Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 08/21/2007 - Regular v EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes August 21, 2007 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. I. Allied Waste Solid Services: Representatives from Awin will discuss the recent 67% increase in fees that Ada County landfill has imposed and the effects on service costs in Eagle. Rachel Cline, Awin representation, presents a Power Point Presentation for Council and discusses the same. General discussion. Bastian: Distributes a spreadsheet on Allied Waste Rate Increase and discusses the same. General discussion. General discussion on a public hearing. 2. Dave Beck - Vedodrome Project: Dave Beck: Ada County will be contributing money for a fence and possibly some of the trails for cycling park. We tentative set a ground breaking for this month. Provides Council a narrative of the project. We have been working on a site survey, a geotechnical report, we are working on trails and working on a route to access Bogus Basin and Stack Rock, we have completed our construction documents (provided a copy to the City Attorney) and the project manager is going to go out for bids shortly. City Attorney Buxton: Discussion on the bid documents. Dave Beck: We are in talks with the sub-contracts. A large number of contractors want to contribute to this project. Discussion on preparing the ball fields in conjunction with the work being on the Velodrome. General discussion. Dave Beck: Further discussion on the project and the master plan. We are at a standstill until we have an agreement with the City. The Agreement is in the works and I think we are very close. City Attorney Buxton: Provides Council an overview of the project and the infrastructure and the agreement with the City. City funds would only be used for the infrastructure for the Eagle Sports Complex. Discussion on how the Velodrome will be maintained and functioned. Discussion on a concessionaire's agreement. The Construction Management will be contributed. General discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 7:25 p.m. 3. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 4. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 5. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 6. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 7. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Council President Guerber calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mayor left to attend a Water Resources meeting. Page 1 K\rOUNClL"~\-HNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\C[ -8-2 [~07mindoc 2. ROLL CALL: Roll Call was done at Pre-Council. City Attorney: I would request that we have an Executive Session at the end of the Agenda. Bastian moves to add an Executive Session as #9 for pending litigation and that we add as Item #5B the Appointment of Danae Curtis to the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees and that we add as #8C Revisit of Design Review issues. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Teri Bath leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Findine:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-08-02 MOD - Two Portable Classrooms for North Star Charter School - North Charter School: North Star Charter School, represented by Joe DeVera, is requesting a modification to the existing conditional use permit for North Star Charter School to install two, l792-square foot portable classrooms to accommodate 9th and loth grade classrooms. The site is generally located on the east side of Park Lane approximately 350 feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1400 N. Park Lane Lot, Lot I. Block I, Cavallo Estates Subdivision. (WEV) B. Appointment of Danae Curtis to the Eae:le Pubic Library Board of Trustees. Nordstrom removes Item #5A from the Consent Agenda. Bastian moves to approve the amended Consent Agenda Item #5B. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 5A. Findine:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-08-02 MOD - Two Portable Classrooms for North Star Charter School- North Charter School: Nordstrom: I would like to ask Mr. Vaughan if the conditions that were discussed at the City Council meeting are part of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. General discussion. Nordstrom moves to approve Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CD-08-02 MOD - Two Portable Classrooms for North Star Charter School- North Charter School. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............................. 6. NEW BUSINESS: Page 2 K:\C'OUNCIL\J\.lINUTES\Temporary Mimlles Work Area\[C -8-21-07min doc A. Relluest from Eae:le Chamber of Commerce for a Special Event Permit for the Eae:le Food & Wine Festival to be held in downtown Eae:le on September 29.2007. The festival is scheduled to be held from noon until 6:00 p.m. Council President introduces the issue. Teri Bath, President of the Chamber of Commerce: This is our first Food & Wine Festival to get our wine district kicked off. We are planning this as an annual event. We are having a Gala on Friday night which will be a fund raiser for Special Olympics of Idaho. On Saturday we are planning to close down State Street for music, vendors, arts and a chefs tent. General discussion. Bandy: An open container permit will need to be obtained from the City. Bastian moves to approve the Eagle Food & Wine Festival to be held in downtown Eagle on September 29, 2007 as per the outlined of the schedule of events that has been presented in draft for showing the closing of certain streets and the approval by the Eagle Police Department. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. B. Joint Exercise of Power Ae:reement Providine: Domestic Water to the City of Eae:le bv the City of Garden City: (SEB) Council President introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Discusses the provisions in the Joint Exercise of Power Agreement Providing Domestic Water To The City Of Eagle By The City Of Garden City. General discussion. Nordstrom moves to approve the Joint Exercise of Power Agreement Providing Domestic Water to the City of Eagle by the City of Garden City as described in the document and authorize the Mayor to sign in behalf of the City. Seconded by Bandy. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Update from Keith Allred on contract status. Council President introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves to table this item to the end of the Agenda. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... B. Bude:et Discussion Counci I President introduces the issue. City Clerk Bergmann: Discussion on the changes to the General Administration Fund, the Water Fund and the Library Fund. City Clerk requests an Executive Session for the discussion of personnel. PRE-COUNCIL REPORTS Con't: City Attorney Report: I have been busy on items that need to be discussed in Executive Session. Special meeting with PZ on Monday. Issues with Ada Co Development services on comp plan and impact area, working on the LID. You have us very busy. Page :3 K \CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\((' -8-21-07mindoc Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on distribution along Floating Feather Road. I have spoken to Layne Dobson on burying the distribution lines along this corridor. General discussion. City Engineer Report: We are working with Mike Mongelli on drafting a Grading Plan. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No Report Mayor and Council's Report: Bandy: Reports on the Economic Development Committee meeting. The main discussion was the action the Council took in passing the Resolution at our last meeting. Bastian: Reports on the Treasure Valley Coalition today in regards to the production of ethanol. The City ofNampa has announced that they are going Green for all of their vehicles. I think the City of Eagle should move toward going Green. The Governor and the Legislature have a movement to move us towards blended fuel. There is not a station in Eagle that offers ethanol. Discussion on going out to bid in regards to the City purchasing blended fuel. The City Attorney will provide us some draft documents. Discussion on the negative aspects of blended fuels. Further discussion. Nordstrom: Reports on the Transportation Task Force. We have a meeting scheduled for August 29,2007. Discussion on the meeting agenda. General discussion. 9:25 p.m. Mayor is in attendance. Council President calls a recess at 9:25 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 9:30 p.m. 8A. Update from Keith Allred on contract status. Mayor introduces the issue. Keith Allred provides the Council with an overview of his work to date on the Foothills project. Discussion on a draft brief. I would like parties to provide me feedback by August 3 I st and post the final draft after Labor Day. The poll would last about three weeks. I could have results by September 25th. Public Testimony could be the first October. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan distributes a Hearing Schedule for the Foothills Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Further general discussion. B. Reconsider Desie:n Review Issues: Bastian: At the request of the Mayor I will make a motion to reconsider, I do that for discussion purposes and if we are going to make a decision different from previous actions then I think we need to hear from the applicant to make their case. General discussion. Mayor discusses DR-35-07 and DR-37-07. The roll of the Design Review Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission are recommendation bodies. Discusses the rolls of the Committees. I saw two applications come through and one is a Mediterranean design. Discussion on Mediterranean design and stucco buildings. The other building sits across State Street and is a design that has a lot of glass and metal on it. These are buildings that we have never allowed before. It was important to me to be able to state my comments on these two designs. If these are concerns to you I would request that we do a reconsideration. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\J\.lINUTES\Temporary f\linutes \-Vark Area\CC-8-21-07min.doc Bastian: I was at the meeting that both of these designs were designed. The Snider building was presented as an exceptional piece of architecture which should be included in the downtown look. The Design Review decided after looking at the building with stone it took away from the design. The stucco and tile roof seemed to be a more Mediterranean designed which the Design Review liked. I would like to see the approvals stand as made. We have made exceptions in the past and I feel that these designs are acceptable. General discussion. Guerber: I side with the Mayor and one of the reasons is I don't like Mediterranean to begin with. I don't think this design belongs in the City of Eagle. The one I have the greatest concern about is the glass and metal building. Discussion on the guidelines. General discussion. Bastian: I can't make the motion for reconsideration. Further general discussion. I am going to go ahead and make the motion because there are two members of the Council and the Mayor that are requesting the reconsideration. Bastian moves to reconsider DR-35-07-Two Story Multi-tenant Office Building-Scott Snyder Building. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... Bastian moves to reconsider DR-37-07-Two Story Multi-tenant Office Building-Gem State Dreams-Bob Niblett building. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION <:ARRIE1S................ Discussion on the applicants bringing all of the same display material that was presented to Design Review to be presented to the Council. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: City Attorney Buxton: I would request Council go into Executive Session pursuant to I.C. 67-2345() pending litigation for Kastera, Lanewood and the waters right case?, 67-2345(b) personnel and 67-2345( f) acquisition of private property. Bastian moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to I.C. 67-2345 (b)(f)(e) for the discussion of pending litigation, personnel and acquisition of private property. Seconded Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL A YES: M{)llI{)N <:ARRIES....................... Council goes into Executive Session at II :20 p.m. Council discusses pending litigation, acquisition of private property and personnel. Council leaves Executive Session at 12:55 a.m. General discussion on the Foothills plan and the comp plan. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1 :00 a.m. Respectfully submitted: MG.-.. ... r; ~ / SHARON K. BERGMANN Page 5 K\COUNrILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-8-21-07mindoc CITY CLERK/TREASURER ".,............. ~......, f EAG, .... ,I" ~ 0 ...........~ .... .. ~ .' ... i ,~.. ~oll.A .,.~... ". : --I o'+- ~... ': . ", .. : : \oJ ._ . : . \ - -:- \ir. S~~\..'€:loi \ e,-'t. '\"~.. ~ ~ ... -i~,o."'... ~ .:> ###.$')> ....... \<\) ~.." #### -1l'E Of ..,...... '",........",' A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS A V AILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 6 K:\CQUNC'IL\r...lINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-S-ll-07min doc City of Eagle: Law Enforcement Assessment Build a solid agency foundation and keep up with city growth Exceed community expectations for police services Be fiscally beneficial to the city and appropriately forecast needs .I 5300.00 City of Eagle: Law Enforcement Assessment 1266.27 5250.00 — 5200.00 $150.00 — 5100.00 — S50.00 — 50.00 $168.81 $159.69 1 G��7 {C‘'0\c' • ., vti $67.58 q $84.69 $53.76 74.42 $14.07 $62.40 ohs a� ore �c 0%e rO'S{�� N).% City of Eagle: Law Enforcement Assessment Recommended Staffing 1 Chief 1 Clerk 1 Gold Team Sergeant 4 Patrol Deputies 1 Patrol Deputy J 1 Red Team Sergeant 4 Patrol Deputies 1' 1 Patrol Deputy New Positions 1 Admin. Sergeant l 2 Detective i 2 STEP City of Eagle: Law Enforcement Assessment Why the new positions? 1. Sergeant position for two STEP, two Detectives and one Secretary. Span of control 1:3-7, 5 optional. Reality is the schedules of our current Sergeants and supervision /coaching and mentoring of this unit. 2. Patrol to cover shifts, work load, cases, availability. -I City of Eagle: Law Enforcement Assessment City of Eagle 2006-2007 Budget Summary $ 1, 298, 211.61 $ 23,221.66' 53,177.00' $ 95, 985.00 Personnel Personal Equipment Operational Vehicles Other Equipment Budget Subtotal Credits Deputy Building Vehicle Credit Subtotal Budget Subtotal Credit Subtotal Grand Total Personnel Position Lieutenant Sergeant Detective STEP Deputy Clerk Personnel Subtotal Number Cost 1 $ 2 , $ 2 $ 1.75 $ 8 1$ 2 $ 16.75 $ 1, 470, 595.27 1.5 119, 328.89 1 $6,408.00 1 8,997.00 $134,733.89 $ 1, 470, 595.27 $134,733.89 $ 1, 335, 861.38 1 90, 525.00 89,491.83 79, 552.59 79, 552.59 79, 552.59 46, 980.00 Annual Total $ 90, 525.00 $ 178, 983.66 $ 159,105.18 $ 139,217.03 $ 636,420.72 $ 93, 960.00 $ 1, 298, 211.59 -I M1 City of Eagle: Law Enforcement Assessment City of Eagle Personnel Personal Equipment Operational Vehicles Other Equipment Budget Subtotal Credits Deputy Building Vehicle ICredit Subtotal Budget Subtotal Credit Subtotal Grand Total 2007-2008 Budget Summary $ 1,667,284.95 $ 31,121.77' 45, 076.001 $ 113,432.00 Personnel Position Number Lieutenant 1 Sergeant 3 Detective 2 STEP 2 Deputy 10 Clerk 1 Crime Analyst 0.51 Personnel Subtotal 19.51 $ 1, 856, 914.71 1.5 127, 940.38 1 $6,408.00 1 8,997.00 $143,345.38 $ 1, 856, 914.71 $143,345.38 $ 1,713,569.341 Cost Annual Total $ 115, 333.38 $ 1 $ 98, 636.89 $ $ 85, 293.58 $ $ 85, 293.58 $ 1 $ 85, 293.58 $ $ 44, 207.42 $ $ 34,751.561 $ 115,333.38 295, 910.68 170, 587.17 170, 587.17 852, 935.84 44, 207.42 17, 723.30 $ 1,667,284.95 -I City of Eagle: Law Enforcement Assessment p 4:00 PM 0 5:00 PM a7 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM 12:00 AM 1:00 AM 2:00AM 3 :00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM City of Eagle Police Shifts /, Da Early Swing Late Swinq///�Ni ht 6:00 AM ,� fl/i 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 Arvi 11:00 AM rir// 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:OOPM � �.�.: fff t 1 lel. : 2 Deputies on Duty : 3 Deputies on Duty City of Eagle: Law Enforcement Assessment r 60.CUr C_ Possible New Shift Schedule Shift 1 6:00 AM� 7:00 AM 8:00Z:. M/ 9:00 ' 10:00 AM/ /1/, // A 'A id.�4'+ F 44F +i+FFF+i +�++%+r�i*. t :+'++Oia::;+«;:;+0�+�+�«+.+� -7j 8i13�33ipy'3yFFi�33i3fy�ci' �.f l� 11:00 AM 12:00 Prvl 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7 :00 PM 8 :00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 Prvl 11:00 PM 12 :00 AM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM Shift 2 Shift 3 Shift4 Shift 5 : 2 Deputies on Duty i.::= 4 4: Witt i+�++«%+.4.4.44.. i0:t.:ti 3 Deputies on Duty City of Eagle: Law Enf9rcement Assessment ➢Mid fiscal year wage adjustments account for 7% of the budget increase. ➢Proposed salary increases account for 14% of the budget increase. ➢Three additional positions account for 77°/o of the budget increase. Cc Gr; w • 1 JUNE LOC:KEY SUB., ADONAI SUB. AND TABASCO TRAIL ESTATES KAGLE• IDAHO. ADA COUNTY SITE DEVELOPMENT VICINITY r IAP oothmen-Orton 'SI? Enilnnrin, Compn ito- Page 1 JUNE LOCKEY SUB., ADONAI SUB. AND TABASCO TRAIL ESTATES • arW ~-Orfoi '^ ) ) 1 ) 1 ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) ) ) 1 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) n 1 1 A MASTER PLAN OF THE JUNE LOCKEY, DWAYNE LINGEL, AND TABASCO TRAIL SUBDIVISIONS _ O a� 0 ® Q >a1e v. ��1111.1!* IVY ►cif K. Ir . Y•Hw�. .N K. �� _ — _ _ ice• /!f �+V _r 0 ALL PROPERTIES LOCATED '?THIN THE NW 1/4 OF SEC770N 25, TOWNSHD' 4 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, 2007 m ® 0 o v 1100 Y. wa•v, f1.1.L war. r. .rK. OY .L •1K Or 10 Fr 0 u. M W. • i Q VY .1•.LCD .1 v. 0v O YM 11 �' w.• y—iriu b� — 1 O It". .11- 0 ►rrt S .e' 060 .i- w a 0 tw.Iv' AN0 Par 1 Early Master Plan Concept r 0 rw v. 110...141. r i 11•57--•-• N _ . WWI U. Y••. Y•• .,I.e. .M•. IM. rlw rs w. WA at .1s 11aL Ar .r• YY{ 111.16. ..K IYW ea s pt. 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I Master Plan As Presented to P & Z '; I _ .uvn airsra NIR tura .J.7 frt• e••w11 }10•.. femme 1.& w.m Am I.. 0,.1 1 1.401 4.. 74.1 1 W be S41 1 T. bre 11, .7 a 1.401 701. x..01 M. 7071 s7 11.11 1W 4+.. - 1111. W. 11.7 WIZ 110 7.177[ 1.11 71; 17.40 77411 I .1 l... 1..1 1411 417 10.1; 1.{{ In L. 131; ISM M Mw 140 17.11 0. 1111 120 10* X71 100* .r. M P1a L.4t 73 1 17 .• 0 Ile1.JMi 1.N 11a . Ila 14. 11 Page 5 ) ) )) ) ) ) )) ) ) )) ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )) ) ) ) ) ) ) ))) )) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )) ) ) ) ) ) "x a L f A MASTER PLAN OF THE JUNE LOCKED , ADONAI, AND TABASCO TRAIL SUBDIVISIONS ALL E. RITES. LOCATED WITHIN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 4 NORM, RANGE 1 EAST, BOISE' MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, 2007 Current Master Plan w.. RA'4 .l.., $.a'L T...... S.+a ww. w.. M.. 41.4.1 0 TMM an, INA X 1r.1 Mw 1..1 ; iW a.. 041..1 0 7.tl 7...1 1417•• M. 7417 3.7 1111 3. kw* - OA. 1.1. 14M 104.70 L. 717! 1.71 700 34A 77. 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Lott 7 l 15 y 0...er h.4/M1 1.50 110 1 L 1 M 70 r >m 700 Yr 1.- 1W rtl t si Page 6 1 Summary of Developments Lingel (Adonai) Subdivision Eagle Code Proposed Meet/Exceed Code Req'ts Zoning R-2 R -2 -DA Meet Total Parcel (acre) 5.7 5.7 Common Area (acre) 0.57 0.57 0 0.00% Common Area (%) 10.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.00% Number of Lots 11 8 3 27.27% Density (units/acre) 2 1.4 0.6 29.82% Minimum Lot Size (sf) 17,000 20,204 3,204 18.85% Average Lot Size (sf) 22,885 Minimum Lot Width (ft) 75 120 45 60.00% Minimum Lot Frontage (ft) 35 58 23 65.71% Tabasco Trail Estates Eagle Code Proposed Meet/Exceed Code Req'ts Zoning R-2 R -2 -DA Meet Total Parcel (acre) 11.8 11.8 Common Area (acre) 1.18 1.44 0.26 22.03% Common Area (%) 10.0% 12.2% 2.2% 22.03% Number of Lots 23 13 10 43.48% Density (units/acre) 2 1.1 0.9 44.92% Minimum Lot Size (sf) 17,000 21,769 4,769 28.05% Average Lot Size (sf) 30,928 Minimum Lot Width (ft) 75 108 33 44.00% Minimum Lot Frontage (ft) 35 94 59 168.57% Lockey Subdivision Eagle Code Proposed Meet/Exceed Code Req'ts Zoning R-2 R -2 -DA Meet Total Parcel (acre) 20.47 20.47 Common Area (acre) 2.05 3.19 1.143 55.84% Common Area (%) 10.0% 15.6% 5.6% 55.84% Number of Lots 41 32 9 21.95% Density (units/acre) 2 1.6 0.4 21.84% Minimum Lot Size (sf) 17,000 17,270 270 1.59% Average Lot Size (sf) 18,440 Minimum Lot Width (ft) 75 89 14 18.67% Minimum Lot Frontage (ft) 35 50 15 42.86% Total Development Eagle Code Proposed Meet/Exceed Code Req'ts Zoning R-2 R -2 -DA Meet Total Parcel (acre) 37.97 37.97 Common Area (acre) 3.80 5.2 1.403 36.95% Common Area (%) 10.0% 13.7% 3.7% 36.95% Number of Lots 75 53 22 29.33% Density (units/acre) 2 1.4 0.6 30.21% Minimum Lot Size (sf) 17,000 17,270 270 1.59% Average Lot Size (sf) 22,103 Minimum Lot Width (ft) 75 89 14 18.67% Minimum Lot Frontage (ft) 35 50 15 42.86% Page 7 l 1'» 11)))) 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1 1 1 1 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE D WA YNE LINGEL SUBDIVISION mvO1r rsr IDWAV NY R7A'717,1T Al rd 111•41 IMMO .+�..••min maw N NOW • n a=1...."=2:1=11:, aa., au mud • _. lomajoinantmeme II l� 1 9 J 1 Sol 4 iJ II 3r �L • r U .mow • 1 dr- i i 1( I1� 1l I 5 i 1 1I I I �I II I I I I ILO If 1II e ij (YI .,m:. jl ' .'o'd�: d:.: II a,S� ..e. 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MOM 2410 K Ufa LAIC 0441.013411 001) 322-1111 rwroX0 0.4•.0. WA ZONING AND DSVS4OPMENT DATA V11UT= 01111. 00.1' Ia. 010010 M 4100010 37.1. 1001100.00t 1-3-44 {sur MC M3041140. M40.0 1111 1.3101.10 0110.1 04+0 .MOO WT. 1 MO.) 11.00., WO.. 100 00 17. 31. 4000 WorO MI sob 30.30 V. 040 1.011 101000 0 /L ILO W 0411. MI. 0/L rows Oa 01..6410 4144. 0101 0017 MM 00004 70 n. 10.2 R N.N 170 0.1 00100 11.0/000•.4•U. 0.0 MC, 1011 OriPR NOTES Vat IMO 1.01 000 •134 010 000 /OM3 m✓nn 14071.0.. Cavan CMM 011.301004 •N1.wti Wo..•o. m.►•w (• 7 f....3 /. LOW • 01 00.0 r OUP. M• t 0 01Y.is 000 bit 1011 0100 OM ..6400711.0 0.110411.11./ IK7 0 1 ( I 0.01 r 1101 Mm v 00.0.04 000 003 01.1 000 amen salt 10•.0 00.03 I. . 101141 PM 0 1.000. 011114 M 1441.0 0000 M 100410 I on CMC =on 0.0-0 .101. 01.1/ 1112001.1.1. R • .01 0 W. men we 1MMO 141100 S. C3 0 0710.00111111. I. St W. r LDA IA MOOT NIL t W. • ..I ••••• .001 OMr u0( 04 Mu*. •10•40010 I ONO mol 11-0014 40441•44 OWN. •rR 1 A. 0000/ M '013101 001" 0114 t 040 M 00000/ w 0.l 40/4 011170 KM.. r 0.404 i Ot• W 1 d 090110 .1 IN 00.11.00 v W.. 11.1. NO 1.1070111 103 1 111 0(Ht1.1 4 w Y N* 1101111. 1N31N•00/. COMM" 1M3 4040 003[ • .14111v u+w3 1/m.�i 3.0.11 4413 s 00441.43 1 NAIria ••0. 0• M r .0{1.4s. 01.000.0 00.1. . Mao •1 49047 1. 4 o1A3P0 M 0087 Mt t. •01101101101 .1 A Ort• 1• MU. WW1 10 r Comma= O{.. 070 0003/.1, .O.0( .ts(•0/•IOr W t 041.442 w N 0414 01.0 4 • AAA .141,- 00 M ma 0Mf1 11244.02.4•4•4 IO 020110 10 1,843 0 MPG WO1100 s unit 0 .0 0010 1110 .Malan IP.. O.. 14 mM10 011. v MO 11.0.4 MM. M MAYA 0 O.O. I. .. • at Iq IOM 103 401011 R 00140.109 001700 00 000 10101 140 1.143 /00 IMO MMI. MONO, r ammo 111167 awns 110141 m0, I. 0103 10 •MOla01004. 00000 WM. NMI •1.0011004 to II OM�Ot 01 0fstilll �1. 0 MAW OW. In 00.10 0a0MCM • 0 >t s1/.OSOr 1.00.10R{RAl 4000 00114 NI •r •0. • I.. 000 MIN 11 044. • a 111 00000 W IRI • 413101 M WI At 111 1001.01 1oM 1.40.► w 440.0 v 10 10.00 •..0 W 0. MOO • 11..00 09144 /101. K •1111443 P 4000 1100.1 Or. .0 300 . 0.00i O 001.000. N 11. MO 11003E 1 000000 MOW. 1310. I MI 0/11!3 110. 11/0404.0 IItNO MI IM .ONO COO., 10. 14 010 Cos, 000 00 0 401 44/030 M • 0 0101, t 011[1 r ..11000 I K OMNI 10110 •101001 .010003 10120.0..11,3:5„. 0031 0000011 NO 111 01.1.1 M •010.00 VOA 04 1000040 1 04.0/ .71.00 N 0400,10 K fOWOt 1 A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE ADONAI SUBDIVISION A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, 2007 33 -1 3010.0104400101•0 lI 33 9 i s 11":4! N i3•.301o• • BLOCK t y. a , aratat3.1/a l.s»u 0%K IV0102 Ma t•. 1 a•C.• 4110100 tout 00 CA 100 w4 ISI,/�-14 01•.1. Mama • M 010. 040.44034.1 0•.14 11. g CM • x 4 101 BLOCK 2 Molt. a 1•000 M•o 1001 440144 xO.00. 3-• 0.141 a 11.•010 NMo .0 ..10 Irina SIM .Oat.ANOm �lt I 1/1 0. o •% u 0 :i 101 43 .13.00 H 1, K a o i!ii 1 i i i 1 9 ;4.;%.. © 1 _ 1 i 1214 4407 3/ o nu u I l •. T 0% 11 5-7 102 •%s /01.00.0004111. 144[ 113• R -vu 1110 /12000 ua alit at 0 it LA, x• 14• to 1.e1 11• 11• It .,,21 �1 Le. '1R 030 MUR •1�I A. w 010.4• ALUM. .• 4.01 0.4111. 1710. 0. • OIi1C 701"1 11.13 - I R• 02 41.140 001444 3014 11.0.1. 040 0w 3.31 1.33 Or 372446 �lIIL�1E_Yr� � [ tai u 30[1100 1120..• . L 3 d .o. Ito r1 efwwr. • 0b 103.1 Or •• w .011.43 00.1;1100 0110 OW .7.013 .0 d 11,••• I.sf11.a1 •04[1.1. 0 •A 3 t1... . 1.1 • z 0 E Aa e z 10. •103 3,110•2 11 1 01 SKIT Cf 1 Lingel (Adonal) - Plat As Presented to P & Z Page 9 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) )) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) v 11 a i s 1111111111111111 MINIM Ir sr •• trs 1011Mi. 101♦ rrmKB mMaL . Itrainuria" 44' sun o*1111 onot sea. s nes Dos as-ssa — dimer rr tri— """elle •► lroe. .wry irrMir • 04 2 ��iic 2 rND •� rr..Ner• rmr v •.•. �e1ti rr a IL 1 tl imu it=MN<f.I Kwe MN ./•. MVO, SWUM =M�•r r�r... rl• MOM i r t rMO!OS b • YMEMO ••••IIMMIIMIs•M a•. O•••NN11,•10A4.114. • a:WM1/.M r111•01MM.= WM. i•./0 MINI=I • p1ol�em�ul1,vs r MINAMIIIML • =rVii. iiiI�.�awer"""'o�Nwww ENS B ' • aiil�i:�ISIMAII"'"rw''e•e''w.Nr,•e>am 1I ' NIZMIE it EMBEEPWISSAMe 1 • A PRELIAMINARY PLAT OF THE ADONAI SUBDIVISION - A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN s SECTION 1, ?OA'NSHIP 4 NORTH RlNCE 1 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, 2007 1 • 1 r 43)1 } 1 LIG aL BLOCK 1 T ri A • 4 'm �•1. OA/ •G If ia' ' .: - -• -� I � BLOCK z I i I 0 ) • t. II. 1 • �.y.,0• 'Y..t. A It { 0 113031u. •33 K 33.41 IJ. OM AC • N M N rOW. ••.•• •1 .•w• Ne.r Nr as •ea .A N•. b•• BEckelow Lingel (Adonai) — Plat As Requested By P & Z a• • • sir so ✓ r• to. oli . N.O 6....:—."141' ,,,� '� iv: \..\.\-6/j/arw 1/..L mamma MY r•.. Pm Yoga e I sh Page 10 Lingel (Adonai) Page 11 ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ) ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► 1 ► ► , ► ► ► ► ► ) ► ► ► ► ► ► ) ► ► / ) ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► LEGAL mammon e tna ui oacuon Ani � Qcia+"�i. lo,..r • ,ant It 0, 1 0:31 00150 rttm n. +u. COUNT' 000 OWNER AK • LOCKET 000 1.1 • WC4T tO1i •O WL 0 f061 OVELOPER 112(10( NMTN 4100P LLC Mat 0 2YO PAf (300) 109-3123 ENCNEEM/O CONSULTANT T00T M0* 4004 000000 Co 07(1 640:0i 030 1143[. O 03311 (200023-1200 •K(01010-230 LEGEND • 001003 11100 0.04 C0101 01 11.011 1.0100 /10100 00004 1000 11111m0. 00100 100 1.10 VICINITY YAP 01 NJ 0.1 A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE JUNE LOCKEY SUBDIVISION A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE E 1/2 OF U.S GOVERNMENT LOT 2, SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, BOISE' MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, 2007 TOOTHMAN-ORTON ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS AND RUNNERS 1X,5 PIOI[Cl Lockey Subdivision— Original Plat ZONING AND DNVNLOPMEAT DATA CIAlla lora A., Cora/ 0111111 MAW, taltO• OIL MAO,. sprOnAALA cc•••• 1.0.00 UM Cala -.mar SAM. ALIT CCM 1000 1.0116 004z wox ma rn,...n.4•Xlm•A 1.0,1 CIL I Pall mama> wrap • ��La IA MAO 111•C• A AA 00.N „,7,411 ano• Ws 0000e WON Mt 1. PCCOOTTICI .wOa te. CARO AP 'P 114 w•EA � MASA n.'PTRIALT Oaul taeroi ><a.APO 414/7 OP WACO Oa MC01‘1113.131 14 1171 171YL /01 COMMA AL NOIWN 110 .41•C moo may c.a. AP AA.. raP0misT Kato am raPosal LAT Aa 1 Oa 011110.3e 11109•011 =Ma ra-024 cr CAC PAC TO NY al TAN . AMA. ea aT AaTISIO*11 To / • 1100 OM ISM 11101 000111 • 0000 4000 p 0 01 00 MN Ca u Mt NOM Pea IA ART 1110.1 • 111.11100 rsaan AM VC YAK" Pa Waft. AP* Or arT co•CANaft AAA. alvelarrea N• 0200V 01:1 1/0011 010101100 01 00 COM 1000 /1-10111 1/000.a.(OOwM1 ,m• ITA• �O C•104•11 ru Tr; ••••Ts ...AA 0 10 011 USW 000001 •1001100111 4011010011, OP 00 eaV 11•1•/01 wpappr Jtttl 1 Of 1 Page 12 )) 1 1 1) 1) 1 1 1) 1 1 1) 1 1 1) 1 1 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1/ 1 1 1/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/ 2 a III NAM, 0 A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE JUNE LOCKEY SUBDIVISION A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED LY THE E 1/2 OF U.S. CO VERN31ENT LOT 2, SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 1 11E5T, BOISE IVERIDIAIV, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, 2007 0 0 0 '1S7Y 0 0 AAA of. 0 640 K I I�G10,0„1011� • MOS s LOC amo s.ca N a. .0011s v I. ams I. M.O. 1240 • Kos. MIEN. AM T. a. Q •t 0 0 SUE SO us AO 0 0 r • L O� ir2' t 0 0 0 L1 _ _, Y . „, .she r ..ma ! 0� _121122W-A01-21121,920117-11414--_ r row \-1\ 0 0 us" Ns MP. .00.Y swr 11n ®nu ate Torr llcea. Lockey Subdivision — Plat As Presented to P & Z down. mum 1M1� SEAS MIMI' 611110 ISMIINS SM. IR IN MO. SEND a RESSMI• 110.1 044 LI M Ramp rhemestai, of SFW 1 1i 1 Page 13 1 ) ) ) ) ) j ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) --Pcrgr ale SW IV 115•Z sou, mann" mow a* maw. ova aast I woo mur OMR I8 S-3lfl IMMO 2 WI II 1 amoars commumr ...-Aigaisumasszan._ II —SEW— TEIRESOL2 12,0,43.7; it I _-11611Eg-- A P.RELLVINARY PLAT OF THE JUNE LOCKEY SUBDIVISION ,4 PARCEL OF L4ND LOCATED IN THE E 1/2 OF U.S. GOVERNMENT LOT 2, SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 4 NOR= RANGE 1 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAX ADA COUN'TY, IDAHO. 2007 41— is orsite r ,.41 .. —7----7-='er--tv,---- —I. 47r -ft-=— nil -...,___ItIr.7 - - --, ?+le---gr-•=ii ; a3 L '3, 1WIt .4. i 3 MIS . 10 .C. 1,- bs* . • ....", sr -_;,•.177....— . -431:959111., - 1 ,rye s sr. MN. IA ao — - or-- ..-- •-• - — 2 t' — - t. r0tte- rt. ..,,... _ -_,.. ._ 1`4.0' c K 2 0 0 ; , , ,I.D. Os : b 0 , , el., , , 0 , ; 1 .....t. ....... I, I,. .rz,y. iv:Ay,. , 1 ....:::- -,......— .7... / .tr. sL:...._. 4 re ANS Ir. 0 • _ • , nag, 1, -.•D4J4JS•41 44s. MUNI 111111011111111 2 - •• 0•111 • arm no. MIMI _r.f maw. mom isms 1.111101 KleMe•-•W num 0,1 tal .msmom V. 0 0 0 17,D --. leZr : 4 War 0 ...1t.••• 6 AN• /1. 1. IN IA W ..,a so pp_ I , so• Ns ........ NOM.. N.10.4 raj' sossi 7.1=11.11 MN NUIN. Ca. NINal allibiLMILLAILOACCOUILACCEN Lockey Subdivision — Current Plat Mar irsimaiallION INIMNINIEFERr1 IMPICA11111"'"' . asmas raw =I= Mr=7.1111=11.. . ItSiMaing ' - i , AsioNIN OM Ina .15E1111 Page 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1 1 1 1 1► � r � A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE TABASCO TRAIL ESTATES SUBDIVISION .01 te 9441 8 _ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT DATA 00•11•1 oromp 'WIMP, a 11.1•41•11 Abe. MOM RAMP PA MVP.. t•••••9 MAL IMPS IILIMAPPY 11-3 trona.. AA Ammon Onial 1•AO raw AAA AAA. PI In a.1 . . .4 .-' s / 12 .. 1454) OTIUTIES Lai AAA AAA wog aniinicarria NOres ril.r• AMA ANA.. 44. PAgrIP011“1, AAP 4•11141 Tan.. �o M .ea a :amr�o.,w s,oa ...14.44.44 e....,..0 w�rviopop. .o a.wpp.4maw`�w �• AI ....o�mallAnIA4 442 Nampo', PA PA Lava Tabasco Trail Estates— Original Plat UPS PACVECT I •A _ Ai wise eir ••••• _ V. _ _ _ _ n V.- _ — y. I ' .40•01,- 0 MI row.. 1.1 F V IIII21w+ \:\ I'�,A~ i.... .awn•.w t 1—o, .a•e.-_ Lip i 1111 A 3045 " I a41ar.. .1.--__l C1 .,L--.A_� 1 VL13 1 I 3.242 r .w+.c ..a.wrc ur/ 0.f wl,—_•t— —1OA _l1 LEGAL OC CMV11CM PARCEL 0r LNO 10:3.20 .1 OK f`. 401O111. POKE I RV 0, .1 ASTE .110314. AA GfOMr. I0aO D OINLIRMO COMWLTAM lo01h.6A-0rt0. oa1141S1.0 0 .n, 040 .111,0 O M(V W1.4 • 245)323-224 ( (20.)322-22.. LI • 1.20 «..: is0045.1-/ 0W[M3 LAVA MOS. DOLL •oma 1,. SIAS VAN ri•X•011 3Y. • 0045001(184.1)0 ▪ 01 Do z 0 cn CIr 0. d i cr, z wR 66.. O En 0 0•OP:1:1 t4.110 NET 1a1 Page 15 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 1 ) )) 1 1 ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) ) )) 1 ) ) ) ) 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) )) ) ) ) ) / ) t ) ) ) ) 1 1 ) ) 1 A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE TABASCO TRAIL ESTATES SUBDIVISION MEP Malal la We —M�—� ,_w,._.. •.a. ammo N NW MON �..�, a.... m/1... MM. vera.. A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED 1N THE SW 1/4 NE 1/4 OF SECTION 1, 10WNS 17P 4 NORM, RANGE 1 MT BOISE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAXO, 2007 awmi2OBLAIUMMI2EILEill/ llMesmmoaalaa leaI.eM arm.1 Mani la alail=714 -rw1..1...w M e7 a•• I ma. I sewn 11a e e1Mr al paw erelel AL aM ....Mild. M IL Ira ar Oa w.=111111K Ms an .area. wa Ma -• raring. IMAM. ut - .rrMt. rw ..r. L.....wl • 7.eru NM fAa1_Al Ica IMA Pro NM I lea ...e - ewa Us eau lea Its eef ar.rw raw et 1•• lea 124.44. M/44.1 1 1e LIe I. wall Cl. ww.M1111 vel M aaaMes Ol loll lir Omer Or eaa on 11. ver/s a.Ist www O n an r la airaMaa IL ONO ill a laMarM aR la Y M.aIOW a MOwM wewew Kl • maim ..VeNlaIMMO.M•M111.11 Oaaww.a seers fmrseummaimitavrioarr• :=11.1111=11107=10="1" owra ala w Y • • ww CI=.riAnnrrLM 11.lmt a IMAM r OM le.w� a =CireSOLLTIOs��aMaiiin~a•"•oMwer"'s • mom mmuirsicragasAra PRIM UR MMOM ea.OM% MIL. p IONO wess00er a awn Wale! Walsall MawaMwe>1 al WWI M1 rtan r I K 1* erasion ILS�.M WIPER r a•a aster wnu d nevemMIL we 0Jaill M•ere.werm w ar OWN ▪ lona warn Cala ewer. aA tAY/e...A. Wow..M1 SSE 13711i= .fie^ ��.•<. ,+Ma '! ... It moi•H-ver .awe• w Praia wows Wallowa. ilawerallwan I Imo... 11710%14119P. of awe .moi C.s •• umewwms MB I M f M RfLIMO alt# wlil' I _ mom nam ae as Kat • 1P14 eta IVR tela ove ens all ILIMOD+e >xk u10A Rt eNfa. sols Is ° w emsIwiGlYa a rpraiar NI /OM •w1'Mrcaa.w2•R• r rim,Mr ,~ways mD71 ew. r..: were•- re". nein Tabasco Trail Estates— Current Plat f.., fK.• tNM s 1• MM. Naar ?O 1.011ea) raft MOOED Mt .e.f1a7 II '1 • Gab M. �._-1 A•W r•. W a r ' 1111111111111111))))11/11111111111111)1111:111)111111)) Tabasco Trail Estates— Existing Berm Page 17 TABASCO TRAIL ESTATES EAGLE. IDAHO. ADA COUNTY SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Tootluuau-Orton EngiretriR Company Tobasco Trail Estates Page 18 64 e6ed •uo plys Nom e yip auozpua ay; ul 6ulpue;s;ua.il o; s;ulod moue 941 'PI94 IP:1MooA SH 916e3 941 le X09£ I(Ia;ewixoJdde;o aldwexa aay;oud (444441114444444444444441144444444414444114444444441411 OZ abed ( 1( 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 44411444114114 414 44411441444441114114441114 ) 1 1 ) 1 1))) 1 1 1 1)) 1 1 1 1)) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111) 1 1 1 1 ) ) 1 1 ) ) 1 ) 1 1 1 Example of 350' off Croft. Page 21 1 1 1) 1 1 1)))) 1 1 1 1)) 1) 1) 1 1 1 1))1 ) 111 1) 1 1 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1 1)) 1 1 Another angle. Page 22 - • r • r ii- I I In II I[1 fLL] 1Li __ I- _; fi _ --- i`-1 ;1=-j r- 1, ---r H I = --_--L _ -� -a • liNg 10.11.. via'Ri.,1144000.10:s*-11b.,...a..11010.--e,a.Nli‘ Z+! r m 1 .46_4“ . 1 I • A!Q;-.:"'wry = - - ---• i-- . �J 1 ; r I# •_i� •_ jI \ I-04'1 I.� JIB .v..4 t L ' -).6" 1 i- RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JUL z 3 zoo? File; .._-. WINDING CREEK EAST LOTS6&7 EAGLE, ID NIBLETr & ASSOC RTES Ji ARCHITECT d Z cgr; 3656 W. CLEMENT p�, 11 0 IT BOISE, IDAHO 837 .I rn s, PHONE (208) 321 - 1 l801 Vs m n1 MATERIAL CALL OUTS bob.niblett@niblettarchite FAX (208) 321- 47 .ci m 02 Aro r ALLIED WASTE SERVICES Client Correspondence: City ofEAffle Date: August 16, 2007 To: Mayor Nancy Merrill Councilmember Phillip Bandy Councilmember Stanley Bastian Councilmember Steve Guerber Councilmember Scott Nordstrom s Catfc'-' From: Rachele Klein, Allied Waste Recycling & Public Relations Manager Re: Residential Rate Increase Reflecting Ada County Landfill Disposal Increase Mayor and Council - The Ada County Commissioners recently passed a resolution which will raise Ada County Landfill's disposal fees 67% beginning October 1, 2007. This means Eagle residential and commercial customers will see rate increases beginning October 1St, 2007. In an effort to accurately and fairly calculate the increase to Eagle residents, we added the last twelve months of disposal fees for the City of Eagle to get an actual annual cost of disposal. We multiplied the actual annual disposal total by the landfill disposal rate increase (67%) to get an estimated disposal increase for the upcoming year. We then divided the estimated annual disposal increase by the number of unlimited trash customers in the City of Eagle. In the spirit of rewarding households who have chosen limited 32 or 64 -gallon trash cart service, we propose not adding any additional disposal fees to their bills. These households have chosen to responsible manage their waste and generate less trash than households with unlimited trash service. We have a total of 1,058 households with limited trash service. The remaining 4,761 households with unlimited trash service would see a monthly increase of $1.99. Any resident wishing to alter their service to limited trash status would not see an increase in their monthly solid waste bill. Commercial and industrial rates will be available by the council meeting August 21, 2007. Please contact me if you have questions regarding this rate increase or any other solid waste matter. We look forward to meeting with you next week. Sincerely, Rachele Klein Allied Waste Recycling & Public Relations Manager CC: Dave Fisher, Allied Waste General Manager Rodney Remling, Allied Waste Controller 08/16/2007 04:56 2083759822 ALLIED WASTE IDAHO PAGE 02/02 5 p.m. --Ada County landfill fee may go up soon I Idaho Statesman News Updates Page 1 of 1 IdahoStatesmancom • Itswatoiiil July 16, 2007 :ale; I 5 p.m. --Ada County landfill fee may go up soon close Ada County residents could soon be paying more to get rid of their trash. The Ada County Solid Waste Management Department plans to increase the landfill disposal fee charged to Ada County cities and contracted trash haulers. Officials say the Increase Is needed to cover higher day-to-day costs for landfill operations. Ada County residents living inside a city's boundary will likely see a $1 increase if trash haulers choose to pass the increase on to residents. People living in unincorporated Ada County will likely see at $1.20 increase. In addition to covering Increased operation costs. the higher fee will pay for installation of landfill gas collection wells. The wells are required by the Clean Air Act. The landfill fee Increase will take effect on Oct. 1, 2007. pk(t Tracy Osborn From: Teri Bath [teri@eaglechamber.com] Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:51 AM To: Tracy Osborn Subject: Eagle Food & Wine Festival Eagle City Council, Page 1 of 1 CG �r,2 e01 (de The Eagle Chamber of Commerce is requesting approval of the First Annual "Eagle Food and Wine Festival" celebrate the harvest. The date is Saturday September 29th 2007, the times are 11:OOam to 6:OOpm. We will be stomping grapes (myself and Mary May) showcasing chalk art, art booths on State Street, food vendors, wine vendors and a chefs tent for food sampling. Music at the gazebo will be Christian Housel with a trio. State Street form first to Second will be closed as well as First - South. Wine barrels and balloons will block the street closures. Street name changes are requested for about 10 hours to Cabernet, Chardonnay, Merlot. We will have the wine vendors contained in one area. Opening ceremonies will be 12:00 noon and would like to invite the Mayor and Council to attend. This whole event is to help promote the emerging wined industry for Eagle. Teri Bath President, Eagle Chamber of Commerce 1 (208) 939-4222 Office 1 (208) 939-4234 Fax 1 67 E State St. Eagle, ID 83616 1 8/16/2007 Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Deputy City Clerk To: Mayor & Council CC: City Clerk, Eagle Chamber of Commerce, Eagle Police From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: August 17, 2007 Re: Special Event Permit As with the Eagle Fun Days event, the Chamber is in need of a Special Event permit as allowed in Eagle City Code Title 3. This will allow the Chamber to "manage" the vendors they solicit for the event, rather than requiring each vendor to obtain a permit through the City. The permit fees for the Eagle Fun Days permit has been waived in the past, and staff would need Council's direction to do the same for the Food & Wine Festival as well. The Chamber has been working closely with the Sgt. Hippe with Eagle Police Department to ensure public safety during the event and facilitate minimal traffic delays due to the road closure. Sgt. Hippe has spoken to me on several occasions and has agreed to send a letter of approval for the event once a few more details are ironed out. I have contacted the State of Idaho Alcohol Bureau Control (ABC), and in accordance with I.C.§23-1338 no catering permit is required for the wineries to sell bottles of wine and glasses of wine at the event. Chamber has agreed to provide a certificate of liability insurance naming the City of Eagle as an additional insured for the event. In summary, the applicant is requesting Council approval of a Special Event Permit for the September 29th event and the waiving of permit fees associated with the permit. service with a smile! August 20, 2007 Eagle Chamber of Commerce 67 E. State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Chamber of Commerce, GARY RANEY, SHERIFF RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE AUb 2 1 2007 File: Route try We, the Eagle Police Department, approve the proposed Wine and Food Festival that is to be held September 29, 2007. Per your request (and at your expense), five deputies will be assigned to provide security for this event. Two deputies, dressed in plain clothes, will be assigned for the inside event and three uniformed deputies will be assigned to conduct traffic control and maintain road closures. The proposed road closures will be: 1St and Aikens 1st and State 2nd and State The roads will be closed from 10 AM until 7 PM, which will allow time to assemble and disassemble booths and displays. The Eagle Chamber assumes responsibility for providing and placing barricades at these closures. Sincerely, Brian Hippe, Sergeant Eagle City Police 7200 Barrister Drive • Boise, Idaho 83704-9217 Tel: 208-577-3000 • Fax: 208-577-3009 • Website: www.adasheriff.org ec case (food 5 Was 0esticc! - 2007"felebtate the iaty st" (opir eepttunhat 29, 2007, 8attttd", 12:00 - 6:00 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - DRAFT Gala - Lloyd, Angie Where: Casa D'Aquila Time: 6:00 - 10:00 (Friday Night 9/28) 6-7 greeting Details: Limited Guests (about 270); Fundraiser Event for International Special Olympics charity Music David Lanz with Gary Stroustos (? 8:00 - 10:00) Christian Housel Opening Catering: Gamekeeper Owyhee Plaza Silent Auction Welcoming Ceremony - Teri, Tim Where: Gazebo Time: 12:00 - 12:20 pm Details: Guest Speakers: Mayor Merrill (Emerging Industry), Lloyd Mahaffey (Proclamation), and Teri Bath (Commerce Support). Time: 12:20 - 12:40 Wine Stomping (Mary &Teri) Music in the Park - Christian, Marjorie Where: Gazebo, Library ? Time: 12:00 - 2:00 (music needed among ceremonies as background & entertainment) Justin Nielsen Trio, 2:00 - 5:00 Christian w/Brainchild, 5:00 - 6:00 Christian/Solo Details: Entertainment throughout afternoon by Christian Housel Chef's Tent: Mary, Cindy, Gretchen Attending: 400 people, 7 chef's - allows for 82 possible attending from Gala Where: 1st Street Time: 1:00 to 4:00 Music: Steve Easton 1:00 - 4:00 (in tent w/bass restrictions for sound level) Food & Wine Vendors - Mary, Gretchen, Shawn, Cindy Where: Kelly Moore Parking lot Time: 12:00 - 6:00 Details: Area restaurants serving lunch; samples throughout afternoon. Wine How -To Demonstration - Angie, Tom Where: Next to Old Hotel and Wild West Time: After Welcoming Ceremony (ongoing?) Details: Demonstration on how wine is made. Art Exhibit - Barbara, Gerry, Marjorie, Lori Where: Time: 2:00 - 6:00 Details: 1St Street, Local art gallery, Art in the Street - Barbara, Gerry, Marjorie, Lori Where: State Street possibly the Library Time: Details: Painting in the street/parking lot. Product/Service Vendors - Mary, Gretchen, Shawn, Cindy Where: Various locations (TBD) Time: 12:00 - 6:00 Details: Related products and restaurant vendors (no corn dogs, popcorn, etc.) St Ailey E Aikens St I s 1 4- E Idaho .{;x E State c, aU 0 (Eagle Rd Wine Demo L r Premium Sidewalk Art Kelly -Moore Paints ALLEY - Pedestrian Traffic Only Residents asked to park behind Chamber on Event Date Aikens Open to Traffic Student Sidewalk Art Grape Stom Picnic Area Open Container Boundary 12:00 - 6:00 Festival Hours 8:00 - 7:00 Setup/Take Down Refrigeration Truck and Wine Pickup in lot between Eagle Rd and Alley a 0 u (n c a) '0 a) L INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration c g To: Mayor Merrill & City Council From: Nichoel Baird Spencer. AICP , Planner III Subject: Hearing Schedule for Foothills Comprehensive Plan Amendments Date: August 21, 2007 Attachment(s): N/A Copy To: City Attorney, City Engineer, Zoning Administrator Please review the following hearing schedule for the Foothills Comprehensive Plan Amendments (City draft plan, M3 & Avimor). The proposal is for a staged presentation, hearing and deliberation process that will place the City's draft plan first on the agenda and allow for it to be acted on then hold the hearings on M3 and Avimor amending the first action. Staff is looking for direction on the following proposal (also see attached calendar): Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular Meeting): • Staff presentation of Draft Plan (similar to the chamber presentation) Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular Meeting): • Brief overview by staff and then open & close public testimony • Table all other applications to a special meeting on October 2, 2007, with a 6:30 pm start time Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 6:OOpm (Special Meeting): • Regularly scheduled items from the September 25th meeting date Tuesday, October 9, 2007 (Regular Meeting): • Council deliberation on Draft City Foothills Plan Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 6:OOpm & Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular & Special Meeting) • Public Hearing on M3 & Avimor Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 6:OOpm & Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 6:OOpm (Regular & Special Meeting) • Continuation dates for M3 & Avimor Hearings Page 1 of 1 K \Planning Dept\mpact Area\2006\Foothills\cc hearing process memo I.doc September 2007 September 2007 SM TW T F S October 2007 SM TW T F S 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 233 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun Heather Hyde 3 4 1C3 11 5:OOpm AGENDA ITEM 12 17 18 19 (Q:OOpM arta-- ,pre: Oid o -c "brzycNictaku 24 25 6:30pm ALSO Monthly Report (P'ODPM p bit TestitYwn 6 13 September 1 2 9 14 15 16 20 21 26 27 22 23 28 29 30• 1 8/21/2007 12:42 PM October 2007 Monday Heather Hyde Tuesday October 1 _ 15... Wednesday Thursday 3 (p:6Dpm lo'60'P'yl 1\-1-6 Avirr,olx vita_ronce 22 23 6:30pm ACSO Monthly Report [p:Qpm 10=6DPr`4 M3 As.A.Amott_› 29 3C Rwla'Y tYlt 10 24 31 2 October 2007 5 M TW T F 5 November 2007 5 M T W T F 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 134 5 6 7 1 8 2 10 94 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 11 •18 25 Friday -. _12 19' 26 Sat/Sun —13 14 2a 21 27 28- 8/21/2007 8 8/21/2007 12:42 PM November 2007 Monday Tuesday 5 Wednesday _ Thursday 6 7 12 13 19 'We3/LItut tYt Vcoalan, 20 26 27 6:30pm ALSO Monthly Report %eau. Heather Hyde November 2007 5 M TW T F S December 2007 SM TW T F S 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 1 14 15 Friday Sat/Sun 9 4 10 11 16. 17 18 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 25 3 8/21/2007 12:42 PM December 2007 Monday 10 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday December 2007 5 MTW T F 5 January 2008 MTW TF 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 Friday Sat/Sun December 1 2 17 F�Ska�w nig t\10 mt 31' Heather Hyde 11 12 1 21 9 15 16 25 6:30pm ACSO Monthly Report 4 22 23 29 30 8/21/2007 12:42 PM c Eailk City Mali 660 E. Civic Lane. Eagle, Idafio 83616 (208) 939-6813 fax(208) 939-6827 Fax To: Mayor and City Council From: Sharon K. Bergmann CC: Date: August 21, 2007 Re: ADD TO THE AGENDA Memorandum Please add to the Agenda under the Consent Agenda as Item #5B. Appointment of Dance Curtis to the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees. Thanks filtrS From the desk of Sharon K. Bergmann City Clerk/Treasurer Eagle Public Library Ronald J. Baker, Director August 15, 2007 Honorable Mayor Nancy Merrill Councilman Phil Bandy Councilman Stan Bastian Councilman Steve Guerber Councilman Scott Nordstrom Madam Mayor and Council, It is the recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Eagle Public Library that the City Council appoint Danae Curtis as a member of the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees, replacing Bobbi J. Olson. Ms. Olson was a recent addition to the Library Board replacing Terry Loftus; however, unexpected out-of-state family medical problems became a drain on her time available for the Board. Ms. Curtis is new to Eagle, works locally, and has been involved in several Eagle Public Library activities for children. We feel her experience in the business community and involvement in several activities in Boise and Eagle will benefit the Library Board. Her resume, letter of application and a letter from Mountain West Bank recommending Ms. Curtis are attached. Two other strong applicants for the position were considered. The Board hopes to include them on a future committee to work on fund raising for the proposed north addition to the library. Respectfully yours, t.r a.trz Jane L. Marrs President, Board of Trustees of the Eagle Public Library /attachments cc: Ron Baker, Director, Eagle Public Library 100 N. Sticrman Way • Eagle, ID 83616 • (208) 939-6814 • Fax (208) 939-1359 wwweaglepubliclibrary.org • eaglelibrary@cityofeagle.org Danae Curtis 921 E Cembra St. Eagle, ID 83616 208-921-8742 July 27, 2007 Jane Marrs, President EPL Board of Trustees C/O Eagle Public Library 100 N Stierman Way Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Jane, I am writing in regards to the open position you have listed for the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees. In the past few months I have volunteered my time for some of the library events, such as preparation for Craft Day, Craft Day, Girls Night Out, and the Crime Scene Investigation. I truly enjoy donating my time to these fun events provided by the library because I believe they benefit the children of Eagle. My husband and I recently moved to the Eagle community and purchased our first home. Not only do I live in Eagle but I work here as well, having just transferred to the new Mountain West Bank location. I feel that I can meet all of your qualifications, and by serving on the Board of Trustees I can better strengthen my ties to the community. I look forward to meeting you and hearing from you in the near future to discuss the position opening. Please feel free to contact me at 208-884-5859 or dcurtis(u»mtnwb.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, a/14411- rt4 Danae Curtis Attachment: Letter of recommendation July 27, 2007 Eagle Public Library Eagle Public Library Board RE: Danae Curtis, Letter of Recommendation Dear Board Members: Mountain .�:. West Bank 4250 Fairview Avenue East Meridian, ID 83642 (208) 376-0471 • Fax (208) 376-4045 It is my pleasure and privilege to recommend Danae Curtis for the position of Eagle Public Library Board member. Danae brings enthusiasm and creativity to any project. She is well liked and trusted by her clients, co-workers and managers. Danae is known for going above and beyond the requirements of the job and strives to learn more every day. Her attention to detail and incredible level of integrity leads to exceptional levels of customer service. Ms. Curtis community involvement includes: the Eagle Library, Girl's Night Out, Craft Day, March of Dimes, B.S.U. football promotions, Shakespeare Festival, Women's Fitness Celebration and Kiwanis. I have been especially impressed with Danae's willingness to help wherever needed. She has filled in at branches needing help and easily adapts to a changing environment. I am proud to call Danae a fellow Mountain West bank team member and I kno'u will be e• ually pleased to have her as library board member. 1) Todd Grande Vice President and Area Manager Mountain West Bank 884-6807 Love Where You Bank. 1)-t-tr)-ciLal 3 = (46- Danae Curtis 921 E Cembra St. Eagle, ID 83616 208-921-8742 July 27, 2007 Jane Marrs, President EPL Board of Trustees C/O Eagle Public Library 100 N Stierman Way Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Jane, I am writing in regards to the open position you have listed for the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees. In the past few months I have volunteered my time for some of the library events, such as preparation for Craft Day, Craft Day, Girls Night Out, and the Crime Scene Investigation. I truly enjoy donating my time to these fun events provided by the library because I believe they benefit the children of Eagle. My husband and I recently moved to the Eagle community and purchased our first home. Not only do I live in Eagle but I work here as well, having just transferred to the new Mountain West Bank location. I feel that I can meet all of your qualifications, and by serving on the Board of Trustees I can better strengthen my ties to the community. , I look forward to meeting you and hearing from you in the near future to discuss the position opening. Please feel free to contact me at 208-884-5859 or dcurtislamtnwb.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Painat C61.44_ Danae Curtis Attachment: Letter of recommendation 2007 -Aug -i5 02:19 PM Mountain Vest Bank - t:agte GvoyJoo9 I J ]lanae Curtis 921 E. Cembra St., Eagle ID 83616 208-938-8472 (Work) 208.921.8742 (Cell) dcuttis@mtnwb.com Objective To gain a position on the Eagle Public Library Board of Trustees. Employment Mountain West Bank Personal Financial Representative f3agle, ID February 2006 - Present Summar► of duties Open neer accounts for customers; resolve customer issues, assists Manager with vauous side dudes, and cross sell different products to help meet customer needs. Volunteer Work Education Major Market, Cashier Escondido, CA July 2004-Dece:nber 2005 • Preparation for Ctaft Day, t agte Public Labsaty • Craft Day, Eagle Public Library • Girls Night Out, Eagle Public Library • Crime Scene, Eagle Public Library • BSU Football promotions • Women's Fitness Celebration • March of Dimes Cal State San Marcos San Marcos, CA Fall 2005 Cross Country Palomar Community College San Marcos, CA Fri 2004 - Fall 2005 Certificates in Accounting and Bookkeeping Valley Center High School Valley Center, CA 2000-2004 High School Diploma Ada County Landfill Fee Increase Eagle Rates cGg-X1-07 Unanticipated Expenses (Title V — Clean Air Permit) Although Ada County voluntarily installed a landfill -gas control system in the Hidden Hollow Landfill, once the system became operational, unexpected regulations with unexpected costs kicked in. Our Title V — Clean Air Permit required installation of a horizontal gas collection system. • Costs for system installation: - FY 2005 - $ 163,760 - FY 2006 - $ 425,856 - FY 2007 - $ 775,000 (est.) - TOTAL: $1X364,616 (does not include engineering services) North Ravine Cell Development • In FY 2006, Ada County purchased additional property. The purchases were necessary to ensure compliance with siting requirements for the NRC. - Cost of Acquisition: • $900,000 — 2 parcels » 80 acres of bare land » 6 acres with a home North Ravine Cell • NRC Phase 1 Construction Budget • $16,000,000 Original Desired Capacity • 1,600,000 cubic yards (plus infrastructure) Bid Twice: • 1St Bid: $19,000,000: exceeded construction budget. Re -Designed: • 1,333,333 cubic yards (plus infrastructure) • 2"d Bid: $16,000,000 — Between estimate preparation (2004) and actual construction (begun in 2006), costs for the work came in roughly 17% higher than the original estimates. What are You Paying Now? Unlimited Trash Service Limited Trash Service 32 Gallon 32 Gallon $14.59/mo. + $.50/mo.cart rent = $15.09 $6.37/mo. + $.50/mo. cart rent = $6.87 64 Gallon 64 Gallon $14.39/mo.+ $0.70/mo. cart rent = $15.09 $9.81/mo.+ $0.70/mo. cart rent = $10.51 95 Gallon $14.19/mo.+ $0.90/mo. cart rent = $15.09 No Cart (Customer Cans) $17.26/month N/A N/A How is your money distributed now? Fee Distribution (Based on 95 -Gallon Unlimited Service): Allied Waste Trash Service $8.41 56% Allied Waste Recycling $3.00 20% *Total Disposal for all Service Levels during the 12 month period (ending 7/07) = S175,239.00 How will the money be distributed after October 1, 2007? Allied Waste Recy $3.00 18% Allied Waste Trash Service $8.41 50% City of Eagle 1.34-8% Ada County Landfill $4.10 24% Total Estimated Residential Disposal for 12 month period ending 10/1/08 = $292,065.00 How will the 67% Landfill Rate Increase be Absorbed in Eagle? Scenario #1: All Residents Share the Rate Increase ll quRaI1[y Last Year Eagle Landfill Fees: S175,239.00 This Year's Landfill Fees (67% Disposal Rate Increase) estimated to be $116,826.00 higher If all 5,900 households in Eagle equally share the landfill fee increase, each household would pay an additional S 1.65/month. Eagle Trash & Recycling Rate as of October 1, 2007: 58.52/month vs. S6.87/month (32 -Gallon Limited Trash Service) S12.16/month vs.S 10.51 /month (64 -Gallon Limited Trash Service) S16.74/month vs. 515.09/month (For Unlimited Service with Cart) $18.91/month vs. $17.26/month (Unlimited Service w/o Carts) Scenario #2: Residents w/Unlimited Service Share Rate Increase Last Year Eagle Landfill Fees: $175,239.00 This Year's Landfill Fees (67% Disposal Rate Increase) estimated to be $116,826.00 higher If households in Eagle with unlimited service equally share the landfill lee increase, each household would pay an additional $2.06/month. Eagle Trash & Recycling Rate as of October 1, 2007: $6.87/month 32 -Gallon Limited Trash Service - SAME 510.51 /month (64 -Gallon Limited Trash Service) - SAME $17.15/month vs. $15.09/month (For Unlimited Service with Cart) $19.32/month vs. $17.26/month (Unlimited Service w/o Carts) Scenario #3: "Bump -Up" Rate Increase Last Year Eagle Landfill Fees: $175,239.00 This Year's Landfill Fees (67% Disposal Rate Increase) estimated to be $116,826.00 higher $9,735.00/month. Households in Eagle generating the lowest volume of waste, 32 gallons - limited service, pay the smallest rate increase. Households with the 64 gallon limited service pay a slightly higher rate increase than the 32 gallon limited customers. Households with 95 gallon unlimited service pay the largest share of the rate increase. Eagle Trash & Recycling Rate as of October 1, 2007: $7.62 vs. $6.87/month for 32 -Gallon Limited Trash Service (325 customers @ $0.75/mo. = S243.75) S11.76 vs. $10.51/month for 64 -Gallon Limited Trash Service (733 customers @ $1.25/mo. = $916.25) $16.89/month vs. $15.09/month for Unlimited Service with Cart (4,761 customers @ $1.80/mo. = S8,569.80) TOTAL RATE INCREASE PER MONTH: $9,729.80 What Does the County Provide Your Money? • Daily operation of landfill. •Landfill accessibility — open to all Ada County businesses & residents. •M -F (7-7) Sat (8-6) • Free household hazardous materials management. •Wood/tires/refrigerator recycling (subsidized). • Free Processing of Christmas Trees and Leaves • Landfill gas management. • Landfill gas -to -energy. • Meeting long-term obligations. • Maintenance of 2,700 acres that includes: •Multi -agency firearms training facility. •Wildlife habitat. • Recreational trails. •Skateboard park. (Eagle) • Velodrome Bicycle facility (planned). (Eagle) Rate (per cubic yard) $18.00 $16.00 - $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 - Ada County Rate Increase Scenario 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Fiscal Year How Does Ada County Stack Up? Annual fee per single family residence paid to County Solid Waste Department for waste disposal services. Annual Landfill Annual Solid Total Solid Waste Fee Charged at Waste Fee Disposal Cost Per Gate (per (on tax Single -Family residence)(1)(*) assessment) Residence Boise $ 30.00 $0.00 $ 30.00 Pocatello $ 33.60 $40.00 $ 73.60 Coeur d'Alene $ 33.87 $88.00 $ 121.87 Assumptions: 1) Waste generation per residential unit is 3 cubic yards per year (based on City of Boise rates). 2) Kootenai County solid waste fee on tax assessment will increase between 2.5% and 5% in 2008. 3) Ada & Kootenai Counties have landfill gas control systems and leachate management systems operated and paid for by landfill fees. 4) Landfill fees in Ada County pay for household hazardous materials management, wood recycling, CRT management. *Landfill fee (per cubic yard) charged at landfill gate: Ada County $ 10.00 Bannock County $ 11.20 Kootenai County $ 11.29 8-2A-3 8-2A-5 particular site, setting, or use to be of historical significance. (Ord. 462, 11-11-2003) 8-2A-4: DEFINITIONS: Certain words or phrases used in this article shall be interpreted as defined within a particular section, as defined within this article, or as defined in section 8-1-2 of this title, with the more specific and/or more restrictive definition controlling. Any other words or phrases not specifically defined shall be interpreted to give this article its most reasonable application. (Ord. 462, 11-11-2003) 8-2A-5: DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICTS; EAGLE ARCHITECTURE AND SITE DESIGN BOOK (EASD): A. Area Of District: The design review overlay district encompasses the entire city limits including any land annexed into the city after the date of adoption hereof. B. Proposed Developments: Any proposed development located within the design review overlay district shall be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives and with any specific objective of the comprehensive plan. C. Areas Of Development: There are four (4) specifically defined areas of development within the design review overlay district. The general purpose of each of those areas are described below. Any develop- ment which meets the criteria for design review, as set forth in this article, that is not within the specific areas described below, shall be required to comply with the general requirements of this article and not the specific requirements for the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA: 1. Downtown Development Area -DDA: The purpose of the DDA is to establish a distinct area regulated to fulfill the vision of the city comprehensive plan and to provide for activities conducive to a compact and concentrated downtown commercial center. 2. Transitional Development Area -TDA: The purpose of the TDA is to provide areas for public parking and service to the DDA and serve as an area for future expansion of the DDA as market demands grow. 3. Community Entry Development Area-CEDA: The purpose of the CEDA is to fulfill the vision of the city comprehensive plan by providing a sense of entry into Eagle and transitional development into the DDA. March 2004 City of Eagle 8-2A-5 8-2A-6 4. Dunyon/State Development Area-DSDA: The purpose of the DSDA is to allow unique regulations specific to this district to facilitate the redevelopment of the area. Where any parcel lies within more than one development area described above, the entire parcel shall be considered to be within the development area with the more restrictive requirements. However, the development of a parcel located within more than one development area may be permitted using the criteria from each respective district provided the design review board determines that the more restrictive criteria is not compromised and that the development is in harmony with the adjacent properties. D. Area Boundaries: The DDA, TDA, CEDA and DSDA are delineated on the map (exhibit A-1) included as part of EASD book. E. Eagle Architecture And Site Design Book-EASD: The purpose of the EASD book is to show, through the use of pictures and text, specific period architectural styles, themes, and elements envisioned through the requirements of this article. The EASD book, established through a resolution of the city council and as may be amended through future resolution(s), contains all exhibits referenced in this article and is incorporated herein by reference. However, exhibit A-1 may only be modified through an ordinance amendment. The architecture styles found in the EASD book are permitted styles. Architectural styles not shown within the EA$D hook will not be considered. A copy of the EASD book is available at Eagle city hall. (Ord. 462, 11-11-2003) 8-2A-6: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, OBJECTIVES AND CONSIDER- ATIONS: A. General Objectives And Considerations: The following apply to the entire design review overlay district including the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA. Additional requirements for the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA are set forth in subsections C through G of this section and, to the extent there is a conflict with this section, the requirements for the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA shall control. The following, including the provisions set forth in the Eagle architecture and site design book, contains a listing of objectives applied to each application, and a listing of matters which shall be considered by the design review board. The objectives are separated into two (2) sections: site design and building designSpecific aspects of design should be examined to determine whether the proposed develop - March 2004 City of Eagle 8-2A-6 8-2A-6 ment will provide a desirable environment for its occupants as well as for its neighbors, and whether, aesthetically, the composition, materials, textures and colors meet the intent of this article. The design review board shall consider the following criteria in reviewing the application: 1. Site Design Objectives: The site plan design shall minimize impact of traffic on adjacent streets, provide for the pedestrian, and provide appropriate, safe parking lot design. a. The functional relationship of the structures and the site in relation to its surroundings; b. The impact and effect of the site development plan on traffic conditions on contiguous streets and adjoining properties or neighborhoods; c. The site layout with respect to separation or integration of vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic patterns; d. The arrangement and adequacy of off street parking facilities relative to access points, building location and total site development to prevent traffic conflict or congestion; e. The location, arrangement and dimensions of truck loading ramps, docks, and bays and vehicle service facilities; f. The access, parking lot, and interior roadway illumination plans and hours of operation; g. The required driver, pedestrian and bicycle sight distance requirements of the project and their relationship to adjacent streets, driveways and properties; h. The coordination of the site development with planned right of way alignments, acquisitions and street improvements; i. The graphic delineation of traffic circulation patterns to avoid confusion, congestion and conflicts; j. The continued maintenance of traffic, parking and lighting systems; k. The protection of views and vistas in relation to urban design and aesthetic considerations; and City of Eagle March 2004 8-2A-6 8-2A-6 11 r flat roof. "Screened from view" shall mean "not visible" at the same level or elevation of the parapet wall (e.g., the perspective generally as shown on an elevation plan); c. The location and sizes of all utility lines, manholes, poles, underground cables, gas lines, wells, and similar installations; and d. The continued maintenance of these service systems. 6. BuildingDesigg: a. Building Mass: The mass of the building shall be reviewed for its._ relationship with existing development in the immediate surrounding area and with the allowed use proposed by the applicant; b. Proportion Of Building: The height to width relationship of new structures shall be compatible and consistent with the architectural character of the area -and^proposed use; c. Relationship Of Openings In The Buildings: Openings in the building shall provide interest through the use of such features as balconies, bays, porches, covered entries, overhead structures, awnings, changes in building facade and roofline alignment, to provide shadow relief. Avoid monotonous flat planes; d. Relationship Of Exterior Materials: The design review board shall determine the appropriateness of materials as they relate to building mass, shadow relief, and existing area development. Use of color to provide blending of materials with the surrounding area and building use, and the functional appropriateness of the proposed building design as it relates to the proposed use shall be considered; and e. Allowed Architectural Styles: The architecture styles provided in the EASD book are approved examples for applicants to follow when designing for Eagle architecture. B. Architectural Requirements, Building Materials, Fence And Deck/Patio Materials, Colors, And Architectural Appurtenance Height Limitation: Unless specified as prohibited herein, materials listed in this section are allowed. If a material proposed for construction is not listed in this section it shall be upon the discretion of the zoning administrator, the design review board, and the city council, March 2004 City of Eagle 8-2A-6 8-2A-6 whichever the case may be, to determine the appropriateness of such material. 1. Exterior walls and soffits: a. Wood: cedar (clear) and redwood (clear) — architectural/ premium grade. Lobc siding, wood shingle are permitted for accent only, twenty five percent (25%) maximum wall coverage (per each facade); Synthetic board and bat sidings are permitted as accents only. Plywood is prohibited. b. Fiber cement; c. Masonite: horizontal lap only, maximum six inch (6") reveal; d. Vinyl: 0.46 millimeter minimum thickness, integral color; e. Textured tilt up concrete with accent reveals; f. Textured pour in place concrete with accent reveals; g. Masonry: brick, natural rock/stone, synthetic stone, decorative block. Smooth face block for accent only, ten percent (10%) maximum wall coverage (per each facade); h. Stucco: twenty five percent (25%) planer change required, additional accents shall be incorporated through the use of other material(s); i. EIFS: permitted for accent only, ten percent (10%) maximum wall coverage (per each facade). Additional accents required through the use of other materials; j. Additional encouraged material: exposed beams, fabric awnings, cornices/dentils,_ hutters, dormers, cupolas, columns; k. Metal: metal siding shall be anodized, shall have a concealed fastener system, shall have a silicon polyester finish or equivalent, and shall include special design treatments to enhance its appearance. These treatments may include brick or masonry wainscot treatments along exterior walls and accent colored metals. March 2004 City of Eagle MEDITERRANEAN (1925-1935) • ASYMMETRICAL • MASONRY • STUCCO FINISH (AS ACCENT) o ARCADED PORCH/ENTRANCE • DETAILED AS LOGGIA • TYPICALLY SMALL IF USED • HEAVY TILT ROOF • LOW-PITCHED HIPPED OR GABLE ROOFS o USED OCCASIONALLY • SPIRAL. COLUMNS • CASEMENT • PICTURESQUE FENESTRATION WITH WINDOWS OF VARYING SIZES AND SHAPES • TYPICALLY ARCHED AT ENTRANCE • TALL CHIMNEY WITH HOUSE -FORM CHIMNEY CAPS • VARYING MATERIALS • STORIES VARY • DECORATIVE IRON RAILINGS • DECORATIVE EAVE BRACKETS • ROUND ARCHES ABOVE DOORS. WINDOWS, AND PORCHES • WROUGHT IRON GRILLE WORK • IRREGULAR FLOOR PLAN MEDITERRANEAN BUILDING STYLES INCLUDE A DOMINANT STUCCO EXTERIOR, WHICH FOR PURPOSES OF EAGLE ARCHITECTURE SHALL BE PROHIBITED. STUCCO EXTERIORS ARE PERMITTED IF COMBINED WITH OTHER MATERIALS, SUCH AS MASONRY OR WOOD. -71 MEDITERRANEAN r.r rrtc•t••••••••• • •_ • . • . , - f 6 is y,,tt Jt d:ftui, =�}1 lama+ AO A110