Minutes - 2006 - City Council - 02/14/2006 - Regular ORIGIN;~l EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes February 14,2006 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. A. Lt. Borgquist with Eagle Police Department. (10 min.) Lt. Borgquist had a conflict arise and will be arriving around 7:30 p.m. B. Update on new city hall. Mike Mongelli - Eagle Building Official. (J 0 min.) Mr. Mongelli reviews the pros and cons of the proposed extended roof warranty. Discussion. C. Discussion of Hill Road Park construction budget and new City Hall phone system and acoustic panels. - Sharon Bergmann & Jim Murray wi CSHQA (20 min.) Mr. Murray reviews phasing options and projected construction costs. City Clerk Bergmann discusses funding options in the FYOS/06 budget. Discussion amongst Council regarding budget implications and construction options for Hill Road Park. Bergmann reviews the phone system proposal. Council agrees that the proposal presented is the direction they would like to proceed. Mayor discusses the window shades needed in the Council Chambers (south and east walls) to eliminate sunshine glare during meetings. Discussion of acoustic panels. Council would like Mr. White, who did the acoustic analysis of the Council room, to discuss his recommendations at the next Council meeting. Mayor would like the representatives from Rivendell Music Academy (the Cenell's) to attend the meeting also to discuss their needs for musical performances. The audio visual proposal will be given on the February 21,2006 meeting. A. Lt. Borgquist with Eagle Police Department. (J 0 min) Lt. Borgquist presents a letter of commendation for Deputy Ruby for outstanding performance of his duties. D. Healing Fields - Mayor Merrill. (20 min.) Mayor would like to give this presentation at the February 21,2006 meeting. City Attorney's Report: Buxton presents the title report to Council that she received from the County for the well property. There are some easement issues that will need to be addressed. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Called to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: BASTIAN, GUERBER, NORDSTROM, BANDY. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: No one chooses to speak. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. January 24, 2006 minutes. Page] of6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-06mindoc C. January 31, 2006 minutes. D. DR-I04-0S - Dentist Office Buildin2 within Rockv Mountain Business Park No.3 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Travis Burrows, is requesting design review approval to construct a 3,9S0-square foot dentist office building. The site is located on the south side of East Iron Eagle Drive within Rocky Mountain Business Park. (WEV) E. DR-I07-0S - Two Multi-tenant Office Buildin2s - Monta2ue-Sauriol LLC: Montague-Sauriol LLC, represented by Cornel Larson with Larson Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct two (2) multi-tenant retail, office, and restaurant buildings (one 24,178-square foot two (2) story office, retail, and restaurant building and one 8,64S-square foot single story office building). The site is located on the southeast corner of East Plaza Drive and East State Street at 1119 East Plaza Drive and 1125 East State Street. (WEV) F. DR-lOS-OS - Master Si2n Plan for a Two StOry Multi-tenant RetaiUOfficel Restaurant Buildin2 - Monta2ue-Sauriol LLC: Montague-Sauriol LLC, represented by Roy Montague, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a two story multi-tenant retaiVoffice/restaurant building. The site is located on the southeast corner of East Plaza Drive and East State Street at I 119 East Plaza Drive. (WEV) G. DR-I09-0S - Master Si2n Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Buildin2- Monta2ue-Sauriol LLC: Montague-Sauriol LLC, represented by Roy Montague, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi- tenant office building. The site is located on the south side of East State Street at 1125 East State Street. (WEV) H. DR-Ill-OS - Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 within Ea21e River Subdivision- BRS Architects: John Holland, represented by Andrew Davis with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 6,382-square foot office building. The site is located approximately 4S0-feet southwest of East Shore Drive on South Bridgeway Place at 839 South Bridgeway Place (Lot 20, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No 5). (WEV) 1. DR-1l2-0S - Two Buildin2 Wall Si2ns for Holland Realty - John Holland: Holland Realty, represented by Andrew Davis with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct two building wall signs on the column at the entrance to the building. The site is located approximately 4S0-feet southwest of East Shore Drive on South Bridgeway Place at 839 South Bridgeway Place (Lot 20, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No.5). (WEV) J. DR-liS-OS - Sin2le-Tenant Retail Buildin2 - Handmade Retail: Handmade Retail, represented by Stan Cole with Cole - Poe Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a S,600-square foot single tenant retail building. The site is located on the east side of South Eagle Road approximately 160-feet south of State Street at 60 South Eagle Road. (WEV) K. DR-1l6-0S - One Buildin2 Wall Si2n for Handmade Retail- Handmade Retail: Handmade Retail, represented by Stan Cole with Cole - Poe Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct one building wall sign for Handmade Retail. The site is located on the east side of South Eagle Road approximately 160-feet south of State Street at 60 South Eagle Road. (WEV) L. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-ll-041 RZ-17-04/CU-I0- 04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04N AC-2-04 - Ea21efield Estates Planned Unit Development - Ea21efield LLC.: Eaglefield, LLC, represented by Landmark Page 2 of6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-06min.doc Engineering & Planning Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone with development agreement from RR (Residential Rural) to R-2-DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential up to four units per acre PUD) and MU-DA-P (Mixed Use PUD), conditional use, preliminary development plan, preliminary plat, and vacation of right-of-way approvals for Eaglefield Estates Planned Unit Development. The 142.4-acre, 369-lot (312- single family lots, IS-four-plex lots, and 41-common lots, I-well lot) residential subdivision is generally located 6S0-feet west of Linder Road and north of State Highway 44. (WEV) M. Approval of lease a2reement between Ea21e Tropical Sno and City of Ea21e for vendor space at Herita2e Park. (TEO) N. Approval of lease a2reement between EZM Distributin2 (dba: Hi2h Mountain Sno) and City of Ea21e for vendor space at Merrill Park. (TEO) Nordstrom, Vaughan and Mr. Larsen request to remove items M, N, E, L from the consent agenda. Bastian moves to approve the consent agenda minus items M, N, E, and L. Seconded by Nordstrom. BASTIAN: AYE; GUERBER:AYE; BANDY:AYE; NORDSTROM:AYE. MOTION CARRIES. E. DR-I07-0S - Two Multi-tenant Office Buildin2s - Monta2ue-Sauriol LLC: Montague-Sauriol LLC, represented by Cornel Larson with Larson Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct two (2) multi-tenant retail, office, and restaurant buildings (one 24, 178-square foot two (2) story office, retail, and restaurant building and one 8,64S-square foot single story office building). The site is located on the southeast corner of East Plaza Drive and East State Street at 1119 East Plaza Drive and 1125 East State Street. (WEV) Cornell Larsen 210 Murray St. Garden City, Idaho. The applicant would like the roof materials to remain asphalt shingles as staff had suggested vs. the concrete tiles requested by the Design Review Board. Zoning Administrator, Vaughan reviews the staff recommended condition regarding roofing materials. Discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-I07-0S - Two Multi-tenant Office Buildings- Montague-Sauriol LLC with all of the site specific and standard conditions of approval, modifying site specific condition #2 which shall now read: "Provide revised building elevations of both buildings showing the roof to be constructed of an architectural grade textured composition shingle." The remaining condition language shall be as proposed. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. L. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-ll-041 RZ-17-04/CU-I0- 04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04N AC-2-04 - Ea21efield Estates Planned Unit Development - Ea21efield LLC.: Eaglefield, LLC, represented by Landmark Engineering & Planning Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone with development agreement from RR (Residential Rural) to R-2-DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential up to four units per acre PUD) and MU-DA-P (Mixed Use PUD), conditional use, preliminary development plan, preliminary plat, and vacation of right-of-way approvals for Page 3 of6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Tempofal)' Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-06min,doc Eaglefield Estates Planned Unit Development. The 142.4-acre, 369-lot (312- single family lots, IS-four-plex lots, and 41-common lots, I-well lot) residential subdivision is generally located 6S0-feet west of Linder Road and north of State Highway 44. (WEV) Zoning Administrator, Vaughan reviews a letter received from ACHD on February 3, 2006 regarding Eaglefield & Legacy connectivity. Discussion. Nordstrom moves approve Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-ll- 041 RZ-17-04/CU-I0-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04N AC-2-04 - Eaglefield Estates Planned Unit Development as presented and add condition that extends further review for the potential of more connectivity and creation of stub streets and directs staff to gather up the Eaglefield folks, Legacy folks, ACHD and ourselves to get together to decipher where those stub streets should go. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Nordstrom clarifies that this will be site specific condition number 3S. Staff will create a memo for the file and copy the applicant reflecting Council's acknowledgement for this next step in the process. It is Council's general understanding that if a stub sheet is included and a lot is displaced that, that lot may be absorbed or added into another portion ofthe development. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. M. Approval of lease a2reement between Ea21e Tropical Sno and City of Ea21e for vendor space at Herita2e Park. (TEO) N. Approval oflease a2reement between EZM Distributin2 (dba: Hi2h Mountain Sno) and City of Ea21e for vendor space at Merrill Park. (TEO) Discussion regarding the terms ofthe proposed contract. Council expresses concern with the amount oftrash throughout Heritage Park that exists as a result of the Sno Shack. The sticky syrup is also a big issue. City Attorney is directed to modify the conditions of the contract to strengthen the language regarding the need for the lessee to pick up trash and clean up the spilled syrup daily. A phone call to the lessee would be to relay this discussion would be appropriate. Nordstrom moves to approve items M and N with the changes suggested tonight and to give the lessees a phone call to reiterate that we expect them as part of their rent to take clean up responsibility for the areas they are in. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: 7. FINAL PLATS: 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. OS-34-CU/OS-2S-MSP and OS-33-MSP - Ada Countv Transmittal -Conditional Use Permit and Master Site Plan For an Electric Substation and Master Site Plan for an Associated 13S kV Subtransmission Line - Idaho Power: Idaho Power, represented by Kristi Pardue, is requesting Ada County approval of a conditional use permit and master site plan to construct an electrical substation located on a 2.58 acre site at the southeast corner of Beacon Page 4 of6 K:\COL"N"CLL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-06mindoc Light and Linder Roads. Idaho Power is also requesting to construct an associated 138 kV subtransmission line adjacent to North Linder Road north of Highway 44 to Beacon Light Road. This site is located in the Eagle Area of Impact. (WEV) Zoning Administrator, Vaughan reviews the staff report. Layne Dodson, representing Idaho Power presents the application. Discussion regarding line location, whether or not they will be above or below ground, funding and other issues. Discussion. Council would like to get a committee together and create a map which would give acceptable line placement, pole height, color, designate above or below ground placement, etc. Staff is directed to draft a letter consistent with the discussion tonight regarding the location, height, color of poles and other issues discussed tonight to be forwarded to the County Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Dennis Fix 3004 N. Linder Rd. Eagle, Idaho. Contact phone: 939-6167 Lives near the proposed substation. Would like to be involved any committees formed discussing the pole placement. Mr. Fix would like to see the poles to go down Beacon Light vs. Linder Road. B. Action on new City Hall roof warranty. Nordstrom moves to approve the expenditure of not more than $1,330 for the 15 year roof warranty on the new City Hall building and to direct the Facilities Manager to watch over that and to keep a log of who goes up on the roofto guarantee validity of warranty. Seconded by Guerber. BASTIAN: AYE; GUERBER:AYE; BANDY:AYE; NORDSTROM:A YE. MOTION CARRIES. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Resolution No. 05-25 (Ea2le Ranch Pathwav): A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Confirming And Accepting The Dedication Of Parks And Pathways In Eagle Ranch Subdivision #4 Of The City Of Eagle As Recorded In Instrument #7936001 In Ada County, Idaho And Providing An Effective Date. (SEB & WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Gueber moves to continued to Resolution No. 05-25 (Eagle Ranch Pathway) to the February 2S, 2006 meeting. Seconded by Bandy. ALL A YE....MOTION CARRIES. C. Hill Road Park fundin2. Bastian moves to agree to the completion of the Hill Road Park and the City Clerk to come back with a plan to meet the additional expenses. Seconded by Bandy. Discussion. Nordstrom would like to know what funds will be utilized and what revenue received vs projected revenues to date. The City Clerk is to bring back a funding plan for Council. BASTIAN: AYE; GUERBER:AYE; BANDY:AYE; NORDSTROM:AYE. MOTION 11. REPORTS: I. Mayor and Council's Report: Discussion regarding the Joint Council/ITD meeting scheduled for February 17th. Bastian reports on traffic accidents and the possibility of lowering of highway speeds. The Mayor and City Planner Baird Spencer will be presenting to the Board. Lt. Borgquist should be in attendance about highway speeds. Bastian notes that the Library has recently installed new shelving and has re-organized some of the collection. States a new children's librarian has been hired. Guerber spoke to someone from State Parks and it will probably be a number of weeks until we get a response from them on annexation. He would like Page 5 of6 K:\COUNCll..\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-14-06mindoc the Facilities Manager to drive through town at night to check out to see if we have lights out. Also a number of developments around town, including Rocky Mountain Business Park, have street lights that have never worked. Guerber states that there are a number of historic lights in place and the overhead Idaho Power lights are still operating and it seems redundant (along State Street). Guerber requests clarification on questions posed during Customer Appreciation Day. Discussion regarding the tent at Rib Shack, the barriers at the old Chevron site, and Arts Commission fund use. Discussion regarding setting up a meetings with City of Meridian and Eagle Sewer District Board. Mayor attended the ribbon cutting for Paramount Park, it is a wonderful facility. 2. City Engineer Report: No report. 3. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discusses Hill Road alignment and the status of the Lonesome Dove application. 4. City Attorney Report: Report given during Pre-Council. Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bandy. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council !niSiting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ,.,- "," .-' '" ectfully bed' ........ ~ 'i.AGI..l; .... .... 0 .......... ## .t _\ " .... .t....... 0"" T/f .. ... ~ ~ .. '\ : · 0 , -i : : : u '.,...... ;;: 0 ! . .y-.... \ ... \ ~~ $.: ..... I ,., .....;.";J to.".~- ~ ....."'couo.........<J .i #. ........ ~ ~ ,.fIt ! .....8]' A TB 0 .......... ,.',',......",,' Page 6 of 6 K\COUNCIL\MINLTIS\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-J4-06min doc ACHD CO ~waited o 5e1.4,1 -Oe, February 3, 2006 Bill Vaughan City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Eaglefield & Legacy Connectivity Dear Bill, CcJa I/11069 John 5. Franden, President Carol A. McKee, 1st Vice President Dave Bivens, 2nd Vice President Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Rebecca W. Arnold, Commissioner The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) has expressed concern about the lack of north -south connectivity in the area that is to be developed as Eaglefield and Legacy. Due to the location of the proposed Legacy golf course, stub streets at the Eaglefield northern boundaries were removed. With the recent announcement in the change of plans for the Legacy development, ACHD is hopeful that connectivity in this area can be re-established to provide multiple connections between these two developments and the other undeveloped property in this area between Linder Road and Palmer Lane, and SH -44 and Floating Feather Road. If the City concurs with this desire for connectivity, ACHD would be happy to invite the developers of both subdivisions, as well as the City, to a meeting to discuss this concept. Bruce Mills, Manager of Right -of -Way & Development Services will be the staff contact. Bruce can be reached by phone at 387-6185, or by e-mail at bmills(c�achd.ada.id.us. Sincerely, Christy Richardson Planning Review Supervisor cc: Clint Boyle, Pinnacle (Eaglefield) Steve Arnold, Stanley (Legacy) Eaglefield file Legacy file Ada County Highway District • 3775 Adams Street • Garden City, ID • 83714 • PH 208 387 6100 • FX 345-7650 • www.achd.ada.id.us HILL ROAD PARK - PROJECT COMPLETION Estimate of Probable Project Development Cost Current as of 1/10/06 Project Development Total Alternate #1 -Frontage Improvements Alternate #2 -Amphitheatre Alternate #3 -Perimeter Trails Alternate Total: By Owner: Signage Picnic Tables Owner Total: TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST: REVENUE: General Fund Park Fund: Hill Road Park Development System Improvements Total Revenue Budgeted: Donation Shortfall for Project Development Shortfall for Project Development plus Alternates Shortfall for Project Development plus Alternates and Owner Costs Other Revenue Sources: Park Development Projects Capital Expenditure -Land Acquisition Foothills Plan ITD-Ped Underpass & N. Channel -Budgeted $147,000 - received $100,000 from Developers 2/14/2006 $1,567,793.28 $90,832.06 $23,526.60 $11,356.50 $125,715.16 $6,780.00 $16,272.00 $23,052.00 $1,716,560.44 $241,000.00 $1,026,475.00 $37,496.00 $1,304,971.00 $10,000.00 $1,314,971.00 $252,822.28 $378,537.44 $401,589.44 $115,000.00 $265,000.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 eL //L,L/O7 Hill Road Park -Project Completion City Council Presentation City of Eagle, Idaho Estimate of Probable Project Development Cost (current as of 01/10/06) Cost Item Play Equipment Play Equipment Subtotal ;Climbing Boulders Climbing Boulder Subtotal Water Playground Water Playground Subtotal Architecture Architecture Subtotal Pedestrian Area Pedestrian Area Subtotal ;Landscape Improvements and Amenities Landscape Improvements Subtotal lUtilides Utilities Subtotal Lighting Lighting Subtotal Misc. Items Misc. Subtotal Item Total S 204,830.251 $ 39,380.001 $ 151,228.001 S 509,347.501 $ 154,779.941 $ 143,829361 $ 47,397.001 $ 61,359.001 $ 59,223301 Base Bid S 1,371,374.56 N Subtotal $ 1,371,374.56 contingency @ 5.0% $ 68,568.73 !Base Bid Subtotal S 1,439,943.28 I Design & Construction Administration $ 92,600.00 (includes agency applications and representation as city agent) ACHD Road Trust Fee (Payable at Permit) $ 35,250.00 'Prosect Development Total S 1,567,793.28 N Signage (By Owner) Sign Subtotal $ 6,780.00 1 Picnic Tables (By Owner) Picnic Tables Subtotal $ 16,272.00 1 Frontage Improvements (Alternate #1) Frontage Improvements (Alternate #l) Subtotal S 90,832.06 1 'Amphitheatre (Alternate #2) I Amphitheatre (Alternate #2) Subtotal $ 23,526.60 1 Perimeter Trails (Alternate #3) Perimeter Trails (Alternate #3) Subtotal $ 11,35630 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW B & C Telephone Inc. places a high level of importance on product reliability and service. We are aware the telecommunications system is a vital part of all businesses. The following is a project overview for City of Eagle: • As you look over this proposal you will see it provides a communications system platform for today's needs and future growth which will allow migration forward (i.e.) software, technology upgrades, modular growth, consolidation, etc. thus protecting the City of Eagle communications equipment investment. • Provide seamless integration for extension -to -extension dialing and call transfers between multiple facilities. Allows Direct in Dialing to anybody that has a phone. • We have quoted three types of handsets. 8 Button Non -Display phones for shared areas, 8 Button Display phones for desk phones, & (1) 32 Button Receptionist phones. • PRI Card upgrade that will allow Direct inward Dialing & also Capacity for calls will increase. A Single PRI can handle up to 144 calls. • Utilization of direct inward dialing (D.I.D) which allows the caller to dial through to a specific terminal, bypassing the receptionist / attendant. This feature needs to be brought to the phone system through your service provider. • We will be reusing some parts from your current system to save you money & preserve what you already have. Also reusing all existing handsets. • B & C Telephone Inc. is the largest interconnect company in the Northwest. We have more qualified service technicians then anyone in the Treasure Valley. We have a full time Customer Service Representative (trainer) and the largest dispatch team. • B & C Telephone Inc. Offers the most comprehensive and personalized maintenance agreement. Attached is presentation of why go with our Maintenance agreement & also a quote for our recommended agreement. 1 I 1 B + C Telephone Inc E 55 Lincoln Rd Suite 101 Spokane, WA 99208 Phone: (509) 467-2110 Fax: (509) 467-2268 'Prepared for Contact: TRACY . City of Eagle I310 E State Street Eagle, ID 83616 U.S.A. 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 No. Date: Quote 31371 1/27/2006 Prepared by Rodney Marks Account No. 15648 Account Phone: (208) 939-6813 Account Fax: (208) 939-6827 Qty. Item ID Description 15 780571 4 780567 1 780079 1 750112 1 750130 2 750209 2 750207 1 750476 1 750217 1 750218 NEC ELITE IPK DTH -8D-2 (BK) NEC ELITE IPK DTH -8-2 (BK) TEL NEC ELITE IPK DTH -32D -I (BK) TEL NEC ELITE IPK PKU192-2U UNIT NEC ELITE CLK-U I0 UNIT NEC ELITE [PK ESIE(8)-U10 ETU NEC ELITE IPK ESIB(8)-U10 ETU NEC ELITE PRT(/) -U20 ETU NEC ELITE IPK SLIB(4)-U10 NEC ELITE [PK SLIE(4)-U10 Prices are firm until 2/26/2006 Quoted by: Rodney Marks (15) 8 Button Display Phones. (4) 8 Button Non -Display Phones (1) 32 Button Display Phones — Upgrade 32 Stations Capacity 2- ESIE Cards 2- ESIB Cards (1) PRI Card (2) 4 Analog Station Cards Accepted by: - Printed 2 14 2006 9.40 AM Item Total: Your Price: S 7,365.28 S 6,809.68 Total: $ 6,809.68 Credit Card Payments Will Incur a 3% Surcharge Date: 2/14/2006 Date: Page 1 of l NEC Financial Services, Inc. Submitted by: B & C Telephone Inc. Rodney Marks Sharon Moore City Of Eagle 310 E. State St Eagle, Idaho 83617 208 939-6813 City of Eagle EQUIPMENT LIST Upgrade System for PRI w/ Phones 17 phones Installation Services Software Maintenance Contract Freight MONTHLY LEASE QUOTE $ AMOUNT $6,809.68 Included None None None Applicable Sales Tax will be added to Monthly Payment. Total Price: 1 $6,809.68 This lease quote is only applicable if a Key or PBX telephone system is included in the Equipment List. Voicemail Only leases limited to $1.00 or 10% structures. Only approved Municipal governments - State and Local governments can be quoted these rates.c NEC Financial will not honor municipal rates for commerical transactions. Glenpointe Centre East -7th Floor 300 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Teaneck New Jersey 877 -NEC -Finance (877-632-3462) Fax: 800-451-5360 email: info@neclease.com February 14, 2006 * Rates Valid For 30 Days From Above Date Form Code: 975267-0 FAIR MARKET VALUE Lease Term 24 Months 36 Months 48 Months 60 Months Monthly Advance Payment Payments #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 10% PURCHASE OPTION Monthly Payment #N/A #N/A #N/A *N/A Lease Term 24 Months 36 Months 48 Months 60 Months Lease Term 24 Months 36 Months 48 Months 60 Months AT LEASE TERMINATION: *FAIR MARKET VALUE(FMV): Lessee may purchase the equipment at its then Fair Market Value; return the equipment in accordance with the lease agreement; or continue to lease at the then Fair Market Value Rental Renewal rate. * 1O% Purchase Option: Lessee may purchase the equipment for 10% of the original amount financed or return the equipment in accordance with the tease agreement. `$1 PURCHASE: Lessee may purchase the equipment for one dollar. Please Contact NEC Financial Services for additional information regarding your lease financing options. * estimated payments based on final quote and subject to credit approval Advance Payments #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A $1.00 BUYOUT Monthly Advance Payment Payments $317.54 $635.07 $220.63 $441.27 $174.67 $349.34 $147.29 $294.59 NEW SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - SCHEDULE A Customer: City of Eagle Monthly Yearly Equipped Trunks & Station Ports: 93 $ 188.25 $ 2,259.00 Customer Participation Discounts $ - $ 24 x 7 Coverage $ 40.88 $ 490.52 NEC CallCenter Software: $ - $ NEC Networking Software: $ - $ VoiceMail Messaging: $ 16.13 $ 193.60 Peripherals: $ - $ Total Maintenance Agreement Pricing: $ 245.26 $ 2,943.12 Excluding Taxes Options Silver Gold Option Annual Investment $ 2,452.60 $ 2,943.12 Quarterly Payments $ 204.38 $ 735.78 1 Year Pre -Paid (4%) Discount $2,354.50 $2,825.40 3 Year Pre -Paid (15%) Discount $6,254.13 $7,504.96 5 Year Pre -Paid (27%) Discount $8,951.99 $10,742.39 Customer Acceptance: Date: Title: B&C Telephone Acceptance: Date: Title: Proposal Pricing r n -2 r - cQ n-� Qty I Description I Term Cost/Unit I Monthly Installation I Charge Charge 1 Versipak - Power T12 24 $709.000 $709.00 $200.00 1 Versipak - Power T12 36 $605.000 $605.00 $100.00 1 Versipak - Power T12 60 $529.000 $529.00 $0.00 �a4s $1,3760 $-0d?0- Comments: Power T-12 includes: 12 PRI trunks, 512 KB CIR of Dedicated Internet burstable to 1536 KB PIR, 5500 Long Distance Minutes per month (1+ and/or Toll Free), unlimited monthly Long Distance to other Time Warner customers throughout Time Warner's 44 markets throughout the US, 100 DIDs, Calling Name and Number, Directory Listing, Voice Mail, Shared Web Hosting, 40 E -Mail Boxes, Dedicated T-1 Transport, Federal Subscriber Line Charges. Standard Terms: Pricing is valid for 30 days from submission. Pricing does not include other taxes, fees and surcharges and is subject to credit approval. A deposit may be required. February 14, 2006 Proprietary and Confidential 16 cC,,c 1+1 o EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS JANUARY 2006 _ _ _ Jan -05 Feb -05 Mar -05 Apr -05 May -05 Jun -05 Jul -05 Aug -05 Sep -05 Oct -05 Nov -05 Dec -05 Jan -06 05-06 Total CIRCULATION 1 I Total Items Checked Out at EPL_ 25,081 24543 2.7,981 24,843 _ _ 24,044 __ 29,585 _ 26,523 26,221 24.144 24.264. _ 24.366 _ __ 21.577- 27.004 97,211 Total a of Checkout Sessions at EPL 7,726 7,852 8,804 7,966 7.779 10,204 9,045 9,313 8,098 8,337 _ 8.130 _ 7,046 9.668 33,181 Total Items Renewed at EPL 3,109 _ 3,6434,108 4,154 4,273 3,814 3,769 3,6501 3,816 i 3,998 _ 3,946 3,991 1 3,742 15,677 Total Items Checked In at EPL _- _ _ 26,62 27,573. 30,907' 28,531 - __ 27,808 _ 30,691. 30,912 , 31,413 27,002 28,185- 28,266 _ 25,432. 28.779 110,662 CIRCULATION OF EPL ITEMS _ _ 1Books ! - --_ 13,813) 13,264 14,819 13,095 _ - 12,385 __ 16,839_ 14,18313,812 i 12,600 i 12.724 12,610 10.359 I 14,215 49,908 .New Books _ 573 530 _565 614 _ _ 615 _ _ 663 668 . 791 623 673 648 . 572 725 2,618 Holiday looks 156 _ 153 165 97 _ 94 120__ 83 _ 123 232 321 447 _ 597 180 1,545 Video!DVO 5,566 5,329 6,255 5,389 5,338 _ 6,063 5,787 5.680 _ 5,089 5,026 5,327 5.096 6,049 21,498 !Audio Books 964_ 1,142 1 _1,422 -__1,128 1,187 1 -_ 1,374 _ 1,478 1,333 1 1.225 1.103_- 1,044 841 ' 994 3,982 Musle(COs) 922 _ 943 962 946 _ 760 __ 958 894 _ 965 868 9261,003 1.020 1,043 3,992 Penodicals 437 491 628 527 _ _ 556 _ 606 _ 618 571 557_ 579 433 450 604 2,066 TOTAL# OF CHECKOUTS OF EPL ITEMS 22,433 1. 21,852 24,816 21,796 20,935 26,623 23,711 , 23,275, 21,194; 21,352. 21,512 18,935. 23,810 85,609 EAGLE PATRON CIRCULATION__ _ _ _ _ _ __ Patronover 18 13,751 13,349 16,220 13,991 13,610 16,712 14582 14,455 14594 14;813 14,859 13,329 16519 59520 Patron under 18 __ 3,621 3,351 3,538 i 3,072 3,309 5,370 4,711 4,014 3,040 __ 3,056_ __2,924 2,531 _ 3,212 11,723 Courtesy Patron _ _ _ 6 2 _ 15 _ 0 0 0 11 20 _ 24 11 0 6 2 19 TOTAL 0 OF TRANSACTIONS BY EPL PATRONS 17,377 16,702 19,773 17,063 16,919 22,082 19,304 18.489 17,658 17.880 17.783 15.866 19,733 71,262 CARDS ISSUED • Patron over 18 131 131 ' 125 135 94 1 143 _ 125 1 117 1 123 148 98 __ 72 _ 140 458 _Patron under 18 64 _ 69__ _61 66 55 94 88 63 58 54__ 46 __ 32 59 191 Courtesy Patron or Non -Resident _ _ 0 6_ 8 _ 3 0 1_ 4 10 1 1 0_ 0 1 2 TOTAL iI OF CARDS ISSUED' 195 206 194 204 149 238 217 190 182 203 144 104_ 200 651 TOTAL EAGLE CARD HOLDERS 10,121 10,288 10,434 10,612 10,715 9,216 9440 9,561 9,722 9518 10516 10599 10510 BREAKDOWN OF EPL CARDS Eagle City Patrons Eagle Ada Patrons __ Eagle Boise Patrons Eagle Garden City Patrons 9_,120 1 9._244 9,289 7,851 _ 8,002 _ 8,072 8,182 8,316 8,329 8571 8,498 __487 _ 510 542 _ 534 __ 565 _ 594 622 652 702 - 723 774 _ 701 731 750 . 705 745 767 787 818 853 873 905 - 126 -- 127 134 126 _ 128 128 131 132 132 132 135 EPL COLLECTION CHANGE _ _ _ _ Holdings Added 295 452 448 454 204 300 _ 711 1,274 658 : 532 544 __ 683 i 509 2,268 .Holdings Deleted (89) _ 1237>_ 11581 (110) 0,01. 1121)_ 11731 1120) _ (75) _ (155)_ (80) (378)_ (141) (754) AudioNsual Holdings Added _ _ 162 _ 22 31 72 147 104 159 140 _166 _ 89_ 88 157._ 230 564 .AudioNisualHoldings Deleted - _ _ (46) (34) 12',1 130). 1211 (37) 1531 185) (21) - (23) (18)__ (68) (42) (151) TOTAL COLLECTION CHANGE'S 322 203 292 366 270 246 644 1.109 728 443' 534 394 556 1,927 TOTAL COLLECTION HOLDINGS 52568 53,297 54,025 54,688 55,301 55,715 57,012 58,329 59546 60,130 61523 61547 62530 OTHER, ... -- I ..- -- Gate Traffic 14,749 14,269 13,402 14,326 13,651 18,021 15,341 12,028 12,997 14,444 13,349 11,625 15,366 54,784 Monies Collected 82,917.18 52,899 36 52,938 30 52,709 15 52,751 00 53,392 42 52.938 52 53,156 33 53,309.01 52,991.58, 52,934 92 82,534 01 53,320.09 511,780.60 Holds (placed, cancelled, filled, S expired AT EPL) 5,803 5,31.4 I 6,015 1 5,789 5,672 _ 6,068 5,439 6,267 5,898 1 6,024 5,733 5,364 7,139 24,260 Interlibrary Loans Received 17 19' 19 15 20 18 19 14 22 14 9 - 24 2.9 76 Interlibrary Loans Sent 22 9 12 • -- 14 18 13 7 15 9 9, 11 10 3 33 Interlibrary Loans Filled 39 28 31 29 38 . 31 26 , _ 29 31 23 _ 20 34 . 32 109 Meeting Room Attendance 485_, 410 640 340 190 I 760 4T1103 1 380 510' 493 320 710 2,033 Storyume Attendance 946 ' 703 840 756 544 1.562 1,148 0 691 767 741 232 786 2,526 .Computer Lab Usage 1.253 _ 1,272 1,402 1,342 1,421 1,528 1,357 _ 1_,484 1,091 1,328 1,370 1,282 1,415 5,395 Volunteer Hours 67 55 54 57 40 . 80 44 41 72 50 42 52� 54 198 Uncatalogued Paperback Books f 457 - 356 1 373 289 1 346 1 _ _ 367 , 343 404 ! 333 _ 319 - 466 351 1 558 1,694 Eagle _ 15,129 _ 14,050 16,8.54 14,646 14,572 ^ 18,702 16,226 15,740 15,194 i 15,238 15.005 13,413 16,220 59,876 RECIPROCAL BORROWING 1- - I - i !Ada Community 2,759 _' 2,988 3,427 ' 3,045 I 2,925 3,806 1,727 3,527 34119 2,945 3.006 2,652 3,432 12,035 Base _ 5,673 5,5_62 _ 6,029 5,535 _ 5,239 ^ 5,419 5,180 _ 5,328 4,598 -4,633 4,977 4,351 _ 5,934 19,895 Caldwell 24 57 48 19 40 . 101 120 45 57 37 98 81j.. 82 304 Garden City 499 • 624 674 I 664 474 730 _ 537 515 397 489 470 • 331 1 301 1,591 Mendian 888 856 837 I 835 646 742 644 913 751 761 682 659 717 2,819 ..Nampa. 98 140 _ 112 _ 99 146 85 85 153 138 159 125 83 117 484 Twin Falls & Halley 13 11 12 7 1 16 15 12 14 14 9 8 11 L 24 52 .Non -Consortium 1 26 17 19 22 1 2.1 16 18 15 ' 17 16 12 23 13 64 TOTAL RECIPROCAL BORROWING 9 980 10.255 11.158 10.226 9 510 10 914 10.323 10.510 8.978 9.049 9 378 8.197 10.620 37,244 04-05 Tota 300,567 97,792 45,124 338,962 159,791 7,269 2.652 65,714 14,267 10,756 6,226 266,675 169,089 43,236 90 212,415 1,430 799 35 2,264 6,354 (1,696: 1,392 (434 5,616 167,442 532,480.34 532,974 208 167 375 5,012 9,396 15,720 706 4,387 181.815 36.599 64,043 547 6,504 9.152 1,240 10 219 110,019 28,000 27,000 26,000 25,000 24,000 23,000 22,000 21,000 20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Eagle Patron Circulation -Eagle Patron Totals / /N a . _a— / \\R__________z______ ....-m-- -n K D L. U)0 Z 0 C C CD 0 0 CD O O O p Ol O O O O O CT CJ1 0101 Cil 01 01 CA 01 01 ■ +TOTAL # OF CHECKOUTS OF EPL ITEMS --F Gate Traffic —A— Total # of Checkout Sessions at EPL Music (CDs) Audio Books 4% 4% VD Video/D 25% Holiday books 1% New Books 3% ■ Books CIRCULATION OF EPL ITEMS Periodicals 3% Books 60% • New Books ❑ Holiday books • Video/DVD ® Audio Books ® Music (CDs) ■ Periodicals Cards Issued-Total Registration 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 N N 0 10 0 Jan -06 Dec -05 Nov -05 Oct -05 Sep -05 Aug -05 Jul -05 Jun -05 May -05 Apr -05 Mar -05 Feb -05 Jan -05 Cardholders 11.000 10.500 10,000 - 9,500 9,000 8,500 8,000 TOTAL EAGLE CARDHOLDERS Jan -05 Feb -05 Mar -05 Apr -05 May -05 Jun -05 Jul -05 Month Aug -05 Sep -05 Oct -05 Nov -05 Dec -05 Jan -06 Breakdown of EPL Cardholders Eagle Garden City Patrons_ 1% Eagle Boise Patrons 9% Eagle Ada Patrons 8% Eagle City Patrons 82% Net Collection Change - Materials Added to Collection 0 0 0 0 O N O a00 tOp 1 0 O N 0 Jan -06 Dec -05 Nov -05 Oct -05 Sep -05 Aug -05 Jul -05 Jun -05 May -05 Apr -05 Mar -05 Feb -05 Jan -05 1 r 65,000 62,500 60,000 57,500 55,000 52,500 — 50,000 47,500 - 45,000 - 42,500 — 40,000 — 37,500 35,000 32,500 — 30,000 — Total Holdings 111 Jan -05 I-eb-05 Mar -05 Apr -05 May -05 Jun -05 Jul -05 Aub, -(5 Sep -05 Oct -05 Nov-( 5 Dcc-( 5 Jan -06 Computer Lab Usage Jan -06 Dec -05 Nov -05 Oct -05 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO v o 0 0 o o 0 0 CO Sep -05 Aug -05 0 Jul -05 Jun -05 May -05 Apr -05 Mar -05 Feb -05 Jan -05 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 - 7,000 6,000 — 5,000 4,000 - 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 -n 6 OO 01 01 D c3 O Reciprocal Borrowing c C C C O cl 01 Boise 22% Ada Community 13% Caldwell 0% January Reciprocal Borrowing by Library Nampa 0% Garden City 1% Meridian 3% Non •Conso um 00/ Twin Falls & Hailey 0% Eagle 61% ' CITY OF EAGLE — BUILDING DEPARTMENT Permit# (office use only) - 660 E Civic In 1 1 1/1 1, Eagle, ID 83616 ' ''p 4, Phone: 208-489-8760 Email: Inspection Line: 208-989-4462 PLUMBING PERWT_AE, -L RCIA..., ,;; ,!,E,W.E.N.11A1—____, , Plumbing Contractor MLerra Inc„ “ phone: 2082.6.01-81j5 . , ,, N.Emailitaterraex mail.com I State Cont.tic tr: CE-53807 jExp Date:L Fax: Builder or Property Owner: lackrock Homes Site Subdivision:'Estrada ......—Site Street Address: N. BeCknoll Lane !Lot:55 Block: Project Sq Ft; 611 ,---- .—.........,___.- Description of Work(required): Permit Type: nstall sewer and water 0 New Residential 0 [ Commercial 0 Remodel 0 1 Commercial TI Living Space-Space within a dwelling unit intended for human habitation which may reasonably be utilized for sleeping, eating, cooking, .bathing,washing, recreation,and sanitation purposes, An unfinished basement is considered part of the living space. New Residential-Single Family Dwelling: New Residential-Multi-Family Dwelling(Contractors Onlyi O I Up to 1,500 sq ft I $130,00 I 0 Duplex Only I $260.00 O I 1,501 sq ft to 2,500 sq ft i $195.00 0 Three or more multi-family units biter SeCtion O 2,501 sq ft to 3,500 sq ft I $260,00 #of buildings x$130 1$0..00_. ( -raid _............,..., O 3,501 sq ft to 4,500 sq ft. .1 $ Enter r cs6700„...-........1 Ho I 1 Section #of units x$65 00--.....--i 111 ' Over 4,500 sq ft$325 plus$65 per additional 1000 square feet. too j Total O I Base fee I $325.00 Modular,Manufactured or Mobile Homes: ..„..„„, Section ,...1.1...., T #of Additional 1.000 sq ft x$65 1,.,. 1 Sewer&Water Connection $65.00 1.50.00 .....] Existing Residential: Residential Sewer and Water I '„,.,06 . $65 base fee plus$10 for each plumbing fixture up to the maximum 1.- ' Sewer Line Installation $65,00 Enter of the corresponding square footage of the residential building, izrz.„:11, Section L_j Water Line Installation $65.00 ToN0 1 Base Fee $65.00 * VI Combination Sewer&Water Line Installation $65.00 i..„,_ f------i #of Additional fixtures(excluding garbage r— Enter Multipurpose Fire Sprinklers&Domestic Water Supply $(100 : Section i.------" disposals&dishwashers)x$10 'cal_ 1 System Inspection r----1 #of replacement fixtures x$10 0. . Fee for 1-2 family or$4 per fire sprinkler head,whichever is $ 00 '10!",00 Enter Section greater Total Water Heater/Water Softener/Backflow Prevention Device: Fee for 1-2 Family 1 $65.00 1 Water Heater $65.00 EMec 1 #of Fire Sprinkler I Heads x$4 ..._,.Pr,, ' - .... .._,) Water Softener $65.00 5Vtr Re nested Ins ectionL-Reinspection Li1 Backflow Prevention Device $65.00 1$0,00 $65 minimum plus$65 per hour or portion thereof in excess — of one hour including travel time to and from location. Commercial/Industrial(Other Installations). Eff- Inspection minimum fee $65,00 Enter Work not specifically covered by any other fee schedule. Fee to be r-:-.1 Inspection It of additional hours x$65 Section fl.6.-6571 __T_Mal based on the cost of labor,materials and equipment installed: [ tam) O Up to$20,000 multiply by 3%(.03)plus$60,00 IIs 0,::,1 {-1 Reinspection fee $65,00 50,00: ,,,,„..„....,......„....„,„....,' _ O $2.0,001-$100,000 subtract$20,000 multiply by Plan Checking-Technical Service 2%(.02)plus$660.00 -- Over$100,001 subtract$1.00,000 multiply by,1,% $65 minimum plus$65 per hour or portion thereof in excess 0 g- --D9 1,... (01) plus$22.60,00 of one hour .1- t For all owner-supplied,factory assembled __„„„„„ Plan Checking Minim urn Fee $65.00 $0,00 mtt equipment installed inspection will be based on.5% .m., I -----,............(.005)of total cost of equipment or hourly rate of Plan checking#of add hours x$65 " Enter , . Enter $130 for 1 hour and$65 for each additional hour. soon Technical Service Minimum Fee $65,00 Section Total copy of the bid is required,'''' -----, ,I Technical Services#of add hours x$65 $0.00 ] IoOi $ G0 1I Minimum fee $65.00 ON #of Replacement fixtures x$10 p.0 .....„ ..:m.. #of additional hours x$65 .., ......_ rinsForection eenuests FM4 5t.hi'c abed into the inspettion reque.'Sf/ete or,,Z08-93,94462 be/ore 4:00nen to u,';hetfole en In pi' loe the ns!'xr day„ All other request's will be;;IIctiettuted the next huOnleil ell!.)y„ Permits will be issued when paid in full via Check,Cash or Credit Card. If marling payment,please remit payment to I I Method of Payment City of Eagle Building Department-Permitting, Ali CO,dif Card PaYments cli he 5ubject to a non'111100911011,41'e 0 Pay Online(link on Flomepage) PO Box 1500,Eagle,ID 83616 Portal)1drnn Fee of,3%plus$1 0 Check/Cash . , Signature: i ade Krogman Date: 09106/202.2 — , Total Fees Due: $65.00 Katel n Warner From: Idaho <NoReplyOTC@egov.corn> Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 4:44 PM To: altaterraexc@gmail.com Subject: Idaho - Receipt PURCHASE RECEIPT City of Eagle 660 East Civic Lane Eagle ID 83616 (208)939-6813 OTC Local Ref ID: 74212542 9/6/2022 04:44. PM Your credit card or bank statement will show this charge as City Payment. Status: APPROVED Customer Name: Wade Krogman Type: Visa Credit Card Number: **** **** **** 6382 Items Quantity TPE Order ID Total Amount Plumbing Permit 1 53648810 $65.00 Contractor Business Name: Alta Terra Inc. Customer Name: Wade Krogman Contact Phone Number: 2086088135 Project Street Address: 154 N. Becknoll Lane Plumbing Permit 1 53648810 $65.00 Contractor Business Name: Alta Terra Inc. Customer Name: Wade Krogman Contact Phone Number: 2086088135 Project Street Address: 147 N. Grove Oak Lane Total remitted to the City of Eagle $130.00 Access Idaho Fee 1 53648810 $4.90 Total Amount Charged $134.90 To offer the convenience of using your bank card, a service fee of 3% plus $1.00 has been added to your transaction. This fee goes to our third-party provider, Access Idaho. The City does not keep any portion of this fee. ' CITY OF EAGLE — BUILDING DEPARTMENT Permit# (office use only) - 660 E Civic In 1 1 1/1 1, Eagle, ID 83616 ' ''p 4, Phone: 208-489-8760 Email: Inspection Line: 208-989-4462 PLUMBING PERWT_AE, -L RCIA..., ,;; ,!,E,W.E.N.11A1—____, , Plumbing Contractor MLerra Inc„ “ phone: 2082.6.01-81j5 . , ,, N.Emailitaterraex mail.com I State Cont.tic tr: CE-53807 jExp Date:L Fax: Builder or Property Owner: lackrock Homes Site Subdivision:'Estrada ......—Site Street Address: N. BeCknoll Lane !Lot:55 Block: Project Sq Ft; 611 ,---- .—.........,___.- Description of Work(required): Permit Type: nstall sewer and water 0 New Residential 0 [ Commercial 0 Remodel 0 1 Commercial TI Living Space-Space within a dwelling unit intended for human habitation which may reasonably be utilized for sleeping, eating, cooking, .bathing,washing, recreation,and sanitation purposes, An unfinished basement is considered part of the living space. New Residential-Single Family Dwelling: New Residential-Multi-Family Dwelling(Contractors Onlyi O I Up to 1,500 sq ft I $130,00 I 0 Duplex Only I $260.00 O I 1,501 sq ft to 2,500 sq ft i $195.00 0 Three or more multi-family units biter SeCtion O 2,501 sq ft to 3,500 sq ft I $260,00 #of buildings x$130 1$0..00_. ( -raid _............,..., O 3,501 sq ft to 4,500 sq ft. .1 $ Enter r cs6700„...-........1 Ho I 1 Section #of units x$65 00--.....--i 111 ' Over 4,500 sq ft$325 plus$65 per additional 1000 square feet. too j Total O I Base fee I $325.00 Modular,Manufactured or Mobile Homes: ..„..„„, Section ,...1.1...., T #of Additional 1.000 sq ft x$65 1,.,. 1 Sewer&Water Connection $65.00 1.50.00 .....] Existing Residential: Residential Sewer and Water I '„,.,06 . $65 base fee plus$10 for each plumbing fixture up to the maximum 1.- ' Sewer Line Installation $65,00 Enter of the corresponding square footage of the residential building, izrz.„:11, Section L_j Water Line Installation $65.00 ToN0 1 Base Fee $65.00 * VI Combination Sewer&Water Line Installation $65.00 i..„,_ f------i #of Additional fixtures(excluding garbage r— Enter Multipurpose Fire Sprinklers&Domestic Water Supply $(100 : Section i.------" disposals&dishwashers)x$10 'cal_ 1 System Inspection r----1 #of replacement fixtures x$10 0. . Fee for 1-2 family or$4 per fire sprinkler head,whichever is $ 00 '10!",00 Enter Section greater Total Water Heater/Water Softener/Backflow Prevention Device: Fee for 1-2 Family 1 $65.00 1 Water Heater $65.00 EMec 1 #of Fire Sprinkler I Heads x$4 ..._,.Pr,, ' - .... .._,) Water Softener $65.00 5Vtr Re nested Ins ectionL-Reinspection Li1 Backflow Prevention Device $65.00 1$0,00 $65 minimum plus$65 per hour or portion thereof in excess — of one hour including travel time to and from location. Commercial/Industrial(Other Installations). Eff- Inspection minimum fee $65,00 Enter Work not specifically covered by any other fee schedule. Fee to be r-:-.1 Inspection It of additional hours x$65 Section fl.6.-6571 __T_Mal based on the cost of labor,materials and equipment installed: [ tam) O Up to$20,000 multiply by 3%(.03)plus$60,00 IIs 0,::,1 {-1 Reinspection fee $65,00 50,00: ,,,,„..„....,......„....„,„....,' _ O $2.0,001-$100,000 subtract$20,000 multiply by Plan Checking-Technical Service 2%(.02)plus$660.00 -- Over$100,001 subtract$1.00,000 multiply by,1,% $65 minimum plus$65 per hour or portion thereof in excess 0 g- --D9 1,... (01) plus$22.60,00 of one hour .1- t For all owner-supplied,factory assembled __„„„„„ Plan Checking Minim urn Fee $65.00 $0,00 mtt equipment installed inspection will be based on.5% .m., I -----,............(.005)of total cost of equipment or hourly rate of Plan checking#of add hours x$65 " Enter , . Enter $130 for 1 hour and$65 for each additional hour. soon Technical Service Minimum Fee $65,00 Section Total copy of the bid is required,'''' -----, ,I Technical Services#of add hours x$65 $0.00 ] IoOi $ G0 1I Minimum fee $65.00 ON #of Replacement fixtures x$10 p.0 .....„ ..:m.. #of additional hours x$65 .., ......_ rinsForection eenuests FM4 5t.hi'c abed into the inspettion reque.'Sf/ete or,,Z08-93,94462 be/ore 4:00nen to u,';hetfole en In pi' loe the ns!'xr day„ All other request's will be;;IIctiettuted the next huOnleil ell!.)y„ Permits will be issued when paid in full via Check,Cash or Credit Card. If marling payment,please remit payment to I I Method of Payment City of Eagle Building Department-Permitting, Ali CO,dif Card PaYments cli he 5ubject to a non'111100911011,41'e 0 Pay Online(link on Flomepage) PO Box 1500,Eagle,ID 83616 Portal)1drnn Fee of,3%plus$1 0 Check/Cash . , Signature: i ade Krogman Date: 09106/202.2 — , Total Fees Due: $65.00 Katel n Warner From: Idaho <NoReplyOTC@egov.corn> Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 4:44 PM To: altaterraexc@gmail.com Subject: Idaho - Receipt PURCHASE RECEIPT City of Eagle 660 East Civic Lane Eagle ID 83616 (208)939-6813 OTC Local Ref ID: 74212542 9/6/2022 04:44. PM Your credit card or bank statement will show this charge as City Payment. Status: APPROVED Customer Name: Wade Krogman Type: Visa Credit Card Number: **** **** **** 6382 Items Quantity TPE Order ID Total Amount Plumbing Permit 1 53648810 $65.00 Contractor Business Name: Alta Terra Inc. Customer Name: Wade Krogman Contact Phone Number: 2086088135 Project Street Address: 154 N. Becknoll Lane Plumbing Permit 1 53648810 $65.00 Contractor Business Name: Alta Terra Inc. Customer Name: Wade Krogman Contact Phone Number: 2086088135 Project Street Address: 147 N. Grove Oak Lane Total remitted to the City of Eagle $130.00 Access Idaho Fee 1 53648810 $4.90 Total Amount Charged $134.90 To offer the convenience of using your bank card, a service fee of 3% plus $1.00 has been added to your transaction. This fee goes to our third-party provider, Access Idaho. The City does not keep any portion of this fee.