Findings - PZ - 2007 - A-06-07/RZ-08-07/PP-10-07 - Rz From Rut To R2-Da/Tabasco Trail Estates/11.80 Acres/14-Lots/3664 & 3665 Tabasco Tr BEFORE THE EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR ) A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR TABASCO TRAIL ) ESTATES SUBDMSION FOR TNT HOLDING ) AND LYNN PROCTOR ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER A-06-07/RZ-08-07/PP-I0-07 The above-entitled annexation, rezone and preliminary plat application came before the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation on May 2], 2007. The Commission, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the Matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: TNT Holding and Lynn Proctor, represented by Trent Simpson, Todd Wilson and Lynn Proctor are requesting annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition Ada County designation) to R-2-DA (Residential up to ].1 units per acre maximum with a development agreement), and preliminary plat approval for Tabasco Trail Estates Subdivision. The 11.80-acre subdivision will consist of l4-lots (II-new residential, 2- existintg, I-common). The site is located on the east side of Park Lane approximately '1._ mile south of Beacon Light Road at 3664 & 3665 Tabasco Trail Lane. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: A Neighborhood Meeting was held at on site at 6:00 PM, Friday, March 9, 2007, in compliance with the application submittal requirement of Eagle City Code. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on March 15, 2007. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City ordinances on April 16, 2007. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three-hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on April 6, 2007. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on March 8, 2007. Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on April 20, 2007, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On May 21, 2007, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition - Ada County Designation) to R-2-DA (Residential up to 1.1 unit per acre maximum) with development agreement for this site (RZ-07-07), but denied the preliminary plat application (PP_] 0-07). E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None Page I of 12 K:\Planning DeptlEagle ApplicationslSUBSI20071Tabasco Trail Estates pzfdoc F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNA nONS: COMPPLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Residential Two RUT (Rural Urban Transition-Ada Agriculture County Designation) Proposed No Change R-2-DA (Residential- up to I.] Residential Subdivision units per acre maximum) North of site Residential Two RUT (Rural Urban Transition-Ada Agricu Iture/Residential County Designation) South ofsite Residential Two R-2-DA (Residential-up to ].1 units Residential - per acre with a development Shaunessy development agreement) East of site Residential Two R-E (Residential Estate) Residential West of site Residential Two RUT (Rural Urban Transition - Ada Residential County designation) G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: Not located within the DDA, TDA, CEDA or DSDA. H. SITE DATA: Total Acreage of Site - ] 1.80-acres Total Number of Lots - 14 New Residential - II Existing Residential - 2 Common - I Total Number of Units - 13 Page 2 of 12 K:IPlanning DeptlEaglc ApphcationsISUBS\2007\Tabasco Trail Estates pzf..doc ADDITIONAL SITE DATA PROPOSED REQUIRED Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre I .1- dwelling units per acre I. I-units per acre (maximum) Minimum Lot Size 21,300- sq uare feet ] 7,000-square feet except for transitional lots Minimum Lot Width 97-feet 75-feet Minimum Street Frontage 97-feet 35-feet Total Acreage of Common Area 1.38-acres 1.16-acres (minimum) (measured as total landscaping of the entire site) Percent of Site as Common Area 12.00% (approximately) 10% (minimum) I. GENERAL SITE DESIGN FEATURES: Open Space, Greenbelt Areas and Landscape Screening: Eagle City Code, Section 8-2A-7(B)(2) requires landscaping to cover a minimum often percent (10%) of the property. The development includes a berm and landscaped buffer adjacent to Dry Creek Canal and is indicated on the preliminary plat as Lot 1. The berm and landscape buffer will tie into a l3,374-sqaure foot landscaped common area that will be a part of eth proposed Dwayne Lingel (Adonai) and June Lockey Subdivisions to the north of this project. Storm Drainage and Flood Control: Specific drainage system plans are to be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. The plans are to show how swales, or drain piping, will be developed in the drainage easements. Also, the CC&R's are to contain clauses to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney, requiring that lots be so graded that all runoff runs either over the curb, or to the drainage easement, and that no runoff shall cross any lot line onto another lot except within a drainage easement. Utility and Drainage Easements, and Underground Utilities: Eagle City Code Section 9-3-6 requires unobstructed utility easements be provided along front lot lines, rear lot lines, and side lot lines. Total easement width shall not be less than twelve (I2')-feet wide. Fire Hydrants and Water Mains: The preliminary plat shows two (2) fire hydrants located within the project area. The first hydrant is located approximately sixty-feet south of the proposed connection of Tabasco Trail Estates and the Adonai Subdivision, on the east side of DeSoto Way. A second fire hydrant is spaced 680-feet south of the first hydrant on the east side of DeSoto Way. The hydrants should be installed and approved as required by the Eagle Fire District. On-site Septic System (yes or no): No Page 3 of 12 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle ApplicationsISUBS\2007\Tabasco Trail Estates pzfdoc Pressurized Irrigation: The City of Eagle currently requires the installation of pressurized irrigation systems for the irrigation of landscaping when new development is within an irrigation district and water rights are available. The narrative provided with the application indicates the property has existing water rights from Farmers Union Ditch Company. The applicant is proposing to work with the adjacent developers of the Dwayne Lingel (Adonai) and June Lockey Subdivisions to establish a joint water association for providing the required pressurized irrigation to the developments. Preservation of Existing Natural Features: Per Eagle City Code Section 9-3-8 (B) existing natural features which add value to residential development and enhance the attractiveness of the community (such as trees, watercourses, historic spots and similar irreplaceable assets) shall be preserved in the design of the subdivision. Staff is not aware of any existing natural features on the site which would require to be preserved. Preservation of Existing Historical Assets: Staff is not aware of any existing historical assets on the site. If during excavation or development of the site, any historical artifacts are discovered, state law requires immediate notification to the state. J. STREET DESIGN: Public Streets: DeSoto Way will be continued from park Place Subdivision to the south and connect to the proposed Adonai Subdivision to the north. The street will be constructed to meet ACHD standards of thirty-six (36')-feet in width, measured back-of-curb to back-of-curb. Width of paved section shall be thirty-two (32')-feet. Construct the internal street as a 36-foot street section with rolled curb, gutter and 8-foot planter strips within 50-feet of right of way; and 5-foot detached concrete sidewalk constructed on-site within an easement. Blocks Less Than 500': None Cul-de-sac Design: None Sidewalks: According to the preliminary plat date stamped by the City April 12, 7, 2007, five-foot (5')-wide detached sidewalks with eight-foot (8') wide planting strips are proposed for both sides of the proposed DeSoto Way. Curbs and Gutters: Per Eagle City Code, the project will be designed with rolled curb and gutter along both sides of the interior road system. Six-inch (6") curb and gutters are proposed. Lighting: Lighting for the proposed public streets is required. Location and lighting specifications incorporating a "Dark Sky" style of lighting shall be provided to the City Zoning Administrator prior to the submittal of the final plat. Any modifications made to the lights shall be completed before the final plat approval. Page 4 of 12 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle ApplicationsISUBS\2007\Tabasco Trail Estates pzf.doc Street Names: Street name approval by the Ada County Street Name Committee has not been received to date. Approval from that committee is required prior to final plat approval. K. ON AND OFF-SITE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE CIRCULATION: Pedestrian Walkways/Bike Paths: The preliminary plat, date stamped by the City, April 12,2007, shows a pathway system beginning at the south west corner of the property located within a landscaped area adjacent to the Dry Creek Canal. The pathway then runs to the north within the landscaped berm which separates the proposed Tabasco Trail Estates Subdivision and Puffin Place on the west side of the project. The pathway will terminate at the proposed landscaped common area of the Adonai and Dwayne Lingel Subdivisions. O. L. PUBLIC USES PROPOSED: None M. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP: No map currently exists N. AVAILABILITY AND ADEQUACY OF UTILTlES AND SERVICES: The Eagle Sewer District has been contacted to start the annexation process; the applicant has not submitted an application to the sewer district at this time. If the annexation is successful, sewer service would be provided by an eight-inch (8")- PVC main line that is currently being constructed as part of the Shaunessy (AKA Park Place Gardens) Subdivision. The connection will be at the north side of Dry Creek Canal and continue north along DeSoto Lane to service the Tabasco Trail estates, Dwayne Lingel (Adonai) and June Lockey Subdivisions. The developer has met with United Water Company regarding the availability of water service. United Water Company is requiring the developers of eth Shaunessy (AKA Park Place Gardens) Subdivision to provide an eight-inch (8")- waterline pipe within the proposed DeSoto Lane and terminate the pipe on the north side of Dry Creek Canal to serve the project area. The Tabasco Trail Estates Subdivision will connect to this waterline which is proposed to serve the development. SPECIAL ON-SITE FEATURES: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern - no Evidence of Erosion - no Fish Habitat - no Floodplain - no Mature Trees - yes; eXlstmg landscaped berm adjacent to Puffin Place Subdivision, western boundary and along the northern property boundary between this proposed project and the proposed Lockey Subdivision. Riparian Vegetation - unknown Steep Slopes - no Stream/Creek: yes; Dry Creek Canal Unique Animal Life - unknown Unique Plant Life - unknown Unstable Soils - unknown Wildlife Habitat - unknown P. SUMMARY OF REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PLAN: n/a Page 5 of 12 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle ApplicationslSUBS\2007lTabasco Trail Estates pzfdoc Q. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded and their correspondence is attached within the staff report. Comments, which appear to be of special concern, are noted below: City Engineer: All comments within the Engineer's letters dated March 23, 2007, are of special concern (attached within staff report). ACHD Eagle Fire Department Department of Environmental Quality Meridian School District R. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC (attached within staff report): Barbara Crowell provided a petition from property owners located in the general vicinity of the development and correspondence date stamped by the City on May 14, 2007, addressing what they believe are problems with the development and providing recommended solutions. The correspondence also indicated that the neighborhood meetings for the developments (Lockey, Tabasco Trail Estates, and Lingel (Adonai) Subdivisions) were sporadic at best. Craig Halls stated in correspondence date stamped by the City on May 17, 2007, that he has reviewed the concept maps for the Tabasco trail estates, June Lockey and Dwayne Lingel (Adonai) Subdivisions and is in favor of the developments. Greg Guyman stated in correspondence date stamped by the City on May 17,2007, that he has reviewed the concept maps for the Tabasco Trail Estates, June Lockey and Dwayne Lingel (Adonai) Subdivisions and is in favor of the developments. Jane Klosterman and Melissa Ussery provided a signed petition date stamped by the City on May 17, 2007, indicating they have reviewed the concept maps for the Tabasco Trail Estates, June Lockey and Dwayne Lingel (Adonai) Subdivisions and are in support of the developments. S. COMMENTS FROM THE CITY FORESTER: Comments from the City Forester are attached within staff report and are incorporated herein by reference. STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: · The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (adopted February 13,2007) designates this site as Residential Two: "Suitable primarily for single family residential development within areas that are rural 111 character. " Page 6 of 12 KIPlanning DeptlEagle AppIicationsISUBS\2007ITabasco Trail Estates pzfdoc B. ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: · 8-2A-7; Landscape and Buffer Area Requirements: C. Existing Vegetation [. Retention of Existing Trees: Existing trees shall be retained unless removal is approved in writing by the city. Where trees are approved by the city to be removed from the project site (or from abutting right of way) replacement with an acceptable species is required as follows: Existing Tree I inch to 6 inches caliper 6 y" inches to 12 inches 12 y" inches or more Replacement 2x caliper of tree removed 1.5x caliper of tree removed I x caliper of tree removed In all cases, planting within public rights of way shall be with approval from the public and/or private entities owning the property. Example: An eight inch (8") caliper tree is removed, an acceptable replacement would be three (3) 4-inch caliper trees or four (4 3-inch caliper trees. 2. Damage During Construction: Existing trees or shrubs that are retained shall be protected from damage to bark, branches or roots during construction. Construction or excavation occurring within the drip line of any public ort private retained tree or shrub may severely damage the tree or shrub. Any severely damaged tree or shrub shall be replaced in accordance with subsection C I of this section. 3. Grade Changes and Impervious Surfaces: Grade changes and impervious surfaces shall be allowed at a distance from the trunk of a retained tree to equal to the diameter of the tree plus six feet (6'), or to the drip line, whichever is furthest from the trunk. 4. Minimum Landscaping: Existing vegetation which is to be retained may be used to satisfY the minimum required landscaping. C. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: None D. DISCUSSION: · The Eagle Comprehensive Plan Land Use map designates this site as Residential Two (two (2) units per acre, maximum). The proposed project includes 14 lots; eleven (II) which are to be developed for new single-family-detached dwellings. The existing residences are proposed to remain on two (2) of the lots proposed for this development. Page 7 of 12 K:\Plannmg Dept\Eagle ApplicationslSUBS\20071Tabasco Trail Estates pzrdoc · The applicant is requesting an R-2-DA (Residential, two units per acre maximum with a development agreement) zoning designation with lots ranging in size from 21, 78 I-square feet to 52,669-square feet. The proposed lot sizes comply with the l7,000-square foot minimum requirements for the R-2 zone. Lots that may be identified as transitional will be planned accordingly and will therefore be larger than the 17,000 square-foot minimum to be more compatible with adjacent properties. The subdivision design complies with the technical requirements (or will pursuant to the conditions outlined herein) of Eagle City Code. · Per Eagle City Code, subdivisions within the R-2 zoning district are required to have a minimum often percent (l0%) of the gross area provided as open space. The proposed development includes 1.44 acres (12%) of the site as common open space including the buffer area and landscaped berm along the western property line of the site. The applicant has indicated that the pathways through the buffer area, landscaped berm and open space will connect to a 2.02-acre master planned park with shared access between the proposed Duane Lingel (Adonai), June Lockey and Tabasco Trail Estates Subdivisions, establishing more active open space for the residents of the Tabasco Trail Estates Subdivision. Applications for the Adonai and June Lockey subdivisions have been submitted to the City; however, no binding document has been submitted to the City to ensure this master planned park area will be established. · The City has received applications for the June Lockey and Duane Lingel (Adonai) subdivisions proposed to be located to the north of the proposed Tabasco Trail Estates Subdivision. The applicants of all three subdivisions have indicated that residents will share access to all proposed open space within the three (3) subdivisions. Since the above mentioned subdivisions are proposed to be located adjacent to each other and are proposing to share access and open space then the developers should establish a common homeowner's association. A statement should be placed in the CC&R's and a note should be placed on the final plat indicating that all shared open space will be maintained by a common homeowners association, to be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to approval of the final plat for any of the three proposed subdivisions. · The applicants for Tabasco Trail Estates, Adonai and June Lockey Subdivisions have verbally agreed to share in irrigation resources and open space, to be provisioned as notes on the final plats and conditions within a common set of CC&R's. However, in the event that the above stated agreement does not occur or is not approved by the City then the Tabasco Trail Estates Subdivision should provide a landscape plan showing how useable open space requirements will be attained either by adding a pathway system connecting the existing open space to Park Lane to the west and Shaunessy (Park Place Gardens) development to the south. The landscape plan should be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to submittal of the final plat application. · A pressurized irrigation system will be a combined system between this project (Tabasco Trail Estates), June Lockey Subdivision, and Adonai Subdivision to create a common pressurized system. A Joint Water Association will be formed by the three developments which will own and operate the system. The Joint Water Association will hire an operator for maintenance and operation of the system. A note should be placed on the final plat that the irrigation system will be maintained by the homeowners association. A statement should also be placed in the CC&R's that one homeowners association shall maintain, in perpetuity, the irrigation system. The CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to the Clerk signing the final plat. Page 8 of 12 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle ApphcationslSUBS\2007lTabasco TraIl Estates pzf..doc · According to the pressurized irrigation analysis date stamped by the City on March 15, 2007, the full capacity of the irrigation system to service the site is dependent on the assumption that all residential and common lot areas will be irrigated in an odd/even day pattern. The applicant should provide a statement in the CC&R's that the homeowners association will be responsible for creating and maintaining a use schedule for the irrigation system. The CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to the submittal of the final plat application. · The developer has met with United Water Company regarding the availability of water service. United Water Company is requiring the developers of Shaunessy subdivision to provide an eight inch (8")- waterline pipe within the proposed DeSoto Way and tenninate the pipe on the north side of Dry Creek Canal to serve the project area. Tabasco Trail Estates will connect to this waterline. STAFF RECOMMENDED FINDINGS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITIllN THE STAFF REPORT: Based upon the information provided staff recommends approval of the requested Annexation, Rezone with development agreement, and Preliminary Plat with conditions as provided within the staff report for both the development agreement and the subdivision site specific conditions and standard conditions of approval.. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COMMISSION: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on May 7, 2007. The Commission continued the item to May 21,2007, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Commission made their recommendation at that time. B. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by one (I) individual who was the original developer of Shaunessy (Park Place Gardens) south of this development. The individual indicated that the proposed subdivision provides good transitioning of lot sizes and that the development will provide sidewalks and pathways for residents to move through the area safely. C. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by six (6) individuals who expressed the following concerns regarding the development: I. Lack oftransitioning oflot sizes; 2. Lack of appropriate buffering from the adjacent properties; 3. Proposed density is inappropriate for the area; 4. Residents within subdivision will create additional traffic on adjacent roadways; 5. Pressurized irrigation and water rights have not been properly addressed; 6. Children from the development will be required to walk to school on park lane where there are currently no sidewalks; Page 9 of 12 K:\Planning DeptlEagle Applications\SUBS\2007\Tabasco Trail Estates pzfdoc COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING THE REZONE: The Commission voted 5 to 0 to recommend approval of A-06-07 and RZ-08-07 for annexation and rezone from RUT to R-2-DA with the following staff recommended conditions be placed within a development agreement. 2. I Applicant will develop the property subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this development agreement. Further, applicant will submit such applications regarding design review, final plat and/or conditional use permits, if applicable, and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code, which shall comply with the Eagle City Code, as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided with this agreement. 2.2 The density for the property shall not exceed 1.1 units per acre. 2.3 The Concept Plan (Exhibit A) represents the Owners current concept for completion of the project. As the Concept Plan evolves the City understands and agrees that certain changes in that concept may occur or be required. If the City determines that any such changes require additional public comment due to potential impacts on surrounding property or the community, a public hearing shall be held on any proposed changes in the Concept Plan, notice shall be provided as may be required by the City. COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT: The Commission voted 5 to 0 to recommend denial of PP-I 0-07 for a preliminary plat of Tabasco Trail Estates Subdivision for TNT Holding and Lynn Proctor. A favorable recommendation could be provided if the following concerns were addressed: · Provide a revised preliminary plat showing a reduction of lots along the east and west property boundaries providing larger lots and a smoother transition to the adjacent properties and creating less density within the development. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: I. A Neighborhood Meeting was held at 6:00 PM, Friday, March 9, 2007, at the site in compliance with the application submittal requirement of Eagle City Code. The applications for Annexation and Rezone were received by the City of Eagle on March 15, 2007. The application for Preliminary Plat was received by the City of Eagle on March 15, 2007. 2. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City ordinances on April 16, 2007. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three-hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on April 6, 2007. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on April 20, 2007. Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on March 14,2007, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. 3. The Commission reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone upon annexation (A-06-07/RZ-08-07) with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed preliminary plat application is in accordance with the City of Eagle Title 9 (Subdivisions) because: Page 10 of]2 K:\Planning DeptlEagle ApphcationslSUBSIl0071Tabasco Trail Estales pzf.doc a. The requested preliminary plat complies with the approved zoning designation of R-2-DA (1.1 dwelling units per acre maximum) is consistent with the Residential Two designation as shown on the Comprehensive Plan land Use Map; and b. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over the public facilities needed for this site indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve all uses allowed on this property under the proposed zone; and c. The proposed R-2-DA (Residential up to 1.1 units per acre maximum with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the RUT (Rural Urban Transition - Ada County designation) zone and land uses to the north and south since these areas are designated Residential Two in the Comprehensive Plan and are either proposed to be developed in the same manner (June Lockey, Dwayne Lingel (Adonai), Shaunessy (Park Place Gardens)) or could be developed in the same manner sometime in the future; and d. Then proposed R-2-DA (Residential up to 1.1 units per acre maximum with a development agreement) is compatible with the R-E (residential estate - up to one unit per two acres) zone and Rl (Residential - Ada County designation) zone and land uses to the east and west since these areas are designated Residential Two in the Comprehensive Plan and are either proposed to be developed in the same manner or could be developed in the same manner sometime in the future; and e. Will have vehicular approaches to the property designed to not create an interference with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares since the project is required to be reviewed and approved by Ada County Highway District and is subject to the conditions herein; and f. The land proposed for rezone is not located within a "Hazard Area" and "Special Area" as described within the Comprehensive Plan. g. That any health, safety and environmental problems that were brought to the Commission's attention have been adequately addressed by the applicant or will be conditions of the preliminary plat and subsequent final plat approval as set forth within the conditions of approval herein. 4. The Commission reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of the preliminary plat (PP-l 0-07) and based upon the infonnation provided concludes that the preliminary plat is not in accordance with the general objectives or with any specific objective of the Comprehensive Plan since the proposed layout of the subdivision did not show a transition oflot size from the adjacent properties. Page II of 12 KIPlanning DeptlEagle ApplicationslSUBS\2007lTabasco Trail Estates pzfdoc DATED this 4th day of June, 2007 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho ~ -y -- Jaso Pie e, ChaIrman ATTEST: ll~t- ~~ ~ Sharon . Bergmann, Eagle City erk "".......",.,. ..", f EAG( .... 1''' ...1 0 ....... I:: ''''" , ",... -. " ~ ^" ..OllA rbe.. ~ ~ r~t. ~<1; "". il : IV 0 \: : \(.) .-.' _: : . -- ,..... i. s<:: p..\..~: 0 = . p ~.'"'' "......'" ..'ti.. .... ~ '\ ..io.po..:....n,... " .... J'.,. ...... "v.... '#'#,# '" TE Of .,."" .",.......". 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