Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 01/31/2006 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes January 31, 2006 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the rneeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. Absent: BASTIAN. A quorurn is present. Nordstrom moves to amend the agenda to add re-appointments to the Industrial Development Corporation Board of Directors as item 4B and also to hear New Business prior to the discussion with Signature Sports Development. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review and action on file system quote for new City Hall building. Deputy Clerk states that this system bid came in at an amount that was under $25,000 and thus the Idaho State Code bid requirements are not applicable. Both the building departrnent and planning and zoning staff have reviewed the file system design for their respective file rooms and feel the proposed systerns will allow thern to maxirnize the usable space in each file roorn. Deputy Clerk respectfully requests that Council approve the expenditure and authorize the Mayor to sign upon the review and approval of the City Attorney. Bandy moves to approve the expending not to exceed $22,802.00 for file systems for the new city hall. Second by Nordstrom. Discussion. Bandy amends his motion that approval is contingent upon review and approval of the City Attorney. Second concurs. ALL AYE...NORDSTROM; AYE: BANDY; AYE: GUERBER; A YE...MOTION CARRIES. 4B. Appointment to the Industrial Development Board. Guerber approves the re-appointment of Dave Dickey and Blake Watson to the Industrial Development Committee each for three year terms. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Bastian arrives at 5:34 p.m. 3. A-9-05/RZ-13-05/CU-12-05/PPUD-13-05 - Lel!:acv Planned Unit Development: Signature Sports Developrnent, LLC, to discuss terms of the development agreernent and PUD. No Council action, nor public testimony, will be taken for this item. Nordstrorn discloses that he had ex parte contact with the applicant. Nordstrorn states that he viewed some of the design inforrnation that would be presented tonight. He did not judge the proposal one way or another. Just wanted to rnake sure they knew where the Council was coming from and certainly rnaking sure that it was their development, and as long as it fits with the city - the city would be happy one way or another. Nordstrom states that he suggested holding a public workshop to review the Page I K:\COUNClL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O 1-31~06spmin doc changes proposed by the applicant and go back into the public process and see how it will fit. Does not feel he is bias for or against the project. Todd Santiago discusses the proposed changes. The new plan rernoves the golf course and focuses more on the acadernies, after a certain amount oftirne, memberships to the acadernies would be rnade available to those not residing in the development. A three hole training course would be on site, six outdoor tennis courts, soccer fields, an eight lane swimrning pool and a learn to swirn pool. The new proposal aims to be more of a family developrnent. A slide show presentation is given showing the facility design. Discussion between Council and representatives from Signature Sports Development. City Attorney states that depending on the applicant's desired modifications it appears that there may be a substantial change and thus, per Idaho State code, the application would need to be heard at public hearing at the Planning and Zoning Cornmittee and City Council level. General discussion. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council rneeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ,."............~ "", ~p..GLE .... " OX ......... #'., '. .., i ~,. O~"'Tli ..... '\ ~f.....~ .. ~ . . ~ ~. = TRACY OSBORN, CMC : u. 0 , ~: 0 . . . u ,. '" "''9 DEPUTY CLERK : ~ G~ ;I:J: ~ e. <:, V "IIi._ ~ '\.... .../Nco\tyO..:.. ~ ##. ........ ~ . APPROVED: .....", S]' A T1!. ~.~ III',......... '-- Page 2 KICOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-Ol-31-06spmin doc Eagle City Hall 310 E. State St./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Deputy City Clerk To: Mayor & Council CC: From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: January 30, 2006 Re: Addition to New Business - item 4B Re -appointment to the Industrial Development Board Blake Watson and Dave Dickey are both up for re -appointment to the IDB. They will be serving three year terms should the Council choose to affirm their re -appointment. I'll be rine...give me just a minute. CG i/3db SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, LLC Henrik % n Bu;Ii'r 1)C.%Q.:11 tv (iru;rp PROPOSAL 28814 Page 1 of Date: 01/31/06 Proposal and Sales Agreement Purchaser Delivery Location CITY OF EAGLE /CITY HALL ATTN: TRACY OSBORN . 310 EAST STREET EAGLE, ID 83616 CITY OF EAGLE/CITY HALL RM 123 ATTN: TRACY OSBORN . TO BE DETERMINED. EAGLE, ID 83616 . CLIENT: 020615 . ACCOUNT MGR: JAY MADISON # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED EAGLE CITY HALL ROOM 123 2 1 SPACESAVER - 3 ea. 30"W X 4'L Mechanical Assist Carriages - 3 ea. 95 3/4"H X 48"W X 30"D Double faced four post sections. - 1 ea. 95 3/4"H X 48"D X 15"D Single face four post section. - 2 ea. 10' 2" Length Anti -tip rail. - 1 ea. Floor and ramp TOTAL PRICE INCLUDES PRODUCT, FREIGHT, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION. PRICE INCLUDES CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL. 8,973.00 8,973.00 PAGE 1 QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION COMMENTS: SUBTOTAL 8,973.00 PROPOSAL 28814 SELL EXTENDED TOTAL 8,973.00 03/01/06 This proposal expires on unless written acceptance is received by SELLER on or before 5 p m that date. The deposit required on this proposal is 4,486.00 Payment Terms: 50% down, .a 50% upon job completion HB reserves the right to modify payment terms based upon credit review. Lease Information 3 yr. Lease, approx. $ monthly 5 yr. Lease, approx. $ monthly Seller Title: Date: Purchaser agrees to purchase the goods and services described above on pages 1 through including this one, accordance with the TERMS AND CONDITIONS on the next page, including but not limited to the "Payment", "Default" and "Security Interest" provisions This proposal is only an offer to purchase. and is not binding upon the SELLER until accepted by the SELLER in writing ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED INCLUDING WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EXCEPT AS SET FOR UNDER "TERMS AND CONDITIONS". SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES Accepted For: By: Print Name: Title: 249 South 400 East • Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 • T801.363 5882 F801.359.4326 Classic. Innovative. Date: PAGE 2 OF 2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, LLC Payment • Merchandise will be invoiced upon delivery. If there is to be more than one delivery of merchandise, an invoice will be issued upon the first delivery. Purchaser agrees to pay each invoice within ten days of the invoice date. No payment shall be withheld on any invoice because of partial delivery of the entire order. Any security deposit is non-refundable. If payments are in default, seller shall have the option of declaring the remaining unpaid purchase price due and payable and may elect to recover merchandise and take judgment for deficiency after public or private sale including interest, collection costs and attorney fees. Security Interest • Purchaser hereby grants to Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. a security interest in all merchandise sold under this order to secure full payment of the purchase price and all other obligations of Purchaser under this agreement. A copy of this agreement may be filed a s a financing statement. Purchaser's signature hereon authorizes Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. to execute such financing statements on Purchaser's behalf as may be required by the State. Installation Date (a) The Installation Date is agreed upon for the purpose of specifying delivery dates of merchandise ordered from manufactures. Although Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. will use its best efforts to expedite timely delivery, it cannot guarantee that merchandise will arrive from manufacturers a specified, and Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. shall not be liable for ordered merchandise not arriving timely. (b) Purchaser shall provide or pay for all storage of ordered merchandise necessary after the installation date, and for all costs of moving such merchandise to and from storage after the installation date. Installation Terms • Delivery and Installation shall be made by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. Personnel, or its subcontractor, during normal; working hours or at other hours by special arrangement. Purchaser shall pay additional labor costs resulting from off -hour or overtime work performed at Purchaser's request or from required use of labor other than Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. personnel or its authorized subcontractor. Purchaser shall provide, at Purchaser's cost, electricity, heat, hoisting and elevator service and adequate facilities for off loading, staging, moving and handling of merchandise. The job site shall be clean and free of obstruction for installation. Purchaser shall pay any special packaging or handling costs not contained in the specifications. Insurance and Risk of Loss • All risk of loss shall pass from Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. to Purchaser upon delivery of merchandise to Purchaser or upon delivery of merchandise into storage for the account of Purchaser after the Installation date, whichever comes first. For the purposes of this paragraph 5 only, the term "merchandise" shall include any property owned by or under the control of HB delivered to or for the benefit of Purchaser, whether purchased by Purchaser or delivered to Purchaser on approval. Purchaser shall carry fire and casualty insurance in an amount sufficient to insure the value of the merchandise at the delivery site or at the storage site. Taxes and Freight • Prices do not include any applicable sales, use excise, or other tax which, if applicable, Purchaser shall pay and which shall be added to the sales prices at time of invoicing. Purchasers exempt from taxes shall furnish certificates of exemption upon execution of this agreement. Freight charges are F.O.B. job site unless otherwise indicated. Cancellation and Changes • This agreement, once executed by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. and Purchaser, cannot be cancelled or modifies except by a writing signed by both the parties. Changes made in the agreement which result in increased charges shall be for the account of the Purchaser. In the event Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. agrees to a return, a cancellation fee equal to 40% of the purchase price will be assessed. No storage products or other specially ordered items can be cancelled or retumed after the manufacturer begins the production. Prices and quantities of wall, window and floor coverings and other items measured from blue prints or other items measured from blue prints or otherwise estimated are subject to change upon field measurement at the expense of Purchaser. Warranties and Claims (a) Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. warrants for a period of one year from delivery that the merchandise id free from defects in workmanship and materials, and that it will repair or replace defective merchandise, at its costs, within a reasonable time, subject to availability of replacement merchandise. No other warranties express or implied are granted hereunder. No warranty in addition to the foregoing expressed warranties, whether express or implied, made by any employee or agent of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by an officer of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC.. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, ANY IMLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, IS LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY. (b) Purchaser shall inspect the merchandise upon delivery. Acceptance of delivery constitutes acceptance of the merchandise as delivered. Any warranty claims for latent defects not discoverable upon reasonable inspection must be made in writing within the warranty period. Default, Interest and Fees • Purchaser shall pay interest at the rate of 18% per annum on all payments in default, and shall pay all reasonable costs, expenses and attorneys' fees incurred by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. in enforcing the terms of this agreement. Entire Agreement; Controlling Law • This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Purchaser is relying solely upon the terms of this agreement, and not upon any oral or written statements, whether of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC., its officers, employees or agents, of any manufacturer, or any other person whatsoever in entering into this agreement. This agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Utah I have read and accepted these terms and conditions: 51 710" Table ��24•I sl. 36' 30• 179 ter 30' 30• ► U2 • U2 • U2 11 IVO E :.Nu 1s 3L13./ 48' I 42' 97 716• H95 314" 95 3i4'446' 9x4' 9 x4' 9 x4• • ............ 9x4 - u1 95314• H951116" ea 114'x46•d30' U 2-F 12 314- 9 x4" 9314' 9314' 9x4' 9 314' 9 3/4- 9 x4' 11111114. 6 13/16'1 Linear Filing Inches H95 314" 95 314•x46• d30' 9 314. �\ \ M .. 6x4' (L\ rqm110113/ •t�exs• 961116' t. .t. t. .. r 6x4' 1� t t t .�. 6x4• ��� 6x4• .` 6x4• 3/4• ►1.\\\ 6x4' 3/4' Items not assigned to a Position . Actual LFI 3,198' Nominal LFI 3,338' 0 Include Existing U3 H95 314" 95 314'x36• d30• \, U4 47 114- 99 We 44 114' / t 0 94w kn U.) Total media weight 5.949.00 Ibs a Total equipment weight 3,157.76 Ibs x Total aisle weight (15 IbsHt') 683.43 lbs 0 Total system (media. equipment and aisle) weight 9.790 19 Ibs a Total Foot -Print area 111.38 ft= Q Total weight Toad per square foot (avg unit load) 87.90 Ibs/ftx Weight bad (line load') under front rail 3.620.48 Ibs 1.186.74 Ibs/ft 0 Weight load (line bad') under back rail 3.183.05 Ibs 988.74 Ibs/ft Q 'Line Load calculations do not include the weight of Floor, Ramp. or Aisles. a O o. e a 0 0 a w �% N f Project #: , w Project Name: QQ914 APPROVAL 1 !11 SPACESAVER , This drawing Approved By. o. INTERMOUNTAIN... Eagle City Hall Room 123 Opt A Drawn by: re' Sherry 0 Date Printed:Dated z 01131 /2006 a Scale Rev level: 0 ii ".3/16" = V n / (-)`Copyright 0 2004Spacesaver Corporation. This material is proprietary andndconfidential, and the disclosure reproduction by photography, film. blueprint or otherwise or incorporation into any information retrieval system without first receiving written approval fromfrom Spacesaver Corporation is expressly prohibited by law. System Weight Summary Report SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, LLC „irrsinn u/ !O•sign (romp Page 1 of PROPOSAL 28815 Date: nl /-41 /nF Proposal and Sales Agreement Purchaser Delivery Location CITY OF EAGLE /CITY HALL ATTN: TRACY OSBORN . 310 EAST STREET EAGLE, ID 83616 CITY OF EAGLE CITY HALL ROOM 117 ATTN: TRACY OSBORN . TO BE DETERMINED EAGLE, ID 83616 . CLIENT: 020615 . ACCOUNT MGR: JAY MADISON QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED 2 EAGLE CITY HALL ROOM 117 - ` i 1L 1( GC' iI SPACESAVER - 4 ea. 24"W X 9'L Mechanical 13,829.00 13,829.00 Assist Carriages - 12 ea. 95 3/4"H X 36"W X 24"D Double faced four post sections. - 95"H X 36"W 12"D Single faced four post sections. - 12' 6" Length Anti -tip B rail. - 1 ea. Floor and ramp TOTAL PRICE INCLUDES PRODUCT, DELIVERY, FREIGHT AND INSTALLATION. PRICE INCLUDES CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL. (762/ii 54:0 ktiO PAGE 1 PROPOSAL 28815 # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED COMMENTS: his ro osal e fres on 03/01/06 e depos t re red on i s proposal s Pa ment erms do n pon o SUBTOTAL • 13,829.00 TOTAL 13,829.00 unless ritten acce tance is receive y LL on or efore that ate 6,914.00 en prod t s ps omplet on reser es t erg t to mod pa ment teens ased pon red 1 re e ease n ormat on r ease appro mont I r ease appro mont I Purchaser agrees to urchase the goo s an services escrl e a ove on ages through inclu Eng this one accor ance tth the D on the ne t age inciu ing ut not II ite to the Pay ent Default an ecurity nterest rovisions his ro osal is only an offer to urchase an is not in ing u on the LL until acce to y the LL in riting LL P D PL D D L D L D L D P L P P P D D 0 LL LL L L LD Seller A epted or Pr nt ame tle ate Ile outh ast • alt La e ity tah • Classic. Innovative. ate PAGE 2 OF 2 D TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPACESAVER INTERMIJUNTAIN, LLC Payment • Merchandise will be invoiced upon delivery. If there is to be more than one delivery of merchandise, an invoice will be issued upon the first delivery. Purchaser agrees to pay each invoice within ten days of the invoice date. No payment shall be withheld on any invoice because of partial delivery of the entire order. Any security deposit is non-refundable. If payments are in default, seller shall have the option of declaring the remaining unpaid purchase price due and payable and may elect to recover merchandise and take judgment for deficiency after public or private sale including interest, collection costs and attorney fees. Security Interest • Purchaser hereby grants to Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. a security interest in all merchandise sold under this order to secure full payment of the purchase price and all other obligations of Purchaser under this agreement. A copy of this agreement may be filed a s a financing statement. Purchaser's signature hereon authorizes Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. to execute such financing statements on Purchaser's behalf as may be required by the State. Installation Date (a) The Installation Date is agreed upon for the purpose of specifying delivery dates of merchandise ordered from manufactures. Although Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. will use its best efforts to expedite timely delivery, it cannot guarantee that merchandise will arrive from manufacturers a specified, and Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. shall not be liable for ordered merchandise not arriving timely. (b) Purchaser shall provide or pay for all storage of ordered merchandise necessary atter the installation date, and tor all costs of moving such merchandise to and from storage after the installation date. Installation Terms • Delivery and Installation shall be made by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. Personnel, or its subcontractor, during normal; working hours or at other hours by special arrangement. Purchaser shall pay additional labor costs resulting from off -hour or overtime work performed at Purchaser's request or from required use of labor other than Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. personnel or its authorized subcontractor. Purchaser shall provide, at Purchaser's cost, electricity, heat, hoisting and elevator service and adequate facilities for off loading, staging, moving and handling of merchandise. The job site shall be clean and free of obstruction for installation. Purchaser shall pay any special packaging or handling costs not contained in the specifications. Insurance and Risk of Loss • AU risk of loss shall pass from Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. to Purchaser upon delivery of merchandise to Purchaser or upon delivery of merchandise into storage for the account of Purchaser after the Installation date, whichever comes first. For the purposes of this paragraph 5 only, the term "merchandise" shall include any property owned by or under the control of HB delivered to or for the benefit of Purchaser, whether purchased by Purchaser or delivered to Purchaser on approval. Purchaser shall carry fire and casualty Insurance in an amount sufficient to insure the value of the merchandise at the delivery site or at the storage site. Taxes and Freight Prices do not include any applicable sales, use excise, or other tax which, if applicable, Purchaser shall pay and which shall be added to the sales prices at time of invoicing. Purchasers exempt from taxes shall furnish certificates of exemption upon execution of this agreement. Freight charges are F.O.B. job site unless otherwise indicated. Cancellation and Changes • This agreement, once executed by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. and Purchaser, cannot be cancelled or modifies except by a writing signed by both the parties. Changes made in the agreement which result in increased charges shall be for the account of the Purchaser. In the event Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. agrees to a retum, a cancellation fee equal to 40% of the purchase price will be assessed. No storage products or other specially ordered items can be cancelled or returned after the manufacturer begins the production. Prices and quantities of wall, window and floor coverings and other items measured from blue prints or other items measured from blue prints or otherwise estimated are subject to change upon field measurement at the expense of Purchaser. Warranties and Claims (a) Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. warrants for a period of one year from delivery that the merchandise id free from defects in workmanship and ' materials, and that it will repair or replace defective merchandise, at its costs, within a reasonable time, subject to availability of replacement merchandise. No other warranties express or implied are granted hereunder. No warranty in addition to the foregoing expressed warranties, whether express or implied, made by any employee or agent of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by an officer of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC.. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, ANY IMLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, IS LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY. (b) Purchaser shall inspect the merchandise upon delivery. Acceptance of delivery constitutes acceptance of the merchandise as delivered. Any warranty claims for latent defects not discoverable upon reasonable inspection must be made in writing within the warranty period. Default, Interest and Fees • Purchaser shall pay interest at the rate of 18% per annum on all payments in default, and shall pay all reasonable costs, expenses and attomeys' fees incurred by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. in enforcing the terms of this agreement. Entire Agreement; Controlling Law • This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Purchaser is relying solely upon the terms of this agreement, and not upon any oral or written statements, whether of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC., its officers, employees or agents, of any manufacturer, or any other person whatsoever in entering into this agreement. This agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Utah I have read and accepted these terms and conditions: H95 3/4" 95 3/4"x36" d12" 8 114"I 9 3/41 9 3/41 9 3/44 9 3/44 95 3/4" 9 3/4 9 3/4"f 9 3/4" U1 H93 9116" 86 3/4'x36" d24" 11 114" 93/4' 9 3/4" 9 3144 • 86 314" 9 3/4 93 9118' 9 3/41 9 3/44 9 3/41 B 13/16" V SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN.,.. 1310" Workbench N ...%),"A •> > > > w 1/ N N N N Approximately s� 4 > > > > 42" Isle N N 3'0" 3'0" 3'0" ls�:�i.',�r..:.<.-",:�:::,^;2t'rFtY�:t�,i:.�.-;;:aru.;.t:.:ts.•::wr::c:.:.�... �;�.�....�_ .::.�w-'�x� System Weight Summary RopoR Tar mods might Total sgt4penent weight Totat aisle weight (15 bedr) Total system (meds. op4pmaed and ebb) wobld Total FaoI.Prtrd era Tar wegls load per spore foal (svg enol load) MOS bad (ins Iced" ender front nal Weight bad Pro bad, under book alai nine Land eatadations do not Include Do weight d Row. Ramp. a Malas. v sr..;;:z,-ke�te�:.s-`x-x�.:���:�:-�a�r,�n.�;r.::r:,r�.;.�a:�;a�r_� uak.nrskw�•«:�;��eti+.�+ 15.294.50 b 4.725.12 mo 1,095.82 eo 22.11554 titx i 157.03 ft' 13243 015' 9.43530 be 2.439.39 WM 9203.50 De 2.375.55 5.14 t sT '• v �wd;ti iratr Linear Filing Inches items not assigned to a Position Actual LFI 7,446" Nominal LFI 7,884" ® Include Existing ...•.�t":��;-+c�:r7:i•Y �"�ks7b"?L:l•,:•r{flT.:.1i .k: \"Project Name: Eagle City Hall Room 117Opt A 9'8" Lta 1:49 a 0 U w Project #: 00915 APPROVAL This drawing Approved By: of. Drawn by: Sherry O Date Printed: Dater' 01/31/2006 Scale Rev level: 1:49 Ai Copyright 0 2004Spacesaver Corporation. This material is proprietary and confidential, and the disclosure reproduction by photography, film, blueprint or otherwise or incorporation into any information retrieval system without first receiving written approval from Spacesaver Corporation is expressly prohibited by law. STATEMENT OF WARRANTY SPACESAVER HAS AN EMPHASIS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. THE STATEMENT OF WARRANTY IS OUR CONTINUED COMMITMENT THAT SPACESAVER IS DEDICATED TO SERVING OUR CUSTOMERS. LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY Subject to the conditions stated below, Spacesaver Corporation ("Spacesaver") warrants to the original purchaser exclusively that the shelving and mobile carriages ("structural frames") manufactured by it will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the lifetime of the structural frames. For the purposes of this warranty, structural frames shall be deemed to exclude all moving parts, controls and guides that have immediate contact with any moving parts. 10 -YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Spacesaver also warrants that all carriage drive motors*, shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for ten (10) years from the date of the customer's written acceptance of installation. During the 10 -year warranty period, all parts are included at no cost for 10 years. Labor is included at no cost during the first year of the 10 - year warranty period. After the first year, all labor will be charged at the current rate. 5 -YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Spacesaver also warrants that all equipment, other than structural frames and carriage drive motors*, shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for five (5) years from the date of the customer's written acceptance of installation. During the 5 -year warranty period, all parts are included at no cost for 5 years. Labor is included at no cost during the first year of the 5 -year warranty period. After the first year all labor will be charged at the current rate. *Standard profile unit -welded carriages only. Refer to Warranty for Mobile Rack Systems. If any warranted equipment shall be proved to Spacesaver's satisfaction to be defective, such equipment shall be repaired or replaced at the option of Spacesaver. All warranty service for any equipment manufactured by Spacesaver must be performed by an authorized Spacesaver factory representative. This warranty shall be void if any portion of the purchase price shall be due but unpaid in accordance with the terms pursuant to which the equipment was sold. This warranty shall not apply to equipment repaired by any party other than an authorized Spacesaver factory representative or to defects or damage caused by (a) acts of God or other circumstances beyond Spacesaver's control, (b) improper installation (unless installation was by authorized factory installer), (c) improper electrical supply or environmental conditions, (d) improper operation, maintenance or storage, or (e) other than normal use or service. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES SET FORTH ABOVE, SPACESAVER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, AND SPACESAVER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Repair or replacement of any defective equipment, or refund of the purchase price paid by the customer in the event Spacesaver determines such equipment cannot be repaired or replaced, shall be the customers exclusive remedy for breach of the warranty for product defects, however caused, and in no case shall Spacesaver be liable for incidental, consequential, special or other damages, or loss of profits or revenues whether as a result of breach of contract or warranty, Spacesaver's negligence, or otherwise. Spacesaver shall have no liability for any advice or assistance rendered by any party outside the scope of Spacesaver's written specifications for the manufacture, operation or maintenance of the warranted equipment. Original installation must be performed by Spacesaver trained and certified installers. Spacesaver REV. 3/05 800-492-3434 www.spacesaver.com email: ssc@spacesaver.com Warranties - Pagel STATEMENT OF WARRANTY Mobile Rack Systems SPACESAVER HAS AN EMPHASIS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. THE STATEMENT OF WARRANTY IS OUR CONTINUED COMMITMENT THAT SPACESAVER IS DEDICATED TO SERVING OUR CUSTOMERS. LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY Subject to the conditions stated below, Spacesaver Corporation ("Spacesaver") warrants to the original purchaser exclusively that the mobile carriages ("structural frames") manufactured by it will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the lifetime of the structural frames. For the purposes of this warranty, structural frames shall be deemed to exclude all moving parts, controls and guides that have immediate contact with any moving parts. 5 -YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Spacesaver also warrants that all equipment, other than structural frames shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for five (5) years from the date of the customer's written acceptance of installation. During the 5 -year warranty period, all parts are included at no cost for 5 years. Labor is included at no cost during the first year of the 5 -year warranty period. After the first year all labor will be charged at the current rate. If any warranted equipment shall be proved to Spacesaver's satisfaction to be defective, such equipment shall be repaired or replaced at the option of Spacesaver. All warranty service for any equipment manufactured by Spacesaver must be performed by an authorized Spacesaver factory representative. This warranty shall be void if any portion of the purchase price shall be due but unpaid in accordance with the terms pursuant to which the equipment was sold. This warranty shall not apply to equipment repaired by any party other than an authorized Spacesaver factory representative or to defects or damage caused by (a) acts of God or other circumstances beyond Spacesaver's control, (b) improper installation (unless installation was by authorized factory installer), (c) improper electrical supply or environmental conditions, (d) improper operation, maintenance or storage, or (e) other than normal use or service. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES SET FORTH ABOVE, SPACESAVER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, AND SPACESAVER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Repair or replacement of any defective equipment, or refund of the purchase price paid by the customer in the event Spacesaver determines such equipment cannot be repaired or replaced, shall be the customers exclusive remedy for breach of the warranty for product defects, however caused, and in no case shall Spacesaver be liable for incidental, consequential, special or other damages, or loss of profits or revenues whether as a result of breach of contract or warranty, Spacesaver's negligence, or otherwise. Spacesaver shall have no liability for any advice or assistance rendered by any party outside the scope of Spacesaver's written specifications for the manufacture, operation or maintenance of the warranted equipment. Original installation must be performed by Spacesaver trained and certified installers. Spacesaver 800-492-3434 www.spacesaver.com email: ssc@spacesaver.com REV. 3/05 Warranties - Page 2 STATEMENT OF WARRANTY Rotary Storage SPACESAVER HAS AN EMPHASIS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. THE STATEMENT OF WARRANTY IS OUR CONTINUED COMMITMENT THAT SPACESAVER IS DEDICATED TO SERVING OUR CUSTOMERS. LIFETIME WARRANTY STATEMENT In addition to the above, Spacesaver Corporation warrants that the rotation surfaces of each Spacesaver Rotary Storage cabinet will last a Lifetime. Lifetime is defined as "for as long as you own" your cabinet. If any rotation surface is determined by Spacesaver to be defective in materials and workmanship during the warranty period then the necessary part or component will be replaced, freight included, labor being excluded. 10 -YEAR WARRANTY In addition to the above, Spacesaver Corporation warrants that all Spacesaver Rotary Storage mechanical or structural parts and components of each assembled base will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ten years following the shipment date. If any covered part or component of any assembled base is determined by Spacesaver to be defective during this time period then that part or component will be repaired or replaced without charge, including freight, labor being excluded. 5 -YEAR WARRANTY Spacesaver Corporation warrants that all Spacesaver Rotary Storage mechanical or structural parts and components will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five years following the shipment date. If any covered part or component is determined by Spacesaver to be defective during this time period then that part or component will be repaired or replaced without charge, freight and labor included. WARRANTY PROVISIONS Each of the above Warranty Statements applies to the original purchaser of the product provided that Spacesaver, or an authorized Spacesaver Area Contractor, is notified in writing that a problem exists and either Spacesaver or an authorized Spacesaver Area Contractor performs the repair or replacement. Spacesaver Corporation's responsibility under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of said parts or components provided that they are still in the possession of the original owner and that they are operating under normal usage and are properly maintained as determined by Spacesaver. Equipment damaged by exposure to corrosive or abrasive substances, misuse, neglect, alterations, accident, abuse, damage by fire, flood or other similar causality are excluded from this and all other warranty provisions. Further, labor expenses not directly related to the repair or replacement or said parts or components are specifically excluded from this warranty. These Warranty Statements and Warranty Provisions are the complete warranty provisions for Spacesaver Rotary Storage cabinets. These Warranty Statements and Warranty provisions are in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. No course of prior dealings with Spacesaver Corporation, Authorized Area Contractors, or trade usage shall be relevant to supplement or explain any item or term. Spacesaver REV. 3/05 800-492-3434 www.spacesaver.com email: ssc@spacesaver.com Warranties - Page 3 STATEMENT OF WARRANTY Activestor® SPACESAVER® HAS AN EMPHASIS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. THE STATEMENT OF WARRANTY IS OUR CONTINUED COMMITMENT THAT SPACESAVER IS DEDICATED TO SERVING OUR CUSTOMERS. LIFETIME WARRANTY STATEMENT This Spacesaver warranty is given to the initial purchaser and is valid as long as the initial purchaser owns the product. The warranty, which runs from the date of shipment, covers defects in materials and craftsmanship found during normal usage of the product during the warranty period. If the product is defective, and if written notice of the defect is given to Spacesaver within the applicable warranty period, Spacesaver, at its option, will either repair or replace the defective product with a comparable component or product. This Lifetime Warranty is applicable to all Spacesaver ActiveStor® products except as listed below. 10 -YEAR WARRANTY This Spacesaver warranty is given to the initial purchaser and is valid as long as the initial purchaser owns the product. The warranty, which runs from the date of shipment, covers defects in materials and craftsmanship found during normal usage of the product during the warranty period. If the product is defective, and if written notice of the defect is given to Spacesaver within the applicable warranty period, Spacesaver, at its option, will either repair or replace the defective product with a comparable component or product. This 10 -Year Warranty is applicable to all Lateral File drawer slides. WARRANTY PROVISIONS Warranty does not apply to damage caused by a carrier, or alteration to the product not expressly authorized by Spacesaver. It also does not apply to °Customer's Own Goods/Material° (i.e., goods/material specified by the customer that is not standard Spacesaver product offering) used in the manufacture of, or in conjunction with, Spacesaver products. Spacesaver does not warrant the matching of color, grain, or texture except to within commercially accepted standards. A product will not be considered defective and Spacesaver will not be obligated to replace it, if that product is subject to any of Spacesaver's written planning, installation or user guides, and is not installed or used as recommended therein. 10° Sp 800-492-3434 www.spacesaver.com email: ssc@spacesaver.com REV. 3/05 Warranties - Page 4 STATEMENT OF WARRANTY Weapon Racks SPACESAVER® HAS AN EMPHASIS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. THE STATEMENT OF WARRANTY IS OUR CONTINUED COMMITMENT THAT SPACESAVER IS DEDICATED TO SERVING OUR CUSTOMERS. LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY Subject to the conditions stated below, Spacesaver Corporation ("Spacesaver") warrants to the original purchaser exclusively that the weapon racks ("structural frames") manufactured by it will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the lifetime of the structural frames. For the purposes of this warranty, structural frames shall be deemed to exclude ail moving parts (doors, slides, hinges, and lock mechanism), removable accessories and vinyl coating. 5 -YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Spacesaver also warrants that all equipment, other than structural frames, shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for five (5) years from the date of the customer's written acceptance of installation. During the 5 -year warranty period, all parts are included at no cost for 5 years. Labor is included at no cost during the first year of the 5 -year warranty period. After the first year of the 5 -year warranty, all labor will be charged at the current rate. If any warranted equipment shall be proved to Spacesaver's satisfaction to be defective, such equipment shall be repaired or replaced at the option of Spacesaver. All warranty service for any equipment manufactured by Spacesaver must be performed by an authorized Spacesaver factory representative. This warranty shall be void if any portion of the purchase price shall be due but unpaid in accordance with the terms pursuant to which the equipment was sold. This warranty shall not apply to equipment repaired by any party other than an authorized Spacesaver factory representative or to defects or damage caused by (a) acts of God or other circumstances beyond Spacesaver's control, (b) improper installation (unless installation was by authorized factory installer), (c) improper environmental conditions, (d) improper operation, maintenance or storage, or (e) other than normal use or service. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES SET FORTH ABOVE, SPACESAVER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, AND SPACESAVER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Repair or replacement of any defective equipment, or refund of the purchase price paid by the customer in the event Spacesaver determines such equipment cannot be repaired or replaced, shall be the customer's exclusive remedy for breach of the warranty for product defects, however caused, and in no case shall Spacesaver be liable for incidental, consequential, special or other damages, or loss of profits or revenues whether as a result of breach of contract or warranty, Spacesaver's negligence, or otherwise. Spacesaver shall have no liability for any advice or assistance rendered by any party outside the scope of Spacesaver's written specifications for the manufacture, operation or maintenance of the warranted equipment. Spacesaver REV. 3/05 800-492-3434 www.spacesaver.com email: ssc@spacesaver.com Warranties - Page 5 TERMS AND CONDITIONS HOW TO ORDER Orders may be placed by authorized Spacesaver Area Contractors, Distributors and Dealers. E -Mail: mobile_shelving@spacesaver.com Mail: Spacesaver Corporation shelving@spacesaver.com Attn: Storage Products Order Entry quickship@spacesaver.com 1450 Janesville Ave storage @ spacesaver.com Fort Atkinson WI 53538-2798 estore@spacesaver.com Phone/Fax: Phone: 1-920-563-6362 Fax: 1-920-563-0744 All orders must show quantity, catalog number, description, color, system drawings and customer purchase order number(s). Spacesaver does not assume responsibility for errors on orders not submitted in approved software format. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Spacesaver will issue a written Order Acknowledgement for each order accepted. Scheduled ship dates are stated on Acknowledgements. All orders are considered correct as acknowledged. Order changes may affect promised dates! Customer should review Acknowledgement promptly and notify Spacesaver of any error. ORDER CHANGES / CANCELLATION Order changes/cancellations must be confirmed to Spacesaver in writing. Spacesaver will issue a new Order Acknowledgement for each change (see Acknowledgement). Lead-time may be changed by Spacesaver if necessary to accommodate order changes. Acknowledged orders will be changed without penalty prior to their production. If canceled, a fee of $500 net will be assessed. If production has begun, the following conditions apply: • Custom product orders cannot be cancelled if production has begun, and • Custom color orders cannot be cancelled if painted, and • Customer must compensate Spacesaver for special parts or material purchased by Spacesaver to produce an order. • If an order reaches production and product is manufactured, the product may be returned in accordance with the Spacesaver RGA policy. SHIPMENT TERMS All orders will be shipped F.O.B. shipping point. Method of shipment will be determined by purchaser, and sent with the freight company indicated on order with freight charged collect. • Special carrier or special delivery arrangements can be accommodated and should be requested in writing as part of the order information. • Special packaging costs, such as pallets, will be purchaser's responsibility. Orders requesting customer pickup will be accepted, however • Spacesaver reserves the right to ship orders at customer expense, if customer fails to take product on the agreed date. PAYMENT TERMS 1°/0 - 10 days; net 30 days. A .50% finance charge will be added on the 10th of the month to all unpaid balances over 30 days. A .50% finance charge will also be added on the 25th of the month to all unpaid balances over 45 days. TAXES Any manufacturer's sales or excise tax, or any other tax or government charge now or hereafter levied upon the product, sale, use or shipment of goods shall, at the Company's option, be charged to the customer. DAMAGED SHIPMENTS Responsibility — Delivery to the carrier shall constitute delivery to the customer. Spacesavers' liability ends upon delivery of the products to the carrier. Goods are shipped at the customer's risk. The customer shall make all claims for product lost or damaged in transit. Visible Damage — Should be noted on the freight bill and acknowledged by the driver's signature. Concealed Damage — Notify the freight agent if concealed damage is found within 30 days of delivery. Request an inspection. An inspection is necessary for filing a claim.*ActiveStor product damage claims must be reported within 15 days. REV. 9/05 Warranties - Page 6 TERMS AND COND1T1ONS RETURN SHIPMENTS Retum goods must be authorized within 60 days of original shipment. Purchaser must have written authorization from Spacesaver prior to any return in the form of Retum Goods Authorization form. Authorized retums must be packaged properly using original cartons and include the Return Goods Authorization (RGA) form. Returns are to be shipped with freight prepaid by the customer; all claims for product lost or damaged in transit shall be made by the customer. All parts listed on the RGA must be complete and returned within 60 days of issue date to receive credit. No credit will be given for items returned that were not included on the RGA form sent from Spacesaver. All returns are subject to a 25% restocking charge for items listed as Quickship Shelving product. All other product retum requests will be reviewed by Spacesaver and if approved, subject to a 30% restocking charge. Custom products items, including custom sizes, configurations and colors may not be returned. All returns are subject to any reconditioning charges determined necessary by Spacesaver upon inspection of the retumed goods. Returns for orders which received special pricing will be reviewed individually. For Warranty RGA information, please refer to policy posted on SpaceNET. PRICES Prices in this price List supersede all previous prices and are in effect as of the date of this publication. Prices are subject to change without notice. NOT OFFER TO SELL Possession of the Spacesaver price list is not to be construed as an offer to sell the products listed. Spacesaver reserves the right to discontinue any item in this list without notice. Spacesaver reserves the right to change material and design specifications at any time, and without obligation to make corresponding changes in products manufactured previously. WARRANTY / SUMMARY Spacesaver Corporation extends to the original purchaser from the date of purchase a 5 -year limited warranty against manufacturing defect in material and workmanship. Refer to appropriate Statement of Warranty for details. If, during the warranty period, a Spacesaver product fails to perform because of a manufacturing defect, Spacesaver will examine it. If found defective, it will be repaired or replaced at our option. The warranty applies only to Spacesaver products acquired directly from Spacesaver Corporation or from Authorized Spacesaver Area Contractors, Distributors and Dealers. The warranty does not apply to any product which has been subject to misuse, negligence, or accident; has been damaged in shipment, storage, or installation; has been misapplied, has been modified or repaired by unauthorized persons or has been repaired with non-standard Spacesaver replacement parts. This warranty specifically excludes claims for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising in any way from a product defect. This warranty is exclusive, and exists in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied. This warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state. To obtain warranty service, contact your Spacesaver Selling Dealer. You must make a written claim. Provide a copy of your purchase record and a written description of the warranty problem with your claim. If you are unable to contact your Dealer, contact: Spacesaver Corporation, Customer Service Manager, 1450 Janesville Ave., Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. (920-563-6362) Contact Info: Any questions or issues related to this document please contact your Customer Service Coordinator. REV. 9/05 Warranties - Page 7 I SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, L .1 .',/ 1/e,,rt(,c•n Buller Avg,: Group Page 1 of PROPOSAL 28814 Date: 01/11/06 Proposal and Sales Agreement Purchaser Delivery Location • CITY OF EAGLE /CITY HALL CIT EAGLE/CITY HALL RM 123 ATTN: TRACY OSBORN A , N ,CY OSBORN ▪ 310 EAST STREET '74 dtis.' y DETERMINED. EAGLE, ID 83616 ..,'N'44.0. LE, ID 83616 . CLIENT: 020615 . ACCOUNT MGR: JAY MADISON # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED EAGLE CITY HALL ROOM 123 2 1 SPACESAVER - 3 ea. 30"W X 4'L Mechanical 8,973.00 8,973.00 Assist Carriages - 3 ea. 95 3/4"H X 48"W X 30"D Double faced four post sections. - 1 ea. 95 3/4"H X 48"D X 15"D Single face four post section. - 2 ea. 10' 2" Length Anti -tip rail. - 1 ea. Floor and ramp TOTAL PRICE INCLUDES PRODUCT, FREIGHT, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION. PRICE INCLUDES CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL. 249 South 400 East ^ Sett Lake City, Utah 84111 T801.363.5882 F801.359.4326 PAGE 1 # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION COMMENTS: SUBTOTAL This proposal expires on 03/01/06 The deposit required on this proposal is PROPOSAL 28814 SELL EXTENDED 8,973.00 TOTAL 8,973.00 unless written acceptance is received by SELLER on or before 5 p.m. that date. 4,486.00 Payment Terms: 5096 down, 4096 when product ships, 1096 upon job completion HB reserves the right to modify payment terms based upon credit review. Lease Information 3 yr. Lease, approx. $ AXt____ 5 yr. Lease, approx. $ N £ monthly Seller Title: Date: Purchaser agrees to purchase the goods and services described above on pages 1 through , including this one. accordance with the TERMS AND CONDITIONS on the next page. including but not limited to the 'Payment'. 'Default and 'Security Interest' provisions. This proposal is only an offer to purchase. and is not binding upon the SELLER until accepted by the SELLER in writing. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED INCLUDING WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EXCEPT AS SET FOR UNDER 'TERMS AND CONDITIONS'. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Accepted For: C.,,IMlam[ 4e. By: Print ame: Title. filiArA. 249 South 400 East • Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 • T801.363.5882 F801.359.4326 Classic. Innovative. Date: PAGE 2 OF 2 .f I TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, LLC Payment • Merchandise will be invoiced upon delivery. If there is to be more than one delivery of merchandise, an invoice will be issued upon the first delivery. Purchaser agrees to pay each invoice within ten days of the invoice date. No payment shall be withheld on any invoice because of partial delivery of the entire order. Any security deposit is non-refundable. If payments are in default, seller shall have the option of declaring the remaining unpaid purchase price due and payable and may elect to recover merchandise and take judgment for deficiency after public or private sate including interest, collection costs and attorney fees. Security Interest • Purchaser hereby grants to Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. a security interest in all merchandise sold under this order to secure full payment of the purchase price and alt other obligations of Purchaser under this agreement. A copy of this agreement may be filed a s a financing statement. Purchaser's signature hereon authorizes Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. to execute such financing statements on Purchaser's behalf as may be required by the State. Installation Date (a) The Installation Date is agreed upon for the purpose of specifying delivery dates of merchandise ordered from manufactures. Although Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. will use its best efforts to expedite timely delivery, it cannot guarantee that merchandise will arrive from manufacturers a specified, and Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. shall not be Liable for ordered merchandise not arriving timely. (b) Purchaser shall provide or pay for all storage of ordered merchandise necessary after the installation date, and for all costs of moving such merchandise to and from storage after the installation date. Installation Terms • Delivery and Installation shall be made by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. Personnel, or its subcontractor, during normal; working hours or at other hours by special arrangement. Purchaser shall pay additional labor costs resulting from off -hour or overtime work performed at Purchaser's request or from required use of labor other than Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. personnel or its authorized subcontractor. Purchaser shall provide, at Purchaser's cost, electricity, heat, hoisting and elevator service and adequate facilities for off loading, staging, moving and handling of merchandise. The job site shall be clean and free of obstruction for installation. Purchaser shall pay any special packaging or handling costs not contained in the specifications. Insurance and Risk of Loss • All risk of loss shall pass from Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. to Purchaser upon delivery of merchandise to Purchaser or upon delivery of merchandise into storage for the account of Purchaser after the Installation date, whichever comes first. For the purposes of this paragraph 5 only, the term "merchandise" shall include any property owned by or under the control of HB delivered to or for the benefit of Purchaser, whether purchased by Purchaser or delivered to Purchaser on approval. Purchaser shall carry fire and casualty insurance in an amount sufficient to insure the value of the merchandise at the delivery site or at the storage site. Taxes and Freight • Prices do not include any applicable sales, use excise, or other tax which, if applicable, Purchaser shall pay and which shall be added to the sales prices at time of invoicing. Purchasers exempt from taxes shall fumish certificates of exemption upon execution of this agreement. Freight charges are F.O.B. job site unless otherwise indicated. Cancellation and Changes • This agreement, once executed by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. and Purchaser, cannot be cancelled or modifies except by a writing signed by both the parties. Changes made in the agreement which result in increased charges shall be for the account of the Purchaser. In the event Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. agrees to a return, a cancellation fee equal to 40% of the purchase price will be assessed. No storage products or other specially ordered items can be cancelled or retumed after the manufacturer begins the production. Prices and quantities of wall, window and floor coverings and other items measured from blue prints or other items measured from blue prints or otherwise estimated are subject to change upon field measurement at the expense of Purchaser. Warranties and Claims (a) Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. warrants for a period of one year from delivery that the merchandise id free from defects in workmanship and materials, and that it will repair or replace defective merchandise, at its costs, within a reasonable time, subject to availability of replacement merchandise. No other warranties express or implied are granted hereunder. No warranty in addition to the foregoing expressed warranties, whether express or implied, made by any employee or agent of Spacesaver tntemmountain, LLC. shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by an officer of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC.. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, ANY IMLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, IS LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY. (b) Purchaser shall inspect the merchandise upon delivery. Acceptance of delivery constitutes acceptance of the merchandise as delivered. Any warranty claims for latent defects not discoverable upon reasonable inspection must be made in writing within the warranty period. Default, Interest and Fees • Purchaser shall pay interest at the rate of 18% per annum on all payments in default, and shall pay all reasonable costs, expenses and attorneys' fees incurred by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. in enforcing the terms of this agreement. Entire Agreement; Controlling Law • This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Purchaser is relying solely upon the terms of this agreement, and not upon any oral or written statements, whether of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC., its officers, employees or agents, of any manufacturer, or any other person whatsoever in entering into this agreement. This agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Utah I have read and accepted these terms and conditions: SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, L.t_c .1 •lirisi„rr r,l llt•,rrid wir Butler 1)r‘rti,r PROPOSAL 28815 Page 1 of Date: 01 /31/06 Proposal and Sales Agreement Purchaser Delivery Location • CITY OF EAGLE /CITY HALL CITY OF EA ITY HALL ROOM 117 ATTN: TRACY OSBORN ATTN: T'� SRN . 310 EAST STREET . TO BE NED EAGLE, ID 83616 EA 83616 • CLIENT: 020615 # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EAGLE CITY HALL ROOM 117 . ACCOUNT MGR: JAY MADISON SELL EXTENDED 2 1 SPACESAVER - 4 ea. 24"W X 9'L Mechanical 13,829.00 13,829.00 Assist Carriages - 12 ea. 95 3/4"H X 36"W X 24"D Double faced four post sections. - 95"H X 36"W 12"D Single faced four post sections. - 12' 6" Length Anti -tip B rail. - 1 ea. Floor and ramp TOTAL PRICE INCLUDES PRODUCT, DELIVERY, FREIGHT AND INSTALLATION. PRICE INCLUDES CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL. PAGE 1 249 South 400 East - Sett Lake City, Utah 84111 • T801.363.5882 F801.359.4326 QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION COMMENTS : This proposal expires on 03/01/06 SUBTOTAL • 13,829.00 PROPOSAL 28815 SELL EXTENDED TOTAL 13,829.00 unless written acceptance is received by SELLER on or before 5 p.m. that date. The deposit required on this proposal is 6,914.00 Payment Terms: 50% down, 40% when product ships, 10% upon job completion HB reserves the right to modify payment terms based upon credit review. Lease Information 3 yr. Lease, approx. $ k monthly 5 yr. Lease, approx. $ t monthly Seller Title: Date: Purchaser agrees to purchase the goods and services described above on pages 1 through , including this one. accordance with the TERMS AND CONDITIONS on the next page, including but not limited to the 'Payment'. 'Default' and 'Security Interest' provisions. This proposal is only an offer to purchase, and is not binding upon the SELLER until accepted by the SELLER in writing. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED INCLUDING WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, EXCEPT AS SET FOR UNDER "TERMS AND CONDITIONS". SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Accepted For:(,rtJ 0- �U.N 1,. By: Print Name: I �. ('xs4-t'ayl Title: V CL f �'t4 Date: 249 South 400 East • Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 • T801.363.5882 F801.359.4326 Classic. Innovative. PAGE 2 OF 2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPACESAVER INTERMOUNTAIN, LLC Payment • Merchandise will be invoiced upon delivery. If there is to be more than one delivery of merchandise, an invoice will be issued upon the first delivery. Purchaser agrees to pay each invoice within ten days of the invoice date. No payment shall be withheld on any invoice because of partial delivery of the entire order. Any security deposit is non-refundable. If payments are in default, seller shall have the option of declaring the remaining unpaid purchase price due and payable and may elect to recover merchandise and take judgment for deficiency after public or private sale including interest, collection costs and attorney fees. Security Interest • Purchaser hereby grants to Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. a security interest in all merchandise sold under this order to secure full payment of the purchase price and all other obligations of Purchaser under this agreement. A copy of this agreement may be filed a s a financing statement. Purchaser's signature hereon authorizes Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. to execute such financing statements on Purchaser's behalf as may be required by the State. Installation Date (a) The Installation Date is agreed upon for the purpose of specifying delivery dates of merchandise ordered from manufactures. Although Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. will use its best efforts to expedite timely delivery, it cannot guarantee that merchandise will arrive from manufacturers a specified, and Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. shall not be liable for ordered merchandise not arriving timely. (b) Purchaser shall provide or pay for all storage of ordered merchandise necessary after the installation date, and for all costs of moving such merchandise to and from storage after the installation date. Installation Terms • Delivery and Installation shall be made by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. Personnel, or its subcontractor, during normal; working hours or at other hours by special arrangement. Purchaser shall pay additional labor costs resulting from off -hour or overtime work performed at Purchaser's request or from required use of labor other than Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. personnel or its authorized subcontractor. Purchaser shall provide, at Purchaser's cost, electricity, heat, hoisting and elevator service and adequate facilities for off loading, staging, moving and handling of merchandise. The job site shall be clean and free of obstruction for installation. Purchaser shall pay any special packaging or handling costs not contained in the specifications. Insurance and Risk of Loss • All risk of loss shall pass from Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. to Purchaser upon delivery of merchandise to Purchaser or upon delivery of merchandise into storage for the account of Purchaser after the Installation date, whichever comes first. For the purposes of this paragraph 5 only, the term "merchandise" shall include any property owned by or under the control of HB delivered to or for the benefit of Purchaser, whether purchased by Purchaser or delivered to Purchaser on approval. Purchaser shall carry fire and casualty insurance in an amount sufficient to insure the value of the merchandise at the delivery site or at the storage site. Taxes and Freight • Prices do not include any applicable sales, use excise, or other tax which, if applicable, Purchaser shall pay and which shall be added to the sales prices at time of invoicing. Purchasers exempt from taxes shall furnish certificates of exemption upon execution of this agreement. Freight charges are F.O.B. job site unless otherwise indicated. Cancellation and Changes • This agreement, once executed by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. and Purchaser, cannot be cancelled or modifies except by a writing signed by both the parties. Changes made in the agreement which result in increased charges shall be for the account of the Purchaser. In the event Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. agrees to a return, a cancellation fee equal to 40% of the purchase price will be assessed. No storage products or other specially ordered items can be cancelled or returned after the manufacturer begins the production. Prices and quantities of wall, window and floor coverings and other items measured from blue prints or other items measured from blue prints or otherwise estimated are subject to change upon field measurement at the expense of Purchaser. Warranties and Claims (a) Spacesaver tntermountain, LLC. warrants for a period of one year from delivery that the merchandise id free from defects in workmanship and materials, and that it will repair or replace defective merchandise, at its costs, within a reasonable time, subject to availability of replacement merchandise. No other warranties express or implied are granted hereunder. No warranty in addition to the foregoing expressed warranties, whether express or implied, made by any employee or agent of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by an officer of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC.. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, ANY IMLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, IS LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY. (b) Purchaser shall inspect the merchandise upon delivery. Acceptance of delivery constitutes acceptance of the merchandise as delivered. Any warranty claims for latent defects not discoverable upon reasonable inspection must be made in writing within the warranty period. Default, Interest and Fees • Purchaser shall pay interest at the rate of 18% per annum on all payments in default, and shall pay all reasonable costs, expenses and attorneys' fees incurred by Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC. in enforcing the terms of this agreement. Entire Agreement; Controlling Law • This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Purchaser is relying solely upon the terms of this agreement, and not upon any oral or written statements, whether of Spacesaver Intermountain, LLC., its officers, employees or agents, of any manufacturer, or any other person whatsoever in entering into this agreement. This agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Utah I have read and accepted these terms and conditions: