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Minutes - 2005 - City Council - 12/13/2005 - Regular
v EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes December 13, 2005 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. Mayor and Council's Report: Sedlacek reports on the recent Economic Development Committee meeting. She has a packet of information to pass along to the next Council liaison to the EDC. Discusses the berming that the Sewer District is required to install along Highway 44. Bastian gives a report on recent events at the Library. They are looking at hiring a Children's Librarian at the beginning of the year and have them up and going in time to implement the summer reading program. Reports on the Design Review Board meeting. Mayor relays a conversation she had with Sgt. McDaniel about adding directional signage at the Middle School. Nordstrom reports on the Sewer District meeting and they are moving along in their planning for providing service for the Legacy Development. Discussion regarding recent City of Meridian correspondence and their desires for development. Perhaps a Joint Meridian City and Eagle City meeting after the first ofthe year would be appropriate. Nordstrom would like Eagle Sewer District to be made a aware of the possible service area. Mayor reports on the new Code Enforcement Officer who will begin in January and Theresa Verschuren has been hired for the Assistant to the Mayor and Council. A site inspection was done at the new City Hall building today. She is quite please with the layout. Mayor discusses the City Seal by Hans Saltzwedel. The bronze will be a black background with raised letters and eagle. Two will be ordered with a 42" diameter. The seal will be surrounded by stone and the lighting will be ground mounted. Council concurs with the Mayor proceeding with ordering the seals from Mr. Saltzwedel. Hawkins-Smith is still projecting April first as the turn over date to the City. Mayor brought back pamphlets on benches and trash cans that we could look at. The Mayor offers to re-touch the Eagle on the City seal that is currently in Council Chambers. Council thinks it would be an excellent idea. Mayor gives a report on Ada County's foothill meetings and the delay in notification that the City's have been receiving. Planner Spencer reviews the letter submitted by Sherry McKibben dated received by the City December 12, 2005. Discussion. Would like to meet with Ms. McKibben with the Council and Planning and Zoning Commission. The find out how she will move forward with the project. This will be placed on the agenda under new business. 2. City Engineer Report: Report will be given later. 3. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Notes that ACHD has invited the City Council to a meeting on January 23, 2006 from 11 :00-1 :00 p.m. 4. Zoning Administrator's Report: Zoning Administrator notes that there have been 2 requests for temporary certificates of occupancy to be issued without the parking lots being paved. Discussion regarding the possible tracking of mud onto the streets. 5. City Attorney Report: Buxton has been contact with Ada County regarding the purchase of the water tank site. The cost will be an additional $600.00 over the $60,000 authorized due to the size of the parcel. Council agrees that the $600.00 is an acceptable overage. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, NORDSTROM. Absent: GUERBER. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Bastian moves to amend the agenda to add 5E Beer and Wine license for Jared Couch and 5F Ringo Ridge Agreement. Also add item 9C directing the City Attorney to draw up a Page] K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- J 2-13-05min.doc contract for the Village Center Planning area conceptual design. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: No one chooses to speak. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. C. Minutes of November 22, 2005. C. Minutes of November 29, 2005. D. Issuance of building permits for Westover Lakes. Sedlacek moves to remove item F. Ringo Ridge Agreement from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. Bastian moves to approve the consent agenda minus item F. Seconded by Nordstrom. Nordstrom AYE; Sedlacek AYE; Bastian A YE..MOTION CARRIES F. Ringo Ridge Agreement: Buxton reviews the modifications she and the applicant's attorney Fred Shoemaker have made to the agreement. Council has discussed this item at two previous regular Council meetings. Mr. Shoemaker acknowledges his client has reviewed a draft of the agreement that the City Council has before them tonight and they have already signed it. Bastian moves to approve the Ringo Ridge Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: None 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mayor asks if anyone is in the audience who wishes to speak to item F. She is concerned that the public get the opportunity to speak to this item before the meeting reaches the late evening hours. Bastian moves to amend the agenda to place item F at the beginning of public hearings. Seconded by Buxton. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. F. A public hearing for the purpose of considering the adoption by the City Council of a resolution authorizing the filing ofa petition for judicial confirmation under the Idaho Judicial Confirmation Law, Title 7, Chapter 13, Idaho Code, seeking judicial confirmation of the authority of the City (I) to incur an indebtedness as an "ordinary and necessary expense" of the City authorized by the general laws of the state within the meaning of Article 8, Section 3 of the Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-J 3-05min,doc Idaho Constitution, in an amount not to exceed $2,590,000 for the purpose of financing the cost of necessary improvements to its domestic water system; (2) to enter into a loan agreement and to issue its promissory note or other evidence of indebtedness for the same; and (3) to pledge the net revenues of its water system for the payment of such indebtedness. (SEB) Mayor introduces the item. City Attorney, Tammy Zokan reviews Idaho State Code and Eagle's compliance while seeking this judicial confirmation. City Engineer, Vern Brewer reviews the site and current status of the City's water system and the proposed improvements. Discussion. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one chooses to speak. The public hearing is left open until the end of the meeting at which time the Council may close the public hearing should they choose. A. A-ll-04/ RZ-17-04/CU-I0-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04N AC-2-04 - Eaelefield Estates Planned Unit DeveloDment - Eaelefield LLC.: Eaglefield, LLC, represented by Landmark Engineering & Planning Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone with development agreement from RR (Residential Rural) to R-2DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential up to four units per acre PUD) and MU-DA-P (Mixed Use PUD), conditional use, preliminary development plan, preliminary plat and vacation of right-of-way for Eaglefield Estates Subdivision planned unit development. The 142.4-acre, 419-lot (377- buildable-[362 single family lots and 15 four-plex lots], and 44 common) residential subdivision is generally located 650-feet west of Linder Road and north of State Highway 44.(WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Mayor swears in Mr. Boyle. Clint Boyle 1049 Ave. S. Nampa, Idaho. Mr. Boyle reviews the application. Discussion between Mr. Boyle and Council. Mayor swears in Mr. Harris. Peter Harris, 1309 S. Willow Wood Way Eagle, Idaho. Comments on specific design and demographics for the different sections of the development. Discussion between Mr. Harris and Council. Zoning Administrator Vaughan presents the staff report. Mayor opens the pubic hearing. Mayor swears in Mr. Shousitarian. Ali Shousitarian 1119 N. Eagle Road Eagle, Idaho. Comments on connectivity and the importance of it in Eagle. Because of Legacy are we going to limit connectivity in future developments? Eagle's priority of connectivity may be jeopardy because of the exceptions that were made for Legacy and now this applicant only has proposed one entrance proposed. Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-13-05mindoc Clint Boyle rebuts testimony. Bio-swales are being used in the development except in the Cedars and the Gables area. Comments on the ACHD requirements and the stub streets within the project. Feels that the connectivity will be nice for the project. Reviews the connecter that is nearby as well as the proposed signalization. Peter Harris provides comment on the phasing of the project. Mayor swears in Mr. Chuck Rosco. Chuck Rosco 2634 E. Gladstone Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Rosco feels that Legacy is dictating the stub streets for the Eaglefield application. Mayor Merrill clarifies that the Legacy application has not been heard tonight, and that final action on the Legacy proposal has not been taken. Mayor closes the public hearing. Kirk Hansen ACHD Liaison provides comment on the Eaglefield project. ACHD staff did retract their staff report and they are waiting additional information from the applicant before Ada County Highway District takes any formal action. Discussion of 8' drainage basins. There may be challenges with the City's tree planting requirements and the swales size. Discussion amongst the Council. Sedlacek is concerned with the density and the access on Linder Road, also feels that buffering also needs to be addressed. Bastian expresses concern that the standard setbacks are being deviated from and also with the proposed narrow street width. Nordstrom likes the idea of mixture of housing and would like to see more transition and feathering out in the Meadows area. Nordstrom is concerned with the connectivity of the project. He reiterates that no action has been made on the Legacy application, but it is important to have flow between developments. Discussion. Mayor does not want R-4 feels it is too dense. City Attorney provides input as to action options that Council to might consider to take tonight. Bastian provides comment on setbacks, density and connectivity. Discussion regarding approval options and conditions of approval that may convey Council's desires. Bastian moves to approve A-ll-04/ RZ-17-04N AC-2-04 contingent upon a final PUD, Preliminary Plan, and Development Agreement. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYE. .MOTION CARRIES. Mayor would like to have the items continued to the January 3, 2005 meeting so that it would be the only item on the agenda. The meeting on January 101h is already full. Bastian moves to continue this item to January 3, 2005. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a ten minute recess. Bastian moves to reconsider the date of the continuation for Eaglefield application. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. Bastian moves to set the date of continuation of the Eaglefield items to January 17, 2006. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. B. ZOA-04-05 - Zoninl! Ordinance Amendment - Park Place Partners: Park Place Partners, LLC.: Park Place Partners, LLC, represented by The Land Group Inc., is requesting a zoning ordinance text amendment to Eagle City Code 8-2-1 to amend the definition of a "Development Agreement" to allow for the use of a development agreement in lieu of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for properties identified in the Soaring 2025 Western Area Plan. Page 4 K\COUNCIL\MJNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC.12-] ].05min.doc (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. City Attorney notes that the applicant has requested this item be remanded back to staff. Nordstrom moves to remand this item back to staff. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. C. RZ-17-05 - Rezone from R-3 (Residential 3 units Der acre) to R-4-DA - Gemstar DeveloDment. LLC: Gemstar Development, LLC is requesting a rezone from R-3 (Residential 3 units per acre) to R-4-DA (Residential 4 units per acre with a Development Agreement). The 6.92-acre site is located on the south side of East Hill Road approximately 1,1 OO-feet west of State Highway 55 at 2511 East Hill Road. Mayor introduces the item and notes that the rezone and preliminary plat will both be heard at the same time, but that two separate motions will be made. Shawn Nickel 839 Winding Creek Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Nickel reviews the application. Discussion regarding pathway location, fencing of the canal, and playground equipment. City Planner Spencer presents the staff report. Mayor opens the public hearing. Mayor swears in Glen Goff Glen Goff, 2489 E. Timberland Eagle, Idaho. Representing Great Sky Estates Homeowners Associationstates that after meetings with the applicant and attending meetings with Planning and Zoning Committee, all of Great Sky's concerns have been addressed. Appreciates the opportunity to provide input. Shawn Nickel provides input regarding the pathway along the canal. Notes that even taking out the calculation of the pathway along the canal the application still meets the open space requirements. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion. Nordstrom moves to approve RZ-17-05 - Rezone from R-3 (Residential 3 units per acre) to R-4-DA - Gemstar Development, LLC: with the site specific and standard conditions of approval. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL A YE..MOTlON CARRIES. Nordstrom moves to approve PP-12-05 - Preliminary Plat for Gladstone Subdivision- Gemstar Development with all site specific and standard conditions of approval. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. E. CP A-7-05 - ComDrehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the East Linder Road Planninl! Area - City of Eal!le - The City of Eagle is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to establish the East Linder Planning Area and adopt policies pertaining to land uses, design and access. The site is the square mile bounded by Floating Feather on the south, Meridian Road on the east, Beacon Light on the north and Linder Road on the west. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. City Attorney, Susan Buxton, notes that this will be a comprehensive plan text amendment dealing with the interpretation ofthe plan in this text amendment. City Planner, Spencer reviews the application. Page 5 K:\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-13-05min,doc Mayor opens the public hearing. Mayor swears in Chad Moffat. Chad Moffat 1842 S. Lakemor Eagle, Idaho. Attended a number of meetings for this application. Agrees with Planning and Zoning that there was a lot of good public input. Feels the proposed language may provide almost too much regulation. The existing language is more appropriate, and that the proposed language may make it too rigid. Mayor swears in Lida Fry. Lida Fry 4122 Homer Rd. Eagle, Idaho. Feels that 1 acre lots are more appropriate. For the sake of the people who have 5 and 2 acre properties, one acre would be a good choice. Mayor swear in Michael Hester Michael Hester 3950 W. Nighthawk Lane Eagle, Idaho. Would prefer to have 2 acre lots. Feels the proposed language may be too restrictive. Does not want Y:z acre lots next to him. Mayor swears in Randy Hullman Randy Hullman 4807 W. Little Feather Lane Eagle, Idaho. Was aware ofthe Soaring 2020 Plan and participated in the meetings associated with this text amendment. Feels that Council would treat each application appropriately given the chance, as they have demonstrated in the past. Mayor swears in Larry Medders Larry Medders 3876 W. Night Hawk Ln. Eagle, Idaho. Would like the most restrictive language possible as it appears that there is no way the zoning will go back to 2 acre minimum requirements. Would like restrictive language Mayor swears in Greg Gridley. Greg Gridley 8980 W. New Castle Middleton, Idaho. Feels that a case by case review is the best option. Mayor swears in Curt Betts. Curt Betts 1835 N. Park Lane Eagle, Idaho. Does not like the proposed language would rather have Y:z acre lots bordering his property. Mayor swears in Eric Leigh. Eric Leigh 2257 Park Lane has attended a number of meetings. Feels that the Comprehensive Plan shouldn't be changed and that a lot of people feel betrayed because they were unaware of the 2020 plan changes. City Attorney, clarifies the Comprehensive text amendment process. The Comprehensive Plan map amendment, according to Idaho State Code, may not occur more often than every six months. When the map amendment occurs there will be another public hearing process being heard at both Planning and Zoning and City Council. Mayor swears in Chuck Rosco. Chuck Rosco, 2634 E. Gladstone Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Reviews the process and why this item is being heard. Does not feel that a case by case review works. Would like to see 2 acre lots, but as that probably won't happen. Sees the proposed text amendment as a decent compromise. Mayor swears in Layne Kofoed Page 6 KICOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-12-13-05min doc Layne Kofoed owns property with Mr. Moffat. Has attended many of these meetings. Does recognize that individual interests may conflict regarding this. Feels the Soaring 2020 plan was appropriate. Developers need to know what the city is expecting when they look at the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor swears in Stacy Lingel. Stacy Lingel 2440 N. Park Lane Eagle, Idaho. Would like her property to remain R-2. Mayor swears in Dwayne Lingel. Dwayne Lingel 2440 N. Park Lane Eagle, Idaho. Comments on the planning process for this text amendment. Mr. Lingel explains that he did due diligence prior to the purchase of his property and would like the property to remain R-2. Mayor swears in Elisa Massott. Elisa Massott 910 E. Cleveland Bid. Caldwell, Idaho Ms. Masset is an attorney representing the Lingels. She explains the comprehensive plan and the intent of the document. Mayor swears in Joann Butler Joann Butler encourages the Council to not adopt the proposed language. Feels that the Comprehensive Plan is appropriate and is well thought out. The proposed language would create cookie cutter lot sizes. Council should retain the ability to review a case by case basis, and leave the language as it stands. Mayor swears in Mark Beckman Mark Beckman 3050 W. Floating Feather Road Eagle, Idaho. Comprehensive plans are a guideline and transitioning is a way to appease the people that are already here. Mayor swears in Foad Roghani. Foad Roghani 175 S. Rosebud Ln. Eagle, Idaho. Feels that staff and Mayor did a good job bringing people together on this issue. Should concentrate on non-renewable resources and preserving them. Is against the text amendment. Each project should be evaluated individually. Suggests designating lot size associated with zoning. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Council. Bastian moves to deny CP A-7-05 - Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the East Linder Road Planning Area. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. F. A public hearing for the purpose of considering the adoption by the City Council of a resolution authorizing the filing of a petition for judicial confirmation under the Idaho Judicial Confirmation Law, Title 7, Chapter 13, Idaho Code, seeking judicial confirmation of the authority of the City (I) to incur an indebtedness as an "ordinary and necessary expense" of the City authorized by the general laws of the state within the meaning of Article 8, Section 3 of the Idaho Constitution, in an amount not to exceed $2,590,000 for the purpose of financing the cost of necessary improvements to its domestic water system; (2) to enter into a loan agreement and to issue its promissory note or other evidence of indebtedness for the same; and (3) to pledge the net revenues of its water system for the payment of such indebtedness. (SEB) The public hearing was opened earlier in the meeting. Page 7 K-\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-12-13-05mindoc Mayor once again asks if anyone wishes to speak. No one chooses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No. 538 (Rezone Corrento Bello): An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein From R-E (Residential-Estates) Classification To R-3-Da-P (Residential-Three Units Per Acre With Development Agreement And Planned Unit Development) Classification; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Sedlacek moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #538 be considered after being read once by title only. Sedlacek reads Ordinance #538 by title only. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.. Sedlacek moves that Ordinance # 538 be adopted. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... B. Ordinance 536 (Rezone Gross Provertv): An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein From A-R (Agricultural-Residential) Classification To R-2-Da (Residential - Two Dwelling Units Per Acre With A Development Agreement) Classification; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Sedlacek moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance # 536 be considered after being read once by title only. Sedlacek reads Ordinance #536 by title only. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Sedlacek moves that Ordinance # 536 be adopted. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... C. Al!:reement with Sherry McKibben for concevtual desil!n work for the Villal!e Center Planninl! Area. Bastian moves to accept the proposal in the amount of $15,500 for a study and design of a mixed use center in the west Eagle impact area near Highway 16 and directs legal counsel to draft a contract. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. Council would like to put a maximum on the reimbursable expenses, or at least a point at which they would need to come back to City Council for additional reimbursement costs. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Rinl!o Ridl!e Al!:reement: (SEB) Moved to consent agenda. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pendinl! or threatened Iitil!ation: I.C. 967-2345(f) No executive session was held. Page 8 K:\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC.12-13-05min_doc 6. ADJOURNMENT: Nordstrom moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1: 1 0 a.m. Respectfully submitted: Page 9 K \CDUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC.] 2-1 ].QSmin doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: CPA -7-05 — Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the East Linder Road Plannine Area — City of Eaele — December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE SUBJECT / ( .3-1)2. y knr;P4 'f why eilc;,c,1r.4i10 CP/AM/4:C in1I ('rte; .1'-11 r w , ?{• ! F . I 317 LOA",r(!PW I ! L/ ,Jf /51f2 ,T / r(4/ C rF.aG,4e-P .5; 0-4=ic 11 -Ire) ? Jfi. 1- V Cv/ I�r ho v , A/ cle. g Z.7.4t 44h 0-P 5 (.4 • .-J-126, A.) Cee -it--( 1-'r3 to / 7 ,-i ee(5 /, rb /�. L 22947 t `l e Lay_ Et, (e r. -a+ wA»P(4it) C./Mp PIAN Page l of 1I\COUNCIUAGENDAICCSIGNUP.WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CONS czy iC cc &) 4Ld/c - /t' c Com 7 ,y- IJ0 No 2 • Go� C on EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: CPA -7-05 — Comnrehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the East Linder Road Planning Area — City of Eagle — December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT / lf 3L7 M 711 GI?��"1�OC'9" ,,LvLc. K.�litc (,b`)NA �J 1 ��i'vlSxl�•6115.iL� �✓L� kj 9 L. EIL So ► it,Pfs * tom- p, 1 T Jo 14q7 F;4;r!"7-4 J'7s�2o�b cl_ r Page 1 of H•1COUNCILIAGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON '(5 PL S r IJ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: CPA -7-05 — Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the East Linder Road Planning Area — City of Eagle — December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of H:ICOUNCIL\AGENDAICCSIGNUP. W PD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: CPA -7-05 — Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Establish the East Linder Road Planning Area — City of Eagle — December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of . H:\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP.WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: RZ-17-05 — Rezone from R-3 (Residential 3 units Der acre) to R -4 -DA - Gemstar Development, LLC: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE , . A SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON $3qE w,r,�, (r..� S1JAw,u l�c<t� �73-37 Pagelof H•\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WE'D reS 10, 0 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: RZ-17-05 — Rezone from R-3 (Residential 3 units per acre) to R -4 -DA - Gemstar Development, LLC: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 of H:ICOUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: RZ-17-05 — Rezone from R-3 (Residential 3 units per acre) to R -4 -DA - Gemstar Development, LLC: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT Page l of . H:ICOUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject:A-11-04/ RZ-17-04/CU-10-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04/VAC-2-04 - Eaelefield Estates Planned Unit Development — Ea2lefield LLC.: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON R-ru, �+ s DA 6L/VAr1/05,4,- 11&' (�t�tc ccs �dser� toy 1*- Arc sc1- 005' W,((,,,,{„ o 1�w�to 342(9 k) G2. (v``M-) 20Y Cr/7 Levii:a ErteL (/ V J ; �� i9 ,J/ • /e F E NJ tet, P� ?Its (L /V0 CdA/ AJ D ?�5 Page 1 of 11 \COUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP WPI) .t GeTT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject:A-11-04/ RZ-17-04/CU-10-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04/VAC-2-04 - Eaglefield Estates Planned Unit Development — Eaglefield LLC.: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of . H:ICOUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject:A-11-04/ RZ-17-04/CU-10-04/PPUD-3-04/PP-9-04/VAC-2-04 - Eaelefield Estates Planned Unit Development — Ea2lefield LLC.: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of H:\000NCILIAGENDAICCSIG NUP. W PD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: PP -12-05 — Preliminary Plat for Gladstone Subdivision Gemstar Development, LLC: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE ) SUBJECT NAME S�6 z3,-�r,..? Cht/( s-.4,?o Aw /V"1 �1 Page 1 of 11 1COUNCI1,\AGENDAICCSIGNUP WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Y�f ft o EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: PP -12-05 — Preliminary Plat for Gladstone Subdivision - Gemstar Development, LLC: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of . H:ICOUNCIL\AGENDA\CCS IGNU P. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: PP -12-05 — Preliminary Plat for Gladstone Subdivision - Gemstar Development, LLC: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of . H:ICOU NC I L\AG EN DA\CCS IG N U P. W P D EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A public hearing for the purpose of considering the adoption by the City Council of a resolution authorizing the filing of a petition for iudicial confirmation under the Idaho Judicial Confirmation Law, Title 7, Chapter 13, Idaho Code, seeking judicial confirmation of the authority of the City (1) to incur an indebtedness as an "ordinary and necessary expense" of the City authorized by the general laws of the state within the meaning of Article 8, Section 3 of the Idaho Constitution, in an amount not to exceed $2,590,000 for the purpose of financing the cost of necessary improvements to its domestic water system; (2) to enter into a loan agreement and to issue its promissory note or other evidence of indebtedness for the same; and (3) to pledge the net revenues of its water system for the payment of such indebtedness. December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of H:\COUNCIL\AGENDAICCSIGNU P. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject: A public hearing for the purpose of considering the adoption by the City Council of a resolution authorizing the filing of a petition for judicial confirmation under the Idaho Judicial Confirmation Law, Title 7, Chapter 13, Idaho Code, seeking judicial confirmation of the authority of the City (1) to incur an indebtedness as an "ordinary and necessary expense" of the City authorized by the general laws of the state within the meaning of Article 8, Section 3 of the Idaho Constitution, in an amount not to exceed $2,590,000 for the purpose of financing the cost of necessary improvements to its domestic water system; (2) to enter into a loan agreement and to issue its promissory note or other evidence of indebtedness for the same; and (3) to pledge the net revenues of its water system for the payment of such indebtedness. December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 of H:ICOUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject:. ZOA-04-05 — Zonine Ordinance Amendment — Park Place Partners: NAME December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE SUBJECT TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 of }I COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNI'P \VPI) :n.' EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET Subject:. ZOA-04-05 — Zonine Ordinance Amendment — Park Place Partners: December 12, 2005 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page l of H:\000NCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD Page 1 of 2 Tracy Osborn From: Vern Brewer Ivern@holladayengineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:02 PM To: 'LYNNE'; 'Tammy A. Zokan'; Tracy Osborn Cc: Nancy Merrill; S Bastian; Steve Guerber; S Nordstrom; Susan Buxton Subject: RE: Judicial Confirmation on 12/13 Agenda Lynne: I forgot to get the materials to staff in time to have them placed in the packet. It was not until the agenda came out that I realized that this item was on this week's agenda. I had the information prepared as handouts and I should have given them out to Council during the engineering report time at previous meetings. Nevertheless, I have attached a spreadsheet in Excel that is the handout. A couple of items should be noted. 1. This does not discount the Brookwood well for the contribution from Hormaechea. We still have not heard from him on the materials we sent over. Additionally, we have added in the cost of standby power, landscaping, and well house to the initial budget numbers for the judicial confirmation budget. 2. This does include the acquisition of land from Ada County ($80,000 budget amount). 3. This does reflect the current interest rate from DEQ. 4. This does reflect a 20 year repayment (DEQ) instead of a 30 year payback initially used. 5. This includes the full amount of the well house for Well No. 1 even though we have some materials on site. 6. The tank cost was increased to include the overflow pond at the Sports Park and a current cost from a tank supplier. The second supplier would not quote on the tank until the price and supply of concrete stabilized. This is the higher of the initial two estimates we had obtained for the first budget. I hope this gives you the information you needed. Again, I apologize for not handing it out earlier. Vern From: LYNNE [mailto:ssixty@spro.net] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 8:00 PM To: 'Vern Brewer'; Tammy A. Zokan; Tracy Osborn Subject: Judicial Confirmation on 12/13 Agenda Hello all: I believe I have stated a couple of times that I wanted to take a look at the proposed water rates that would be needed to accomodate paying back the State Loan. I wanted to do this BEFORE we vote on the judicial confirmation process. I still feel this way. Vern has mentioned that we had to reevaluate the costs of the improvements because of the dramatic increase in material costs. How does this increase in project costs translate back to the water rates needed to pay back the State Revolving Loan? 12/13/2005 City of Eagle Sports Park Reservoir and Well Development Improvement Description Probable Cost per User Cost per Month Sports Park Reservoir $1,856,000 $8.88 Cost includes land, tank, valves, overflow pond, 1,200 LF trunk line, site preparation, service road, engineering, legal and 10% contingency. Brookwood Well $554,000 $2.65 Cost includes well construction, equipment, well house, standby generator, landscape repair engineering, legal, and contingency. Replacement Well House $180,000 $0.86 Cost includes demolition and cleanup, well house, standby generator, landscape repair, engineering, legal and contingency. Summary of Costs $2,590,000 $12.39 Assumptions: 1 Tank Site may be acquired from Ada County 2 Overflow pond will serve dual purpose for Sports Park irrigation pond 3 Master Plan Report will be used as supporting documentation for need 4 Legal and Administrative cost shall not exceed 5% of construction cost 5 Buried prestressed concrete tank will be shielded from view by terrain 6 20 year bond, 4.25% interest rate (DEQ loan rate) Page 1 of CCJ 3/6 GALAN MERRILL From: "DAVE DUMAS" <dumas3040@msn.com> To: "Crow Jimmy Callaway" <crowcasa@msn.com>; "Hagemeier Doug" <doughagemeier©yahoo.com>; "Meadors Judy" <Iwm56@msn.com>; "Chris Himes" <chris@mustseehomes.com>; 'Verheijen Frans & Donna Henrys" <frans@fransv.com>; "Newcomb Tina Calloway" <tnewcomb©amgen.com>; "Kim Dumas" <dumas3040@msn.com>; "Steven Sweeney" <sgsdanel @aol.com>; "Mike Huffaker" <huffakerpc6@hotmail.com>; "Kathie B Nahas" <kbnahas@aol.com>; "peery jason" <jason@growrasmussen.com>; "Joel Barker" <joel.barker@simplot.com>; "Dave Andersen" <idahoandersons@aol.com>; "Glivar Dan_Buckhom" <DGiivar@hollandhartcom>; "Sully3842" <Su11y3842@aol.com>; "Palmer Larott Henrys" <eagleviking@cox-intemet.com>; "Scott Archbold" <scottarchbold@cableone.net>; "Chuck Rosco" <chuck@chuckrosco.com>; "Hester Michael" <michael.hester@hp.com>; "Greg Johnson" <GP33John@msn.com>; "Calloway Ranch Centers" <centerselectric©qwest.net>; "Dale and Sherry Shepherd" <dalesherry404@yahoo.com>; "Jones Wes & Cindy" <wesjones@bitsmart.net>; "Davis Anjie" <Madavies@cableone.net>; "S Betts" <sbetts@windermere.com>; "Conrad Leah&Rick" <rick.conrad@assurant.com>; "nmerri1104" <nmerrill04@msn.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:49 AM Subject: Fw: East Linder square mile planning meeting Just a reminder....see bolded. See you tonight. Kim Not sure this got out to all in the subdivision core. Please note bolded item #1 in email below. This if for those subdivision reps that came to the planning meeting previously. Kim Original Message From: GALAN MERRILL To: DAVE DUMAS Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:42 AM Subject: Re: East Linder square mile planning meeting Kim, I had time to touch bases with the staff yesterday. We do have a few timeslines we have to meet by state law. I forgot this had to go to P&Z also so, so this is the schedule: 1. Joint mtg, PBZ, CC, and planning group, meeting November 16th at Senior Center 6:00 p.m. ( individual notice cards will be sent out) this is to review the map and proposed text change. 2. Public Hearing before P&Z November 21st 3. Public Hearing before CC Dec 13th We will also be having a comprehensive plan public hearing on several other requests soon, (I do not have the dates for these) when do do open the comp plan for those requests ( as allowed by law every six months) we will then redo the Map of the area we are now talking about. This way the city will be doing the changes and it will not cost the property owners any out of pocket money. Thank You again for your input and making sure the information gets out to everyone. Nancy Original Message From: DAVE DUMAS To: nmerri1104 a(msn.com ; bvauahanecitvofeaale.orq Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:14 PM 11/16/2005 Page 2 of 2 Subject: East Linder square mile planning meeting Dear Madam Mayor and Mr. Vaughan, Thank you, thank you for facilitating the planning meeting for the East Linder square mile planning area. It was great to come together and attempt to work through this. I think the time was productive. I know there is more work to be done but I just wanted to say Thank You. We all appreciate your roll and commitment to bring us together so we can work together. Prior to sending a follow-up email regarding what occurred yesterday, I wanted you to review and give your input regarding some line items in reference to "Where to we go from here." Your input would be greatly appreciated before I send this out to our broader email list which includes many, if not most, of the homeowners in the East Linder Square Mile area. Please review the following: Yesterday, Wed. Oct. 26 at, the Mayor, the City of Eagle Planning Staff, and the City Attorney brought landowners and developers together for a planning session in regard to the East Linder Square Mile area which is bordered by Meridian Rd., Beacon Light Rd., Linder Rd., and Floating Feather Rd. We met for a productive 2.5 hours in which 4 land use concept maps were developed. Below are 4 points that address what will happen from here: 1. The Eagle planning staff will pull together 4 land use concept maps as developed into one composite map for the East Linder Square Mile Planning Area with written development standards. (Approximate time frame?) 2. The city council will hold and sponsor a workshop/work session with developers and property owners to review composite land use map and development standards. (Approx. time frame?) 3. A public meeting with notification by postcard notice for broader input regarding planning area (Approx. time frame?) 4. The Mayor and City Council may initiate an amendment to the City of Eagle Comprehensive plan through the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing process for the East Linder Square Mile planning area (Approx. time frame?) Watch your email as we will be advising when the public meeting will be held. End Again, Thank you. We feel this two way communication will greatly help to improve the working relationship for now and in the future. Sincerely, Kim Dumas 11/16/2005 GALAN MERRILL From: "Becky Callister" <Callister c@cableone.net> To: <nmerrill04@msn.com> Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 8:27 PM Subject: Re: Hello Nancy, I'm late in replying. I went to city hall and Nicole was very helpful in describing what is going on next to us. I'd love to do lunch, but it can't be ALL business - maybe we could ask Alei to join us?? Becky On Nov 9, 2005, at 9:06 AM, Nancy Merrill wrote: > Becky > My how rumors do fly. > Direct answer to the cabin. > Our family owns a cabin all by ourselves in cascade.. I have done > battle with tom and I think if you asked him I would be on the > bottom of his list. > Now for the rest how about lunch you are telling me things that > have not yet come to the council. > Please call me 5730771. By the way last week the rumor was that I > owned a cabin with ted martinez. > Thanks for the input > Nancy > -----Original Message----- > From: Becky Callister <Callister@cableone.net> > Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 08:45:37 > To:nmerri1104@msn.com > Subject: Hello > > Hi Nancy, > > I hate to even email you as Alei mentioned your job as mayor has been > so taxing lately, but this is still a nice email :-) > > I know the area next to Cantebury is coming up for a comp plan > change. My guess is we're too late to get the area next to the > Colony on that agenda as well?? This is going to get very tiring and > very old very quickly if we have to organize to fight every hair- > brained plat that is going to be submitted next to us. This Chateau > Heights is a disaster, but in reality, what else are developers going > to try to do when they see a comp plan that allows up to 3 per acre. > Well, obviously 9000 square foot lots is a far cry from what 3/acre Page 1 or .i 11/16/2005 > sounds like it should be!! (And 3/acre was never okay with The > colony - most here feel sold out.) I've left a message for Nicole > and haven't heard back about the timing on that plat so The Colony > can do what we need to do. > > Also, when Rivendale was approved, the city council gave higher > density to John Wood next to the school so he could donate the land > to Rivendale - at least that was my understanding. Now it seems our > predictions are coming true - the higher density development has been > approved, the neighboring land has been comp -planned up to 3/acre, > but there is still no Rivendale. Predictable, but very frustrating. > > Now, some people north of Beacon Light are just getting wind of the > new comp. plan up by them and they are not happy! Nancy, this is not > what people moved out here for, and it really isn't fair. There has > to be a better way. I think an entirely new comp plan west of > Ballantyne is not out of line - and this time with very direct > notification and input from the people who live here. Nobody wants > these continual battles. If this is done correctly, then all this > can be laid to rest, homeowners will feel at ease and fairly treated, > it'll be more fair to developers who invest a lot of money putting > together plats, and easier on you and the city council. > > Anyway, I'll head to city hall this week to ask about some of these > things, but I wanted to voice my feelings to you as well. > > Will you do one thing for me now? I know there are rumors out there > and one in particular in this subdivision - that you own a cabin with > Tom Ricks. If you'll address that directly then I can squash that > immediately. > > Oh, Tom is in my ward, and his dad married Dave and I (Callister and > Ricks go way back) and I am not looking forward to a fight with him > when he tries to develop his land. Let's just get it changed > appropriately to begin with. > > Anyway, I do appreciate all the work you put in, and I know you have > the best for Eagle in mind, but that doesn't mean there may be even > better ways! I was told, by -the -way, from someone who spoke with you > recently that you mentioned promises were made to The Colony about > neighboring land and you had every intention of living up to them - > that was nice to hear, thank you. > > I'm so sorry for all the garbage you're having to deal with right > now. Hang in there! > > Becky Callister > > > Thank You, > Nancy Merrill rage L or .) 11/16/2005 GALAN MERRILL From: "Becky Callister" <Callister@cableone.net> To: <nmerriil04@msn.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 8:45 AM Subject: Hello Hi Nancy, I hate to even email you as Alei mentioned your job as mayor has been so taxing lately, but this is still a nice email :-) I know the area next to Cantebury is coming up for a comp plan change. My guess is we're too late to get the area next to the Colony on that agenda as well?? This is going to get very tiring and very old very quickly if we have to organize to fight every hair - brained plat that is going to be submitted next to us. This Chateau Heights is a disaster, but in reality, what else are developers going to try to do when they see a comp plan that allows up to 3 per acre. Well, obviously 9000 square foot lots is a far cry from what 3/acre sounds like it should be!! (And 3/acre was never okay with The colony - most here feel sold out.) I've left a message for Nicole and haven't heard back about the timing on that plat so The Colony can do what we need to do. Also, when Rivendale was approved, the city council gave higher density to John Wood next to the school so he could donate the land to Rivendale - at least that was my understanding. Now it seems our predictions are coming true - the higher density development has been approved, the neighboring land has been comp -planned up to 3/acre, but there is still no Rivendale. Predictable, but very frustrating. Now, some people north of Beacon Light are just getting wind of the new comp. plan up by them and they are not happy! Nancy, this is not what people moved out here for, and it really isn't fair. There has to be a better way. I think an entirely new comp plan west of Ballantyne is not out of line - and this time with very direct notification and input from the people who live here. Nobody wants these continual battles. If this is done correctly, then all this can be laid to rest, homeowners will feel at ease and fairly treated, it'll be more fair to developers who invest a lot of money putting together plats, and easier on you and the city council. Anyway, I'll head to city hall this week to ask about some of these things, but I wanted to voice my feelings to you as well. Will you do one thing for me now? I know there are rumors out there and one in particular in this subdivision - that you own a cabin with Tom Ricks. If you'll address that directly then I can squash that immediately. Page 1 of 2 11/16/2005 Page 2Oi2 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 1 GALAN MERRILL From: "LEE RAY MICKELSON" <rrmickelson©msn.com> To: "Chuck Rosco" <chuck@chuckrosco.com>; "Kim Dumas" <dumas3040©msn.com> Cc: "GALAN MERRILL" <nmerrill04@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 1:39 PM Subject: Planning assistance Chuck and Kim, At your direction, I will no long provide land use planning assistance regarding the amendment to the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan. I encourage you to work and communicate with the City planning staff (Bill Verschuren and Nichoel Spencer) as the planning process moves forward. I have a total of 5 1/2 hours of planning assistance which I will provide you a detailed billing later this month. Ray 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 1 GALAN MERRILL From: "DAVE DUMAS" <dumas3040@msn.com> To: "Chuck Rosco" <chuck@chuckrosco.com>; "LEE RAY MICKELSON" <rrmickelson©msn.com> Cc: "Bill Vaughan" <bvaughan@cityofeagle.org>; "GALAN MERRILL" <nmerri1104@msn.com> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 12:27 PM Subject: Re: East Linder Planning Area current status So do you think we need to be there tonight? Kim --- Original Message From: LEE RAY MICKELSON To: Kim Dumas ; Chuck Rosco Cc: Bill Vaughan ; GALAN MERRILL Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 9:29 AM Subject: East Linder Planning Area current status Kim, I am providing the current status of the East Linder Planning Area for general information and communication to our citizen group. The Mayor's e-mail dated November 8 stated that she would declare exparte contact when it comes to voting on the Comprehensive Plan amendments due to her involvement and direct working with the citizen/planning group. This would not apply to me since I am not in a decision making capacity. This morning the City planning staff called to postpone the meeting scheduled with me for 9:00 am today until tomorrow November 8 at 9:00 am. As you will recall, the meeting with the staff= is work on the development of a composite land use map and review text changes to the Comprehensive Plan. I am confident that there are no hidden motives by the staff for this delay. I was advised today by Bill Vaughan that the staff will recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission tonight November 7 that the Park Place Gardens be remanded back to the staff and that this matter be considered as a new application at another advertised public hearing. The redesigned development would result in a new staff report to be considered at a future public hearing. We must keep in mind that any pending applications must be reviewed and approved based on existing zoning/subdivision ordinances and the current adopted Comprehensive Plan. Bill Vaughan advised me that a meeting with the citizens and developers, as a follow up to the October 26 planning workshop, is planned for November 16 with a public hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission on November 21 to consider and make a recommendation to the City Council on a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Ray 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 1 GALAN MERRILL From: "LEE RAY MICKELSON" <rrmickelson@msn.com> To: "Kim Dumas" <dumas3040@msn.com>; "Chuck Rosco" <chuck c@chuckrosco.com> Cc: "Bill Vaughan" <bvaughan@cityofeagle.org>; "GALAN MERRILL" <nmenill04@msn.com> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 9:29 AM Subject: East Linder Planning Area current status Kim, I am providing the current status of the East Linder Planning Area for general information and communication to our citizen group. The Mayor's e-mail dated November 8 stated that she would declare exparte contact when it comes to voting on the Comprehensive Plan amendments due to her involvement and direct working with the citizen/planning group. This would not apply to me since I am not in a decision making capacity. This morning the City planning staff called to postpone the meeting scheduled with me for 9:00 am today until tomorrow November 8 at 9:00 am. As you will recall, the meeting with the staff is work on the development of a composite land use map and review text changes to the Comprehensive Plan. I am confident that there are no hidden motives by the staff for this delay. I was advised today by Bill Vaughan that the staff will recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission tonight November 7 that the Park Place Gardens be remanded back to the staff and that this matter be considered as a new application at another advertised public hearing. The redesigned development would result in a new staff report to be considered at a future public hearing. We must keep in mind that any pending applications must be reviewed and approved based on existing zoning/subdivision ordinances and the current adopted Comprehensive Plan. Bill Vaughan advised me that a meeting with the citizens and developers, as a follow up to the October 26 planning workshop, is planned for November 16 with a public hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission on November 21 to consider and make a recommendation to the City Council on a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Ray 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 2 GALAN MERRILL From: "LEE RAY MICKELSON" <rrmickelson@msn.com> To: "GALAN MERRILL" <nmerri1104@msn.com> Cc: "Kim Dumas" <dumas3040@msn.com> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 11:11 AM Subject: Re: East Linder Planning Area Workshop Mayor, I have been retained by the East Linder Planning Area citizens to provide planning assistance toward the amendment of the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan. I have arranged to meet with the City planning staff at 9 am on November 7 to develop a composite land use map (using the four land use maps developed at the October 26 planning workshop) and to discuss text amendments for the planning area. Also, I will discuss with the City staff the schedule that you outlined in your November 2 e-mail to Kim Dumas. The only question that I have is if the Planning and Zoning Commission can hold a public hearing as early as November 21 due to legal notice requirements. I do agree that the process should be expedited. The Comprehensive Plan amendments should include the text (by adding the East Under Planning Area) and changes to the Land Use Map. The text amendment will start on page 52 of the Soaring 2025 Plan and using the same format as the other planning areas should include the following: 6.4K East Linder Planning Area 6.4K.1 Uses 6.4K.2 Access 6.4K.3 Design 6.4K.1 Issues I will communicate the results of the November 7 meeting through Kim Dumas to the group of citizens. Thanks again for you involvement and willingness to expedite the process. Ray Original Message -- From: GALAN MERRILL To: LEE RAY MICKELSON Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:49 PM Subject: Re: East Linder Planning Area Workshop Ray, Thank You for your support. I am really happy you are involved. This is a thought I had to move this along. I hope within the next two weeks we can get the maps done. After that maybe you and our staff can help work on the language. I really would like to get it back before the group to make sure we have the details ironed out before we take it to the Council at a workshop. What do you think? If we did that first then took it to the council, I think we could move ahead more quickly to to public hearing that a majority could except. If we do not get a 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 3 GALAN MERRILL From: "DAVE DUMAS" <dumas3040@msn.com> To: "GALAN MERRILL" <nmerri1104@msn.com>; "LEE RAY MICKELSON" <rrmickelson@msn.com>; "Crow Jimmy Callaway" <crowcasa@msn.com>; "Hagemeier Doug" <doughagemeier@yahoo.com>; "Meadors Judy" <Iwm56@msn.com>; "Chris Himes" <chris@mustseehomes.com>; "Verheijen Frans & Donna Henrys" <frans@fransv.com>; "Newcomb Tina Calloway" <tnewcomb@amgen.com>; "Kim Dumas" <dumas3040@msn.com>; "Steven Sweeney" <sgsdanel @aol.com>; "Mike Huffaker" <huffakerpc6@hotmail.com>; "Kathie B Nahas" <kbnahas@aol.com>; "peery jason" lason@growrasmussen.com>; "Joel Barker" <joel.barker@simplot.com>; "Dave Andersen" <idahoandersons@aol.com>; "Glivar Dan_Buckhom" <DGlivar@hollandhart.com>; "Sully3842" <Sully3842@aol.com>; "Palmer Larott Henrys" <eagleviking@cox-intemet.com>; "Scott Archbold" <scottarchbold@cableone.net>; "Chuck Rosco" <chuck@chuckrosco.com>; "Hester Michael" <michael.hester@hp.com>; "Greg Johnson" <GP33John@msn.com>; "Calloway Ranch Centers" <centerselectric@gwest.net>; "Dale and Sherry Shepherd" <dalesherry404@yahoo.com>; "Jones Wes & Cindy" <wesjones@bitsmart.net>; "Davis Anjie" <Madavies@cableone.net>; "S Betts" <sbetts@windermere.com>; "Conrad Leah&Rick" <rick.conrad@assurant.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 10:34 AM Subject: Re: East Linder square mile planning meeting Nancy, Ray, Neighbors, I believe we have enough contributors to hire Ray, I will have a final count by days end. Please note Ray's time schedule (see note just below) and set meetings accordingly asap. If we can run this all through the Cavallo Special Projects Account ,that was set up for this, would that be ok with everyone? Kim Kim, I talked to Chuck this morning and he will call you about my possible involvement. I am willing to assist the City by working with the planning staff. I will directly bill Chuck or the City at a rate of $60 per hour for any work that is agreed to in advance. I will be out of town November 9 - 28 for a late draw elk hunt with my son and a trip to northern Idaho for Thanksgiving. Keep in touch, Ray Original Message From: GALAN MERRILL To: DAVE DUMAS Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:42 AM Subject: Re: East Linder square mile planning meeting Kim, I had time to touch bases with the staff yesterday. We do have a few timeslines we have to meet by state law. I forgot this had to go to P&Z also so, so this is the schedule: 1. Joint mtg, P&Z, CC, and planning group, meeting November 16th at Senior Center 6:00 p.m. ( individual notice cards will be sent out) this is to review the map and proposed text change. 2. Public Hearing before P&Z November 21st 11/16/2005 Page 2 of 3 3. Public Hearing before CC Dec 13th We will also be having a comprehensive plan public hearing on several other requests soon, ( I do not have the dates for these) when do do open the comp plan for those requests ( as allowed by law every six months) we will then redo the Map of the area we are now talking about. This way the city will be doing the changes and it will not cost the property owners any out of pocket money. Thank You again for your input and making sure the information gets out to everyone. Nancy Original Message From: DAVE DUMAS To: nmerrill04emsn.com ; bvauahan(cr�.citvofeaale.ora Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:14 PM Subject: East Linder square mile planning meeting Dear Madam Mayor and Mr. Vaughan, Thank you, thank you for facilitating the planning meeting for the East Linder square mile planning area. It was great to come together and attempt to work through this. I think the time was productive. I know there is more work to be done but I just wanted to say Thank You. We all appreciate your roll and commitment to bring us together so we can work together. Prior to sending a follow-up email regarding what occurred yesterday, I wanted you to review and give your input regarding some line items in reference to "Where to we go from here." Your input would be greatly appreciated before I send this out to our broader email list which includes many, if not most, of the homeowners in the East Under Square Mile area. Please review the following: Yesterday, Wed. Oct. 26 at, the Mayor, the City of Eagle Planning Staff, and the City Attorney brought landowners and developers together for a planning session in regard to the East Linder Square Mile area which is bordered by Meridian Rd., Beacon Light Rd., Linder Rd., and Floating Feather Rd. We met for a productive 2.5 hours in which 4 land use concept maps were developed. Below are 4 points that address what will happen from here: 1. The Eagle planning staff will pull together 4 land use concept maps as developed into one composite map for the East Linder Square Mile Planning Area with written development standards. (Approximate time frame?) 2. The city council will hold and sponsor a workshop/work session with developers and property owners to review composite land use map and development standards. (Approx. time frame?) 3. A public meeting with notification by postcard notice for broader input regarding planning area (Approx. time frame?) 4. The Mayor and City Council may initiate an amendment to the City of Eagle Comprehensive plan through the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing process for the East Linder Square Mile planning area (Approx. time frame?) Watch your email as we will be advising when the public meeting will be held. 11/16/2005 4 Page 3 of 3 End Again, Thank you. We feel this two way communication will greatly help to improve the working relationship for now and in the future. Sincerely, Kim Dumas 11/16/2005 Page 2 of 2 From: DAVE DUMAS To: nmerri11040msn.com ; bvauahanecitvofeaale.ora Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:14 PM Subject: East Linder square mile planning meeting Dear Madam Mayor and Mr. Vaughan, Thank you, thank you for facilitating the planning meeting for the East Linder square mile planning area. It was great to come together and attempt to work through this. I think the time was productive. I know there is more work to be done but I just wanted to say Thank You. We all appreciate your roll and commitment to bring us together so we can work together. Prior to sending a follow-up email regarding what occurred yesterday, I wanted you to review and give your input regarding some line items in reference to "Where to we go from here." Your input would be greatly appreciated before I send this out to our broader email list which includes many, if not most, of the homeowners in the East Linder Square Mile area. Please review the following: Yesterday, Wed. Oct. 26 at, the Mayor, the City of Eagle Planning Staff, and the City Attorney brought landowners and developers together for a planning session in regard to the East Linder Square Mile area which is bordered by Meridian Rd., Beacon Light Rd., Linder Rd., and Floating Feather Rd. We met for a productive 2.5 hours in which 4 land use concept maps were developed. Below are 4 points that address what will happen from here: 1. The Eagle planning staff will pull together 4 land use concept maps as developed into one composite map for the East Linder Square Mile Planning Area with written development standards. (Approximate time frame?) 2. The city council will hold and sponsor a workshop/work session with developers and property owners to review composite land use map and development standards. (Approx. time frame?) 3. A public meeting with notification by postcard notice for broader input regarding planning area (Approx. time frame?) 4. The Mayor and City Council may initiate an amendment to the City of Eagle Comprehensive plan through the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing process for the East Linder Square Mile planning area (Approx. time frame?) Watch your email as we will be advising when the public meeting will be held. End Again, Thank you. We feel this two way communication will greatly help to improve the working relationship for now and in the future. Sincerely, Kim Dumas 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 2 GALAN MERRILL From: "DAVE DUMAS" <dumas3040@msn.com> To: "GALAN MERRILL" <nmer'i1104@msn.com> Cc: "LEE RAY MICKELSON" <rrmickelson@msn.com>; "Crow Jimmy Callaway" <crowcasa@msn.com>; "Hagemeier Doug" <doughagemeier car yahoo.com>; "Meadors Judy" <1wm56@msn.com>; "Chris Himes" <chris@mustseehomes.com>; "Verheijen Frans & Donna Henrys" <frans@fransv.com>; "Newcomb Tina Calloway" <tnewcomb@amgen.com>; "Kim Dumas" <dumas3040@msn.com>; "Steven Sweeney" <sgsdanel @aol.com>; "Mike Huffaker' <huffakerpc6@hotmail.com>; "Kathie B Nahas" <kbnahas@aol.com>; "peery jason" <jason@growrasmussen.com>; "Joel Barker" <joeibarker@simplot.com>; "Dave Andersen" <idahoandersons@aol.com>; "Glivar Dan_Buckhorn" <DGlivar@hollandhart.com>; "Sully3842" <Sully3842@aol.com>; "Palmer Larott Henrys" <eagleviking@cox-intemetcom>; "Scott Archbold" <scottarchbold@cableone.net>; "Chuck Rosco" <chuck@chuckrosco.com>; "Hester Michael" <michael.hester@hp.com>; "Greg Johnson" <GP33John@msn.com>; "Calloway Ranch Centers" <centerselectric@gwest.net>; "Dale and Sherry Shepherd" <dalesherry404@yahoo.com>; "Jones Wes & Cindy" <wesjones@bitsmartnet>; "Davis Anjie" <Madavies@cableone.net>; "S Betts" <sbetts@windermere.com>; "Conrad Leah&Rick" <rick.conrad@assurant.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:03 PM Subject: Re: East Linder square mile planning meeting Nancy, We have enough to hire Ray. I will talk to him tomorrow. Can meeting times with him and Mr. Vaughan fit in between now and Nov.8 as per his schedule? Kim Original Message From: GALAN MERRILL To: DAVE DUMAS Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:42 AM Subject: Re: East Linder square mile planning meeting Kim, I had time to touch bases with the staff yesterday. We do have a few timeslines we have to meet by state law. I forgot this had to go to P&Z also so, so this is the schedule: 1. Joint mtg, P&Z, CC, and planning group, meeting November 16th at Senior Center 6:00 p.m. ( individual notice cards will be sent out) this is to review the map and proposed text change. 2. Public Hearing before P&Z November 21st 3. Public Hearing before CC Dec 13th We will also be having a comprehensive plan public hearing on several other requests soon, ( I do not have the dates for these) when do do open the comp plan for those requests (as allowed by law every six months) we will then redo the Map of the area we are now talking about. This way the city will be doing the changes and it will not cost the property owners any out of pocket money. Thank You again for your input and making sure the information gets out to everyone. Nancy Original Message 11/16/2005 Page 2 of 2 Subject: East Linder square mile planning meeting Dear Madam Mayor and Mr. Vaughan, Thank you, thank you for facilitating the planning meeting for the East Linder square mile planning area. It was great to come together and attempt to work through this. I think the time was productive. I know there is more work to be done but I just wanted to say Thank You. We all appreciate your roll and commitment to bring us together so we can work together. Prior to sending a follow-up email regarding what occurred yesterday, I wanted you to review and give your input regarding some line items in reference to "Where to we go from here." Your input would be greatly appreciated before I send this out to our broader email list which includes many, if not most, of the homeowners in the East Linder Square Mile area. Please review the following: Yesterday, Wed. Oct. 26 at, the Mayor, the City of Eagle Planning Staff, and the City Attorney brought landowners and developers together for a planning session in regard to the East Linder Square Mile area which is bordered by Meridian Rd., Beacon Light Rd., Linder Rd., and Floating Feather Rd. We met for a productive 2.5 hours in which 4 land use concept maps were developed. Below are 4 points that address what will happen from here: 1. The Eagle planning staff will pull together 4 land use concept maps as developed into one composite map for the East Linder Square Mile Planning Area with written development standards. (Approximate time frame?) 2. The city council will hold and sponsor a workshop/work session with developers and property owners to review composite land use map and development standards. (Approx. time frame?) 3. A public meeting with notification by postcard notice for broader input regarding planning area (Approx. time frame?) 4. The Mayor and City Council may initiate an amendment to the City of Eagle Comprehensive plan through the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing process for the East Linder Square Mile planning area (Approx. time frame?) Watch your email as we will be advising when the public meeting will be held. End Again, Thank you. We feel this two way communication will greatly help to improve the working relationship for now and in the future. Sincerely, Kim Dumas 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 1 GALAN MERRILL From: "DAVE DUMAS" <dumas3040@msn.com> To: <nmerri1104@msn.com>; <bvaughan©cityofeagle.org> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:14 PM Subject: East Linder square mile planning meeting Dear Madam Mayor and Mr. Vaughan, Thank you, thank you for facilitating the planning meeting for the East Linder square mile planning area. It was great to come together and attempt to work through this. I think the time was productive. I know there is more work to be done but I just wanted to say Thank You. We all appreciate your roll and commitment to bring us together so we can work together. Prior to sending a follow-up email regarding what occurred yesterday, I wanted you to review and give your input regarding some line items in reference to "Where to we go from here." Your input would be greatly appreciated before I send this out to our broader email list which includes many, if not most, of the homeowners in the East Linder Square Mile area. Please review the following: Yesterday, Wed. Oct. 26 at, the Mayor, the City of Eagle Planning Staff, and the City Attorney brought landowners and developers together for a planning session in regard to the East Linder Square Mile area which is bordered by Meridian Rd., Beacon Light Rd., Under Rd., and Floating Feather Rd. We met for a productive 2.5 hours in which 4 land use concept maps were developed. Below are 4 points that address what will happen from here: 1. The Eagle planning staff will pull together 4 land use concept maps as developed into one composite map for the East Linder Square Mile Planning Area with written development standards. (Approximate time frame?) 2. The city council will hold and sponsor a workshop/work session with developers and property owners to review composite land use map and development standards. (Approx. time frame?) 3. A public meeting with notification by postcard notice for broader input regarding planning area (Approx. time frame?) 4. The Mayor and City Council may initiate an amendment to the City of Eagle Comprehensive plan through the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing process for the East Linder Square Mile planning area (Approx. time frame?) Watch your email as we will be advising when the public meeting will be held. End Again, Thank you. We feel this two way communication will greatly help to improve the working relationship for now and in the future. Sincerely, Kim Dumas 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 2 GALAN MERRILL From: "LEE RAY MICKELSON" <rrmickelson@msn.com> To: "GALAN MERRILL" <nmerri1104@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 8:08 PM Subject: Re: Planning assistance Mayor, Following the meeting today with Nichoel and Bill, I met with Chuck, Kathy and Kim to communicate the results of the meeting and generally what they could expect to be presented at the November 16 public meeting. I advised them that the "draft" composite land use map and Comprehensive Plan text amendments would be a reasonable compromise. Also, I advised them that as a group they could still voice concern and have additional input through the planning process (Public meeting on 11/16 , P/Z Commission hearing on 11/ 21 and the City Council hearing on 12/13). They concluded that I was not adequately representing their interests to achieve a Comprehensive Plan residential density amendment of one unit per two acres, especially for the area lying east of Park Lane. From their perspective there was no compromise from one unit per two acres even with transitional densities, etc. I was directed not to do any more work for them. Thanks for your inquiry, Ray Original Message From: GALAN MERRILL To: LEE RAY MICKELSON Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 4:55 PM Subject: Re: Planning assistance Ray, What happened? I thought you had some great ideas. Nancy Original Message From: LEE RAY MICKELSON To: Chuck Rosco ; Kim Dumas Cc: GALAN MERRILL Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 1:39 PM Subject: Planning assistance Chuck and Kim, At your direction, I will no long provide land use planning assistance regarding the amendment to the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan. I encourage you to work and communicate with the City planning staff (Bill Verschuren and Nichoel Spencer) as the planning process moves forward. I have a total of 5 1/2 hours of planning assistance which I will provide you a detailed billing later this month. 11/16/2005 Page 2 of 2 buy in and work out the bugs before the Council workshop, it could potentially be continued several times before the council makes a final decision. I am open to any ideas you might have to expedite this through the process with as much public involvement as possible. Thanks again You're great Nancy Original Message From: LEE RAY MICKELSON To: nmerri1104amsn.com ; bvaua_ han(cr�.citvofeaq le.orq Cc: dumas3040Ca7msn.com Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:11 AM Subject: East Linder Planning Area Workshop Mayor, I was pleased to attend your October 26 sponsored planning workshop for what I will call the East Linder Planning Area. You and your planning staff, including the City Attorney, did an excellent job to set the stage and provide useful material for property owners and developers to work together for a productive land use planning session. I was amazed at how well they were able to work together at this initial meeting to development four land use concept maps and development standards. There is still a lot of work and communication to solidify a future land use plan with development standards through a Planning and Zoning public hearing process for this area. The fact that you have taken a leadership role will lesson the frustration, time and expense to the property owners and developers. Ms. Kim Dumas is the central contact person for the property owners within the East Linder Planning Area and will do her best to keep everyone informed through e-mail and other means of communication. Job well done, Ray Mickelson 11/16/2005 Oh, Tom is in my ward, and his dad married Dave and I (Callister and Ricks go way back) and I am not looking forward to a fight with him when he tries to develop his land. Let's just get it changed appropriately to begin with. Anyway, I do appreciate all the work you put in, and I know you have the best for Eagle in mind, but that doesn't mean there may be even better ways! I was told, by -the -way, from someone who spoke with you recently that you mentioned promises were made to The Colony about neighboring land and you had every intention of living up to them - that was nice to hear, thank you. I'm so sorry for all the garbage you're having to deal with right now. Hang in there! Becky Callister Page 2 of 2 11/16/2005 Page 1 of 2 GALAN MERRILL From: "DAVE DUMAS" <dumas3040@msn.com> To: "Crow Jimmy Callaway" <crowcasa@msn.com>; "Hagemeier Doug" <doughagemeier@yahoo.com>; "Meadors Judy" <Iwm56@msn.com>; "Chris Nimes" <chris@mustseehomes.com>; "Verheijen Frans & Donna Henrys" <frans@fransv.com>; "Newcomb Tina Calloway" <tnewcomb©amgen.com>; "Kim Dumas" <dumas3040@msn.com>; "Steven Sweeney" <sgsdanel @aol.com>; "Mike Huffaker" <huffakerpc6@hotmail.com>; "Kathie B Nahas" <kbnahas@aol.com>; "peery jason" <jason@growrasmussen.com>; "Joel Barker" <joel.barker@simplot.com>; "Dave Andersen" <idahoandersons@aol.com>; "Glivar Dan_Buckhorn" <DGlivar@hollandhart.com>; "Sully3842" <Sully3842@aol.com>; "Palmer Larott Henrys" <eagleviking©cox-intemet.com>; "Scott Archbold" <scottarchbold@cableone.net>; "Chuck Rosco" <chuck@chuckrosco.com>; "Hester Michael" <michael.hester@hp.com>; "Greg Johnson" <GP33John@msn.com>; "Calloway Ranch Centers" <centerselectric©gwest.net>; "Dale and Sherry Shepherd" <dalesheny404@yahoo.com>; "Jones Wes & Cindy" <wesjones@bitsmartnet>; "Davis Anjie" <Madavies@cableone.net>; "S Betts" <sbetts@windermere.com>; "Conrad Leah&Rick" <rick.conrad@assurant.com>; "nmerrill04" <nmerri1104@msn.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:49 AM Subject: Fw: East Linder square mile planning meeting Just a reminder....see bolded. See you tonight. Kim Not sure this got out to all in the subdivision core. Please note bolded item #1 in email below. This if for those subdivision reps that came to the planning meeting previouslv. Kim Original Message From: GALAN MERRILL To: DAVE DUMAS Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:42 AM Subject: Re: East Linder square mile planning meeting Kim, I had time to touch bases with the staff yesterday. We do have a few timeslines we have to meet by state law. I forgot this had to go to P&Z also so, so this is the schedule: 1. Joint mtg, P&Z, CC, and planning group, meeting November 16th at Senior Center 6:00 p.m. ( individual notice cards will be sent out) this is to review the map and proposed text change. 2. Public Hearing before P&Z November 21st 3. Public Hearing before CC Dec 13th We will also be having a comprehensive plan public hearing on several other requests soon, (I do not have the dates for these) when do do open the comp plan for those requests (as allowed by law every six months) we will then redo the Map of the area we are now talking about. This way the city will be doing the changes and it will not cost the property owners any out of pocket money. Thank You again for your input and making sure the information gets out to everyone. Nancy Original Message From: DAVE DUMAS To: nmerri1104( msn.com ; bvaughan aOcitvofeaale.orq Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:14 PM 11/16/2005 1Cia-1131OS +�f�::niCED &.:(LED Cs I�{t�T'( OF EAGLE DEC 2005 File. Route to• December 5, 2005 Nichoel Baird Spencer Planner III City of Eagle 310 E. State Street, Eagle, ID 83616 Re: Conceptual Design of Employment/Mixed Use Center in West Eagle Impact Area near Hwy 16 Dear Ms. Spencer, Thank you for giving the Idaho Urban Research and Design Center the opportunity to submit this proposal for conceptual design services. Here is the scope of work as we understand it: Program: Conceptual design alternatives of more than a square mile area in the western Impact Area of the City of Eagle, using the Soaring 2025 Plan as guidance. Process: Working with the Planning Staff and a steering committee, we would develop a participatory process that could include: Review of goals and objectives Development of detailed design program (commercial, residential, civic) Participatory design workshop Review of alternatives produced at design workshop/selection of preferred scheme Revisions made to selected alternative Presentations as required to the public and governing bodies Products: Product list would be developed by the steering committee and may include: Conceptual plan layouts Land use and densities Streetscape sections Building massing and form Architectural character sketches Assumptions: We would be working under the supervision of the Planning Director and a steering committee. Our team of graduate architecture students would be lead by IURDC Director Sherry McKibben. You will provide base maps and other relevant info in digital form. Design products larger than 8x10 would need to be scanned at your expense. Final products will be delivered to you in digital form. Time frame: January -March 2006 Fee Proposal: We propose to complete the required work for $15,500 not including reimbursable expenses. Reimbursable expenses include: Reproductions, Postage, Photography, Long distance telephone, and authorized use of our vehicles at .38/ mile. We charge for reimbursable expenses at cost; we do not add a multiplier. Thank you again for thinking of us. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Sherry McKibben, Director UI Idaho Urban Research and Design Center 775 West Fulton Street Boise, Idaho 83702 208.343.7851 voice+fax ENDI'�ES BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT ;APITAL OUTLAY -GENERAL FUND: Major Objects and Subobjects ;apital Expenditures - City Facilities (01-465-01-00) :apital Expenditures - City Hall Equipment (01-0465-03-00) :apital Expenditures - New CH Equip/Furnishing (01-0465-04-00) :apital Expenditures - Vehicle (01-0465-08-00) :apital Expenditure - Tree Fund (01-0465-05-00) :apital Expenditures - Trees (01-0465-06-00) :apital Expenditures - Acquiring Water Rights (01-0465-07-00) :apital Expenditures - Land Acquisition (01-0465-09-00) :apital Expenditures - Other (01-0465-02-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY GENERAL FUND: APITAL OUTLAY -WESTERN AREA, OF IMPACT: Ilajor Objects and Subobjects Raster Plan for New Water Service Area (01-0466-01-00) :apital Expenditure - Acquisition of Property (01-0466-02-00) Engineering Fees (01-0466-03-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -WEST AREA IMPACT ;APITAL OUTLAY - STREET LIGHTS: Major Objects and Subobjects :apital Improvements (01-0467-01-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -STREET LIGHTS: FY 04/05 Budgeted 265,000 20,000 100,000 15,000 4,975 5,000 40,000 0 20,000 $469,975 FY 04/05 Budgeted 20,000 20,000 20,000 $60,000 FY 04/05 Budgeted 25,000 $25,000 Actual Jul -05 18,052 14,129 2,188 10,988 0 3,071 14,290 0 0 $62,718 Actual Jul -05 26,392 90 22,824 $49,306 FY 04/05 Unrealized 246,948 5,871 97,812 4,012 4,975 1,929 25,710 0 20,000 $407,257 FY 04/05 Unrealized -6,392 19,910 -2,824 $10,694 Page8 Projected FY 05/06 200,000 20,000 200,000 35,000 10,530 0 40,000 265,000 20,000 $790,530 Projected FY 05/06 20,000` - 20,000 4400°4 20,000.'s ?00° $60,000>oop% 1 -i cc 8 ( k #/y/97jg Projected FY 05/06 25,000 $25,000 Actual FY 04/05 Jul -05 Unrealized 14,659 10,341 $14,659 $10,341 -UJ�LJ �IJIP PENDIIES BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT (0 CAPITAL OUTLAY - COMMUNITY PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects Pedestrian Bridge/1st Street Improvements (01-0468-01-00) Veighborhood Enhancement Program (01-0468-02-00) =oothills Plan (01-0468-03-00) -Ensign Valve - Move & Install (01-0468-08-00) Extension of Idaho Street - Purchase Right of Way _and Use & Transportation Plan - ACHD (01-0468-06-00) 3rants/Matching Funds (01-0468-07-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -COMM PROJECTS: STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS FY04/05: Vlajor Objects and Subobjects 3AG-1 Infrastructure Ping/Develop/finance-City Sys ;AG -2 Mktng Promo Develop-(Frm Business Lic) ;AG -3 Arbor Day - Plant a Tree Project ;AG -4 Updating Development Impact Fee -Parks Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 04/05: ;TRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS FY05/06: ;AG -1 Infrastructure Ping/Develop/Fin-City Sys (01-0418-01-00) ;AG -2 Mktng Promo Develop-(Frm Business Lic) (01-0418-02-00) ;AG -3 Arbor Day - Plant a Tree Project (01-0418-03-00) ;AG -4 City Water System - future acquisitions for expansion (01-0418-05-00) ;AG -5 Urban Renewal Planning (01-0418-08-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 05/06: FY 04/05 Budgeted 6,000 0 0 0 65,000 10,000 10,000 $91,000 FY 04/05 Budgeted 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 $45,000 Actual Jul -05 0 0 0 7,540 0 20,000 0 $27,540 FY 04/05 Unrealized 6,000 0 0 -7,540 65,000 -10,000 10,000 $63,460 Actual FY 04/05 Jul -05 Unrealized 17,411 -2,411 2,500 7,500 5,100 4,900 1,562 8,438 $26,573 $18,427 01) Page9 Projected FY 05/06 6,000 15,000 -) 50,000 0 0 5,000 10,000 $86,000 Projected FY 05/06 100% 100% 9;OOa% 100%0 "100% 15,000 '. 7,250 10,000 25,000 25,000 $82,250 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $4,852,53211 $3,122,25111 $1,730,28111 $6,600,2731 36%1 Q1 .z,--113 /65 1 Page of 2 Tracy Osborn From: Vern Brewer [veru@holladayengineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:02 PM To: 'LYNNE'; 'Tammy A. Zokan'; Tracy Osborn Cc: Nancy Merrill; S Bastian; Steve Guerber; S Nordstrom; Susan Buxton Subject: RE: Judicial Confirmation on 12/13 Agenda Lynne: I forgot to get the materials to staff in time to have them placed in the packet. It was not until the agenda came out that I realized that this item was on this week's agenda. l had the information prepared as handouts and I should have given them out to Council during the engineering report time at previous meetings. Nevertheless, I have attached a spreadsheet in Excel that is the handout. A couple of items should be noted. 1. This does not discount the Brookwood well for the contribution from Hormaechea. We still have not heard from him on the materials we sent over. Additionally, we have added in the cost of standby power, landscaping, and well house to the initial budget numbers for the judicial confirmation budget. 2. This does include the acquisition of land from Ada County ($80,000 budget amount). 3. This does reflect the current interest rate from DEQ. 4. This does reflect a 20 year repayment (DEQ) instead of a 30 year payback initially used. 5. This includes the full amount of the well house for Well No. 1 even though we have some materials on site. 6. The tank cost was increased to include the overflow pond at the Sports Park and a current cost from a tank supplier. The second supplier would not quote on the tank until the price and supply of concrete stabilized. This is the higher of the initial two estimates we had obtained for the first budget. I hope this gives you the information you needed. Again, I apologize for not handing it out earlier. Vern From: LYNNE [mailto:ssixty@spro.net] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 8:00 PM To: 'Vern Brewer'; Tammy A. Zokan; Tracy Osborn Subject: Judicial Confirmation on 12/13 Agenda Hello all: I believe I have stated a couple of times that I wanted to take a look at the proposed water rates that would be needed to accomodate paying back the State Loan. I wanted to do this BEFORE we vote on the judicial confirmation process. I still feel this way. Vern has mentioned that we had to reevaluate the costs of the improvements because of the dramatic increase in material costs. How does this increase in project costs translate back to the, water rates needed to pay back the State Revolving Loan? 12/13/2005 City of Eagle Sports Park Reservoir and Well Development Improvement Description Probable Cost per User Cost per Month Sports Park Reservoir $1,856,000 $8.88 Cost includes land, tank, valves, overflow pond, 1,200 LF trunk line, site preparation, service road, engineering, legal and 10% contingency. Brookwood Well $554,000 $2.65 Cost includes well construction, equipment, well house, standby generator, landscape repair engineering, legal, and contingency. Replacement Well House $180,000 $0.86 Cost includes demolition and cleanup, well house, standby generator, landscape repair, engineering, legal and contingency. Summary of Costs $2,590,000 $12.39 Assumptions: 1 Tank Site may be acquired from Ada County 2 Overflow pond will serve dual purpose for Sports Park irrigation pond 3 Master Plan Report will be used as supporting documentation for need 4 Legal and Administrative cost shall not exceed 5% of construction cost 5 Buried prestressed concrete tank will be shielded from view by terrain 6 20 year bond, 4.25% interest rate (DEQ loan rate) (� la -11 3105 Nichoel Baird From: Bill Clark [bill@clarkdevelopment.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:51 PM To: Nichoel Baird Subject: Request for continuation - Park Place Nicole: After reviewing the staff report for the application a zoning ordinance amendment (ZOA-4- 05), we would like to request an indefinite continuation (or alternatively a remand to staff) on this matter. We continue to believe that development agreements have proven to be a very useful tool for the City of Eagle, such as with Eagle River. However, with the City considering amendments to its Planned Unit Development provisions, it is probably best to consider how these amendments might work best together. Thank you, Bill Clark 1 AILL-ViL Nichoel Baird From: Christy Richardson [crichardson@achd.ada.id.us] Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 1:11 PM To: Nichoel Baird; clintb@landmark-ep.com Subject: Eaglefield Nichole, received the revised TIS for Eaglefield this morning. Due to the large number of studies that we have been receiving, it could be several weeks before a final review is conducted by our Traffic Engineer. However, upon quick review it appears that there is not significant volumes of traffic projected on the street that will tie into Legacy. Based on those numbers, I believe that those segments of streets can remain as local streets with front -on housing. Please disregard earlier staff reports or comments about this project regarding ACHD requirements. We will prepare a new staff report based on the current layout and revised TIS. It would be helpful if you could require the applicant to comply with all ACHD requirements as determined by further review. Thanks for your coordination of efforts! Christy 12/13/2005