Minutes - 2005 - City Council - 08/29/2005 - Joint
Special Joint Meeting Minutes
August 29, 2005
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Council: Present: SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Absent: All present.
Nordstrom moves to hear item 4 before item 3 and also add an open discussion
section prior to adjournment. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YE...MOTION
4. Discussion rel!:ardinl!: establishinl!: pathwav construction standards for the
City of Eal!:le.
Stockton presents the Pathway Committees recommendations for pathway standards that
has been drafted. See copy attached to minutes. Discussion regarding pathway width,
location and construction materials.
Sawyer arrives at 6: 15 p.m.
Bastian arrives at 6:25 p.m.
Guerber would like to give approval to the Park & Pathway Committee to get a sub-
committee together to do a master plan for parks and pathways in the City of Eagle.
Monies have been budgeted for fiscal year 2005/2006. The sub-committee or task force
could be comprised of various organizations and volunteers for example soccer clubs,
little league volunteers and others to look at recreation districts and/or programs and other
issues to a growing city like Eagle should address. Discussion.
3. Presentation bv COMPASS rel!:ardinl!: the Transportation Improvement
Prol!:ram (TIP)
Mayor introduces Toni Tinsdale from COMPASS, as well as representatives from ACHD
and lTD.
Discussion regarding project ranking and funding timelines.
Sue Sullivan, with Idaho Transportation District, discusses Highway 16 and 44.
Sally Goodale, with Ada County Highway District, gives an overview of the TIP process.
Mayor calls a five minute break.
Open Discussion:
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The Mayor reviews a recent discussion that was held at Treasure Valley Partnership,
where the concern was expressed that "big money" is coming into the valley and
developments are coming forward that have the developer, builders and realtor is all the
same entity. We are loosing the diversification that has made the valley so unique.
Sometimes these investors then turn around and use these properties as rentals.
Discussion regarding CC&R requirements.
Discussion regarding how to direct staff to handle condo plats in the future. Staff will
prepare a resolution for Council to review.
Marks would like an increase of the stipend that Planning and Zoning Commissioners are
given, to be increase to $100 per regular meeting and $40 for special meetings. In hopes
that there would be better compensation for Commissioners for time spent reviewing staff
reports and for time spent at meetings. The City Attorney comments on state code
restrictions and the current stipend that Council approved.
Council member Bastian discusses drainage swales and the dangers of standing water in
Sedona and Senora Creek subdivision common areas. Staff notes that Senora Creek was
originally approved with Ada County standards and later annexed into City limits.
Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9: 15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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1) All pathway easements granted to the city to be a minimum of 15 feet in width. (25 feet is preferable if
2) All City maintained pathways to be a minimum of 10 feet in width, including natural pathways for
safety, security, reduced maintenance, and emergency vehicle access.
3) Pathways surfaces to be with pavement or cinders as recommended by the Park & Pathway Committee.
4) Cinders surfaced paths be crushed to Y2 inch minus in size and compacted to a depth of 6 inches.
5) Access to City pathways within developments be at least 10 feet in width and a minimum concrete
surface pathway width of 8 feet. Developer/builders/homeowners association to be responsible for
access path maintenance within the subdivision.
6) Developer at their expense will install city pathways and subdivision access paths as per each
development phase. City inspectors will make sure the developers have installed the paths as specified
before building permits are issued. Developer/builders to be responsible for pathway maintenance until
adjacent pathway lots are owner occupied. After that time the City will assume maintenance of City
dedicated pathways.
7) Emergency vehicle access to the river and City pathways to be required at approximately% mile
intervals preferably adjacent to arterial roads or collector streets.
The City Police and Fire Departments support these recommendations.
City of Eagle
2004 Transportation Task Force Requests
'riority Project
01 Floating Feather Rd, Eagle Rd / Edgewood Dr RD257
Request Improve Floating Feather Rd east of Eagle Road to Edgewood Lane (needs utilities installed first), with two
traffic lanes, a center turn lane and a meandering detached sidewalk where possible (as addressed in the 5
year work plan).
Status Project programmed for construction FY09 in 2006-2010 FYWP (Priority #33 of 52). Project was originally
scheduled for construction in FY07, but was exchanged for the Plaza Drive right-of-way acquisition. Project is
on a minor arterial but is not included in the 2003 CIP, therefore not eligible for impact fees. Detached,
meandering sidewalks will need agreement from the City of Eagle to maintain the landscape buffer. Meandering
sidewalks need special considerations to be compliant under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
02 Three Cities River Crossing
t- :tea a -
Request Accelerate the development of the extension of a roadway across the east end of Eagle Island to Chinden
Boulevard generally as shown on the City of Eagle Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1 and within the 2025
Ada County Long Range Highway and Street Map.
Status EnvironmentaValignment study is underway. Alignment selection is anticipated winter 05/06. EIS/ROD
estimated completion June 2006, after which ROW acquisition may begin. FYWP has $1.6 million in FY07 for
ROW acquisition and $2.0 million in PD for further study, potential design or right-of-way funds ($1 million of PD
is programmed for STP -U funds). Portion of project is included in 2003 CIP. SAFETEA-LU earmarked
$3,000,000 additional funds for design or ROW.
03 'SH 16 / Chinden
Request Extend SH 16 south to Chindenand eventually to 1-84 .wt,
Status !ACRD: Portion of SH16 River Crossing is included in 2003 CIP. ITD: The SH16 project is included in the
GARVEE program with a corridor extending to 184. Studies will start in late 2006.
04_ 'Ea�c)Ie Road, Floating Feather / Beacon Light
Request Construct vehicle curb, gutter, a minimum of five foot (5') concrete sidewalk (separated from the back of the
curb) and a bike lane along both sides of Eagle Road from Floating Feather Road to Beacon Light Road
,subsequent to the installation of utilities), pursuant to Section 8.6 (0) of the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive
Plan. The roadway should be a maximum of two lanes with a center turn lane only at driveways and / or
Intersections that are expected to generate a minimum of 1000 vehicle trips per day, or where determined to be
necessary for safety by ACHD Any portion of a center turn lane which is not used for a driveway should be
andscaped...Y_: ,c _
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Project is ranked #52 of 52 in the Roadway Prioritization and is not programmed in the 2006-2010 FYWP.
Project is on a collector and is not in 2003 CIP.
05 1Plaia Drive Extension Across SH 44 'IN205-07
Request Support the construction of Plaza Drive southward across State Highway 44 and connecting to intersection.
Note: The City recogrt es this item isnot a project per se' rather it is an access permitting exercise. Upon
approval of any access ermit at this location, the Citywould like the intersection to be considered for project
funding status. .:kd P .:'i 3i4.',& CAsl+ ,4,:4 k, `F ki'6L r k. r+41Yi'.e4<t&„1C+.4 4,�f}'.. g,, t r.u,. 9!i4ut.c,Vii'x. .ear tF':
Status ITD: Intersection/access denied by IT Board.
8/29/2005 Page 1 of 4
iority Project GIS:
06 Ballantyne Road/SH 44/State Street Intersections ,IN206-01
Request The Ballantyne Road/State Highway 44/State Street intersections should be reconstructed as shown on the
Transportation / Pathway Network Map #1 within the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and all other.
realignment options shall be discouraged.
status ACHD: Project is ranked #6 of 41 projects that currently meet signal warrants (87 overall intersections were
analyzed). Project is in the 2006-2010 FYWP with design in FY10 and ROW and construction in PD. It will
require coordination with ITD. Development could still drive the schedule of the project.
07 Hill Rd Extension, Horseshoe Bend Rd / State St 'RD308`` °
Request Construction of the extension of Hill Road between Horseshoe Bend Roadand E. State Street, as shown an the
Transportation/Pathway Network #1 Map within the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plaw should be
coordinated with development applications adjacent to the proposed roadway. With this construction, the
installation of a center tree strip on Hill Road between SH55 and State Street should be accommodated. The -.
developer constructing the new section of Hill Road between Edgewood and State Street wt LL nstruct and
i�ayr �3' landscape the center tree strip in that new location. For that portion of Hill Road abutting theproposed park,
landscaped medians should be designed with crosswalks and areas to.provide for the safe passage of
pedestrians crossing Hill. Road.NI. `;;;* ;•
Status Project scheduled for construction in FY09 in 2006-2010 FYWP (Priority #36 of 52). Project is on a collector and.
is not included in 2003 CIP.
08 'Hill Road & SH55 Signalization
Request Install signal at Hill Road and SH 55.
Status ACHD: Turn lanes were added to Hill Road legs of intersection in FY02 after ITD requirements related to signal
warrants. ACHD reanalysis following construction of turn lanes shows that this intersection no longer meets
signal warrants. ACHD will continue to analyze intersection in annual intersection warrant analysis. Project is
also part of Hill Rd extension project (2004 priority #7), scheduled for construction in FY09.
09 Hill Road and SH55 Park and Ride Lot
Request Construct a Park and Ride parking ride parking lot on the northwest corner of the intersection of Hill Road and
State Highway 55
status Park and Ride lots are being constructed at two alteranrtive locations. A lot at SH44/Ballantyne is under
construction, to be complete in November & ACHD is resovling lease details at SH44/Riverside with
construction planned for late fall or early spring.
10 SH 55 & Hill Road Decleration4anes
Request :Construct deceleration lanes oq,both the noxa lbound and southbound of SH55-:for nght, a
or#� fi
eastbound.and westbound li Road (priarfiysho(1dfbe on the southbound leg)
Status ITD: Agree this is needed.
11 ;Future Connection/Alianment n/o Chinden/Discovery Way
Request Acquire right-of-way for a future connection on thinorth side of Chinden Blvd. In alignment.with.giscovery Way :I
Status ACHD: Staff anticipates that this right-of-way and connection north of Chinden will be development driven.
12 iSignalized Intersection in Alignment with proposed Earctle Island State: Park
Request Construct a signalized intersection in alignment with the proposed Eagle -island State Park access on the south
side of State Highway 44 (located approximately 2000 -feet east of Park Lane), and to include.a,bridge crossing
over the North Channel of the Boise River. Note: The city recognizes that this item isnot a project per se;
rather it is an access permitting exercise. Upon approval of any access permit at this location; the City would
like the intersection to be considered for project funding status.
29/2005 Page 2 of 4
Priority Project GIS:
13 Chinden Blvd, Eagle Rd / Canyon County
Request Construct Chinden Boulevard as a minimum four -lane roadway from Eagle Road west into Canyon County.
Status ITD: Recognize need. Project proposed at ITD District level but did not make the statewide funding balancing.
14 'SH 44, Ballantyne / Canyon County
Request Construct SH 44 as a minimum four -lane roadway from Ballantyne Road west into Canyon County.
Status ITD: Recognize need. Project proposed at ITD District level but did not make the statewide funding balancing.
15 iAikens Street / Second Street
Request !Extend Aikens Street east to Second Street
Status Through the design review process, ACHD has communicated to the City of Eagle and a developer that "ACRD
is not requiring the extension of Aikens Street through the site. If the City of Eagle requires dedication of right -of -
:way for the extension of Aikens Street, then, in accordance with District policy, the appropriate right-of-way to
accommodate the improvements should be dedicated with this application." Development Services File Number:
EDR-28-02. July 2002.
16 Idaho./ Stierman Way
Request Acquire the appropriate amount of right-of-way and extend Idaho Street east from its current terminus to
(Stierman Way; as generally depicted on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #2 of 2 within the City of
Eagle Comprehensive Plan.
Status Through the design review process, ACHD has communicated to the City of Eagle and a developer that "ACHD
is not opposed to the extension of Idaho Street, but the District is not requiring the applicant to dedicate or
construct a public street through this site because the site has sufficient frontage on State Street..."
;Development Services File Number: EDR-08-03. February 2003.
17 1Corridor Studies of SH 44 and 20/26 w/o Eagle Road
Request!Encourage corridor studies of State Highway,44 and 20/26 west of Eagle Road with regard to turning movement
improvementsand traffic movement efficiency.
Status ITD: Studies of SH44 and US 20/26 in progress.
18 1Plaza Drive Extension, State Street / Eastern Boundary
Request ;Construct or"set aside funding for Plaza Drive extension from Second Street to the eastern boundary of parcel
acquired -by ACHD .(formerly known as the Nihill property).
Status Right-of-way was purchased in FY03 for this project. Project is not included in the 2006-2010 FYW P. Project is
a collector and not included in the 2003 CIP. Roadway will likely be developer driven. When ACHD purchased
the corridor it was made clear that we were not committing to building the roadway.
19Signal at Hill Rd and Horseshoe Bend Rd
Request _Install signal at Hill Road and Horseshoe Bend Road.-
Status included in Hill Road extension project, 2004 priority #7. Project scheduled for construction in FY09 in 2006-
2010 FYWP (Priority #36 of 52). Project is on a collector and is not included in 2003 CIP.
20 1Restriping of SH 44:west of Eagle Road
Request;Initiate and/or
.continue the re -striping of SH 44 west of Eagle Road to accommodate enhanced and efficient
tuming `movements
NA ;Hill Road & SH 55 Tree Strip
Request Now included in 2004 Priority #7
;/29/2005 Page 3 of 4
lority Project
NA 'SH 44 Pedestrian Pathway
Request This is now shown as #4 under City of Eagle Community Enhancement Projects
NA ;Greenbelt, Glenwood / Eagle Island
Request Listed as #3 on the City of Eagle Community Enhancement projects.:'
Status City/county responsibility. FY08 enhancement funds approved for Merrill Park Bridge and Eagle Road
'29/2005 Page 4 of 4
October 28, 2004
Attn: Patricia Nilsson
800 S. Industry Way, Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642
Dear Patricia,
On October 26, 2004, the Eagle City Council recommended that the following improvements, listed in
priority order, be considered for the 2006-20010 Five Year Work Program (FYWP) and incorporated into
the 2005-2009 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP):
1. Improve Floating Feather Road east of Eagle Road to Edgewood Lane (needs utilities installed
first), with two traffic lanes, a center turn lane, and meandering detached sidewalk where possible (as
addressed in the 5 -year work plan).
2. Accelerate the development of the extension of a roadway across the east end of Eagle Island to
Chinden Boulevard generally as shown on the City of Eagle Transportation/Pathway Network Map
#1 and within the 2025 Ada County Long Range Highway and Street Map.
3. Extend State Highway 16 south to Chinden Boulevard and eventually to I-84.
4. Construct vertical curb, gutter, a minimum five-foot (5') wide concrete sidewalk (separated from the
back of curb) and a bike lane along both sides of Eagle Road from Floating Feather Road to
Beacon Light Road (subsequent to the installation of utilities), pursuant to Section 8.6 (0) of the City
of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plan. The roadway should be a maximum of two lanes with a center
turn lane only at driveways and/or street intersections that are expected to generate a minimum of 1000
vehicle trips per day, or where determined to be necessary for safety by ACHD. Any portion of a
center turn lane which is not used for such a driveway or intersection should be landscaped.
5. Support the construction of Plaza Drive southward across State Highway 44 and connecting to
Riverside Drive (generally in the north/south alignment with Palmetto Avenue) as a signalized
intersection. Note: The City recognizes that this item is not a project per se; rather it is an access
permitting exercise. Upon the approval of any access permit at this location, the City would like
the intersection to be considered for project funding status.
6. The Ballantyne Road/State Highway 44/State Street intersections should be reconstructed as shown
on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1 within the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plan
and all other realignment options shall be discouraged.
7. Construction of the extension of Hill Road between Horseshoe Bend Road and E. State Street, as
shown on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #1 within the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive
Plan, should be coordinated with development applications adjacent to the proposed roadway. With
this construction, the installation of a center tree strip on Hill Road between SH 55 and State Street
should be accommodated. The developer constructing the new section of Hill Road between
Edgewood Lane and State Street will construct and landscape the center tree strip in that new location.
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For that portion of Hill Road abutting the proposed park, landscaped medians should be designed with
crosswalks and areas to provide for the safe passage of pedestrians crossing Hill Road.
8. Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Hill Road and State Highway 55.
9. Construct a Park and Ride parking lot on the northwest corner of the intersection of Hill Road and
State Highway 55.
10. Construct deceleration lanes on both the northbound and southbound of SH 55 for right hand turns
both eastbound and westbound on Hill Road (priority should be on the southbound leg).
11. Acquire the right-of-way for a future connection on the north side of Chinden Boulevard in alignment
with Discovery Way.
12. Construct a signalized intersection in alignment with the proposed Eagle Island State Park access on
the south side of State Highway 44 (located approximately 2000 -feet east of Park Lane), and to
include a bridge crossing over the North Channel of the Boise River. Note: The City recognizes that
this item is not a project per se; rather it is an access permitting exercise. Upon the approval of
any access permit at this location, the City would like the intersection to be considered for
project funding status.
13. Construct Chinden Boulevard as a minimum four -lane roadway from Eagle Road west into Canyon
14. Construct State Highway 44 as a minimum four -lane roadway from Ballantyne Road west into
Canyon County.
15. Extend Aikens Street east to Second Street from its current terminus to Second Street, as shown on
the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #2 of 2 within the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plan.
16. Acquire the appropriate amount of right-of-way and extend Idaho Street east from its current terminus
to Stierman Way, as generally depicted on the Transportation/Pathway Network Map #2 of 2 within
the City of Eagle 2000 Comprehensive Plan.
17. Encourage corridor studies of State Highway 44 and 20/26 west of Eagle Road with regard to turning
movement improvements and traffic movement efficiency.
18. Construct or set aside funding for the extension of Plaza Drive east from 2"d Street to the eastern
boundary of the parcel recently acquired by the Ada County Highway District (formerly known as the
Nihill property).
19. Install a traffic signal for the intersection of Hill Road and Horseshoe Bend Road.
20. Initiate and/or continue the re -striping of State Highway 44 west of Eagle Road to accommodate
enhanced and efficient turning movements.
1. For the purposes of accommodating school children to walk to Eagle Elementary, construct five-foot
wide concrete sidewalks (in those segments not yet improved with sidewalk) along both sides of State
Street in the area between the intersection of State Street and Ballantyne Road to the intersection of
State Street and Eagle Road.
2. Continue the pathway along the north side of the North Channel of the Boise River to be located
underneath the Eagle Road bridge crossing.
3. Construct the greenbelt from Glenwood (along the north side of the Boise River) to Eagle Island State
Park (Linder Road).
4. Continue the westerly extension of the pedestrian pathway on the south side of SH 44 from its current
terminus near Ballantyne Road to the future entrance of Eagle Island State Park located on the south
side of SH 44.
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5. Install a pedestrian bridge connecting the pathway on the north side of the North Channel of the Boise
River near Merrill Park across the river to the pathway on the south side.
If you have any questions I can be reached at 939-6813.
Nancy C. Merrill
Cc: Eagle City Council members
Ada County Highway District, Attn: Don Kostelec, 3775 Adams Street, Garden City, ID 83714
Idaho Transportation Department, Attn: Sue Sullivan, P. 0. Box 8028, Boise, ID 83707-2028
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