Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 04/06/2006 - Emergency OR\GINALv EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Emergency Meeting Minutes April 6, 2006 An emergency meeting of the Eagle City Council as allowed by Idaho State Code ~67-2343 (2). ]. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. All present. Nordstrom is present via telephone conference call. A quorum is present. Mayor provides an overview of the emergency measures being undertaken to plug the breach of Dry Creek. 3. RESOLUTION 06-13: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Declaring An Emergency; Calling An Emergency Meeting Of The City Council Under Section 67-2343(2), Idaho Code; Authorizing The Emergency Expenditure Of Public Funds Under Section 67-2808(1), Idaho Code; Providing For Related Matters; And, Providing An Effective Date. Mayor introduces the issue. Discussion on the type of failure that has occurred on Dry Creek. City Attorney Buxton: Discussion on what entity has jurisdiction over the area. We will be looking at who has ultimate responsibility. This Resolution does not establish responsibility for the City. Genera] Council discussion. Guerber moves to approve Resolution No. 06-13. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Title of the Resolution is read by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....... 4. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bandy. Bastian withdraws the Motion. Jason Haas, 1483 Fox Point Place, I am a Brookwood Homeowner. It was amazing at what happened and it did work as it was supposed to. The water came to 2 feet from the foundations. There are 8-9 houses that have been affected. Was this an act of Mother Nature or human error? Up at Hidden Springs they are building a bridge over Dry Creek and have diverted the water to a small channel and not letting the water through the natural flow. A few homes in Hidden Springs have been flooded because of the diversion of the water. An Engineer has stated that this could have caused the breach of Dry Creek in Brookwood. General discussion. Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bandy. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... ... ... ... Page I K\COUNCIL\1l.1INUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-04-06-06spmin doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Mr~._~~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER ,.,...... ....... ~" '" EA. '" ..'Ii... 0" 0;', ... ~, .......... <...(? ... #":"'.- -.. ~~7'.' tORA~'. ~ : "": o~ ~,,~ ! ICJ ,....: . .. . ~.'- . . .... , "1 . \ e..; SBAL~ 0 i ~ ...(\ __9 ..... .. ~ <I'~.I'O.."..~ .;-" ~...)-... .......\~ .... ...... '1'e Of "".. ...,...........' Page 2 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC -04-06-06spmin_doc