Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 05/10/2007 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes May 10,2007 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. Nordstrom is absent but he is on his way. A quorum is present. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Acquisition of Private Property: I.C. ~67-2345(c) B. Pending or threatened litigation: I.C. ~ 67-2345(t) Bastian moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of Acquisition of Private Property: I.C. ~67-2345(c) and Pending or threatened litigation: I.C. ~ 67- 2345(1). Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ Council goes into Executive Session at 12:30 p.m. Council discusses acquisition of private property and pending or threatened litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 2:30 p.m. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor adjourns the meeting at 2:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: j!rv4J' Y-~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OS-l0.07spmin,doc