Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 08/08/2006 - Workshop EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Budget Workshop Minutes August 8, 2006 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 5:13 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. Nordstrom and Bandy absent. A quorum is not present. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: I. Discussion on signage for City Hall - Barbara Cerda. Barbara presents an overview of the work done to date on outside signage for the building and the monument sign. Council discusses having a master sign plan for the City Hall and Library area including the Post Office. Council concurs to ask if someone from the Design Review Board would volunteer to work on this for the City. 2. Review of Library Budget. Ron Baker, Library Director, distributes a copy of the proposed budget and a copy of the carry forward and discusses the changes to the Library budget that was previously presented. Library will realize $96,474.00 in next years budget that comes from increase in property taxes and carry forward the previous years. The Library Board would like to use $20,000 for LAN/Telephone Integration between the City and the Library. The balance of $76,474 the Library Board put into a contingency fund and the Board would offer this to the City's General Fund. General discussion. Jane Marks and Terry Loftus with the Library Board are also present. 3. Review of General Fund Budget. Council discussion on the proposed changes to the budget presented at the 7/25/06 City Council meeting. Because of cuts in approximately $500,000 from the General Fund the Council will accept the offer from the Library Board in the amount of $76,474.00. Council Member Guerber left the meeting at 5:50 p.m. to attend another meeting. 4. Brookwood Pathway Repairs - Mayor & Mick McCurry. Mick provides the Council an overview of the repairs that need to be done to the pathway. General discussion. Mayor: we are putting together a committee to walk this pathway and corne to a decision as to what repairs need to be done. General discussion. Further discussion. 5. Dry Creek Pedestrian Pathway - Mick McCurry. Mick provides the Council an overview of the project and discussion on the budget. I have talked to the Church in regards to extension of the pathway. Mick - we have approval for our Drinking Water Prograrn. We have an approved plan and we are good for three years. We have received our plaques. I am getting Eagle Scouts to work on some projects. Page \ K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-08-06spmin.doc 6. Review of Park Fund Budget. Reviewed above 4. ADJOURNMENT: ".........,. " . """'~1( ~AGl. """~ . , ..,. 0 ..........~ #~ . ;nnU t;:. ~'<tQv..A rlj'.... ... ~~ my CLCRK/TP~ ^ ~T TRJi:~. . 71 \ . .';::: . . , ~..o .. G p..v~ .... ;.. ... Sv ~ .... .. . /,.", -:." ...CORPo..fio: ^" "" f....... 4 ,V '..; 1'1\ TE 0'" .."""....... Page 2 K.\CDUNCIL\MrNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OB-08-06spmin,doc