Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 02/28/2006 - Regular ./ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes February 28, 2006 I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. Nordstrom is absent. A quorum is present. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discussion of Pending or threatened litigation. I.C. ~67-2345(t) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of Pending or threatened litigation. I.C. ~67-2345(t). Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: A YEj Guerber: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ Council goes into Executive Session at 6:43 p.m. Council discusses pending or threatened litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 7: 15 p.m. REPORTS: 1. Contribution Request from First Tee of Idaho. (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Discusses I.c. 50-303 in regards to donations to an event that is a recreational and cultural program. General discussion. Bastian moves to amend the Agenda and add this item as liB. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....................... Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to end of Agenda City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE: Sandy Smith shall be given the opportunity to respond to the City's Order to Show Cause regarding the abatement of nuisances on the property located at 35 W. State Street. Mayor introduces the issue. Thomas Maile, representing Sandy Smith, we appear tonight to dispute the allegations in the Show Cause. We came here on the Code Sections in the February 14,2006 Order to Show Cause. Discussion on the definition of Nuisance. Mr. Maile distributes copies of a letter dated February 28, 2006 addressed to the City of Eagle. Mr. Maile distributes pictures for the Councils' review. Page I K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-28-06mm.doc Mr. Maile discusses the condition of the property and the building. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: Discusses the issues in regards to the building and property that have come before the City Code Enforcement Officers. Discussion on possible gas leakage and the property being a nuisance. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discusses the actions on behalf of the Code Enforcement Officials. Discussion on a letter dated September 9, 2005 that was sent to Sandy Smith. Discussion on the meeting with Sandy Smith and Tri City Meats as to the use of their property. Discussion on the barriers located on the property. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: Discusses nuisance and previous litigation on the same type of issue. General discussion. Further Council discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I will schedule a meeting with Sandy Smith for discussion on the property and bring this matter back to the Council in approximately three weeks. Bastian moves to remand this case of the City's contention that we have an old and dilapidated shop building and property that is unsightly and needs to be abated back to Staff for Staff to work with the property owners to come up with some solutions. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ S. PUBLIC COMMENT: City Attorney Buxton: I would request that on Item # 1 OC that an amendment needs to be made and add to that Resolution No. 06-05 to finish that transaction. Mayor: We have a request to move Item #7 to the end of Unfinished Business and to add on Item #lOC the number 06-0S to the Resolution. So moved by Bastian. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 6. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Lot Tie Agreement for City Hall property to Construct the Building on two lots. (SEB) City Attorney Buxton requests that Item #6B be removed from the Consent Agenda. Bastian moves to remove Item #6 from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... Page 2 K\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-28-06min doc Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. 7. PROCLOMATIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolution No. OS-2S (Ea2le Ranch Pathwav): A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Confirming And Accepting The Dedication of Parks and Pathways in Eagle Ranch Subdivision #4 of the City of Eagle as Recorded in Instrument #7936001 in Ada County, Idaho and Providing an Effective Date. (SEB &WEV) This item was continuedfrom the February 14, 2006 meeting. This item has been moved to the end of Unfinished Business by a previous Motion. 8. FINAL PLATS: A. FP-13-0S - Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No.1 - DMB Investments. LLC: DMB Investments, LLC, represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting final plat approval for Lakemoor Subdivision No.1, a 58-lot (47-buildable, I I-common) residential subdivision. The 29.72-acre subdivision is located on the east side of S. Eagle Road approximately one-half mile south of Chinden Boulevard. B. FP-14-0S - Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No.2 - DMB Investments. LLC: DMB Investments, LLC, represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting final plat approval for Lakemoor Subdivision No.2, a 53-lot (49-buildable, 3-common) residential subdivision. The 14.46-acre subdivision is located on the east side of S. Eagle Road approximately one-half mile south of Chinden Boulevard. Mayor introduces issue 8A and B. We will hear testimony on both issues but there will be separate motions. Dan Torfin, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application, discussion on the final plat. We are close to having all of our approvals and hope to start our underground facilities in the next few weeks. Mayor: Discussion on the road being cut in to the park area. Dan Torfin, discusses the agreement. Ifwe have not brought the road to the park the City can request that a gravel road be provided to the park area. General discussion on the agreement in regards to the road and the beginning of the park. Further general discussion on the project. Mayor discusses having a meeting with the Developer, the Parks and Pathway Committee and the City of Boise to discuss the Park. Further general discussion. Dan Torfin: We have the access permits from ITD and we have designed the signal. It is our intention to have this operational as soon as possible. Bandy moves to approve FP-13-0S - Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No.1 with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES....... Guerber moves to approve FP-14-0S - Final Plat for Lakemoor Subdivision No.2 with all the appropriate specifications as set down by the presentation by staff. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... Page 3 K\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-28-06mindoc 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. A-3-0S & RZ-S-OS - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-2: Chad Moffat, represented by The Land Group. LLC., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-2 (Residential - up to 2 units per acre), and preliminary plat approval for Moffat Subdivision after participating in mediation, pursuant to Idaho Code 67-6510, after the Eagle City Council's denial of the application on September 13,2005. The 14.6-acre, 30 -lot subdivision (24 - buildable, 6 - common) is located on the west side of Park Lane approximately one-half mile north of Floating Feather Road. B. PP-6-0S - Moffat Subdivision - Post Mediation - Chad Moffat: Chad Moffat, represented by The Land Group. LLC., is requesting a preliminary plat approval for Moffat Subdivision after participating in mediation pursuant to Idaho Code 67-6510, following the Eagle City Council's denial of the application on September 13, 2005. The 14.6-acre, 30-lot subdivision (24- buildable, 6-common) is located on the west side of Park Lane approximately one-half mile north of Floating Feather Road. City Attorney Buxton: 9A and B should have been one. It is the same application. Provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Joann Butler, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the application and discusses the mediation. Eric Cronin, The Land Group, representing the applicant, discusses the outcome of the mediation meeting. General discussion. Planner Baird Spencer, displays overheads and provides an overview of the proposed changes for Council. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor we are hearing both of these applications together. Discusses the procedure for the Public Hearing. Each person has 3 minutes. Mayor swears in Saundra McDavid. Saundra McDavid, 1297 N. Chaucer Way, 1 represent the Homeowner's Association, discusses the comp plan and no planning area North of Linder Road. Discussion of the Councils' vision of the area. Discussion on variety and lot sizes. I ask the City Council create a planning area for the East Linder Road area. Mayor swears in Brent Thompson. Brent Thompson, 1032 Great Basin, I represent the owners of Park Place. I am here to speak for the Soaring 2025 plan and this subdivision. Eagle City has done a great job on their planning for long term growth. Discusses the size of the project and transitioning. Mayor swears in Bob Vaughan. Bob Vaughan, 4026 W. Braveheart Lane, President of the Homeowner's Association, this proposal is essentially unchanged from the last proposal. The issue is one of density and the density has not changed. I can not see how the Council can approve this proposal since it has not changed. Discussion on approval of Park Place Garden. We don't feel that our wishes matter any more. Page 4 K:\CQUNCIL\M1NUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02"28-06min dO(: Mayor swears in Reed DeMordaunt Reed DeMordaunt, 1639 Lakemoor Way, I agree with the compliments of the Soaring 2025 plan. When I moved here 1 bought a copy of the Comp Plan. 1 believe Mr. Moffat's plan supports that vision. Discussion on the long term vision. 1 support this proposal. Mayor swears in Mike Huffaker Mike Huffaker 1753 N. Chaucer Way, I appreciate the time and effort that the Council puts in. We do have strong feels about the comp plan and this subdivision. Discussion on the mediation. This is the same subdivision that we came out against in the first place. This is a quality of life issue with us. Discusses the transition of lot sizes. I ask you not to approve this subdivision. Mayor swears in Mike Chase. Mike Chase, 70 W. Floating Feather Road, 1 have been coming to these meetings for a long time and 1 have been a member of this community for 50 years. 1 am getting tired of all of these people coming in on their soap box and say not in my back yard. 1 didn't want it in my back yard either but change is here. The comp plan is a moving target. We are going to have change. Mayor swears in Curtis Betts. Curtis Betts, 1835 N. Park Lane, my wife and I have been working with Chad Moffat on some significant changes and we are in agreement with and we support this plan. Mayor swears in Randy Hallman. Randy Hallman, 4807 W. Little Feather Lane, the city will continue to grow and I have accepted the new plan. As I continue to farm in the area many subdivisions have gone in on the canals. I don't know if the existing canal is a private lateral or part of the Dry Creek Irrigation. Mayor swears in Sandra Betts. Sandra Betts, 1835 N. Park Lane, as my husband stated we have been working with Chad Moffat. I supported the revised plan for Park Garden. I support this subdivision. Mayor swears in Bob Moffat. Bob Moffat, 1 125 W. Two Rivers, I am in support of the plan. I lived on Floating Feather when it was all farmland. The value of my land increased when the subdivisions moved in. I think we can have great values with mixed use in the City. Two Rivers has different size lots up to one acre. 1 am support of this. Eagle needs to have mixed use. Mayor swears in Ali Shoushtarian. Ali Shoushtarian, 19 N. Eagle Road, discusses the 2025 Soaring Plan. This is anything but comprehensive. Discussion on planning and infrastructure. Mayor swears in Tom Gudmestad. Tom Gudmestad, 1841 S. Lakemoore, 1 came to Idaho 10 years ago. I built a house in Eagle and it is a great way to live. If this flows like all of the other subdivisions that have been built in Eagle it will blend very well. Mayor swears in James Parker. James Parker, 18 S. Eagle Fork, I do not have any benefit in this. I live in Island Wood. I believe that subdivisions like this bring the quality of life to Eagle. I am for this subdivision. Page 5 K\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-28-06min doc Chad Moffat, applicant, displays overheads and discusses the project and the surrounding area. I have sat in neighborhood meetings and we feel that we are transitioning very well. It has to start somewhere. Discusses the mediation meeting. I don't have one real estate agent with me in the audience tonight. I did bring in some people from other areas in Eagle like Two Rivers and Island Woods. We set this subdivision up so that builders could build quality homes. Eric Cronin, discusses Dry Creek and the laterals. Planner Baird Spencer: discusses Dry Creek and the laterals. Joann Butler, Council has to review the application under the comp plan that is in place at the time of the application. Discusses compatibility and a variety of lot sizes. We do request Council to approve this application. Mayor: I would like the City Attorney to explain the mediation process. City Attorney Buxton: 67-6511 A is the Idaho Code section that addresses mediation. An aggrieved party may ask for mediation on a land use issue. This can be a citizen. Mediation can be done with a full group or a small group. The City has the authority to set the parameters of the mediation. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Council Member Bastian provides an overview of the Mediation meeting for the Council and the audience. General Council discussion. Guerber moves to approve A-3-0S & RZ-S-OS - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-2 on the Chad Moffat Subdivision. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... ...... Bandy moves to approve File No. PP-6-0S - Moffat Subdivision Preliminary Plat with staff recommendations and all site specific conditions of approval. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... Mayor calls a recess at 10:00 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 10:20 p.m. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. DR-97-0S - Master Si2n Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 Includinl! Two Buildinl! Wall Si2ns and A Monument Si2n for State Farm - Steve Garrin2er: Steve Garringer, represented by Chris Pecoraro with Sign A Rama, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office building including two building wall signs and a monument sign for State Farm. The site is located on Lot 6, Block], within Rocky Mountain Business Park No.3, on East Iron Eagle Drive. Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan, displays overheads and provides the Council an overview of the application for a master sign plan for Mr. Garringer. General discussion. Mr. Garringer, applicant, in the business world we are so competitive if people don't know where you are at they will go to someone they can find. Also, it is for my current clients so that they can find me since I have relocated. A lot of the businesses don't need a monument sign because of the type of business they are. General discussion. Page 6 K.\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC-02-2g-06mindoc Bastian moves to approve the DR-97-0S - Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Building Including Two Building Wall Signs and A Monument Sign for State Farm and within that approval include on Page 7 of 8, #3.2, A single tenant monument sign for State Farm may be constructed of the materials, colors, and dimensions with associated landscaping as shown on the elevation and landscape plans dated stamped by the City on December 13, 200S, and strike #1. Seconded by Bandy. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES......... ........ B. A-12-0S & RZ-19-0S - Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development A2reement) Lonesome Dove Ranch - Hawkins Companies: Hawkins Companies represented by Bart Longson is requesting approval of an annexation and a rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement). The 41.20-acre site is generally located on the southwest corner of Riverside Drive and State Street at 1505 Riverside Drive. (WEV) This item was continued from the January 10, 2006 meeting. Staffis requesting this item be remanded for re-scheduling as a public hearing at a future date. Mayor: I talked to staff about this and I would recommend that this be remanded back to staff until the applicant brings back the requested changes that the Council requested from them. They would like to come back to Council and argue this issue with Council before bringing any changes. We gave them strong marching orders to not come back to Council until you make some changes. lfyou make this motion it will stay in staff's hands until they receive the request that the Council made to them for the changes before they get back on a City Council Agenda. Guerber so moved. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... General Council discussion on when Lonesome Dove Ranch comes back before Council and what Council expects from them. e. Contract for Purchase of Ada County Propertv- Water Stora2e Tank (SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: This Resolution is attached to the documents I gave you several weeks ago. The agreement is the same that you previously saw. The purchase price for this property $75,750.00. The Resolution approves that the City enter into and authorize the Mayor to sign the Purchase and Sale Agreement with the County and that we agree to accept the underground water and telecommunications line easement agreement and the roadway access agreement and quit claim deed that are substantially in the form attached. Discussion on the numbering of the Resolution. City Attorney Buxton: I request that the Council correct the clerical error on the Resolution numbering. Bastian moves to approve Resolution No. OS-06 and authorize the Mayor to sign all documents that require her signature. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... D. Approval of Acoustic Panels. (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk provides Council a review of the changes to the placement of the acoustic panels in the Council Chambers at the new City Hall. The panels are being manufactured by Kinetics Page 7 K\CQUNCILIMlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-28-06mindoc Noise Control which is one of the vendors recommended by Mr. White. I discussed Kinetics Noise Control with Mr. White and he stated that he has had previous dealings with this company and they were good to work with. I have the testing reports in the file. The panels were constructed as to the specs provided from Mr. White. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve the acoustic panels as presented this evening not to exceed $15,000.00. Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... E. Approval of ITD A2reement - Proiect No. A009(757). Merrill Park Boise River Brid2e. F. Approval of ITD A2reement - Proiect No. A009(75S). Ea21e Road Underpass Pathway. Mayor introduces the issues. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, provides Council an overview of the ITD Agreements for the Merrill Park Boise River Bridge and the Eagle Road Underpass Pathway. ITD will be requesting a payment of $1 0,000.00 on each project for incidental services and this is not part of the Federal Grant. General discussion. Bastian moves to authorize the Mayor to sign the two ITD Agreements and to send the requisite check for $10,000.00 per agreement, and forward it to lTD. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES........ .. G. Final Cost of Brookwood Well. (VB) Mayor introduces the issue. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, provides Council an overview of the Brookwood Well. Mayor: We need to set up a meeting with Mike Hormaechea and bring this back to Council as soon as possible. Mayor: Discussion on acquiring 2,000 acres of BLM lands for $10.00 an acre. Susan is working on the application. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: There have been plans for an equestrian center, trails, and bathrooms on this land by a private party who was trying to acquire the land from the BLM and they will provide the City these plans. There is a Federal Law that allows for the City to purchase this land for recreation. To acquire this land from the BLM you have to develop the land. General discussion. 11. NEW BUSINESS: A. Approval of Historic Commission CLG Grant Application. Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Discusses the Grant Application. I don't have an objection to the forms provided by the State. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve the Historic Commission CLG Grant Application in the amount of $3,S97.00 and authorize the Mayor to sign. Seconded by Bandy. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... Page 8 K\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-28-06min doc 11 B. Contribution Request from First Tee of Idaho. (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to support the First Tee of Idaho with an Eagle level membership of $1,000.00. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Guerber amends the motion to state that this is consistent with the City's youth recreation. Seconded concurs. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Bandy: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... 7A. Resolution No. 05-25 (Ea2le Ranch Pathwav): A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Confirming And Accepting The Dedication of Parks and Pathways in Eagle Ranch Subdivision #4 of the City of Eagle as Recorded in Instrument #793600 I in Ada County, Idaho and Providing an Effective Date. (SEB &WEV) This item was continued from the February 14, 2006 meeting. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays overheads and discusses the pathways and the meeting with homeowners. General discussion. REPORTS: City Engineer Report: Complete first Legacy well and we will do Eaglefield well March I st. Discussion on monitoring the Legacy well. General discussion on the wells and monitoring. City Attorney Report: Discussion on the Hillside Ordinance and wildlife management. We are working on Prime Earth. General discussion on the Prime Earth issues. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Provides Council a spreadsheet on the estimated revenue and expenditures to complete Hill Road Park. General discussion. City Clerk distributes copies of the new City Hall landscaping bids and discusses the same. City Clerk distributes copies of the spreadsheet detailing the City's expenditures for the new City Hall, including landscaping, equipment and furnishings. General discussion. General discussion on the new City Hall. Mavor and Council's Report: Bastian: Reports on Community Colleges and Idaho Law. General discussion. Mayor: Discussion on the proposal from the Treasure Valley Family YMCA for a location in the Eagle area. General discussion. Discussion on a grant writer. Bandy: Reports on the Air Quality Board. I will be gone from March 14th to March 21 st. Steve will also be gone on March 14th. Look into doing a conference call with Steve, providing there is a light agenda. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report 12. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES....................... .. Respectfully subrnitted: ~~k I~~--/ ~SHAR NK.BERGMANN Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1 '),:40 a.m. "...~ ..... t' ... ..,.." \' BAG .... .... "" 0 ...... l. ^ '. ~ "". ... ~- "" /;:.... 10IlA1'~.\ \ : (.)1 o'+- ,-tl ': : . CJ.." : 1.~:~~~~Joj \: "", ~ i,q. .:to . ('011 PO..,,:... 'f' l Page 9 ~'" ....... \"'> ~.. K \CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\cc-~~~CI4l1'" Of ".., ..I.C ." ,','......." CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: Page 10 IUCOUNCIL\M1NUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\C'C-02-28-06mm doc 17 kisAl cc: Dana Borgquist Cl aM 4r We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities. January 31, 2006 Mayor Nancy Merrill City of Eagle PO Box 1520 Eagle, ID Nancy, RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE FEB 0 6 2006 File Route trn• Thank you for meeting with us today. Your energy, vision and enthusiasm for making Eagle an even better place for the citizens you serve is inspiring and contagious. It reminds me of another Mayor we have enjoyed working with in Canyon County. Chief Borgquist's genuine commitment to helping youth before they get into trouble is refreshing. We look forward to seeing how we can work together to meet important needs in the fast growing area, in and around Eagle, especially as it relates to children and families. We welcome and appreciate your investigation into possible locations. You know the community well and we are very open to partnerships with developers, schools, Parks and Recreation, municipalities; anyone who has a similar mission and with whom we could develop a win, win situation. Remember that we own a great piece of land we would be willing to discuss swapping. It is probably only suitable for a high end residence on the river. We see our next step as being the development of a Blue Ribbon Steering Committee to evaluate the interest in, and the specific components of, a YMCA in Eagle. We look forward to working with you in the formation, orientation and recruitment of this group. Sincerely, im Everett CEO Treasure Valley Family YMCA David Duro COO Treasure Valley Family YMCA / " • / Mayor/ City Council City Clerk P & Z Dept Bldg. Der` Attorney Engineer CG VOLUNTEER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Pat Olsson Chief Volunteer Officer Bob Dutton Human Resources & Strategic Planning Chair Debbie Flandro Communications Chair Steve Skaggs Finance Chair Kelt Elledge Philanthropy Chair Rich Binsacca Youth Chair Mike McMurray West Y -City Chair George Mustard Downtown Chair Mark Adams Caldwell Chair Ruth York Child Development Chair Glenn Michael Past Board Chair YMCA EXECUTIVE STAFF Jim Everett President & Chief Executive Officer Billie Bernasconi Vice President & Chief Administration Officer David Duro Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Jay George Vice President & Chief Human Resource Officer Tom O'Neil Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Proposal: c LODMAN COMMERCIAL February 9, 2006 5051 North Villa Ridge Way. Revised Boise, Idaho 83703 2/20/2006 208-867-4584, Fax 208-344-5129 2/28/2006 **EAGLE CITY HALL** This Proposal is based on the drawings for Eagle City Hall, 6600 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616.. Dated 5/9/2005, drawn by C.B.E. of Edwards Landscape Architecture and Garden Design. Revisions Noted 6/24/05, 7/14/05 Project #05-051. Sheets L1 and L2 were used in producing this proposal by ELC. 1 Topsoil, Topsoil is assumed to be on site. And rough graded to plus/ minus 4" final grade ** If Topsoil is needed it will be imported at cost plus 10%.... 1 Place up to 4", and Fine Grade Topsoil Reuse existing Topsoil from the Site. *Lite Rough Grade, Place, and Fine Grade Topsoil.* 50000.00 S6,160.00 1 Merrills Compost for all landscape area's and plant backfill: 52,475.00* Approx. 150 CY. ***Product Supplied by others 1 Sod: Approx. 32,250 SF 1 Mulch = Merrills Ground Cover as per spec: Approx. 6.750 SF. ***Product supplied by others 1 Gravel W/ Weed Fabric: Approx. 4,800 SF. 1 Stepping stones 2'x2': Approx. 850 LF, 1 City — Tie for irrigation: 1 Double Check Backflow up to 2" w/ all inspections and permits 1 The Irrigation System: Miscellaneous: • All materials and workmanship is guaranteed for 1 year after completion of the project. • 100% coverage in lawn areas, Hunter rotors heads, and popup sprays. • Beds Drip system • 1 - clock location to be determined on site. Exclusions: • Power to controller by others (110V outlet needed). S3,650.00 $175.00 $620.00 $15,600.00 Planting as per plan: W/Out Optional Beds* $43,660.00* All Trees staked as necessary. Fertilize all trees and of completion. PLANTINGS AS PER PLAN 5 Autumn Blaze Maple 3 Prunus Maackii / Chokecherry 8 Autumn Purple Ash 1 Bloodgood Japanese Maple 3 Canada Red Chokecherry 6 Golden Rain Tree 9 Hoopsi Blue Spruce 13 Imperial Honeylocust 9 Riverbirch 8 Springsnow Crabapple 8 Newport Plum 2 Weeping Sequoia 6 Blue Ice Cypress 18 Burkwood Viburnum 72 Compact Oregon Grape 0 Creeping Oregon Grape 162 Hamlin Grass 12 Photina 36 Goldflame Spirea 4 Nandina shrubs with Agriform planting tablets. 3" CAL 10-15' clump 3" CAL 1.25" CAL 10-12' clump 3" CAL 7-8' 3" CAL 3" CAL 3" CAL 3" CAL 7-8' 4-5' 5 GAL 2 GAL 2 GAL 1 GAL 5 GAL 2 GAL 5 GAL Guarantee one year from date 3 Rose of Sharron Helene 21 Ivory Halo Dogwood 16 Karl Forester 34 Manhatten Euonymus 3 Miss Kim Lilac 0 Nearly Wild Rose 20 Otto Luyken Laurel 66 Red Flower Carpet Rose 17 Wintergem Boxwood 29 Green Ajuga 36 Red Phlox 66 Ice Blue Juniper 42 Jupiters Beard Coccineus 40 Japanese Bloodgrass 10 Black Mondo Grass 143 Stella De Oro Daylily 18 Swirling Water Daylily 54 Munstead Lavender 5 Patroit Hosta 2 Big leaf Hosta 14 Russian Sage 0 Red Garden Mum *Bio Barrier: as per Barb Install Approx 500 LF of 19.5" Rio 13arricr ;ts her :pec from 13ioharricr.com. phis needs some cicritication from l -he C m of not 25U0 lf.. . Removal'of Plaza Area Credit Remove approx 3000 SF sod, 500 SF beds, Irrigation from city hall, and the plant list below: 2 Autumn Purple Ash 3" CAL 3 Canada Red Chokecherry 10-12' clump 5 Riverbirch 3" CAL 3 Newport Plum 3" CAL 5 Burkwood Viburnum 5 GAL 17 Hamlin Grass 1 GAL 12 Goldflame Spirea 2 GAL 6 Jupiters Beard Coccineus 1 GAL 18 Stella De Oro Daylily 1 GAL 8 Russian Sage 1 GAL No Edging as per plan: No Paver installation: TOTAL as per plan: W/Out Alternates A, B, C. 5 GAL 5 GAL 2 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 2 GAL 5 GAL 2 GAL 3 GAL 4" pots 4" pots 2 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL S3,000.00* - S6,760.00* $000.00 $000.00 $ 80,710.00 CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS 1. Road mix and other debris is removed by other's prior to placing topsoil. WARRANTY Eagle Landscape provides a one-year warranty on all workmanship One year or one replacement warranty on all plant material, except annuals which have no warranty There is no warranty for transplanted material. There is no warranty against loss due to lack of improper maintenance. There is no plant warranty for plantings not watered with an automatic irrigation system Examples of lack of proper maintenance include over or under -watering plant material, fertilizer or chemical damage, insects or diseases acquired after the first 90 days of project completion, vandalism, unusual weather conditions. No warranty is provided on accounts that are not paid in full. Lodman Commerical. Date TOTAL as per plan: W/Out Alternates A, B, C. ALTERNATES Plants Alternate A: Sandstone edging Alternate A: Approx. 325 LF, 6"x6" Sandstone curbing installed Plants Alternate B: Sandstone edging Alternate B: Approx. 210 LF, 6"x6" Sandstone curbing installed Jason Aird, GM / Eagle Landscape, Date $ 80,710.00 ADD $2,980.00 ADD $6,650.00 ADD $2,240.00 ADD $4,300.00 Sandstone edging Alternate C: ADD $3,100.00 Approx. 150 LF, 6"x6" Sandstone curbing installed TOTAL as per plan: W/ Alternates A, B, C. $ 99,980.00 Lodman Commerical . Date Jason Aird, GM / Eagle Landscape, Date HILL ROAD PARK - PROJECT COMPLETION REVENUE: BUDGETED REVENUE FOR PARK: General Fund Park Fund: Hill Road Park Development System Improvements Total Budgeted Revenue : Difference between Budgeted and Actual Carry Forward TOTAL BUDGETED REVENUE OTHER REVENUE: 1. Donation 2. ITD-Pedestrian Underpass - Budgeted $147,000 will need $47,000 ($100,000 payment from developers) 3. Park Development Projects 4. Capital Expenditure -Land Acquisition TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE Estimate of Probable Project Development Cost Current as of 1/10106 Project Development Total Alternate #1 -Frontage Improvements Alternate #2 -Amphitheatre Alternate #3 -Perimeter Trails By Owner: Signage Picnic Tables Alternate Total: Owner Total: TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST: Cc -_7.. ?"- 2116/2006 $241,000.00 $1,026,475.00 $37,496.00 $1,304,971.00 $42,777.00 $1,347,748.00 $10,000.00 $100,000.00 $115,000.00 $143,813.00 $368,813.00 $1,716,561.00 $1,567,793.28 $90,832.06 $23,526.60 $11,356.50 $125,715.16 $6,780.00 $16,272.00 $23,052.00 $1,716,560.44, K:1Clerks\Parks\Hill Road12-14-06 Budget ' NEW CITY HALL - EXTERIOR & INTERIOR EXPENDITURES LOCATION ITEM Landscaping Estimated cost $114,615 HS allowance $87,000 7 Bollards K:IClerks\City Hall Project120051BUDGET COST 27,615.00 3,500.00 Council Chambers Audio - Visual System 92,148.04 Council Chambers Acoustic Panels 13,265.00 CC Lobbry Reupholster/refinish 5 Charis 849.75 CC Chambers Shades for windows 11,733.00 PZ -Bldg Dept Filing System 22,802.00 Exterior/Interior Security System 19,092.00 Exterior CH City Seals - 2 5,400.00 PZ -Bldg -Clerks - Open Office Mayor's Assist & Reception Area Break Room -Patio Panel System 77,472.01 Desk, Chairs, Tables 2,384.70 Tables, Chairs, Stg Cabinets, Benches 7,519.20 Council Work Room Folding Conference Table, Chairs Credenza 4,128.70 Mud Room Built-ins - Estimate 3,000.00 Bldg Dept File Room Drafting Table 499.99 Code Enforcement City Clerk's Area Softline Chairs (2) 1,139.90 Staff Telephone System - Updated 7,088.87 CH Building Estimate -Additional Bldg Electrical 6,000.00 Conference Rooms Audio -Visual 8,043.00 Staff Computers (8) Estimate 12,000.00 Additional Document Camera CC Chambers for Presenter Podium TOTAL $325,681.16, REVENUE: City Hall Facilities $437,400.00 New City Hall Equipment -325,681.16 City Hall Equipment $111,718.84 Project Liaison New City Hall K:IClerkslCity Hall Projectl20051BUDGET $197,400.00 200, 000.00 20,000.00 20, 000.00 $437,400.00 131 - High Impact HardSide High Impact HardSide Panels are the more abuse resistant model of the stan- dard HardSide Panel. Sound Absorption Coefficients are higher and the impact resist- ant face is also tackable. For applications where excellent appearance and superior acoustical performance must be teamed with greater durability, the High Impact HardSide acoustical wall panel is the answer. A two-part composite panel, the High Impact HardSide panel has a 5-7 PCF density core with a 1/8" thick, 12-18 PCF density impact resistant skin laminated on the core face. The higher density face gives the High Impact HardSide panel greater abuse resistance, tackability, and higher sound absorption. This panel can be wrapped with fabric from the FR 701 collection from Guilford of Maine or with a factory approved, customer -selected fabric. Vinyl finishes are also available. Select panel sizes up to 4 ft. x 10 ft. or custom-designed panels with angled or contoured perimeter cuts. 6300 I relan Place KI:N ETLCS Dublin, OH 43017 1.800.959.1229 Toll -Free Noise Control www.kineticsnoise.com Over 40 years of success solving acoustic and noise control problems! Description A fiberglass acoustical wall panel with an impact resistant facing. Fabric or vinyl wrapped from a wide selection of finishes. Available with hardened shaped edges. Thicknesses range from 1 1/8 inches to 4 1/8 inches and sizes up to 4 ft. x 10 ft. Composition 5-7 PCF fiberglass core 12 PCF 1/8" high impact "skin" (Optional 18 PCF) Chemically hardened edges Fabric faced with factory in -stock fabric by Guilford of Maine, or factory -approved, customer -selected material. Acoustical Performance Sound Absorption per ASTM C-423. Type A Mounting Frequency, Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 NRC 1 1/8" thick .15 .53 1.09 1.21 1.09 1.00 1.00 2 1/8" thick .44 .75 1.14 1.15 1.11 1.05 1.05 Fire Test Data Class A per ASTM E84 Applications Interior surfaces where superior acoustical performance must be teamed with greater durability and abuse resistance. Schools/Classrooms Auditoriums Lobbies and Corridors Churches Gymnasiums Recreation Centers Cafeterias (vinyl facing) Mounting HardSide Impaling Clips with Adhesive EdgeMount Clips Z -Clips - movable Velcro - movable Download the Specification in CSI Masterformat at www.kineticsnoise.com 4abric or Vinyl EDGE OPTIONS Square Bevel Mitre Radius Pencil 1/8" High Density Fiberglass Facing Fiberglass Core with Hardened Edges J Please contact your factory representative for design layout, specifications and pricing. 05/03 t SIVSIVS 02-0"-46' 4'16104 pit, (A,4 titto--62)1sikeb `ii lassillh.?i • ith kph., West Wall Treatment on East facing wall ir, YseseVes NeseVses Al" North Wall seseshIs veseseses urtains, Drapes, Wall Hangings 1 East Wall VseSeses seshAes NeSeseses NIVNINIS VesAes lass? !? Wall Area =614sgft Glass Area = 265 sq ft Treatment =176 sq ft Wall Area= 968 sq ft Treatment = 272 sq ft Wall Area =1049 sq ft Treatment =64 sq ft IJ Back Wall Treatment E:1 = 200 sq ft Wall Area =644sgft Glass Area = 324 sq ft Treatment = 208 sq ft South Wall Eagle City Council Chamber Acoustic Treatment whitepete@cableone.net 48 in 48 in Acoustical Treatments 48 in 24 in 2 in Panels of semi-rigid fiberglass material Density approx 6 pcf Cover with open weave colored cloth Must meet appropriate Fire Codes Acoustical Characteristics 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 0.20 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Attach to walls with adhesive or clips Suspended acoustical tile ceiling specification 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 0.34 0.31 0.49 0.68 0.71 0.58 Acoustical Panels March x, 2006 President Robert W. Kustra Boise State University 1910 University Drive Boise, Idaho 83725 Dear President Kustra: The City of Eagle has been taking increasing notice of activities in the Treasure Valley that have escalated recognition of the importance of offering additional opportunities for residents to participate in higher education in Southwestern Idaho. I and the City Council felt it was important to express support for your efforts to enhance educational offerings at the community college level, and that it also be recognized that an institution with local roots ought to be involved in providing those services. Thus, the City of Eagle would be very much interested in seeking to create a partnership that could benefit your efforts to create an such education center by providing an appropriate and strategically beneficial site in which to locate such a facility. More specifically, the inclusion of an education/corporate campus concept in the most recent Eagle Comprehensive Plan provides an ideal opportunity for us to advocate the cooperative development of such a center in an appropriate location in our city. It's important to look long term at such a consideration, particularly when it comes to future grow projections and accessibility to the population center of Southwestern Idaho. We believe, in the next 20 years, development of the Treasure Valley will not only move westward, but northward. Consider these facts in that regard: • Major development projects known by city planners and elected officials to be in various stages of design may bring an estimated 50,000 new residents in the next two decades or less to an area encompassing northwest Ada County, the foothills north of Eagle, north Canyon County locations such as Middleton, the Highway 55 corridor and west Boise County, and the Emmett Valley and Gem County. (That growth process will contribute to a shift in the population center of the Treasure Valley from the current Fairview Avenue corridor north toward Eagle). • Development plans for Highway 16 (the Emmett highway) as identified in the Connecting Idaho project will create a major new transportation corridor in West Ada County from Interstate 84 to Emmett and beyond. (That corridor will be adjacent to Eagle's western city limits and within a few hundred yards of the proposed education/corporate campus complex site). • The ease of connecting to Eagle from south of the Boise River will not only benefit from both the new Highway 16 project and the new Three Cities Crossing project (scheduled for 2011), but will be enhanced with planned improvements to Eagle Road, Linder Road, Star Road, Highway 55, and State Street/Highway 44. (In other words, Eagle will become increasingly accessible by a growing transportation system from throughout the valley). • The proposed education/corporate campus concept in Eagle would be located just north of and adjacent to another major learning center — the Legacy development that will include the world headquarters for the Jack Nicholas Golf Academy, the Jim Courier Tennis Academy, the Mark Spitz Swimming Academy, and the Mia Hamm/Julie Foudy/Brandi Chastain Soccer Academy. (The location of a community college campus in close proximity to those four major training facilities would serve to enhance the quality and prestige of both offerings). We don't believe, President Kustra, that you would find a more appropriate site to provide the type of offerings you have discussed as an enhancement to educational services in the Treasure Valley than in Eagle. And while we understand there may be no definite timetable in place for the creation of such a center for education services, we do have planners, developers, businesses and elected officials anxious to discuss the possibility of creating a relationship that would link the City of Eagle and Boise State University in development of a vision for a dynamic education/corporate campus complex in northern Ada County. We believe the time to do so is now. How soon can we arrange a meeting to further discuss such a partnership? Sincerely, Mayor Nancy Merrill City of Eagle T MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: THERESA VERSCHUREN, ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR RE: CONTRIBUTION REQUEST FROM FIRST TEE OF IDAHO DATE: FEBRUARY 23, 2006 The Mayor has requested that I share the attached information with Council. She would like to discuss this request from First Tee Idaho during Pre -Council on Tuesday, February 28. (;)z) The First': Tee® �Idah Board of Directors Executive Committee Douglas Sato, President Gary Edwards, Vice President Marilyn Reynolds, Secretary Doug Mabe, Treasurer Members Susan Breaux Bill Cole Mark Johnson Bill Killen Dennis Labrum Tena Lokken Linda Petlichkoff Steve Price Doug Sato Laurelle Stanwood John Tensen Rich Williams PGA Teaching Professivaals T.J. Gomez Ron Rawls Chapter Location Pierce Park Greens 5812 N. Pierce Park Cn. Boise, ID 83703 Contact Information Anne Williamson Executive Director The First Tee of Idaho P.O. Box 140071 Boise, ID 83714 Phone: 208.853.3302 TheFirstTeeofIdaho@hotmail.com www.TheFrstTeeofldaho.org REIC.:EIVE) & FILED CITY OF EAGLE FEB 2 1 213O6 File Routa to' February 15, 2006 Dear Mayor Merrill: Mike Simpson U.S. House of Representatives Second Congressional Distract Honorary Chairman For the past year, we have been diligently working to establish an Idaho Chapter of The First Tee, a non-profit youth development program that teaches life skills through golf. We are genuinely excited about positively impacting the lives of young members of our community as we begin our first full -year of programming. As a new organization, we have many start-up costs and will have ongoing funding needs. We currently have an immediate opportunity for a matching grant from the national organization if we can raise $50,000 by April lst. Although $50,000 is a lot of money for a new organization to raise, every dollar is needed to provide quality programming and life skills instruction to our young participants. Please consider a generous contribution to help us ensure the success of The First Tee of Idaho. Your financial commitment will enable us to leverage these funds for additional grants and other funding opportunities. We are a 501(c)3 organization and as such, your contribution is fully tax deductible. Thank you in advance for your generous support! Sincerely, The First Tee of Idaho Board of Directors 1 The First Tee of Idaho "Kick Off" Governor Kempthorne Members of the Boys & Girls Club of Ada County Nationwide Tour Players Teaching life skills through golf 0 0 0 a -Putt Long Drive Par $50 II $100 I $250 Name C:-tT/� i QL Address P,(9 ,`. f. _ �7 � City, tateS1:(7, a �.P_ (J._ S-3 /6 Phone 94 (o l"/ Enclosed is: MY checK For $ //pp0 ,Df% Birdie Zoo Eagle $1,030 E-mail r; Et? o -e 9le . ©r� to enroll me in the Fairway Friends Club Zip Ace $2,500 My initial gift of $ is enclosed. Please bill me quarterly for the remainder until paid in Full. Mee ChecKs payable to: The First Tee of Idaho Every $5o donation supports one Child's participation. The First Tee of Idaho is a 502(0)(3) non-profit. The c' } First , Tee Idaho Fairway Friends Club The First Tee of Idaho at pierce parK Greens 5812 N. Pierce parK Lane Boise, ID 83703 www.TheFirstTeeldaho.org TheFirstTeeldaho@hotmail.com O Piease remove me from roar list. LAN OFFICE OF THOMAS G. MAILE, N, P.A. 380 WEST STATE STREET, EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 (208) 939-1000 / Fax (208) 939-1001 February 28, 2006 City of Eagle Attn: Nancy C. Merrill, Mayor 310 East State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 Re: Richard & Sandy Smith/City of Eagle Nuisance allegations re: 35 W. State Street, Eagle, Idaho Our File No. M02-4046.0 Dear Honorable Mayor Merrill and City Council Members: Our office has been retained by Richard & Sandy Smith, concerning the allegations surrounding the Order to Show Cause transmittal dated February 14, 2006. Initially, I would like to advise the city that it is my clients' position that there exists no factual foundation, that the property in it's current condition presents a public nuisance. For your benefit, I have included Idaho Code section 30-101 in its entirety for your review and consideration. 52-101 NUISANCE DEFINED. Anything which is injurious to health or morals, or is indecent, or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any navigable lake, or river, stream, canal, or basin, or any public park, square, street, or highway, is a nuisance. It is my clients' position that this property has been in the current condition for a number of years and poses no threat to the health, safety or welfare of the community. The condition of the real property does not support the City's position that the property is a public nuisance. My clients will be asserting a claim for costs and attorneys fees under Idaho Code sections 12-117, 12-121, and 12-123, in defending any action taken by the City relative to the assertion that this property is a public nuisance. I am providing the council with relevant portions of Idaho Code section 12-117 for your consideration. 12-117 ATTORNEY'S FEES, WITNESS FEES AND EXPENSES AWARDED IN CERTAIN INSTANCES. (1) Unless otherwise provided by statute, in any administrative or civil judicial proceeding involving as adverse parties a state agency, a city, a county or other taxing Page two letter Eagle City/Smith February 28, 2006 district and a person, the court shall award the prevailing party reasonable attorney's fees, witness fees and reasonable expenses, if the court finds that the party against whom the judgment is rendered acted without a reasonable basis in fact or law. (2) If the prevailing party is awarded a partial judgment and the court finds the party against whom partial judgment is rendered acted without a reasonable basis in fact or law, the court shall allow the prevailing party's attorney's fees, witness fees and expenses in an amount which reflects the person's partial recovery. Consequently, in conclusion, we look forward to meeting with the council and/or any other designated body for further discussions, however, my clients' position is that they will vigorously oppose any attempt by the City to circumvent their individual property rights. I look forward to the City's attorney or the City Council's reply should you have any additional questions. ` Sincerely, T. ", (0- ( Thomas C Mai IV TGM/mp Z:M\PS1SMITNR&S\NUI SANCE1CITY.LTR cc: Clients Photo looking Southeast looking southwest �flew from "NE -Corner of Eag and State Street. city From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: city Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 18:36:39 -0500 Back lot of City of Eagle building CC e22 -,2 -oma Page 1 of 1 This message has been scanned for known viruses. http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 guho From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: guho Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 19:1231 -0500 Guho Lot G>C ,✓'2`C* -72- Page 1 of 1 This message has been scanned for known viruses. http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 moxie java & hotel cc Page 1 of 1 From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: moxie java & hotel Date: Tue. 28 Feb 2006 19:23:44 -0500 This message has been scanned for known viruses. Lot between Eagle hotel and \jj �� -%v�(dead trees and unmaintanced ground, side building needs painted. http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 wild west From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: wild west Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 20:28:15 -0500 ,2 Page 1 of 1 This message has been scanned for known viruses. Back of Wild west and empty side lot http://d03.webmail.aol .com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 rembrants use From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: rembrants use Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 20:53:53 -0500 CC Page 1 of 1 This message has been scanned for known viruses. Smith Garage after rembrants use and constructing their patio http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 vet center From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: vet center Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 20:40:33 -0500 OLD VET CENTER F� Ccs-��� Page 1 of 1 This message has been scanned for known viruses. http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 barber shop From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: barber shop Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 20:28:45 -0500 Barber shop Cca.,.. Page 1 of 1 This message has been scanned for known viruses. http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 East State st. From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: East State st. Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 20.29:13 -0500 CC��2ir-De Page 1 of 2 This message has been scanned for known viruses. Three properties East of DeeAnn's Hair Design http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 goldman property From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: goldman property Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 20:14:51 -0500 Goldman Property C2- oma Page 1 of 1 This message has been scanned for known viruses. http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 kings house From: Nccstor To: Nccstor Subject: kings house Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 19:26:08 -0500 CG .2-k—e26 Page 1 of 1 This message has been scanned for known viruses. House west of Kings & Chicago Connection http://d03.webmail.aol.com/15106/aol/en-us/Mail/display-message.... 2/28/2006 Eagle City Council 310 E. State St. PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: PP -6-05 - Moffat Subdivision - Post Mediation - Chad Moffat: February 28, 2006 6:30 p.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE J� r yrs S1 A;9;:7 ()L 7 /5 c - 1►6-eit 1 l// C4 J,s14, rlVa., r > V'c%L'Atr,r4 b Er l 9`/� p q_Vdc c 4u‘_ 1170/ &\,v,--D4S1?evek -04 Fcc( ti ()11001, aVL. RAS) , rdd /8 /li ;)4 43S Ai Paul l v� 1;7266 ,i' C lOri-i" (')(-'7,)/ )( s OY/ TESTIFY YES/0. PRO/CON /07 2 LL 1-71o2C, IL) ,7:41/E)J. C' t Ly, /4-lS Z S 1.SiA JC/c i✓A-y f)7s- z��i •� ('(� ��L /.-k_cukre) 7 S O& U(/ % P i# l SO 4-,4eLL (Cr -3z-hr .3. w Page 1 of H 1COUNCILNAGF.NDAICCSIGNUP WPD r\� PyC Eagle City Council 310 E. State St. PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: PP -6-05 - Moffat Subdivision - Post Mediation Chad Moffat: February 28, 2006 6:30 p.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE YES/NO? PRO/CON i If t 1I Mt> `�. mac% r�, Io 4 �c.,)714-1 Ls,i.Cm.o%,.._ W C I� S V 7 iLl7n12:'a_ (77 t (06134-riere--Y .>. Pao (4 r //O25t ), • Ru i� 1/ / 1 ti . IJ 2 'ram. (onod(� aafer t� (" c_.&&0s — Tern,_,,MAAe, /6 l& S RwricLeetW Page 1 of 11.\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD 1 Eagle City Council 310 E. State St. PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject- A-3-05 & RZ-5-05 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-2: Chad Moffat: February 28, 2006 6:30 P.M. NAME ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE / /) -'i) Yin i 3 /8.3 5 r\r' P�r �C nl , ,d I/ 1f) c, ► � TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON t,9-61-77 !£ f,4':,/ YrS z6.1- L, P,rcwE1'tfc„ & ti\ •TE+t F110-2_ rte A/5 -e S . -r.5 (dtvu (ANN V4-1 x,2-4//,.., /J 44(44 /4-d L , /�(o +124 J_ 4 25 " Li Z / r c /7'5 3 G' I' /) 5 . k2ia, r— 973 Cove Cc/ons 1,0W z77C (Thnu-tttt., CLL tit /l 1r3 V7Al 2 . tZie (mase 'LJAL LR Q i 7 l•1� 1 %%Z L J ct.C� P. ` Y` /O© V Q E ZrIlL.vrtel �( 6.4g if)(t) Page 1 of H:ICOUNCII \AGENDA\CCSIGNUP.WPD �r �^ k;! FC 2- FQ72 l �> ,Z/ 9-6/- ht:(2— CO/1 1- Gv .P(rei Eagle City Council 310 E. State St. PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject- A-3-05 & RZ-5-05 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-2: Chad Moffat: February 28, 2006 6:30 a.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON ti Clan � 27/5c17 .(.;.Y.1(. ,f4 s 1304-o Page 1 of H:\COUNCILIAGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD Cc II HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. rif ENGINEERS • CONSULTANTS 32 N. Main P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 • Fax # (208) 642-2159 November 28, 2005 Mr. Mike Hormaecha Aries Development, LLC P.O. Box 6887 Boise, ID 83707 RE: Plans and Specifications and Engineer's Probable Costs for Eagle Well No. 3 (Brookwood Well), Aries Development, LLC HECO No. PR 014100 Dear Mike: On September 22, 2005 the IDWR issued a Final Order on Permit No. 63-12448 that allows the City and Aries Development to proceed with the Brookwood Well. Currently, the DEQ approval for the Brookwood Well has lapsed and a re -submittal is required. Enclosed are plans and specifications, DEQ well site and well construction checklists and design submittals for the construction of Eagle Well No. 3 (Brookwood Well) for your review. The design has been modified to a single welded casing assembly to reduce construction costs and improve well reliability. Updated probable costs for well construction are attached and include construction of the well by the drilling contractor and related engineering services. The well pumping system, wellhead and distribution water works, and the well house facility are not included in the Engineer's probable cost. Drilling contractor costs were compiled from information provided by Riverside, Inc. To proceed forward, a copies of the attached well house plans and specifications have been submitted to DEQ along with the well plans and specifications. To expedite the process, we used a standard well house design and design check list (DEQ) and the well easement granted in the plat of Brookwood. The well house design has not been through the City's design review process or before the Brookwood Homeowner's Association. The well house is adaptable to cosmetic changes to integrate the design with Homeowner's Association and the City requirements. Well design documents are also required by IDWR with the submittal of application for drilling permit for concurrent WATER • WASTEWATER • SOLID WASTE • PUBLIC UTILITIES • STRUCTURES • PLANNING • STUDIES review. We will need to discuss the well house design, pumping system and wellhead water works as more information is available. After the well is constructed and actual flows are known, and after proceeding through Design Review and meeting with the Homeowner's Association, we may need to resubmit the well house and/or piping design to DEQ in the event that there is material change from the plans. At the present time, it is anticipated that the earliest drill date will be in March, 2006. In accordance with the Well Purchase Agreement, September 26, 2000, the project is setup for a private owner/contractor agreement for well and well house construction. Holladay Engineering is providing engineering design and construction oversight under our role as City Engineer at the direction of the Council. An updated Professional Services Agreement is included with the well plans and specifications document for review. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, HOLLADAY ENGINEERING COMPANY By: Chris Duncan, P.G. Project Geologist Attachments cc: Mayor Nancy Merrill, City of Eagle HOLLADAY ENGINEERING COMPANY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This is an Agreement made effective as of the date of signature between the person or organization as identified by authorized representative's signature, hereinafter called OWNER and Holladay Engineering Company, of Payette, Idaho, hereinafter called CONSULTANT. PROJECT TITLE: Eaale Well No. 3 (Brookwood). Aries Development. LLC SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED WORK Project No. PR 014100 This Professional Services Agreement is for Construction of Eagle Well No. 3 (Brookwood), Aries Development, LLC. Inclusive to this Professional Services Agreement are the following attachments: Attachment A: Detailed Scope of Engineering Work Attachment B: Engineer's Probable Project Cost Attachment C: Standard Rates for Services Fixed Fee Time and Materials Attachment C: Standard Rates for Services applicable to work beyond Attachment A Detailed Scope of Engineering Work. This Agreement shall have a period of 120 calendar days including holidays and weekends and shall begin upon the date of signatures contained herein. OWNER shall pay CONSULTANT according to the following: O Current Time and Materials 0 Fixed Fee as defined in Fee Schedule Scope of Work Schedule By: By: Representative's Signature Date Michael Hormaechea Aries Development, LLC P.O. Box 6887 Eagle, ID 83707 H HOLLADAY ENGINEERING COMPANY E 32 N. Main Street P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 EJOther as Defined in Scope of Work Schedule Holladay Engineering Co. Date Holladay Engineering Company P.O. Box 235 32 N. Main Payette, ID 83661 Fax: (208)642-2159 email: hec@holladayengineering.com Owner Engineer ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF ENGINEERING WORK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Eagle Well No. 3 (Brookwood), Aries Development, LLC — PR 014100 A. Engineering Tasks to be completed: 1. Well Design Revisions, Permit Submittals, and Approvals: a. Revise well design using a single string assembly b. Revise plan and specifications document c. Revise DEQ well site and well construction check list document d. DEQ Public Water System submittal and review meeting e. IDWR drilling permit submittal and review meeting f. Prepare Engineer's probable project cost 2. Well Construction Bid: a. Well construction bid for private contract b. Well construction contract coordination 3. Well Construction: a. Construction and contract administration b. Field inspection of well construction c. Water quality sampling 4. Well Construction Reporting a. DEQ well construction report b. Well construction completion report to client H HOLLADAY ENGINEERING COMPANY E 32 N. Main Street P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 Fax: (208)642-2159 email: hec©holladayengineering.com Owner Engineer ATTACHMENT B ENGINEER'S PROBABLE PROJECT COST PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Eagle Well No. 3 (Brookwood), Aries Development, LLC — PR 014100 Engineer's Probable Project Cost of Engineering Tasks to be completed: Item Description Unit Unit Price Amount Total Price 1. Well Design Revision, Approval/Permit Submittals, and approvals: a. Revised well design using a single string assembly 1. Geologist H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 2. Engineering Aide H.R. $50.00 8 $ 400 b. Revised plan and specification document 1. Geologist H.R. $100.00 30 $ 3,000 2. Engineering Aide H.R. $50.00 8 $ 400 c. Revised DEQ well site and well construction check list documents H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 d. DEQ Public Water System submittal and review meeting H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 e. IDWR drilling permit submittal and review meeting H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 f. Prepare Engineer's probable project cost H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 2. Well Construction Bid: a. Well construction bid for private contract 1. Geologist H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 2. Engineering Aide H.R. $50.00 16 $ 800 b. Well construction contract coordination H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 3. Well Construction: a. Construction and contract administration H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 b. Field inspection of well construction H.R. $100.00 40 $ 400 c. Water quality sampling H.R. $100.00 8 $ 800 4. Well construction Reporting: a. DEQ well construction report H.R. $100.00 12 $ 1,200 b. Well construction completion report to client H.R. $100.00 2 $ 2,000 H HOLLADAY ENGINEERING COMPANY E 32 N. Main Street P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 SUBTOTAL: $ 15,400 Fax: (208)642-2159 email: hec@holladayengineering.com Owner Engineer ATTACHMENT B (Continued) ENGINEER'S PROBABLE PROJECT COST PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Eagle Well No. 3 (Brookwood), Aries Development, LLC — PR 014100 Engineer's Probable Project Cost of Drilling Contractor and Laboratory Tasks to be completed: Item Description Unit Unit Price Amount Total Price 1. Mobilization and demobilization L.S. $7,500.00 1 $ 7,500 2. 24" rotary drilling L.F. $85.00 340 $ 28,900 3. 12" steel casing L.F. $52.00 255 $ 13,260 4. 12" stainless steel screen L.F. $194.00 80 $ 15,520 5. Drilling mud (bags) E.A. $9.40 100 $ 940 6. Filter media C.Y. $690.00 12 $ 8,280 7. Bentonite Seal C.Y. $275.00 19 $ 5,225 8. Well completion L.F. $12.00 340 $ 4,080 9. Well development H.R. $225.00 24 $ 5,480 10. Install and remove test pump L.S. $6,000.00 1 $ 6,000 11. Conduct test pump L.S. $185.00 8 $ 1,480 12. Televise well L.S. $1,400.00 1 $ 1,400 13. Standby at well site H.R. $225.00 4 $ 900 14. Laboratory water quality analysis L.S. SUBTOTAL: $98,885 1 $ 3,200 SUBTOTAL: $ 3,200 TOTAL: $ 102,085 H HOLLADAY ENGINEERING COMPANY E 32 N. Main Street P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 Fax: (208)642-2159 email: hec@holladayengineering.com 4 Owner Engineer ATTACHMENT C STANDARD RATES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Eagle Well No. 3 (Brookwood), Aries Development, LLC - PR 014100 STANDARD RATES FOR SERVICES (for 2005, to be adjusted annually) Holladay Engineering Company representative labor rates for engineering, geology, and related services are as follows: Project Manager III Project Manager II Project Manager I Design Engineer III Design Engineer II Design Engineer I Staff Engineer III Staff Engineer II Staff Engineer I Geologist III Geologist II Geologist I Staff Geologist III Staff Geologist II Staff Geologist I Scientist III Scientist II Scientist I Staff Scientist II Staff Scientist I Construction Manager II Construction Manager I Other in-house charges: Mileage Over -night stay Expert Testimony CADD Computer $110.00/hr 105.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 90.00 85.00 75.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 90.00 85.00 75.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 75.00 90.00 85.00 Inspector/Observer Engineering Aide Surveyor Manager Surveyor Survey Technician II Survey Technician I 3 -Man Survey Crew 2 -Man Crew with Total Station 1 -Man Survey Crew 2 -Man GPS Crew 1 -Man GPS Crew Planner GIS/Graphics Manager Designer CADD Operator (Drafting) II CADD Operator (Drafting) I Administrative Assistant III Administrative Assistant II Administrative Assistant I $0.40/mile 50.00/night plus expenses 2 X Billing Rate 13.00 65.00 50.00 95.00 85.00 70.00 40.00 160.00 140.00 110.00 160.00 130.00 85.00 90.00 65.00 55.00 45.00 55.00 40.00 35.00 Hourly rates include normal costs of business overhead such as long distance phone calls, business supplies, and normal office function costs. If authorized in advance by OWNER, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates shall be allowed for specific work. Direct Project Costs are those project specific costs billed to us by consultants or vendors. Direct Project Costs shall include the amount billed to ENGINEER times a factor of 1.15. HHOLLADAY ENGINEERING32 N. Main Street P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-3304 Fax: (208)642-2159 email: hec@holladayengineering.com 1!, Owner eVeleer J