Findings - CC - 2007 - A-16-06/RZ-21-06 - 4.95 Acre Acre Site/Is Located At 1651 N Meridian Rd BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN ANNEXATION AND REZONE FROM RUT (RURAL URBAN TRANSITION) TO R-E-DA (RESIDENTIAL ESTATES WITH A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT) FOR JULIE HARRISON ) ) ) ) ) OR/G/N4l FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER A-16-06 & RZ-21-06 The above-entitled annexation and rezone application came before the Eagle City Council for their action on January 23, 2007. The Council, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Julie Harrison is requesting approval of an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a Deve]opment Agreement). The 4.95- acre site is located on the west side of North Meridian Road approximately 1,600 feet north of the intersection of West Floating Feather Road and North Meridian Road at 1651 North Meridian Road. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: A Neighborhood Meeting was held at the site on September 30, 2006, at 10:00 AM, in compliance with the application submittal requirement of Eag]e City Code. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on October 3, 2006. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on November 13, 2006. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three-hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eag]e City Code on November 6, 2006. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on November 22, 2006. Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on October 13,2006, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on January 8, 2007. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three-hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on January 5. 2007. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on January 12,2007. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: NA E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None Page 1 of 10 K:\Planning DeptlEagle Applications\Rz&A\2006IA-16-06 & RZ-2J-06 ccLdoc F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Residential Two (2-units RUT (Rural Urban Two Existing Single-Family per acre maximum) Transition-Ada County Residential Homes Designation) Proposed No Change R-E-DA (Residential No Change Estates with a Development Agreement) North of site Residential Two (2-units R-2-DA (Residential with a Proposed Single-Family per acre maximum) Development Agreement) Residential (Shaunessy Subdivision) South of site Residential Two (2-units R-E (Residential Estates) Single-Family Residential per acre maximum) (Cavallo Estates) East of site Residential Estates (I-unit R-E (Residential Estates) Single-Famtly Residential per two acres maximum) (Canterbury Subdivision) West of site Residential Two (2-units R-2-DA (Residential with a Single-Famtly Residential per acre maximum) Development Agreement) G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: Not in the DDA, TDA, CEDA or DSDA. H. TOTAL ACREAGE OF SITE: 4.95-acres I. APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REZONE: See justification letter (attached to the staff report), dated October 3, 2006, provided by the applicant. J. APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (if applicable): The City requested a development agreement to address central water, sidewalk, and setback related issues. K. AVAILABILITY AND ADEQUACY OF UTILITIES AND SERVICES: A letter from the Central District Health Department states that they have no objection to the project and the use of septic systems. A letter from the Eagle Sewer District states the property has not been annexed into the district and indicates the property could get sewer service from an 8" PVC main sewer line that will be installed with the future subdivision to the north and west of the subject site. Letters have been received from the Ada County Highway District and Eagle Fire Department. L. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP: No map currently eXIsts. M. NON-CONFORMING USES: There are two existing houses that will remain on the property. The development agreement addresses conformity to the R-E district regulations. Page 2 of]O K:IPlanning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A \20061A-16-06 & RZ-21-06 ccf.Joc N. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded and their correspondence is attached to the staff report. Comments which appear to be of special concern are noted below: Ada County Highway District Central District Health Department Chevron Pipeline Company Eagle Fire Department Eagle Sewer District O. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date. ST AFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 2000 EAGLE COMPREHENISVE PLAN CHAPTER 4 - SCHOOLS, PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 4.3 Goal To meet the expected demands of the City and its Impact area: a. Encourage the provision of public utilities, services, and schools. CHAPTER 6 - LAND USE Residential Two Suitable primarily for single family residential development within areas that are rural in character. 6.5 Goa] To preserve the rural transitional identity. 6.6 Objectives a. To encourage the preservation of open spaces. 6.7 Implementation Strategies (6.7a) Preserve the natural features and resources of Eagle; (6.7b) Establish land use patterns and zoning districts that do not exhaust available services such as sewer, water, police, fire, recreational areas, highways and transportation systems.; and (6.7c) Provide for a broad spectrum of housing types including apartments, townhouses, condominiums, single family attached, manufactured homes, aftordable and subsidized housing and large acreage developments. (6.71) Farm related uses and activities should be protected from land use conflicts or interference created by residential, commercial, or industrial development. The Idaho Right To Farm Act should be promoted. CHAPTER 8 - TRANSPORTATION 8.6 Implementation Strategies (8.6m) Establish and require minimum setbacks between developments and roadways and to encourage installation of berms and landscaping for all developments to enhance safety and to enrich the roadway and community appearance; and Page 3 of 10 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle Applications\RZ&AI2006\A-16-06 & RZ-21-06 cefdoe (8.6p) Encourage sidewalks that are separated from the curb on all streets, except for areas where Eagle City Code requires sidewalks to abut the curb and where existing buildings, inordinate environmental impacts, or other impacts make setting the sidewalk back infeasible. Meandering sidewalks should be required where space permits. A planter strip of sufficient width for street trees between the sidewalk and roadway should be required to provide a canopy effect over the roadways. The type of street trees used should be those which have root systems that have proven to not cause sidewalk or curb damage when in close proximity to such improvements. CHAPTER 11 - SPECIAL AREAS AND SITES 11.4 Implementation and Strategies (11.4a) Protect and improve natural and man-made waterways. (]] .4g) Preserve existing trees and establish appropriate landscaping as a part of new developments. CHAPTER 12 - COMMUNITY DESIGN 12.4 Imp]ementation Strategies (12.4a) Establish and maintain a development pattern and design criteria in keeping with the rural transitional identity of Eagle. This includes growth within the Impact Area that discourages or precludes the establishment of other City centers. (12.40) Encourage the planting and preservation of trees that will create beauty and add to the healthy environment of downtown (see Eagle Tree Plan below). (12.4q) Maintain the rural residential character and open space environment in and around the City. 12.5 Eagle Tree Plan Goal (12.5.1) To establish and enhance areas of tree growth that will create beauty, add to a healthy environment and increase economic stability. Objectives (12.5.2) To create an urban forest that will help reduce air and noise pollution, conserve water and reduce soil erosion, assist in modifying the local climate, increase property values, and improve Eagle's economy by providing a pleasant and more comfortable place to shop and live. SOARING 2025 PLAN CHAPTER 2 - COMMUNITY DESIGN 2.1 Background As a part of the review of the 2000 Comprehensive Plan the City of Eagle, held three public visioning sessions that asked the public to evaluate the "Built City" or tell the City well they were doing in managing a guiding development in the 2000 AOI. This study found that the City of Eagle, though stable and solidified in its vision to develop a city with a uniquely rural character, did not look to integrate alternative housing options within the AOI. This section will discuss the goals, objectives and implementation strategies related to Community Design, Neighborhoods and housing options. Page 4 of 10 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle ApplicahonslRZ&A 12006IA-16-06 & RZ-21-06 cd. doc 2.4 Objectives Provide residents of the City of Eagle and the Area of City impact opportunities to seek housing in a neighborhood of their choice. Create a clearly identifiable community. 2.5 Implementation Strategies d. Create a City composed of neighborhoods in which basic amenities (schools, utilities, parks, and services) are accessible, visually pleasing, and properly integrated to encourage walking and cycling. f. Encourage the preservation and public access to open space through developments and as a rural design element of urbanizing areas. j. Provide a variety of housing opportunities ranging from large lot residential to multi-family apartment uses. s. All urban development shall occur under the jurisdictional authority of the City and be connected to municipal services. CHAPTER 6 - LAND USE 6.4A General Strategies b. Maintain a Future Land Use Map that encourages higher densities around activity centers and transit routes but also provides for large residential areas that continue to promote the rural character of the City of Eagle (See Map 6.1) 6.4 E Floating Feather Planning Area The Floating Feather Planning Area is designated as residential with limited ancillary uses to be incorporated as allowed by the planned unit development standards. This area should provide trails, open space, and parks in conjunction with varied housing options. The overall density of the area is ] -2 units per acre. 6.4E.l Uses The land use and development policies specific to the Floating Feather Planning Area include the following: Integration of mixed residential lot sizes at a overall density of ] -2 units per acre; Setbacks from streams, irrigation and drains for trails and open space; Use of transitional lot sizes and clustering when new development abuts Existing subdivisions, business and office use to the south; School siting in the area shall focus on areas with higher densities to decrease busing concerns, preference will be given to siting elementary schools in this area. Densities around schoo] sites shall not exceed 3 to 4 units per acre. 6.4E.3 Design This area should be recognized as the signature residential area for the Western Planning Area. The integration of varying lot sizes and uses should be seamless with continuity of street design, open space, trails and housing through out that area. Page 5 of 10 K:\Plannmg DeptlEagle Applications\RZ&A \2006\A-16-06 & RZ-21-06 cerdoc Lot configuration and housing sizes should be mixed throughout the area to provide a variety of housing options within a single neighborhood or development. 6AEA Issues The main concerns in the development of the area are the integration of varying lot sizes and housing styles. The vision for the area is contingent on the integration of uses and providing a flow of housing units throughout the area to avoid creating defined separation from estate areas and patio home areas, for example. Further, the provision of open space and trails through the area should be key to the development approval of the area. B. ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: · Eagle City Code Section 8-3-3 (F) Maximum Units Per Lot, states in part: Any buildable lot conforming to this title, with a zoning designatIOn of R-E shall be permitted a maximum of one single-family dwelling unit per lot. · Eagle City Code Section 8-3-5 (A) (1) Accessory Building: Will not be located in any required front or street side yard area. . Eagle City Code Section 8-10-](B) Initiation of Development Agreement: 1. A development agreement may be initiated for the rezoning of a particular parcel of land or collection of parcels ofland through the following methods: a. On application by the property owner. b. On recommendation of the zoning administrator. c. On recommendation of the commission. d. Required by the council. 2. In the event of a determination by the commission that a development agreement should be entered into, the commission shall retain jurisdiction of the matter, defer consideration of the rezone applied for and set a time limit for submittal of the development agreement. The commission shall then proceed as specified in this section. 3. In the event of a determination by the council that a development agreement should be entered into, the council shall remand the matter back to the commission for submittal of the development agreement. The council may direct the commission on remand of the matter to the commission. The commission shall then proceed as specified in this section. 4. In the event of either of the above, all time limits required by this code may be stayed upon affirmative vote of the commission or council. C. DISCUSSION: · The approximate five (5) acre parcel is located between one existing subdivision and one future subdivision, Cavallo Estates to the south and the future Shaunessy Subdivision (aka Park Place Subdivision) to the north. The applicant proposes to apply for a lot split to divide the property into two lots. There are two existing houses located on the subject property. The applicant desires the lot split to have one house located on each of the future lots. Page 6 of 10 K;IPlanning Dept\Eagle Apphcations\RZ&A\2006\A-16-06 & RZ-21-06 ccfdoc . The two houses located on the property currently have existing septic systems. The applicant has previously received permits from the Central District Health Department to install both septic systems. The Shaunessy Subdivision (aka Park Place Subdivision) located on the west and north sides of the subject property will be required to install an 8" PVC main sewer line with the construction of the subdivision. The two houses have septic systems, they will be over three hundred feet (300') from the future sewer line, and due to the topography will have to cross the Dry Creek Canal located on the west property line to connect to the future sewer line. With these circumstances, staff defers to the City Council on whether the two houses should be required to connect to the future sewer line found within Shaunessy Subdivision (aka Park Place Subdivision). . Per the approval of the preliminary plats for Cavallo Estates Subdivision to the south and Shaunessy Subdivision (aka Park Place Subdivision) to the north, the subdivisions were required to construct a meandering detached 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk, berming, fencing, and landscaping within a 25-foot wide buffer area along North Meridian Road. With the annexation and rezone applications for the subject property, the City Code does not specifically require the applicant to provide any sidewalks, berming, fencing, and landscaping within a buffer along North Meridian Road. Currently, the east property line along North Meridian Road of the subject site contains a variety of mature evergreen trees and some deciduous trees. It appears that all of the trees would need to be removed to provide berming and fencing. In-lieu of providing a berm and fence, staff suggests the consideratIOn of retaining the existing trees. The applicant should be required to construct a meandering sidewalk which is consistent with the Ada County Highway District's requirement to construct a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along North Meridian Road. · With regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff believes that the proposed rezone IS in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and established goals and objectives because: a. The requested zoning designation ofR-E-DA (Residential Estates with a Development Agreement) is equal to or less than the Residential Two classification shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; b. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over the public facilities needed for this site indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve all uses allowed on this property under the proposed zone; c. The proposed R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a Development Agreement) is compatible with the R-E (Residential Estates) zoning district to the south and east since the land uses have the same zoning designations as this site, and are developed with lots of similar size; d. The proposed R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a Development Agreement) is compatible with the R-2-DA (Residential with a Deve]opment Agreement) zone and land uses to the north and west since these lands have the same Comprehensive Plan designation and the perimeter lots of the future subdivision will be developed with lots of similar size; e. The land proposed for rezone is not located within a "Hazard Area" or "Special Area" as described within the Comprehensive Plan; and Page 7 of 10 K:\Planning Dept\Eaglc AppiIcatlOns\Rz&A \2006\A-16-06 & RZ-21-06 ceLdae f. No non-conforming uses are expected to be created with this rezone because the developer will be required (as conditioned within the development a~,'Teement) to remove all structures from the site that do not comply with the setbacks of the R-E (Residential Estates) zoning district regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval of the requested annexation and rezone with the conditions of approval to be placed within a development agreement as noted within the staff report. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COMMISSION: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 4, 2006, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Commission made their recommendation at that time. B. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by no one (other than the applicant/representative). C. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by no one. COMMISSION DECISION: The Commission voted 4 to 0 (Jacobs absent) to recommend approval of A-l6-06 & RZ-2]-06 for an annexation and rezone with a development agreement from RUT (Rural Urban Transition- Ada County designation) to R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a development agreement) for Julie Harrison with conditions to be placed within a development agreement as shown within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document, dated December 18, 2006. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the City Council on January 23, 2007. Testimony was taken, the public hearing was closed, and the Council made their decision at that time. B. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the City Council by no one (other than the app licant/representati ve). C. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the City Council by no one. COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 4 to 0 to approve A-]6-06 & RZ-21-06 for an annexation and rezone RUT (Rura] Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to to R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a development agreement) for Julie Harrison, with the following Planning and Zoning Commission recommended conditions to be placed withm a development agreement. 2.1 The maximum overall density of the property shall not exceed .40 units per acre. 2.2 The Concept Plan (Exhibit B) represents the Owner's current concept for completion of the project. As the Concept Plan evolves, the City understands and agrees that certain changes in that concept may occur. If the City determines that any such changes require additional public comment due to potential impacts on surrounding property or the community, a public hearing shall be held on any proposed changes in the Concept Plan, notice shall be provided as may be required by the City. Page 8 of 10 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle ApplicationslRZ&A \2006IA-16-06 & RZ.21-06 ccLdoc 2.3 The development shall comply with the Eagle City Code, as it exists in final form at the time a design review application is made, including compliance with all of the conditions as provided within this development agreement. 2.4 The houses on both lots shall be connected to the United Water system prior to the City Clerk signing the lot split record of survey. 2.5 Provide a revised site plan showing a meandering, detached five foot (5') wide concrete sidewalk (meeting ADA standards), no closer than eighteen feet (] 8 ') from the centerline of North Meridian Road. The site plan shall be reviewed and approved by Staff prior to construction of the sidewalk. The applicant shall construct the sidewalk prior to the City Clerk signing the lot split record of survey. If the applicant locates any portion of the sidewalk outside of the public right of way, the developer shall provide to the City the recorded easement granting the allowance for public use and access on the portions of the sidewalk located outside of the public right of way. 2.6 The developer shall remove all structures from the site that do not comply with the setbacks of the R-E (Residential Estates) zoning district regulations prior to the City Clerk signing the lot split record of survey. Demolition permits shall be obtained prior to the removal of any said structures. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on October 3, 2006. 2. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Tit]e 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City ordinances on November 13, 2006. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three-hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on November 6, 2006. The site was posted in accordance with the Eag]e City Code on November 22, 2006. Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on October 13,2006, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eag]e City Code on January 8, 2007. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three-hundred feet (300- feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on January 5, 2007. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on January 12, 2007. 3. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone (RZ-2l-06) with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed rezone is in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and established goals and objectives because: a. The requested zoning designation of R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a Development Agreement) is equal to or less than the Residential Two classification shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; b. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over the public facilities needed for this site indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided as conditioned in the development agreement, to serve all uses allowed on this property under the proposed zone; Page 9 of 10 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle Applications\RZ&A\2006\A-16-06 & RZ-21-06 ccrdoc c. The proposed R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a Development Agreement) is compatible with the R-E (Residential Estates) zoning district and land uses to the south and east since these lands have the same zoning designations as this site, and are developed with lots of similar size; d. The proposed R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a Development Agreement) is compatible with the R-2-DA (Residential with a Development Agreement) zone and land uses to the north and west since these lands have the same Comprehensive Plan designation and the perimeter lots of the future subdivision will be developed with lots of similar size; e. The land proposed for rezone is not located within a "Hazard Area" or "Special Area" as described within the Comprehensive Plan; and f. No non-conforming uses are expected to be created with this rezone because the applicant will be required (as conditioned within the development agreement) to remove all structures from the sIte that do not comply with the setbacks of the R-E (Residential Estates) zoning district regulations. DATED this 13th day of February 2007. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho ATTEST: ",.......... "., '" ........ Of EAG; .... ~ --\ ............-i;".. .: c<,. ... .. tIl. 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