Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 09/20/2007 - RegularORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes September 20, 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Jason Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: A. Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) No. 2007 - City of Eaele: A public hearing at which owners of property to be assessed within proposed Local Improvement District No. 2007-1 ("L.I.D. No. 2007-1") may appear before the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Eagle (the "City") and be heard as to the propriety and advisability of creating L.I.D. No. 2007-1 and acquiring and financing the Project, as hereinafter described, and as the time and place when and where the Council will consider the creation of the proposed L.I.D. No. 2007-1 and the acquisition of the proposed Project, and hear all complaints, protests, and objections which may be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk on or before said time, by any owner of any parcel of land to be assessed. This item was continued from the September 11, 2007 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor reopens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Don Marrs Don Marrs, 2384 Edgewood Road, I would like my name added to the list of the people who do not wish to be included in this LID. Edgewood Road is a mile and half from the nearest water and this would only serve 11 households. I have talked to people on my street and no one wants to hook up to the water so why is the City spending this money. Mayor swears in Scott Ruelas Scott Ruelas, 220 S. Edgewood Lane, I current own two adjacent parcels and I have a question if the LID is adopted: will I just be assessed for fire flow. 1 have a creek and they could pump water out of the creek. I have another parcel that is just my back yard how will this be assessed? I am opposed to the LID. Mayor swears in Jay Friday Jay Friday, 1528 N. Sunup Way, 1 live in Brookwood and when I bought my house I paid $900 for my water rights. I think that there should be some breakout for people who can irrigate their lawn. Mayor swears in Robert Helton Robert Helton, 1203 Cerramar Court, my main concern is that the water pressure in Eagle Hills Subdivsion is inadequate and I'm wondering if the service line is big enough. Mayor swears in Debra Helton Page I K9COUNCII lNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-20-07min doc Debra Helton, 1203 Cerramar Court, 1 have listen to the testimony. I like the idea that the City is buying the Eagle Water Company, as I understand the other waters company's parent company is in France. I am wondering about the price of repairs and if these costs are included in the price of the LID. I want to see the City buy the Eagle Water Company but 1 would hope the Council would look at the impact the LID will have on the citizens. Mayor swears in Kathy Ball Kathy Ball, 2291 N. Stonecrest Place, I have a question to the engineer. We paid hookup costs when we bought our house and we will now have to pay an assessment for the LID and I am wondering if people in the new West area will have to pay the LID assessment. City Engineer, Vern Brewer: The LID is only paid by the people within that boundary. The other fees like the STL Fees, Storage and Trunk Line Fee and Water Equivalency Fee, would be paid by all those people who are not in the LID. It a party on a well right now and wanted to connect the meter hookup fee is $850.00. If someone was not in the LID and wanted to hookup after the LID was formed they would pay the $845.00, $1,500.00, and $450.00 for a total of $2,795.00. Kathy Ball, I usually do not get involved in government affairs, my water bill is $160.00 a year in Lexington Hills because we have separate irrigation. With the LID my water bill will double. The City chose the back way by doing an LID so we have not vote. If United Water was to buy Eagle Water they would have to prove to the PUC that they are paying a fair price. Please do not add a water department to the City of Eagle. Mayor swears in Harold Edwards Harold Edwards, 865 Preakness Drive, Downing Downs Subdivision, after reviewing the terms and conditions of the development of the LID I hereby oppose any further consideration of this proposal. This proposal is more expensive than what the homeowners want to take on. I have a well that meets our needs. I also have other sources of water for irrigation of property. Discussion on drilling wells in the foothills. Mayor swears in Mark Wald Mark Wald, 2641 Edgewood Road off from Beacon Light, I certainly understand the LID. I have a 5 acre lot and am wondering when we would have a benefit of this water. My well provides water and I have surface water. I would like to know why 1 would be included since I will not have access to the water. Mayor swears in Bill Cohen Bill Cohen, 349 W. State Street, We have a public relations disturbance here from past business conduct. The way Planning and Zoning has handled development is a disturbance. This LID is only going to serve a portion of the City of Eagle. I don't see a real business plan. 1 see this as a vision but I don't see a business plan. I am totally against this. What percent of the City is being serviced by this LID? Mayor swears in Pat Hoskins Pat Hoskins, 2665 N. Equestrian Place, My nearest fire hydrant is at Eagle Road and Floating Feather. My wife and I would like to not be involved in this LID. 1 don't see how you can pick a portion of the City to pay for this. 1 haven't seen a plan on where this money is going to go. Mayor swears in Tim Adams Tim Adams, 238 Mission Drive, I protest the inclusion of my property in the LID. United Water stands ready to take over the Eagle Water Company without a LID. 1 want the least expensive Page 2 K:'NCOUNCILUIINUTES.Temporary Minutes Work Area'\.CC-09-20-07rnin. doe alternative. United Water rates may be higher but with the LID costs the City of Eagle's cost will be more. People who are in wells if they are excluded the cost will be added to the other homeowners. I am opposed to the LID and would prefer that United Water take over the territory. Mayor swears in Steve Kovach Steve Kovach, 933 Steeple Drive, a petition has been signed by residents in the Downing Down Subdivision opposing the LID. I used to live in Eagle Pointe and was concerned about the water pressure levels. Local governments have been running water systems for 200 hundreds years and they do a very good job. My issue is that the LID is just a drop in the bucket of what this will cost us. We need to know what the true cost is to be onto the system if you are on a well. 1 have heard a lot of rumors of what this cost would be. Mayor swears in Mark Waterman Mark Waterman, 270 S. Sophie Place, distributes written info to the Council, I understand that there are 300 people who are affected by water pressure. That is less than 10% of the homes that Eagle Water Serves. 1 understand that this water pressure issue has been going on for a long time. The City has approved developments knowing about this water pressure issue. 1 understand that Greg Wyatt with United Water has stated that the Eagle Water Company is not worth $7.2M. I also understand that United Water would not pay this amount of money for Eagle Water Company. If the City goes ahead and does this without the citizens having a legal vote then they will see some legal action against them. Discussion on water rates. Mayor swears in Patrick Chapman Patrick Chapman, 1570 N. Prestwick Way, I don't think it is right that the City of Eagle and the Tax Collector should run me out of the County, I am on Social Security. I am in the low rent district and there are only 3 houses on my street. The presentation was presently for upgrades to the Eagle Water Company. In the pink City system it is relatively new. As far as fire 1 already have that and 1 don't need that improvement. New development should pay for it and not us. I guess I don't qualify to be left out of the LID because it is of no benefit to me. Mayor swears in Tom Sorge Tom Sorge, 2532 N. Edgewood, off Beacon Light, I previously spoke to be left out of this LID. 1 feel that there has not been enough information. What is the appraised value, what is value of the assets, what is the value using the discounted cash flow method, how was the boundary determined, and how will the assessment relate to the distance to the current system. Mayor swears in John Kathmann John Kathmann, 144 E. Fisher Street, South of Beacon Light, I have spoke at a prior time. I would like the Council to change the criteria because 1 have a private well. Fire protection 1 would accept that as an assessment. The fire protection does not exist at this point in time for properties like mine. Mayor swears in Henry Clark Henry Clark, 712 Kanob Pointe, I feel the plan may be legal but 1 don't think it is ethical. I do not think the Council is treating its customer equally. I am retired and the fee we are paying now is a very decent fee and with this it is going to go up and then we have to pay the LID. Our homeowner's assessment fees will also go up. Page 3 K.\COUNCIL'MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-20-07min doc Mayor swears in Terry Loftus Terry Loftus, 216 Rene Place, it has been stressed fire protection; the closest fire hydrant is a mile away from my house. Make the LID for the whole City. My subdivision has done a petition to have our subdivision excluded from the LID. Mayor swears in Joe Meadows Joe Meadows, 636 Los Luceres Drive, I have a specific questions about the boundaries. Why was the old Jaker's Tree Farm excluded? (City Engineer: that is not in the City limits) If that is not in the City then I want to know why I am in the City. A few years ago we fought annexation into the City and when we were on vacation we came back and found out we were annexed into the City. We fought the property tax increases. No one in the subdivision wants to be included in the LID because we have our own wells. One of my neighbors said if the LID is approved he is going to start a class action lawsuit against the City. Mayor swears in Lisa Mayer Lisa Mayer, 2302 N. Aldercrest, I want to ditto some of the previous comments about the business aspect of the LID. 1 want to talk to you about a trust issue. When we got notification we got a handout but it did not give enough information. There are a lot of people in our city who could analysis and give you perspective. General discussion. I know that water rights are very important. If water rights are driving this it should be the whole city. This needs to be analyzed from a business perspective. Is the assessment based on usage or acreage? 1 would be interested in knowing how you came up with the value of Eagle Water. Mayor swears in Michael Sieler Michael Sieler, 1 125 Steeple View Drive, I appreciate the way the process works. I came away from last weeks meeting with more questions than answers. I see to many unknowns to make a decision. What infrastructure exists around Downing Downs by Eagle Water and United Water, what plans are for expansion of infrastructure, is their legal precedent for using an LID to purchase a water system, who will act as an overseer like the PUC, to what extent has the current and future revenues been analyzed? 1 don't know what is available in close proximity. How will our subdivision benefit in the future. Mayor swears in Russell VanLiew Russell VanLiew, 97 Fisher Street, I have talked before and some of my questions have been answered. Under the LID is the purchase of Eagle Water legal. Are the administration fees going to be covered by the LID. Discussion on fire protection. Discussion on the notices that were mailed. General Council discussion. Mayor: This Public Hearing will remain open. General discussion on getting information out to the public and public notification of the continuance of the meeting. City Engineer, Vern Brewer: I will have the questions and answers ready for the website by October 3, 2007. Guerber continues the Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) No. 2007 - City of Eagle to October 24, 2007. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion on time. Guerber amends the motion to start the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 4 K \COUNCIUMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-20-O7mm doc 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No. 571 Creation of Local Improvement District (LID): - City of Eagle: An ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, creating Local Improvement District No. 2007-1; describing and setting forth the boundaries of the LID; providing for the project to be financed therein; appointing an engineer to prepare the necessary specifications, engineers' report , and assessment roll; providing for the payment of costs and expenses of the project to be assessed against the property within the local improvement district and the method of assessment; providing for the issuance of local improvement district bonds and warrants; providing for related matters; and providing an effective date. This item was continued from the September 11, 2007 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to table Ordinance No. 571 Creation of Local Improvement District (LID): until a date uncertain. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Resolution 07-29: Appointment of Bond Counsel. This item was continued from the September 11, 2007 meeting. Guerber moves to remand Resolution 07-29: Appointment of Bond Counsel back to staff for future consideration. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. Amendment to Keith Allred Contract for Services: Mayor introduces the issue. I have taken copies for you of Keith Allred's invoice for additional services. General Mayor and Council discussion on the Amendment to Keith Allred Contract for Services. Nordstrom moves to offer Mr. Allred an additional $4,000.00 to complete his brief and to finalize any contacting and reviewing of data from any additional people he has contacted and that is what we are paying the additional costs for and all of the remaining costs are related to the original proposal which we have an agreement on. Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: I would like to do a Substitute Motion: Bastian moves to pay Mr. Allred for contacting and receiving input from additional people $4,000.00 and I believe in that process he was obligated to follow up with them and others for clarification on comments and draft brief for the $3,500.00 for a total of $7,500.00. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. TWO AYES: TWO NAY: MAYOR VOTES AYE: MOTION CARRIES 6. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m. Council reopens the meeting at 9:23 p.m. Mr. Pierce and Mr. VanLiew were told that the meeting was reopened and came back into the meeting. Additional members of the public came back into the meeting. Discussion on the purchase of Eagle Water and the LID process. General discussion on forming a citizens committee. Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 5 K \COUNCIL MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area1CC-09-20-07min doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARK. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 6 K.\COUNCIL:MINUTES\Temporary Minuses Work Area,CC-09-20-07nan doc A 1 l red 5o€atcacsd KFIfH ALLIED 2480 N LDGEWx)D EAGLE. ID 83616 www.AllredSolutions.com September 19, 2007 OFFI F: (208) 939-3046 Mt)I311.F: (208) 860-8289 Keith(a:AllredSolutions.com Estimated Costs to Complete Revision of Report Hours • Contacting and receiving input from additional people 16.0 • Follow-up for clarification on comments on draft brief and discussion of possible revising 14.0 • Revising brief 'Total Hours @ S250.00 Total after Hometown Discount 16.0 S4,000 46.0 S11,500 S8,250 (1c_ �o2O�-67 Mar Eagle Water Company - Book Value Source: 2006 Annual Report to the Idaho Public Utilities commission Utility Plant In Service Less. Accumulated Depreciation Net Utility Plant Less. Advances for Construction Contributions in Aid of Construction $ 2,206,599 $ (550,447) $ (18,065) $ (2,893,867) $ 1,656,153 Total deductions $ (2,911,932) Net Book Value $ (1,253,779'11 Possible Add: Other Deferred Charges $ 2,496,189 Net Book Value with Possible Add lit 1,240,410 II Name: Eagle Water Company BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended 12/31/2006 ASSETS Balance Balance Increase Beginning End of or ACCT # DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) 1 101 Utility Plant in Service (From Pg 5, Line 29) 1,979,429 2,206,599 227,171 2 102 Utility Plant Leased to Others 3 103 Plant Held for Future Use 4 105 Construction Work in Progress 5 114 Utility Plant Aquisition Adjustment 6 Subtotal (Add Lines 1 - 5) 1,979,429 2,206,599 227,171 7 108.1 Accumulated Depreciation (From Pg 6, Line 26) 507,003 550,447 43,444 8 108.2 Accum. Depr. - Utility Plant Lease to Others 9 108.3 Accum. Depr. - Property Held for Future Use 10 110.1 Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant in Service 11 110.2 Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant Lease to Others 12 115 Accumulated Amortization - Aquisition Adj. 13 Net Utility Plant (Line 6 less lines 7- 12) 1,472,426 1,656,153 183,727 14 123 Investment in Subsidiaries 15 125 Other Investments 16 Total Investments (Add lines 14 & 15) 17 131 Cash 286,753 207,261 (79,492). 18 135 Short Term Investments 19 141 Accts/Notes Receivable - Customers 17,919 12,449 (5,470) 20 142 Other Receivables 21,901 15,117 (6,785) 21 145 Receivables from Associated Companies 22 151 Materials & Supplies Inventory 23 162 Prepaid Expenses f - 24 173 Unbilled (Accrued) Utility Revenue 25 143 Provision for Uncollectable Accounts 26 Total Current (Add lines 17 -24 less line 25) 326,573 234,826 (91,748) 27 181 Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense 28 183 Preliminary Survey & Investigation Charges 29 184 Deferred Rate Case Expenses - 30 186 Other Deferred Charges NR Constructin 2,311,359 2,496,189 184,830 31 Total Assets (Add lines 13,18 & 26 - 30) 4,110,357 4,387,168 276,811 Rev 3/02 Page 7 Name: Eagle Water Company BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended 12/31/2006 UABIUTIES & CAPITAL Balance Balance Increase Beginning End of or ACCT # DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) 1 201-3 Common Stock 20,000 20,000 2 204-6 Preferred Stock - 3 207-13 Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 63,702 63,702 4 214 Appropriated Retained Eamings 5 215 Unappropriated Retained Eamings 995,085 1,107,656 112,572 6 216 Reacquired Capital Stock 7 218 Proprietary Capital 8 Total Equity Capital (Add Lines 1-5+7 Tess line 6) 1,078,787 1,191,358 112,572 9 221-2 Bonds 10 223 Advances from Associated Companies 11 224 Other Long - Term Debt 24,366 15,170 (9,196) 12 231 Accounts Payable 111,768 128,822 17,053 13 232 Notes Payable 60,707 40,126 (20,581) 14 233 Accounts Payable - Associated Companies 15 235 Customer Deposits (Refundable) 16 236.11 Accrued Other Taxes Payable 34,412 14,519 (19,893) 17 236.12 Accrued Income Taxes Payable 18 236.2 Accrued Taxes - Non -Utility 19 237-40 Accrued Debt, Interest & Dividends Payable 20 241 Misc. Current & Accrued Liabilities 21 251 Unamortized Debt Premium 22 252 Advances for Construction 18,065 18,065 23 253 Other Deferred Liabilities 85,242 85,242 24 255.1 Accumulated Investment Tax Credits - Utility 25 255.2 Accum. Investment Tax Credits - Non -Utility 26 261-5 Operating Reserves 27 271 Contributions in Aid of Construction 2,800,317 2,893,867 93,550 28 272 Accum. Amort. of Contrib. in Aid of Const. 29 281-3 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 30 Total Liabilities (Add lines 9 - 29 3,031,570 3,195,810 164,240 31 TOTAL LIAB & CAPITAL ( Add lines 8 & 30) 4,110,357 I 4,387,168 1 276,811 ** Only if Commission Approved Rev 3/02 Page 8 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Local Improvement District (L.I.D.1 No. 2007 - City of Eagle NAME 0k kc- I A -on - 4_) rz. ( L 4 -c -r, »//I/(/ 6,3eti j(T241/01/:-‘?-ity, September 20, 2007 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL 120 ( f; 3rfl r C+ e.;u IN\ 12 Cr v ,--e vY-, a r- C ,tLUP/c rCc'vi1 3 -1 , 5-Irr,- c C 1 Sok kph TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON f ?cc �.G(5 "c`a, 144-114— ,ter 4 Ni//1 J zs . g :3C7 1 3 7/ .'. /-/aoz Lam.) e'er/• --.-/( <' 1 2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) No. 2007 - City of Eagle NAME Pc;\,' AN _r 91,11 iQi !I. \/ Ls/ ( t r, e \1_\11 C_4 l,n1 )A- 1/1(;a1') ,\ ia1I 4,1J et SO if) 1/664 September 20, 2007 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL ion.)cmp_/.)>,sept.)..,„ co,\ r c., iCe.5 it; ,EC t,l e St T / /fr? Z 3 5 /t4155von0 g 3 —6331z J O ¢-�%- IU c•ce /0LI, f - Pk( 955 S7e.ei)/e /V 1/ z� �/f. 2 7c s— crT h' -sGL'h 7 — ft'. ---di / 2cllc aCJ(-J LIS - , /7;:m,_) GSC / J TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON ti\ \e5 CO/U yes L� o amuCo s 1 AA Co (J J NAME EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Local Improvement District (L.LD.) No. 2007 - City of Eagle ()ay' 0-4zi f Jl t September 20, 2007 7:30 n.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL -.7(.7-7,)/ 7 i/Vetir-AL(446,41,,,a„,_ ct3ct- 93 r Rya D F�nC Kft-Fitmc,,,Av� /J 9g` 93q- YES/NO? PRO/CON Ceit C7L s EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) No. 2007 - City of Eae1e September 11.2007 7:30 n.m. 4j/0,016) f c .&j� r { {rte iZ4 - „Am—cc:4 Aichey ofAi) it/f(i,t, (Lel (AN bo c 94 S -2 -LI //1i, /6 r077 ?,c f4; Ai lc /c ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL r17�&.ii(pe kylly I4,,o' krn &-f1/4-16/ Z3 8 L f 'Cs (02 Ar2L u k co,\, Iggz/,_Du Al q ym.Y 7 ity A rd i A,-v-cee,„Q i icD Abp- N. A v ie_res..4-- �r� -%7 c.6r r/i ai ,Sv,i✓tO St , TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON C0pif' i,JC-e 1 CoN YE5 Cc -h.) ^ / e(-- A, f? ((Q- //25 7•E 46"j eA sort/ I p /7011 c O4'/L( 7'4) pri/L 760 frill'AH 441/41 /''te //b"CiS /96' rti rpitr /44444-0714,C17-44"6 rf rir //t/ ht41 divifrA4 Me4'441.1 it 6,17/ alta/2- 6W/red "1/1F4, taliff1941-1/14' 6,t-ar t#,04fx49 th,M11 sy--/(eitt. €A -917-6,-/A) /4 f1/4/ r//7" Of ,e /ME Aore-erQ 1"1/91cir 0,b("4,e-Aec 164,1 cc -ere -Ai/ e -r -/Irse /ld tr‘nrnAl e/ AP -4/4,e4 WeltA. rthS 4 6- 50-1-r, ff. 77t4,4f At6ce (4 ce "at ocr4,4 ht) i)st- prig (,,440 mme ‚'a'&4 v&vre4c-c- 44e4s-e r/ft-t itiov/e,gife offinx,ioe,/,(govr a -07 ntilivieulifee7 coustmvi4 y 72t17)/ T74i-46 r. vs a 772 bt1,111,<Ne 4te- A-mo Y MS g't-r- 1r I /itic-d4 5774,--gz-4 • oft dvt, t* -'s; areag, e -4 -/e -e e 0-64 1.0 /1/51 4 /3/Z/C 6,/736 49/14M /SI/ 14./ V1,4 AsIztg4c'Plex- e.„Antes' tAhiv /97t/ gi-/& Advaitivr okfr, otcw cf6trc,444/erbil &"- p yow ie,fr at co#4,-5) cazPa/arok ev--A-44 ceixiAtv( /oft, compaRczig„ Afi 1 ilroal 4- r dP- 1142-`r/A4 1,(P. pf-e, at----Arefierp&ei vidzi, t. to 7"Srh ovkr /ti417c-r -ir /41vP74447 64 /7 /9'? Sr _Z..s wifv '/ti p Ac /a49 c ! � i IA! ,t4/4a4 77,457- ri./( 1 (dr.) -V 'OA ddr19) Ga/gx, kvf Lsz//-/M M/1/ € c-osT5- 7Z7 77/6 r --r j I - T(% f^'of7 %,Ie / 1,1 ,f ei�►icr:i Iii r�-e4e4l4Z %i+.iLi�� • r/t( esr•,-s 7 Ji:rime `- 6"47`,7- . /C/74T_ 4 C®%%� f WL,C 77t2 GfrY Pts ro t7/9.r- /e -e27- 9 1 (:///frf 6Gf44/A7trixf--( pev7-7ri- .1,/ 4.7= „.7.7-4-. %I &fi)ij,e1LG u %GG r, Js 5441-(-4=10" 7-6 D Gt2, NvTD �Y ,o4v6srnG 4c_ Xe/f,,y-rory Do,6 S oe2,44/744. 60au40- /r's�C-F 2/sd' �C' L' -')1`4E amtr64 � s cow civ //m4t1/E Aealh frfli. nv s--(071- -rc/f /(f//,6A1-1 14//n-ert,r t Fe4-0rE rlvacvs/f/l) r/fe ,ousnovs 0A- / 'FA- /creel& "01/14if L 1/topem 4vfrieel-cte&c_c-„A R eRds4,17" bike-mifro(4. 41-6 r1`4v �fiE leff Mir Ala-- /1)44 AK) OVIOW"E 44/1-"I 074641141/C 41/ MGll& E /rte u icc 77,eg4"' , 6vE � �r oy r pAffo' 77te aleweeti "Veq-- fr-yvii24A-ewE 42r ox/Oer 476 ,s-tx/E-4-6.4 mia CC21VCi1 s£ r 1fY' f ,, 'Y 4E cys, 'e , opt/ re6 tsv72z. $/r2t64- c /rvs 771ity ne,45-fril /t 6,r ,* r, # 0,c4 /LA/ 4 Use sr v € . r F t 1 -- ---tom L 1- - I 1 - LSI 4- L r-- -4- 1- -t- 1 ' -o7 Mayor Merrill and especially Members of the City Council, It appears you have a difficult job before you. I have listened with you to the concerns of the Eagle citizens regarding the proposed LID. I like that you have chosen to buy the Eagle Water Company. I prefer seeing the City and its people owning the water rights rather than a Corporation such as United Water Company whose parent company Suez is apparently based in France. However, I am questioning, like many of the other people here, the idea of an LID, the costs and the proposal as it has been laid out so far. You have been informed that there is a pressure problem in parts of the Eagle Water Company district. Has this situation been addressed to determine the cost of fixing the problem? Apparently the City was not informed of the number of complaints that have been made to the Eagle Water Co. It would seem this information should be a consideration in determining a purchase price. There are obvious concerns about the area that has been chosen to pay for this purchase. Are there any alternatives to an LID? Can the public who is being impacted have some input on the possible alternatives? I'm not sure I understand the agenda for tonight as stated under UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No. 571 Creation of Local Improvement District Does this you mean you will be creating the LID this evening? I would hope not. I would hope that in light of the tremendous concerns of your citizens, you will step back and take another look at the situation. I want to see the City buy the Eagle Water Co. but I don't think the impact of this purchase on citizens should be taken lightly. Debra Helton 1203 Cerramar Ct Eagle, Idaho 83616 September 20, 2007 • • • • !...‘71:; r.4 ::•••• 11:.; ,!;. •••. d.• I • • • 71!-2,., If! ;r: ; . • fft e:;r•; : I. •;;;?': I 1,1%; ;.•11(t i.1 :7"L'..3/1 -0:4.••%;L: .,•`) •:j.; ;',-;!.*0;:i :1r:i.11!..*;..j:il,)!..)rj aij i.• , • •-•` ,jr; ...7; . • ; • ..;(1•;!;! 1 • :1 ."• ' , • .1•,• r .• I ' . . -. • A ; 9/20/07 Eagle City Council Attn: Mayor Nancy Merrill Dear Mrs. Merrill After a careful review of the various aspects of the terms and conditions proposed by the City of Eagle for the development of a Local Improvement District No.2007-1 I hereby appose any further consideration of this proposal.. As was discussed by a vast majority of the home owners that testified at the meeting on 9/11/07 this proposal is much more expensive than most home owners wish to take on. I, like many of the other home owners have wells that currently are meeting our needs for culinary drinking water and watering our lawns. When you consider how much our property taxes have increased in this area during the past few years it does not seem reasonable to now add another $60.00 to $160.00 annually for more water that we already have from our individual wells. While we are talking about water and wells it would appear to me that the City of Eagle should be evaluating what the impact is going to be on all of the wells in the valley when all the new homes are developed in the foothills. When they start drilling large wells in the foothills how much are they going to impact some of our large wells here in the Valley? Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important issue. Harold Edwards 865 Preakness Drive Eagle, Id.83616 ) • .;.i, (;i I ;-• • ;;;rj-i,_; ,:!:•• . ref, ; z. ' • • !.i.i • -!`, .;! ;;;. f`,1 .t 4 .•;*:*1 7 ACHD Funding Status Monday Sep 4, 2007 Presented by ACHD Revenue Uncertainty in impact fee projections Particularly in residential 2006 CIP showed an average collection over 20 years of $26M per year FY 2006 actual collections were $10.5M Projection for FY2007 is Si 3.0M Projection for FY2008 is $14.5M 9/4/2007 1 Project Costs Project costs out pacing revenue increases Estimated construction increases alone for 07-1 1 to 08-12 FYWP = +30% AGC predicts +6% annual increases for construction Right -of -Way costs also seeing steep ir-re=-nz variable around the county Project Funding Capital Project Budget FY 2007 Currently $46M FY 2008 Projected $45M FY 2009 Projected $47M Includes chip seal & overlays projects of $2.8M per year average Essentially flat = fewer projects can be done with the same monies 9/4/2007 2 1 Results: Increased costs plus flat projected revenue results in $16M shortfall for FY2008 Will result in delay of projects and difficult decisions regarding which projects to delay 9/4/2007 3 Ada County Highway District List of Capital Projects delayed into FY 2009 from FY 2008 Listed below are a list of construction projects that were delayed until FY 2009 based on budgetary constraints. FY 2009 Budget Project Amount Priority Ten Mile, Franklin / Cherry Lane $9,030,000 7 Eagle, Victory / Ridenbaugh Canal $3,862,000 16 Victory and Eagle Intersection $1,894,000 Not previously prioritized Deer Flat, SH -69 / Ten Mile $1,023,000 41 Catalpa, Collister / 36th St (Hawthorne) $1,030,000 3 Total $16,839,000 CC 91 --07 'Eagle City Mall 310 E. State St. Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 fax(208) 939-6827 !Memorandum Fax To: Mayor and City Council From: Sharon K. Bergmann CC: Date: September 18, 2007 Re: Designation of Polling Places In accordance with Idaho Code 50-408 - The city clerk shall, not less than 30 days before any general election, designate a suitable polling place for each election precinct. I have designated the following polling places for the General City Election to be held on November 6, 2007: Precinct #500 — Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, Idaho Precinct #501 — 7th Day Adventist Church — School Gym 538 W. State Street Eagle, Idaho v(), -\PA From the desk of Sharon K. Moore City Clerk/Treasurer EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET RZ-13-05 MOD — Modification to Eagle Sports Legends LLC (Legacy) Development Agreement Legacy Development September 18, 2007 7:30 a.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Resolution 07-31: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Allied Waste Services Fee Schedule Pursuant To The Solid Waste Contract Recycling Collection Services As Stated In Section 4.2 A. "Customer Rates — Establishment" And Providing For Effective Date. NAME September 18, 2007 7:30 a.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE/E-MAIL YES/NO? PRO/CON City of Eagle Residential Fee Distribution S 16.89 per month Allied Waste S11.41 68% Ada County Landfill $4.12 24% City of Eagle $1.36 8% rG 9_ / -0 7 What does the County's portion buy? •Daily operation of landfill. •Landfill accessibility — open to all Ada County businesses & residents. • M -F (7-7) Sat (8-6) •Free household hazardous materials management. -Free Christmas tree & leaf recycling. -Wood/tires/refrigerator recycling (subsidized). •Landfill gas management. •Landfill gas -to -energy. -Meeting long-term obligations. •Maintenance of 2,700 acres that includes: •Multi -agency firearms training facility. • Wildlife habitat. • Recreational trails. • Skateboard park. (Eagle) •Velodrome Bicycle facility (planned). (Eagle) Eagle Pocatello $ 37.86 Coeur d'Alene How Do We Stack Up? Annual fee per single family residence paid to County Solid Waste Department for waste disposal services. Annual Landfill Annual Solid Fee Charged at Waste Fee Gate (per (on tax residence)(1)(*) assessment) $ 49.40 $ 38.16 Total Solid Waste Disposal Cost Per Single -Family Residence $0.00 $ 49.40 $40.00 $ 77.86 $88.00 $ 126.16 Assumptions: 1) Waste generation per residential unit is 4.94 cubic yards per year (per information from Allied Waste). 2) Kootenai County solid waste fee on tax assessment will increase between 2.5% and 5% in 2008. 3) Ada & Kootenai Counties have landfill gas control systems and leachate management systems operated and paid for by landfill fees. 4) Landfill fees in Ada County pay for household hazardous materials management, wood recycling, CRT management. *Landfill fee (per cubic yard) charged at landfill gate: Ada County $ 10.00 Bannock County $ 11.20 Kootenai County $ 11.29 Rate (per cubic yard) $18.00 $16.00 $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $- Ada County Rate Increase Scenario 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Fiscal Year Eag(e City .xacc 660 E. Civic Lane. Eag(e, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 fa(208) 939-6827 Fax: To: Mayor and City Council From: Sharon K. Bergmann CC: Date: September 18, 2007 Re: ADD TO THE AGENDA 921)-4-17-°A—C) 7 Memorandum Please add to the Agenda as New Business Item #8C. Resolution No. 07-33 to approve the Open Access Agreement between Eagle Public Library and Boise Public Library. Thanks From the desk of Sharon K. Bergmann City Clerk/Treasurer RESOLUTION NO. 07-33 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OPEN ACCESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EAGLE, EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY, AND THE CITY OF BOISE, BOISE PUBLIC LIBRARY, ALLOWING RECIPROCAL ACCESS TO LIBRARY PATRONS OF EACH CITY; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EAGLE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO: Section #1. That the Open Access Agreement by and between the Eagle Public Library and the Boise Public Library, a copy of said Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same is hereby, approved as to both form and content. Section #2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they hereby are, authorized to respectively execute and attest said Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Eagle. Section #3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. ADOPTED by the Eagle City Council, Eagle Idaho. This /,_.12k day of September, 2007 APPROVED: NA CYC.ILL MAYOR ATTEST: HARbN K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK K:\COUNCIL\Resolutions\draft resolutions\RESOLUTION NO. 07-33.doc RESOLUTION NO. 19714 BY THE COUNCIL: BISTERFELDT, CLEGG, EBERLE, JORDAN, TIBBS AND SHEALY A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OPEN ACCESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOISE, BOISE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY ALLOWING RECIPROCAL ACCESS TO LIBRARY PATRONS OF EACH CITY; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF BOISE CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOISE CITY, IDAHO: Section I. That the Open Access Agreement by and between the City of Boise City and Eagle Public Library, a copy of said Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same is hereby, approved as to both form and content. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they hereby are, authorized to respectively' execute and attest said Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Boise City. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Boise, Idaho, this 3lst day of July, 2007. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Boise, Idaho this 3lst day of July, 2007. ATTEST: �� TY CLERK R-302-07 OPEN ACCESS AGREEMENT This agreement is made this 31st day of Julv , 2007, by and between the EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY, 100 Stierman Way, Eagle, ID 83716 (hereinafter referred to as "EPL") and the BOISE PUBLIC LIBRARY, 715 S. Capitol Boulevard, Boise, ID 83702 (hereinafter referred to as "BPL"). WHEREAS all parties wish to continue the provision of improved library services to their patrons by making their facilities, programs and services available to the patrons of the other. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows: I. Reciprocal Services: 1. The Parties agree to provide lending services to the patrons of the other, as if the patron requesting lending services in a Library were a resident of the jurisdiction in which the patron is seeking lending services. ' 2. For the purposes of this Agreement, lending services shall mean direct lending to a patron in person, Interlibrary Loan lending to a patron via another Library, lending to a patron conveyed by courier service, or other means of providing lending service to a patron. Until this Agreement is amended, this Agreement covers no other services. 3. Nothing in this Agreement shall require a Library to extend services to a non- resident patron beyond the kind, number, value, or quality of services provided to resident patrons. 4. Either Party may require that a patron be in good standing in the patron's residential jurisdiction, and may elect at its discretion to verify patron status and to deny service to patrons whose status does not correspond to the requirements of the lending Library. 5. Each Party agrees to provide electronic access to patron records to the other Library, where technically feasible, for the purpose of verifying patron status and may elect to verify patron status using other means, at their discretion. II. Compensation: 1. BPL agrees to compensate EPL the flat rate sum of $82,000 for the period October 1, 2007 -September 30, 2008. Payment will be made in full in October, 2007. III. Term of Agreement: 1. The term of this Agreement is one year and may be extended for an additional year by subsequent agreement of the parties to a continuation or re -negotiation of the flat rate payment specified in this agreement. 1. Either party may terminate this agreement on or before September I of any year to be effective October 1 of that year by written notice from the appropriate library district or city governing body to the other Party. Eagle Public Library / Boise Public Library Open Access Agreement — Page 1. IV. Prior agreements to remain in effect: 1. Except as provided in this Agreement, the Agreement for LYNX! Consortium Services shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. Approved by action of the Boise Public Library Board of Trustees, and sent with a recommendation for approval to the Boise City Council on July 31 BOISE PUBLIC LIBRARY by afrisi bt-altivvra-v-L , President B ' d of Trustees 1 li\orA/oson , 2007. ADOPTED by the Council of the city of Boise City, Idaho this 3lst APP D by the Mayor MAYOR Al PEST: day of July , 2007. Approved by action of the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees, and sent with a recommendation for approval to the Eagle City Council on .ems . 1 a , 2007. EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY by Open Access Agreement — Page 2 QA t* u ns, President Jane. Board of Trustees a._rrS ADOPTED by the Council of the city of Eagle City, Idaho this /rib day of 2001.... APPROVED by the Mayor YOR Open Access Agreement — Page 3 ♦♦ 0 ••••••••• '. v Qt w • 04 • i w � •' ^ • 11 •L:: o ` •cni •••••• \ IP.' 4 TE OTs •`'