Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 11/28/2006 - Regular ./ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes November 28, 2006 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 o.m. - 7:30 o.m. 1. 20/26 Corridor Studv - COMPASS Charles Trainer (30 min.) Charles Trainer, Compass, distributes a copy of his Power Point Presentation and proceeds with the presentation for the Council. General discussion on the presentation and roadways and traffic through the City of Eagle. 2. Bob Banks with United Wav of Treasure ValIev will present information on the orooosed Communitv Detoxification Center. (30 min) Bob Banks, I am from Eagle, I live in Lexington Hills, provides the Council an overview of the proposed Community Detoxification Center and provides a status report of where the project stands to date. The project is asking for assistance from the City of Eagle. Mayor: Mayor Bieter has asked the City for money and wants the cities to look at the census and contribute $1.00 per head which would be $13,000.00. General Council discussion. Bastian makes a motion but is reminded that we need to be in regular session to make a motion. Council member Guerber congratulates Charles Trainer on his Idaho Smart Growth A ward. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 o.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: A. Presentation by Eagle Kiwanis. Heather Paradis, Chairman of Eagle Kiwanis Golf Tournament, I am here to present a check to the City of Eagle for half of the proceeds from that tournament in the amount of $3,950.00. This is the largest fund raiser for our club and now we will be able to proceed with our scholarship fund. Council Member Guerber: This money will go into the Eagle Community Fund. Joann Hill, 2185 Syringa, I would like to put another dwelling on this property for myself. My daughter and her husband have been living with me because my health has been in decline. I really do need to have somebody close. I don't know how to go about this. I can live by myself but I can't drive any more. Show plats of the property to the Mayor and Council showing where her property and home are. I don't want to subdivide the property at this time. Bill Vaughan: We have talked about the provisions of a lot split. Bastian: In a hardship case like this we could waive fees. I think if we put a pennanent structure we would have to follow the rules of the City. I would suggest you place a mobile home conditionally and once you move away from the property or are deceased then mobile home Page 1 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-11-28-06min.doc would be removed. If you want a lot split you will have to go through the processes of the City. I think the appropriate thing to do is to refer this to staff. Further discussion. Bastian moves to amend the Agenda to add the proposed Community Detoxification Center as Item #6A and the current A will be B. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION <:ARRIES...... S. CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. · Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. Guerber moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. ... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Community Detoxification Center: Bastian moves to support in concept the proposed Community Detoxification Center and the annual operation with a contribution to be determined later by the City. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... B.~ Resolution 06-54: A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Council If Eagle, Idaho Detennining A Certain Area Within The City To Be A Deteriorated Or Deteriorating Area As Defined By Idaho Code Sections SO-20 IS(9) And SO-2903(S); Directing The Urban Renewal Agency Of Eagle To Commence And Complete The Preparation Of An Urban Renewal Plan, Which Plan May Include Revenue Allocation Provisions, For All Or Part Of The Area; And Providing An Effective Date. (Harlan Mann & B. Verschuren) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Verschuren: Provides Council an overview the process for Urban Renewal and discusses the proposed resolution. Harlan Mann, provides Council an update of the process of the first Urban Renewal District and provides Council an overview of the proposed new Urban Renewal District. Discussion on the appointment of the Board Members and their duties and responsibilities. General discussion. Ryan Armbruster, discusses the appointment of the Board Members, their duties and responsibilities. They need to make a commitment to meet at least once a month. General discussion. Teri Bath, this is a lot of infonnation, the more I talk to these gentlemen and the more I talk to Bill it is making more sense. Discussion on the names on the proposed list of members on the Board. Teri will bring back some more names and try to get a little more diversity. Page 2 K.\COUNCILlMlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaI.CC.II-28-06min,doc Nordstrom moves to approve Resolution 06-54, A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Council If Eagle, Idaho Determining A Certain Area Within The City To Be A Deteriorated Or Deteriorating Area As Defined By Idaho Code Sections 50-2018(9) And 50- 2903(8); Directing The Urban Renewal Agency Of Eagle To Commence And Complete The Preparation Of An Urban Renewal Plan, Which Plan May Include Revenue Allocation Provisions, For All Or Part Of The Area; And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ Further Council discussion on urban renewal. 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None Mayor calls a recess at 8:50 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 9:00 p.m. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. DR-99-06 - WinCo Foods Grocerv Store - WinCo Foods: WinCo Foods, represented by Lui Horstmeyer with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 95,380- square foot grocery store. The site is located on the north side of East State Street within Eagle Promenade at 3032 East State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays pictures of the proposed buildings and the elevation and provides Council an overview of the request. Discussion on the height exception. Lui Horstmeyer, BRS Architects, the Home Depot elevation is about 44'. Further discussion on the height exception. Bastian moves to approve DR-99-06-WinCo Foods Grocery Store-Win Co Foods with all the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. B. DR-IOO-06 - Buildinl! Wall Sil!ns for WinCo Foods Grocerv Store _ Win Co Foods: WinCo Foods, represented by Lui Horstmeyer with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct building wall signage for WinCo Foods grocery store. The site is located on the north side of East State Street within Eagle Promenade at 3032 East State Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve DR-IOO-06 - Building Wall Signs for WinCo Foods Grocery Store. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 10. NEW BUSINESS: None City Attorney Report: Discusses Patricia Nilsson's e-mail. Discusses the Blueprint for Good Growth Plan and the Intergovernmental Agreement. My recommendation is that you do not adopt this. General Council discussion. We need to put this on the City Council Agenda for December 12th for action. City Engineer Report: Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, I gave out copies of reports on tracking the various projects. We are trying to provide these on a weekly bases. General discussion. ACHD: Kirk: We have scheduled the drainage problem that Council Member Guerber asked about. Discussion on the Floating Feather Bridge. Page J K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-II.28-06min.doc Bastian: I would like to find out the amount of impact fees that the City of Eagle has paid in the last few years and also the Highway Tax dollars that would have been assigned to the City of Eagle. Zoning Administrator's Report: We have contacted the Rib Shack and they have until December 4,2006 to remove the tent. An officer will be ready to issue a citation on December 4th if the tent is not removed. Mayor: it has been recommended that the City give him a citation each day that the tent is up after December 4th. General discussion. Further discussion on the Rib Shack and possible violations including how sewer fees were not figured on in house dinning, the smoke shack, parking and etc. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: We have the new filing system in the main file room; take a look if you haven't seen them yet. There is an article in the Valley Times today in regards to the contest that the City Staff and Library Staff about gather food and miscellaneous items for the Eagle Food Bank. We collected 1,700 pounds of food. The Library won the contest and will have a pizza party. General discussion on helping the Eagle Food Bank with a location. Mayor and Council's Report: Bastian: None Guerber: None Nordstrom: None Bandy: None Mayor: Reports on the Treasurer Valley Partnership meeting. Discussed the fireworks ordinance and flooding issues. Reports on the AIC City Officials Academy that was held today. General discussion. Discussion on the area of impact changes. I will be gone next week to the National League of Cities. I I. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pending & threatened litigation: I.C. g67-2345 (t) B. Acquisition of private property: I.C. g67-2345 (c) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of pending & threatened litigation, I.C. ~67-2345 (I) and acquisition of private property, I.C. ~67-2345 (c). Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES M()1rI()N <:ARRIESl.................. Council goes into Executive Session at 10:05 p.m. Council discusses pending and threatened litigation and acquisition of private property. Council leaves Executive Session at 10:23 p.m. 12. REPORTS: See above 13. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOHON CARRIES... Page 4 K:\COUNrILlMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-28-06mindoc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted: 1l~~A' ~ ~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: ".........., " I,. "'........ Of EAG{ .... ~....j ........ Ii' -. " "'''-' .. ~ [" ". ,OIlA -r~ \ (J o~ .. i I v ..- _ : \.. ~~~\..~ 0 '..." q.:eo \;. 4'}> ro.':l~~.f J .... -1 tE Of .....V ............... Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MfNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-] ]-28-06mindoc Page 1 of 2 Nancy Merrill From: Nichoel Baird Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:20 AM To: Nancy Merrill Subject: FW: BluePrint Interlocal Agreement Nichoel R. Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP Planner III City of Eagle (208) 939-0227 (208)938-3854 (fax) From: Diane [mailto:dkushlan@fiberpipe.net] Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:39 AM To: 'Christy Richardson'; canninga@meridiancity.org; Nichoel Baird; pnilsson@cityofboise.org; 'Elaine Clegg' Subject: BluePrint Interlocal Agreement Hi All, I just opened up the Inter -local Agreement with the scope of services for Freilich work and I am appalled. For $350,000 ($450/hour plus expenses) the cities will receive "model" ordinances that he has lifted from somewhere else. If you do not agree, look on page 55 (page 3 of his agreement) where he refers to the State of California, not Idaho. I can not believe that the cities would agree to continue with this charade. It is a situation where the emperor has no clothes. I know this sounds totally self-serving since I am doing ordinances tailored specifically for Garden City, but what can be done? Can I challenge again the legality of the sole source agreement? Help with a more specific scope of work that will be more helpful to the cities and the county? Lobby the elected officials? Write letters to the consortium and the Statesman? Please let me know. d. Diane Kushlan mu) PO Box 8463 I 1/28/2006 US 20/26 Corridor Preservation Study City of Eagle — November 28, 2006 Community Planning Association Idaho Transportation Department T FYRT. I+n Frrin nll LIS A). Apr. yl./Ie.F 1` F•hiAl)3 Agency sr.. ppr Project Location U.S. 20/26 Corridor Preservation Study Area HIGHWAY 20/26 w ac,.,,., .0 11/28/2006 1 Purpose of Study To protect corridor during development, provide adequate transportation capacity, and enhance the user safety To evaluate corridor access management options To establish an "ultimate" footprint for the corridor, including possible expanded intersection treatments To complete the environmental process and allow acquisition of right-of-way as funding is available What to Avoid — Eagle Road! 11/28/2006 2 Purpose of This Outreach The consultant team has completed an initial evaluation of access management options Screening criteria have been developed to help evaluate these options A public meeting to consider the initial screening and selection process will be held in late February 2007 Want to consult with local governments about the options and criteria before the public meeting Access Management Options - 1 •-1.-s-sa ati014zn 1/2 Mile At Grade Intersection Spacing 1- Mile At Grade Intersection Spacing with 1/2 Mile Right In/Right Out 1- Mile At Grade Intersection Spacing At Grade Intersection with Spacing Greater than 1 Mile, with Right In/ Right Out Example — at -grade intersection of expressway and arterial. 11/28/2006 3 Access Management Options - 2 At Grade Intersection Spacing Greater than 1 Mile Limited Access, Interchanges at 4 River Crossings, 1- Mile At Grade Intersection Spacing In Between Example - grade separated interchange/ intersection of expressway and arterial. Access Management Options - 3 CIM Expressway (6 Interchanges, 8 Overpasses) CIM Expressway with HOV Lanes No Build / No Change (required to study as an option in federal environmental process) Example - full expressway with no access to adjoining properties. 11/28/2006 4 Screening Criteria Improve subregional mobility 1. Measure subregional delay Maintain adequate travel time 2. Average travel time from 1-84 to Eagle Road Minimize traffic congestion. 3. Level of service Provide benefits at reasonable cost 4. Cost estimate More Screening Criteria Avoid or minimize impacts to state and federally protected resources 5. Wetlands 6. Historic Resources Minimize impacts to existing housing and businesses 7. Number of houses displaced 8. Number of businesses displaced 9. Proximity impacts (noise) Minimize disruption to north -south travel 10. Number of north -south public roads disrupted 11/28/2006 5 Proposed Screening of Alternatives Draft - Subject to Revision and Refinement H. Deettn Yea% U.* m Dv ems Y+acx_• Los DrlR los ER FY sS Hie 4 Grene Inter weber isoscisoo 1 Mk I Gene I.eereeedMn : iNwq welt l:24M4 R4I I. 'NM OA Me4 1 e Geode [Mersa bon u wade Inlesanea Spat mg + :neater flee Ore 4I wile A4I rF1 „r P 1 Oat Sy r LL Grade Lnerreewe*nine:mkt T\.. One Mde k Mauled access. Inrtha ..gee + Cmluagl. 1 M4 +1 (wade euetwn Spam et between r :IM cepce»war'!d.nterthalgea Deeep+wses) Wd+rd He Is*NUN Resource Cbpla:ed logos trentsSo 61, woo. 4O4*kv Dnhny 01�Dtlea 7, I Car hp+eY Stumm' Ernieere Y V 4 Ito lend f No Change I-84 to Middleton Road 4 lent 114:le E+c lreet 7e itmin"Sti,T* l > 1 X X XXX X X II I X Xy^�X Shela'•wit w Weal, a. rm4rnelr'••4 nr•^rtlrrrtlittt=erni Parallel collector F --- concept This map is not Intended to show all the options under consideration. 11/28/2006 6 Black Cat Road to McDermott Parallel collector concept 1 This map is not intended to show all the options under consideration. Black Cat Road to Eagle Road Pto90 .d Ro.d Hoi.o.Y end Futwr Grvetopment w.� DRAFT .«... n.....xtu ......... ..........Noy warn Vont synod T .—.. e... y.• N .ve• ►aramttfrla KJ4ti:'utti This map is not intended to show all the options under consideration. 11/28/2006 7 Typical Cross -Section — 200 Foot Right of Way 4 Lanes 6 Lanes Cross-section would allow for transit, pedestrian/bike paths and tum lanes What Do We Need? •-' ':rum rnw..1111011ICI tHite.t Response on Access Management Support and Implementation of Parallel Collectors Preservation of a 200 foot right-of-way Local Implementation through Development Reviews and Requirements Vision of Long -Term Needs and Issues — Avoiding Eagle Road Means Not Doing Business as Usual 11/28/2006 8 Name Teri Bath Lloyd McHaffey Jason Haas Jason Pierce Scott Nordstorm Ron Bath Dave Dickey Lee Schrack Roger Simmons Lisa Stoner Dave Moore Bret Tinker Cameron Arial Eagle Urban Renewal Board October 25, 2006 Address Phone e-mail 67 E State Street 939-4222 teri@eaglechamber.com Eagle, ID 83616 850-5004 439 E Shore Dr. Eagle, ID 83616 PO Box876 Eagle, ID 83616 PO Box 2620 Eagle, ID 83616 402 S Eagle Rd Eagle4, ID 83616 485 E River shore Dr. Ste# 200 Eagle, ID 83616 Never responded 897 Parkinson 108 E Plaza 113 E Idaho Ave 100 N 9t" Street 867-5188 938-2199 830-3456 867-9527 344-7171 939-7040 841-8352 334-5100 X121 939-5723 939-7499 947-5353 344-9522 jherfl @yahoo.com jason@idacable.com snordstrom@fiberpipe.net ron@windingcreekbuilders .com daved@idahobankingco. com leeschrack@landam.com david.a.moore@ wellsfargo.com batinkrt@iibk.net Cameron .arial@ zionsbank.com Please select between 5 and 9 members for this board. Place of Positio Business Eagle ? Chamber Of Commerce Dynamis ? Eagle River ? Financial Unison IT ? Eagle City ? Counsel Salmon Point ? Development Idaho Banking ? Company Land America ? Transnation Title Idaho Lottery ? Juvenile ? Corrections Banker ? Banker ? Banker ? CITY OF EAGLE CITY OF EAGLE WELL #3 (BROOKWOOD) - PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF -11/27/06 Project number: EG083706 Location: Eastside of the City — N. of Floating Feather Rd. Interim Funding Source: Developer Mike Hormaechea. Estimated schedule of DEQ cash withdrawals for all loan projects (well #3 and reservoir): • 9/30/06 - $75,000 • 12/31/06 - $450,000 • 3/31/07 - $300,000 • 6/30/07 - $1,200,000 • 9/30/07 - $400,000 • 12/31/07 - $165,000 $2,590,000 Final Funding Source: Developer 50% and a DEQ loan by the City for 50%. Contractor for drilling well hole #3: Riverside (Terry) -privately funded by developer. Approx. start date of well #3 bore: November 13, 2006. Chris D. will coordinate this work. Completion of well #3: Dec. 10, 2006. Pump test will take place in late Dec. 2006. Design and approval Engineer for Well House and Pump Station: John B. Water modeling work: This work was started on Sept. 20, 2006. All preliminary work has been completed by Andy G. Final model is waiting on pump curve selection. 10% Design schedule: Preliminary design- completed Oct. 2006 by John B. Map- completed in Oct. 2006 by John B. General plan- completed in Oct. 2006 by John B. Site required- acquired in Oct. 2006 Specifications list- prepared in Oct. 2006 by John B. 50% Design schedule: 1 Complete design report- completed Nov. 7, 2006- John B. Soils report- none required Preliminary plans- completed Nov. 7, 2006- John B. Earthwork & road design: none required Preliminary specifications- draft done Nov. 7, 2006- John B. Requests for permits- DEQ approval 90% Design schedule: Other agency comments- DEQ due back on Jan. 9, 2007 Permits- approval letter from DEQ Final plans- due Jan. 14, 2007- John B. Final specifications- due Jan. 14, 2007- John B. Total estimated cost including engr.: $554,000 Submittal to DEQ: Nov. 31, 2006 Approval from DEQ: Jan.20, 2007 Advertisement for bids date: Jan. 27, 2007 Bid opening date: Feb. 15, 2007 Approval by City Council date: Feb. 20, 2007 Pre -construction conference: March 2, 2007 Start of construction date: March 19, 2007 End of construction date: May 25, 2007 Construction activity: Well drilling work has started. Project scope of work: well construction well house pumps system connection Project function: Provides water for future Eagle Sports Reservoir, and surrounding properties. Comments: • Well #3 pump test is scheduled for late Dec. 2006( depending on weather conditions). East Old Barn Rd. may have to be closed for 72 hours during this test. • Test can not happen until Chase Mitigation is completed. CITY OF EAGLE EAST SIDE (SPORTS PARK) RESERVOIR -PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF -11/27/06 Project number: EG020505 Location: East of N. Horseshoe Bend Rd. Interim Funding Source: Developer Mike Hormaechea. Estimated schedule of DEQ cash withdrawals for the loan projects (well #3 and reservoir): • 9/30/06475,000 • 12/311064450,000 • 3/31/07-$300,000 • 6/30/07-$1,200,000 • 9/30/07-$400,000 • 12/31/07-$165.000 $2,590,000 ve* kwCOd 0City 424 o Final Funding Source: Developer 50% and a DEQ loan bythe for 50%. Design Engineer: Tofor S. P.E. approval: Kasey K. Tofor S. and Mike Huffaker are doing access design. A south route on a new easement looks like it may work best. Date of new easement acquired: by Dec. 15- Vern B. will be working on this with the City Attorney. Water modeling work: This work was started on Sept. 20, 2006. All preliminary work has been completed by Andy G. Final model is waiting on pump curve selection. 10% Design schedule: Preliminary design -completed in Oct. 2006- Tofor S. Map- completed in Oct. 2006- Tofor S. General plan- completed in Oct. 2006- Tofor S. Easement required -pending Specifications list- due Nov. 15, 2006-Tofor S. 50% Design schedule: Complete design report- due Dec. 1, 2006- Tofor S. Soils report- received Nov.6, 2006- GEO Preliminary plans- due Dec. 1, 2006- Tofor S. Earthwork & road design- completed Nov. 6, 2006- Tofor S. and Mike Huffaker. Preliminary specifications- due Dec. 10, 2006- Tofor S. Requests for permits- ACHD ROW permit due Dec. 15, 2006- Tofor S. 90% Desiaa-schedule: Other agency comments- DEQ comments due back on Feb. 1, 2007. Permits- ACHD ROW permit due back on Feb. 1, 2007. Final plans- due Feb. 15, 2007- Tofor S. Final specifications- due Feb. 15, 2007- Tofor S. Total estimated cost including engr.: $1,856,000 Submittal to DEQ: 50% Site Design, Dec. 15, 2006- Tofor S. Approval from DEQ: Feb. 1, 2007 DYK or some other company will Design/ Build the tank and submit to DEQ by Feb. 15, 2007. ACHD may need a 2" water service line for a shooting range just north of the reservoir. Vern is working on this. Size of tank: 1 million gallons, located on 3 acres. This tank will be 30 ft. tall but a large majority of it will be buried in the earth. Andy G. and Tofor S. will be designing a PRV station. This design will be completed by: Feb. 1, 2007 Advertisement for bids date: March 1, 2007. Bid opening date: March 15, 2007. Approval by City Council date: April 3, 2007. Pre -construction conference: April 16, 2007. Start of construction date: May 1, 2007. End of construction date: Nov. 1, 2007. Construction activity: None Project scope of work: reservoir system connection pry station Project function: Provides water and fire flow for future developments, and to be able to disconnect from the United Water System. Comments: • Ada County has given the approval for the road layout location. CITY OF EAGLE CHASE PROPERTY MITIGATION- PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF -11/27/06 Project number: EG091306 Location: North of W. Floating Feather Rd. and West of N. Eagle Rd. Status of agreement: Agreement between Chase Estate and the City of Eagle was signed on Nov. 14, 2006. Order of work after signed agreement: • United Water did make a 12" tap in the water main and installed the PRV and service stub all in the ACHD ROW. • Mick or Mike from the City of Eagle will coordinate construction with United Water Idaho and a private contractor to complete project. • A backflow prevention device in a heated and insulated box (above ground) "dog house" will need to be constructed on the private line leading to the house. Mick or Mike from Eagle will take care of this by the use of a private contractor. • The City of Eagle will make sure the water service from the ROW is connected to the house and barn, by the use of a private contractor. Costs: The City will pay for costs to bring for water right mitigation measure a water service to the Chase Estate. Construction time: All mitigation work will need to be completed prior to Well #3 pump test, which is scheduled for late Dec. 2006. Construction activity: Service tap was completed. CITY OF EAGLE CITY OF EAGLE WELL #4 (LEGACY) -PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF -11127106 Project number: EG061204 Location: '/4 mile north of HWY 44, between HWY 16 and Linder Rd. Funding Source: Developer 100% Water Rights status: A hearing is scheduled for Dec. 6, 2006. Chris D. is responsible for this hearing. A decision from IDWR is expected by mid Feb. 2007. Stanley Consultants will be the Engineer for the Developer (water distribution). Design and approval Engineer: Holladay Engineering Co. will provide the water supply design, which includes: site plan, well house, and pump stream. John B. will be the designer and give P.E. approval. Water modeling work: This work was started on Sept. 25, 2006. All preliminary work has been completed by Andy G. Final model is waiting on pump curve selection. 10% Design schedule: Preliminary design- completed Sept. 2006 by John B. Map- completed in Oct. 2006 by John B. General plan- completed in Oct. 2006 by John B. Site required- acquired in Oct. 2006 Specifications list- prepared in Oct. 2006 by John B. 50% Design schedule: Complete design report- completed Nov. 1, 2006- John B. Soils report- received Nov. 1, 2006 Preliminary plans- completed Nov. 1, 2006- John B. Earthwork & road design: none required Preliminary specifications- completed Nov. 1, 2006- John B. Requests for permits- DEQ has given a preliminary ok for the water model and pump house design. 90% Design schedule: Other agency comments- DEQ due back on Jan. 31, 2007 Permits- approval letter from DEQ Final plans- due Jan. 22, 2007- John B. Final specifications -due Jan. 22, 2007- John B. Submittal to DEQ: Dec.15, 2006 Approval from DEQ: Feb.15, 2007 Advertisement for bids date: Feb. 12, 2007 Bid opening date: March 13, 2007 Approval by City Council date: March 21, 2007 Pre -construction conference: April 3, 2007 Start of construction date: April 16, 2007 End of construction date: June 25, 2007 Construction activity: None Project scope of work: well house pumps system connection Project function: Provides water for future residential areas on the west side of the city. Comments: • The future Legacy (well #4) and Eaglefield (well #5) wells will be hydraulically tied together to improve water capacity for this western region of the city. • A large diameter test well was constructed in the Legacy plat in the summer of 2006. This test well will be used as the permanent well #4. • Stanley Consultants have not submitted the final water distribution plans to the City yet, so Holladay Engineering Co. has not been able to do a review. CITY OF EAGLE CITY OF EAGLE WELL #5 (EAGLEFIELD) -PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF -11127106 Project number: EG013305 Location: North of HWY 44, and west of Linder Rd. Funding Source: Developer 100% Water Rights status: A hearing is scheduled for Dec. 6, 2006. Chris D. is responsible for this hearing. A decision from 1DWR is expected by mid Feb. 2007. Landmark Consultants is the Engineer for the Developer (water distribution). Design and approval Engineer: Holladay Engineering Co. will provide the water supply design, which includes: site plan, well house, and pump stream. John B. will be the designer and give P.E. approval. Water modeling work: This work was started on Sept. 25, 2006. All preliminary work has been completed by Andy G. Final model is waiting on pump curve selection. 10% Design schedule: Preliminary design- completed Sept. 2006 by John B. Map- completed in Oct. 2006 by John B. General plan- completed in Oct. 2006 by John B. Site required- acquired in Oct. 2006 Specifications list- prepared in Oct. 2006 by John B. 50% Design schedule: Complete design report- completed Nov. 1, 2006- John B. Soils report- received Nov. 1, 2006 Preliminary plans- completed Nov. 1, 2006- John B. Earthwork & road design: none required Preliminary specifications- completed Nov. 1, 2006- John B. Requests for permits- DEQ has given preliminary approval for the water model and pump house design. 90% Design schedule: Other agency comments- DEQ due back on Jan. 31, 2007 Permits- approval letter from DEQ Final plans- due Jan. 22, 2007- John B. Final specifications -due Jan. 22, 2007- John B. Submittal to DEQ: Dec. 15, 2006 Approval from DEQ: Feb. 15, 2007 Advertisement for bids date: Feb. 12, 2007 Bid opening date: March 13, 2007 Approval by City Council date: March 21, 2007 Pre -construction conference: April 3, 2007 Start of construction date: April 16, 2007 End of construction date: June 25, 2007 Construction activity: None Project scope of work: well house pumps system connection Project function: Provides water for future residential areas on the west side of the city. Comments: • The future Legacy (well #4) and Eaglefield (well #5) wells will be hydraulically tied together to improve water capacity for this western region of the city. • A Targe diameter test well was constructed in the Eaglefield plat in the summer of 2006. This test well will be used as the permanent well #5. • On Oct. 12, 2006, Kasey K. sent a review letter to Landmark with comments. The revised plans were received back to Holladay Engineering Co. on Nov. 27, 2006. /1--.2e--e6' Nancy Merrill From: Nichoel Baird Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:26 PM To: Nancy Merrill; Susan E. Buxton Subject: FW: BGG Steering/Technical: IGA for Jurisdictionratification Attachments: BGG Steering/Technical: IGA for Jurisdiction ratification BGG Steering/ Technical: IGA f... Ok so I had the questions wrong... My responses: 1) no 2)no 3) yes After talking to t the mayor she would like to see a memo from all the city planner recommending that 'Freilich services be removed and that the City's move forward to implement the BPGG. We may want to talk to each of the Mayors before we move forward but My Mayor is very interested in removing 'Freilich or leaving the BPGG. Garden City Responses: My responses: 1. No 2. No 3. Yes, 9:00 or later on Thursday morning Star, Meridian and Kuna have not yet responded. Nichoel R. Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP Planner III City of Eagle (208) 939-0227 (208) 938-3854 (fax) Original Message From: Patricia Nilsson (mailto:PNilsson@cityofboise.org] Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:40 AM To: Nichoel Baird; diana@cityofkuna.com; crichardson@gardencityidaho.org; Anna Canning; GianPaolo Mammone Subject: Fwd: BGG Steering/Technical: IGA for Jurisdictionratification Quick straw poll of the city planners: 1) has the IGA been scheduled yet for full council adoption? 2) would your city want to continue with Freilich's services? 3) can you meet on Thursday morning to discuss? Tricia Patricia A. Nilsson, AICP Manager, Comprehensive Planning Boise City Planning and Development Services 150 N. Capitol Boulevard Boise, ID 83701-0500 208.384.3842 (direct) 1 cc/( - SECOND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR ADOPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH PLAN THIS SECOND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT made and entered this day of December, 2006, by and among the City of Boise, City of Eagle, City of Garden City, City of Kuna, City of Meridian, City of Star, Ada County, the Ada County Highway District (hereinafter the "Member Agencies"), and the Idaho Transportation Department for the purpose of adopting and implementing the ADA Countywide Blueprint for Good Growth Plan authorized to be prepared under the First Intergovernmental Agreement For Transportation And Land Use Planning, entered into by the Member Agencies on August 9, 2004, hereinafter IGA-i. RECITALS WHEREAS, it is the purpose of this Second Intergovernmental Agreement (hereinafter IGA-2) to adopt the "Blueprint for Good Growth" Plan (hereinafter "BGG") by the Member Agencies and to thereafter implement the BGG by actions of each Member Agency by inclusion in each Member Agency's Comprehensive Plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations and other applicable land use and transportation policies, regulations, ordinances and capital improvement plans and programs within its legislative discretion; WHEREAS it is also the purpose of this IGA-2 to permit the Member Agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers through cooperation to their mutual advantage by performing planning and regulatory functions that will best accord with geographic, economic, population, service, and the provision of capital infrastructure in accordance with the provisions of the adopted BGG, including the purposes enumerated in the Local Land Use Planning Act, I.C. § 67-6502; and WHEREAS it is the desire of the Member Agencies to implement the growth, land use, infrastructure, service, and transportation goals, objectives, policies and strategies of BGG in a coordinated and effective manner; and WHEREAS each Member Agency is authorized under Idaho law to provide comprehensive planning services and adopt comprehensive plans, sub -area plans, land development, ordinances and regulations, including but not limited to zoning, subdivision, capital improvement programming and budgeting for the provision of transportation and other capital facility infrastructure and services to implement BGG; and Intergovernmental Agreement(54706606_1) LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 18 WHEREAS this IGA-2 respects the legislative autonomy and discretion of each Member Agency to provide comprehensive planning and land use regulatory control within its jurisdiction consistent with the BGG; WHEREAS this IGA-2 is not intended to, and does not alter or change the responsibilities of each Member Agency, nor does it relieve any Member Agency of any function, duty, or obligation otherwise imposed by law; and WHEREAS a copy of this IGA-2, upon its execution by the parties hereto, shall be on file with the Clerk of the governing body of each Member Agency; and WHEREAS under Idaho law, including but not limited to Idaho Constitution Const. Art. XII, § 2, and Idaho Statutes §§ 31-602, 31-604, 40-1309, 40-1310, 50- 301, 67-2326, 67-2327, 67-2328, 67-2332, the Member Agencies are authorized to enter into this IGA-2; WHEREAS this IGA-2 specifies the duration, organization, purposes, manner of financing, and methodology employed in carrying out the Agreement. WHEREAS, the provisions of IGA-1 to the extent that they remain applicable have been incorporated into this amended IGA-2. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties to this IGA-2 do agree as follows: SECTION 1. 11.1 LE. This Second Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment is referred to, and may be cited, as the IGA-2. SECTION 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of the IGA-2 is to provide for: (a) the adoption of the BGG plan throughout Ada County; (b) the preparation of transportation, capital facility and services, and land use elements that shall be incorporated into the comprehensive plan, ordinances, resolutions and policy manual for each Member Agency; (c) the development and adoption of land use patterns that shall be utilized in both the BGG and COMPASS/ITD Communities in Motion, Long Range Transportation Plan, and (d) the development and adoption of land development regulations, and ordinances to implement BGG. LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 2 19 SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this IGA-2 and all other agreements, contracts and documents executed, adopted, or approved pursuant to this IGA-2, the following terms shall have meaning prescribed to them within this section unless the context of their use dictates otherwise: Ada County Highway District ("ACHD "): The Ada County Highway District established by referendum on May 25, 1971, pursuant to Title 40, Idaho Code, Chapters 13 and 14. City "City" refers to any or all of the following cities: City of Boise, City of Eagle, City of Garden City, City of Kuna, City of Meridian, or the City of Star. County: Ada County, Idaho Consortium: The multi jurisdictional entity established by § 4 of this Agreement in order to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. Governing Board: A designated representative from each Member Agency. Idaho Transportation Department: The state agency responsible for statewide transportation planning. LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 3 20 Member Agency A public agency which is a party to or subsequently becomes a party to this IGA- 2. The phrase "Member Agencies" refers collectively to all of these jurisdictions. Plan The BGG Nan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Stakeholder: Any local government, landowner, neighborhood, and special interest that has a stake in transportation, capital facilities and services, and land use planning, and that is listed as a recommended countywide participant on the Steering Committee in Section 6 of this Agreement. SECTION 4. GENERAL ORGANIZATION AND POWERS OF CONSORTIUM. 4.1. A Consortium is hereby established that consists of the Member Agencies. Each Member Agency shall designate a representative to serve on the Governing Board of the Consortium. The Consortium shall appoint a Steering Committee that consists of representatives of the Member Agencies and appointed Stakeholders (see Section 6). The Consortium shall appoint a Technical Committee that provides data and information to the Steering Committee (see Section 8). The Consortium shall: (a) employ Doherty & Associates as the Coordinating Consultant which shall provide management and administrative services and report to the Consortium (see Section 7); and (b) employ Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker and Planning Works as the joint planning consultants to carry out Phase II of the Blueprint for Good Growth process. 4.2. The Consortium may receive and expend funds, goods, and services from the federal government or agencies and instrumentalities of state or local governments or from civic and private sources and may contract with these entities and provide information and reports as necessary to secure aid. SECTION 5. MEMBER AGENCIES. 5.1. Financial Participation 5.1.1 The allocation of financial contributions of each Member Agency is set forth in Exhibit "B." The amount of additional funding shall be reasonably related to the population of each Member Agency and/or to the amount required to carry out the purposes of this Agreement after deducting other contributions as set out in 5.1.2. LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 4 21 5.1.2 The Member Agencies shall use their best efforts to secure financial contributions from private businesses, individuals and foundations, to reduce the Member Agency contribution pro -rata for Phase II described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit "C." 5.1.3 Nothing in the IGA-2 shall be construed to obligate any Member Agency to any indebtedness or liability, in any manner, or for any purpose exceeding two years after the effective date of this IGA-2. Any funding that is anticipated to exceed two years after the effective date of this Agreement may be provided through the execution of an addendum to this Agreement. 5.2. Procedures For Adoption Of The BGG. The Consortium Member Agencies by approval of this IGA-2 hereby ratify the action of the Consortium in approving the BGG Plan. The Consortium shall cause the BGG Plan to be implemented using the procedures described in Exhibit "A" and Scope of the Services in Exhibit "C," commencing January 1, 2007. The Consortium Member Agencies shall vote on the adoption of the BGG Plan, as well as on financing and expenditures of the Consortium. The affirmative vote of the County, ACHD, the City of Boise and four (4) of the remaining Member Agencies shall be required to approve any action taken under this Agreement. The Idaho Transportation Department shall be entitled to provide an advisory recommendation to the Member Agencies with respect to any vote to be taken by the Member Agencies with respect to adoption of the Final BGG Plan. A majority of the Member Agencies shall constitute a quorum for Consortium actions. Each Member Agency hereby approves and ratifies the following documents, which are attached hereto: (a) BGG Plan (Exhibit "A"); (b) Financial Budget for Phase II (Exhibit "B"); (c) Scope of Services of Phase II (Exhibit "C"); (d) Engagement Letters for Planning Consulting Services with Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker and management coordination services with Doherty & Associates (Exhibit "D" collectively). These documents have been approved by each Member Agency in accordance with all requirements of law for the execution of contracts. Attached hereto as Exhibit "E" are ordinances or resolutions of each Member Agency approving this Agreement and the documents described above. 5.3. The implementation of the BGG as established in Section 5.2 shall be accomplished by each Member Agency, in its legislative discretion, requiring consideration of consistency with the adopted BGG in the following areas and processes: LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 5 22 (a) Future comprehensive plan amendments, including the 14 specific components set out in Section 67-6508, Idaho Code, adoption of a new comprehensive plan and adoption of sub -area plans; (b) Amendments to the zoning ordinance (rezoning maps or text); (c) Approval of all subdivision preliminary and final plats; (d) County approval of areas of city impact pursuant to Section 67-6526 Idaho Code and the criteria and standards incorporated within the BGG; (e) Approval by the courts of the reasonableness of annexations; (f) Adoption of capital improvement programs and budgets; (g) Adoption of future right-of-way preservation maps; (h) Administrative zoning application approvals (site development plans, conditional use permits; variances; building and grading permits); (i) Approvals of planned developments and planned communities; (j) Public improvement exception applications; (k) Impact fee, exaction and dedication requirements; (1) Establishing benchmarks for biennial review of the BGG in order to carry out the goals, objectives, policies and strategies of BGG; and (m) Preparation of BGG amendments as deemed appropriate by the Consortium, or any Member Agency. 5.4. The Planning Consultants: (1) Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker; and (2) Planning Works shall establish in Phase II, pursuant to the scope of services in Exhibit "C," (a) Procedures and criteria for pre -application coordination; application submittal and review fees; review by staff and planning commissions; notice and hearing requirements consistent with state law; approval criteria including consistency with BGG; and appeals procedures. (b) Development standards for future amendment or adoption of comprehensive plans, sub -area plans, ordinances, regulations and policies including the 14 required specific components and applicable zoning and subdivision standards for adequate public facility requirements; public improvement design, financing and capital improvement programming; downtown and infill development; transit oriented development; traditional neighborhood development; transportation corridors and centers; applicable building and sustainable development standards; approvals of areas of city impact; flexible zoning, planned development and planned community approvals. SECTION 6. STEERING COMM, 1 I LE. 6.1. The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Member Agencies and other stakeholders appointed by the Consortium. The Consortium shall vote on the appointment of stakeholders to serve on the Steering LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 6 23 Committee. The Steering Committee shall generally consist of the following representatives: Member Agencies Idaho Transportation Department Agricultural interests Chambers of Commerce Neighborhood Interests Idaho Smart Growth Environmental Interests Treasure Valley Partnership Development Interests (commercial and residential) Urban Redevelopment Agencies Public Transportation Agencies including Valley Ride 6.2. The Steering Committee shall be an advisory entity with respect to amendment of the BGG, Phase II ordinances, regulations and policies to implement BGG; monitoring of the BGG; and the approval process for areas of city impact. 6.3. A record of meetings, hearings, resolutions, studies, findings, permits, and recommendations taken shall be maintained. All meetings and records shall be open to the public. At least one (1) regular meeting shall be held each month for the duration of this Agreement. A majority of currently - appointed voting members of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum. SECTION 7. MANAGING AND COORDINATING CONSULTANT. 7.1. The Consortium shall retain and employ at their separate cost apart from the contract for Planning Consulting Services, a Management and Coordinating Consultant which shall be subject to direction of the Consortium. 7.2. The Managing and Coordinating Consultant shall be responsible for the administration of the Consortium, including arranging facilities for meetings, notifying stakeholder representatives, bookkeeping, coordination with the planning consultants, other duties provided by this Agreement, and such additional duties as may be assigned by the Consortium. LEGAL_US_W # 547o66o6.i 7 24 SECTION 8. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 8.1. A Technical Committee is hereby created to assist the Steering Committee, Consortium and planning consultants by collecting data and providing advice and assistance on technical matters. The Managing and Coordinating Consultant shall recommend the membership of the Technical Committee, which shall be approved by the Consortium. The number and membership of the Technical Committee shall be determined by the Consortium. The Technical Committee may consist of representatives from the following groups: (a) The Idaho Transportation Department; (b) COMPASS; (c) Ada County Highway District; (d) Idaho Division of Environmental Quality and Department of Water Resources; (e) Valley Ride; and (f) Other professionals with expertise in land use and transportation planning. 8.2. The Technical Committee will ensure that the planning consultants, steering committee and Consortium have access to the most current data for the project, assist in the alternatives analysis and review all documents produced during the process. SECTION 9. DURATION/TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This IGA-2 shall remain in effect until December 31, 2008, unless it is further extended by the written agreement of the Member Agencies, in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.2. SECTION 10. WITHDRAWALS; DISSOLUTION Any Member Agency shall have the right to withdraw from this IGA-2 by giving written notice to the Managing and Coordinating Consultant. The members agree that withdrawal will not absolve them of responsibility for meeting financial and other obligations established by this Agreement or other contracts or agreements which exist at the time of withdrawal. Upon termination of this IGA-2, any money or assets in possession of the Consortium after payment of all liabilities, costs, expenses, and charges, validly incurred under this IGA-2, shall be returned to all member agencies in proportion to their assessment determined at the time of termination. The debts, liabilities, and obligations of the Consortium shall not constitute a debt, liability, or obligation of any Member Agency. LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 8 25 SECTION n1. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT. This IGA-2 may be amended at any time, but only by the consent of the parties pursuant to Section 5.2. SECTION 12. GOVERNING LAW. This IGA-2, and its interpretation and performance, shall be governed and construed by the applicable laws of the state of Idaho. SECTION 13. COOPERATION BETWEEN AND AMONG THE PARTIES. The Member Agencies agree to cooperate with each other in all respects regarding the matters addressed in this IGA-2. SECTION 14. ENFORCEMENT. It is the intent of the Member Agencies that this IGA-2 shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and that any Member Agency shall be permitted to specifically enforce any provision of this Agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction. SECTION 15. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this IG -2 is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this IGA-2. LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 9 26 SECTION 16. EFFECTIVE DATE. This IGA-2 shall become effective upon the adoption date of the IGA-2 by each Member Agency. APPROVED this day of , 2004. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ADA COUNTY By: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, ADA County ATTEST: Ada County Clerk CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOISE By: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 10 27 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE By: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GARDEN CITY By: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KUNA By: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk LEGAL US_W # 54706606.1 11 28 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN By: Mayor An EST: City Clerk CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAR By: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT By: President ATTEST: District Clerk/Secretary LEGAL_US_W # 54706606.1 12 29 IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT By: Director Ail 'EST: LEGAL_US_W # 64706606.1 13 30 cc //-,2 -66 BLUEPR Nil For Consortium Member Agency Meeting Thursday, November 2, 2006 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. ACHD Auditorium AGENDA Consent Agenda a. Approval of the October 5 Meeting Notes (pg. 2 - 33 ) b. Approval of Correspondence to the Urban Land Institute (pg. 34 - 36) c. Approval of Contract for Professional Services between BGG and Ada County (pg. 37 - 48) d. Authorization of Payment for Sept 2006 Paul Hastings Invoice (pg. 49-52) II. For Information a. Potential Process & Standards for Modifications of Area of Impact (to be distributed separately by Dr. Freilich) Robert Freilich will review the responses from the jurisdictions regarding the draft processes presented at the September meeting. He will provide the Consortium with an update regarding the review of these revised processes now by the Steering and Technical Committees. Dr. Freilich will also present a draft outline of the Intergovernmental Agency Agreement for review by the Consortium. b. Land Use Assumptions in North Ada County Several Steering Committee members asked for this item to be a topic at the November 2 joint meeting of the Steering and Technical Committees. Robert Freilich will provide a verbal update of this Steering/Technical Committee discussion addressing: i. Coordination of land use planning w/ area of impact extension ii. Coordination of land use entitlements with adequate public facilities c. Phase II Schedule Update The scheduled completion for consultant work by Dr. Freilich, as well as Project Coordination by Doherty & Associates is December 31, 2006. Robert Freilich will discuss a revised project schedule at the meeting. III. Other Information a. Project Coordinator's Report (pg. 53-54) b. Funding Status (pg. 55-57) Remaining 2006 Consortium meetings are as follows: December 14, 2006, 2:00 — 4:00 PM, ACHD Auditorium Blueprint for Good Growth - clo Doherty & Associates — 575 E. Parkcenter Blvd, Suite 200 - Boise, ID 83706 Business (208) 336-0420 - Fax (208) 336-2407— Email kdohertv(&dohertvena.com www.blueprintforgoodgrowth.com L\Doherty&Assoc\Blueprint for Good Growth Coordination\Consortium1110206_meet_membll_member_agency_agenda_110206 DOC BLUEPRINT] for Good GROWTH Countywide Land Use and Transportation Guide Plan Attendees: Meeting Minutes Consortium Meeting — ACHD Auditorium Thursday, Oct 5, 2006 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. David Bieter, Mayor, City of Boise * Elaine Clegg, Council member, City of Boise Tammy de Weerd, Mayor, City of Meridian * John Franden, President, ACHD * Carol McKee, Commissioner, ACHD Nancy Merrill, Mayor, City of Eagle * Judy Peavey -Derr, Commissioner, Ada County Christy Richardson, Garden City * Diana Sanders, City of Kuna* Eric Shannon, District 3 Engineer, ITD* Alan Shealy, Council member, City of Boise Jim Tibbs, Council member, City of Boise Fred Tilman, Commissioner, Ada County Rick Yzaguirre, Commissioner, Ada County * Karen Doherty, Doherty & Associates Dr. Bob Freilich, Paul Hastings Others: (See attached sign -in sheet) President Bieter called the meeting to order at 1:40 P.M. Official delegates are noted with a * in the attendee listing. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of the September 14 Meeting Notes b. Authorization of Payment for June -Sept 2006 Paul Hastings Invoices Consent agenda approved. 2 ACTION ITEMS a. Land Use Assumptions in North Ada County Charles Trainor/COMPASS and Dr. Freilich provided information relative to the traffic estimates in North Ada County. Slides shown during this portion are included in these meeting minutes. After discussion, the group asked ACHD about its deadline of November 1, 2006. Both Ada County and Eagle expressed that they are doing studies of this area. The Consortium members generally acknowledged that Ada County has the current land use authority over the Northwest Ada County foothills. Their Comprehensive Plan will be completed in December which will provide ACHD with a scenario to proceed with a transportation plan. Members asked for deferment of response to ACHD until December. ACHD was agreeable to this revised schedule. b. Potential Process & Standards for Modifications of Area of Impact Dr. Freilich reviewed the draft processes with the Consortium. He noted these suggestions were created based on the direction from the September Consortium meeting to address this issue with urgency. He noted that the schedule included in the document is a draft but suggested that the Consortium be expedient when reviewing and implementing these processes. Commissioner Tilman and Mayor Merrill both suggested that these processes may be premature and asked for time to work with the Idaho Association of Counties and Idaho Association of Cities. The Consortium members asked the Consultant team to draft additional processes to address procedures if two cities request the same area for inclusion within their Area of Impact (A of I) and possible ways to resolve disagreements between the Cities and County if an A of I is contested. A motion was made for the Consortium member agencies to distribute the draft processes internally within their own jurisdictions and will provide comments back to Dr. Freilich and Michael Lauer by October 20. Motion carried with two dissents, Tilman and Merrill. A draft document reflecting the requested jurisdiction modifications will then be presented to a joint meeting of the Steering and Technical Committees on November 2. The Consortium acknowledged the continued need for input from the Steering Committee during the Implementation Phase. Therefore, the next BGG meeting on implementation will be a joint meeting of the Steering and Technical Committee. 3 The Consortium also directed Dr. Freilich to draft a response to the September correspondence from the Urban Land Institute Idaho Chapter (ULI). This response shall be sent to the Consortium for review prior to distribution to ULI. ULI shall also be invited to the next Steering/Technical meeting. c. Intergovernmental Agency Agreement Status The agreements are not yet prepared. ACHD is working on this item. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Adequate Public Facilities Dr. Freilich updated the Consortium on Adequate Public Facilities. Slides shown during this portion are included in these meeting minutes. Dr. Freilich discussed the impact of growth on ITD. He felt that extraordinary impact fees could be lobbied on behalf of ITD; he distributed Idaho Statutes Title 67-82 to illustrate this matter. b. Project Coordinator's Report Karen Doherty reported that her firm is working on the tax return for Blueprint for Good Growth, Inc. She also indicated that public inquiries about the project have been increasing. c. Funding Status The BGG checking account will have a minimal balance after accounts payable are processed. This situation will be remedied by the receipt of jurisdiction contributions now that the new fiscal year has begun. The funding committee is still working to secure commitments from Star, Kuna, and Garden City as well as about $100,000 from private donations. Karen Doherty noted that the IRS did approve the BGG's non-profit status. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P.M. 4 Blueprint for Good Growth Committee: (G i .*5 C► t w n 1 Date: io- 5-ct, Name /i UrA-12-12 Ir(.0 a alarm Gall:141 1-1AANctiqA, &Avsvx, (rf-vvik.t1 CjAA7 $07-4.01,-2,[12e0r. 72/ttri/J Iurt/Oua- PA K S7 -,1 -Re Aro- SEWEIL N�v .�t)c< pin NE gg 44,4 /4±6 /1/(1- dot UMW Contact Number '2 65,10 a q • c54 ?VI- 335V2 , 3,3S- loon Zg6-0573 go?)4 3 2e57-711 3 if -4/a00 1172.-S;ZS ?Z - Cdcl4 l 92z- *-Q 317. 6 4zq, 3S8-Z� �z- 33�- 8'15; Representing 4 011-0 `fir COE-- eft/ 6Anv._etck‘ fiAnk) SIANCAA--- &Dula) k „Lc, R-41 /4-7 elt-tat„ 21/4oA Co V rt ow6//r W L'o,,ei°o /ow cask-- ErRa eimm p 3165Puvleepn,451LLC_ rDANO S-rivmsNLa AV -Are- gsi bt5 -13/41G. ITO 5 Basic Growth Assumptions • Added estimated planned community's growth to 2030 Community Choices forecast — 16 potential planned communities (as of June 2006) — Growth estimates for M3 and Cartwright Ranch (provided by developers) — Assumed 75% of total acres as buildable for other • 90% residential and 10% non-residential — Calculated housing units estimates at 3 units/acre • Assumed 95% occupancy =households — Calculated population at persons per household rate (2000 Census) • Results: estimated additional 69,000 households and 198OOO ppuIation on top of the 73,000 hhs and 200,000 population in Community Choices 6 Community Choices and Planned Community Growth 2010 Improvements Over 752,000 vehicle hours of delay Community Choices and Planned Community G With 2030 Improvements Malt 88 GenuomyRJ .y18 Re8 Top RE 19 Above 31% Hpalurt Rd Mitsar� A< S Below 69% Over 209,000 vehicle hours of delay 8 O30 Community Choices nd Planned Communitie - 2010 Network Oe•oror,•• •••••• •••• ...111.•••••• 1 _ I lo••• •• VO Moral •••••• •••• 2030 Community Choice 3nd Planned Communitie - 2030 Network Ol•••••• Rd Ow • •o• N.M. Zoo* Mk 1 •• .11 Plaud• Sony N• rxmon. • or r.e•te. •• .01.4 ••• 44 V U • • • LH S024 1,••••••••• Now.. P.41 .40 .0..• CO•••••1 Nam. ad O. I. V 0. 44 40. • • sz. mof a W. • s Count and Forecast Comparisons tit 2,580 (28,x) r -- Beacon LigqRd 1,439 No Floating Feather (23,100) 1 1,043 — (18,000) - J. x 3,470 (42,300) 8.432 (17,400) 8,910 •.- ** (44,400) US HV 'Y 20 8 /6 12,925 e/o Star Rd (38.900) t3 Current Count 1 (2030 Forecast) Community Choices Growth - No improvements Above 43"/0 Below 57% Over 292,000 vehicle hours of delay/ —1 11 Above 23% Community Choices Growth - With Improvements IN I . 4 p , A.441 Inlips, Azzs.4 . swim •••••mran raiz\ -I:: linvimimmemeserm mu; :a: el 1r tiL I' 11111P,WEINIMIETIRE awn in Tlarili . A :"."HtillW ."'.1.1 114111MMI Iii ill- *,,fi • m■ iri 1 Li : - - 1! 1.11 'PP -Ammo's' ma-- 114" 11-4 I imas MR IlaktbAili he; 1111=te4MEMIliall.11111M1 1 1 I i I I Below ,. 77% NI= Over 109,000 vehicle hours ofdel 12 2030 Community Road Name 1-84 SH 16 SH 16 3 CRX SH 16 SH 44 Eagle Rd SH 44 US 20/26 Linder Rd SH 55 US 20/26 SH 55 Beacon Light Rd SH 69 Lake Hazel Rd Beacon Light Rd Kuna Mora Rd Pleasant Valley Linder Rd Linder Rd Cloverdale Rd Kuna Mora Rd Pleasant Valley Star Rd Ballantyne Rd Cloverdale Rd Floating Feather Rd Ten Mile Creek Rd Eagle Rd Floating Feather Rd Ballantyne Rd Choices Plus Planned Communites known as of June 2006 Location north of Black's Creek IC River Crossing north of Beacon Light Rd River Crossing north of SH 44 west of SH 55 River Crossing east of SH 16 west of SH 55 north of SH 44 north of SH 44 east of SH 16 north of Beacon Light Rd west of SH 55 north of Kuna Rd west of 1-84 east of SH 16 west of 1-84 south of Lake Hazel River Crossing north of Beacon Light Rd North of Hubbard Rd east of Cloverdale Rd north of Kuna Mora River Crossing north of Beacon Light Rd North of Kuna Mora west of SH 55 west of Pleasant Valley Rd north of Beacon Light Rd east of Under Rd north of SH 44 2030 Forecast 88,200 61,300 53,300 51,600 49,600 47,300 46,800 44,400 43,200 42,300 39,300 38,900 35,500 34,700 31,800 29,200 28,800 25,000 24,100 23,600 23,100 21,700 20,200 17,700 17,400 16,000 15,600 14,600 14,600 13,100 12,500 10,400 Road Name 1-84 1-84 Eagle Rd Eagle Rd Fairview Ave Eagle Rd Eagle Rd State St Eagle Rd Eagle Rd Glenwood St Fairview Ave Fairview Ave Curtis Rd Fairview Ave Millwaukee St Chinden Blvd State St SH 44 Bridge Vista Ave Orchard St Five Mile Rd SH 69 Victory Rd Meridian Rd Ustick Rd Cloverdale Rd Maple Grove Rd Maple Grove Rd Gary Ln Goddard St forecast comps.xls Today's Equivalent Location between Cole and Orchard IC's between Vista and Broadway 1C's south of Franklin Rd north of Franklin Rd west of Eagle Rd south of Fairview Ave south of Ustick Rd east of Veteran's Memorial Parkwa north of Ustick Rd south of McMillan Rd River Crossing east of Locust Grove Rd west of Maple Grove Rd south of Northview St east of Main St (M) north of Franklin Rd west of 32nd St northwest of 23rd St w/o Ballantyne Ln River Crossing s/o Rosehill St No Emerald St s/o Fairview Ave No Columbia Rd w/o Orchard St No Cherry Ln e/o Five Mile Rd s/o Edna St s/o Overland Rd s/o Ustick Rd No State St e/o Maple Grove Rd Actual Coun (2005 or 2006 88,261 61,547 53,948 51,999 49,861 47,99 45,415 44,336 43,15: 42,83 39,67 38,51 35,48 34,23' 31,831 29,93' 28,78 25,67: 24,29 23,67 23,321 21,72 20,74: 17,73' 17,39 16,10 15,451 14,747 14,671 13,14 12,55 10,46 13 IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 8028 Boise, ID 83707-2028 September 20, 2006 The Honorable Mayor David Bieter President, Ada County Consortium Blueprint for Good Growth c/o Doherty & Associates 575 E. ParkCenter Blvd., Suite 200 Boise, Idaho 83706-6674 RE: Land Use Assumptions for the Northwest Ada County Foothills Dear Mayor Bieter: (208) 334-8300 itd.idaho.gov In regards to ACHD's letter of September 13th on the subject, 1 would also like to endorse pursuing more precise long range planning data, as well as share some comments and perspectives. It is my understanding that COMPASS is mandated to do transportation planning in Ada County, which it does in part through the coordinated efforts of its various members. The COMPASS long range planning effort, "Communities in Motion", has so far provided general planning data, but more precise data should follow as member agencies decide what types and locations of land use will be allowed. ITD will use this data to determine impacts and needs to the state highway system, and has the following studies in the Draft STIP which specifically address the Northwest Ada County Foothills area: • Key 09963, SH -16, I-84 to Emmett Study — FY 2009 • Key 09967, SH -55 Corridor Plan — FY 2007 As part of these studies, we will coordinate with ACHD and other COMPASS members. We will also continue to coordinate with ACHD on its study of the local road system It is my understanding that all of these studies are subordinate to the scenario determined in "Communities in Motion". As such, I would expect any additional analysis required for proposed land uses different from that scenario to be funded by those who propose it. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, :mow ERIC R. SHANNON, P.E. District 3 Engineer ./Ar -41.44101-, cc: Matt Stoll, Executive Director of COMPASS Michael Lauer. Planning Works Karen Doherty, Blueprint for Good Growth John Franden, President of Ada County Highway District 14 BLUEPRINTI for Good GROWTH Adequate Public Transportation Facilities Dr. Robert H. Freilich, ACCP Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker Impending Growth Problems Decline in existing built-up areas Degradation of the environment Over utilization of energy sources Fiscal strains Deficiencies in public facilities Housing affordability The Public Infrastructure Gap National infrastructure deficiencies now exceed $4 trillion and are growing at a rate of $1.7 trillion every 5 years $4,000,000,000,000 Capital Costs Shifted to Existing Development Population A B C D 10,000 S12,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Total 6,000 4,000 3,000 25,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 13,000 4,000 3,000 7,000 3,000 3,000 Relative Cost of Planned Development v. Sprawl Facility Sprawl Planned Development Duncan Burchell Frank Synthesis Roads 100% 40% 76% 73% 75% Schools 100% 93% 97% 99% 95% Utilities 100% 600 92% 66% 85% Other 100% 102% N/A 100% N/A Legend Urbanized Area Planned Urbanized Area Future Urbanized Area Building Permits Issued Before 9,000 BPs 8,000 Outside 1,000 Inside After 16,000 BPs 8,000 Outside 8,000 Inside 21 Transportation Planning - Bridging the State -City -County Gap in Ada County, Idaho Comprehensive Plan as Guideline Definition of growth tiers (areas of impact) Targets State and ACHD funding to priority growth areas (areas of impact) Linkage between CIP, development and annexation Adequate public facilities required Promotes creative, efficient development Extraordinary impact fees _6 0 } c/7 E •U C 00 c •> 46a)0�>.E� 0 _c c�- 0 0 ,i, -.c .0_ 0 -c 0 -o --- o 0)a) -0 c a 0{=a2cg4, 0 (I-) to -2 Pc Ea) TT, ‘1(5 Q T 0 C ��o�o� o 0 0t� 0 L— T Q 0 0 _ L 00D0• 0 E. °'o coca o.-oa) c 0 , 0 4- 0 0 0 0 00 o p L(2 4E- 175 .f. (0,5j LD ^` -}- uJ U o U o 8 z Concurrency and Adequate Public Facilities Planning Concurrency Timing and Sequencing (police powers) CIP (fiscal powers) Carrying Capacity Analysis Adopt LOS Standards Deficiencies No Deficiencies 4 Facilities for Existing Dev. Dolan/Ehrlich Analysis of Concurrency New Growth Related Facilities Impact Fees Concurrency Rough Proportionality Dolan v. City of Tigard Florida Rationally Related Test Deny Approval Development Agreement Leveraged Negotiation (Ehrlich v. Culver City) Good Faith Test Deficiencies in public services CIP will solve deficiencies within reasonable period of time Developer gains vested rights, local gov't gains facilities in greater capacity than rough proportionality Golden v. Planning Board, Town of Ramapo: applies to school facilities Development Agreements Concurrency management Serve new demand Solve existing deficiencies Growth management Litigation defense Mitigation Fees Intended to permanently protect the resource that is being depleted Distinguishable from impact fees Fees are designed to make whole or replace the depleted resource Provide a basis for creating value for the farmer or holder of environmental land equal to the value that would be obtained from sale for development Not taxes, but police power exactions Conclusion Fiscal Conservatism Will Solve Ada County's Growth Management Problems Expansion of concurrency management together with extraordinary impact fees Promotion of efficient development in corridors, centers, downtown development and areas of impact Idaho Statutes Idaho Statutes Page 1 of 1 10(5 /°6 TITLE 67 STATE GOVERNMENT AND STATE AFFAIRS CHAPTER 82 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 67-8214. OTHER POWERS AND RIGHTS NOT AFFECTED (1) Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a governmental entity from requiring a developer to construct reasonable project improvements in conjunction with a development project. (2) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent or prohibit private agreements between property owners or developers, the Idaho transportation department and governmental entities in regard to the construction or installation of system improvements or providing for credits or reimbursements for system improvement costs incurred by a developer including interproject transfers of credits or providing for reimbursement for project improvements which are used or shared by more than one (1) development project. If it can be shown that a proposed development has a direct impact on a public facility under the jurisdiction of the Idaho transportation department, then the agreement shall include a provision for the allocation of impact fees collected from the developer for the improvement of the public facility by the Idaho transportation department. (3) Nothing in this chapter shall obligate a governmental entity to approve development which results in an extraordinary impact. (4) Nothing in this chapter shall obligate a governmental entity to approve any development request which may reasonably be expected to reduce levels of service below minimum acceptable levels established in the development impact fee ordinance. (5) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to create any additional right to develop real property or diminish the power of counties or cities in regulating the orderly development of real property within their boundaries. (6) Nothing in this chapter shall work to limit the use by governmental entities of the power of eminent domain or supersede or conflict with requirements or procedures authorized in the Idaho Code for local improvement districts or general obligation bond issues. (7) Nothing herein shall restrict or diminish the power of a governmental entity to annex property into its territorial boundaries or exclude property from its territorial boundaries upon request of a developer or owner, or to impose reasonable conditions thereon, including the recovery of project or system improvement costs required as a result of such voluntary annexation. The Idaho Code is made available on the Internet by the Idaho Legislature as a public service. This Internet version of the Idaho Code nay not be used for commercial purposes. nor may this database be published or repackaged for commercial sale without express written permission. Search the Idaho Statutes Available Reference: Search Instructions. The Idaho Code is the property of the state of Idaho, and is copyrighted by Idaho law, I.C. § 9-350. According to Idaho law, any person who reproduces or distributes the Idaho Code for commercial purposes in violation of the provisions of this statute shall be deemed to be an infringer of the state of Idaho's copyright. hftr llww�ui.state.id.us/cai-bin/newidst?sctid=670820014.K 10/5/2006 33 Atlanta Beijing Brussels Hong Kong London Los Angeles Milan New York Orange County Palo Alto Paris San Diego San Francisco Shanghai Stamford Tokyo Washington, DC (213) 683-6314 robertfreilich@paulhastings.com October 25, 2006 58355.00002 Quentin Knipe ULI - Idaho Re: ULI - Idaho/Blueprint For Good Growth Recommendations Dear ULI Idaho Members: I serve as the project director for the Blueprint For Good Growth ("BGG") established by the six cities, in Ada County, Ada County and the Ada County Highway District pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement charging the eight Blueprint Consortium members with developing a countywide transportation and land use plan. At their September 14, 2006 meeting the Consortium was privileged to have you present a BGG recommendation adopted by the Executive Committee of ULI-Idaho. The Consortium requested that I respond to your key buy -in points with regard to the progress of the BGG in meeting or responding to ULI's suggestions. 1. Buy -in: You requested a confirmation of the Consortium's full commitment to the BGG process and implementation and the role of citizens and the private sector. Response: (a) The Consortium recently voted at its September 4, 2006 meeting to adopt the BGG goals, objectives, policies and strategies. It has also voted to raise the funds for completing Phase II of the BGG process — implementation of the BGG Plan by the constituent members in their ordinances, comp plans and budgetary actions. (b) With regard to your inquiry about the role of the private sector, the Consortium has set out to raise substantial funds from the business community for Phase II. A financial committee has been working under the leadership of Mayor Bieter. The Consortium originally sought to obtain the support of the Boise Chamber of Commerce when BGG was initiated two years ago. Continuing efforts are being made to obtain that commitment. Other industries and business leaders have pledged funds towards the BGG budget. ULI Idaho can play a LEGAL_US_W # 54673130.1 34 Quentin Knipe October 25, 2006 Page 2 leading role in obtaining the business community's support and its efforts would be welcomed by the Consortium. We agree that a credible private sector "champion" would assist the overall acceptability of the final BGG plan. (c) With regard to citizens' support, there is money in the Phase I budget to hold public meetings on the BGG before it is finally adopted. We are also seeking the support of Smart Growth, Idaho, environmental, transit and neighborhood groups. 2. Accountability: The suggestions on having annual reports and monitoring are being processed through the BGG process. Benchmarks for annual progress reports are part of the Plan framework. No consideration has been given to the question of a trusted outside source to monitor the benchmark indicators of success. Would ULI Idaho be willing to act in that capacity? 3. Resources: (a) Permanent staffing has not been suggested so far by the Steering Committee to the Consortium. Your recommendations for permanent staffing and funding will be presented at the November 2, 2006 joint Steering Committee and Technical Committee meeting. (b) Implementation is all part of Phase II. The Consortium is already working on the process for approval of 20 year areas of impact. A new Intergovernmental Agreement to carry out Phase II and for future monitoring and BGG phases will be on the Consortium's December agenda. Phase II will result in the consultant's preparation of draft plan element regulations, policies and ordinances (transportation and transit corridor centers zoning; transfers of development rights and mitigation fees for open space preservation; extraordinary transportation impact fees; processing of areas of impact; adequate public facility ordinances for sewer, water, drainage, parks, transportation and public safety facilities; planned community zoning; infill ordinances; environmental overlay zones; future right-of-way acquisition; 5 and 20 year funded and prioritized capital improvement programs). Legislation will be sought on bringing ITD into the impact fee and adequate public facility review for state roads. Other legislation will provide for greater funding by improvement districts tied to the capital improvements programming within areas of impact. LEGAL_US_W # 54673130.1 35 Quentin Knipe October 25, 2006 Page 3 I trust that this letter meets your requests. If you or the Executive Committee have any further requests, please do not hesitate to provide them to Karen Doherty at Doherty Engineering. Karen serves as the administrator of the BGG process. Sincerely, Robert H. Freilich Project Manager for Blueprint For Good Growth RHF:df cc: Michael J. Lauer, Planning Works LEGAL_US_W # 54673130.1 36 Agreement No. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC. THIS AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT") FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IS MADE AND ENTERED INTO BY ADA COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, ("ADA COUNTY") AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC. (THE "CONSULTANT"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Agreement for Transportation and Land Use Planning was entered into on or about August 1, 2004 by the City of Boise, City of Eagle, City of Garden City, City of Kuna, City of Meridian, City of Star, Ada County, the Ada County Highway District ("CONSORTIUM") for the purpose of establishing a Countywide Transportation and Land Use Guide Plan; and WHEREAS, ADA COUNTY along with the other CONSORTIUM agencies, initially contributed funds for Phase I of the project and each entity of the CONSORTIUM has been asked to pledge additional funds for the completion of Phase II of the project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the August 3, 2006 CONSORTIUM meeting, ADA COUNTY agreed to contribute $50,000 to be used for 1) the funding of a consultant to act as Local Project Coordinator and 2) the funding of Paul Hastings (successor to Freilich, Leitman, and Carlisle ("FLC") services; and WHEREAS, the non-profit organization titled Blueprint for Good Growth, Inc. (CONSULTANT) has been duly incorporated in the State of Idaho and has been formed for the purpose of accepting the Member Agency's contributions to the Intergovernmental Agreement for Transportation and Land Use Planning project, including that of the Project Coordinator, and making payments for services contracted thereunder, including those designated in Exhibit C of the Intergovernmental Agreement; and CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 1 37 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements stated herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Ada County and the Consultant agree: AGREEMENT SECTION 1. TASKS OF LOCAL PROJECT COORDINATOR POSITION. CONSULTANT agrees to provide assistance to the ADA COUNTY pursuant to the following terms and conditions: a. During the term of this AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT shall act as the consultant for the ADA COUNTY. b. CONSULTANT shall select an individual or corporation to act as Project Coordinator, pursuant to its powers under the Intergovernmental Agreement. c. CONSULTANT shall insure that the entity or person chosen to act as the Project Coordinator be insured and provide certificates of insurance, including worker's compensation as set forth in Exhibit A of this Agreement. d. CONSULTANT'S tasks, to be provided by and through the Project Coordinator that it selects, pursuant to its powers under the Intergovernmental Agreement for Transportation and Land Use Planning include: 1. To serve as the local coordinator for all Project activities; 2. To serve as the independent, neutral facilitator and staff for the CONSORTIUM, Steering Committee and Technical Committee; 3. Ensure that all stakeholders are fully informed of Project progress, findings, decisions and upcoming activities; 4. Ensure full coordination with the COMPASS/ITD Long Range Transportation Plan and "Communities in Motion" planning process and prevent duplication of planning efforts; 5. Pursuant to the Freilich, Leitman, and Carlisle ("FLC") Scope of Services schedule all designated meetings, prepare for and facilitate CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 2 38 all meetings of the CONSORTIUM, FLC, Steering Committee and Technical Committee and joint meetings with the COMPASS consultants and staff of "Communities in Motion "; 6. Prepare agendas in consultation with the Committee Chairs; 7. Coordinate all meeting logistics, including participant notification, facilities, mailings, etc.; 8. Prepare and maintain a record of minutes; 9. All meetings shall be open to the public consistent with the Idaho Open Meetings Law; 10. Conduct or ensure completion of all follow up activities from meetings, including compiling data and reports, and preparing draft public information materials; 11. Oversee the contract with FLC for preparation of the Guide Plan to ensure timely completion of work tasks; 12. Provide logistics support and help coordinate public involvement meetings in cooperation with COMPASS and the CONSULTANT team on the LRTP and FLC; 13. Ensure adequate and timely information is made available to the public and interested stakeholders by posting information on the Project web site; 14. Serve as staff resource for media relations, with support from CONSORTIUM agencies; 15. Identify funding opportunities, prepare applications and administer grants from government, private and foundation sources; 16. Maintain all financial records for the Project and provide regular reports to the CONSORTIUM on budget status; 17. Maintain a record of all studies, meetings, hearings, resolutions, findings and recommendations; CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 3 39 18. Perform duties as assigned by the Steering Committee and/or Technical Committee that are related to the Scope of Services. 19. Perform such other tasks as desired by the CONSORTIUM. SECTION 2. TASKS OF PAUL HASTINGS (successor to FLC). CONSULTANT agrees to provide assistance to the ADA COUNTY pursuant to the following terms and conditions: a. During the term of this AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT shall act as the consultant for the ADA COUNTY. b. CONSULTANT shall insure that Paul Hastings be insured and provide certificates of insurance, including worker's compensation as set forth in Exhibit A of this Agreement. d. CONSULTANT'S tasks, to be provided by and through Paul Hastings, pursuant to its powers under the Intergovernmental Agreement for Transportation and Land Use Planning include: Task 12: Initial Assessment 12.1 Physical Assessment. Evaluate all available resource materials necessary to integrate the Transportation and Land Use Plan recommendations into local comprehensive plan elements and implementing regulations. Materials will include maps or diagrams depicting setbacks, densities and intensities, and a windshield survey of building forms and site design typologies in the region. 12.2 Regulatory Assessment. Review local comprehensive plans and development regulations such as zoning, subdivision, and related development controls. The objective of this task is to assess the institutional framework for development regulation and each jurisdiction, administrative and staffing issues, techniques that are already being used, techniques that have not been tried, and specific goals, objectives, policies, and strategies for regulating new development. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 4 40 12.3 Legal Assessment. Review and analyze the need for additional legislation to implement techniques such as amortization, growth -management, aesthetic regulation, design regulations, and other implementation recommended growth coordination strategies. Review and analyze constitutional provisions, state statutes, and judicial cases relating to innovative and effective land use controls to implement the plan. 12.4 Market and Construction Assessment. ACRD, the public works officials of each jurisdiction, and real estate or market professionals if available, will provide the consultant an overview of market values throughout the county, including undeveloped land, developed land, construction costs, and development costs and market values for the various densities currently permitted in the zoning ordinances of the individual jurisdictions. The purpose of this exercise is to: (a) identify PDR priorities; (b) to develop appropriate density and intensity standards, (c) establish transfer ratios for transfer development rights (TDR) ordinances for preservation of agricultural and environmentally sensitive lands; (d) prepare guidelines for public-private development; and (e) standards for right-of-way preservation. 12.5 Infrastructure Assessment Interview the service providers for the following public facilities throughout the county in order to assess existing levels of service, and anticipated service levels, and a proposed improvements, and issues affecting the continuation of existing levels of service: water, wastewater, roads, schools, EMS, police, and fire. Provide an assessment of the facilities that are most appropriate for inclusion in an adequate public facilities ordinance due to factors such as: constraints on future growth and development, the degree to which an adequate public facilities standard can be integrated with countywide transportation and land use policies, availability of financing, and the degree to which changes and levels of service are responsive to future growth and development. Task 13: Initial Draft of Local Plan and Code Revisions. 13.1 Land Use/Growth Management Elements Update the land use elements and prepare a growth management element for each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan. The growth management elements will establish a unifying framework for the entire comprehensive CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 5 41 plan, while the land use element will incorporate the provisions of the county -wide transportation and land use guide plan into the jurisdiction's existing planning framework. 13.2 Draft Initial Code Text. Prepare for ADA County, the six cities (Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian and Star) and ACHD, (a) amendments to their comprehensive plans and ACRD Policy Manual to incorporate the Final Countywide Guide Plan as growth management, land use and transportation elements; (b) amendments to the county, cities and ACHD land development regulations, implementing the adopted comprehensive transportation and land use elements and the Countywide Plan's goals, objectives, policies and strategies. The land development regulation amendments will include: 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2.6 13.2.7 13.2.8 13.2.9 13.2.10 13.2.11 13.2.12 13.2.13 Right-of-way preservation ordinances Transportation Corridor Overlay Districts including joint public- private development techniques Prioritized Capital Improvement Program Ordinances Adequate Public Facility Ordinances Impact Fee Ordinance Standards and Procedures (not including calculation of impact fee amounts) Transit Oriented Zoning Districts Traditional Neighborhood Zoning Districts Agricultural preservation techniques Common Subdivision standards to be used in county impact areas Infill and Compatibility Standards Extra -territorial improvement and levels of service for consistency between the County and each City's impact area Extraterritorial utility service area standards and regulations Establishment of zoning and subdivision regulations to implement transportation corridor and centers boundaries and standards It is anticipated that these drafts will be textual overlays that can be applied to the zoning and subdivision regulations of each individual jurisdiction. Specific applications of the ordinances, such as the mapping of individual overlay districts, integration into individuals zoning and subdivision regulations, and the allocation of densities, intensities, or development potential to individual land areas, is not part of the scope of services and that may be authorized by the individual jurisdiction pursuant to a separate CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 6 42 contract. Task 14: Initial Review of Rmulatory Documents 14.1 Planning Commission Summit Provide an overview of the planning and regulatory documents prepared in Task 13 in a joint public meeting of the planning commissions for each jurisdiction and COMPASS Staff. Solicit the comments of the planning commissioners, and COMPASS Staff provide a list of the concerns and suggestions provided at the meeting. 14.2 Planning Commission Briefing Report Compile a list of common concerns and suggestions and a list of comments that are inconsistent with each other. Provide a description of alternatives to reconcile the inconsistencies identified in the Planning Commissioners' comments. Task 15: Initial Revisions 15.1 Regulatory Revisions Revise the ordinances to incorporate the comments received at the Planning Commission Summit described in.14.1, above. 15.2 Public Workshops Conduct a public workshop with each jurisdiction relating to the package of plan amendments and development regulations described in Task 13, above. 15.3 Planning Commission Briefing Report Compile a summary of concerns and suggestions from the individual Planning Commission workshops. Task 16: Final Revisions 16.1 Final draft ordinances Based on the comments provided above, provide a final draft of the documents recited and Task 13, above. Any further revisions to the ordinances may be authorized by separate contract with the individual jurisdiction. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 7 43 16.2 Adoption Consultant can provide support throughout the adoption process for each jurisdiction, as requested, on a time and expense basis. SECTION 2. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. ADA COUNTY hereby agrees to pay CONSULTANT $50,000 in one payment upon execution of this contract. SECTION 3. TIME FOR PERFORMANCE. This agreement shall terminate in the event that any contract between the CONSULTANT and the selected Project Coordinator and/or Paul Hastings is terminated. SECTION 4. TAX ON MONIES. CONSULTANT and/or its selected Project Coordinator shall be responsible for all tax considerations arising out the payment of the monies paid herein and each agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and to assume full responsibility for payment of all sales taxes and inspection fees. SECTION 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. CONSULTANT is an independent contractor and is not an employee of ADA COUNTY. This is not an employment contract. CONSULTANT shall perform its duties in good faith to ADA COUNTY. SECTION 6. ASSIGNMENT. DUTIES under this AGREEMENT may be assigned by the mechanism of the CONSULTANT'S selection of a Project Coordinator. SECTION 7. BEST EFFORTS. CONSULTANT shall expend its "best efforts" to discharge its duties hereunder. SECTION 8. NEGLIGENCE/INDEMNITY. CONSULTANT agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ADA COUNTY from damages from any and all claims, demands or actions as a result of consequence of any negligent acts, errors or omissions by CONSULTANT, its agents, employee, or sub consultants arising from the performance of this Agreement. SECTION 9. ATTORNEY FEES. In any action arising under this AGREEMENT, attorney's fees and costs shall be awarded as allowed under Idaho law, pursuant to Idaho Code §§ 12- 117, 12-120, 12-121, and other applicable provisions, laws, codes, rules, regulations and/or ordinances. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 8 44 SECTION 10. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED. CONSULTANT shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sec, national origin, age or non job related handicap of because of prior military service of current military status, and shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and executive order of governmental agencies relating to civil and human rights. SECTION 11. GOVERNING LAW. The laws of the State of Idaho shall govern this AGREEMENT. SECTION 12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: MODIFICATION. This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and shall supersede all previous proposals, oral or written negotiations, representations, commitments, and all of the communications between the parties. Any modifications must be in writing and executed by both parties. SECTION 13: SEVERABILITY: In the event any provision or section of this Agreement conflicts with applicable law, or is otherwise held to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be enforceable and shall be carried into effect. SECTION 14: PERFORMANCE/WAIVER: The failure of the County to require strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or all instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any such term or condition, but the same shall be and remain in full force and effect, unless such waiver is evidenced by the poor written consent of the County. The failure of a party hereto to insist upon strict performance or observance of the terms of this Agreement shall not be a waiver of any breach of any terms or conditions of this Agreement by the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT, the day, month and year first above -written. BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC. By: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of , 2006. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 9 45 Notary Public for Idaho Commission Expires Board of Ada County Commissioners By: By: By: ATTEST: J. David Navarro, Ada County Clerk Rick Yzaguirre, Chairman Judy M. Peavey -Derr, Commissioner Fred Tilman, Commissioner EXHIBIT A Insurance A. THE CONSULTANT and/or its the selected Project Coordinator, at its sole expense, shall procure and maintain in full force and effect insurance written by an insurance company or companies with AM Best rating(s) of A VIII or better. All insurance companies must be authorized to do business in the state of Idaho. By requiring insurance herein, Ada County does not represent that coverage and limits are necessarily adequate to protect the CONSULTANT and/or the Project Coordinator, and such coverage and limits shall not be deemed as a limitation on the CONSULTANT'S and/or the Project Coordinator's liability under the indemnities granted to Ada County in this contract. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 10 46 B. Certificates of Insurance evidencing the coverages required herein shall be provided to Ada County prior to the start date of the project. All certificates must be signed by an authorized representative of the CONSULTANT and/or the Project Coordinator's Insurance carrier and must state that the issuing company, its agents, or representatives will provide Ada County thirty (30) days written notice prior to any policies being canceled. Renewal certificates must be provided to Ada County within thirty (30) days after the effective date of the renewal. C. Certificates shall be mailed to: Ada County Risk Management 200 W. Front Street 3rd Floor Room 3269 Boise, Idaho 83702-7300 D. Certificates must evidence the following minimum coverages: 1. Workers' Compensation insurance meeting the statutory requirements of the State of Idaho. 2. Employers' Liability insurance providing limits of liability in the following amounts: Bodily Injury by Accident: Bodily Injury by Disease: Bodily Injury by Disease: $100,000 each accident $500,000 policy limit $100,000 each employee 3. Commercial General Liability insurance providing limits of liability in the following amounts, with aggregates applying separately on a "per project" basis: General Aggregate: $2,000,000 Product/Completed Operations Aggregate: $2,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Liability: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence: $1,000,000 Fire Damage: $ 50,000 The Commercial General Liability ("CGL") insurance policy shall be written on an "Occurrence" form and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products, completed operations, personal injury, advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract (including tort liability of another assumed in a contract). Ada County and its elected officials, CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 11 47 agents, employees, successors and assigns shall be included as Additional Insureds under the CGL with the Additional Insured endorsement providing coverage for Completed Operations. 4. Business Automobile Liability insurance providing bodily injury and property damage liability coverage for not less than $1,000,000 each accident limit. Business Automobile Liability insurance shall be written on a standard ISO policy form, or an equivalent form, providing coverage for liability arising out of owned, hired, or non -owned vehicles in connection with this agreement. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH, INC - 12 48 BLUEPRINT I for Good 1 GROWTH MEMORANDUM: TO: Blueprint for Good Growth Consortium FROM: Karen Doherty, P.E. — Project Coordinator DATE: October 30, 2006 RE: Payment Approval ITEM I. d. Action Requested: Approve the payment of the outstanding invoices for Paul Hastings for Services as detailed on the following pages. Background: A billing summary for the services from Freilich/Lauer is attached. Approval for payment is requested based on percent work complete. 49 Vendor Freilich, Lettner & Carlisle Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle FreiItch, Leitner & Carlisle Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Paul Hastings Invoice 6 12 6 6 7 8 9 10 1432882 1428089 1436919 1443272 1447839 1457555 1464946 1468424 1474635 1482211 1489755 1496291 1501311 1505173 1514534 1518707 1521780 1528092 1539396 1548713 1551938 Blueprint for Good Growth, Inc. Project Billing Summary Paul Hastings for Consulting Services Invoice Summary as of 9/30/06 Nov 2 Recommended Unpaid Invoice Amount PaV Balance 580.00 5507.00 526,091.10 $27,475.19 $25,014.58 $19,369.50 $17,853.15 $31,646.58 $24,570.00 $15,828.97 $45,581.40 $13,604.53 522,879.58 56,646.42 $21,189.39 $1,435.88 $18,511.46 $25,941.80 51,981.70 $30,738.04 $8,292.67 $2,682.98 $9,653.86 $4,954.01 $6,624.80 $4,842.44 $5,123.78 $1,190.00 521,118.73 $21,118.73 $441,429.54 $21,118.73 Service Date End 7/31/2004 7/31/2004 8/31/2004 9/30/2004 10/31/2004 11/30/2004 12/31/2004 1/31/05; dated 2/17/05 2/28/05; dated 4/7/05 2/28/05; dated 5/16/05 3/31/05; dated 5/16/05 4/30/05; dated 5/20/05 5/31/05; dated 6/15/05 6/30/05; dated 7/25/05 7/31/05; dated 8/26105 8/31/05; dated 9/20/05 9/30/05; dated 10/14/05 10/31/05; dated 11/16/05 11/30/05; dated 12/19/05 12131/05; dated 1/18/06 1/31/06; dated 2128/06 2/28/06; dated 3/20/06 3/31/06; dated 4/24/06 4130/06; dated 5/16/06 5/16/06; dated 5125/06 5/31106; dated 6/23/06 7/31/06; dated 8117/06 8/31/06; dated 9/27/06 9/30/06; dated 10/16/06 Total Recommended Approved as of 9/30106 Total Project Budget Remaining Contract $ 755,000.00 $ 313,570.46 Notes: (1) Approval for Recommended Payment will be sought by Consortium on Nov 2.2006 L:1Doherty&AssoctBlueprint for Good Growth Coordination1FLC FinanciallSept 20061bgg_tracking f c 093006 $0.00 Notes (1) 50 BLUEPRINT FOR GOOD GROWTH BUDGET - KD review 101112006. Task 1: Consortium Workshop_ (July) Subtotal Task 2: Initial Review and Analysis 2.1 Data Assembly. 2.2 Physical Assessment. 2.3 Planning Assessment. 2.4 Regulatory Assessment. 2.5 Growth Assessment. 2.6 Community Issues Identification Task Budget 10/1/2006 Percent Amount Complete Billable Total $2,384 $2,384 100% $2,384 $5,960 $17,868 $19,868 $19,868 $9,934 100% $5,960 100% $17,868 100% $19,868 100% $19,868 100% $9,934 2.6.1 Focus Groups with Stakeholders $8,544 100% $8,544 2.6.2 Community Workshop (Oct) $9,240 100% $9,240 2.6.3 Consortium Workshop (Sept) $4,272 100% $4,272 2.7 Needs, Issues and Opportunities Report. $19,868 100% $19,868 2.8 Consortium Workshop (Oct) $4,272 100% $4,272 2.9 Interim Development Regulations. $4,769 100% $4,769 Subtotal $124,463 $124,463 Task 3: Alternatives Map 3.1 Steering Committee Workshop (Nov 3.2 Community Workshops (Nov) 3.3 Alternatives Mapping. 3.4 Consortium Session (Nov) Subtotal Task 4: Refine Alternatives Map_. 4.1 Steering Committee Workshop (Dec) 4.2 Technical Committee Work Session (Dec) Subtotal Task 5: Alternatives Impact Analysis • 5.1 Initial Analysis. 5.2 Technical Committee Work Session. 5.3 Implementation Strategy Development. 5.4 Steering Committee Workshop. 5.5 Alternatives Analysis Report. Subtotal Task 6: Select Preferred Alternative 6.1 Steering Committee Workshops. 6.2 Community Workshops. 6.3 Governing Entity Workshop. Subtotal $4,272 100% $4,272 $9,638 100% $9,638 $9,934 100% $9,934 $4,272 100% $4,272 $28,116 $28,116 $4,272 $4,272 $8,544 $22,948 $4,272 $7,948 $4,272 $40,730 $80,170 $9,638 $9,638 $4,272 $23,548 100% $4,272 100% $4,272 $8,544 100% $22,948 100% $4,272 100% $7,948 100% $4,272 80% $32,584 $72,024 100% $9,638 100% $9,638 100% $4,272 $23,548 Task 7: Preferred Alternative Implementation Strategy 7.1 Draft Implementation Strategy. $17,868 90% $16,081 7.2 Steering Committee Workshop. $4,272 100% $4,272 Subtotal $22,140 $20,353 51 Task 8: Initial Pian Draft 8.1 Draft Plan. 8.2 Steering Committee Workshop. Subtotal Task 9: Stakeholder and Public Review 9.1 Community Workshops. 9.2 Focus Groups. 9.3 Decision -Maker Workshops. 9.4 Optional Survey. Subtotal Task 10: Refine Plan, Draft; 10.1 Steering Committee Workshop. 10.2 Plan Refinement. Subtotal Task 11; Plan Regulation Adoption. 11.1 Plan Adoption. Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL Phase II ($350,000) Task 12: Initial Assessment 12.1 Physical and Market Assessment 12.2 Regulatory Assessment. 12.3 Legal Assessment. 12.4 Market and Construction Assessment. 12.5 Infrastructure Assessment Task; 13: -`::Initial Draft Local ;Plan; and;. Code..Revisions--':'; ::.. 13.1 Land Use/Growth Management Elements 13.2 Draft Initial Code Text. Task 14: : Initial Review.of Regulatory Documents 14.1 Planning Commission Summit 14.2 Planning Commission Briefing Report Task 15: initial Revisions • 15.1 Regulatory Revisions 15.2 Public Workshops 15.3 Planning Commission Briefing Report Task 16 Final Revisions' 16.1 Final draft ordinances Phase II Totals Grand Totals $64,571 95% $61,342 $5,365 100% $5,365 $69,936 $66,707 $9,638 $4,669 $4,272 $0 $18,579 $4,272 $18,875 $23,147 $3,973 $3,973 405,000 $19,787 $19,787 $19,787 $22,187 $22,187 $39,574 $59,361 $7,532 $15,830 $29,680 $34,927 $29,680 $29,680 $350,000 $755,000 100% 100% 100% $9,638 $4,669 $4,272 $18,579 100% $4,272 100% $18,875 $23,147 0% $0 $0 .$387,866 15% $2,968 60% $11,872 70% $13,851 0% $0 30% $6,656 30% $11,872 25% $14,840 0% $0 0% $0 0% $0 0% $0 0% $0 $0 $0 $62,060 $449,925 52 t BLUEPRINT for Good GROWTH MEMORANDUM: TO: Blueprint for Good Growth Consortium FROM: Karen Doherty, P.E. — Project Coordinator DATE: October 27, 2006 RE: Local Proiect Coordinator Report Action Requested: Attached billing information is for your information only. No action is requested at this time. 53 Blueprint for Good Growth, Inc. Project Billing Summary by Doherty & Associates, Inc. for Project Coordination Services Actual Consultant Hours Spent to Date as Invoice Summary as of 10/30/06 of 10/27/06 Invoice # 1240 1249 1254 1270 1276 1297 1312 1319 1331 1340 1350 1360 1372 1383 1391 1399 1408 1422 1438 1439 1449 1463 1480 1498 Total Invoiced to date Date Amount Name Hours Total 12/31/2004 $ 7,058.82 Doherty 1031.50 $ 113,536.75 1/31/2005 $ 3,529.41 Carroll 63.50 $ 5,516.89 3/9/2005 $ 3,529.41 Slupe 257.00 $ 8,467.88 4/1/2005 $ 3,529.41 Melander 22.75 $ 842.18 5/2/2005 $ 3,529.41 Piepmeyer 59.90 $ 4,389.93 5/31/2005 $ 3,529.41 Nemec 57.50 $ 3,965.01 6/30/2005 $ 3,529.41 Brosious 3.00 $ 89.16 7/31/2005 $ 3,529.41 Hackett 33.00 $ 2,247.11 8/30/2005 $ 3,529.41 Total 1528.15 $ 139,054.90 10/3/2005 $ 3,529.41 10/31/2005 $ 4,716.91 11/28/2005 $ 4,716.91 12/30/2005 $ 4,716.91 Direct Expenses as of 10/27/06 1/30/2006 $ 4,716.91 Admin 2004 $ 5.05 2/27/2006 $ 4,716.91 Meetings 2004 $ 23.50 4/3/2006 $ 4,716.91 Admin 2005 5/1/2006 $ 1,187.50 Meetings 2005 5/31/2006 $ 1,187.53 Admin 2006 $ 259.42 6/9/2006 $ 45,000.00 Meetings 2006 $ 390.83 6/30/2006 $ 5,714.29 7/31/2006 $ 5,714.29 Total $ 678.80 8/28/2006 $ 5,714.29 10/2/2006 $ 5,714.29 10/30/2006 $ 5,714.29 $ 143,071.45 Total Initial Budget Through May 31, 2006 $ 69,500.00 Extra Services Through May 31, 2006 $ 45,000.00 Total Budget Through May 31, 2006 $ 114,500.00 Project Coordination June 1 - December 31, 2006 $ 40,000.00 Remaining Contract $ 11,428.55 Prepared by Karen Doherty bgg_tracking_102706.xls 54 MEMORANDUM: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: BLUEPRINT1 for 41 Good GROWTH Blueprint for Good Growth Consortium Karen Doherty, P.E. — Project Coordinator October 27, 2006 Funding Committee Status Action Requested: For information only. This information provides you with a background on the funding status. Background: Non -Profit Status The IRS has determined that BGG, Inc. is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to BGG, Inc. are deductible under section 170 of the Code Ruling effective December 23, 2004. Tax Filing Obligations Blueprint for Good Growth, Inc. is required to file information to the IRS. A six-month extension was filed in Spring 2006 since the 501(c)(3) was pending at that time to verify which forms should be filed. The extension is valid to November 15, 2006. Doherty & Associates is completing the required tax return documentation for submittal. Funding Solicitation Status The funding committee is actively soliciting additional funds from the remaining participating jurisdictions as outlined below. Jurisdiction Ku na Star Garden City Total Request $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 140,000 Responsible Funding Member Bieter Peavey -Derr Peavey -Derr L 1Doherty&Assoc\Blueprint for Good Growth Coordination\Consortium1110206_meet_memb\funding_memo_100506 DOC 55 After the remaining jurisdictions have pledged their contributions, the deficit should be approximately $100,000 if all contributions are made according to the table shown above. The funding committee will approach private entities to raise this amount. Mayor Bieter and Mayor Merrill are working to establish meetings with Idaho Power, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, and Intermountain Gas. Mayor Bieter and Commissioner Franden will be meeting with United Water (Greg Wyatt). Commissioner Peavey -Derr and Commissioner Franden are working to set up meeting with Simplot to continue solicitation of funding. Funding Status Following is a summary of the total contributions to date. Name Ada County ACHD City of Boise ITD City of Meridian US Environmental Protection Agency City of Eagle Total $ 210,000 Notes $50k for Phase I and $500k for Phase II; $60k for Doherty. Addtl $50k for Phase II in Aug 2006. 150,000 $122k for Phase I; $28k for Phase II. 150,000 $50k ea Phase I and II. Addtl $50k for Phase 11 in June 2006. 50,000 30,000 $30k each Phase I and II. Phase II pledged in July 2006. 22,500 40,000 $20k each Phase I and II. Phase II pledged in June 2006. City of Kuna 20,000 City of Star 20,000 City of Garden City 10,000 COMPASS Yr End Sweep 9,266 Boise River Flood Control District 7,500 #10 Hewlett Packard Boise Operations 5,000 Tom Ryder 1,000 North End Neighborhood Assn. 300 Total Contributions $755,566 Doherty supplemental. Phase II L \Doherty&Assoc\Blueprint for Good Growth Coordination\Consortium\110206_meet_memb\funding_memo_100506.DOC 56 Overall Financial Status Phase I Budget Phase II Budget Local Project Coordination Budget Total Budget Less Total Contributions Total Deficit (Phase II) $ 405,000 350,000 154,500 $ 909,500 (755,566) $ 153,934 L:1Doherty&Assoc\Blueprint for Good Growth Coordination1Consortium1110206 meet_memblfunding_memo 100506.DOC 57