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Minutes - 2007 - City Council - 01/09/2007 - Special
~. . EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes January 9, 2007 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m. 1. Guerber Park Report. Jim Murray, CSHQA, provides the Council an overview of the construction of the park, the completion of the park, the vandalism that has been experienced at the park, the electrical issues for the water feature provided by Recreation Idaho, the current punch dated 1/8/07 and the Application for Payment #7. We are requesting that the payment amounts due to Recreation Idaho on the Application for Payment #7 are removed from the payment request until such time that a resolution is achieved in regards to the water feature. General discussion. Terry Schreiner, City Electrical Inspector, prior to coming to the City [ was the State Electrical Inspector for this project. Discussion on the electrical inspection done as the State Electrical Inspector. General discussion. Alan Yarrington, Recreation Idaho, discusses the electrical inspection being required by the State and the City Electrical Inspector. We have not installed any of these specific water vaults in the State. There are no UL standards for vault certification. General discussion. Terry Schreiner, there is not standard, it does not have to be UL, it has to have an inspection and certification. There are several companies that do this not just UL. This is an electrical enclosure that needs to be certified in the State of Idaho. General discussion. Mayor, the resolution seems to be to get one of the testing laboratories to come out and do their inspection and certification. Dale Anderson, Superintendent for KJ Corporation, discusses the completion of the landscaping. They were asked to be on site the last week of September and they did not show up at that time. The fourth week they did respond and we had a meeting and then they failed to show up on their scheduled start date. ILS seems to have sub out the work to other companies. These companies seem to be doing an okjob. Discussion on hiring a new landscaping contractor. General discussion. Discussion on the City taking responsibility for the two picnic shelters, bathrooms and the play structure. Council discusses the need for a fence around the park to keep the public out until completion of the park. Mike Echeita discusses the vandalism at the park and putting up a fence around the park. I think the best thing would be to shut the park down and keep everyone out. Jim Murray, CSHQA, discussion on fencing the park. If the Council would like we can report to the Council at the first meeting in February and every month until the park is completed. Dale Anderson, I can't give you a completion date right now. The ground is frozen, you can't test the water park in frozen times, if it thaws out it would be 30 days past that. The hydro seeding can not be done until final grading. General discussion. The landscaping and water park could be completed the end of April weather permitting. Page I K:ICOUNCILWfNUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09-07min.doc City Attorney, 1 would suggest that KJ submit a revised construction scheduled to Mr. Murray for Council consideration at a meeting in the next couple of weeks. General discussion. Mayor: Perhaps Mr. Yarrington can have a report on the inspection for the water feature. 2. Urban Renewal Commission - Appointment of Members discussion. Teri Bath, discusses the proposed members on the list presented to Council tonight. This is the City's Commission so you need to make the final decision on the Commission members. General discussion. Council Member Nordstrom: I would prefer to be a member and not in a liaison position. 3. Urban Renewal Agreement for Consulting Services discussion. Mr. Mann is not present. No discussion was had. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 6: 15 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER. NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. · Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission. or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims A!!ainst the City. B. Findin!!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-ll-061RZ-13-06 & PP-13-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA and Preliminary Plat for An!!ler's Hamlet Subdivision - Rovlance Investments. LLC and RT Nahas Comoanv: Roylance Investments, LLC and RT Nahas Company are requesting an annexation and a rezone with a development agreement from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Angler's Hamlet Subdivision, a 42-lot (37- residential, 5-common) residential subdivision. The 10-acre site is located approximately 400-feet southwest of the intersection of North Park Lane and State Highway 44, on the south side of West Old Valley Road at 4171 W. Old Valley Road. (WEV) C. Findin!!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-18-06 and PP-17-06- Rezone from A-R to R-I-DA and Preliminary Plat for Overton Acres Subdivision - William and Wanda Overton: William and Wanda Overton, represented by Richard Beck with SLN Planning Inc., is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to R- I -DA (Residential One with a Development Agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Overton Acres Page 2 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09-07min.doc Subdivision. The 4.66-acre, 7-lot subdivision (4-residentiallots and 3-common lots) is located on the west side of North Locust Grove Road approximately 1,000 feet north of Chin den Boulevard at 6799 North Locust Grove Road. (WEV) D. DR-41-04 MOD - Master Si!!n Plan for a Multi-tenant Commercial Buildin!! - Yesterdav Prooerties. LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, Inc., is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant commercial building. The application includes the approval of a building wall sign for Briana's Home Decor and Eagle Babies Childcare. The site is located on the west side of North Eagle Road approximately 600-feet north of State Street at 223 North Eagle Road. (WEV) E. DR-I06-06 - Common Area Landscaoin!! within Svlvan Woods Subdivision - Sylvan Wood I. LLC: Sylvan Wood I, LLC. represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Sylvan Woods Subdivision. The site is generally located on the southwest corner of North Ballantyne Lane and West Floating Feather Road at 843 North Ballantyne Lane. (WEV) F. DR-I07-06 - Two Multi-tenant Retail Buildin!!s - Jason Mayer: Jason Mayer is requesting design review approval to construct two multi-tenant retail buildings. The site is located on the north side of West State Street approximately 400-feet east of Hill Road within Winding Creek East (Lots 4 and 5, Bock I) at 1155 and I 193 East Winding Creek Drive. (WEV) G. DR-I08-06 - Master Si!!n Plan for Two Multi-Tenant Retail Buildin!!s- Jason Mayer: Jason Mayer is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for two multi-tenant retail buildings. The site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 350-feet east of Hill Road within Winding Creek East (Lots 4 and 5, Bock I) at I 155 and 1193 East Winding Creek Drive. (WEV) H. DR-I09-06 - Entrv Feature and Monument Si!!n for La!!una Pointe Subdivision - CSHOA Architects: Laguna Pointe, LLC, represented by James G. Murray with CSHQA Architects, is requesting design review approval of an entry structure and monument sign for Laguna Pointe Subdivision. The site is located on the east side of South Eagle Road approximately 4,000-feet north of Chinden Boulevard at 2260 South Eagle Road. (WEV) I. DR-121-06 - Multi-tenant RetaiIlRestaurant Buildin!! - Retail Develooment NA. LLC: Retail Development NA, LLC, represented by Joe Thompson with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct an 8,370- square foot multi-tenant retail/restaurant building. The site is located on the southeast corner of Hill Road and East Winding Creek Drive within Winding Creek East (Lot I, Block 1) at 1 I 17 East Winding Creek Drive. (WEV) J. DR-122-06 - Master Si!!n Plan for a Multi-tenant RetaiIlRestaurant Buildin!! - Retail Develooment NA. LLC: Retail Development NA, LLC, represented by Joe Thompson with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant retail/restaurant building. The site is located on the southeast corner of Hill Road and East Winding Creek Drive within Winding Creek East (Lot 1, Block I) at 1117 East Winding Creek Drive. (WEV) Page J K:\COUNClL\J\..fINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Arealer -1-09-07mindoc K. Re-aooointment of Betty Fisher to the Historical Preservation Commission and aooointment of Jason Pierce to the Historical Preservation Commission: (SKB) L. 12/12/06 City Council Meetin!! Minutes. (SKB) M. Review and aooroval of Ea!!Ie Emolovee-Student In-Service Education Pro!!ram A!!reement. (RB & SKB) N. A!!reement for Urban Renewal Consultin!! Services between the City and Harlan Mann. (WEV) O. Urban Renewal Commission Member Aooointments. Guerber removes Items #A, B, Nand 0 from the Consent Agenda. Bastian removes Item #D from the Consent Agenda. Guerber moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.... ...... ... ....... 5A. Claims Against the City. Guerber: 1 asked that we hold approval of the Claims Against the City to the end of the Agenda so we have the opportunity to review the same. Bastian moves that the Claims Against the City be moved to New Business, Item #8C. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. 5B. Findin!!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-ll-061RZ-13-06 & PP-13-06- Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA and Preliminarv Plat for An!!ler's Hamlet Subdivision - Rovlance Investments. LLC and RT Nahas Comoanv: Roylance Investments, LLC and RT Nahas Company are requesting an annexation and a rezone with a development agreement from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Angler's Hamlet Subdivision, a 42-lot (37- residential, 5-common) residential subdivision. The 10-acre site is located approximately 400- feet southwest of the intersection of North Park Lane and State Highway 44, on the south side of West Old Valley Road at 4171 W. Old Valley Road. (WEV) Guerber: We had a request that this matter be tabled to the January 16, 2007 meeting, and I so move. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... 6D. DR-41-04 MOD - Master Si!!n Plan for a Multi-tenant Commercial Buildin!! _ Yesterday Prooerties. LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, Inc., is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant commercial building. The application includes the approval of a building wall sign for Briana's Home Decor and Eagle Babies Childcare. The site is located on the west side of North Eagle Road approximately 600-feet north of State Street at 223 North Eagle Road. (WEV) Bastian: I removed this and would like to address on Page 7 of9 #4. Strike "to be" from the sentence; the sentence will read "are permitted to have tenant colors with approval of the changes". This is a Motion. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.............. . 5N. Aneement for Urban Renewal Consultin!! Services between the City and Harlan Mann. (WEV) Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minules Work AreaICC-I-09-07min.doc 50. Urban Renewal Commission Member Aooointments. Guerber: I removed these two items from the Consent Agenda since Mr. Mann is not at the meeting tonight. I would move that Items #5N and #50 be continued to the January 16, 2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... 6. A. Election of City Council President: (NM) B. Review and discussion of Council Liaison oositions for 2007. C. Aoolication for oayment #7 for Guerber Park Construction. (SKB) Mayor: I would like a motion to move these items to New Business D, E and F so we can move on to our Public Hearings. Guerber: so moved, Items #6A, Band C will be moved to New Business D, E and F. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mayor provides an overview of how the public hearings will be conducted. A. CU-09-06 - Mobile Office for The Landin!! Community Center and Continuation of Nonconformin!! Use - The Landin!! Community Center: The Landing Community Center, represented by Russ Phillips with Insight Architects, is requesting conditional use permit approval to install a 1 440-square foot mobile office for The Landing Community Center and to allow the site to remain nonconforming with the provisions of Title 8 Chapter 2A. The site is located on the southeast corner of North Eagle Road and East Mission Drive at 296 North I sl Street. Staff is requesting this item be continued to the January 16, 2007 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to continue CU-09-06 - Mobile Office for The Landing Community Center and Continuation of Nonconforming Use - The Landing Community Center to the January 16,2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... B. CP A-4-06 - Comorehensive Plan Amendment from Professional Office and Transitional Residential to Commercial- Lazv P Limited Partnershio: Lazy P Limited Partnership, represented by Shawn Nickel of SLN Planning, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Professional Office and Transitional Residential to Commercial. The 40-acre site is located at the northeast comer of Chin den Boulevard (Hwy 20/26) and Linder Road at 1240 W. Chinden Boulevard. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Shawn Nickel, distributes a handout to the Council and presents a Power Point Presentation. Planner Baird Spencer: Displays overheads and provides an overview of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. General discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 6:55 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Planner Baird Spencer: We have testimony received after the cut off date: a Petition from Almaden Acres Subdivision signed by all of their members, a letter from Brent and Debra Kelly, Page 5 K\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09-07mindoc an e-mail correspondence from Chuck and Joy Compton, an e-mail correspondence from Christopher and Ginna Engle and an e-mail correspondence from Angie Miller. The Planning and Zoning recommendation was to deny 4-1, you do have dissenting opinion from Chairman Pierce. Mayor swears in Cathy Tate Cathy Tate, 1383 W. Sandy Court, Meridian, reads a statement in regards to the corner of Linder and Chinden Blvd. Discusses the neighborhood area. The corners were designed as professional. The Wal-Mart's and big box stores do not fit the neighborhood. Mayor swears in Carol Montierth Carol Montierth, 7175 N. Springcrest, Meridian, I am very concerned about the traffic and my husband has put together a video on the traffic. The video is shown. Mayor swears in Kay Perkins Kay Perkins, 7610 Amity Road, Nampa, 1 actually part owner of (see tape) They have seen a lot of noise in the last 58 years and they did not complain. We have lost our irrigation water on the north side of our property. They don't want us to farm our property and they don't want us to develop the property. They want us to leave our 40 acres as open space. We ask that you approve our request for the Comp Plan Amendment. Mayor swears in Judy Erdman Judy Erdman 7283 Windward Drive, Meridian, 1 was glad to hear Kay say that. That is why I bought in the area. I want to stay and my daughter wants to live here after me. I don't want to stop development. A big box store will not look good as a gateway to the City of Eagle. The roads will not accommodate this. We chose to live away from these developments. Mayor swears in Mimi Plumb Mimi Plumb, 854 River Heights Dr, Meridian 1 would like to state my opposition to any change in Eagle's Comprehensive Plan. Discussion on the traffic. Most of the users of this store would come from Meridian. Mayor swears in Ken Mallea Ken Mallea, 2241 Almaden, all of my neighbors have circulated a petition that you have in your packet. Everyone in our subdivision is in opposition to this. We do not need this project. This will not benefit us. I would recommend that you deny this application. Discussion. Mayor swears in Ivan Hoffman Ivan Hoffman, 7220 N. Linder Road, my wife's family has lived here since 1963. My main concern is the traffic. Discussion on the stop lights along Chinden which slows the traffic down. My only opposition is the traffic. My mailing address is Meridian, I am in the Impact Area. Mayor swears in Brian Schrador Brian Shrador, 6620 Fox Run Avenue, this is a Meridian address, but is in the Eagle Impact Area. Discusses the stub street that would go through the golf course. Provides the Council some history of the project. Discussion on value of the houses in the area. We would ask that you deny this proposal. Veri Roberts - passes Mayor swears in Scott Trosper Page 6 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-l-09-07rnin.doc Scott Trosper, 7110 Springcrest Place, Sandy Springs, I would request to present on behalf of the whole subdivision. I am here on behalf of the residents of Sandy Springs Subdivision. Distributes a handout to the Council and discusses the same. Our main concerns are traffic and safety. We believe that this project will reduce our property values. Discussion on economic impact on property tax revenue. We are not asking the property owners to leave this as open space. This project does not bring a public benefit to it and we ask the Council to follow the Planning and Zoning and deny this application. General discussion. Mayor swears in Phil Broadbent Phil Broadbent, 913 River Heights, in the unincorporated area of the City of Eagle. I am a real estate developer and attorney from Arizona. Scott covered many of things I wanted to mention. Discussion on evaluating the proposal to amend the plan. Discussion on the benefits. Mayor swears in Kristen Hall Kristen Hall, 10 II River Heights Drive, 1 feel that the roads are not there to support this type of store. It is not a hardship for me to drive to Target or WalMart which are 4-6 miles from me. I understand that commercial will come in at some time. Mayor swears in Larry Sandosky Larry Sandosky, I applaud the earlier video. Traffic for me is a hot button. I have also testified on the large foothills development. You have to think about when you think about this area of Chinden. I use Linder a lot and I am pulling a horse trailer. I think the developer has underestimated the traffic in the area. Mayor swears in Ryan Moore Ryan Moore, 6673 N. Fox Run Avenue, I am the President of the Homeowners Association and the Homeowners Association is against this development. Mayor swears in Foad Roghani Foad Roghani, the people that live in the community do not feel that this a benefit to them and they do not want to live next to a big box. This is not their quality of life. Discussion on the traffic. 1 do not think that commercial development is a good option for here. Mayor swears in Richard Andrus Richard Andrus, I am an attorney with Spink Butler and our firm represents Lazy P, there have been a lot of very good concerns from the neighbors. I know that traffic is a big issue. Tonight we are asking for the Council's help to create a dialog with lTD. It is important to remember that this a comprehensive plan amendment which is merely creating the option to begin planning. The concept plan that was presented was just that, a concept plan. Mayor swears in David Harris David Harris, 1733 W. Clearview, I don't live in the area immediately impacted by this. I would not necessarily go there to my commercial business. I would request the Council to stick to their guns with the comprehensive plan. Mayor swears in Lydia Aguirre Lydia Aguirre, 1895 Almadin Drive, Meridian, we moved here 10 years on a 5 acre sub. This makes no sense. We moved toward Eagle because we admired what Eagle did. We are relying on you to stick to the comprehensive plan. Mayor swears in Ted Eppery Page 7 K.\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09-07mindoc Ted Eppery, 2180 Riviera Drive, Meridian, both my wife and I would request that the Council vote against this. Discussion on the traffic and emergency services. Mayor swears in Jim Lee Jim Lee, 1895 Almadin Drive, no one has touched on what is going on the other side that has been approved by Meridian. There are going to 150 homes going out on Linder so that is going to create more traffic issues. Shawn Nickel, representing the applicant, I agree with everything said in regards to the traffic. As we have shown as a concept plan is just that, a concept. We have no idea what is going to go on this property. This is a request for a comp plan amendment. There is a long road ahead before this property is fully developed. I disagree with the statement that the best use of this property is residential. General Council discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. This will be on the Agenda for January 16, 2007. (See Motion to Continue below) C. CP A-9-06 - Comorehensive Plan Amendment from Transitional Residential to Professional Office - Caoital Develooment. Inc.: Capital Development, Inc. represented by Dave Yorgason ., is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Transitional Residential to Professional Office and amend the text of the Rim View Planning Area. The 7.8-acre site is generally located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Meridian and Chinden at 6615 N. Meridian Road. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor swears in Dave Y orgason Dave Y orgason, Capital Development, representing the applicant, provides the Council an overview of the application. We are not going to have a big box. We are contiguous to the City. There will be a dental office use in one of the buildings. We are not aware of any opposition. Planner Baird Spencer, provides the Council an overview of the application. Displays the concept plan and discusses the same. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Joe Verska Joe Verska, 7893 N. Vue Estates Rd, Meridian, I would like to compliment the developers on the Castlebury developments. I am very apprehensive about the change in this development and how it is going to impact the surrounding homes and I am concerned about the traffic. I am a physician and I have an office so I know the demands on a professional office. There are employees and patients. 1 am opposed to this application. Dave Y orgason, there will be a variety of sizes in the buildings. We make less money with a professional office instead of residential. We are concerned about the commercial development in this area. We will do something nice at this intersection. This will be an entrance to our CastIebury West. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Guerber moves to continue CP A-9-06 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Transitional Residential to Professional Office - Capital Development, Inc. to the January Page 8 K\COVNrIL\r>.UNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09-07mindoc 16,2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.. ..... ............... Guerber moves to continue CP A-4-06 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Professional Office and Transitional Residential to Commercial - Lazy P Limited Partnership to the January 16, 2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. D. CP A-2-061 RZ-S-06N AC-1-06/PP-9-06-- Ea!!le Gatewav Proiect - Cornerstone Grouo. LLC.: Cornerstone Group, LLC., represented by Walter Lundgren of Johnson Architects, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from BP (business Park) to MU (Mixed Use), a Rezone with a Development Agreement from BP (Business Park) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement), a vacation and realignment of McGrath Road through the site and a Preliminary plat for an 11 lot commercial/retail subdivision. The 9.5 acre site is located at 1601 and 1782 McGrath Road, at the southwest intersection of McGrath Road and State Street north of the Stat Highway 44 Bypass. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor swears in Walter Lundgren Walter Lundgren, Johnson Architects, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Planner Baird Spencer, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion Mayor opens the Public Hearing Walter Lundgren, discusses the use issue and the right in and right out. The applicant wants to address what is the best use for this corner. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Guerber moves to continue CP A-2-06/ RZ-S-06N AC-I-06/PP-9-06-- Eagle Gateway Project - Cornerstone Group, LLC. to the January 16, 2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... Mayor calls a recess at 9: 15 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:20 p.m. E. CPA-3-06/A-9-061RZ-10-06/PP-ll-06 - Comorehensive Plan Amendment from Residential One to Transitional Residential. Annexation. Rezone with a Develooment Al!:reement from RUHAda County) to R-3-DA & Preliminarv Plat Aooroval for Countrvland Estates - JLJ Enterorises: .ILJ Enterprises Inc, represented by Van Elg of The Land Group Inc, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One(up to one unit per acre) to Transitional Residential, an annexation and rezone from RUT (Ada County) to R-3-DA (up to three units per acres with Development Agreement limiting it to 2 units per acre), and preliminary plat approval for Countryland Estates, a l7-lot (12 buildable) residential subdivision. The 6.6-acre site is generally located y. mile west of Ballantyne Road and Y. north of State Highway 44 at 2556 W. State Street. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Van Elg, The Land Group, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Page 9 K\COUNClLIMINUTESI,Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-l-09-07mindoc Planner Baird Spencer, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Trevin Rasmussen Trevin Rasmussen, 18 N. Pinedale Way, I am the Vice President of the Homeowners Association in Timberland. The swells are a big problem for the homeowners in Timberland right now. Discussion on putting a roundabout in to control the speed. Discussion on the irrigation and the water rights. Van Elg, we are fine with the R2 if that will work. We will certainly take a look at the swells. With respect to the roundabout there really isn't room for one in this small of a subdivision. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Council discussion on water rights. Bastian moves to continue CPA-3-06/A-9-061RZ-10-06/PP-11_06 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential One to Transitional Residential, Annexation, Rezone with a Development Agreement from RUT(Ada County) to R-3-DA & Preliminary Plat Approval for Countryland Estates - JLJ Enterprises to the January 16, 2007 City Council meeting with the instructions to staff that this be designated as R2. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES........................... F. CPA-7-06 - Comorehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the Chinden Terrace Plannin!! Area and Mao Amendment from Residential One to Mixed Use - The City of Ea!!le: The City of Eagle, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to establish the Chinden Terrace Planning Area and a Land Use Map Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One to Mixed Use. The +1- 57-acre site is located at the northeast corner of Chin den Boulevard (Hwy 20/26) and Eagle Road (Highway 55). (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird Spencer, displays overheads and provides Council some history on how to deal with this Chinden area. General discussion on access. Further discussion on the comp plan amendment. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Bastian moves to continue CP A-7-06 - Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the Chinden Terrace Planning Area and Map Amendment from Residential One to Mixed Use - The City of Eagle to the January 16,2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARIES.................... G. CPA-6-06 - Comorehensive Plan Amendment to chan!!e the Villa!!e Center symbol for +1- 640 located in the Villa!!e Plannin!! Area - The City of Ea!!le: The City of Eagle, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the symbol for the Village Center land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for the Village Center area. The +1_ 640-acres site is approximately I-mile wide located approximately 1 mile east of State Highway 16 along Beacon Light Road. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09-07min.doc Planner Baird Spencer, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the comp plan amendment for the Village Center area. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Joe Rausch Joe Rausch, I did submit a letter to the City, the R4 designation was eliminated and I didn't see any reasoning for this. It seems to me that you have to have some residences there to make the Village Center work. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Nordstrom moves to continue CP A-6-06 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Village Center symbol for +/- 640 located in the Village Planning Area - The City of Eagle to the January 16,2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Bandy. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES................. ... H. CPA-l 1-06 - City of Ea!!le.: the City of Eagle is proposing a comprehensive Plan amendment to achieve the following: I) Remove the business park designation from the plan and change property designated as Business Park to Mixed Use (City Wide); 2) Removal of the Chinden Bench Planning Area; 3) Land use Map change within the Moon Valley & State planning area from Residential Estates (1 unit per 2 acres) to Professional Office; 4) The merger of the Soaring 2025 Plan adopted September 14, 2004 and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan adopted September 4, 2004; 5) Update appropriate sections of the existing plan to ensure consistency with the proposed amendments. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird Spencer, discussion on the BLM land. Displays overheads and discuses items I to 5. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Sherrie (Aldape) Ewing Sherrie (Aldape) Ewing, 2934 E. Lake Hazel Road, I am representing the owners of960 acres north of the Phyllis Canal to the Boise Rive and from Black Cat to Linder. Right now we are in the Eagle Impact Area and we would like to be out of the Eagle Impact Area. We are contiguous to the City of Meridian and in the next 2 years Meridian will have sewer services available for our area. It will be cheaper and quicker for us to be in Meridian. General discussion. Mayor: This is not part of our comprehensive plan amendment that are on our agenda for tonight. A decision could not be made tonight. City Attorney: You are correct that the area Sherrie Ewing is discussing was not noticed for a public hearing so we would have to have a separate application for a comp plan amendment. General discussion. General discussion on the procedure to do a comp plan amendment and the time line. Mayor swears in Hans Linton Page 1] K:ICOUNClL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-l-09-07min.doc Hans Linton, 11247 W. Blueberry Ct., Boise, I would like to address Item #1, we are in support of this and we would like to request that the old gravel pit be designated as a mixed use. There is 10 acres, about 8 useable. Discussion on restoring the gravel pit. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Guerber moves to continue CP A-I1-06 - City of Eagle to the January 16, 2007 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... Planner Baird Spencer: discussion on the Foothills Transportation Committees understanding of community tolerance. Distributes copies of meeting dates for the Committee. General discussion. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Prooosal from Aatronics for audio in City Council lobby and audiolvideo in conference rooms. SKB Mayor introduces the issue and provides the Council an overview of the proposal to add audiolvideo to the Council lobby and the conference rooms. General discussion. Council concurs to have another proposal. B. Transoortation Task Force Consultant discussion. Mayor introduces the issue. I think we need hire a consultation, our staff is extremely busy right now. General discussion. Council concurs to hire a consultant. Mayor: 1 will move forward to obtain a proposal for consulting services and bring this back to you. C-5 A. Claims A!!ainst the City. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve the claims against the City. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. D-6A. Election of City Council President: (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves to have Steve Guerber be Council President. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ E-6B. Review and discussion of Council Liaison oositions for 2007. Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Nordstrom moves that the Council Liaison positions stay the same for 2007. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES................ F-6C. Aoolication for oayment #7 for Guerber Park Construction. (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney: 1 would recommend that we table this to the third meeting of the month. I asked Mr. Murray to get me the number for the liquidated damages. Page ]2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09.07min.doc Guerber moves to continue this item to the third agenda of the month of January and the City Attorney to talk to Mr. Murray on the possible liquidated damages for the time delays at Hill Road Park. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... ... 9. REPORTS: City Engineer Report: I met with the new Public Works Director today and we have a couple of meetings arranged for Thursday and Friday. The first of next week we will meet and go through all of the projects. His experience is going to let him get on board quickly. Everything is on schedule on what we are involved in. 1 am taking over the transportation projects. I am becoming more involved in project management. Discussion on the extension of the water system. Discussion on The Orchard's well. City Attorney Report: Discussion on annexation legislation. We had a meeting yesterday with the Meridian School District and the District is appreciative of the treatment they have received from the City of Eagle. Bruce Smith would like to address you in Executive Session at your next meeting. General discussion on legislation. Discussion on the procedure for Design Review applications. The question has arisen that we have had letters from DEQ that they will not accept any more hook ups to Eagle Water Corporation. The PUC's order has come out and they still have them on a short leash. It is my recommendation that we send a letter to Mr. Deshazo and Eagle Water informing them that we will not be accepting any additional land use application in his service area until we are notified from DEQ and the PUC that he is allowed to have additional hook ups to the system. General discussion. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on the Rib Shack. I sent a letter to Renee at Zen Bento, the owner of the property, and she forwarded it to her attorney and they are concerned with damages and etc. Wednesday we will issue the Citation to the Rib Shack. Andrew submitted a thing called a "permit" for the tent and he submitted a site plan also. He is designating the Senior Center parking and I am going to go back and look at the parking agreement. Renee mentioned today that he has brought another smoker in and put it in a parking space. There are several issue that are in violation. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report Mayor and Council's Report: Bandy: The Ada County Air Quality Board meets tomorrow. The Chamber of Commerce Board meeting meets Thursday. Since our last meeting there really hasn't been much going on. Bastian: the Library Board is having some problems setting up their new cataloging system. They are getting a lot of holds on books from Boise and the County; it has doubled from 5,000 to 11,000. They have expanded shelving and we now have about 85,000 items. They are discussing expansion of the Library. Some time in the future they are going to need to expand to the South and the North. I am suggesting that next year they come to us with a Strategic Annual Plan. I am going to meet with Dana tomorrow with the man in Pine Ranch that is shooting shotguns out by the River and is waking him up to early in the morning. Guerber: Parks and Pathway Committee are discussing the Master Plan again and they want something to start happening. The Fire Department Commissioners have recognized the Union and is going to go Union. Nordstrom: No report Discussion on Urban Renewal Districts. Page 1] K:ICOUNflLIJ1.1INUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09-07min,doc Mayor: Discussion on what we are doing as far as Ada County Highway District and the task force. I also had a brief discussion with Chuck Winder. Mike has been working with planners on the flood plain ordinance. Greg Wyatt called and has a meeting on the 7th or 8th of February to discuss water and service areas. We need to decide if we really want to service the foothills. Guerber: The owner's of the Boise Hawks want to build a new $14M stadium and they are interested in building it next to the Veledrome. They want to make it a multipurpose facility. They need about 12 acres. The want to put in retail and a restaurant. The positioning of it would be up against the foothills. This is a new owner from Texas and he will be back in later this month. They went to all the other cities in the Treasure Valley and no one was interested. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12: 15 a.m. Respectfully submitted: .......... J ~.."_..... tAGt....... ," Of( ...... l: -.. ",.. ~.- . -.. . .SH.&b~~A~/Y\~ /t:/~~ov.Ar~........\ . c..;: 0 .: CITY CLERK/TREASURER i : u ,.' v;: 0 : \. \ S~p.. ii/= " ":~olPo~:~T .., .r... -.. G ~ -" ........ r" TB O~..- ......tH.......- Page 14 K:\COUNCIL\MJNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I-09-07mindoc 0 10011010105ceanO501•lvrq,aUso-pw-0R-w.dwg paw eye *WV N TN March 6 2006 a 11611 vw ,I yl (1 I. 1 'il . II N N I ' 11 it Il it si; 161; 11 I i 1 • Ili I 18 I 1- _ 7ige 0 80 101V 41 41 'y11 O OW7.1E W N 00 V m b O N w Ow l5•r\\ _ -f 7 -- 60 i�— .41 ro •Sy• A Oo a o O vo • W 0 0 M co t m -0 zz 4o� � Dy, D • m>D I -0 m Zn O Z 1 11"ii • • [ No% /owl, "1111 rr4 00. _IP 41w o 2 "I> 1 moninweim rsP I FJI'W Art Poor.4 i1FF PP = pr r• PP / PP r I171L 1!IUH 1 r 1'1�t1t1!Is r.ftllH! I Z "Mir! 11 14 ilta����D�110io lin irt fir 1s ii•if 111111nitr 1111111s� ��;� .r ,IIS �[ l it El:litt r 111` 11111! ftDid t1hiaii11'6 t� .:f ! 1R1 h er111.t1tlo111 g; dill E� } 1 1 I MI N [ill 010 ill 5 4 1 .1111 ht h [if 1 11 tlFt jlar IL1 .Ilh1 i1i 1l�J�rtJi �f hoofa thZ rNil 11�` • �� of r P rq f s' [Flj��i 0QQf i F tf1 ji lair I 1 .t iii IE 3 hi ( r !.. 1 :j 4' t i THE LAND GROUP, INC. • Landscape Architecture • Civil Engineering • Site Planning • C01/ Course Irrigation & Engineering • Craphic Communication 464' Sart Shore Drive, Suite 100. Eagle. Idaho 69616 Phone //906) 996-464/ Far (206) 939-4445 , mmya Mslandg, Dupiru. ccm If 11 Ai; 4Z a, :sap �- COUNTRYLAND SUBDIVISION EAGLE, IDAHO d' 1 4 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET CPA -4-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Professional Office and Transitional Residential to Commercial — Lazy P Limited Partnership January 9, 2007 6:00 n.m. NAME ';'.A#(11Ai fsi LdLt/ / zt.� D'Airb OACIAiVriiL (2444;14o, �/41/ r/ /ydd21i/3.)// I /I LMMIL. A) T1AL A A((; ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE lye N Z- /-1-1 S� cry/z /Js tiv &t: 711'5-N Sort,,`oucks } vt A'uA 7/e,£; 7.2f.3 77,r; T,. 1C 2-zY/ %�" r r/ .1 // ,„q f11 /16 5a4- 72, . (e 622-c) N '-i A-�l 2-7>2- 5 5 reQ� ISPr�����Qc;-t- P I.LtsP 3121t s? 144 rG0(`� �i7->720"EHT5 6,c c ca U) cc, I (1'1c' t . - S eco ( / �`L vim- fine, 76'C2 ./ `JrC %/�•�iTJ''ifA/ L'-7- 3 W �� �A-u\ (5 Ck,�-- Page 1 of 1I.\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WTD „QS! 4ro n4 S+rR Beim C 1:1;3 tv� CI ec,rrvus 3sol 4 > < c- �� 6-; �etir a TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON e-0<-7 u Com Co/ -7 GONJ Le L C.' /\-- C C:77 c v Tc o }� 1 (✓O ✓t ViC\k t-) cs if\ z1 Ur C i 133C I-Sff\d-ti C N -` 2305- 12-0? k-� D R. a / ✓2 �.� i f. v NAME 2264 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET CPA -11-06 — City of Eagle January 9. 2007 6:00 a.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE e 79;2 /=)g -ti -e4 . / .L L i 1 - J A 3 yz-4.3'7? \)-2.(7 I� �e��z�r L J C+ 63'2 r �f�rZ'jzrz r l4iI °IA a3o ✓i C ci /1 Scr_tl...✓� C W �1» 7'7°° EASca 320 0 �i. Pke-1-\ / v Pagelof 11 \COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON 5 42-4 Ves /1/� EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET CPA -6-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Village Center symbol for +1- 640 located in the Village Planning Area — The City of Eagle January 9, 2007 6:00 D.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON R144 7 7 she 5-f 5 Page 1 of 11 \COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET CPA-3-06/A-9-06/RZ-10-06/PP-11-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential One to Transitional Residential, Annexation, Rezone with a Development Aereement from RUTfAda County) to R -3 -DA & Preliminary Plat Approval for Countrvland Estates — JLJ Entero rises January 9. 2007 6:00 D.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON NAME 4-L: Z L j 21zL. ! . L= A Cts= I� ff D,w v,i' .r /1 P/4JL'-i) -LG LJy9y e_ AGL` L._ Page 1 of 11 ICOUNCIUAGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD • tz-C-7? EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGNUP SHEET CPA -9-06 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Transitional Residential to Professional Office — Capital Development. Inc January 9, 2007 6:00 n.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON 005S `I d- j-kAA ‘ 4An_-. 5s517-%,:( 00 Page 1 of H:I000NCIL\AGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET CPA -2-06/ RZ-8-06/VAC-1-06/PP-9-06— Eagle Gateway Proiect — Cornerstone Grout) January 9, 2007 6:00 p.m. NAME !.;40.64 ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE !re, 9247 Page 1 of H:I000NCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET CPA -7-06 — Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the Chinden Terrace Planning Area and Mao Amendment from Residential One to Mixed Use — The City of Eagle January 9, 2007 6:00 n.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE Page l of . H:I000NCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET CU -09-06 - Mobile Office for The Landing Community Center and Continuation of Nonconforming Use - The Landing Community Center January 9.2007 6:00 p.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE Page l of . I-1:\000NCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON December 18, 2006 City of Eagle Mayor and City Council Members PO Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 Greetings, Regarding: Eagle City Council Meeting — January 9, 2007 Removal of Chinden Bench Planning Area I am representing property owners who own 967 acres of land north of the Phyllis Canal to the Boise River and from Black Cat to Linder. We would like to be included in the amendment to remove the Chinden Bench Planning Area from the Eagle Impact area for the following reasons: 1. We are contiguous with the Meridian City limits. 2. Meridian sewer services will be available to us within the next 2 years. Eagle sewer services are not even in the planning stages at this time. 3. Eagle sewer services will cost us approximately 5 times more than Meridian sewer services, which represents several million dollars. 4. We have had conversations with Ada County Development Services, Eagle, Star, and Meridian sewer authorities, and they all agree that our best option is to utilize Meridian's facilities. 5. We hope that you will listen to the wishes of the people. I will attend your January 9th meeting and I will quickly speak to these reasons. If you have any questions, I could answer them in the meeting or you may call me in advance at: 888-7700. Sincerely, Sherrie (Aldape) E 2934 E. Lake Hazel Meridian, ID 83642 CC: Gerry Armstrong — Ma County Developmental Services Richard Cook — Ma County Developmental Services Mayor Tammy de Weerd — City of Meridian Meridian vs Eagle Impact Area Preference From Linder to Black Cat - South of the Boise River - North of the Phyllis Canal Property Contact Person Prefers Meridian Impact Area Aldape Properties Boy Scouts Christian Children's Home Erin Troutner Everist Merlen Henkel Orme Properties Pacific Links Ramon Arana Scott Bishop Spurwing LTD Sherrie Ewing Sam Thompson Phil & Susan Abbott Erin Troutner Rex & Peggy Everist Steve Henkel Kirby & Susan Orme Jock Hewitt Ray Arana/Tim Gibson Scott Bishop Jock Hewitt Neutral until results from studies are known Gerald Timmons Jerry & Lynn Timmons Does not want to be in any impact area Resource Renewal Jason Kibbey Prefers Eagle Impact Area Unable to contact Duck Alley LLC Phone # Acres Letter I 888-7700 261.33 Y 376-4411 11.42 Y 888-5235 80.00 Y 850-5842 2.30 Y 888-1888 1.00 Y 362-6811 29.92 Y 342-2139 288.44 Y 890-1430 104.47 Y 887-4856/375-2212 83.44 Y 895-0276 19.93 Y 890-1430 84.56 Y Total 966.81 888-5371 415-928-3774 13.27 29.89 None 1.84 Total Acres 1011.81 Survey by Sherrie Ewing - 888-7700 1/2/2007 February 11, 2006 Mayor Tammy de Weerd Meridian City Council Mayor Nancy Merrill Eagle City Council Dear Members, Meridian / Eagle Impact Area Request Re: Aldape/Everist Property — located between Ten Mile and Black Cat, north of the Phyllis Canal to the Boise River. This letter is to notify you of our desire to be included in the Meridian City impact area. We have met with Nichoel Baird Spencer, City of Eagle, Anna Canning, City of Meridian and also with Richard Cook, Ada County Development Services and have discussed our desire to stay with Meridian. Our reasons include: 1. Our neighbors to the south have applied for annexation into Meridian, so we would be contiguous to Meridian City limits. 2. Sewer services will be across the property line within a year from now, whereas Eagle sewer services are five miles away and are not even on the projection map yet. 3. The mailing address and phone number have been in Meridian for at least 85 years. 4. The only access to the property is through Basco Lane which is south of the property and located miles closer to Meridian than Eagle. 5. Fire and police protection are currently being provided through the city of Meridian. The Aldape property is located only five miles from the Meridian Fire Department, whereas Eagle is significantly farther, plus they have to cross the Boise River. And just recently when my parents called 911 in need of an ambulance, the Meridian Fire Department was the first response team to arrive. 6. Four generations of "Aldape's" are attending, or have graduated from Meridian schools. 7. We have always been Meridianites and want to remain Meridianites. Our vision is to develop the land into a residential development with ponds, similar to other river side developments. If you have any questions and would like to discuss this matter with us, please feel free to call Sherrie at 888-7700. Sincerely, Peggy Everist Sherrie Ewing (Daughters of Elias and Margaret Aldape) Page 1 of 1 Sherrie Ewing From: Sam Thompson [sthomps@bsamail.org] Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 1:12 PM To: sherrie.ewing@ewingcompany.com Subject: island property Sherrie, It was good to talk to you today I am looking forward to meeting you in person. Per our conversation, it makes good sense to include our property as part of the Meridian City Limits rather than the Eagle City Limits. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything further. Sam Thompson Scout Executive/CEO Ore -Ida Council - Boy Scouts of America 2/27/2006 Please call me. Page 1 of 1 Sherrie Ewing From: Phil Abbott [office a©christianchildrensranch.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 12:57 PM To: Sherrie Ewing Subject: Re: Please call me. Sherry, Concerning the desire of the landowners to be incorporated into Meridian's impact area: The Christian Children's Ranch was disappointed that the City of Eagle has done little to project sewer in our area. Due to this being the case the Christian Children's Ranch would rather be in the City of Meridian's impact area rather than the City of Eagle's impact area due to the availability of sewer services in the projected future. Meridian has provided information conceming a proposed lift station whereas Eagle has not presented us with sufficient information to make a decision to desire us to remain in the Eagle impact area. Respectfully, Phil Abbott Administrator 1/2/2007 Sok „ J.,,texl 144' ;it- N2 aptcrui.A. oft74 0-d irvie 440a'" d2A41)4 /-01:-;;;A Art9 ?AteAl tea`` 09 :irt,-.6e4 P) ./ t h JIi.• oz -t tvtia /-01: ()NA)) Pr' OthAit)". ciy(if P pima'I 1 Dit "iv cija,-L-0 ,b,A1 d 01)4fi fyttitA efr4r, Akot-al .40 744- cx-141 In � Dear Mayor Nancy Merrill, On this date of February 15t 2006 the current owners of the real property that resides at 3205 West Duck Alley, ofN 1/2 NENE and the NENWNE, Section 22, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, BM, Ada County, Idaho. which are Gary Eugene Henkel, Steve James Henkel, and Linda Ann Lazaris request to be included in as property owners within the Meridian Impact area. As owners of the property we feel it would be the most cost effective means to provide the necessary services for future development in regards to overcoming the access with the necessary facilities through two (2 ) major water way obstacles ( Boise River and an Irrigation cannel ) from the Eagle area. Gary E. Henkel Steve J. Henkel Linda A. Lazaris Thank you, Gary E. Henkel s, � l tT(IVI'WN° t oft-J—AL pr.4.4„.A., \ ALL ‘...13-1-1 0 as"-, rA Mk - net. .-0 ' 3 0 0 p. vu2-&) 4-0 ' Feb 27 06 02:OSp Charlene He February 27, 2006 Sherrie Ewing 2934 E. Lake Hazel Road Meridian, Idaho 83642 208-377-9215 Re: Meridian Area of impact Dear Sherrie This letter is to confirm our desire to be in Meridian's area of impact rather than Eagle. Since 1880, our family has owned property, now leased to SpurWing Country Club, fronting on Chinden Boulevard and continuing north beyond the rim down and across the Phyllis Canal to the south channel of the Boise River. This property has always been a part of Meridian and our desire is that all of it remain that way, and not split in half with a portion of it changed to Eagle. This property is owned by our family In the form of the SpurWing Limited Partnership and I am the general partner. Sincerely yours, Jock Hewitt President SpurWing Corporation, General Partner, SpurWing Limited Partnership p.1 February 13, 2006 Mayor Tammy De Weerd Meridian City Council Mayor Nancy Merrill Eagle City Council Mayor: We would like to bring to you attention our wishes to have our ranch, which is located at 3200 W Duck Alley Lane, Eagle, to be brought into the Meridian impact area for the following reasons. Our neighbors to the west and south of us, the Aldape's and Henkel's property, have also requested to be in the Meridian impact area. I have discussed this with some folks on the Eagle utility board and their thoughts are that Eagle has expanded west towards Star and not south off Highway 44 up Linder Road to Chinden. They mentioned the cost of running utility across two channels of the Boise River would delay that project for years to come because there are not enough large parcels of land to be developed to move a project like that forward. One parcel being a state park that won't be developed, also Duck Alley which is a mile long +1- and a large parcel of land belonging to Spur Wing Golf course that won't be developed, a children's home property and property owned by a wildlife refuge which is putting the land in a trust to prevent development. It would not be feasible for us with 100 acres to try to bring utilities from State Street nor would it be feasible for Eagle to bring the utilities to our land. Since our neighbors the Aldape's and Henkel's are requesting Meridian impact it makes sense to add our property at the same time. It would be easier to get utilities to our property through the Alpape's. It would also help disperse traffic off Basco Lane to Duck Alley. This might give some traffic relief to these developments someday. It just seems sensible, since the Carnahan Development is asking to be in the Meridian impact area and bring utilities to the rim above us, to keep all the property on the south side of the river, that could be developed in our lifetime, all in the Meridian impact area because of the utility connections and traffic disbursement and would lessen problems in the future. The river brings a lot of problems for our property to be in the Eagle impact area. We feel that Meridian could serve our needs a lot easier and sooner than Eagle will be able to. So we would like to join our neighbors, the Aldape's and Henkel's, to the west and south of us to be in the Meridian impact area. Sincerely, Property Owners Ray Arana Tim T. Gibson Ruth Ysursa-Gibson Page 1 of 1 Sherrie Ewing From: Scott Bishop [scotta©bridgetower.com] Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 3:32 PM To: 'Sherrie Ewing' Subject: Meridian Hi Sherrie, Please forward my interests in this matter of annexation to the appropriate parties. I am infavor of the city of Meridain including my land, and any land south of the Boise river, in thier area of inpact or future annexation. I would be happy to share this opinion at any public meetings if you think it would help. Just let me know. Thanks, Scott Bishop 2414 W. Duck Alley 2/27/2006 CC :-9-e7 KAY TALK BEFORE EAGLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL — Tuesday, January 9, 2007 My name is Kay Perkins. My address is 7610 Amity Road; Nampa, ID 83687. I am part owner of the Lazy P Limited Partnership, which is the 40 acres on the NE corner of Chinden Blvd. and Linder Road. My parents, Hyrum & Clover Powell, bought the 40 acres in 1949, which is 58 years ago. They moved to the Lazy P Ranch with their family because Dad wanted to be a farmer. They wanted to enjoy the peace and serenity of living in an open country setting. 58 years ago, there was little traffic on Chinden Blvd. and Linder Road. When they bought the Lazy P Ranch, there were 5 houses on Chinden Blvd. from Linder Road to Meridian Road. We are the only people living in the surrounding area now who were living there 58 years ago. We were here first. We have seen a lot of growth in the last 58 years. We did not complain when people started to build houses in the surrounding area which brought more traffic, noise, and pollution to the area. We also did not complain when we lost our view and the feel of the open country in our quiet neighborhood of 5 houses in our mile. In fact, the Sandy Springs Subdivision would not be what it is today if it wasn't for us. Because of all the growth when the people protesting moved here, we have Lost: • The ability to ride our horses over the hill and swim in the river by the Sandy Bodily Subdivision. • We no longer have the option to site in our rifles in our back pasture or hunt birds in our fields. • We no longer have as many deer and other wild life coming through our property. • We have lost our irrigation water on the north side of our property. • We have lost the peace and quiet of living in a country setting. • Because of the growth, we had to give up some of our valuable property on both Chinden and Linder to widen the road to help move the traffic. • Now, we will have to give up more of our valuable property on both Chinden and Linder to widen the roads again because there is more traffic because of the growth. People all want roads but they don't want to pay for them. They want us to sacrifice more land again that we have had for 58 years. • With the growth, we have had to quit milking cows because the wet beet pulp we fed the cows had a smell and the neighbors complained. We also had to give up raising pigs for the same reason. • They don't want us to farm our property and they don't want us to develop our property. It is hard to understand what they want us to do with our property!!!! • We don't understand the difference between living in a subdivision here or in the city. • They want us to leave our 40 acres as open spaces to provide them with open spaces so they can enjoy the peace and serenity of living in a country setting. We can no longer afford to do that. • We have sacrificed enough. • If they want open spaces, they may want to buy 1,000 acres and build their house in the middle of their property. That way they can control and pay for their own open spaces. Mom & Dad's dream is to develop the corner and leave a legacy for their children and grandchildren. They did not complain when people started to move to the country to fulfill their dreams. These same people should not complain when Mom & Dad are trying to fulfill their dreams. The same people who are complaining are the people who moved to the area after we did which caused more traffic and the need for a commercial corner on our property to cut down that traffic. They can shop on our corner instead of traveling 5 miles or more to a store. This will take traffic off of Eagle Road and Fairview Avenue. With all the growth in this area, you cannot stop development to accommodate that growth. We ask that you approve our request for our Comp Plan Amendment tonight. As you know, the reason for your Comp Plan is for future development. Your approval will allow us the ability to work with our neighbors and developers for future development. We are asking you to help us help you by providing a nice gateway to the City of Eagle, which would be a lasting value and a good fit for the City of Eagle. Thank you for your time and consideration to our request. Nichoel Baird From: Carl [ocmillhouse @ yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 2:06 PM To: eaglecity Cc: Nichoel Baird; shawn@landconsultants.net Subject: Big Box Retail on Chinden/Linder Honorable Mayor Merrill and Eagle City Council, ,r' 413. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend tonight's City Council hearing. I strongly encourage the Eagle City Council to approve the proposal to update the Comprehensive Plan map for Lazy P Limited Partnership. The revision in the plan map will enable a big -box retailer to locate at the corner of Linder and Chinden in an appropriate location to serve the growing population of Meridian and Eagle. This site would be the closest retailer for over 15,000 persons in North Meridian and Southwest Eagle. This includes the large planned communities of Castlebury, Bridgetower, Paramount, Lochsa Falls, and Saguaro Canyon. The recent approval of M-3 would provide even more residential units without accessible basic shopping. Responsible cities should consider providing necessary retail services in close proximity to residential growth. This type of development pattern (without shopping centers) requires vehicular dependency creating long trips for simple purchases. In fact, this location will help me to leave my car in the garage and walk to the store, something that will help the air pollution in the valley. Last week when I wanted to buy some salsa I had to drive to 8 miles (roundtrip) for my purchase instead of walking down the street to the neighborhood store. The cumulative affect of thousands of families reducing their vehicle miles driven would have a tremendous benefit to the valley's traffic congestion problems. The site at the corner of Linder and Chinden is the only intersection appropriate to handle the much needed big box retailer for this area. Linder is the only arterial roadway that connects Eagle's population to the south of the river other than Eagle Road. Chinden is only east -west arterial roadway that serves populations from Caldwell to Boise. I have concerns about traffic congestion in this vicinity; however, if this intersection is not selected for retail then it will simply push the commercial development to a worse location on a collector roadway that is not accessible to the population. Any other location will still require the use of Linder and Chinden roadways but will merely increase the distance traveled. I agree with the comment in the developer's application which states, "The North Meridian Areas, and specifically this portion of the Highway 20/26 corridor, is developing at a high residential density. These residents will need the daily services that a large commercial development in this location would provide. The lack of these services would only result in additional traffic on our already overcrowded transportation system." The nearest big -box retailers in the area are located on Eagle Road; this roadway is far beyond capacity. The approval of this site for retail will redirect much of the traffic on Eagle Road and Fairview Avenue, reducing vehicle trips on these congestion roads. The proposed big -box retail is compatible to the surrounding area. The large residential lots already provide sufficient buffering. Landscaping and additional setbacks can be required of the developer to soften any perceived impact of the commercial buildings. The property is adjacent to the City of Meridian. Eagle has better architectural control standards for retail buildings. I agree with many of the neighbors concerns that direct access to the site should not be through their local roads, however, I have confidence in the City of Eagle planning staff and the developer to address issues such as access management, landscaping, and architecture at a future date when detailed plans are submitted. Thank you for consideration of my comments. Angie Miller 1 c&/-"' PETITION TO EAGLE CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 8 2007 File: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, reside in the Almaden Acres Subdivision. All Rbtittour subdivision are a minimum of 5 acres. We OPPOSE CPA -4-06, which requests a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Transitional Residential and Professional Office to BIG BOX COMMERCIAL at the Northeast Corner of Linder Road and Chinden (Hwy 20/26). We OPPOSE THE AMENDMENT. The current zoning allows for transitional residential use with limited professional office approaching the intersection. This is compatible with our properties and surrounding residential projects. The BIG BOX COMMERCIAL will cripple an already dangerous and congested intersection. There is no need or desire for BIG BOX COMMERCIAL at this location and it is detrimental to the neighboring owners and the public. The requested CPA -4-06 meets none of the criteria for amending the plan. The planning and zoning commission RECOMMENDED DENIAL. The lone member supporting the amendment did so out of fear that the City of Meridian could annex the property and probably approve any monstrosity proposed. Such fear is not a valid basis for approving the requested amendment. REQUESTED CPA -4-06 SHOULD BE DENIED. NAME OCIA6 1_4 L.,„ b .61 JL I\L to, L PETITION TO EAGLE CITY COUNSEL - 1 ADDRESS Z3os Z3a5- o -i ks. of 23 Z -r ' I qtr- LC/ -2. z_4. R:bc`),,0 �,� Z,_\01/4•J2 I\LG'`As `4'w\ oo g A e Me1.4:14,,f7-6 9t2414'- FoaciS5g-4 ,/x/z-e, 0 ei 1pu4,do,__4CL_,24e,,A,:h Zz� /A--%)27,t/- q-sic g-kAvvt.. Nv a (75/5- 4-44-4.-t- A,.6 -2/F/ e -e ,Z " (C Lux/ lea )273 R',\o,‘Pc �f .7,;2 A. 18.9 5— e,614,_ ot, 1`31.f A-c--4-0te-A- 6v JL • JA4F7 /7/ezirdt,o4- /414547-X:a/ tL 1G7N� IrJ 2 / c.,6, /4 6 /ffp/.1,- -. /0e -c e3L-- ;:gD PETITION TO EAGLE CITY COUNSEL - 2 .304 2-10 6„ f.• i/,.,mow L.L-�., /�-FC�f•c��'•1 ,21 FG + Q4-- D r- 111 cv‘ i ?vv a M f J January 2, 2007 Eagle City Council, Planning and Zoning and Mayor RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 8 2007 ±t: We are against re -zoning of the N.E. corner at Chinden and Linder. Please leave this parcel of land zoned as it currently is, which is mixed use. We do not ever want or need any type of a "BIG BOX" store at this busy and deadly intersection. We have conversed with many, many people regarding this issue and everyone that we have spoken with DOES NOT want any more commercial than we absolutely must tolerate at this corner or any corner of Chinden and Linder. The reasons are obvious and dangerous to all neighbors. We speak from personal experience having been severely injured at this hectic intersection. With the new nearby neighborhood schools opening, this brings more safety, pollution, traffic, environmental issues. The last thing this section of "rural" area needs is more damage, intrusion and problems. Again, we vote against changing the zoning at the corner of Chinden and Linder, and we are totally against any type of `BIG BOX" store going in anywhere close by. Sincerely, Brent and Debra Kelly 6971 N. Spurwing Way Meridian, ID 83646 Signed, Brent N. Kelly Debra R. Kelly CC.6fr)LF D..c,7 Please forward attached to respective departments. Page 1 of 1 Nichoel Baird From: Sharon Bergmann Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 10:23 AM To: Bill Vaughan; Nichoel Baird Subject: FW: [Suspected Spam]"BIG BOX STORE" RE -ZONING AT CORNER OF CHINDEN AND LINDER Sharon K. Bergmann C.M.C. City Clerk/Treasurer City of Eagle, Idaho P.O. Box 1520 208-939-6813 ext. 202 Original Message From: JComp41373@aol.com [mailto:JComp41373@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 10:21 AM To: EagleCity@Cityof Eagle.org Subject: [Suspected Spam]"BIG BOX STORE" RE -ZONING AT CORNER OF CHINDEN AND LINDER MY HUSBAND AND I (CHARLES AND JOY COMPTON) LIVE IN THE SPURWING SUBDIVISION JUST OFF CHINDEN ON THE NORTH SIDE, BETWEEN LINDER AND TEN MILE. WE STRONGLY OPPOSE THE BUILDING OF A "BIG BOX STORE" AT ANY PARCEL OF LAND AT THE INTERSECTION OF CHINDEN AND LINDER. CHINDEN IS ALREADY DANGEROUSLY BUSY WITH CROWDED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS. THERE IS AMPLE SHOPPING OF THE TYPE BEING PROPOSED AT THE INTERSECTION OF EAGLE AND CHINDEN. WE PURCHASED OUR LOT AND CHOSE THIS AREA FOR PEACE, SPACE AND QUIET. EVERY DAY OUR PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENT IS CHALLENGED BY NEW COMMERCIAL PROPOSALS AND BUILDING. THIS IS NOT PROGRESS; THIS ARBITRARY PROPSAL IS BEING MADE FOR WHAT? THE ONLY OBVIOUS ANSWER IS MONEY AND MORE TAX REVENUE. THIS IS WHERE WE LIVE ALONG WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER PEOPLE. I THINK WE HAVE A RIGHT TO EXPECT THE OFFICIALS INVOLVED TO PROTECT OUR RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTS FROM OBTRUSIVE TRAFFIC JAMMING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS. WE URGE YOU TO STOP THIS PROPOSED UGLY CONGESTED RETAIL DEVELOPMENT. THANK YOU, CHUCK AND JOY COMPTON ilir- 1/9/2007 Page 1 of 1 Nichoel Baird From: Sharon Bergmann Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 10:44 AM To: Bill Vaughan; Nichoel Baird Subject: FW: BIG BOX STORE - REZONE MEETING - JAN. 9, 2006 Sharon K. Bergmann C.M.C. City Clerk/Treasurer City of Eagle, Idaho P.O. Box 1520 208-939-6813 ext. 202 Original Message From: Pacific Pedestal Mfg. [mailto:pacificpedestal@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 10:43 AM To: eaglecity Subject: BIG BOX STORE - REZONE MEETING - JAN. 9, 2006 ATTN: EAGLE CITY COUNCIL COMMISSIONERS, I CANNOT BE AT THIS MEETING TONIGHT. MY HUSBAND I HAVE BEEN TO PREVIOUS MEETINGS REGARDING THIS PROJECT. WE ARE ADAMANTLY OPPOSED TO THIS PROJECT OR ANY OTHER LIKE IT LOCATED ON THIS CORNER FOR ALL THE SAME REASONS AS PREVIOUSLY STATED. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO SAY "NO?" PLEASE DO NOT OKAY THIS APPLICATION. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. CHRISTOPHER AND GINNA ENGLE 2819 W. BALATA CT. SPURWING 1/9/2007 cc /- %O THE CITY OF EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION October 30, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane 6:30 P.M 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:32 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: JACOBS, ZASTROW, PIERCE, ASPITARTE, MCCARREL 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CPA-5-06/ZOA-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06 - M3 Eagle - M3 Eagle. LLC.: M3 Eagle LLC, represented by Gerry Robbins of The M3 Companies, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to include +l- 6,005 acres into the Eagle Comprehensive Plan designating the following land uses: +1- 40 Acres Rural Residential, +l- 1,627 acres Residential Estates, +/- 470 acres Residential One, +l- 670 acres Residential Two, +l- 1,250 acres Residential Three, +/- 670 acres Residential Four, +/- 770 acres Village Center, +/- 88 acres Mixed Use: +1- 100 Acres Commercial, an Annexation and rezone with a Pre -Annexation and Development Agreement for +/- 40 acres AR -DA (up to 1 unit per 5 acres with a development agreement ), +/- 1,627 acres RE -DA (up to I unit per 2 acres with a development agreement), +/- 470 acres RI -DA (up to one unit per acre with a development agreement), +/- 670 acres R2 -DA (up to two units per acre with a development agreement), +1- 1,250 acres R3 -DA (up to 3 units per acre with a development agreement), +/- 670 acres R4 -DA (up to four units per acre with a development agreement), +/- 770 acres Village Center -DA, +/- 88 acres MU- DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement) to allow for a maximum of +/- 12,010 residential units, a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to amend Eagle City Code Section 8-6 "Planned Unit Developments" to allow for the M3 -PUD. The +/- 6,005 acre site is generally located north of the Farmers Union Canal and Homer Road, east of State Highway 16 and west of Willow Creek Road. Specifically described in the meets and bounds description on file at the City of Eagle.(Hearings held on September 27, 2006 & October 16, 2006) This item was tabled from the September 27, 2006 special meeting. This item will be continued to the November 13, 2006 meeting. Pierce introduces the item. Aspitarte moves to continue CPA-5-06/ZOA-3-06/A-14-06/RZ-19-06 - M3 Eagle - M3 Eagle, LLC. to November 13, 2006 at 5:30. Seconded by McCarrel. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. B. CPA -10-06 - Avimor LLC.: Avimor, LLC., represented by Robert Taunton, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Text Amendment to include +/- 20,080 acres into the Eagle Comprehensive Plan designating the following land uses: +/- 6,290 acres Foothills CIuster Development (1-2 units per acre) and +/- 13,790 acres Foothills Conservation Development (1 unit per 40 acres). The +/- 20,080 -acre site is generally located from Highway 55 on the east to Willow Creek Road via Big Gulch on the west, the northern boundary is approximately five miles north of the Ada/Gem County line, the southern boundary abut the Connolly and Kastera properties (see attached map). Specifically described in the meets and bounds description on file at the City of Eagle. (Hearing on October 23, 2006) This item was continued from the October 23, 2006 meeting. The applicant has requested this item be remanded to staff for re -notification. Pierce introduces the item. McCarrel moves to remand CPA -10-06 - Avimor LLC to staff. Seconded by Zastrow. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. Page 1 of 5 iP&ZVNINUTES'Temporary Minutes Work A,c?Z-10-30-06min DOC 1 i. THE CITY OF EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION October 30, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane 6:30 P.M C. CPA -11-06 - City of Eagie: The City of Eagle is proposing a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to achieve the following: 1) Remove the business park designation from the plan and change property designated as Business Park to Mixed Use (City Wide); 2) Removal of the Chinden Bench Planning Area; 3) Land use Map change within the Moon Valley & State planning area from Residential Estates (1 unit per 2 acres) to Professional Office; 4) The merger of the Soaring 2025 Plan adopted September 14, 2004 and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan adopted September 4, 2004; 5) Update appropriate sections of the existing plan to ensure consistency with the proposed amendments. Pierce introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, City Planner, reviews the application and stands for questions from the Commission. Pierce opens the public hearing. No one from the public chooses to speak. Pierce closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Commission. Aspitarte moves to recommend approval for CPA -11-06 - City of Eagle. Seconded by Jacobs. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The Public Hearings for the following items have been closed. No Public Testimony will be taken. A. CPA -08-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment to designate +/- 2.000 acres of BLM land as PubiiclSemi-public — The City of E e: The City of Eagle, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to establish a land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map of Public/Semi-Public for the BLM property. The +/- 2,000 -acres site is located approximately 'A mile east of State Highway 16 and directly north of the Farmers Union Canal. This item was tabled from the September 18, 2006 meeting. Staff is requesting remanding to staff for re -notification. Pierce introduces the item. Zastrow moves to remand to staff for re -notification CPA -08-06 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment to designate +/- 2,000 acres of BLM land as Public/Semi-public. Seconded by McCarreI. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. 13. CPA -2-06/ RZ-8-06/VAC-1-06/PP-9-06 — Eagle Gateway Proiect — Cornerstone Group. LLC.: Cornerstone Group, LLC., represented by Walter Lundgren of Johnson Architects, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from BP (business Park) to MU (Mixed Use), a Rezone with a Development Agreement from BP (Business Park) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement), a vacation and realignment of McGrath Road through the site and a Preliminary plat for an 11 lot commercial/retail subdivision. The 9.5 acre site is Page 2 of 5 K iPd&ZUNINUTES1Temporary Minutes Work Azca1P7.-I0-30-06min.DOC THE CITY OF EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION October 30, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane 6:30 P.M located at 1601 and 1782 McGrath Road. at the southwest intersection of McGrath Road and State Street north of the State Highway 44 Bypass. This item was tabled from the August 21, 2006 meeting. Pierce introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, City Planner, gives brief overview of the application. Aspitarte moves to recommend approval CPA -2-06/ RZ-8-06NAC-1-06/PP-9-06 — Eagle Gateway Project — Cornerstone Group, LLC. Seconded by Zastrow. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. C. CPA-3-05/A-9-06/R.Z-10-06/PP-11-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential One to Transitional Residential. Annexation. Rezone with a Development Agreement from RUT (Ada Countvl to R -3 -DA - Countrvland Estates - JLJ Enterprises: JLJ Enterprises Inc, represented by Van Elg of The Land Group Inc, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One (up to one unit per acre) to Transitional Residential, an annexation and rezone from RUT (Ada County) to Residential Three -DA (up to three units per acres with Development Agreement limiting it to 2 units per acre), and preliminary plat to construct a residential development 17 lots. 12 residential units. The 6.6 -acre site is generally located '/4 mile west of Ballantyne Road and V4 north of State Highway 44 at 2556 W. State Street. This item was tabled from the June 19, 2006 meeting. Pierce introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, City Planner, gives brief overview of the application. Discussion amongst the Commission. Jacobs moves to recommend for approval CPA-3-05/A-9-06/RZ-10-06/PP-11-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential One to Transitional Residential, Annexation, Rezone with a Development Agreement from RUT (Ada County) to R -3 -DA - Countryland Estates - JLJ Enterprises. Seconded by Aspitarte. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. D. CPA -4-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Professional Office and Transitional Residential to Commercial - Lazy P Limited Partnership: Lazy P Limited Partnership, represented by Shawn Nickel of SLN Planning, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Professional Office and Transitional Residential to Commercial. The 40 -acre site is located at the northeast corner of Chinden Boulevard (Hwy 20/26) and Linder Road at 1240 W. Chinden Boulevard. This item was tabled from the October 2, 2006 meeting. Pierce introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, City Planner, gives brief overview of the application. Discussion amongst the Commision. Zastrow moves to recommend denial of CPA -4-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Professional Office and Transitional Residential to Commercial due to the incompatibility Page 3 of 5 K TO Z'MINUTEs remponry• Minutes Work Ara+PZ-10-10-O6min DOC A THE CITY OF EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION October 30, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane 6:30 P.M with the existing Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Aspitarte. FOUR AYES. ONE NAY (PIERCE)...MOTION CARRIES. E. CPA -06-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Village Center symbol for +1- 640 acres located in the Village Planning Area — The Citv of Eagle: The City of Eagle, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the symbol for the Village Center land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for the Village Center area. The +/- 640 -acres site is approximately 1 -mile wide located approximately 1 mile east of State Highway 16 along Beacon Light Road. This item was tabled from the September 18, 2006 meeting. Pierce introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, City Planner, gives brief overview of the application. McCarrel moves to recommend for approval CPA -06-06 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Village Center symbol for +1- 640 acres located in the Village Planning Area — The City of Eagle. Seconded by Jacobs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. F. CPA -7-06 — Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the Chinden Terrace Planning Area and Mao Amendment from Residential One to Mixed Use — The City of Eagle: The City of Eagle, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to establish the Chinden Terrace Planning Area and a Land Use Map Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One to Mixed Use. The +/- 57 -acre site is located at the northeast corner of Chinden Boulevard (Hwy 20/26) and Eagle Road (Highway 55). This item was tabled from the September 18, 2006 meeting. Pierce introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, City Planner, gives brief overview of the application. Stands for questions from the Commission. Discussion amongst the Commission. Aspitarte moves to recommend approval CPA -7-06 — Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the Chinden Terrace Planning Area and Map Amendment from Residential One to Mixed Use — The City of Eagle. Seconded by Zastrow. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. G. CPA -9-06 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Transitional Residential to Professional Office — Capital Development. Inc.: Capital Development, Inc. represented by Dave Yorgason ., is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Transitional Residential to Professional Office and amend the text of the Rim View Planning Area. The 7.8 -acre site is generally located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Meridian and Chinden at 6615 N. Meridian Road. This item was tabled from the September 18, 2006 meeting. Pierce introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, City Planner, gives brief overview of the application. Stands for questions from the Commission. Page 4 of 5 K 1P&ZMINUTEStTemyorary Mireuses Work AreaPZ-IO.30.O6min DOC THE CITY OF EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION October 30, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane 6:30 P.M • Discussion amongst the Commission. Zastrow moves to (recommend) approval of CPA -9-06 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Transitional Residential to Professional Office - Capital Development, Inc. Seconded by McCarrel. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. 6. REPORTS: A. Commission: B. City Attorney: C. Staff: Meetings in January. 7. ADJOURNMENT: McCarrel moves to adjourn. Seconded by Zastrow. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting adjourned at 7:35. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: fvi-c�t._k SHAR N K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: W. PIERCE MAN A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL. Page 5 of 5 K iP&Z'J► INUTESITempotary Minutes Work Arta`.PZ-10.30.O6tnin DOC Sandy Springs Subdivision Opposition to CPA -4-06 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to allow a big box retail development at the NorthEast Corner of Linder and Chinden. Neighborhood Concerns • Traffic and safety. • Long term impact on surrounding property values. • Quality of life impacts due to noise and light pollution. 1 Current Traffic Conditions • High vehicle accident rates. • Chinden already operates at a level of service rated as • Linder Road is one of a limited number of river crossing points. • Projects are currently under construction that will further increase traffic. • Heavy gravel truck traffic. In summary — Accidents rates are high, existing traffic levels are beyond capacity and, even without this comprehensive plan change, things are going to get worse. Impact of Proposed Project • High driveway volume entering from and exiting to very congested roads. • Does not support the "Right-in/Right-out" traffic pattern in the comprehensive plan. • Creates hazardous turn conditions. • Even under current conditions, the traffic lines up well past the proposed access points to this project. 2 Misleading Assumptions in Developer Funded Traffic Study. • Traffic study uses 2015 road build out assumptions. • The study assumes an unsubstantiated 5% annual traffic growth rate. • Traffic study states: "The planned improvements in the COMPASS regional transportation plan should improve both the capacity and safety characteristics of the highway." There are no funded projects in the currently published COMPASS 2007-2011 Five Year Work Plan that address this intersection. Traffic Summary • This intersection can not support the traffic load this project brings. • The September 12, 2006 letter from Idaho Transportation Department best summarizes the concerns relative to Chinden Blvd. • We believe that the current comprehensive plan does represent "appropriate intensity" use of this land and as such see no public benefit to the proposed amendment CPA -4-06. This comprehensive plan change will compromise the safety of everyone who travels through or near this intersection. 3 Comprehensive Plan Application Shows no Benefit to the Public. • Developer states that "Noise, light and car exhaust have vastly impacted this property...", yet they propose to make it worse with a very vehicle intensive zoning change. • The developer states that this area unsuitable for the current zoning. — Projects such as Castlebury provide an existence proof that the current zoning is indeed viable along the 20/26 corridor. • The developer states that there is no way to provide "...much needed commercial services to this immediate area". — Regional scale commercial use be directed to the Chinden Planning Area. (Approx 3 miles West) — Meridian zoning on other corners will in all likelihood include retail businesses. Eagle Gateway • The developer states that the area around this proposed project: "will benefit from dense berming/landscaping that will be designed into the future commercial project". • As neighbors to this property, we are much more concerned about traffic and safety. • The corner of Linder and Chinden is already designated as a "Gateway" in the Eagle comprehensive plan. 4 Ecomonic Impact Analysis Property Value Impact? Developer funded economic impact analysis shows a slight negative impact for a comparable project/neighborhood. If one looks closer at the data, the two subdivisions used in the comparison are really not all that comparable... 1. Flake (near Walmart at State and Glenwood) compared to Brandt. 2 Flake subdivision dates back to the 70's. Brandt — 90's 3. Empty lots were removed from Flake and included in Brandt to inflate the Flake dollar/acre value. 4 Homes on half acre lots were included in Flake to inflate the dollar/acre value 5 Dollars/acre was used as the primary metric in assessing the economic impact in this analysis. 6 Several of the homes used in the Flake subdivision back up to a pre-existing mobile home park. 7 Ada county tax assessment values were used for all calculations We believe that the net result of all of this is that homes in the Flake subdivision would not experience the same devaluation factor due to a large retail development as compared to the homes in Brandt. The inconsistencies in the two sample sets are significant enough to cast doubt on the overall conclusion that the homes in the Linder and Chinden area would not be negatively impacted by the proposed big box retail project. Flake Sample Set Includes... 5 Ecomonic Impact Analysis Property Tax Revenue • Economic impact analysis shows net tax revenue advantage. However... • Analysis assumes $350,000 total value for 1 Acre home sites. • This is highly undervalued in the Eagle market. • Changing this value to a comparable subdivision eliminates the tax advantage. • This ecomonic analysis did not consider impact on Eagle response services such as fire and police. • There is no direct benefit to the city of Eagle as a result of sales tax revenue generated at this specific location. The developer funded economic impact analysis fails to justify a clear financial benefit to the residents of Eagle for the proposed project and may well have neglected to include data that would result in a net negative economic impact to the city of Eagle. The proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan, CPA -4-06 does not benefit the public and as such should not be recommended to the Eagle City Council. 6 Name Teri Bath Lloyd McHaffey Jason Haas Jason Pierce Scott Nordstorm Ron Bath Dave Dickey Lee Schrack Roger Simmons Lisa Stoner Dave Moore Bret Tinker Cameron Arial Brian DeHaas Eagle Urban Renewal Commissioners — possible selections January 8, 2007 Address 67 E State Street Eagle, ID 83616 439 E Shore Dr. Eagle, ID 83616 PO Box876 Eagle, ID 83616 Phone e-mail 939-4222 teri@eaglechamber.com 850-5004 867-5188 938-2199 jherf1@yahoo.com 830-3456 jason@idacable.com 867-9527 snordstrom@fiberpipe.net PO Box 2620 344-7171 Eagle, ID 83616 402 S Eagle Rd 939-7040 Eagle, ID 83616 485 E River Shore Dr. 841-8352 Ste# 200 Eagle, ID 83616 Never responded 897 Parkinson 108 E Plaza 113 E Idaho Ave Boise, ID 100 N 9th Street Boise, ID 1173 E Winding Creek Dr. 334-5100 X121 939-5723 939-7499 947-5353 344-9522 246-8300 ron@windingcreekbuilders.c om daved@idahobankingco. com leeschrack@landam.com Lives in the designated area. david.a.moore@ wellsfargo.com batinkrt@iibk.net cameron.arial@ zionsbank.com brian.dehaas@wrgdesign.co m Doug Racine BRS Architects Terry Benchmark Christensen Construction Dave.Collister also would like to be on the boardbut have no info on this gentleman. I understand he either owns property or lives in the district. Place of Business Eagle C Of C Dynamis Eagle River Financial Unison IT Eagle City Counsel Salmon Point Development Idaho Banking Company Land America Transnation Title Idaho Lottery Juvenile Corrections Banker Banker Banker Engineer Position ? liaison P&Z ? liaison Council Please select between 5 and 9 members for this board. (_ /- 9---67 • Lazy Ranch Ltn�1 * £arnii\' 4-u ACC C�ONTe4oTiev\T �ll��t�11_ ,�l'i�y I �� hl t1 Atn to (, ()\\Inct s11i\1 l)()�vc t lci�ll �tnC-�1 Ltl��ill�-n , ()1�1t�1C'. 1 `I�`t1�t`T C `1 ' D `s.1 natt()n Coli 11-1 i\veil 1n(.1 t1 �c MA-) View l • ,� lmcntR1�11�' • r "1 �'Xt. f s1()ti • tsstlct; Vol- 171:Ct�t.; •W1lt wit1tttsth.ts tai(Llt. `,_1c�110 L� t�(t1 \'cll(t' 111tLtscctic1(£ 'AYtctj�l/tm(n(c )f fc�� 11vL • LL1 £(v xAse In '\tc 1(; (.()111t11ttt11t�1 ��� � ��ct. ()t1 the . c�Y'nt�tttllt�r • 1 1 to the (. Lt1t }�(;t1C�1t t'LC�I� , 0 1111C X111 L `` • c1Lat1()t1 (�11� � at= ' 131an • 1 t15ti (�1tt (, 11 crinc� COn Conl\-) • (',111 i �' C \Niit11 I JXlst1n4; 0 C ;c )t11��11�.t1c • ir11144 O l�ncl Ll�t;�, VLt1 titllt'()tytVOSSI Ig Lazy P Ranch Concept Plan n OIL Gi!ii 1 36'4' 611 6 4IIII,Wa lillll��t�_li,!9 1$?NL 18 I .C30 Sr. i,i.11.1111 L.,i l .3 4141 014c iiia c 1 1124J4 L4Lil1aLl 11j»J I 11411"1"Jali‘441/151104;Yrei li7-1;511 latLiitr41 ` 'S'>r ; /7 7 of qn.. -41 •••0 , 11 - ..- - - `- SCALE 1',0C • C./ (;u CI;INDEN(Highway 20) w-7.1"4.4=1, S•p>Vn6M 20Cd Lazy P Ranch • Current Land Use Designations Hwy 2()/26 Corridor .-Hwy 20/26 Lazy P Ranch Commercial Need • Lack of Commercial ■ Po>pulation/Growth of Area (Population forecasted at 57,00() people within 2 -mile radius*) • Loss of Multi-Use/Commercial on Corridor ^� Distance from Existing Commercial Table 1 Distance From: !City Center: Eagle CBD* Downtown Meridian`" Big Box Retail: Target Eagle & Chinden Lowes Eagle & Ustick WaI-Mart @ Glenwood & State Wal-Mart @ Fairview & Eagle Fred Meyer @ Fairview & Locust Grove 'intersection of East State Street and Eagle Road "intersection of East Pine and North Meridian Road Aproxima e Miles To: Linder & Eagle Chinden CBD* 5.2 4.5 3.0 4.9 9.3 6.3 5.1 0.0 7.7 2.2 4.2 4.3 5.J 6.1 1` Based on current Comprehensive Plan densities Lazy P Ranch Impact Community IN Compatibility w/ Adjacent Uses PR Allows for Transition ste,i4A1 ,i, , L �i.i:i aiila +u111ni, .� bi�I ........pr? •tilrfy.„,t,:_t:' . 1ot = =7il;g5�4I,►�o. ELlifIy.4. I1,1IIIINs�:= ,I'IUNU■I :.;�„0/QiA`�'�I�1�n7A11D�ris(..1■I►_II+�� ! Lazy P Ranch Impact • Fconom1c • Provided City with Economic Impact Study • Central Business District- Does not detract from downtown businesses pZ)UO1 JAU:) s11IJ )LU )AoJcILLII :)Tfl4fl j • pLUJ Tch1LI()TLI J() u()I L' DJ) ■ sop u.Ii do )41JpoLLILLIi s:)utc» JuMuJdOIDA p LII1IJ — LIOIuD3sT7iui 03 S3UOUM11UTCILuI • lsp-rlh s Dui L'.TI LT4Tm 1 T) p�pjA()TSI ■ uoTj l.l()dsu1' I J ■ qDUr}[ d £ZWT 4D1dWJ Lazy P Ranch Public Benefit • Tmptoved intersection/transportation system • Through Impact Fees, upfront improvements, ROW dedication, construction of frontage roads • Providing needed services in close proximity to residential/provides convenience, reduces traffic, pollution Lazy P Ranch Comprehensive Plan • Change in conditions warrant update of Plan • Loss of Chindcn Planning Arca(Regional) /downsized commercial arca on Corridor (results of previous changes to Comp Plan) • Scale- developing property comparable to Eagle Market Place is an unrealistic vision given the need for Commercial • Request meets intent of existing plan • Sustainability • Quality of Life for the entire community • Economically strong City • Development along arterials Lazy P Ranch Looking Ahead • Plan now for future • Design to meet H:agle's Design standards • Landscaping/buffering/setbacks to ensure compatibility to existing uses • Gateway development/I:ntiance into Eagle • Access Issues to be worked out with Citi/ITD/Developer in the best interest of the public 1 Shawn From: Carl [ocmillhouse@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 2:06 PM To: eaglecity@cityofeagle.org Cc: nbaird@cityofeagle.org; shawn@landconsultants.net Subject: Big Box Retail on Chinden/Linder Honorable Mayor Merrill and Eagle City Council, Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend tonight's City Council hearing. I strongly encourage the Eagle City Council to approve the proposal to update the Comprehensive Plan map for Lazy P Limited Partnership. The revision in the plan map will enable a big -box retailer to locate at the corner of Linder and Chinden in an appropriate location to serve the growing population of Meridian and Eagle. This site would be the closest retailer for over 15,000 persons in North Meridian and Southwest Eagle. This includes the large planned communities of Castlebury, Bridgetower, Paramount, Lochsa Falls, and Saguaro Canyon. The recent approval of M-3 would provide even more residential units without accessible basic shopping. Responsible cities should consider providing necessary retail services in close proximity to residential growth. This type of development pattern (without shopping centers) requires vehicular dependency creating long trips for simple purchases. In fact, this location will help me to leave my car in the garage and walk to the store, something that will help the air pollution in the valley. Last week when I wanted to buy some salsa I had to drive to 8 miles (roundtrip) for my purchase instead of walking down the street to the neighborhood store. The cumulative affect of thousands of families reducing their vehicle miles driven would have a tremendous benefit to the valley's traffic congestion problems. The site at the corner of Linder and Chinden is the only intersection appropriate to handle the much needed big box retailer for this area. Linder is the only arterial roadway that connects Eagle's population to the south of the river other than Eagle Road. Chinden is only east -west arterial roadway that serves populations from Caldwell to Boise. I have concerns about traffic congestion in this vicinity; however, if this intersection is not selected for retail then it will simply push the commercial development to a worse location on a collector roadway that is not accessible to the population. Any other location will still require the use of Linder and Chinden roadways but will merely increase the distance traveled. I agree with the comment in the developer's application which states, "The North Meridian Areas, and specifically this portion of the Highway 20/26 corridor, is developing at a high residential density. These residents will need the daily services that a large commercial development in this location would provide. The lack of these services would only result in additional traffic on our already overcrowded transportation system." The nearest big -box retailers in the area are located on Eagle Road; this roadway is far beyond capacity. The approval of this site for retail will redirect much of the traffic on Eagle Road and Fairview Avenue, reducing vehicle trips on these congestion roads. The proposed big -box retail is compatible to the surrounding area. The large residential lots already provide sufficient buffering. Landscaping and additional setbacks can be required of the developer to soften any perceived impact of the commercial buildings. The property is adjacent to the City of Meridian. Eagle has better architectural control standards for retail buildings. I agree with many of the neighbors concerns that direct access to the site should not be through their local roads, however, I have confidence in the City of Eagle planning staff and the developer to address issues such as access management, landscaping, and architecture at a future date when detailed plans are submitted. Thank you for consideration of my comments. Angie Miller 1 a 14-07 Sharon Bergmann From: Jim Murray [jim.murray@cshga.com] Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 9:36 AM To: Jack Young (E-mail); Jack Young (E-mail 2) Cc: Nathan Coombs; Sharon Bergmann; Michael Echeita Subject: Hill Road Park, Punch list (first round) Dale/Mike, Page Pce — C'oaii]I work areas as an update Based on our walk-thru on the 5th. Additional items would be added to the remainder of the . Please use this form for identification of subcontractor responsibility and completion dates. This would be considered an active docur until project closeout. If at all possible, please do not alter the format. James G. Murray, AIA CSHQA C.W. Moore Plaza 250 South 5th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 429-4090 (Direct) (208) 343-4638 (Fax) (208) 869-3306 (Cell) E -Mail: iitn.tnurrav@.cshaa.com PRIVILEGED/CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION may be contained in this message. The information in this e-mail corresponds entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, duplication, nce is intended for the use of the individual reliance on this correspondence is strictly prohibited. If you received this correspondence in error, please notify the sender by reply distribution, or the taking of any action in all copies of the correspondence. Thank you. Y reply e-mail, phone or fax and destroy any 1/8/2007 /407 Sharon Bergmann From: Jim Murray (jim.murray@cshga.com] Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 9:36 AM To: Jack Young (E-mail); Jack Young (E-mail 2) Cc: Nathan Coombs; Sharon Bergmann; Michael Echeita Subject: Hill Road Park, Punch list (first round) Dale/Mike, Page 1 of 1 P/C - Cocnies" Based on our walk-thru on the 5th. Additional items would be added to the remainder of the work areas as an update. Please use this form for identification of subcontractor responsibility and completion dates. This would be considered an active document until project closeout. If at all possible, please do not alter the format. James G. Murray, AIA CSHQA C.W. Moore Plaza 250 South 5th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 429-4090 (Direct) (208) 343-4638 (Fax) (208) 869-3306 (Cell) E -Mail: iiin.murrav@cshga.com PRIVILEGED/CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION may be contained in this message. The information in this e-mail correspondence is intended for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient. you are hereby notified that any disclosure. duplication, distribution. or the taking of any action in reliance on this correspondence is strictly prohibited. If you received this correspondence in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail, phone or fax and destroy any and all copies of the correspondence. Thank you. 1/8/2007 Hill Road Park, Phase 11 Partial Punchlist, observed 01/05/07 Project No. 03078 City of Eagle Item No. Area of Project Women's -side Item Description 1 Repair/seal/refinish over cut at motion sensor device in ceiling 2 Remove paint splatters in floor finish. Reseal concrete as necessary. 3 Touch up door finish 4 Verify hook and bumper at toilet stall door 5 Compel installation of toilet tissue dispenser 6 Repair light fixture not illuminating 7 Accessible stall door latch requires adjustment 8 Add missing screw to touch panel 9 Key bolt seems loose, verify with hardware supplier 10 Provide additional OH bracing along long edge of stall per shop drawings approved 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 21 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mechanical Room General Touch up mortar joints along interior corners Touch-up paint finish marred from late plumbing installation Validate panel schedule included within panel door Clean HM door both sides Determine source of water stain above door head and respond. Repaint wall surface. Touch-up paint finish door frame Provide silencers all door frames Remove/cut flush all fasteners that penetrate roof decking, all sides Provide sealant at all hollow metal window frames, exterior side Provide gray color backer rod along 1" by 6" trim board along eaves to better seal gap along rough edges of split -face cmu. Review edge conditions of trimmed wood and paint/stain areas of exposed wood Review areas of masonry for general mortar pores and tuck -point as necessary Paint vent pipe same color as roofing Coordinate key core exchange with City of Eagle (all three doors) Is there any re -inspection necessary from electrical/plumbing trades, please validate. Responsible Subcontractor CSHE& 250 South 5th Street Boise, Idaho Phone: (208) 343-4635 Fax: (208) 343-1858 Date Date Completed Validated by by G.C. A.O.R. CSHQA *Please note that Owner comments are in bold Page 2 of 6 Hill Road Park, Phase II Partial Punchlist, observed 01/05107 Project No. 03078 City of Eagle Item No. 10 Area of Project Item Description Provide estimated cost to City for installation on plastic signage (pictograms for all three rooms) Responsible Subcontractor City of Eagle CSHQAi 250 South 5th Street Boise, Idaho Phone: (208) 343-4635 Fax: (208) 343-1858 Date Date Completed Validated by by G.C. A.O.R. CSHQA *Please note that Owner comments are in bold Page 3 of 6 Hill Road Park, Phase II Partial Punchlist, observed 01/05/07 Project No. 03078 City of Eagle Item Area of No. Project Item Description East Picnic Shelter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 West Picnic Shelter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Responsible Subcontractor Accepted as substantially complete, following debris removal. Sand and refinish those roof panels installed reverse with green overspray facing down Stain door trim to match fixed panels Provide stained finish for back -side of exposed trim (4" x 6" fascia and rough sawn gable trim) Remove remaining construction debris Add additional stain color to Tight fixture fillers to better match truss finish All precast caps are rejected and require replacement. Discuss joints and size with AOR. Remove staples and building felt tags left behind from heating efforts. Complete gutter installation (including receptacle relocation) after acceptance from City of Eagle City of Eagle Accepted as substantially complete, following debris removal. Sand and refinish those roof panels installed reverse with green overspray facing down Stain door trim to match fixed panels Provide stained finish for back -side of exposed trim (4" x 6" fascia and rough sawn gable trim) Remove remaining construction debris Add additional stain color to light fixture fillers to better match truss finish All precast caps are rejected and require replacement. Discuss joints and size with AOR. Remove staples and building felt tags left behind from heating efforts. Complete door hardware installation Provide additional stain finish to 4 by 4 parallam added for rolling door assembly to better match truss finish. Remove excess thread from thru-bolts of above 4" x 4" member, peen nuts to prevent removal. CSHOA 250 South 5th Street Boise, Idaho Phone: (208) 343-4635 Fax: (208) 343-1858 Date Date Completed Validated by by G.C. A.O.R. CSHQA *Please note that Owner comments are in bold Page 4 of 6 Hill Road Park, Phase II Partial Punchlist, observed 01/05/07 Project No. 03078 City of Eagle Item Area of No. Project Item Description Playworld Play Structure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tot Lot Play Area 1 Accepted as substantially complete. Remove all shipping/parts labels and adhesive, all areas of the playground Provide special warranty per 02791.1.9.A. Date of commencement established 01.05.07 Provide close-out submittals per 02791.1.5.G and 02791.1.5.H. Provide installer acknowledgement that installation complied with CPSC No. 325. Validate waster intrusion in panel activities is expected. Tighten loose steering wheel under high tower, NW side of structure. Reverse direction of frog panel opposite steering wheel noted above (panel installed upside down) Remount telescope activity partially removed by vandals, SE side of structure. Accepted as substantially complete. Remove all shipping/parts labels and adhesive, all areas of the playground Water Odyssey Play area To be reviewed / punch list performed at later date. Not yet accepted as substantially complete. 1 Site Landscape/ Irrigation 1 To be reviewed / punch list performed at later date. Not yet accepted as substantially complete. Responsible Subcontractor I CSHOA 250 South 5th Street Boise, Idaho Phone: (208) 343-4635 Fax: (208) 343-1858 Date Completed by G.C. Date Validated by A.O.R. CSHQA *Please note that Owner comments are in bold Page 5 of 6 Hill Road Park, Phase 1I Partial Punchlist, observed 01/06/07 Protect No. 03078 City of Eagle Item No. Area of Project Site Civil 1 Item Description Responsible Subcontractor To be reviewed / punch list performed at later date. Not yet accepted as substantially complete. Site Electrical To be reviewed / punch list performed at later date. Not yet accepted as substantially complete. 1 END OF PUNCH LIST CSI -1614 250 South 5th Street Boise, Idaho Phone: (208) 343-4635 Fax: (208) 343-1858 Date Completed by G.C. Date Validated by A.O.R. CSHQA *Please note that Owner comments are in bold Page 6 of 6 CSHOA Specializing in architecture, engineering and planning C.W. MOORE PLAZA • 250 S. 5TH ST. • BOISE, ID 83702 To: City of Eagle 660 East Civic Lane Eagle, Idaho 83702 Phone: 208.939.6813 Enclosures include the following: D Letter D Samples Copies Date or No. 02 01/04/07 IITransmitted as checked below. 0 For approval 0 For your use 0 As requested 0 For review and comment Remarks: Sharon, Fax: 208.939.6827 D Shop Drawings D Submittal Data Observation Report #OR -009 D Approved D Approved as noted LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (208) 343-4635 • FAX (208) 343-4638 http://www.cshqa.com Date: January 4, 2007 Architect's Project No. 03078.900 Job Name: Hill Road Park, Phase II Eagle, Idaho Attention: Sharon Bergmann, CMC -City Clerk ❑ AIA Documents 0 Contract Documents Description D Not approved revise and resubmit D Other D RECEIVED & FILED CITY -9F -EAGLE JAN 5 2007 File: neata-tt, 0 Express (Fed Ex, DHL, or UPS) 0 Regular Mail D Courier D Fax pas For your review and distribution. A copy has been attached and provided for Mike Echeita. Please feel free to call, you have any questions. File 03078.900 (#13.00) Copy to: Jack Young, K -J Corporation (w/copies) Copy to: James G. Murray. AIA NamelTitle If enclosures are not as noted, notify us immediately. OBSERVATION REPORT CSHOA C.W. Moore Plaza • 250 S. 5th, Boise, ID 83702 (208) 343-4635, phone • (208) 343-4638, fax RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 5 2007 File: Route to. Date of Site Visit: Weather: Time: Work in Progress: • No activity was present at time of meeting Present At Site: Observations: For The Record: • General Contractor, K -J Corporation • City of Eagle Representatives: o Mike Echeita, Code Enforcement Officer ■ See for the Record ILL ROAD PARK — PHASE 11 CSHQA File : 03078-14.06 Date: January 4, 2007 OR -009 December 28, 2006 Cold, sunny with Tight winds 9:00 AM • The meeting was held as part of the regular scheduled construction meeting on site. ■ Dale Anderson (DA) commented on the lack of response from the landscape subcontractor after numerous attempts to have him return to the site as well as suggest other landscape/ irrigation contractors be brought on to complete the project. DA indicated that this trade has not been supported well with adequate trained labor crews and the cold winter weather has made planting and irrigation system installation impractical. This portion of the park project will more than likely be completed in early March. • A small amount of concrete curb work remained for the west driveway. According to DA, this trade, like that of the landscape has pushed back the scheduled delivery for more than a month. At the conclusion of the meeting the concrete subcontractor had arrived on site to complete this part of the work. • Localized vandalism remains a concern for the GC. Recently several lengths of PVC piping were smashed against light poles in addition to precast concrete sections being broken. o This prompted discussions on the status of surveillance system installation and to review the possibility of increasing the number of cameras that would offer more coverage. Jim Murray (JGM) noted that no conduits were provided to either picnic shelter, so any additional equipment would need to be of wireless type. o Mike Echeita (ME) indicated there was a delay in the installation of the equipment and would check on its status. • The vandalism has been limited but it was requested by DA that the buildings (2 shelters and bathroom) as well as the play structure (not water odyssey) be punch listed and the responsibility of any security/repair of vandalism damage made (if any) be transferred to City of Eagle. JGM indicated punch list walk-thru would be attempted the week of January 2nd. • DA continued to report on the position of Recreation Idaho for the Water Odyssey challenge of getting Sate of Idaho electrical approval. The issue remains with the enclosure below grade that houses the UL equipment. JGM indicated that this would be brought to the attention of the City Council of January 9th in hopes that this action will suggest Recreation Idaho and KJ work out a solution. JGM was going to recommend that the application for payment of the remaining water odyssey installation moneys be withheld from this application for payment yet to be approved by Council. 1/4/2007 Page 1 of 2 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II OBSERVATION REPORT • Water intrusion over the east shelter edges was discussed. After additional site observation JGM and DA believe the water is running through the construction joints sawn into the slab. Both walked over the gutter proposal with ME after the meeting. ME indicated he would respond back to CSHQA with acceptance to proceed after this was discussed with the Mayor and/or council. JGM re -iterated that this was not at a cost to the City of Eagle. • JGM discussed that the inability to punch list the landscape, irrigation and water odyssey until Spring will mandate extension of project warranties. DA acknowledged that potential. • • After the meeting all parties walked through the toilet room building to review a condition of the toilet tissue dispenser for the non -accessible compartment of the ladies room. In addition, the ambient noise/vibration generated from the exhaust fan is triggering the motion sensor of the lighting such that it remains on as long as the fan is running. DA indicated he was working with the electrical subcontractor to try and obtain a "less sensitive" switch device. • It was noted that a vehicle had entered the main soccer field and drove around the field leaving impressions in the grass areas. • The final grading and sub -grade trench near the NW corner of the toilet room has not yet been completed. • It was noted that a credit for the Keystone wall that was proposed to support the grading of the adjacent property would be forthcoming by KJ as part of project closeout. • Pricing for the deduction of the colored concrete for the water play area remains to be provided by KJ. • With the lack of adequate staffmg by the landscape subcontractor, JGM requested that KJ not pursue pricing of the frontage landscaping that was eliminated as part of the project's Bid Alternate #1. • Additional masonry work was performed including the repair of the broken block in the restroom and the raised trash enclosure. Additional metal work for the enclosure doors remained and DA indicated it was in the process of being fabricated. • JGM noted that the dumpster enclosure gates will be wide enough for two roll -type dumpsters but limited clearance is provided for the fork mounted type unit. ME was advised to discuss pick-up conditions with BFI. • ME indicated that the shelter picnic tables were in transit and a possible boy -scout project was being considered. • The Home Depot trail staff has not yet been formed. ME indicated that this was originally coordinated with Mick McCurry, who is no longer with the City of Eagle. • No application for payment or schedule update was provided at the meeting. Enclosures: • Misc. site photos (10 sheets) Report By: James G. Murray, AIA cc: • File Sharon Bergmann, City of Eagle Mike Echeita, Code Enforcement Officer Nathan Coombs, CSHQA Jack Young, K J Corporation Dale Anderson, K -J Corporation Observation Report #009 1/4/2007 Page 2 of 2 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 1 of 10 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 2 of 10 6 • - - - , •ersmg, ,4-4:A4;17:4.1 • ;`-ra,7•>;:t.• •:• . . ••• ' ' • • 7.: ' -. • .:•1•1 •G, V. • • HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 3 of 10 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE I1 Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 4 of 10 • A` - _ -t^ 4.. •.. ;- f � +(. --- ate'- 'S 3 • tea` $ t'.i-� �1. HILL HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 5 of 10 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE I1 Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 6 of 10 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 7 of 10 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 8 of 10 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 9 of 10 HILL ROAD PARK — PHASE II Construction Observation Photographs Project No. 03078.000 Date: 12.28.06 Page 10 of 10