Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 10/30/2007 - Special v"" EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes October 30, 2007 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Nordstrom leads the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor: We have had a request to amend the Agenda tonight. Guerber moves to add the Velodrome Contract as Item#4 so we can proceed to go out to bid on that project. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 4. Velodrome Contract: Mayor provides an overview of the Velodrome project. Dave Beck, President of the Idaho Velodrome and Bicycling Association, provides the Council an overview of the project and the bid documents and contracts. We have the bid documents put together and we are now ready to go out to bid. We finalized an agreement with Ada County on the landfill surrounding this park and the cross country trails should be started next Wednesday. City Attorney Buxton: Provides an overview of the construction documents and the contracts. General discussion. Doug Russell, The Land Group, discusses the Request for Qualification for a Construction Manager. General discussion. Bandy moves to approve the Request for Qualification document to move forward. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... 5(4). PUBLIC HEARINGS: *These items were continuedfrom the October 23,2007 meeting. * *Public testimony has concluded on these items. The session will begin with applicant rebuttaL * A. CP A-5-06/Z0A-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06- M3 Eal!le - M3 Eal!le: M3 Eagle, represented by Gerry Robbins, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to include +/- 6,005 acres into the Eagle Comprehensive Plan designating the following land use and zones: 40 Acres Residential Rural (up to I unit per 5 acres), 1,627 acres Residential Estates (up to I unit per 2 acres), 470 acres Residential One (up to one unit per acre), 670 acres Residential Two (up to two units per acre), 1,250 acres Residential Three (up to 3 units per acre), 670 acres Residential Four (up to four units per acre), 770 acres Village Center, 88 acres Mixed Use, with an annexation with Pre-Annexation Agreement, a rezone with a Development Agreement, Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Eagle City Code Section 8. The 6,005 acre site is generally located north of the Farmers Union Canal and Homer Road, east of State Highway 16 and west of Willow Creek Road more specifically described in the meets and bounds description on file with the City of Eagle. (NBS) Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment Only. Page I K:\COUNC'IL\MINUTES\Temporaf')' Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-30.07spmindoc Mayor introduce the issues. Dr. Don Reading, provides Council an overview of the Ben Johnson Associates, Inc. report in regards to the Major Differences With M3 Study. John Church, Provides an overview of the Ben Johnson Associates, Inc. report in regards to the Major Difference With M3 Study and discusses Dr. Readings report and presentation. Display an overhead of Ada County Statistics and discusses the same. There is a great deal of uncertainty behind these statistics. Continued discussion. General discussion. General Council discussion on the analysis given. Mayor calls a recess at 7:50 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 8:00 p.m. Bill Brownley, M3, we are in the comp plan stage and we elected to have Mr. Church do a detailed economic development statistic report. His conclusion was that the economic impact is zero. We are here to make sure that we are not a detriment to your municipality. Mr. Jeff Faraday, Givens, Pursley, representing M3, provides Council an overview of the water impact and water studies. Discussion on the water aquifers. M3 has done 18 months of work so far on test wells and aquifers studies and these are continuing. We are looking at a very significant aquifer in this area. General discussion. Bill Brownley, M3, discussion on the Development Agreement. Ed Squires, Hydrologic Inc., in behalf of M3, we have been continuing with the studies that Jeff reported on previously. The findings that we have over the last 6 months have been supportive. Discussion on the IDWR Study. Bill Brownley, discussion on the 55 Traffic Study. We would like to have ability to rebut that testimony. Mayor: This will finish M3 and we will move on to Avimor. B. CPA-I0-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to establish a Desi!!nation of Foothills Cluster and Foothills Conservation. Avimor. LLC: Avimor, LLC., represented by Robert Taunton, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Text Amendment to include +/- 23,320 acres into the Eagle Comprehensive Plan designating the following land uses: +/- 7, I 00 acres Foothills Cluster Development (not to exceed 2 units per acre) and +/- 16,220 acres Foothill Conservation Development (I unit per 40 acres). The +/- 23,320-acre site is generally located from Highway 55 on the east to Willow Creek Road via Big Gulch on the west, the northern boundary is approximately five (5) miles north of the Ada/Gem County line, the southern boundary abuts the Connolly and Kastera properties. Specifically described in the meets and bounds description on file at the City of Eagle. (NBS) Dan Rickter, representing SunCor, address the concerns that have been expressed during the process. Discussion on the real estate market. Discussion on the improvements that A vimor is currently making. We are engaged with the transportation agencies and working with other developers on funding for transportation. Christen Petrick, SPF Water Engineering, SunCor has already developed water for the core area which will be provided by United Water Idaho. IDWR is going to study the water resources in the west foothills. IDWR has granted a permit and a preliminary order to use water from the Willow Creek aquifer. I am confident that SunCor already has a sufficient water supply. If new information becomes available SunCor will respond accordingly that ensure that there is an Page 2hK-\'COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary ~1inutes Work Area\CC-IO-30-07spmin doc adequate water supply. General discussion. Kevin Wetland, representing Avimor, displays overheads and discusses the waste water treatment plant. Discussion on reuse. General discussion. John Rinkert, Traffic Engineer, discussion on transportation. Discussion on funding mechanisms. General discussion. Dan Rickter, discussion on Pervious Concrete Pavements. Addresses some of the general concerns heard during these hearings. Discussion on the comp plan and planned communities. Discussion on the development in Avimor. Avimor is donating the land for school development. The same amount of growth is going to develop with or without foothills development. Displays an overhead and discusses the trail system. Displays an overhead and discusses the density. Discussion on the Village Center. Once again, I would ask you to approve our plan as originally submitted. Gary Funkhouse, Stanley Consultants, discusses the Highway 55 Tier One Study and Dr. Readings interpretation of the study. Mayor calls a recess at 9:30 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:45 p.m. C. CP A-6-07-Citv of Ea!!le: The City of Eagle is proposing a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to achieve the following: I) Adoption of the Eagle Foothills Sub-area Plan and associated text and maps; 2) Adoption of Brookside Sub-area Plan and associated text and maps; 3) Update appropriate sections of the existing plan to ensue consistency with the proposed amendments. (NBS) D. CP A-8-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to desilmate +/- 2.000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-Public: The City of Eagle, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to establish a land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map of Public/Semi-Public for the BLM property. The +/- 2,000 acres site is located approximately 1/4 mile east of State Highway 16 and directly north of the Farmers Union Canal. (NBS) Planner Baird Spencer: Displays overheads and provides an overview of the laws governing comp plan amendments and the amendments the City has done to the comp plan. Discussion on timing of applications for the comp plan amendment. Discussion on the current city planning process. Displays overheads and discusses the available buildable lots in the City of Eagle and the type of buildable lots available. Planner Baird Spencer: Provides an overview of the BLM land and the comp plan map amendment. Planner Baird Spencer: Displays overheads and discusses the adoption of the Brookside Sub-area Plan. City Attorney: Discusses rebuttal from the public. There is not requirement to go further with public testimony. I do not believe there is any need for rebuttal. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearings for the Comprehensive Plans as presented tonight. This meeting will be continued to November 7, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. and be heard after the canvas of the votes from the Election. 6(5.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-30-07spmindoc A. A-03-07/RZ-03-07/CU-02-07/PPUD-03-07/PP-07-07 - Ea!!le Commons (AKA Bald Ea!!le Pointe) Planned Unit Development - Eal!le Commons. LLC: Eagle Commons LLC, represented by Van Elg with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting annexation and a rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition Ada County designation) to R- I -DA (Residential up to one unit per acre with a development agreement), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approval for Eagle Commons (AKA Bald Eagle Pointe), a 55-lot (45- residential,9-common, I-right of way) residential planned unit development. The 49.5-acre site is located approximately I ,800-feet west of Linder Road on the south side of West State Street (State Highway 44) and north of the north channel ofthe Boise River. (WEV) This item was continued from the October 23, 2007 meeting. The public hearing for this item has been closed. Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Williams: Provides Council an overview of the application. Discussion on turn lanes in reference to Highway 44 and relocation of the pond. Displays overhead on the pond and discusses the relocation. General discussion. Nordstrom moves to approve A-03-07/RZ-03-07/CU-02-07/PPUD-03-07/PP-07-07 - Eagle Commons (AKA Bald Eagle Pointe) Planned Unit Development and accept the staff recommendations as provided along with the notice of change to the two attachments; one showing relocation of the pond on the South of the property and the other showing the turn lanes and the modification at the Corner of Moon Valley and Highway 44. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... B. Council Consideration of a Memorandum of A!!reement between the City of Ea!!le and P.O. Ventures. developer of Rin!!o Rid!!e Subdivision. The Memorandum addresses the letter of credit and remainin!! improvements to be completed within the subdivision. (SEB) This item was continued from the October 23, 2007 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides an overview of the Memorandum with P.O. Ventures. Staff has monitored the development of the common area within Ringo Ridge subdivision for the last year and a half. Discussion on the Letter of Credit. Discussion on the trees that wi II need to be replaced next year. General discussion. Guerber moves to remand Council Consideration of a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Eagle and P.O. Ventures, developer of Ringo Ridge Subdivision, back to staff to renegotiate in regards to items that we have discussed tonight. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Bastian moves amend the Agenda and add as Item #6D Resolution No. 07-34. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ C. Ordinance No. 578 (Orchards): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the October 23,2007 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Page 4 K.\COUNCIL\1\..UNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-30-07spmin.doc Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #578 he considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance #578 by title only. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Bastian moves that Ordinance #578 be adopted. Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................................ ... 7(6.) NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No. 586 (Eagle Island State Park): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. Pending approval of the Attorney General. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Baird Spencer: Staff is requesting that this matter be remanded to staff pending approval of the Attorney General. Guerber moves to continue Ordinance No. 586 to the November 7, 2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... 60. Resolution No. 07-34: A Resolution of the City of Ea!!le. Ada County. Idaho. approvin!! the Cross Connection with the City of Garden City and authorizin!! the City of Garden City to proceed with the installation ofsuch facilities pursuant to the Au!!ust 21. 2007 Joint Exercise of Power A!!reement providin!! domestic water to the City of Eal!le bv the City of Garden city and providin!! an effective date. City Attorney Buxton provides an overview of the resolution and the agreement. General discussion. Guerber moves to remand Resolution No. 07-34 back to staff. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ Guerber: We have a Memo from Tracy in regards to the expenditures for Eagle Country Christmas. Basically she is looking for some guidance. General discussion. Guerber moves to approve $2,000.00 for Country Christmas. Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION <:ARRIES............ City Clerk Bergmann: On the Election I am concerned that with 4 candidates running for Mayor there is a possibility that there will not be a majority so I am planning on a Runoff Election. The Runoff Election needs to be within 30 days from the General Election and the same publications need to be done. Council concurs to have the Runoff Election on December 4, 2007 and on December 5, 2007 canvas the votes and have a regular Council Meeting. Discussion on the letter from Rocky Mountain Fitness & Recreation requesting funding for the Jr. Bronco Youth Basketball Program for the 2007 Fall Season. The City has budgeted this fiscal Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC.1 0-30-07spmin,doc year $3,500.00 for Rocky Mountain Fitness programs which includes the swim program and the basketball program. I would like to set aside $ I ,000.00 for the swim program as we spent $850.00 last fiscal year. General Council discussion. Council concurs to spend the budgeted amount of $3,500.00, $1,000.00 for the swim program and $2,500.00 for the basketball program. 8(7.) ADJOURNMENT: Nordstrom moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11 :35 p.m. Respectfully submitted: 1 Q Cvi--<.o- K (~~ - SHARO'N K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER .,.......... ~ -- .~. 10...... ~ EAG{ .... 10" ~\ 0 ....... l:' '. !:' -.... ..... ~ t:.. <>oRA7'~.. . = CJ.. ~' .. · : : 0 . . ! CJ .' _ . . · i ' ... . . iil' ':::"~:':0: · . ~ J;;.I ....... -:. ~+,~ \.'.. "":.; ~ "...C9apo\l.i'...<",\~ ..... ." .$'l- ....... . '\ v 10" """ ATE 0\""........ """,..,.." A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS A V AILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 6 KICOUNC1LIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-IO-30-07spmin.doc Resolution # 2002 03-011 04-001 04-015 05-015 07-014 Application # CPA -02-02 CPA -03-02 CPA -4-03 CPA -05-02 'CPA -01-03 CPA -02-03 CPA -03-03 CPA -01-04 CPA -02-04 CPA -3-04 I CPA -01-05 CPA -02-05 CPA -03-05 CPA -04-05 CPA -05-05 CPA -06-05 CPA -07-05 CPA -02-06 CPA -03-06 CPA -04-06 CPA -06-06 CPA -07-06 CPA -09-06 CPA -02-07 CPA -03-07 No Resolution Drafted CPA -04-07 CPA -05-07 CPA -07-07 Undecided CPA -05-06 CPA -08-06 CPA -10-06 CPA -6-07 Summary: Overall # of Applications (# City) 32 (6) # Approved (%) 12 (37%) # Denied!WD (%) 12 (37%) # Pending (%) 6 (18%) Applicant Van Treek Jayo Construction BW Eagle Briar Creek LLC 'Greg Hall Rick Musick Park Hampton, LLC Laguna Pointe, LLC City of Eagle Gale Pooley Eagle Heights Baptist Chad Moffat Hillview Development Carmen, LLC Dave Mc Kinnon SLN Planning City of Eagle 2005-2007 Comp Plan Map Amendment Applications Landowner Location Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Cornerstone Group Y JLJ Enterprises Y Sea Co./Perry City of Eagle N City of Eagle N Capital Development Y Red Rock Development Y DEB Properties Y Eloy Chaarro Y Mark Beckman Y Gardner Alquist Y M3 City of Eagle Avimor City of Eagle Y N Y N No Map Amendments SW corner of Linder & SH44 Floating Feather & Eagle E side of Eagle Road N. of Chinden N of SH44 W of Linder 223 N. Eagle Road - Eagle Family Worship SH44 & Old Valley N side of SH44 E of Park Lane 2260 S. Eagle Road Western Area Plan Ballantyne & Floating Feather SE corner of Eagle Rd & Mission St. Beacon Light Road Convenient Sub- Floating Feather W. of Eagle Corente Bello -Floating Feather W. of Eagle Chinden E of Eagle 2511 E. Hill Road East Linder Planning Area NE corner SH44 bypass and Edgewood Countryland Subdivision NE corner Linder & Chinden Beacon Light & Lanewood Land owner request for subarea-Chinden E. of Eagle Castlebury West- Chinden W. of Meridian NE Corner Hill Road and SH55 2511 E. Hill Road 2430 S. Eagle Road NE Corner of Floating Feather & Meridian Road N side of SH44 E. of Park N. of A01 between Willow Creek & Hwy 16 2,000 acre BLM Along Hwy 55 E. of Willow Creek N of AOI Acres Request 2.03 Add to A01 0.88 R-4 to MU 183.4 R-2 to MU 14 Add to AOI 0.49'R-4 to CBD 4.6R-1to0 44.8 R-1 to MU 9.31 Res to MU New Plan 2.63 R-1 to PS R-4 to CBD 39.15 RR to RE 47.8 R-1 to R-2 94.89 TR to R-2 30 R-1 to MU 25 R-3 to R-4 640 R-2 to Various 9.5 BP to MU 6.6 R-2 to TR 40 Various to MU 640 removal of R-4 60 R-1 to MU 15 TR to PO 10.24 R-3 to MU 1 R-3 to MU 5 R2 to MU 21 RE to R-1 22 MU 6,005 2,000 23,000 39,000 undesignated to undesignated to undesignated to undesignated to Council Decision 2/11/2003 - Approve 8/12/2003 - Deny 7/22/03 - Approved 2/11/2003-Denv '10/26/04 - Approved 9/14/03 - Withdrawn 9/14/2004 - Approved 4/26/2005 - Approved 9/14/2004 - Approved Withdrawn 7/12/2005 - Approved Withdrawn 4/26/2005 - deny withdrawn withdrawn withdrawn 12/13/2005 - deny 2/13/2007 -Approved 2/13/2007 - Approved 2/13/2007 - Deny 2/13/2007 - Approved 2/13/2007 - Approved 2/13/2007 - Approved Pending Subdivision Hearing 8/23/2007 Approved to PO 23/2007 - Approved Pending -annexation agreement Withdrawn R1 Pending PS Pending FR Pending FR Pending iv --`D`7 Attachment 1: Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2002 to 2007 C_ /-3o 97 rge ROCKY MOUNTAIN f:z./pt Raw � II City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Dear Mayor & City Council Members, RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE October 19, 2007 The following is a breakdown of the costs of operating the City of Eagle Youth Basketball Program during the 2007 Fall Season. Expenses: ➢ Referee / Official costs: $16.00 per game; 78 Games $ Y Equipment: Nets, Official Game Balls $ Y Uniforms: 250 Jerseys @ $7.30 each $ 225 Shorts @ $7.00 each $ S&H, Tax $ r Labor Costs: Facilitator Fees $ ISP Background Check for Volunteer Coaches 52 @ $15 $ Printing Costs: 5000 Registration Forms(2sided) $ r Awarded Scholarships / Financial Assistance: 13 Residents $ TOTAL COSTS: $ Registration Fees Received: Eagle Residents....187 @ $45.00 Non -Eagle Residents 81 @ $55.00 225 Shorts (Optional) 225 a, $7.00 TOTAL RECEIVED: $ Jr. Bronco 1248.00 152.82 1825.00 1575.00 288.63 4452.97 780.00 580.35 585.00 11,487.42 $8415.00 $4455.00 $1575.00 14,505.00 2007 In summary, the Jr. Bronco Youth Basketball League brought in $14,505.00 and paid out $11,487.42 in partial costs. These costs do not include building or janitorial costs. With the understanding that $5,000 is budgeted for league expenses by the city, we are requesting $4,800.00, which is roughly $24.00 per Eagle Resident Player. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the Youth Basketball Program. We enjoy bringing this recreational opportunity to the youth in the area. We strive to provide a positive learning experience & welcome the opportunity to discuss this program with the Mayor or City Council if you wish further details regarding the league. We would also like to extend an invitation for you to attend the `Jr. Bronco' Night at a BSU Men's game on November 2 at 7pm. For free entrance to the game, simply mention your name at the box office, your names will be on a list of special guests of the league. Thank you for your continued support! Sincerely, �'l� u%j(_ \IV Therese Woozley Children's Program Director & Community Event Coordinator Rocky Mountain Fitness & Recreation 875 E. Plaza Drive, Eagle ID 83616 939-3878 Hall �G /o' 30 'a7 Eagle City 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Deputy City Clerk To: Mayor & Council CC: City Clerk From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: October 30, 2007 Re: Eagle Country Christmas As you may or may not know, Eagle Country Christmas will be held on a Saturday (Dec. 1') this year. Local businesses will be holding special holiday activities and events throughout the day. The business participation in Country Christmas has grown substantially since the inception of the event, and thus the move to a full day event. Teri Bath and I met in late summer and concurred that this would be a transition year in which the Chamber of Commerce is taking leadership role for organization of the event. The amount spent last year by the' City is as follows: Sound equipment & technician for Heritage Park performers $532.50 Plaques for tree lighter and parade marshal 56.00 Trolley from Boise Tours 550.00 Printing of event schedule 173.49 Scaffolding for sound equipment 44.80 $1356.79 (expenditure account 01-0422.03-00 Community Promotions/Special Events FY 06/07 total budgeted amount $8500.00) I have indicated to Teri that this year City would be able to coordinate activities at Heritage Park (i.e. the music and performers, and tree lighting ceremony. As the coordination of this years event is still in process, I have been asked repeatedly what the City would and would not be contributing towards the event. The following are expenses to date that the City has investigated: Sound technician for Heritage Park $525.00 6 Plaques for tree lighter & parade marshal 75.00 , 1 Trolley for 6 hours 660.00 additional trolley 6 hours 390.00 $1650.00 (expenditure account 01-0422.03-00 Community Promotions/Special Events FY 07/08 total budgeted amount $5000.00) Please advise me of the amount of expenditures you would like me to "commit" to on behalf of the City. servke with a smile! f;&&-°(2, C c /0,30 --07 RESOLUTION NO. 07-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, APPROVING THE CROSS CONNECTION WITH THE CITY OF GARDEN CITY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF GARDEN CITY TO PROCEED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF SUCH FACILITIES PURSUANT TO THE AUGUST 21, 2007 JOINT EXERCISE OF POWER AGREEMENT PROVIDING DOMESTIC WATER TO THE CITY OF EAGLE BY THE CITY OF GARDEN CITY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Eagle and the City of Garden City entered into a Joint Powers Agreement on August 21, 2007 to allow Garden City to provide domestic water and redundant fire flow water to the City of Eagle; and WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement provides for the installation of facilities by Garden City to create a cross connection between Garden City and the City of Eagle as depicted in Exhibit A of the Joint Powers Agreement; and WHEREAS, Garden City has requested that the City of Eagle authorize the City of Garden City to proceed with the installation of those facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, Ada County, Idaho, as follows: Section 1: The City of Garden City is hereby authorized to proceed with the installation of the facilities depicted in Exhibit A of the August 21, 2007 Joint Powers Agreement between the Cities of Eagle and Garden City in order to provide a cross -connection between the water systems of the City of Eagle and the City of Garden City pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement. Section 2: This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. DATED this 30th day of October, 2007. CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho By Nancy C. Merrill, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon K. Bergmann, City Clerk Page 1 G /0, 30 -07 Ben Johnson Associates, Inc. 6070 Hill Road Phone: (208) 342-1700 Boise, Idaho 83703 Fax: (208) 384-1511 To: Susan Buxton, Nichoel R. Baird Spencer From: Don Reading Date: October 28, 2007 Re: Major Differences With M3 Study General T The M3 Impact Analysis lays out the type, value, and pace of development of residential units over the 20 -year development time period. M3 says its absorption studies support the numbers used in the Impact Study (study not provided). M3 tacitly accepts our concern when it says as the project moves forward changes may be made to meet the needs of the housing market. This uncertainty makes it difficult to estimate both the revenues that might be derived from the project (property taxes, impact fees, state revenue sharing, etc.) and the services that will need to be delivered from various governmental entities to support the new residents. T M3's Impact Analysis make definitive statements about positive net fiscal impacts for governmental entities over the 20 -year period of development. For the three governmental entities we examined (City of Eagle, ACHD Meridian Joint School District #2), using different but reasonable assumptions, we cannot be certain that there will be these positive net fiscal impacts. Commercial Development T M3's updates since the Impact Analysis has reduced the commercial development to 1.6 million square feet, with 55 percent now targeted for the Community Core. T M3 says their traffic studies (not provided) project 36,000 vehicle trips per day through the village center from M3 alone. This daily traffic would be equivalent to the current traffic at State Street and Pierce Park (35,706) or Eagle Road and Overland (36,695). They state this is the only planned arterial connector between Highways 16 and 55. 1 T T T Densities M3 objects to our statements about the majority of the commercial development being at the Community Core rather than along Highways 16 and 55. At the same time, however, they also object to our comparisons of M3 with the slower -than - anticipated commercial developments in Hidden Springs and Harris Ranch because they were not on a major arterial. The City's Comprehensive Plan states that major commercial centers should be located along Highway's 16 and 55. As currently planned, the allocation of commercial space in M3 appears to be at odds with the city's Comprehensive Plan. While it is true that Hidden Springs' commercial space is not on an arterial, Harris Ranch's commercial development is located on Highway 21. Nonetheless, this commercial space has developed far more slowly than anticipated. T M3 objected to our analysis of densities because the economic study was not a land use study and the densities we used are not part of the comprehensive plan. T City of Eagle T T We believe the density question is essential to the economic analysis because the decision of the Council on densities has a direct impact on the expected revenues and necessary expenditures. M3's updated analysis uses actual (rather than budget) general fund expenditures (including capital spending), and adjusts the fiscal years to calendar year 2006. With this approach M3 finds a value of $273.70 expenditures per person per year. The original Impact Analysis used a value of $275 in O&M expenditures per person and thus came to the same conclusions found in their report: a net fiscal impact of the City of Eagle of $30 million over the 20 -year development period. The difference between budgeted and actual expenditures is the amount of carryover from one fiscal year to the next. This has varied between $1.4 and $2.4 million over the past four years for the City of Eagle. If the intention is to continually carry over these funds, they probably should not be included in the calculation of expenditures per person. If, however, the intention of the Council is to expend these funds for special or ongoing needs, then they should legitimately be included. 2 T T ACHD We believe a more acuate measure is to use total expenditures, which include all funds, rather than general fund expenditures, in order to find expenditures per person per year. Total expenditures, less the water fund (an enterprise fund) were adjusted from fiscal years to calendar year 2006. This yielded per person expenditures of $387, not counting the carry over, and $523 per person including the carry over. Given M3's assumptions for the value and pace of development, using total expenditures and excluding the carry over, we find a net fiscal impact of $1.6 million over the 20 -year development period. If the carryover is included, a negative 20 -year net benefit of -$29.9 million is found. T M3's updated analysis finds: Additional revenue from auto registration, revenue sharing and sales tax of $20.3 million, Offsite improvements of $48.1 million found in a Stanley Consulting Study (not provided), Using ACHD capital expenditures, adjusted for impact fees, federal and cooperative agreements, along with O&M cost, finds expenditures of $19,618 per mile or $30.9 million over the 20 years of the development. T T T Not including offsite improvements and including the additional revenues and adjusted capital costs, M3 finds a net fiscal impact of $62.1 million over the 20 - year development period. M3's Impact Analysis does not include the impact of transportation costs that lie outside the geographical boundaries of the development. As an example of what those potential impacts might be, we used the recently released Tier 1 study that indicated as much as $100 million would be allocated to M3. Stanley Consulting says we misinterpreted the Tier 1 study and their study says 'less than $50 million' in costs outside the development (study not provided). We agree with the additional revenues used by M3 and the exclusion of some capital expenditures. We also agree that some offsite improvement costs will be paid by M3 and should legitimately be included on the revenue side. However all transportation costs outside the development have not been defined. If they would be less than the $60 million found by M3 there would be a positive net impact; if they would be more than $60 million there would be a negative net fiscal impact. 3 Meridian Joint School District #2 T T M3 produced a scenario where the taxable value of the development were cut by one-third. This adjustment dropped the estimate of net fiscal impact from $169.3 million to $107.0 million over the 20 -year period. M3 then simulated the bonding process for school construction cost phased through the 20 -year development period. With the one-third decrease in taxable values and the bonding simulation, M3 calculated the 206 year a positive net impact at $69.7 million. T As M3 stated in their Impact Analysis, the Idaho Legislature changed the way schools' M&O are funded. School Districts no longer can levy property taxes for M&O. The M3 analysis uses a tax levy rate for the Meridian School District of 0.003882 mils that accounts for this change (from the old rate of 0.006553). T The District's taxing authority that accounts for the current levy is from: T Student Enrollment Emergency .000493 T Tort - Liability Insurance .000031 T Plant Facilities - 10 year, $20 million, voter approv .000755 T Bond - several, $20 million max, voter approv .001814 T Supplemental, 2 yr (FY08,09), $10 million, voter approv .000687 T T TOTAL .00378 M3's Impact Analysis found the Meridian Schools District's property tax revenue over the 20 -year development period at the current levy rate would be $187.7 million. If assessed values are reduced by one-third this value drops by $62.3 million to $125.4 million. The majority of the levy authority (86%) is voter approved and subject to caps and time limits. If it is assumed this same levy rate will be in effect for the 20 year development period the revenues calculated by M3, given their values and pace of development, are valid. To the extent that voters might reject some of the currently approved levy levels, then revenues from M3's development would be reduced and the net fiscal decreased accordingly. 4 a t R• r^ 0: � Air - ti grAMMEirefik.e... 4:46.411.7 .itimIgt 4—a r � O 9r 1 t • r b 3 � 1' N •1 • JOS, • 4 i4*...l �; ior. , a .1. ix t n J .. ▪ 4 • ,•. r # 9• �9 • Paul D. Tennis Michael L. Leming David J. Akers Concrete Thinking Tor a sustainable vrorIcl (-Tr PCA NRMCA NATIONAL READY MIXED CONCRETE ASSOCIATION INTER OFFICE To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment(s): Copy To: cc- City of Eagle Zoning Administration Mayor Merrill and City Council Members Nichoel Baird Spencer, AICP, Planner III royc/ J\ City Comprehensive Plan Rebuttal October 30, 2007 Rebuttal Materials City Attorney, Zoning Administrator Below is the Staff's rebuttal from the public testimony provided for the City's Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Staff recognizes that this is a complex subject and will provide a verbal overview during the public hearing. Staff Responses to Foothills Testimony: Who Should Plan? Idaho Code provides for two types of Applications "Citizen" initiated and "City Initiated". Overall the vast majority of the applications the City process for CPA are "Citizen initiated". Over the past 5 years the City has received 32 total applications- 26 Citizen and 6 City. Of those applications 37% have received approval 37% were denied/withdrawn (didn't like the staff recommendations) and 6 applications are currently in review by the City Council. (See Attachment 1) Criticized when the city looks at change internally to meet the demands of growth -locating centers or clustering of units adjacent to schools sites. City may be able to amend every 6 months but Eagle does not conform to that cycle. Eagle has adopted 5 resolutions when 10 could have been completed. Timing of Applications: M3 was willing to and has held back their applications for inclusion into a city wide process, original approval date would have been December of 2006. The City Plan was not intended to replace the application made by M3 in 2006. The City plan was to provide information, context and a larger view of the development potential in the foothills. M3's application is independent of the City plan and would have been considered by the Council regardless of a City Plan. They are combined because they are eventually going to be in the same plan. It is the duty of the City Council to balance the requests to best serve the City. Page 1 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\CPA\20071Foothdls CPA rebuttal me.doc How to Plan: Idaho Code 67-6508 details what the comprehensive plan needs to contain: See Below: (a) Property Rights -- An analysis of provisions which may be necessary to ensure that land use policies, restrictions, conditions and fees do not violate private property rights, adversely impact property values or create unnecessary technical limitations on the use of property and analysis as prescribed under the declarations of purpose in chapter 80, title 67, Idaho Code. (b) Population -- A population analysis of past, present, and future trends in population including such characteristics as total population, age, sex, and income. (c) School Facilities and Transportation -- An analysis of public school capacity and transportation considerations associated with future development. (d) Economic Development -- An analysis of the economic base of the area including employment, industries, economies, jobs, and income levels. (e) Land Use -- An analysis of natural land types, existing land covers and uses, and the intrinsic suitability of lands for uses such as agriculture, forestry, mineral exploration and extraction, preservation, recreation, housing, commerce, industry, and public facilities. A map shall be prepared indicating suitable projected land uses for the jurisdiction. (f) Natural Resources -- An analysis of the uses of rivers and other waters, forests, range, soils, harbors, fisheries, wildlife, minerals, thermal waters, beaches, watersheds, and shorelines. (g) Hazardous Areas -- An analysis of known hazards as may result from susceptibility to surface ruptures from faulting, ground shaking, ground failure, landslides or mudslides; avalanche hazards resulting from development in the known or probable path of snow slides and avalanches, and floodplain hazards. (h) Public Services, Facilities, and Utilities -- An analysis showing general plans for sewage, drainage, power plant sites, utility transmission corridors, water supply, fire stations and fire fighting equipment, health and welfare facilities, libraries, solid waste disposal sites, schools, public safety facilities and related services. The plan may also show locations of civic centers and public buildings. (i) Transportation -- An analysis, prepared in coordination with the local jurisdiction(s) having authority over the public highways and streets, showing the general locations and widths of a system of major traffic thoroughfares and other traffic ways, and of streets and the recommended treatment thereof. This component may also make recommendations on building line setbacks, control of access, street naming and numbering, and a proposed system of public or other transit lines and related facilities including rights-of-way, terminals, future corridors, viaducts and grade separations. The component may also include port, harbor, aviation, and other related transportation facilities. (j) Recreation -- An analysis showing a system of recreation areas, including parks, parkways, trail ways, river bank greenbelts, beaches, playgrounds, and other recreation areas and programs. (k) Special Areas or Sites -- An analysis of areas, sites, or structures of historical, archeological, architectural, ecological, wildlife, or scenic significance. (1) Housing -- An analysis of housing conditions and needs; plans for improvement of housing standards; and plans for the provision of safe, sanitary, and adequate housing, including the provision for low-cost conventional housing, the siting of manufactured housing and mobile homes in subdivisions and parks and on individual lots which are sufficient to Page 2 of 6 K:1Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\CPA120071Foothills CPA rebuttal me.doc maintain a competitive market for each of those housing types and to address the needs of the community. (m) Community Design -- An analysis of needs for governing landscaping, building design, tree planting, signs, and suggested patterns and standards for community design, development, and beautification. (n) Implementation -- An analysis to determine actions, programs, budgets, ordinances, or other methods including scheduling of public expenditures to provide for the timely execution of the various components of the plan. (o) National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors -- After notification by the public utilities commission concerning the likelihood of a federally designated national interest electric transmission corridor, prepare an analysis showing the existing location and possible routing of high voltage transmission lines, including national interest electric transmission corridors based upon the United States department of energy's most recent national electric transmission congestion study pursuant to sections 368 and 1221 of the energy policy act of 2005. "High-voltage transmission lines" means lines with a capacity of one hundred fifteen thousand (115,000) volts or more supported by structures of forty (40) feet or more in height. Planning for Areas Outside of Eagle's Current AOI: In 1996 the City of Eagle requested an AOI expansion from Ada County to included the area west of Linder Road to SH16 (western area) and 2 %i miles north of Homer Road (Foothills). This request was to allow for the AOI expansion and then the City would complete a planning process for the area. In August of 1996 the City received a letter from Jeff Patlovich, Director of Ada County Development Services, stating that the City must first complete planning for the area before requesting an AOI expansion or negotiation with the Board of County Commissioners. In September of 1997, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission stated concerns about including the western area and foothills into the City's comprehensive plan at a density of 1 unit per 5 acres questioning the appropriateness of including areas into the Comprehensive plan before a complete planning process could be done for the area. (See Attachment 2) The City of Eagle on August 27, 2007, requested that Ada County and the City enter into a "joint planning, review and adoption process" for the two foothills plan (Ada County and Eagle's) and an AOI expansion at that time the City was asked by the BOCC to move forward with our hearings on the plan and then come back with an adopted plan for the area to request an AOI. — This is a matter of public record on file with the BOCC Per testimony from ACRD they need the densities and locations of the units to move forward with the North Ada County Transportation Study and establishing extra -ordinary impact fees. Again, the plan must be done first Need to understand land uses to be able to assess the number of schools necessary to serve the area, have in the past located schools. If the Centers and use of transects are not endorsed by the City then it will not be possible to address the location of schools at this level. Note: The school district has not requested this detail of Information. (See New School District Letter Attachment 3) Page 3 of 6 K:1Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\CPA120071Foothills CPA rebuttal me.doc City Current Platting Process: The current COMPASS population forecasts of 1.1% annually are not realistic- The plan is a "build out plan" 1) what happened when the entire area develops; 2) based on realistic growth rates when is that anticipated to happen. Currently approved lots- Important to differentiate between approved lots and zoning- zoning allows for the platting of property (a—5month process) platting allows for the construction of homes. Testimony has stated that the City has approved over 4,000 lost in the City. The actual lot count using City Records, Compass Records and the Ada County Recorder/Assessor Records is as follows: 487 units within approved final plats (lots date from 1980 to current) 1,883 approved preliminary plats (range from 2005 to current) (still need to do improvements andfinal could take up to 2 years before they become available)(See Attachment 4) TOTAL: 2,370 units not 4,000 Table 20: Ada County Residential & Non -Residential Final Plats by City Limits January to December 2006 City Lots 5". 61 ,Gavden Cite j 2291 ^.una 663 l 2.741 -32 Acres J Average Lots Per .acre ! Percent Percent Total Lots i Total Acres 340 4 "61 213.5°D1 IQ .1°0; 43= 1 191 6.5a01 13 3°0! 39 L 5 681 2.93o! 1 240; 2111 315j s -T 3.121 _45 - 991 8.4'14 6 4°'01 34.72;1—._--- ----:6-97;1 ___-_69'ej 3a 9.oi - Po!Cr<♦ Su tots _1._� 6,-198 _,I.1� 3.03 8:27,.3.c.:...1; 633473.Ool Ltn.ncar orated 1 1,396 1,119 1 Z5 °o :__Totnl__ ..__ ._....1.......________7!_ -_-61:14___________3_!3_66L___________14_12 . Keeping in mind that platting and building come in cycles, we do not plat the same number of lots as we build each year. Further at 2,400 units is still Iess than. Density High densities in Foothills at 1 unit per 2.5 acres this will be the least dense development in the entire county with the existing City of Eagle coming in second. (See Attachment 5) Discrepancy/clarification of information: This is a participatory process information evolves and changes through the process. Must come to meetings or contact staff if there are questions. This is one on the reasons most application information is not on-line and required the public to come to the City so that information is not taken out of context. Most information is used out of context to better support arguments that have since been mitigated or resolved. Economics: I defer to Dr. Reading. The anticipation is that development should not cost the community "no net loss" this is the threshold that both APFO and concurrency management bring forward. Proportionate share of cost created and demanded from development. APFO/Concurrency Management: This again is supported in the Comprehensive Plan before the Council page 91 states: Page 4 of 6 K:1Planning Dept\Eagle ApplicationslCPA120071Foothills CPA rebuttal me.doc "The City recognizes that the allowance of development within the foothills will create the need for significant improvements both internally and externally to the area. These impacts should be adequately assessed and distributed among the land owners within the foothills. The City and land owners should work with ACHD and establish a mechanism for the review and assessment of the transportation costs associated with the development of the Eagle Foothills and the implementation of this plan. Work with ACHD, ITD and/or other transportation authorities to pursue the collections and dedication of impact fees for improvements specific to the Eagle Foothills. All development in the foothills should be limited until the provision of basic municipal services can be established. These include: sewer municipal water, and transportation. All development within the Foothills Sub -area should connect to the City of Eagle Municipal water service unless otherwise indicated by the City of Eagle. Development in the Foothills should be evaluated for the impacts it will have to the existing city." Questions of State Lands: The State of Idaho does own 640 acres of endowment land within the foothills area. It has been clearly stated by Kate Langford (participated in the planning committees as well as been part of the open space discussion with BLM and land Owners ) the State lands are not intended to be open space/recreation areas in the long term. These lands are to be viewed similar to private lands and are to be a revenue source for schools. With this understanding and discussing option with both BLM and IDL the City treated them differently. The BLM lands were identified for public use and open space and the IDL property was treated like private property. Note: The Plan does state that the desire would be to find exchanges/buyers for the IDL property that would provide permanent protection of these lands as open space due to the location and characteristics of the property. Brookside Planning Area/Rodeo Basin: Rodeo Basin was included in the Brookside area based upon the P&Z record and topography. Understand the request. The inclusion of this area into the "Brookside Planning area" does not provide additional densities. The Community Center (pg 79 of P&Z Rec.) does not change its location at the proposed interchange at Brookside & SH55. The sphere of influence of to 1 mile for the clustering of base units into the "Urban": 4 units/acre and "Suburban": 2.5 units/acre would be more clearly defined. The location of Neighborhood Centers may occur in this area under the criteria found on page 81 of the P&Z Recommended Plan. (See Attachment 6) Any resort uses would be in lieu of the base density in this area. Page 5 of 6 K:1Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\CPA120071Foothills CPA rebuttal me.doc Brookside is a specific plan under the Foothills Planning Area. Wildlife Crossings: Paid by the developer -should be calculated into the extraordinary impact fee for the area as part of the Transportation Land Use integration Plan (TLIP) through ACHD & a condition of the development agreement at the time of development approval. Clarification of P&Z direction on Open Space: 40% total with 25% in natural/native, restored condition Example: 500 acre development. 200 acres required open space, 125 natural and 75 developed. Regional Roadway Connections: In previous years Boise, Ada County and ACRD looked at a potential arterial road connecting SH55 to Bogus Basin Road. Due to opposition from residents and eventual political issues the project was removed. The City plan does provide policies for the inclusion of a new e/w connection north of Beacon Light through the foothills but is recognized as both physically and politically constrained. Transit in Comprehensive Plan: References to transit densities in the Land use chapter on Page 80 and in transportation chapter on pages 142 &148. (See Attachment 7) Wine/Viticulture References: Found in 6.8.11(B) on page 83 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation. Intended to be included in ECC 8-2A for design review standards as discussed as an implementation measure for the plan. Page 6 of 6 K:1Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\CPA120071Foothills CPA rebuttal me.doc Comprehensive Map Amendments Approved from 2002 to 2007 Boise A01 Eagle A01 Western Area Plan Applications approved 2005 to 2007 Garden City A01 I I Parcels 1-1 Meridian A01 I I DATE: July 11. 1997 TO: West Ada Express Legal notice of public hearing City of Eagle, Idaho NOTICE is hereby given that the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on August 4, 1997 at 7:30 P.M. at the EAGLE CITY HALL. PURPOSE: To consider City initiated comprehensive plan amendments. Amendments could include, but are not limited to, adding light industrial/industrial park land uses, changing commercial along State Street to discourage strip commercial and to encourage pods of commercial development, bringing the Comprehensive Plan land use map designations into conformance with existing new development and zoning, modifying the mixed use/high density category on the current Plan, providing for a central business district designation on the Plan, and providing for a scenic corridor boundary on the plan. See reduction of the proposed comprehensive plan included with this notice. A full size Plan is located at Eagle City Hall. APPLICATION By: Eagle City, represented by Mark L. Butler. Specific details are available for public inspection at the City of Eagle City Hall. Written comments will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on the day of the public hearing. Qualified individuals who need accessible communication aids and services or other accommodations to participate in programs and activities are invited to make your needs and preferences known to the 504/ADA Coordinator (City Clerk). Please give us at least a three to five day's advance notice so we can adequately meet your needs. Publish: July 15, 18 and 221997 PRINT COLORED PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS A PART OF LEGAL NOTICE Mark L. Butler, Zoning Administrator City of Eagle Page 1 of 1 F:ISHARED\P&Z\Eagle Applications\CPA\CPA-5-97pz pub.doc Attachment 2: Comprehensive Plan Notification 1996 AOI Map The West Ada Express, 332 W. State St.. Eagle, Idaho Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO SS. COUNTY OF ADA Map of Proposed Comprehensive Pk — 1 TITLE OF PUBLICATIOI , City of Eagle Planning & Zoning / 1ti PLAINTII-F OR LEGAL AGI of rt--f:- 83616 t_= Scott Crosby deposes and says: That I am the twice weekly newspaper published at Eagle. in the Co Idaho; that said newspaper has been and is in general aforesaid, and in the vicinity of Eagle: that the adverti: attached hereto. was published in said newspaper once , consecutive weeks in the regular and entire issue of and time of publication, and was published in the new supplement: that said paper has been established and rc than seventy-eight consecutive weeks prior to the date advertisement. Managing Editor 83616 Copy of Notice (First Copy) 1 t ■ 0 • ■ ■ 0 3-0 . i'Ui''i111tliij1iL I i S I r IJ Such notice was published in the issue beginning with_ „� 19 97 . and ending with the issue of July 19 97 x x'. / e STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF ADA On this 28th day of July Public, personally appeared ll'.1I l ' • • r1: in the year of 19c t' Scott Crosby to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the wit being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statement acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same. Residing at My Commission expires Number of Lines 4_ fit Notary/Public foridaho 4-,sz /6^/7 0 /c-75'5' STATEMENT West Ada Express Eagle, Idaho 40 Lines Number of Insertions 1 20 Lines @ $2,66 $ 106.40 Lines @ $ $ TOTAL COST WILL BE $ 106.40 /r. RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE AUG 0 6 1997 File' Route to: NO. L -173E :-i ,r, (S• c-ELAik‘Ai: ft -T hALL_ F0R.PrcsuRi171re City of Eagle Proposed Comprehensive Plan Job 07,1907 &ate 1:54460 I 1 Inch m4500 feet O Rural Tr Armband el f: One ar fewer dwelling mita per five =ea •One or fewer dwelling unite per two aerea C1 Very Low I:tensity Resifitutial , -"" Low Denaity Ifieldential Two or fewer dwelling Indio per sere IViedlum Density Reeideutid Four or fewer dwelling mita per acre . Mined Limited office, limited ementereinl, high ikniuy revidential - up to 28 dwelling units per acre '......1 Commercial Cents.] Bluzlxtess Diztriet • Industrial • Public 1 &tied -Public Gar course, pwka, Onto pa k, greaaway Selhookt, fire aiu6®a ;Medway Proposed Area of hapset a. Cam. eon uay ft.:nay:ma cab tact natp ;mimed by zi1149/ Ada Plarardsig Association 413 P(4490,ip, ICO. Wp 9701, (108) 343-6274 APAThri Saving Gomm.. Ada County Suical977 1 1($--1-1- 1 _ • *-:H w 31 FloatingT_kI See 1y 44 R - ...., /' . , ,......;_ -_-1,-. riLR/ ,.. i ! --- ,LTh' • r (.: : ; ,•:1*. 1 '—..---: HI (tz- I ' likar , i I ( - I „ • - • • : I I • • • - d • - 5 1 N.,. .1 • 4'1-1 • II 0 • _ '4. . . r- • • . • •,'"- \ • "••••- • -a t t I , . ; • o i • • 1 , 11I V.; co" •-• At' =11E: oint School Distiid 71I, _7_LL1111.. ;. l'• iC:ii ...:i ilii. ;I}. ' f_ .;j. —i^.141 e 17 October 2007 Mayor Nancy Merrill City of Eagle 660 E. Civic Dr. Eagle, ID 33616 Dear Mayor Nancy, This letter is written, as promised, to underscore that the data and testimony presented to the city by Trustee Anne Ritter regarding Joint School District No. 2's growth projections, building costs, etc. for potential foothills development represents the district's position. As Vice Chairman of the school board, Trustee Ritter presented the facts, figures, and position of the school district Further, to underscore the substance our telephone conversation, the district has been working with the M3 developers regarding the impact of their development on the school district. M3 has reiterated its commitment to provide "any and all land necessary for schools" in the development, a commitment enthusiastically embraced by the district. Jointly, we have looked at current school construction funding limitations in Idaho, and examined creative solutions that are in place in other states. We will continue to work to support changes in Idaho law that would enhance the ability to construct school buildings without total responsibility being born by the tax payers through bonds that must be passed by the school district. Finally, it is important to also reiterate that the district does not support the M3 proposal to build the initial school in the M3 development, and to have the district pay for the school through the purchase of school site land. This proposal poses several challenges for the district, including, but not limited to setting an obligation for a future board of trustees to repay the debt (purchase the land) at a time when funds may not be available for this purchase. As a matter of long -held practice, the board of trustees is careful not to obligate funds from future budgets that would be beyond the responsibility of their current positions. As we discussed, this is only one of several issues that make this proposal Tess than desirable for the district. Attachment 3: Thank you for the phone call, and for your support of public schools. I look forward to our continued cooperation in finding solutions to the challenges posed by growth. Sinc ly, da Clark Superintendent v/c: Anne Ritter Approved Final Plats -Issuing Building Permits SUBDIVNAME MON YR Units ALDERWOOD VILLAGE 02 2004 1 AUTUMNCREST 12 2002 3 No (Y, BANBURY MEADOWS NO 05 08 2004 3 BANBURY MEADOWS NO 06 05 2005 6 BANBURY MEADOWS NO 07 09 2005 25 BANBURY NO _'2 3 BERKSHIRE ESTATES 12 1996 2 BOGUS RIDGE SUB 08 1992 2 BRCOKWOOD NO 04 10 2001 3 CANTERBURY 05 1996 1 CARLENE ESTATES 11 17;;0_- 7 CASTLEBURY 01 2002 6 CASTLEBURY WEST 07 2006 38 CAVALLO ESTATES 12 2002 1 9 5 CLEAR CREEK CROSSING 09 2002 18 COAST TO COAST 10 2006 33/12 COLONY it COPPERFIELD 01 2006 4 CORRENTE BELLO 07 2006 65/16 COUNTRYSIDE ESTATES 10 2001 3 COVENANT HILL 05 2006 34 CREIGHTON HEIGHTS SUB 02 1994 3 CROWN POINT 02 1999 5 EAGLE RIDGE SUB 10 1980 3 ECHOHAWK ESTATES 12 1994 2 EDGEWOOD ESTATES 10 1993 3 EMPIRE ESTATES 12 1991 2 GLADSTONE 03 2007 17 HENRYS 01 2004 1 SI..AND WOODS 02 '993 7 KATHLEEN ESTATES 07 2007 29 LOCH LOMOND 03 2004 2 NESTLED ISLAND 09 2005 8 ONCE UPON A SUBDIVISION 02 2003 1 PONY HOLLOW 08 2006 5 ROCKET BAR SUB O4 1972 8 SENORA CREEK 05 2005 2 STREAMSIDE SUB 11 1997 3 SUGARBERRY WOODS 07 1999 3 TAHOE RIDGE 09 2001 1 TANGLEROSE 10 2005 5 THE SHORES PHASE 01 01 2006 45 TIMBERLAND ESTATES 05 2003 1 TUESDAY 04 2002 1 TWO RIVERS VAN ENGELEN ESTATES G0 WESTOVER LAKES 02 2006 8 WINDING CREEK 02 2005 13 YORKSHIRE ACRES 06 2006 1 487 Red = More than 5 years old (223.) Italics = Lots at 1 acre or more in size (31%) Both = 5+ year old and 1+ acres (6%) Attachment 4: Current Pre -Plat Approvals Current Un -built Lots Preliminary Plats Approved- Not Finaled Subdivision Acres Date Received Residential Lots VIGNE D AQUILA 26.250 6/18/2007 5 LOCKEY 19.924 3/16/2007 34 TRANQUIL ESTATES 7.005 5/4/2007 3 LIGHTHOUSE 18.981 11/9/2005 9 THOMPSON ACRES 73.536 3/14/2006 32 ESPERANZA ESTATES 5.000 8/18/2005 2 PARK PLACE 93.756 11/16/2005 112 MOFFAT 14.761 3/30/2005 24 LEGACY 227.488 3/10/2006 344 PUMPKIN PATCH 4.698 5/4/2006 2 SYLVAN WOOD 32.906 5/22/2006 24 BRUTSMAN 4.889 2/22/2006 13 EAGLEFIELD ESTATES (ALL PHASES) 143.142 9/1/2005 376 EAGLE CREEK WEST 33.378 8/25/2006 98 CABRA CREEK 13.906 4/24/2006 23 ARBOR RIDGE 43.727 143 COUNTRYLAND 6.608 5/3/2006 12 BELLEMEADE 10.853 6/15/2005 48 ARBOR RIDGE 3.313 00000000 143 SYMPHONY SQUARE 6.291 1/3/2007 19 EAGLEFIELD ESTATES II 10.506 5/5/2006 24 STILLWATER 24.880 3/28/2007 47 CANTERA 10.274 8/14/2007 52 ALDERWOOD NO 02 4.701 4/24/2006 16 ANGLERS HAMLET 9.979 5/5/2006 37 LOFTS AT EAGLE RIVER 24.045 5/22/2006 7 THE SHORES 98.171 5/25/2004 92 LAKEMOOR (REMAINING PHASES) 121.531 2/14/2005 142 1883 City Boise Eagle Garden City 1Kuna Meridian Star 1 City Subtotal j Un i ncorporated 1 Total Table 20: Ada County Residential & Non -Residential Final Plats by City Limits January to December 2006 Lots Acres 1,6171 516i 2291 663 2,741 732 6,498 1,396 7,894 Average Lots Per Acre 340 4.76 434 1.191 39/ 5.881 211 3.151 879 3.121 245 2.991 2,147 3.031 1,119 1 251 3,266 2.421 Percent 1 Percent Total Lots 1 Total Acres 20.5%1 10.4% 6.5%1 13.3% 2.9%' 1.2% 8.4% 6.4% 34.7% 26.9% 9.3%1 7.5% 82.3%I 65.7% 177% 343% Figure 6: Ada County Residential & Non - Residential Plats Finaled January to December 2006 Boise 6 - Eagle 5 - Garden City F1' < 4 - Kuna Meridian Star Unincorp r 111111.11111 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 O Acres Data Highlights: • Lots n of Lots per Figure 7: Ada County Average Finaled Lots Per Acre 2004 to 2006 Boise Eagle Carden City Kuna Meridian Star ■ 2006 0 2005 ❑ 2004 Unincorp Meridian outpaced other Ada County cities in building activity, however, this slowed from 2005. Mendian saw a reduction in platted lots finaled of approximately 1,050, falling from 3,790 to 2,741. Incorporated cities hold 82.3% of the total platted lots for the year and 65.7% of the total platted acres, indicating that lot sizes are significantly larger outside of city luruts Boise finaled 455 more lots than last year at the same time that building pernutnng slowed. While there is great variance between lot sizes in each development, the average lots per acre platted in each city indicates the trend of development within the city. Garden City averages the highest density lots per acre at 5.88 while Eagle averaged the lowest density at 1.19 lots per acre. The unincorporated county region, which historically holds the lowest average lots per acre, fell to 1.25 lots per acre. With a 26.2 percent increase in multi -family dwellings, the increase in Tots per acre is not surprising, in particular when looking at the large condomuuum complexes which are in construction in Boise. The increase in mulu-family perrrutting tends to increase the average lots per acre Notes: Source: Ada County Assessor's Office Data reflects city limits boundaries at the time of reporting. Attachment 5 Ada County Plat Densites Additional Rodeo Basin North - South Brookside, Connection Brookside Lane Eagle P&Z Recommendation Map (p.95) Attachment 6: Rodeo Basin Maps Brookside Planning Area North -South Brookside Connection Brookside Lane nozons tivL�ll_ 0 0.6 WOODS GULCH AREA RODEO BASIN AREA Rodeo Basin ���»��UU��«,� "~��===~ 1/2 mile .`�. 1mi|e A,Brookside including Rodeo Basin Existirig Brookside Panning area Parcels R71 Open space overlay BLM Recreation BLM Community centers.shp Slopes at 25% or greater Residential Rural Foothills Residential ;yam,. ' I� Foothills Planning Area Cs, 2007 Comprehensive Plan COMBINED TRANSPORTATION MAP FOOTHILLS ARTERIAL A/ COLLECTOR A; MINOR ARTERIAL „/ PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL SECTION COMMUNITY CENTERS LOCAL ROADS TRANSIT CORRIDOR PARK & RIDE LOTS cAnt DI nniMiNlr, AREA Attachment 7: Combined Transportation Map N