Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 04/11/2006 - Regular .,/ ORIGINAl EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes April 11, 2006 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Dan Friend, Fire Chief: Discusses the flood exercise implemented for the Dry Creek Canal flooding. Provides Council an overview of the emergency measures taken by the Fire District, The Police Department, ACHD and the City of Eagle. Life safety, public property and private property were our objectives. After the first day we set up our command center in the Brookwood Subdivision club house. One house got water in their crawl space and the rest of the damage was to landscaping that was built in the flood plain. There is a lot of debris left. The water has receded and it is looking pretty good. We have another threat with the Boise River rising each day. We will be having a meeting in the morning here at City Hall to discuss the Boise River. It is important to let the public know what is going on. General discussion. Kirk Hansen, ACHD, we really appreciated your management team on site so we could do the work that needed to be done. The road closure was for local traffic only over the weekend. The area was a construction zone. We needed to have the road closed so we could assess the situation and move our equipment in to do the necessary work. Provides Council an overview of the actions of ACHD on responding to the breach of the canal and the actions taken to repair the canal breach. ACHD has spent approximately $30,000.00. General discussion. The City Clerk will be receiving copies of invoices and expenditures to prepare a spreadsheet to track the costs. Mike Mongelli, Building Official, discusses the need for some additional culverts in the area. We are going to petition for a study of the upper reaches of Dry Creek. The area right off the asphalt is IDWR, the flood way if the City responsibility. We should leave the fill in place. The pathway is functional now. General discussion. Discussion on the work that had been by the Ditch Company on the canal in the Hidden Springs areas. Discussion on the cause of the flooding and possible reimbursement. Mayor: We have a meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. with the Homeowner's Association to discuss the flooding of Dry Creek, provide information for sand bagging and discuss emergency measures in the case of a flood. This has been posted as a special meeting of the City Council. We are getting some calls as the river is rising. We need to discuss Ada County development along the river. Perhaps a letter to the Ada County Commissioners. General discussion on the effects of the rising of the Boise River through Boise and Garden City. I got a call from Boise Mayor Bieter and City Council Member Blisterfelt offering I. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 2. City Engineer Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 3. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 4. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 5. City Attorney Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda Page] K:\COUNCIUMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC -04-11~()(jmindoc 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. Bastian is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Counci1member, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of March 28, 2006. C. Minutes of April 4, 2006. D. Minutes of April 6, 2006. E. ADDroval of alcohol license renewals for 2006/2007: The following license holders have submitted the appropriate documentation and fees: Jackson's Food Stores, Sakura Sushi, DaVinci's, Simply Soft Computer Servo (dba: Six One Six), OM Corp. (dba: Justo's). (SKB) F. ODen Container Dermit: Bogus Basin Recreational Association has requested an open container permit to be used at Merrill Park on April 19,2006 from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (SKB). G. FindiDl!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-6-05 & FP-IO-05 _ Final DeveIoDment Plan and Final Plat for Corrente Bello Subdivision No.1 _ Gemstar DeveIoDment: Gemstar Development, Inc., represented by Bailey Engineering, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Corrente Bello Subdivision No. I, a 51-lot (38-buildable, 13-common, I-existing home) planned residential development. The 41.l6-acre site is located on the north side of Floating Feather Road approximately !/;,-mile west of Eagle Road. (WEV) H. Findinl!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-7-05 & FP-II-05 _ Final DeveIooment Plan and Final Plat for Corrente Bello Subdivision No.2 _ Corrente Bello. LLC: Corrente Bello, LLC, represented by Bailey Engineering, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Corrente Bello Subdivision No.2, an 89-lot (71-buildable and l8-common) planned residential development. The 43.44-acre site is located on the north side of Floating Feather Road approximately !/;,-mile west of Eagle Road. (WEV) I. DR-14-06 - Multi-tenant Office BuiIdinl! within Eal!Ie River Develooment- Kim Evans: Kim Evans, represented by Brian Hauff with Brian Hauff and Associates, LLC, is requesting design review approval to construct a 6,480- Page 2 K\CQUNCIL\M1NUTESITemporar,.' Minutes Work Area\CC-04-1I-06mindoc square foot multi-tenant office building. The site is located approximately 500- feet south of East Shore Drive at 815 South Bridgeway Place within Eagle River Development (Lot 18, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No.5). (WEV) J. DR-15-06 - Master Sil!n Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Buildinl! within Eal!Ie River Develooment - Kim Evans: Kim Evans, represented by Brian Hauff with Brian Hauff and Associates, LLC, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office building. The site is located approximately 500-feet south of East Shore Drive at 815 South Bridgeway Place within Eagle River Development (Lot 18, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No. 5). (WEV) K. DR-16-06 - Multi-Tenant Office BuiIdinl! within Rockv Mountain Business Park No.3 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Travis Burrows, is requesting design review approval to construct a 6,219- square foot two story multi-tenant office building. The site is located on the south side of East Iron Eagle Drive approximately 270-feet east of South Fitness Place within Rocky Mountain Business Park No. 3..(WEV) L. DR-17-06 - Master Sil!n Plan For A Two StOry Multi-Tenant Office BuiIdinl!. Includinl! One Wall Sil!n For Charnev Law Within Rockv Mountain Business Park No.3 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Travis Burrows, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a two story multi-tenant office building, including one building wall sign for Charney Law. The site is located on the south side of East Iron Eagle Drive approximately 270-feet east of South Fitness Place within Rocky Mountain Business Park No.3 (Lot 8B, Block I ).(WEV) M. DR-20-06 - Multi-Tenant Flex Soace BuiIdinl!. Located within Anacona Subdivision - RA55. LLC: RA55, LLC, represented by Alina Jensen, is requesting design review approval to construct a 7,446-square foot multi-tenant flex space building. The site is located on the west side of Anacona Avenue at 1079 South Anacona Avenue within Anacona Business Park (Lot 4, Block I). (WEV) N. DR-21-06 - Master Sil!n Plan for a Multi-Tenant Flex SDace BuiIdinl! within Anacona Subdivision - RA55. LLC: RA 55, LLC, represented by Alina Jensen, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi- tenant flex space office building. The site is located on the west side of Anacona Avenue at 1079 South Anacona A venue within Anacona Business Park (Lot 4, Block I). (WEV) O. DR-22-06 - Common Area LandscaDinl! and Clubhouse within Park Place Gardens Subdivision - Park Place Partners. LLC: Park Place Partners, LLC, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping and the 3,318-square foot clubhouse within Park Place Gardens Subdivision. The 95.32-acres site is located adjacent to Park Lane and Meridian Road approximately 'I.-mile north of Floating Feather Road at 1680 North Park Lane. (WEV) P. DR-23-06 - Two Monument Sil!ns for Park Place Gardens Subdivision _ Park Place Partners. LLC: Park Place Partners, LLC, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, is requesting design review approval to construct two monument signs at the entry to Park Place Gardens Subdivision. The 95.32- acres site is located adjacent to Park Lane and Meridian Road approximately '1._ mile north of Floating Feather Road at 1680 North Park Lane. (WEV) Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MrNUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC-04-II-06mindoc Q. Preliminarv Plat Extension of Time for SvmDhonv Subdivision No.1: Park Hampton LLC, represented by Bryan Martin, P.E. with Toothman-Orton is requesting a one-year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Symphony Subdivision, a 24-lot (2-residential, l8-commercial, 4-common) commercial/residential subdivision. The l6.05-acre development is generally located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and Park Lane.(WEV) R. Findinl!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-17-05/RZ-24-05/CU-14- 05/PP-16-05/PPUD-7-05 Bella Terra Planned Unit Develooment - Ted Martinez: Ted Martinez, represented by Jason Densmer with The Land Group, is requesting annexation, rezone preliminary development plan, conditional use, and preliminary plat approvals for Bella Terra Planned Unit Development, a 89 - lot (73-buildable, 16-common) planned residential development. The 37.79-acre site is located on the east side of North Linder Road approximately a quarter mile north of West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Bandy: A correction on the minutes of April 4, 2006, Page 1 znd paragraph under B. "Bradin" is correctly spelled "Brayton. Guerber moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Bandy. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolution No. 06-14: Fair Housing Resolution. Mayor introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves to approve Resolution No. 06-14: Fair Housing Resolution which provides that discrimination on the basis of reace, color, religion, gender or national origin in the sale, rental, leasing or financing of housing or land to be used for construction of housing or in the provision of brokerage services is prohibited by Title VIII of the 1968 Civil Rights Act (Federal Fair Housing Law). Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: M()1rI()N <:ARRIICS........................ 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Resolution 06-06 - Land Use aoolication fees: The purpose of the hearing is to consider proposed fees, which may exceed 105% of the prior fees, and explain reasons for such fees. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Nichole and I are prepared to give a presentation if the you desire. Genera' discussion on the fee schedule. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Guerber moves to approve Resolution 06-06 -A resolution adopting a fee schedule pursuant to Section 1-7-4 of the Eagle City Code, to provide for the establishment by resolution of fees for land use planning actions; and providing for an effective date. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ Page 4 K.\COUNC1L\I\UNUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC-04-II-06mindoc 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review of letter of intent to ACHD rel!ardinl! the construction of Hill Road and associated landscaDinl!. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughn: Distributes a copy of the April 11,2006 addressed to ACHD in regards to the design of the portion of Hill Road that runs through the City and the intent of entering into a memorandum of understanding that outlines the City's reimbursement of $77,000.00 in FY07. Council Member Bastian joins the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Discussion on the upcoming budgeting processes and some discussion items, such as an emergency fund and enhancement projects to fix sidewalks and etc. in the City. B. Y.M.C.A. AODointments: (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. We are putting together a committee and we have a list of people who are willing to serve on the committee to investigate the construction of an YMCA. Guerber moves to continue this item to the April 18, 2006 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... C. Discussion of need for citizen water committee: (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. I have been requested to put a committee together of citizens to be a watch dog committee on water issues within the City. General discussion. Council would like to see a mission statement and a scope of the work that the committee would be doing. General discussion on water issues. Guerber moves to continue this item to the April 18, 2006 City Council meeting for further discussion and consideration. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES..................... 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None REPORTS: City Attorney Report: The Judicial Confirmation was approved. I will have a resolution on next week's agenda for Council approval. I wrote a letter to Wright Brothers in regards to the Hill Road Park bids. Discussion on the petition in regards to the Lacrosse fields on private property. I will be sending them a letter. City Engineer Brewer, Holladay Engineering: Eaglefield well has been drilled and the casing is supposed to have been installed today. It looks very promising. By the end of the week should get an initial pump and this would set the stage for aquifer test. We are about one year out from being able to use water from the storage reservoir. General discussion. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\Cr -04-1 ]-06min.doc I have photographic evidence of the Dry Creek Canal flooding if the Council would like to review this. General discussion. We are doing a review of the City's ordinance and I will be discussing this with the City Attorney and we may be bringing some recommendations before you. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Keith Atkins our City Forester will be leaving at the end of next week. We have advertised for the position. Keith has done a good job and has left a good track record and we should be able to have good transition. Discussion on Idaho Power Task Force meeting on May 3rd or 4'h Are any of you interested in attending? General discussion. Planner Baird Spencer: Discusses the meeting for Blue Print for Good Growth. We presented our letter and we were told that it would not be presented to everyone. It was recognized that it is a voluntary process. A lot of City's have concerns. Meridian especially has some concerns. General discussion. The Intergovernmental Agreement expired this last September. Discussion on having a Hearing Officer. Most of the small cities did not want a hearing officer. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: We did get the $50,000 letter of credit from Prime Earth City Clerk Report: You each have an envelope with your Key Card and instructions for entering and leaving the building. General discussion. There are mail boxes in the work room for each of you so please check those. This week the counter and cabinets should be installed in the Council Work Room. I have not had the City Seal moved from the old City Hall. I was waiting until a decision was made on where you want to hang the seal. General discussion. The Mayor would like to take the seal home and do some minor repairs on it before it is hung. Council would like the seal hung on the wall behind them. I have provided you a picture of a wall clock available at J.e. Penney's. I can also get one of a similar design with a black rim however it is about $100.00 more. Council concurs that the J.e. Penny's clock is alright. The Library has two live trees that have out grown their space and they want to know if the City is interested in having the trees in the lobby or the Council Chambers. General discussion. The Mayor and I will look at the trees. John Lodman is concerned about the placement of the bollards on the landscaping plan and would like Council to look at the area and decide if they want the bollards placed. General discussion. Council takes a recess to look at the bollard area. Mayor calls a recess at 8:35 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 8:45 p.m. Council concurs to have planters in the area in front of the entrances and bollards at the handicap area. Bollards to match the ones at the Library. Nordstrom: Meet with the Senior Board. They are concerned about their costs. We need to decide what the City can contribute to their expenses. Discussion on their renovation and improvements. Page 6 K\COUNClL\J\f1NUTES\Temporary Minute~ Work Area\CT-04-11-06min.doc Andrew at the Rib Shack would like to rent the kitchen from the Seniors. He also stated that he would buy the building and build the seniors a new building. I told him he would have to discuss this with the seniors. General discussion on the Senior Center income and their expenditures. The Sewer District met Monday night. They discussed the package plants. Genera) discussion on package plants. Guerber: I will be out of town for the April 25th meeting. Bastian: Reports on the Library Board Meeting. I meet the new children's librarian. They are going to remodel the children's area to create an office for the new children's librarian. They are also going to remodel and add an area for the Friends to have their books for sale. The Library is going to have Wright Brothers remove the dish on the roof and they are wondering if this is a City obligation or a Library obligation. The costs will be approximately $600.00. General discussion. Library will pay to take the dish off and the City will repair the roof. Reports on the Legislature. General discussion. Bandy: There is a meeting of the Ada County Air Quality Board. We already talked about the Blue Print for Good Growth. There will be a meeting coming up with Valley Transit. General discussion. Mayor: I meet today with the Ada County Soil Conversation in regards to the BLM land. I meet with Mike Huffaker as you directed me. It is my understanding that Mr. Huffaker is involved with building in Star. He is proposing a transition area for the Council review. He also discussed Judicial Confirmation of the entire area. I'm going to have a meeting on Friday morning with ISU to discuss a community college. General discussion on community colleges. I'm working on getting a committee together to study Eagle Island State Park. We need Fish and Game and Idaho Resources on board. General discussion. General discussion on the Dry Creek Flood. I I. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Acquisition of Drivate orooertv.I.C.9 67-2345(c) B. Threatened or Dendinl! Iitil!ation. I.C. 967-2345 (f) Executive Session is not held. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Page 7 K\CQUNClL\M1NUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\(C -04-II-06min.doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted: 1l~1( B.~--J "'-SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER .',............. "....., Of EAO.... ".... ,,"' ......... (. '^ ~ " .. .. ~..- ! v..' <l-yOR-1l'''' . = : ,0 ~ . ~ :.'" ,*: : * : ~.... . : . . . - i \~ SEAL~'lo ; '=' --.n 9....4J.: ~ ".. ..s>... "~"l'Q."~"'" ,:, ~ .... ~ ~ ........~.-". .......... 'l'S OF \v...... "..,.......,." Page 8 K\CQllNClL\MINUTES\Ternporary Minutes Work Areal('C -04-11-06mindoc Zoning Fees Existing Fee PreliminaryPlat. Y:. _ ..• :r �. .: 4 or less lots 440 more thatn 4 lots 440+16.50/lot Flnal:Plat" :: r2.: ris;I`>:n'tl(dr?. r eii'st• ' �::k:. 11/lot r71.( g. Pji�'... _.,�i'� :`>.:'��`%''....,.. � ., `s•' . <. 'i„•.a,,. ;,:.. _�..-_. ..!':":. _';i'+;''::iw..`:! .: r '. Proposed Fee 1450 +20/lot 600+ 10/1ot 4 or Tess lots/buildings 500 more thatn 4 lots/buildings 500+16.50 PUD:-Finali.?;-� �r,. t+:':!i'. F S x !iA'. Nr.i '•i.n . . w 11/Lot cc y.--/r-ate Change 1010+ 3.5/lot 600+ 1/lot 600+/20/iot 100 + 3.5/lot 20/tot + 9/tot 2•A Development:AgeetnenUAnnexdtlonAgreement'(Except+In M/U Zone then tho PUD. fee le.i';: pix : •1:Tx: ; .:= . .:• ', r' ,'. • '' '_ 0 1 800 + 20/acres 500 nnexat onr_;•..•,.:<fc.. ;r- ,:ji.. - �::};,i: -r :t 3 - -- ..'i> ,e;;E',i;=;Sfi:R'4,:: - 1 acre or less 450 1.1-50 acres 600 1100 varries 650-1000 50.1+ acres 1000 Zonin! 1 or less acres 450 - 1100 650 Over 1 acre 450+20/acre Flood Plain Development Permits'..='.;-•;..'..,•:;.:',.:,:-",'!+-;':' =. .-- ..- 4!:::,..,;:..,:•:-.1•:i:<.. :. �: . , .n.-: .. 1 acre or less 250 250 0 1.1-10 acres 500 500 0 10.1-20 acres 750 750 0 20.1-100 acres 1000 1000 0 100.1+acres 2000 2000 0 Comprehensive Plan Amendment . ..- - Map 1000 \ 2000 700 Text` 1000 I 1500 400 Conditional Use Permit :',-',',..F...',--...... _.. - ��., 4.--.5.i+:.-!,._,'-.2,;.-.::-,",' _ . - - Residential 300+ 10/unit 800+ 10/unit 500 Other 450+ 10/building 800+ 10/unit 350 Variance . ti ;1:,;:: F;is4 <;f4.: ;.:'tsl' :;� ::2,4 :; ss - 300 800 450 Vacation -1 '.:, :; �_n 0; 4`r is.-:; , •: r iz' z;;:,. 300 400 100 Lot Line Adjustment/Lot SpllCf;lr?'"Tr'll ;4a; t' : 100 I 200 50 CIty'Ordlance RevislonX .-: >:r-.4%•ti4' 4;,.' •-1 500 1300 800 Condo.Platt=-= , ._ 4 "- Fi _-s4'~•'' _ =;r=-,'; 200 500 0 Property Status Report.tTr .t- • �:;•': -s`s i Yii� 0 100 100 Appeals W. i . ,;':u�4 ,-,- i2::r=.-:; - r.. =- 100 I 250 Engineering Fees `.i>r� >>qi<. t; ; ',* F !.{: t:nh1:;�r :,i .;w Paid on a fee schedule based upon the current FY contract negoationed with Holladay Engineering, Inc. Design Review Fees Existing Fee 1 Proposed Fee Subdivision:Landscaping w/out bldg 130 I 250+20/acre w/bldg .'ter"• Master Sign Plan 330 350 Single Tenant Sign 130 250 Staff Level Sign 130 60 Architetural Building•Review TtttF. -'-rfr A Muttl-Family Residential 330 +10/unit 400+10/unit Office. Commercial, Industrial 330+10 per 1000 sq ft gross 400+10/1,000 sf Construction:Plan.Review IV.V ::f if1f Mutti-Family Residential 0 150 Office. Commerical, Industrial 0 150 tnspectl'on'Fee i*;f`j, g.':;-;i.`.°;`?`•;r'et_� Tenant 0 100 Landscape 0 150 Building 0 150 Reinspection 60 60 MlscStaff:Leveli t 4t t .•;= paint change, modifications 0 50 EAGLE Eagle New Ada Boise Canyon caldwell Emmett Gem Kuna Meridian Middleton Nampa Star EAGLE Eagle New Oise Canyon Caldwell Gem Kuna Meridian Middleton Nampa Star Pre 2090 3450 1878 947 800 1368 1700 3000 1740 3276 10300 842 2340 Final 1100 1600 0 1200 500 1184 350 500 120 3518 2600 2954 1200 PUD Ranking 2150 2600 4 3808 1 1725 8 2604 3 3500 2 540 10 2111 1 6 1800 1 7 790 1 9 2400 1 5 Total 3190 5050 1878 2147 1300 2552 2050 3500 1860 6794 12900 3796 3540 Preliminary & Final 100 Lots Ranking ] 3 10 8 12 7 9 6 11 2 1 4 5 1400 12000 1000^ N 8000 a tj 6000 4000 2000 0 Planned Unit Development -100 Lots w U 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 — 1000 500 0 ^ Annex Rezone Total EAGLE 1000 2450 3450 New Eagle 1100 1600 2700 Ada 3711 3711 Boise 1811 1811 3622 Canyon 1500 1500 Caldwell 715 943 1658 Emmett 1000 300 1300 Gem 400 400 Kuna 3600 600 4200 Meridian 1206 1206 Middleton 300 I250 550 Nampa 910 811 1721 Star 500 1 500 1000 PUD Preliminary & Final Plat i u u rz D ti Paa �o5 Gado `�a<<, Gel' �Jaa laxaae\D a`ea 0°yeGaC"° Caa�e� Gait ($' �`6 �Qa ��ae a Annexation/ Rezone 100 acres 1 Ranking 4 2 3 7 6 8 12 1 9 11 5 10 69 0 0 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Annexation/Rezone as APV\aA P act°ea\S�e��e�� C2e� *°• c.0ac a`e\oc acC` y\ae G F e 4,6 Comprehensive Plan Amendment -100 acres CPA Ranking EAGLE 1000 New Eagle 2000 4 Ada 5300 1 Boise 1670 5 Canyon 4250 2 Caldwell 664 10 Emmett 650 11 Gem 2400 3 Kuna 1260 6 Meridian 1018 8 Middleton 200 12 Nampa 842 9 Star 1100 7 CPA Ranking EAGLE 1000 New Eagle 1500 2 Ada 242 10 Boise 1670 1 Canyon 475 7 Calwell 266 9 Emmett 650 4 Gem 400 8 Kuna 1260 3 Meridian 606 5 Middleton 200 12 Nampa 213 11 Star 500 6 Variance Ranking EAGLE 300 New Eagle 800 1 Ada 381 5 Boise 318 6 Canyon 425 4 Caldwell 307 7 Emmett 150 10 Gem 200 8 Kuna 180 9 Meridian 603 7 Nampa 255 8 Star 500 3 6000 5000 f, 4000 0 3000 0 2000 1000 0 \o Comp Plan Map Amendment `15 t 1_ n I ae ye o°Ga oa e° `ec P 0o c \a4 F Ge .EJ ca �e x� 5 Ge ecce `j as Comprehensive Plan Amendment -Text 180f• 160U 1400 1200 1000 o 800 U 600 400 200 0 Comp Plan Text Amendment •se ae \-\e Variance hoc Gec fie`` lea Ge,<c Jca aec \e`oo �Qa e 4.6 �a Varlance aa�o\y GecsA a e0 Os Ge�c �Jca e``> a„cc' ae G Design Review Fees Subdivision Landscaping Review w/out bldg w/bldg Signs Existing Fee Est. Staff Hours Staff Cost OT Factor Mail Clerk Costs actual costs Proposed fee Change 130 10.5 320 Master Sign Plan 330 8 244 Single Tenant Sign 130 5 152 Staff Level Sign 130 1.5 46 Architetural Building Review Multi -Family Residential 330 +10/unit 13 396 330+10 per 1000 sq ft Office, Commercial, Industrial gross 13 396 Construction Plan Review Multi -Family Residential 0 4 122 Office, Commerical, Industrial 0 4 122 Inspection Fee 7r60 <: "?; r 1,. :';et- 04 c r,.. 4, Tenant 0 0.5 15 Landscape 0 2.5 76 Building 0 2.5 76 Reinspection 60 Misc. Staff Level paint change, modifications 1 0 1.5 46 80 5 11 80 5 11 80 5 11 0 0 11 80 5 11 80 5 11 80 5 11 80 5 11 80 0 6 80 0 6 80 0 6 0 10 1 6 416 250+20/acre 340 248 57 350 250 60 492 492 400+10/unit 400+10/1,000 sf 126 126 101 162 162 53.19 120+ 20/acre 20 120 -70 120 70 150 150 150 150 100 150 150 60 50 100 150 150 0 50 FEE SCHEDULE - LAND USE PLANNING ACTIONS EFFECTIVE DATE 8/26/97 PRELIMINARY PLAT $440.00 (if 4 lots or Tess) $440.00 + $16.50 per lot (if more than 4 Tots) ($100.00 Tess for impact area due to notice requirement being the responsibiily of Ada County) PUD PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE $500.00 (if less than 4 lots, or buildings if non-residential) $500.00 + $16.50 per lot, or buildings if non-residential (if more than 4 Tots, or buildings if non-residential) ($150.00 less for impact area due to notice requirements, and specific criteria for PUD review, being the responsibility of Ada County) FINAL PLAT $11.00/LOT $11.00/LOT PUD FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN $11.00/LOT $11.00/LOT PRIVATE ROAD FEE $ 400.00 + .38 per lineal foot Note: No additional fees for review by the City Engineer will be charged for a private road application. ANNEXATION 1 ACRE OR LESS $ 450.00 1.1 - 50 ACRES $ 600.00 50.1+ ACRES $1000.00 ZONING / REZONE 1 ACRE OR LESS $ 450.00 OVER 1 ACRE $ 450.00 + $20/ACRE ($100.00 less for impact area due to notice requirements being the responsibilities of Ada County) FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 1 ACRE OR LESS $ 250.00 1.1 -10 ACRES $ 500.00 10.1 - 20 ACRES $ 750.00 00.1 -100 ACRES $1000.00 100.1+ ACRES $2000.00 Note: No additional fees for review by the City Engineer will be charged for a flood plain development permit application. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHANGE $1000.00 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESIDENTIAL $ 300.00+10.00 additional dwelling unit OTHER $ 450.00+10.00 additional building unit ($100.00 less for impact area due to notice requirements being the responsibility of Ada County) VARIANCE $ 300.00 VACATION $ 300.00 ZONING, SUBDIVISION, OR FLOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT $ 500.00 DESIGN REVIEW DESIGN REVIEW BASE FEE $ 330.00 Pg. 1 of 2 K:1Planning Dept\Base Documents\Fee Schad 082697.doc Adopted by Resolution 8/26/97 S s No, 1-1-12 FEE SCHEDULE - LAND USE PLANNING ACTIONS EFFECTIVE DATE 8/26/97 RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS Base fee plus $10 per unit OFFICE, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Base fee plus $10 per 1000sf gross floor area or fraction thereof over 30,000sf MASTER SIGN PLAN $ 330.00 SIGN $ 130.00 LANDSCAPING ONLY $ 130.00 STAFF LEVEL APPLICATIONS $ 130.00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS One request for Planning Department final occupancy inspection is allowed at no charge. Each subsequent inspection requested, because required improvements were not completed for the first inspection, will require a fee $ 60.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT & INSPECTION FEES See separate building permit fee schedule. MISCELLANEOUS FEES APPEALS EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST FOR FORMAL WAIVER OF CONDITIONS WOOD STOVE PERMIT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CONDOMINIUM PLAT LOT SPLIT FIREWORKS STANDS DEMOLITION SIGN PERMITS STREET LIGHT INSPECTION FEE PEDDLERS PERMIT ALL OTHER BUILDING/ZONING PERMITS $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 50.00 $ 35.00 for first light and $ 20.00 for each additional light $ 10.00 per day or $ 60.00 per quarter $ 50.00 UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED HEREIN THESE FEES DO NOT INCLUDE COSTS TO BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT FOR REIMBURSING THE CITY FOR THE COSTS INCURRED FOR THE CITY ENGINEER REVIEW OF AN APPLICATION. Note: Per Eagle City Code Section 1-7-4 (A) and (B), any direct costs incurred by the City in obtaining a review of the application, by architects, engineers or other professionals necessary to enable the City to approve or disapprove of the application shall be paid for by the applicant (including impact area referral items). Payment of cash in lieu of a Letter of Credit or Certificate of Deposit does not require the $250.00 initiation of surety fee since cash is not labor intensive for tracking like Letters of Credit or Certificates of Deposit. Also, not charging a fee for cash will encourage cash deposits which are a great deal easier to handle. 1. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $ 50.00 2. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Time Extension $ 50.00 3. Surety Initiation $ 250.00 4. Surety Renewal or Time Extension $ 200.00 5. Surety Partial Release $ 200.00 Pg. 2 of 2 K:1Planning Dept\Base Documents\Fee Sched 082697.doc Adopted by Resolution 8/26/97 cc 4/ii-o� FEE SCHEDULE -LAND USE PLANNING ACTIONS EFFECTIVE APRIL11, 2006 Planning Fees Preliminary Plat $1450 + $20/lot Final Plat $600 + $20/ lot PUD (including CUP) $600 + $20/ lot Final PUD $20/lot Private Road $400 + $.38 per lineal foot Development/Annexation Agreement $800 + $20/acres Annexation $1,100 Rezone $1,100 Flood Plain Development Permit 1 acre or less $250 1.1-10 acres $500 10.1-20 acres $750 20.1-100 acres $1,000 100.1 +acres $2,000 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Map $2,000 Text $1,500 Conditional Use Permit Residential $800+ $10/unit Other $800+ $10/unit Variance $800 Vacation $400 City Ordinance Revision Includes zoning, subdivision or $1,300 flood control Planning Inspection Fees $60 The inital Planning Department final occupancy inspection is allowed at no charge. Subsequent re -inspection requests will be charged a fee. Design Review Fees Subdivision Landscaping Review $250 + $20/acre Signs Master Sign Plan $350 Single Tenant Sign $250 Staff Level Sign $60 Architectural Building Review Multi -Family Residential $400 + $10/unit Office, Commercial, Industrial $400 + $10/1,000 sf 1 Res. 06-06 Adopted April 11, 2006 Construction Plan Review Multi -Family Residential $150 Office, Commercial, Industrial $150 Inspection Fee Tenant $100 Landscape $150 Building $150 Reinspection $60 Miscellaneous Staff Level Paint Change, Modification $50 Miscellaneous Fees Property Status Report $100 Appeals $250 Extension of Time $100 Waiver Request $100 Wood Stove Permit $50 Lot Line Adjustment/Lot Split $200 Condo Plat $500 Demolition $15 Streetlight Inspection Fee $35 for first + $20/each additional All Other Building/Planning Permits $50 Paid on a fee schedule based upon the current Engineering Fees FY contract with Holladay Engineering Note: Per Eagle City Code Section 1-7-4(A) & (B), any direct costs incurred by the City in obtaining a review of the application by architects, engineers, or other professionals necessary to enable the City to approve or disapprove the application shall be paid for by the applicant (including impact area referrals). Payment in lieu of a Letter of Credit or Certificate of Deposit does not require the $250.00 initiation of the surety fee since cash is not labor intensive for tracking like Letters of Credit or Certificates of Deposit. Also, not charging a fee for cash will encourage cash deposits which are a great deal easier to handle. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $50 Temp CO Time Extension $50 Surety Initiation $250 Surety RenewaUTime Extension $200 Surety Partial Release $200 2 Res. 06-06 Adopted April 11, 2006 Mayor: Nancy C. Merrill April 11, 2006 CITY OF EAGLE P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 939-6813 Ada County Highway District Commissioners Attn.: John Franden, Chairman 3775 Adams Street Garden City, ID 83714 Dear Mr. Franden, Council: Stanley J. Bastian Phil Bandy Steve Guerber Scott Nordstrom Thank you for the opportunity to work with ACHD on the design of the portion of Hill Road that runs through the City of Eagle. We recognize that design changes will need to be made to accommodate the City's desires with regard to center island landscaping, separated sidewalks, and stamped concrete and such changes will require additional funding in the approximation of $77,000.00. Please accept this letter as an establishment of the City's intent to work with the ACHD Commissioners to execute a memorandum of understanding that will outline the City's reimbursement of the $77,000.00 in FY '07 and will include provisions of easement procurement by the City and outline specific construction activities (e.g. topsoil placement, tree and sod planting, and irrigation installation to name a few) that will need to be completed by the City as part of the overall project. We respectfully request that the design team move forward with the requested changes while we concurrently work on the above referenced memorandum. If you have any questions please call me at 939-6813. Sincerely, Nancy C. Merrill Mayor Cc: City Council Members William E. Vaughan, AICP, Zoning Administrator Don Kostelec, AICP, ACHD Planning and Programming Manager Page 1 of 1 K \Planning Dept\MPsc Lettersl2D061AC1iD Hill Road design funding lel doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL 660 E. Civic Ln. PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: Resolution 06-06 - Land Use application fees: April 11, 2006 7:30 p.m. NAME 4-1/N1 __42(carf- ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE pANl U Page 1 of 11\COUNCILIAGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Preliminary Plat' :-. ` Final Plat; PUD (including P) . . Existing Fee 4 or Tess lots more thatn 4 lots 440 440+16.50/lot 11 /lot 4 or less lots/buildings 500 more thatn 4 lots/buildings 500+16.50 Development Ageement/Annexation Agreement (Except In M/U Zone then the PUD fee is paid ) Annexation. 1 acre or less 1.1-50 acres 50.1+ acres Zoning/Rezone Flood Plain Development Permit 1 or less acres Over 1 acre 1 acre or less 1.1-10 acres 10.1-20 acres 20.1-100 acres 100.1+acres Comprehensive Plan Amendment 8 .. t7. - Map 0 50 600 1000 450 450+20/acre 250 500 750 1000 2000 Average Min. Staff Hours Staff Cost Clerk cost 40 20 15 `A ) 20 1218.4 Overtime publicationMailing factor I Costs I Costs 16.5 80 160 609.2 16.5 80 0 456.9 44 80 ! 160 609.2 i 20 1 609.2 44 Actual Cost l 45 45 45 66 1 160 i 45 80 400 45 786 938 1178 Text Conditional Use Periolt Residential Other Variance Vacation Lot Line Adjustment/Lot.Split CityOrdiance Revision Condo Plat Property Statue Re Appeals', Engineering Fees ritei%al�q!a,f !!l ill s147*1t� 6 4- 0 unit 450+ 10/building 300 300 100 500 200 0 100 20 20 20 5 5 40 12 1 3 22 80 400 22 80 65 tg 609.2 22 80 100 609.2 22 80 100 609.2 22 80 50 152.3 44 80 152.3 11 80 0 1218.4 11 80 365.52 11 80 0 30.46 16.5 80 0 91.38 22 80 0 45 45 45 135 0 45 0 1 45 1178 1520 1450 +20/lot 1010+ 3.5/lot based on a 10 lot subdivision 750.7 600+ 10/lot 600+ 1/lot 600+/20/lot 800 + 20/acres • 1100 100 + 3.5/lot varries 0 650-1000 1765 1430 250 500 750 1000 2000 2000 1500 800+ 10/unit 800+ 10/unit 800 400 200 1300 500 100 250 856 856 806 411 243 1354 457 127.96 238.38 Paid on a fee schedule based upon the current FY contract negoationed with Holladay Engineering, Inc. 0 0 0 0 0 700 400 500 350 450 100 50 800 0 100 Proposed Fee Change based on a 10 lotl subdivision