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Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 08/29/2007 - Regular
-/ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes August 29, 2007 I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. Guerber moves to amend the Agenda to add as Item #3A. Change Order #3, #3B. Application Payment and #3C. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... 3. Guerber Park: Chane:e Order. Application for Pavment and Fee Amendment Relluest: Mayor introduces the issue. A. Change Order: Mike Echeita, Facilities Manager, provides Council the background infonnation on the Change Order No.3. This is a deduction on replacing the sod at the playground area. Guerber moves to accept the Change Order No.3 for a deduct in the amount of $910.01. Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. B. Application for Payment #8: Mike Echeita, Facilities Manager, the park is essentially finished except for the water feature which should be completed by the end of September. There is a retainage amount being withheld in the amount of $48,217.00. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve Application for Payment #8 in the amount of $172,189.00 to KJ Corporation. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. C. Fee Amendment Request: Mayor: this is a request from CSHQA to be compensated for the extra time that has been expended above the contract amount. General discussion. Bastian moves to deny the request from CSHQA for the Fee Amendment Request in the amount of $7,500.00. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Personnel Matters: I.C. 67-2345(a)(b) Mayor introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of Personnel Matters: I.C. 67-2345 (a) (b). Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ Council goes into Executive Session at 6:55 p.m. Council discusses personnel matters. Council leaves Executive Session at 7:45 p.m. Page I K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES',Temporary Minutes \Vork Area\CT-08-29-07bdglrnin doc 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Public Hearine: for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Proposed Bude:et: A public hearing for consideration of the proposed budget including general revenue sharing for the fiscal period October I, 2007, to September 30, 2008, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-] 002, Idaho Code. Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing City Clerk: I have one change. The new insurance rates start in September and I have made the proper adjustments except I did not include the insurance adjustment for the General Administration so I will need to make that change. This is approximately $2,700.00 which will reduce the Reserve Fund by this amount but will not change the bottom line of the budget. Mayor: There is a change in the Executive Department. The annual salary for the Administration Assistant to the Mayor's salary will be $40,000.00 per year. City Clerk: I will make this change and the difference in the salary will be added to the Reserve Fund, which will not change the bottom line of the budget. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No: 576: Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2007/2008: An Ordinance Entitled The Annual Appropriation Ordinance For The City Of Eagle, Idaho, For The Fiscal Year 2008 Commencing October 1,2007, And Ending September 30, 2008. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #576 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance #576 by title only. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Bastian moves that Ordinance #576 be adopted. Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... General discussion on the Budget. Discussion on the LID and who will be the first responder to questions and e-mails from the public. Bastian moves to amend the Agenda by adding as New Business #7B. - Keith Allred Contract for the study of the foothills and his report back to us. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Discussion on the Corinthian MOU Status. General discussion on the time line for the comprehensive plan. B. Keith Allred Contract: Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to give the Mayor the authority to notify Keith Allred to cease his work on behalf of the City and to shut down his web site. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... Page2 K.\COUNCJUMINUTES\Temporary t-.1inutes Work Area\CC-08-29-07bdgtmin.doc Further discussion on the web site that Keith has created in regards to the foothills. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ",.......... "~,I C A Gl. ..... J R .... ~ '" l:', ," 0 ........ ... ~.J.,," e...... i t... ~ Ot.A r~ 00 .. .~ SHAR6~~~~/Y1~ : ... 0 ~<1, \ ~ ~. :CJlo, -i : CITY CLERK/TREASURER - 0 (,J ,. 1.. ~I 0 : : \ G h...Y~ ''''I.. : ;, ... -.. c.. v~ ..LQ.: ""'- i ." . "4': ;J t-'. ~... -:..... ... COR ,ot..- ,<:) ~ "'". S ...... G" .... "" 7" ATE 0' "., """"11"""" A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page J K.\COUNCIUMINUTES\Temporary MinUles \Vork Area\CC-08-29-07bdgtmin.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGNUP SHEET Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Proposed Budget, August 29, 2007 6:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 of . H:ICOUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD ec — f7 INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: Mayor Merrill and City Council Members From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP, Planner I11 `J g - Subject: LID Open House Notification Date: August 29, 2007 Attachment(s): Draft Text Copy To: Micheal Echeita, Zoning Administrator, City Attorney, City Engineer Please review and approve for release to the media, mailing to property owners, and publication in the Valley Times and Idaho Statesman. Page 1 of 1 K \Public Works\LLD12007\apen house memo doe NOTICE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OPEN HOUSE Local Improvement District No. 2007-1 Eagle Water Company currently is the water service provider for the majority of the City including downtown. With the retirement of Eagle Water Company's owner_ and his desire to sell the companycomnanv and the existin t DEO concerns about the system the City of Eagle feels it is prudent to acquireto acquire the water system. The City -i-has received some questions fromciuestions from a few callers stemming from the recent notification of the City's LID proposal to purchase Eagle Water Company and Ate -desire for more information. The Eagle City Council, Engineers, Attorney and Water Managers will be holding an open house tohousc to address questionsaddress questions and concerns as well as discuss the City's LID proposal including the costs, benefits, and timelines for the purchase and transfer of the Eagle Water System to the City of Eagle. PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 5:30 TO 7:30PM EAGLE CITY HALL hearingim iate!y fol owing) We hope you will take this opportunity to discuss with the City this proposal acquisition and provide input into the process. If you any further question please contact Mike Echeita at 939-6813. INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: Mayor Merrill and City Council Members From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICA, Planner III j' Subject: Corinthian MOU Status Date: August 29, 2007 Attachment(s): E-mail Correspondence Copy To: Michael William, Zoning Administrator, City Attorney, City Engineer During discussions with Bonnie Harper. the project manger, on August 29, 2007, staff was informed that Corinthian was still submitting to the City but was waiting for a draft MOU from the City Attorney. An overview of the MOU process to date is below: August 14, 2007: Scheduled to submit but cancelled due to STL fees being assessed. City Attorney contacted applicant, Dave Roylance, to discuss water options August 15, 2007: Applicant provided preliminary information to City Attorney August 17, 2007: Applicant provided additional information and questions about the process to the City Attorney. City Attorney committed to having a draft sometime after August 24, 2007 August 29, 2007: Attorney commitment to City Council to complete draft MOU by August 31, 2007 Page 1 of 1 K Manning Dept\Misc Memos120071Connthian MOU doc Message Page 1 of 2 Nichoel Baird From: Susan E. Buxton [SEB@msbtlaw.com] Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 11:27 AM To: Dave Roylance Cc: Bruce M. Smith; Nichoel Baird; Justin Blackstock; Bonnie Harper; Moriah Christianson; Kirsti Allphin; vem@holladayengineering.com; Cheryl Bruehl; Michael Echeita; Bill Vaughan Subject: RE: Flack/Carlock Project Eagle -Water Narrative Dave: Thanks for the additional info. It helps me draft the MOU. I will get one drafted so we have something to work on in a meeting. I will not get something out until mid week most likely. Thanks, Susan SGGi z#'L E 8u t n/ Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered 950 W. Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone: 208/331-1800 Fax: 208/331-1202 sebamsbtlaw.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named as recipients. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or protected from disclosure under applicable law including, but not Limited to, the attorney client privilege and/or work product doctrine. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately by telephone. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this transmission, disclose its contents, or take any action in reliance on the information it contains. This e-mail is not intended for release to opposing parties, opposing counsel or any other third person or entity. Copies of this e-mail should not be kept in your regular files. If you print a copy of this e-mail, place it in a separate file labeled "Attorney - Client Privilege". Do not produce a copy of this e-mail in discovery. Original Message From: Dave Roylance[mailto:Dave.Roylance@RBHOME.US] Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 9:08 AM To: Susan E. Buxton Cc: Bruce M. Smith; nbaird@cityofeagle.org; Justin Blackstock; Bonnie Harper; Moriah Christianson; Kirsti Allphin; vern@holladayengineering.com Subject: RE: Flack/Carlock Project Eagle -Water Narrative Thanks Susan and Bruce. A couple of questions regarding the MOU please so we can refine our budget and determine project viability. If we were to pay, at pre plat submittal, our water service area fees (which we don't want to do as we would rather fund wells and other infrastructure in lieu of the fees) it appears we would pay about $250K now and $250K later, I assume at final plat. If we did however pay the fees, it appears that our water fees would be "capped" at about $500K. Does that mean that when we fund onsite community municipal wells, for public benefit, for example, that our costs and contributions would also be capped to that same amount, $500K in this example? If the infrastructure contributions to the City water system are provided by the developer, in lieu of paying water fees, and if they are capped at $500K, as in this example, does the mainlines and water service lines that we construct onsite diminish our $500K contribution or are those onsite distribution line costs over and above the water fees and solely funded by the developer? Also we haven't given up on funding these water facilities with a City sponsored LID as we all discussed, but we think that may present issues for the funding source on our development loan since those institutions don't subordinate to senior encumbrances' or liens, such as a LID. I also know, I think, that the LID lien would require first position on the property as security. There may be some hybrid development loan that we could arrange with the bank that would acknowledge the water LID in first position but we won't know until we "shop" for money which we haven't done yet as it is premature. One last clarification please maybe for Bruce or Vern. I am concerned about very long delays (1 year to 3 years or more) in being able to construct the onsite municipal wells due to protests and/or hearings before IDWR regarding water rights, points of diversion, depleting of the aquifer and related water right issues ect. Am I justified in having 8/29/2007 Message Page 2 of 2 those concerns or does the Cities municipal water right make this a simple and timely (less than six months) process mostly devoid of those issues? Bruce Palmbaum will be signing the MOU on behalf of SB/CH Land Company (Flack/Carlock), LLC as a managing member. We will need a little insight into these issues prior to signing the MOU. We can all meet again one more time if that is easier? Thanks Dave Roylance. From: Susan E. Buxton [mailto:SEB©msbtlaw.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 3:16 PM To: Dave Roylance Cc: Bruce M. Smith; nbaird@cityofeagle.org Subject: RE: Flack/Carlock Project Eagle -Water Narrative Thanks Dave, we will draft a water MOU for you to sign. Thanks, Susan SuOUi'E Su :tom' Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered 950 W. Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone: 208/331-1800 Fax: 208/331-1202 sebamsbtlaw.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named as recipients. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or protected from disclosure under applicable law including, but not limited to, the attorney client privilege and/or work product doctrine. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately by telephone. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this transmission, disclose its contents, or take any action in reliance on the information it contains. This e-mail is not intended for release to opposing parties, opposing counsel or any other third person or entity. Copies of this e-mail should not be kept in your regular files. If you print a copy of this e-mail, place it in a separate file labeled "Attorney -Client Privilege". Do not produce a copy of this e-mail in discovery. Original Message From: Dave Roylance [mailto:Dave.Roylance@RBHOME.US] Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 1:22 PM To: Susan E. Buxton Cc: Moriah Christianson; Bonnie Harper; Kirsti Allphin Subject: Flack/Carlock Project_Eagle-Water Narrative Hello Susan. Here is that part of the narrative that deals with the domestic water. We would execute a MOU to that effect. Call me if you have questions. Thanks so much for your help. Dave Roylance 939-9070 CeII 867-2542 8/29/2007 WATER / SEWER / UTILITIES WATER Domestic water for Flack / Carlock (insert project name) will be provided by partnering with Eagle City and becoming a part of their municipal system. We have had meetings and follow-up discussions with City representatives and their legal counsel to explore options and opportunities for expansion and inclusion into the City System. Those discussions are continuing as we work through the issues and finalize the concepts. Currently we envision constructing at least one municipal well onsite, conforming to Eagle City and Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) standards, and connecting that municipal well to the existing City distribution system with a 12" C-900 water main extension also constructed to Eagle City standards. The new municipal well(s) and water line extension(s) would provide two independent water sources (as required by DEQ) and would have sufficient capacity to meet peak day domestic demand and fire flow requirements. A portion of our existing water right would be conveyed to Eagle City and become a part of their municipal water right. Another portion of the water right would be used for the separate pressurized irrigation system and for pond water storage. The storage pond(s) would be used to stabilize the peak irrigation demands and for aesthetic purposes. The remainder of the project's water right would be available for acquisition by Eagle City. As mentioned, the pressurized irrigation system will be separate and distinct from the potable water system and there would be no hydraulic connection between the two systems. The irrigation system will be designed and constructed in accordance with Eagle City standards and other well-recognized industry standards. SEWER Sewer service for Flack / Carlock (insert project name) will be provided by the Eagle Sewer District. We will seek annexation into the Eagle Sewer District and, based upon our discussions with them, we expect the annexation request will be supported and approved. We will extend a properly -sized gravity sewer main southerly from the project to connect with the proposed regional lift station. This offsite sewer main will either be funded by a consortium of adjacent developers (including ourselves) who would receive benefit from the sewer main or funded solely by this project. If the project funded the sewer main extension, we envision entering into a Line Credit Reimbursement Agreement with the Eagle Sewer District as has been done in the past. Our meetings and dialogue with the Eagle Sewer District are continuing as we work through the details and finalize the concepts. POWER / NATURAL GAS / OTHER UTILITIES We are in contact with all other utility companies to work through the issues required to provide the other utilities to the project. Currently we don't envision significant issues that would prevent extending the other utilities to the site. All onsite sewer, water, power, roadways, and other infrastructure will be designed and constructed consistent with industry standards and in accordance with Eagle City standards. Questions, if any, regarding sewer, water, utilities, or other infrastructure issues should be directed to David Roylance, P.E., at Reynen & Bardis Communities at 208-939-9070. If Mr. Roylance is unavailable, questions may also be directed to Marlin Gochnour, E.I.T., at WRG Design at 208-246-8300. INTER OFFICE To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment(s): Copy To: Cc f - 2 ' 7 City of Eagle Zoning Administration Mayor Merrill & City Council Nichoel Baird Spencer. AICP , Planner III 'j_ Hearing Schedule for Foothills Comprehensive Plan Amendments August 29, 2007 N/A City Attorney, City Engineer, Zoning Administrator Please review the following hearing schedule for the Foothills Comprehensive Plan Amendments (City draft plan. \13 & Avimor). The proposal is for a staged presentation, hearing and deliberation process for all the applications. Staff is looking for direction on the following hearing schedule and project ordering: Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular Meeting): Approximately 4hours in length • Staff presentation of Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendations (35 min.) • Text Amendments • Map Amendments • Staff presentation of Draft City Plan - similar to the chamber presentation (35 min) • M3 Presentation of their applications - text & map (1 hour minimum per applicant ) • Avimor Presentation their application - text & map (1 hour sufficient per applicant) Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular Meeting): Unknown length • Table all other applications to a special meeting on October 2, 2007, with a 6:30 pm start time • Public Testimony • City Plan • M3 • Avimor Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 6:OOpm (Special Meeting): • Regularly scheduled items from the September 25`h meeting date Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular Meeting): • Continuation of public testimony (if needed) • Council deliberation • City Plan • M3 • Avimor Page 1 of 2 K:1Plammng Deptllmpact Area120061Foothills1cc hearing process memo 2 doc Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 6:OOpm & Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular & Special Meeting) • Overflow dates, if needed Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 6:OOpm & Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular & Special Meeting) • Overflow dates, if needed Page 2 of 2 K:1Planning DeptVmpact Area120061Foothills\cc hearing process memo 2.doc it ORDINANCE NO. 576 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2007, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2008, APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $24,093,109.00 TO DEFRAY ALL NECESSARY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR; SPECIFYING THE OBJECT AND PURPOSES FOR WHICH SUCH APPROPRIATIONS ARE MADE AND THE AMOUNT APPROPRIATED FOR EACH OBJECT AND PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE CERTIFICATION TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, TO LEVY AND ASSESS A SUFFICIENT TAX UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF A COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH THE OFFICE OF THE IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED By the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, as follows: Section 1: The sum of $24,093,109.00 is hereby appropriated to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2007, and ending on September 30, 2008 (the "2008 Fiscal Year"). Section 2: The objects and purposes for which such appropriation is made, and the amount appropriated for each object and purpose, are as follows: ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: AMOUNT APPROPRIATED GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: CITY RESERVE FUND -1ST QUARTER EXPENDITURES $411,229 IDAHO STATE TREASURER -DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND 250,000 PERSONNEL 86,501 ADMINISTRATION 192,335 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 2,290,502 STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS 17,250 GRANTS 250,000 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS 52,000 COMMUNITY PROJECTS 234,873 CAPITAL OUTLAY 51,000 PARKS 269,500 COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS 65,650 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: $4,170,840 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL $167,507 ADMINISTRATION 14,250 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 1,253 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 8,438 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 500 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT TOTAL $191,948 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL $255,673 ADMINISTRATION 9,950 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 2,800 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 500 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 3,500 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT TOTAL $272,423 K:1CIerks\BUDGET120081ORD #576 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE Page 1 4 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: AMOUNT APPROPRIATED BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL $468,777 ADMINISTRATION 31,800 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 139,200 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 500 VEHICLE OPERATIONS 8,500 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 25,000 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOTAL $673,777 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL $773,225 ADMINISTRATION 175,000 GRANTS $175 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 27,500 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 3,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 101,812 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL $124,746 ADMINISTRATION 7,700 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 10,560 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS 500 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 483,715 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 827,256 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL $1,080,712 $1,454,477 WATER FUND PERSONNEL $406,221 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 226,200 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS 488,300 VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES 30,000 DEQ LOAN FUNDS 1,590,000 STL FEES 564,000 METER SETS 170,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,741,500 LID 7,200,000 WATER FUND TOTAL $13,416,221 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND GUERBER PARK DEVELOPMENT $109,177 EAGEL SPORTS COMPLEX DEVELOPMENT 212,935 PARK FUND TOTAL $322,112 LIBRARY FUND RESERVE FUND - 1st QUARTER EXPENDITURES $160,000 PERSONNEL 729,778 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 294,579 CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,984 LIBRARY FUND TOTAL $1,200,341 K:IClerks\BUDGET120081ORD #576 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE Page 2 I ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: AMOUNT APPROPRIATED CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND: PERSONNEL $46,414 ACTIVITIES 52,000 MISCELLANEOUS 16,050 ARTS EDUCATION 16,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1,000 $131,464 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND: PERSONNEL $46,087 EDUCATION 4,140 EXHIBITS 5,500 PROGRMS 4,450 ADMINISTRATION 10,370 GRANTS 2,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,740 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND: $80,787 LIBRARY -GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND: PRI NCI PAUI NTEREST BOND PAYMENTS $227,082 RESERVE FUND 18,923 PAYING AGENTS FEES 840 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND TOTAL: $246,845 DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS 513,500 DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND TOTAL: $513,500 ID POWER - DISTRIBUTION LINE FUND CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ID POWER -DISTRIBUTION LINE FUND: 337,662 $337,662 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS: $24,093,109 Section 3: The City of Eagle hereby certifies to the Board of Commissioners and Ada County, Idaho, that a general tax levy on all taxable property within the City of Eagle be levied and assessed in an amount by law for the general purpose of said City, for the fiscal year 2008 beginning October 1, 2007. Section 4: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this Ordinance to be filed with the Office of the Secretary of State, State of Idaho, as required by Section 50-1003, Idaho Code. Section 5: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 6: This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force upon its passage, approval and publication in one issue of The Valley Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Eagle, and the official newspaper of said City. K:1Clerks\BUDGET120081ORD #576 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE Page 3 1 PASSED Under suspension of rules upon which a roll call vote was taken and duly enacted an Ordinance of • the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, at a convened meeting of the City of Eagle City Council held on the 29th day of August, 2007. Dated this 29th day of August, 2007. CITY OF EAGLE ADA COUNTY, IDAHO ATTEST: NANCY C. MERRILL, MAYOR SHARON K. BERGMANN, CITY CLERK/TREASURER K:1ClerkslBUDGET120081ORD #576 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE Page 4 TOTAL REVENUES ALL FUNDS: 8/27/07 CITY GENERAL REVENUE: $7,844,177 LIBRARY FUND 1,200,341.00 ARTS COMMISSION 131,464.00 HISTORIC COMMISSION 80,787.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND 322,112.00 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 13,416,221.00 DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND 513,500.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND 246,845.00 IDAHO POWER DISTRIBUTION LINE FUND 337,662.00 TOTAL ALL REVENUES: $24,093,109 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS: CITY GENERAL EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT $4,170,840 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT $191,948 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT $272,423 BUILDING DEPARTMENT $673,777 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT $1,080,712 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT $1.454.477 $7,844,177 LIBRARY FUND $1,200,341 ARTS COMMISSION $131,464 HISTORIC COMMISSION $80,787 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND $322,112 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND $13,416,221 DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND $513,500 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND $246,845 IDAHO POWER DISTRIBUTION LINE FUND $337,662 TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES: $24,093,109 K:IClerks\BUDGET120081CITY BUDGETIAII Revenues - Expenditures CITY OF E. )LE REVENUE PROJECTIONS FY 07/08 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects CARRY OVER (01-0308-00-00) RESERVE FUND - 1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0309-01-00) PROPERTY TAX REVENUE (01-0311-00-00) OTHER TAX REVENUE: Penalty and Interest on Property Taxes (01-0311-01-00) Franchise Fees: Franchise/Eagle Water Co. - 1% (01-0316-10-00) Franchise/United Water Company - 1% (01-0316-10-02) Franchise/Int. Gas 3% (Yearly) (01-0316-11-00) 18% increase Franchise/Trash 8% (Quarterly) (01-0316-13-00) Franchise/Idaho Power 1% (Quarterly) (01-0316-14-00) Franchise/Idaho Power 2% -Dist Lines (Quarterly) (01-0316-14-01) Franchise/Cable 5% (01-0316-12-00) TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES: INTERGOVERNMENTAL: State Revenue Sharing (Quarterly) (01-0335-60-00) State Sales Tax (Quarterly) (01-335-50-00) State Liquor (Quarterly) (01-0335-10-00) TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL: LICENSES AND PERMITS: Alcoholic Beverage License (01-0321-10-00) Business License (01-0321-30-00) TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS: FY 06/07 Budgeted $1,840,959 $525,000 $990,729 $2,000 7,000 5,000 220,000 130,000 100,000 185,000 86,500 $733,500 Actual May -07 $0 $610,234 $1,971 4,856 3,802 260,687 85,239 65,981 131,981 53,360 $605,906 1,000,062 725,795 160,727 136,431 93,852 185,934 $1,254,641 $1,048,160 20,000 16,000 $36,000 16,553 16,163 $32,716 8/28/2007 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 $1,840,959 $1,437,643 -22% Ohl $525,000 $411,229 -22% $380,495 $1,160,135 1`7:% $29 $2,500 '':.25 2,144 1,198 -40,687 44,761 34,019 53,019 33,140 $127,594 1,750 5,500 300,000 130,000 100,000 0 107,000 $644,250 -75% 10% 36%. 0°l0 0% -100% 24% -12% 274,267 1,151,260 15% 24,296 175,215 9% -92,082 350,000 273% $206,481 $1,676,475 34% 3,447 -163 $3,284 20,000 0% 16,500 3% $36,500 1% REVENUE ) FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Building Permits (01-0322-10-00) Building Permits Appeals (01-0332-10-01) Plan Review Fee -Bldg Dept (01-0322-12-00) Energy Standards (01-0322-13-00) Grading -Drainage Permit Fees (01-0322-20-00) Electrical Inspection Fees wlCity Inspector (01-0322-14-00) Plumbing Inspection Fees w/City Inspector (01-0322-15-00) Mechanical Inspection Fees (01-0322-16-00) Bldg Inspector Fees - Garden City (01-0322-20-00) ACHD Impact Processing Fees (01-0322-19-00) TOTAL BUILDING DEAPARTMENT PERMITS & FEES: PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Annex/Zoning Permits (01-0322-11-00) PZ Inspection Fees (01-0322-11-01) PZ Plan Review Fees (01-0322-11-02) Street Light Inspection Fees (01-0322-17-00) Surety/Letter of Credit Fees (01-0322-18-00) Tree Fund (01-0369-30-00) Tree City USA Grant (01-0331-60-00) Engineering Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-13-00) Attorney Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-14-00) TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING PERMITS & FEES: MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS AND FEES: Miscellaneous Permits/Fees/Licenses (01-0341-11-00) Animal License Fees (01-0341-12-00) TOTAL MISCELLANDEOUS PERMITS & FEES: COURT FINES AND FEES: City Court Fines & Fees (01-0338-40-00) Citation Fees/Code Enforcement (01-0338-41-00) TOTAL COURT FINES & FEES: FY 06/07 Budgeted 1,063,042 500 256,957 30,000 50,000 100,000 135,000 120,000 0 7,050 $1,762,549 Actual May -07 451,661 0 234,055 11,900 0 56,445 53,581 67,881 60,000 1,800 $937,323 185,000 190,183 0 3,730 0 750 1,500 620 3,000 2,950 1,000 3,500 150 0 60,000 51,901 6,000 0 $256,650 $253,634 1,500 6,000 $7,500 65,000 1,000 $66,000 1,265 5,753 $7,018 56,215 95 $56,310 FY 06/07 Unrealized 611,381 500 22,902 18,100 50,000 43,555 81,419 52,119 -60,000 5,250 $825,226 Projecteu �- FY 07/08 935,500 500 325,500 17,500 50,000 90,000 90,000 48,000 90,000 3,000 $1,650,000 -12% 0% 27% -42% -10% -33% -60% 100% -57% -6% - 5,183 200,000 8% - 3,730 6,000 100% -750 1,200 100% 880 1,500 0% 50 3,000 0% -2,500 1,000 0% 150 175 0% 8,099 60,000 0% 6,000 60,000 900% $3,016 $332,875 30% 235 247 $482 8,785 905 $9,690 1,500 6,000 $7,500 0% 0% 0% 75,000 15% 500 -50% $75,500 14% REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT FY 06/07 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Printing, Duplication and Publishing (01-0379-01-00) 1,500 Miscellaneous (01-0379-00-00) 5,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES: $6,500 DONATIONS: Park Donation (01-0376-04-00) Arbor Day Donations (01-0376-06-00) Guerber PK -Donation (01-0376-05-00) Contributions/Donation/Private (Pathway Projects)(o1-0370-00-00) TOTAL DONATIONS: INVESTMENTS: State Treasurer Investments -Interest 01-0371-10-00) Total Investments: MISCELLANEOUS: Lease Payments -Parks (01-0383-04-00) Lease Payments -City Hall Property (01-0383-06-00) Idaho Power Substation/Water usage (01-0383-01-00) VA Program Reimbursement (01-0383-07-00) Room Reservations (01-0383-09-00) Streamside Subdivision MOU (01-0383-10-00) ITD Eagle Road Underpass Reimbursement (01-383-11-00) ITD Merrill Park Bridge Reimbursement (01-0383-12-00) Miscellaneous Reimburseables (01-0383-05-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 1,000 0 0 0 $1,000 Actual FY 06/07 Projected May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 783 18,451 $19,234 0 100 0 0 $100 717 -13,451 -$12,734 1,000 -100 0 0 $900 90,000 72,018 17,982 $90,000 $72,018 $17,982 1,000 227 773 1,000 1,550 -550 120 0 120 0 0 0 0 708 -708 0 5,000 -5,000 0 18,195 -18,195 0 36,288 -36,288 2,000 783 1,217 $4,120 $62,751 -$58,631 1,200 -20% 5,000 0 $6,200 -5% 1,000 a% 100 100% 0 0% 0 0% $1,100 10% 90,000 0% $90,000 0% 1,000 0% 1,550 :55% 120 0% 0 0% 1,000 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1,000 -50% $4,670 13% REVENUE FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects GRANTS Grants/Matching Funds (01-0331-63-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding Future Grant (01-0331-61-00) TOTAL GRANTS: PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Awin Mgmnt (BFI) Education -Add Srvs (01-0350-03-00) Mayor's Youth Action Council (01-0350-04) Healing Fields Contribution (01-0350-05-00) Reservation Fees (01-0350-20-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament 01-0350-01-00) Rec Programs/Rocky Mtn Fitness Center (01-0350-42-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: TOTAL REVENUE: FY 06/07 Budgeted 50,000 0 70,000 $120,000 16,500 1,000 0 7,000 3,500 600 $28,600 Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized 0 50,000 0 0 0 70,000 $0 $120,000 17,423 0 9,015 6,381 3,950 380 $37,149 -923 1,000 -9,015 619 -450 220 -$8,549 Projectea FY 07/08 % 100,000 100,000 50,000 $250,000 24,000 0 20,000 9,500 3,500 600 $57,600 100% 100% -29% 108% 45% -100% 100% 36% 0% 101% $7,725,748 $3,744,524 $3,981,224 $7,844,177 2% PRO. ATY TAX REVENUE FY 07/08 ) Preliminary Budget Figures from the County Revised 8/27/07 ) Computation of 3% budget increase: Highest of the last 3 years approved non-exempt budget (1) $1,782,704 Multiply line 1 by 3% (2) $53,481 New Construction & Annexation budget increases: 2007 value of new constructior (3) (3) $240,843,200 2007 value of annexation that i (4) (4) $43,950,275 Total 2006 approved non-exen (5) (5) .000762075 New Construction Roll budget increase (multiply line 3 by line 5) (6) $183,541 Annexation budget increase (multiply line 4 by line 5) (7) $33,493 Foregone Amount (8) $204 Maximum Allowable Non-exempt Property Tax Budget: Add lines 1+2+6+7+8 (9) $2,053,423 Property Tax Replacement Enter the yearly amount of the agricultur (10) $19 Enter recovered Homeowner's Exemptiot (11) $8 Enter recaptured property tax execption i (12) $0 Enter the total of lines 10, 11, and 12: (Must match col. 5 of L-2) (13) Maximum Allowable Non-exempt Property Tax to be Levied: Subtract line 13 from line 9 (14) FY 06/07 TOTAL TAX REVENUE $1,782,685.00 FY 06/07 TOTAL TAX REVENUE PAID TO LIBRARY $791,956.00 FY 06/07 TOTAL TAX REVENUE PAID TO CITY HALL $990,729.00 New Construction Tax Roll $240,843,22.00 -.25% over FY 06/07 $240,231,999 Annexation Value - $43,950,275.00 - Annexation Value FY06/07 $26,851,500.00 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 06/07 - $1,782,685.00 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 - $2,053,396.00 - 15% Increase $27 $2,053,396 )1 Distribution of Property Tax Revenue I: Library: City Hall: Property Tax Revenue FY 06/07 To Fund FY07/08 Budget Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 Property Tax Revenue FY 06/07 Increase in property tax for FY 07/08 Total Property Tax Revenue FY 07/08 Total Property Tax Revenue FY07/08 $791,956 $101,305 $893,261 $990,729 $169,406 $1,160,135 $2,053,396 GENERAL A.IINISTRATION BUDGET FY 07/08 EXPENDITURES RESERVE FUNDS: RESERVE FUND -1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0410-01-00) ID ST TREASURER -DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND (01-0411-01) PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects City Council (01-0415-11-00) FICA (01-0415-21-00) PERSI (01-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (01-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (01-0415-25-00) ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Design Review Board Compensation TOTAL PERSONNEL: (01-0413-02-00) P&Z Commissioners Compensation (01-0413-01-00) Library - Merit Increase Reserve including FICA-PERSI & Etc. Insurance Property (01-0413-10-00) Insurance Reserve Fund (01-0413-11-00) Internet/Web Page Services (01-0413-21-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (01-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (01-0413-25-00) Monitoring Alarm Systems (01-0413-34-00) Office Supplies (01-0413-05-00) Postage (01-0413-07-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (01-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (01-0413-14-00) Real Property Taxes (01-0413-29-00) Resource Materials (01-0413-28-00) Telecommunications (01-0413-19-00) Training (01-0413-12-00) Travel & Per Diem (01-0413-13-00) Storage Shed Rental (01-0413-36-00) Utilities 660 E. Civic Lane (01-0413-16-00) Floodplain Management TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: FY 06/07 Budgeted $525,000 $250,000 FY 06/07 Budgeted 45,411 3,473 4,718 353 13,508 $67,463 FY 06/07 Budgeted 4,850 4,850 0 28,838 10,000 1,500 9,270 50 1,500 7000 5,000 500 47,184 50 2,000 11,100 1,000 3,000 40,000 0 $177,692 Actual May -07 8/29/2007 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 $525,000 0 $250,000 Actual May -07 40,490 2,013 2,058 109 22,184 $66,854 Actual May -07 3,630 4,610 0 28,838 0 580 11,781 16,008 1,207 15,778 5,243 372 38,549 140 1,660 8,242 335 1,108 433 14,821 0 $153,335 FY 06/07 Unrealized 4,921 1,460 2,660 244 -8,676 $609 FY 06/07 Unrealized 1,220 240 0 0 10,000 920 -2,511 -15,958 293 -8,778 -243 128 8,635 -90 340 2,858 665 1,892 25,179 0 $24,357 1-' 1 Projected FY 07/08 % $411,229 -22% $250,000 0% Projected FY 07/08 % > 47,684 : `5% 3,648 5% 2,332 -51 % 200 -43% 32,637 142% $86,501 % ' 28%I Projected FY 07/08 4,850 4,850. 0%' 5,011 .100% 32,299 10,000 1,000 -33% 16,000 .'' 73%0` 500 ,900% 2,000 33% 18,000 .157% 8,000 60%; 500 0% 42,075 -11% 50 0% 2,000 0% 12,000 8%' 1,000 0% 3,000 0% 1,200 100% 23,000 -43% 5,000 100% $192,335 8% /0 0%' 12%• 0%0 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Ada County Joint Prosecution (01-416-05-00) Idaho Humane Society (01-0416-06-00) Auditor (01-0416-08-00) City Hall - Lease Payments - Hawkins Smith (01-0416-21-00) City Hall - Operating Expenses - Hawkins Smith (01-0416-22-00) Computer LAN Maintenance (Block Time) (01-0416-26-00) Database & Web Page Management (01-0416-16-00) Dry Creek Study Engineer (01-0416-07-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (01-0416-24-00) Facilities Manager (01-0416-14-00) Grant Writer (01-0416-23-00) Idaho Power - Distribution Lines (01-0416-20-00) Law Enforcement (01-0416-09-00) Legal (01-0416-02-00) Legal Miscellaneous (01-0416-04-00) Contract Other (Communications) (01-0416-18-00) Communications Contract (LID -Water System) Library Expansion:Engineer & Architect Services Senior Center Community Van (01-0416-10-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Mktng Promo Develop-(Frm Business Lic) (01-0418-02-00) SAG -2 Broadcasting City Meetings SAG -3 Comp & Class Study (Cost share w/Library & Water Fund) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 06107: GRANTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Future Grants (01-0421-03-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding Grants/Matching Funds (01-0421-01-00) TOTAL GRANTS: FY 06/07 Budgeted 25,113 46,250 7,350 240,593 65,000 15,600 8,000 0 35,000 7,200 31,200 15,000 90,675 1,349,722 135,000 20,000 0 0 0 9,600 $2,101,303 FY 06/07 Budgeted 7,250 0 0 $7,250 FY 06/07 Budgeted 70,000 0 50,000 $120,000 Actual May -07 16,742 30,833 4,000 160,395 15,147 13,000 8,125 0 16,235 6,122 4,320 0 131,981 890,574 93,243 0 0 0 6,400 $1,397,117 Actual May -07 342 0 0 $342 Actual May -07 FY 06/07 Unrealized 8,371 15,417 3,350 80,198 49,853 2,600 -125 0 18,765 1,078 26,880 15,000 -41,306 459,148 41,757 20,000 0 0 0 3,200 $704,186 FY 06/07 Unrealized 6,908 0 0 $6,908 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 70,000 0 0 0 50,000 $0 $120,000 P �2 Projected FY 07/08 % 24,671 -2% 49,575 7% 7,720 5% 240,593 0% 30,000 -54% 15,600 : ; : 0% 10,000 25% 40,000 100% 35,000 0% 12,000 -67% 0 -100% 15,000 ( 0% 0 -100% 1,614,933 20% 135,000 0% 0 -100% 40,000 100% 0 100% 8,750 100% 11,660 21% $2,290,502 9% Projected FY 07/08 7,250 0'100% 10,000 100% $17,250 138% Projected FY 07/08 100,000 '='43% 100,000 100% 50,000 ;;: 0% $250,000 108% % GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS Major Objects and Subobjects Community Promotion and Special Events (01-0422-03-00) Eagle Senior Citizen Center -One Time Donation (01-0422-07) Mayor's Youth Action Council (01-0422-05-00) Healing Field Flag Display (01-0422-06-00) Old Time 4th of July Celebration (01-0422-02-00) Public Relations (01-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATION: COMMUNITY PROJECTS Arts Commission (01-0463-00-00) Historical Commission (01-0463-01-00) Urban Renewal Transfer -Start Up Funds TOTAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS: CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects Acquiring Water Rights (01-0465-07-00) Dangerous Bldgs -Property Abatement (01-0465-10-00) Disaster Mitigation (emergency fund) (01-0465-15-00)) Land Acquisition (01-0465-09-00) Equipment (color scanner, computer, update LaserFiche) Furniture (Mayor's Office) Library - Recarpet Community Room New City Hall Equipment/Furnishings (01-0465-04-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: PARKS Major Objects and Subobjects Ada County Lease - Guerber Park Land (01-0471-06-00) Guerber Park Development Project (01-0470-01-00) Eagle Sports Complex Development -Velodrome TOTAL PARKS: FY 06/07 Budgeted 8,500 2,000 0 12,300 15,000 15,000 $52,800 68,500 36,000 0 $104,500 FY 06/07 Budgeted 40,000 35,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 $145,000 FY 06107 Budgeted 28,500 311,650 0 $340,150 Actual May -07 2,575 2,000 37 18,110 4,665 6,559 $33,946 68,500 36,000 0 $104,500 Actual May -07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72,815 $72,815 Actual May -07 28,500 336,919 0 $365,419 FY 06/07 Unrealized 5,925 0 -37 -5,810 10,335 8,441 $18,854 0 0 0 $0 FY 06/07 Unrealized 40,000 35,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 -22,815 $72,185 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 -25,269 0 -$25,269 P '3 Projected FY 07/08 %: 5,000 41% 2,000 '• 0% 5,000 100% 15,000 r22% 15,000 0% 10,000 -33% $52,000 -2% 99,136 _ 45% 80,787 124% 54,950 ` 100% $234,873 >125% Projected FY 07/08 0 -100% 0 -100% 40,000 100% 0 0% 7,000 , 100% 4,000 ,100% 0 100% 0 =100% $51,000 -65% Projected FY 07/08 28,500 0% 0 0% 241,000 100% $269,500 0%I GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't CAPITAL PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects VRT - Sry Enhancement -Hwy 44 Express (14-0468-10-00) Hill Rd Improvements - ACHD (Collection Account) (14-0468-09-00) City Wide Enhancements Bury Distribution Lines - Id Power Franchise Fee (01-0468-11-00) TOTAL COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS: TOTAL ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: FY 06/07 Budgeted 20,000 67,000 0 0 $87,0001 $3,978,158 Actual May -07 24,854 39,255 0 0 $64,109 $2,153,937 FY 06/07 Unrealized -4,854 27,745 0 0 $22,891 0 $1,824,221 r 4 Projected FY 07/08 15,650 -22% 0 -100% 50,000 :100% 0 0% $65,650. • 0% $4,170,840 5% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 07/08 FY 07/08 5% Increase Name Steve Guerber Phil Bandy Stan Bastian Scott Nordstrom Title Council President Council Council Council TOTAL: 5% Increase Annual Wage 14,024 11,220 11,220 11,220 $47,684 $89,255 7.65% 10.39% WORK FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE 1,073 0 59 858 1,166 47 858 0 47 858 1,166 47 3,648 $2,332 $200 0 17,789 0 17,602 $35,391 EXECUTIVL .)EPARTMENT FY07/08 BUDGET FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (11-0415-10-00) Overtime (11-0415-11-00) Employee Bonus (11-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve Backgound Check/Drug Testing (11-0415-20-00) FICA (11-0415-21-00) PERSI (11-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (11-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (11-0415-25-00) Unemployment Benefits (11-0415-28-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (11-0413-23-00) Mayor - Administrative Expenses (11-0413-03-00) Miscellaneous (11-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (11-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (11-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (11-0413-14-00) Resource Materials (01-0413-28-00) Telecommunications (01-0413-19-00) Training (11-0413-12-00) Travel & Per Diem (11-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 06/07 78,876 0 250 0 0 6,054 8,221 483 8,307 0 $102,191 BUDGETED FY 06/07 1,700 10,000 50 2000 500 815 500 2,100 1,000 2,000 $20,665 8/27/2007 Actual May -07 21,256 1,296 0 0 0 1,651 2,343 377 13,716 0 $40,639 Actual May -07 0 965 23 320 0 0 71 904 127 2,534 $4,944 K:1Clerks\BUDGET120081Executive Department-111Budget FY 07-08 FY 06/07 Unrealized 57,620 - 1,296 250 0 0 4,403 5,878 106 - 5,409 0 $61,552 FY 06/07 Unrealized 1,700 9,035 27 1,680 500 815 429 1,196 873 -534 $15,721 Projected FY 07/08 117,949 0 0 439 0 9,057 12,301 497 27,264 0 $167,507 Projected FY 07/08 1,700 5,000 50 2,000 500 500 200 2,100 500 1,700 $14,250 Pagel -50% 0%. -39% -60% 0% -50% -15% -31%a PUBLIC AR ..fRS & COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (11-0422-01-00) Mayor's Youth Action Council (11-0422-05-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: DGETED FY 06/07 0 5,000 $5,000 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 06/07 Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (11-0416-24-00) 1,600 TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: $1,600 FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: FY 06/07 Budgeted 102,191 20,665 5,000 1,600 $129,456 Actual FY 06/07 Projec May -07 Unrealized FY 07/ud % 210 -210 8,438 100% 2,810 2,190 0 -100% $3,020 $1,980 $8,438 69% Actual FY 06/07 Projected May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 % 522 1,078 1,253 -22% $522 $1,078 $1,253 -22% Actual FY 06/07 Projected ""' May -07 Unrealized FY 07108 %.,,,01 40,639 61,552 167,507 64% 4,944 15,721 14,250 -31% 3,020 1,980 8,438 100% 522 1,078 1,253 -22% $49,125 $80,331 $191,448 48% K:\Clerks\BUDGET\20081Executive Department -11\Budget FY 07-08 Page2 CAPITAL E. -NDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: BUDGETED Actual FY 06/07 Projected Major Objects and Subobjects FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 % City Hall Equipment (11-0465-03-00) 2,000 410 1,590 500 -75% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $2,000 $410 $1,590 $500 -75% FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projected CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Budgeted May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 %'. Capital Outlay 2,000 410 1,590 500 -75% TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $2,000 $410 $1,590 $500 -75% FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projected Budgeted May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 % TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $129,456 $49,125 80,331 $191,448 48% TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $2,000 $410 1,590 $500 -750/0 TOTAL BUDGET: $131,456 $49,535 $81,921 $191,948 46% K: 1Clerks\BUDGET120081Executive Department-111Budget FY 07-08 Page3 FY 07/08 Execu. a Department PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 07/08 Current Proposed Annual Annual Title Wage Wage Mayor $42,000 $74,000 Idaho Code - the Mayor's salary can only be raised every two years by Proposed annual wage established by City Council. Title Administrative Assistant Current Annual Wage $36,883 Merit Increase Reserve 1%1 Total Salaries Merit Reserve Total FICA Total PERSI Total Work Comp Total Insurance Proposed Annual Wage $43,949 8/: )007 7.65% 10.39% FICA PERSI 5,661 7,689 WORK COMP INSURANCE TOTAL 311 18,212 $105,872 ordinance published 75 days prior to a general city election. 7.65% FICA 3,362 10.39% WORK PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTAL 4,566 185 9,0521 $61,114 $4391 341 461 21 $117,949 $439 9,057 12,301 497 27,264 $167,507 $5211 CITY CLE BUDGET FY 07/08 8/27/2007 EXPENDITURES BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT PERSONNEL: FY 06/07 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted Salaries (Full -Time) (12-0415-10-00) 157,229 Overtime (12-0415-11-00) 0 Salaries (Part -Time) (12-0415-15-00) Merit Increase Reserve Employee Bonus (12-0415-16-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (12-0415-20-00) 0 FICA (12-0415-21-00) 12,991 PERSI (12-0415-22-00) 17,645 Worker's Compensation (12-415-24-00) 711 Insurance (Employer) (12-0415-25-00) 35,549 Unemployment Benefits (12-0415-28-00) 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $236,719 11,844 0 750 ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Elections (12-0413-04-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (12-0413-08-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (12-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (12-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (12-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (12-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (12-0413-14-00) Resource Materials (12-0413-28-00) Training (12-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (12-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (12-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: FY 06/07 Budgeted 2,500 1,000 1,700 100 5,000 500 321 500 2,500 3,000 $17,121 FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 $0 Actual Jun -07 65,512 2,275 0 0 232 0 5,011 7,067 843 31,928 0 $112,868 Actual Jun -07 0 128 99 0 470 0 100 0 970 127 $1,894 Actual Jun -07 0 $o FY 06/07 Unrealized 91,717 -2,275 11,844 0 518 0 7,980 10,578 -132 3,621 0 $123,851 FY 06/07 Unrealized 2,500 872 1,601 100 4,530 500 221 500 1,530 2,873 $15,227 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 $0 'ge 1 Projected FY 07/08 neo 176,081 12% 2,000 100% 0 -100% 1,761 100% 750 0% 100 0% 13,662 5% 18,556 5% 750 5% 42,013 18% 0 o% $255,673 8% Projected FY 07/08 % 1,500 -40% 250 -75% 250 -85% 100 0% 1,000 -80% 250 -50% 350 9% 250 -50% 3,000 20% 3,000 0% $9,950 -42% Projected FY 07/08 500 100% $500 100% CONTRAC-1 & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Contract Other (12-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (12-0416-24-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements FY 06/07 Budgeted 5,500 1,000 $6,500 FY 06/07 Budgeted 236,719 17,121 0 6,500 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $260,340 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects City Hall Equipment (12-0465-03-00) Other (12-0465-02-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: FY 06/07 Budgeted 9,500 5,000 $14,500 FY 06/07 Budgeted 14,500 $14,500 FY 06/07 Budgeted $260,340 $14,500 TOTAL BUDGET: $274,840 Actual Jun -07 0 274 $274 Actual Jun -07 112,868 1,894 0 274 $115,036 Actual Jun -07 4,075 0 $4,075 Actual Jun -07 4,075 $4,075 Actual Jun -07 $115,036 $4,075 $119,111 FY 06/07 Unrealized 5,500 726 $6,226 FY 06/07 Unrealized 123,851 15,227 0 6,226 $145,304 9e 2 Projected FY 07/08 1,500 -73% 1,300 30% $2,800 -57% Projected FY 07/08 % 255,673 8% 9,950 -42% 500 100% 2,800 -57% $268,923 3% FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 % 5,425 2,500 -74% 5,000 1,000 -80% $10,425 $3,500 -76% FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07108 Bio 10,425 3,500 -76% $10,425 $3,500 -76% FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 145,304 $268,923 10,425 $3,500 $155,729 $272,423 U/0 FY 07/08 CIS ) Department Council Approval Title City Clerk/Treasurer RECLASSIFICATION w/COL Title Deputy City Clerk Reclassified from Admin Clerk 11 Grade 7 to Deputy City Clerk Grade 10 Senior Deputy City Clerk Reclassified from Deputy City Clerk Grade 10 to Senior Deputy City Clerk Grade 11 Title Admin Clerk III - PW Department New Position - Job Share with the Public Works Department & City Clerk's Office Grade 9 BONUS I MERIT INCREASE RESERVE 1%1 Total Salaries Bonus Merit Increase Reserve Total FICA Total PERSI Total Work Comp Total Insurance PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY )8 Current Proposed Annual Annual Wage Wage $70,874 Current Annual Wage $36,391 Proposed Annual Wage $40,000 $49,9641 $53,8151 Current City Clerk Annual Office - Job Wage Share -25% $38,480 $9,620 $176,081 $750 $1,761 13,662 18,556 750 42,013 $253,573 1 1 Proposed Wage With 7.65% 2.5% COL FICA 72,646 5,557 1 7.65% FICA 3,060 4,1171 7.65% 10.39% FICA PERSI 736 1,000 Revised 8/27/07 10.39% WORK PERSI COMP INSURANCE 7,548 305 15,251 ) TOTAL $101,307 10.39% WORK PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTAL 4,156 168 8,454 $55,838 5,5911 2261 15,0601 $78,809 WORK COMP INSURANCE TOTAL 40 3,247 $14,643 $7501 571 781 31 1 $888 $1,7611 1351 1831 71 1 $2,086 1% Merit Increase to be held in reserve $1,760.81 1. BUILDING DEPARTMENT FY 07/08 FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 06/07 Salaries (Full -Time) (13-0415-10-00) 295,236 Overtime (13-0415-11-00) 0 Employee Bonus (13-0415-16-00) 1,750 Merit Increase Reserve 0 Backgound Check/Drug Testing (13-0415-20-00) 125 FICA (13-0415-21-00) 22,721 PERSI (13-0415-22-00) 30,856 Worker's Compensation (13-415-24-00) 3,151 Insurance (Employer) (13-0415-25-00) 93,120 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $446,959 ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Legal Ad. and Publication (13-0413-08-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (13-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (13-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (13-0413-05-00) Plan Review Expenses (13-0413-09-00) Printing, Duplication and Publishing (13-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (13-0413-14-00) Resource Materials (13-0413-28-00) Telecommunications (13-0413-19-00) Training (13-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (13-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (13-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: BUDGETED FY 06/07 1,000 3,250 100 4,000 15,000 500 465 2,000 4,400 3,500 3,000 $37,215 BUDGETED FY 06/07 0 $0 8/27/2007 Actual May -07 86,852 165 116 0 0 6,123 9,053 2,734 58,273 $163,316 Actual May -07 0 1,135 16 5,095 7,941 0 280 500 3,068 1,255 0 $19,290 Actual May -07 278 $278 Page 1 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 % 208,384 323,143 9% -165 0 o% 1,634 1,785 2% 0 3,231 100% 125 250 100% 16,598 25,104 10% 21,803 34,096 X11% 417 3,254 3% 34,847 77,914 -16% $283,643 $468,777 5% FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 1,000 1,000 - ` , 0% 2,115 1,500 -54% 84 200 100% -1,095 4,000 0% 7,059 11,500 -23% 500 300 -40% 185 800 72% 1,500 3,000 50% 1,332 4,000 -9% 2,245 3,500 0% 3,000 2,000 -33% $17,925 $31,800 15% °/0 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 % -278 500 100% -$278 $500 100% CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Contract Other (13-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (13-0416-24-00) Garden City Inspection Costs (13-0416-12-00) Mechanical Inspector (13-0416-11-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: VEHICLE OPERATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (13-0413-24-00) Fuel Costs (13-0417-02-00) TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operation TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 06/07 5,500 3,200 0 60,000 $68,700 BUDGETED FY 06/07 2,500 2,500 $5,000 BUDGETED FY 06/07 446,959 37,215 0 68,700 5,000 $557,874 Actual May -07 2,955 522 79 20,613 $24,169 Actual May -07 783 2,241 $3,024 Actual May -07 163,316 19,290 278 -24,169 3,024 $161,739 Page 2 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 2,545 3,000 2,678 3,200 -79 90,000 39,387 43,000 $44,531 $139,200 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 1,717 2,000 259 6,500 $1,976 $8,500 FY 06/07 Unrealized -63% -48% 100% -135% -40% ago -45% 0% 100% -28% 103% -20% 160% 70% Projected FY 07/08 cY 468,777 5% 31,800 i';-15% 500 100% 139,200 103% 8,500 70% -71% $648,777 16% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Objects and Subobjects Office Equipment (13-0465-03-00) Other (13-0465-02-00) Vehicle (13-0465-08-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: BUDGETED FY 06/07 9,500 5,000 36,000 $50,500 BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FY 06/07 Capital Outlay 50,500 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $50,500 BUDGETED FY 06/07 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $557,874 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $50,500 TOTAL BUDGET: $608,374 Actual May -07 11,258 0 0 $11,258 Actual May -07 11,258 $11,258 Actual May -07 $161,739 $11,258 $172,997 Page 3 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 -1,758 2,500 5,000 2,500 36,000 20,000 $39,242 $25,000 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 -78% 25,000 -78% $25,000 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 $648,777 -78% $25,000 -5o% -72%1 $673,777 11% o/ 0 -74% -50% -44% -50% ata -50% -50% FY 07/08 Bu )1g Department PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 07/08 Title Plumbing Inspector Electrical Inspector Administration Clerk Current Annual Wage $45,760 $45,760 $27,115 Totals $118,635 Administration Clerk I $33,2121 Retiring in February - 5 months Title Building Official Administration Clerk - New Hire -$36,882 Annual 6 weeks training prior to Feb - 9 1/2 mos RECLASSIFICATION Title Building Inspector I Advanced to Grade 11 Proposed Wage With 2.5% COL 46,904 46,904 27,793 $121,601 34,0421 $14,184 RE% )D 8127107 City Council 7.65% 10.39% WORK FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE 3,588 4,873 539 9,626 3,588 4,873 539 12,722 2,126 2,888 117 8,455 $9,302 $12,634 $1,196 $30,803 2,604 3,537 $1,085, $1,474 Current Proposed Annual Annual 7.65% 10.39% Wage Wage FICA PERSI $67,854 $72,500 5,546 7,533 1431 28,492 $60 $13,353 TOTAL $65,531 $68,627 $41,378 $175,536 $68,819 $28,674 WORK COMP INSURANCE TOTAL 834 $17,977 $104,390 $29,198 2,234 3,034 123 Current Proposed Annual Annual Wage Wage $44,647 $48,451 Building Inspector I$33,6041 $37,2091 Step Increase 1 BONUS' Merit Increase Reserve 1%1 Total Salaries Bonus Merit Increase Total FICA Total PERSI Total Work Comp Total Insurance $323,143 $1,785 $3,231 $25,104 $34,096 $3,254 $77,914 $468,527 1 $1,7851 $3,231.431 7.65% FICA 3,707 2,8461 1371 2471 6,500 $41,088 10.39% WORK PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTAL 5,034 557 17,053 $74,802 3,8661 1851 3361 4281 211 371 10,2051 $54,554 $2,128 $3,852 P&Z DEPS. )MENT FY 07/08 OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (14-0415-10-00) Overtime Hours Employee Bonus Merit Increase Reserve Backgound Check/Drug Testing (14-0415-20-00) FICA (14-0415-21-00) PERSI (14-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (14-415-24-00) Insurance (Employer) (14-0415-25-00) (14-0415-16-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Attorney Fees/Charge to Developers (14-0413-33-00) Engineering Fees/Charge to Developers (14-0413-31-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (14-0413-08-00) Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (3 Vehicles) (14-0413-24-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (14-0413-23-00) Maintenance (GIS) (14-0413-23-01) Miscellaneous (14-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (14-0413-05-00) Ortho Photography (14-0413-35-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (14-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (14-0413-14-00) Reimburse-Annex/Zoning/Dr Fees (14-0413-26-00) Resource Materials (14-0413-28-00) Telecommunications (14-0413-19-00) Training (14-0413-12-00) Training (Forestry) (14-0413-12-01) Travel and Per Diem (14-0413-13-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 06/07 389,294 10,000 2,250 0 125 30,721 41,721 4,536 102,869 $581,516 BUDGETED FY 06/07 6,000 60,000 12,000 1,000 2,490 2,490 100 5,000 4,500 500 1,215 200 1,000 1,800 4,500 0 3,000 $105,795 8/27/2007 City Council Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized 135,499 253,795 17,132 -7,132 0 2,250 0 195 10,952 15,858 4,575 62,695 0 200 19,769 25,863 -39 40,174 $246,906 $334,610 Actual May -07 60,440 208,598 8,755 587 2,658 2,658 16 1,731 4,000 342 570 7,242 1,200 1,193 1,355 0 2,045 FY 06/07 Unrealized -.54,440 -148,598 3,245 413 - 168 - 168 84 3,269 500 158 645 -7,042 -200 607 3,145 0 955 $303,391 -$197,596 Page 1 Projected FY 07/08 % :. 510,331 "' 31% 25,000 150% 2,500 5,103 125 41,534 35°!0; 56,411 35% 6,301 39% 125,920 22% $773,225 33% Projected FY 07/08 % 60,000 9DA 60,000 O% 15,000 25% " 3,000 200% 2,500 0% 1,600 -36% 500 <;-' 400% 3,000 " -40% 2,900 -36% 3,000 500% 2,500 106% 2,000 900% 1,500 50% 2,500 39% 7,000 56% 2,000 ``''` 100% 6,000 100% $175,000 65% PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (14-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: BUDGETED FY 06/07 0 $0 GRANTS: BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 06/07 Tree City USA Grant (14-0421-02-00) 150 TOTAL GRANTS: $150 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Arborist (Tree Inventory) (14-0416-13-00) Contract Tree Growing - Hill Road (14-0416-13-01) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (14-0416-24-00) Other (Temporary Services, misc.) (14-0416-18-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Grants Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: BUDGETED FY 06/07 31,200 0 6,000 5,500 $42,700 BUDGETED FY 06/07 581,516 105,795 0 150 42,700 $730,161 Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized 11 -11 $11 -$11 Actual May -07 175 $175 FY 06/07 Unrealized -25 -$25 Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized 9,104 22,096 0 0 3,950 2,050 2,202 3,298 $15,256 $27,444 Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized 246,906 334,610 303,391 -197,596 11 -11 175 -25 15,256 27,444 $565,738 $164,423 Page 2 Projected FY 07/08 3,000 $3,000 100% 100% Projected FY 07/08 % 175 17% $175 17% Projected FY 07/08 5,000 -84% 15,000 100% 2,000 -67% 5,500 0% $27,500 -36% Projected FY 07/08 773,225 175,000 3,000 175 27,500 $978,900 33% 65% 100% 17% -36% 34% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: PATHWAYS: Major Objects and Subobjects PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT: Streamside Subdivision Pathway (14-0471-02-00) PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects City Hall Equipment (14-0465-03-00) Other (14-0465-02-00) Tree Fund (14-0465-05-00) BUDGETED FY 06/07 15,000 $15,000 BUDGETED FY 06/07 9,500 5,000 9,771 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $24,271 Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized 0 15,000 $0 $15,000 Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized 2,481 7,019 0 5,000 1,440 8,331 $3,921 $20,350 COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS BUDGETED Major Objects and Subobjects FY 06/07 Foothills Planning (14-0468-03-00) 50,000 Downtown Planning (14-0468-03-01) Grants/Matching Funds (14-0468-07-00) 10,000 Land Use & Transportation Plan - ACHD (14-0468-06-00) 5,000 MOU ACHD Improvements to Hill Road (14-0468-09-00) 67,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -COMM PROJECTS: $132,000 STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS: Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Partner Chamber -Downtown Revitalization (14-0418-01-00) SAG -3 Tree Voucher - Plant a Tree Project (14-0418-03-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 06/07: BUDGETED FY 06/07 50,000 10,000 $60,000 Page 3 Projected FY 07/08 5,000 -67% $5,000 67% Projected FY 07/08 10,000 5°I° 5,000 :`. 0% 11,831 21% $26,831 11% Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized 2,055 47,945 0 10,000 0 5,000 67,000 0 $69,055 $62,945 Actual FY O6/07 May -07 Unrealized 20,019 29,981 600 9,400 $20,619 $39,381 Projected FY 07/08 25,000 =50% 0 100% 10,000 0% 0 -100% 0 -100% $35,000 =73%o Projected FY 07/08 29,981 -40% 5,000 -50% $34,981 -42% a:: BUDGETED Actual FY 06/07 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized Pathways 15,000 0 15,000 Capital Outlay 24,271 3,921 20,350 Community Planning Projects 132,000 69,055 62,945 Strategic Annual Goals 60,000 20,619 39,381 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $231,271 $93,595 $137,676 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL BUDGET: BUDGETED FY 06/07 $730,161 $231,271 $961,432 Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized $65,738 $164,423 $93,595 $137,676 $659,333 $302,099 Page 4 Projected FY 07/08 % 5,000 -67% 26,831 11% 35,000 -73% 34,981 100% $101,812 -56%l Projected FY 07/08 % $978,900 34% $101,812 -56% $1,080,712 12% PERSONNEL W ) & SALARY FY 07/08 8127/2007 ) INCLUDES RECLASSIFICATIONS - 4 POSITIONS 2.5% COLA (for non -reclassified positions) Planning & Zoning Department 1% Merit Reserve CURRENT PROPOSED WAGE 7.65% 10.39% WORK Title ANNUAL WAGE ANNUAL WAGE WITH 2.5% COL FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTALS Zoning Administrator 70,874 82,500 6,311 8,572 949 13,899 $112,231 Planner 11 44,648 50,000 3,825 5,195 575 10,384 $69,979 Planner 11 45,000 55,000 4,208 5,715 633 13,814 $79,369 Current Planning Supervisor Planner 111 55,000 72,500 5,546 7,533 834 15,956 $102,369 Professional Exempt Status New Planner 11 50,000 3,825 5,195 575 13,000 $72,595 New Position Planner! 35,360 40,000 3,060 4,156 460 9,844 $57,520 Planner!! 42,000 43,050 3,293 4,473 495 11,202 $62,513 Code Enforcement Officer/ 21,840 22,386 1,713 2,326 257 8,443 $35,125' Facilities Manager (1/2 ins) (1/2 salary) Admin Clerk 11 30,180 30,935 2,366 3,214 356 9,350 $46,221 City Forester 37,440 38,376 2,936 3,987 441- 9,052 $54,792 Admin Clerk 1 24,960 25,5841 1,957 2,658 294 10,976 $41,470 SUBTOTAL: $407,302 $350,000 $160,331 $39,040 $53,023 $5,869 $125,920 $734,183 OVERTIME 25,000 1,913 2,598 288 $29,798 BONUS 2,500 191 260 29 0 $2,980 MERIT INCREASE RESERVE 5,103 390 530 59 $6,083 CONTRACT LABOR - WORK 5,000 0 0 58 0 $58 $773,100 TOTAL SALARIES $510,331 OVERTIME $25,000 BONUS $2,500 MERIT INCREASE RESERVE $5,103 I TOTAL FICA $41,534 TOTAL PERSI $56,411 TOTAL WORK COMP $6,301 TOTAL INSURANCE $125,920 $773,100 PUBLIC WO, _.tS DEPARTMENT FY 07/08 PUBLIC WORKS OPERATING COSTS Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries - Full Time (15-0433-10-00) Overtime (15-0433-11-00) Salaries - Part Time (15-0433-15-00) Employee Bonus (15-0433-16-00) Merit Reserve Fund Employment Testing (15-0433-20-00) FICA (15-0433-21-00) PERSI (15-0433-22-00) Insurance (15-0433-25-00) Work Comp (15-0433-24-00) Page 1 SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Legal Ad. and Publication (15-0413-08-00) Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (15-0413-24-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (15-0413-23-00) Miscellaneous (15-0413-25-00) Office Supplies (15-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (15-0413-06-00) Professional Dues (15-0413-14-00) Refunds Park Reservations (15-0413-27-00) Resource Materials (15-0413-28-00) Telecommunications (15-0413-19-00) Training (15-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (15-0413-13-00) SUBTOTAL ADMINISTRATION: BUDGETED FY 06/07 31,000 0 0 0 0 25 2,372 3,221 6,138 357 $43,113 1,000 0 1,590 100 2,000 500 0 100 1,000 600 2,500 1,000 $10,390 Actual May -07 18,188 17 3,380 0 0 40 1,638 2,243 9,098 223 $34,827 654 643 0 63 167 27 0 265 70 629 125 2,048 $4,691 K:\Clerks\BUDGET120081Public Works Department - 151FY 07-08 Budget 8/27/2007 FY 06/07 Unrealized 12,812 -17 -3,380 0 0 -15 734 978 -2,960 134 $8,286 346 -643 1,590 37 1,833 473 0 -165 930 -29 2,375 -1,048 $5,699 Projected FY 07/08 78,161 ' 152% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 782 100% 100 300% 4,656 96% 6,324 ` 96% 34,093 455% 630 76% $124,746 189% 1,000 ;; 0% 1,500 ` 100% 500 -69% 200 100% 500 -75% 300 -40 200 0% 500 :.400% 500 -50% 1,000 ' .67% 500 -80% 1,000 0% $7,700 -26% Page 2 Major Objects and Subobjects PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Public Relations (15-0422-01-00) SUBTOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Contract Other (15-0416-18-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (15-0416-24-00) GIS Hwy 55 Utilities Agreement (01-0442-01-00) Scenic By -Way Utilities Agreement (01-0442-02-00) Water Shares - Assessment/Fees (01-0442-03-00) East Entry Sign/Water Agreement (01-0442-04-00) SUBTOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: BUILDING -STREET LIGHTS - MTNC & REPAIR Maintenance and Repair - Buildings (01-0441-01-00) Maintenance Senior Citizen Center (01-0441-02-00) Maintenance and Repair City Hall (01-0441-03-00) Maintenance and Repair - HVAC (01-0441-04-00) Utilities/Street Lights (15-0441-06-00) Street Lights/Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-05-00) SUBTOTAL BLDG -STREET LIGHTS-MTNC & REPAIR: PARKS & PATHWAY MAINTENANCE: General Maintenance Parks & Pathways (15-0437-20-00) Full Time General Maintenance Staff (15-0437-21-00) Snow Removal (01-0438-20-13) Miscellaneous (15-0437-23-00) SUBTOTAL PARKS & PATHWAY MAINTENANCE: BUDGETED FY 06/07 0 $0 5,500 1,000 0 1,120 1,120 160 400 $9,300 Actual May -07 301 $301 0 261 0 560 560 75 491 $1,947 20,000 7,498 8,000 3,688 30,000 345 10,000 0 20,000 6,903 10,000 4,831 $98,000 $23,265 172,025 87,101 90,480 59,193 5,000 9,361 44,425 422 $311,930 $156,077 K:\Clerks\BUDGET120081Public Works Department - 151FY 07-08 Budget FY 06107 Projec. .r Unrealized FY 07/08 -301 -$301 5,500 739 0 560 560 85 -91 $7,353 12,502 4,312 29,655 10,000 13,097 5,169 $74,735 84,924 31,287 -4,361 44,003 $155,853 500 100% $500 100% 5,500 0% 1,000 00/0 300 100% 1,500 ` .34% 1,500 : 34% 160 0% 600 50% $10,560 14% 12,000 -40% 10,000 25% 10,000 ' -87% 2,000 1.00% 10,000 -50% 10,000 100% $54,000 -45% 183,715 ` 7% 136,000 ' 50% 10,000 100% 30,000 =32% $359,715 15% Page 3 c ) BUDGETED FY 06/07 Major Objects and Subobjects 'ARK UTILITIES Utilities - Computerized Irrigation (Maxi -Com) (01-0439-01-00) Merrill Park Utilities (01-0439-02-00) Eagle Sports Complex Utilities (01-0439-03-00) Park Utilities (01-0439-04-00) SUBTOTAL PARK UTILITIES: MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE: Greenbelt - Pathway Repair & Maintenance (01-0440-01-00) Maintenance of landscaping/compost (01-0440-02-00) General Park Repairs and Reimburseable (01-0440-04-00) Drainage Ditch Repairs (01-0440-05-00) O&M Rain/Stream Gauge at Dry Creek (01-0440-10-00) Facilities - Paper Products (01-0440-06-00) SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE: PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Major Objects and Subobjects Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements Building and Street Lights Maintenance and Repair Parks and Pathways Maintenance Park Utilities Miscellaneous Repair and Maintenance TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: 6,000 5,300 3,000 11,000 $25,300 7,000 0 25,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 $39,000 BUDGETED FY 06/07 43,113 10,390 0 9,300 98,000 311,930 25,300 39,000 $537,033 Actual May -07 2,804 2,176 1,375 7,855 $14,210 2,158 60 25,382 0 0 617 $28,217 Actual May -07 34,827 4,691 301 1,947 23,265 156,077 14,210 28,217 $263,535 K:1Clerks\BUDGET120081Public Works Department - 151FY 07-08 Budget FY 06/07 Unrealized 3,196 3,124 1,625 3,145 $11,090 4,842 -60 -382 1,000 1,000 4,383 $10,783 FY 06/07 Unrealized 8,286 5,699 -301 7,353 74,735 155,853 11,090 10,783 $273,498 Projec.. r FY 07/08 6,000 0% 6,000 13% 5,000 100% 20,000 82% $37,000 46% 3,000 -57% 500 0% 25,000 '' 0% 1,000 0% 1,000 '100% 2,500 -50% $33,000 -15% Projected FY 07/08 % 124,746 189% 7,700 -26% 500 100% 10,560 14% 54,000 359,715 15% 37,000 46% 33,000 -15% $627,221 17% -45% PUBLIC WC ks CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Page Major Objects and Subobjects PARK DEVELOPMENT: Park Development Projects (01-0470-01-00) Eagle Sports Complex -Velodrome (01-0470-02-00) SUBTOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT: BUDGETED Actual FY 06/07 Projected FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 0 0 0 557,015 0 557,015 $557,015 $0 $557,015 0 0% 547,015 -2% $547,015 -2% PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT: Pathway Development (01-0471-01-00) 50,000 0 50,000 0 -100% Dry Creek Pathway (01-0471-03-00) 50,000 8,130 41,870 0 -100% Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Matching Funds (01-0471-07-00) 100,000 34,946 65,054 65,000 -35°/0 Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Additional Funds (01-0471-07-00) 0 0 0 6,636 100% Merrill Pathway Bridge- ITD-Matching Funds (01-0471-08-00) 50,000 46,672 3,328 20,000 -60% TOTAL PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT $250,000 $89,748 $160,252 $91,6363% MISCELLANEOUS: Office Equipment (4 Computers Clerk's Office) (15-0465-03-00) 9,500 0 9,500 10,000 5% Other (15-0465-02-00) 5,000 2,368 2,632 5,000 . ;0% Vehicle (15-0465-08-00) 0 0 0 20,000 100% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS: $14,50011 $2,3681 $12,132 $35,000 141% PARKS & PATHWAYS: Master Plan for Parks & Pathways (01-0472-02-00) 0 0 0 50,000 0% Eagle Sports Complex -Skateboard Park Repairs (01-0472-04-00) 200,000 3,826 196,174 0 -100% General Parks & Pathways (01-0472-03-00) 20,000 1,808 18,192 0 -100% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY PARKS & PATHWAYS: $220,000 $5,634 $214,366 $50,000 -77% PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects STREET LIGHTS: Capital Improvements (15-0467-01-00) BUDGETED Actual FY 06/07 Projected FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 25,000 12,500 12,500 $25,000 0% TOTAL STREET LIGHTS: $25,000 $12,500 $12,500 $25,000 0% K:1Clerks\BUDGET120081Public Works Department - 151FY 07-08 Budget Page Major Objects and Subobjects PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Recr Programs - Rocky Mtn Fitness Center (01-0443-01-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament (01-0443-02-00) Neighborhood Reinvestment Program (01-0468-02-00) Awin Management(BFI) Education -Add Srvs (01-0443-04-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Park Development Pathway Development Miscellaneous Parks and Pathways Street Lights Programs & Recreations TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET: BUDGETED FY 06/07 3,500 3,500 15,000 52,288 $74,288 BUDGETED FY 06/07 557,015 250,000 14,500 220,000 25,000 74,288 $1,140,803 $537,033 $1,140,803 $1,677,836 Actual May -07 348 0 3,000 7,988 $11,336 Actual May -07 FY 06/07 Unrealized 3,152 3,500 12,000 44,300 $62,952 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 89,748 2,368 5,634 12,500 11,336 $121,586 $263,535 $121,586 $385,121 K:\Clerks\BUDGET\20081Public Works Department - 15\FY 07-08 Budget 557,015 160,252 12,132 12,500 62,952 $1,019,217 $273,498 $1,019,217 $1,292,715 Projeu__J FY 07/08 070 3,500 0% 3,500 0% 0 -100% 71,605 37% $78,605 6%1 Projected FY 07/08 547,015 -2% 91,636 -63% 35,000 100% 50,000 -77% 25,000 0% 78,605 6% $827,256 -27% $627,221 $827,256 $1,454,477 17% -27% -13% PERSONNEL WW )8, SALARY FY 07108 8/27/20r )ty Council Public Works Department Title Public Works Director Job Share w/Water Fund 25% of time in Public Works Administration Clerk 111 New Hire Job Share w/Water Fund & Clerk's Dept 25% of time in Public Works Maintenance Worker New Hire Code Enforcement Officer/Facilities Manager Job Share w/P&Z 50% of time PW EXISTING PROPOSED WAGE 7.65% ANNUAL WAGE ANNUAL WAGE WITH 2.5% COL FICA $72,300 MERIT INCREASE RESERVE 1% Total Salaries Merit Increase Reserve Total FICA Total PERSI Total Work Comp Total Insurance $21,840 $21,840 $78,161 782 4,656 6,324 630 34,093 $124,646 $18,075 $38,480 $9,620 $28,080 $55,775 $7821 10.39% PERSI ) WORK COMP INSURANCE TOTAL 13,000 1,383 1,878 208 3,250 $24,794 13,000 736 2,148 $22,386 1,713 $22,386 $5,979 1,000 40 2,918 323 2,326 257 $8,121 $829 1 $601 $811 $91 K:1CIerks1BUDGET120081Public Works Department - 151FY '07-08 Budget -Salaries 8-9-07 3,250 13,000 4,843 (1/2 ins) $34,093 $14,646 $46,469 $31,525 $117,433 $01 $932 LIBRARY D. k4RTMENT FUND FY 07/08 FIXED OPERATING COSTS Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries (Full -Time) (06-0461-10-00) Overtime Pay (06-0461-11-00) Salaries (Part -Time) (06-461-15-00) Relief (Part -Time) (06-0461-20-00) FICA (06-0461-21-00) PERS! (06-0461-22-00) Bonus Fund (06-0461-16-00) Unemployment Benefits (06-0461-28-00) Worker's Compensation (06-461-24-00) Health and Dental Insurance (06-0461-25-00) Background check/testing (06-0461-29-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Programs, Audiovisual (06-0461-30-00) Children's Programing (06-0461-30-01) Adult Programming (06-0461-30-02) Office Supplies (06-0461-31-00) Special Dept. Supp. (06-0461-32-00) Security System Monitoring (06-0461-32-01) Administrative Expenses (06-0461-33-00) Postage (06-0461-37-00) Grants/Gifts/Memorials (06-0461-41-00) Advertising (06-0461-44-00) Printing and Signage (06-0461-45-00) Binding (06-0461.46-00) Travel and Meetings (06-0461-47-00) Subscriptions/Memberships (06-0461-48-00) Periodicals (06-0461-48-01) OCLC/WorldCat/Cat Express) (06-0461-48-02) Subtotal Operations and Maintenance: FY 06107 Budgeted 344,460 0 120,275 9,231 35,547 35,088 5,000 0 1,952 108,035 350 $659,938 Actual May -07 212,064 65 74,721 5,654 21,012 22,895 0 0 4,395 133,304 550 $474,660 r 2 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 132,396 -65 45,554 3,577 14,535 12,193 5,000 0 -2,443 -25,269 -200 $185,278 15,700 8,011 7,689 6,000 2,132 3,868 0 0 0 2,850 3,059 -209 11,301 8,271 3,030 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 462 538 2,580 1,758 822 2,000 297 1,703 450 0 450 1,800 177 1,623 700 0 700 3,700 1,584 2,116 1,050 674 376 8,193 7,538 655 3,000 0 3,000 $61,324 $33,963 $27,361 376,561 `:; 9% 0 0% 156,292 3o% 12,010 30% 39,410. 11% 39,125 12% 0 '.' 100% 0 0%0 2,288 17% 103,592 -4%' 500 o% $729,778 11% 15,700 4,000 2,000 0% -33% 100% 3,350 -18% 11,551 . `2 0 -100% 1,500 100% 3,290 28% 2,000 0% 450 -0% 300 -83% 700 - 0% 4,700 27% 1,180 : 12% 7,803 -5% 3,400 13% $61,924 1% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CON'T: Major Objects and Subobiects Electronic Databases (06-0461-48-03) Personnel Training (06-0461-49-00) Continuing Education (06-0461-49-01) Custodial Cleaning Service/Supplies (06-0461-50-00) Supplies -Building (06-0461-50-02) Telephone/Communications (06-0461-51-00) Lan Network Maintenance (06-0461-51-01) Internet Service (06-0461-51-02) Website Design/Mtnc (06-0461-51-03) Utilities (06-0461-52-00) Internet Filtering (06-0461-53-00) Hardware Recycling (06-0461-56-00) Small Furniture Repair (06-0461-57-00) Repair/Maintenance/Equipment (06-0461-58-00) Lynx System Maintenance (06-0461-58-01) Computer, equipment repair materials (06-0461-58-02) Debt -Collect (06-0461-58-03) Repair/Maintenance/Building and Grounds (06-0461-59-00) Open Access (06-0461-62-00) Security System Monitoring (06-0461-62-01) Books, Adult and Child (0(3-0461-65-00) Miscellaneous (06-0461-69-00) Courier (06-0461-69-01) Comp & Class Study Software Automation (06-0461-74-01) Subtotal Operations and Maintenance: TOTAL OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Operations & Maintenance TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: Projected FY 07/08 0 2,956 7,145 14,840 1,925 5,000 7,850 3,000 0 32,869 800 300 250 19,949 17,700 1,000 2,500 7,592 100 0 72,329 250 5,500 0 1,350 $205,205 $266,529 Projected FY 07/08 659,938 266,529 $926,467 Actual Jul -07 0 0 1,998 8,499 966 3,412 3,221 2,000 0 19,809 0 0 0 19,822 8,889 779 904 4,313 0 475 40,133 712 3,698 0 0 $119,630 $153,593 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 2,956 5,147 6,341 959 1,588 4,629 1,000 0 13,060 800 0 250 127 8,811 221 1,596 3,279 100 -475 32,196 -462 1,802 0 1,3501 $85,575 $112,9361 Actual FY 06/07 Jul -07 Unrealized 474,660 185,278 153,593 112,936 $628,253 $298,2141 ice?^c Projects FY 07/08 2,685 100% 2,056 -30% 7,645 100% 14,408 1,925 5,332 5,350 3,000 4,292 35,213 -3% 0% 7% -32% 0% 100% 7% 800 0% 300 100% 250 100% 24,645 24% 16,000 -10% 1,000 0% 2,500 100% 8,088 7% 100 0% 1,000 100% 78,580 ; 9% 500 100% 5,636 2% 10,000 100% 1, 350 0% $232,655 13% $294,579 11% Projected FY 07/08 729,778 11% 294,579 11% $1,024,357 11%1 CAPITAL E). _NDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Obiects and Subobjects Capital, Building (06-0461-72-00) Capital, Equipment (06-0461-74-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Obiects and Subobjects SPECIAL FUNDS LAN/Telephone Integration Fund (06-0461-75-00) TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay Special Funds TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL LIBRARY RESERVE FUND: TOTAL BUDGET: Projected FY 07/08 35,631 48,492 $84,123 Projected FY 07/08 20,000 $20,000 Projected FY 07/08 84,123 20,000 $104,123 Projected FY 07/08 $926,467 $104,123 $160,000 $1,190,590 Actual FY 06/07 Jul -07 Unrealized 28,991 6,640 45,202 3,290 $74,193 $9,930 Actual FY 06/07 Jul -07 Unrealized 0 20,000 $0 $20,000 Actual FY 06/07 Jul -07 Unrealized 74,193 9,930 0 20,000 $74,193 $29,930 Actual FY 06/07 Jul -07 Unrealized $628,253 298,214 $74,193 29,930 0 160,000 $702,446 $488,144 P.,.,e 4 Projecte... FY 07/08 631 15,353 $15,984 Projected FY 07/08 % -98% -68% -81% 0 -100% $0 -100% Projected FY 07/08 15,984 0 $15,984 Projected FY 07/08 did $1,024,357 11% $15,984 -85% $160,000 0% $1,200,341 % 1% Library Dep. .Jnent Budget FY 07/08 REVENUE Maior Obiects RESERVE FUND: (06-0390.01) OPERATING REVENUES: Maior Objects Carry Forward (06-0390.00) Property Tax Funds (06-0356.00) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES: OTHER REVENUES Major Objects Penalty & Interest Property Taxes (06-0356.01) Boise Library Reimbursement (06-0357.00) Ada Community Library Reimbursement Fines, Fees (06-0361.20) Copy Machine Revenue (06-0361.21) Donations -Grants -Gifts (06=0361-41-00) State Treasurer Interest (06-0371.10) Gifts, Grants & Memorials (06-0376.00) Miscellaneous (06-0379.00) REVENUE SUMMARY RESERVE FUND OPERATING REVENUE OTHER REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL LIBRARY FUND FY 06/07 Budgeted $160,000 FY 06/07 Budgeted 123,384 791,956 915,340 FY 06/07 Budgeted 1,500 60,000 0 45,500 750 0 5,000 2,000 500 $115,250 FY 06/07 Budgeted $160,000 $915,340 $115,250 $1,190,590 Actual May -07 so 8/27/07 FY 06/07 Unrealized $160,000 Actual FY O6/07 May -07 Unrealized 0 123,384 489,663 302,293 489,663 425,677 Actual May -07 1,953 60,000 0 23,301 467 500 7,875 0 589 $94,685 Actual May -07 $160,000 $489,663 $94,685 $744,348 FY 06/07 Unrealized -453 0 0 22,199 283 -500 -2,875 2,000 -89 $20,565 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0% -47% -18% -37% Projected FY 07/08 $160,000 0% Projected FY 07/08 % 0 : -100% 893,261 13% 893,261 -2%1 Projected FY 07/08 % 1,500 0%° 82,120 100% 9,560 ` 100% 45,500 - 0% 900 20% 0 0% 5,000 0 2,000 0% 500 0% $147,080 28% Projected FY 07/08 $160,000 0% $893,261 -2% $147,080 28% $1,200,341 1% PERSONNEL WAGE SALARY FY 07/08 HRS POSITION Title WK *Library Assistant II See * 40 **Operations Manager Existing 40 ***Circ Manager Existing 40 ****Sr Library Assistant I Existing 19 ****Sr Library Assistant I Existing 19 ****Sr Library Assistant I Existing 19 Librarian I =New 19 Admin Clerk II New 19 Senior Page gr 3 st 2 New 19 Director Existing 40 Assistant Director Existing 40 YS Librarian Librarian 1I Existing 40 Library Assistant IV Existing 40 *****Library Assistant 1I1 Existing 6 mo *****Library Assistant III Existing 6 mo Library Assistant III Existing 40 Library Assistant II Existing 40 Librarian I Existing 19 Library Assistant I Existing 19 Library Assistant I Existing 19 Library Assistant I Existing 19 Library Assistant I Existing 19 Library Assistant III Existing 19 P,9e PT (468 hrs a yr) Existing 9 Page PT (480 hrs a yr) Existing 10 Page PT (480 hrs a yr) Existing 10 PT (480 hrs a yr) Existing 10 Page PT (480 hrs a yr) Existing 10 Part Time (Relief Pool) 19 TOTAL FULL TIME TOTAL PART TIME TOTAL RELIEF GRAND TOTAL PRESENT WAGE $21,840 $38,847 $29,835 $10,752 $9,120 $10,225 $68,896 $50,238 $43,330 $30,378 $13,699 $15,192 $25,870 $23,075 $16,617 $8,550 $9,339 $9,120 $8,682 $13,872 $3,632 $3,778 $3,722 $3,722 $3,722 $11,717 $361,200 $114,853 $11,717 $487,770 PROPOSED RECLASS/NEW $23,652 $41,925 $33,539 $11,573 $9,815 $11,002 $17,032 ' $11,619 $8,376 $99,116 $69,417 $168,533 WAGE 7.65% COLA FICA 1,809 3,207 2,566 885 751 842 1,303 889 641 $70,618 5,402 $51,494 3,939 $44,413 3,398 $31,137 2,382 $14,041 1,074 $15,572 1,191 $26,517 2,029 $23,652 1,809 $17,032 1,303 $8,764 670 $9,572 732 $9,348 715 $8,899 681 $14,219 1,088 $3,723 285 $3,872 296 $3,815 292 $3,815 292 $3,815 292 $12,010 919 $277,445 $26,535 $86,875 $11,956 $12,010 $919 $376,330 $39,410 INCLUDES RECLASSIFICATIONS -6 POSITIONS 2.5 COLA (for non -reclassified positions) 1% Merit Reserve PERSI 2,457 4,356 3,485 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,337 5,350 4,615 3,235 1,459 1,618 2,755 2,457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $39,125 $0 $0 $39,125 WORK COMP INSURANCE TOTALS 99 9,290 $37,308.16 176 11,138 $60,802.36 141 11,138 $50,868.30 49 21 $12,527.94 41 21 $10,628.19 46 21 $11,910.98 :72 21 $18,427.48 =49 21 $12,577.65 35 21 $9,072.94 297 17,100 $100,754.56 216 13,143 $74,142.73 187 12,927 $65,538.94 131 9,647 $46,532.42 59 6,071 $22,704.53 65 $18,446.35 111 9,051 $40,462.74 99 3,686 $31,704.01 72 21 $18,428.06 37 21 $9,492.10 40 21 $10,366.09 39 21 $10,123.50 37 21 $9,638.32 60 21 $15,387.38 16 21 $4,044.35 16 21 $4,206.08 16 21 $4,144.04 16 21 $4,144.04 16 21 $4,144.04 50 42 $13,021.13 $1,582 $103,191 $546,993.13 $656 $359 $169,263.70 $50 $42 $13,021.13 $2,288 $103,592 $729,277.95 8/29/2007 PERSONNEL WAGE SALARY FY 07/08 Open Position New Positon INCLUDES RECLASSIFICATIONS -6 POSITIONS 2.5 COLA (for non -reclassified positions) 1% Merit Reserve See page 2 for Reclass information Reclass of Position- at least a 5% increase in pay *Reclassed to Grade 6; previously position shared by Circ & Tech Processing; FT in Tech Processing as of FY 07/08 **Reclassed to Grade 10 ***Reclassed to Grade 9 *****Increase to Grade 7 Ste) 5 ****Reclassed to Grade 5 Total Full Time Total Part Time Total Relief Total FICA Total Persi Total Work Comp Total Insurance TOTAL $376,561 $156,292 $12,010 $39,410 $39,125 $2,288 $103,592 $729,278 8/29/2007 CULTURAL ...tTS COMMISSION FUND FY007/08 1 8/27/07 City Council r 1 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projected Major Objects Budgeted May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 Carry Over (09-0463-04) $45,247 $0 $45,247 $0 1:00% REVENUE: Saturday Market (09-0463.02) 15,185 10,285 4,900 21,528 42% Last Thursday (09-0463.06) 0 0 0 2,000 '100 Funding from General Fund (09-0347.09) 68,500 68,500 0 99,136 .: -45% State Treasurer Interest (09-0371.10) 1,300 2,957 -1,657 1,300 ;0%0 OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: $84,985 $81,742 $3,243 $123,964 46% GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ART: Grant Funds (09-0376.06) 6,000 7,371 -1,371 5,000 -17% TOTAL GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ART: $6,000 $7,371 -$1,371 $5,000 -17% OTHER REVENUE: Donations (09-0376.07) 2,500 0 2,500 2,500 -0% Miscellaneous (09-0376-01-00) 0 0 0 0% Bench Project (09-0376-08-00) 0 6,250 -6,250 0% Activity Revenue (09-0376.05) 0 515 -515 0 0% TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: $2,500 $6,765 -$4,265 $2,500 0% TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND: $138,732 $95,878 $42,854 $131,464 -5% EXPENDITL IS BY FUND, OBJECT AND SUBOBJECT ) P ;2 FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projecteu Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 % PERSONNEL: Salaries - Full Time (09-0420.10) 0 0 0 27,716 , 100% Salaries - Part Time (09-0420.15) 13,056 9,957 3,099 0 -100% Overtime (09-0420-11-00) 0 641 -641 0 0% Merit Increase Reserve 0 0 0 277 ,100% Employment Testing (09-0420-20-00) 0 0 0 0 FICA (09-0420.21) 893 797 96 2,141 140% PERS! (09-0420-22-00) 0 434 -434 2,908 _ . 100°/0 Insurance (09-0415-25-00) 0 3,118 -3,118 13,254 100% Work Comp (09-0420.24) 49 166 -117 118 141% TOTAL PERSONNEL: $13,998 $15,113 -1,115 $46,414 232% ACTIVITIES: Eagle Fun Days (09-0463.07) 14,220 12,685 1,535 16,000 13% Eagle Saturday Market (09-0463.02) 12,260 5,662 6,598 15,000 22% Eagle Saturday Market Manager Fees (09-0463.02-01) 0 2,780 -2,780 0 :9%ti Last Thursday (09-0463.06) 4,000 4,587 -587 4,000 0% Public Art Project (09-0463.05) 40,054 16,219 23,835 7,000 -83% Public Performances (09-0463.01) 16,000 10,838 5,162 10,000 -38% TOTAL ACTIVITIES: $86,534 $52,771 $33,763 $52,000 -40% MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous (09-0463 09) 0 771 -771 400 100% Office Supplies (09-0463-11-00) 1,400 525 875 650 100% Community Outreach (09-0463-12-00) 8,900 3,983 4,917 5,000 100% Organizational Development (09-0463-13-00) 1,200 557 0 0 100% Eagle Center for the Performing Arts 0 0 0 10,000 100% Feasibility Study -Arts Center (09-0463-10-00) 8,200 8,547 -347 0 100% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS: $19,700 $14,383 $5,317 $16,050 -19% GRANTS - ARTS EDUCATION: Grant Programs (09-0464.02) 16,000 18,211 -2,211 16,000 0% TOTAL ARTS EDUCATION: $16,000 $18,211 -$2,211 $16,000 0% Major Objects and Subobjects CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Office Equipment (computer & etc.) (09-0419.01) TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND: FY 06/07 Budgeted 2,500 $2,500 P 3 Actual FY 06/07 Projected May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 Bio 1,215 $1,215 $138,732 $101,693 1,285 $1,285 1,000 -60% $1,000 -60% $37,039 $131,464 -5% FY 07/08 Arts Commission 8/9/2007 City Council PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 07/08 Title Administration Clerk Merit Increase Reserve 1% 1 Current Wage Annual With 2.5% 7.65% 10.39% WORK Wage COL FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTAL $27,040 $27,716. 2,120 2,880 116 13,254 $46,086 'tior' Total Salaries $27,716 Merit Increase Reserve $277 Total FICA 2,141 Total PERSI 2,908 Total Work Comp 118 Total Insurance 13,254 Total $46,415 1 $2771 211 291 11 01 $328 FY 07/08 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND REVENUE Major Objects Carry Over (07-0390-00-00) OTHER REVENUE: Funding fFom General Fund (07-0316-12-00) Grants (07-0331-61-00) State Treasurer Interest (07-0371-10-00) Rent/Lease Payments (07-0372-00-00) Contributions/Donations (07-0376-00-00) Miscellaneous Revenue (07-0379-00-00) Fund Raising (07-0379-01-00) OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: TOTAL REVENUE: FY 06/07 Budgeted $o 36,000 3,500 500 3,000 500 500 5,000 $49,000 $49,000 8/27/07 City Council Actual FY 06/07 May -07 Unrealized Projected FY 07/08 $0 $0 $6,075 100% 36,000 2,700 985 2,250 0 0 0 $41,935 $41,935 0 800 -485 750 500 500 5,000 $7,065 $7,065 67,912 89% 3,000 -14% 800 100% 3,000 0% 0 -100% 0 -100% 0 100% $74,712 52% $80,787 65% EXPENDIR tS Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries - Part Time Salaries - Full Time (07-0420-15-00) (07-0420-10-00) Employment Testing (07-0420-20-00) Merit Increase Reserve FICA (07-0420-21-00) Work Comp (07-0420-24-00) PERSI (07-0420-22-00) Health Insurance (07-0420-25-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: EDUCATION: Museum Association Memberships (07-0461-02-00) Reference Materials (07-0461-01-00) Conferences & Seminars (07-0461-03-00) TOTAL EDUCATION: ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (07-0462-31-00) Archival Supplies (07-0462-32-00) Publicity -Printing Software & Support (07-0462-10-00) Utilities (07-0462-52-00) Mtnc/Repair (07-0462-70-00) Storage Unit Rent (07-0462-15-00) Moving Expenses (07-462-16-00) Rent - New Facility (07-0462-05-00) Museum Programs (07-0462-68-00) Miscellaneous (07-0462-69-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projected Budgeted May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 11,844 0 0 0 895 59 0 0 $12,798 540 579 3,135 $4,254 500 0 0 500 2,500 300 1,344 0 0 0 477 $5,621 6,976 0 40 0 534 145 0 0 $7,695 345 104 581 $1,030 560 0 0 299 2,012 2 424 0 0 11 93 $3,401 4,868 0 0 27,716 -40 0 o 277 361 2,141 -86 118 2,908 12,927 $46,087 0 0 5,103 195 475 0 3,224 -60 0 0 201 488 298 920 0 0 -11 384 $2,220 -100% 100% 0% 100% 139% 100% 100% 100% 260% 640 19% 500 -14% 3,000 100% $4,140 -3% 1,150 130% 2,000 '100% 1,500 100% 500 0% 3,200 28% 0 -100% 1,020 -24% 500 100% 0 100% 0 100% 500 5% $10,370 84% HISTORICA. JOMMISSION FUND Con't EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects EXHIBITS: Exhibit Items (07-0463-02-00) Display Supplies (07-0463-01-00) Exhibit Construction (07-0463-03-00) P FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projected Budgeted May -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 '3 1,000 143 857 500 -50% 500 392 108 1,000 100% 5,000 0 0 4,000 100% TOTAL EXHIBITS: $6,500 $535 $965 $5,500 -15% PROGRAMS: Scavenger Hunt for Kids (07-0464-03-00) 200 0 200 200 <0% Walking Tour of Historic Sites (07-0464-01-00) 1,500 0 1,500 750 -50% Living History (07-0464-02-00) 500 465 35 0 . 100% Eagle BooksNideos (07-0464-05-00) 5,000 2,500 2,500 0 100% National Register Nomination (07-0464-06-00) 3,500 0 3,500 3,500 100% TOTAL PROGRAMS: $10,700 $2,965 $7,735 $4,450 -58% PERSONNEL GRANTS: Matching Funds & Etc. (07-0465-00-00) 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0% Education & Seminars funded by Grants (07-0465-01-00) 500 0 500 0 100% Travel Expense funded by Grants (07-0465-02-00) 1,500 0 1,500 1,000 100% TOTAL GRANTS: $3,500 $0 $3,500 $2,500 -29% CAPITAL OUTLAY: Capital Expenditures -Equipment (07-0466-74-00) 5,000 95 4,905 1,270 -75% Capital Expenditures -Furniture (Office) (07-0466.74-01) 50 0 50 3,700 7300% Capital Expenditures -Other (Museum Furniture) (07-0466-76-00) 577 0 577 2,770 380% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $5,627 $95 $5,532 $7,740 38% TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $49,000 $15,721 $33,279 $80,787 65%. FY 07/08 Historical Commission 8/9/2007 City Council PERSONNEL WAGE & SALARY FY 07/08 Current Wage Annual With 2.5% 7.65% 10.39% WORK Title Wage COL FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTAL Curator $27,040 $27,716 2,120 2,880 116 12,927 $45,759 Merit Increase Reserve 1% 1 1 $2771 211 291 11 01 $328 Total Salaries $27,716 Merit Increase Reserve $277 Total FICA 2,141 Total PERSI 2,908 Total Work Comp 118 Total Insurance 12,927 Total $46,088 CAPITAL R )JECTS PARK FUND FY 07/08 REVENUE BUDGETED Major Objects FY 06/07 Carry Over (08-0390.00) $183,993 REVENUE: *Development Impact Fees (08-0322.19) 385,140 Miscellaneous Revenue (08-0379.00) 0 State Treasurer Interest (08-0371.10) 14,000 TOTAL REVENUE: $399,140 *Based on 200 new homes ($1,540.56) TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND: $583,133 EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects Guerber Park Development (08-0471-01-00) Eagle Sports Complex Development - Velodrome Beagle Park - Master Plan/Design OK Park Trash Enclosure Friendship Park Restroom Facility BUDGETED FY 06/07 583,133 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $583,133 (Figured on 250 new homes) TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND: $583,133 Actual May -07 109,190 0 1,309 $110,499 $110,499 Actual May -07 355,836 0 0 0 0 $355,836 8/9/07 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 $183,993 275,950 0 12,691 $288,641 $472,634 FY 06/07 Unrealized 227,297 0 0 0 0 $227,297 $355,836 $227,297 $0 308,112 14,000 $322,112 $322,112 Projected FY 07/08 109,177 212,935 0 0 0 $322,112 -100% $322,112 -. 5040 VELODROME FUNDING FY07/08 City General Administration $241,000 Park Fund 212,935 *Public Works Carry Forward from FY 06/07 507,015.00 Total Funding: $960,950.00 *Estimate Expenditure FY06/07 $50,000.00 3UERBER PARK - DEVELOPMENT COSTS r% j CORPORATION Original Construction Contract Amount Approved Change Orders TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT DATE 6/13/06 7/11/06 8/8/06 9/26/06 PAYMENT REQUEST # One Two Three Four FY 06/07 10/10/06 Five 11/28/06 Six 1/16/07 Seven Payments from Gen Fund Payments from Park Fund Subtotal Plus Retainage TOTAL BILLED $1,611,100.00 7,950.44 $1,619,050.44 FUND General Fund General Fund Park Fund Park Fund TOTALS: 1 General Fund General Fund Park Fund Park Fund General Fund TOTALS: (TOTAL PAYMENTS 1 1/" AMOUNT RETAINAGE 5% $105,870.00 $5,572.00 $84,140.00 $238,928.00 $305,923.00 $734,861.001 $230,425.00 $17,302.00 $174,865.00 $177,269.00 $63,923.00 $663,784.001 $1,398,646.001 FY 05106 FY 06107 $190,010.00 $311,650.00 $544,851.00 $352,134.00 $734,861.00 $663,784.00 $76,825.00 $186,322.00 $811,686.00 $850,106.00 As of July 13, 2007 the Park Fund has a (4 negative balance of l FY 07108 BALANCE OWING ON GUERBER PARK: Payments in FY 06/07 $663,784.00 Plus Retainage $263,147.00 Balance Due Less 06107 PW Development Allocation Less 06/07 Park Fund Allocation FY 07108 PARK FUND PAYMENTS' $926,931.00 (311,650.00) (506,105.00) $109,176.001 $10,000.00 $22,576.00 $38,677.00 $76,825.00 $50,805.001 $60,919.00 $74,598.00 $186,322.00 $263,147.00 w TOTALS $501,660.00 $896,985.00 $1,398,645.00 $263,147.00 $1,661,792.00 481,928.66 WATER FUI._ FY 07/08 REVENUE Maior Obiects CARRY OVER 8/27/2007 FY 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Projected Budgeted Jun -07 Unrealized FY 07/08 % $129,844 $0 $129,844 $193,221 49% REVENUE: Customer Revenue (based on 4800 customers) (60-0346.10) 336,470 276,808 59,662 1,230,000 266% Misc Revenue - Reimburseables (60-0383-0100) 0 1,888 0 30,000 100% Water Construction Equivalency (WCE) Fees ($450 per iot)(200 Customers) 0 0 0 90,000 100% Late Comer's Fee (Development Agreement) 0 0 0 40,000 100% Contributed Capital Imrpovements 0 0 0 2,300,000 100% State Treasurer Interest (60-0371 10) 4,500 2,850 1,650 9,000 100% TOTAL REVENUES: $340,970 $281,546 $59,424 $3,699,000 985% RESTRICTED FUNDS REVENUE: METER SETS: *Hook -Up Fees -City ($850 each)(Based on 200 Connections) 60-0346 60) 85,000 850 84,150 170,000 100% TOTAL METER SETS: $85,000 $850 $84,150 $170,000 100% STL FEES (SUPPLY TRUNK LINE): Carry Forward from previous fiscal years 125,000 0 125,000 Supply Trunk Line fee (STL)(200 Customers @ $1,500.00) 150,000 0 0 TOTAL STL FEES: $275,000 $0 $275,000 264,000 111% 300,000 100% $564,000 105% DEQ LOAN FUNDS: DEQ Loan 2,590,000 246,392 2,343,608 1,590,000 -39% TOTAL DEQ LOAN FUNDS: $2,590,000 $246,392 $2,343,608 $1,590,000 -39% TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS REVENUE $2,950,000 $247,242 $2,702,758 $2,324,000 TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUE $3,420,814 $528,788 $2,892,026 $6,216,221 82% EXPENDITUL - PS ) FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries - Full Time (60-0433-10-00) Employment Testing (60-0433-20-00) Annual Physical FICA (60-0420-21-00) PERSI (60-0433-25-00) Insurance (60-0433-25-00) Work Comp (60-0420-24-00) FY 06/07 Budgeted 31,000 25 0 2,371 3,221 6,137 357 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $43,111 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies Caselle Utility Software and Support Utilities (60-0434-12-00) Utilities - Security Systems (60-0434-52-02) United Water/Fire Flow (60-0434-52-01) Telecommunications (60-0434-19-000 Public Drinking Water Fees (60-0434-53-01) Enterprise Fund Fee Utility Billing Software (60-0434-54-00) Uniforms/Laundry Advertising and Publications Permits and Fees Liability Insurance Travel and Meetings Dues and Subscriptions Training and Certification Power Computer Software and Copier Maintenance Chemicals and Equipment Miscellaneous Postage Equipment Repair and Maintenance (60-0434-58-00) Total Operations & Maintenance FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 0 0 0 3,236 0 3,740 0 29,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $35,976 Actual Jun -07 15,427 0 0 1,180 1,603 4,276 177 $22,663 Actual Jun -07 0 0 154 78 2,936 43 2,805 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $6,016 FY 06/07 Unrealized 15,573 25 0 1,191 1,618 1,861 180 $20,448 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 0 -154 -78 300 -43 935 0 29,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $29,960 P - `2 Projected FY 07/08 263,000 748% 500 1900% 11,000 100% 20,120 .749% 27,326 748% 81,250 1224% 3,025 747% $406,221 842%1 Projected FY 07108 5,500 100% 17,000 100% 1,500 100% 30004) 3,500 8% 6,000 : 0% 5,000 34% 60,000 100% 24,000 0% 800 100% 2,000 100% 8,000 100% 9,600 100% 2,000 100% 2,500 100% 3,500 100% 46,000 100% 4,000 100% 15,000 100% 1,000 100% 3,000 100% 6,000 0% $226,200 529% CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS Major Objects and Subobjects Operating Fees -Paid to United Water (60-0434-11-00) State Revolving Loan Payment Engineering Services (60-0434-42-00) Legal Services (60-0434-42-01) Misc Legal Services (60-0434-42-02) Billing Services Contract Services (Repair) Contract Services (Inspections) Auditor Services Administrative Services (Ovhd of City Hall Admin) TOTAL CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS: VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES Major Objects and Subobjects Fuel and Lubricants Equipment Rental - Lease Vehicles Vehicles Repair and Maintenance TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Operations and Maintenance Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operations - Leases FY 06/07 Budgeted 307,500 0 25,000 58,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $390,500 FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 0 0 $0 FY 06/07 Budgeted 43,111 35,976 390,500 0 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $469,587 Actual Jun -07 217,718 0 20,874 19,369 9,928 0 0 0 0 0 $267,889 Actual Jun -07 FY 06107 Unrealized 89,782 0 4,126 38,631 -9,928 0 0 0 0 0 $122,611 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $o Actual Jun -07 22,663 6,016 267,889 0 $296,568 FY 06/07 Unrealized -47% -83% -31% 0 -37% r •0 Projectt. FY 07/08 150,000 -51%. 134,400 100% 30,000 ,20%a 60,000 3% 0 100% 9,400 100% 12,000 100% 30,000 . 100% 2,500 :` 100% 60,000 100% $488,300 :25% Projected FY 07/08 10,000 10,000 10,000 $30,000 ado - .100% 100% 100% 100% Projected FY 07/08 % 406,221 .842% 226,200 529% 488,300 25% 30,000 100% $1,150,721 .145% RESTRICTE_ UNDS EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects METER SETS: Meter Sets STL FEES (SUPPLY TRUNK LINE): Water System Expansion - STL Fees Capital Expenditures DEQ LOAN FUNDS: Administrative Engineering Fees Land Acquisition Construction TOTAL METER SETS: TOTAL STL FEES: TOTAL DEQ LOAN FUNDS: TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND EXPENDITURES: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Equipment - Computers & etc. (4 Computers for Clerk's Office) Reserve for Water System R&M Reserve for Equipment & Building Replacement Land Acquistion (60-0434-77-00) Capital Construction Projects (60-0434-78-00) Trunk Line frm Well No. 6 to Linder Trunk Line, DA Extend Water Lines Late Comer's Cost Reimbursement, DA WCE Reimbursement, Development Agreement Well House Construction (60-0434-80-00) Update Water Master Plan (60-0434-10-00) TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: k 06/07 Actual Budgeted Jun -07 0 $0 150,000 125,000 $275,000 95,500 329,500 80,000 2,085,000 $2,590,000 $2,865,000 FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 0 0 0 31,114 0 0 0 0 0 0 $31,114 FY 06/07 Project ' Unrealized FY 07/0.. 0 0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $275,000 170,000 100% $170,000 100% 100% 300,000 100% 264,000 100%0 $564,000 100% 0 95,500 85,500 -10% 133,120 196,380 43,000 -87% 0 80,000 0 -100% 29,372 2,055,628 1,461,500 -30%0 $162,492 $2,427,508 $1,590,000 -39% $162,492 $2,702,508 $2,324,000 -19% Actual Jun -07 0 0 0 4,410 807 0 0 0 0 870 143 $6,230 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 0 0 0 -4,410 30,307 0 0 0 0 -870 -143 $24,884 10,000 120,000 20,000 0 86,500 2,200,000 100,000 40,000 85,000 0 80,000 $2,741,500 100% 100% 100% 100% 178% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 8711% -Y 06/07 Actual FY 06/07 Project' Budgeted Jun -07 Unrealized FY 07/0., % TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $469,587 $296,568 -37% $1,150,721 145% TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS: $2,865,000 $162,492 -94% $2,324,000 -19% TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $31,114 $6,230 -80% $2,741,500 8711% TOTAL BUDGET: $3,365,701 $465,290 -86% $6,216,221 85% WATER FUND - PER ENGINEER ESTIMATES FY 07/08 8/2712007 Annual 7.65% 10.39% WORK ANNUAL Title Wage FICA PERSI COMP INSURANCE TOTALS Director (75%) 56,160 4,296 5,835 646 9,750 76,687 Admin Clerk II (50%) 5 New Hires 19,240 1,472 1,999 221 6,500 29,432 0 187,600 14,351 19,492 2,157 65,000 288,600 $263,000 $20,120 $27,326 $3,025 $81,250 $394,720 Total Salaries $263,000 FICA 20,120 PERSI 27,326 Work Comp 3,025 Insurance 81,250 Total $394,720 WATER FUt\- LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (LID) - . ;C ACQUISITION FY 07/08 REVENUES Major Objects and Subobjects Local Improvement District Bond Revenues TOTAL SUPPLY TRUNK LINE FEES: EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects Security Bond Company or Agency Administrative Costs Engineering Fees for LID Development/Analysis Eagle Water Company Purchase Legal Fees SCADA System TOTAL EXPENDITURES: FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 $0 FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Actual Jun -07 Actual Jun -07 FY 06/07 Unrealized 0 0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 FY 06/07 Unrealized 8/ 7 Pagel Projected FY 07/08 7,200,000 100% $7,200,000 100% Projected FY 07/08 0 550,000 0 30,000 0 215,000 0 6,300,000 0 30,000 0 75,000 $0 $7,200,000 °/0 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% FY 07/08 IDAHO POWER - DISTRIBUTION LINE FUND FUTURE DISTRIBUTION UNDERGROUND PROJECTS REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT FY 06/07 Maior Obiects Budgeted Carry Over (64-0390.00) OTHER REVENUE: 2% Franchise Fee - Idaho Power (64-0346-01-00) State Treasurer Interest (66-0371-10-00) TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: TOTAL REVENUE: $0 Actual Jun -06 $0 Revised 7/20/07 FY 06/07 Unrealized $0 Projected FY 07/08 $129,662 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 8,000 1;0O h $0 $0 $0 $208,000 1.00%l $0 $0 $0 $337,662 100%1 EXPENDITURES BY FUND, OBJECT AND SUBOBJECT FY 06/07 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted Capital Construction Projects (64-0434-01-00) 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $0 Actual FY 06/07 Projected Jun -06 Unrealized FY 07/08 0 0 337,662 100% $0 0 $337,662 FY 07/08 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND - LIBRARY REVENUE Ma'or Obiects Carry Over (04-0390.00) OTHER REVENUE: Property Taxes (04-0311.10) Penalty/Interest Property Taxes (04-0319.00) State Treasurer Interest (04-0371.10) TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: TOTAL REVENUE: EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects Principal Bond Payment (04-0480-81-00) Interest Payment on Bond (04-0480-82-00) Reserve Fund (04-0480-83-00) US Bank -Paying Agent Fees (04-0480-84-00) TOTAL EXPENDITURES: FY 06/07 Budgeted $30,790 Actual Jun -06 $0 219,610 138,410 600 658 2,000 2,968 222,210 142,036 $253,000 $142,036 FY 06/07 Budgeted 140,000 92,760 19,400 840 $253,000 Actual Jun -06 0 24,033 0 0 $24,033 8/15/2007 FY 06/07 Unrealized $30,790 81,200 -58 -968 80,174 $110,964 FY 06/07 Unrealized 140,000 0 19,400 840 $228,967 Projected FY 07/08 $38,690 205,455. ,.. - `=6%0 700 17% 2,000 ':? `00% 208,155 `v 76% $246,845-2%e Projected FY 07/08 145,000 82,082 ' 100%0 18,923 '; '6%e 840 - _ "o% $246,845 =2%° FY 07/08 DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND REVENUE Major Obiects Carry Over (66-0390.00) OTHER REVENUE: Transfer from General Fund (66-0320-00-00) State Treasurer Interest (66-0371-10-00) (Interest based on $899 per mo) TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: TOTAL REVENUE: EXPENDITURES Major Objects Capital Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES: FY 06/07 Budgeted Actual Jun -06 8/9/2007 FY 06/07 Projected Unrealized FY 07/08 $0 $0 $0 $254,500 250,000 0 $250,000 $250,000 FY 06/07 Budgeted 0 1,798 $1,798 $1,798 250,000 -1,798 $248,202 $248,202 250,000: 100% 9,000 100% $259,000 4% $513,500 105% Actual FY 06/07 Projected Jun -06 Unrealized 0 0 0 $o $o so FY 07/08 513,500 $513,500 OIO 100% 100% TOTAL BUDGET CHART FY 07/08 $24,093,109 HISTORICAL COMMISSION FUND $80,787 0.3% CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND $322,112 2.6% WATER FUND $13,416,221 55.7% CULTURAL ARTS FUND $131,464 0.5% GENERAL CITY FUNDS $7,844,177 32.6% GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND $246,845 1.0% LIBRARY DEPARTMENT FUND $1,200,341 5.0% IDAHO POWER DISTRIBUTION LINE FUND $337,662 1.4% DIVERSIFIED BOND FUND $513,500 2.1% CITY GENERAL REVENUE FISCAL YEAR 07-08 TOTAL REVENUE $7,844,177 Investments Grants Programs/Events/Recreatio $90,000 $250,000 n 1.1% 3.2% $57,600 Misc Licenses,Permits & 0.7% Fees $44,000 0.6% Carry Forward from Previous FY Misc $11,970 0.2% Court Fines and Fees $75,500 / 18.3% 1.0% Intergovernmental $1,676,475 21.4% P&Z Department Fees $332,875 4.2% Building Department Fees $1,650,000 21.0% Reserve $411,229 5.2% Real Property Taxes $1,162,635 14.8% Franchise Fees -Gas, Power, Water, Trash $644,250 8.2% CITY GENERAL EXPENDITURE CHART FY 07-08 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7,844,177 Arts Commission $99,136 1% P&Z Department $1,080,712 14% Building Department $673,777 9% Historic Commission $80,787 1% Urban Renewal $54,950 1% Public Works Department $1,454,477 19% City Clerk's Department $272,423 3% Executive Department $191,948 2% Administrative Department $3,935,967 50% Library $892699 43% Revenue - Real Property Taxes FY 07-08 Totat Property Taxes $2,053,396 City $1,160,697 57%