Findings - PZ - 1987 - Rezone from residential to commercial - Rezone In Order To Establish A Small Engine Repair/Rental District In the M~tter of: ) ) HOHER R. GARRETT) ) Applicant) FINDINGS OF FACTS AND CONCLUSION OF LAW FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. On January 3, 19A7 , Homer R. Garrett applied, through his representative, Chuck Palmer, for a rezone from residential to commercial. The exact location of the property is N E of Cobblestone Ln, on HiGhway 44. The applicant seeks to rezone the property in order to establish a small engine repair and rental business. The property is currently used as a home rental. 2. In accordance with the provisions of section 8-7-2 (a) of the Eagle City Code application was submitted and section 8-7-4-2 of the Eagle City Code requirina notification to the general public with 300' of said property. 3. On March 3, 1987, a public hearing was held by the Eagle Planning and Zoning. There was a question and doubt as to the current zoning of that particular parcel and the issue was tabled until the zoning question was answered. 4. On April 7, 1987, Eagle Planning and Zoning met again in public hearing, after meeting the requirements set forth in section 67-6509 of the Idaho State Code, and established that the property in question was currently zoned residential. 5. The Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval of the proposed zoning change to the Eagle City Council. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. Eagle Planning and Zoning initially seesthat the area that is in question will be a commercial area; and even though there are two lots that would remain designated residential P&Z believes that the request meets the Eagle City goals and codes. ADOPTED by the Eagle Planning and zoning this ex,,! "j ,1987. / day of APPROVEoibY the C~irman If the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission, this ~ day of L)/~ ,1987. ~~ Attest: FINDINGS OF FACT & CONCLUSIONS OF LAW PAGE 2