Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 09/19/2006 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes September 19, 2006 *Note Early Start Time* 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Absent: BANDY. A quorum is present. Mayor Merrill requests the addition of Personnel Issues to Executive Session. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 6:30 p.m. -7:30p.m. A. Pending & Threatened Litigation: I.C. S67-2345(f) B. Acquisition of Property: I.c. S67-2345 (c) Bastian moves to go into Executive Session to discuss pending and threatened litigation, acquisition of property and personnel issues. Seconded by Nordstrom. BASTIAN: AYE; GUERBER AYE; NORDSTROM AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Council discusses pending and threatened litigation, acquisition of property and Personnel Issues. Council leaves Executive Session at 7:43 p.m.. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: No one chooses to speak. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Minutes of June 20, 2006 budl!:et workshop. B. Contract for City Forester Services: (TEO) C. Contract for Facilities Manal!er Services: (TEO) D. Service Al!:reement for Animal Control Services between the City of Eal!:le and the Idaho Humane Society: (TEO) E. Eal!:le Senior Citizen Van User Al!:reement: (TEO) F. Vallev Rel!:ional Transit FY2007 Cooperative Al!:reement: (TEO) Page] of6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-19-06min doc Bastian moves to amend the Consent Agenda remove item 6C from the Consent Agenda, would like to amend the agenda to add discussion of the Foothills Planning Area to the beginning of New Business. Would also like to add the following items to the Consent Agenda Resolution 06-49 Declaration of Surplus Property, 7 A Resolution No. 06-46, II B Noise Waiver Exemption Request, 11 E. First Amendment to Ground Lease for new City Hall building, 11 F. Second Amendment to Office Lease for new City Hall building. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. Bastian moves to approve the consent agenda as amended. Seconded by Guerber. BASTIAN AYE, GUERBER AYE; NORDSTROM AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 6C Contract for Facilities Manal?:er Services: (TEO) Nordstrom feels that the City should decline to contract with the Facilities Manager for next year and look to fill these needs internally. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 7. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolution No. 06-46: Authorizing the destruction of Semi-Permanent Public Records. (TEO) Moved to Consent Agenda. 8. FINAL PLATS: None 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. PPUD-OI-06/CU-02-06/PP-08-06 - Eudora Estates (a.k.a. Alderwood No.2) Planned Unit Development - RTB Investments, LLC: RTB Investments, LLC, represented by Wendy Kirkpatrick with Landmark Engineering and Planning, is requesting conditional use, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat approvals for Eudora Estates (a.k.a. Alderwood No.2) Planned Unit Development, a 21-lot (16- buildable, 5-common) residential planned unit development. The 4.7-acre site is located approximately 430-feet west of South Grandean Way at 947 West State Street. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the September 12,2006 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. The applicant has requested this item be continued to the September 26, 2006 Council meeting. Nordstrom moves to continue this item to the September 26,2006 Council meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Arts Commission Report and Review of Contract for Arts Commission Saturday Market - Last Thursdav: This item was continuedfrom the September 12,2006 meeting. (NM) Mayor introduces the item. Page 2 or6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-]9-06min.doc The City Attorney was asked to review two contracts yesterday and would still like to go over these changes with the Mayor and other effective entities. Asks this be continued to another meeting for action at a further date. Mayor relays her interaction with Zeopple and Finer Frames. Linda Butler with the Arts Commission. Linda reviews the history of the creation of the Saturday Market and the initial direction that the Arts Commission was given for the vision of the market. Discussion. The Market Manager works directly with Ms. Butler. He fulfills the direction given by the Arts Commission via weekly interaction with Ms. Butler. Discussion of Last Thursday event. Harry Young, with Finer Frames. Mr. Young relays the reason he would like to bring his art work to the Last Thursday event, as probably 60% of the artists framed would be from the Treasure Valley. It would be nice if one booth in the Saturday Market could be dedicated to new businesses to allow them to get the word out about new businesses locations in Eagle. Bastian agrees that Saturday Market and Last Thursday be directed for local artists, artisans, farmers. Comments on local businesses. Nordstrom feels that perhaps there would be a way to incorporate local businesses to sponsor Last Thursday Events or something. It almost has a Chamber of Commerce event would be effective for businesses located outside of the downtown core. Linda Butler states that the Arts Commission would love to enlarge the event to work with the Chamber of Commerce to make the even City-wide. Guerber likes the idea of having one booth for new businesses to locate at the Market. Linda Goldman with the Arts Commission states that it could be facilitated, but it is not the charter of the Arts Commission to promote new businesses. Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce could have a booth promoting Eagle Businesses. Discussion. The City Attorney is to work with the Arts Commission on updating the contracts and also make sure there is an appeal process incorporated into the contracts. C. Cooperative Al!reement for Landscapinl!: and Street Improvements Hill Road Extension, Horseshoe Bend Road/State Street, Ada County Hil!:hwav District Proiect No. 505030: This item was continuedfrom the September 12,2006 meeting. Mayor introduces the item. Susan Buxton, City Attorney, states that she spoke with the City Clerk prior to her leaving n vacation. Buxton recommends approval with an amendment that the $10,000 on or before September 27,2006. Bastian moves to pay the $10,000 for street improvements to the Hill Road Extension per our contract with Ada County Highway District on about September 27,2006 and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with that amendment. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion for clarification. Bastian clarifies that the City will paying the remainder of the design fee approximated at $77,000 for the Hill Road Extension Street improvements in the next fiscal year. Second concurs. Page 3 of6 K:\COUNCIL\MfNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-19-06mindoc BASTIAN AYE, GUERBER, AYE, NORDSTROM AYE. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None 11. NEW BUSINESS: Foothills Discussion: Mayor introduces the item. Planner Ill, Nichoel Baird-Spencer reviews the foothills visioning process that occurred last week. Discussion of Foothills Policy between Mayor, Council and Baird-Spencer. John Petrovsky with the North Eagle Foothills Association provides comment also. Nordstrom would like to give staff direction to come up with some kind of a policy summary statement of what they have heard and are pulling together here and to calculate the foothills on that set of equations and bring it back. Bastian would also like to speak with M3, SunCor and Collin Connelly with the idea they had a long history of development and they may avoid development on certain sloped land and there may be some formula they use that would be instructive for us. We may not accept their particular limitations or guidelines but it appears to me that those organizations are not going to go in areas that are very costly and particularly difficult to develop. Merrill we are also going to have to identify in the comprehensive plan particularly where the public facilities will be paid for, we will not be relying on ACHD or ITD to build these roads and if they have an impact in traffic numbers on those that they will have to mitigate that. Bastian would like to work with developers to create some kind of financing for public facilities i.e. infrastructure so that they will be built at the developers cost. Discussion. The consensus is that the Council would like to have a policy statement brought back before them with some of the density criteria discussed tonight. Along with this an ordinance drafted up that would provide for public comment. Discussion of financing options for the construction of infrastructure for the foothills. Mayor calls a break at 10:05 p.m. A. Joint Powers Al!reement Between the Ada County Sheriff's Office and the Citv of Eag:le Relating: to Law Enforcement Services and Prosecution Services & Discussion of Increase of Lieutenant to Captain. (SJB) Mayor introduces the item. Bastian moves to continue this item to the next regular meeting to develop a new exhibit A. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Noise Waiver Exemption Request: Eagle Fire Department Volunteer Association is asking for a noise exemption to accommodate the Haunted Woods Fundraising event. The waiver request is for the dates of October 7-30, 2006, extending the time to midnight on Friday and Saturdays. (TEa) Moved to Consent Agenda. Page 4 or6 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09.]9-06min_doc C. Contract for Buildin\!: Inspection Services hetween Garden City and City of Ea\!:le. Mayor introduces the item. The Mayor presents ajoint powers agreement that will start October 1,2006. Legal Council from both Cities as well as Mike Mongelli and Garden Cities Public Works person. There is an amendment clause that would allow the contract to be tweaked. Buxton requests that Council approve the contract with the amendment designating the fees and the duties. Nordstrom moves to approve the agreement between the City of Eagle and Garden City per the contract with the changes as presented. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. BASTIAN AYE; GUERBER A YE.NORDSTROM AYE. MOTION CARRIES. D. Appraisal for YMCA Property: (NM) Mayor introduces the item. Guerber moves to approve to have the Mayor contract with Langston and Associates for appraisal services for vacant land on behalf of the City of Eagle in regard for proposed valuation of land for the purpose of construction of a YMCA with a fee not to exceed $3500. Additional billing should there be any need from the stand pont of court appearance at the rate of $300.00 per hour and additional time invested rendered at $125.00 per hour. Second Nordstrom. BASTIAN AYE, GUERBER AYE, NORDSTROM A YE...MOTION CARRIES. Mayor asks that the purchase of city vehicles be added to the agenda. So moved by Nordstrom. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. Mayor inquires if 2006 vehicles can be purchased off the lot for the same price regardless of the color of the vehicle available, should the city pursue it. If we order the 2007 vehicles from the factory they will be 60 days out. Discussion. Nordstrom likes the idea of having a fleet with the same gold color, and is in favor of the new pickups. Nordstrom moves to authorize for the City to purchase 2007 F150's per the state bid specifications presented to us, and to authorize the purchase in an amount not to exceed $37,000.00 and to authorize mileage reimbursement to employees who have to utilize their own vehicles while these are coming in. Seconded by Guerber. BASTIAN AYE; GUERBER AYE, NORDSTROM AYE. MOTION CARRIES. E. First Amendment to Ground Lease for new City Hall buildin\!:. (SEB) Moved to Consent Agenda. F. Second Amendment to Office Lease for new City Hall buildin\!:. (SEB) Moved to Consent Agenda. 12. REPORTS: Page 5 of6 K.\COUNCILIMlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-Q9-19-Q6min.doc A. Mayor and Council's Report: Bastian notes that a member of the Design Review Board has resigned. Nordstrom will be contacting Eagle Sewer District regarding private septic systems. Bastian attended a drinking water meeting in which drinking water standards were discussed. Mayor Merrill spoke with AA Tronics on Monday and adjustments and improvements were discussed to the sound and recording system in Council Chambers. AATronics will break down the podiums and staff table on Friday, Mick and other City Staff perhaps Trautman's Lawn & Landscape, will breakdown the Council dais and roll it out into the hallway in the city staff portion ofthe building. The new City Planner, who is an IT person will also be here to be involved in the process. The system will be put back up on Monday. Rivendell has an event this weekend for which all of this is being done to accommodate. Mayor speaks to a memo that Mike Mongelli submitted to her regarding a rain gauge at Brookwood. B. City Engineer Report: No report. C. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report. D. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report. E. City Attorney Report: No report. Nordstrom moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian . ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. :JtfWl't~ TRA~OSB RN DEPUTY CLERK ,.' ",.. II II ...... ....~ Of EA 0 '.. .. ... ., .. !It" "", ......... <"L\. .. ~ "'-::"'.- .. ,.... .. i v~.. VORA,..... .~ .. I o~ ~ · ':. ! Iv '*: : .. : .....- : : i \ c It,. L~: : ~ ..~. S pI' ~.. 0 = -. ..,..(\: -t.<>.-.'\.: ,: ~~ <f>'>....~ItPop.~1'.. .:!. ; ',- " . ....... ^ 1. ," ~~~~ -17'E Of \V,...... '#, .'''' .,'..,....". Page 6 or6 K:\COUNCILIMrNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-19-06min.doc N m E U) Differences Density -Want to see comp. plan density graduated with slope more units per acre with less slope. -Allow some open space credit for the areas that are over 25% slope. -Max. 2 units per acre gross density - want to leave individual lot size and design to the developer and encourage clustering within the buildable areas. - ok with clustered but wants to ensure the dusters don't exceed 5 or so units per acre. - Should have 17,000 sq ft as the majority of the area when clustering keep lot sizes at 10, 000 sq ft or so. Nothing Higher than R-4. no attached units/town houses. Need to establish min. lot sizes and setbacks and not allow deviation Slope Smoothing/Grading Concems about the scaring of the hills -prefer to see retension of the natural terrain as much as possible -need to see the grading blend with the remaining terrain_ -Look at Hidden Springs standards -Talk with other developers from Utah Eagle Foothills Policy Discussion Hillside Development -no visible ridgeline development -allow larger lots to include hillsides. Need to Identify building pads. May need some DR control on ridgeline development. -Prefer to use a model similar to Hidden Springs Access -Should look to send the majority of the trips to the State Hwy system either east or west -make it dear to the developer that they are 100% responsible for all improvements (intemal &external) due to the development of the foothills -Linder Road should be considered for a n/s connection -EPN road should be at minimum a collector and not have front on housing - have developer build improvements and est. a late comers fee for the recovery of disproportionate costs -Look at Hartley as a Ns connection. Should look at the capacity of the State Highway sytems as a guide to increase trip capture w!n the area. Allow access to Eagle Road but use road design to encourage the split at Beacon Light and Floating Feather. -Look at access optionat Brookside w/ Dry Creek Ranch project. Prioritize e/w connection betor Ns so people get use to moving to the State Highways. Should be aware of capcity of Highways but that needs to be the States responsiblity to improve or work witht he developers. Need to identify the road typology and design wfrn the area. - Eagle Road should not be the backbone of the transporation network. State Highways should be expanded as much as possible (5 lanes). Highway should not be a limitation to the Foothills development. -Need to establish a subtractive process that removes slopes in excess of 25%, removes visual sensitive areas, removes important habitat and uses the balance for development but allows the developer to then design a product that is unique to them. Need to establish a regional transportation and have the developers commit to build it prior to approvals. - Area should be designed as single family residential with a min. lot size of 10,000 sq ft. with the majority of the lots larger than that N Services -need to establish Urban Wildfire standards w/EFD -may consider Residential DR for ridgelines -City Water System as much as possible -Need to establish water reuse whn the area -Sewer District should manage all sewer services -Should evaluate the system to ensure we are not sacrificing the existing city to serve the Foothills. All development should come to the City only after water rights have been explored and applied for with a complete understanding of options an potential injury. -Schools should be sited and saes to limit the number of students within an elementary school to -800 students Land Use -Opportunities for Shopping & Services -Connectivity of pathways & neighborhoods -Est. Standards for active & passive open space -Est. areas for green industry -incubators, Hospitals, universities -strive for 70% residential 30% commercial mix -no residential density for non-residential land - need to establish a live, work & play balance in the area -area should be developed as a PUD -Est. an employment area look into tech & Industrial base, promote an equestrian services area, allow for high density clustered areas to retain as much of the slopes and ridgelines as possible. -Resort areas tied to Geo -thermal resources, no manufacturing industry. -establish land use thresholds -20% @5 acre. 20% a2 2 acres, 20% at 1 acre and balance less than 1, Open Space -Est. a mix for active and passive -let HOA manage open space and just require conservation easements for preservation 25% slopes or greater should be open space -need to have City maintain regional pathways but establish standards for the HOA to manage the rest -need to promote connectivity of pathways -allow for preservation of existing vegetations and habitat as open space -all Habitat and slopes should be open space and left natural cluster units into other areas. Have developers looks at Cultural arts center and YMCA in the area Maintainance/Ownership -establish new landscape and maintanance standards specific to the Foothills -open space needs to be held in Perpetuity -Consider Establishing a rec. District to maintain & guide the open space. e54,0troJ NAD 1983,UTIN;Z LEGEND Public Values None 1 value present 2 values present 3 values present Proposed Roads Proposed Access Points Existing Informal Trails Area of Impact Boundary Intermittent Streams Primary Roads Secondary Roads County Line NOTES Public values used in creation of this map include visibile ridgelines, slopes greater than 25%, public lands, floodways, and riparian areas DRAF Scale: Graphic 0 0.5 1 Miles A Figure 13 --Public Values Map NORTH EAGLE FOOTHILLS STUDY