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Findings - PZ - 1983 - No App Number - Application Conflicts With Comprehensive Plan Number (E) EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING P.O. BOX 477 . EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 - PHONE 939-0431 GREEN ACRE ) ) PROPERTY) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW In the Matter of Applicants FINDINGS OF FACT 1) On or about March 3, 1983, Green Acre Properties, Inc., (Applicants) applied for annexation and a land use and zone change from Agricultural D-l, to Residential R-3, for 64.5 acres located north of Floating Feather Road, between Eagle Road and Edgewood Road. 2) On August 2, 1983, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commis- sion, following the notice and hearing procedures required by #67-6509, Idaho Code, recommended that the Eagle City Council deny the application for annexation and rezone. In its Findings of Fact, the Commission determined that the proper legal requirements for advertising of the hearing had been fulfilled and that the annexa- tion and rezone would conflict with the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION OF LAW 1) The subject application conflicts with the Purpose and Scope of the Comprehensive Plan number (E) "To encourage urban and urban-type development within the incorporated city limits of Eagle first as opposed to development in its Impact Area. 2) The subject application conflicts with the Comprehensive Plan, Community Design, Section 19 "Productive agricultural lands outside of the 1992 Sewer and Water Service boundaries should be maintained until higher priority areas have been developed. 3) The subject application does not request a change to the City limits boundaries of the Comprehensive Plan. Based on the preceeding Findings of Facts and Conclusion of Law the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Eagle deny the application of Green Acre Properties Inc., for annexation and rezone. ~/é- DA ID ESCALANTE Attest. --. ting Chairman ~. ...-, ~-~~ ~ -;~~~ rð4--f:JIVJJ'O Þ . Bonn.e Kras~~ i, City Clerk