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Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 11/27/2007 - Special
-- EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes November 27, 2007 THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ITEM 6A (M3 Companies application) WILL BEGIN AT 6:00 P.M. ALL REMAINING PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HEARD AFTER 7:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Teri Bath leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. OATH OF OFFICE FOR SENIOR DEPUTY CITY CLERKffREASURER: Mayor swears in Tracy Osborn as Senior Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Al!:ainst the City. B. Findinl!:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-I0-07 - Conditional Use Permit for a Sewer Lift Station - Eal!:le Sewer District: Eagle Sewer District, represented by Lynn Moser, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a 2,232-square foot sewer lift station facility to be located within an area currently zoned R-2-DA-P (Residential-up to two units per acre with a development agreement-planned unit development). The 32,400-square foot site is located on the east side ofN. Palmer Lane approximately 2,700 feet north of State Highway 44, at 830 N. Palmer Lane. (WEV) C. Findinl!:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-09-07 - Conditional Use Permit for a Public Service Facilitv/Heil!:ht Excention - 230 kV & 138 kV Sub- Transmission Line - Idaho Power Comoanv: Idaho Power Company, represented by Layne Dodson, is requesting conditional use approval to construct a 230 kV and 138 kV sub-transmission line, and a height exception request to construct two 92- foot tall utility poles (57 - feet higher then the required maximum of 35-feet). The plan calls for 2,92'- foot-high power poles, spaced 300 feet apart along 500 feet of frontage of State Highway 16 within the Eagle City Limits. Given the distance of frontage and the proposed spacing of the power poles, only two (2) power poles would be located within the 500-feet of frontage along State Highway 16. The site is located within the right-of-way on the east side of State Highway 16 approximately :y. of a mile north of State Highway 44. (WEV) Page] K\CQUNCLL\MINUTES\Temporary t\.tinutes Work Area\CC -11.27-07mindoc D. DR-48-03 MOD - Modification to the Master Sil!n Plan for Eal!:le Center Shoooinl!: Center Includinl!: Modification to the Monument Sil!:n and the Buildinl! Wall Sil!:ns - Ken Friedman: Ken Friedman, represented by Noel Weber with Classic Design Studio, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan modification for the Eagle Center Shopping Center. The site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 1,550-feet east of Eagle Road at 601 - 625 East State Street. (WEV) E. Findinl!:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-13-07 - Conditional Use Permit for Heil!:ht Exceotion for Arts West Music Academv - Gardner-Ahlquist Develooment: Gardner-Ahlquist Development, represented by Pamela Hall with Timberline Surveying, PLLC, is requesting conditional use approval for a 43' -0" peak of roof, building height exception for the Arts West Music Academy. The height exception (the portion of the building above 35-feet) is for the purpose of accommodating the design and pitch of the roof. The 3.75-acre site is located approximately 600-feet north of State Highway 44 at 3415 West Flint Drive. (WEV) Bandy moves to remove the claims against the City to give Council the opportunity to review them. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES............. Guerber moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Bastian: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Susan Buxton, City Attorney, notes that Council may wish to amend the agenda to add under new business the MOU from the Idaho Department of Lands and the City of Eagle for a grant. So moved by Nordstrom. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES........ Mayor asks if there is anyone who wants to provide public comment tonight. Patricia Minkiewicz, Deerfield Court Eagle, wishes to express her thanks to the Council. She likes the Christmas lights going on downtown and on the street lights. The improvements to Eagle Centre are well done. The Urban Renewal Agency appears to be on the right path. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. A-14-06/RZ-19-06/Z0A-3-06 - Annexation. Rezone and Zoninl!: Ordinance Amendment M3 - M3 Comoanies: The M3 Companies are requesting an Annexation and Rezone from RR (Rural Residential- Ada County Designation) and RP (Rural Preservation- Ada County Designation) to R-I-DA with a Pre-Annexation and Development Agreement for a maximum of 8, 160 units and 245 acres of non-residential uses including commercial, office, and mixed use; a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to amend Eagle City Code Section 8-6 "Planned Unit Developments" to allow for the establishment of a M3-PUD zone. The +/- 6,005-acre site is generally located north of the Farmers Union Canal and Homer Road, east of State Highway 16, west of Willow Creek Road, and south of Chaparral Road.. This item was continuedfrom the November 20, 2007 meeting. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Bill Brownlee, 533 W. Riverside Dr. Eagle, Idaho reviews the application and presents a PowerPoint presentation. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is attached to the minutes. Nichoel Baird Spencer, Planner III, reviews calculations and proposed density changes. Susan Buxton, City Attorney: Discussion on the Development Agreement. Page 2 K\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-l ].27-07mio.doc Mayor states that it is her hope to hear public testimony tonight and leave written testimony open through Monday December 3, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. Mayor cal1s a 5 minute break. Mayor opens the public hearing. Mayor swears in Richard Allman. Richard Al1man, 1995 N. Parkforest Way Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Allman has lived here since 1999. Mr. Allman is impressed with the City Council's attention to this item. Feels the developer has worked wel1 to meet the desires of the City. The alternative is the developer going to the County and having a more negative impact with no input from the City on how it develops. Mayor swears in Debra Helton Debra Helton, 1203 Cerramar Ct. Eagle, ID. As Mr. Brownlee has had the opportunity to review the newly adopted comprehensive plan, and most of the general public has not, Ms. Helton respectfully requests that the public hearing be left open beyond December 3, 2007 so that people have time to review the new Comprehensive Plan and speak knowledgeably rather than based solely on emotion. Mayor swears in Joan Langdon. Joan Langdon, 4690 Hartley Eagle, 10. Ms. Langdon is in support of the M3 Plan. The developer has adjusted their plan in accordance with citizens input. Their plan respects the resources and current residents. Mayor swears in John Petrosvsky. John Petrosvsky, 4831 Wil10w Creek Road Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Petrosvsky represents the people on NAFCA. There is a lot to absorb from Mr. Brownlee's presentation, but some of it appears to be positive progress. He too would like to request the public testimony be left open beyond December 3, 2007. He would like to see the BLM land to be acquired. The movement of density out of the southern planning area is a positive improvement. He is having a hard time understanding the density bonus calculations as applied to this property. Mr. Pet understands that the City cannot enter into a binding contract and apply zoning outside of the City's area of impact. Mayor swears in Erik McLaughlin. Erik McLaughlin, speaks to the viability of vineyards on the M3 Property. The development of this property would have a positive affect on the Idaho Wine Industry. Mayor swears in Patricia Minkiewicz Patricia Minkiewicz, Deerfield Court Eagle. Wants to know if the golf course and the equestrian course open to the public. What does the "up to I" language mean? It has been here experience that this language means 2-3, so this should be tightened down. In Boise City Hall tonight is an Air Quality Summit, Ms. Minkiewicz reads from an Idaho Statesman article about air quality. With this development and increase of traffic it could have a negative health impact if approved. Page J K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-II-27-Q7min.doc Mayor swears in CJ Thompson. CJ Thompson, 4831 Willow Creek Rd, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Thompson asks that the public hearing remain open. She is concerned with the density bonus calculations. At the last meeting it was indicated that an ordinance would be approved. If that is the case an ordinance will need to be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. There has not been enough time to review the new comprehensive plan, and would like more time with staff to understand the implications of the changes. Ms. Thompson would really like hearing to remain open for more testimony next week. Urges Council to have Mr. Reeding review the new changes. Feels the development agreement is an entitlement document and it should be restricted by the wildlife mitigation plan. Would like a wildlife mitigation plan covering all 6000 acres be done prior to final plat. How will wildlife be impacted by the development? States the absence of the wildlife plan, in the County, would make it an incomplete plan. Urges Council to take more time with review this development agreement. Suggests they review the staff report from April and have each item addressed in the development agreement. Mayor swears in Heidi Patterson. Heidi Patterson, 5529 W. School Ridge Rd. Boise, Idaho. Appreciates the effort put into the foothills plan, it appears the developer has been responsive. Would encourage the City to annex M3 into the City limits. Ifthe City does not annex the property, another entity will and Eagle will have no control over how it develops. Would like to see the employment centers to remain if possible. Mayor swears AI Shoustarian. Mr. Shoustarian, 1119 N. Eagle Rd. Eagle, Idaho. Each agencies input should be reviewed. Feels the agencies should be given the opportunity to review the newest changes of this plan. He wants to preserve the City of Eagle's interests. How much will they pay for a new fire station and how many trucks? There will be impacts on the air quality, traffic and wildlife. Specifically the comments from ACHD, ITD and Meridian School District should be Mayor swears in Michael Huffaker. Michael Huffaker, 1753 N. Chaucer Way Eagle, Idaho. What will the total build out of the foothills? Would like more time for public testimony extending past next week. The City had at one time hired an independent economic expert to review the economic impacts that M3's expert had given. Mr. Huffaker had concerns with both analyses. Was the City's experts testimony get discarded? Questions what legal ramifications are there it the City does not annex within the time frame established in the development agreement. Does the current development agreement bind M3 to repairs on roads outside of their development so that they pay their fair share of the impact. The same inquiry goes for M3 to pay their fair share for construction of the schools in addition to M3 donating the land they are to be constructed on. Will the development agreement contractually bind to the phasing. Mayor swears in Rachel Winer Rachel Winer, 910 Main St., Boise, Idaho, States what a great job the Council did on the Comprehensive Plan last week. She would like more time to review the newly approved Comprehensive Plan. Requests additional time for public testimony be given. Feels the density Page 4 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary r..tinutes Work Area\C'(-l 1.27-07min doc bonus calculations should be approved via ordinance vs. this development agreement. Also cautions that Council may be acting outside of their jurisdiction on this item. Mayor swears in Sherri Randall. Sherri Randall, 278 E. Beacon Light, Eagle, Idaho. Would like more time for public comment on this item. Applauds Council's action on the Comprehensive Plan last week. Has concerns with the increase in density and the calculations. Feels that those in support of this plan are developers and realtors, and those opposed are residents. If the public hearing is not left open, Ms. Randall asks that the Council deny this application. Mayor swears in Mat Fahy. Matt Fahy, 390 W. Colchester Dr., Eagle, Idaho. He looked all over the Treasure Valley and Eagle is the place he decided to call. Feels that Council has done a good job and that growth is not a bad thing. This Council has been elected into office to do ajob and I ask that you do it. You have been at every meeting, whereas some here have only attended a handful. You have the information to do your job, and have been elected to do so. Mayor swears in Barb Jekel Barb Jekel, 2862 Haven Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Council did a good job last week on the Comprehensive Plan. Would like to look more closely at the bonus calculations and asks for the public hearing to be left open beyond next week so that more analysis can be done by the public. Air quality will negatively affect. Displays information on air quality - attached to minutes. Mayor swears in Dan Richter Dan Richter, 485 E. Riverside Dr.. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Richter is here as both an Eagle resident and developer. Eagle has high standards and M3 will fit in well. There has been a great investment of time from all participants both for and against this plan. The site has a number of constraints that inhibit development. They anticipate 1.3 to 1.5 units per acre... get from tape. Mayor swears in Kathy Pennisi. Kathy Pennisi, 3675 N. Saddleman Place, Eagle, Idaho. States she came in late, and has not had time to review the new comprehensive plan or development agreement. Would like to request the public testimony remain open so that more testimony can be given once these two documents have been reviewed more closely. There will be a negative impact on traffic. Ms. Pennisi reads excerpts of letters the City wrote to Ada County about A vimor, and states that M3 could be supplemented for Avimor in her mind. Also reads excepts of testimony she states that City Planner III Spencer Mayor swears in Rachel Hurn Rachel Hurn, 233 Spring Hill, Eagle, Idaho. Appreciates the changes made by M3 and the compromises they have made. Bill Brownlee rebuts testimony. The golf course are planned to be public, no definite decisions have been made, but at least one of the two will be a public course. Equestrian centers will have Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-27-07min.doc public boarding will be available. Mr. Brownlee states that it is not their intent to develop one phase and then sell off as Ms. Thompson had indicated in her testimony. They are long term community planners. BLM land exchange would be acre per acre ending with 6005 acres. Wildlife habitat mitigation generally comes in the form of a 404 Permit. We are very interested in working with Idaho Fish and Wildlife. We have met with ITD and ACHD to mitigate impacts on the roadway system as a result of the development of this project. We have reviewed the different funding mechanisms available to the State of Idaho and met with a variety of elected officials, We have provided that $1 million per fire station has agreed to. The donation of the school sites and 4 acres for civic uses have all been addressed. General discussion. Joann Butler, representing M3. States the development agreement has been before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for quite some time. The newest document reflects changes from the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Attorney's recommendations. What has been provided tonight are the changes only caused by Council's decision last week. Appreciates that some in the audience have not had time to review the documents and if the Council chooses to leave the hearing open it would be agreeable to the applicant. Council Discussion. We would like the comments to be based on the most recent changes to the development agreement regarding bonus calculations. Nordstrom moves to continue A-14-06/RZ-19-06/Z0A-3-06 - Annexation, Rezone and Zoning Ordinance Amendment M3 - M3 Companies to the December 5, 2007 City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m. and leave the public hearing open. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Testimony is limited to density and new bonus density calculations and that we try and keep the public discussion on the new items that have come forward on the Development Agreement.. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES............... Written comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m, on Monday. If you submit written comments it will be given to Council for review prior to the meeting. The public is welcome to provide additional comment on December 5th. Council takes a 15 minute break. B. RZ-18-07 - Rezone from A-R to BP-DA - Robert L. Pederson: Robert L. Pederson is requesting approval of a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to BP-DA (Business Park with a development agreement) to facilitate the construction of a five (5) unit, 14,34 I-square foot officelflex space building. The I.OO-acre site is located approximately 250' feet west of the East Hill Road and Horseshoe Bend Road intersection at 3055 East Hill Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. There is a request that this item be continued to the December 5, 2007 meeting. Bastian moves to continue RZ-18-07 - Rezone from A-R to BP-DA - Robert L. Pederson to the December 5, 2007 meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES. C. RZ-20-07 - Rezone from A-R to R-E-DA - Colette Nvborl!:: Colette Nyborg, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, Inc., is requesting approval of a rezone from A-R (Agricultural Residential) to R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a development agreement) to facilitate the re-subdivision ofa portion of Lot 15 & Lot 16 to eliminate two (2) non-conforming parcels. The +/- 2.28 acre and +/- 2.5- acre parcels are located approximately 1/3 of a mile south of Floating Feather on the northeast corner of the Ballantyne Lane and Hereford Drive at 660 North Ballantyne Lane. (WEV) This item will be continued to the December 5. 2007 meeting. Page 6 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-l ]-27-07min doc Mayor introduces the issue. There is a request that this item be continued to the December 5, 2007 meeting. Bastian Moves to continue A_07_07/RZ-09-07/CU-06-07/PPUD-04-07/PP-11-07- Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Stillwater Planned Unit Development to the December 5, 2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Findinl!:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-OI-07/RZ-OI-07 & PP-OI-07- Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-2-DA and Preliminarv Plat for Dwavne Linl!:el Subdivision (aka Adonai Subdivision) - Dwavne LiDl!:el: Dwayne Lingel is requesting annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to R-2-DA (Residential, up to two units per acre with development agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Adonai Subdivision. The proposed 5.70 acre residential subdivision will consist of 12 lots (8 _ buildable, 4 - common). The site is located on the east side of Park Lane Road approximately 1,200-feet south of Beacon Light Road at 2440 North Park Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to continue Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-OI-07/RZ-OI-07 & PP-OI-07 _ Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-2-DA and Preliminary Plat for Dwayne Lingel Subdivision (aka Adonai Subdivision) - Dwayne Lingel: to Dec. 5,2007. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... B. A_07_07/RZ_09_07/CU_06_07/PPUD-04-07/PP-11-07 - Annexation. Rezone. Conditional Use Permit. Preliminarv Develonment Plan. and Preliminarv Plat for Stillwater Planned Unit Develonment - Tri Cedars Manal!:ement Co. LLC: Tri Cedars Management Co. LLC, represented by David McKinnon with Conger Management, is requesting annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) and PS-DA (Public/Semi-public with a development agreement) to R-2-DA-P (Residential-I.62 units per acre with a development agreement) conditional use permit, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat approval for Stillwater Planned Unit Development, a 53-lot (47 buildable, 4 common, 2 R.O.W, dedicated lots) planned residential development. The 28.93-acre site is located approximately 1,300 feet west of West Ballantyne Road on the south side of West State Street (SH 44) at 2505 West State Street (SH 44). (WEV) The public hearing for this item has been closed. This item was continuedfrolll the October 23, 2007 meeting. Staffis requesting this item be continued to the December 11,2007, meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Staff is requesting this item be continued to the December 11, 2007 meeting. Guerber moves to continue A_07_07/RZ-09_07/CU_06_07/PPUD_04_07/PP_11_07_ Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Stillwater Planned Unit Development to the December 11,2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Final Plat Extension of Time for Moffat Subdivision (Obsidian Subdivision) - L220-1 ID Moffat. LLC: L220-1 ID Moffat, LLC is requesting a one-year extension of time for the final plat approval for Moffat Subdivision (Obsidian Subdivision), a 30-lot (24-buildable, 6-common) Page 7 K:\COLTNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-27-07min.doc residential subdivision. The 14.6-acre site is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately one-half mile north of Floating Feather Road at 1835 North Park Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve the Final Plat Extension of Time for Moffat Subdivision (Obsidian Subdivision) - L220-1 ID Moffat, LLC: Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: M()1LI()N <:ARRIES..................... B. Resolution No. 07-36: A Resolution Of The Eagle City Council, Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Amending The 2007 Comprehensive Plans; Adopting And Include The North Foothills, Brookside Planning Area, And Associated Updates; Affirming That Prescribed Notice And Hearing Requirements Were Met In Accordance With Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code; And Providing An Effective Date. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve Resolution No. 07-36. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ C. Memorandum ofUnderstandinl!: for Community TransDortation Enhancement (CTE) Grant: Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: 10% of the grant has to be provided as a match from the City of Eagle in a monetary amount. General discussion. This would come out of the Tree Fund. Guerber moves to approve the matching amount not to exceed $1,100. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: MOTION CARRIES............ Discussion of the invoice submitted by Garden City. Bastian moves to pay Garden City the amount of $5,042.03 for the cost of the work done to create an intertie. Seconded by Bandy. Bandy: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................ Nordstrom: I would like to get a copy of the plans that were drawn so that they become our property since we paid for them and then we need to arrange for these pipe supports to be delivered to us since we bought them. I would ask Mr. Echeita to follow and make sure that we all of the documents that we paid for and the pipe supports. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, states he has a copy of the approved DEQ plans. Guerber moves to add to the agenda in conjunction with the claims against the City the Garden City Invoice. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION <:ARRIES............. D. Claims Against the City. Bastian moves to approve the claims against the city including the Garden City invoice. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bandy: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: ALL Page 8 K\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC -11-27-07mindoc AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................ City Attorney Buxton: the hearing on the Charney challenge to the run off election is Friday at 10:00 a.m., on the fifth floor. We have filed our Motion to Dismiss and our opposition to this Petition and it is my understanding that Charney has not filed anything in response. General discussion. Council discussion regarding the L.I.D. and current point in the process. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... .,. ... ........ Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ........... ,., ." .......... X 1f!,AGLii' ..... h R ~ ~fIti 0 ........ ". ~.'\.- -..... ~<....." Oy-ATJi'...o;. ....SHA/~~~. BERGM:~~ $ ~I ~<l, .. ~ : U: 0 , -i -: CITY CLERK/TREASURER : ; u ,. "'"v;: 0 : i \ G r" ;:::r: i ~... c..v ",,"'-'e..,... .. . / ~ ..... -... ~ '=-' -..IttCOR,Ofla.- ...<J ~ "'" ........ G" ~.. .... $.... 0"'" ...... I ATE .... '"",.......,," A TRANSCRlBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS A V AILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 9 K:\CQUNCIL\J>..lINUTES\Ternporary Minutes Work Area\CC-II-27-07mindoc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGNUP SHEET RZ-20-07 - Rezone from A -R to R -E -DA - Colette Nvborg November 27, 2007 6:00 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON NAME EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET RZ-18-07 - Rezone from A -R to BP -DA - Robert L. Pederson November 27, 2007 6:00 D.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET A-14-06/RZ-19-06/ZOA-3-06 — Annexation, Rezone and Zoning Ordinance Amendment M3 — M3 Companies November 27, 2007 6:00 a.m. NAME 4 A LLmA 11)r)4,-,ra_ I -4e.1 j (— c, / V /W-4) 3�av so.✓ ,/sok U-1.66 ((A-LC/LA 4.1h / L L r - 6, ) i/L„rTA il%/ alp `11,. ✓I ',AC) WOMIIV/ IVOtk\c ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL 7 S2) S L) - 4-ci - 12f") C( -Yen ma It0 v, Tic S 1J . --p7A—�co--rwAY �AGl--E I D S36 (G 12c: C y r-) 01 C 4- Urj�� \ldrt: Cort C1 - 'i:. } 1•16`) /76_,--7'C- 1'7 4h1(Vi 138- (404. , C 3I9_s --76/r -3 C�9 K --e_ , I v f 6 i l / 4(b221 uN ON) (I L GT(1),4 TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON 1.) 6) C k,) Y� 5 yc5 y�5 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET A-14-06/RZ-19-06/ZOA-3-06 — Annexation, Rezone and Zoning Ordinance Amendment M3 — M3 Companies November 27. 2007 6:00 n.m. •14jjiVkitilVLVW‘AZ-; ll SSU, 6ACe(44-L �j k ,kA,\ 12-CIEVu.l igriKz ft/< H1/6__ / T/4 4 I5k USko�i /‘C.. (6_ (WO /i 2 qes AV),) atA ,A), y roc_ kei 1-- “-03\ YeS (e' C SZ.t.v.t,+rs,C�.t- Iz� -Hun/Ia NS- / 75-3 4/ cer J �-tS \k s Yes t \\C til• £ Y,e. S Car\ coti ; EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET A-14-06/RZ-19-06/Z0A-3-06 — Annexation, Rezone and Zoning Ordinance Amendment M3 — M3 Companies November 27, 2007 6:00 D.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET A-14-06/RZ-19-06/ZOA-3-06 — Annexation, Rezone and Zoning Ordinance Amendment M3 — M3 Companies November 27, 2007 6:00 a.m. NAME EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGNUP SHEET A-14-06/RZ-19-06/ZOA-3-06 — Annexation, Rezone and Zoning Ordinance Amendment M3 — M3 Companies November 27, 2007 6:00 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGNUP SHEET A-14-06/RZ-19-06/ZOA-3-06 — Annexation, Rezone and Zoning Ordinance Amendment M3 — M3 Companies November 27, 2007 6:00 n.m. ('i 1 1IOW- COMPARISON OF M3 with EAGLE CITY LIMITS 1 Eagle City Limits M3 with 880 acre as of 2006 donation total acres 9,2862 unconstrained acres° 8,286a population 20,1312 units 8,2582 density (unconstrained land less commercial) open space market value market value less HOE commercial, office & industrial sq. footage 1.08 units/acre 2, 946, 782, 0003 2,375,198,3003 2.61 million sq ft3 commercial value 331,351,2003 commercial acreage 653 property tax revenue (res/commercial) 1,010,427*** 5,125 3,741^ 19,913 8,160 2.33 units/acre 37.2% open space 4,556,618,000' 3,944,618,000' 1.6 - 2.1 million sq ft 313,555,000 - 395, 554, 000' 245 3,727,400' M3 (800 acre land swap**, 80 acre donation) 5,925 4,541 23,814 9,760* 2.27 units/acre 23% open space 5,450,072,509°° 4,718,072,5090° 1.6 - 2.1 million + ? 313,555,000 - 395,554,000 + ? 245+? 4,458,262°° o Only physical contraints considered a 1000 acres of floodway/floodplain constraints (best guess) ^ M3 DA states 73% of land outside 880 regional park is < 25% slopes (6005 - 880 = 5125 * .73 = 3741) * DA states land obtained in BLM land swap gets up to 2 units/acre ** Assumes acre for acre swap with BLM land *** Eagle City Budget FY06-07 Aug °O Extrapolated 1 Source: Idaho Economics (M3's economic estimate) 2 Source: APA (2006 city limits estimate) 3 Source: Ada County Assessor KP - 11/20/2007 The consequences of not meeting air quality standards: Economic Additional legal requirements for state and local agencies as well as businesses New and additional business permitting limits. Additional costly planning and analysis Mandated employer restrictions and requirements Damage to crops, trees, and other vegetation Reduced crop yields, even potatoes www.treasurevalleyair.org 11 Health Effects Increased instances of asthma Increased aggravation of existing lung disease Increased susceptibility to respiratory infection Increased instances of bronchitis Increased lung or throat irritation and damage Increased susceptibility to colds, pneumonia, and asthma Quality of Life Attractiveness to work and live in the valley www.treasurevalleyair.org 10 Particulate Matter C0,110_110+ 'We L1iI_1l`'- \'Ve Lo 'e Clean Ali'... Particulate Matter Particulate pollution comes from vehicle exnaust, smokestacks, wood burning, mining, construction activity, and agriculture and is a combination of fine solids such as dirt, soil dust, pollens, molds, ashes, soot; and aerosols chemically formed in the atmosphere from gaseous combustion by-products. Fine particles - PM 2.5 - are those less than 2.5 microns in diameter (A human hair is about 75 microns in diameter). PM 2.5 is easily inhaled deeply into the lungs where it can be absorbed into the bloodstream or remain embedded for long periods of time. Exposure worsens asthma & causes wheezing, coughing & respiratory irritation in anyone with sensitive airways. New studies have shown that exposure triggers heart attacks, irregular heartbeats & premature death PM 2.5 pollution can occur anytime of the year, but we tend to see high levels in the winter when inversions trap pollution in the Treasure Valley. back to FAQ Home :: Testing information :: FAQ :: Clean Car Tips :: Contact Cc lila-110i- M3 Eagle Protect Summary of Density Allocations by Planning Area Density Acres (units/acre) Total Units Base Density 6,005 0.6 3,003 Community Center 88 2.6 220 Neighborhood Center 240 9.3 2,240 Sub -Total Units 5,463 Required Open Space (20%) 1,201 Tonal Open Space 880 1 880 - 20 860 Excess Community Open Space 321 0.5 161 30 131 - Open Space Funding Bonus (10%) 10% 650 155 233 192 Total Open Space (40%) 2,402 Transferred Units - 188 1,983 (1,983) Northern Big Gulch Residential 318 1,380 1,200 800 Southern Southwestern Highway Residential Residential Mixed Use 1,057 204 44 - 220 240 Sub Total Bonus Units Total Units: Gross Density Per Acre Total Project Density Average Household Income Disposal income Average Sales Per Square Foot Projected Retail Square Feet Required Total Project Density Average Square Footage Per Household Projected Office Square Feet Required Table 1: Big Gulch Planning Area Base Density Community Center Neighborhood Center Rhe conal Open Space Excess Community Open Space Funding Bonus Density Transfer 4,151 7,153 1,891 4,647 126 1.19 2.97 1.65 0.06 44 26 (188) 300 290 0.74 3.30 Total Square Northern Southern Southwestern Highway Retail Feet Big Gulch Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use 7,163 $ 75,000 40% $ 260 858,396 850,000 260,000 250,000 100,000 250,000 Office 7,163 50 357,665 1 345,000 Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) 636 0.5 - 2.5 120 10 1 60 0.5 10% Units 318 1,200 • 30 155 188 Total Units 1,891 Gross Density Per Acre 2.97 Table 2: Northern Residential Planning Base Density Community Center Neighborhood Center Regional Open Space Excess Community Open Space Funding Bonus Density Transfer Area Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) 2,760 0.6 - 2.5 80 10 20 1 261 0.6 10% Total Units Gross Density Per Acre Units 1,380 800 20 131 233 1,983 4,647 1.66 50,000 50,000 20,000 226,000 Table 3: Southern Residential Planning Base Density Community Center Neighborhood Center Regional Open Space Excess Community Open Space Funding Bonus Density Transfer Area Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) 2,114 0.6 2.6 10 860 1 0.5 10% Total Units Gross Density Per Acre Units 1,057 860 192 (1,983) 126 0.06 Table 4: Southwestern Residential Planning Area Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) Units Base Density 407 0.5 204 Community Center 0 2.5 - Neighborhood Center 40 6 240 Regional Open Space 0 1 - Excess Community Open Space 0.5 - Funding Bonus 101/4 44 Density Transfer (188) 300 0.74 Total Units Gross Density Per Acre Table 5: Highway Mixed Use Planning Area Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) Units Base Density 88 0.6 44 Community Center 88 2.6 220 Neighborhood Center 0 10 Regional Open Space 0 1 - Excess Community Open Space 0.5 - Funding Bonus 101/4 26 Density Transfer - Total Units 290 Gross Density Per Acre 3.30 Table 7: Density Matrix based upon Unconstrained Lands Multiplier Big Gulch Northern Southern Southwestern Highway Totals Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use Pre Mitigation Total Pre -Mitigation Unconstrained Acr 520 1,844 500 70 82 3,016 Maximum Density Per - Unconstrained Acre Multiplier 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 Pre -Mitigation Maximum Units 884 3,135 850 119 139 5,127 Post Mitigation Total Post Mitigation Unconstrained Ad 595 2,474 645 407 86 4,207 Maximum Density Per Unconstrained Acre Multiplier 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 Post -Mitigation Maximum Units 1,012 4,206 1,097 692 146 7,152 'Acres Mitigated By Planning Area 1 75 1 630 I 145 1 337 1 4 1 1,191 I 'Based upon this matrix we are limited to a Maximum Pre -Mitigation Project unit count of 1 5,127 I 'Based upon this matrix we are limited to a Maximum Post -Mitigation Project unit count of 1 7,152 I (Maximum Allowed Based Upon the Matrix Using Current Development Plan I 7,153 I Foothills Overall Pre Mitigation Total Pre Mitigation Unconstrained 12,089 Maximum Density Per Unconstrained Acre 1.70 Pre Mitigation Density 20,551 Post Mitigation Projected Post Mitigation Unconstrained 1.4 times Pre Mitigation 16,925 Maximum Density Per Unconstrained Acre 1.70 Post Mitigation Density 1 28,772 , Current Comprhensive Plan Acres Units Acre Total Units Unconstrained 12,089 0.50 6,045 Rural Residential 2,080 0.50 1,040 BLM 5,398 - - Slopes >25% 16,259 0.50 8,130 Floodway 210 - - Habitat 12,964 0.50 6,482 Comm Centers 505 10.00 5,050 Neigh Centers 185 10.00 1,850 Sub Total In Accordance with Comp Plan 28,596 Table 7: Density Matrix based upon Unconstrained Lards Multiplier Big Gulch Northern Southern Southwestern Highway Totals Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use Pre -Mitigation Total Pre -Mitigation Unconstrained Acr 520 1,844 500 70 82 3,016 Maximum Density Per - Unconstrained Acre Multiplier 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 Pre -Mitigation Maximum Units 884 3,135 850 119 139 5,127 Post Mitigation Total Post -Mitigation Unconstrained Ac 595 2,474 645 407 86 4,207 Maximum Density Per - Unconstrained Acre Multiplier 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 Post -Mitigation Maximum Units 1,012 4,206 1,097 692 146 7,152 'Acres Mitigated By Planning Area 1 75 1 630 1 145 1 337 1 4 1 1,191 ' 'Based upon this Matrix We Are Limited to a Maximum Pre -Mitigation Project Unit Count of 1 5,127' (Based upon this Matrix We Are Limited to a Maximum Post -Mitigation Project Unit Count of I 7,152' 'Maximum Units Allowed Based On the Matrix Using Current Development Plan I 7,153' RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE NOV 2 7 2007 File: Route to• M3 Eagle Project Summary of Density Allocations by Planning Area Density Northern Southern Southwestern Highway Acres (units/acre) Total Units Big Gulch Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use Base Density 6,005 0.5 3,003 318 1,380 1,057 204 44 Community Center 88 2.5 220 - - - 220 Neighborhood Center 240 9.3 2,240 1,200 800 240 - Sub -Total Units 5,463 Required Open Space (20%) 1,201 Rhe tonal Open Space 880 1 880 - 20 860 - Excess Community Open Space 321 0.5 161 30 131 Open Space Funding Bonus (10%) 10% 650 155 233 192 44 26 Total Open Space (40%) 2,402 Transferred Units - 188 1,983 (1,983) (188) Sub -Total Bonus Units 4,151 Total Units: 7,153 1,891 4,547 126 300 290 Gross Density Per Acre 1.19 2.97 1.65 0.06 0.74 3.30 Note: The total area designated for non-residential uses in the project is 245 acres. Total Project Units Average Household Income Disposal Income Average Sales Per Square Foot Projected Retail Square Feet Required Total Project Units Average Square Footage Per Household Projected Office Square Feet Required Table 1: Big Gulch Planning Area Base Density Community Center Neighborhood Center tniionai Open Space Excess Community Open Space Funding Bonus Density Transfer Total Square Retail Feet 7,153 $ 75,000 40% $ 250 858,398 850,000 250,000 250,000 Northam Southern Southwestern Highway Big Gulch Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use Office 7,153 50 357,665 345,000 50,000 50,000 Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) 636 0.5 2.5 120 10 1 60 0.5 10% Units 318 1,200 30 155 188 Total Units 1,891 Gross Density Per Acre 2.97 'Table 2: Northern Residential Planning Area Density Allocation 100,000 250,000 20,000 225,000 RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE NOV 2 7 2007 File: Route to. Base Density Community Center Neighborhood Center Regional Open Space Excess Community Open Space Funding Bonus Density Transfer Density Acres (units/acre) Units 2,760 0.5 1,380 2.5 80 10 800 20 1 20 261 0.5 131 10% 233 1,983 Total Units 4,547 1.65 Gross Density Per Acre Table 3: Southern Residential Planning Base Density Community Center Neighborhood Center Regional Open Space Excess Community Open Space Funding Bonus Density Transfer Area Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) Units 2,114 0.5 1,057 2.5 - 0 860 1 0.5 10% Total Units Gross Density Per Acre 860 192 (1,983) 126 0.06 Table 4: Southwestern Residential Planning Area Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) Units 407 0.5 204 Base Density Community Center Neighborhood Center Regional Open Space Excess Community Open Space Funding Bonus Density Transfer 0 2.5 40 6 0 1 0.5 10% Total Units Gross Density Per Acre 240 44 (188) 300 0.74 Table 5: Highway Mixed Use Planning Area Density Allocation Density Acres (units/acre) Units Base Density 88 0.5 44 Community Center 88 2.5 220 Neighborhood Center 0 0 - Regional Open Space 0 1 Excess Community Open Space 0.5 - Funding Bonus 10% 26 Density Transfer - Total Units 290 Gross Density Per Acre 3.30 RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE NOV 2 7 2007 File: Route to: cJc, iilaft 101 INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: Mayor Merrill and City Council Members From: Nichoel R. Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP, Planner III JIM Subject: A-14-06/RZ-19-06/ZOA-03-06 — Annexation and Rezone from RR (Rural Residential- Ada County Designation) and RP (Rural Preservation -Ada County Designation) to R -1 -DA (Residential with a development agreement) with a Pre - Annexation and Development Agreement— M3 Companies, represented by Bill Brownlee Date: November 27, 2007 Attachment(s): Copy To: M3 Companies, Attn: Gerry Robbins Attached is staff s view of the proposed changes to the above referenced applications. Due to time constraints staff will provide a complete verbal overview at the meeting. Page 1 of 1 K1Plamdas DeptlEagle AppiicuionARZ&A120061414-06-06 & RZ-19-06-06 me 2.doc M3 Calculation Base: 6005 X .5 3003 units Min. Open Space: 11201 Acres 20% Bonuses: Pg. 66-67 Paragraph 2C (2, 3, & 5) Open Space above 20% & Open Space Designed to Serve both Neighborhood & Community Min. Open Space 1201 Acres 20% Proposed Open Space: 2402 Acres 40% Acres Eligible for Bonus: 1201 Acres Open Space Type Regional Open Space Community Open Space Pg.67 Paragraph 2C (4) IC: Creation of Centers Neighborhood Centers Community Centers Density Bonus up to 1 unit per acre up to .5 units per acre M3 acres Bonus Units 880 880 321 161 Total 1041 Number of Centers M3 acres Bonus Units 6-10 units per acre 5 240 2240 8-10 units per acre (max. 22 acre of 88 25% of Center) 1 (u, SH 16 total 220 Total 2460 Pg.66 Paragraph C (1) ID: Permanent non -City Funding Source Mechanism Transfer Fee Total Units Base Plus Bonus: Base: 3003 Bonus 2, 3, & 5: 1041 Bonus 4: 2460 Bonus 1: 650 7154 Bonus 10% Maiimum developable density 1.7 unit per unconstrained acre Unconstrained Acres Pre -Mitigation 1 3016 Post Mitigation 4207 Density 1.7 units/acre 1.7 units/acre Bonus Units 650 Units 5127 7152 i Foothills Land Uses Acres % of Area Unconstrained 12,089 25% Residential Rural 2,080 4% Slopes 25%+ 16,259 33% Floodway 210 0% Habitat 12,964 26% BLM 5,398 11% Total 49,000 Community & Neighborhood 690 1% Centers Adjustment factor: Eagle North Foothills Subarea Density* Acres 49,000 *excluding bonuses IDensity I Units 0.5 I 24500 Maximum Developable Density Unconstrained Acres 12089 1 i Density Units 1.7 units/acre 1 20551 Adequate Public Facilities Review: Pg. 126 Definition: Adequate Public Facilities: The evaluation of development and applications to ensure that development mitigates its proportionate share of the impacts on a specified public facilities and/or services (including but not limited to municipal water, sewer, and transportation) and that the mitigation is available at the time when the development's impacts are felt on a specific facility/service. Comprehensive Plan Provisions Chapter 4 School, Public Services & Utilities: Pg. 15 a) Support the efforts of the Library to ensure that adequate facilities are provided to the citizenry of Eagle. "Adequate Facilities" is defined as a minimum of 1.0 square feet of library space per capita and 3.5 collection items per capita. Chapter 6 Land Use: Pg. 63 The overall density of the foothills should remain rural (1 unit per 40 acres and/or lunit per 10 acres as currently allowed in Ada County) until annexed to the City of Eagle at which time development should be reviewed for compliance with the Eagle Foothills Plan and for the provision of adequate public facilities. Pg. 65 Paragraph b 1: A. The base residential density for all lands within the Foothills Planning Area should be 1 unit per 40 acres and 1 unit per 10 acres until annexed into the City of Eagle and the provision of adequate public facilities is secured or demonstrated. Pg. 76 Paragraph e(1) 1) The City recognizes that the placement of development within the foothills will create the need for significant improvements both internally and externally to the area. These impacts should be adequately assessed and distributed among the land owners within the foothills. A) The City and land owners should work with ACHD and ITD to establish a mechanism for the review and assessment of the transportation costs associated with the development of the Eagle Foothills and the implementation of this plan. 1) Work with ACHD, ITD and/or other transportation authorities to pursue thecollections and dedication of impact fees for improvements specific to the Eagle Foothills. B) All development in the foothills should be limited until the provision of basic municipal services can be established these include: sewer municipal water, and transportation. 1) All development within the Foothills Sub -area should connect to the City of Eagle Municipal water service unless otherwise indicated by the City of Eagle. Chapter 8 Transportation Pg. 91 Pg. 93 Develop a citywide plan and policy on measuring and implementing a means of concurrently improving the transportation and public transit systems with the approval of new developments. Create a concurrency ordinance to ensure the adequate funding of transportation and transit system improvements at the time of development. • Coordinate the land use plans and the roadway system to ensure that build out traffic levels conform to the established levels of service determined with an Adequate Public Facilities Plan. The Development agreement requires additional approvals from the following agencies prior to the approval of preliminary development plans and plats for the M3 development thus ensuring that the developer provides their proportionate share of the required infrastructure and facilities (adequate public facilities) when the demand is created: Pg of DA Facility Agency 28 Schools Meridian School District 25 Sewer Eagle Sewer District City of Eagle Id. Department of Environmental Quality Central District Health Department 28 Fire Eagle Fire District Star Fire District 27 Police City of Eagle (In conjunction with Ada County) 29 Library City of Eagle 29 Parks & Open Space City of Eagle (In conjunction with BLM & Id. F&G) 23 Water Id. Depart. Of Water Resources Id. Dept of Environmental Quality Central District Health Department City of Eagle 21 Roads ACHD-(Specifically North Ada County Foothills Transportation Plan) Idaho Transportation Department Changes to include the area into the Long Range Transportation Plan Page 1 of 2 Sharon Bergmann From: Susan E. Buxton [SEB@msbtlaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:04 PM To: Bill Vaughan Cc: Sharon Bergmann Subject: RE: CTE Grant MOU doc I have reviewed it and approved it as to form. Keep in mind it requires a commitment of 10% monetary match by the city. That is an appropriation that needs to be approved by a roll call of Council in addition to the fact that it is a contract needing council approval. Susan Susan E. Buxton Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered 950 W. Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 331-1800 Facsimilie: (208) 331-1202 seb ar msbtlaw.com. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named as recipient. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or protected from disclosure under applicable law, attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work product doctrine. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately. Do not deliver, distribute, disclose, or take any action in reliance on the information it contains. This transmission is not intended for release to opposing parties, opposing counsel or any other third person or entity. Copies of this email should not be kept in your regular files but should be kept in a separate file (printed or electronic) labeled "attorney-client privilege." Do not produce a copy of this email in discovery. From: Bill Vaughan[mailto:bvaughan@cityofeagle.org] Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1:53 PM To: Susan E. Buxton Subject: FW: CTE Grant MOU doc Susan - we need to sign this MOA asap so that we can get the grant money. Can you quickly reivew and ok it.? I'll talk to you more about this later today/tonight. Thanks. 'l't)ifain E. Vaughan, ATOP Zoning Administrator City of Eagle ph.: 939-0227 fax 938-3854 From: Julie Lafferty Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1:51 PM To: Bill Vaughan Subject: CTE Grant MOU doc I need response back on this ASAP...they want the paperwork back in Coeur d'Alene by this Friday, so basically I need to get it out in the mail by tomorrow if not sooner. Sorry to be so short notice, but I just got it this afternoon. Looks like it took 6 days to get here! 11/27/2007 Page 2 of 2 Julie Lafferty City Forester/ISA Certified Arborist 660 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 tlf 208-939-0227 X219 fax 208-938-3854 ilafferty r@cityofeagle.org www.cityofeagle.org II' ant I►ufae/ unci gait i.e. wrau.na me, a.n.a 4 ,, as not ea4.e. it, ix °tiff nai °Aw.e me." -e aee ezt tia I) 9cwaet "IN mate un Lsn,neruf,e miaa ca. 4,0fie4t we tri.k C. 4 eea ua eaieu, an u.eatf atc, mud., 4 &a communal. RI cut jattutian, th,el Goof dia. WA., 1/.9. praent eroaion, tile,macca. eau.na, LLj yrtoauae ax J. jen. when, a ir. J tf t, tftl tactic J.)." -^t. Rid.) LAI 11/27/2007 4 CG ,J7/o4 Grant Number: 07 -CTE -E MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between Idaho Department of Lands And City of Eagle RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE NOV 2 7 2007 File: Route to• This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Idaho Department of Lands hereinafter referred to as IDL, and the City of Eagle, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, provides support for community forestry management. IDL agrees to reimburse appropriate expenditures not to exceed the award amount of $10,062.50. Funds are provided by the Idaho Department of Lands in cooperation with the Idaho Transportation Department. Signature of this MOU by the GRANTEE assures the recipient's workplace meets federal and state requirements including the following: equal employment opportunities exist, the workplace is drug-free, that no funds will be used to lobby members of Congress, and that no companies debarred from federally -funded contracts will be used. The following standards for federal grants to state agencies, tribes and local governments apply to the monies disbursed pursuant to this MOU: Administrative Principles • Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-102 (revised 8/29/97) • Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR Part 18, 20 and 29 Cost Principles • OMB Circular A-87 (revised 5/10/04) Auditing Principles • OMB Circular A-133 (revised 6/27/03) NOTE: If you would like a copy of these Circulars, please contact the IDL Community Forestry Coordinator's office, or visit www.idl.idaho.gov (click on community forestry and then grants). The grant guidelines and conditions as set forth by the IDL and ITD include the following: 1. The GRANTEE will adhere to the proposal (application) and budget submitted to IDL, any revisions as attached to this MOU, and any future revisions per agreement with IDL. Should you desire to make m changes to the project (whether grant funded or part of GRANTEE'S match) you must ask for prior approval, in writing, from this office. Specific Project Scope items to be completed include: a. Design and install drip -line irrigation system Memorandum of Understanding Between IDL and City of Eagle Page 1 of 4 b. Purchase, plant and mulch 20 trees 2. The agreement period begins on December 1, 2007 and ends on December 31, 2008. The terms of the grant are enforceable until December 31, 2011. Federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to grants, records and auditing may remain enforceable longer. Local laws and regulations, which may be more restrictive, apply. 3. The project period begins on December 1, 2007 and ends on December 31, 2008. All reimbursable and required GRANTEE match expenditures and activities must occur within the project period. Time extension requests must be received by IDL in writing 10 business days prior to the project end date and be approved by December 31, 2008 to be binding. 4. IDL shall make payment on a reimbursement basis. IDL will reimburse costs based upon documented expenditures up to the award amount. The amount due shall be based upon budget and performance reports and financial documentation submitted to IDL by the GRANTEE. These reports may be submitted quarterly or at the end of the project period. Additionally, GRANTEE reimbursement of the project is contingent upon IDL approval of the project. a. Project costs must be summarized on a reimbursement request form. Documentation supporting all project costs submitted for reimbursement and 10% minimum cash match must accompany reimbursement request. These include copies of paid receipts/invoices, check numbers, etc. The enclosed Grant Expenditure Documentation Form or equivalent should also be included with reimbursement requests. b. Please note: Any GRANTEE claiming reimbursement for employees (interns or apprentices), or using that expenditure to meet minimum 10% cash match requirement, must follow strict federal time recording regulations. For reimbursement, GRANTEE must submit enclosed Grant Recipient Labor Worksheet or equivalent. c. Performance reports shall include a narrative describing the work done to the date of the report. Describe what was done over what period of time and by whom. Planting projects shall also include a list of the species of plant materials planted, the number of each species and where the trees are located. A final narrative performance report is required summarizing project accomplishments prior to final reimbursement. This report may be used by IDL to promote grant program accomplishments. 5. Final grant reimbursement request should be received by January 31, 2009. Any funds not claimed by the GRANTEE by March 31, 2009 will be forfeited, unless IDL gives written authorization to extend the reimbursement period. 6. If any plant materials (trees, shrubs and perennials) are planted as part of the project, the GRANTEE is required to ensure plant materials are maintained in a healthy condition for 3 years after the project period ends per the maintenance plan submitted with application. The IDL may periodically inspect grant projects within this time period for compliance. 7. Purchases of goods or contracts less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) may be acquired as each grant recipient sees fit, in accordance with good business practice and in the best interest of the state. Purchases of goods or contracts between $5,000 and $50,000 require acquisition to be publicly posted and no less than three vendors having a significant Idaho presence solicited to submit quotations. Award shall be made to the responsible and Memorandum of Understanding Between IDL and City of Eagle Page 2 of 4 responsive bidder offering the lowest acceptable quotations. See http://adm.Idaho.00v/adminrules/rules/IDAPA38/0501.odf for specific requirements. Purchases exceeding $50,000 must be made through a formal bidding process. Written documentation must be maintained as to the parties solicited and notified, bid amounts and the justification for selection if the low bid is not accepted. If professional services (contracting with a consultant or other business) are bid and the services listed on the bid request are to be evaluated on criteria other than price alone, GRANTEE must have written bid specifications detailing evaluation criteria. If accepted bid is not the lowest cost, GRANTEE must maintain in file justification for chosen bid. 8. All enhancement projects within an existing Federal -aid highway or linked to a Federal -aid facility by proximity or impact must comply with wage requirements of the Davis Bacon Act. Contractors may not use volunteer labor on Davis -Bacon projects but state or local agencies can if the volunteers are under the direct control as a force account effort. 9. All tree and shrub planting activity under this grant must comply with IDL Community Forestry Tree Purchase and Planting Specifications (enclosed). Additional copies are available by contacting the IDL Community Forestry Coordinator or on-line. 10. Tree pruning must be done or supervised by an ISA Certified Arborist. Under no circumstances will these funds be used to top, head or stub any public tree. Pruning and removal of trees must comply with current editions of American National Standard for Tree Care Operations—Standard Practices, ANSI A300 and American National Standard for Tree Care Operations—Safety Requirements, ANSI Z133.1. 11. All printed materials developed for distribution under this grant must be pre -approved by IDL prior to duplication and dissemination. 12. Any brochures, videos, other educational materials, or press releases developed as part of the project shall include a written or verbal statement, which shall provide credit for "A grant from The Idaho Department of Land's Community Forestry Program in cooperation with the Idaho Transportation Department." 13. The GRANTEE agrees to permit audits and post -audits by auditors of the State of Idaho or their representatives, of the project site and of all records pertaining to the project. 14. Requests to amend the proposal or this MOU shall be made in writing to: Community Forestry Coordinator Idaho Department of Lands 3780 Industrial Avenue South Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 15. Failure to comply with the proposal or to meet the above requirements may result in grant cancellation or the retention of grant funds by IDL. Misrepresentation of fact in the proposal or an accomplishment report may result in the revocation of the grant. IDL may require grant moneys already dispensed be returned. 16. The GRANTEE assures that state and federal laws and certifications are in place including the following: a. Civil Rights—policies and practices of non-discrimination Memorandum of Understanding Between IDL and City of Eagle Page 3 of 4 b. Debarment and Suspension—no vendor or contractor debarred or suspended from being able to work under a federal grant will receive any money under this grant project. (Idaho Department of Commerce maintains lists secured from the federal government.) c. Drug-Free/Smoke-Free Workplace d. Lobbying—no grant funds will be used for lobbying to influence legislation. e. Avoidance of Conflict of Interest 17. The sections of this MOU are presumed severable. If any section, or part thereof, or the application of any section to any person or circumstance is declared invalid, that invalidity does not affect the validity of any remaining sections. AGREED: AGREED: Grantee ld�ho Department of Lands Authorized CityOfficial IDL Authorized Si nature Signatute Title Date Date Original signed version due at the Department of Lands by November 30, 2007. Memorandum of Understanding Between IDL and City of Eagle Page 4 of 4 BUDGET CALCULATION FORM CITY OF EAGLE NOV 2 7 2007 File: Dia- •.. GRANT APPLICANT TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSE QUANTITY/ HOURLY FUNDS CASH MATCH DONATED & _ (ADD COLUMNS OR PIECE RATE REQUESTED (B) IN-KIND (C) g & C) (A) * FOR INFORMATION ON WHAT TO PUT IN COLUMNS SEE APPENDIX B PLEASE ROUND NUMBERS TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR AMOUNT. PERSONNEL EXPENSES (SALARIES/ WAGES/ BENEFITS) * Requested grant funds cannot be used for regular personnel costs of city employees. City Forrester 80 hrs @ $20/hr ///4 1,600 1,600 City Landscaper 60 hrs @ $18/hr /%/��% 1,080 1,080 2,680 1. TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENDITURES (TRAVEL, SUPPLIES, PLANT MATERIALS, RENTALS, ETC.) Mileage - City Vehicle 50 Miles @ .445 Mulch 55 yds @ $30/yrd 1,650 Tree Purchase 20 trees @ $220 4,400 Skidster Time 1 day @ 300 2. TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 6,050 23 300 2,680 23.00 1,650 4,400 300 323 6,373 CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Design and install drip line 3.S sl.s o irrigation. ":€4© 6,000 Landscaping crew to plant and prepare site. 2,000 2,000 3. TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICES EXPENSES 4 8 0%).. s o 0Q 8,000 11) II TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES (ADD UNES 1,2 & 3) I 1 1 A �e- 60-- I I 17,053 Ie. o c. a. 5o bAc t..Sc Idaho Department of Lands Community Forestry Program 2007-2008 Q .CTE Giant—Applicationi.- \ 6 1 l P� I. �d �1- cVv.r. --.0-e 1+[ vv,... clue `-A; , fi�'• . ,.•.s. ,-.1-- LST ( TG '"%.4 .N‘.",; L CA"0/ )-.r r� J M3 EAGLE 26 010-114 www.m3eagle.com PROPOSED HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE " WILLOW CREEK ROAD REALIGNMENT WAWA radii*/ *4 • , MI .41124- B BROOKSIDE LANE EXISTING CONNECTION FROM EQUEST LANE '(17...- 11, ARTERIAL PROVIDES 7 DIRECT ACCESS TO I FUTURE VILLAGE CENTER SECONDARY COLLECTOR OFFERS ACCESS TO DOWNTOWN EAGLE 4416;.0 E 44: r az ow : ; f••:11 % -'7,. `,3 ;i'Ctifi'llitO, ;4Fil _ 7 -1`.'•. - PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL WATER,STUDY:ARE, \43 EAGLE WATER STUDY AREA 6 tt. r A Fr r A 1 Curves' Property Owter El ALM. E 1 .t .,a ti r. 0,4 L.dse ._fie_ f T� Z1. t tri ,A Pr A r A • • Vegetation Condition as a Percentage 2% of Total Acres 8% t% 2% 6% 3%I Grass. Good ■ 1 Grass Satisfactory 24% 0 Grass. Marginal 0 Grass, Poor ■ Shnb. Sabsfacbry 0 Shrub. Marginal 0 Shrub. Poor 0 Disturbed. Poor 54% M3 Eagle o ozs os is Vegetation Condition 1.r 3 EAGLE EXISTING VEGETATION Key Residential Rural (1 unicres) �Nalk Radius USa Foothills Residential pen Space Overlay ,Community Centers (Mixed Use) City/ BLM (Regional Park) Transitional Residenital [ " BLM Ownership (Public/Semi-public) Floodway N Roads +25% Slope (1 unit/5 acres) City of Eagle Foothills Land Use Map M3 EAGLE FOOTHILLS COMMUNITY CENTERS Key �r Residential Rural (1 unit/ acres)alk Radius Foothills Residential IPCfpen Space Overlay Community Centers (Mixed Use) MI City/ BLM (Regional Park) ransitional Residenital ® BLM Ownership (Public/Semi-public) Floodway N Roads +25% Slope (1 unit/5 acres) City of Eagle Foothills Land Use Map V13 EAGLE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS t., : � 4 ‘,.., ..,,,, , t, ,\,,,, th-N.....-74:::1.‘e144,.\\, A'44*4_,_, ,,,„,,,„ Gc� ro Total Acres in Open Space Overlay 3,150 fo Total M3 Eagle Open Space Regional Park 800 Willow Creek Open Space Corridor 80 Big Gulch Park 14 Lakes outside of park areas 60 Neighborhood Parks (3) 15 Community Parks (2) 16 Regional Park (1) 35 Total Open Space Acres 1,020 = 32% Two Equestrian Centers Looping Park and Trail System Overall Average Density of 1 unit per 6 acres in Southwestern Area & 1 unit per 16 acres in the Southern area 6 A” ..err ._. BeacLight 1 _ ! 1 Residential Rural (1 unit/ acres) Walk Radius Foothills Residential Open Space Overlay Community Centers (Mixed Use) IM City! BLM (Regional Park) Transitional Residential [J BLM Ownership (Public/Semi-public) Floodway N Roads +25% Slope (1 unit/5 acres) City of Eagle Foothills Land Use Map M3 EAGLE FOOTHILLS CONSTRAINTS CALCULATION OF DENSITY FOR M3 EAGLE Comprehensive Plan Density Base Density Neighborhood Centers Community Centers Bonus Density Regional Open Space Community Open Space Open Space Funding Unconstrained Land Multinlier Unconstrained Land Multiplier Units per Acre .5 10 for up to 60 acres for 100% 10 for up to 25% of 150 acres 1 unit for each acre of Regional Park Land dedicated over the minimum of 20% open space. .5 unit for each acre of Regional Park Land dedicated over the minimum of 20% open space. 10% of Comprehensive Plan and Bonus Density for providing perpetual funding source 1.7 times the number of unconstrained acres in the community. V.3 E\GLE CALCULATION OF DENSITY FLOODWAY HABITAT AREAS OF SPECIAL CONCERN SLOPE > 25% Table 7: Density Matrix based yon Unconstrained Lai ds Multiplier Big Gulch Northern Southern Southwestern Highway Totals Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use Pre Mitiption Total Pre Mitigation Unconstrained Ac Maximum Density Per Unconstrained Acre Multiplier Pre Mitigation Maximum Units 520 1,844 500 70 82 3,016 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 884 3,135 850 119 139 5,127 M3 EAGLE PRE MITIGATION FLOODWAY HABITAT AREAS OF SPECIAL CONCERN SLOPE > 25% I Table 7: Density Matrix based upon Unconstrained Lands Multiplier Big Gulch Northern Southern Southwestern Post Miti�ion Residential J Residential 5 Residential (Total Post Mitigation Unconstrained 595 2474 64 407 (Maximum Density Per 1 Unconstrained Acre Multiplier 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 (Post Mitigation Density 1,012 4,206 1,097 692 /04 Highway Totals Mixed Use 86 4,207 1.70 146 1.70 7,152 (Acres Mitigated By Planning Area 75 630 I 145 1 337 I 4 I 1,191 (Based upon this matrix we are limited to a Maximum Proiecl Density Pre Mitigation of 5,127 1 (Based upon this matrix we are limited to a Maximum Proiecl Density Post Mitigation of 7,152 IMaxlmum Allowed Based Upon the Matrix Using Current Development Pian 7,153 Table 7: Density Matrix based upon Unconstrained Lands Multiplier Big Gulch Northern Southern Southwestern Highway Totals Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use Pre Mitigation Total Pre Mitigation Unconstrained Acr Maximum Density Per Unconstrained Acre Multiplier Pre Mitigation Maximum Units Post Mitigation (Total Post Mitigation Unconstrained Ac Maximum Density Per 1 Unconstrained Acre Multiplier Post Mitigation Maximum Units Acres Mitigated By Planning Area 1 520 1,844 500 70 82 3,016 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 884 3,135 850 119 139 5,127 595 2,474 645 407 86 4,207 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1,012 4,206 1,097 692 146 7,152 75 1 630 1 145 1 337 1 4 I 1,191 Based upon this matrix we are limited to a Maximum Pre Mitigation Project unit count of Based upon this matrix we are limited to a Maximum Post Mitigation Project unit count of Maximum Allowed Based Upon the Matrix Using Current Development Plan 1 1 5,127 7,152 7,153 X13 EAGLE MITIGATION Base Density Community Center Neighborhood Center Sub -Total Units Required Open Space (20%) Regional Open Space Excess Community Open Space Open Space Funding Bonus (10%) Total Open Space (40%) Transferred Units M3 Eagle Project Summary of Density Allocations by Planning Area Density Northern Southern Southwestern Highway Acres (units/acre) Total Units Big Gulch Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use 6,005 0.5 3,003 318 1,380 1,057 204 44 88 2.5 220 - 220 240 9.3 2,240 1,200 800 - 5,463 1,201 880 321 1 0.5 10% 2,402 Sub -Total Bonus UnitsI Total Units: Gross Density Per Acre 880 20 860 161 30 131 650 155 233 192 188 1,983 (1,983) 4,151 7,153 1,891 I 4,547 126 1.19 2.97 I 1.65 0.06 Note: The total area designated for non-residential uses in the project is 245 acres. Total Project Units Average Household Income Disposal Income Average Sales Per Square Foot Projected Retail Square Feet Required Total Project Units Average Square Footage Per Household Projected Office Square Feet Required X13 EAGLE Retail 7,153 $ 75,000 40% $ 250 858,396 Office 7,153 50 357,665 Total Square Feet Big Gulch Residential Residential Residential Mixed Use 240 - 44 (188) 300 0.74 26 290 3.30 Northern Southern Southwestern Highway 850,000 250,000 250,000 345,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 20,000 DENSITY ALLOCATIONS BY ARCA 225,000 NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA WILLOW CREEK ROAD REGIONAL OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR M3 EAGLE PROPOSED !L4 EIOuANGE EAGLE RECK)Nn• PARR SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA M3 EAGLE >ROPOSED BIM EA CHANGE EAGLE REGONA: P:•c•� HIGHWAY MIXED USE SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA (Base Density ICommuni y tenter ileborhood Center `Sub.'otal Units ea �eece ((2(21r.)Ixcesoily s LI omrgunOpen +yEllen 6 Bonor.) Open Space u Ing us .) (Total Open Space (40•.) !Transferred Units Acres 6.005 88 240 1201 880 321 irk ,Ple Proiect.Prnmary 01 Density Allocationsp' Ptannino Area Density Northern Southern Isouthwestem Big Gulch Residential Residential Residential 318 1.3801 1.057 204 Highway Mixed Use 44 220 Note: The total area designated for 1 880 201 660 0.5 161 30 131 10% 650 155 233 192 'tub-TO(al Bonus Uas 4,151 Total U' s: 7,153 Grass �ijjy Per Acre 1.4 non•res den fiaa II uses In the project is .5 acres. 168 1.983 (1.9831 1.891 4.547 2.97 1.65 \43 EAGLE DENSITY ALLO ATIONS BY ARCA NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA VILLOW CREEK 11110,41. ROAD REGIONAL OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR M3 EAGLE PROPOSED BLM EXCHANGE EAGLE REGIONAL PARK BIG GULCH PLANNING AREA SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA M3 EAGLE PROPOSED BIM EXCHANGE EAGLE REGIONAL PARK BLM 794 AC PROPOSED EAGLE RE Y AL PARK HIGHWAY MIXED USE BLM 141.4AC. PRCPOSw EAGLE REGOnAL'O PARK SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AREA ACREAGE UNITS DENSITY COMM. AC. SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 407 692 0.74 40 AC. SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 2,114 1,097 0.51 NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 2,760 4,206 1.52 80 AC. BIG GULCH PLANNING AREA 636 1,012 1.59 120 AC. HIGHWAY MIXED USE AREA 88 146 1.65 22 AC. TOTALS: 6,005 7,153 1.19 262 AC. \43 EAGLE PLANNING AREAS SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 60 ACRE WILLOW CREEK ROAD REGIONAL OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR 800 800 AC. M3 EAGLE REGIONAL— OPEN SPACE 'iLM EXCHANGE AREA Table 3: Southern Residential Plannin d Area Density Allocation bensity Acres (units.-acreUnits Base Density 2,114 0.5 1,057 Community ( enter 10 Neicihborhood Center 0 - Regional Open Space 860 '( 860 Excess Community Open Space 0.5 - Funding Bonus 10% 192 Density Transfer (1,983) Total Units 12 Gross Density Per Acre 0.061 \43 EAGLE SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA as' ueld Jalue0 uepisenbp 119V] OA • , .1 •• • • '777 . c* /** • • • ' . • • "!. • • 1 ..... ............ „ - - ,; A • . ; , A ; : - .••• • . .. • . ' N t . sr pr./. GO'C' .4. v_ .. la;" • • I . ...- .. ...,, , ._.. .....-3 1r --. 1--.*:• • , , ' • ;..i)..:., (:)--:..... ..7-414-.(,,..-;, ;:-..., ;,. „,;....,4.4. ,,..) ;,. ,-4,-1-7-.L ..:,...t• 4 Y.' 4...... ' ".: .C. 1‘. .'4,:' . : k ' .1.7. • ,....S. . 'I - - • . .• - ' . ''C 14.j 7i,...ne i •• i ,i t. . ,,,... j:2 • , , . , : . . ...' , • . : g ).) A ' ' . . .• _. . -0 . • I ti tr • • ivy:C.,' -7:1/41 1:1; • .,•••••"' 4:7 :\ . . . . : . , , : • - . , ; . . ---1-• , .." '--",. ,--: 'V-.- i ._4• :,.., ..!.i "i; I —4.i . ,•• , -: - -V-7' . ,- .t..,- :1-..' .,'•, ..s. r...: , 1 "4" Jeweo uepTsenb3 LioueH euoispues Tu!ailsuo0 e5eupci gip ado's umoa '119V] OA SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL AREA ITable 4: Southwestern Residential Planning Area Density Alla ation 1 Density Acres (units/acre)Units Base Density( 407 0.5 204 1 Community Center 0 10 - 1 Neighborhood Center 40 6 240 1 Regional Open SQace 6 1 Excess Community Open Space 0.5 Funding Bonus 10% 44 Density Transfer (188) Total Units 300 Gross Density Per Acre 0.74 X13 EAGLE SOUTHWESTERN RESIDENTIAL ARE Nr• ''. ' se:.! :: • 'it: _!:.' „il• . • _ l'a• — _ _.• --*: — .•,.•.•1•Wi7Tak'" API: . • • . 1 di -4"r • f 0 - ,- • t• - -.. _AL, a •Jr 7,4P ma aV4I- • or' Illimer .. • 70 4:4 ' .4/ •-,K.6%; ` • • - 4•2 a( , • • • • "7. 41*. • .-d:( -41 ). • • . - • WS WOW • W..." • 5'5 • 'Lryr... • •1 , • •_. sig..4061 - - .4.btse. 11.6 ler ;;;14-41/i • .11110t st.,•04;;;;„ • 137/ I gc. 7.44 N \43 EAGLE Southwestern Planning Area flooseJj qOUB> ueoiaauay 119V] 'V\T HIGHWAY MIXED USE 1 LI Table 5: Highway Mixed Use Planning Area Density,Allocation Density Acres (units/acre Units / Base Densi v 88 0.5 44 Community Center 88 2.5 220 Neighborhood Center 6 0 Regional Open Space 0 1 Excess Community Open Space 0.5 Fundinq,Bonus 10% 26 Density Transfer Total Units 290 Gross Density Per Acre 3.30 HIGHWAY MIXED USE J Table 1: Big Gulch Planning Area Density Alloc -lion Density Acres (units./acre) Units Base Densit' 636 0.5 318 Community enter - 10 - Neicihborhood Center 120 10 1,200 Regional Open Space - 1 - Excess Community Open Space 60 0.5 30 Fundin Bonus 10% 155 Density Transfer 188 Total Units 1,891 Gross Density Per Acre 2.97 BIG GULCH PLANNING AREA ti 10 AM .1M Al SO aa 'a AA eI 11 11 OS OtIOAsa aa AO aa . , ! ,9 AM AM •A5 AA 00 Al 00 01 00 MA MI AM '7. ( I Iii • • • . ,. :. •.- -...k. - , ,--!-..,.k , --.--' . $ -,-, . I ... .• . _ .....„:„....._ -......„....z„...4r, ‘... ., • % . .. • Ai*. - ' ''' .Vt.4. - • - • -4 . .. 1111- r ow • :1,• .11 "," • T . -: ''• .,-. GOLF CLUB <' -.--- - RECREKI ION CENTER ,:- '-'.0 '4'..,.--. ---- It' • ,,,„Ri.,- 7 ......' ..firigir-,- '.-- oi-::--V 4".... ,..-"':-..•-: % ': ..... .r. • '''*.5r..,, -.....- --* ar. Li — .. ' Ie.:. 7=2-. --- 1 ,-.... -• ,..- ......, .1_ " . 11011M111 4,.. • 44'ir co , •,•••.•"••• "). '9,4y • t- : - , - • • • ig:I!C • t'!%"• , I it' ...,.........:......v, - ... " 4"- • i - • et ' . ' i• , ,, ., - ,,,, , ,„ , ..,,,, :•, 4... •.. St ; . K• tl-;:g•-, , 3 ,,.. • -. .., .-- ,.-A , .... ...._ D VILLAGE CENTER Vi3 EAGLE Village Center Resort r \A3 EAGLE � u NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 20 ACRE WILLOW CREEK ROAD REGIONAL OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR (Table 2: Northern Residential Plannin t Area Base Density Community' enter Neighborhood Center Regional Open Space Excess Community Open Space Funding Bonus Density Transfer Deisity Allocation Density Acres (units/acre Units 2,760 0.5 1,380 10 80 10 20 261 0.5 10% Total Units Gross Density Per Acre 800 20 131 233 1 1,983 4,547 1 1.651 NORTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA 941', k PHASE 2 (937 AC.) 1,497 SFD UNITS 712 SFA UNITS 47 MF UNITS 152,250 s.f. RETAIL 1 K-8 SCI IDOL 380 acres of community open space, 100 acres of improved open space 270 acres of natural open space, 10 acres of lakes. floe pm wewdolenea _floe epsim wewdoienea Jelsno eP!sll!H Peoauei 80 ACRE WLLOW CREEK ROAD REGIONAL OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR SIAtE LAND TRAILHEAD 9 A.I EAGLE PUBLIC WAOSECII.EXCHANCA Ott IMO.. VAIs EQUESTRIAN CENTER T PRIVATE EQUESTRIAN CENTER 1: REGIONAL PARK CP 5: COMMUNITY PARK NP 13: NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS * TRAILHEAD * PUBLIC EQUESTRIAN CENTER .rte EQUESTRIAN TRAIL .00%-. PEDESTRIAN TRAIL REGIONAL TRAIL X13 EAGLE PARKS & TRAILS 1 LI S � FS 2: FIRE STATIONS 1: POLICE STATION ES 4: ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS MS 1: MIDDLE SCHOOL 1: HIGH SCHOOL 1,222 Acres of Potential Vineyards VINEYARD STUDY NOR 11 II RN RISII )F Nl IAI. ARI A SOUTHERN RESIDENTIAL AREA M3 EAGLE 'CAC L1NLY.1RI7 ,s BIG GULCH PLANNING AREA M3 EAGLE 285 AC =:aa tiro 0,ANGE EAGI[>Wgr+AIP i5 ELM 2K AG PPCPCSED E. PEGO`IAt vea, BLM E • -•. E Fr`NAti �i MJ EAGLE IAaE rerc..w �• BLM, PROPOSED EAG.- MORA. PAL. SCHTI MSTLR.At REMILE'TW ARf.l M3 EAGLE VINEYARD CONCEPT