Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 06/20/2006 - Workshop EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Budget Workshop Minutes June 20, 2006 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 5 :50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. BUDGET DISCUSSION ITEMS: Mayor: I would ask to amend the Agenda to put Parks in the first discussion. Guerber: So moved. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... ... PARKS: Pathway Streamside Subdivision: City Attorney Buxton: We had a Development Agreement for Streamside that required them to put the pathway in and we actually have money set aside for the pathway. The pathway would not have been developed until such time that the path on each side of it coming in from Bandbury and Westover Lakes and these have been completed. It appears to us that these other pathways are going in and it makes sense for you to go ahead and have the pathway at Streamside also built. Mayor: It is my understanding that one of the property owners has encumbered the easement by building over it. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: The two pathways identified on the plat are located between Lots 28 and 29 which are on the North side of the subdivision and the other one is at the far West of the Subdivision that extends along Lots 2 I and 22. The easement area between Lots 28 and 29 the owner on the West side of the easement encroached a little bit with their flat work for a drive way. There is still sufficient room within the easement area to get something through there. Our recommendation is to have both lots surveyed so that we identify the property pins. The survey can be done for $1,400. The wetlands will have to be identified. General discussion. Removing the brush could take three to four loads about $300 per load. We have volunteer work to move the sprinklers. 120 yards of cinders at an estimate of $2,100. Clear and grub the pathway approximately $9,000 but it could be less if we can get volunteers. Supervising the project by Holladay Engineers would be approximately $300. We have a total estimate of$15,593 less the $5,000 we are currently holding from the developer. Cost to the City would be $10,593. The Pathway Committee would like to see this work done this fiscal year. General discussion. Beagle Park: Mick McCurry, I called the City of Boise and asked them what their plans were for the park. I was informed that they have nothing in their 5 year plan for Beagle Park. They were counting on Capital Youth Soccer to come up with some funds. They are looking at Eagle for infrastructure. They were looking to Eagle to take the lead and Page 1 K.\COUNCIL'JI..lINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-20-06spmindoc start the development and once that happens they may be able to get some money into their budget. General discussion on the Development Agreement for Beagle Park. Council will look at the total budget before deciding to dedicate any funds to Beagle Park. General discussion on a 5 year Strategic Plan for Parks. City Attorney Buxton: Discussion on the request for proposals received for a Parks Master Plan. The City received a few responses one of which was WRG for $60,000. They sent a contract over and their scope of work and after reviewing the scope of work it is probably in excess of what you need because a lot of the information they are proposing to gather you already have. There are other parts to the contract that are completely unacceptable. We may want to go ahead and reject all of those proposals at this time and go out for a different proposal because it appears that there are other people that may be interested. Also we may be able to combine this with other things that we are doing like looking at the BLM property. My recommendation to you is to amend the Agenda and reject all of the bids at this time. General discussion. General Park improvements: Park Committee is meeting tomorrow night. Discussion on the restroom at Friendship Park, a trash enclosure at OK Park and repairing of the Skateboard Park. Council concurs to move forward with assessing the repair of the Skateboard Park and adding funds in the budget for the repairs. Discussion on the completion of Guerber Park. Council would like funds dedicated to the Eagle Sports Complex. Discussion on the bumpers for the Roller Hockey. Recreation Department Discussion on sewer and water to Friendship Park. Discussion repair to the Brookwood Pathway. Discussion on acquiring the BLM land for a park. Discussion on starting a recreation department. The remainder of the items will be continued to the next Budget Workshop. GENERAL FUND: 1. New City Hall: a. Monument Sign - what type of sign? Stand alone sign by Library sign or incorporate with Library sign? b. Flag Poles - $6,000 for 3 poles and installation. Location? c. Maxi-Com for new City Hall? 2. Emergency Fund Page 2 K\COUNCIL\.\.lINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC -06-20-06spmin.doc 3. Professional Dues and Fees 4. SAG 5. FY05/06 Western Area ofImpact 6. Neighborhood Enhancements 7. Property Taxes PERSONNEL: 1. Public Works Director 2. Recreation Department Director - Employees 3. Water Fund - Budget personnel costs for a City managed water department MISCELLANEOUS: 1. Development Service Fees 2. Urban Renewal 4. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted: ~U-LLO ~r-euY4~n,~ "'SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER Page 3 K:\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-20-OQspmin,doc City of Eagle Law Enforcement A strategy for paying for growth GARY RANEY, SHERIFF Growth Goal Ensure Eagle's civil services grow with the city without adding a financial burden to existing citizens while providing the same level and quality of service that residents have come to expect SHERIFF'S OFFICE GARY RANEY, SlIEI�IFF Paying for Growth ➢Eagle will continue to see growth around -74 Who will pay for this growth? ➢Recommend growth pays for itself GARY RANEY, SHERIFF 600 500 400 300 200-� 100-' oJ- Growth History Eagle Growth by Permits Alv 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 • New Residential Permits ❑ New Non -Residential Permits GARY RANEY, SHERIFF Growth Projection 40000 30000' 20000-' 10000- 0' Growth History & Projection 2000 2006 2015 ❑ COMPASS ❑ Eagle SHERIFF'S OFFICE US Census GARY RANEY, SHERIFF How growth pays for itself Require developers to provide estimated costs from service agencies in their package for city approval For example: Today, Eagle has a ration of 1 deputy/1,000 citizens. To maintain that level of service, Eagle decides to charge $ to provide patrol services per house (or permit). That $ would be added to the city's law enforcement budget to add the additional deputy (or equipment or vehicle) in order to ensure the same level of service is provided. GARY IRANEY, SHERIFF How growth pays for itself RECOMMENDATIONS ➢ City of Eagle determines cost* of patrol services by looking at: • the number of homes planned for the development; • the current ratio of deputies to residents in Eagle; • the cost of a patrol; and • the cost of a patrol per household ➢ Bill developers for the number of building permits approved • The one-time fee covers patrol -associated costs until residents move in and local governments establish the tax structure that will pay for the police services required GARY RANEY, SHERIFF Conclusions s( Eagle will continue to grow at a rate of about 25% over the next 20 years ✓ Growth costs all of us ✓ Developers should absorb these costs until the tax structure can SHERIFFS OFFICE GARY RANEY SHERIFF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-02-06/RZ-02-06 & PP -03-06 - Annexation/Rezone from RUT to R -E -DA & Thompson Acres Subdivision - Patriot Capital Partners. LLC June 20, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE et,/ aLerZos 93q -44-4-14z NAME ALK 2-Pcege-2 Page 1 of H \COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON \es EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-02-06/RZ-02-06 & PP -03-06 - Annexation/Rezone from RUT to R -E -DA &. Thompson Acres Subdivision - Patriot Capital Partners, LLC June 20, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of H:ICOUNCIL\AGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD Lower Boise River Green LiDAR Project June 2006 Proiect Overview The project area is the lower Boise River from Lucke Peak Dam to the Snake River (see F=ig. 1). The project goal is to acquire green LiDAR (Light Detecting and Ranging) for the river and the 500 -year floodplain. LiDAR technology is one of the most accurate and cost-effective ways to capture wide -area elevation information to produce highly detailed Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Green LiDAR is an emerging r . Digital technology that is available for this project using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL) operated by the National Atmospheric and Space Administration. Recent applications have been done on streams in the Middle Fork Salmon River. Idaho. the Platte River in Nebraska and the Walker I.ake in Nevada. Potential Applications Green LiDAR vas selected as the technology for this project because it penetrates water. providing a seamless map of riparian vegetation. floodplain topography and channel banks and hedforms over whole stream networks (bathymetric contours). In addition. green LiDAR can provide accurate terrestrial information namely. a "bare earth" elevation grid (see Fig. 2) and a "first return- elevation grid (see Fig. 3). These topographic products can then be used to create contours or for flood risk evaluation. and to determine floodplain and stream banks. The data can also be used in groundwater models. The first return grid can be used to determine building footprints and to map vegetative cover. LiDAR can be integrated with other data sets. including orthophotos. multispectral. hyperspectral and panchromatic imagery (see Fig. 4). LiDAR is combined with Geographic Information System (GIS) data and other surveying information to generate complex geomorphic -structure mapping products. building renderings. advanced three dimensional modeling/earthworks and many more high quality mapping products. A green LiDAR product showing the contours of a streambed (bathymetric contours) is in Fig. 5. Partners Federal. state and local agencies and non governmental organizations have research and management interests on the Boise River that will be advanced by the LiDAR data. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is willing to cost share on this project if there are contributing partners providing evidence of local interest and commitment. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has agreed to be the contracting agency for this project. The USBR needs Ietters of commitment by Friday. June 23. in order for the project to proceed. The contact person is: Allyn Meuleman. 383-2258. ameu l eman ' u, pn. usbr. go v June 19. 2006 1 Lower Boise River Green LiDAR Project Cots N. -ASA flight time. equipment. 51 10.000 Personilel. overhead Data processing. 65.000 Quality control around truthingz 5.000 TOTAL 5180.000 Funding U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 47% Idaho Department of Water Resources 36% in-kind contribution—data processing. Local governments 11% U.S. ArmCoI-ps of Fi3 ineers 3/0 Flood Control Districts 10 and 11 Harris Ranch and Trout Unlimited — Ted Trueblood Chapter 3% June I9, 2006 Lower Boise River Green LiDAR Project -AF:t JI • • Boise River • Study Area Lower Boise Green LiDAR Collection Area 2006 J June 1 Q. 2006 Lo‘\ er Boise River Green LiDAR Prc'iect .441rAkilik". " : r f w w I i(lure 2 Bare I=::rth 4.94t...;{,,. -._41.,,,,,.„€,,...„.......,.--_....., .. 1.t _ t r // �, • i is , .—`--�1(.. 4 i . :.'� - • `` -.4.4;f,'' • '!Si r . f ' �! .C. +,hr• - 1 .11.1�.`.,il ; . • Filzure 3. First Return Figure 4. NAII' Imagery June 19. 2006 Lover Boise River Green LiDAR Project Fizure 5. Bathymetric Contours June 19. 2006 Lo er Boise Ri\ er Green LiDAR Project City of Eagle Primary Roll Assessment Notice Summary As of 6/16/2006 2006 City of Eagle Total (preliminary) 2005 actual Total City of Eagle Market Value 2,722,294,600 1,939,025,600 Total City of Eagle Taxable Value k 2,333,157,119 1,698,445,972 (taxable values exclude HOE & Urban Renewal) Residential Residential Residential Market Value 2,385,780,300 1,679,419,100 Residential Parcel Count 8,259 7,713 (residential includes farms & manufactured homes) Commercial Commercial Commercial Market Value 336,514,3001 259,606,500 Commercial Parcel Count 1,1671 1,041 (commercial includes personal property) Comparison of Previous Year New Construction Residential (including manufactured) New Residential Count Commercial (including remodels) New Commercial Count New Subs/Change Status New Constructions 240,231,999 166,418,299 514 29,861,400 53 43,952,300 170,432,669 117,501,969 447 16, 671, 300 45 36,259,400 Increase Estimates value increase of existing residential improved properties 24.3% average 4.58% average 22.6% median 4.27% median % value increase for existing commercial improved properties 17.0% average 5.15% averaoe 11.0% median 1.50% median Residential Property Tax Burden Commercial Property Tax Burden (Operating Property & Sub Roll Included in calculation) Assessment Notices Assessment Notice Mailing Date 5/26/2006 Number Mailed 9,426 2005 83.63% 16.37% 5/27/2005 8,754 % Change 2005-06 40.39% 37.37% 42.06% 7.08% 29.62% 12.10% 40.95% 41.63% 14.99% 79.12% 17.78% 21.22% 6/20/2006 April 6, 2006 Pfeffer Property, 801 Los Luceros Pfeffer Property/Simpson Property April 6, 2006 Simpson Property, 751 Los Luceros Simpson Property/Was Property, 651 Los Luceros Aptil 6, 2006 Thompson Property Marchus Property, 605 Rooster Ln STOEL RIVES -4r,,,fri.,416,1. ATTORNEYS AT LAW June 20, 2006 City of Eagle, Idaho c/o Susan Buxton, Esq. Moore Smith Buxton and Turcke, Chartered 950 West Bannock Suite 520 Boise, ID 83702 KRIS J. ORMSETH Direct (208) 387-4267 kjormseth@stoel.com 101 S. Capitol Boulevard. Suite 1900 Boise. Idaho 83702 main 208.389.9000 fax 208.389.9040 xnvw.stoel.com Re: Conflict Waiver Dear Susan: As you know, we are representing the City of Eagle (the "City") in connection with the possible acquisition of certain private property. As we discussed, from time to time we represent other clients adversely to the City in land use matters and anticipate being asked to do so in the future. Therefore, this letter will confirm our discussions regarding the conditions under which we may represent clients adverse to the City while performing legal services for the City now or in the future. We request that you consent to our present and future representation of any client adverse to the City in land use matters and your acknowledgment that our representation of the City will not disqualify us from representing clients adverse to the City in land use matters as long as two conditions are met: 1. The representation does not involve any work that we have done for the City; and 2. The representation would not place us in a position to use the City's confidential information adversely to it. Because the work that the City has asked us to perform is unrelated to land use matters, we do not believe that there is a material risk that the City's confidential information will be used adversely to it. Similarly, the lack of a relationship between the present matter for which we are representing the City and our work for other clients on land use matters suggests to us that there is little risk that our efforts on the City's behalf will be affected. Although we do not believe that these factors would affect our representation of the City, you should review this yourself. Boise -196509.1 0063595-00001 Oregon Washington California Utah Idaho City of Eagle, Idaho June 20, 2006 Page 2 To emphasize that conflict waivers are important decisions, I recommend that you review the issue of consent with independent counsel. Whether you actually do, however, is up to you. Please let me know if you have any questions. To confirm your consent, I would appreciate your signing the enclosed counterpart of this letter and returning it to me for our files. Sincerely, (:)."....-2-.. Kris J. Ormseth I CONSENT TO THE REPRESENTATION OUTLINED ABOVE. City of Eagle, Idaho By: Its: Dated: Boise -196509.1 0063595-00001