Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 05/16/2006 - Special
Special Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2006
1. CALL TO ORDER: Council President Bastian calls the meeting to order at p.m.
Absent: Mayor Merrill. All present. A quorum is present.
A. Discussion on the Boise River and impact of river flows within the City of Eagle.
Bastian introduces the item.
Mike Mongelli, Eagle Building Official, states that the river flows are to remain at about
7000 cfs according to the information he received from the Bureau of Reclamation. With
the irrigation season starting, it is helping with river flows. General discussion.
B. Discussion of bridges - lTD.
Dick Powell with Idaho Transportation Department. Mr. Powell states that they monitor
the bridges twice a day. The south channel bridge is actually looking better than the
Glenwood bridge. The bridge at Glenwood is experiencing some scouring, which is
when the water begins to swirl and rocks and. The bridges are all quite safe, they are
very strong. In the 30 years Mr. Powell he has only lost one bridge in 1997 and that was
quite a ways north of here. Right now there is about 18" clearance at the south channel
bridge. Mr. Powell encourages people to contact ITD at 334-8300 if they see anything of
concern such as trees caught beneath bridges or other hazards impacting the bridges, and
it will be investigate immediately. General discussion.
Bandy arrives at 6:08 p.m.
Bastian notes that the City has required, by ordinance, that the finish floor elevation of
houses be built 2' above the 100 year base flood elevation. River flows would have to be
16,600 cfs at Glenwood bridge, and 4,900 cfs at the south channel bridge for an event of
this magnitude to impact homes, possibly in their crawl spaces. Guerber comments on
the terminology regarding flooding, and that at this point there has been no massive
damage to homes thus far. Discussion regarding the flooding at Brookwood. The
retention ponds served the function they were created for, thus proving the original
engineering was sufficient.
General discussion regarding the building standards in Eagle and the floodplain
development criteria within Eagle. Because of the strict requirements Eagle has for
building in the floodplain, we have very low flood insurance rates.
C. Discussion of differences in LOMRS and mapping changes. - Mike Mongelli
Mike Mongelli reviews the criteria for LOMRS. Eagles flood zones are the AE and A-I
thru A-30, which is basically a 100-year floodplain or a 1 % chance of this type of event
occur within any particular year. That would be the 16,600 cfs at Glenwood.
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Don Knickerham 1403 Mace Road Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Knickerham is developing a project
in Eagle, Westover Lakes, and thus far there is no water on the developments lots.
Comments on an area on Mace Road that is designated floodway. Right now the Mace
area is dry and everywhere else that its designated floodway is under water. There seems
that some changes have been made. We need better information on what the river
channel capacity is, it appears that the north channel has more capacity available.
Encourages the City to work with the Army Corps to obtain more accurate information.
Guerber moves to adjourn at 6:45 p.m.. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE:
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 6: 45p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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