Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 03/27/2007 - Regular
March 27, 2007
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
1. Eagle Police Department Monthly Report: Lt. Dana Borgquist, distributes the Monthly Crime
Brief for February 2007 and discusses the same. General discussion.
Dave Milan: Reports on the opening of Guerber Park. We will have a walk through Thursday
morning and we will recommend acceptance of the park and will open the Park on April 2, 2007.
Dana Borgquist: Reports on their telephone system which is inadequate. I will be getting bids
and this will be put in our budget for next year.
Discussion on the activities in May for the Healing Fields. Discussion on the parade route and
the need for extra patrol while the flags are on display in the Park.
2. Ada County Prosecutors Office Quarterly Report: Ax Yewer: Your cases are increasing
about 10% per year. As the City increases in size the case load will also increase. Scott is here
to discuss the types of cases that we are seeing. Discussion on code dispute cases. There hasn't
been a lot of changes in the types of crimes that we are seeing. General discussion. Discussion
on The March for Meth and federal prosecuting of the cases. Discussion on a new District Judge
being approved by the Legislature and a drug court.
3. Scott Pruitt, Eagle Volunteer Fire Department - Eagle Fun Days: Discusses the application
for Open Container Permit that needs to have the advertising approval prior to issuing. We need
our Permit before we get out our advertising, as we won't have our advertising in place until a
few weeks prior to the event. We start our radio about two weeks prior to the event and other
advertising three weeks prior to the event. I typically get out permits at this time so that we don't
have any problems and we know that we can go forward with the event. General discussion on
waiver of fees that was addressed in the letter. The Volunteers can not waive fees for the Fire
Council concurs to go ahead and issue the Open Container Permit for the Eagle Volunteer Fire
Department. Council has been assured by Scott Pruitt that they will have the opportunity to
review the advertising. Council would like this placed on the next regular Council Agenda for
4. Arts Commission - Eagle Fun Days: Linda Goldman distributes information on the music
and events that are being provided by the Arts Commission and discusses the same. Saturday
will be called Family Fun Night and we will have two bands performing in conjunction with the
car show. General discussion. Discussion on advertising. We are meeting with the Statesman
tomorrow on advertising.
5. Ron Baker - Library Director: Discusses the MOU with the Idaho Department of Health and
Welfare to become a sponsor site for Arbor Ridge Education and Training and their clients.
These are folks who are trying to get back into the work force. There is an Eagle resident who
has expressed interest in having the Eagle Library become a site. There is no cost to the City; all
they need from the City is to provide liability coverage. General discussion.
I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
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. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council.
. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Claims Against the City.
B. DR-OI-07 - Common Area Landscapinl! within Lonesome Dove Subdivision
- Lonesome Dove, LLC: Lonesome Dove, LLC, represented by Walter
Lindgren with Johnson Architects, is requesting design review approval for the
common area landscaping within Lonesome Dove Subdivision. The site is
located on the south side of East Riverside Drive at 1505 East Riverside Drive.
C. DR-137-06 - Common Area Landscapinl! for Cabra Creek Subdivision-
Donald and Tricia Flvnn: Donald and Tricia Flynn, represented by Shawn
Nickel with SLN Planning, Inc., are requesting design review approval of the
common area landscaping within Cabra Creek Subdivision. The site is located
on the west side of North Linder Road approximately 1400-feet north of State
Highway 44 at 341 and 499 North Linder Road. (WEV)
D. Open Container Permit for BOl!us Basin Recreational Association to be used
at Merrill Park in April.
E. Downtown Feasibilitv Committee and Urban Renewal: Bids for the
drawings, aerials and view corridors of the downtown. This item was continued
from the March 20, 2007 meeting.
F. Eal!le Arts Center Feasibilitv Studv
G. Proiect Coordinator Contract for the Healinl! Fields.
H. Approval ofIease al!reement between Eal!le Tropical Sno and City of Eal!le
for vendor space at Herital!e Park.
I. Approval ofIease al!reement between EZM Distributinl! (dba: Hil!h
Mountain Sno) and City of Eal!le for vendor space at Merrill Park
J. Historic Commission Contract
Guerber moves to adjust the Consent Agenda: Add Item #5D. Open Container Permit for
Bogus Basin Recreational Association; move Item #8A to Item #SE; move Item #8B to
Item #5F; move Item #8C to Item #5G; move Item #9A to Item #5H; move Item #9B to
Item #51; move Item #9E to Item #5J; and add as Item #8D-Unfinished Business:
Discussion of Rib Shack Agreement; and add to the Agenda as Item #9F-MOU with the
Department of Health & Welfare. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION
CARRIES.............. .......
Guerber pulls Item #5E from the Consent Agenda.
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Nordstrom pulls Item #5F and Item #5G from the Consent Agenda.
Guerber moves to approve the consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Nordstrom.
Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES:
MOTION CARRIES.............
Planner Baird Spencer: I'm requesting that Item #90 be remanded back to staff. Council will do
this when this item comes up on the regular agenda.
City Attorney Buxton: I need you to add to the Executive Session Acquisition of Private
Property and Threatened and Pending Litigation.
Nordstrom moves to add to the Executive Session Acquisition of Private Property and
Threatened and Pending Litigation. Seconded by Bandy. ALL A YES: MOTION
CARRIES.. ........
5E. Downtown Feasibilitv Committee and Urban Renewal: Bids for the drawings, aerials and
view corridors of the downtown. This item was continuedfrom the March 20.2007 meeting.
Teri Bath, Eagle Chamber of Commerce and Jason Pierce: Discussion on the expense report.
Discussion on the Visual Genesis contract. Phase III cost is $ I 7,000.00. We did the best
qualified bidder. The Committee voted on this and recommends Visual Genesis contract. We
want a 10% leeway for costs. The finished product would be owned by the City and shared with
the Chamber. General discussion.
Guerber moves to accept the proposal from Visual Genesis for the development of Product
III for the architectural landscaping and engineering of the downtown revitalization
project with a maximum expenditure of $18,700.00. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion.
Guerber amends the motion to state: the proposal dated 2/26/2007. Second concurs.
Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION
CARRIES........... ..
Teri Bath: We hope to come to the Council with this project on May 8, 2007. General
5F. Eal!le Arts Center Feasibilitv Studv
Nordstrom: I pulled this to discuss the funding. General discussion.
Nordstrom moves to approve Eagle Arts Center Feasibility Study. Seconded by Bandy.
Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................
G. Proiect Coordinator Contract for the Healinl! Fields.
Mayor provides the Council an overview of the hiring of Erin Farrell. General discussion.
Guerber moves to approve the Contract for Services with Erin Farrell to be the Program
Coordination for the Healing Fields flag event at Merrill Park in the amount of $5,000.00.
Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE:
A. A-19-06/RZ-25-06 & PP-19-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT - (Rural Urban
Transition) to MU-DA - (Mixed Use with Development Al!reement) And Preliminarv Plat
for Castleburv West Business Park - Capital Development, Inc.: Capital Development, Inc.
represented by Van Elg with The Land Group, is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT
(Rural Urban Transition) to M-U-DA (Mixed Use with Development Agreement), and
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preliminary plat approval for Castlebury West Business Park. The 8.52-acre site is generally
located on the northwest corner of West Chinden Boulevard and North Meridian Road at 6615
North Meridian Road. This item was continuedfrol1l the March 13, 2007 meeting. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Dave Yorgason, Capital Development, representing the applicant, displays overheads and
provides Council an overview of the project. Discussion on the Development Agreement.
City Attorney Buxton: Discusses the validity oflTD's request for 30' of right-of-way. General
discussion. Discussion on Community in Motions.
Planner Baird Spencer: Displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the project.
Discussion on pedestrian use. Discussion on listed uses.
General discussion
Mayor Opens the Public Hearing
Mayor swears in Ramon Y orgason
Ramon Yorgason, 6200 N. Meeker, Boise, discusses the subdivision that he built on Eagle Road
and partnered with lTD. Discussion on valley transit. Discussion on ITD right-of-way. General
Dave Yorgason, discussion on a cul-de-sac, discussion on uses, discussion on landscaping and a
wall or a berm that would cut down on the noise; discussion on bus and transit stops. General
Mayor Closes the Public Hearing
Nordstrom moves to approve A-19-06/RZ-25-06 & PP-19-06 - Annexation and Rezone from
RUT - (Rural Urban Transition) to MU-DA - (Mixed Use with Development Agreement)
And Preliminary Plat for Castlebury West Business Park - Capital Development, Inc and
that we accept the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings and that we look to the
Development Agreement written by staff identifying some points of change; identifying
point #1 as shortening the list of uses down and within that list that has been a public
record tonight, that we indicate no on site catering services and no drive-thru; #2 stands as
written; #3 stands as written with the addition of an allowance for addition landscaping
and/or small type additions to that area with the developers discretion with the
understanding that is where he puts in his line for required landscaping; #4- include a
statement that Lot 4 can be planted in grass and prepared for drainage and that small
shrubbery planning is alright with the discretion of the applicant; that we identify a IS'
easement to be used in the future for a sidewalk and/or a transit stop type of an
application; Item #5 stand as written. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. Nordstrom
amends the Motion: Item #3 shall be accepted as written. Further discussion. Item #4. Lot
1 Block 4 shall be limited to sod, irrigation drainage and limited small shrubbery and
provide a 15' wide sidewalk/transportation easement at the South side of Block 1 Lot 4
extending West of Meridian Road to the edge of the property. Change motion to use
license instead of easement in the definition of the usage of the 15' strip within the 30' area.
Second concurs. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................
A. Downtown Feasibilitv Committee and Urban Renewal: Bids for the drawings, aerials and
view corridors of the downtown. This item was continuedfrom the March 20. 2007 meeting.
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B. Eal!le Arts Center Feasibilitv Studv: Adoption of the Feasibility Study. This item was
continuedfrom the March 20. 2007 meeting.
C. Project Coordinator Contract
D. Discussion on the Rib Shack Settlement Al!reement.
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Attorney Buxton: Provides an overview of Council's action at their meeting on March 20,
2007, I have received a new Agreement from their attorney which you have before you.
Guerber moves to approve the proposed agreement as modified and signed by the Rib
Shack. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom:
NAY; Bandy: AYE: MOTION CARRIES.............
A. Approval of lease al!reement between Eal!le Tropical Sno and City of Eal!le for vendor
space at Herital!e Park. (SKB)
B. Approval oflease al!reement between EZM Distributinl! (dba: Hil!h Mountain Sno) and
City of Eal!le for vendor space at Merrill Park. (SKB)
C. Ordinance No. 568 (Eal!lefield Estates): An ordinance annexing certain real property
situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits
of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; establishing the zoning classification of said real
property described herein; amending the zoning map of the city of eagle to reflect said changes;
directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective
date. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances
to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that
Ordinance #568 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance
# 568 by title only. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................
Bastian moves that Ordinance #568 be adopted. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE;
Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION
D. Ordinance No. 569 (Anl!ler's Hamlet): An ordinance annexing certain real property
situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits
of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; establishing the zoning classification of said real
property described herein; amending the zoning map of the city of eagle to reflect said changes;
directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective
date. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
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Guerber moves that Ordinance No. 569 (Angler's Hamlet) be remanded back to staff for
further consideration. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...............
E. Historic Commission Contract
F. MOU with the Department of HeaUh & Welfare and the Eal!le Librarv.
Guerber moves to approve the MOU with the Department of Health & Welfare and the
Eagle Library. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE;
Bandy: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...................................
Zoning Administrator's Report: Planner Baird Spencer: Updates Council on the Comp Plan.
City Attorney Report: Discusses the Lakemoor Development Agreement.
City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Discussion on Customer Appreciation Days April 14,2007.
Public Works Director: Displays overheads and discusses the location of the Merrill Park
Bridge. It is the opinion of the Parks and Pathway Committee that this is the worst location that
this bridge could be located. We are recommending moving the bridge to a new site which is
only 25' wide. We will have to go through another survey and hydraulic study. This will change
the design of the bridge so we will need a new design. This will raise the price by approximately
$124,000.00. I would recommend that we go ahead and do the survey while the water is low and
then decide about where to get the fund at a later date. Discussion on a possible erosion
problem. General discussion.
Council would like to get facts back from Elwin Butler in regards to the location of the pilings
and the riprap.
Council concurs to find a way to mitigate the erosion problem and continue with project.
We will meet on Thursday for the punch list for Guerber Park. They are going to have the final
UL inspection. My goal is to get the Park open for reservations on April 2, 2007. Discussion on
a ribbon cutting ceremony.
We got formal approval from DEQ for the Eaglefield well. General discussion.
Discussion on the Veledrome project.
City Engineer Report: No report
Mavor and Council's Report:
Nordstrom: No report
Guerber: Reports on the Healing Field's project. General discussion.
Bastian: Discussion on the Legislature.
Discussion on Flood Task Force meeting. They will bring their report to the Council at the April
10, 2007 meeting.
WinCo applications are in and they have asked to be expedited.
A. Personnel Matters: I.C. S67-2345 (b)
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B. Acquisition of Private Property
C. Pending and Threatened Litigation.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Nordstrom moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of Personnel Matters: I.e.
~67-2345 (b), Acquisition of Private Property and Pending and Threatened Litigation.
Seconded by Bastian.
Council goes into Executive Session at 10:40 p.m.
Council discusses personnel matters, acquisition of private property and pending and threatened
Council leaves Executive Session at II :40 p.m.
Guerber moves to settle with Mr. Vaughn by paying him for 245 hours of annual leave.
Seconded Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE:
ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...................................
Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11 :43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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Eagle Fun Days
June 8 and 9, 2007
(Date (Time
(Heritage Park
16/8/07 6:30 pm -10:30 pm
10:00 pm -10:30 am
11:00 am -12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
'City Hall 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
'Musical Entertainment Total
$oul Purpose
Boise Highlanders
Justin Nielsen Trio
Hot Spittin' Llamas
Ty the Clown (roving)
Set up sound equipment
and sound check - Chancellors
Set up sound equipment
and sound check - Imagine
c 7v7
Music Genre
70s disco music
National juggling act
Bagpipe players and dancers
Jazz music
Easy listening
50s, 60s classic rock
Beatles tribute -national band
Chamber of Commerce
Eagle City Council
660 E Civic Lane
Eagle, ID 83616
Eagle City Council,
JlteCiti /with. n2or/e
right ouLiide your door.
Please find the following documents for the Downtown Feasibility Committee and Urban
The Chamber is requesting reimbursement for expenses on the following documents.
(See attached)
You will find in the packet two bids for the drawings, aerials and view corridors of the
downtown. The Feasibility Committee already voted to go with Visual Genesis. They
produced the more informational product.
The Feasibility Committee also would like to request a petty cash fund for copies and
mailers. We are getting ready to do a mailer which will go out to approximately 350
On another note, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce would like to request more space in
the facility we are currently occupying if the museum should ever decide to move to
another location.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact:
Teri Bath Jason Pierce
67 E State Street PO Box 864
Eagle, ID 83616 Eagle, ID 83626
208-939-4222 208-938-5522
I want to sincerely thank the council for the opportunity to serve and be a part of this
exciting time in Eagle Idaho.
Teri Bath
Eagle Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1300 • 67 E. State Street 208.939.4222 www.eaglechamber.com
Eagle, Idaho 83616 fax 208.939.4234 eaglechamber@eaglechamber.com
Chamber of Commerce
Eagle City Council
660 E Civic Lane
Eagle, ID 83616
Eagle City Council,
7//Ie City with more
r/9Cht outbide your door.
Please find the following documents for the Downtown Feasibility Committee and Urban
The Chamber is requesting reimbursement for expenses on the following documents.
(See attached)
You will find in the packet two bids for the drawings, aerials and view corridors of the
downtown. The Feasibility Committee already voted to go with Visual Genesis. They
produced the more informational product.
The Feasibility Committee also would like to request a petty cash fund for copies and
mailers. We are getting ready to do a mailer which will go out to approximately 350
On another note, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce would like to request more space in
the facility we are currently occupying if the museum should ever decide to move to
another location.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact:
Teri Bath
67 E State Street
Eagle, ID 83616
Jason Pierce
PO Box 864
Eagle, ID 83626
I want to sincerely thank the council for the opportunity to serve and be a part of this
exciting time in Eagle Idaho.
Teri Bath
Eagle Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1300 • 67 E. State Street
Eagle, Idaho 83616
208.939.4222 www.eaglechamber.com
fax 208.939.4234 eaglechamber@eaglechamber.com
1412 Nest Bannock Boise, ID 83702 (208)336-2010 www.Visualgenesis.com
To: Teri Bath — Eagle Chamber of Commerce, President
From: Jason Pfaff, President and CEO
208-336-2413 fax
Re: City of Eagle Downtown Economic Development Visual Aids
Dear Teri;
I greatly enjoyed discussing the future for the City of Eagle Downtown with you last week.
You and the board are a visionaries, with great passion for your community. I commend you
on undertaking this project. As you indicated, your challenge will be to effectively
communicate your vision to both the public and the City Council. I am confident we can help
you in your efforts.
After our conversation, I had a chance to walk the Eagle Downtown again to get a feel for the
situation, and analyze it from both a public's perspective and a regulatory agency point of
view. Here are a few thoughts (please note, these opinions and views are my own, and do not
necessary represent a greater voice):
• Existing Conditions - The corner of Eagle Road and Old State is in a horrible state.
This surprises me, as it is the heart of the City of Eagle Downtown, and essentially
the gateway into the city. As development occurs in the foothills and traffic increases
along Eagle Road, it will be very important to fix this area in both form and function.
• Views of the Foothills — I recently completed the Visual Analysis for the North
Eagle Foothills Project, and found some interesting facts. Your best views of Bogus
Basin and the Foothills occur along Eagle Road as you head North off Chinden, and
East-West along the Bypass. I understand there is some concern over the height
allowance for new construction in the City of Eagle. I would consider a height
analysis of the current Key Viewpoints that are important to the City, specifically
where views to Bogus Basin are concerned. My recommendation includes the
o Eagle Road — Eagle Road is the primary gateway into the City, has a high
traffic Volume and provides excellent Views of the Foothills.
o Generations Park — This park is frequently used by the public for social
gatherings and public events.
o Eagle Park — This park is used frequently and hosts large crowds for
community events.
o Eagle Bypass — State Street/Highway 44 serves as a gateway into Eagle,
heavily traveled and provides excellent views of the Foothills.
o Old State Street — Old State Street is the primary road for the Eagle
Downtown. Several portions of Old State do have outward views of the
Foothills. However, proximity of existing trees and buildings screen over
half of these views.
The height analysis would describe the current visibility, public concern and potential
new height thresholds to ensure protection of visual resources, and look at
opportunities to frame views, create new views, and reconsider building height where
visibility is not a concern.. I think this exercise would serve you well during your
discussions of height variances and form the basis for the architectural massing study.
• Architecture Massing /Shadow Study — Once the Height analysis has been
completed, I recommend an architectural massing study. The study should address
two issues;
o Height — The massing study should be used to describe the overall height
proposed by new development.
o Variation in Setback — I recommend a setback variation study be completed
to create diversity and interest in your proposed downtown. The push and
pull of architecture will reduce the chance for a "tunnel" effect, and create
opportunities for public uses, outside dining areas, pocket parks, or zero lot
line retail.
o Shadow Study — If outdoor eating areas are desired, a shadow study should
be performed as part of the massing study. This will determine appropriate
height of adjacent buildings to reduce the chances of outside dining engulfed
in shadow.
• Architecture and Landscape Architecture Style — The City of Eagle Downtown
does not currently have an identity. In my inventory, I could not determine an overall
theme. As you indicated, this could be an excellent opportunity to create an identity
for the City of Eagle Downtown. You mentioned a possible connection to the wine
industry. In my experience with the City of Eagle, I have received a sense that they
want to keep a rural feel as they develop, with strong ties to farming, and the pastoral
landscape. I have also heard that people do not want the look and feel of Sun Valley,
and rightfully so. Some of the best and organic architecture I have seen to date has
come from Italy. Materials, design and interest stems from an organic approach. If a
wine country theme is desired, I would encourage you to look into this style of
design, for both its architecture and landscape architectural influence. Again, this is
only my opinion.
• Pedestrian Influence — While many people have considered the Bypass to have a
negative influence on the growth of the Eagle Downtown, I think it opened up an
opportunity for the City. This area could be an excellent area to promote a pedestrian
friendly shopping and dining experience downtown. Similar in nature to the work
being done at Bown Crossing, Hyde Park or BODO. I reference these projects only
in pedestrian influence and not design. With architecture that faces the street, I think
it would promote a thriving and living downtown with a vibrant, social core.
Essentially creating a destination experience for the rest of the Treasure Valley.
Teri, I offered the above as observations only, and only constitutes my opinion. Whether we
are chosen to perform work or not, I would like to thank you and the Economic Council
Board for having the passion and the courage to approach both the public and the City in
making a change.
I have attached the proposal for your review. The products were developed based on our
observations and recommendations. You may choose any or all of these services, depending
upon your presentation needs. In any case, Visual Genesis will need input on the final design
and layout of architectural elements. For this reason, you may consider a separate study led
by an architect for the height recommendations and final design. If this is the case, we will
focus solely on the creation and presentation of your vision (Product 3). Please advise us
how you would like to proceed.
Jason Pfaff — President
Visual Genesis, Inc.
Visual Genesis has been asked by Teri Bath and the Eagle Chamber of Commerce to develop a series
of visual tools for the City of Eagle. The tools will be used to analyze the current height of allowable
architecture, and determine if and where height restrictions could be changed. Additionally, Visual
Genesis will develop a 3D model of the Downtown to describe the current conditions of the City, and
the proposed revitalization efforts. Following is the proposal for these tools:
• Product 1— Height Analysis (87 hours)
The height analysis will focus on inward and outward views of the City of Eagle Downtown.
Inward views include important sensitive viewpoints, south of the City of Eagle, which may
have blocked views of the Foothills and Bogus Basin. These include (sensitive views will be
determined through public involvement and committee review):
o Eagle Road — Eagle Road is the primary gateway into the City, has a high
traffic Volume and provides excellent Views of the Foothills.
o Eagle Park — This park is used frequently and hosts large crowds for
community events.
o Eagle Bypass — State Street 44 serves as a gateway into Eagle, heavily
traveled and provides excellent views of the Foothills.
Outward views include viewpoints which have blocked views of the Foothills, and are
located inside the Eagle Downtown Core. These include (sensitive views will be determined
through public involvement and committee review):
o Portions of State Street — Old State Street is the primary road for the Eagle
Downtown. Several portions of Old State do have views of the Foothills.
However, proximity of existing trees and buildings screen over half of these
o Generations Park — This park is frequently used by the public for social
gatherings and public events.
The final product will include a Base map, with building thresholds that reflect concern for
important inward and outward views. This 2D map will serve as the basis for the
Architectural Massing Study.
o Task 1- Data Collection (Aerial Photography, GIS/CAD Development) —16 hours
o Task 2 -- Inventory and Methodology Report — 25 hours
o Task 3 — Analysis and Report— 30 hours
o Task 4 - Map Generation and presentation of methodology and results. --16 Hours
• (Product 2 - Architectural Massing/Shadow Study (120 hours)
Architectural Massing will be developed from the height analysis, and will be developed
from the existing 3D Base. Existing buildings will be developed as 3D Models with
photographic surfaces. New architecture will be represented as 3D Solids without mapping,
to keep the discussion on height, rather than architectural style. The shadow study will
incorporate date and time specific sun calculations to determine morning and afternoon
shadow casting.
o Task 1— Develop 3D Models of Existing buildings (along Downtown State Street
portion), includes building facade Mapping. — 50 Hours
o Task 2 — Develop Massing of Proposed Buildings, with respect to new building
variance, setback and shadow casting — 40 hours
o Task 3 — develop animation and presentation - 30 hours
• Product 3 — Proposed Plan (proposed architectural, landscape and engineering) — (200
hours @ $85.00)
The proposed plan is essentially the final 3D representation of the proposed architecture,
landscape, pathways, public areas, parking and traffic flow. The final product will include a
3-5 minute animated tour of the downtown. This plan may be narrated for consistency in
message delivery.
o Task 1 - 3D Base Information — 0 hours, completed in Architectural massing Study
o Task 2 — Creation of proposed architecture requires design input (Style to be
determined) — 80 hours
o Task 3 — Creation of Landscape Architecture requires design input (Style to be
determined) - 40
o Task 4 — Creation of parking, pathways and public areas requires design input
(design to be determined) — 30 hours
o Task 5 — Animation Development (3-5 minutes of Animated tour, discussing
opportunities, constraints and final plan) — 20 hours
o Task 6 — Video Editing — 30 hours
o Product 1 — Height Analysis: 87 hours @ 85.00 = $7395.00
o Product 2 — Architectural Massing Study: 120 @ 85.00 = $10,200.00 _A
�0‘,..o �crcr
Product 3 — Proposed Plan: 200 hours @ $85.00 = $17,000.00 -1-k 3, 0-01=2 r
o Mileage — Current Government Rates
o Plots/Prints - $24x36 color glossy prints - $75.00
o DVD's - $5.00 each
I would like to thank Terry Bath at the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, The Eagle
Economic Development Committee and the City of Eagle for the opportunity to bid on
the proposed City of Eagle Downtown Flyover Multi -Media Video. We have provided a
detail of the quote listing the services we are able to offer to complete the project as
specified. We are confident we will provide you with a superior quality finished product
to assist you in marketing the city of Eagle. We look forward in anticipation of working
with you on this project, as well as assisting in the growth of Eagle.
Jar d Barr
The Terra Firm, Inc
'dent of Sales
rra Firm, Inc.
Project: Eagle City Downtown Flyover Video Presentation
Project Scope: Create a video flyover of the downtown area covering the following areas geographically:
4 blocks in all directions from the downtown 4 Corners of Eagle and Old State Street. Below is the list of scope
details covering the entire feature by feature. We have provided an attached map overview of the actual
coverage of the video flyover, the path of the flyover and the areas that will be modeled and shown in the video.
(Please see the attached map overview of the flyover stream.)
Street Level Detail Scope: We will model out all buildings, sidewalks, light fixtures, trees, bushes, parks,
street signs, and provide pedestrians and vehicles if desired.
Building Level Detail Scope: We will model out all windows, doors, building fascia, and other detail of all
buildings in the modeled flyover area. We will also apply all exterior building textures to each building
creating the exterior look desired and based off of present and future building renderings.
Shadow Level Detail Scope: We will render out the entire project with all shadows at a 2:00 afternoon sun,
mid June. (We have chosen this because the trees will be fully developed with all leaves, flowers will be in
bloom. (Note: If a different time of day or month is desired we can accommodate this as well.)
Music and Voice -Over: We will provide background music and voice-over as needed to point out new
proposed developments if desired.
Detail Level Scope: All buildings, trees, shrubs, streets, light fixtures, signs, etc. will be produced with a Semi -
realistic, High resolution texture and material level of detail.
*We will provide the video on a DVD format that will run on all DVD players, projectors, computers, etc.
City of Eagle Flyover Proposal
Flyover Coverage Map
T H ;
Project: Eagle City Downtown Flyover Video Presentation
Project Quote Pricing:
Entire Project will include the following Services needed
Street Level Detail Scope
Building Level Detail Scope
Shadow Level Detail Scope
Detail Level Scope
Music and Voice -Over
All Work will be provided on a final DVD as well as electronic files to be used at the
discretion of the City of Eagle.
Project Cost: $13,000.00
A-19-06/RZ-25-06 & PP -19-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT - (Rural Urban Transition) to MU -DA - (Mixed
Use with Development Aereement) And Preliminary Plat for Castlebury West Business Park - Capital
Development. Inc.
March 27, 2007 6:00 a.m.
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Page 1 of
c` -27-07
City of Eagle
Monthly Crime Brief February 2007
Calls For Service
Officer -Initiated
Feb 07
Burglary Alarm- 22
Check Reckless Driver- 20
Drunk Driver- 18
Traffic Hazard- 17
Suspicious Vehicle- 14
Welfare Check- 14
Theft Report- 12
Juvenile Problems- 11
Accident Non -Injury- 10
Suspicious Subject- 8
Feb 07
Jan 07 Feb 06
Top Calls For Service
Calls for Service Priorities
Call Feb 07
Priority 4 ART €!
Low 75 09:19 79
Medium 199 05:25 188
High 12 03:31 10
Total 286 06:21 277
Jan 07
Burglary Alarm- 24
Accident Non -Injury- 20
Check Reckless Driver- 18
Drunk Driver- 14
Welfare Check- 13
Suspicious Vehicle- 11
Traffic Hazard- 8
Accident W/Injuries- 7
Domestic Viol -Physical- 7
Theft Report- 7
Vandalism Report- 7
% Change
& Average Response Times (ART)
07 Feb 06 AR'I % Change
12:13 56 18:16 -34.I%
04:48 229 04:14 20.4%
02:24 7 02:05 18.3%
06:50 292 06:52 -4.8%
Feb 07 Jan 07 Feb 06 % Change YTD*
123 126 116 -4.2%
Feb 07
Burglary -9
DUI- 9
Theft- 6
Vandalism- 6
Domestic Disturbance- 3
Drug/Narc Violation- 3
Simple Assault- 3
Feb 07 Jan 07
Top Offenses
Jan 07
DWP- 10
Vandalism- 9
Simple Assault -8
Burglary- 7
DUI- 7
Theft- 5
Domestic Disturbance- 3
Drug/Narc Violation- 3
Feb 06
% Change
Property Crimes
Feb 07
YTD Clearance
Jan 07 Feb 06
Change YTD
YTD* Clearance Rate
Vehicle Burglary 0 0 3 -I00.0%
Residential Burglary 5 4 0 N/A
Commercial Burglary 0 0 2 -100.0%
Construction Burglary 4 3 0 600.0%
Theft 6 5 5 22.2%
Vandalism/Arson 6 10 5 6.7%
Feb 07
Moving Traffic Citations
Jan 07 Feb 06
64 90 138
% Change YTD*
Property Crimes
IOU Moron
Reported Property Crimes
• Residential Burglary 15)
Ceeantce.n Burglary to i
• t..et.t
• Vaeaeeumen 1St
# of Accidents
• •.B -. J
• 4 -
Property Damage
Physical Injury
L. I
Feb 07
Jan 07 Feb 06
% Change
Top Accidcnt'rimes & Locations
Top Days: Top Streets:
Feb 07 Jan 07 Feb 07 Jan 07
Tuesday- 2 Monday- 7 Eagle Rd- 7 Highway 44- 8
Wednesday- 2 Friday- 6 State St- 2 Eagle Rd- 7
Sunday- 2 'Tuesday- 5 State St- 5
Top 1 -lours: Park Ln- 2
Feb 07 Jan 07
16.00- 4
09.00- 3
Note' Accidents are mapped to the nearest intersection
• % Change YTD compared to 2006
Prepared by ACSOfEagle CAU.!th Data obtained from CAD, New World, Legacy AS400, and WebCars databases
Data quened 3/20/07
Copy To:
Cc_ 7
City of Eagle
Zoning Administration
Mayor Merrill and City Council
Nichoel Baird Spencer, AICP, Planner IIIr6S
Castlebury West Business Park: A-19-06/RZ-25-06/PP-19-06
March 27, 2007
March 26, 2007 Letter from ITD `t- 2/2 7/0 7
Rim View Planning Area Policies
Susan E. Buxton, City Attorney
After this matter was continued from the March 14, 2007, Council meeting, due to a threat of litigation
from the Applicant over an additional 30' ROW requirement requested from ITD, the City attorney and
staff have been working to resolve issues related to the application and development agreement:
The following issues still need to be resolved by the Council: (Staff comments in italics)
1) Pg 2 of 7 of the Development Agreement Paragraph 2.1 lists 22 uses per the Planning and Zoning
Commission findings of fact and conclusions of law (page 10 of 15) that list was shortened to 15.
Staff is in support of the uses detailed in the Planning and Zoning Commissions Findings. The
Comprehensive Plan designation is "profession office" if the expansion of uses is too broad and
"mixed use" designation should have been requested in February, 2007.
2) Pg. 2 of 7 of the Development Agreement should be modified to remove "decorative wall" and cite
"ECC 8-2A-7" addressing the buffer between residential and non-residential use. Staff is in
support of this change.
3) Add SSC#22 stating: "All landscape required under ECC 8-2A-7L(1)(a) shall be located within
the 25 -foot rear setback of Block 1 Lots 3,5,6 & 7." This requirement should also be reflected in
the Development Agreement.
4) Block 1 Lot 4 shall be limited to sod and a ten foot (10') meandering sidewalk extending west
from Meridian Road to the edge of the Property. Per the 2007 Eagle Comprehensive Plan "Rim
View Planning Area" The following policies deal with the design of the Hwy. 20/26 Corridor as a
transit corridor and the placement of pedestrian facilities. This application is the implantation of
the applicants CPA request approved by the City Council in February of 2007 at that time no
objection was made to the designation as a transit corridor and the following policies:
Design of commercial and office uses should be compatible with the existing residential uses
and contain significant landscaped buffers and design elements. Scale of the commercial
Page 1 of 2
K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\SUBS\2006\Castlebury West bu .s park mezaac
development should be similar to the Eagle Marketplace and provide for pedestrian linkages
to the residential areas adjacent to the site.
Both Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road should be developed with a detached sidewalk and
planting strip adjacent to the back of curb further solidifying the gateway corridor of Chinden
5) SSC#12 should be modified to include "with the exception of SSC# 12". The applicant would
prefer to remove all references to ITD in this condition but staff feels that ITD should remain due
to the location of this development along the ITD ROW, Please see attached letter date March 26,
2007 from Sue Sullivan that clarifies ITD's requirements on this application.
Page 2 of 2
K:1Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\SUBS120061Castlebury West business park mczaoc
City of Eagle Western Area Plan
Septerhber 14. 2004
park. To ensure the integrity of the plan, combined commercial uses in
the area must be limited to 15-20 acres in size and all regional scale
commercial uses should be directed to the Chinden Planning Area.
Another concern is the roadway access to the Moon Valley Planning Area:
currently Palmer Lane crosses State Highway 44 and provides access to
the Moon Valley Planning Area. If this access point is not removed, it is
likely that development pressure may attempt force commercial uses to
front on State Highway 44. This would create a strip commercial area
north of Moon Valley and south of State Highway 44 that is not consistent
with the intent of the plan — this type of strip development is prohibited.
6.4 1 Rim View Planning Area
The Rim View Planning Area contains a large amount of existing
residential uses that have been developed as one -acre and five -acre lots
through the Ada County development process. The future land uses in the
area are predicated on Linder Road being the only river crossing between
Eagle Road and Star Road, as well as the need to buffer and preserve the
exiting residential developments.
6.4I.1 Uses
The land use and development policies specific to the Rim View Planning
Area include the following:
Community Commercial located at the northeast intersection of Chinden
Boulevard and Linder Road is not to exceed 5 acres in size. This
commercial area is intended to serve the Eagle community as a convenient
stop on the way into town before crossing the river. Access to the site
0 would not be signalized and would be limited to right in/right out turning
movements from both Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road.
To the north and east the commercial area will be office uses that provide
an effective buffer to residential areas.
The residential density for new residential uses in the area is 1 unit per
acre providing for transitional lot sizes to ensure compatibility of new
residential uses with existing residential uses and the commercial and
office uses located at Linder Road and Chinden Boulevard.
All development in the Rim View Planning Area shall be completed as a
planned unit development and/or development agreement.
Page 49 of 57
City of Eagle Western Area Plan
September 14. 2004
6.4I.4 Issues
One of the main concerns in the development of this area is the ability to
properly scale the commercial uses to prevent the use from overpowering
the office and residential uses. To ensure the integrity of the plan,
regional scale commercial use should be directed toward the Chinden
Road Planning Area.
6.4 .1 Eagle Middle School Planning Area
During the public visioning process, the densities around the Eagle Middle
School site were reviewed and an increase in residential density was
recommended. Though these changes are not contained within the
Western Planning Area the ultimate development densities in this area will
have impacts on the expansion of the City water system.
6.4J.1 Uses
The land use designation in the Eagle Middle School Planning Area is
Transitional Residential, with an overall density for the area to be 1 -unit
per acre with a mix of open space combined with smaller lots located
adjacent to the school site transitioning to compatible lot sizes and scaling
adjacent to the large lots at the perimeter of the area.
6.4J.2 Access
Access to the area should focus on new internal linkages.
Proper setbacks and berming should be used to protect the arterials, from
increasing residential uses.
6.4J.3 Design
Overall residential density of the area shall be 1 unit per ,acre transitioning
into clustered and/or compatible lots adjacent to existing subdivisions at
the perimeter.
Development in the Eagle Middle School Planning Area shall be
submitted as a planed unit development and/or development agreement.
Open space and trails should be developed through out the development
providing connectivity to the school site.
Page 51 of 57
Frank Bruneel
John X. Combo
wee Chairman
District 6
John McHugh
District 1
Bruce Sweeney
District 2
Monte McClure
District 3
Gary Blick
District 4
Neil Miller
District 5
David Ekern, P.E
Sue Higgins
Board Secretary
P.O. Box 8028
Boise, ID 83707-2028
March 26, 2007
City of Eagle
PO Box 1520
Eagle, ID 83616
Re: US 20-26
Location: NW Comer Chinden and Meridian Rd.
Development: Castlebury Business Park
Dear Ms. Baird:
(208) 334-8300
MAR 272007
Route to'
I received a copy of Ms. Buxton's proposal for the following additional site specific conditions of
approval of the plat now pending before the City of Eagle:
22. All landscape required under ECC 8-2A-7L(1)(a) shall be located within the 25 -foot rear
setback of Block 1 Lots 3,5,6 & 7.
23. Brock 1 Lot 4 shall be limited to sod and a ten foot (10') meandering sidewalk extending
west from Meridian Road to the edge of the Property. (itis my understanding this lot is 30' width.)
I interpret this information to mean a building could be located no closer than 95' from the highway
centerline. If yes, Ms. Buxton's proposal will meet our corridor preservation needs.
Future highway expansion will impact both Tots. As long as there are no buildings or critical
permanent infrastructure in those lots (such as parking or retention ponds), we can work with this.
For info:
The back of curb of a six lane highway would be approx. 67' from centerline
(add the following: 14' for left turn Zane*, 36' for 3 travel lanes, 8' outside shoulder, 4' inside
shoulder, approx 5' for width of both rolled curbs).
This would leave 28' to the outside for grading, infiltration trench for storm water, utility relocation (in
particular the power line), and construction of a 10' separated multi -use pathway. Re -landscaping at
state expense, with a maintenance agreement, would also be possible after construction impacts
are done.
For a sense of scale, the distance from the outside lane on Chinden to the parking lot at the City
Market is 30-35'. The distance from the outside lane to the lot line on Chinden at Hobble Creek
Subdivision (east of Eagle Rd.) is 65-70'.
I am unable to attend tomorrow meeting due to a prior commitment. If you anticipate particular
questions, I can try to send you a written response before your meeting. Please call me at 334-
8955. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
Sue Sullivan
Project Manager
* there may not be a need for dual left turns northbound, but there is southbound. The opposing lanes wlll need
to fine up.
of Southwest Idaho
Report No. 15.-2006 • Adopted by the COMPASS Board on August 21, 2006 • Resolution No. 11-2006
We envision a Treasure Valley where quality of life is enbanced and communities are connected by an Innovative, effeusve, multi -modal transportation system.
US 20/26
(Chinden, Front/Myrtle, & Broadway)
11•• - ,-•
US 20/26 is vital to the region because of its role as an alternate to 1-84.
US 20/26 is second only to I-84 in the amount of regional travel it carnes daily and is the longest pnmary arterial in the
two -county region. Since the US 20/26 designation includes large portions of I-84 in eastern Ada County, for the purposes
of this plan the focus will be the segment beginning at Broadway Avenue in Ada County and leaving the region in Canyon
County northwest of Parma. In 2030, the corridor is forecasted to carry over 45,000 trips per day on its busiest segment
east of Eagle Road to 10,000 at (lowest traveled segment) north of the City of
The corridor changes character dramatically in its traverse through the region. In
Boise, the highway begins as an urban thoroughfare — Broadway Avenue — lined
with commercial uses from I-84 to the Broadway Bridge over the Boise River. As
the Front Street/Myrtle Street couplet through downtown Boise, the road is
bordered by Julia Davis Park and various employment areas, such as the Ada
County Courthouse.
Further west, the highway becomes Garden City's commercial backbone. From
Cloverdale Road to Eagle Road, the highway has been improved to five lanes that
serves newer commercial areas and a large business park. From Eagle Road to I-
84, the road passes through the rapidly developing areas of North Meridian and
northeast Caldwell. The highway is only two lanes yet still functions as an alternate
route to I-84 for many Canyon County commuters.
Transportation Goals for Communities in Motion
Connections: Provide options for safe access and mobility in a cost-effective manner for the region.
Coordination: Achieve better inter -jurisdictional coordination of transportation and land use planning
Environment: Muurruze transportation Impacts to people, cultural resources, and the environment
Information: Coordinate data gathering and dispense better information.
Recommendations for 20/26 Corridor to meet CIM goals:
As an alternative to 1-84 to many regional travelers, the US 20/26 corridor from 1-84 in Canyon
Counry to McDermott (Sl -I 16) or Eagle Road (SH 55) is recommended to be preserved as an
expressway The section between McDermott and Eagle Roads will need review to determine
appropriate standards US 20/26 from 1-84 to Eagte Road is recommended to be built as a four -
lane artenal with design treatments determined by collaborative planning among 11D, highway
districts and local jurisdictions. West of 1-84,12S 20/26 will receive operation Improvements such
as passing lanes and intersection improvements
Continued support for the completion of the corridor plan for US 20/26 is needed
Land use decisions needed to implement the plan:
To reinforce the future land -use pattern, local governments along the corridor are recommended
to focus development in designated growth areas.
Land -use decisions need to ensure access to the US 20/26 corridor is consistent with the
standards of the Idaho Transportation Department
Corridor Prioritization Score
Cost in Millions
$ per VMT
Time Total Savings
Growth Area
of Growth (2x)
Transit (2x)
Total Score
West East
n.a. $202.9
5 3
1 5
1 1
3 4
2 5
2 4
4 4
24 34
West — Parma to Exit 25 at I-84
East — Exit 29 at 1-84 to Eagle Road
Each corridor was rated 1-5, with 5 being
the highest score Transit and % of
Growth scores were weighted double and
the results were then totaled The lowest
score was 13 and the highest was 39.
Regional Connection
Long segments of US 20/26 have the opportunity to become an expressway with the support for access management and
corridor preservation by local communities. Some segments will be more challenging, such as the North Meridian area
where several subdivisions have been approved within the past two years. Other segments may be unsuitable, such as the
segment through the urban core of Garden City. The US 20/26 Corridor Preservation Study has heightened awareness of
the importance of this corridor in the regional transportation system and support for its preservation has been received
from developers, citizens, and local governments.
A corridor preservation study95 is currently
underway for the segment between Eagle
Road and I-84 in Canyon County and is
expected to be completed in FY2007. The
corridor study will produce a corridor plan,
an approved environmental document, and
right-of-way plans.
A reconstruction of Exit 29 in Caldwell is
currently funded for construction in 2007.
A portion of US 20/26 in downtown Boise
was included in the Downtown Boise
Mobility Study that COMPASS adopted in
December 2005. Recommendations
pertaining to US 20/26 include pedestrian
crossing enhancements, streetscape
improvements, and various improvements to
traffic operations.
un deii.InrYestmen
Widen US 20/26 (Chinden) from two lanes to
four lanes as a limited access divided highway
between the Franklin Road Interchange in
Caldwell to Eagle Road in Eagle/Boise,
including grade separated interchanges and
overpasses at appropriate locations*.
Estimated Cost•. $203,000,000
*Actual design, alignment, and type of
roadway to be determined by the US 20/26
Corridor Preservation Study. Interim
widening and intersection improvements may
be necessary due to funding limitations.
Preserve sufficient right-of-way widths at
major intersections where future grade -
separated interchanges are recommended.
The City of Meridian does not support grade
separation between McDermott Road /SH 16
and Eagle Road.
Unfunded Improvements
rough: 2030
Make operational improvements to US
20/26 between Parma and Exit 25 in
Provide bus service along the corridor from
south Boise to Parma.
Provide for necessary transit infrastructure,
such as bus pull-outs and shelters.
95 US 20/26 Corridor Preservation Study, Project Website URL: httn://itd.idaho.aov/Proiects/D3/US2026Corridor/