Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 07/11/2006 - Workshop EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Budget Workshop Minutes July 11,2006 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 5: 12 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Threatened or Dendinl! litil!ation. l.c. S67-2345 (t) Mayor introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves to go into Executive Session for discussion on Threatened or pending litigation. I.C. ~67-2345 (t). Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES MOTION CARRIES......................... Council goes into Executive Session at 5: 15 p.m. Council discusses threatened or pending litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Mayor introduces the issue. Presentation bv Ada County Prosecutors Office - Ax Yewer Ax Yewer: I'm here to answer any questions that the City Council has. General discussion on the Ada County Proposal for Prosecuting Services. Council Member Guerber: Discusses the possibility of getting reports from the Prosecutors Office at least on a quarterly basis. Ax Yewer: That might be a possibility. We are now in the process of computerizing our processes. Our Attorney's actually do not report our hours until the case has actually closed. Scott Bandy: Discusses the procedures at the Ada County Prosecutor's Office. Discussion on having a report that show how many cases are being handled and the type of cases. Ax Yewer: We possibly do a reporting on the types of cases. Possibly we could report at the same meetings as the Sheriffs Department. Discussion on providing a written report. Council concurs to continue with the Ada County Prosecutor's Office for the next fiscal year. Water: I. Water Fund - Budget personnel costs for a City managed water department 2. Public Works Director 3. Capital Improvements - Budget Considerations United Water Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineer, distributes hand outs to the Council and discusses the same. General discussion on the DEQ Loan and the construction process. Vern provides Council an overview of the Budget for the DEQ Loan funds. Discussion on the personnel needs for a city water department, including a Public Works Director. Council discussion on hiring a Public Works Director. Page] K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Arealre -07-ll-06spmin,doc City Clerk Bergmann: While we are talking about hiring, are you considering hiring our own plumbing and electrical inspectors? In addition to hiring these inspectors we would need to have the costs for vehicles put into the budget. Mike Mongelli, Building Official, provides Council information on how much revenue the State of Idaho realizes from City plumbing and electrical permits and how much the State pays to the City from the fees. Discussion on the salary range for the inspectors. Discussion on the job descriptions. We will have to give a 3 month notice to the State to terminate our contracts. Council concurs to proceed with the hiring of a plumbing and electrical inspector and putting money in the budget to purchase 2 vehicles for the inspectors. General discussion on building permits for this fiscal year. General discussion on the inspectors using lap tops in the field and use wireless internet connections. General Fund: I. Emergency Fund - General discussion. Council concurs to increase the budget amount to $20,000. 2. Contingency Fund - General discussion. Council concurs to establish a contingency fund. 3. Diversified Bond Fund - State Treasurer - General discussion. Council concurs to set aside $250,000 to start the Diversified Bond Fund. General discussion on the property tax projection. General discussion Western Area of Impact. General budget discussion on administrative expenditures. The remainder of the items will be discussed at the next Budget Workshop. 4. New City Hall: a. Monument Sign - what type of sign? Stand alone sign by Library sign or incorporate with Library sign? b. Flag Poles - $6,000 for 3 poles and installation. Location? 5. Professional Dues and Fees 6. SAG 7. FY05/06 Western Area of Impact 8. Neighborhood Enhancements 9. Property Taxes 10. Equipment needs II. 4th of July Celebration Parks: I. Recreation Department Director - Employees 2. Dry Creek pathway under State Street Personnel: I. COL for FY 06/07 2. PZ Department - additional planners Page 2 K\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC.07-11-06spmin.doc 5. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor adjourns the meeting. Respectfully submitted: -~~~.nBER~A~ CITY CLERK/TREASURER ,..........."" ,.", C \ T yo'.... ,fit ....... 'J;o L-. "'.. ....- -.V-.tiI' :' .. cORp .. -y ~ i I. o~ -.. 0 ~ =. ..,.r"'- : CoIl :,. " '. .-\ : tTl : : .-1 'n Q.~' m: : . .0 <::..A!I . \7,..1'.. '"~~ : ..,n.o <.. . \ ~ -.:-i7'ED ,.1' · l 4',# 0 J;t ...... ~..'" "'" IDAl\O "".. ',',........,.' Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC -07-11-06spmin doc