Minutes - 2005 - City Council - 07/21/2005 - Special
Special Meeting
July 21, 2005
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
absent. A quorum is present.
Sedlacek moves to add to the Agenda the recommended letter to Ada County as
Item #24 on the Agenda. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION
CARRIES.................... ..
3. FY 05/06 BUDGET:
1. Seniors:
a. Senior Center Van
b. City Hall Building/Senior Center - usage after move to new city hall
Council Member Sedlacek discusses the cost, maintenance, and use of the Senior Center van.
General discussion between the Senior Center Board and the Council. The Senior Center spends
approximately $1,100.00 a month on the van. Center is requesting an increase from $650 a month
to $800 a month, $9,600 a year from the City. Council concurs on $800 a month, $9,600 a year.
General discussion on the seniors taking over the space utilized by the City for the Eagle Senior
Center when the City offices move to the new city hall building.
The City Clerk will estimate the monthly expenses that the City pays for their part of the building
and provide this information to the Board. The Senior Board will discuss the possibility of sub-
leasing space to the Chamber of Commerce. Council concurs to turn the building over to the
Senior Center and Council does not have a problem with seniors sub-leasing space. The City
would maintain the landscaping as the Arboretum Park is located at this location.
2. Parks:
a. Hill Road Park
General discussion on the completion of Hill Road Park. Park and Pathway Committee has
recommended to complete all phases of Hill Road Park in FY05/06 with a total cost of$IM with
add alternate bids on the Climbing Wall, Amphitheater and other amenities over the $IM budget.
Council concurs with the recommendation of the Park and Pathway Committee.
b. Eagle Sports Complex
General discussion on the development of the park. Council concurs to appropriate $10,000
towards the development for FY05/06.
c. Lakemoor Park
General discussion on the development of the park. It is the understanding that the City of Boise is
not going to budget money for the park this fiscal year.
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d. Pathway projects
Park and Pathway Committee have asked for $50,000 to complete the Dry Creek Under Pass and
the Woods Property pathway. Council concurs with this request.
e. Streamside Sub - pathway - General discussion.
f. Chaumont Sub - donation of property
Homeowner's Association has asked if the City would share in the cost oflegal fees. General
discussion. Council concurs that they do not want to participate in their legal fees.
g. Park Master Plan
General discussion. Council concurs to budget $50,000 for the master plan and do a Request for
3. Community Projects:
Community Projects FY04/05
a. Extension of Idaho St-Purchase right-of-way - no money allocated.
b. Land Use & Transportation Plan - ACHD
General discussion. The City will be contributing some additional funds. Council concurs to
budget $5,000.00.
Community Projects - new for FY05/06
a. Foothills Plan
General discussion on Ada County's Comprehensive Plan for the Foothills. Council concurs to
budget $50,000.
The Mayor's Youth Council addresses the Council about their programs and the $5,000 that they
are requesting for their budget. General discussion. Council concurs to budget $5,000 for the
Mayor's Youth Council budget.
b. Matching Funds for Community Programs - no money allocated.
c. Ranch Road landscape islands
General discussion on establishing a City wide neighborhood enhancement program and have
neighborhoods apply for funds each fiscal year. Council concurs to budget $15,000.
d. BPI - funds for programs
General discussion. Council would like to see some money go for additional trash can for parks
and around the business district of the City. Council would also like to do some type of program to
provide the leaf recycling bags to residents.
e. AmeriCorp Program
City's application to extend Sam Jones' member services for another year has been approved by
AmeriCorp. Cost: $4,000 plus in kind donations: mileage, program materials & etc. General
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4. Cable Franchise Fees - Division of Fees between Cultural Arts Commission,
Historical Commission & Public Art. Approximate Revenue Cable Franchise Fees
a. Eagle Historical Commission Budget - Council concurs with budget presented.
b. Eagle Arts Commission Budget - Council concurs with budget presented.
5. Animal Control Costs - Idaho Humane Society Contract - General discussion.
Council would like justification of the requested $45,000.
6. ITD 2008 Transportation Enhancement Program:
Eagle Road Underpass & North Channel Boise River Pathway Link
$147,000 Eagle Rd Underpass
$74,000 N. Channel Pathway Link
Total $221,000.00
General discussion. Council would like the $221,000 in FY05/06 budget, as there is a chance that
these projects could be done in this fiscal year.
7. Library Budget - General discussion. Council concurs with the budget presented by
the Library.
8. Water Fund - General discussion. Add revenue from proposed new development fees
for water.
9 . Western Area of Impact - General discussion. Council concurs with proposed budget
10. Professional Dues and Fees
A. Boise Valley Economic Partnership
General discussion. Council concurs to budget the $7,500 for the Boise Valley Economic
Partnership with the Eagle Chamber of Commerce committing to $7,500 for a total of$15,000.
11. Strategic Annual Goals - General discussion. Council adds as SAG #5-Urban
Renewal Planning and budgeted $25,000.
12. Facilities Manager Contract - General discussion. Council concurs to an hourly wage
of$30 plus mileage until the White Ford Range pickup is available for use and at that time mileage
will not be paid.
13. Capital Facilities & Land Acquisition - General discussion.
14. Salary increase for Mayor and City Council: September 9,2005 last day to publish
ordinance. General discussion. Council concurs with the proposed 5% increase on salaries for the
Council President and Council Members beginning January 1,2006. This averages out to be a
2.5% COL increase each year for two years.
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15. Mayor full time position. General discussion. Council concurs to make the Mayor's
position a full time position with a starting salary of $42,000 a year beginning January 1,2006.
Administrative Assistant for Mayor. General discussion. Council concurs to hire an
Administrative Assistant for the Mayor. A job description will be created. This position would be
a Grade 10 with a starting annual salary of$35,619.
16. Personnel:
a. Add new Administration Clerk Building Department (See Attachment A)
b. Add new Planner II P&Z (See Attachment A)
c. Add new Administration Clerk - Mayor's Assistant (full time Mayor) (See
Attachment A)
d. Discussion - hiring a mechanical inspector (See Attachment A)
e. COL May - 2.8%
Council concurs with the proposed step increase for staff and the 2.8% COL, except for the annual
salary of the Administrative Assistant for the Mayor which is addressed above.
17. Portable Office - keep or vacate after move into new City Hall - Annual lease costs
$8,400.00. General discussion. The portable office will be removed after City offices move into
the new City Hall.
18. Community Center - General discussion.
19. Urban Renewal - Parkinson Area - discussed above
20. Relocation of non-Idaho Power users' services. General discussion. City will need to
locate the areas where these services need to be buried.
21. Contract for a grant writer. General discussion. The City will contract for projects
when needed.
22. Tree Funds - Council concurs to combined the two line items.
23. Schedule next Budget Workshop: CC meetings July 26th and Aug 9th - do as Pre-
Council? Public hearing to adopt budget is schedule for Tuesday, August 16th.
The next budget workshop will be at 6:30 on July 26,2005.
24. Letter to Ada County.
Nordstrom move to have may sign letter to Ada County concerning the Area ofImpact
written by our City Attorney, Susan Wildwood, dated July 21, 2005. Seconded by Bastian.
ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....................
General discussion on the PGA Golf Tournament in Eagle.
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Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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