Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 10/23/2007 - Regular / EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes October 23,2007 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Bandy leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Dale Buntz, 1375 N. Mansfield Place, Eagle, discussion on the proposed shared gun range which is being proposed. This would be in closed proximity to the Eagle Skateboard Park and Velodrome project. This is before Ada County at this time. I would like the people of Eagle to be aware of this. A commercial firm will run this gun range 6 days a week, 10 hours a day. This range will be open to organizations outside of the area. This location is not appropriate for this area. The County tabled this to November 14th to meet with the neighbors and to seek a different location. This has been approved by their Planning and Zoning. General discussion. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Al!ainst the City. B. Minutes of October 9. 2007. C. Minutes of October 16.2007. D. Approval of Scope of Work for Holladav Enl!ineerinl! to comolete the surveyinl! of the new location of the pathway easement alonl! the northeast corner of the property commonly referred to as the Williamson Prooertv. (SKB) E. Minutes of October 2.2007. F. Alcohol license: Winco Foods LLC is requesting a beer and wine license for off premises consumption for their store location located at 3032 E. State Street. (SKB) G. Final Plat Extension of Time for Shaunessy Subdivision (formerly Park Place Gardens) Bastian removes Item #5A. Claims Against the City from the Consent Agenda and add the Claims at the end of the Agenda to allow the Council time to review the Claims. Bandy removes Item #5F. Alcohol License from the Consent Agenda. Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\1\.HNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-23-07min.doc Bandy moves to amend the Consent Agenda and add Item #8A. Final Plat Extension of Time for Shaunessy Subdivision (formerly Park Place Gardens) to the Consent Agenda as Item #5G. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... F. Alcohol license: Winco Foods LLC is requesting a beer and wine license for off premises consumption for their store location located at 3032 E. State Street. Bandy: It is my understanding that there is some controversy on some of the equipment being above the building. Planner Williams: There was a meeting to day on the mechanical units on the roof and there will be a resolution in the near future. Bandy moves to approve the alcohol license for Winco Foods. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: *These items were continued/rom the October 16,2007 meeting. * A. CP A-6-07-Citv of Ea!!le: The City of Eagle is proposing a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to achieve the following: I) Adoption of the Eagle Foothills Sub-area Plan and associated text and maps; 2) Adoption of Brookside Sub-area Plan and associated text and maps; 3) Update appropriate sections of the existing plan to ensue consistency with the proposed amendments. (NBS) B. CP A-8-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to desi!!nate +/- 2.000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-Public: The City of Eagle, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to establish a land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map of Public/Semi-Public for the BLM property. The +/- 2,000 acres site is located approximately 1;4 mile east of State Highway 16 and directly north of the Farmers Union Canal. (NBS) C. CP A-5-06/Z0A-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06- M3 Ea!!le - M3 Ea!!le: M3 Eagle, represented by Gerry Robbins, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to include +/- 6,005 acres into the Eagle Comprehensive Plan designating the following land use and zones: 40 Acres Residential Rural (up to I unit per 5 acres), 1,627 acres Residential Estates (up to I unit per 2 acres), 470 acres Residential One (up to one unit per acre), 670 acres Residential Two (up to two units per acre), 1,250 acres Residential Three (up to 3 units per acre), 670 acres Residential Four (up to four units per acre), 770 acres Village Center, 88 acres Mixed Use, with an annexation with Pre-Annexation Agreement, a rezone with a Development Agreement, Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Eagle City Code Section 8. The 6,005 acre site is generally located north of the Farmers Union Canal and Homer Road, east of State Highway 16 and west of Willow Creek Road more specifically described in the meets and bounds description on file with the City of Eagle. (NBS) Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment Only. D. CPA-I0-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to establish a Desi!!nation of Foothills Cluster and Foothills Conservation. Avimor. LLC: Avimor, LLC., represented by Robert Taunton, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Text Amendment to include +/_ 23,320 acres into the Eagle Comprehensive Plan designating the following land uses: +/- 7, I 00 acres Foothills Cluster Development (not to exceed 2 units per acre) and +/- 16,220 acres Foothill Conservation Development (I unit per 40 acres). The +/- 23,320-acre site is generally located from Highway 55 on the east to Willow Creek Road via Big Gulch on the west, the northern boundary is approximately five (5) miles north of the Ada/Gem County line, the southern boundary abuts the Connolly and Kastera properties. Specifically described in the Page 2 K\COUNClUMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC -JO-23-07min.doc meets and bounds description on file at the City of Eagle. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue and discusses the procedure for the Public Hearing. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Deborah Helton Deborah Helton, 1203 Cerramar Court, my lifestyle that I wanted when I moved to Eagle is being threatened. I do not want the development in the foothills or the traffic. Mayor swears in K.C. Armstrong K.C. Armstrong, 1831 W. Parkstone Street, Meridian, I have reviewed the plan submitted by M3 and feel they have taken public use of the lands into consideration and have adjusted their plans accordingly. I ride in the foothills and appreciate them taking this into consideration. Mayor swears in Patrick Cumpman Patrick Cumpman, 1570N. Prestwiek Way, discusses the Idaho Statesman's article in regards to water. Discussion on developing the foothills. Discussion on irrigating the foothills when development occurs. Thousand Springs State Park is an example of what happens with over use of water. Mayor swears in Joseph Kennedy Joseph Kennedy, 2322 N. Stonecrest Place, my concern on development in the foothills is density and water. We need to limit density so the quality of life in Eagle is not affected and we need to look at water for homes and irrigation. Mayor swears in Patricia Minkieurcz Patricia Minkieurcz, 3047 Deerfield Court, we are against the higher density zoning, too many people bring to many negative issues to the area. I would like to know from the Planning staff how many letters have been received to date. Mayor swears in Derek Smith Derek T. Smith, 1102 N. Purple Sage Way, I have sat and listen to the opinions and concerns over the last several weeks. I do not envy you in the decision before you. Discussion on the expansion of Highway 55 and 16 what the developers are going to contribute to the expansion. hope that the Council has contacted those previous communities to find out what they think of the work M3 and A vimor did. Mayor swears in Bob Harmon Bob Harmon, 1600 E. Aerie Lane, I have been attending these meetings for two years going back to the meetings at Ada County. You have an opportunity to take control of what happens in the foothills. Everyone is interested in seeing Eagle control what happens in the foothills. I hope you take forward your comp plan for the foothills. The comp plan has what is necessary in it for Eagle to take control of what happens in the foothills. Discussion on the density, transportation and water. This land is 85% privately owned. Mayor swears in Julie Masner Julie Masner, 4325 West Gray Teal, I eco some of the previous comments made. Discussion on density in the foothills. I think approval ofM3 would be a mockery of the public comments. Discussion on the improvement of the highways. There is to much optimistic speculation from the developers. Does this vision add to the City of Eagle? General discussion. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC -IO-23-07min doc Mayor swears in Kevin Blankmeyer Kevin Blankmeyer, 758 Beachwood, I am the employee and representative of Kitty Hawk Investment and we support the comp plan proposals and the foothills development. Mayor swears in Jack VanWyk Jack VanWyk, 2184 Valli Hi, I agree that there is a strong need for a comp plan in the foothills development. Why would you want to approve amendments to a plan that has not been adopted. Discussion on traffic. Discussion on the costs of new schools, a new fire station, roads, a new police station, library and etc. No one has added all of these costs together but I have and it would be 2.5 billion dollars in unfunded costs for the needed facilities. Discussion on available property on the market in Eagle. The profits on this development are not likely to stay in the State of Idaho. Mayor swears in Paul Hilbreg Paul Hilbreg, 157 I I Highway 55, Boise, I am representing Kastera Development, we have reviewed the comp plan and have submitted written comments and hope you will consider those comments. Mayor swears in Joan Langdon Joan Langdon, 4690 Hartley Road, I feel that the best place for new housing is in the foothills. I believe M3 will proceed with caution so they do not tax the availability of water. Discussion on how the public has abused her property. I look forward to development that will surprise their critics. Mayor swears in Leigh Brecht Leigh Brecht, 4830 N. Hawkins, I am a realtor in the Treasurer Valley area and we are not against development. My concern is to speak against extending the roads through the BLM property. Discussion on protecting the equestrian trails. Discussion on density, traffic and roads. Mayor swears in Lloyd Mahaffey Lloyd Mahaffey, 3350 Ballantyne Lane, discussion on the foothills being a good vineyard area. There is an opportunity to bring billions of dollars into this area. Mayor swears in Kami Barcent Kami Barcent, 4337 E. Amity Road, I would like to express my support ofM3. Mayor swears in Oliva Lopez Olicia Lopez, 125 I S. Arbor Island, I do support SunCor, A vimor and M3. I see that growth is inevitable. It seems like some the people want to close the doors now that they are here. We need to go about growth the smart way. Discussion on mass transportation. I am in support I feel like it is smart growth. Mayor swears in Glida Bothwell Glida Bothwell, 4845 N. Curlew Place, distributes handouts and displays overheads in reference to real estate sales in the area, and Idaho construction. Eight years ago we moved out of the city and into the foothills. I am against development in the foothills. I hope that the City keeps large lots, 5 acres, for development in the foothills. I am opposed to this. Look at Hidden Springs as far as development in the foothills. Let's make our own foothills road map. Mayor swears in Gary Allen Page 4 K:\CQlINCILIJ\.lINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-23-07mindoc Gary Allen, 60 I W. Bannock, Boise, distributes handouts to the Council. I represent the Connolly family who own 300,000 acres in the foothills and I would like to ask for 10 minutes. Discussion on the development of the Connolly family's property. With a few changes the Connolly's support your plan. Mayor swears in Janet Buschart Janet Buschart, 235 W. Floating Feather, you already have my written testimony but I have new things that has come to light. The overall numbers are just to high. Discussion on A vimor. Discussion M3. Mayor swears in Sheri Randall Sheri Randall, 278 E Beacon Light, I want to object to have testimony on all items instead of testimony on each individual item. Why do we have to proceed so fast, let's slow down. Lets focus on the new comp plan before be amend it. The issue is density. The plan that is before you now is not the vision of the people of Eagle. Discussion on support and opposition to the foothills development. What you have here is representative of the community. Most of the residents of this area are opposed to foothills development. Mayor calls a recess at 7:40 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 7:55 p.m. Mayor swears in Kim Willoughby, Kim Willoughby, 12286 W. Bridge Bay, Star, Those of us who been in the Treasurer Valley for any length of time knows that development will happen. We have the opportunity to ensure that this development is what the residents want. I do support M3 and their development. Mayor swears in Craig Frame Craig Frame, 2300 E. Deer Creek Point, I moved my family from California to Eagle because of its comp plan. It reminded me of the place I grew up. I am opposed to the way and speed this is going. In reference to Napa, for 40 years Napa has never changed, it has kept its quaintness. I am not against development, I am a developer. Mayor swears in John Gamon John Gamon, I 104 Johnson Street, Boise, as a Boise resident, I am not concerned about the contents of these proposals. I am concerned about the consequences, impact on infrastructure and roads. If we are spending money on the roads for these developments there won't be money for road improvements in other areas. There needs to be improvements to Chinden Boulevard and Orchard Street in Boise. General discussion. Mayor swears in Logan Schriner Logan Schriner, 3708 Highway 16, and I have lived here since 1975 and we have seen a lot of changes. We live right next to BLM land that you are hoping to make a park out of. I think we have been extremely lucky that these property owners have let us use their land. There are going to be changes and it looks like M3 is going to let us continue using the land. I have friends in Prescott and M3 has done some projects there and my friends are pleased with their developments. They have got to do the development right to make it work. Mayor swears in Doris Schriner Doris Schriner, 3708 Highway 16, I have been to the M3 meetings from the get go. I have look at their plan and their map and I want to go on record supporting them. Page 5 K:\CQUNCIL'J\lINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-2J-07mindoc Mayor swears in Rachel Hurn Rachel Hurn, 233 Springhill Drive, my husband and I own a business here in Eagle. As a small business owner we are in support of SunCor, A vimor and M3. I support the previous testimony. Mayor swears in Dick Logerstrom Dick Logerstrom, 1262 W. Beacon Light Road, I have lived in this house for 20 years. Thank you for the hard work you have done. We are currently in a real estate swoon and this lets you provide for a plan and work with Ada County, Canyon County, Boise, Meridian and Star. We need a plan for the Treasurer Valley. I would urge you to put teeth in the agreements with the developers so that they would have to follow through with their proposed development. Mayor swears in Mat Fahy Mat Fahy, 390 W. Colchester Drive, I came from California and I like Eagle a lot. I travel across the United States and I did a little research on M3 and I have seen some of the work that they have done and I am here to state my support. Mayor swears in Charlie Baun Charlie Baun, 2875 E. Falcon, Meridian, I am a native of the Treasurer Valley and I have seen how the Valley has grown. We know that we are now seeing uncontrolled growth. Meridian is uncontrolled growth. Eagle is now 20,000 units and we now need planned development to preserve quality of life. Mayor swears in Richard Morrell Richard Morrell, 6030 N. Duxbury Pier, Garden City, we are all here for quality of life. I am from a very small town and have lived in large cities in California. I am all for the development of the foothills. This is a wonderful community and I respect what you are doing. I have seen the growth from the neighborhood I am in which is very new and if someone had not allowed development I would not have my home. I am all for the M3 development and the development of the foothills. Mayor swears in Robert West Robert West, 5035 Willow Creek Road, I have lived here for 23 years. I have attended many meetings and workshops over the years. The comp plan is the most critical that you have before you. We want lower density and to retain the foothills. M3's development agreement does not meet the goals set forth in the comp plan. This development agreement only benefits M3. I urge you to deny the M3 agreement. Mayor swears in Barb Jekel Barb Jekel, 2862 N. Haven Drive, discusses the foothills development, schools, housing, water rights and water levels, air pollution and the M3 development. Mayor swears on Lynda Wojeik Linda Wojeik, 1333 E. Kite Street, I want to give my support for M3 and SunCor. I have gone to each company and they explained their plans to me. I want the foothills to be a part of Eagle. Mayor swears in Vivian Benson Vivian Benson, 3505 N. Eagle Road, I am definitely on the road of impact. We have a large pond in the front of our house and widening the road with eliminate the pond. I am annoyed that M3 has disrupted the process. I do not want to live in the City. We once had a small town and we could enjoy the country living. You have changed our town and you are probably glad I can Page 6 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-23-07min.doc not vote for you because I live in the County. You don't have control and neither do I. Why don't you understand when you hear from ACHD and ITD that there is no funding? Discussion on the development in the foothills. General discussion. Mayor swears in Kathy Pennisi Kathy Pennisi, 3675 N. Saddleman Place, we have owned our property since 1991. I want to thank the City for all of the efforts for putting together the public plan. Citizens are not the only ones that have concerns about the foothills plan, your Planning and Zoning Commission expressed concerns on the comp plan. Discussion on density. Mayor swears in Steve Deckers Steve Deckers, Dickey Circle, I was on the Transportation Focus Group for this. My biggest concern is that we are going to break the highway system with this. Discussion on the traffic. vote for the slow down recommendation. Mayor swears in Gary Cunningham Gary Cunningham, 5900 Pearl Road, reads a letter from Angie Riff into the record. Mayor swears in Mary May Mary May, 1839 N. Long Ridge Place, I am an Idaho native and a resident of Eagle. I also work for M3 but I am here tonight to speak as a resident of Eagle. Idaho is the 3rd fastest growing State in the Nation. It is not a matter of growth, growth is here. Do you want this area to be managed by Ada County, Meridian or Star? M3 is the partner to develop this area. Discussion on the density. They have put together a 30 year growth plan. Growth will happen. I strongly urge the City Council to support M3. Mayor swears in C.J. Thompson C.J. Thompson, reads a letter into the record from Rae Heck, 4772 Beacon Light. C.J. Thompson reads a letter into the record from Steve Purvis, 3939 Brookside Lane. Mayor swears in Sheri Randall Sheri Randall, I ran out of time to make my comments on M3. Discussion on the M3 plan. Discussion on a vineyard in the M3 project. Mayor swears in Marjorie Gatewood Marjorie Gatewood, 22 I I W. Rattlesnake, Meridian, I am seeking a home in the City of Eagle and what I see is wise planning for the area. Growth is inevitable. I support the development in the area. Mayor swears in Al Shoustarian Al Shoustarian, I spoke once before and I have new information. I did a little research and one of the major things that you are counting on for roads, transportation and etc. have comments about M3 and they are highly concerned about the planning area for M3. Kathy Pennisi, 3675 N. Southern Place, I was almost done and there are a couple of things I want to finish. We should put vineyards in our comp plan if we are going to embrace this. Discussion on the zoning in the comp plan. Mayor swears in John Petrovsky Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\~lINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-2J-07min.doc John Petrovsky, 483 I Willow Creek Road, I am glad to be able to finish my comments. Discussion on the County Open Space Task Force. We need to revisit the 40% natural open space. We need to get serious to see if this plan has the open space we want to see. We are not against BLM land trade. General discussion. Mayor: Discussion on the procedure. City Attorney Buxton: I would suggest that you do the rebuttal and hear from staff. General Council discussion on the process. Mayor calls a recess at 9:30 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Mayor: We will now hear the applicant's rebuttal. We will not go past I I :00 p.m. and this will be continued to October 301h. Then the staff will present and the Council will then deliberate. General Council discussion on the process. Mayor swears in Gerry Robbins Gerry Robbins, representing M3, discusses the committees and the committees recommendations. I sat on every committee and went to every meeting. Displays overheads and discusses open space. General discussion. Mayor swears in Bill Brownley Bill Brownley 533 E. Riverside Drive, representing M3. Discussion on the Agreement with the Meridian School District from the testimony of Ann Ritter. Displays an e-mail to and from Dr. Clark. We have been working with the School District on different options offunding for the schools. The next issue was raised by Saundra McDavid in regards to the hotel. Discussion on lowering of the density. We wanted the potential to have the ability to build up to 500 hotel rooms. This has been blown out of portion. The other uses that Ms. McDavid stated are uses that are not part of our overall master plan but are approved uses. Discussion on the Village Center. Further rebuttal on the M3 project in response to public testimony and display of overheads. General discussion. Discussion on the financial capabilities of M3. Discussion on the cost of the houses. Discussion on the infrastructure and the impact on the roadways. General discussion. Mayor swears in Joan Butler Joan Butler, representing M3, this has been a long term process. The M3 applications do show smart growth principals. Discussion on the quality of life. Bill is right; this is the 30th public hearing on this process. Some people have asked the City to wait. Other studies and other agencies can not move forward without the City moving forward. It all starts with the Council's decision. General discussion. Nordstrom moves to continue Items #6A, B, C and D to the Special City Council meeting on October 30,2007. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. A-03-07/RZ-03-07/CU-02-07/PPUD-03-07/PP-07-07 - Ea!!le Commons (AKA Bald Ea!!le Pointe) Planned Unit Development - Ea!!le Commons. LLC: Eagle Commons LLC, Page 8 K\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary ~1inutes Work Area\CC-10-23-07min.doc represented by Van Elg with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting annexation and a rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition Ada County designation) to R- I -DA (Residential up to one unit per acre with a development agreement), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approval for Eagle Commons (AKA Bald Eagle Pointe), a 55-lot (45- residential,9-common, I-right of way) residential planned unit development. The 49.5-acre site is located approximately I ,800-feet west of Linder Road on the south side of West State Street (State Highway 44) and north of the north channel of the Boise River. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the October 2,2007 meeting. The public hearingfor this item has been closed. Guerber moves to continue A-03-07/RZ-03-07/CU-02-07/PPUD-03-07/PP-07-07 - Eagle Commons (AKA Bald Eagle Pointe) Planned Unit Development to the October 30,2007 Special City Council meeting. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... B. A-07-07/RZ-09-07/CU-06-07/PPUD-04-07/PP-ll-07 - Annexation. Rezone. Conditional Use Permit. Preliminarv Development Plan. and Preliminarv Plat for Stillwater Planned Unit Develooment - Tri Cedars Mana!!ement Co. LLC: Tri Cedars Management Co. LLC, represented by David McKinnon with Conger Management, is requesting annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) and PS-DA (Public/Semi-public with a development agreement) to R-2-DA-P (Residential-1.62 units per acre with a development agreement) conditional use permit, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat approval for Stillwater Planned Unit Development, a 53-lot (47 buildable, 4 common, 2 R.O.W. dedicated lots) planned residential development. The 28.93-acre site is located approximately 1,300 feet west of West Ballantyne Road on the south side of West State Street (SH 44) at 2505 West State Street (SH 44). (WEV) This item was continued from the October 2, 2007 meeting. The public hearing for this item has been closed. Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to continue A-07-07/RZ-09-07/CU-06-07/PPUD-04-07/PP-ll-07- Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Stillwater Planned Unit Development to the November 27, 2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Final Plat Extension of Time for Shaunessv Subdivision (formerlv Park Place Gardens) -L211-1 ill. Shaunessv LLC: L21 I-I 10, Shaunessy LLC, represented by Van Elg with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting a one-year extension of time for the final plat approval for Shaunessy Subdivision (formerly Park Place Gardens), a 122-lot (I 08-buildable, 14-common) residential subdivision. The 95.32-acre subdivision is located between North Meridian Road and North Park Lane approximately I ,300-feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1680 North Park Lane. (WEV) Moved to the Consent Agenda by Motion. B. Council Consideration of a Memorandum of A!!reement between the City of Ea!!le and P.O. Ventures. developer of Rin!!o Rid!!e Subdivision. The Memorandum addresses the letter of credit and remainin!! improvements to be completed within the subdivision. (SEB) Bastian moves to continue Council Consideration of a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Eagle and P.O. Ventures, developer of Ringo Ridge Subdivision to the October 30, 2007 Special City Council meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MrNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CT~IO-23-07mindoc C. Ordinance No. 578 (Orchards): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Bastian moves to continue Ordinance No. 578 (Orchards) to the October 30,2007 Special City Council meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. D. Claims A!!ainst the City: Bastian moves to approve the Claims Against the City. Seconded Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... E. Meridian Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application - North of the Phvllis Canal. Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird Spencer: Provides an overview of the application for the Council and discussion on a draft letter to the City of Meridian. General discussion. Mayor's Report: I'm on the St. Alphonsus Board and they gave a report last night that from October I sf to October 20th there have been 294 visits to that emergency room in 20 days. We are going to try and meet with Governor's Office to see if we can get this by-pass opened up. Discussion on the two sites for the North Star Charter School, there is a Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday night. They would like a representative from the Council to attend the meeting and provide a letter of support that the school remain in the City of Eagle. General discussion. Mayor: I will be in Washington D.C. lobbying for Compass, so I won't be at the meeting tomorrow night. General discussion. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES..... ....... ........ ~ 0-- CvI--<.>- \(. ~~ ......SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at ll..~;,.~1i;;:~'t....... .... 0......... l:: .. Respectfully submitted: I ~-' {lA 1':... .... .. ~.. 4>0 <:. ~ . = ...... 4..' e. ': : u: 0" .: -. , -. - : : V ,. 1.. :;: 0 : . \ ~y_.. ;.... ~:~ ,$/ :r: i . ...."~ ., .,. ~.. \ ,C'o.,o~...."V.... ., .r ...... G" .... "" l' A TE O~ ........ '" ".. 11""111"" ~ Page 10 K.\COUNCIL\h1INUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-23-07min.doc Bill Brownlee From: Gerry Robbins rrt: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 2.55 PM To: Bill Brownlee Subject: FW: M3/School District Meeting[Scanned] Here are the emails between me and Linda Clark. Original Message From: Clark Linda [mailto:Clark.Linda@meridianschools.org] Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:17 FM To: Gerry Robbins Subject: RE: M3/School District Meeting[Scanned] Thank you for the clarification. It was a pleasure meeting with you and I look forward to our partnership. Linda Dr. Linda Clark Superintendent Joint School District No. 2 From: Gerry Robbins [mailto:GRobbins@m3comp.com] Sent: Wed 7/25/2007 12:19 PM To: Clark Linda; Bigham Wendel; Kiler Evee Cc: nbaird@cityofeagle.org; jbutler@sb-attorneys.com Subject: M3/School District Meeting[Scanned] Thanks for meeting with us yesterday to discuss initial options for providing schools in M3 Eagle. School financing is certainly challenging in the existing legislative environment and we appreciate the opportunity to hear your thoughts and concerns and explore financing mechanisms to help you meet district needs. I wanted to make a clarification to the first option we presented. M3 would build the first elementary school in our community. The district would then purchase another school site or sites in a later phase of the project to equal the cost of the first facility not to exceed $X. The remainder of the sites would be donated to the district. We look forward to meeting with you again in 2 weeks to continue our discussion. 1 Bill Brownlee From: Gerry Robbins Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 2:55 PM To: Bill Brownlee Subject: FW: M3/School District Meeting[Scanned] Here are the emails between me and Linda Clark. Original Message From: Clark Linda rmailto:Clark.Linda@meridianschools.org] Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:17 PM To: Gerry Robbins Subject: RE: M3/School District Meeting[Scanned] Thank you for the clarification. It was a pleasure meeting with you and I 'Look our partnership. Linda Dr. Linda Clark Superintendent Joint School District No. 2 From: Gerry Robbins [mailto:GRobbins@m3comp.com] Sent: Wed 7/25/2007 12:19 PM To: Clark Linda; Bigham Wendel; Kiler Evee Cc: nbaird@cityofeagle.org; jbutler@sb-attorneys.com Subject: M3/School District Meeting[Scanned] forward to Thanks for meeting with us yesterday to discuss initial options for providing schools in M3 Eagle. School financing is certainly challenging in the existing legislative environment and we appreciate the opportunity to hear your thoughts and concerns and explore financing mechanisms to help you meet district needs. I wanted to make a clarification to the first option we presented. M3 would build the first elementary school in our community. The district would then purchase another school site or sites in a later phase of the project to equal the cost of the first facility not to exceed $X. The remainder of the sites would be donated to the district. We look forward to meeting with you again in 2 weeks to continue our discussion. 1 2' FIRE STATIONS I: POLICE STATION 5: ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Page 1 of 1 Bill Brownlee From: Jeff Davis Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:17 PM To: Bill Brownlee Subject: FW: Jeff and Bill Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Attachments: jaepea.vcf From: John Petrovsky [mailto:jaepea@mindspring.com] Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:48 PM To: Jeff Davis Subject: Jeff and Bill Jeff and Bill: I thought our meeting on Wednesday was valuable. Regarding meeting again. however. I am finding that we seen to be well past the point where me meeting with you "on the side", can take us anywhere. So, I must decline getting together next week. I got nothing, but negative reaction and suspicion from the several of our Steering Committee members with whom I shared our conversation, which I portrayed in a generally positive/cautiously hopeful light. The general sense, and I must agree, is that we have been very clear in describing our concerns and our vision, in many forums and in many different ways. It really seems like we need to hear/see something from you that indicates you are really listening, to see what you are able to offer, related both to your specific project and to pulling the whole picture together in a credible way. Everything we care about is on record and is pretty specific. In any case, the course from here is not me working with you directly, individually and "out of earshot". In addition to NACFA (for whom I may be default spokesperson, but do not control), there are now other groups and other constituencies paying attention, raising issues, and bringing data to the table. We will work with you if you really are willing to change course in some major ways and truly join the party, but it must must be "we", not just me, and I don't see any quick fixes. Best Regards, JP 10/23/2007 ADA COUNTY FORTH FOOTHILLS SUB -AREA PLAN NORTH FOOTHILLS SUB -AREA PLAN FOR ADA COUNTY SUMMER. 2006 PAGE 31 1 Establish a network of trails for hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians that is accessible to the public. 1 Avoid development in steep areas in the front range of the foothills and other visually sensitive areas 1 Ensure that future development has access to an adequate supply of water, without adversely impacting water supplies for existing residents or other users Ensure that new growth funds the cost of public facility improvements needed to serve it (e.g , water, wastewater treatment, transportation, schools, fire protection, law enforcement, schools and other needed services). In general, a constraints -based approach to future development and planning for this area is recommended. The relative intensity of development in any given portion of the planning area is related to the degree of environmental and other constraints there. The planning area has been divided into four specific areas which generally correspond to different levels of constraints (see Figure _). Recommended development intensities in these areas are as follows: 1 Ar F. - ft n ;r i ,: , , «+ , : ; •, . This area has the lowest proportion of environmentally sensitive resources overall It also is relatively close to one of the major roadways providing access to the North Foothills (Highway 16) Approximately 15-35% of land (2,500 - 5,900 acres) in this area is constrained by steep slopes, visually sensitive areas, floodplains, riparian areas or other sensitive resources, depending on whether slopes between 15% and 25% are included in the supply of constrained lands. This leaves approximately 11,450 - 14,800 potentially developable acres. An average overall density of approximately one unit per two to five acres {gross density) is recommended for development within this area, with the following more specific recommendations. ▪ Without the provision of urban or community services, development should be at lower densities (one dwelling per five or ten acres). ▪ In larger developments (i.e., more than 100 units proposed), urban services would be required and the majority of development should be clustered or concentrated in higher density development - 75% of all housing units, developed at approximately three to five units per Acre (net density) in exchange for density bonuses resulting in densities of up to one unit per two acres gross density, with remaining (and preserved in open space rn perpetuity. Remaining development (25%) within large proposed communities may be in the form of larger lots (two to five acres). (see example illustration on page _) .. Overall, at (east 20-30% of land within the area should be conserved as open space, consistent with the amount of land with sensitive resources in this area and focused on such land ▪ In smaller developments without urban services, clustering of development also will be encouraged and/or required to conserve a minimum of 25 to 30 percent open space However, net densities for clustered development would be lower ▪ Publicly owned lands shall not be counted towards open space requirements. .. , 1 , • This area has the highest proportion of environmentally sensitive resources overall. It also has limited access to major roadways providing access to the North Foothills Access would be via roads through neighborhoods to the south with limited capacity. Approximately 65-80% of land in this area is constrained by steep slopes, visually sensitive areas, floodplains, riparian areas or other sensitive resources, depending on whether slopes between 15% and 25% are included in the supply of constrained lands. This leaves approximately L900 - 4,000 potentially developable acres An average gross density of approximately one per 20 - 30 acres rs recommended for calculating potential future buildout development within this area, assuming some clustering occurs as described below. More specific, additional recommendations for future development in this area include the following. .. Provide Base densities would be one unit per 40 acres, with density bonuses of up one unit per 10 acres in exchange for clustering development on one quarter of the site and preserving the remaining land in permanent open space through dedications, deed restrictions or other means. ▪ Require conservation of at least 50-70% of land within the area as permanent open space, consistent with the amount of land with sensitive resources in this area and focused on such land. ▪ Allow for only relatively small concentrations of development within a given area (no more than 150 dwellings) and require clustering for developments of 50 or more dwellings. NORTH FOOTHILLS SITS -AREA PLAN FOR ADA COUNTY SIMMER. 2006 PACE 32 NORTH FOOTHILLS SUM -AREA PLAN FOR ADA COUNTY SUMMER. 2006 PAGE 33 This area has a moderate proportion of environmentally sensitive resources overall and is accessible from one of the major roadways providing access to the North Foothills (Highway 55). Approximately 35-65% of land in this area is constrained by steep slopes, visually sensitive areas, floodplains, riparian areas or other sensitive resources An overall average gross density of approximately one unit per eight to 12 acres is recommended for calculating potential future buildout development within this area, assuming some clustering of development occurs as described below More specific, additional recommendations for future development in this area include the following. ▪ Base densities for development would be one unit per 20 acres. Additional development would be allowed through a combination of density bonuses of up to one unit per four acres, contingent upon clustering development on 50% percent of the site or less, and preserving the remaining land in permanent open space. .. Require conservation of at least 35-60% of land within the area as permanent open space, consistent with the amount of land with sensitive resources in this area and focused on such land ▪ Developments without urban services would be limited to no more than 50 units, would not be allowed to be denser than one unit per four acres overall, and would require clustering of dwellings. Densities in areas where dwellings are concentrated could be higher. ▪ In larger developments (Le., more than 250 units proposed), urban services would be required and the majority of development should be clustered or concentrated in higher density development - 75% of all housing units, developed at approximately three to five units per acre in exchange for density bonuses resulting in densities of up to one unit per two acres gross density, with remaining land preserved in open space in perpetuity. Remaining development (25%) within Targe proposed communities may be in the form of larger lots (two to five acres). (see example illustration on page _). Such developments would be limited to no more than 500 dwellings. 1 Ai ea D - transitional development zone This area has a relatively significant proportion of environmental resources, particularly east of Highway 16 and encompasses the visually significant front range of the Foothills. It also is adjacent to existing low density, rural residential neighborhoods (5 - 40 acre lot sizes). Approximately 45-65% of land in this area is constrained by steep slopes, visually sensitive areas, floodplains, riparian areas or other sensitive resources At least 40-60% of land within the area overall should be conserved as open space , consistent with the amount of land with sensitive resources An overall average gross density of approximately one unit per eight to 12 acres 1s recommended for calculating potential future buildout development within this area (exclusive of publicly owned land), assuming some clustering of development occurs as described below In this area, retaining existing zoning is recommended, along with the following additional provisions to conserve open space and protect sensitive environmental resources' ▪ Strengthened hillside and ridgeline protection ordinances to protect visually sensitive areas from development. ▪ Ordinances that protect other environmentally sensitive areas (riparian areas, threatened and endangered plants or wildlife and floodplains) ▪ Requirements and/or incentives to cluster development to conserve open space. However, resulting densities would be limited to one dwelling per five acres. ▪ Publicly owned lands shall not be counted towards open space requirements. TABLE 2: POTENTIAL NUMBERS 01 DWELLING UNITS, BY INTLNSI IYAk A Area Acres acres percent able able space gross dwelling Mid& acres percent target density units A 17,400 2.500 5,900 8 9,100 5.100 - 7,200 C 5,100 1,700 - 3,300 [) 6.900 2,400 - 3,600 15- 35% 65 - 80% 35 - 65% 35 - 53% 11,500 - 65 - 850 14,800 15- 1 unit prr 35% 3 - 5 acres 3,500 - 8,700 1,900 - 20 - 35% 50 - 1 unit per 300 - 450 4,000 70% 20 30 acres 1,800 - 35 - 65.0 35 - 1 unit per 425 - 640 3.400 60% 8 - 12 acres 3,300 - 47 - 65% 40 - 1 unit per 575 - 860 4,500 60% 8 12 acres Total 38,500 11,700 - 18,500 - ••- 4,800 - 20,000 26,700 The overall gross densities identified above could result in a total of 4,800 to 1 1,060 dwellings in the North Foothills area, depending on the extent to which density bonuses are used The above table summarizes the potential number of units that could be built in each intensity area, based on these general density guidelines, the amount of constrained land in each area and variable assumptions about the degree of potential clustered development and use of density bonuses. 1,060 NORTH FOOTHILLS Sl B -AREA PLAN FOR ADA COUNTY SUMMER, 2006 PAGE 34 • un -r• I'- EMMETT I-.6.(.Ii �w � I . 1 &: _. ger MIDDLETON J w EAGLE HIGHWAY 44 STAR HIGHWAY 20/26 HI( ;I IWAY -4.1 r 4 1, rzi • • CALDWELL z, I_ " ' • , � HIGHWAY 84 Y, .1.. , NAMPA •.'il': 1.1... n. rnw HIGFIWAY 84 tIS 444 M3 EAGLE SEPTEMBER 2007 Residential Rural (1 uniU acres) Wiwi, e - Foothills Residential pen Spar Jverlay Illkommunity Centers (Mixed Use) _City/ Bi ' tRegional Park) ranstiional Residential BI ' Jwner ship (Public/Semi-public) Floodway r ')5°%o Slope (1 uniU5 acres) City of Eagle Foothills Land Use Map COMMUNITY CORE 636 AC. 200 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 1,893 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED UNITS 300 MULTI -FAMILY UNITS 2,393 UNITS, 3.76 DU/AC. 500 RESORT -HOTEL ROOMS 250,000 S.F. COMMUNITY RETAIL 125,000 S.F. NEIGHBORHOOD RETAIL 350,851 S.F. TOWN CENTER RETAIL 408,320 S.F. OFFICE 200,000 S.F. MEDICAL OFFICE 1,334,171 S.F COMMERCIAL 167 AC. OPEN SPACE = 26.3% HIGHWAY MIXED USE- BUSINESS PARK 88 AC. 300 UNITS 3.41 DU/AC. 250,000 s.f. COMMUNITY RETAIL 350,000 s.f. OFFICE AREA AC. COMM. (S.F.) OFFICE (S.F.) D.U. DENSITY 4(VILLAGE CENTER) 1,753 125,000 350,000 3,645 2.08 OFFICE -MEDICAL OFFICE -1,000-400,000 S.F. OFFICE 1,000-100,00 S.F. ■ r ilk OFFICE -MEDICAL OFFICE 1,000-400,000 S.F. 1 L Comparison of the Projected Employment et M3 -Eagle at Full Build -Out of the Project to the Curren) Lamest Emotive -a In the Balse MSA building On Site Ft Sq I E0Wover Name T0141.1000 nig gmploymet E! Minor Technology Inc 10.600 2 377.000 577.000 1 074 S1 Luke's Health Syslam 6.400 500000 4 000 Mountain Home Ai Force B, ;'. 5 250 Bose Schon Dislr61 4 000 Hewlett-Packard Company 4 000 J H Senpn Ca 3 501 Axl 1,1 225 1:11 53/ 125 Projected Employment on the M3 -Engle 3,492 Site at Full Build-Oul of the Project Savo Arye10r6us Reglonll Medical Cnee, 1 143 Merkkan x11001 0rsllrc1 2 875 Amens0n. A SI/PERvµU Comma, 2 730 Wa.Mart Slams I0C 2400 Boise Stela university 2 20 Owes1 161X1 KIM MO 01 Health 4od Weenie 1 1.45) 019ECTV Inc 1 700 Cn Carts IA amnion 01 Cetgmup) 1450 Nampa School 0151161 1.400 011001130450 1 400 The Amalgamated Sugar Company 100 1 377 Ana County 1 360 322 825 ria Weis Fargo 1.335 Fred Mayer 1.200 kith, Power CanpOoy 1 1(0) 214000 IJ S Ilanf. 1.053 U S. Postel S000,ce 1 050 011100,16011)013,10 1 000 T Mobilo USA, Inc 050 Bluo C.a. of Idaho 000 MPC Computes 750 Mercy Maned Center 706 Rtgalce 61oe51401d of Idaho 704 Wax, Foods 700 Veterans Mass Medica Confer 700 0o a Cascade 110 Too Idaho 1)014 n Commerce A 111010 690 klphve Power 670 West Valley Medical Corder 525 Washington Grasp Imnln4 new 476 Plexus Corp 400 Key Balk 357 30 000 69 464 750 000 244 000 M3 EAGLE MAJOR EMPLOYER LOCATIONS 62 300 214 000 2.100 Iii' 500 424 564 476 4111 813 EAGLE CHANGES TO THE "LAN SINCE FILING IN APRIL 2006 Q VC /� T 260 AL. R-1 N Ai R-2 640 AC. STATE LAND F soAc R•4 rU 21,-)AZ R-11 V 150 AC R -E 230 AC. MILANO 815 60. 6(M LAND Y 770 AI R -E 16.15 AC. !IM LAND A R -E 015781075 ACREAGE DENS17Y (AND USE A C 43 0 2 Ros,d ou l Rur01 .. F 1 947 u 5 = Resxleruul Estate 470 0 ! Re>xloraial Ono F 2 7ro r ;1 RCSIUUIUNII Two 2571 3Rusxlorw.11 1 moo - - 770 40 ! J Resdadral Four Mrd 17 Density RusAenl61 Transt.Orstl Res,aernsr. ',•� 45:_:Vebgo Center 40770 E.31 Mixed ilio — Prorosswx.el 011ie.' C] Sus.nt—n Perk J Genual ISusx.oss O strxx 1.111 C0nxrllfr,.5 tago Is6.00 Spec., Use 1.14 RRr1 Put0KSem-Pu1Art ▪ Ind:aq i O Scenic Corridor Floonway E1 0- 707AC 6.005 AC. Via EAGLE APRIL 2006 640 AC •SIAULAND DiSTRICTS AC REAG( OfriSgl LAND USE •,•1,1 •;.(• L 1' .Y lilil ir,-ai:a' 1:::», ' >Iw.i.'3 �:• y.: -..fltErt+r 1[t -a eZy . . .. : +i vt' wm.`'1R•a. .J..i'A1 •s • -Qli z_r4. ,J , 4 .f •,� �!1 awes{ :si-i •.j' ,•eve. 1 l�r+M��, �44""•. ,•'_4►.YR Jr: I GMAC R-3 trvtAtst 4-•lr ,1: --Yr .440%4C. •.. STATE LAND •,, L R-2 1/o AC: K R-2 R.3 F R-4 H G vc c't D vc X R -E W S7C Ac R -E 015 AC. ALM LAND 1.635 AC. ' • NAV EAGLE REGIONAL PARK i ' r • El itti ..v le ✓�, . yy`•: �-_ ,L�`.�•1,L5 e. _-! •~ ; �Rv -'i Al f nel4 1- •. •��L� 14. ��n •.i Wil •,• e,17" �L T` 7 _�vo' L E-1 rr ��. ,.. " . ter: �"..�'✓. w.'�•r? • DISTRICTS ACREAGE DENSITY LAND USE A 9 -42 n 2 CJ NMI( m6M Rural P.E. n. u t Cl Hes0onual Estale 4 l 670 '.0 C._J Residential One R•2 67C 10 � ResKientlat Two 30 t✓ Ref.uerr.W Three R 4 n:C a 0 �7 Hasaanav Four M Kph Dens ty Resdenhal C Translbonal RoseJentwl 77C 1U ;00 WIag. Center ran 05 +O;CC = Alined Use G 1 c DEDICATED fi(VIZ'NAL PARI rO Ca. :1'sp roue 6 005 AC M. Professional Office LJ B..suless Park Cenlr:u eusmess District Cornmernar EAglu Island Speaat Us': Moa Cil PudruSens•Punsc inu.sh'd M3 EAGLL JULY 2006 80 ACRE WILLOW CREEK OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR COMMUNITY CORE EAGLE REGIONAL PARK M3 EAGLE PROPERTY DESIGNATED FOR EAGLF REGIONAL PARK = 800 AC. ACREAGE UNITS UWACRE S.F. COMM. TOTALS: 6.005 10 869 1.81 2.101.770 M3 EAGLE NOVEMBER 2006 NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 80 ACRE WILLOW CREEK y� OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR COMMUNITY CORE SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA EAGLE '.EGIONAL PARK EAGLE REGIONAL PARK SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA M3 EAGLE PROPERTY DESIGNATED FOR EAGLE REGIONAL PARK = 800 AC: 1 AREA ACREAGE UNITS DU/ACRE S.F. COMM. SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 407 224 0 55 SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 2.1 14 893 0 a2 e NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 2 760 5 917 2 14 120,000 COMMUNITY CORE 636 3.835 603 1.376.850 MIXED USE ' 88 604.920 TOTALS: .- 1 ... 6.005 10.869 1.81 2107,770 u;11 NOVEMBER 2006 UNIT F UNIT 1.175 108 3128 288 2084 192 1011 93 2 357 21 7 614 56 46 6..?? IOTAL UN IS :.01 DU/AC OVERALL DENSIIY CUSTOM (RR ERI SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED (59-1. 5F-2. SF 3 SF -41 SINGLE FAMILY DEIACHED (5911. 59501 SINGLE FAMILY A7IACHED ISFAI DUPLEX TRIPLEX SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED ISFAI CONDO TOWNHOME MULTI -FAMILY 1-2 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL VILLAGE CENTER 1RESORI 8. HOTEL) MIXED USE COMMUNITY OPEN SPACE EAGLE REGIONAL PARE. - AGI E RE TONAL PARK II M3 LAGLL (i )NCI] ILIAL L)I.V:LC )PMENT I'L.AN ii f NORTHERN RE'IDEN: r EAG_L REGIONAL TOTALS M3&E OPEN'SPACE IJV ARCA ACREAGE UNf15 DU/ACRE S.F COMM Rim f 6.005 • Y 1 M3 EAGLE APRIL 2007 2. ]O! 770 t":.4i•'I _ .I NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 80 ACRE WILLOW CREEK ROAD REGIONAL OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR COMMUNITY CORE SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA HIGHWAY MIXED USE BUSINESS PARK B L M EAGLE REGIONAL PARK M3 EAGLE REGIONAL OPEN SPACE - BLM EXCHANGE AREA SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA AREA SOUIIiV.' _TERN RESIDENTIAL AREA SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA COMMUNUY CORE MIXED USE TOTALS: ACREAGE 4J7 2 114 2.760 636 88 6.005 M3 EAGLE APRIL 2007 UNITS DU/ACRE S.F. COMM. _24 u.5± 693 0 42 5917 214 3.335 5 24 120000 1 376 850 604 920 10.369 1.73 2.101.770 4 DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AREA ACREAGE UNITS DENSITY COMM. AC. SOWHWLS1tRN-LSIDENIiAi Ak1:A 4V.' ::`i IJOUTI TERN RESIDENTIAL AREA ,... I i 4 2c NORTHERN RESIDENIIAL AREA 2 760 3 27C a0 AC COMMJNIIY CORE 636 2.393 ::.2a 117 A::.. TOTALS:245 MIXED USE 88 "3�' 38 AC ,../11.;i71:36,005 AC. W M3 EAGLE SEPTEMBER 2007 NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 2.760 AC 5,270 UNITS 40 AC. COMMERCIAL 1.91 DU/AC. BD ACRE NIUOW CREE KOAD RE GCNA, OYE, WALE CORRt)O • HIGHWAY MIXED USE T, BUSINESS PARK 88 AC. _._:," 88 AC. COMM. I,• 300 UNITS 3.41 DU/AC. f COMMUNITY CORE 636 AC. 2,393 UNITS 117 AC. COMM. 3.76 DU/AC. SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 2.114 AC. 128 UNITS 0.06 DU/AC. SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 407 AC. 69 UNITS 0.17 DU/AC. DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AREA ACREAGE UNITS DENSITY COMM. AC. SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 407 69 0.55 SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 2,114 128 0.42 NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 2.760 5,270 2 14 40 AC. COMMUNITY CORE 636 2.393 5.24 117 AC. MIXED USE :; 1 t I 88 300 5.68 88 AC. TOTALS: _ ; 6,005 8.160 1.35 245 AC. \A3.-EAGLE (_,( )N1( .11 .1' 1 1)1 \./1 I.( )1 'MI -.N.1. ['LAN - - - • M3 EAGLE SEPTEMBER 2007 NOVEMBER2006 EAGLE REGIONAL PARK M3 EAGLE 320 AC. PROPOSED JAM EXCHANGE EAGLE REGIONAL PARK M3 EAGLE 285 AC. PROPOSED BLM EXCHANGE EAGLE REGIONAL PARK BLM 280 AC. PROPOSED EAGLE REGIONAL PARK M3 EAGLE SEPTEMBER 2007 M3 EAGLE 320 AC. PROPOSED BLM EXCHANGE EAGLE REGIONAL PARK M3 EAGLE 285 AC. BLM 260 AC. PROPOSED EAGLE REGIONAL PARK PROPOSED BLM EXCHANGE EAGLE REGIONAL PARE 1 1 19f,AC PROPOSED BIM EXCHANGE EAGLE REGIONAL PARK REGIONAL CIRCULATION it) SPRING VALLEY RANCH B A . • 'LS . • AVIMOR A A PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL APRIL 2006 f • •`l mAY 44.41$'1.'-,7404� SH 16&SH 55 .; CONNECTION ,`�3Fus.., AR1ERIAL LINKS • - WITH SH55 4 �, li i'R,_,FOSED H. ,HY:AY 1Ni;kCo•ANGE i - WULOW CREEK ROAD REALGNMENr kit Eaq',N.., CCNr,?C1ION -.1. FF.'u!.1 FS,UESt LANE a .—SECONDARr COLLECTOR OFFERS ,1f ACCESS 10DOWNIOWN EAGLE , ARIEJIA�'ROVIDES •. dkb_ I ACCESS 10 •p i Jilik[ ' IAGE CENTER F J1UREE —.' JI. VILLAGE CENTER FroitVL'35011,1 II! SP AF 10 REDUCE • • R .*''" "-- .s TRAFFIC ON IiNDER ROAD �� t PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET 1. CPA -6 -07 -City of Eagle 2. CPA -8-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to designate +/- 2,000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-Public 3. CPA-5-06/ZOA-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06- M3 Eagle 4. CPA -10-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to establish a Designation of Foothills Cluster and Foothills Conservation, Avimor, October 23, 2007 6:00 p.m. 7 410 1/ 1\(\.el41 L 7o r /7Cw `/ /6 / L'% i/ V ic(u C ROY‘- Ca.rn 5 E 13 w . L.0 dJ� 69 ( ,,, LI , ill3k f(zL Pee com 7/co E. KNvLL pk- L -E Cat J �v �J - 0.161-E V‘l A., /, r G� 1*- Lis 1 T." T 1 . v P9J/6,e4 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET 1. CPA-6-07-Citv of Eagle 2. CPA -8-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to designate +/- 2,000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-Public 3. CPA-5-06/ZOA-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06- M3 Eagle 4. CPA -10-06 - Comprehensive Plan Man Amendment to establish a Designation of Foothills Cluster and Foothills Conservation. Avimor, NAME /1.,04,_1(V /)4(j-7-- ,IIr a 2 444 -t -4/ a 1CVtk . WI or 'ua0I Mc- e1 /__Jj42 4,4 It'd 'd 1mm ' / cI tc 6\110,,,. I ice,; arie�G October 23, 2007 6:00 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON q3 -C-7C1O 93 e- (/ --3 — -0<y ceo36 Nwc iiw Gfrrotah 0671,zD FariPq a 0e. c'5 3 3 5" _LI s i ?c (,Jr c.c k /2, 1(6 cc/t,e)s /J 6 (,0 �& a //.1/91/eN fG'2 33?) E (60-,s+ w Lt.. I (1- Pko \si /viz/t)7 (3) EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET 1. CPA -6 -07 -City of Eagle 2. CPA -8-06 - Comprehensive Plan Man Amendment to designate +/- 2,000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-Public 3. CPA-5-06/ZOA-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06- M3 Eagle 4. CPA -10-06 - Comprehensive Plan Man Amendment to establish a Designation of Foothills Cluster and Foothills Conservation, Avimor. Gr Lvf't r -Fr -1 G ci-vrc 4f G> > , vo� October 23, 2007 6:00 p.m. fr- 3 Ci( Cet'- rt. C✓OoJ�"/� (111B 'r1(i Crr,.k. )4-7 J1 j /6/Z3/07 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET 1. CPA-6-07-Citv of Eagle 2. CPA -8-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to designate +/- 2,000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-Public 3. CPA-5-06/ZOA-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06- M3 Eagle 4. CPA -10-06 - Comprehensive Plan Mao Amendment to establish a Designation of Foothills Cluster and Foothills Conservation, Avimor. sz> '.���� t(cych, it/ IViI��G/vseiJ Ea, 42 JL5 October 23, 2007 6:00 p.m. (1.2 -LIS fR2 , S� \7- P0-0 T ric� 3(07 N SNAAL n? x(111 9 s 4/,/,-C-4 ,� c / vis 3 /O. n e, W r?rto / 3 93 rt.9�K-sLke_.Lc 4c-_ 6. ". /It ave Cfi-re-‘6,41R/(G()./--a7/7%.5-,2a.,.ee /1/e/2-e44,_f�a 4 At S 11,0as 4-11-aizi,,> Om (Y/‹.4e, 6 n jjt-- ��12 re i Lt -3 , ([r 6s�c� ,_,/ n 6)u qts jE5 yt= /0/z3/v7 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET 1. CPA-6-07-Citv of Eagle, 2. CPA -8-06 - Comprehensive Plan Man Amendment to designate, +/- 2,000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-Public 3. CPA-5-06/ZOA-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06- M3 Eagle 4. CPA -10-06 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to establish a Designation of Foothills Cluster and Foothills Conservation, Avimor, October 23, 2007 6:00 p.m. /0/03/07 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET 1. CPA-6-07-Citv of Eagle 2. CPA -8-06 - Comprehensive Plan Mau Amendment to designate +/- 2,000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-Public 3. CPA-5-06/ZOA-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06- M3 Eagle 4. CPA -10-06 - Comprehensive Plan Man Amendment to establish a Designation of Foothills Cluster and Foothills Conservation. Avimor, October 23, 2007 6:00 p.m. INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration gt CG o7 To: Mayor Merrill and City Council Members q From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, AICP, Planner III"' Subject: Meridian Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application- North of the Phyllis Canal Date: October 23, 2007 Attachment(s): Draft Letter Copy To: City Attorney, Zoning Administrator Attached you will find a draft copy of a letter to the City of Meridian concerning the comprehensive plan application before them for the area north of the Phyllis Canal west of Linder Road and south of the Boise River. Staff has reviewed the application and relevant City documents and is requesting the Council's review, approval and signature on the letter. Staff will provide a complete overview of the application if desired by the City Council. The first hearing on this application will be held on November 1, 2007. Page 1 of 1 K:1Planning Dept\Misc Letters\2007\Meridian CPAmedoc City of Meridian Attn: Pete Friedman, AICP 660 E. Watertower Street, Suite 200 Meridian, ID 83642 October 24, 2007 Re: CPA -07 -010 -Sherrie Ewing Dear Mr. Friedman, The Eagle City Council reviewed the above referenced:application on October 23, 2007, and requests that the Meridian City Council deny the application to amend the comprehensive plan for CPA -07-010. The property is located within the Eagle Area of City Impact and Eagle Comprehensive Plan. The City of Eagle objects to this application for the following reasons: Prior Planning: The properties in question were added to the Eagle Comprehensive Plan and area of city impact in 2004 at which time, though duly noticed, neither the applicant nor the City of Meridian expressed concerns about the inclusion of the property into the Eagle Plan or AOI. Further, The City of Eagle has -continued to work with the City Meridian to establish clearly identifiable boundaries for .o it communities. The City of Eagle has previously agreed to remove over 570 acres from our approved AOI, along the north side -of Chinden up to the Phyllis Canal. At that time the Aldape property was spoken about and it was clearly stated by the Eagle City Council that the.area-north of the Phyllis Canal should -remain in the Eagle AOI and be developed with the same guidelines and standards that the City of Eagle has used for all river and floodplain developments. Further, the cities discussed the need to support each jurisdiction's unique land use and planning efforts. This application is in direct conflict to the cities' ability to support each others unique designs and community identities and is reminiscent of the concerns Meridian is expressing about Kuna in their southern area of impact. Intent of the Ada County Commissioners: In 2004, the City of Eagle and the Board of Ada County Commissioners spent 6 months in discussions over the Eagle Area of Impact that was eventually approved, including this site and the property south of the Phyllis Canal that was annexed by Meridian in 2005. During the AOI approval process, significant time was spent on the requirements under Idaho Code 67-65 and how they apply to the City of Eagle: Reasonability to Annex: The applicant states that this application is necessary due the City of Eagle being more than five (5) miles from the site. At this point the City of Eagle is less than 4,000 feet from the site requiring the annexation of less than 5 parcels to become contiguous. (See Attachment A) Page 1 of 5 K:1Planning Dept\Misc Letters120071Meridian Comp Plan N. of Phyllis canal.doc Geographic Boundaries: It is clear that during previous discussions between the Eagle and Meridian City Councils that the cities agree that the Phyllis Canal and bench to the south of this site are clear geographic boundaries providing easily identifiable boundaries between our communities. The ownerships of the proposed application are fractured and irregular in shape. The project site is less than half of the area identified in the Eagle Comprehensive Plan as the "River Plain Planning Area" and will result in isolating parcels not included in this application, which want to be part of Eagle, from ever becoming part of the City of Eagle. This request in no way provides either community clearly identifiable boundaries nor does it identify geographic boundaries as Idaho Code prescribes. Land Uses: The land uses identified within the 2007 Eagle Comprehensive Plan are Floodway, Residential Two, and, Transitional Residential. All these designations are located within the River Plain Planning Area (Attachment B). Chapter 6.3 of the -Eagle Comprehensive Plan defines these land uses as: Floodway (aprox. 149 acres) Floodway areas are defined as specifically shown on the newest edition of the Federal Emergency Management Administration maps along the Boise River and Dry Creek (Generally shown on the Land Use Map which is a part of this Plan). These areas are to remain open space because of the nature of the floodway which can pose significant hazards during a flood event. Also, the floodway areas shall not be considered as a part of the minimum area of open space required (as required within .the =zoning ordinance) unless developed as noted within this paragraph. Floodway areas shall be excluded from being used for calculating permitted residential densities. Any portion of the floodway developed as a substantially improved wildlife habitat area open to the public, or useable public open space, such as a pathways, ball fields, parks, or similar amenities as may be approved by the City -- - Council, may be credited toward the minimum open space required for a development. When discrepancies exist between the floodway boundary shown on the Land Use Map and the floodway boundary shown on the Federal Emergency Management Administration maps such that the floodway area is smaller than that shown on the Land Use Map the adjacent land use designation shown shall be considered to abut the actual floodway boundary. When new floodway boundaries are approved by FEMA and/or the City, the floodway area on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be revised to reflect any new floodway line. Residential Two (approx. 396 acres) Suitable primarily for single family residential development within areas that are rural in character. Maximum density of up to 2 units per 1 acre. Residential Transition (Aprox. 100 acres) Residential development that provides for a transition of density within the planning area while keeping in context the density, scaling and lot sizes of existing or Page 2 of 5 K:IPlanning Dept\Misc Letters120071Meridian Comp Plan N. of Phyllis canal.doc proposed uses. Commonly requires changes in lot dimensions and scaling, see specific planning area text for a complete description. (River Plain Planning Area identifies 2-3 units per acres) The overall density for this area under the Eagle Comprehensive Plan is calculated at 1.6 units per acre (nearly half the density of the 3 units per acre proposed by the Meridian comprehensive plan amendment application). Further, under Chapter 6.3 of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan the densities are calculated as follows: "Development density shall be calculated by project. Unused density for undeveloped or underdeveloped land adjacent to or within the same land use designation will not be transferred or used to "balance" or "maximize" densities with in an area. Clustering will only be allowed as specified in the "Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces" chapter of the Comprehensive Plan." Unless all of this area is submitted as a single development project/plat, densities would not be eligible for transfer between parcels under the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. Communities in Motion: The proposed comprehensive plan amendment is an expansion of the "residential subdivision" land uses into an area that was not proposed to be development to this intensity under the Communities in Motion Plan. The intensification of land uses in this area will have direct impacts on the regional transportation system and most specifically Hwy 20/26. Considering Meridian's recent concerns about Eagle's comprehensive planning in areas that would further expand residential uses in area not previously planned for it is important to note that Meridian's approval of this application would -be -contrary to the CIM Plan as well. (htto://www.commiznitiesinmotion.ori. /Documents/datarenorts/choiland B.odf) Schools: Through the development of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan in 2004, this area was identified as a location for a future elementary school. Though the applicant references a discussion with Wendell Bigham about "welcoming this area into Meridian", the area was already in the Meridian School district as is all of Star and the -majority of Eagle. Using Meridian School District's student generation calculations, this site developed at 3 units per acre would yield approximately 1,920 households generating .43 elementary students per household, approximately 825 students, or an entire elementary school without consideration of the properties located in the "River Plain Planning Area that are riot part of this application. Transportation/Access: The applicant states that one of the main reasons for the request to be included in the City of Meridian Comprehensive Plan is access to Basco Lane from the south to this site. Though the City of Eagle agrees that Basco Lane may provide access to the site the historical and primary access for the majority of the site is along Duck Alley from Linder Road to the east of the site. The City of Eagle through it's comprehensive plan and discussions with ITD continues to work with ITD to consider access spacing on the new State Highway 16 river crossing to provide another access point to the west of this site. Due to the volatile nature of the floodway it is important to consider multiple points of access to this area. Page 3 of 5 K:IPlanning Dept\Misc Letters120071Meridian Comp Plan N. of Phyllis canal.doc Design/Open Space: The City of Eagle has a minimum open space requirement of 20% for residential developments. Less than 50% of the required open space can be made up of floodways. There is no mention of how open space will be addressed on an individual development application. The City of Eagle would not allow for portions of the Spurwing Golf Course to serve as open space for future developments in this area due to the "members only" access to this facility. Implementing Ordinances: The proposed comprehensive plan amendment and subsequent development north of the Phyllis Canal should move forward under the highest standards for floodplain management as the impacts from the removal of vegetation, grading, construction and filling (standard development practices) significantly impact the physical and biological processes of the Boise River and has been demonstrated by the adverse impacts to the communities adjacent to the river, within the last few years. The City of Meridian, to date, has made no progress in addressing Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) policy which encourages participating communities to establish sound floodplain management programs that recognize and encourage community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requirements. Contemporary floodplain management activities require an overall community program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing future flood damage. These measures take a variety of forms and generally include zoning, subdivision, or building requirements, and special-purpose floodplain ordinances. The City of Meridian has adopted the basic FEMA model ordinance, to participate in the NFIP, with minimal revisions. The City of Eagle has; over the last decade, developed a floodplain management process that promotes the wise use of floodplain in order to minimize flood risks, reduce losses from floods, protect public health and safety, and improve the quality of life for the community. The City of Eagle has taken an active roll in floodplain management activities. The City of Eagle, by adopting higher regulatory standards, has demonstrated that approved developments along the Boise River have not adversely impacted the natural environment or created increased downstream impacts. The City of Eagle participates in the Community Rating System (CRS), a FEMA endorsed program, which provides a 20 percent discount on flood insurance premiums in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and a ten percent discount for insurance outside the SFHA. The City of Eagle has a Class 6 designation (only 80 communities in the United States hold this standing) and has held this classification since April 1, 2000. The City of Meridian has no standing in this program. The City of Eagle has one of only six (6) Certified Floodplain Managers in the State of Idaho. Floodplain managers usually specialize in one or more aspects of floodplain management. The Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) program promotes a level of expertise in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Certified Floodplain Managers have a working knowledge of flood studies and maps, NFIP rules and regulations, regulatory standards, ordinance administration, flood insurance, hazard mitigation, and knowledge of natural and beneficial floodplain functions. In conclusion, the City of Eagle recognizes the desires of these land owners to develop their property and has recognized that desire in the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. Development of this area should be done in a manner commensurate with the natural and irreplaceable values of the land and be reviewed, monitored, and approved under guidelines that protect the health safety and welfare of the land owner, future Page 4 of 5 K:1Planning Dept\Misc Letters120071Meridian Comp Plan N. of Phyllis canal.doc residents, and the overall community. The site is questions has been seen for years as an unique area that lends itself both in geographic location and physical condition as part of the City of Eagle. The densities described in the Eagle Comprehensive Plan will have less impact than those described in this proposed application and are reflective of the land's limitations and the overall community values expressed during a 10 -month community wide visioning and planning process. The City of Eagle has great concerns over development within the Boise River floodway and floodplain within the City of Meridian without the codes, trained staff or experience in reviewing and monitoring developments within these complex areas. The City of Eagle wishes to support Meridian in the development and advancement of the City of Meridian but please do not do it at the expense of the City of Eagle, our planning; or the overall health, safety and, welfare of the overall community and the Boise River. Sincerely, Nancy C. Merrill Eagle Mayor Steve Guerber Eagle Council President Stan Bastian Scott Nordstrom Eagle City Council Eagle City Council Philip J. Bandy Eagle City Council_: Page 5 of 5 K:1Planning DeptMMisc Letters120071Meridian Comp Plan N. of Phyllis canal.doc NIA• 111 irridian ��Irlr/1 ;41 , ::.11111111 11 nmr;G� 11111111M In iuiiiiI:feitti1I i■ Attachment A Floodway (No Density Allowance) Transitio al Residential 2-3 er acre River Plain Planning Roads JFW Meridian Comp Plan Admendment Parcels.shp D 0 0 X1111 ��1111C me 0 m 73 Attachment B 2007 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN sidewalks and landscaped medians. Sufficient rights-of-way and setbacks should be preserved to facilitate the construction of this roadway. c. Design This area should be recognized as the signature residential area for the Western Planning Area. The integration of varying lot sizes and uses should be seamless with continuity of street design, open space, trails and housing throughout that area. Floating Feather Road and State Highway 16 should be designated as a minor gateway to the City of Eagle with appropriate landscaping, entry features and place -making features integrated into the design of the area. Lot configuration and housing sizes should be mixed throughout the area to provide a variety of housing options within a single neighborhood or development. d. Issues The main concerns in the development of the area are the integration of varying lot sizes and housing styles. The vision for the area is contingent on the integration of uses and providing a flow of housing units throughout the area to avoid creating defined separation from estate areas and patio home areas, for example. Further, the provision of open space and trails through the area should be a key element in the approval process for developments that are proposed in the area. 6 8.5 River Plain Residential Area The River Plain Residential Area is designated as residential and open space. This area should provide trails, open space, and parks in conjunction with transitional residential densities. The overall density of the area is 1-2 units per acre. The area of higher densities of 2-3 units per acre will be located north of the rim and will transition into clustered large lot residential use (1 acre lots) in the areas adjacent to the river. a. Uses The land use and development policies specific to the River Plain Residential Area include the following: 1. Overall residential density of 1-2 units per acre south of the Boise River. 2. Higher densities (2-3 units per acre) beneath the rim transitioning into clustered large lot residential use (1 unit per 1-2 acres) adjacent to the river. 3. Open space and trail located adjacent to the river in conjunction with the continuation of the regional trail system; Page 50 of 102 2007 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 4. Setbacks from streams, irrigation and drains for trails and open space; 5. Use of transitional lot sizes and clustering when new development abuts existing subdivisions, business and office use to the north; 6. Feathering of lots sizes as densities transition north from the rim to the river; 7. North of the Boise River the lot patterns shall be a continuation of the large lot clusters found in Moon Valley Ranch; 1 unit/2 acres. 8. Cluster subdivisions should provide permanent dedicated open space. Illustration 6.4 Floodplain Cluster Example b. Access Access to the area from Highway 16 shall be limited to 1 mile intervals with separated access points south of Moon Valley Road along the Highway 16 extension. All uses shall rely on internal circulation and a proper street hierarchy to safely and efficiently move traffic through the area without forcing local trips onto the regional roadway network. A pathway and trails network should be encouraged to provide pedestrians/bicycle access along the Boise River corridor and from that corridor north into the Moon Valley Area and south into the higher density residential area. The Highway 16 corridor should be designated as a scenic corridor requiring berming and landscaping within the City of Eagle. Moon Valley Road to the north of this area will be a mixed use pedestrian scale street that will be designed to Page 51 of 102 2007 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN include pedestrian and bicycle access from the River Plain Residential Area. c. Design The River Plain Residential Area should be recognized as uniquely "Eagle" residential area providing large lot residential uses (1 unit per 1-2 acres) with views of the Boise River combined with moderate density residential areas (2-3 units per acre) north of the rim. The integration of lot sizes and densities should be seamless with continuity of street design, open space, trails and housing throughout the area. All access points along Highway 16 should be designated as minor gateways to the City of Eagle with appropriate landscaping, entry features and place -making features integrated into the design of the area. Design of lots and homes sites should take into consideration the scenic, wildlife, and river corridor and provide sufficient setback and buffering to sensitive habitat and floodway areas. d. Issues The main concerns in the development of the area are the integration of lot sizes and housing styles. The vision for the area is contingent on the integration of uses and providing a flow of housing units throughout the area to avoid creating defined separation between estate areas and moderate density areas, for example. Further, the flow and provision of open space and trails through the area should be a key element in the approval process for developments that are proposed in the area. This residential area should greatly limit commercial, retail and office uses. Commercial, retail and office uses desiring to locate along the Highway 16 corridor should be located in the Chinden Road Planning Area or the Moon Valley & State Planning Area. Special concern shall be made for the floodway and floodplain to limit uses that are not consistent with the delicate nature of these areas. 6.8.6 Eagle Island Planning Area The Eagle Island Planning Area is designated as open space, recreation and limited residential. This area should provide trails, open space, and parks in conjunction with limited residential densities of 1 unit per 1-2 acres. The visioning for this area is to complete a pathway and recreation connection across Eagle Island. a. Uses The land use and development policies specific to the Eagle Island Planning Area include the following: 1. Clustered large lot residential use: 1 unit per 2 acres; Page 52 of 102 ail `17 `1 ' 4 `{ Js O />. hisc2 s -z)-()(D Pt/cc-a -H'-)(1 "/"C) -a -z/ / '111 -1 ---)- -?/-N/ pc-tr)0Cn J -'/S1-7)2 (///c) cv, _s-(--1/(7c2v • -1-0 tu___ p of 7'StY nN 0") l �� mc)T____,.j_• 2/SV Q --r1 n l a cf c7�'D�-fr L�✓ p7-)-7oy t f ��� ' � (A/o 7)5c +j Q� LTi ty N U✓ ZA--- . /70 ' 'A . e �� � w- —_r 0\1_1_ _ono 61/ (-)? �'� S 3 sl �l !- -- ._L_. /Y(79 11,x/ o _la-) O, --F:'(;7 /1C7t-//7-7.7,1j--.3) 7.1Y ti ) 1 -Dcf j_szycy (4_4 71c771 --02) v.j Fy1199') /1/1/- 711 r. yYx��.� y ��J / (77 &b / (-151-7 ri9:-)fic>c, ctL17- p -a _n)7 �� t� l a�Vt/%1� 1 )/ s 1,1,.; any v tL�� r -- i I L J } . • n neuvt .,,,,. _ . Gc,i0-23--07 Dying lawns and dirty cars should become `badges of honor' as main water source for millions could dry up in just 90 days BY GREG BLUESTEIN THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BUFORD, Ga. — If there's a ground zero for the epic drought that's tightening its grip on the South, it's once - mighty Lake Lanier, the Atlanta water source that's now a relative puddle surrounded by acres of dusty red clay. Tall measuring sticks once covered by a dozen feet of water stand bone dry. "No Diving" signs rise from rocks 25 feet from the water. Crowds of boaters have been re- placed by men with metal detectors searching the arid lake bed for lost treasure. "This lake is a survivor," Jeff "Buddha" Powell told a worried customer at his bait shop along the barren banks. "If you panic, you don't help Mother Nature," he added. "It's going to ram when it rains." But little rain is in the forecast, and without it, clima- tologists say the main water source for more than 3 mil- lion people could run dry in just 90 days. That dire prediction has some towns considering more drastic measures than mere lawn -watering bans, including mandatory rationing that would penalize homeowners and businesses if they don't reduce water See PARCHED, MAIN 11 - 7 SOUTH HIT HARDEST BY MAJOR DROUGHT Six states in the South are exceeding extreme drought conditions. All states but Iowa currently have some level of dryness. Broad -scale drought conditions, as of Oct. 9 Dry Moderate Severe Extreme Exceptional Source Nat onai Drought Mitigation Center, Dept of Commerce, NOAA, USDA AP Graphic total acres unconstrained acres° population units market value Eagle City Limits as of 2006 9,2862 8,286a 20,1312 8,2582 M3 with 880 acre donation 5,125 3,741 A 19,913 8,160 2,946,782,0003 4,556,618,0001 market value Tess HOE 2,375,198,3003 Commercial, Office & Industrial sq. footage Commercial value Property Tax Revenue (Res/Commercial) 100 million sq ftaa 331,351,2003 1,010,427*** 3,944,618,000' 1.6 - 2.1 million sq ft 313,555,000 - 395,554,0001 3,727,400' M3 (800 acre land swap**, 80 acre donation) 5,925 4,541 23,814 9,760* 5,450,072,509°° 4,718,072,509°° 1.6 - 2.1 million + 313,555,000 - 395,554,000 + ? 4,458,262°° o Note: only physical contraints considered a 1000 acres of floodway/floodplain constraints (best guess) ^ M3 literature states 73% of land outside 880 regional park is < 25% slopes (6005 - 880 = 5125 * .73 = 3741) * DA states land obtained in BLM land swap gets up to 2 units/acre ** Assumes acre for acre swap with BLM land *** Eagle City Budget FY06-07 Aug °O Extrapolated as Eale Residential Land Analysis 1 Source: Idaho Economics (M3's economic estimate) 2 Source: APA (2006 city limits estimate) • Source: Ada County Assessor "`l Pe f ) 51 1 U/3 407 0 Joan Langdon 4690 Hartley Rd. Eagle RE: Approval of the Comprehensive plan and M3 Eagle approval I live at the gateway to BLM property and close to phase 1 of M3 Eagle. We all share fear and distrust. At the risk of alienating my friends and neighbors, my husband (who is elk hunting) and I feel that the best place for new housing is in the foothills. I believe in the integrity and faithfulness of M3 Eagle to their vision to provide a serene development with open vistas to nature. I believe they will proceed with caution through their phases of development so as not to overtax the available water or overgrow the improving infrastructure. I welcome a thoughtfully designed area, as I am not fond of the invasive cheat grass, deep badger holes and blowing weeds that stack up against my fences and clog the canal. I am not fond of certain Eagle residents who drive past my house to dump their trash or use it for target practice, and drive their noisy off-road vehicles tearing up the landscape as they go. The intelligent way to plan the area North of Beacon Light up to the foothills a4 Highway 16 is to continue the rural housing with acreages to preserve the last of the agricultural areas for future grape growers, hay growers and livestock owners. It would show great planning forethought, if developers were required to link their acreages to the foothills with pathways. Please let 20 of the urban density plan in this area. These new high-density developments going before Ada County will impact water, transportation and other infrastructure more than foothills development that contains some trip capturing amenities. I would be very happy if the only multi -use planned near Hwy. 16 is a reasonably priced grocery store, gas station and fishing tackle shop for my husband when he isn't elk hunting. I look forward to development that will pleasantly surprise even the critics. I trust M3Eagle management far more than the new developers between Linder and Hwy. 16, North of Beacon Light who send Stanley Consultants to present their high density housing plans to residents so they don't quote, "waste their time." TOTAL REAL ESTATE SALES 11 , „ 11111 111 1 111.. 11 11,1 111 .1 11, 1 11 1 , 11 /IV L .1 l 111 111 .111 , I111i111,11ibli 1 1.11111$1114i1 W111rltlfrl121111 QUARTER ADA COUNTY QUARTER MEDIAN SALES HOUSE # % CHANGE PRICE SOLD OF HOMES COUNTYWIDE SOLD' 3rd Quarter 1,662 -35% $234,500 2nd Quarter 2,135 -34% $232,990 1st Quarter 1,754 -31% $224,900 TOTAL' 5,551 $230,797 4th Quarter 1,960 -39% $236,000 3rd Quarter 2,546 -33% $242,500 2nd Quarter 3,222 0% $233,385 1st Quarter 2,549 28% $224,900 TOTAL* 10.277 -16% $234.196 4th Quarter 3,219 3rd Quarter 3,798 2nd Quarter 3,220 1st Quarter 1,985 TOTAL* 12,222 $210,860 $196,922 $180,000 $173,300 $190,271 3rd Quarter 776 -43% $159,500 2nd Quarter 993 -39% $159,990 1st Quarter 840 -36% $160,000 TOTAL' 2.609 $159,830 4th Quarter 987 -44% $161,900 3rd Quarter 1,366 -30% $164,900 2nd Quarter 1,640 4% $160,440 1st Quarter 1,319 34% $150,000 TOTAL' 5,312 -15% $159,310 4th Quarter 1,753 $138,000 3rd Quarter 1,952 $130,675 2nd Quarter 1,572 $118,550 1st Quarter 987 $111,800 TOTAL* 6,264 $124,756 QUARTER % QUARTER % CHANGE OF AVERAGE CHANGE OF MEDIAN SALES PRICE AVERAGE SALES COUNTYWIDE SALES PRICE* PRICE' 2007 -3% $273,998 1% 0% $275,234 4% 0% $258,461 $269.231 12% $271,148 23% $277,304 30% $264,479 30% $250,158 23% $265, 772 $241,230 $228,253 $209,831 $204,895 $221,052 -3% $183,454 1% 0% $177,614 0% 7% $179,267 $180.112 17% $180,660 26% $181,916 35% $177,254 34% $165,608 28% $176,360 005 $159,693 $148,983 $132,572 $125,800 $141,762 11 11 1 1111. 11 Al .a 1111 11 LI1111.1IJ„.J11.JLl111 11111111111111111111°-._2006 2005 2007 3% DAYS ON MARKET QUARTER CHANGE OF DAYS ON MARKET" 153 99%I 159 99%I 186 130% 166 12% 82 -6% 21% 77 -5% 26% 80 -7% 22% 81 -16% 20% 80 -9% 2006 2 8% 87 81 86 96 88 171 104% 168 133% 165 104% 168 13% 102 10% 22% 84 -7% 34% 72 -23% 32% 81 -20% 24% 85 -10% 93 90 93 101 94 ^Y''`.?-PaSitS:�.e"alt.7; e. 'illi. ,,,X V'cP.0a'ttS'%"1'1+7Yi+ iatI "f�c v"+�:`S�u4`.1`ra"`r-eyyv9U,n't��L�;-.44V°.r,.4i, F -n �. Y.:. net PG"%>,-�.t0_Y+�.sT. New Single- Muth- Total New Single -Family Month / Dwelling % Family % Family % Residential % Residential Cumulative Units Chg Units Chg Units Chg Value Chg Value __ Chg January 1 174 20 8% 1,095 37 4% 69 -57 7% 6203 093,079 39 7% 5197,811,175 58 7% 527,924.965 15 6% 533.723,798 52 6% February 1.095 -10 0% 947 -4 1% 131 -35 8% 170.614,043, -1 1% 160,580,853 7 4% 41,794,654 -28 1% 24,744.233 1 8% 2 months 2,269 3.7% 2,042 14 5% _ 200 -45 5% _ _ 373.707.122 17 6% 358,392.028 30 8% 69, 719, 619 -15 3% 58.468 031 _ 26 0% March 1 462 -5 2% 1 211 -10 3% 227 36 7% 267 069,324 19 7% 210,905 556 0 0% 87,118 989 181 4% 43,218,975 30 4% 3 months 3.731 0 0% 3.253 3 8% 427 -19 9%_ 640, 776, 446 18 4 % 569, 297.584 17 4% 156, 836, 608 35 7% 101,887 006 27 9°6 April 1.413 -11 0% 1,091 -23 5% 300 154 2% 231,551,474 -5 5% 190,763 140 -19 3% 80,546.362 25 3% 33 552 894 -8 5% 4 months 5,144 -3 3% _ 4,344 -4 756 727 11 7% 872,327.920 11 0°� 760.060 724 5 496 137.382.970 32 0% 135.239,900 17 2% May 1,506 -11 0% 1,347 •4 7% '115 -55.196 257,224,208 -3 4% 245,081.397 -1 3% 82,414.643 68 4% 72.823,701 47 3% 5 months 6 650 -5 1% 5.691 -4.7% 842 -7 2% 1_129,552.128 7 4% /..005,12Z 121 3 6% 319,797,613 39 7% 208,083.601 26 2% June 1,351 -21 2% 1,056 -26 7% 259 7 9% 219,410,451 -20 3% 197,915 803 -23 3% 99.667,569 6 9% 80,829 589 83 6% 6 months 8.001 -8 396 6,747 -9 0% 1 101 _ -4 0% _ 1.348 962.579 1 6% 1 203.037.924 2 0% 419.465,182 30 2% 288.893 170 34 8% July 1,227 -27 4% 947 -31 2% 252 -8 0% 206 040,533 -20 8% 188,535 333 -21 2% 65,290.712 1.596 45 582,739 16 3% 7 months 9.228_ -11 4% 7.694 -12 5% 1 353 -4 8% 1,555,003,112 -2 1% 1,391.573.257_ -5 1% 484.755 894 _25 596 334.455.909 _ 32 096 August 1,267 -38 8% 1 076 -36 896 157 -49 4% 248.753,981 -20 6% 234,457.839 -20 0% 108,650,809 77 8% 76.847,021 85 3% 8months 10,495 _f59% 8,770 -16.4% 1,510 -128°b 1,803.757093 51% 1.626,031,096 76% 593,406,703 326% 411.302.930 371% September 1,142 -33 8% 859 -39 1% 253 -8.3% 185,962,308 -26.5% 155,619.203 -32 3% 85 840.272 3 5% 52,475.330 24 2% 9months __ 11.637 -181% 9,629 -191% 1,763 -122% 1.989,719,401 -76% 1,781,650,299 -105% 679,246,975' _ 281% 463778,260 35596 October 952 -40.4% 781 -44 5% 135 -123% 173,734,950 -36 1% 156,044.468 -38 1% 124,313,503 115 1% 50.540,184 •54 9% 10 months 12,589 -20 3% 10.410 -21 8% 1,898 -12 2% 2._163.454, 351 -10 8% 1 937.694, 787 _ -13 696 _ 803,560 478 36 6% 514,318 424 13 2% November 773 -40 1% 576 -51 2% 176 117 3% 130,834,417 -41.4% 112,853,311 -47 9% 40,667,909 -38 0% 44.293,020 24 0% 11 months 13,362 -21 896 10.986 -24 2% 2,074-7 5% _ 2.294 288,768 -13 4% 2 050, 548.078 16 6% 844, 228.387 29 1% 558, 611,444 14 0% December 589 -41 5% 439 -49 896 130' 12 1% 100,167,481 -41 6% 79,334,925' -48 9% 36,191,018; -29 8% 34,880,214 3 5% 12 months 13,951 -22.9% 11.425 -25.696 2,204 -65% 52,394,456229 -151% $2,129,883.003; -18.5% 5880.419.405 248% 5593,491,658 133% (7c .3-c, New Non- Additions. Single -Family residential % Alterations % TOTAL ' % Average 'e Value Chg 8 Repairs Chg VALUE Chg Value / Unit January February 2 months March 3 months April 4 months May 5 months June 6 months July 7 months August 8 months �A1er 5264 741,842 237.152,930 501.894 772 397.405.288 899 300 060 345,850.730 1,244,950 790 412,462,552 1.657,413,342 399 907,589 2 057, 320.931 316.893,984 2 374 214,915 434 251,811 2,808.466 726 324 277.910 3.132 744.636 348,588 617 3 481.333, 253 215,795 346 3 697 128 599 171,238,693 53 868.367,292 38.2% -7 0% 12 4% 37.2% 22 2% 01% 15.1% 13 1% 14 6% -4 3% 104% -12 9% 6 696 3 2% 6 0% -14 3% 3.5% -21 1% 0 496 -33 5% -2.5% -33.3% -4 5% 685 -41 7% 528 -51 8% 152 120 3% S105,124.658 -48 2% 595 514.932 -51 7% 534 805.561 24 6% S38 446.098 8 1% $178.378,317 -33 4% 662 -39 5% 551 -41 8% 102 -22 1% 113,161,734 -33 7% 104 788.996, -34 7% 68,940.874 85.096 47.541,879 92.1% 229,644,287 -3.2% 1.347 •40 6% 1.079 -47 2% 254 27 096 218 286.392 -41 6% 200.303, 928 -44 1% 103,746,235 48 8% 83,987,977 43 6% 406 020 604 -19 1% 1.151. -21 3% 824 -32 0% 297 30 8% 188.463.442, -29 4% 161,283,8611 -23 5% 123.287 838 41 5% 71,512,017' 65 5% 383,263,097 -3 6%° 2 498 -33 0% 1,903 -41 5% 551 29 0% 406.749.834 -36 5% 361, 587.789 -36 5% 227 033 873 44 8% 155 499, 994 52 9% 789.283 701 -12 2% 849 -39 9% 726. -33 5% 98 -67 3% 160 483.486 -30 7% 148.591.797 -22 154 74 486.056 -7 5% 78.911.300 135 2% 313 880.842 •9 296 3 347 -34 9% 2 629 -39 5% 649 -10 7% 567,233,320 -35 0% 510.179 586 -32 9% 301.519,929 _ 27 0% 234,411,294 73 3% 1,103,164,543 -71 4% 1,189 -21 0% 751 -44.2% 414 260 096 174,617 289 -32 0% 149.524 845 -39 0% 103 570,120 25 7% 95.085.217 30 8% 373 472.826. -9 50/ 4 536 -31 8% 3 380 -40 6% 1 063 26 21/4 742 050.609 -34 3% 659, 704, 231 •34 4% 405 p90 049 26 7% 329 496,511 58 4% 1,476 637,169 -10 9% 940 -30 4% 867 -36 8% 242 -6 6% 154 432 861 -29 6% 127 944,098 -35.4% 93,729 131 -6.0% 72,945,734 -9 8% 321.107.726 -19.7% 5 476 -31 6% 4.047 -40 0% 1 305 18.596 896 483 470 -33 5% 787 648 329 -34 5% 498.819 180 18 9% 402 442 245 39 3% 7 797 744 895 -12 6% 949 -22 7% 578 -39 0% 328 30 2% 152 580 541 -25 9% 119 586 909 -36 6% 80.381 889 23 1% 58,875 604 29 2% 291,838 034 -7 9% 6.425 -30 4% 4 625 -39 9% 1,633 20.7% 1.049 064,011 -32 5% 907 235.238 -34 8% 579 201,069 19 5% 461.317 849 37 9% 2 089 582,929 -12.0% 737 -41 896 517 -52 0% 179 14 0% 106 024 275 -57 4% 95,551.620 -59 2% 77,284.248 -28 9% 66.297,435 -13 7% 249 605 958 -42 5% 7,162 -31 8% 5 142' -41.4% 1.812' 20 0% 1 155.088.286 -36,0% 7.002.786,858 -38 3% 656,485.317 10 6% 527, 615,284 28 31/4 2 339 188.887 -16 7% $180,849 $189.568 $175 510 5174,158 5175.007 $174,852 5174, 968 5181,931 $176,616 5187,420 5178, 307 5199.087 5180 865 5217,898 5185.408 5181,163 5185.030 5199.801 $186.138 5195.926 $186.651 $180.717 $186.423 5180,899 5190,180 $185,638 $195,733 5190,009 5204,672 $194,058 5199.101 5195.179 5191.820 5194 625 5206,898 5196 159 5184.819 $195.019 Image:MontereyTransitPlaza.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 1 of: /'',2;--o7 Image:Montere 'VII",it p'g``/y From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia • Image • File history • File links • Metadata Size of this preview- 750 x 600 pixels Full resolution (1280 x 1024 pixel, file size. 365 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Summary Monterey Transit Plaza in downtown Monterey, CA. Licensing 1, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law. File history Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. ittp: //en. wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title=Image: MontereyTransitPlaza. jpg&printable=yes 9/6/2007 Robert H. West 5035 Willow Creek Road Eagle Over the past 4-5 years I have been attending numerous hearings, meetings, and workshops, as well as participating in the transportation workshop for Eagle comprehensive plan. I also have participated in the ones for Ada County. Mayor and Councilmen, you have before you several proposals. The most important is the comprehensive sub area Plan for the Foothills. It is incomplete — there are no density goals in the plan — this is critical to the plan. This is one area the residents of the Eagle area have spoken loud and clear on we want lower densities and want the rural character of the foothills maintained. Throughout the Eagle Foothills Sub Area Planning Process the major landowners and developers, with their consultants, participated in all of the workshops and committees and were a part of hearing the resident input. M3 participated in this process and yet continues with their own idea of how the foothills should be developed with very few changes to their development plan.. Their development agreement does not meet the goals set forth in the foothills plan. M3 wants the city of Eagle to sign a contract ahead of the adoption of a comprehensive plan that specifies density. This contract will have a life of 20-30 years until build out. This development agreement only benefits M3 and sets precedence for future development. M3 has used information from their consultants to justify their plan. For the most part there has been no peer review. Some of their consultant's work that has been reviewed by city paid consultants has been found lacking on many issues. What do we see when we clear away all of the chaff? Road intersections in the "F" category, over burdened roadways with no money to pay for them, the schools will be overcrowded and if built our taxes will skyrocket to pay for them. Water issues are "being studied". We are told that our fears are unfounded — not to worry — everything will be fine. Development will pay for itself. In M3's own words; "we do not build anything higher than a curb", where will we be in 10-20 years when M-3 is long gone? You have a choice with this agenda, I urge you to deny the M-3 Development Agreement. Will you listen to the citizens of Eagle who elected you? Or Will you listen to the out of state interests who build nothing higher than a curb and have given you a bag of promises that could be empty? Cc/ — 3_ 7 Mayor Merrill & Members of the Council, For most of my life I have been uninvolved in politics on any level. Not to my liking, you have seen far too much of me in the past year and a half but the lifestyle I had chosen by moving to Eagle is constantly being threatened. Do I want 5,000, 8,000, 12,000 or more new residences built in the foothills north of Eagle? Not really. Do I want the additional traffic problems this density will bring? Definitely Not! Had I wanted to live in a densely populated area I wouldn't have chosen Eagle for my home. But does my not wanting these developments make them go away? Of course not. It's my opinion that much of this development will take place within our county whether or not the Eagle Comprehensive Plan is amended to include the land in question. This is a complicated issue and even though tonight's agenda doesn't allow for the annexation or approval of the M3Eagle or Suncor projects, it can allow for their impact nonetheless. You have the power to reject the inclusion of these projects in the Foothills Comprehensive Plan as I understand it. But should you adopt the Foothills Plan as it stands, you, and your predecessors will undoubtedly see me back at this podium with concern and opinions as the developers bring there projects to the table. Debra Helton 1203 Cerramar Ct Eagle ID 83616 =1; djSk,`jf,eri;,* : nt.:1.,f'vi in t:: • t:i tjo Additional Rodeo Basin North - South Brookside Connection Lc /0:2,-07 Brookside Lane Eagle P&Z Recommendation Map (p.95) 4-' Brookside Planning Area Brookside Lane North - South Brookside- Connection 7: Cc /0'2 3,07 Eagle City Council Deliberations on Comp plan October 16, 2007 Comments by: Steve Purvis 3939 Brookside Lane Boise Thank you for the opportunity to express my concerns relative to the adoption of the Comp Plan under consideration including the M3 development I would like to commend you for your decision to have Dr Allred of Allred Solutions and Don Reading of Ben Johnson Associates provide input into this process. They have provided valuable information in evaluating the process alternatives and financial implications of the current plan including M3 I will limit my comments to the financial implications of the work that was performed. First Don Reading pointed out that relatively small changes in pricing levels and build -out rates for both residential and commercial construction can provide a very different forecast of the funds available to governmental entities to provide services and infrastructure. Acknowledging this potential range of outcomes is an important consideration in evaluating the viability of a plan or development. He also pointed out that the Idaho Economics evaluation did not include capital costs. In my view not considering capital needs is a fatal flaw. Two points about both of these reviews. First, they assume that the existing level of service is adequate and that there is not a back log of capital needs for almost all infrastructure categories (roads, schools, libraries, parks, water, waste water, etc.). I believe the ongoing discussions in the media would say we are behind in both level of service and infrastructure. Forecasting that a development will be able to potentially generate sufficient funds to provide the existing level of service and infrastructure only compounds the problems. Second, In my opinion, Eagle is very vulnerable due to the composition of their current revenue structure. You are very dependent on one time revenues (building permit fees) to support on going services. Currently building permit fees make up approximately 20% on your base operating revenues. The projections of revenues in the Idaho Economics forecast reflects the same high level of dependence on this non recurring source to offset base operating expenses. Not a good prescription for being able to provide existing services in a slow down or after build -out. Currently there are a series of studies being performed in an attempt to get a handle on the infrastructure needs and operating and maintenance needs/demands and possible revenue streams to bring them into balance. Considering the magnitude of the items under discussion it would be wise to proceed slowly until this information is available. Recommendation: 1. Do not approve a comp plan until you have a clear understanding of the impact of the plan on service demands and infrastructure needs and the means of financing them. 2. Do not approve a development plan until all of the comp plan work has been completed Thank you for providing me with this opportunity I will stand for questions [I] Study Area Opon Spaco Suitability Index n High : 13 OS Low : 0 0 IMw Conceptual Conservation Areas and Existing Trails C Iy of Eagto Open Space Planning January 2007 Wlldllle Connectivlly through 11,e Willow, Creek Drainage Study Arca Opon Spaco Suitability Index High : 13 Low : 0 e Conceptual Conservation Areas and Existing Trails City of Eagle Opon Spaco Planning January 2007 C C /O-2 �7 Study Area Opon Spaco Suitability ludo: High : 13 Low : 0 e a s 111 Conceptual Conservation Areas and Existing Trails City of Eaglo Open Spxo Plannng Januar.. 2007 -)7 L. 'Study Area Open Space Suitability Index rill High : 13 Low :0 05 e 1 Wiles Conceptual Conservation Areas and Existing Trails City of Eag!c Open Space Planning January 2007 CC -07 Wildlife Connectivity through the Willow Creek Drainage L_.; Study Area Open Space Suitability Index High:13 Low : 0 e 05 0 1 Miles Conceptual Conservation Areas and Existing Trails City of Eagle Open Space Planning January 2007 /cue'- s-)) Wildlife Connectivity through th. Willow Creak Drainage ; Study Area Open Space Suitability Index MI High : 13 05 Low :0 1 Mike Conceptual Conservation Areas and Existing Trails City of Eagle Open Space Planning January 2007 • AREA AC. 1(COMMUNITY CENTER) 289 2(NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER) 798 3(COMMUNITY CENTER) 678 4(VILLAGE CENTER) 1,753 5(NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER) 847 6(RURAL TRANSITION) 1,640 M3 EAGLE TOTAL: 6,005 -07 1 COMM. (S.F.) 250,000 20,000 375,000 125,000 100,000 OFFICE (S.F.) D.U. DENSITY 350,000 350 1.21 1,400 1.75 1,115 1.64 350,000 3,645 2.08 1,250 1.47 400 0.24 870,000 700,000 8,160 1.35 Figure LU -3 Land Use Policy Map - CITY OF T EMEC ULA GENERAL PLAN - RESIDENTIAL I� Hilade (0-0 1 Du/Ac Max) - 1-7 Rtral (0-0 2 DuIAC Max) Very Low (0.2-04 Du/Ac Max) Low (0 5-2 DWAc Max) Low Medium (3-6 Du/Ac Max) Q Median (7-12 DuWAcMax) High (13-20 Du/Ac Max) COMMERCIAL fOFFICE Neghborhood Commercial 1 01 1 IUl1 I IHTI 1501 1 Pd 1 Canmunity Commercial Hghway Tounst Commercial Sennce Ccmmercal Professional ane INDUSTRIAL 1 1P 1 Industrial Park PUBLIC USES & OPEN SPACE Public Institutional Faalroes Vineyards/Agna ltoral Open Space Tnbal Trust Lands Recreation Commercial Overlay itie� IPi 1 I VA 1 TIL - ---__ Adopted Apri1 12, 2005 L .MaP»p..ai.a.ury, 2007 '1 - y I- d—T r_ , City �%Cfia_ Sphere 4th2ffilenca x �G 7 •' ! �� icnob.Ra County of Riverside J . City of '1 - Murrieta Temecula city Boundary I ` Sphere of Irfluence Boundary Plaming Area ' Sewe. T.m.ew GO •m C.m..6e T..twe.., r 0 2 500 5 000 7 500 10 000 H 1-4 1-4 r Feel 1-1 M11. 0 05 1 15 2 _MS INorwor.lem.o.R.C.11,Uvarida,..• I \1 I 1 11 I L Figure CD -1 Community Design Plan CITY OF TEMECULA GENERAL PLAN Legend Activity and Design Elements Ar Welty Norio� ( dW (,arena. 0 Fncal Intersection 9�1e <rry En[ ante Sign, S,1 ,•nracd l,>e OVndan A/1,1•j Sticctscapcs and Vicwshcd. SlaJur SireniM ape qpn� AWnnr SnCelscape r 4 Vrew,hed +.r•� Nature/Wilderness Trails flAmpX ,ur nm, an4I mnuraau? 0004j Community Teat lex al Pal . Chapane. Public. Open Space. and Recreation Faolihe, h Puhly Ins.rn,gna' Far iW,ar VA 1mesards/Ab•r,u1,•a: OS Open Sine, Paris ,mil Ra<re.amn Fa[ WILY • - Temecula e.n Round, Sphere. Intlua+,r B011.s101 Plarmmnit Area ® (dr I Ia0 m Cun amly Cenler Saune 1. rr.. ut. I.IS.r•rll •ni•.njtI,I4. /A•.rV .are. 1 IA ea City j f Mur to SphereDf 1 t 1 nce 1i Cour ty of Riverside Seidl 1•M Nkhola. Rd 1,J~ Lake Anew LaAe Skinner Rftentlion Area Rate) Rd reCt a Entertunment>, Center • 'rr e F 0 2,500 5,0011 F-1 F-1 FSH H F--1 7,500 10 000 Feet 1� l Mlles S 0 05 1 15 2 INTER OFFICE To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment(s): Copy To: 3 w7 City of Eagle Zoning Administration Mayor Merrill and City Council Members Nichoel Baird Spencer, AICP, Planner III CPA -5-06 M3 Eagle October 23, 2007 M3 Rebuttal Materials City Attorney, Zoning Administrator 9:e Attached is copy of the rebuttal material provided by M3 Eagle. These materials will be discussed as part of the applicant's rebuttal testimony once the public testimony has been concluded. Page 1 of 1 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\CPA\2007\CPA-5-06 rebuttal me doc