Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 10/24/2006 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes October 24, 2006 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 D.m. - 7:30 D.m. Mayor calls the Pre-Council meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. Bastian absent. A quorum is present. I. Foothills Goals Discussion. Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird Spencer: Distributes a draft copy of the foothills goals and policies and discusses the same. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: discusses the currently applications that are going through the system and comp plan amendments. General discussion. Nordstrom: I recommend that we direct staff to start on the planning area and figure what we can include. I would also like to have a recommendation from staff if they need additional staffing to complete this process. Further Council discussion on traffic and future employment opportunity in the planning area. Mayor asks Mr. Connolly if he had anything to present tonight. Mr. Connolly: this is a little premature for us. 2. Downtown Urban Renewal Discussion. Mayor I would like to move this to the next meeting as the downtown urban renewal area is not ready for presentation. Terri Bath would like to serve as the director until a director can be hired. General discussion. Jason Pierce, reports on the business owners and operator's meeting. There was a lot of venting and people have a lot of personal issues. The main thing we are trying to get out of these meetings is to find out why some of the people are not doing anything. We want to open up communications. Some people don't like the Chamber and don't like the City. We are trying to find out what the problems are and coming up with solutions. There were a lot of signage issues. General discussion. City Attorney Report: One of the things I would like for the City to act on is the proposed letter I sent to you, I would like to get approval of the letter and send the letter. Council concurs that they have no problem with the letter and directs the City Attorney to send the letter. Planner Baird Spencer: Discussion on Blue Print for New Growth and planning in impact areas of cities. General discussion. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: The water fountain at City Hall will be turned off in the next couple of weeks for winterization. The Historic Commission is in need of 3 members. Council suggests that they advertise in the Statesman. Page] K\COUNC'lL\MINUTES\Temporal)' Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-24-06mindoc Mayor and Council Reports: Nordstrom: None Guerber: None Bandy: reports on the Economic Development Committee. Mayor: Reports on a meeting with Lloyd Mahaffey and Teri Bath and the tour of the Mahaffey vineyard. The foothills here are a prime area for growing grapes. There are several vineyards in that are and they would like to become part of the chamber. Discusses up coming meetings. Discussion on the Chamber auction held on Friday. City Engineer Report: We held a 10% design review on our water project by telephone with Monty from DEQ and DEQ had some suggestions. We need to do some minor revisions to the Master Plan. We will have a 50% design review next month. Reports on DEQ's planned Regional Waste Water meeting. General discussion. Mike Brokaw, ACHD: Highway District has awarded a contract to install school flashers. I don't know what schools will receive the flashers. General discussion. Discussion on hazardous waste material that ACHD will pick up. We are receiving several bids on our projects. For a while we were only receiving one bid at higher costs. Discussion on pole mounted flashers. The seniors are still having problems crossing State Street. The biggest cost is the controller. The cost could be as high as $25,000 but could be less if a used pole and a used controller is available. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on the draft PUD ordinance. General discussion. Discussion on a transmittal received from Ada County Development Services. General discussion. I would like direction from you to have me write a letter to Ada County not supporting this transmittal. This should probably be added to the regular agenda. General discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 7:25 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 7:35 p.m. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 D.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Guerber moves to amend the agenda and add two items to the Consent Agenda, Item #5F appointment of Jason Pierce to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Item #5G Application for Liquor, Beer and Wine License for Mortimer Hargrave Dining dba Franco Latino, and Item #5H Ada County Development Services 2006-00254 ZOA Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.................... 4. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-24-06mindoc from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of October 10,2006 C. Minutes of October 17,2006 D. Findinl!:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-13-06/RZ-16-06 & PP-14-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-I-DA and Preliminarv Plat for Svlvan Wood Subdivision - Svlvan Wood I. LLC.: Sylvan Wood I, LLC, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transitional) to R-l-DA (Residential one unit per acre with a development agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Sylvan Wood Subdivision, a 3 I-lot (24-residential, 7-common) residential subdivision. The 25 AI-acre site is located on the southwest corner of Ballantyne Lane and Floating Feather Road at 843N. Ballantyne Lane. (WEV) E. Ooen Container Permit: Carmela Vineyards is requesting an open container permit to be used on November 4, 2006, at Rembrant's Coffee Shop. (SKB) F. Aooointment of Jason Pierce to the Planninl!: & Zoninl!: Commission. G. Aoolication for Liquor. Beer and Wine License for Mortimer Harl!:rave Dininl!: dba Franco Latino. H. Ada County DeveIooment Services 2006-00254 ZOA Guerber pulls Item #4H from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... Guerber moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda. Seconded by Nordstrom. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. ... 4H. 2006-00254 ZOA General discussion. Nordstrom moves to direct staff to address a response letter to Ada County Development Services requiring the height exception and their desire to make it an issue that can be decided by a staff member and we would like our conditional use on height exception to be maintained. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................... 5. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolution No. 06-51- Surplus Furniture (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to approve Resolution No. 06-51 - Surplus Furniture. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... Page] K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-l0-24-06mindoc B. Resolution No. 06-52 - Aooroval of a contract for Bond Counsel Services (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue Mike Moore, City Attorney, you have before you tonight an ordinance to authorize the refinancing of the 1998 General Obligation Bond. The resolution before you is to approve our Bond Counsel Services. We will only move forward if there is a savings to the City. We only get paid if the bonds are paid and our fee is paid out of the refinancing. Eric Heringer is here to discuss the Idaho Bond Bank. Guerber moves to approve Resolution No. 06-52 - Approval of a contract for Bond Counsel Services. Seconded by Nordstrom. Guerber, A YE;Nordstrom, AYE; Bandy, AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. B I. Ordinance No. 562 - Librarv Bond Refinancinl!: with the Idaho Bond Bank: (SKB) Eric Heringer, I am here on behalf of the Idaho Bond Bank. We have been hired from the Idaho Bond Bank. Distributes information on Idaho Municipal Bond Bank, refunding of 1998 Bonds. Provides an overview of the Idaho Bond Bank and the current refinancing. Mike Moore, City Attorney, provides Council an overview of Ordinance No. 562. General discussion. Guerber moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #562 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber reads Ordinance #562 by title only, with the stipulation that the net savings to the City be at least $50,000.00. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. ... Guerber moves that Ordinance #562 be adopted. Seconded by Bandy. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES............... B2. Escrow Deoosit Al!:reement - General Oblil!:ation Refundinl!: Bond: (SKB) Guerber moves to approve the Escrow Deposit Agreement for the General Obligation Refunding Bond as outlined in Item 6B2. Seconded by Bandy. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES............... 6. FINAL PLATS: A. FP-03-06 - Final Plat for Shaunessv Subdivision (formerlv Park Place Gardens) - Union Land Comoanv. LLC: Union Land Company, LLC, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting final plat approval for Shaunessy Subdivision (formerly Park Place Gardens), a I 22-lot (l08-buildable, 14-common) residential subdivision. The 95.32-acre subdivision is located between North Meridian Road and North Park Lane approximately 1,300- feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1680 North Park Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. This is in sub compliance with the preliminary plat and staff has recommended approval. The applicant has agreed to the conditions. Kerby Kirkham, The Land Group, we reduced the west side on Park Lane by four lots. Discussion on Lot #27, Mike Huffaker has requested that this lot be an acre lot. We took a little out of Lots 24, 25, and 26 to increase the size of Lot #27. Page 4 K\COUNCIL\~t1NUTES\Temporar)' /I.{inutes Work Area\(('-lO-24-06min.doc City Attorney: Discusses the fact that Mike Huffaker is still a party in a lawsuit with the City and Park Place Gardens. For you to make concession to him you are subject the any remedies the Court issues. Jim Hawkins: This is contrary to what we have read in the agreement. City Attorney: I need some information on an agreement Kevin Harris, the story behind this is that there is an original settlement agreement between the parties. Yesterday we received a call from Mr. Huffaker that he would like to see this lot as a one acre lot there was no written agreement. We had our attorney's review this and we feel we are all right. General discussion. City Attorney: I need all of the papers, documents and etc. relating to this change. General discussion. Provides an overview of the lawsuit. We are not going to stop you but we will look to you to assist the City in defending this lawsuit. I just want to know the circumstances as to what has happened. General discussion. Guerber moves to approve FP-03-06 - Final Plat for Shaunessy Subdivision (formerly Park Place Gardens). Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. PP/FP-03-06 - Merrill Subdivision #6 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Travis Burrows, is requesting a combined preliminary plat and final plat approval for Merrill Subdivision #6, a 2-lot commercial subdivision. The OA5-acre development is located on the south side of East Iron Eagle Drive approximately 270-feet east of South Fitness Place within Merrill Subdivision No.5 (Lot 8, Block I), formerly known as Rocky Mountain Business Park No.3. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Tim Mocwell, Toothman-Orton Engineering, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the project. I have no objections to the conditions. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Staff has recommended approval of this application. Provides Council an overview of the project. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Nordstrom moves to approve PP/FP-03-06 - Merrill Subdivision #6 - Dave Evans Construction. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....... B. A-12-06/RZ-14-06 & PP-15-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA aDd Preliminarv Plat for the Lofts at Eal!:le River - Sea 2 Sea. LLC.: Sea 2 Sea, LLC, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting approval of an annexation and a rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement), and preliminary plat approval for The Lofts at Eagle River, an 8 lot (7-residential, I-common), 2l4-unit multi-family condominium/townhouse housing development. The 25.3 7-acre site is located on the south side of East Riverside Drive approximately 1500 feet west of the intersection of East Riverside Drive and State Highway 44 at 827 East Riverside Drive. (WEV) Staffis requesting this item be continued to the November 14,2006 meeting. Page 5 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary /I,{inutes Work Area\CC- lO-24-06min.doc C. CU-05-06 - Conditional Use for a Heil!:ht Exceotion for Townhouses/Condominiums within The Lofts at Eal!:le River - Sea 2 Sea. LLC: Sea 2 Sea, LLC, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting conditional use approval for a height exception of 49 feet, 2 v.. inches for condominiums and 36 feet, 7 inches for townhouses within the Lofts at Eagle River residential development. The 25.37-acre site is located on E. Riverside Drive approximately 1500 feet west of Edgewood Lane at 827 E. Riverside Drive. (WEV) Staffis requesting this item be continued to the November 14, 2006 meeting. Mayor introduces the Items #8B & C, staff has request that these items be continued to the November 14,2006 meeting. Guerber Moves to continue A-12-06/RZ-14-06 & PP-15-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA and Preliminary Plat for the Lofts at Eagle River and CU-05-06 - Conditional Use for a Height Exception for Townhouses/Condominiums within The Lofts at Eagle River to the November 14,2006 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... D. Resolution No. 06-47: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Adopting The Fee Schedule For The Purposes Of Title 7, Chapter l(f) Of The Eagle City Code For Plumbing Permits; And, Providing An Effective Date. (MM) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Nordstrom moves to approve Resolution No. 06-47: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Adopting The Fee Schedule For The Purposes Of Title 7, Chapter 1(t) Of The Eagle City Code For Plumbing Permits; And, Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Guerber. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... E. Resolution No. 06-48: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Adopting The Fee Schedule For The Purposes Of Section Title 7, Chapter Ie Of The Eagle City Code For Electrical Permits; And, Providing An Effective Date. (MM) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public hearing Bandy moves to approve Resolution No. 06-48: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Adopting The Fee Schedule For The Purposes Of Section Title 7, Chapter Ie Of The Eagle City Code For Electrical Permits; And, Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Nordstrom. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL A YES: M()llI()~ CARRIES..................... 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Riverine Subdivision (Ada county Sub.) request for Vacation of Lot Line Easements _ Grant~. Lee. Jovce M. Lee. Doul!:las L. Swanson & Suzanne Swanson: Grant N. Lee, Joyce M. Lee, Douglas L. Swanson & Suzanne Swanson have submitted a request to Ada County Development Services for a vacation of two lot line easements within Rivervine Subdivision Block I, between Lots 7 and 10 and Lots 10, II and 13, located in Ada County at 827 S. Hidden Creek Lane. (WEV) Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work ArealCr -1 0-24-06mindoc Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides Council an overview of the request for Vacation of Lot Line Easements. Staff recommends approval. General discussion. Nordstrom moves to approve the submittal from Ada County, Riverine Subdivision (Ada county Sub.) request for Vacation of Lot Line Easements - Grant N. Lee, Joyce M. Lee, Douglas L. Swanson & Suzanne Swanson. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION <:ARRIE1S...... B. Award of Park and Facilities Maintenance Bid: (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. I recommend to the Council that we accept the bid from Trautman's Lawn and Landscape. General Council discussion. Council discusses an automatic extension to the new Contract and add to the contract additional work orders that come in to the City. Nordstrom moves to award the 2006/2007 maintenance contract to Trautman Lawn and Landscape in the amount of $262,505.00 per the scope of work and to direct staff to ask Trautman's to identify a table of costs for any task order work that would be beyond the work identified in the maintenance contact and that those task orders be driven by a motion from the City Council. Seconded by Bandy. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discussion on The Homestead Subdivision and the temporary sign. We have received a proposal for a permanent sign and I would like to approve this sign at a staff level. Council concurs. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays on overhead and discusses a request from Laguna Pointe for a reduced lot set back. General discussion. Council concurs. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Bandy moyes to adjourn. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted: J~('AAa k l~ '-SHAR-ON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER ~"..""""'" ...... Of EAO/.... .,ttt "" ..........~.(? "'..... ~"". ... i ,,,:,..' ,?ORAl'~'" \ : ~i o'+- v.... ~ : c.. .... . : : .,.- - : : :.. ~-aA.\".# = \ '.to S ___..,~,.:Y~ i '\ <I' ro.~ ,. I .......... "... 7'e Of \~.......~ ..........n....... Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-24-06min.doc INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment(s): Mayor Merrill and City Council Nichoel Baird Spencer , AICP, Planner IIIJ1%?r—. Draft Foothills Policies October 24, 2006 E-mail from Dave Aspitarte Notes from Stan Bastian E-mail from Tom Jacobs E-mail from Jack Zastrow Copy To: Bill Vaughan, Zoning Administrator Susan Buxton, City Attorney Vern Brewer, City Engineer Attached you will find a copy of the foothills goals and policies you requested. I emphasize that these are DRAFT policies if any are unsuitable or need revision that is the purpose of the work session. I have also included the existing purpose, vision and land use goal statements for the City to provide a broader perspective of how this area fits in. Staff looks for your direction on this matter. Page 1 of 1 K:Wkuuung DeptUntpau:t Arra12006U=oothillANli y MEMO 3.doc Existing Eagle Comprehensive Plan Purpose Statement (From Idaho Code 67-6502): The purpose of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan is to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the City of Eagle and its Impact Area: (2000 Eagle Comprehensive Plan Section 1.1) a. To protect property rights and enhance property values. b. To ensure that adequate public facilities and services are provided to the people at reasonable cost. c. To ensure that the economy of the City of Eagle and its Impact Area are protected and enhanced. d. To ensure that the important environmental features of the City and its Impact Area are protected and enhanced. e. To encourage urban and urban -type development within the incorporated city. f. To avoid undue concentration of population and overcrowding of land. g. To ensure that the development of land is commensurate with the physical characteristics of the land. h. To protect life and property in areas subject to natural hazards and disasters. i. To protect fish, wildlife. and recreation resources. j. To encourage local school districts to participate in the community planning and development process so as to address public school needs and impacts on an ongoing basis. Existing Vision for the City of Eagle (2000 Eagle Comprehensive Plan Section 1.3): a. To be known as a highly livable town that successfully balances many of the rural elements of its heritage with growth; b. To be interconnected with user-friendly pathways and roadways; c. To be economically strong with a distinct downtown economic center; d. To be providing diversified employment and housing opportunities for all economic groups; e. To be an environmentally aware community with distinctive open space, parks and outdoor recreation; f. To be an economically strong city, that fosters local businesses and clean industry; g. To be a community committed to its support for children and families; and h. To be a unique community that maintains its rural residential feel in the midst of the Treasure Valley. Existing Land Use Goals (2000 Plan & 2025 Plan): a. To preserve the rural transitional identity. b. Ensure the ability for the city to continue to fund, improve, and support itself (including infrastructure) without the use of building permit fees, impact fees, and zoning fees. c. Identify areas that, due to the nature of existing uses, anticipated uses, and/or transportation corridors, will lend themselves to increased activity and non-residential use while preserving larger areas as residential neighborhoods. d. Preserve the function of regionally significant roadways traveling through the City while ensuring compatibility with land uses and design standards of the City. e. Identify areas that will provide significant employment opportunities to the residents of the City of Eagle, thereby supporting the City as a place to live, work, and recreate. Proposed Foothills Goals & Objectives: Goal: To provide for the integration of the foothills into the City of Eagle while recognizing and protecting the unique qualities of the foothills (topography, ecology, recreational, and scenic resources) and continuing to promote the rural transitional identity of the City. Objectives: General: • Protect existing private property rights while developing harmonious communities with a sense of place and high quality of life. • Protect wildlife, water resources, air quality, open space, and natural area while implementing planning and zoning ordinances. • Address needs for schools and public education • Ensure an acceptable level of services to protect the safety and security of all residents • Preserve the rural transitional identity of the City of Eagle • Promote land use that compliments the existing City. • Strive to create an esthetically pleasing community and protect the natural beauty of the foothills. • Establish a built environment that adapts to the natural terrain and contour of the land to add to the esthetic values of the area. • Create a sense of community while protecting the special features, wildlife habitat, and viewscape of the foothills. Land Use & Design • Limit the density of development by preservation of natural land features that are unique to the foothills. • Use land suitability analysis to identify developable areas that both embrace and use the natural foothills landscape to create ct unique sense of place through design. • Promote the use of cluster development to provide significant open space while allowing housing to take advantage of the natural view and rural setting of the Foothills. • Identify activity centers, including housing, service and concentrate business activities so to maintain a large natural open space area that preserves and promotes native plants and wildlife. • Encourage a variety of housing options to meet the needs of a diverse population. • Establish and enhance tree and plant growth that will create a beautiful and healthy environment. • Encourage activity centers adjacent to regional transportation facilities to promote trip capture from the commuting public of Gem & Boise Counties. • Establish a built environment that adapts to the natural terrain and contour of the land to add to the esthetic values of the area. Transportation • Plan a transportation system that will be a pleasant experience and that will not overburden the existing facilities. • Create a pathway system that interconnects neighborhoods, activity areas, existing pathway system to the Ridge -to -Rivers system. • Create a system of streets, roads, and highways the move traffic efficiently and provides a pleasant driving experience. Open Space/ Recreation • Create ample areas and facilities for diverse indoor and outdoor recreational activities. • Provide open spaces that: Protect and enhance wildlife habitat. Provide recreation. Encourage leisure activities. Promote tourism. Protect view stapes. • Provide for a "no net loss" of habitat within the foothills planning area to maintain viable habitat areas during the development of the area. • Use land suitability analysis to identify developable areas that both embrace and use the natural foothills landscape to create a unique sense of place through design. Hydrology • Establish a community that does not overburden existing hydrological resources. • Create a landscape palette that compliments the natural environment without needlessly impacting the foothills water resources or the municipal system. Page 1 of 1 Nichoel Baird From: Dave Aspitarte [davea @ bionom.com] Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 4:29 PM To: Nichoel Baird Subject: RE: Comp Plan Goals for the Foothills oops, been swamped. One thing I am concerned about is developing another Eagle north of Eagle and trying to keep a continous "community". With the natural barrier, are we going to create a mini city within a city? and then the other issues, water, infrastructure (minus electrical, I think we have that covered, but especially roads) The other thing is the habitat and is there anything we can do to "cost effectively" rehabilitate the habitat areas (ie seed the prime habitat and let nature take over). thanks From: Nichoel Baird [mailto:nbaird@cityofeagle.org] Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 3:28 PM To: City Council Grp; Dave Aspitarte; Jason Pierce; Jack Zastrow; Tom Jacobs Cc: Bill Vaughan; Susan E. Buxton Subject: Comp Plan Goals for the Foothills Good afternoon, just a reminder....I have received comments from Stan Bastian, Jack Zastrow, & Tom Jacobs. Please forward your comments ASAP so they can be complied for Tuesday's pre -council meeting at 5:30pm. Thanks! Nichoel R. Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP Planner III City of Eagle (208) 939-0227 (208)938-3854 (fax) 10/24/2006 h77,7YA) °17-- frvral d 7?" YA7r -74'?.?Cf r _I:, e- rs4 7 te-al ( ? fO-riw le/-7?('1 6/tP ienrir" 1 9771'72 2L sTV 2{7W 1"--11 p -- V??( )m -a707 • —1,4, PC -r 4 --xF, J4--•,;-,://( i ' / ,e,--e ry 97- ,frn1 e -71 -N) -6277r72 -62V11 ,r4"37 1-972(2-7 27)/),--ri 77/ 4¢, 5-pArit c a-cr4. V41, -74 . - • i . 7, 7 ii-- 4..4 Li4 11 1 I 1 itle-CL-1:1,- i -e_,.. il _.-_:i /0 i . ,'L 1— v. , k 242 -40f -ft, -;r1 /::- a',.;)-• (-- ..4. _4_4_4. / , /!--1-- : 1-,T.,',-1- lie,/,(,), • e ‘Ld .1 i L7 -e.21/27 - I! -14.a,tiee/ . • , t 4, • / ' et-kcia -7' • / • A Ct-ee-v4. aio-tz?-.47( (34 J,,f4,04-1,1-i/e)2u2d 1 Nichoel Baird From: Heather Hyde Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 2:38 PM To: Nichoel Baird; Bill Vaughan Subject: FW: Goals; Foothills Developement Original Message From: Tom and Ann Jacobs [mailto:atljacobs@peoplepc.com) Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 2:06 PM To: Heather Hyde Subject: Goals; Foothills Developement Dear Heather, M -3's recent presentation handout listed some very good "general plan objectives" that I think most planners would see value in. Link growth areas to transportation corridors, connect Hwy 16 and 55 encourage developers to dedicate more than 25% community open space are a few. Our planning should include: DO NO HARM. City residents should not pay large tax increases or see more traffic congestion because of this project. We should complete a comprehensive plan to look at the entire area. This seems to be under way, and is essential. We must pursue highway funding issues and take the lead in order to press for solutions. We can't allow major growth to happen without commitments for road improvements outside of the impact area. A priority should be given to establishing the large "regional open land" area. We do have a unique opportunity with this large undevelped area to make it a great place for generations to come. This can be a wonderful area, but the costs to our community must be thoroughly considered. Thanks! Tom PeoplePC Online A better way to Internet http://www.peoplepc.com 1 Page 1 of 1 Nichoel Baird From: Jack Zastrow Ufzl @cableone.net] Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 8:34 PM To: Nichoel Baird Subject: Comments At the risk of stating the obvious, I would like to see the development of the foothills progress as fast as we can improve the roads needed to handle the increase in traffic. It is important to every citizen in Eagle to preserve all of the hard work done in planning this unique environment. If we can expect no meaningful help from ACHD or ITD then we will have to work to create new methods of funding roads or building roads. It feels very much like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titantic if significant roadway improvements are not made at the same time growth occurs in the foothills. We need to protect the people now living in Eagle from being negatively impacted by water useage in the foothills. 1 know water studies are being done but a long term use analysis model will be needed for full buildout of the foothills including M3,Kastera,Connally,Suncor et. al. think we need to look at creating a comprehensive plan for the entire foothills area that falls within our area of impact before we can effectively reach a final action on M3. It is very hard to look at the M3 PUD alone knowing how it is imbedded in the broader process of foothills planning. I think there are many other ways to look at foothills development than that which has been presented by M3. Lower densities on larger land tracts may sound like urban sprawl but would blend better with the character of the foothills and be more comensurate with our ability to move cars. I don't know that there are any easy answers but I do think we know that the people living now in Eagle expect us to protect them from having to pay the costs they will inherit from a PUD that will not pay for itself. I see lots of room for finding solutions for open space requirements, habitat improvement, wildlife preservation, trails development, maintaning view corridors and controlling water availability. I don't see any easy solutions for traffic mitigation. I would support the Mayor's idea of seeking alternatives to ACHD. I don't know how it works with ITD. 10/20/2006 C c /0��V�6 Eagle City Mall 660 E. Civic Lane. Eag&, Idafio 83616 (208) 939-6813 fa, (208) 939-6827 Memorandum Fax: To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL From: Sharon K. Bergmann CC: Date: October 24, 2006 Re: ADD TO THE CONSENT AGENDA Please add to the Consent Agenda as Item #5F the appointment of Jason Pierce to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Jason's current appoint expires the end of October 2006. Thanks dr—Nor 43, From the desk of Sharon K. Bergmann City Clerk/Treasurer C G /e Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Deputy City Clerk To: Mayor & Council CC: City Clerk From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: October 24, 2006 Re: Addition to Consent Agenda ITEM 5F: Application for Liquor, Beer & Wine License: Mortimer Hargrave Dining dba: Franco Latino is requesting a liquor, beer and wine license to be used at 775 S. River Shore Lane in the North Channel Development. They have submitted the appropriate fees and supporting paperwork. This license will expire on April 30, 2007. SEI'. 11. 2006 9:41A.M CITY U` EAGLE NU. 416 CITY OF EAGLE '� 1 Application for Beer, Wine, and/or Liquor license n 11 P.O. Box 1520/ 310 E. State St. Eagle, ID 83616 % Please rovide the City of Eagle with the following documents/items: . Copy of current year State of Idaho beer, wine and/or liquor license. ,,,,24 ---Copy of current year Ada County beer, wine and/or liquor license. 3. Copy of your premise diagram/floor plan approved by the State of Idaho showing areas in which alcohol will be served. 4. Copy of any lease agreement if premises to be used are not owned by the applicant(s), partners or members. 5. Articles of incorporation and bylaws. 6. Appropriate fees. ON Premises Check type of license(s) being applied for. BEER 1 WINE I LIQUOR 1 OFF Premises ON/OFF Premises Name of applicant(s): Include partnership or association members, board members or stockholders: V\ 01----ct ► vUJ\ tiQ�1 Address of applirant(s), partners or association members and contact phone number(s): —1 �nrCA ,--�_� 1.��. _2)Q 1-� (0 1(� – Detailed description of premises for which the license LI to be issued: A r ✓L Y? .J �.� Q,. 0 J Age of Applicant: 90 Cilb' nship• Physical address of license location: Applicant(s), partners or associations members length of residence in the State of Idaho: List any convictions of any laws of the State of Idaho, United States, or licensing city within three (3) years immediately preceding the date of filing the application, regulating governing or prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages. Within said time has the applicant(s) partners or members suffered the forfeiture of a bond for failure to appear in answer to charges of any such violation? /A- List any convictions of any felony, or withheld judgment granted following adjudication of guilty of a felony, or fines paid or sentence contpltted thereof, within five (5) years from the date of this application: vm List any conviction of any crime or misdemeanor opposed to decency or morality: 1'1/A - i ?age 1 of 2 KkC1eksWarms1applicatians\.icohd peaait app/ doc 2006 9:41AM CITY OF tAuLc CITY OF EAGLE Application for Beer, Wine, and/or Liquor license P.O. Box 1520/ 310 E. State St. Eagle, ID 83616 mug of premises for which license is to be used: State of Idaho) ss: County of Ada) iN/�t0 Q �U 't v'. - being first duly sworn, deposes and says that „SHE. THEY is/are the fo t er(s) of the business making the above and foregoing application, and makes the statements therein contained r the purpose of securing a license to sell BEER - WINE - AND/OR ALCOHOL within the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, and that HE. SHE. THEY have read the above foregoing application, knows the contents and the facts therein stated are true, and HE. ��E. THEY have read and is familiar with the ordinances of the City of Eagle related to the sale of beer, wine, and/or alcohol within the City of Eagle. I - gnature of appli ;•. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this Z/L-76"jday of (Lt 4C -b-' 1 , 20 LVl. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Idaho Notary Sigiature: Residing: 1.'N_‘. l d Expiration date: &-l- C4% -e) ANNUL LICENSE FEES: BEER: To be consumed OFF the premises only: $50.00 BEER: To be consumed ON the remises only: $200.00 BEER: To be consumed ON/OFF the premises- $250.00 WINE: To be consumed OFF the premises only: $125.00 WINE: To be consumed ON the premises only: $200.00 WISE: To be consumed ON/OFF•the premises: 5325.00 LIQUOR: To be consumed ON the premises only: $56250 Page 2of2 K:\Oeris\Fcs\applicationsWwbol permit app 1.dec (This license must be conspicuously displayed.) May 1, 2006 — April 30, 2007 ADA COUNTY LICENSE STATE OF IDAHO 2007 Year THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT MORTIMER HARGRAVE DINING DEV FRANCO LATINO is granted a / to conduct a / or for a at 775 S Rivershore Lane (Street Address) May 1, 2006 — April 30, 2007 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE License (Type) in Eagle 83616 (City or Town) NO.12218 ,State of Idaho and has complied with the laws of the State of Idaho and/or regulations and ordinances of Ada County. BEER Draught\Bottled\Canned LIQUOR BY THE DRINK TOTAL 7c ---rte . David Navarro, Clerk/Auditor/Recorder 100.00 187.50 287.50 Signature of Licensee or Officer of Corporation Approved by the Board of County Commissioners this 10 day of October 2006 HIS LIC:tNSt SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR SALE UR TRANSFLK U ii • 4.•m (ret cO",.. • y• (ref,, coo 1 rts s'. (reii4,. tee • Vi. (fry,M k+ — • rrf ,,, 4,. Ikea„. r•= yah tom,,. E • ,+)t11) (((I tii •w ..44:: }ice •: 4',• .4. VA ((t4» Premise Number: 1A-735 Incorporated City Idaho State Police Retail Alcohol Beverage License This is to cert, that Mortimer Hargrave Dining Dev doing business as: Franco Latino is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages as stated • it 1 1 •A41••• •••• �at,,l i ((rrAie. • A Ar, . • (rffy� Cycle Tracking Number: 25373.0 License Year: 2007 License Number: 1494.0 775 S Rivershore Lane, Eagle, Ada County Acceptance of a license by a retailer shall constitute knowledge of and agreement to operate by and in accordance to the Alcohol Beverage Code, Title 23. Only the licensee herein specified shall use this license. Restaurant On -premise consumption Beer Kegs to go Wine by the bottle Wine by the glass Liquor litt,•1•' ! l� •4• • - \ • t - No Yes $0.00 Yes $50.00 No Yes $0.00 Yes $0.00 Yes $10,750.00 TOTAL FEE: $10,800.00 Director of Idaho State Police • "'JI L"• "•;;;;) • s ry}) • ►• Signature of Licensee, Corporate Officer, LLC Member or Partner 4'J))) 4 •j MORTIMER HARGRAVE DINING DEV FRANCO LATINO 110 S 5TH STREET BOISE, ID 83702 Mailing Address .License Valid: 08/18/2006 -04/30/2007 Expires: 04/30/2007 I •• ••y\ -r • 400 y 9' • .) }} 1• 4 ? 4 �) • ,r tii) 4. • :.• •`i 4 01011) 0i}) e'1 x.41,1 •rjT • J r -••„,;"4) i . sy rf �ys .M' 110 sqA�) y��/J) .y ABC FORM NO: ABC 03 cnlnl acNg')fl CIW 1 rr c 2 c c c r V c EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: PP/FP-03-06 - Merrill Subdivision #6 - Dave Evans Construction October 24, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON I ��, Mb �� - 1-111 J•.� t.kDi'271�'p d r y Page 1 of 1 \COUNCII.IAGI NDA\CCSIGNUP WPD NAME EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: Resolution No. 06-47 —Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule: October 24, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE Page 1 of H:ICOUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON NAME EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: Resolution No. 06-48 — Electrical Permit Fee Schedule: October 24, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE Page 1 of . H:ICOUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Review Schede Francis ki,.,. ■ October 24 • October 25 • November 6 ■ November 14 ■ November 14 ■ November 15-27 ■ November 30 • City Counsel adopts authorizing ordinance • IMBB approves loan application • City to "deem final" the disclosure materials the IMBB will use in marketing their bonds • IMBB prices bonds (interest rates set) • City officials to acknowledge and accept pricing terms on loan • Loan closing documents signed • Closing date of loan; proceeds sent to escrow agent 3 The City of Eagle currently has a Series 1998 General Obligation Bond outstanding. • The par amount outstanding that could be called for early redemption on February 1, 2007 is $1,975,000. - The Series 1998 bonds have an average interest rate of 4.795% with a final payment of August 1, 2017. ■ Current market interest rates provide a savings opportunity. 10 Year Bond Buyer Index General Obligation Bond Interest Rate Trends 7.5U zoo 6.50 4.00 Oc1-96 Oct -97 Oct -98 Oct -99 Oct -00 Oct -0t Oct -02 Oct -03 Oct -04 Oct -00 Oct -06 Refunding Candidate Issue: Callable Par Amount: Callable Maturities: Call Date and Price: Average Coupon: Series 1998 Bonds $1,975,000 2007-2017 February 1, 2007 at Par 4.795% Projected Refunding Results - Assumes Level Savings Pattern 2/6/2006 Par Amount: $ 1,975,000 True Interest Cost (TIC): 4.03% Net Debt Service Savings: $ 63,216 Assumed Call Date: 10/10/2006 10/24/2006 $ 1,975,000 $ 1,975,000 3.88% 4.00% $ 66,300 $ 62,846 8/1/2006 2/1/2007 2/1/2007 The Refinancing Bond Ordinance established the following parameters for execution of the Bond Bank Loan to refinance the 1998 Bonds: ■ Final Maturity not to exceed September 1, 2017. ■ Principal Amount of Loan will not exceed $1,975,000. ■ A Savings Threshold to be determined. The Idaho Municipal Bond Bank ("IMBB") will sell bonds to fund this loan only if these parameters are met. Decisi�ns'on a ave nes Threshold .a: ruc 31abamodati. The City can direct the IMBB to structure the savings in certain years. The following compares level savings pattern versus a structure that concentrates savings in the final year (savings analysis based on interest rates from 10/24/06). Concentrate Savings Level Savings in Final Year. 2007 $ 3,192.29 5 3,251.67 2008 5,195.00 270.00 2009 4,595.00 4,870.00 2010 4,672.50 4,947.50 2011 4,592.50 4,867.50 2012 4,337.50 4,612.50 2013 3,987.50 4,262.50 2014 8,525.00 3,800.00 2015 7,715.00 3,215.00 2016 6,772.50 2,497.50 2017 5,687.50 26,637.50 Total $ 59,272.29 $ 63,231.67 Plus additional proceeds (rounding) 3,573.73 Equals: Net Debt Service Savings $ 62,846.02 3,040.13 66,271.80 7 1. The City should set an appropriate minimum savings threshold to give the IMBB direction to proceed with the funding of the loan if the savings target can be met. A minimum savings threshold of $50,000 in net debt service savings is likely to be achieved even if interest rates increase modestly over the next couple of weeks. 2. The City should determine a desired savings pattern for the refunding: a) Level savings b) Concentrated savings c) Other? UnitaAcres Population Potable Water Demand (MGD) 4000 2000 11160 2000 2000 5580 1000 2000 2790 400 2000 1116 Existing Requirements (g ya ped sore) Irrigation Demand Rodents (gationsidayklevelopad Reuse Only acfe) gueato be bdg.tsd) - 3 2 13882000 7526000 100 1 6 13882000 7526000 50 0 8 13682000 7526000 25 0 3 13682000 7526000 10 I$ 5 $ $ Ctila.n gngents C /4s,-.2v.,pv Police Services ($) Schools -Student Generation Daily Vehicle Sewer Park/Open Space Acerege ParklOpen Space Development Costs Library Services Fire Services Clerks Facilites Duiltlhg I Tall Cwt EMnembay Liddle High Trips (Facility Costs) N.ghbohood Community Regional N.Ighbedawd Cen.nunly Regional CbeulalleMlH Cwt by mon dwelogntd Cost/Development 892,800 5200,880 $ 52,452 $ 63,980 5100,440 51,310,552 448,400 $100,440 $ 28,226 $ 31,990 $ 50,220 $ 655,276 223,200 $ 50,220 $ 13,113 $ 15,995 $ 25,110 $ 327,838 89,280 $ 20,088 $ 5,245 $ 6,398 $ 10,044 $ 131,055 1478 9 738 5 3692 147 7 738 5 369 2 1846 73 8 984 6 492 3 248 2 98.5 40000 5 10,840,000 200 83 7 362.7 Developer Cost 5 20,925,000 27 24435 5 108,977 52,232,000 20000 5 5,320,000 200 4185 181.35 Developer Cost $ 10,482,500 2724435 5 54,489 51,118,000 10000 5 2,660,000 200 20925 90.675 Developer Cost 5 5,231,250 27.24435 $ 27,244 5558,000 4000 $ 1,064,000 200 8 37 36.27 Developer Cost $ 2,092,500 27.24435 $ 10,898 5223,200