Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 06/06/2006 - Joint v EAGLE CITY COUNCIL & ACHD COMMISSIONERS Special Joint Minutes JUDe 6, 2006 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: Council: Present: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. ACHD Commissioners: Present: FRANDEN, BIVENS, MCKEE, HUBER, ARNOLD 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Update from ACHD rel!ardinl! their recent reorl!anization of district boundaries, and the effect of the reorl!anization on Eal!le. Mayor introduces the item. A map is distributed by Craig Quintona from ACHD of the new district lines that were adopted on May 24th. Mr. Quintona explains that the re-drawing of district lines was needed to re-distribute population in an effort to have a more equal number of people in each district. Discussion. B. Permit application process for SH 44 access between Eal!le Rd. and Edl!ewood Lane. Mayor introduces the item. Mayor states we would like to confirm ACHD's support of this access. After discussions the application submitted to ITD requesting access needs to list ACHD as an applicant. City Attorney notes that ACHD did provide testimony in support previously. The concerns and desires of the Commission and Council are discussed in regards to the re- submittal of the signalization application. C. Foothills planninl! discussion. (Hwv 16 - Hwv 55 Homer Road - Gem County Line) Mayor introduces the item. The City has been approached by 3 property owners to discuss possible development north of the City which would eventually lead to City limits reaching the Gem County line. With these large developments we believe that a transportation plan for the north foothills area is needed. Franden there has been discussion to have a master plan for this area. Now the concern is funding of the master plan, and determining the scope of work for the plan. Don Kostelec, ACHD staff, states there will be an extensive gathering of data during the next 4-6 weeks. Mike Petrovisky with NEFT A comments on the desires of their foothills preservation group. Discussion. Page 1 K.\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC.06-06-06spag,doc ,/ D. Fundinl! options. - Current and future needs based upon development demands. - Partnerinl! for local option tax capabilities Mayor introduces the item. Nordstrom and Bastian discuss the need for funding alternatives. E. Update on Hill Road extension Mayor introduces the item. Don Kostelec, ACHD staff, states that legal staff is reviewing documents. F. Update on Eal!le Park & Ride Lot. Mayor introduces the item. Don Kostelec, ACHD staff, states that the Ballantyne lot is pretty much done and getting excellent use. There has been an approximately one month construction delay due to weather issues for the Park & Ride at the Hill Road Site. G. Other (time permittinl!) Discussion of bridge safety and river flows.. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.. . Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1 :40p.m. Respectfully submitted: . !Q~~9--K~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: ..,.'111111'"". ..~", "" 0 F B-1 ..... ." ,<t.. ........ 0.; '. .-c;.- -.,. /" .. POR .. ~ \ . I cP" -1 )>J\.. ~ :.. v-\ :. i ! -'.4a i. i s \~ SEAL"': : . ~^. n 0."-: ~ \I.~ e. 0 .....,. -..#. .,~ ..:"OR"1t.~.. ~o , iii.. -, l" ....... ....""" ~ ..... Ii 0 f \\) r;., I',.."........ Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MJNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-06-06spagdoc A CC ACHD Commissioner District Boundaries I=1 3e,,neanes =I ,lerrele Deem' So.ndanci 1-7 1.11,10,1E10,111131,5 City Limits Eagle Wale^ C., Kura Meridian star 4 h. I .4 tM,RWI• ROAD F II Al VIC•i J 111,n1. *P4A1* wIr UN Yavn 2, 2.90,± ACHD i '01111111M 41 ill ',Mr Commiss Census ioner 2000 2000 District Pop. Pop. % 1 60,804 2 60,729 3 59,125 4 60,093 5 59,979 300,730 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100% 2000 - 2005* Pop. Total Ideal 2005 2005 Target Target Pop. Pop. % % Pop. 3,852 64,656 3,473 64,202 9,800 68,925 28,336 88,429 28,715 88,694 74,176 374,906 * Based on COMPASS building permit information 17% 20% 74,981 17% 20% 74,981 18% 20% 74,981 24% 20% 74,981 24% 20% 74,981 100% 100% 374,906 Option B Proposed 2005 Target Pop. Pop. % 75,189 75,932 75,700 73,747 74,332 374,906 Pop. Proposed Balance Pop. Balance Change i Change 20% 10,325 10,533 20% 10,779 11,730 20% 6,056 6,775 20% -13,448 -14,682 20% -13,713 -14,362 100% ( ( (