meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ~~i ~~ '- SHAR N K, BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER -.----..... ",......... ", -.. ~.." Of EAQ .... .... ~ ....... ~ Lo, .. ~ " ... ..~... ! ,.":0... as 0 R A 1'''':.. '::. ... V..~ ~- . . :.0 \...: . -<.; . . : : ..... . : :.. ~ I\. ,;:: : : e. ~ S"EI'~~: 0 : ~ ..+c ",Q.. ~ .: -:... J'~...o.",.o~.t.\...... ...... '" ., . ........:Q '\. , "#"'~ 1'E Of \ ",...... '",,,....,.,,' A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 2 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-3 I-08jtmtngmin doc