Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 03/21/2006 - Regular ~ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes March 21, 2006 **Note early meeting start time.** This meeting will be held at the Eagle Senior Center. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. Bandy absent. A Quorum is present. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: (5:30 - 6:30 p.m.) A. Pending and Threatened Litigation. I.c. S67-2345(f) The executive session will be held in Council Chambers, the remainder of the meeting will be conducted at the Senior Center. Mayor introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves to go into Executive Session to discuss pending and threatened litigation. Seconded by Guerber. BASTIAN: AYE; GUERBER; AYE: NORDSTROM: AYE. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES........................ Council goes into Executive Session at 5:50 p.m. Council discusses pending and threatened litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. 4. REQUEST FOR MEDIATION (6:30 - 7:30 p.m.) A. Consideration of a mediation reQuest pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-6510 re2;ardin2;: Moffat Subdivision(A-3-05/RZ-5-05/PP-6-05), Park Place Gardens Subdivision (A-8-05/RZ-12-05/CU-9-05/PP-ll-05), Bella Terra Planned Unit Development (A-17 -05/RZ-24-05/CU-14-05/PPUD-7 -05/PP-16-05). Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: You have before you four (4) Mediation requests. We received by e-mail today a letter dated March 16, 2006 which we received March 20, 2006 from Rondo Fehlberg for Park Place Partners. They voice their concern and are opposed to the mediation. We also received an e-mail from Mr. Huffaker dated March 21st around 11:45 a.m. I did not see this until this afternoon and I believe Mr. Huffaker is representing the mediation group that has some more information that he submitted with regard to the request for Mediation. First the parties asked for mediation for the comp plan and notice. The comp plan in question was approved by Resolution of the Council on September 18, 2004. The time to challenge that Resolution has passed and further since the cornp plan is only a guideline it does not have the full force and effect. Challenging the comp plan on its own would have limited value. It was only today when I read this e-mail did I know the detail of what they alleged in regards to the comprehensive plan notice. It does not appear that it is anything new from what they have already addressed in numerous public hearings that have already been held by the City Council on this matter so my Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC _03_21_06mindoc recommendation is that we deny the mediation request on the comp plan implementation because I don't really see how mediation is going to change the situation or change anything at this point. Secondly. The parties request mediation on Park Place Gardens. Again they talk about the cornp plan notice and implementation of the comprehensive plan and they really don't go into too many more details other than some of the documentation that was received by Mr. Huffaker today, and again their constitutional due process rights were violated by inadequate notice in the comprehensive plan change. We have gone over that several times and I have reviewed it and have talked about it in public hearing many times and I again believe and it is my opinion that the City not only met but exceeded the legal requirements for notice of that Comprehensive Plan 2004. They also bring up an issue with regard that the area is not addressed in the Soaring 2025 Plan with regard that there is no language or no single word of text regarding the Cities vision for this defined area. With regard to comprehensive plans, again comprehensive plans are guides and the City Council has the ability to interpret that as their own guide and again it does not have the full and effect of law so they interpret the comprehensive plan within what their vision is and as well as what their ordinances are. In this situation the zoning ordinance, pud ordinance and subdivision ordinance and all ordinances that were applicable with regard to that application. Park Place Gardens had several public hearings. In fact at the City Council level we actually had two public hearings and you had ample opportunity to hear the issues with regards to the concerns of the comprehensive plan notice and I do not believe that mediation will resolve those issues and again I recommend that we do not mediate in this situation. Mediation is usually used in a situation where you have an area that you come to a middle ground and I'm not so sure that, especially with Park Place Gardens, that you are going to be able to have that. You have tried what you can. If I look at the details, the Council had a public hearing on the matter and then the applicant asked the project to be tabled and that was last fall. The applicant came back to Council several months later in another public hearing with significant reduction in density, change in the road and pathway configurations and other significant changes. Council held another public hearing on the project and then another one because of faulty notice. So again you had several looks at this especially with regards to the comprehensive plan and concerns. So, again, I recommend denial. The third is the Moffat Subdivision. The Moffat Subdivision was denied by the Council in late September, 2005. Mr. Moffat requested mediation in writing which the Council addressed on October 18, 2005. I looked back at the transcript ofthe October 18,2005 meeting and one of the things that Mr. Huffaker says in his e-mail today is that he does not believe that the mediation that the City Council conducted was in accordance with Title 67 Chapter 65] O. What he is saying is that under (2) the applicant and any other affected persons objecting to the applicant shall participate in at least one mediation session if the mediation is requested by the commission or the governing board. The governing board shall select and pay the expense of the mediator for the first meeting. I Page 2 K:\COlJNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary :Minutes Work Area\CC-03-21-Q6min.doc don't believe that is reasonable to think that if you did not pay a mediator that your mediation would not be considered meeting the intent of 67 -6510 and after the mediation was explained in great detail on the 18th and again in other meetings when you asked me about the status ofthe mediation on the 18th we went into great detail on what would happen with regard to mediation, how it tolled the statue of limitations for hearings and that you would need file a motion for judicial review if you were going to appeal the decision within 28 days and that if there was a recommendation that came out of the mediation that it would come back to the City Council in a full blown public hearing would be held. A full blown public hearing was held on the Moffat Subdivision and that was held on February 28th. I don't believe that anything else would come out of the mediation of that subdivision. Reading of the mediation statue certainly would have allowed other aggrieved parties to ask in writing to come in and be participants in that mediation and they did not do so. I think a serial mediation and again another mediation on the same subdivision is not the intent of the law. I think the intent of the law is to try one set of mediation. I think having several mediations is ajust an additional delay tactic and I would not recommend another mediation of the Moffat Subdivision at this time. The last is that the parties have requested a mediation of Bella Terra and I believe that has been called the Martinez property. My understanding of the status of that is that property has gone through public hearing at the Planning and Zoning level but has not yet come to Council. While I do recognize that the mediation statue allows for mediation to be requested and conducted at any time during the application process I do not believe that it is a good use of time to mediate a project that has not been before the City Council. It makes more sense to me to look at mediation requests after a full public hearing process to see if there are issues that arise that would benefit from mediation to attempt to avoid litigation or to avoid an intended consequences of the final decision made by the Council. Accordingly I recommend that you deny the mediation request for the Bella Terra Subdivision. General discussion on the Idaho Code statues and the mediation requests. City Attorney Buxton: I have recommended that all 4 mediation requests be denied at this time. Michael Huffaker, 1753 N. Chaucer Way, Eagle, provides Council a review of the requests for mediations. I disagree that mediation is a voluntary process. We are trying to go about the process the best way that we know how and we would love to sit down with each of the developers and see if some compromise can be reached so that we could avoid litigation for us as and for them. That is what mediation is for. We are seriously interested in compromise. You have the right to deny the mediation. If you decide to deny the mediation then we will proceed with what we need to do as well. Mayor: Last week I pulled the tapes and listen to the October 18, 2005 meeting which was the mediation request from Mr. Moffat to the City Council and there were a number ofpeop]e at that meeting that also were on that tape and they participated in that meeting. So there were people interested at that time. The statute requires a written request from the people that want to participate in the application of the mediation and at that point we didn't receive anything except from Mr. Moffat. We keep going back to the notification Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-03+21-06mindoc on this. I would like to read what this notification says. This was sent to the Idaho Statesman on August 10th and published on the 14th, 1 th and ] 9th of August, 2004. It is legal notice given by the City of Eagle. Mayor reads the Legal Public Notice into the record. City Attorney Buxton: Provides clarification of the Statute. General discussion. Council Member Guerber: I've come to the conclusion that you can not un-ring the bell. There has been something that has happened, we have taken actions, and we can't go back and change everything the way it was in September 2004. We have to figure out where we go from here. We need to reopen and revisit the comp plan to see if we need to make changes. Which is part of the process allowed under our comprehensive plan. There is no difference between this process and mediation. Another thing that has me confused is some of the time tables that are involved. I have listen to testimony from people from some of the subdivision, Cavallo, Henry's and developments like that who have come in and said "I never knew about this, I didn't get notified, I wasn't allowed to participate, I don't like what the decisions were you ought to go back and revisit this". I looked to see what the time tables were and what I found out was that in Cavallo there were only 4 occupancy permits issued at the time this decision was made so that maybe why a lot of people in Cavallo did not know what was going on. This decision was made before they even moved out there. Henry's Subdivision had not even had anyone moving into it at the time this decision was made. So those who come in and tell us 1 wasn't part of the process, I didn't get to be involved in the decision, I don't like the decision needed to live out there when the decision was made if they wanted to get notification on what was going on in that process. The same is true of Calloway, most of that subdivision was not occupied at that point in time. I talked to some people at Idaho Smart Growth. They said we are carrying out appropriate types of transitions. Idaho Smart Growth would have advocated higher density than what we are allowing. Michael Huffaker, I think your comments on mediation on the Comp Plan would be as you stated to reopen the comp plan for discussion. Discussion on transition and the roads in the area. Discussion on the comp plan being a guide. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discussion on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the process the City went through. General discussion. Further Council discussion on mediation and revisiting the cornp plan for this area. Rondo Fehlberg, Park Place Partners, we wrote a letter to the City in regards to the mediation requests. We felt that mediation would not result in any change. We did not support that process. We went on to say that if the City decided to have mediation that we wanted to be part of the process. General discussion. Nordstrom moves to deny the request for mediation pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-6510 regarding the Moffat Subdivision(A-3-051RZ-5-05/PP-6-05), Park Place Gardens Subdivision (A-8-051RZ-12-05/CU-9-05/PP-ll-05), Bella Terra Planned Unit Development (A-17-05/RZ-24-05/CU-14-05/PPUD-7-05/PP-16-05) and include as part of the denial the request to mediate the Comprehensive Plan Page 4 K\COUNCIL\MINUfES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-21-06min.doc dated 2000 and the Soaring 2025 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Idaho Code 67- 6510. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.... Guerber moves that the Mayor be instructed to make contact with Mr. Huffaker and try to work with those that he represents in creation of proposals for amendment to the comprehensive plan to be brought forward and considered with an effort to deal with the remaining areas in question between Floating Feather and Beacon Light and identify wording that could be considered and possibly some specifics in regards to mapping. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..... ........... ..... Mayor calls a recess at 7:50 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 8: I 0 p.m. 5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mary Kay Parse, 857 N. Echo Hawk Way and this is my husband Mark Echevarria. We live in the Echo Hawk Subdivision and I understand you don't have the legal jurisdiction in this matter but I'm looking for feedback and support. The Homeowner's Association has put out two amendments to our CC&R's stating that only 20% of our homes can be for investment and rental purposes and if there is an issue that they have the right to impose a $5-$50 fine depending on their decision per day to the homeowners. This came about because we sold our home and the Buyer was going to use it for a rental. 3-4 days before the closing it came to our attention that the homeowners have impeded the sale by saying we could not sell our home because we were in violation of the CC&R's and that these owners would then be fined. The original CC&R's states that they can not be changed without a 2/3 vote of the lot owners which has not been done to my knowledge. Monday I lost the sale of home. I would like to know what I can do more. My attorney told me that my recourse was to file a civil suit. City Attorney Buxton: Unfortunately CC&R's run with the land and the City has no jurisdiction over those types of contracts. The City has no standing to do anything with regards to this situation. The City can not provide you any legal advice, you would have to go to your own attorney. I'm sorry but there is nothing that the City can do for you. Further discussion. Nordstrom moves to add 7B under Proclamations and Resolutions. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... City Attorney Buxton: I need you to add one thing to New Business as E. The consideration and signature of Erland Subdivision Plat. So Moved by Bastian. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... 7. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolution No. 06-08: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Appointing Board Members And Alternates To The Valley Regiona] Transit Board, And Providing An Effective Date. (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 5 K:\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Arealer -03-21-06min.doc Guerber moves to approve Resolution 06-08: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Appointing Board Members And Alternates To The Valley Regional Transit Board, And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES........... B. Resolution No. 06-12: A Resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho, approving and authorizing the filing of an application with the Bureau of Land Management for the acquisition of public lands under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act; authorizing the Mayor to execute the same; and providing an effective date. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve Resolution No. 06-12: A Resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho, approving and authorizing the filing of an application with the Bureau of Land Management for the acquisition of public lands under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act; authorizing the Mayor to execute the same; and providing an effective date. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. FPUD-7-05 & FP-ll-05 - Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Corrente Bello Subdivision No.2 - Corrente Bello, LLC: Corrente Bello, LLC, represented by Bailey Engineering, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Corrente Bello Subdivision No.2, an 89-lot o I-buildable and 18-common) planned residential development. The 43.44-acre site is located on the north side of Floating Feather Road approximately Y2-mile west of Eagle Road. (WEV) This item was continued from the March 14, 2006 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Staff has had the opportunity to speak to the developer and Mr. Cockran. Mr. Cockran is here tonight to address you as to their discussion. Jerry Cockran, 1087 W. Floating Feather, I want to thank you for the opportunity to work with the developer. We have come to an agreement where he will provide us with a different drive way approach and landscaping. We are in agreement with Mr. Hall on this. Greg Hall, 82 E. State, I did meet with Mr. Cockran today and we are going to do some berming and landscaping. We are also going to work some type of turn out so he can come out straight forward. Nordstrom moves to approve FPUD-7-05 & FP-ll-05 - Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Corrente Bello Subdivision No.2 with all Site Specific Conditions of Approval and to record the understanding with the neighbor across the street and the Developer. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. B. Findin2:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Park Place Gardens A-08-05/RZ- 12-05/PP-ll-05 Park Place Gardens Subdivision - Park Place Partners LLC: Park Place Partners, LLC, represented by Bill Clark with Clark Development, is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-2-DA (Residential 2- Page 6 K:\COWCIL\MINUTES\TemporaI)' r.,finutes Work Area\CC-03-21-06min.doc units per acre with a development agreement), and preliminary plat approval for Park Place Gardens a 126-lot (I12-buildable, 14-common) subdivision. The 95.32-acre site is located between Meridian Road and Park Lane approximately] ,300 feet north of Floating Feather Road. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the March 14, 2006 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Park Place Gardens A-08-0S/RZ-12-0S/PP-II-0S Park Place Gardens Subdivision. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. C. Findine:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-3-0S & RZ-S-OS - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-2 - Chad Moffat: Chad Moffat, represented by The Land Group. LLC., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-2 (Residential- up to 2 units per acre), after participating in mediation, pursuant to Idaho Code 67-65]0, after the Eagle City Council's denial of the application on September 13,2005. The 14.6-acre site is located on the west side of Park Lane approximately one-half mile north of Floating Feather Road. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the March 14, 2006 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to approve Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-3-05 & RZ-S-OS - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-2. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... D. Findine:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-6-0S - Moffat Subdivision - Post Mediation - Chad Moffat: Chad Moffat, represented by The Land Group. LLC., is requesting a preliminary plat approval for Moffat Subdivision after participating in mediation pursuant to Idaho Code 67-6510, following the Eagle City Council's denial of the application on September 13,2005. The 14.6-acre, 30-lot subdivision (24-buildable, 6-common) is located on the west side of Park Lane approximately one-half mile north of Floating Feather Road. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the March 14, 2006 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve the post mediation Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-6-0S - Moffat Subdivision - Post Mediation - Chad Moffat Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CU-I-06 - Conditional Use Permit for BuiIdine: Heie:ht Exception - Meridian Joint School District No.2: Meridian Joint School District No.2, represented by Wayne Thowless with LKV Architects, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a building height exception of 38' 6" for the Galileo Math and Science Magnet School. The site is located on the southeast corner of West Saguaro Drive and North Linder Road approximately 1,700-feet north of West State Street at 4735 West Saguaro Drive (Lot 1, Block 3, Senora Creek Subdivision). (WEV) Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Ternpor1ll')' Minutes Work Area\CC-OJ-21-06min.doc Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor Opens the Public Hearing Wayne Thowless, LKV Architects, representing Joint School District No.2, we are asking for a height exception for the gymnasium. Provides Council an overview the request and displays presentations boards of the school and gymnasium. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the application. Mayor Closes the Public Hearing Nordstrom moves to approve CU-I-06 - Conditional Use Permit for Building Height Exception - Meridian Joint School District No.2 as proposed. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... lOB. Findin2:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-I-06 - Conditional Use Permit for BuildiDl~ Hei2:ht Excevtion - Meridian Joint School District No.2: Meridian Joint School District No.2, represented by Wayne Thowless with LKV Architects, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a building height exception of 38' 6" for the Galileo Math and Science Magnet School. The site is located on the southeast corner of West Saguaro Drive and North Linder Road approximately 1,700-feet north of West State Street at 4735 West Saguaro Drive (Lot 1, Block 3, Senora Creek Subdivision). (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Nordstrom moves to approve the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU- 1-06 - Conditional Use Permit for Building Height Exception - Meridian Joint School District No.2 with a change on Page 7 of 10: the vote needs to show a vote of 3 to 0 with Bandy absent within the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ A. Award bid for Lexinlrton Hills well house and OK Park restroom. (M. McCurry) Mayor introduces the issue. City Facilities Manager McCurry: provides Council an overview of the bid from Golis Construction, Inc. Discussion Guerber moves to award the bid for Lexington Hills well house and OK Park restroom to Golis Construction, Inc. in the amount of $83,472.00 plus the installation of Heat. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... C. Reauest for contribution bv Treasure Vallev Showtime Chorus. The Treasure Valley Showtime Chorus will be participating in the Festival of States in Washington D.C., and is seeking financial contribution to help pay for transportation, hotel and meals for their members. (NM) Page 8 K:\CDUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-21-06mindoc Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney: lfyou establish that this is a cultural program it will fall under Title 50 Chapter 3. Bastian moves to approve $250.00 to come out of the Cultural Arts Budget. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE: Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... D. Neie:hborhood Reinvestment Proe:ram: (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk Bergmann: Mick McCurry put these program guidelines together with the application and documents to track the project. This information is for your review. Council Member Guerber reviewed this information and we made the appropriate changes. We will advertise and mail to the Homeowner's Associations. General discussion. Mayor: We need a motion to approve the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program guidelines and to get going. Guerber so moved. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.................... E. Merrill Subdivision No.5 Plat. City Attorney Buxton: We had a situation arise. The County Engineer, Priester, has taken a position based on his legal analysis that is not shared by the County Prosecuting Office nor our office nor any other attorney's that have looked at it and so what has happened that there has been a plat that has been stuck in limbo, Merrill Subdivision No. 5 and Inland Subdivision No.1 and what they are asking us to do is to agree to some language on the plat. The language does not give me any heartburn, I don't mind putting it on. The concern of the Zoning Administration is that we do not want to do this with any frequency. I'm asking for the Council's approval so that we can get these signed. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve Merrill Subdivision No.5 Plat and Inland Subdivision No. 1. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. 11. REPORTS: Mayor and Council's Report: Nordstrom: No report. Bastian: I met with Dana our Chief of Police and he indicated that the deputy sheriff s need about 3,000 sq.ft. of floor space and that there would be a 60/40 split of the lease with the City picking up 60. The cost of that in new square footage is about $6,000 per month and we are now paying $1,400 and that would be a substantial increase in rent which would be build into our contract with them. Dana was suggesting that we appoint a committee to look for square footage. Dana called me this evening and told me that people are moving out of the building they are in and that another 900+ sq.ft. has become available and we can get all of this for $12 a sq.ft. which would be much less than the Page 9 K\COUNCIL\MIN1.)TES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-21-06mindoc new space. Discussion on the Sheriffs Department space. They are currently doing community policing on their bikes. They have put the speed trailers out. I asked them about a street light at Hill Road and Highway 55. I would support any type of action that we could do to get a light. Reports on the Library Board meeting. Mountain Home is the newest member of the consortium. The satellite dish will be removed from the roof as it is causing leaks and it has never been used. Reports on a new automation migration system. Guerber: Reports on Park and Pathway meeting last week. Steve reads the motion made by the Committee recommending approval of the Velodrome & Cycling Park. Mr. Tobin will do a presentation before Council. Steve moves that the City Council issue a letter of intent to the Idaho Velodrome & Cycling Park committee indicating that the City of Eagle would be interested in the possibility of a joint venture for the construction of the Velodrome and BMX park at the Eagle Sports Complex site on Horseshoe Bend Road. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Guerber amends the motion as to the letter to indicate that the City of Eagle is interested in the possibility and we would like a presentation before the Council before a decision is made. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES................... Mayor: we have also had a request for an ice hockey area. If we have the land they will put it up for the general public to use. This might be good at the Eagle Sports Complex since the Velodrome would also be there. This would be ajoint venture. General discussion. Guerber: Eagle Historical Society is having a series of lectures. The one due to take place this week is Arthur Hart talking about the barns. The Arts Commission donated $250.00 to the Treasure Valley Showtime Chorus. Mayor: Reports on the YMCA request for location of a facility. We are working with the YMCA to put together a committee. I have talked to a developer today that owns a piece of property on the comer of Park and State Street to see ifhe would be interest in a exchanging some land and he said he has actually been thinking about trying to donate something of substantial size to the City of Eagle and that he would be thinking about it. General discussion. We are going over to see the Caldwell YMCA. I helped serve Meals on Wheels to seniors today. It was a rewarding experience. Genera] discussion. Reports on the Mayor's Youth Committee putting together the 72 Hours Kits and they will distribute them to the seniors in the community. Discussion on an outdoor type ice skating rink in Eagle River. Reports on the Compass Board Meeting. General discussion. We have a meeting tomorrOW with the Idaho State Parks. The Bill has not passed yet. I talked to Lance and he thought we were in pretty good shape. I have been appointed Chairman of the Eagle Island State Park Committee. General discussion. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-21-06mindoc City Attorney Report: The water tank agreement with the County was to be approved tonight. They are going to try and schedule the closing for Thursday. Mayor: We had a press conference today to approve the GARV Bonds. General discussion. Zoning Administrator's Report: I had a chance to meet with Sandy Smith today in regards to the Chevron Station site. We discussed removal of the building and the potential that the City could remove the building and place the cost as a tax lien. Discussion on long term and short term parking. The City would remove the building and assess a fee for parking to pay back the cost to the City for the removal of the building. General discussion. Discussion on the Ballantyne Lane helicopter pad. The property owner was trying to dry out the dirt to put in Lacrosse playing fields. He has enough land to plant grass on all of his property. Does the City have any ordinances to restrict the property owner from inviting kids over to play on their fields? Discussion on parking and becoming a nuisance. We probably can't do anything unless someone comes in and files a complaint. General discussion. Discussion on the Ada County's Foothills meeting. Distributes a staff memo to the Council. Reports on a meeting last Friday with ACHD on road planning infrastructure in the Foothills Area. General discussion. Next Tuesday at 6:30 ACHD will do a presentation on the Hill Road Alignment. General discussion. If you recall back when we did the Ada County Transmittal both on the Master Site Plan and the Conditional Use Permit request from Idaho Power and Ada County for the transmission lines and the substation on Eagle Road the direction was to put together a task force of one-two Council Members, a couple of members of the public and staff. I have been working on the task force. We may have a meeting the first week in May so check your schedules and see if you time. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Bravo Entertainment has contacted the City in regards to a summer concert series. If Council would like to pursue this we will need to have contract and a deposit for damages. In regards to the landscaping of the fountain plaza at the new city hall we need to know if the Council wants to incorporate the existing pavers into the landscaping. The pavers would provide a walking area around the fountain. The cost for the installation of the pavers would be $9,000.00. There will also be a cost of $2,750.00 for topsoil. These costs are in addition to the approximate landscaping cost of $7,000.00. Total cost of landscaping the area would be $18,750.00. Council concurs to use the pavers. I'm going to be working on a room rental agreement for the conference rooms and the council chambers at the new city hall. I have some questions that need to be answered from you. General discussion on the room rental policy. General discussion on maps, art work and etc. for the City Hall. Page 11 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-21-06min.doc City Engineer Report: No Report 12. ADJOURNMENT: Nordstrom moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ,M-I'A-.. ~ (J-;J)~~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER "",U"I",. " ...... ,.' Of EAO -", ...." 4. ........ I. ^ ..... " .e -. ~- ~ /'.- "I1RA "h -.. = v: .~,' ~~. ::(' 'ir ~: ... i ~ _.- -= ... . ,,' ~. '-'Lt",l..J~/O ~..J 'V. C \'<'.- .~.Okl,,,~.... $ ....,.. ...... :Q"- <1rE 0\'\" .,......."." Page 12 K\COUNCIL\MINL 'TES\Temporary Millute~ Work Area\CC-03-21-06mindoc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: CU -1-06 - Conditional Use Permit for Building Heieht Exception - Meridian Joint School District No. 2: March 21, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON 7) d i/ Z_ Lit d�C' /1 /111(14 r C c� C7'- Of\v'v Wiv,6 gcn vio-orvtviv- (nevi V'tilAt erk6w,1�,(?v(/ N agut-frtme, Page 1 of 11.\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD )) CL 3-,,zJ INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment(s): Copy To: Mayor Merrill and City Council Members Bill Verschuren, Planner II Summary of Ada County's North Foothills Sub -Area public workshop held on March 14, 2006 at the Eagle Middle School March 21, 2006 North Foothills Sub -Area Planning Charrette Summary North Foothills Sub -Area Plan Community Meeting Questionnaire NA On March 1, 2006, the City (addressed to the Mayor) received a post card from Ada County indicating a Public Workshop would be held on March 14, 2006 to discuss preliminary planning alternatives for the North Foothills area. Again, the North Foothills Area is defined as the area between Highway 16 to the west, Highway 55 to the east, Homer Road to the south, and the Ada County boundary line to the north. The public workshop was held at the Eagle Middle School from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. in which approximately 115 people attended. The consultants, Steve Mullen (ForeSee Consulting) and Matt Hastie (Cogan Owens Cogan) both hired by the County, opened up the meeting with a discussion regarding the overall Comprehensive Plan Update and the planning of the specific North Foothills Sub -Area. It was referenced that a planning charrette "playing the chip game" was held on January 21, 2006 to begin to identify alternative scenarios for future growth and development for the North Foothills Area. Nine small groups played the game which was to determine how a future population living in 2,000 dwelling units should be distributed within the planning area. The intension of the workshop was to review the results of the nine game boards, look at the summary of the initial conclusions (see attached North Foothills Sub -Area Charrette Summary, page 2), and to complete a questionnaire (see attached North Foothills Sub -Area Plan Community Meeting Questionnaire) intended to verify the game board results. The consultants, again explained the "chip game" and how it would be evaluated through an excel program which would finalize the results of the nine game boards. They briefly went over each of the nine group game boards. It was stated that they expected Ada County planned communities to occur in the Foothills which would probably produce more density than the current allowed 2,000 dwelling units. Each proposed planned community (in the future) would have to demonstrate that they had adequate infrastructure (water, sewer, schools, roads, utilities, Page 1 of 1 C:1Documcnts and Scttings\bvcrschuren\My Documents\CC Memo - N. Foothills meeting.doc etc.) to support the community and that the planned community would not impact existing surrounding areas. It was indicated that the North Foothills landscape could retain and support more than 2,000 units and the results of "chip game" endorses this. At this point the public attendants starting asking questions and making statements regarding the entire process. Some of them included: "We the public wanted to make up some of the rules of the chip game. The County made all the rules up with the anticipation of making the results come their way. This is clearly seen in the way all the rules were stated and presented to us." "The County has a preconceived idea of what they wanted in the Foothills Area and did everything they could to force this process and results on the public." "We all feel we played the chip game under false pretences. As of today the rules changed again. Today you said we had the choice of using or not using the village concept chips for the game, while on January 21g, you said we had to use the village concept chips. ' "There is no credibility to your process. We are trying to cooperate and go through this process with you (county) but you (county) are just not listening to us (public) at all." "How can you (county) make decisions without enough information (master street plan, habitat analysis, environmental features, trails plan, drainage analysis, etc.)? I manage a large corporate office and would never make a decision without all of the needed information. Seems like you (county) are shoving this down our throats. We need to slow down the whole process, get more information, and form a good partnership. This whole thing is very poor planning." "How are the open space and trails going to work in the area? The county should think about a regional park system." The County and consultants tried to answer some of the questions and comments, but could not completely answer them and calm some of the public concerns. The consultant did comment that the market and local politics will dictate what will really happen in the North Foothills Area, but they still needed the public's comments and support to see the plan approved. By 8:00 pm at least 35% of the people (public) had left the workshop or were on their way out. The County and the consultants indicated that they would tally up the results of the North Foothills Sub -Area Plan Community Meeting Questionnaire (see attachment) that was presented at the current workshop and do a more detailed analysis of the nine group board maps using Community Viz software. It was indicated that another community workshop was tentatively set up at the end of April for another round of review. Page 2 of 1 C kDocuments and Scttings\bverschurcn\My Documents\CC Memo . N. Foothills meeting.doc Adaj]ooutv COPREHvENSIVE PLAN Fpdate BACKGROUND AND MEETING FORMAT North Foothills Sub -Area Planning Charrette EAGLE MIDDLE SCHOOL 1000 FLOATING FEATHER ROAD, EAGLE JANUARY 21, 2006 9 A.M. — 1 P.M. SUMMARY Ada County is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a policy document that is used as a guide for making decisions on land use, public facilities and expenditures, and protection of valuable resources. The existing Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 1996. Since that time, conditions in Ada County have changed significantly. A substantial amount of new development has occurred as the population has grown dramatically. As part of the Comprehensive Plan update process, the County is conducting more detailed planning for the North Foothills Sub -Area. This area is bounded by the Canyon/Ada County line to the west, Highway 55 to the east, the Boise /Ada County line to the North, and Beacon Light Road to the south. The Sub -Area Plan will identify locations designated for future growth, including types and average densities of development. The Plan also will generally describe public facilities and services needed to serve projected levels of future growth, as well as strategies for implementing the sub -area plan. To begin to identify alternative scenarios for future growth and development, the County and members of the project consulting team conducted a planning charrette on Saturday, January 21 at Eagle Middle School. About 120 people attended the event. Project team members Pete Friedman, Matt Hastie (Cogan Owens Cogan) and Steve Mullen (ForeSee Consulting) presented information about the Comprehensive Plan Update process, North Foothills Sub -area planning process, and assumptions and procedures for playing a "chip game" to identify alternative planning scenarios for the North Foothills area. The chip game is an exercise that assists participants in creating a common vision for the community that is creative, practical, and responsible. This game and the process around it are intended to garner support for a final solution. The chip game combines this inclusive public process and CommunityViz software into a fun and of festive dedicinn-making method for Ada County Comprehensive Plan Update 1 N Foothills Planning Charrette Summary community planning. The game involves the placement of a 'chip set' of land uses onto a game board of their community with both opportunities and constraints described. Partidpants spent the bulk of the meeting playing the game and reporting on the results. Nine small groups played the game. Their job was to determine how a future population living in 2,000 dwelling units should be distributed within the planning area. They used a Targe -scale map of the North Foothills area as a game board for the exerase. The map showed nearby roads, topography, steep slopes, floodplains, riparian areas, visually sensitive areas, and possible areas where future transportation corridors could physically be located. It did not include locations of water sources, or sensitive wildlife habitat or plant species areas. The 2,000 units located during the game corresponded approximately to both buildout conditions under existing zoning (a combination of 40 -acre and 10 -acre minimum lot sizes) and to a simple population projection for the area. The projection incorporated growth rates from the COMPASS Communities in Motion process, assumed 15% of the total county population would be located in unincorporated areas outside areas of city impact, and would be spread relatively evenly throughout privately owned lands in that area. Project team members stressed that this was simply a starting point to allow the "chip game" to be played in a consistent manner. This number should not be inferred as the maximum allowed growth for the area. The ultimate future number of people and homes in the area could be higher or lower. The main point of the game was to locate future development and identify development patterns in a manner that is consistent with the visions and values identified in planning process for the Ada County Comprehensive Plan and to identify the most efficient locations for future development with the least undesirable consequences. OVERALL FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS Nine tables of people played the chip game. Pictures of the resulting game boards can be viewed on the County's Web site and/or provided upon request via e-mail. Following is a summary of initial condusions: tr The existing zoning (mix of 10 and 40 -acre minimum lot sizes) is not consistent with the goals and objectives of most Ada County residents identified during the Comprehensive Plan update process to date. • Growth concentrated in one or more specific areas, perhaps utilizing a village concept was expressed on all 'games played' during the event. A strategy of 'protecting open space' was consistently recommended by partidpants as part of the process of allowing for and concentrating development within the study area; • Development was predominantly located near existing highways. • A broad range of land use types was used — a range of densities, mixed use villages, etc. No table recommended a homogenous land use type similar to existing zoning in the area. A noticeable effort was made to avoid development in areas with significant environmental or other constraints. Access to protected open lands (both public and private) was deemed important for both existing and proposed development. Ada County Comprehensive Plan Update 2 N Foothills Planning Charrette Summary • Significant networks of trails were identified by many participants for much of the study area. Steep areas immediately north of the front range were considered most sensitive and identified as trail destinations in many of the alternatives. • Trails were characterized as multi-purpose trails that could accommodate all uses except motorized vehides. E_ The concept of creating an open space framework that used steep lands as an organizing element was expressed on many of the resulting charrette game boards. • Habitat protection. NExr STEPS Results of the Chip Game will be analyzed in more detail using Community Viz software. The analysis will identify the relative impacts of each game board on sensitive environmental resources, as well as access and proximity to existing andlor planned public services and facilities. Results will be presented at another North Foothills planning meeting, tentatively scheduled for March 14, 2006. The goal of that meeting will be to identify alternative scenarios with the goal of identifying a preferred planning scenario for the study area. The preferred alternative will be further reviewed and refined by project team members and presented for additional public review at another round of Comprehensive Plan meetings tentatively scheduled for late April. Ada County Comprehensive Plan Update 3 N Foothills Planning Charrette Summary conn COM REH"ENSIVE PLAN pdate North Foothills Sub Area Plan Community Meeting Questionnaire March 14, 2006 PLANNING OBJECTIVES 1. Please identify your relative level of agreement with the following principles summarized from the Chip Game results. Objectives Applying existing zoning (mix of 10 and 40 -acre minimum lot sizes) would not be consistent with the results of the charrette. A village concept or other means should be used in some areas to concentrate development and preserve open space. A significant portion of development should be located relatively close to highways or major roads. Opportunities should be provided for a range of housing types and lot sizes. Development should be avoided in areas with sensitive resources to protect them and preserve open space. Access to public lands or other areas with recreational opportunities should be maintained and/or enhanced. A network of trails for hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians should be created and be accessible to the public. Development in steep areas in the front range of the foothills and other visually sensitive areas should be avoided. Development should be dependent on availability of and adequate supply of water, without adverse impacts on water supplies for existing residents or other users. 1. Do not 2. Do not 3. 4. Somewhat 5. Strongly agree at all agree Neutral agree agree Ada County North Foot. , Community Meeting Questionnaire 1 OPEN SPACE FRAMEWORK 2. Which of the following elements should be incorporated in an open space framework and managed for conservation or protection? For example, density in areas without these constraints could be higher in exchange for permanent protection of the areas below. Potential open space framework elements 2.1 100 -year floodp ains 2.2 Threatened and endangered species habitat 2.3 Mule deer winter range 2.4 Steep slopes over 25% 2.5 Steep slopes 15% - 25% 2.6 Streams and creels buffers 2.7 Visually sensitive areas (Rdgellnes) 2.8 Publicly owned land available forrec reation 2.9 Existing trail access points and trails 2.10 Other elements? Yes No 3. Which of the above elements are least important for indusion in an open space framework? TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS 4. Should Highway 16 and 55 be connected with a major east/west road? Yes No DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY AREAS 5. Which areas are most appropriate for different intensities of growth? Higher intensities would allow for more growth and development and requirements for less open space to be preserved. Lower intensities would require more transfer of density from potential sensitive areas to more appropriate development areas. (Please mark an x in only one cell in each row; use each intensify rating only once.) Planning criteria for locating future growth and development Area A — Wester area, near Highway 16 Area B — Central area Area C — Easter area, near Highway 55 Area D — SW Comer and south central area, north of Star and Eagle Intensity of Development Least intensive 2 3 4 Most intensive Ada County North Foothills Community Meeting Questionnaire 2 DEVELOPMENT CHARACTER OF VILLAGES 6. Please note your agreement with the following statements. Possible Vlilege Objectives 6.1 Villages should be used to shift development to the most developable part of a given site or area, permanently protecting open space. 6.2 Villages should incorporate centers with public services (e.g., schools, post offices, etc.) and small-scale commercial businesses. 6.3 Village centers shotdd allow for or incorporate a variety of housing types and densities (e.g., single- family homes on large and small lots, townhouses, apartments). 6.4 Villages should Include neighborhood parks, playgrounds and connecting paths. 6.5 Villages should be connected together by a network of trails and open spaces. 1. Do not agree at allagree 2. Do not 3. Neutra! 4. Somewhat 5. Strongly agree agree 7. Approximately how much of a given amount of land should be devoted to rural residential development (e.g., 5 —10 acre lots)? odd 8. How many villages might be appropriate in each of the planning areas identified? Planning areas Reasonable Number of villages Area A — Western area, near Highway 16 Area B — Central area Area C — Eastern area, near Highway 55 Area D — SW Comer and south central area, north of Star and Eagle Ada County North Foothills Community Meeting Questionnaire STRATEGIES FOR TRANSITION AREAS AND OPEN SPACE PROTECTION 9. Please identify your relative level of support for the following strategies to create allow for a certain level of development, create an open space framework and maintain valued aspects of the landscape? Possible Implementation Strategies Allow for clustering or transfer of density to minimize development in sensitive areas, while allowing the same base density (average 10 or 40 -acre lots). Purchase land or development rights (would require public tax or fee mechanism) to create open space. Use planned community process to concentrate development in more focused areas. Use density bonuses to allow for higher levels of development in exchange for permanent resource and open space protection within single ownerships. Encourage voluntary donations of land or conservation easement to protect open space, trails corridors or other areas. Use design standards and guidelines to minimize impacts on scenic and natural resources (e.g., height limitations, exterior colors, landscaping, grating, etc.). Create overlay zones to require protection of certain types of resources in perpetuity (e.g., ridgelines, identified wilcfe corridors, etc.) through conservation easements or other tools. Maintain or increase the amount of publicly owned land. Other (please specify) 10. Did you attend the January 21 charrette? Yes No 1. Do not 2. Do not 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat 5. Strongly support at all support support supper Please return this questionnaire at the end of this meeting or by faxing or mailing to the Ada County Development Services Department Please return your completed questionnaire at this meeting or by March 28, 2006. Pete Friedman, Project Manager, Ada County Development Services Department 200 W. Front Street, Boise, ID 83702 287-7909 (Fax) Ada County North Foothills Community Meeting Questionnaire 4 Sharon Bergmann From: Bastian, Stan [sbastian@nsd131.org] Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 5:53 PM To: kris@primerecruiters.com Cc: eaglecity; Steve Guerber; Nancy Merrill; S Nordstrom: Sharon Bergmann Subject: Highway 55 and Hill Road Intersection - Signal Light Needed Dear Kristine, Page 1 of 2 Thanks for writing us about your concern. We have exactly the same concern and have requested that the Idaho Transportation Department in conjunction with ACI -ID put a signal light at this intersection. They have declined to do it and citing the fact that it does not qualify as a signalized intersection. 1 have requested that this item be placed on the agenda for our March 21st Eagle City Council Meeting. Also, if you wanted to present your concern, there is a place on the agenda for public comment at the beginning of the Council Meeting. You may want to make a prepared statement at that time. Usually we have a liaison from ACI ID in attendance and we could have him respond to your concerns. However, this intersection is on a state highway and is under their jurisdiction. It may be possible that we can get them to agree to the installation of a signal if we can convince them that it is a dangerous intersection. They have a set of criteria that, if met, "warrents" an intersection. Unfortunately, one of those criteria is accidental death from a motor vehicle crash. I too hope that we do not have to wait until someone dies to prove that the intersection is dangerous. Please let me know if you plan to attend our March 21st City Council Meeting. Sincerely yours, Stan Bastian Council President Phone 208-939-8272 Cell 208-921-3845 E-mail stan_bastian imsn.com or sbastian nhouse.idaho.gov Original Message From: Kristine Walhof [mailto:kris@primerecruiters.com] Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:07 AM To: eaglecity Subject: Fw: traffic Tight Who do I need to talk with about installing a traffic light at the intersection of Hill Roads and Highway 55? There is a steady flow of gravel trucks, school busses, and countless cars trying to maneuver across four lanes of traffic traveling at 55 MPH. With the addition of the new city park on Hill Road just west of the intersection, I think the intersection will become more dangerous for children. I have contacted both ACHD and IDOT and was told the federal government has standards that must be met prior to installing a traffic signal on a highway. One of those "standards" is a quota on the number of fatalities at a particular intersection. I would hope we could be proactive, rather than wait for a tragedy to happen before we resolve this dangerous traffic hazard 3/20/2006 Page 2 of 2 Please advice. Thank you, Kristine Walhof 595 S. Wooddale Place Eagle, ID' 208-388-0654 3/20/2006 Sharon Bergmann From: Steve Guerber [Steve.Guerber@ishs.idaho.gov] Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 3.14 PM To: S Nordstrom; S Bastian, Sharon Bergmann; City Council Grp Cc: Bill Vaughan Subject: RE: traffic light Ditto from me. SG From: Scott Nordstrom[mailto:snordstrom@fiberpipe.net] Sent: Sat 3/18/2006 12:19 PM To: 'Bastian, Stan'; 'Sharon Bergmann'; 'City Council Grp' Cc: 'Bill Vaughan' Subject: RE: traffic light Page 1 of 2 Stan. Phil has taken on the ACM) liaison assignment. I agree a light is needed. We probably need to start the request through ACI I1). but will need I'I'D's buy in to pull this off. A discussion Tuesday would be worthwhile. Scott Scott Nordstrom Nordstrom Machinery Corp 208 938 0953 snordstrom i liherpipe.net Nordstrom Machinery Corp is a worldwide mining and construction equipment company, providing solutions to our clients. We focus on mineral mining, aggregate production, and larger civil projects. Services include: Individual and fleet purchases, selling and buying on behalf of our customer, as well as appraisal and consultation services. "We provide equipment solutions" From: Bastian, Stan [mailto:sbastian@nsd131.org] Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 5:35 PM To: Sharon Bergmann; City Council Grp Cc: Bill Vaughan Subject: RE: traffic light Greetings, This issue should be discussed at our next council meeting Sharon, please include this somewhere on the agenda for next Tuesday? It might be something that Scott Nordstrom would like to report on as a liaison with ACHD (I hope I have the liaison assignment right). Thanks, Stan Bastian Professional -Technical Education Director Phone 208-468-7820 ext 422 3/20/2006 Page 2 of 2 Cell 208-911-3845 E-mail sbastian@nsd131.org Original Message From: Sharon Bergmann [mailto:sbergmann@cityofeagle.org] Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:21 AM To: City Council Grp Cc: Bill Vaughan Subject: FW: traffic light Sharon K. Bergmann C.M.C. City Clerk/Treasurer City of Eagle, Idaho P.O. Box 1520 208-939-6813 ext. 202 Original Message From: Kristine Walhof [mailto:kris@primerecruiters.com] Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:07 AM To: eaglecity Subject: Fw: traffic light Who do 1 need to talk with about installing a traffic light at the intersection of Hill Roads and Highway 55? There is a steady flow of gravel trucks, school busses, and countless cars trying to maneuver across four lanes of traffic traveling at 55 MPH. With the addition of the new city park on Hill Road just west of the intersection, I think the intersection will become more dangerous for children. I have contacted both ACHD and IDOT and was told the federal government has standards that must be met prior to installing a traffic signal on a highway. One of those "standards" is a quota on the number of fatalities at a particular intersection. I would hope we could be proactive, rather than wait for a tragedy to happen before we resolve this dangerous traffic hazard. Please advise. Thank you, Kristine Walhof 595 S. Wooddale Place Eagle, ID 208-388-0654 3/20/2006