Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 07/11/2006 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes July 11,2006 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. A. Presentation bv Clair Bowman and Tom Hudson rel!ardinl! Downtown Urban renewal. Clair Bowman and Tom Hudson were not present to give a presentation. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of May 30, 2006. C. DR-14-07 MOD - Wells Farl!o Bank Addition within Eal!le Plaza - Wells Farl!o Bank: Wells Fargo Bank, represented by Greg Toolson with JGT Architecture, is requesting design review approval for a 934 square foot building addition to the existing bank located within Eagle Plaza. The .76-acre bank site, a parcel within the 4.4-acre Eagle Plaza, is located on the north side of East Plaza Street approximately 200-feet east of Eagle Road at 108 East Plaza Street. (WEV) D. DR-40-06 - Buildinl! Wall Sil!n for North Star Charter School - North Star Charter School: North Star Charter School, represented by Roger Huber with Young Electric Sign Company, is requesting design review approval to construct one building wall sign for the North Star Charter School. The site is located on the east of North Park Lane approximately 330-feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1400 North Park Lane (Lot 1, Block 1, Cavallo Estates). (WEV) E. DR-42-06 - Monument Sil!n for Eal!le Elementarv School - Eal!le Elementarv School: Meridian School District No.2, represented by Stacy Perkins with Sign A Rama, is requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign with Page 1 K\COUNCIUMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-1 ] -06min.doc a reader board for Eagle Elementary School. The site is located on the west side of Eagle Road approximately Y4-mile north of State Street at 475 North Eagle Road. (WEV) F. DR-44-06 - Common Area Landscapinl! within The Meadows at Park Place - Chad Moffat: Chad Moffat, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within The Meadows at Park Place. The site is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately V,-mile north of Floating Feather Road at 1945 North Park Lane. (WEV) G. DR-45-06 - Monument Sil!n for The Meadows at Park Place - Chad Moffat: Chad Moffat, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc, is requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign for The Meadows at Park Place Subdivision. The site is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately V,-mile north of Floating Feather Road at 1945 North Park Lane. (WEV) H. DR-46-06 - Two Buildinl! Wall Sil!ns and Monument Sil!n for Evan Hathawav DDS. P A - Dr. Evan Hathawav: Dr. Evan Hathaway, represented by Neil Caldwell with Idaho Electric Signs, is requesting design review approval of two building wall signs and one monument sign for Evan Hathaway DDS, PA. The site is located on the south side of East Iron Eagle Drive within Rocky Mountain Business Park No.3 on Lot 8, Block I. (WEV) Nordstrom moves to remove Items #D and #H from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ Nordstrom moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 5D. DR-40-06 - Buildinl! Wall Sil!n for North Star Charter School - North Star Charter School: North Star Charter School, represented by Roger Huber with Young Electric Sign Company, is requesting design review approval to construct one building wall sign for the North Star Charter School. The site is located on the east of North Park Lane approximately 330-feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1400 North Park Lane (Lot I, Block I, Cavallo Estates). (WEV) Mayor: I asked this item to be removed so I could declare a conflict of interest; my husband sits on the Board for the Charter School. Bastian moves to approve DR-40-06 - Building Wall Sign for North Star Charter School. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... 5H. DR-46-06 - Two Buildiu Wall Sil!ns and Monument Sil!n for Evan Hathawav DDS. P A - Dr. Evan Hathawav: Dr. Evan Hathaway, represented by Neil Caldwell with Idaho Electric Signs, is requesting design review approval of two building wall signs and one monument sign for Evan Hathaway DDS, P A. The site is located on the south side of East Iron Eagle Drive within Rocky Mountain Business Park No.3 on Lot 8, Block] . (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Neil Caldwell, Idaho Electric Signs: I would like to discuss Design Reviews deleting the free standing sign and changing the north elevation sign. Discussion on the changes. Page 2 K\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\C( -07-11-06mindoc Zoning Administrator Vaughan: provides Council an overview of the Design Review's recommendations. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-46-06 - Two Building Wall Signs and Monument Sign for Evan Hathaway DDS, and the Site Specific Conditions of Design Review and the Standards Conditions be approved. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Bastian amends the Motion to allow a non-lighted sign on the North Side as a choice of the applicant. Second concurs. Discussion. Bastian amends the motion to include language for Site Specific Condition of Approval #1, the phrase "or non-illuminated but both" is stricken from the record and be reworded to say "provide revised elevation plans showing the building wall signs proposed on the North and South building elevations to halo illuminated for non- illuminated". Second concurs. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES................... Nordstrom: Given the issue of time tonight, and early meetings in the morning, I would like to make a motion to amend the Agenda to only hear Items #6, 7, 8 and then item #9 tonight only hear #9A, B & C and to move the remainder of agenda public hearings for Item #D, #E to also include the New Business and the Reports to be moved to the following Agenda next Tuesday. Discussion on changing the time and place ofthe public hearings. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Nordstrom amends the motion to include items #10A & B. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........ 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Treasure Vallev Classic Davs Proclamation: Proclaiming August 3-5, 2006 Treasure Valley Classic Days. (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to approve the Treasure Valley Classic Days Proclamation: Proclaiming August 3-5, 2006 Treasure Valley Classic Days and authorize the Mayor to declare August 3-5,2006 the Treasure Valley Classic Days. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. Change the word commodity to resource. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. DR-36-06 - Albertson's Buildinl! Addition and Exterior Remodel - Albertsons. Inc.: Albertsons, Inc., represented by Jeffrey King with CT A Architects Engineers, is requesting design review approval to construct an 866-square foot building addition with an exterior remodel. The site is located on the southeast corner of South Eagle Road and Plaza Drive at 250 South Eagle Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides Council an overview of the building addition and the exterior remodeling. Jeff King, CT A Architects Engineers, discusses painting of the fuel center and the exterior light fixtures. Further discussion on the building addition and exterior remodeling. General discussion. Guerber moves to accept the proposals of the letter of June 30, 2006. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Guerber amends motion to say "encourage Albertson's to repaint the fuel island". Bastian makes a substitute motion that is identical to Council Member Guerber's Motion and but require that the fuel island be painted to match the building and that the paint be Page 3 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC+07~11-06min doc approved by a member of staff and two members of the Design Review Board. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. ONE AYE: THREE NAYS: MOTION FAILS Guerber's original motion: THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES................ Further discussion. 8. FINAL PLATS: A. FP-07-06 - Final Plat for Castleburv West Subdivision (Phase #2) - Capital Development: Capital Development, represented by David Y orgason, is requesting final plat approval for Castlebury West Subdivision (Phase #2), a 24.73-acre, 27-lot (24 buildable and 3 common) residential development. The 24.73-acre site is generally located on the northeast corner of Meridian Road and Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides Council an overview. Both the City Engineer and Planning Staff have recommended approval of the final plat and have recommended the finding that it is in substantial compliance to the preliminary plat. Discussion on irrigation. David Yorgason, we agree with all of the Conditions of Approval. Bastian moves to approve FP-07-06 - Final Plat for Castlebury West Subdivision (Phase #2). Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. A-12-05 & RZ-19-05 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA - Hawkins Companies: Hawkins Companies, represented by Walt Lindgren with Johnson Architects, is requesting approval of an annexation and a rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to MU- DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) for a mixed use development consisting of one hundred ten (110) single-family dwellings, five (5) residential condominium buildings consisting of eighty (80) residential condominium units, and four (4) office/retail buildings including thirty- six (36) stacked flat residential condominium units for a total of two hundred twenty-six (226) residential units. The 41.20-acre site is generally located on the southwest corner of Riverside Drive and State Street at 1505 Riverside Drive. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Walter Lindgren, Johnson Architects, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application for annexation and rezone. General discussion. Planner Williams: Displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 9:20 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:24 p.m. Mayor Opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Jack Stuart. Jack Stuart, 246 Neskowin Way, This is my first visit to your new quarters, they are beautiful and long over due. I want to compliment staff for the effort they have put into this application. This is still a drastic change to Eagle to allow condominiums. Growth should be made to pay its way. Meridian has impact fees on growth and I would like to make that suggestion to the City. General discussion. Page 4 K:\COUNCILI}..1INUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-1 ] -06min doc Walter Lindgren, Johnson Architects, representing the applicant, discusses the streets particularly Riverside Drive. General discussion. Discussion on a playground area. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General discussion. Guerber moves to approve A-12-05 & RZ-19-05 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA with a Development Agreement. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES....................... B. A-OI-06 & RZ-OI-06 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to MU-DA - Brownstone Capitol. Inc.: Brownstone Capitol, Inc., represented by Doug Russell, ASLA, with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting approval of an annexation and a rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition - Ada County Designation) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) for a multi-family seventy (70) unit condominium housing development. The development is to be located on a 5.85-acre site adjacent to the southeast corner of Reid Merrill Park approximately 250-feet east of the intersection of East Shore Drive and East Riverside Drive. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor swears in Doug Russell. Doug Russell, The Land Group, representing the applicant, provides a power point presentation providing an overview of the proposed project. Council Member Guerber: Asks why the trees were removed from this site. Doug Russell: We had initially planned on taking this through the County which was a completely different project. While going through the 404 process it required that we remove the trees. We are well aware of the ill feelings that people have about this and we are trying to mend this fence. We hope to develop a landscaping plan that will knock your socks off. We are not looking to cut corners. I feel through the implementation of this plan that we can make up for this. General discussion. Planner Williams: displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the project. Doug presentation was a good presentation and answers a lot of the concerns. Discussion on the size of the trees adjacent to the park, width of the streets, discussion on the access, easement parking, density and mechanicals. General discussion. Mayor swears in Karl Gebhart. Karl Gebhart, Resource Systems, Inc., representing the applicant, discussion on no net loss and fill brought into a flood area. Discusses the levy system and flooding. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Jack Stuart Jack Stuart, 246 Neskowin Way, discusses the density on this small parcel. This is a much more quality project than the Lonesome Dove project. Express objections to condominiums. Mayor swears in Matt Glavach Matt Galvach, 5539 Sudley Lane, Garden City, I am here as a pro speaker. Discusses the history of Eagle River. Doug Russell, discusses the 30' trees, access to the greenbelt, the mechanical units, and maintenance of the parking easement. Page 5 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-1 I-06mindoc Mayor closes the Public Hearing. General Council discussion. Bandy moves to approve A-OI-06 & RZ-OI-06 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to MU- DA with a Development Agreement. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES........... C. A-03-06 & RZ-3-06 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-4-DA - Donna Weston: Donna Weston, represented by Craig McCullough with Doumecq Development, is requesting annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition - Ada County Designation) to R-4-DA (Residential four units per acre with a Development Agreement). The 4.86-acre site is located on the west side of Horseshoe Bend Road approximately 1 ,200-feet south of Floating Feather Road at 10895 Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor swears in Craig McCullough. Craig McCullough, Doumecq Development, representing the applicant. This is an in fill subdivision and is replicating all of the development surrounding it. The property is long and we are limited to the design as presented tonight. General discussion. Discussion on the existing well and the water rights. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides Council an overview of the application. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing General discussion on the Development Agreement in regards to add language on the water rights. Further general discussion. Bastian moves to approve A-03-06 & RZ-3-06 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-4- DA with a Development Agreement and that the Development Agreement be amended as follows: 2.10 on Page 3 of 7 The developer shall provide pressurized irrigation from existing irrigation water rights historically used on the site, if no such water right exists evidence of the irrigation water rights will be provided to the City to determine what source or irrigation shall be used for this development, prior to the Preliminary Plat approval by the City. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. Bastian amends the motion to include usable open space. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... D. A-4-06/RZ-4-06 & PP-4-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-3-DA and Preliminarv Plat for Kathleen Estates Subdivision - Dave Yorl!ason: Dave Yorgason with Capitol Development is requesting annexation of9.99-acres and a rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-3-DA (Residential three units per acre maximum with a development agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Kathleen Estates Subdivision. The 35-lot subdivision (29 residential, 6 common) consisting of I 0.5 I-acres is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately I ,320-feet north of West State Street at 325 North Park Lane. (WEV) Continued by Motion to the July 18,2006 City Council meeting. E. A-5-06/RZ-5-06 & PP-06-05 - Annexation & Rezone from RUT to R-2-DA and Preliminarv Plat for Park Lane Estates - Chad Moffat: Chad Moffat, represented by Eric Cronin, P. E. with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting approval of an annexation and rezone Page 6 K\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-11-06mindoc from RUT (Rural Urban Transitional) to R-2-DA (Residential two units per acre maximum with a development agreement) and preliminary plat approval for Park Lane Estates. The 5.14-acre, 12-10t subdivision (7 residential,S common), is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately 2, OOO-feet north of West Floating Feather Road at ] 835 North Park Lane. (WEV) Continued by Motion to the July 18,2006 City Council meeting. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A Ordinance No. 540 (Castleburv West): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein: Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #540 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber reads Ordinance #540 by title only. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES............. .... Guerber moves that Ordinance # 540 be adopted. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES............................... .... B. Ordinance No. 546 (Moffat Subdivision): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #546 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber reads Ordinance #546 by title only. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.............. ... Guerber moves that Ordinance # 546 be adopted. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.................... ............... 11. REPORTS: Continued by Motion to the July 18, 2006 City Council meeting. I. Mayor and Council's Report: 2. City Engineer Report: 3. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: 4. Zoning Administrator's Report: 5. City Attorney Report: Page 7 K:\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\[C' -07-11-06mindoc 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Continued by Motion to the July 18,2006 City Council meeting. A. Pendinl! and Threatened Litil!ation: I.C. S67-2345(t) Mayor introduces the issue. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: NANCY C. MERRILL MAYOR 6. ADJOURNMENT: moves to adjourn. Seconded by . ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Page 8 K.\COUNCIL\~lINUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\Cr -07-II-06min doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at Respectfully submitted: II C<A--.. - \L. 8lg .A--<"~ \/SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER Page 9 K \COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-1 I-06min doc p.m. ,.',,,......... A" ~'{ OF .... .~"Z\ ...... ~-f .... " o. /.: "OtlPO..~'" ~\ . . -' . . - ~ . :. -- : . .- S :: ~lJ"l~7, EAt .. " ~ ..O.p ~'. = " ..a -.po _ ,tIt._ ~ "'A -. Ji'ATE".- 0 ~ if'.. .., l:: ....... '" ..' .......... OF I D P. ."" ~"".....I"'" EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-01-06 & RZ-01-06 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to MU -DA - Brownstone Capitol. Inc.: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON y-4 c k S i`u iV9 9-q6 /V S kWA,, Lc.>.. sr -L Q (. Y.e s �h k4,104 5 .S;a Jeff j }��C425 \\I\ 2.t4 s-0,2.7 Page 1 of HICOUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-01-06 & RZ-01-06 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to MU -DA - Brownstone Capitol, Inc.: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of . H:I000NCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-03-06 & RZ-3-06 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R -4 -DA - Donna Weston: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE Page l of . H:I000NCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-03-06 & RZ-3-06 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R -4 -DA - Donna Weston: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE Page 1 of H:ICOUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-4-06/RZ-4-06 & PP -4-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R -3 -DA and Preliminary Plat for Kathleen Estates Subdivision — Dave Yorgason: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE Page l of H:ICOUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-4-06/RZ-4-06 & PP -4-06 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R -3 -DA and Preliminary Plat for Kathleen Estates Subdivision — Dave Yorgason: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE Page l of H:I000NCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-5-06/RZ-5-06 & PP-06-05 - Annexation & Rezone from RUT to R-2-DA and Preliminary Plat for Park Lane Estates — Chad Moffat: f July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY rte/ TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON NAME Page 1 of H \COUNCILAGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-5-06/RZ-5-06 & PP -06-05 - Annexation & Rezone from RUT to R -2 -DA and Preliminary Plat for Park Lane Estates — Chad Moffat: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 of H:I000NCILIAGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject- A-12-05 & RZ-19-05 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU -DA — Hawkins Companies: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON Tf��k s ru, A iZ Y-6 UI',, 9 3r-- Q z96 i Page 1 of H \COUNCILIAGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD Yes- EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject- A-12-05 & RZ-19-05 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU -DA — Hawkins Companies: July 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE Page l of . H:1COUNCIUAGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Eagle Municipal Water Financial Projection - City w Western Expansion and City served by reservoir Heco Project Number EG 020407 Plan Year Fiscal Yr. Probable Emergency & Capital Replac. (Oct. 1) Account Operating & Improve. Balance Reserve Fund Fund Oct. 1 $ 163,800.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 58,800.00 1 2007 $ 228,460.28 $ 109,200.00 $ 119,260.28 2 2008 $ 268,582.96 $ 113,568.00 $ 155,014.96 3 2009 $ 349,409.97 $ 118,110.72 $ 231,299.25 4 2010 $ 494,215.11 $ 122,835.15 $ 371,379.96 5 2011 $ 547,293.81 $ 127,748.55 $ 419,545.25 6 2012 $ 850,697.14 $ 132,858.50 $ 717,838.64 7 2013 $ 732,330.92 $ 138,172.84 $ 594,158.09 8 2014 $1,220,302.98 $ 143,699.75 $ 1,076,603.22 9 2015 $1,844,430.29 $ 149,447.74 $ 1,694,982.55 10 2016 $2,490,658.74 $ 155,425.65 $ 2,335,233.09 11 2017 $2,242,108.72 $ 161,642.68 $ 2,080,466.05 12 2018 $1,894,229.49 $ 168,108.38 $ 1,726,121.11 13 2019 $2,415,824.21 $ 174,832.72 $ 2,240,991.50 14 2020 $2,245,380.76 $ 181,826.03 $ 2,063,554.74 15 2021 $2,934,088.54 $ 189,099.07 $ 2,744,989.47 16 2022 $2,916,012.23 $ 196,663.03 $ 2,719,349.20 17 2023 $3,834,834.17 $ 204,529.55 $ 3,630,304.62 18 2024 $4,910,310.31 $ 212,710.73 $ 4,697,599.58 19 2025 $6,181,572.21 $ 221,219.16 $ 5,960,353.05 20 2026 $7,667,440.06 $ 230,067.93 $ 7,437,372.13 21 2027 $7,842,771.35 $ 239,270.65 $ 7,603,500.70 Eagle Municipal Water Flnanclal Profs n - City Served Rt(r'Q�r Heco Proieet Number EG 020704 Operatipn andintenanr l 7/7120D6 Ir INPUTS: Probable Annual Investment Interest Rate Probable Annual Overhead Inflation Rate Probable Annual Capital Costs Inflation Rate Probable Annual Operating Fee Increase Rate Probable Annual Energy -Related Fee Increase Rate Initial Base Annual Operation Fee Initial Number Equivalent Residential Customers Mittal Per -Customer Operating Fee, per Year Growth Rate of New Customers Probable Annual Bond Interest Rate Probable Bond Term, Years Bond Amount Annual Bond Payment 4.00% 3.00% 4.00% 3.00% 0.50% $ 240,000.00 1350 $ 177.78 7% 3.25% 20 $ 2,590,000.00 $ 178,137.31 Initial Base Rate, per ERC per Month Initial Quantity Rate, per CCF Initial Average use per ERC, 100's cu. Ft Initial Average Annual Charge per ERC Rate Review Interval, Years New Base Rate, per ERC per Month New Quantity Rate per 100 cu. Ft New Annual Average Charge per ERC Initial Average Monthly Water Bill New Average Monthly Water Bit $8.25 $ 0.98 10.84 $ 174.25 2 $ 1400 $ 098 $ 29313 $ 1452 $ 24.43 PROJECT(Gl: Plan Year Fiscal Yr. Avery # (Oct 1) Eaurvalent Residential Customers Probable Ooeratina Fee per Customer 1 _.. 2007 1,350 $ 2 2008 1,445 $ 3 2009 1,546 $ 4 2010 1,654 $ 5 2011 1,770 $ 8 2012 1,893 $ 7 2013 2,028 $ 8 2014 2,188 $ 9 2015 2,320 $ 10 2016 2,482 $ 11 2017 2,620 $ 12 2018 2,620 $ 13 2019 2,820 $ 14 2020 2,820 $ 15 2021 2,820 $ 18 2022 2,820 $ 17 2023 2,620 $ 18 2024 2,620 $ 19 2025 2,820 $ 20 2026 2,820 $ 21 2027 2.620 $ 177.78 184.03 190.50 197.19 204.12 211.30 218.72 228.41 234.37 242.61 251.14 259.96 289.10 278.56 288.35 298.49 308.98 319.84 331.08 342.72 354.77 Plan Year Fiscal Yr, Principal of Debt Service (Oct 1) Debt Payment 1 2007 S - $ 2 2008 $ 290,000.00 $ 3 2009 $ 2,,498,037.69 $ 4 2010 $ 2399,21.61 $ 5 2011 $ 2,298.652 50 $ 6 2012 $ 2'95 427.90 $ 7 2013 $ '088'41.99 $ 8 2014 $ 1,78,085.55 $ 9 2015 $ 14384,545.77 $ 10 2016 $ 1747,006.20 $ 11 2017 $ 1,25,048.59 $ 12 2018 $ 1,00342.80 $ 13 2019 $ 1 370,086.63 $ 14 2020 $ 1 7,085.73 $ 15 2021 $ 1 ,g 463.46 $ 16 2022 $ 057,058.71 $ 17 2023 $ 810b25.81 $ 18 2024 $ 658.214.34 $ 19 2025 $ 501469.00 $ 20 2026 $ 339'29.43 $ 21 2027 $ 172'30.08 $ 178 137.31 178,137.31 178.137.31 178137.31 178,1 37.31 178\137.31 178137.31 178,137.31 178.137.31 178,137.31 178,137.31 178,137.31 178,137.31 178 137.31 178137.31 178 137.31 171137.31 17837.31 17837.31 17837.31 Probable Total Operating Fee Probable Monthly Base Rate Debt Service Debt Per ERC Interest 123.32 115.25 107.71 100.67 94.08 87.93 82.17 76.80 71.77 67.99 67.99 67.99 87.99 67.99 67.99 67,99 67.99 87.99 87.99 67.99 Probable QVrtity Rafe per 100 cu. Ft. 14.00 S 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.99 S 14.99 S 18.05 $ 16.05 $ 17.18 S 17.18 S 18.39 $ 18.39 $ 19.69 $ 19.69 $ 21.08 $ 21.08 $ 22.57 $ 22.57 $ 24.16 $ 24.18 $ 25.87 $ $ $ 84175.00 $ 81,121.22 $ 77968.20 $ 74 712.71 $ 71,051.41 $ 67`b880.88 $ 64,297.53 $ 80597.74 $ 56,777.70 $ 5233.51 $ 4876611.14 $ 44356.42 $ 40,215.04 $ 35,732.56 $ 31 104.41 $ 28Y`32-5.84 $ 21 391.97 $ 18297.74 $ 11037.96 $ 5,007.23 0.98 1.05 1.05 1.12 1.12 1.20 1.20 1.29 1.29 1.38 1.38 1.48 1.48 1.58 1.58 1.89 1.89 1.81 1.81 1.94 1.94 Debt Principal Paid 93962.31 97,016.08 10069.11 10424.60 108, 75.90 110256.44 113.039.78 117,539.57 1211 359 61 125,303.79 129,378.17 133,580.89 137.922.27 142,404.75 147'032.90 151„811.47 156745.34 161,039.57 167,099.35 172,530.08 Probable Avera e Quant B)II/mo. 10.43 11.18 11.16 11.95 11.95 12.80 12.80 13.70 13.70 14.87 14.87 15.70 15.70 16.81 18.81 18.00 18.00 19.27 19.27 20.83 20.63 Probable City Staff Overhead $ 85,000.00 $ 247,200.00 $ 254,816.00 $ 282,254.48 $ 270,122.11 $ 278,225.78 $ 288,572.55 $ 295,169.73 $ 304,024.82 $ 313,145.58 $ 322,539.93 $ 332,218,13 $ 342,182.61 $ 352,448.09 $ 363,021.53 $ 373,912.18 $ 385,129.55 $ 398,883.43 $ 408,583.93 $ 420,841.45 • A11 ARR 7.1 Scheduled Capital Improvement scneauiea imp -- PRV & Booster Pump Trunk Line Beacon Light Meters Meters Meters, Mast PI, Pu Trunk Line Beacon Light Meters & Shop Meters Meters Meters Trunk Line Beacon Light Meters Meters Meters Meters " Note: Scheduled Implovements Include he followin !New Well (Brookwood). New Well House. Power. Distribution System to raae. Reservoir and Land Acouisibon Probable Probable Probable Monthly Annual �1tv Bill per 8111 ger Revenue ERC ERC S 24.43 S 293.13 $ 395720.84 $ 25.16 $ 301.98 S 438,181.69 S 25.18 S 301.96 488114.41 $ 25.95 $ 311.42 515,025.47 $ 28.94 $ 323.28 572b85.82 $ 27.78 $ 333.40 S 631282.14 S 28.84 $ 348.10 f 70198.20 $ 29.75 $ 358.94 ! 771,781.41 $ 30.88 S 370.54 859,479.83 $ 31.85 $ 382.14 948447.05 $ 33.08 $ 396.70 1039,045.95 $ 34.09 $ 409.12 1,71898.98 $ 35.39 $ 424.70 1,112 723.78 $ 38.50 $ 438.01 1147,75.03 $ 37.89 $ 454.89 1 191 282.08 $ 39.08 $ 468.93 1' 2883.83 $ 40.57 $ 486.79 $ 1t75)188.59 $ 41.84 $ 502.04 $ 1,015,032.55 $ 43.43 $ 521.16 $ 1,385,428.89 $ 44.79 $ 537.48 $ 4095.03 $ 46.50 $ 557.95 $ 1.481828.17 Present Probable Probable Worth of Cost of Hookups Account4unded Account -funded Improvement Improvement $0 $0 $0 so $140,000 $0 $400,000 $10,500 $10,500 $40,500 $450,000 $521,000 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $450,000 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 1A114111 SO so So $170,331 $0 $528373 S14,370 $14.945 $59,950 $692,754 $834,138 $17,483 $18,183 $18,910 $842,842 $20,453 $21,271 $22,122 $23,007 1385 7.11 Probable Bond Issue $ $ 2,590,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Loan -funded Improvement Cost Probable Account Investment Income S 5,552.00 $ 741.38 S 747.88 $ 101178.19 $ 14/12.48 $ 155.08 $ 2830.98 S 18 0447.84 S 33 p.35 S 54'w 6.14 $ 7545.81 S 81,127.29 $ 39 557.22 $ 50,34.79 S 63'27.81 S 77, .13 $ 59898.58 $ 74,7b5.49 $ 91,483.98 S 110141.70 $ 13045.82 Total Hookup Income 850 + 1.500 95 2.590.00000 $80,325.00 101 $237,620.25 108 $254,253.87 116 5272,051.42 124 $291,095.02 133 8311,471.88 142 5333,274.89 152 $356,603.92 162 $381,566.20 138 $324,488.15 O $0.00 O 5000 O $000 O $000 O $0.00 0 $0,00 O 50.00 O $000 O W 00 O $0.00 O $000 Probable Total Water Account Income 401 27284 44.(823.05 471882 27 52501.88 586,77-8.30 846 837.21 728,'29.19 791 829.25 0019 1,003,053.19 ..57 1,133,02626 1152 81.00 1 198 t9 82 . 49:69 6os.sA 95 A3.5.45.15 1390.08,04 1.458_82.87 1.518.,1;,16.73 1.591,73.98 Probable City Net Income 26 272.84 $ 18$5.74 $ 41888.98 $ 8709.87 $ 13818.88 $ 190''74.12 $ 281819.32 $ 318 522.21 $ 41122.85 S 511,70.31 S 813-14.33 $ 622_J2.82 $ 831 81.08 S 88724.42 3 $ 711.04 $ 753;43.48 $ 771-1 8.30 $ 815, :17.30 $ 870171.63 $ 919357.97 $ 98089.98 I Probable IEmergency & Account I retina Balance I_eseve Fund Oct 1 I $ 138,800.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 180,397.64 $ 31,200,00 $ 189,403 83 $ 3248.00 $ 230,050 25 $ 33745.92 $ 325, 08 1 $ 35095.78 $ 31417.44 $ 3499.59 $ 538137 46 $ 37,59.57 $ 32086 22 $ 39,477.95 $ 6857.87265 $ 410`57.07 $ 1,159,592 11 I $ 42,899.35 $ 62275511 1 $ 4407.33 $ 1221,27518 $ 46`'` 8-33_.62 $ '77' 594.08 I $ 48,30.97 $ 94989 28 I $ 49`955221 $ 1,248,883 01 1 $ 51,050.29 $ ,578,30281 1 $ 54.028.31 $ 1115,492 33 1 $ 56,189.44 $ 1,481 13 $ 58437.01 $ 1,78..90 93 $ 60774.50 $ `818458 70 $ 63 05.48 $ 193,088 42 $ 657 .69 $ 97127.43 $ 68,363.04 Capital Reolac. & Improve. Fund S 108800,00 S 14197.84 $ 15655.63 $. _197104.33 $ 290,381.31 $ 278117.88 $ 500 77.89 $ 280 808.27 $ 844,1558 $ 1,118„02.75 $ 1,78,047.78 $ 1'h7591.56 $ 629563.12 $ 899,037.07 $ 1 194 932.71 $ 1,24 x/4.30 $ %059.89 $ 1`4231.12 $ 1,618216.43 $ 2255,051.23 $ 2 728 32.73 $ .908, .39 F eunlgpiilm r nancial Pro}ection - City w Wezaem Exp, .gion Heidi Etfoii K(uiS Ilii INPUTS: I7 Probable Annual Investment Interest Rate Probable Annual Overhead Inflation Rate Probable Annual Capital Costs Inflation Rate Probable Annual Operating Fee Increase Rate Probable Annual Energy -Related Fee Increase Rate Initial Base Annual Operation Fee Initial Number Equivalent Residential Customers Initial Per -Customer Operating Fee, per Year Growth Rate of New Customers Probable Annual Bond Interest Rate Probable Bond Term, Years Bond Amount Annual Bond Payment PROJECTIQN: Plan Year i twit Yr. Avera wiit tOct 1) Res d rrOM r e al Customers 1 2 3 4 8 99 T 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1Y Z1 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 15 16 2017 2018 2019 1,11! 132 152 175 201 231 266 306 352 405 465 535 615 708 814 936 1,078 1,238 1,423 1.637 �rgpable perabng Fee per Cust mer 1 s S 41 8.22 8.51 8.80 9.11 43 .77 .11 .46 0.83 1.21 2.41 f2. 3.33 3.80 4.28 4.78 Plan Year Yr. Priniicel of Debt Service Pot 1) Debt Payment 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 12 13 14 2015 2016 11 7 18 9 $ Oab png Fee 4.00% 3.00% 4.00% 3.00% 0.50% $ 10,000.00 1350 $ 741 15% 0.00% 0 ProbhlPP Monthly Y Base to alpm Rate 1 Debt Ince bt Per EC tnterest I 1 ou 10 Mt. 0.98 11..K 00 1.12 .99 1.12 I'l9$ 1Ili I , 1, 1, 1 .18 $ 1, 1.39 5 1 18.39 1!�° 19ij 1.A, 1. 22 tl 1.F I. 0.)66 0.1 $ 1.1i Its s 1. 25.87 $ 1. ��projJ br@atb�lee Y��e vert: f imo. 1 1 1 poet i Principal P;Fgat je Paead 681 Initial Base Rate, per ERC per Monti Initial Quantity Rate, per CCF Initial Average use per ERC, 100's cu. Ft Initial Average Annual Charge per ERC Rate Review Interval, Years New Base Rate, per ERC per Month New Quantity Rate per 100 cu. Ft New Annual Average Charge per ERC Initial Average Monthly Water Bill New Average Monthly Water Bill t'rotiAiDie Annual Bill per ERC 4,U 5 30. 31.85 33.06 34 (n pr uled C,ggit nt improvement of gapttal Improvement Prqbable City Revenue 293.13 S 301. 301. 11. progyble r SSW 356, 370, 382. 70 12 424.70 438.01 69 .83 486.79 502.04 F5 .16 57 7. Probable CCo�ossptt� of fm rovement 50 SO SO SO Trunk Line Beaco 3450.000 $779,2 SO trunk Line Beaco 5450.000 $1,025. . Pryyle ps rrft.64 ble $825 $ 0.98 10.64 $ 174.25 2 $ 14.00 $ 0.98 $ 293.13 $ 14.52 $ 24.43 probable A=unt Investment Income $ $ Probable Total Water unt Income 1000, $ 2 $ 3 $ S. . s 7 7.01 S 104.53 $ 1319.0 $ 1811i $ 23, $ 29 $ 37ti/41.35 S 43`29.1 g 52.� 1.94 S 2,269401..1 $ �45s S 60 "g41 S 79`` .12 $ 1035 0.71 $ 13303.49 $ 16945.29 $ 212,567.71 $ 4338.51 a781.71 F4,1 F4,1 677 6 93, L55 113, .84 136 .72 184,307.99 198227.38 23,1 68.55 278,06 ,1.72 145.78 370.80 D64.18 777.76 9368973.16 1.125.738.14 Loan-rwiled Total Probable Improvement Hookup Account Cost Income Balance 850 Oct 1 ;.: r'' 00 0.00 512,750.00 $ r� +.64 314,66250 $ 79179.34 316661.88 $ 11459.72 $19'1.16 $ 168,758.05 83 $ 232 676.36 ,644.80 $ 31 67 529 491.52 S 4 1,044.70 h $33„`,'15.25 $ 53.4430.32 46 $39,002.54 $ 684838.18 53 344 852.92 $ 8672903.62 61 $5480.86 $ 102033.54 $59317.99 $ 1,21635.41 $68.215.69 $ 1,4`6934.84 378 448.04 $ 998 497.76 $90'15.25 $ 1355%5.93 $t 747.54 $ 1,800 519.90 st ti30s.67 s 2,353\06.04 5137.12 $ 303919.38 5157,787.03 $ 6883115.51 5181,455.09 $ 4,t73473.64 $0.00 $ 4.867.943.92 86 213 0 PlRee et income 20.312.84 N..0 44 57 831.24 134.03 106769.11 124 073,P1 1f, 49,788 165326.71 283,D54.52 317198, 566. 484 592, .70 726 .43 88'438.09 1.07277.03 Emerg Acy & Capital Replac. Opera & Improve. Reserve Fund Fund 4 $ $ $ $ $ 4 $ $ $ $ 4 $ 4 Z6 'i,t 00 27.040.00 28 121 60 2946.46 3016.32 31 32.98 32,898.29 34,214.23 35,582.80 37,006.11 38,486.35 40 025.81 41626.84 43291,91 46023.59 4624.53 697.51 5045.41 5671.23 54 778.08 569.20 22,062.64 5139.34 90`.12 139 511.59 20204 280..70 379148.41 500,216.10 649255.38 836897.52 98247.19 1,176,609.60 124�S08.10 205.85 1 310 762.35 1,756695.37 2,30408.53 2 96673.97 6810 444.28 1816'g3.56 4.810.674.72 t AT EAGLE RIVER A Live-Work-JJalk Residential Community by Brownstone Capital, Inc. Eagle, Idaho 1 saw AT EACLE RIVER Strong, sustainable, healthy communities have: — Pedestrian friendly layouts \v ith mixed -uses — Parks, green space and access to nature — Strom? economies — Balanced budgets — A mix of housing products for a wide range of residents Properly planned density... — Enhances our community's economic competitiveness by attracting a diverse resident base; — Reduces commuting time — Protects the environment — Reduces pressure on local budgets through increased tax revenue — Creates Vibrancy and a sense of community 2 AT EACLE RIVER Compact development reduces local infrastructure costs and saves taxpayer dollars. — Average annual cost to service a new family of four (police, fire, highway, schools and sewer): 1 Compact suburban Shelby Count), KY — $88.27 1 Sprawling Pendleton County, KY — $1,222.39 — Sources: I3rool;ings Institution 10. AT EAC.LF RIVER Today's fastest growing households are: — Young professionals — Empty nesters — Single parents — Couples without children — and Senior citizens These households create demand for: — Town homes and condominiums and — The Live -Work -Walk experience 3 Density and livability must go hand in hand to develop a sustainable community. Sustainability "Sustainability is an economic state where the demands placed upon the environment by people and commerce can be met without reducing the capacity of the to provide for future generations. It can also be expressed in the simple terms of an economic golden rule for the restorative economy: leave the world better than you found it, take no more than you need, try not to harm life or the environment, make amends if you do." The Ecology of Commerce by Paul I-Iavv kins 4 "Our expectations for this neighborhood are equally as high as the Cite of Ea.gle's elected officials. we are committed to assisting Eagle's revitalization and diversity ordinances without sacrificing quality, livability, and sustainability. we vv ill make our community better than vTe found it." John Mallctta I3rowwnstonc Capital We are excited to introduce ... AT EAGLE RIVED` A community that will serve as the benchmark for a sustainable future. 5 Terrazza at Eagle River has been in the design process for the last 2 years taking into consideration the beautiful site, it's surroundings, the City of Eagle's ordinances, design guidelines, and comprehensive plan. Our intent is to create a sustainable, "Live -Work - Walk" community that offers recreational amenities, accessibility, and livability. Site Plan 6 Site Data 5.85 Acre Site (4.9 Acres outside of F1oodk yay) Sixty-six (66) total residences — 26 Condominiums 11,100 to 1,300 sq. ft — 40 To\v nhomes 11,800 to 2,200 sq. ft. 1 13.46 dwelling units per acre. (A reduction in the Comprehensive Plan Guidelines by 6.53 units per acre or 33%) 1 2.45 acres of Common Area and Open Space (42% of the site) The Location Adjacent to M erri 11 Park Less that 1 mile from Downtown Eagle 2 minute walk to the new .Ea1e Park & Ride Complimentary use to the adjacent Eagle River Commercial Development — Development including a Hilton Hotel, offices, retail shops, banks, restaurants, St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, Idaho Athletic Facility. "Mr. Chairman, the Park 'n Ride it is current[) being constructed on th City i ofEagie E• g ie Planner. 7 ,14110144/1.10444, '...eile Easement Parking Option A: Dircct drive -i11 with quick access to the Park. Option 13: Drive thru style parking Extensive landscaping Safe off drive isle parking. Existing Sidewalk Proposed Shade Tree Existing- Mernll Park 90 Parking Existing Fence to Remain Proposed Paver Crossing Easement Parking Option A Easement Parking Option B 8 Tuscan -Andalusian Design Building elevations that meet or exceed the guidelines of the "Eagle Architecture and Site Design" Book Enhanced Wetland and Riparian area Intensive landscaping Improved Buffer between Merrill Park and Residences Pool and Clubhouse Water features The Design The Amenities 1 Clubhouse featuring Great Room with Gourmet Kitchen and Fitness Center Exterior Pool, Spa and BBQ Area 1 Comprehensive Landscaping 1 Access to the paved Greenbelt and Merrill Park I Added overflow parking for Merrill Park 'eII ch for it." Mr. Tom Jacobs, MIS Eagle Planning & Zoning 9 I C 1 • �+1 - Miagaled Welland Area planted rich wetland speaes as , !Fw-V54..it +A. upprovr.'d ui the A0. permit. ,, �TM •�:.V . tii:. :� r to - ^y,.-:=Ta1,s:. Shade Trellis's 1 Picnic tables 1 Water feature Pavers 1 Landscaping 3 DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON FENCE . r TRELLIS WITH BENCH WATER • FEATURE - 1 Streetscapes designed to provide a unique, private, safe, and intimate environment. 3 Designed for the health, safety and welfare of residences. Environmentally friendly design, creating a village atmosphere encouraging the live, walk, work lifestyle. 3 Pedestrian friendly communit} offering access the Greenbelt, Boise River, Eagle River, and Merrill Park. No cars will be allowed to be park in driveways or roadway s. Pedestrian Pathways 10 Pedestrian Pathways "Mr. Chairman, I'm really excited about this. I definitely think this is something that Eagle needs to be doing more of, and I thought the presentation was great. I think this plan is logical. The sidewalk issue doesn't bother me too much because it's going to be mainly residents, and I think it might even add a little character to have it done differently. So you know your standard sidewalk in there may actually lessen. the aesthetic appearance in a lot of ways...." Mr. Tom Jacobs Eagle, Planning S: Zoning Access to the Greenbelt Emergency and Public Access within Merrill Park and Eagle River. Access points exist as close as 25 feet from Terrazza's property line. 1 Designated public access to the Greenbelt via Terrazza creates security, privacy, liability, and safety issues for the residents. 11 44. Architecture Tuscan & Andalusian Reflections •:•••;.7:. .41 Photo imaue,, Iron) - I Lim:an and Andalusian Rct1cetions- 13a,,,,enian, Ligon' Architect,. .411.11 • 12 Photo images from "Tuscan and Andalusian Reflections" by: Bassenian/ Lagoni Architects 13 Park Side Elevation CONDO 1.:1.1.:V IO ss Park Side Elevations 35' Maximum Building Height (City of Eagle's allowed height for a MU zone) 1 The majority of the building facade (80%) is under 35' in height 1 The building elevations contain varying elements of design, contrast, and height providing a soft and interesting transition from landscape to hardscape. 14 Terrazza building designs are compatible with the commercial buildings in Eagle River which are typically 35'in height, while adding more of an old world. architecture to the area. The Hilton Garden Inn exceeds the maximum heizht. Intensive landscaping will include a 2tall decorative landscape wall and a 3' tall wrought iron fence along the park boundary. all these taller buildings look nice. within a reasonable 35 foot which I think is great." Mr. Tom Jacobs Nagle, Planning & Zoning Park Side Section Building Max 35 High Proposed ' Proposed Condominium Landscape Improvements Proposed 3' Decorative Wrought Iron Fence Section A Proposed — Existing 2' High Sandstone Park Pathway Retaining Wall 15 otograpii Location 16 The City of Eagle Planning & Zoning (June 5. 2006) "l also think it is a great project. I've been saying that we need some, 1 guess for Lagle, affordable housing, but that more people can live, work and play here and keep people ()lithe roads. Mr..lason Pierce, Chairman Eagle, Planning SL /oning 1 "Mr. Chairman, I'm really excited about this. I definitely think this is something that Lagle needs tO be doing more of, and I thought the presentation was great. I think this plan is logical. 7 Mr. Tom .Jacobs Lagle, Planning & Zoning "...the mixed-use is just that and all vVC'Ve Seen IS commercial development (unintelligible). And part of the mixed-use you know philosophy is to live, work! and play. So I think it is a well thought out project with specific conditions (unintelligible). Ms. Sue Lien Eagle, Planning & Zoning Contact Us John Malletta Vice President Brownstone Capital, Inc. 435 E. Shore Dr., Suite 130 Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 938-5115 Doug Russell The Land Group 462 E Shore Drive, Suite 100 Eagle, ID 83016 (208) 939-4041 17 18