Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 01/24/2006 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes January 24, 2006 THIS MEETING WAS HELD AT THE EAGLE SENIOR CENTER. PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. Discussion of COMPASS prioritization and Cornrnunities in Motion. (!I, hour) Meeting opened at 6:05 p.m. Mayor Merrill is not in attendance. Council President Bastian calls the meeting to order and states that a round table discussion will be held with rnembers of COMPASS and the City Council Bastian, Guerber and Nordstrom present. Bandy arrives at 6:40 p.m. 2. Presentation of donation by Eagle Kiwanis: Eagle Kiwanis has done fundraising throughout the year and would like to present $10,000 towards the water amenities at Hill Road Park. 3. Mayor and Council's Report: Nordstrom gives a report on the Sewer District meeting he attended. Guerber reports on the law suit that the City of Meridian had filed last year against the City of Eagle and Eagle Fire Departrnent, the judge ruled in favor of the City of Eagle. The Parks Cornmittee is looking into forming a fundraising cornrnittee, and has asked Eagle Comrnunity Foundation to come and speak with them. The RFP for a master park and pathway plan has been published. Bandy reports on the air quality meeting he attended. Bastian reports on the revised Highway 55 storage signage and the recent Design Review Board meeting. The Library Board is beginning to interview for the Children's Librarian position. Bastian discusses challenges that Meridian School District is encountering. 4. City Engineer Report: The first test well is in the process of being drilled. 5. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: City Clerk notes that Customer Appreciation Day is February 11 Ih and there is a sign up sheet for Council to consider. Council would like a rendering of the new City Hall building as well as sorne construction photos to be on hand at the booth. The Mayor's State of the City address will be on February 14,2006. All four Council members confirm they will be in attendance. As Mr. Guerber stated the RFP for Park and Pathway Master Plan is out and the deadline is February 17th. The Council indicates they would like to have a recomrnendation forwarded by the Park & Pathway Committee for Council to consider. Language is before Council for consideration for the dedication plaque to be installed on the exterior of the new City Hall. Council rnember Guerber states that he and the Mayor met with representatives from Idaho State Parks and Recreation. The City would like to see if Eagle Island State Park would be willing to be annexed into Eagle City lirnits, with the understanding that the State retains all authority for the development of the park. A letter is before the Council tonight for all to sign relaying this request for annexation consideration. Clerk notes Special Council rneetings on January 30th at 6:30 p.m. and January 3151 at 6:30 p.rn. Council President Bastian states that City Attorney, Susan Wildwood, has requested an executive session that should only last about 15 rninutes. Page] of9 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporal)' Minutes Work AreaICC-OI-24-06min doc Bandy moves to go into executive session to discuss pending/threatened litigation. Council will adjourn to City Hall to conduct the executive session. Seconded by Guerber. BASTIAN: AYE; GUERBER: AYE; NORDSTROM: AYE; BANDY: AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council leaves executive session at 7:45 p.rn. 6. Zoning Administrator's Report: rnoved to end of agenda 7 City Attorney Report: rnoved to end of agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:45 p.rn. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda iterns are considered to be routine and are acted on with one rnotion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilrnernber, mernber of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be rernoved frorn the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items rernoved frorn the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any itern on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of January 10, 2006. C. Planmakers Contract: Consulting Services agreement for Eagle Arts Center Feasibility Study. (SEB) D. Urban Research Contract: Contract for services with Idaho Urban Research and Design Center. (SEB) E. Amended Declaration for Aquila Subdivision: (SEB) F. DR-68-05 - Two Buildin2 Wall Si2ns for Stora2e 55 - Robert Drake: Robert Drake, represented by Mike Fairchild, Architect, is requesting design review approval to construct two (2) building wall signs for Storage 55 (a self storage facility). The site is located on the south side of Hill Road and east side of State Highway 55 at 2835 Hill Road. (WEV) G. DR-97-05 - Master Si2n Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Buildinl! Includinl! Two Buildinl! Wall Si2ns and A Monument Si2n for State Farm - Steve Garrin2er: Steve Garringer, represented by Chris Pecoraro Page 2 of9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-Q 1-24-06min doc with Sign A Rama, is requesting design review approval of a rnaster sign plan for a multi-tenant office building including two building wall signs and a monument sign for State Farm. The site is located on Lot 6, Block I, within Rocky Mountain Business Park No.3, on East Iron Eagle Drive. (WEV) H. DR-I0I-05 - Two BuildiDl! Wall Sie:ns for Printworks - David L. Bradv: David Brady is requesting design review approval to construct two building wall signs for Printworks Company. The site is located on the north side of East State Street approxirnately five-hundred feet (500') east ofStierman Way at 650 East State Street, Suite A. (WEV) I. Property lease for property commonlv known as "North Entrv Sie:n". (TEO) 1. Ae:reement between Rav & Gina Santucci and the City of Eae:le. (TEO) City Attorney Buxton asks that Council add to the consent or regular agenda a notice of termination of easernents for Aquila subdivision for approval. With no objections, Council President Bastian adds the notice of termination of easernents to itern E on the consent agenda Guerber moves to approve the consent agenda as amended. Seconded by Bandy BASTIAN: AYE; GUERBER: AYE; NORDSTROM: AYE; BANDY: AYE. MOTION CARRIES. 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: None 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Buxton notes that item 8C the applicant has asked that the item be remanded back to staff. Bastian moves to hear item 8C at this time. C. A-9-05/RZ-13-05/CU-12-05/PPUD-13-05 - Le2acv Planned Unit Development: Signature Sports Development, LLC, represented by Darren Fluke of JUB Engineering is requesting annexation of I 92.63-acres, a rezone of 762.38-acres frorn A (Agricultural) and RR (Rural Residential-Ada County Designation) to R-2-DA-P(Residential two units per acre maxirnum with a developrnent agreernent - PUD), and conditional use, planned unit development prelirninary development plan approvals for the Legacy Planned Comrnunity. The entire development consists of762.38-acres (I ,I 64-residiential lots with 8A-acres of corn mercia I and 291.1-acres of golf course and open space). This item was continuedfrom the November 22, 2005 meeting .(WEV) Council President Bastian introduces the item. Guerber moves per the request of the developer that item A-9-05/RZ-13-05/CU-12- 05/PPUD-13-05 - Legacy Planned Unit Development be remanded back to stafffor further consideration and later placement on the agenda as appropriate. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 of9 K.\COUNC1LIMJNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-Ol-24-06min doc A. A-ll-041 RZ-I7-04/CU-IO-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04N AC-2-04 - Eae:lefield Estates Planned Unit Development - Eae:lefield LLC.: Eaglefield, LLC, represented by Landmark Engineering & Planning Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone with development agreement from RR (Residential Rural) to R-2DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential up to four units per acre PUD) and MU-DA- P (Mixed Use PUD), conditional use, preliminary developrnent plan, prelirninary plat and vacation of right-of-way for Eaglefield Estates Subdivision planned unit developrnent. The 142.4-acre, 419-lot (377-buildable-[362 single family lots and 15 four-plex lots], and 44 common) residential subdivision. (WEV) This item was continued/rom the December 13, 2005. Council President Bastian introduces the item. Clint Boyle 104 9th Ave. S. Nampa, Idaho representing Eaglefield LLC. Mr. Boyle provides a handout to Council for review. Mr. Boyle reviews the rnodifications which have been made to the application. Reviews the site amenities. City Planner, Nichoel Baird Spencer, reviews the staff report in light of the proposed changes. Bastian opens the public hearing. Bastian swears in Bob Van Arden. Mr. Van Amem 3049 S. Whitepost Way Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Van Amem states that if Legacy, AviMor and other planned cornmunities are approved traffic will increase and there will be a negative irnpact on traffic and air quality. He feels the road system needs to addressed prior to additional subdivisions being approved. Mr. Van Amem feels that a building moratorium should be instituted until the State and County address transportation issues in an appropriate manner. This statement is to apply to all three applications slated for public hearing tonight. Clint Boyle rebuts testimony and provides clarification to Council on posed questions. Bastian closes the public hearing. Discussion arnongst Council. Bastian moves to approve A-I ]-041 RZ-I7-04/CU-I0-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04N AC-2- 04 - Eaglefield Estates Planned Unit Development - Eaglefield LLC with the following site additions to site specific conditions. In "The Meadows" R-4 single family detached area, the rear set backs shall be 25'. New site specific condition: The front set back exhibit, Eaglefield Subdivision, as presented this evening be adopted by Council as part of the site specific conditions. New site specific condition: In the event the County does not approve drainage swales that an alternative method be developed for appropriate discharge of the water. The final site specific condition:A water main shall be extended by the owner to the boundaries of the development at the boundaries of the development at locations where the City determines future water systems extensions will occur. All other site specific conditions and standard conditions of approval shall be included. Seconded Page 4 ofY K \COUNCIL\MTNUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC -0] -24-06min dOl: by Nordstrom. BASTIAN: AYE; BANDY: AYE; GUERBER: AYE; NORDSTRON: AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Council takes a five minute recess at 8:55 p.rn. B. A-08-05/RZ-12-05/PP-ll-05 Park Place Gardens Subdivision - Park Place Partners LLC: Park Place Partners, LLC, represented by Bill Clark with Clark Development, is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-2-DA (ResidentiaI2-units per acre with a developrnent agreement), and preliminary plat approval for Park Place Gardens a 126-lot (l12-buildable, 14-common) subdivision. The 95.32-acre site is located between Meridian Road and Park Lane approximately 1,300 feet north of Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Council President Bastian introduces the item. Bill Clark 420 Main St. Boise, Idaho representing Park Place Partners reviews the application. Doug Russell 462 E. Shore Dr. Eagle, Idaho representing The Land Group reviews the landscape plan. Rondo Feldberg 14 N. 920 E. Orum, UT representing Park Place Partners. Reviews the process this application has been through and the changes that have been rnade. Feels that the meetings with neighbors have been very productive and have led to this reduced density plan. City Planner, Nichoel Baird Spencer, reviews the staff report. Bastian opens the public hearing. Bastian swears in Mr. Hester. Michael Hester 3950 W. Nighthawk Eagle, Idaho. Is concerned with the lack of transition on the north side. Feels the proposed density is still too high. Feels cheated by the change in the Comprehensive Plan. Would like rnore buffering going frorn a larger lot on the perirneter to a rnedium size lot to smaller lots. Bastian swears in Mr. Kofoed Layne Kofoed 22958 Conrad Ct. Middleton, ID is in support of the application. Feels appropriate changes have been rnade and the applicant has been responsive to the desires and concerns the Council had expressed. Bastian swears in Ms. Hestler. Jenene Hester 3950 W. Nighthawk Lane Eagle, Idaho. Is concerned with the transition. Would like to protect her view shed and not have to look at rooftops. Is against the density. Bastian swears in Becky Callister. Becky Callister 2873 Wind Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Compares the lots with this proposed subdivision vs. lots in a previously denied application and believes that nothing has Page 5 of9 K-\COUNCIL\MJNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OI-24-06min doc changed that would allow this application to move forward. Feels the density is too high and not cornpatible for this area. Bastian swears in Dave Dumas. Dave Dumas3174 W. Champagne Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Feels Eagle is moving away frorn the density diversity it professes to have. Comments on the Planning and Zoning Cornmissions discussion regarding the perceived need of lot sizes. Feels Becky Callister made valid comrnents. He is frustrated with the process and would like 2 units per acre to be the standard for this area. Bastian swears in Bob Vaughan. Bob Vaughan, 4026 W. Braveheart Lane Eagle, Idaho. Recognizes that the Moffat Subdivision that was denied was quite similar to the application tonight. The irnpact on traffic would be negative. There was little public involvernent in the Soaring 2020 Plan. To be consistent with previous rulings, I feel that this application would need to be denied. Bastian swears in Mike Huffakre. Michael Huffakre 1753 N. Chaucer Way Eagle, Idaho. Is in generally in agreement with everyone who has spoken that is against the proposal. Definitely feels that the road infrastructure could not handle this. Has been very frustrated with the process and the changes in the Comprehensive Plan that were made in the Soaring 2020 Plan. Feels the application should be denied. Bastian swears in Chris Palmer. Chris Palrner 2325 N. Corsey Way Eagle, Idaho. Is opposed to this application for the reasons previously stated. The proposal would negatively impact his view shed. He would be looking at roof tops if this plan is approved. Suggests that certain lots be enlarged to lessen the negative impact on the view. Bastian swears in Ms. Menefee. Crystal Menefee 3332 W. Fieno Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Feels the Planning and Zoning Cornrnission and City Staff have done what they wanted and not listened to the desires of the citizens. This application is an infill project. States the process has been a "three ring circus" and would like the application to be denied. Bastian swears in Chad Moffat. Chad Moffat 1842 S. Lakemor Eagle, Idaho. Feels that the issue of density is relative. He knows that both Redwood Creek and The Colony were highly contested subdivisions that upon cornpletion have enhanced the City. States that this developer has made comprornises, and he applauds his modified plan. Bastian swears in Mr. Dustin Simpson. Dustin Sirnpson 3664 Tabasco Trail Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Sirnpson states that when he purchased his 5 acre lot, it was his intention to eventually split it. As a result, when a higher density was allowed, frorn an investrnent point of view, he was ok with it. He Page 6 of9 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporlu)' Minutes Work Area\CC-Ol-24-06mindoc attended the workshops and had been in hopes that a compromise would be made, but it becarne clear that those with 2 acres will not be happy unless the plan reverts back and so the workshops were not as effective has he had hoped. Feels that the developer has made an atternpt by reducing the nurnber of lots. Bastian swears in Lynn Proctor. Lynn Proctor 3665 N. Tabasco Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Has lived in Eagle for 22 years. Recognizes that once you rnove somewhere you don't want anyone else to move in. Mr. Proctor has been affected by the developrnent neighboring his property and feels it is unrealistic to think nothing will ever change. Feels the developer has made a good effort with his plan. Bastian swears in Doug Hagmier. Doug Hagrneir 3530 W. Fieno Eagle, Idaho. Unhappy with how the comprehensive plan was changed. There will be a significant irnpact on traffic with this application. Feels that basically the only people in favor of this application are those who hope to profit financially either now or in the future. Bastian swears in Foad Roghani. Foad Roghani 175 S. Rosebud Lane Eagle, Idaho. Has attending nurnerous rneetings including the recent comprehensive plan changes. Feels that sorne people may have not kept themselves informed of the existing cornprehensive plan and proposed changes. The developer has compromised by reducing the proposed lots. Rondo Feldberg for Park Place Partners provides rebuttal to testirnony. Respectfully requests that Council considers the public testimony provided tonight as well as the presentation by the applicant. City Attorney, Susan Buxton provides clarification regarding the submitted changes. Upon consult with City Staff these do not appear to be material changes. Bastian closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Council. Bandy moves to approve A-08-05/RZ-12-05/PP-ll-05 Park Place Gardens Subdivision - Park Place Partners LLC. with the site specific and standard conditions of approval. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bandy amends to include a condition that staff review and approve the changes that had been proposed tonight. As well as the approval of the submittal as proposed by the applicant with the transition of lots and the relocation of the pathway. Second concurs. THREE AYE. ONE NAY (NORDSTROM). MOTION CARRIES. Bastian calls a five minute break. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review and award of file svstem bid for Plannine: and Zonine: file room and Buildin2 Department file room in the new City Hall buildine:.. (TEO) Council President Bastian introduces the item. Page 70f9 K\COLfNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-Ol-24-06min.doc City Attorney, Susan Buxton recommends Council reject all subrnitted bids as allowed by Idaho State Code 67-2806D. Nordstrom moves to reject all file system bids. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Action on contested application for Permit #63-32169 - Aries Development: (SEB) Council President Bastian introduces the itern. City Attorney, Buxton reviews the issue. There is no detrirnental effect to rnunicipal water systern and thus the Council may wish to direct the City Attorney to withdraw the protest. Discussion. Bandy recuses hirnself as he resides in Brookwood subdivision and had be HOA president for the last few years. Nordstrom moves to direct the City Attorney moves to withdraw the protest for #63- 32169. Seconded by Guerber. BASTIAN:AYE; GUERBER:AYE; NORDSTROM:A YE. (BANDY RECUSES) MOTION CARRIES. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Assienment of Council Liaison positions for 2006: Council President Bastian introduces the item. Discussion regarding proposed positions. Bastian would like to continue with the Treasure Valley Clean Cities Coalition. Nordstrom moves to agree with the proposed liaison positions with the change that Bastian continue as the liaison for Treasure Valley Clean Cities Coalition. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Resolution No. 05-25 (Ea2le Ranch Pathwav): A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Confirming And Accepting The Dedication Of Parks And Pathways In Eagle Ranch Subdivision #4 Of The City Of Eagle As Recorded In Instrurnent #7936001 In Ada County, Idaho And Providing An Effective Date. (SEB & WEV) Staff is requesting this item be tabled pending receipt of survey results. Council President Bastian introduces the itern. Guerber moves to table Resolution No. 05-25 until the survey results are received. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. C. Review and confirmation of appointments to the Eal!Je Safe Drinkin2 Water Committee: (NM and MCM) Council President Bastian introduces the item. Page S 0(9 KICOUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work ArealfC-O 1-24-06mindoc Bastian moves to approve the confirmation of appointments to the Eagle Safe Drinking Water Committee. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. Zoning Administrator Report: Discusses setbacks in Banbury Meadows. City Attorney relays recent correspondence with representatives of Prime Earth. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Nordstrom moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian . ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... ,........,.. ,e' 4_. ~~~. fi.!\GI../? .... .... 01( ........ '... ~...- -. #" ~ -...' O~ATt:..... ~ - . ~ =...: ~ \ '=. : C;;: 0 .' ;::' i : . u , h. y": 0 .. ~ ~ Go p ,;;.::: ,. .. ... .. c:,V ..."'.'1- OJ ,.,. · /N, ~. ^..... !lit ~ -.. C'ORPO~.. 4..~ I .... ....... ~",ftti ..... S:r ATE 0 .".... ..".........",. Page 9 of9 K:\COUNCIL\MJNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OI-24-06min doc 4 e6 //a79�o to Eagle City Council Meeting Public Hearing January 24, 2006 At an Ada County Commission public hearing in December, an Eagle City Planner expressed opposition to Avimor. Her argument led a commissioner to ask, "...if Eagle is opposed to Avimor (for the reasons given), why does it continue to approve new subdivisions? "---a fair question I thought. I would amend it by adding, "...and consider rezones of greater density?" It doesn't take an environmentalist to believe that deep blue skies, crystal clear air from horizon to horizon, wide-open spaces, and expansive natural vistas are worth fighting for. They are the reason we moved west 27 years ago. I grew up in the gray and smog of an urban environment where sunshine was filtered by the persistent haze of air pollution, except after a cold front moved through. A haze has come to the Treasure Valley, and as it worsens and persists year round, year after year, many will lament the loss of clear air sacrificed to rampant growth. It is well known that the main contributor to air pollution is motor vehicles and that engines idling in traffic increase emissions. If Legacy, Avimor, the other proposed six or more planned communities, plus countless other "cracker box" subdivisions are built throughout rural Ada County, and Canyon County, vehicles will continue to come -more and more of them -to clog already congested roads. There is no definite regional plan for transportation in the Valley. The Three Cities River Crossing is, as stated in an Ada County FAQ handout, targeted for completion in 2015, if all is approved and funding is received. Extension of Hwy 16 to I-84 is a distant "maybe". I have yet to hear any serious discussion about an outerbelt. For the foreseeable future, developments such as Legacy, Eaglefield Estates, Park Place Gardens, Avimor, Lakemoor, and others will feed traffic onto Hwy. 16, Hwy 44 and State St., Hwy 20/26 and Chinden Blvd., and Hwy 55 and the abhorrent Eagle Road. The very practice of approving development without a concomitant expansion of the road system to handle the generated traffic contributes to a lack of urgency about fixing the latter. If development could not occur until it was determined ---honestly so ---that the existing roads could handle the traffic efficiently, there might be a greater sense of urgency to get the seemingly endless studies completed and construction commenced. The activities of Compass, whose board is comprised of local community leaders and other governmental entities, leaves one with the feeling of standing curbside at a parade of Tlie Emperor's New Clothes. I don't believe we need, and I don't want, development that will "...put Eagle on the map..." as stated in an Idaho Statesman article dated August 10, 2005 , and attributed to a council member referring to Legacy. We are already on the map and in the crosshairs of developers and many others. I urge you to put a moratorium on further development until the state and county road system is decided upon and approved, the construction timetable is set, and funding is earmarked. Developers will not be the ones fighting daily the additional traffic clogging already congested roads. And, in my view, your most lasting legacy is preservation of this beautiful home we have been given. Submitted by: Bob Van Arnem 3049 South Whitepost Way Eagle, Idaho 83616 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-08-05/RZ-12-05/PP-11-05 Park Place Gardens Park Place Partners LLC: January 24, 2006 7:30 u.m. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT /8YL-S'z 4- I_ 3`r q6/\),) t I ti' . < tie -+-r2- 54-f b M -6 S Y ? V3 7 k C DCt v•. l l 7 c / `JC , J c -F-G) 1 'r=,CK4, 6.11LLt C34 3?;: SZ �:2613w,,�;ttir� !a / P,-.4 4- c ktiir. • ('tcf B I�clr L� Page 1 of . 11 \COUNCIUAGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPI) Subdivision TESTIFY YES/NO? ifi_> Lie i!�' `l(S r z.1 U yes PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-08-05/RZ-12-05/PP-11-05 Park Place Gardens Subdivision — Park Place Partners LLC: January 24, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON • Pagehof . Ii1COUNCILIAGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD Cheryl Bruehl From: Tammy A. Zokan Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 3:48 PM To: 'Tracy Osbom'; Susan E. Buxton; vern@holladayengineering.com; Chris Duncan (Chris Duncan[chris@holladayengineering.com]) Cc: Cheryl Bruehl Subject: FW: Eagle - Aries 2005 Application Attachments: 1-17-06 IDWR Itr re Aries.pdf; 1019-3 Aries.pdf 1019-3 ries.pdf (106 KE Tracy and Susan -- Please see my January 13, 2006, email regarding this matter. Attached is the correspondence regarding the agreed upon condition resolving the City's protest to the 2005 Aries' water right application. Based on this correspondence, it is my recommendation that the City authorize me to withdraw the City's protest. It is my understanding that the City Engineer is in agreement with my recommendation. Cheryl - Please put this in the meeting file for the next Council meeting. Thanks! Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Thanks! Tammy A. Zokan Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Chartered 225 North 9th Street, Suite 420 Boise, Idaho 83702 208-331-1804 (voice) 208-331-1202 (fax) taz@msbtlaw.com This communication contains proprietary business information and may contain confidential information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately destroy, discard, or erase this information. Original Message From: Tammy A. Zokan Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 3:37 PM To: Tammy A. Zokan Subject: Eagle - Aries 2005 Application 1 Jan. 17. 2006 4:15PM Idaho Dept. of Water Resources No. 3551 P. 1 State of Idaho 4 PDEPARTMENT OF WATER RESUiTRCS 00p k Western Region, 2735 Airport Way, Boise, Idaho 83705-5082 - (208) 334-2190 FAX (208) 334-2348 DIRK KEMPTHORNE Governor KARL J. EHER FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET Director FAX # (208) 334-2348 DATE: I-41104 TO: FROM 4. Wes DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Cohd:44ob respe t.. `% Mot tsel �-aA ti•V i 11 (st (.w • TOTAL PAGES SENT: 1 + COVER SHEET CONTACT: 1 � 5-1C Jan. 17. 2006 4:15PM Idaho Dept. of Water Resources No. 3551 P. 2 State of Idaho DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Western Region, 2735 Airport Way, Boise, Idaho 83705-5082 - (208) 334-2190 FAX (208) 334-2348 DIRK KEMPTHORNE Governor KARL J. DREHER Director January 17, 2006 City of Eagle Tammy A. Zokan Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 225 North 8th Street Suite 420 Boise ID 83702 RE: Ares Development LLC Application for Permit 63-32169 Dear Ms. Zokan: In reference to your letter of 1/5/06 regarding the proposed draft conditions of approval. Your additional condition (sentence) is acceptable to the Department in concert with the condition in my letter of 12/15/05. Mr. Robertson's 1/10/06 letter also states the applicant has no objections to the additional condition. Please contact me at the Western Regional Office if I can be of further assistance, phone 334- 2190. Regards, qr., -)v.-- John Westra, Manager Western Region cc: J. Evan Robertson, Esq. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 225 NORTH 9m STREET, Surra 420 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX (208) 331-1202 STEPHANIE J. BONNEY JOHN J. MCFADDEN*t SUSAN E. StlXTON• Of Counsel MICHAEL C. MOOREt BRUCE M. SMrTH • Also admitted in Oregon PAUL. A. TURCKIP t Also admitted in Washington CHRISTOPHER E. YORGASON • Also admitted in South Dakota TAMMY A. ZOUAN' • Also admitted in New Mexico January 5, 2006 John Westra, Manager Western Regional Office Idaho Department of Water Resources 2735 Airport Way Boise, Idaho 83705-5082 RE: Aries Development, LLC Application for Permit No. 63-32169 Dear Mr. Westra: Thank you for your letter and proposed condition of approval, dated December 15, 2005. By letter dated December 22, 2005, Mr. Robertson informed me the proposed condition is acceptable to his client. The City is also in general agreement with the proposed condition and would like to add a short addition expressly conditioning that Permit No. 63-32169 will be limited by all the terms of the parties' Settlement Agreement and Department's Order entered on February 17, 2005, in the matter of the previously filed applications, application no. 63-31689 to appropriate groundwater and the companion application for transfer no. 70604. I propose the condition remain as proposed in your December 15, 2005, letter with the addition of the following sentence: The terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement dated October 31, 2004, adopted by the Department pursuant to Final Order of the Director on February 17, 2005, in the matter of Transfer No. 70604 (Claim No. 63-5087) and Water Right No. 63-31689, shall be terms and conditions of approval for application no. 63-32169. The City is flexible on the wording so long as the City is assured that the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement will in fact be included in any permit issued by the Aries Application No. 63-32169 January 5, 2006 Page 2 Department for Application No. 63-32169. I appreciate your assistance in getting this matter resolved. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, cc J. Evan Robertson, Esq. City of Eagle City Engineer -- Chris Duncan State of Idaho DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Western Region, 2735 Airport Way, Boise, Idaho 83705-5082 - (208) 334-2190 FAX (208) 334-2348 FILE C0PY .\00-4cr' p �.k DIRK KEMPTHORNE Governor KARL J. DREHER Director December 15, 2005 Tammy Zokan, Atty. 225 N 9th ST STE 420 Boise ID 83702 Aries Development Evan Robertson, Atty. PO Box 1906 Twin Falls ID 83303-1906 RE: Contested Application for Permit # 63-32169- Aries Development Dear Ms. Zokan & Mr. Robertson: RECEIVED DEC 222005 MSB&T,CTD. This letter is to acknowledge receipt of Mr. Robertson's December 7, 2005 letter and to address the concerns regarding the above contested application. As discussed in Mr. Peppersack's letter of 5/19/05, application #63-32169 is not seeking to increase the diversion rate or authorize additional storage volume to amended application #63-31689. The application merely acknowledges the 60.7 ac -ft storage capacity of the ponds omitted in the previous application. Consumptive volumes for pond seepage and evaporation are already mitigated by Transfer #70604 and application #63-31689. A one time initial pond fill (if not already accomplished) will be arranged by the applicant thru water bank rental or other means. The following is a proposed (draft) condition of approval for application 63-32169: Approval of this right is solely for the purpose of representing the storage capacity of the six ponds identified in the place of use. This right does not authorize additional diversion of water to cover evaporative losses and seepage for pond maintenance. Right Nos. 63-31726 and 63-31689 covers all seepage and evaporative losses resulting from the ponds and provides the flow component for diversion to storage. Hopefully, this will help clarify concerns, and assist parties in settlement negotiations. Please contact me at the Western Regional Office if I can be of further assistance, phone 334-2190. Regards, 1 1 John Westra, Manager Western Regional Office. INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration 06/4/0o 9/oo To: Mayor Merrill & City Council From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, AICP, Planner I1I Subject: Eaglefield Estates Subdivision Date: January 24, 2006 Attachment(s): N/A Copy To: Clint Boyle, AICP Landmark Engineers (Applicant's Representative) Due to the complexities of this application and the numerous changes the applicant has proposed to meet the requests of the City Council and staff the submittal in your packet, though accurate, contains an inaccurate table on the top left The accurate information is as follows: ACREAGE SUMMARY ':1ry - 742 4 ARES RESICE:YTIAt. CAS —4 ACRES C' .'OI7 LO -5 — 17 •lnGhL5 g-RLEi I?t :Ii—or-\YAY —2SG ACFL'; SUMMA9Y r74l ty1IO3R. TS 32S T 313 OTS + t5 E BRE Digffligt L' -CLF. rt i)ISTR CT 6EEB, AND WATER PROV R EAGLE SE'.YEu IN?IEt: WBrEF 31, LiC,I.E urr W4'pp ROAQWAY JUBISclQ11oN 0!;A CJ.It.'Y 1410.4 ay G.S'Rc I9 3 flQi !_pISTRICT i,K1ttLETC•r' I.VL Rnlc.o.vi %IS RI_I ACERAGE SUMMARY Total Buildable Lots: 327 Single Family Residential: 312 Four-Plex Lots: 15 Common Lots: 41 Well Lots: 1 Density: 2.61 units/ acre Below is the staff analysis you received previously with the changes highlighted: SITE DATA: Page 1 of 6 K \Planning Dept\Eagle Applications \SUBS12004\EaglefieldPUDIne4.doc Total Acreage of Site — 142.4 Acres Total Number of Lots — 384 375 Residential — 344 327 Common — 40 41 Total Number of Units — 389 372 (reduction of 17 units) Single-family — 329 312 Multi -Family — 60 60 Existing — 1 Proposed — 389 362 Total Acreage of Any Out -Parcels — 0 Since the original submittal the applicant has removed 50 units from their design, staff's original reauest was to remove 70 units. Existing Proposed North of site South of site East of site COMP PLAN DESIGNATION High Density Residential Transitional Residential, Residential Two (up to 2 units/acre) High Density Residential Transitional Residential (See Staff discussion on pg. 25 ), Residential Two (up to 2 units/acre) Residential Two (up to 2 units/acre) High Density Residential Transitional Residential High Density Residential Transitional Residential ZONING DESIGNATION RR (Rural Residential - Ada County designation) MU -DA -P (mixed use with a development agreement),R-4-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement), R -3 -DA -P (residential with a development agreement) R -2 -DA -P (residential with a development agreement) Overall density of 2.73 units per acre A -R (Agricultural Residential) RR (Rural Residential - Ada County designation) RR (Rural Residential - Ada County designation) Page 2 of 6 K:1Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\SUBS\2004\EaglefieldPUDme4 doc LAND USE Single Family Dwelling & agriculture Single Family, Residential Planned Unit Development Proposed Legacy Development State Street & Single Family Dwelling Single Family, Residential Planned Unit Development COMP PLAN DESIGNATION West of site High Density Residential Transitional Residential Residential Two (up to 2 units/acre) ZONING DESIGNATION LAND USE RR (Rural Residential- Single Family Dwelling & Ada County designation) agriculture Page 3 of 6 K:1Planning Dept'Eaglc Applications\SUBS\2004\EagleficldPUDroc4.doc Additional Site Data Proposed Required Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre 2.73 units/Acre High Density Residential- 6/Acre (7.6% of the site) 2..54 units/acre (In total) Transitional Residential (36.6% of the site) 6 units/acre (MU) Residential Two- up to 2 3.6 units/acre R-4) units per acre (55.7% of the 1.7 units/acre (R-3) site) 1.7 units/acre (R-2) Minimum Lot Size: MU: 10,000 sq. ft 7,000 sq. ft R-4: 5,500 sq. ft. 8,000 sq. ft R-3:10.380 sa Tt 10,000 sq ft R-2: 8,000 sq. ft 17,000 sq. ft Minimum Lot Width MU: 50 ft 50 ft R-4: 50 ft 70 ft R-3: 75 ft 75 ft R-2:75ft 75ft Minimum Street Frontage MU: 35 ft. 35 -ft. R-4: 35ft. R-3:35 ft R-2: 35 ft. Total Acreage of Common Lots 23.7 -acres 10% Minimum 27.0 acres (ECC Section 9-3-8 (C) the City may require additional public and/or private park or open space facilities in PUDs or in subdivisions with 50 or more lots.) Percent of Site as Common Area 16.7% 10% Minimum 18.9% Page 4 of 6 K 'Planning Dept'Fagk ApplicauonslSUBS'2004'EaglcficldPUDme4 doe LOT SIZING & SETBACKS: Standard Staff Applicant The Gables -M -U Zone (four-plex lots) Min. of 15f between buildings Size frontage front setback rear setback 7,000 10,000 10,000 35 35 35 20 20 20 20 20 12 side in 5 5 5 side out 20 20 10 width 50 50 50 The Cedars -R-4 Zone (single family detached) Size frontage front setback rear setback side in side out Width Standard 8,000 35 20 20 7.5 & 5 20 50 Staff 6,000, 6,500 & 7,000 35 20 20 7.5 & 5 20 50 Applicant 5,500 35 20 20 7.5 & 5 15 50 All lots between b,000 to b,999 sq tt lots shall have share/common drives. All lo''s less than b,000 sq 1 shall be alley loaded Standard Staff Applicant Standard Standard Staff Applicant The Meadows -R-4 (single family detached) Size frontage front setback rear setback side in side out 8,000 35 20 25 7.5&5 20 8,000 35 20 25 7.5&5 20 8,000 35 20 20 7.5&5 20 Size 10.000 Size 17,000 per plan +11,000 per plan -11,000 per plan +11,000 per plan -11,000 The Vintage -R-3 Zone (single family detached) frontage front setback rear setback side in 35 30 25 7.5&5 The Fairway -R-2 Zone (single family detached' Width 70 70 70 side out Width 20 70 frontage front setback rear setback side in side out Width 35 30 30 10&5 20 75 35 30 30 10& 5 20 75 35 30 25 7.5 &5 20 75 35 30 30 10& 5 20 75 35 30 25 7.5 &5 20 75 A new site specific condition should be considered for the 15ft. separation between buildings that would read as follows: "In the Gables areas where a two story building as are placed less than 20 ft apart the elevations shall provide for an elevation change between the first and second story." Does Council wish to allow a diminished front setback (standard setback is 20 ft. in the R-4 zone)on lots that are alley loaded? Previous alley developments like Alderwood and Paddy Row have been approved with the following setbacks: Page 5 of 6 K:1Planning Dcpt\Eaglc Applications\SUBS12004\EaglefieldPUDmc4.doc Alderwood Setbacks side front setback rear setback in side out 15 24 6 15 Paddy Row Setbacks side front setback rear setback in side out 10 5 5 10 This submittal show a 20 ft cross access easement centered on the rear property line in effect creating a 10ft. rear setback. A diminished front setback could create a variation to the streetscape in the Cedars area. OPEN SPACE: The proposed re -design provides increases the number of lots that have direct access to open space but the majority of the open space is passive pond area. Staff feels that the open space may provide too many ponds and not enough play areas. • Only 39% of all lots within the development have direct access to the proposed open space. Staff would recommend that in a PUD of this size and with the requests for diminished lots size and setbacks a minimum of 60% of the lots should have direct access to open space. • 59.8% of the lots have direct access to open space. STREETSCAPE AND DESIGN: The Ada County Highway District approved the redesign on January 11, 2006 (memo is attached). Both the previous submittal and the re -design included the use of drainage swales within the planter strips. ACHD design standards allow for the placement of street trees at the lot lines only. Eagle City Code 8-2A-7 requires street trees to be located 35-80ft apart along roadways. Though both standards can be met for the local roads it is not possible to meet this standard on the collector roads (Pelston Street & N. Golden Crown Way) an alternative form of drainage should be considered for this area. Page 6 of 6 K:1Platuting Dept\Eagle Applicatiosu\SUBS120041EaglcfeldPUDme4.doc -4- 75' 0 75' 150' SCALE: 1' = 150' FRONT SETBACK EXHIBIT EAGLEFIELD SUBDIVISIONNOTE: LOT FRONT SETKS 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ARE A PORTION OF THE NE 114, SE 114 AND TI IL SW V4 OF SECTION 11 TOWNSIIW 4 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN EAGLE. ADA COUNTY. IDAHO 2006 Q15' FRONT SETBACK 10' STREET -SIDE SETBACK O15' FRONT SETBACK n 20' FRONT SETBACK (TYP.) NG & PLANNING. INC. 104 9th Ate. South. Suite C • Nampa, Idaho • 83651 Phone (208) 4426300 Fax (208) 466.0944 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-9-05/RZ-13-05/CU-12-05/PPUD-13-05 - Legacy Planned Unit Development Signature Sports Development LLC.: January 24, 2006 7:30 P.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON ,�� tq i � N AA.05 _c d 'S �( /// e %i _ 3 Page 1 of 1I.ICOUNCIIIAGENDAICCSIGNUP WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A-9-05/RZ-13-05/CU-12-05/PPUD-13-05 - Legacy Planned Unit Development Signature Sports Development LLC.: January 24, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page `1,of . 11 \COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD C� rIq/o ff Eagle City Hall 310 E. State St./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Deputy City Clerk To: Mayor & Council CC: City Attorney From: Tracy L. Osborn, CMC Date: January 23, 2006 Re: File System bids — 9A I respectfully request that all file system bids be rejected as allowed per Idaho State Code §67-2806(d). I'll be fine...give me just a minute. POS Professional Office Services, Inc® Tuesday, 6 2005 Sharon Bergmann 310 E. State St Eagle, Id 83616 Subject: High Density Storage, Dear: Sharon COX/a, v POS OF Idaho, Inc. 4290 Chinden Blvd., Suite B Boise, Idaho 83714 (208) 377-0229 TOLL FREE 1-800-432-7674 FAX# (208) 377-9988 The program, system and products detailed on the enclosed proposal have been tailored to the unique needs of The City of Eagle. As described, the proposal is available for your acceptance through Professional Office Services. If you have any questions after reviewing the proposal, please call me. We look forward to the opportunity of serving The City of Eagle. Si Derek Ray Systems Co s tant Enclosures www.posofidaho.com PROPOSAL FOR Wednesday, December 14, 2005 ******************** I. CUSTOMER NEEDS ANALYSIS: On 11/16/05, Derek Ray of our firm visited the facilities of the current City Hall. The initial step toward an in-depth determination of the needs of The City of Eagle was an interview with Barb and Jene to ascertain the goals, objectives, opportunities and problems relative to storage and filing found within this department. CURRENT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Lateral cabinets top tab legal size II. IDENTIFIED OPPORTUNITIES AND NEEDS: There is a need for a comprehensive plan to store 2748 linear inches of records and to provide for access and retrieval in both an efficient and effective manner. III. SOLUTION: 1. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Montel Mobile Storage System provides the most space efficient mode of storage, increasing capacity by more than 200 percent, while still maintaining 100 percent selectivity. 2. PRODUCT FEATURES and BENEFITS FEATURE BENEFIT ANALYSIS — Montel sub rail & grout I FEATURE Low profile, 13/16" (21 mm) height. Hard 1045 bar stock rail construction. Precision leveling screw adjustability. Permanent floor anchors. Flush -with -floor rail installation with narrow 1/2" (13 mm) wheel _guidance 9aps. Single piece construction with bar stock rail center of the U - channel. With sub rail to eliminate rust of Rail Aluminum Sub Rail Interlocking pin in rail connection splice joints. Rails extend under stationary platforms. Rails have continuous grouting. Grout is non -shrink, high- strength, hydraulic polymer mixture. Grout has 8,000 Ib. P.S.I. (1428 kg/cm2) compressive strength when cured. Single piece welded construction, leveling screw adjustability, continuous grouting and permanent floor anchors Ability to recess mount in floor. Optional form cover for rails recessed in concrete. Optional rail/floor neoprene filler on both sides of the rails filling the guidance channels flush to the top of the rails. 1 BENEFIT ® Increases the amount of vertical space that can be used for storage. ® Harder steel means that rails will wear less and last longer than traditional 1018 bar stock rails. ® Has infinite adjustability versus shimming. O Provides accurate rail installation which ensures long term system reliability. ® Provides firm solid attachment. ® Allows carts to roll smoothly in the system's aisles. ® Ensures that the rail won't separate from the base. This provides unitized, strong construction. ffi Features the durability to stand up to the wear and tear of heavy usage. J Provides carriage operation that is consistently smooth and reliable. ® Assures all carriage, shelving and face panel heights will be equal, providing a homogenous finished appearance. ® Assures uniform load transfer to the floor. ® Totally supports rail, minimizing deflection. ® Eliminates voids or gaps caused by shrinking. O Provides total rail support. 0 Will not fracture, disintegrate or fatigue under long term heavy cyclic stressing loads. jl All work together to ensure long term system dependability ® Provides flush floor installation. ® Allows maximum use of ceiling height. ® Protects rail channel openings when pouring concrete. 0 Allows future rails to be recessed into the concrete when it is initially poured and the form cover can protect and cover the rail until it is actually used. 81 Gives the rails a finished appearance. g Prevents debris from lodging in the guidance channels. O Makes housekeeping easier. FEATURE FEATURE BENEFIT ANALYSIS MONTEL DUAL FLANGE GUIDANCE SYSTEM BENEFIT Dual flange guidance system ® Provides smooth, easy and parallel carriage movement. ® Prevents excessive carriage racking and wheel slippage. ® Ensures long system life. Dual flange guide wheels are ® Provides positive guidance on all wheels at located at all wheel locations. all locations. Dual flange design provides ® Good aesthetic appearance for floor and rail narrow wheel guidance channels installation. that are only 1/2" (13 mm) wide. ® Carts roll easily in the system's aisles. Permanently lubricated and shielded bearing assemblies and 1045 steel precision machined wheels. Optional in -rail anti -tip available. ® Promotes easy carriage movement. ® Provides long term, maintenance free operation. ® Provides stability in installations with a high carriage height -to -width ratio. ® Satisfies code requirements for installations in seismic zones. ® Ensures unit stability. 3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A Project Manager Derek Ray will be assigned to this project to interface with The City of Eagle. A project plan will be constructed in order to facilitate progress and ensure a positive workflow. 4. INSTALLATION: POS of Idaho provides factory -certified Montel installations by our own in-house technicians in order to maintain a high standard of installation quality and service. We do not use subcontractors. Our crew will provide inside delivery, installation, trash removal and clean-up of the job site. The Installation Manager will undertake on-site field adjustments when necessary. 5. IN-SERVICE TRAINING: In-service training will be scheduled at the completion of the installation to inform personnel of the correct use of the controls and safety devices for proper operation of the Montel System. . IV. INVESTMENT: The program, system, and products, detailed in the enclosed proposal are uniquely tailored to the needs of The City of Eagle and are available through the High Density Mobile option. The staff of POS of Idaho is committed to providing the promised values listed herein. PROJECT PLAN DATE ACTIVITY 11/16/05 Physical Survey 11/23/05 & Proposal for mobile shelving system and 12/14/05 move; presentation of drawing. Introduction to file conversion TBD 01/25/06 03/15/06 03/26/06 03/31/06 Technical demo and tour or installation Receipt of Purchase Order File move and teardown Installation of Montel equipment In -Service Training RESPONSIBILITY Derek Ray Derek Ray, Crystal Obenauer Derek Ray Sharon Bergmann Installation Manager, TBD Installation Manager, Ryan Scanlin Derek Ray, 6. WARRANTY: A 5 year manufacturer's warranty is warranty on all parts and will begin at the completion of installation. Full service contracts, preventive maintenance plans or hourly service rates are available in the future to properly maintain equipment. 7. FLOOR LOADING: Floor loading is the responsibility of The City of Eagle. 8. SPRINKLER CODES: The following chart summarizes the system fit within the clear ceiling height: Overall ceiling height TBD" Sprinkler Code 18" Clear ceiling height TBD" Rail, Floor Carriage 7" Shelving Height 88" Total Height of System 95" BILL TO: Sharon Bergmann 310 E. State St Eagle, Id 83616 TERMS and PRICING SHIP TO: POS of Idaho POS of Idaho will provide a high-density mobile system comprised of: Reference: Drawing No. Eagle City Hall Room 117 & 123 112205 Systems: $28,246.93 Installation and Delivery: $4271.19 **Freight quote expires in 45 days Price, Delivered and Installed: $32,518.12 Salesperson: Derek Ray/Crystal Obenaur Price includes freight, inside delivery, installation, trash removal, clean-up of job site, and a 5 year manufacturers parts warranty. TERMS: 50% due upon receipt of purchase order. 25% due upon shipment. Accepted By: Date Balance due upon completion of installation. POS Professional Office Services, Inc! City of Eagle File conversion 12/14/05 POS OF Idaho, Inc. • 4290 Chinden Blvd., Suite B Boise, Idaho 83714 (2081377-0229 TOLL FREE 1-800-432-7674 FAX# (208) 377-9988 File conversion 3000 Legal folders with end tabs. Files will have 1 1/4" $0.78 $2,340.00 expansion. 1000 Legal folders with end tabs. Files will have 3 1/2" $0.92 $920.00 expansion. 4000 Letter size folders with end tabs. $0.39 $1,560.00 Labels Anywhere 1 Setup, 2 label designs, and 1 year support $575.00 $575.00 9300 Labels for labels anywhere $0.09 $837.00 9000 Print labels for the folders $0.24 $2,160.00 9000 Apply labels to folders $0.15 $1,350.00 Pridn9 doesn't include shippin9. Accepted by: • Total for file conversion $9,742.00 Title: Date: wwwposofidaho.com Order Placement: Delivery: TERMS and CONDITIONS POS of Idaho 4290 Chinden Blvd. Ste.B Garden City, ID, 83714 Phone: 208-377-0229 Fax: 208-377-9988 POS of Idaho will notify your designated contact person twenty-four (24) hours prior to delivery. Dock space will be arranged by you and made available at no cost to POS of Idaho. Storage: If, for any reason, you are not ready to receive the materials and storage is required, storage and handling fees will be added to your invoice. Space The space shall be ready for installation and free and clear of all obstructions. If it is Requirements: not and there is a resulting delay, then the additional man-hours will be billed. The space shall be properly lighted. If additional lighting is required to perform the work safely, the additional cost will be invoiced. It is your responsibility to be certain the space is suitable for the installation of this equipment, i.e., adequate fire protection, clearances, and floor load capacity. Electrical: Electrical power for tools, equipment and lighting will be supplied to POS of Idaho at no cost. Installation: By certified installers During normal working hours Taxes: N/A Terms: 50% down with order, 25% due upon shipment. Balance due upon completion of installation. If, for any reason, you cancel the order, any cancellation, restocking and handling charges will be invoiced. Warranty: 5 year manufacturers parts warranty. CHECKLIST FOR ORDERING (must be complete to process order) Wednesday, December 14, 2005 • Please indicate options selected • Please review and sign drawings (Drawing No. ) • Choose shelving colors from color selector • Choose carriage color from color selector • Choose end panel color from laminate sheet • Attach purchase order and deposit to proposal • If you need to be invoiced for deposit, please check this line • Sign and date acceptance area on proposal • Contact name at installation area • Street address • Suite, Building or Floor # • City, State Zip • Contact Phone # Pager # • E-mail address Please return completed form and signed drawing, along with signed quotation or purchase order. Pkto A.A,SYY\ City of Eagle Room 117 CD co w 24 1/2" 24 1/2" 43" 135 1/2" U) w LL U) LL 42" Existing LFI:1,528 Proposed LFI:8,208 POS of Idaho 4290 Chi mien Blvd. Ste.13 Garden City, ID 83714 PH: 208-377-0229 FAX: 208-377-9988 1$%%m..posofitlaho.entn H95" 88 114"x42" d24" City of Eagle Room 117 H95" 88 114"x36" d24" H95" 88 114"x42" d12" H95" 88 1/4"x36" d12" Files -F Files -F Files -B Files -B Files Files 9 314"i I i 9 3/4"1 9 314"I 9 314" 88 1/4" 9 314" 95" 12 314" 9 314"i 9 3/4"i 6 3/4"; System Weight Summary Report Total media weight Total equipment weight Total aisle weight (15 Ibs/ft') Total system (media, equipment and aisle) weight Total Foot -Print area Total weight load per square foot (avg unit load) Weight load (line load) under front rail Weight Toad (line load) under rail no. 2 Weight load (line toad) under back rail 20,064.00 lbs 5,515.27 lbs 1,141.94 lbs 26,721.21 lbs 175.42 ft2 152.33 lbs/ft2 8,353.65 lbs 628.49 lbs/ft 8,719.47 Ibs 656.01 lbs/ft 8,127.43 Ibs 611.47 Ibs/ft POS of Idaho 4290 Chinden Bh'd. Ste.B Garden City, ID 83714 PH: 208-377-0229 FAX: 208-377-9988 www.posofidaho.coni Existing LFI:1,220 Proposed LFI:2,826 i "P-)Lud ri ri (ecTryr City of Eagle Room 123 POS of Idaho 4290 (Minden 111‘d. Steil Garden Cin. 11) 53714 VII: 211&377-0229 FAN: 2115-377-9958 Vi n n.powtidahn.Cont H95" 88 114"x42" d30" Rolled PlanslFiles-F Rolled PlanslFiles-B City of Eagle Room 123 88 1/4" 95" H95" 88 114"x42" d15" H88 114" 88 114"x36" d15" 6 3/41 1 88 114" ii 1 95" 6 314" 1 U2 11 1141 11 1/41 11 1/41 11 1/41 88 1/4" 12 3/41 11 1/41 11 1/4" H88 114" 88 114"x36" d24" Files 41 1/4" 1 88 1/4" 42 3/4" 3/4;r--_ Hangin 44,1- - Hanging Plans System Weight Summary Report Total media weight Total equipment weight Total aisle weight (15 lbs/ft2) Total system (media, equipment and aisle) weight Total Foot -Print area Total weight load per square foot (avg unit load) Weight Toad (line load) under front rail Weight load (line load) under rail no. 2 Weight load (line toad) under back rail 4.620.00 lbs 2.151.58 lbs 915.69 lbs 7.687.27 lbs 104.77 ft2 73.37 Ibs/ft2 2.143.88 ibs 2,306.31 lbs 2,086.20 lbs 279.64 lbs/ft 300.82 lbs/ft 272.11 tbs/ft POS of Idaho 4290 Chinden Blvd. Ste.B Garden City, ID 83714 PH: 208-377-0229 FAX: 208-377-9988 ww•w•.posofidaha.com SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, Lac A division of Henriksen Butler Design Group 208.794.4655 mobile 208.441.7833 fax www.soacesaverim.com Eagle City Hall Room 117 Option A -Pd.a- ( 4/29%fr Quotation DATE 1/9/2006 Prepared by: Jay Madison SALESPERSON P.O. NUMBER SHIP DATE SHIP VIA F.O.B. POINT TERMS Jay Madison QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TAXABLE? AMOUNT 1 Mobile System 117 Option A 13,829.00 NT 13,829.00 Prices Include Install and Shipping SUBTOTAL $ 13,829.00 TAX RATE 5.00% SALES TAX OTHER TOTAL $ 13, 829.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! 13'10" Option A Workbench Existing LFI 1528" Proposed LFI 8856" H97 114" 97 114"x36"d12" 2'0" 137" 2'0" 2'0" r 0 I r 0 r r 0 r N N r r U r r 9 I I N N 1 1 I it it s A r r A r o 11984464.. 91 1/45:38"d24" SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN... 15 314" 9 3/4" 9314" t 9 314"� 91 114" 98 114" 9 314" 9 314"I 9 314" 9 314" I V N 0 A r 0 0 N " e A r 2'11" 1'0" i4ECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 9 2006 File. Route tri• t (09\i 3'0" 3'0" 3'0" System Weight Summary Report Total medal *sight Total equipment weigh Total eels weight (15 Ib,m") Total system (media. equipment and stile) weight Total Foot -Print eros Total swi0M bid per square toot (svg unit load) Weight toed (knit load') under front rad Weight Iced (lite load') under back rad 'Line Load calculations do not incite the weight of Fbor, Ramp. or Attlee All drasings and elevations aro estimations and need to be site verfied M Project Name: N/ Project #: 1/ APPROVAL N(.4 00915 This drawing Approved By: N Eagle City Drawn by: o Hall Room Sherry "o 1~ Date Printed: Dater( x 117 Opt A 01/09/2006 o a Scale Rev level: o o Linear Filing Inches 9'8" 13.019.00 lbs 5,901.14 IDs 659.61 lbs 25.0%0.56 IDs 10597 ns 150.59 EbsIR' 9.521.50 be 2.99096 ICBM 9,222.00 flee 2.909-52 Ibsi(t Items not assigned to a Position Actual LFI 8,364" Nominal LFI 8,856" Include Existing /.1 0 1 z 0 c� O U 1/4" = 1' Copyright 0 2004Spacesaver Corporatbn. This material is proprietary and confidential, and the disclosure reproduction by photography, film, blueprint or otherwise or incorporation into any information retrieval system without first receiving written approval from Spacesarer Corporati,n is expressly prohibited by law. SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, LLC A division of Henriksen Butler Design Group 208.794.4655 mobile 208.441.7833 fax www.saacesaverim.com Eagle City Hall Room 123 Option A SALESPERSON P.O. NUMBER Jay Madison QUANTITY SHIP DATE DESCRIPTION 1 Mobile System 123 Option A Prices Include Install and Shipping U//o(,;(7-'• Quotation DATE 1/9/2006 Prepared by: Jay Madison SHIP VIA F.O.B. POINT TERMS UNIT PRICE TAXABLE? AMOUNT 9,626.0000 NT 9,626.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! SUBTOTAL TAX RATE SALES TAX - OTHER TOTAL $ 9,626.00 $ 9,626.00 5.00% 8�1 -1 H97 114" 114"x24" c130" 81 nr Table 30" _ _ 24" 4' \ /\ --U1--t7- U7 -c 30" /.\/.\ 38" 30" 179 112" 30" 1 30" IIB 1118 e 11/8 • 3--U2--a- U3 -c 3--U2--T U3-cf r 3--U2--1=- U3-tE U 5 U4' -- 48"42" 97 718" 5PACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN... H97 114" 97114"x30"d30" 41 ‘/9" +198.4149" 91 114"x30" d30" 4:11 1/4 "M9t31M8" 91 114"x24" d30" Room 123 Option A Existing LFI 1220" Proposed LFI 4218" Map Capacity Rolled Maps 60 Hanging Map Racks 2 f 91 114" 1 98 114" H97 114" 97114"x42"d15" H97 1/4" 97114"x48" d15" U4 Syttalr Watts 8u7mazy Report Taal node welphl TAW equipment welpte Total alblaweglt(11 t,1anr) Tdal yOun (medic eglprne t and ebb) emcee Total Foot-PriMa:ea TOM welts Iced per squire bat (erg une Iced) WOO IoW (One bed, under tat M load lbw Iced') undo.' beck M 'Uu lead c IWboro do not Induce Me x1 of Floor, Ramp. a Mime Linear Fling Inches Items not assigned to a Position Actual LFI 3,934" Nominal LFI 4,218" 0 Include Existing Al drawings and elevations aro ost)nstions and need to be cite verified `' Project Name: Eagle City Hall Room 123 Opt A 2.000.00 3.663.31 67424 6.64216 127.60 um 1,37462 1,070.30 Ds M b 5' M b:nr be 364.12 MIA be 201.54 Iballl Project #: 00914 Drawn by: I t,(,. Sherry 0 0 eii Of --LI-- Date Printed: Dated t .�� �'�' 01/08/2006 R j b {(0) Scale Rev level: o04. 1:511 1 n U5 • APPROVAL This drawing Approved By: y Copyright O 2004Spasesmer Corporatbn. This material is proprietary and confidential, and the disclosure reproduction by photography, film, blueprint or otherwise or incorporation into any information retrieval system without first receiving written approval from Spacesaver Corporatbn is expressly prohibited by law. 30" 38" 179 112' r 61 718' Table 30' 8r1" '1197114" H971/4" 71/4'x24" d30' 97 114"x30' d30" 24" /\ / 7LN7iu.K 1ve 30" U2 U3-{ 30" >-- U 2 U 3 -{ 30" r U5=�U4� 48" SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN.. 42' H981/16" 91 114"x30' d30" H98 1/16" 91 114"x24" d30' Room 123 Option A Existing LFI 1220" Proposed LFI 4218" Map Capacity Rolled Maps 60 Hanging Map Racks 2 15 314" 9 314' 9 3141 9 314" 9 314" 9 314" 93/4'1 9314' 91 114' 98 114' H97 1/4" 97 114'x42" d15" H97 1/4" 97 114'x48" d 15" U4 U5 - __•. _._:tea ;._.. ... :...._/ System Weight Summary Report Total media weight Total equipment weight Total aisle weight (15 Ihsllt') Total system (media, equipment and alsto) weight Total Foot -Print area Total weight load per square bol (erg unit bad) Weigle bad (ane load, under front ee Weigh bad One bad') under haat rM tine Load tabulations do not include the weight of Floor. Ramp. or Abbe. Linear Filing Inches Items not assigned to a Position Actual LFI 3,934" Nominal LFI 4,218" ® Include Existing • Protect Name: Eagle City Hall Room 123 Opt A Project #: 00914 Drawn by: Sherry Date Printed: 01/12/2006 Scale "1/4" = 1' 2.090.00 is 3.542.31 ba 700.30 bs 6,432.51 lbs 116.17 5' 55.37 IbsAY 1.364.02 be 411.69 Ibs/7t 1.069.30 be 322.59 Wain Rev level: `' APPROVAL This drawing Approved By: 9 3/4 9 3/4 93/4 9 3/4 93/4 9 3/4 93/4 9 314 9 3/4 -2-8/4 Dated Copyright 0 2004Spacesaver Corporation. This material is proprietary and confidential, and the disclosure reproduction by photography, film, blueprint or otherwise or incorporation into any information retrieval system without first receiving written approval from Spacesaver Corporation is expressly prohibited by law. CITY OF EAGLE 20 -Jan -06 Tracy Osborn, CMC SHELVING - Mobile shelving for PZ Plan 117 I I I See attached drawing for specifications 1 with steel end panels Shelving $11,975.00 Installation $1,800.00 Estimated _=reight $1,650.00 Bldg. Plan 123 Mobile Shelving See attached drawing for specifications I with steel end panels $15,425.00 Shelving $3,810.00 Installation $1,200.00 Estimated Freight $595.00 Thanks for the opportunity to be of service to you! FOLDERS, ETC. 342-8267 $5.605.00 a Bas's 1 1 'Ad Member 1r Cr - SW Idaho T a 10 a 10' 86 wall clearance c and harle co c i Up g Room 117 18' 113!8" s 1 1'. d (1).r Desipn Details: - Aurora 4 post shelving on Aurora Mobile System - St lelving is 76" high and the total height is 81" - 1. = er size, 12 and 24" deep. - 7 .. Ings for end tab file folders - 3 le dividers per shelf - A ilable with full steel end panel over closed OR with a Chain Box Cover over a full steel she ing end panel powder -coated colors available • 1 + year warranty on moving pmts and lifetime on the ' - lance ItTis for Comparison: - 10 year warranty on moveable parts and lifetime alt others powder -coated colors available - tatic carriages used for an even profile - 56 file dividers - ully grouted system eavier duty 18g shelving used Member SW Idaho V 14'2 A Folders, Etc. 4223 W. Emerald Street Boise, Idaho 83706 206.342.8267 8�1" Table 72 X 36 48w 36d 4 Other Storage Bids Pian 123 11W Rolled Men Slangs 9 !: dear 14 deep 4 File storage (Information: , - II Aurora heavy duty shelving - Different widths, depths and heights are available - (lifetime warranty Folders, Etc. 4223 W. Emerald Street Boise, Idaho 83706 208.342.8267 1 1 1 II I I !I I 1 F is donees - 37th dividers per shelf - Lepel site - Shetres adluaib s an 1- W carriers Table 72 X 38" 36 lam' 68" 1 ing folder frame 1200 maps C Mobile System: - Supplies exactly the same amount of space as the static system 6 BBB T Member SW Idaho EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A- 11-04/ RZ-17-04/CU-10-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04/VAC-2-04 - Ea2lefield Estates Planned Unit Development — Ea2lefield LLC.: January 24, 2006 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON 30J3 l//9.i -R-7�7 y � s- Pro f--\ Let" K F ti s G2- (131-702_ Pi (Gtet-e � " fug D �tY� c `l ( < < )�rn ' L�(IIr,t.-e Page 1 of . . H-1COUNCIL1AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A- 11-04/ RZ-17-04/CU-10-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04/VAC-2-04 - Ea21efield Estates Planned Unit Development — Ea2lefield LLC.: January 24, 2006 7:30 ».m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SLIM EC YES/NO? PRO/CON ,X n Pagel, of .; H \COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP.WPD